Thermo Utility Functions

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Thermo Utilities v3.

0, MS EXCEL Add-ins
Functions for properties of steam/water
When you activate STMXL.XLA, you have access to all steam/water functions. By pressing fx
button in MS Excel a dialog over all function comes up. Select "User Defined" and you will have
a list over all user defined functions. When you pick a function, a brief description of the
function appears at the bottom of the dialog box. If you press "Next", Excel will continue with a
dialog box that asks for the necessary inputs for the function. In case, you press "Enter" button,
you should fill all the parameters with numbers, cell reference, variable name and so on. These
are the normal Excel functions behavior and is not specific for this program. If you need more
help please see the on-line help of MS Excel or the user manual. The function names are
compatible with the DLL version of steam properties. Those users who upgrade to this version
from DLL version of steam properties will find several new functions. There are some simple
rules that will help you to remind function names. Here, you have a complete list of functions for
properties of steam and water. A print of this page will be helpful if you are new to this package.

Function Description Comment

STMCp (P,T)-->Cp, Heat capacity .

STMCpSS (P)-->Cp for saturated steam .

STMCpSW (P)-->Cp for saturated water .

STMDv (V,T)-->Dv, Dynamic viscosity .

STMPHQ (P,H)-->Q, Dryness fraction .

STMPHS (P,H)-->S, Specific entropy .

STMPHT (P,H)-->T, Temperature .

STMPHV (P,H)-->V, Specific volume .

STMPQH (P,Q)-->H, Specific enthalpy .

STMPQS (P,Q)-->S .

STMPQV (P,Q)-->V .

STMPSH (P,S)-->H .
Function Description Comment

STMPSQ (P,S)-->Q .

STMPST (P,S)-->T .

STMPSV (P,S)-->V .

STMPT (P)-->T, Saturation temperature Should work in demo version

STMPTH (P,T)-->H .

STMPTS (P,T)-->S .

STMPTV (P,T)-->V .

STMPVH (P,V)-->H .

STMPVQ (P,V)-->Q .

STMPVS (P,V)-->S .

STMPVT (P,V)-->T .

STMTc (V,T)-->Tc, Thermal conductivity .

STMTP (T)-->P, Saturation pressure Should work in demo version

STMTQH (T,Q)-->H .

STMTQS (T,Q)-->S .

STMTQV (T,Q)-->V .

Functions for properties of air/flue gases

Functions for properties of air/flue gases are based on equations accepted by ASHRAE and are
compatible with formulations accepted by CIBSE (Chartered Institute of Building Services
Engineers). When you activate AIRXL.XLA, you have access to all air/flue gases functions. By
pressing button fx in MS Excel a dialog over all function comes up. Select "User Defined" and
you will have a list over all user defined functions. When you pick a function, a brief description
of the function appears at the bottom of the dialog box. If you press "Next", Excel will continue
with a dialog box that asks for the necessary inputs for the function. In case, you press "Enter"
button, you should fill all the parameters with numbers, cell reference, variable name and so on.
These are the normal Excel functions behavior and is not specific for this program. If you need
more help please see the on-line help of MS Excel or the user manual. The function names are
compatible with the DLL version of Air and Exhaust Gas properties. Those users who upgrade to
this version from DLL version of Air and Exhaust Gas will find several new functions. There are
some simple rules that will help you to remind function names. Here, you have a complete list of
functions for properties of Air and Exhaust Gas. A print of this page will be helpful if you are
new to this package.

Function Description Comment

AirCpT (mc,Cp)-->T, Temperature .

AirDpt (mc,P)--> Dpt, Dew point temperature .

AirDv (mc,P,T)-->Dv, Dynamic viscosity .

AirGC (mc)-->Gc, Gas constant Should work in demo version

AirHT (mc,H)-->T .

AirMM (mc)-->Mm, Molecular mass Should work in demo version

AirST (mc,S)-->T .

AirTc (mc,P,T)-->Tc, Thermal conductivity .

AirTCp (mc,T)-->Cp, Heat capacity at constant P .

AirTCv (mc,T)-->Cv, Heat capacity at constant V .

AirTGamma (mc,T)-->Gamma = Cp/Cv .

AirTH (mc,T)-->H, Specific enthalpy .

AirTS (mc,T)-->S, Specific entropy .

FlueCpT (Cp,%)-->T, Temperature .

FlueDpt (P,%)--> Dpt, Dew point temperature .

FlueDv (P,T,%)-->Dv, Dynamic viscosity .

FlueGC (%)-->Gc, Gas constant Should work in demo version

FlueHT (H,%)-->T .
Function Description Comment

FlueMM (%)-->Mm, Molecular mass Should work in demo version

FlueST (S,%)-->T .

FlueTc (P,T,%)-->Tc, Thermal conductivity .

FlueTCp (T,%)-->Cp, Heat capacity at constant P .

FlueTCv (T,%)-->Cv, Heat capacity at constant V .

FlueTGamma (T,%)-->Gamma = Cp/Cv .

FlueTH (T,%)-->H, Specific enthalpy .

FlueTS (T,%)-->S, Specific entropy .

