HU - Gramercy Island - PAL518P
HU - Gramercy Island - PAL518P
HU - Gramercy Island - PAL518P
um Books® Pr
ted™ 2ndEdi
Violence and the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Heroes Unlimited™ are violent, deadly and filled with superhumans, supernatu ral
monsters and strange powers. M utants, aliens, monsters, vile criminals and nefarious villains threaten , rob,
torment, and prey on h u mans. Other alien life forms, monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, psy
chic powers, insanity, and war are all elements in this book.
Some parents may find the crime, violence, magic, insanity, super abilities, and supernatu ral elements of
the game inappropriate for young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
None of us at Palladium BookS® condone or encou rage the occult, the practice of magic, the use of
d rugs, vigilantism or violence.
Heroes UnlimitecfTM is a work of fiction. NONE of the monsters, villains, superhu mans, magic, powers,
places or depictions are real.
All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form
or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, govern
ments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental.
Palladium BookS®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Megaverse®, After the Bomb®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, The
MechanoidS® and Nightbane® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
Gramercy Island, Century Station, Heroes Unlimited, HU2, Villains Unlimited, Aliens Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural,
The Nursery, The Mutant Underground, The Sector, Sector 10, C-SWAT, SCRET, S.H.O.C.K., Apex, The Centurions, Mega-Hero,
Mega-Damage, S.D.C., P.P.E., !.S.P. and other names, titles, and likenesses of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.
Gramercy Island - a Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition sourcebook is published by Palladium Books I nc . ,
39074 Webb Court, Westland, M148185. www.palladiu P rinted in t h e USA.
Palladium Books® Presents:
Gramercy Islandm
An adventure sourcebook for Heroes Un l i m ited™, 2nd Edition
Special Thanks to Bill Coffin for another concept packed, character rich, adventure inspir
ing sourcebook of epic proportions. To Johnny Z for his jailbreak cover. To Mike Wilson for his
dynamic character designs and art, and to all of Palladium's superhuman artists, Ramon,
Wayne, Scott, Kent, Freddie, Tod and Tyler. Last but not least, to Maryann, Steve, Alex and all
the heroes at Palladium Books.
- Kevin Siembieda, 2000
Table of Contents
Chief of Security Jack Ling ....... .. 43
Gramercy Island • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
7 Deputy Chief of Security Ardent McGee· .. 44
Part One: The Inside·.... .7 Chief Engineer Tom Rickles· .. 46
Archimedes· 113 Spinnerette· ·200
The Regulators 114 Stalwart .. ·202
Gearz·... 115 Stratosfear . ·203
Triskelion· ·204
Integrity·.. 116
Twilight·.. ·. 206
Roger Blaster· 118
Undine·.. ·. 207
The Fearless· 119 Xenomancer . ·. 209
Liberator · 119 Zeerod-Quad· ·. 213
Relentless 121 1 01 Adventures · . · . 21 3
Author's Note
It was over a year ago that I began work for Century
Station™ , my first sou rcebook for Heroes Unlimited.™
My primary mission when writing that book was to provide
a pre-made setting for Heroes Unlimited™ that didn't
have to be the setting for the game. Just a setting that can
be made to work in conju nction with other HU2 books, like
SkraypersTM or Aliens Unlimited.™ Thankfu lly, response
to Century Station™ has been g reat, enoug h so to en
cou rage me to develop a tiny part of that setting into its
own sourcebook: Gramercy Island.™
Gramercy Island™ is not so much a conti nuation of
Century Station™ as it is a stand-alone component for
Heroes Unlimited.™ Just as Century Station™ was
meant to stand in for any one of the "super-cities" we
know and love from our favorite comic books - Marvel's
Manhattan , Metropolis, Gotham City, Edge City, etc. - so
too is Gramercy Island™ meant to represent any prison
designed to incarcerate super-criminals.
Although this sou rcebook will make numerous refer
ences to Century Station™ , you do not need to own that
book to fully enjoy this one. For the pu rpose of reading
Gramercy Island™ , all you really need to know about
Centu ry Station is that G ramercy Island lies off its coast,
much the same as Alcatraz Island lies off the coast of San
Centu ry Station is a massive city with a rampant crime
problem, especially involvi ng superbeings. Several years
ago, a city-wide super-battle known as Bloody Monday re
sulted in part of the city getting nuked by a now-dead
archvillain. Since then, the city has waged a war (literally
and figuratively) on crime, with the u nfortunate side effect
of pitting the city's heroes against each other as well as
against true villains. For all the details (as well as a slew of
N PCs), feel free to check out the Century Station™
sou rcebook with its 90 superbeings. But those of you with
out that book can easily place the G ramercy Island prison
off any city you like, and everything else should fall into
place nicely.
A final note: This sourcebook is not meant to be a real
istic portrayal of prison life. Nor is it intended as any kind
of political statement on the natu re of the U . S . penal and
judicial systems. And finally, it is not meant to glamorize
prison, crime or any kind of illegal activity. Throughout the
writing of Gramercy Island™, I tapped a number of
sou rces to see what life was like in prison, what standard
prison secu rity procedu res were, etc. I also watched a lot
of prison-type movies like Escape from Alcatraz,
Lockdown, The Rock and a bunch more. Ultimately, the
extent to which I used any of this information was judged
by two standards: would it make for a good adventu re,
and does it fit with the action-adventu re feel of Heroes
Unlimited? If so, then I included it. If not, it went out the
window. The end result is an imaginary prison with certain
recognizable elements and just as many (if not more) fic
tional elements included for the sake of d ramatization .
- Bill Coffin, 2000
Gramercy Island
Part O ne : The I n s ide
Existence marked b y endless isolation and inactivity, I boost off the arcology roof with an ignition of my
punctuated by spells of hopelessness, violence, and vic rocket boots, flashing through the air like a missile. Cen
timization. This is what it is like to spend time in prison, es tu ry Station's high-tech sprawl smoothly scrolls beneath
pecially the super-penitentiary of Gramercy Island. In this me as I streak overhead, past the coast, and over the wa
awful place, built to house the worst criminals society can ters of the bay. I have a few seconds to collect my
produce, a good day for an inmate is any one he su rvives. thoughts before G ramercy Island comes into range. At this
For those whose lives are entwined with this citadel of speed , the island will have to act fast to keep me from
punishment, writing provides both a means of escape and landing on its soil without so much as a scratch . I have no
a type of rehabilitation. For those who work here, their doubts the island will not disappoint me.
words also provide a means of outletting all the hate and I'm at maybe a thousand meters out when trouble lights
hurt they witness on a daily basis, and not becoming the up my helmet's H U O like a summer carnival. It seems the
monsters they watch over. Island knows I'm coming and has gone on a full alert to
Together, the inmates and the prison keepers tell both prevent my approach. Good intention. Time to see them
sides of the same story. It is a tale of fear and ferocity, of enforce it.
pain and punishment, and sometimes of remorse and re I dip in low, skimming the waves at well over 200 klicks
habilitation. Those who know this story by heart also know an hour. At this speed , nothing short of anti-aircraft de
what it is to be part of G ramercy Island. fenses could possibly stop me before it was too late.
Which , of cou rse, is what I run into first. All along the
A Voice of Reason shoreline is a concrete wall that looks thick enough to
keep any heavy h itter at bay for a least a few minutes. I
You can see it from atop the highest arcologies of Cen
magnify the power on my optics to see armored tower
tu ry Station. It lies low in the water, a flat-topped outcrop
bunkers all along the island wall. Behind them, some
ping of stone that has been the death of sailors, a pirate's
where deep in the facility is the large radar tower that
refuge, a military fortress, and now, at last, my target. G ra
picked me up the moment I left Centu ry Station. Now the
mercy Island.
tower bunkers are sweeping the sky on their own sensors
From here, the place doesn't look so intimidating, but I
to get a lock on me. That's never a good sign.
know better. You don't receive my kind of training without
knowing that a place like the Island has plenty more than I zoom in on the tower directly ahead of me to see the
meets the eye. Knowing that is half the battle. The other guards inside ready and waiting for action. Good for them
half. . . well, that's a bit more complex. Not that I mind. - I chose to strike at 3:30 in the morning because most
Complex challenges are what I was made for, and tonight guards are near the end of their shift then and more p rone
my mission is nothing less than rescuing Doctor Khaled to make mistakes. Not these guys. I doubt they've lapsed
Zubaya, one of the g reatest criminal minds the world has their attention one bit over the last six hou rs. This might be
ever known from G ramercy Island, one of the most fear tougher than I thought.
some prisons the world has ever known. I zoom in closer to the bunker so I can see what it is
Built using the g reatest weapons available, designed by they have in there. A sensor array, sure, but what else?
top experts in the field, and manned by a myriad of crack Something that looks like . . .
guards, soldiers and other su rprises , my target is nothing A minigun?
short of invincible. Breaching this place will requ i re nothing They open u p with a long burst of machinegun fire that
less than every ounce of my abilities, and a good dose of comes out so fast the muzzle flash looks like one long
luck on top of that. I should probably accept the fact that I flicker of fire. Having seen one of these puppies up close, I
will probably die sometime within the next hour or so. But can tell you the rate of fire is so high that you never hear
then again , I didn't get to where I am today accepting individual shots. You j ust hear this terrible, high whine as
things like that. I got here by spitting in Oeath's eyeless the gun chews u p anything and everything withi n range.
sockets at every opportunity, and I'm sure as hell not go By the time the bullets reach me, I'm already instinc
ing to quit that now. tively dodging beneath them, flying an evasive pattern that
Time to go to work. I've only practiced a million times over the years. The gun
ners realize they've missed and fire again. I dodge once
more, but this time it's close; the bullets whiz by, making a buddy of mine taught me, it's no big problem. Frankly, this
cracking noise. I'm getting near the island now, and the part is really disappointing. If an amateu r like me can hack
g uards only have one or two more bu rsts left before I my way through, just imagine what a hardcore compufreak
overtake them. I m ust hand it to them, though, an inexperi like Motherboard or Binary Bob could do.
enced crew would have just held the trigger and sprayed Once inside the mainframe, I draw u p a detailed floor
the sky in the hopes that I would fly into the bullets. These plan of the enti re place. Central communications and
lads have the sense to conserve ammo and aim. admin, check. G uard housing, check. Cell blocks, check.
I swing low and slip past another burst of fire that co Airfield , bingo! That's where I want to go.
mes so close I can feel their heat through my armored I switch off the computer and sight the building . Ordi
suit, on the little part of my face that my helmet does not narily it would have a nice, inviting airfield on top, but
cover. By now, the gunnery towers on either side of this some kind of armored shutter has been laid down on top
one are active. At around three hundred meters apart from of it. That's odd. Why armor a landing pad? I blip on the
each other, the three towers might as well be standing computer again and run a query. Tu rns out the landing
side by side. They've all got these damned electric gatling pad is basically a big elevator. When trouble arises, it low
g u ns, and they are not afraid to use them. One burst hits ers into the hangar building, which I'm standing on top of,
me square on the side, sending me for a tumble into the and closes up shop. Looks like I'll have to do this the hard
water. My rocket boots sputter out as I splash down, and I way.
go limp, sinking in the hopes that the gunners believe me I jet over and begin to work the corner of the armored
to be dead. door, lifting as hard as I can. The stuff's tough, I'll g rant it
They' re to smart too go for it. The central tower goes that. But eventually, I'm going to win, and I do. The metal
rock and roll on me, capping off what seems like a thou g roans and buckles, and I peel it off the h inges, curling it
sand rou nds into the water. I try to dodge the shots as back like the top of a massive sardine can. At this point, a
best I can, but u nderwater I don't move so well . Thankfully few dozen guards wearing exoskeletons and toting energy
the water slows the impact a little, and the bullets that do weapons have poured out of the various buildings of the
pepper me don't completely slag my armor. Thank God for facility. About half are rushing along the outer wall , scan
little favors. ning for more intruders and checking on the silenced tow
The firing from the center tower ceases, but the other ers. The other half are coming for me, shooting from the
two keep blasting away. That means an ammo change, hip. I bend the airfield's armored door so it shields me
and the opportunity I need. I kick the boots back on and from the incoming laser fire. I pop off a few energy blasts
blast out of the water, dodging the crisscrossing bullets of my own just to keep their heads down, and then tu rn my
coming from the two side gunnery stations. I zoom right u p attention to the aircraft elevator. Back to the computer, I
t o t h e central tower a n d spot t h e frantic gunmen trying to override the building's main controls for it and light the
reload a new ammo d ru m as q u ick as they can. Should thing up. I h it the down button and ride the pad into the
have paid more attention in reloading class, fellas. I trigger building, popping off energy blasts at the reception com
both of the microjet launchers on my wrists, sending a vol mittee upside to keep them off my back. They might be
ley of tiny rockets through the tiny gunnery slit in the cen strong in that armor of theirs, but none of them have the
ter bunker. The microjets hit the back wall and detonate, stomach to charge my position, so they go to work trying
taking care of the guards and Silencing the g u n . The tower to open u p the locked doors of the hangar's g round floor.
on the left goes haywire and j ust opens up without regard Meanwhile, inside the hangar, I'm treated to the sight of
for friendly fire. I duck out of the way and let the stream of G ramercy Island's fleet of attack helicopters, hover vehi
tracers zip overhead and pepper the tower on my right. Af cles, and various exoskeletons. The g uards on duty can
ter a few seconds, I figu re either the one tower killed the scarcely believe I'm actually busting "into" the place, but
other or they got a hold of themselves and stopped firing. they' re ready for me. They heard the alarm and took posi
Either way, I make sure to close the sale when I pop u p tions behind the various parked vehicles before I arrived .
a n d begin blazing away with m y wrist blasters. Bright en As soon as they see me, they open fire.
ergy beams bou nce off each tower's polished armor, but a
few good shots make their way through and ricochet in It's been a while since I've walked into an ambush like
side. By now, the entire island is scrambling to meet me, this, and I enjoy the workout. Pushing my reflexes to their
but I've won the first round. I've punched a hole in the limit, I manage to dodge my way through the fire and get
outer wall big enough to bring an entire platoon inside. close to each g u nner. A sock to the jaw, a kick to the ribs,
and one by one the gunners go quiet. For a second, it
After the outside wall , the facility defenses thin out con seems that I had secured the building, but the party is only
siderably. There are several reinforced concrete buildings, starting. From behind me comes a hissing sound of work
all with shuttered windows. That's a nice touch; lets you ing hydraulic doors. This is never a good thing to hear, es
know that the buildings automatically lock down at the first pecially in my line of work. I tu rn arou nd and watch about
sign of trouble. It also means I have to break my way into a dozen cyber-coffins all opening their clamshell doors.
whichever building I want to enter. Each one disgorges a single sleek secu rity robot, about
I access my helmet's computer for a second and hack six feet tall and proportioned like a human. Who knows -
into the facility's central computers . A few years ago I maybe with some syntheflesh sprayed on top of them,
could not have done this, but thanks to some tricks a they could pass for human. Maybe.
The robots command me verbally to su rrender. They The access tunnel is crawling with guards who have set
also send a message to my helmet's comlink as well as its up overlapping firing stations. I can't tell from here, but it
e-mail add ress. Once I realize they've got access to it, I looks like they've got heavy energy cannons set up on tri
must shut down my helmet computer entirely. Can't have pods, just waiting for me to come on down. I take a sec
them hacking into my weapons systems. Of cou rse by ond to regain my strength, which flows back into me a lot
now, I have waited too long to give an answer, and the ro faster than it would for any normal person. Within a minute
bots spring into action . It seems they aren't programmed or two, I feel good as new, and the pain I took fighting
to give second warnings. those secu rity robots is almost gone. I'm not in tip-top
The robots come at me from all directions, striking fast shape, but I'm much better than before. At the very least,
and hard with their hands, feet, elbows and knees. I sup I've got enough j uice left to take on those guns in the hall
pose if they had time to prepare, they would have armed ways, which is enough for now.
themselves from the various weapons lockers in the han Taking a little time to heal also helped unnerve the gun
gar. But against just one intruder, I guess they fig u red ners. Most of these guys have not seen major action like
hand to hand wou ld suffice. this, and they're al ready pretty shaken up. Not so much
I hold my own for about a minute before my cracking that they can't fight, but enough to give me an idea. In
ribs and bleeding mouth let me know that it's time to cut stead of charging down the hall, I simply walk out from be
my losses. Three of the robots are in pieces, and another hind the corner and broadcast to them who I am over my
two are almost ready for the junk pile, but the other five th roat mike. It takes them a second for it to sink in. Then
are still like new and going strong . H u rt and weakening, I they begin to collectively mess themselves. It's all the
go purely defensive, trying to block all of the different opening I need.
shots coming in at me, like I'm stuck in some bad kung-fu I ign ite my jet pack and rocket down the hall , hitting the
movie that simply won't end. I get a lucky cou nterstrike in fi rst g unner with a flying arm bar that sends him flying into
and knock the head of one of the robots clean off. A power a few other guards and crewmen filling the floor. Before
kick d rives through another's chest. I keep taking hits, let the rest of them can react, I've taken control of the first en
ting my armor soak up most of them, but I don't have ergy cannon and swing it to bear on them. At this range,
much more protection left. All I can do is keep swinging the only way to identify the bodies will be by dental re
and hope I don't black out any time soon. cords. The guards know it, so they beat feet down an ac
When it's all over, I'm the only one left standing, but j ust cess hal lway, leaving me a straight shot to the cell block. I
barely. It takes me a second to realize that the robots are wish I could bring the energy cannon with me but it's just
all so much scrap metal. Before I have time to celebrate, too heavy and bulky to make it worth the effort. Besides,
that damned hissing sound goes off again , across the it's not exactly my style. I fire a few shots at the blast door
hangar bay. Fou r more robots, like the first ones, only on the far end of the hall and melt a hole through. After
about eight feet tall and half that wide. It's like the damned that, I'm gone.
things were just waiting for me to get tired before they I rocket down the hall, through the melted door, and
sprung out. And by God, they seem to be smiling about it. into the heart of Cell Block A. With the exception of the en
To blazes with this. I'm getting out of here. I take a tire thing being u nderg round, the block looks like it could
gamble on my computer's safety and blip on, hoping to be from any other prison. This is where I'm lucky. The guy
work a miracle. I hack into the central engi neering com I'm rescuing has no super powers to speak of, so he's
puter and use it to being the startup for one of the chop here in the general population, not the Super-Being Con
pers parked on the pad and facing the main g round door. tainment Wing, a cell block on the other side of the island.
