Surrey Memorial Hospital: Critical Care Tower
Surrey Memorial Hospital: Critical Care Tower
Surrey Memorial Hospital: Critical Care Tower
Program 1
Table of Contents
Photo by Jerald Walliser, courtesy Fraser Health Cover: Courtesy Ed White Photographics
Introduction: Wood and Human Health
The completion of the Critical Care Tower (CCT) at Surrey Memorial Hospital provides the strongest evidence to date that Canada’s
healthcare sector now recognizes the important role that can be played by wood in the creation of healing environments.
Psychological and
Physiological Benefits
Just as our definition of green building has expanded
with time so has our understanding of human health
expanded to include not only our physical condition
but also our psychological well-being. We have known
intuitively for a long time that humans have an affinity
for nature, and being in a natural environment—a
forest, a park or simply our own garden—can make
us feel more relaxed. The term ‘biophilia’ has been
coined to refer to this phenomenon.
Wood in particular is visually warm and contributes expressiveness. A study carried out by the University of that the visual presence of wood in a room lowers SNS
to a socially positive experience for building British Columbia and FPInnovations1 confirms the value activation in occupants, further establishing the positive
occupants. People respond emotionally to wood of these attributes. The joint research project found link between wood and human health.
and are attracted to its visual variety and natural 1
Fell D.2002. Consumer Visual Evaluation of Canadian Wood Species. FPInnovations, Vancouver, Canada.
Physical Benefits
Among the physical requirements for human health, wood contributes naturally to humidity control by absorbing
moisture from the air when the humidity level in a space is high and releasing it when the humidity level is low.
Wood products and finishes can also contribute to the control of air-borne contaminants as they are durable, easily
maintained, dust-free after installation and emit few, if any, harmful vapours.
Overview of Critical Care Tower
Surrey Memorial Hospital serves the metropolitan area of Surrey, BC—one of Canada’s fastest growing communities. Surrey is a vital
and vibrant city that is home to many diverse cultural groups, including a large proportion of new Canadians. The Surrey Memorial
Hospital is the largest acute care site for the Fraser Health Authority, which serves approximately 1.6 million people, or 35 per cent of
British Columbia’s population. Its Emergency Department is the busiest in the province.
With an area of 39,250 m2 (420,000 ft2), the Critical Care Tower is the largest healthcare project in the history of British
Columbia. This expansion to the existing hospital will provide the community with world-class family-centred care,
with a goal for it to be a Centre of Excellence. An evidence-based design approach has been implemented to ensure
that the facility will support the highest standards of care.
The project adds acute care beds, and a new emergency department (the biggest in Canada) with specialized mental
health and pediatric areas. Other elements include adult and neonatal intensive care units, more space for the
clinical academic campus of the University of British Columbia School of Medicine, and a laboratory with the latest
medical technology, specially designed to meet the needs of the region.
Architectural Approach
The Surrey Memorial Hospital Critical Care Tower is fully integrated with the existing hospital and within the neighbourhood.
When all phases are complete, treed boulevards, landscaped walkways and bike paths will form a connection with the surrounding
cityscape and neighbourhoods.
The Critical Care Tower was conceived as the new front door to the hospital campus. On approach, visitors are
presented with a clear and calming image of the building that announces a state-of-the-art healthcare facility;
one that responds and is sympathetic to its surrounding community in all its cultural diversity.
1 1
1 1
Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit
1. NICU Clinical Pod
Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit 2. Administrative & Support
3. Ronald McDonald House
4. Sleep Room
1. NICU Clinical Pod
2. Administrative & Support
5. Connection Corridor
3. Ronald McDonald House 6. Healing Garden Patio
4. Sleep Room
5. Connection Corridor
6. Healing Garden Patio
A Cultural Veil
The six-storey glass in-patient tower is veiled by a three-dimensional ceramic frit pattern that has been applied to the glass. This frit
pattern was the main design catalyst for the project. The concept of the “healing veil” is woven from a cultural tapestry, representative of
the diverse population of the City of Surrey. This theme is also expressed throughout the interior design, and provides the context for the
hospital’s wayfinding system.