GasDensity (P,T,Gc)-->Ro, Density Should work in demo version

GasS (P,Gc,Satm)-->S at pressure, P Should work in demo version

GasSAtm (P,Gc,S)-->Satm = S at atmospheric pressure Should work in demo version

ScreenPS (DBT,WBT)-->PS, Percentage saturation .

ScreenRH (DBT,WBT)-->RH, Relative humidity .

ScreenSH (DBT,WBT)-->SH, Specific humidity .

ScreenVWR (DBT,WBT)-->VWR, Volumetric water ratio .

SlingPS (DBT,WBT)-->PS, Percentage saturation .

SlingRH (DBT,WBT)-->RH, Relative humidity .

SlingSH (DBT,WBT)-->SH, Specific humidity .

SlingVWR (DBT,WBT)-->VWR, Volumetric water ratio .

Fluid properties utility for use with Lee-Kesler method

The current version of Lee-Kesler method support 467 different chemical compounds. You can
use the utility software "fluidpro.exe" to view, edit or add new entries to our database. When you
edit or add new entries, you should use the units mentioned in ellipses below. This limitation
apply only to database entry, our software will use the default unit for input/output as you
selected by "setunit.exe" as described before. The database supports the following:

Normal freezing point (Tfp, K)

Norma boiling point (Tb, K at 1 atmosphere)

Critical temperature (Tc, K)

Critical pressure (Pc, bar)

Critical specific volume (Vc, cm3/mol)

Critical compressibility factor (Zc, no dimension)

Pitzer's acentric factor (Omega, no dimension)

Dipole moment (DipM, debyes)

Standard enthalpy of formation (DELHF, J/mol)

Standard Gibbs energy of formation (DELGF, J/mol)

A word of caution, in case you add/remove entries in the middle of database, the fluid index will
be changed. Here is a screenshot of "fluidpro.exe".

Functions for Lee-Kesler method

These functions compute the thermodynamic properties of chemicals by using reduced pressure
and temperature. When you activate LKXL.XLA, you have access to these functions. By
pressing fx button in MS Excel a dialog over all function comes up. Select "User Defined" and
you will have a list over all user defined functions. When you pick a function, a brief description
of the function appears at the bottom of the dialog box. If you press "Next", Excel will continue
with a dialog box that asks for the necessary inputs for the function. In case, you press "Enter"
button, you should fill all the parameters with numbers, cell reference, variable name and so on.
These are the normal Excel functions behavior and is not specific for this program. If you need
more help please see the on-line help of MS Excel or the user manual. The function names are
compatible with the DLL version of steam properties. Those users who upgrade to this version
from DLL version of steam properties will find several new functions. There are some simple
rules that will help you to remind function names. Here, you have a complete list of functions. A
print of this page will be helpful if you are new to this package.

Function Description Comment

FluidIndex Fluid index in DB Should work in demo version

DBTfb Normal freezing point Should work in demo version

DBTb Norma boiling point Should work in demo version

DBTc Critical temperature Should work in demo version

DBPc Critical pressure Should work in demo version

DBVc Critical specific volume Should work in demo version

DBZc Critical compressibility factor Should work in demo version

DBAF Pitzer's acentric factor Should work in demo version

DBDM Dipole moment Should work in demo version

DBDELHF Standard enthalpy of formation Should work in demo version

DBDELGF Standard Gibbs energy of formation Should work in demo version

LKPFT (P,F)->T, reduced temperature .

LKPHT (P,H)->T, reduced temperature .

LKPQF (P,Q)->F, fugacity-pressure ratio .

LKPQH (P,Q)->H, residual enthalpy .

LKPQS (P,Q)->S, residual entropy .

LKPQZ (P,Q)->Z, compressibility factor .

LKPST (P,S)->T, reduced temperature .

LKPZT (P,Z)->T, reduced temperature .

LKPT (P)->T, reduced saturation temperature Should work in demo version

LKPTF (P,T)->F, fugacity-pressure ratio .

Function Description Comment

LKPTH (P,T)->H, residual enthalpy .

LKPTS (P,T)->S, residual entropy .

LKPTZ (P,T)->Z, compressibility factor .

LKTP (T)->P, reduced saturation pressure .

LKTQF (T,Q)->F, fugacity-pressure ratio .

LKTQH (T,Q)->H, residual enthalpy .

LKTQS (T,Q)->S, residual entropy .

LKTQZ (T,Q)->Z, compressibility factor .

Simple rules to remind function names

All functions for steam/water properties start with STM then comes abbreviations for inputs
needed and at last the output. Some examples are STMPTH needs P, pressure and T,
temperature and calculates H, specific enthalpy, STMPHT needs P, pressure and H, specific
enthalpy and calculates T, temperature. The same rule applies to functions for dry air, moist air
and flue gases. Functions for dry and moist air start with Air and functions for flue gases start
with Flue. All functions for dry/moist air need mc, moisture content. Therefore it has been
omitted from the function's name. The same is with the flue gas functions all of them need the
volumetric or mole fraction of the gases. Functions for screen hygrometer start with Screen and
functions for sling hygrometer start with Sling . These functions calculate SH, specific humidity,
RH, relative humidity, PS, percentage saturation and VWR, volumetric water ratio.