Once it's fully active, I override its fire control computer Over there, secu rity is much tighter, and I honestly doubt I
and access its weapon systems. Rockets, machine gun, could power my way in.
g renade launcher, the whole nine yards. I activate the twin The entire cell block is locked down thanks to my
miniguns on the chopper pylons and di rect them to the less-than-subtle entrance, which is pretty much what I ex
fou r bruisers lumbering toward me. Just as they figu re out pected. This will make things easier, since there won't be
what I'm planning, I open fire. Who's smiling now, toug h a crowd of inmates to get through. Not that they would be
guys? let out of their cells at this time of night, but with the chaos
The g u ns run d ry just as the last robot goes down , but I'm causing, anything could be possible.
at the same time, I'm working the g renade launcher to The floor is thick with g uards, however. Many of them
blast open the hangar doors. The explosion knocks the are u narmed, as is typical of cell block watchers. They are
guards outside back a good thirty feet or so. Can't tell if all wearing exoskeletons thoug h , and more than willing to
they're out of commission or not, but I don't have time to d u ke it out with me. With the memory of my beating from
check. Besides, I'm not going outside anyway. I'm taking the robots in the hangar still fresh , I take a pass and sim
one of the hangar elevators down to an u nderg round pas ply fly over their heads to the top level of the block.
sageway to Cell Block A. From here, the only way to the Cell 41 4. Dr. Khaled Zubaya. The reason why I'm here
cell blocks is u nderg round. A nice departure from you r typ at all. There's a pai r of guards standing in front of his cell,
ical prison layout. Bottlenecking access like that makes it each toting some kind of energy rifle. Taking a hit from
a lot easier to prevent large breakouts. It's also a fire haz these point blank certainly will not tickle, but I haven't
ard, but somehow I don't see the prison administration much choice. I flew up on these g uys too fast to pull away
caring much about that.
and engage them from a distance, so I'll have to handle Of cou rse, speed and timing was part of my success. Hit
them up close and personal . them hard and fast. Get in get and out before they could
The fi rst g uard triggers a blast into my stomach, which catch their balance or call in any superpowered helpers.
bu rns like all hell. What's left of my armor barely soaks up When I tell them my strategy and how things went
the burn, and it's left to my super-strong skin to end u re the down, pretty much everybody looks embarrassed except
rest. I focus past the pain and slap the gun out of the for Di rector Balisong and Chief of Secu rity Ling, who look
man's hands. I fol low u p with a palm strike hard enough to like they expected this. Warden Harker j ust looks angry
send him flying off the gantry. He falls into the central about all the damage, but that's his p roblem. It was his
cou rtyard area of the block and plummets fou r stories to idea for me to give the facility a live-fire test. What was I
the floor. H is armor is intact. If he's lucky, his internal supposed to do, go easy? Fat chance.
dampeners soaked up the impact, and he'll have no more After I'm done with my report, Dr. Zubaya gives his ac
than a headache when he comes to. count of things, which verifies my details of the escape.
The second guy is too busy watching his buddy take a They'll retrieve and study secu rity video later. Zubaya, of
fall to shoot at me. I chock him across the jaw and put him course, was once a super-villain himself, but has served
out. With a heave, I pull the cell door off its hinges and en his time and now is an independent consultant for CHI
ter. The good doctor is here alone, j ust as I was informed M E RA, specifically in the field of superbeing restraint and
he'd be. He looks startled and afraid , but does not thrash neutralization . He was wearing a handy personal force
when I g rab him and rocket out of the cell. It's a quick field the enti re time to protect himself from stray fire. As for
flight back through the access hallway and into the han me, I was free to su rrender at any time if I thought things
gar. There's little real opposition to speak of. The legion of were getting too rough. I check on the guards I tussled
guards I left behind in Cell Block A speak to the prison's with and aside from a few bumps and bruises, they will all
policy of concentrating most of its manpower in the hold be okay. The guard tower gunners I hit with stungel
ing areas, and leaving perimeter secu rity to a few key au micro rockets will have a hard time moving for the next few
tomated systems, like the outer wall , or those freaky hours, but otherwise will be fine. Sorry about that, fellas.
robots I trashed. Big weakness, I think. If it let a guy like Nothing personal .
me get inside, who knows how easily a whole team of mo I n case you're wondering, my name is Apex. I'm one of
tivated people cou ld punch their way in. those big-time superheroes you hear about in Centu ry
As I enter the hangar, I tu rn sharply and fly out the hole Station. I also have a unique form of super-cancer that is
I blasted through the main door before. There are a ton of killing me rather qu ickly, which is why I'm bothering to
gu n-toting guards in the center yard, all of whom train on write any of this down. Dr. Zubaya says it will be a good
me and open fire, regardless of the prisoner in my arms. I form of therapy for me, but I am not so sure. The world
th read through the fire and head up and out of the facility, does not need to know about how I made G ramercy Island
flying over the line of towers I blitzed before. By the time look like a kid's amusement park or that my cancer is get
the prison has its pursuit aircraft scrambled , I'm long gone, ting worse by the day. But as long as Doc stays on me
flying too close to the water to be spotted by radar, and about keeping this journal, I will do it. He knows best
too fast to catch in a straight chase. Within a few minutes, about these things.
I am back over Centu ry Station, where the thick air traffic
For the time being, I am still in pretty good shape, so I
conceals me from any tracking radar stationed on the is
continue to fulfill my duties as a member of the Centurions
land . I am safe. I have gotten away.
(Century Station's premier super-hero g roup) and Sector
1 0 (the public law enforcement wing of the Sector, an in-
telligence gathering g roup bigger than the CIA, NSA or
any other alphabet soup agency you'd care to toss in).
I head to the headquarters of C H I M E RA (Centu ry Sta Most of what I do is old-fashioned crimefig hting. But from
tion's centralized law enforcement agency), with the good time to time I'm called in as a consultant for C H I M E RA,
doctor still in tow. I land on top of the building where I'm the administrative body that centralizes all law enforce
g reeted with a salute by the secu rity guards topside. Dr. ment within Centu ry Station . Today, my C H I M ERA duties
Zubaya regains his composu re a little as we both ride an brought me to G ramercy Island, which has completed con
elevator from the roof to the thirtieth floor, to the office of struction one month ago and is due to receive its fi rst pris
Anja Balisong, head of C H I M E RA. oners several weeks from now. C H I M E RA wanted me to
Anja's waiting for me, along with G ramercy Island's give the place a full-bore secu rity tou r in which I was to
Warden Harker and Chief of Secu rity Jack Ling. Some of use my full range of abilities to find any holes in the secu
the prison's private investors have representatives there, rity, that sort of thing. I had no problem with this, since the
too. When they all see me waltz in with Dr. Zubaya in tow, facility needed a shakedown before it went active. The
it's nothing but a room full of long faces. Nobody really ex guards I roughed up will get triple hazard pay for their
pected me to make it. troubles; thankfully, with them I pulled my punches and
I don't bother making the usual introductions because nobody got seriously h u rt.
everybody knows each other. They' re all here to find out The problem is when I give my findings, the people be
how the I broke in and out of the world's g reatest prison, hind the prison don't want to hear it. The project is al ready
snatched an inmate and escaped in less than six minutes. 1 50% over budget and nobody wants to hear that it's got
major secu rity problems. The way I could hack into every it comes time to pay the piper, the city had better be pre
thing, the way I could punch a hole through the outer de pared to assume their share of the responsibility. If you
fenses, the way those robots (called Argonauts, I learned) know you r prison isn't good enough to hold the people its
couldn't team up on me effectively, the way the guards designed for, or keep out the people its designed to keep
spooked, the lack of internal secu rity (no knockout gas out, then you have a duty to address it. If you don't, then
dispensers?) and so on. buckle down, because you're in for a rough ride.
To do the prison right, I tell them, they should spend
another six months and a few more billion to tu rn the place *****************
airtight. But they don't want six months. They want now.
That's when I learned that I was not su pposed to really I leave the review meeting feeling more dejected than I
bust the place up, I was supposed to do a fly-by and rub have in a long while. I'm no stranger to the conspiracy
ber stamp the p rison. They're angry and start to calcu late business, and I can see the writing on the wall . The "great
what I "cost them" with my "exhibition." S hows what you minds" behind G ramercy I sland are so wrapped up in hid
get for doing you r job these days. den agendas and ulterior motives that they cou ld care less
But there is something more to this place, this mother if the prison succeeds or fails. It's like watching somebody
of all prisons. One look at it tells you that the place is build the Titanic all over again, only all the passengers are
meant pu rely to incarcerate its inmates, and by so confin hardcore killers. Or something like that. I just don't know
ing their lives, to punish them as well. There seems no anymore.
room for educating or rehabilitating those who will fill the It didn't used to be like this. When I first got going as a
cells, and that is just not smart. I will be the first to tell you hero there was a sense that we could make a difference.
that those who break the law must pay for their crimes. I That we really were the "guardians of society," and that
can also tell you that punishment alone is not enough to every time we collared a bad guy, the general public could
keep most convicts from committing crimes again. Once breathe just a little bit easier that night. It was a good time.
released from prison, most go back to their old lives. Lives Good feeling.
of hardcore poverty and d ru g use, raised by the streets in
stead of solid families. And while these people must take Today, things are different, and G ramercy Island is a
responsibility for their own lives, how are they supposed to disheartening reflection of it. I don't know when it hap
break the pattern without any new skills, hope or plan for pened , but at some point things just changed. The crooks
the futu re? Most prisons at least make an attempt to ad weren't afraid of us anymore. The superpowered villains
dress these things. G ramercy Island does not. And that, in stopped conducting crazy schemes to ru le the world and
my opinion, makes it nothing more than a warehouse for just began killing people. The street-level element became
people society j ust wants to get rid of. That will inevitably more brazen, got better weaponry, and declared war on
lead to severe overcrowding, disinteg rating conditions anybody charged with upholding the ru les of society. Peo
within the prison, and an increasingly angry, violent and ple are scared, and to them, there is nothing that can be
uncontrollable prison popu lace. And that's just among the done.
ordinary convicts! I shudder to think what ills the They look to us, the cops, the SWAT g uys, the heroes
much-touted Super-Being Containment Wing will gener like myself, to defeat these villains and make things safe
ate. again. But that only helps to a point. All people see and
I n the end, all I can tell them is the prison has got po hear about are the fiascoes, the defeats. They see us do
tential, but unless its shortcomings are add ressed, it is ing all we can and still it is not enough - the crime gets
only a temporary solution for Century Station's crime prob worse, the villains get stronger, and society as a whole
lem. gets shakier by the day.
I n the end, my advice is taken "under advisement," Some think their defenders have abandoned them, or
which means it will be conveniently forgotten and the that we no longer have the strength to protect them. Some
prison will go on-line as is. The official reason for dismiss just throw u p their hands and consider thei r fate to be g rim
ing my suggestions is because I represent ''the cream of and u nchangeable. Others shake their fists at us, de
the crop" when it comes to superbeings in this town , and manding answers and resu lts. Then there are those who
that of cou rse "I" could orchestrate a successful jail break. have decided that the way we fight the war today is simply
The average supervillain, I'm told cou ld not do what I did, outmoded . That j ust as the face of the enemy has
and therefore the facility meets its baseline secu rity re changed , so too must the way in which we fight that en
quirements, whatever those are. emy. No longer are the people content to have heroes
Suit you rself, people. But when Baron Zanzibar or the fight their battles for them. They have taken matters into
Crude Brood break out of a prison that is supposed to be their own hands, demanding results using any means nec
escape proof, or when a fleet of power armored bad guys essary, electing officials who will make it so, and approv
blitz the place from the air, they had better not forget that I ing the building of G ramercy Island, potentially the
told them it would happen. And they sure as hell better not g reatest law enforcement fiasco in history. At least as far
forget that it's people like me who will have to round them as I'm concerned.
up again. By then, there's no telling how many fol ks will U ltimately, it won't matter how well G ramercy Island
get hurt or how much damage will have been done. When performs, because it will just be the beginning of some-
thing much bigger. The forces behind the island's con
struction are less devoted to imprisoning Centu ry Station's
worst criminals than they are interested in pioneering
ways of keeping super-powered individuals under lock and
key. The politicians behind the prison have all made it
clear that they don't trust us, and want to have the power
to "control and contain" us whenever necessary. G ramer
cy Island is just the first step towards that. What's next? I
don't know. I'd like to think that society wou ld never ap
prove of a wholesale manhunt on those with special abili
ties - good or bad. But the truth is, "supercrime" has
gotten so bad in cities like Century Station that a fright
ened public has given its leaders free rein to do whatever
they like to stop the madness. And what begins as a
means of imprisoning super-criminals looks to me like a
dress rehearsal for superpowered concentration camps.
I'll leave it to you to imagine where that can lead.
Worst, they look at us superh u man "heroes" and won
der if we are so d ifferent from the bad guys. How far can
we really be trusted? Should we be trusted?
Listen to me rambling like a tired old man. I think it
might be the cancer that's doing this to me. Making me
look at everything in hindsight and a troubled eye instead
of a futu re filled with hope and possibilities. I have to re
member that I am just a fading hero who soon will no lon
ger be around to continue the good fight. There is a whole
legion of newcomers ready to take my place, and even as
crime gets worse, the heroes who rise to stem the tide are
better and brighter than I could ever be. Who knows? Per
haps G ramercy I sland is just a prison, nothing more. Per
haps society will not shuck off its heroes out of fear or
ignorance. And perhaps working in tandem, we all can
keep society safe from the animals who would prey upon
That's a good vision. The one to try to take comfort in.
A futu re that's not as impossible as one might think. I've
seen plenty of goodness, compassion and sacrifice to
know heroes are real . And I don't just mean the ones with
superpowers. Yeah, those are the things I try to hold on
Anyway, this is where my chapter on Gramercy Island
ends. The place is slated to receive its fi rst inmates in a
month or two. As soon as they repai r the mess I made.
Only time will tell how the place holds up in the real world.
From what I saw, they have mostly good people guarding
that island. They're doing honorable and necessary work. I
wish them the best of luck.
I n the meantime, C H I M E RA's got me slated to perform
another test run next week, this time on one of the Cen
tu ry Station Police Department station houses. Station
houses which never implemented the facility defense
changes I advised the last time I ran a sneak on them. An Insider's Point of View
These people. Secu rity is not the place to make budget My name isn't important. All you need to know is that
cuts. They just don't learn. I'm the snitch who ratted out Jimmy Della Rissi over a
dope deal gone wrong here in C Block. Jimmy D's the lo
cal dealer on the inside, and the product he's selling isn't
so good. Lots of overdoses, you know?
So when my bunkie takes a dirt nap on accou nt of there
being freakin' strychnine in his heroin, I gotta beef, you
know? So I drop a dime on the D-Man, tell one of the do Why I ' m here stopped being important the moment I ar
bermans on the watch about the bad smack racket, and rived . You r reasons for coming to G ramercy Island are lost
let the cards fall where they may. Jimmy D goes down on on the outside. When you're inside, all that matters is sur
fou r counts of manslaughter and can look forward to viving. That's an inside thing .
spending his next ten years in solitary confinement. But They bring you out to the island on a specially modified
even in the hole, the D-Man is connected, and he g ives hover truck, you know. One of those Space Treck-Iooking
the order to whack out the convict who fingered him. flying boxes you see all over Centu ry Station these days.