The massing of the building is strong and simple, combining four durable natural materials —wood, glass,
ceramic and stone.
WOOD – The two-storey base of the Critical Care Tower is clad in a wood composite panel system that
embraces the Emergency Department and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The panelling is continued into the
interior of the atrium to create a metaphoric “nest”.
GLASS & CERAMIC – Rising above the wood base, the six-storey in-patient tower is clad in glass that takes on
the quality of a veil with the addition of a three-dimensional ceramic frit pattern.
STONE – The glass in-patient tower is complemented by the stone-clad circulation tower, which is connected
to the main tower but articulated as a separate element.
Wood, glass, ceramic and stone are united in a transparent and inviting public entry pavilion. The 27-metre-
square roof of the entry pavilion is supported by two internal tree structures, each consisting of four glulam wood
branches. The use of wood is carried from the main entry through to all connective links and throughout all of the
hospital floors so the warm influence of wood is pervasive throughout the Critical Care Tower.
The new processional drive axis from King George Boulevard leads visitors past an exterior wood canopy to the
entry pavilion. Rising overhead, the expression of wood is continued by a three-dimensional wooden double helix
inspired by the form of genetic DNA. The double helix delicately weaves along the surface of the glazing façade
between the glass in-patient tower and the stone circulation tower, and is visible both on approach to the hospital
and to visitors inside the waiting rooms on each floor of the glass tower.
As visitors enter the hospital, the finely woven details of the wood, glass, ceramic and stone become more prominent
and complex. In contrast to the conventional institutional nature of a hospital, these textural details engage users
and help forge a personal connection to the hospital that emphasizes a caring and healing relationship.
West Elevation
Sustainable Design
The nature of this public-private partnership project (design, build, finance and operations) demanded that it be conceived and
realized through an integrated design process. Fraser Health required that the project achieve LEED Gold, an exacting standard for a
building of this scale and complexity.
The design team used LEED as a starting point and established goals for environmental, economic and social
sustainability to influence the 30-year model used as a framework for the sustainable design approach.
It is anticipated that the building’s energy consumption will be reduced by 47 per cent when compared to a
standard design. Flexibility is ensured by a flat-plate structural design with minimal walls and bracing. This
provides flexibility in the floor plans and will support future renovations and reconfigurations.
Energy efficiency efforts began by carefully considering the integration of the hospital’s existing physical plant
(which includes provision for future retrofits and upgrades to higher efficiency boilers) while maximizing the
energy efficiency of the new mechanical systems. Ample use of natural daylighting for energy efficiency will also
support a healing, healthy and welcoming environment while minimizing the need for artificial lighting.
Materials have been selected that emit low amounts of volatile organic compounds. To promote the health of
patients, staff and visitors, materials used in interior spaces were reviewed to ensure they contain either reduced
levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or no VOCs at all. Approximately 20 per cent of the materials used in
construction were extracted and manufactured locally. Wood was specified where possible for both interior and
exterior applications, not simply for its physical and psychological benefits, but as a sustainable resource.
A storm water management system will capture runoff and discharge it into a groundwater infiltration system.
The water-efficient landscaping will not require the use of potable water for irrigation. A secure bicycle storage
area with space for 72 bicycles and two separate shower facilities will encourage staff to use alternative methods
of transportation.
Program Innovation
Patient and family care are at the core of the design, along with staff safety. All patient rooms have access to natural light and
dedicated family space. Infection control, universal design and disaster preparedness were also key priorities for the project, which
will help to ensure expanded access to world-class healthcare for communities across the province. As a new, modern facility
designed according to the latest evidence-based healthcare research, this facility is truly a model for future healthcare projects.
Lean design emphasizes efficiency and reducing wasted time, effort and
materials by analyzing how patients, visitors and staff interact with a facility.