Cp: Specific heat capacity at constant pressure

Cv: Specific heat capacity at constant volume

Dv: Dynamic viscosity

Gamma: Ratio of Cp/Cv

GC: Gas constant

H: Specific enthalpy

mc: Moisture content

MM: Molecular mass

P: Pressure

PS: Percentage saturation

Q: Steam quality = dryness fraction = 1 - wetness fraction

RH: Relative humidity

S: Specific entropy

SH: Specific humidity = moisture content

T: Temperature

Tc: Thermal conductivity

V: Specific volume

VWR: Volumetric water ratio

Molecular Weight Calculator
Molecular weight of any compound can be computed by using its chemical formula.

This function supports all atoms in the periodic system.

It should work even if you do not have any registration key.

Fractional multipliers are allowed.

Fractional numbers less than 1 should begin with 0.

Macro development and error handling

You can view our function prototypes and VBA interface by selecting "Tool", "Macro", "Visual
Basic Editor" in Excel. By developing your own macros you can speed up your calculations and
also make your own dialog boxes for input/output.
Error handling/reporting for Steam/water functions
All functions return large negative numbers in case of error. No function returns a negative
number less than -1000 no matter what units are used. The returned values and reasons are:

-1001: The pressure is outside the acceptable range specified in IFC formulation for
Industrial use!
0.01 bar < P < 1000 bar
-1002: The temperature is outside the acceptable range specified in IFC formulation for
Industrial use!
0 C < T < 800 C

-1003: Dryness fraction should be within the following limits:

0.0= < Q < = 1.0

-1004: Pressure of the wet steam may not be more than 221.0 bar (pressure at critical
point is 221.2 bar) i.e.
P <= 221.0 bar

-1005: Temperature of the wet steam may not be more than 374.0 C (temperature at
critical point is 374.15 C) i.e.
T <= 374.0 C

-1012: It is impossible to find a point with the specified pressure [P] and specific entropy

-1013: It is impossible to find a point with the specified pressure [P] and specific volume

-1014: It is impossible to find a point with the specified pressure [P] and specific
enthalpy [h]!

-1015: Inputs are not enough to determine the state of the steam or water. Pressure and
temperature are too close to wet steam data.

-1016: Pressure and temperature are too close to critical point.

-1017: Specific volume is too small.

Error handling/reporting for Air and flue gas functions

All functions return large negative numbers in case of error. No function returns a negative
number less than -20E+9 no matter what units are used. The returned values and reasons are:

-21E+9: Moisture content, mc, is not acceptable!

0 =< mc < 0.30

-22E+9: Volumetric compositions should be within the interval zero and one and the sum
must be one.

-23E+9: Temperature should be within the following limits:

-40 C < T < 1500 C
-24E+9: It is impossible to find a temperature with the specified specific enthalpy.

-25E+9: It is impossible to find a temperature with the specified specific entropy.

-26E+9: It is impossible to find a temperature with the specified specific heat capacity.

-27E+9: The wet bulb temperature is limited to:

-40 C < T < 70 C

-28E+9: The following condition should be satisfied:

DryBulbT >= WetBulbT

-29E+9: This combination of dry and wet bulb temperatures are not possible!

-30E+9: Pressure is outside the acceptable range:

1. bar < P < 20 bar

-31E+9: Gas constant is too small.

Error handling/reporting for Lee-Kesler functions

All functions return large negative numbers in case of error. No function returns a negative
number less than -2000. No matter what units are used. The returned values and reasons are:

-2001: The pressure is outside the acceptable range!

0.01 < Pr < 10
Pr = Reduced pressure = P/Pcr
Pcr = Critical pressure
P = Pressure

-2002: The temperature is outside the acceptable range!

0.3 < Tr < 4.0
Tr = Reduced temperature = T/Tcr
Tcr = Critical temperature
T = Temperature

-2003: Dryness fraction should be within the following limits:

0.0= < Q < = 1.0
-2004: Pressure of wet vapor may not be more than Pcr i.e.
Pr < = 1.0

-2005: Temperature of wet vapor may not be more than Tcr i.e.
Tr < = 1.0

-2012: It is impossible to find a point with the specified reduced pressure [Pr] and
reduced specified entropy [sr]!

-2013: It is impossible to find a point with the specified reduced pressure [Pr] and
compressibility factor [Z]!
V = Specific volume
R = Gas Constant = 8.3144 J/(mol.K) = 10.732 psia.ft2/(lb-mol.R)

-2014: It is impossible to find a point with the specified reduced pressure [Pr] and
reduced specific enthalpy [h]!

-2015: Inputs are not enough to determine the state of the fluid. Pressure and temperature
are too close to wet vapor data.

-2016: It is impossible to find a point with the specified reduced pressure [Pr] and
reduced fugacity-pressure ratio [f]!

-2020: Acentric factor is out of acceptable range.

-0.5 < Af < 2.0

In case of questions or comments contact:

[email protected]
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