That's me, folks. They seat about ten, all shackled to the passenger com
partment. If we act up, they flood the compartment with
With this kind of heat coming down. It's only a matter of
knockout gas. They could even detach that enti re section
time before somebody shakes loose the truth. And when
of the craft if they wanted to and dump us in the bay. You
that happens, no force on Earth can save me. Snitches
always hear about that happening, but I don't know any
are the lowest of the low in here, and they have a life ex
body it has really happened to.
pectancy of about three seconds. Most of the time,
snitches score administrative segregation for their trou You touch down and the guards single-file you to the
bles. But the boys in ad-seg fig u re they would have caught processing center. That's where you check in and sign
over you r life to The Man pretty much forever. It's like
Jimmy D on their own and didn't need my help. So no deal
for me. No, I get a pat on the back and an extra five bucks when you sign in to a hospital, except there's a g uy wear
a week at the commissary. Thanks, guys. Like those extra ing power armor watching over you r shoulder. Then they
strip search you and conduct a qu ick medical exam. Ba
candy bars will stop a knife blade.
sically, making sure that if you're diseased , they know
Since I pretty much live in my cell 2417, the only way
about it ahead of time. Not like you'll actually get any de
somebody's going to get me is when we all get taken out
cent medical care inside. Doctors here hand out aspirin
into the rec yard for some fresh air.
and band-aids for stab wounds, if that gives you any idea
Rec time is like a freaking war zone, man. Everybody of what it's like.
what got a beef to settle does it then . In like, five minutes,
Past the med-zone is the quartermaster, who hands
you'll have six bodies lying on the g round before the
you you r overalls, you r blanket, you r pillow, and a rule
guards bust everybody back into their cells.
book that's about as thick as the G ideon Bible. Thing
God , why do they bother? Don't they know the rec reads like a stereo instruction manual, too. The best thing
yards are just a bloodbath waiting to happen? I du nno, you can do with the book is use it for toilet paper, since
maybe that's what the g uards are counting on. Most of you r cell probably doesn't come with any, or you'll run out
them get their kicks watching prisoners kill each other, and soon.
a bunch of them will even arrange for rival prisoners to
From there, they set you u p with a cell in one of the
share the same rec yard just to encourage a killing.
blocks. The first three cell blocks are for hardcore cons
I know the next time I'm in the yard, I'll be one of those like myself. The fourth block is for anybody with superpow
bodies on the g round. There's no way out of it. Everybody ers. It's called the Super-Being Containment Wing. That's
knows I snitched out Jimmy D, and they' re practically wait where the real powerhouses do hard time. Over there they
ing in line to shank me. I'm living on borrowed time, which fit you with some kind of gizmo to take away you r powers.
is about the hardest thing you can imagine. Then you live in you r cell 2417. You don't get to go out
To take my mind off it, I've tu rned to writing. It's not side. Ever. You get no visitation privileges, you can't buy
easy to leave this place behind, though, and I always end from the commissary, you have no T.V. , and since you
up coming back to writing about my experiences inside. I probably have no parole or release to look forward to, you
mean, what else can you do in here? Prison has a way of can expect this routine for the rest of you r life. Oh yeah, I
infecting every fiber of you r being. You lose you r individu almost forgot. You also get to be a guinea pig for all the
ality when you come in, and somewhere along the line, Frankensteins ru nning the block, who spend their days de
you lose the ability to ever get it back. You become just signing new power dampeners and trying them out on
another bar code. Just another convict. Just another sta you . Fun.
tistic either ticking down to release day or headed for a As bad as it is over in the Containment Wing, things
date with a chalk outline. don't seem so bad in ordinary lockup, but believe me, it's
When you live under this kind of death sentence, just no picnic. When they first walk you into the cell , they keep
spending ordinary prison time seems like not such a bad everybody else locked down . But even still, the inmates
deal , even though this place really is hell on earth . But it shower newcomers with anything they can find. Paper,
sure beats death. And right now, I'm somehow g ratefu l ev garbage, u rine, you name it. The only ones who get
ery morning to wake up without a shiv between my ribs, spared this warm welcome are repeat offenders and hard
ready for the privilege of living out just another day behind core criminals with a solid reputation already.
bars. Most newbies are pretty shaken up by the time they hit
I came in here three years ago on a murder one rap. their cells. They're covered in filth and are now locked u p
I'm not going to B.S. you about how I'm innocent and the in a n 6x8 foot cell with two b u n k beds, a sink, a n d a toilet.
penal system is u nfai r and all that. The truth is, I capped There is barely enough room for you to pace around, and
off some guy because he crossed me, and that's that. you must share this space with another convict, who auto-
matically assumes seniority over you . That leads to all you' re wiling to stand u p for you rself even if it means you'll
sorts of bad things. get thrashed for it. U ntil you go through this, you' re consid
That night the newcomer experiences real life on the in ered a "fish," an unproven inmate. If you fight back, good
side. Lights out is at nine, but the cons all holler and make for you , you g raduate to a full-blown inmate and all that
noise non-stop. Hardened insiders can usually cop a few entails. If you belly up or sissy out of it, then you have j ust
Z's, but you r average newbie can't get any rest. By the become a "punk." Congratulations, now the rest of the
time the morning wake-up call comes, you're exhausted prison will use you as a human toilet for the length of you r
and wiped out. stretch .
Time to start you r first real day in lockup. U nless the fa O f cou rse, you r troubles aren't over once you walk the
cility has been locked down, you spend you r working walk. Being an inmate is still one of the bottom rungs of
hours in one of the industry buildings working a job like an the prison social ladder. It's not like being a convicted
assembly line or something. Those mooks with drug hab m u rderer gets you special treatment. G ramercy Island is
its can file for rehab counseling, but the waiting list is full of hardcore criminals, so to get respect you either have
about a thousand years long. That, and the prog ram is a to come in with it, or more commonly, you have to earn
joke. Just something to make you look good for parole. some inside. When you get right down to it, the main way
Work time is you r only chance to socialize with other in to g rab some respect is to h u rt or whack another inmate.
mates. You get one rec day a month when you can sit out Chances are, you'll get pinched for it and spend some
in the yard and lift weights or play ball or something. More time in the hole, but when you come out, you'll have a rep
often than not, some crackerhead shanks another inmate for being a hard-boiled killer, and people will respect you
or something, and everybody loses their rec privileges. for it. If nothing else, they'll give you some room since they
Me, I haven't seen the rec yard in three years. Safer that know you will kill to protect what's you rs. In the joint that
way. can mean a candy bar, you r favorite seat on a cafeteria
bench, a packet of sugar, whatever. They strip you of ev
They keep you working instead of hanging out in rec
erything you've got when you come into the prison, so little
yards to cut down on violence, but it doesn't work to well.
things like that mean the world to inmates, and they are
For the new guy, sometime on that fi rst day, a couple of
definitely worth killing some fool over.
inmates will gang up on you for a g roup beating to see
how you handle you rself. This is called "walking the walk." In the end , when you get respect and keep it for a
The point isn't to win the fight. You can't. There are always while, you are considered a "convict," which is one step
too many of them. The point is to show the block that higher than being an inmate. The trouble with being a con-
vict is that you have to justify you r rep periodically. It's not connections and the cojones, you just might get there .
like you can off some loser and ride easy for the next ten Some might disagree, but that's m y view anyway.
years. With new guys coming in all the time, not every In the meantime, you keep at the daily g rind, j ust like
body was there to see you earn you r rep. That's why you you have for the last few years. After a while you stop
have to keep reminding people from time to time. Other marking the time and find other ways to occupy you rself.
wise, you become a mere inmate, maybe even a punk. You have to, or else you go crazy thinking about how
And the guards wonder why there's so much violence ev much time you have left to serve. Every once in a while,
ery time the prisoners get out of their cells. somebody goes crazy thinking about it, but the rest of us
Now, I'd like to think my killing days are behind me, so are hard . We know we've got a long time to ride through,
for me to g rab some respect, I have to find another way. so we're not going to make any false moves. Just take
It's harder to do, but it is possible, and those who become things day by day, one by one, and you might just get
respectable on their own always seem to be even more so through this, even if you're a snitch with a death mark.
than anybody who's killed for it. In general, you have got That's what I'm after. Aren't we all?
fou r basic kinds of special cases: joss men, legal beagles,
fixers, and professors. Waingroh Sunset
Joss men are religious types who have tu rned their A Waingroh sunset means you leave the Island on yer
cells into little places of worship. Rumor has it that some back with a tag on you r toe. It means you end up dead,
of these guys can really cast magic spells, but they like to just like all those gang bangers who knock off in the
keep it quiet, since it would land them in the Super-Being Waingroh section of Centu ry Station all the time. You ain't
Containment Wing . Nobody troubles a joss man because carefu l. Get on the wrong side of - whoever - and that's
he might th row a curse on you . It's also because a lot of the way you'll get off the Rock.
guys find religion in the joint, and are willing to protect You only thought it was rough on the streets. That's just
their local joss man. an audition for what to expect in here.
Legal beagles are either crooked lawyers or convicts So you might have been a superstar outside, but in
who are well-read in the law. These experts can help you here , you ain't much of nothin' and we' re all superstars.
prepare an appeal, write a letter to people to get some That makes nobody special, and you got to prove you rself
changes made, etc. While these guys don't have a lot of all over again. That's why you got so violence goin' on in
respect, they are very useful to keep around and tend to side. I nmates lookin' to make their name single out some
get "adopted" by the inmates they help out the most with fool and put him on his back. But that's just for respect.
their legal services. There's a bunch of other reasons why you h u rt or kill in
Fixers are those guys who handle all the smuggling on here that's got nothing to do with that.
the block. If there is something you want to buy or sell, the Rage. P rison takes everything away from you . In here,
local fixer can get it for you . They typically stay away from you just a number that don't mean squat. And since you
drugs, since that's another industry enti rely. used to gettin' respect on the outside, you don't like that
And finally, professors are just smart g uys who know a too much. After a while, it gets to you . You start actin'
hell of a lot about a hell of a lot, and always turn u p being crazy, willin' to pop some sucker just because he looked
useful in some way or another. Professors might help you at you funny. Seriously, it happens. Mostly its the new fish
build a home made firearm, or they might fig u re out how to and psychos who check out on this ticket. It ain't their
escape from the prison. Either way, they are definitely fault, really. They just too stupid to know better. But if you
worth keeping around. You also don't want to anger them, want to stay alive past you r first week, you got to under
since they can booby trap you r cell. stand some things.
There's another special class of convict. These guys You j ust a prisoner, like everybody else. Don't expect
are the lifers, long-time prisoners who know the prison no special treatment. Don't come in here all puffed up and
like the back of their hand. These guys have serious pull. coastin' on you r street rep, because it don't mean squat.
Any guard who can be bribed is in tight with the lifers. Any You back to zero, cuz. Better get used to that. If you act
racket going on, the lifers not only know about it, they're like you got an inside rep but haven't done nothing to
probably getting a cut of the action. And anybody who prove it, then somebody's gonna teach you a hard lesson
crosses a lifer had better lock h imself in his cell, since for actin' up.
those old-timers have plenty of friends and favors to call You also got to realize that you a convict. Ain't nobody
in. interested in you r story about how it was the other guy
For most of us, the goal is to make it to being a lifer. what pulled the trigger, or how you was framed, or how
Ain't nothing else to look forward to. Sure, you might get you was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ain't no
released a million years from now, when you're an old body in here buyin' that rap . You keep it up too long, you
man and have no way to support yourself. Most cons I gonna end up in a world 0 ' h u rt or dead just because you
know would rather j ust kill some fool and stay inside for squawked you r line next to some con who's takin' his pun
ever than get out and die on welfare. That way, you might ishment like a man and don't want to hear some fish cryin'
grow old and earn some of that permanent, home-grown all the time.
respect that comes with age on the i nside. Not that the Always show respect to those who deserve it too. Don't
chances of that are g reat. But if you've got the smarts, the matter if some con looks all nasty or if he acts stupid. If he
got special colors, outfits, weapons, something to make
them worth a little extra effort from the police. They all end
up in here, and when they do, they either hook up with
other buddies inside, or they join some other gang . The
really big gangs on the outside like the Immortals, the
Bonecutters, Los Pisto/eros and TZC have so many peo
ple on the inside that when members come in, they j ust
slot up with their homies and business goes on like usual.
P rison admin generally puts existin' gang members in
the same block so they can all be together. This is to keep
the gangs from minglin' and startin' riots. But there are so
many gangs locked up now that in every block, you al
ways got th ree or fou r major gangs anglin' to wipe out
each other. You got alliances, treaties, sneak attacks, all
that. It's like a war, except it's fought with pipes, shivs and
homemade bombs.
The guards don't do much about it, because most of
them got bets on who's gonna win . They get involved only
when the fightin' or killin' gets too far out of hand , but they
also know they can't really stop it. Always gonna be gangs
in the jOint. And when you get gangs, you get gang vio
lence. Simple as that.
The funny thing is, people join gangs for protection, but
you probably have a better chance of buyin' a toe tag from
bangin' than anything else. Stupid , I know. Ever wonder
why they do it, then?
got the rep of a killer, you better treat him like it. If you First, bangin' gives you a killer rep. If you on you r own ,
don't, you sayin' to the whole block that this fella's just you gotta do a lot more to get enough j u ice for the block to
some punk who don't deserve recognition. Now the guy respect you . If you join a gang that's pretty juiced to begin
has to kill you to protect his-self. See how it works? Sim with, then you get a slice of that. That's good for some
ple solution: Don't dis nobody u nless you mean to kill new fish who don't want the whole block messin' with him.
them. He prove himself and join a gang, he's solid for the rest of
Don't be givin' orders to other cons. Cuz, we hate that his stretch .
more than anyth ing. We live our whole lives livin' by what Second , bangin' makes you somebody. And this ain't
the Man tells us, so we sure as hell ain't gonna take it about rep, neither. I n the joint, you nobody. They take you r
from some fool in an orange j umpsu it. Go sell that static to name, they take you r past, they just take everything. You
somebody else, cuz. Otherwise, you just get killed for it just a nu mber to the Man now. And while you may act like
just on general principle. you don't care about nothing, you still do. You care about
Cons don't like gettin' stared at, neither. You lock eyes you rself. When the Man breaks you down like that, you
with somebody, it better be because they a buddy who's ain't got no self no more. You just a g host or something.
got you r back. Otherwise, you just showi n' disrespect. And But gangs, they never die. Even inside, they still hard and
you know what happens after that. healthy. They can be proud of who they are in a place
where nobody else is proud about nothing.
Check you r attitude at the door. Attitude gets more
fools h u rt and killed than anything else. This a toug h Third, if you don't bang, you ain't got no backup. You
place, cuz. If you don't act tough, then you become some alone, brother. You do you r time solo, you an open target
body's punk, and that's worse than death. But you got to for anybody who wants to mess with you . Other cons,
know where the line is. You act up to everybody you see, gang members, corrupt guards, whoever. You in a gang,
then you ain't gonna have no friends. And without some thoug h , then people think twice before crossin' you r line
body to watch you r back in here, you a dead man. Plain because you got twenty guys ready to throw down for you .
and simple. Eventually somebody's gonna gang up on you Other cons can't take on a gang because it's a death
or check you r rep and you won't have nobody to bail you ticket, man. One guy against twenty or fifty? Please.
out of it. Bangers don't jump other bangers unless they want to
start a war, which is part of what bangin' is all about any
Bangin'. Livin' inside, sooner or later you gonna get on
way, so that's cool. And bad dobermans don't hassle
somebody's bad side. And when you do, if you don't got
bangers too badly because they don't want a riot on they
somebody to watch you r back, then you gonna end u p
h u rt or dead. That's why s o many cons bang. You know,
be part of a gang? Business. If you ain't buyin' a flatline from some mad
Outside, you got gangs of all kinds. You got you r street dog or a banger, then it's probably just business. Just be
gangs and you got colorgangs, who are a step up. They cause we inside don't mean we ain't workin', you know?
The joint's the best place in the world to meet the right pear. Half their killers are guards o n the take. The other
people and learn the right skills. Some fool come in on a half are prisoners who are really, really good at what they
manslaughter charge, he go out with a P h . D . in criminal do and never get caught or I . D.-ed.
behavior, set himself up a nice long career. Syndicates are also like gangs - once you get in you
There are two big industries. One's drugs. The other's never get out. Except with a syndicate you might not even
syndicates. know you joined 'em. If you owe them money, you owe for
Drugs are just pushers who move dope into the facility. life. They do you a favor, you owe them ten. See where
They hook whoever they can and make plenty of g reen to this is headed? No wonder why they rule life on the block.
show for it, too. Pushers usually got a few bodyguards and They just do what they do and h u rt anybody who says dif
can definitely handle themselves. Most pushers are part of ferent. That's the way in here, and the syndicates got it
a gang, but some ain't. All of them got turf, thoug h , and down to an art.
they always fightin' over it. Most pushers make it about a Last Word. That's it. That's all the reasons we' re
couple of years before they go out on their backs, and if beatin' and killin' ou rselves every day. Now you know the
you' re workin' for one, chances are, you'll go out with you r score , cuz, so don't be stupid . Just do you r time, be hard
boss. Aside from that, pushers hand out t h e toe tags a lot, but stay cool, and you might just walk out of here some
too. They collect on bad debts or people lookin' to squeal day. Probably not, but it don't h u rt to dream, right?
on them to the Man. They also ain't afraid of sellin' bad
product, which is why every addict in here eith r ODs or
knows somebody who has. Hey man , it's all bad, know
what I'm sayin'? The Lifer's Lexicon
The syndicates are like big corporations. They got busi
nesses, money, organization, multiple priorities, and all My name is Ridley Rakes, and I'm doing life in G ramer
that other Corleone stuff. They like a gang u nto them cy Island for killing a couple of cops back in '71 . I've been
selves, and ain't nobody gonna toug h them. They own the in six different maximum secu rity facilities d u ring my time
guards, they own the gangs, they do what they want, inside. I was sent to "the Island" because of my three es
when they want where they want. You cross the syndi cape attempts, not to mention the murder of fou r or five
cate, you might as well check into the morgue you rself. guys while in the Victory City lockup.
The syndicates are happy to take a skim off all the busi I'm trying to put that behind me now, since living like an
ness goin' down in the joint - d rugs, extortion, blackmail, animal sucks, and that's what this place does to you . It
robbery, all that. But sometimes, they cross each other's makes you live like an animal, something less than hu
territory, and they throw down over it. Syndicate wars are man. Since I'm never getting out, I escape through my
like gang wars, except they a lot more subtle. G uys be writing instead . I wrote the following "Lifer's lexicon" both
tu rnin' up dead on the toilet, wake up cold , or j ust disap- to instruct new inmates on what life is like here and to es
cape my own g rim reality. I guess I also wrote this so peo
ple on the outside can see what life inside is really like.