In a healthcare setting, the ultimate goal is improved patient health. Courtesy Ed White Photographics
Wood Use and the Wood First Act
Reflecting the requirements of British Columbia’s Wood First Act, the project has been designed to embrace innovative and appropriate
uses of wood. The design features many visible wood elements—structural and decorative—resulting in a warm, natural aesthetic
that supports the function of the building as a facility dedicated to healing.
The use of wood is most predominant along the west
elevation, which is the most visible aspect of the
building. It culminates in the two-storey entrance
atrium at the southwest corner, where two massive
glulam tree columns support a cantilevered wood
lattice roof made up of two layers of glulam beams.
Courtesy Ed White Photographics
Outside the entrance atrium, wood elements remain
a prominent feature with a reduction in scale to
frame the pedestrian walkways down the west
façade connecting to the walk-in entrance of the new
Emergency Department. The Emergency Department
walk-in entrance and ambulance canopy also showcase
glue-laminated beams.
In addition to prominent exterior elements, wood is Wood is also incorporated in interior ceiling panels, Wood is also used for the built-in cabinetry, for the
used extensively in the interior of the new facility. It is acoustic wall panels and decorative wall panels ceilings above the team care stations and the front of
concentrated in feature public spaces, reception areas throughout the facility, with a focus on the Main Entry reception desks where it can be properly protected and
and nurse workstations to act as both a humanizing Lobby, second floor and link areas and the UBC Lecture maintained.
and a wayfinding element. Theatre. In some instances, laminate has been used in
place of real wood veneer on solid core wood doors where
durability and the integrity of the finish are paramount.
Building Code Considerations
Codes currently limit the use of heavy timber structural elements in large and tall buildings, which makes the use of wood a challenge
in projects such as this. As a result of the occupancy and size of the building, combustible construction would typically not be
permitted based on the prescriptive requirements of the Code.
However, because the lobby projects from the base of the tower, it has been possible to design it so that from a fire
safety perspective it is considered a separate structure. This portion of the building does not contain any patient
rooms, thus heavy timber was permitted on an alternative solution basis for up to two storeys in building height
for the roof and its supporting structure.
This particular interpretation was achieved on account of the sloping grade along the west elevation. The heavy
timber structure was permitted at the south of the building where only the second and third storeys are technically
above grade. The following code analysis was performed to address this situation:
• A two-hour fire separation was provided to separate the area containing heavy timber from the remaining
B2 occupancy.
• The principal firefighting entrance and the fire access route are at the second storey.
This provides direct access for firefighters for the two storeys above the access route at the west side of
the site.
• Firefighting access is also provided in the southeast corner of the building and will provide direct access
to Level 2 in this area.
Drawing courtesy CEI Architecture
• The building is sprinklered.
• A roof connection for the standpipe was provided for additional firefighting ability.
Fast-track Construction Challenges
To facilitate the fast-tracking of several aspects of the project, the design at the outset of the project was focused on enabling the
design-builder to begin construction on site as soon as possible. Construction commenced in February with the installation of
excavation shoring piles and site services.
By working closely with the City of Surrey, the design team was able to submit a foundation permit while design
development was still underway.
Collaboration with the design-builder established key design milestones relating to fast-tracking. For example, by the
end of June 2011, the locations of floors and walls were frozen to allow the mechanical and electrical consultants to
complete their designs with construction to follow.
Peer reviews, checklists and regular consultant coordination meetings were part of a quality control program that
was necessary for the continuing success of the fast-track process.
Because of the restricted area of the site, the new tower had to be constructed directly against the existing building.
Special surveys were required and monitors were installed to ensure that the existing building did not settle more
than 10mm.
Special construction techniques were required to reduce the amount of vibration and noise resulting from construction
work. The design team addressed the complex issues relating to constructing adjacent to existing structures such as
building code issues regarding exiting from the existing building (both during and after construction).
Level 8
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Drawing courtesy CEI Architecture Photos courtesy Stephanie Tracey, Photography West
Structural Design of Wood Components
The main body of the Critical Care Tower is a 10-storey reinforced concrete frame structure with an interstitial service floor.
Noncombustible construction is required by the BC Building Code for institutional occupancies of this size and height, so the use
of structural wood is predicated on the creation of a fire separation between combustible and noncombustible portions of the
the base and spreading out like branches as they rise S231
The curvature of the beams and the cantilevering roof and again at the top by diagonal steel tension rods. This
were the determining factors in the sizing of members arrangement stabilizes the tree structure, resisting the
and the design of connections. The four curved elements natural tendency of its individual elements to buckle or
are connected at two points by horizontal steel rings spread apart.
Isometric drawing of
exterior canopy structure
Drawing courtesy
Bush, Bohlman & Partners
“With wood structures, it is always the connections that drive the design and
often this can lead to interesting and unique solutions.”
Clint Low – Bush, Bohlman & Partners
The DNA were constructed from 130-mm x 228-mm The potential for large deflections to occur in the cantilevered portions of the roof, and most particularly the
(5 1/8-inch x 9-inch) cedar glulam material. The typical anticipated 65mm (2.5-inch) deflection at the double cantilevered southwest corner, informed the design of the
connection utilizes a through-bolted knife plate and a connections between the roof beams and the top of the exterior curtain wall. The weight of the curtain wall is
screwed back plate. Epoxy is injected to fill the space borne by the steel plate mullions, so the roof is required only to resist the lateral loads. A plate connection with a
around the knife plate. slotted hole was used to ensure that no vertical roof loads would be transferred to the steel plate mullions.
The tree column and roof structure was modelled using Revit software that provided three-dimensional views of
the connections, and permitted the detailing and appearance of the steel to be optimized to meet both structural
and architectural requirements. Detail drawings were produced by the structural engineers at Bush, Bohlman &
Partners LLP, and the glulam fabrication carried out by StructureCraft Builders Inc.
In comparison to the atrium roof structure, the design of the exterior canopies was straightforward. The biggest
challenge was to design the canopy to resist seismic and lateral loads. For most of its length, the canopy could
be tied back to the main structure of the building, but this was not possible where it passes in front of the multi-
storey glazed curtain wall of the entry atrium.
Although the roof of the canopy is at a consistent height along the length of the west wall, the section in front of
the atrium is a taller structure, on account of a five-foot (1.5-metre) change in grade. The taller structure adds to
the grand appearance of the lobby but presented additional challenges for lateral design.
In the longitudinal direction, it is tied into the upper level canopy where the seismic loads are dragged into the
building by drag rods. The cantilevered canopy is made stable in the other direction through the use of vertical tie
rods that connect the beams to a concrete pilaster at each bay.
Constructability: Installing the Wood Elements
For the Critical Care Tower, StructureCraft Builders Inc. was the successful bidder on a subcontract package for wood fabrication and
erection. At the time of tender, the structural engineering and drawings had been completed by Bush, Bohlman & Partners.
Although the connections for the various structural elements had all been designed, StructureCraft spent time
refining some aspects to make them more economical, efficient and more constructible. On the low and high
canopies, which included a large number of glulam purlins, they chose not to install these piece by piece, but
rather to prefabricate 9.1-metre-square (30-foot-square) elements on site, then lift them into place as a single unit.
Curved columns
The original design for the curved columns of the canopy included a continuous steel knife plate sandwiched
between paired glulam elements, a system in which the steel was doing most of the work. To simplify prefabrication
and reduce the overall cost, the company suggested increasing the size of the glulams and eliminating the knife
plate. The shadow gap between the columns, which was an aesthetic requirement of the architect’s design, was
created instead with plywood spacers.