This is no country club. It's hell.
A good way to get a feel for what life is like behind bars
is to study the lingo of the prisoners. More than j ust slang ,
the prison vocabulary reflects the peculiar customs and
hardships of life behind bars. It's also got code phrases for
things that are important to those incarcerated (such as
drugs and murder) that they can't really talk about in front
of their keepers. Every prison has its own particular words
and phrases, and G ramercy Island is no different. Be
cause the prison receives inmates from all over the coun
try, its slang vocabulary is a bit of a mishmash of prison
lingo from all over, making it a "beginner's dictionary" for
how felons talk when they're doing time. If you want to talk
the talk of "G ramercy Island ," you'd better study up and
learn fast, because talking like a con might be the only
thing that separates you from all the other fish that come
through the airlock doors .
A d Seg : Administrative Segregation. This is when pris
oners are placed into solitary confinement for their own
safety or because they represent a secu rity risk to the cell
block at large. Ad seg is usually reserved for snitches, sex
offenders and syndicate bosses as well as colorgang lead
ers with death marks on them. Snitches and sex offenders
get ad seg simply because other prisoners do not like
them and will eventually kill them. Syndicate or gang lead-
ers often are targets of rival organizations and are likely to Cel l Gangster: One who talks tough locked i n his cell,
be assassinated. Such a killing often touches off a wave of then says nothing when out of the cell.
severe violence that can lead to simultaneous killings, Checking: A fight. When it happens in the fields, it is
brawls, and even rioting. Ad seg cells used for purely dis usually unofficially sanctioned by prison officers. When it
ciplinary pu rposes are called ''the hole" because they are happens in the building, it is generally testing to see
cold, damp, and dark as a pit - they have no windows whether someone new is going to be a "convict" or a
and the door is solid with nothing but a peephole that is "punk."
usually slid shut.
Commissary: A general store from which prisoners
All Day: A life sentence. "Who's that?" - "That's may buy small lUxu ry items, such as candy bars, ciga
Harlan. He's doin' all day for murder one." rettes, stamps, toiletries, notebooks, etc.
Blanket Party: This is when a bunch of prisoners throw Corner: D u ring the brief times prisoners are allowed
a blanket over another prisoner who is already sleeping in
out of their cells, they find a particular place to hang out
bed. They hold the blanket down so the victim can not
and claim it for their own. This is considered their "corner,"
move. Then the attackers all beat the victim so he can nei and it is every bit as serious a turf claim as the area a
ther fight back, nor identify his attackers. Treatment usu gang might control on the outside. P risoners will fight and
ally reserved for despised inmates. die over their corner. Likewise, those who want to really
Blood In, B lood Out: To enter a prison gang by com know the people on the block get to know the various cor
mitting a murder and to leave by being the victim of a mur ners and other hang-out spots in the cell block.
Broadway: The first floor of any cell block. This is like a
large foyer for prisoners to assemble in and occasionally
socialize. It is also the likeliest place for fights and m u rder
attempts to occur.
Bruno: Tough guy, enforcer. Collaterally, also refers to
the nice shoes enforcers wear, emblematic of their affluent
criminal lifestyle. ("Man, Slick's got some nice Brunos.
Must be nice working for the top man.")
Buck Rodgers Time: A parole date so far into the next
century, the inmate cannot imagine release.
Bullet: One year prison sentence (Le., ''They gave me
a bullet.").
Bump off: Kill. Similar terms include chill, clip, knock
off, and zero. The terms plug, pop (as in "I popped some
caps into him.") and smoke ("Yeah, I smoked 'em good.")
specifically refer to murder by g unfire.
Bunco: To defraud somebody. Also referred to as
f/im-f/amming. Bunco gigs are okay to pull on some
Square John back in the real world , but on the inside,
bu ncoing anybody is asking for a quick trip to the morgue.
That is why almost nobody except newcomers idiots and
inmates with a death wish even try pulling fraud jobs on
their fellow cons.
Bus Therapy: The practice of transferring prisoners
from one institution to another, to keep from away from
their friends, allies and contacts. G ramercy Island has be
come a final destination for many prisoners who had been Count: The institutional count, repeated at different
undergoing lengthy spells of "bus therapy." Also known as times in the day. Everything stops while prison staff make
diesel therapy, grey goose therapy, or round robin. sure no one is missing. Typically, the count is performed
C or C-Note: One h u ndred dollars. Also known as a at 5 : 00 a.m. (morning wake-up), 8:00 a.m. (when inmates
century. report to work) , 1 2:00 p.m. (afternoon chow) , 4:00 p.m.
Cabbage: Any folding money. Also known as kale, (when inmates retu rn to their cells from work) , and 8:00
green, lettuce, and spinach. Nobody is quite sure how the p.m. (shortly before lights out). Those who wish to escape
vegetable terms got used , but they stick, even among the need to keep these times in mind . They present the best
young inmates. windows for exploiting a weakness that might afford them
freedom .
Can-Opener: A low-rent safecracker who forces open
cheap safes. Not a particularly skilled individual but, since Croaker: Doctor. So named because on the I sland ,
safe-cracking is seen as a "respectable" criminal special medical care is so bad (or comes so late) it usually kills
ization, lots of inmates try to enter this work and usually you .
make a serious botch of it.
Daisy: Often used to describe a new guy or inmate inmates who hate each other are u nwittingly placed i n the
who is weak, quiet, and likely to be victimized by others same rec yard by guards who want to watch the inevitable
but may not actually have been victimized yet. Prison happen.
daisies are often targeted by the tougher inmates and new G lad Rags: Fancy clothes. Usually in reference to what
guys looking to prove themselves; it is only a matter of one wears on his day of release.
time. Good Time: C redits earned toward one's sentence. I n
Dead Presidents : Money. Bills are often referred to by California, good time (one day for two served) credits are
the P resident on them, i . e . , Washingtons, Lincolns, awarded for p risoners in certain situations, such as those
Hamiltons, Jacksons, G rants, Franklins. This is street who are willing to work but u nassigned .
lingo, and to use it marks one as a garden variety crook or Go t o Read and Write: Rhyming slang f o r take flight.
an amateu r. P rofessionals do not use this terminology. The sign that cockney rhyming slang from the London un
Deck: A complete set of something. Often used to refer derworld has beg u n to take root in G ramercy Island.
to a pack of cigarettes, but could refer to almost anything. Grapevine: Refers to rumors and the ru mor mill. "I
Doberman : P rison guards in general, and those who heard on the g rapevine that Officer Linheart got caught
specialize in physical punishment and intimidation in par taking bribes."
ticular. Note: This word may take on another meaning in Hard Time: Serving a sentence the difficult way. That
the futu re, for it is rumored that the Centu ry Station means no chance for parole, and usually a little time spent
biotech corporation Genesys is developing a new strain of in the hole.
mutant h u manoid dog to act as a new kind of guard for the
Harvey: A corrupt cop. These g uys are particularly re
prison. The idea was supposedly inspired by a really pop
viled and always have a very rough time inside. The term
ular role-playing game that is all the rage in Century Sta
comes from Lt. Harvey Seinbold, a notoriously crooked
tion. Nobody has any proof that this is anything more than
cop who spent much of his 20 year career on the Centu ry
a persistent rumor.
Station Police Force dabbling in various criminal enter
Do Your Own Time: The golden rule of prison life: do prises and getting other criminals to take the fall for it.
not bother other prisoners or meddle in their affai rs. Seinbold never got caug ht and is living fat off a pension
Drama: To cause a disturbance, as "There's going to and the fruits of his illegal labor. He sent over 1 00 men to
be a little drama." This is understatement of the first order, G ramercy Island while covering his tracks. He is consid
since the drama in question is usually something pretty ered the archetypical "bad cop," and all bad cops who
serious. come to prison must pay for Lt. Seinbold's crimes as well
Drop a Dime: To inform on someone. "He dropped a as their own.
dime on his bunkie." Hawk, Rutherford : The Director of the Centu ry Station
Dropper: A hired killer. Similar terms include chopper P rison Bureau. Hawk commands considerable power
squad (a crew of machinegu n-toting assassins) , hatchet among prison officials. Whenever he announces a visit to
man, highbinder (also refers to corrupt politicians or func G ramercy Island, the warden and administration go on full
tionaries), torpedo (specifically, a gu nman) , and trigger scramble, making the prisoners work triple time sandblast
man. ing, polishing and painting the place to make it shine. Of
Fence Parole: Escape. course, Hawk never gives the facility a thorough inspec
Finger: Identify, as in ''to put the finger on." Not a good tion. He just does a q uick once-through and then holds a
thing. Typically what a snitch does. big banquet for the other officials to suck up to him. Still,
inmates love to send g rievances to Hawk in the hopes that
Firma: When someone or someone is "down" or "hard."
he might take action on one of them and make the warden
("Que fi rma, ese! Heard you capped Eddie Razor back in
the Station.")
Heat: The police or less commonly, superheroes. Also,
Flathat: A cop. More specifically, a Centu ry Station po
the pressu re being put on criminals by the authorities or
liceman, in reference to their flat-topped officer's caps. I n
heroes. "Lot of heat out there, boys. Lot of heat."
t h e prison, however, i t can also refer t o any correctional
officer. H igh Pillow: Person at the top, in charge. Typically re
fers to who is boss in a two-man cell, but more broadly re
G: Gangster. Usually a member of a colorgang or a
fers to inmates who have power over other inmates.
garden-variety street punk whose exploits have made him
("Jonny G's got the high pillow on that punk fish what
respected among his peers.
came through today.")
Gat: Gun. Also known as a strap, iron, piece, and more
H it: A prearranged murder, typically for money or some
archaically, a smokewagon or a mohaska. Those who
other compensation . Most of the violence within G ramercy
carry a gun are considered to be strapped, heeled, or
Island is not spontaneous, but carefully planned h its to
make up for a perceived wrong .
G ladiator Fight: Fighting set up for the benefit of oth
Hock Shop: Pawnshop. I n Century Station, a s in many
ers (such as prison staff) . Corrupt g uards frequently set up
other places, pawnshops are merely fronts for fencing sto
gladiator fights for pure amusement or so they can bet on len property. That makes them a nexus for low-level crimi
the outcome. Sometimes gladiator fights are large, ritual
nal activity and a great place for cops and heroes to get
ized affai rs. Other times, they are more clandestine; two
Hole: A punishment or d isciplinary seg regation cell Longjohn: Slang for any super-powered hero.
without privileges for prisoners who have violated some Made: To be formally recognized by one's underworld
regu lation. It can range from a filthy, horrible, cold, win superiors. "You can't touch him. He's a made guy."
dowless, and inhumane cell without even a blanket to one Mafias: Dark sunglasses. Wearing mafias is prohibited
acceptable for housing human beings. within G ramercy Island, but plenty of syndicate members
Ink: Tattoos. P risoners eventually cover themselves wear them anyway in open defiance of the rules.
with ink as a form of individual expression, and to identify Meat Wagon : Any ambulance, but usually one carrying
them as gang members. a dead person. Also referred to the craft that transports
Inside: Behind the walls. I n prison. Locked up. dead inmates off the island. According to rumor, there was
In the Car: To be in a tight circle of friends. Being in the once a super vehicle getaway car named the Meat Wagon
car with fellow inmates is like being in a gang, only there is that was bu ilt by an u n known inventor and rented out to
no real gang to speak of. "Riding the bu mper" is to be on criminal gangs for special jobs. The Meat Wagon has
friendly terms with inmates, but not necessarily to be close never been impounded by the authorities, but if it still ex
friends with them. ists, it would be over 30 years old.
In the Hat: Targeted for death. Moniker: Name. Usually a handle one adopts when he
Jacket: Every prisoner has a central file that describes comes inside. P risoners typically give each other their
their enti re criminal past. This file is their "jacket." The dirt nicknames. To have a moniker means one is no longer a
ier one's past, the thicker the jacket. Jackets are kept un newcomer and has adapted at least somewhat to prison
der lock and key on G ramercy Island, but prisoners and life.
their criminal associates are always wanting access to Murder One: First-degree murder, a premeditated kill
them, and pay handsomely for them. ing. Also, a fairly common reason to get sent to G ramercy
Jail : A place for the confinement of drunks and com Island. It used to be that doing time for murder one was a
mon riffraff. A county facility for pre-trial detainees or pris kind of badge of honor among inmates. It's all the more
oners serving short terms (less than a year). This word is impressive if the victim was a superbeing or important au
frequently used indiscriminately for prison, but "prison" is a thority figure. ("So what, you' re doin' murder one. Ain't
place for tough and elite convicts. three guys in this block who ain't." - "Yeah, but Casey's
Java: Coffee, but particularly coffee worth d rinking. The doin' m u rder one for chilling some longjohn named Sir
coffee served on the Island is rarely referred to as "java." Speedy.")
Usually it is referred to as "M ississippi," as in "like mud." New Boot: A new correctional officer. These individu
Good coffee can be bought from the commissary or als tend to be particularly harsh on prisoners, are quick to
brought in by visitors. It is a valuable commodity and often use violence, and adhere excessively to prison regula
used as cu rrency. tions.
John Q. Law: Police. Not specific to those of any one Nevada Gas: Cyanide. The stuff used to execute con
city. Not to be confused with the superhero of the same victs in the gas chamber. Since Century Station does not
name, who operates in Victory City. enforce the death penalty, this phrase is thought to refer to
Johnson Brothers: Criminals who worked together on homemade chemical weaponry prisoners use on other
the outside, got caught together, and now are doing their prisoners, such as bombs, acid sprays, and poisonous
time together. I nseparable partners. Also known more fume flares.
simply as Johnsons. Newshawk: Reporter, or an inmate who keeps u p on
Joss House: In the old days, this term referred to a developments in the free world. Since a lot of G ramercy
temple or house of worship for a Chinese religion. Nowa Island's inmates can not read , these g uys get a little extra
days, in G ramercy Island it refers to the cell of any inmate respect for conveying news to others and giving them a
who is an ardent worshiper of any particular religion. Joss link to the outside world.
houses often become semi-official chapels for other in Number: A person, can be either a man or a woman .
mates, and are considered sacred g round. That means Once inside, prisoners are referred to by the correctional
joss houses are sanctuary, so no fighting ever goes on officers by their serial number alone. It is meant as a hu
miliation technique and to strip away one's identity. It
within them. This is an entirely inmate-enforced custom. It
works, too. On G ramercy Island, prisoners have their se
is a part of G ramercy Island's inside cu ltu re.
rial number laser-branded on their forearm and have it re
Kamikaze Move: To murder somebody in plain sight of moved when they get out.
a prison guard. Kamikaze moves are made either because
Old-Timer: A convict who has served a lot of time in
the killer does not care about his inevitable punishment, or
side. These g uys usually know the prison like the back of
because he really wants to remain in prison and commits
their hand. They also tend to have a mou ntain's worth of
his crime to ensure that happens.
credibility, so other inmates generally do not mess with
Little Time: Any sentence under 25 years. them. They are, in a way, the elder statesmen of the
Lockdown: The policy of confining a g roup of prisoners prison population . Cross an old-timer, and one is likely to
or an entire prison population to their cells. This is gener find a dozen or more inmates willing to stand up for him on
ally done in response to u n rest or emergency - although principle alone. These guys are also hooked up with cor
some lockdowns are instituted for extended periods of rupt guards and wired into the g rapevine (rumor mill),
making them even more hands-off. Also known as lifers, super-crime. His exploits have been an ongoing embar
even if they are not serving a life sentence. rassment to the prison, which wants dearly to recaptu re
On the One: To be honest. It refers to the one dollar the villain and subject him to the harshest punishments in
bill, on whom George Washington, who reportedly never their power.
told a lie, appears. ("I'm on the one about this, you've got Rest Your Neck: Be quiet, as in "Lay down and rest
to believe me!") you r neck." Also, "Bite you r pillow."
The Pen : Slang for "penitentiary," State or Federal Rumble: The news, usually in terms of ru mors or scut
P rison. tlebutt circulated within prison. 'What's the rumble over in
Phone's Off the Hook: This is a common saying C Block? Heard some loser took a shiv over a round of
among inmates that basically means, 'Watch what you dice."
say, the guards are listening." M uch of the island prison is Rustler: One who preys on weaker inmates, subjecting
covered in covertly and overtly placed listening devices. them to all kinds of abuses from th reats, bullying, vandal
The extent of these devices is unknown, but it is feasible ism and psychological torture to theft, outright extortion ,
to assume that Warden Harker cou ld listen in on a conver muggings and m u rder. They are vile bullies who do what
sation taking place anywhere in the penitentiary. Some ever they please to whoever they please. Rustlers are
say that from his high-tech office, the Warden can also lis also known as predators and wolves, and are generally
ten in on the many thousands of hidden bugs he has sup considered to be the most dangerous, psychotic and un
posedly planted in Centu ry Station, Victory City, U ltropolis, trustworthy inmates. Those who operate solo eventually
and a half-dozen other super-cities throughout the world . pick on the wrong guy and die for it. Rustlers who are part
One must wonder who or what he is listening for. of a gang are considered true "mad dogs" and enjoy im
Pulling Someone's Card: To find something out about munity from reprisal from their many victims. These sick
another prisoner. I nmates often will pull the card on any individuals always continue their predatory ways if they
body who has a suspicious story to tell. Pulling one's card ever get out of prison, which pretty much ensu res their
almost always requires the bribing of corrupt g uards to ac speedy return .
cess confidential prisoner files or talking to an Old-Timer. Scratch: Counterfeit money. A scratcher i s a cou nter
Put Your Pen to the Wind: The standard response feiter or a forger. Most infamous among these crooks is
guards give to prisoners who wish to make a g rievance the legendary Jack Scratch, an electrical genius who cre
known. The guards encourage the prisoners to write their ated some of the most sophisticated counterfeit money in
g rievance down and submit it for review by the Centu ry history, and built a small factory to mass produce it. By the
Station P rison Authority's oversight committee. The com time the Secret Service (who p u rsue counterfeiters) de
mittee moves so slowly on things, however, that submit stroyed the facility, Jack Scratch had entered over one tril
ting a complaint to them will never get anything done. This lion bogus dollars into circulation , none of which cou ld be
is one of the many things that highlights just how little differentiated from the real McCoy. The government's an
power the prisoners have to protect themselves from swer has been to downplay Scratch's achievements and
whatever abuse or misconduct the guards wish to visit hope nobody makes a big deal out of it. Jack Scratch's ul
upon thei r watches. timate impact on the global economy is unknown, but it is
Raisin Jack: Homemade alcohol . Within their first year definitely substantial. At last report, Scratch has been trav
of incarceration, any given prisoner has a 60% chance of eling the world, sharing his money duplication secrets with
successfully brewing this stuff if he has the right ingredi rogue nations that traditionally oppose the West.
ents. An unsuccessful roll means either the stuff is inedi Shakedown : A search of a cell or work area. The most
ble or if d runk, it will cause nausea or temporary common complaint by prisoners is that property is lost, de
blindness. Also known as buck, chalk, hooch, julep, jump, stroyed, or left scattered after a search.
mash, pruno, shine, and tiger milk. Shiv: Handmade prison weapon - generally a stab
Reals: Any kind of merchandise bearing a recognizable bing instrument. Also called a shank, a piece, or a shark if
brand name, especially cigarettes, candy bars, etc. Half it is really large or heavy. To shank somebody is to stab
the time, people don't use reals if they get them. They them.
trade them instead. Skate Around : To make friends and acquaintances a
Red Tag : To confine a prisoner to his cell, 24n. Pris little too easily. It used to refer to women of easy virtue,
oners are red tagged when they have done something but inside, it refers to one who is everybody's friend but is
wrong and there is no more room in any of the ad seg doing it purely for ulterior motives. Skaters are generally
cells. Anybody caught speaking with a red tagged prisoner disliked, but they do tend to be the most u p to date on
is red tagged himself. This practice has recently been im prison news and rumors, so they serve a pu rpose.
plemented to prevent the rioting and killing sprees that Slam : Use of force by a guard against an inmate.
sometimes occu r after a facility-wide lockdown ends. This Typically, the prisoner is thrown to the g round face first
term was also the name of Red Tag, a supervillain who and placed in handcuffs. Additional beating might or might
also happened to be G ramercy Island's first parolee. Al not happen. "Getting slammed" might also refer to being
though Red Tag was not an alumnus of the Super-Being th rown into the hole for a while.
Containment Wing, he intentionally gained superpowers Smoke on the Horizon : A term used by both inmates
after his release and embarked on a career of and guards to describe a state of increasing tension within
a cell block or the prison at large. When there is smoke on of prison is considered the height of criminal ch ival ry. In
the horizon, there are u nderlying tensions and grievances mates known for this often have a g reat deal of respect
among the inmates that will imminently explode into vio both inside and outside of prison, and may be g iven spe
lence if not addressed . Since G ramercy Island does not cial treatment.
negotiate with its prisoners, "smoke on the horizon" is Taking it to the Square: To call somebody out for a
something of a cyclical thing. Tensions rise, nothing gets fight. Although many fights and killings in prison are done
done about it, violence breaks out, the prisoners get by ambush and assassination, a dueling tradition has
locked down, and things start over again. somehow taken root, presu mably because killing some
Snatch Job: A kidnapping. Almost all kidnappings end body in the open earns a lot more respect than simply
in failure since they usually get caught either trying to col whacking him without warning. This practice has spilled
lect thei r ransom or trying to move the cash afterward . out of the prison and is being used increasingly by street
Snatch jobbers have a very difficu lt time getting any re hoods, career criminals and even superpowered villains
spect in G ramercy Island, since thei r criminal specialty is looking to settle a score with their enemies.
seen as the choice of idiots and amateu rs. Tin : Badge. A tinhorn is any kind of law enforcement
Sneak: Any kind of bu rglary, immortalized by The official. To throw tin is to use one's position as a cop,
Sneak, perhaps the most successful super-bu rglar in his guard , etc. to bu lly an inmate. ("Long as you skimming my
tory. He remains at large and is believed to have stolen profits, don't be throwing you r tin at me.")
over one billion dollars in money, valuables and intellec Tin Boot: The nickname for the hu man-like AN-1 05 ro
tual and industrial property. bot guards.
Snitch : To inform on somebody. To snitch on a fellow Tin Can : The nickname for the AN-307 heavy robot be
inmate is perhaps the easiest way for an inmate to alien cause it's a big tin can with legs and weapon arms.
ate himself from everybody. Snitches usually end u p in Traffic Ticket: M inor disciplinary offense. ("You mean
protective custody or get transferred to another wing of the you got a nickel on the Island for nicking cars? Man, that's
facility to avoid getting killed. Snitches are also known as just a traffic ticket.")
finks, cheese eaters, rats and stoolies (short for stool pi
Trip for B iscu its: A trip for biscu its is any kind of
geon) .
for-profit crime that ends up not paying off. Most of the
Soup: On the outside, any kind of explosive. On the in time, a "biscuit trip" happens because the criminal got
side, any kind of homemade explosive. A "soup job" is to stiffed on payment or because he chose an inherently un
use explosives to some criminal end, typically to crack a successful score (like robbing a store right after it depos
safe or escape from confinement. When explosives are ited all of its money to the bank) . It also might refer to any
used to kill somebody, it is called a "chili job" (Le. , soup + botched job, like a bank robbery in which the crooks had
body parts chili).
to run before collecting any money. Any trip for biscuits
Square: Honest, as in "on the square" = telling the that lands a crook in jail is cause for sympathy among
truth . "Square" also means law-abiding. A civilian on the other cons, most of whom have such a story themselves
outside who has never had trouble with the law is called a to tell. However, those who have made repeated biscuit
"Sq uare John." trips are considered unlucky, stupid or both. That is not
Stilts: The nickname for the AN-202 Argonaut robot, so something to brag about.
named because of its thin mechanical legs. Turnkey: A guard who is there just to open doors, who
Stir: An old-timer term to describe prison. Being "in the cares about nothing other than doing his or her shift. Tu rn
stir" is to be incarcerated. Going "stir crazy" is to have keys are prime candidates for bribery or other forms of
some kind of emotional breakdown due to the stresses of corruption.
prison life. And to suffer "stir belly" is indigestion or an u l Waingroh Sunset: Fatal injury, done deliberately, usu
cerated stomach caused by the tension and fear of life be ally with a knife or other hand-held implement. I n refer
hind bars. ence to the crime-ridden Waingroh district of Centu ry
Superstar: Any criminal who has had a long and rela Station.
tively successful career. The truth is, most cons get Walkalone: A prisoner who cannot exercise on a yard
busted back to the island shortly after their release. Those with other prisoners, usually because they are too violent
who do not, who spend substantial time in between prison or because they have made too many enemies. G ramercy
kicks, are considered heroes to the inmate cultu re. When Island has a yard for ''walkalones'' to exercise together.
they retu rn to prison, they are often given a hero's wel
Wheats: Pancakes. Wheats are the most common
come. I ronically, most superstars do not care for the ca
breakfast food on G ramercy Island.
maraderie of prison life, and conduct themselves in a very
professional manner. They see their jail time as downtime Yarbles: Stones. Cojones. G uts. Backbone. "Putting
unless they take advantage of their situation and either you r yarbles on the block" means to stick one's neck out in
learn new skills, make new contacts, or set u p new scores a fit of bravado or to do something which is especially cou
for when they get out. rageous but entails some kind of punishment, like stand
Take the Fall For: To accept punishment, usually for a ing up to a correctional officer.
crime one did not commit. Taking the fall for a criminal ac Zebra: Any inmate who associates with inmates of
quaintance, especially one's superior, so they can stay out other races or ethnicities. Zebras are typically considered
hustlers trying to work everybody for an angle. I n the ra Today, the island has been extensively developed and
cially charged atmosphere of G ramercy Island (and most tales of secret caves and pi rate treasu re have been long
prisons), zebras are treated like skaters, only worse. forgotten. No serious excavation efforts have ever been
made by modern man , so for all anybody knows, far be
neath the high-tech prison could be a labyrinth of caves
and even a king's ransom in plundered gold and other his
torical treasu res (although unlikely) .
Fort G ramercy
Sometime in the early 1 800s, the Navy decided it had
Island had enough with pirate captains and foreign spies using
the island as a free port and launched an all-out campaign
to oust the buccaneers living there, and to discourage na
val criminals from ever setting foot on the island . The fight
to clear G ramercy Island ended up being one of the fierc
est naval battles on U .S. territory in decades, but after a
prolonged battle, the Navy simply overwhelmed and de
stroyed the pi rate fleet. The island was finally captu red
when the infamous pirate captain, John Burkee, was slain
by Marines. Bu rkee took six Marines with him before he
was cut down in a hail of pistol fire . Some say his ang ry
ghost roams the island still, spooking g uards and inmates
to this day. Some go as far as to insist that Bu rkee, a crim
inal at heart, has somehow taken part in every escape at
tempt at the prison. He always does his bit to help out,
they say, u nlocking doors, shutting off video cameras,
things like that. While most pooh-pooh such "crazy" sto
Part Two : ries, there have been incidents in which the guards on
duty insist they locked a particular door, gate, cabinet,
etc., only to discover it u nlocked (and even wide open)
P ri so n Overview
Opponents of this policy point out that in less than four
years the prison is filled to capacity with obvious over
crowding to come in the years that follow. They warn that
inhumane conditions, corruption and prison crime are al
G ramercy Island, al ready near maximum capacity, has ready on the rise. Overcrowding will only escalate these
its share of problems, but compared to many other peni problems. Moreover, they fume that more super-powered
tentiaries (and considering the extremely high threat level criminals are being "imported" to a place that already has
of most of its inmates) , the Island is considered by many more than its fai r share. S u re, there has not been one es
to be a model prison for the future . Even now, similar facil cape yet, but there is bound to be. These are
ities are under construction throughout the United States superh u mans, after all . Don't they always break out of
(in both Ultropolis and Victory City) as well as in Canada, prison?
The g reatest concern for overcrowding lays with the egory of superbeing. It has even gotten to the point that
Super-Being Containment Wing. What happens when a fringe politiCians have begu n basing their platforms on
superbeing from Century Station gets busted but can not this, playing off of people's fears for their support. While
be held because their slot is taken up by an imported pris nothing major has come of that yet, it might only be a mat
oner? The CSPD vows that efforts are underway to triple ter of time. And with that possibility on the horizon, facili
the size of the Containment Wing , but will it be in time to ties such as the G ramercy Island Penitentiary seem to
hold the District's worst superh u man public enemies? serve a larger and darker pu rpose: A testing g round to
forge and test new weapons and means of controlling,
containing and destroying superbeings.
Build a better mousetrap . . .
When looking for start-up capital to fund the prison, the
city went to its Council of Industry, a clique of super-pow G ramercy Island
erful megacorporations that specialize in high technology Supermax Correctional Facility
products. The Council is more than a little nefarious in the
things it does, but it has more money than the Federal Re
serve, so the city pretty much had to try tapping them for
support. The Council of I ndustry was only too happy to
oblige, provided that they got to use G ramercy Island as a
testing g round for various new technologies i n the areas of
advanced weapons, robotics and power-dampening meth
ods. The city had no problem with any of that and
g reenlighted the Council's participation. Since then, C . 1 .
technologies have been put in place throughout the facil
ity, with new ones being added or ''tried out" i n field tests
on a regular basis. Every piece of equipment the compa
nies on the Council supplied to the prison is free, provided
they keep the patents and technology for ''fu rther exploita
tion and marketin g , worldwide." For the Council , G ramercy
Island is a showcase. Money is made selling their new
technology, weapons, robots, expertise and services
th roughout the world. Fu rthermore, much of the hardware
on the Island has applications in law enforcement, intelli
gence-gathering and military operations. The Council of
I ndustry is making a mint.
Centu ry Station g ranted these companies tax-free sta
tus long ago, so the District does not see a penny from the
fortunes the C . 1 . is making on its G ramercy Island pro
jects. Citizens aware of this are outraged . They see the The Island
money and support Mayor Zardona got the Council to The island itself is relatively small and rocky, compris
pony up for the p rison as just a buy-off, mortgaging the ing some 50 square miles ( 1 30 sq . km) in su rface area.
city's futu re for the benefit of the megacorporations. Mean Geologically, the island seems to be a bit of an anomaly,
while, nearly every company on the Council has been ac since it is just a huge protrusion of stone out in the middle
cused of involvement in some kind of alleged illegal of the water. The eons have seemingly done little to erode
activity, from fraud and deceptive marketing to falsifying this rock or whittle the island's size. Scientists have taken
docu ments, igno ring safety procedu res and cover-ups - core samples of this stone and have found numerous i r
making some question just how safe G ramercy Island re regu larities i n its molecu lar structu re that they can not ex
ally is. plain . The u pshot is that this stone appears g ranitic, but is
Even more sinister is the purpose to which a g rowing at least twice as hard as g ranite while being less dense!
nu mber of people fear G ramercy Island is really being put Topographically speaking, G ramercy I sland is like a
towards. I n the last few decades, the number of plateau of rock that rises straight out of the water. There
superpowered individuals in the U.S. has j umped d ramati are no natu ral beaches or docking areas anywhere on the
cally to an average of about one in every 275,000 people. island . That, along with the strong and sometimes unpre
With another one or two new superbeings hitting the dictable surf, makes approaching the island by water fairly
scene monthly, that ratio is d ropping quickly. This has dangerous. As long as sailors have approached the is
alarmed certain segments of society. To them, land , they have lost boats to its rocky shores. Only the fin
superbeings rep resent more of a threat than anything est mariners can hope to land here u nscathed, which is
else. They see these "superfreaks" as potential monsters why the island made such a good pirate base or fortress
with the power to enslave or even destroy h umanity! Al way back when .
though Aliens, Experi ments and M utants seem to bear the Those trying to land on the island must make their ap
brunt of this paranoia, it extends to every other power cat- propriate Pilot skill roll at a whopping -45%. A failed roll
means the boat crashes against the rock wall that is the
island's shore. Crashed ships will be trapped by the waves The Penitentiary
and pinned there, and battered to pieces. Once a ship is
pinned like that, the only hope is to evacuate the ship or to Prison Security
use super abilities to alter the water, the stone, or the ship Most p risons are simple structures - a barracks-style
so a complete rescue might be effected. living environment within a fort-like confine divided into
Those trying to land on the extreme southeastern tip of small , armored cells with few amenities to speak of. The
the island may do so at only -30%, since conditions are a living quarters are spartan and u n remarkable at best. The
little milder there. most remarkable feature is the omnipresent security sys
For years, prisoners felt that the most dangerous part of tems and measures that give a prison its distinctive look,
their stay on the Island was their trip out. Even with the ex feel and character. G ramercy Island is no different. As a
pert piloting of the prison boat captains, more than a few maximum-secu rity facility for locking u p the worst of the
transports have been dashed against the island . Today, worst, the penitentiary resembles a fortified military com
there is no dock on the island for ships at all. P risoners pound. The threat of riots, escape attempts and break-in
are transported to and from the island exclusively by ai r. attempts to "spring" prisoners makes the prison an ex
Of cou rse, the rough water is one of the secu rity mea tremely dangerous place. The only way to cou nter such
sures for the prison, since it d issuades non-superpowered danger is to be more than ready for it. G ramercy Island
inmates from delusions of swimming to safety. Those who does a rather good job of doing just that, in large part
try are said to never make it very far (it is a five mile!8 km thanks to the personnel on staff here, but also due to a
swim to shore). Every quarter mile, one must make a number of automated systems and defenses.
Swim roll at -30% or drown , and must fight the waves to
Walls & Fences
such a degree that they must swim the equivalent of 20
miles (32 km)! The only other way through the water is to The outermost perimeter of the prison is an electrified
use a SCUBA system, mini-sub or superpowers that make fence which runs the entire length of the island's coastline.
crossing the water a minor problem. The fence is energized with electricity 24 hours a day.