Photos courtesy
Stephanie Tracey, Photography West Photo by Jerald Walliser, courtesy Fraser Health
“It has been proven through evidence-based design that creating connections with nature helps facilitate healing. Specifically, natural
environments can help restore a body’s balance and expedite the healing process. The use of exposed wood in a project is one of
the ways that we can improve conditions for our patients. Wood conveys a sense of warmth and comfort that supports the healing
environment and improves the overall patient experience. The Surrey Memorial Hospital Critical Care Tower, with its unique use of
wood, is a good example of a facility designed with patient care in mind.”
Peter Goldthorpe, Vice President, Capital Projects, Real Estate & Facilities – Fraser Health | Providence Health Care | Provincial Health Services
Cedar glulam DNA
To install the cedar glulam DNA economically also
required considerably ingenuity. Although the pieces
themselves were not particularly heavy — about
300 pounds (135 kg) - neither a conventional crane
nor scaffolding were viable options. In the end,
StructureCraft chose to utilize a “man basket” of the
kind used to evacuate workers from high up a building
in the case of an emergency. Two installers and the
DNA beam could be accommodated in the basket and
lifted by the tower crane to the appropriate position
on the building façade. This option was by far the
most economical, but required the submission of an
erection safety procedure to WorkSafe BC for approval.
Conclusion: The Case For Wood
Surrey Memorial Hospital Critical Care Tower represents the most significant application of structural and non-structural wood
products in a healthcare facility in British Columbia. Health authorities and healthcare architects continue to show leadership in the
use of wood, having confirmed its psychological and physiological benefits through evidence-based design. The presence of wood in
the built environment has been found to promote faster recovery times and reduced lengths of stay in hospital for patients, and an
elevated sense of well-being for staff.
In addition to these proven benefits to human health, wood also has significant broader environmental benefits.
Research conducted independently in several countries concludes that the use of wood helps to reduce the
environmental impact of buildings. This research draws on sophisticated environmental impact criteria such as
life cycle assessment (LCA) and the measurement of carbon footprint, both of which are beyond the scope of the
most popular green building rating systems currently used in North America.
Life cycle assessment is accepted worldwide as a means of evaluating and comparing the environmental impacts
of building materials, products and complete structures—from resource extraction through manufacturing,
transportation, installation, building operation, decommissioning and eventual disposal. LCA studies consistently
show that wood products yield clear environmental advantages over other building materials in terms of embodied
energy, air and water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. A comprehensive review of scientific literature
looked at research done in Europe, North America and Australia pertaining to LCA of wood products. It applied LCA
criteria in accordance with ISO 14040-42 and concluded, among other things, that:
• Fossil fuel consumption, the potential contributions to the greenhouse effect and the quantities of solid
waste tend to be minor for wood products compared to competing products.
• Wood products that have been installed and are used in an appropriate way tend to have a favourable
environmental profile compared to functionally equivalent products made out of other materials.
Source: Werner, F. and Richter, K. 2007. Wooden building products in comparative LCA: A literature review.
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,12(7): 470-479.
Trees and forest products play a critical role in helping to tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse gases.
Using wood products that store carbon, as well as responsibly managing forests in a way that balances harvesting
and replanting, can minimize our carbon footprint over the long term.
As trees grow, they clean the air we breathe by
absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
storing the carbon in their wood, roots, leaves or
needles, and surrounding soil, and releasing the
oxygen back into the atmosphere. Young, vigorously
growing trees absorb the most carbon dioxide, with
the rate slowing as they reach maturity. When trees
start to decay, or when forests succumb to wildfire,
insects or disease, the stored carbon is released
back into the atmosphere. However, when trees are
harvested and manufactured into forest products,
the products continue to store much of the carbon.
In the case of wood buildings, this carbon is kept out
of the atmosphere for the lifetime of the structure—
or longer if the wood is reclaimed and manufactured
into other products. In any of these cases, the carbon
cycle begins again as the forest is regenerated, either
naturally or by planting, and young seedlings once
again begin absorbing carbon.
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Critical Care Tower
Project Credits
LANDSCAPE: PHILLIPS FAREVAAG SMALLENBERG Photo by Jerald Walliser, courtesy Fraser Health
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