Anything that touches it will receive a massive jolt that in
The island itself holds a final mystery, it is home to the
flicts 1 04x1 0 points of damage. The fence is 20 feet (6. 1
boring weevil, a small beetle indigenous to the island. The
m) high, angled outward and topped with rolled razor wire.
boring weevil possesses diamond-hard mandibles and
If one were impervious to the shocking effects of the
lives by boring through the rock base of the island and ac
fence, it could be climbed, but only those who are impervi
tually eats the g ravel and rock dust generated . The shell
ous to cutting damage (i.e., have a high natural A.A. or
of the beetle can withstand most normal kinetic attacks (fly
are wearing full-body armor) or who make their Climb roll
swatter, punch, kick, stomp) , and the beetles are resistant
at -25% will get over the top without becoming entangled
to cold, heat, fire and even electricity. Only certain chemi
in and slashed by the razor wire. Those who do get caught
cals have a shot at destroying them, but finding a toxin ca
in the wire will take 306 points of damage, and must roll
pable of killing the beetles has proven elusive and will take
under their P.P. on a 020 or become hopelessly trussed
years. Of cou rse, super-strength is effective against them,
up in the stuff. Every fu rther movement (Le. melee action)
as are a number of high-tech weapons and super abilities.
will inflict another 206 points of damage. At this point, the
Fortunately, the little buggers are not harmful to h u mans, only way out is to cut the wire, or to inventively use one's
nor represent any apparent danger. While they burrow superpowers to get the wire off or one's self out.
th rough the g ranite of the island, they don't seem to like
concrete and other man-made materials, so they don't
th reaten the integ rity of the prison. Nor are the tiny beetles
very prolific, so at any given time, there are only 8-1 0
nests on the entire island ; no more than a thousand boring
weevils at any given time.
They are noteworthy for three reasons. One, it is possi
ble that over the centu ries these insects may be responsi
ble for the caves legend says exist under the surface.
Two, some superbeings can control and command insects
(although it doesn't appear there is much one can do with
these beetles; it would take decades for them to chew a
short tunnel). And three, who knows how the sinister
biotech company, Genesys, might mutate and use them if
they ever got their hands on these creatu res? For the time
being, scientists know very little about these insects, and
there is no study of them in place.
Mai n Wal l it clear that absolutely no intrusion will be tolerated on
After the fence is the main prison wall that encircles the G ramercy Island. After that, the public got the point and
compound. These towering super-alloy bulwarks are 50 knows full well to stay away. Ships that are stricken and
feet ( 1 5.2 m) tall and 1 5 feet (4.6 m) thick. A ten foot drifting toward the island can broadcast a special emer
square (3 m) section of the wall has 1 ,000 S.D.C. G iven gency code that will delay any firing, but will cause the
how thick the wall is, one would basically have to inflict prison patrol vessels to intercept and bring the vehicle
2,000 S.D.C. to a single wall section to punch or blast back to the mainland.
through. Those with super abilities or high-tech weapons One final note: The range of the motion trackers and
might do so more quickly and easily, but are still likely to sensors on the guard towers are wide enough to overlap
take a minute or more unless a true powerhouse. with those from adjacent towers on either side. For one to
approach a wall undetected , high-tech gadgetry, super
Guard Towers powers, magic, o r some other u nusual method must be
There is one guard tower for every 1 ,000 feet (305 m) employed.
of outer wall. These towers stand 20 feet (6. 1 m) high from
the top of the outer wall , and basically consist of a 20 foot
XM-1 34 M i n igu n
by 20 foot (6. 1 m by 6 . 1 m) square pillar with a reinforced Range: 2,500 feet (762 m).
bunker and watch area on top. Again , any g iven 1 0 foot Damage: 5D6 per round.
square (3 m) section of a tower has 1 ,000 S.D.C. To com Rate of Fire : Long and full melee bu rsts only. This
pletely smash through a tower's support column, one weapon's rate of fire is so fast that a long bu rst cou nts
would have to inflict 2,000 S . D . C . , but thanks to the law of as only two attacks and a full melee bu rst counts as
gravity, a tower will tilt and collapse after its support col only two attacks.
umn sustains only 1 ,000 S. D.C. Payload: 4,000 rounds, enough for 8 long bu rsts, or four
On top of each tower are two guards, one manning a full melee bursts. Each tower station carries two 4,000
machinegun and another to feed ammo, operate a search round reloads. Reloading the MX-1 34 takes a full melee
light and to serve as a backup. Each guard wears a round.
mUlti-optics helmet with a built-in communicator to stay in
constant radio contact with their superiors. The g uards G500-H igh-Powered Searchlight
routinely sweep the 1 80 degree area in front of their tower Each tower carries a powerful searchlight capable of il
with their searchlight, but this is really more for show than luminating the area out to 500 feet (1 52 m). The search
anything else since the towers have automated motion de lig ht has only 30 S.D.C. and can be operated by the
tectors and infrared scanners active at all times. Any mov second guard or placed on automated response.
ing object over five pounds (2.3 kg) that comes within
1 ,000 feet (305 m) of a guard tower will automatically reg The Airlock
ister on the motion trackers. This will alert the guards and I nmates and visitors typically come to G ramercy Island
automatically cause the searchlight to sweep the area. by air, landing on the large armored landing pad known as
Since there are a fair number of seabirds who visit the is The Airlock. Once aircraft land on this unusual structure, it
land, these sensor arrays do not automatically raise a hydraulically lowers into the bedrock of the island, and a
general facility alert (since the prison wou ld constantly be super-alloy blast door closes over the top of it. The landing
having false alarms) . That is why there are human g uards pad comes to rest on the floor of the prison's underg round
manning the towers - to respond to any genuine threats. aircraft hangar, sealed within the prison p roper. Only then
The weapon mounted on every guard tower is an are p risoners o rdered to disembark and fall in line to the
XM- 1 34 Minigun, a 5.56 mm electric gatling g u n capable processing areas where they will be admitted to the
of throwing tremendous amounts of firepower. Their ex prison, issued their clothes, given verbal instructions, a
tremely high rate of fire and sheer lethality make charging book of rules, a rudimentary medical exam, a work assign
the wall a suicide run for most intruders. Likewise, these ment, and sent off to their cell via underg round passage
guns are a constant threat to anybody trying to bash ways that link up to the basement entrances of the various
through the outer walls. cell block buildings.
As one might guess, these towers are geared mainly Like the outer walls, the Airlock blast door is made of a
for repelling an assault of the island, rather than g u nning super-alloy that has 800 S.D.C. for every ten foot square
down escapees o r rioters. The threat from superhu man (3 m). The blast door and the landing pad are both 500
villains trying to invade the prison to break out their part square feet ( 1 52 sq. M) section across; the blast doors are
ners is a constant worry. Consequently, the g uards take 1 0 feet (3 m) thick. It takes a full minute for the blast doors
no chances with intruders. Any boat, aircraft, or swimmer to open o r close.
(unlikely as that may be) gets one verbal warning over the The Airlock maintains a squad of eight guards at all
tower bull horns to turn back. If that warning goes un times, who admit aircraft, clear them for departu re , and
heeded , the towers open fire, shooting to kill. Over the last monitor the airspace s u rrou nding the island out to a 20
year, a private yacht filled with drunken college students mile (32 km) rad i us. This range brings much of Centu ry
was sunk when it tried to land on the island. Although Station within view, something the prison radar operators
there was a considerable uproar from the parents of the must be careful to watch. Century Station has a g reat deal
slain students, the prison's spin doctors managed to make of its own air traffic, any of which might suddenly veer off
The Ai rlock T.... ,.MIfI-,. '-d directly to Note: With the exception of the occasional visiting dig
tlielr conwpandlng cell blOck.
nitary or aquatic superbeing, the Dock Station does NOT
accept visitors. It is a defense and security outpost.
Visiting Centers
Most of the prisoners on G ramercy Island have some
kind of visitation rights. Since visitors can bring in d rugs,
weapons, or tools for escape, all visits are rigorously
structu red and regu lated. Most visitation is done in the
main visitors' center, a centrally located building made
of reinforced concrete (400 S . D.C. per ten foot square/3
m section). The visitors' center is under complete video
surveillance (even the lavatories) , and any visitor must
sign a waiver before entering, agreeing to completely sur
render his or her right to privacy while in the building. Visi
tors pass through a metal detector and X-Ray machine, as
well as subjected to a body search i n which they are
frisked for weapons or other contraband. Body cavity
searches are specifically prohibited, unless a visitor is
OPS CENTER AIRLOCKS PROCESSING caught passing contraband to a p risoner. The inmates are
All prleon tacH".. and ....nd dete_ ani CENTERS likewise subject to a full body search after each visitation
coordi nated "nI. 1II 1e o� center Ie the
c:entnll nervOU8 system 0' Qnlmerc:y leland. to make sure they do not have anything smuggled to
them. Theoretically, this procedu re screens out all contra
1 500 feet ___ ..�
_ band, but the truth is there are enoug h corrupt guards on
(457.5 m) the staff that some contraband manages to get throug h .
62.5 feel
C- - (1 9 m) Items and delivered packages containing food, money
or other presents are submitted to a facility quartermaster
and begin an u nauthorized approach to the island. U nless who searches the stuff for contraband and then has it de
one is using some kind of stealth technology, approaching l ivered directly to the prisoner after the visit.
the prison by air u ndetected is a long shot at best. In standard visitation, the i nmate and his visitor sit at a
The Airlock staff are backed up by an additional l ittle two-person booth, separated by a pane of transparent
eight-man g uard squad whenever visitors are landing or
preparing for takeoff. For handling the transfer of espe
Cially dangerous inmates, I ntervention Squad units might
be deployed, as well as Argonaut assault robots and other Visito rs ' The VC Is a geodealc dome enclosing 1 2
family vlalt a partments (each encloeed b y a
wall and airlock) and a main visitation area
facility hardware.
Center where Inma... may receive visitors for up to
one hour. During such meetl ngs. lnm ....
Docking Station alt on the opposite aide of a transparent
alee l parUtlon and talk
On the southern end of the island is a single docking to their vlaltors via
telephone. All
area where the prison's fleet of patrol boats and semi-sub vlaltor contect
mersibles are housed. All craft are wet docked i n enclosed la conatanUy
mo nitored.
docking areas, but can be stored dry if need be. The dock
facility is a freestanding structu re with a staff similar to that
of the ai rlock: Eight guards for running the harbor and
monitoring the su rrou nding 20 miles (32 km) via sonar.
Another eight guards are on hand when visitors arrive or
leave the island. There are also another two guard towers
pOSitioned here, one on either side of the harbor entrance,
where they can intercept hostile inbound vessels. The only INNER
action they have seen, however, was one time when a tor WALL
pedo was fired at the harbor from far, far away. The culprit
escaped unidentified, but the torpedo was destroyed by DOME
the harbor guns before it could damage any of the vessels WALL
stationed there. SECUArrY ..____ ��-=-==a__--
Aqua-survival courses take place here for the prison
staff each year. These classes teach the g uards how to ...
.... 1 500 feet
handle the rough surf around the island , and how to res
(457.5 m)
cue or retrieve people swimming in it. Those who pass the
cou rse receive a one-ti me bonus to their Swimming and - 62.5 feet
C - (1 9 m)
Advanced Swimming/SCUBA skills.
super-alloy (320 S.D.C.). They communicate through tele busted back into prison shortly after they hit the streets.
phones that are hooked u p to each other. All conversa To battle this, the p rison has established a few colleges of
tions on these phones are monitored and recorded; any its own - industrial centers where in mates all go to learn
mention of escape, contraband, smuggling or any other il and practice a trade that could actually tu rn into a decent
legal activity will resu lt in swift and severe disciplinary ac job on the outside. Most prisons make their i nmates work,
tion against the inmate. Usually, that entails no visitation but it is always in some kind of low-tech , menial job such
at all for 1 06 months, and even 1 04 weeks in administra as industrial laundry, swabbing the floors, or working a
tive seg regation (solitary confinement) . During standard 1 930s era metal shop. A con who does this for 1 0 years is
visitation, guards are p resent on either side of the pane, just unskilled and unhappy with his lot i n life as ever be
ready to spring at a moment's notice if it appears that any fore . Thus he turns to his criminal training to fall back on.
thing fishy is going on. Even those who have genuinely reformed find the allure of
P risoners who have displayed u ncommonly good be their past criminal lives hard to resist.
havior are sometimes g ranted familial visits, in which case That is why the industry centers of G ramercy island
they are given the use of a small apartment for six, 1 2 or specialize in modern, marketable trades that might actu
24 hours, where they can receive friends and family. ally give ex-cons a shot at the honest life once they leave
These apartments are not monitored and are perhaps the the Island. Opponents of these programs say they are just
only place on the entire island where inmates can get any a waste of time. Those who go to G ramercy Island are the
momentary privacy. Familial visits might seem like an inor baddest of the bad, hardcore crooks too far gone to re
dinate risk, but the truth is that the only prisoners g ranted form, even if g iven the skills for an ace job on the outside.
them are those who have been playing ball all along and Those who support the program point out that those in
are really unlikely to pull any monkey business. Typically mates who seriously participate in it have a much higher
these are model inmates and those so close to getting pa chance of going straight than those who do not. Con
roled that the very thought of doing anything to screw that sidering how overcrowded the prison is already, any effort
up is bone-chilling. Consequently, familial visitor apart that keeps prisoners from returning is a worthy one. The
ments have never once been involved in an escape at tiny percentage (S%) who have genuinely reformed and
tempt or any other kind of nefarious business. In all , there stayed on the straight and narrow frequently speak out on
are ten familial visitor apartments. Each is constructed out behalf of such programs.
of reinforced concrete {400 S.D.C. per 1 0 foot square (3 Secu rity at the fou r basic industry centers must be es
m) section), and has been decorated a bit to make it look pecially tight, since there are tools, equipment and hazard
like a home or hotel room, not a cell or a sterile visitation ous circu mstances that could make it easier for prisoners
area. to h u rt each other, attack a guard , effect an escape, build
a weapon or acqu i re contraband. All prisoners are re-
Industry Training Centers
Although G ramercy Island is primarily meant to punish
its inmates, the facility is not completely without mercy or
understanding. That is why prisoners are given some kind
Evidence 1 6 fL
C = (4.9 m)
of job training d u ring their time inside. Depot
The philosophy of the Centu ry Station P rison Authority
is that poverty is the root of most criminal actions. Those Each _. a_
too poor to afford even basic necessities live i n a world ....... ...... .,
_1IICIIt 1an, .uch _
where they are surrounded by things beyond their reach. r--cIa, retlna
Decent food, nice clothes, entertainment, a reliable vehi _na and volceprlnl
analyala. Tha anl ...
cle, a respectable home, and so on. living under that kind dapol la u_ 'IN1
mull-OpllC vkllo
of g rinding frustration all of one's life takes its toll, and it aurvellIa_ In the
__ of a aacurlly
causes certain individuals to crack. Those who do often ANY
resort to crime as a means to better their life, or violence POWER
WHERE In the p-Iaon,
the dapol llli ly lack.
as a means to release their pent u p rage. Maybe they ARMOR dOwn and can only ba
unlackad bJ -
steal what they can not buy. Or maybe they retreat into Hark...
quired to work in one of these fou r areas for the course of factu ring center, from simple small knives, shanks and ice
their sentence. The inmates get to choose which one they picks to larger and more dangerous items. Note: Anybody
get into, and are paid minimum wage for their toi l . This caught trying to build a zip-, nail- or any type of gun is se
money goes into a prison accou nt that can be used to buy verely punished and permanently loses work privileges in
lUxury items at the prison commissary (such as cigarettes, the manufacturing center as well as any days deducted
candy bars, magazines, etc.) or they can direct deposit the from his sentence for partiCipating in the work prog ram.
money into a savings account to support a family on the G ramercy Island Nai lgun
outside or build a nest egg for when they get out. Sadly,
This i s like a standard nail g u n used for construction ,
the majority of cons spend their money in stir.
except it fires larger nails at g reater velocity (it is effec
Each industry center has a staff of around 1 00 instruc tively a g u n not a construction tool). These weapons are
tors plus foremen and guards who supervise the p rison best known for their fully automatic firing capabilities and
ers' work, just as if they were in a job on the outside. for breaking down into six easy to smuggle components.
Those who perform well (Le. , take pride in their work, put
Range: 1 00 feet (30.5 m).
forth an honest effort, don't give any attitude) receive one
day off their sentence for every week worked. Those who Damage: 206 S . D . C .lHit Points per nail.
slack off or cause trouble are usually pulled off of work Rate of Fire: Single shot or short burst firing.
duty and placed in administrative seg regation . New in Payload: 50, 1 00 or 200 rounds.
mates u ndergo a six week training period in which they Bonuses: +1 to strike when burst firing only.
learn the basic foundation of their new trade. After that,
they go to work for eight hou rs a day, five days a week. Zip-G u n
A simple homemade g u n that typically fires one o r two
General Manufacturing projectiles; anything from bullets (bought or smuggled),
The first industry center specializes in general manu nails o r metal slugs. Range is typically short for this crude
facturing, and is a highly automated production center ca gun and best for shooting at very close range (20 feetl6 m
pable of churning out a wide variety of goods, from license or closer) .
plates to prefab furniture to machine parts. The prisoners Effective Range: 2 0 feet ( 6 m) ; maximum range: 6 0 feet
working here learn how to manage industrial automation, ( 1 8.3 m).
drill presses and similar "machine shop" operations - all Damage: 406.
skills in good demand in Centu ry Station and other large
Rate of Fire: Single shot.
U .S. cities. This is probably the most popu lar of the indus
try centers, since it is the kind of job anybody can pick u p Payload: One or two rou nds.
fairly easily, a n d is considered t h e least mentally taxing. Penalties: -1 to strike. When trying to hit a target more
Industrial accidents are a little more common than usual , than 20 feet (6 m) away, add another -2 to strike for
however, because the prisoners often overlook basic pre each 1 0 feet (3 m) of distance.
cautions and will even disable safety interlocks on their Homemade Knives & Bludgeons
machinery because they get in the way. A small percent These are crude knives and ice pick style constructs.
age of prisoners will deliberately maim themselves here to
Damage: 1 04 for small knives and ice picks, 1 06 for
get permanent disability benefits from the prison - a loop
larger blades.
hole ride in which one gets full work credit but no longer
has to do anything. These "one handers," as they are Note: Homemade black jacks and pieces of pipe may
called , are considered to be untrustworthy slackers by the also be used as a simple bludgeon/club and do 1 04, 1 06
rest of the work crews in this center. A surprisingly small or 204 damage depending on size. In both cases, the
number of prisoners suffer an "accident" as an act of re smaller and easier to conceal , the better.
Although weapons manufacturing is a risk here, tight Computer & Robotics Center
supervision and control over raw materials prevents it - The second industry center is dedicated to computer
mostly. About a year ago, an enterprising inmate actually and robotics hardware work. Centu ry Station has an ad
constructed a super-nail g u n , smuggled the parts to his vanced hig h-tech sector that builds and extensively uses
cell, assembled it, and used it to assassinate three guards robots, cybernetics, and other cutting edge electronics and
before he was killed himself. Since then, making nail guns machinery. This has created a boom market for those able
has become part of the u nderg round education of this in to build, service and repair such equ ipment. It is the hope
dustry center, and the prison administration fears that at of this industry center that the training it provides will give
any given time, there might be eight to ten of these lethal inmates skills that are in real demand . For those willing to
devices among the inmate population . These guns are not go the d istance, a paycheck working cybernetic repair is
j ust on the inside, either. Over in Victory City, a new hard double or triple what most career criminals can ever
ware-toting villain calling himself Tenpenny used a dream to pull down. And , it's clean and legal.
super-powered version of a G ramercy Island nailgun to kill The only problem is that there is an even bigger black
two heroes and a cop. Rumor has it that even Fabricators, market for these skills, and it pays top dollar. N umerous
I nc. is working on their own version . I n addition, other "graduates" of this industry center have rotated to the out
homemade weapons have begun to filter out of the manu- side only to become a cyber-mechanic for the u nderworld,
pulling down six fig u res or more a year. On the good side, super-cities.) Another firm hires G ramercy Island ex-cons
a few inmates have taken to this training like ducks to wa to help them build correctional facilities, and more impor
ter, and even invented new applications and even some tantly, to test their designs for weaknesses in secu rity.
equipment from behind bars. Perhaps the most noticeable These "ethical escape artists" are fantastic at finding a
is a micro-servo system invented by former convict weakness in a structu re's security and exploiting it. Law
Kendrick Ngorongoro. This system, when applied to any enforcement is leery about such "professionals," however,
cyborg or robot, can radically increase strength in the since they believe their skills could be tu rned to criminal
arms and legs. In game terms, the Ngorongoro servo sys ends and sabotage all too easily. After all, didn't a g radu
tem essentially allows one to buy strength at half cost, ef ate of this program use his skills to become the
fectively doubling the amount of strength one can buy with Dodgeman, the world's g reatest super-burglar? (Until he
their budget. The only problem is it is a fairly u ntested sys got caught, that is.)
tem and has a 01 -1 0% chance of locking up every time
the servos lift thei r maximum weight. Once locked, the
servos are ruined and they must be replaced! U nfortu
nately, Ngorongoro has disappeared since his parole. Cel l Pod
Sources suspect that he has been taken prisoner by a
criminal mastermind in U ltropolis who is forcing him to de
sign and build an army of experimental super-robots.
Software Development
The third industry center is for software development. I n
today's world, software skills mean b i g bucks, and inmates
are finally beginning to catch on to that. Those who are
able to figure out the nuances of advanced programming
learn how to handle computers like a pro, program in the
most popular language, and wrangle even the most com ACC ESS HALLWAY
plicated networks. Of all the industry programs, this one
has had the best success with getting convicts decent jobs
on the outside. Most of those willing to reform themselves
find a job, stick with it a few years, and then form their own
company. One such success story is Graybar Pro
gramming, a company staffed entirely by G ramercy Island
"graduates." So far, it is doing pretty well, but unbe
knownst to them, their advanced artificial intelligence pro
g ram is about to take on a life of its own. That, and the NOTE: Cell pods typically are "stacked" next 10 each other. Certain
Inmat.. have been known to tap morae code meaaag.. through the
Sector, that mysterious and ultra-covert spy organization , wall 10 the adJacent cell. While moat do this purely for conversation,
is keeping the g roup u nder surveillance for some reason , all kinds of Illegal activity la arranged through this coded tapping
between the cells. The facility etaff have no way 10 atop It, and fear
and it's not because of t h e groups' soon t o b e born digital that lOme Inma... are organizing a maaaive revolt this way.
Buildin g Construction
Finally, the fourth industry center is dedicated to build
The Ce l l B locks
ing and construction. This job program is best su ited to the The p rison is designed to hold approximately 1 0,000 in
many inmates who have no appreciable skills and may not mates, total. There are three main cell blocks which each
even be l iterate. Century Station and many major cities re house 3,300 inmates, and a fourth cell block (the
quire plenty of building power. It provides steady, reason Super-Being Containment Wing) which holds another 1 00.
ably lucrative work, and it is not difficu lt to come by. The However, the th ree main cell blocks are all at or close to
problem is that on the outside, construction is often a ha their maximum capacity. Should the stream of inmates
ven for criminals. In certain communities, for every legiti continues u nabated , as it is almost certain to do, serious
mate business, there is one where the construction overcrowding problems will arise. As any other prison can
industry is p u rely a front for organized crime, whereas in attest to, overcrowding is a very bad thing, leading to in
others, construction fi rms merely work for well-concealed creased violence and secu rity risks.
villain o rganizations. The risk of running afoul of unsavory Each cell block is monitored around the clock from a
elements is high for the newly released ex-con . Such a central control room which is located on the top floor of
temptation to fall back to their criminal ways is powerfu l , each block. Here, guards can monitor every cell and ad
indeed. B u t there are those w h o manage t o take their dress the prisoner's needs and requests. It is from here
training here and use it as a vehicle for a new life. Of the that they can also provide armed response to any d istur
more interesting examples are a construction firm of bances or escape attempts in the block.
ex-cons who specialize in repairing the collateral damage Facility-wide, G ramercy Island has one guard for every
left by super-brawls. (Business is very good in the world's fou r inmates. This provides a pretty serious show of force
and does a lot to keep the inmates in line. Of the roughly away. U nfortu nately, few save more than $20,000. Stil l ,
2,500 guard total on G ramercy Island , around 250 belong t h e opportunity is m u c h better than what most prisoners
to the I ntervention Squad, G ramercy Island's Special elsewhere can expect.
Weapons and Tactics unit. In cases where either conven One day a week, prisoners are let out for an eight hour
tional guards or the I ntervention Squad can not do the job, rec period. They can spend this time either in their cell , in
the prison's Argonauts (robot guards) are called in as the the Alphaville common area, or outside in one of the rec
last line of defense. Only occasionally are other yards. Prisoners may roam freely in the cell block and out
superpowered authorities called upon to squelch trouble at side yards at this time. Although this is when any violence
the prison. or drug transactions are likely to occu r, what prevents a lot
The cells themselves are a u niform six by eight feet of that from happening is the no-tolerance policy of the
( 1 .8 m by 2.4 m) and consisting of one or two bunks, a block. Any infraction of prison rules whatsoever - fight
sink, a toilet, and enough room for each inmate to stow a ing, disrespecting guards, vandalism, obvious drug use,
few personal belongings. That's it. Enjoy you r stay. displaying gang colors, etc . , resu lts in the prisoner's expUl
sion from Alphaville to Bedlam, the next cell block down .
REC YARD���"���e!!��CE�LL�P-:OD:
GAUNTLET: Ten 8')(8' (1 .8X2.4 m)
not only took the lives of forty-three people, but also
caused over $300 million in damage, including the de
Moat murclera, drug deals, eecape attempts two- man cella. Bedlam
struction of a government data bank that held incriminat
and other Illegal activity happens durtng has 2000 cells between ing computer evidence against every major underworld
rae pertoda. Aa an added crowd control Its two fIoor8, but only
measure, all prtsoners must go through
1850 a .. occu....... . The
figu re in the country. Coincidence, or the reason for the ar
this aertea of locked gates when entering or
leaving the rae yarde. The guarde uea them remaining 380 will be son in the first place?
as checkpoints to aaarc h for contraband
uaed for ad sag until
and to qa.tIon ausplcloua characl8r8. they are permanenlly
T he Cage
Bedlam Cell Block C, better known as ''The Cage," is G ramer
Cel l Block B , also known as "Bedlam," is G ramercy I s cy Island's "supermax" facility. The 3300 p risoners here fill
land's medium-security facility. The block is at 82 .5% ca 94% of the wing's 3500 one-man isolation cells, and rep
pacity, with 3300 prisoners distributed between 1 650 of resent the very worst non-powered criminals the facility
the block's 2000 two-man cells. has to offer. The inmates here have either committed a
Bedlam is for prisoners who either washed out of felony while in prison, or were convicted of crimes so hei
Alphaville or who don't q u ite merit the supermax secu rity nous the inmate had to be separated from other prisoners
measu res of The Cage (detailed next) . P risoners here are for his own safety. This may include criminal masterminds,
locked down in their cells 20 hours a day (all meals are thrill killers, gang leaders, serial killers and those who rou
in-cell), with a fou r-hour rec shift per day. During this time, tinely instigate riots or hurt and murder other inmates.
prisoners may pass freely from cell to cell , the cell block Snitches may also get a ride in The Cage, since the mo
common area, or the rec yard outside. Violence, espe ment they mingle with other inmates their life is placed in
cially gang violence and contract killings, is endemic here, jeopardy. The Cage also houses prisoners with chronic
as is d rug trafficking and consumption . Those who are disciplinary problems who have been deemed too incendi
caug ht committing a crime are busted down to The Cage, ary to mix in with other prisoners or who have tried more
but most often, nobody gets caught for their dirty deeds. than two escape attempts.
Part of it is because the guards in Bedlam inevitably be Residents of the Cage live under 24 hou r lockdown .
come hardened, and ignore minor trouble (like drug use) , They have no TV privileges in their cell, and aside from
or a little corrupt. With so much drug money and syndicate their contact with the guards, have no interaction with the
influence among the prisoners, the average g uard can not outside world. They have no visitation privileges whatso
help but look the other way once in a while. As a result, ever, and for only one hou r a week, they are let out of their
there is an intricate economy of favors between the in cells for some exercise in a slightly larger cell with a tiny
mates of Bedlam and their g uards, who often have things window made of strong, transparent material.
the others want. For the g uards that is usually hush
Since the prisoners here have no interaction with each David Scarsdale (Anarchist) is a corrupt cop who got
other. most guard duty consists of shuttling food. reading busted in an I nternal Affai rs drug sting. Since cops don't
material. and other such services to and from prison cells. go over too well in lockup. it was only a matter of time be
P risoner transfers are the most dangerous times here. fore some guys paid Scarsdale a little visit. Only instead of
since that is when a prisoner has a chance at escape or Scarsdale buying a shank. he killed the three cons who
strike out. Most of the time. however. these hardcases came looking to turn him over! Scarsdale will now spend
simply use the opportunity to h u rt a guard for the sheer the rest of his 20 year sentence in The Cage unless he
fun of it. To thei r way of thinking. why not? What's the can convince a Federal p rosecutor that he really does
worst that can happen to them? have important racketeering information on Anton Scalia.
international criminal kingpin, and that he will talk if his
own sentence is commuted .
The Cage Olson Lancaster, a British national who actively col
NOTE: The Cage Is a 8011d atructUl8. BeIng a eupennax facility. It has laborated with the Nazis d u ring World War II and actually
no rec yarde. no visitation cente ... . no common a ...... no Industry performed staff d uties at a death camp. He has been on
bulldlnge. It Is a warehouse for storing hardcore criminals. the run from Israeli payback agents ever since the end of
the war, and just recently felt they were closing in on him.
NOTE : All food I n desperation. he shot a cop in the face just so he could
pntP. laundry and
other I8rVIcea get sent to The Cage. the one place where he felt nobody
a1'8 handled by could get to him. At 92 years old, Lancaster is the oldest
facility staff
elaewhare inmate cu rrently doing time in the U . S . penal system.
the laland
and later H ideki Matahachi . leader of the Tokyo Dragons. per
Importad haps the largest and most well organized gang in Bedlam.
to the
Cage. Matahachi's gang moves entire kilos of heroin and co
caine throughout the prison as well as engage in other
acts of smuggling. extortion and bullying. They enforce
their will upon other prisoners through violence, and en
gage in murder when Matahachi deems it necessary. How
these guys have this much pull in what should be the
hardest prison in America is a statement that no matter
how tough prisons get, prison gangs always find a way to
su rvive and even prosper.
S u per- Be i n g Co nta i n ment Wi n g
By Bill Coffin & Kevin Siembieda
This specially designed portion of the facility is meant vailing attitude is that "if you can't do the time, don't do the
for detaining inmates with bona fide super abilities. The crime."
cu rrent 1 00 superhuman inmates here are kept in Almost all of the superbeings confined here have had
super-maximum secu rity conditions, living under perma their civil rights trampled in some way, shape or form. To
nent lockdown, except they have the added condition of the prison administrators, the high risk these prisoners
living with whatever power restraints were placed on them. pose justifies the questionable methods used to keep
The unique ju risdiction of G ramercy Island g rants the Con them under control. So far, no SBCW inmate has filed suit
tainment Wing the right to essentially use its inmates as against the prison for mistreatment (probably because
guinea pigs for power-dampening devices, neutralizers they have no mail , telephone or visitation privileges, and
and other methods of "control and containment," from return to a life of crime the moment they get sprung). One
drugs and hypnosis to suspended animation and others. day, however, word will get out, and the SBCW will have
Many of the means used to neutralize super powers are to d rastical ly change how it operates. It might not be as
cruel, unusual , or just plain illegal. This does not, however, secure anymore, but it will at least be a little more hu
stop the Wing from using them. Since no visitors outside mane.
the prison authority are admitted to the Wing, and since The SBCW is currently at near full capacity with 1 00 in
the inmates have no way of complaining , the Wing techni mates (there's only room for another 20) . Construction is
cians can pretty much do as they please. Even if the in underway to triple the size of this cell block, but u ntil then ,
mates did air thei r g rievances to the public, who would the prison simply can not accept any more prisoners un
care? The people of Centu ry Station are so sick and tired less it is a dire emergency or criminals from Centu ry Sta
of supercrime that many of them have hardened their tion. To double up on cells in this wing presents an
hearts towards anybody sent to G ramercy Island. The pre- extreme security gamble.
Security on the SBCW is extremely tight. Armed guards implants show vital physiological statistics, including respi
are present at every corner. Each cell is u nder complete ration, heart rate/pulse, blood pressure, stress levels, pain
arou nd the clock surveillance. The labs where power re tolerance, and i rreg ularities that can indicate if a prisoner
straint technology is developed, as well as the depot is becoming dangerously agitated (and therefore aggres
where supervillain equ ipment and hardware is stored, is a sive or readying himself for an attack) or gearing up to use
vault u nder equally tight security measu res. a super ability. This information can help guards nip prob
Some may argue that storing inmates' special gadgets, lems in the bud, and anticipate attacks and the use of su
weapons and equ ipment on the Island compromises secu perpowers. This is used on most superhu man prisoners.
rity, but it does not pose a special risk. For a prisoner to
break free from his cell, battle out of the Containment
Bionic Minimalization
Wing, make it over to the separate Containment Wing De Rather than completely dismantle cyborg prisoners (al
velopment building and g rab thei r hardware is crazy. It thoug h this an option to consider for the most dangerous),
would be much easier for the character to just overpower a series of simple modifications can reduce the strength ,
a guard and use his high-tech weaponry for murder and quickness and power of most bionic limbs. Th us, cyborg
mayhem. Besides, in the six years that the Island has prisoners u ndergo mechanical su rgery to have their bionic
been in operation, no such scenario has unfolded (of P . S . , P . P . , and Speed reduced to an attribute rating of
course, there is a fi rst time for everything). Moreover, the only 5 or 6. Of cou rse, all weapon systems, tools, and
prison authorities argue, there is no place in Centu ry Sta special optics are disconnected as well. P rison g uards of
tion better equipped to store experimental and high-pow ten mock these one time powerhouses by calling them
ered technology than the G ramercy Island Penitentiary. "kittens" or their "cyber-kittens." Being reduced in power
The Containment Wing cu rrently utilizes over a dozen means most cyber-criminals can be placed in Cell Block B
different kinds of standard power-neutralizing methods. or C (never A where they have access to machines and
Magic based prisoners may have additional special re electronics) . Costs typically ru n from $ 1 00,000-$500,000
straints placed on them or other means of magical con
tainment by other magic-using heroes working with the B rainlocks
prison. This technique neutralizes psychic powers. Basically, it
requires a small surgical procedu re in which a tiny CPU is
Su per-Bei ng inserted into the prisoner's skull and placed at a critical
j unctu re in the brain where psychic energy is reg ulated.
Conta i n ment Wi ng With this CPU in place, one's psychic powers can not be
(easily) activated. The "Brainlock" redi rects the brain
CELL P OD: waves ordinarily used to activate and d i rect psychic abil
Each pod haa ities and channels them evenly throughout the rest of the
� four cells. The higher brain functions, particularly those used to cope with
&II �
SBCW has 1 00
cel 1s total. frustration and acceptance of authority. Consequently, not
II 11 11 _ only does it effectively prevent the use of psionic powers,
but it serves as a calming influence whenever the psychic
111 11 111 11 111 becomes agitated. Powerful psychics can sometimes still
manage to access and use a psionic power. However, the
11 11 111 11 111 psi-power for one third its usual duration, range and level
of power costs the psychic fou r times the usual amount of
Feedback Rig
ARGONAUT LOCKER: These devices are especially effective on superbeings
TheIle containment areas SECURITY AIRLOCK: All staff, guard!� with the powers of energy expulsion, such as energy
house an entire squad of
there are villains whose powers are intrinsic to their natu re sentence. Sure, society has been protected from this
(such as certain aliens) , who are also immune to power supervillai n , but he has undergone no rehabilitation or suf
dampeners. To constrain such beings, other means must fered retribution! That is why the Containment Wing techs
be used, such as feedback sensors, lowjacking, and the are working on ways to couple suspended animation with
other methods listed in this section. Developing other VR immersion. The d ifficulty is that the inmate's brain ac
means of power containment and negation is where the tivity is so low while in suspended animation that matching
real heart and soul of the Containment Wing lies. U nless a VR program to that has proven nearly impossible. Mean
noted otherwise, these other methods all use the same while, others insist suspended animation is too dangerous
five-unit (collar, wrist bands, leg bands) structure of the (with an estimated 1 7% not su rviving the reawakening
standard power dampener. process) and inhumane (muscles atrophy to some deg ree
and the prisoner is completely removed from the world for
Proximity Stun Collars the d u ration of his sentence) . Some even argue that exe
Neck collars are armed with a potent stun capability cution would be preferable to a life of sleep, which is a sort
that will go off when the inmate strays more than 1 00 feet of living death. Cost is about one million per year.
(30.5 m) from his cell. Bu ried deep within the walls of the
cell are transmitters sending out a special frequency to the Vocal Cord Neutral izer
collar worn by the prisoner. So long as the collar continues
A cybernetic implant that effectively neutralizes the vo
to receive these waves, then it remains inert. Once the cal cords to prevent speaking. The character is effectively
collar goes beyond the range of its transmitters, it stops a mute, able to mouth words but u nable to utter a sound
receivi ng its "do not discharge" command , and it goes off other than a few g ru nts, g roans and whistles. This device
has proven to be 99.9% effective against prisoners who
Damage: 3D6 plus the character must make an unmod cast spell magic or who possess some sort of super ability
ified roll of 1 9 or 20 to save vs stun and temporary paraly that requires vocalization/sound. It can be activated and
sis. Victims of the stunning discharge receive a brief, deactivated by a hand-held control in the possession of a
powerful shock that effectively short-circu its their nervous guard , but is normally tu rned "on" unless the prisoner is
system, rendering them unconscious for 2D6 minutes. required to speak. Cost, including the surgical procedu re,
Even upon awakening the victim is - 1 0 to strike, parry and is $ 1 75,000.
dodge, has no initiative, skill performance is at -60%, and
the victim is as weak as a kitten (reduce the n umber of at VR I m mersion
tacks to one, P.S. and P . P . by half and Spd by 80%) for This is especially useful for robots, cyborgs and other
another 5D6 minutes. mechanical-oriented prisoners. With this approach , the in
Those who manage to save remain conscious but stag mate wears a vi rtual reality headset and bodysu it, and is
gered, weak and h u rting: -6 to strike, parry and dodge, subjected to a preprogrammed vi rtual reality setting for the
has no initiative, and reduce the nu mber of attacks, other d u ration of his sentence. I nmates u ndergoing VR immer
combat bonuses, skill performance, P . S . , P . P . and Spd by sion typically are hooked into a pod where they are fed in
half for 2D6 minutes. Another stu n attack will initiate within travenously and have their life signs monitored at all
1 D4 melee rounds u nless the collar is removed . Requires times. Suspended in a sort of harness, the inmate can ac
a Su perhu man P . S . of 30 or g reater to break and has an tually walk, run , leap, etc . , keeping muscles from atrophy
A.A. Of 1 6 and 50 S . D . C . ing. The VR simulation usually mimics that of ordinary life,
Payload: Two stun blasts, after which t h e collar must be except the inmate has no super powers to speak of. The
replaced with a fully charged one. Recharg ing a spent col idea here is to help "reorient" the character to reject his
lar takes one hour. super abilities and old criminal patterns and accept a nor
Note: Stun collars (there are also stun rods/billy clubs mal life - or at least develop a sense of compassion and
that shock by touch or an energy discharge up to 1 0 feetl3 kinship toward ordinary people to curb homicidal tenan
m away) are cheap too, at only $32,000 each. cies.
If the Containment Wing techs so desired, they could
Suspended Animation prog ram the VR I mmersion to subject the inmate to tortu
For inmates who possess incredible powers of destruc ous punishment, but that has not happened yet. The worst
tion and/or present a severe flight or fight risk, suspended that the inmates must endure is either witnessing (help
animation is the answer. For the d u ration of their sen lessly) or suffering the crimes they have committed visited
tence, the inmate is injected with a glycolate solution that back u pon them at least once a year.
enables the individual's heart rate and metabolic rate to In the alternative, the VR supervisors could create a
slow to that of a hibernating animal. Then the inmate is in setting in which the villain could (seemingly) retain his or
serted into a stasis pod where his lowered life functions her super abilities and live in a fantasy world where the
are regulated and maintained , keeping the inmate in what prisoner continues to run at large, committing crimes and
amounts to a coma. Aside from a catastrophic fail u re of even taking over the entire city. This concept has been re
the stasis pod, this is perhaps the safest way to contain jected because it is believed to fuel homicidal and antiso
the most dangerous superpowered inmate. cial tendencies, exacerbate megalomania and obsessive
Some critics of this technology maintain that the inmate and psychotic behavior, and encourage dangerous delu
is never tru ly punished , but only sleeps th rough his prison sions. Among the most cunning it would also enable the
super-criminal to effectively perform ''test-ru ns'' for criminal hazard pay. Their time off is also fully paid, but at the reg
operations and plots for revenge that could be committed ular rate. Employees on the island live in dormitories not
for real if the villain ever got back to the outside world. unlike the familial visitation apartments within the facility.
Fu rthermore, even in the VR setting, the prisoner will try to The accommodations are sparse but livable. And since
access and use his super abilities whenever he imagines most of the personnel are more than ready to deal with
using them in the virtual world. This could lead to acciden adversity, the less-than-cozy living arrangements are not
tal circumvention of superpower dampeners and a prison much of a bother. Within the facility housing areas are
break. common recreation centers, special commissaries, and
Theoretically, this technology possesses incredible po other small amenities to make life on the island a bit eas
tential for teaching and rehabilitating (reconditioning) in ier. All in all, the personnel quarters resemble a tiny village
mates, but its full potential and impact are u n known . The on this prison island, a curious settlement that the inmates
VR system has only been in service for a few months and like to refer to as "Easy Street."
all the possibilities have yet to be considered , let alone ex
plored . It is the hope that eventually VR immersion can be
used to "cu re" criminal and anti-social tendencies, and
Warden E rnest Harker
perhaps even suppress superpowers, so the individual Warden Hawker is a harsh man with a n open disdain
can return to the outside world as a law-abiding citizen, for superpowered criminals and super-folks in general. His
perhaps with no memory of his/her evil past. cruelty towards prisoners is legendary and he has been
known to throw prisoners into administrative segregation
Note: At first, most inmates placed in Vi rtual Reality Im
for months at a time for inadvertently offending him. The
mersion know they are not in the real world, but after the
Warden's heavy political connections enable him to
fi rst month or two, they stands a 96.4% chance of forget
lengthen or shorten inmates' sentences with ease, some
ting they are living in a computer fantasy simu lation world,
thing he often does according to his personal whims.
and not reality. Each VR I mmersion unit has a four million
Those who rub him the wrong way will mysteriously find
dollar price tag on it with another half million per year to
their time to serve doubled, or their appeals u niversally
denied, while those who please the Warden might find
their parole hearing moved up a few years, or special priv
Warden Harker got his position after years of service as world for an indeterminable length of time: Ernest Harker
a police officer, judge and corrections official. Having been is not Ernest Harker! He is an impostor, an alien android
born into a wealthy family, he passed on an opportunity to that deposed the real Harker some time ago and has
serve in his father's prestigious law frim to become a beat acted as his doppleganger ever since. If somebody were
cop in the worst sections of Centu ry Station. Harker to realize that the person running the prison was an an
served with distinction, even if he did have a few brutality droid from another world , a host of questions would arise.
citations on his record . (He defended h imself as j ust "do Where has this alien android come from, and what pur
ing what had to be done." So what if a few suspects had to pose does it serve? Is it acting of its own accord, or is it
be roughed up?) merely carrying out the plans of its builders? Are Harker'S
After 20 years on the police force, Harker retired and cu rrent political plans the robot's or those of the real Mc
became a judge, serving for another 1 0 years and earning Coy? And what about the true Harker himself? Where is
a fearsome reputation. On the bench, "Hang 'Em Harker" he, what is his condition, and why has he allowed this
became notorious for throwing the book at any criminal impostor to act i n his place? All questions the android will
who came before him, often laying down maximum sen refuse to answer if questioned .
tences or unusual punishments. I n one case, he ordered a I f revealed, t h e machine will try t o escape off-planet
convicted bank robber to pay one dollar per month for the without offering any explanation of itself or its mission. If
next twenty years to every customer and teller he terror captured, the fi rst thing it will do is wipe its own memory to
ized d u ring the heist (on top of the twenty years prison prevent its captors from learning its secrets. Only an Elec
time he had to serve) . Finally, Harker pulled a few political trical Genius or one with machine-manipulating powers
strings and got himself appointed to the Century Station may be able delve into the android's memory (even if
P rison Authority shortly before the Bloody Monday riots. blanked) and learn exactly what it was doing here on
When the new G ramercy Island project was announced , Earth. What those secrets might be is left to the G . M .'s
Harker leapt at the opportunity to run this new prison, and discretion . But let's face it, this robot Harker, whatever it
was granted his wish. He is the only member of the prison is, can not be u p to any good . An alien and roid seeking
staff who lives on the island year round. He keeps in touch public office, swaying the opinions of the masses, seeking
with friends, family and the media by way of computerized even higher status? And why try to sway public opinion
teleconferencing, but lately, he has begu n to make more against superhumans and put into place legislation that
and more trips to the mainland to drum u p support for his will identify and track all paranormal. Whatever it's insidi
upcoming senatorial campaign. ous pu rpose, sounds bad . (Also see Operation Argonauts.
To many people, the thought of this borderline sadist Is there a reason the Warden wants robots to dominate, if
and megalomaniac as a senator is terrifying. To others, not completely ru n the prison? Could he be planning to
however, the idea of "Senator Harker" is comforting. The take over the p rison? To usurp control over the incarcer
Warden has made it plain that he disapproves of all ated criminals or superbeings? To what end?)
superpowered individuals (something that puts him at Warden Harker (android)
odds with his top three co-supervisors of G ramercy Island , Alignment: Aberrant
who would all qualify as superbeings of some kind) and Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 1 5, P.S.: 65 (robotic) ,
has taken a strong anti-crime and anti-superbeing plat P.P.: 1 5, P.E.: 1 5, P.B.: 1 2 , Spd : 1 00
form . If elected , he promises to introduce legislation that Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m) . Weight: 230 Ibs
requ i res superbeings to be Federally registered and moni ( 1 04 kg) .
tored. This would apply to heroes as well as villains. To
Experience Level : 1 0
the segment of the public frightened by superbeings,
Harker is hero. He represents "little people" standing up S.D.C. : 1 000
and making sure that "super-freaks" will never enslave or A.R. : 1 7
destroy them. To superheroes and ordinary people with Power Category: Alien Android.
abnormal and extraordinary abilities or talents they keep Power Supply: Micro-Fusion.
secret, Harker and his supporters are a dark omen of what
American society might become. Sure, policing Legs: Normal H u manoid (Speed: 1 00; roughly 72
superbeings may sound like a good idea, but where would mph/1 1 5 km).
it all end? What if ordinary people with above-average Propulsion Systems: Fully retractable jump jets (500
abilities are targeted next? What if critics of the Harker feetl1 52 m up and 600 feetl1 83 m out) and jet pack (top
agenda are u nconstitutionally silenced? What if the man speed: 300 mph/480 km) . The propulsion vents for
takes the freedoms this society was based on and tram these raise out of the android's back, arms and legs,
ples them in the name of public safety and societal stabil and retract fully when not in use.
ity? All questions that have no easy answers. Questions Arms & Hands: Basic hu manoid ( P . S . : 65) .
that look to a futu re that might al ready be in the making. A Audio Systems: Advanced audio system, bug detector,
futu re where law and tyranny might well become the same loudspeaker, modulating voice synthesizer, sound anal
thing. ysis computer, and inaudible frequency transmission.
The truth about Warden Harker, however, is even more Optics: Advanced robot optic system , thermo-imager,
distu rbing than his political aspirations. It is a secret that telescopic vision, video receiver and transmitter, and la
only he knows, something he has kept hidden from the
ser targeting system.
Sensors: Combat computer, motion detector and warning
system, micro-radar, radar detector, and radiation de
Eye Ion Blasters (2): Damage: 3D6 each , 6D6 for a si
multaneous strike (cou nts as one action). Rate of Fire:
Each shot counts as one melee attack. Range: 200 feet
(61 m). Payload: 20 shots per hour.
Retractable Wrist B lasters (2): Damage: 3D6 each, or
6D6 per simultaneous strike (counts as one attack) .
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one attack. Range:
660 feet (201 m). Payload: Effectively unlimited. Bo
nuses: +1 to strike.
Retractable Blades (2): Damage: 3D6+50 per hand. Can
be used as paired weapons.
Pilot-Oriented Systems: U nderwater capabilities, radia
tion shielding.
M iscellaneous: Locking jOints, self-destruct system
(Damage: 3D6x1 00. Blast Radius: 40 feetl1 2.2 m), arti
ficial blood system, realistic skin overlay, real body hai r,
realistic eyes, sculpted facial features, and minor body
characteristics. It has every one of Warden Harker's
birthmarks, scars, etc . , and the outer skin seems real;
warm to the touch and even bleeds real blood - Ernest
Harker's blood ! ) . Jack Li ng,
Combat Training: Hand t o Hand: Assassin.
Number of Attacks: 7
Ch ief of Secu rity
For the last twelve years, Special Agent Jack Ling has
Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +6 to strike, +5 to parry and
been in the employ of The Sector, an u ltra-powerfu l, ul
dodge, +5 to pull punch, +54 to damage, +3 to disarm,
tra-secret spy organization that was fou nded by the United
+3 to roll with impact.
States, but seemingly answers to no one. For years, no
Other Combat Info: Body fliplthrow, death blow (if de body even knew The Sector existed u ntil a blown opera
sired ; must announce intention) , karate kick: 2D4+50, tion in Paris a few years ago destroyed their invisibility.
crescent kick: 2D4+54, rou ndhouse kick: 3D6+60, criti Forced by Congress to tone down their operations, The
cal strike: 1 8-20, and paired weapons (all). Sector made a public law enforcement branch (Sector 1 0)
Education Level and Skills: Advanced AI (Artificial I ntel to partially atone for their wrongdoings. I n Centu ry Station ,
ligence) . Sector 1 0, a subset of the larger organization, works
Basic Skills: Basic and Advanced Math (98%) , closely with C H I M ERA (Citywide Highly Integrated Metro
Speak/Literacy: English (98%) , Speak/Literacy: Span politan Emergency Response Agency) , the administrative
ish (98%) , Biology (50%) . body that organizes all law enforcement efforts in the city.
Investigative P rogram: Criminal Science/Forensics Agent Ling was born in Taipei , China, but his family
(88%), Computer Operation (92%) , I ntelligence (86%) , came to the U . S . shortly after the Tiananmen Square mas
I nterrogation (80%) , Photog raphy (88% ) , S u rveillance sacre. Already fluent in English, Ling joined the Centu ry
Systems (82%) , Research (88%) , Cryptog raphy (80%) , Station police department and very quickly made a name
Laser (Communications) (80%) , Radio: Basic (80%) , for himself as an exceptional operator. He caught the at
Radio: Scramblers (80%), and T.V.Nideo (80%) . tention of The Sector, who recruited him away from the
Social Science P rogram: Anthropology (80%) , Law: CSPD, trained him as a secret agent, and put him to work
General (88%) , Speak/Literacy: Russian (80%), Speak: in black operations across the globe. When Sector 1 0 was
Chinese (80%) , Speak: Japanese (80%) , Speak/liter formed, Ling retu rned stateside to be a part of it. He
acy: French (80%), Computer Programming (80%) , and served with The Sector Squad (a team of Sector 1 0 super
Computer Hacking (80%). human operatives) briefly before he was tapped to head
Money: Harker (the android) has over $3 million in h is secu rity efforts for the new G ramercy Island Penitentiary.
Ling has served on the island ever since it opened. His in
various accounts. Considering his annual salary is only
telligence, abilities and extraordinary eye for detail have
$1 00,000, it seems that the Warden has some extracu r
kept the prison safe and secu re u nder his watch . He runs
ricular fund-raising going on. Wonder what it could be?
the prison very much like a military facility and he holds all
Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: None. personnel to exacting standards. He is cu rrently focused
on rooting out corruption among his g uards and fig u ring
out ways of preventing it from reappearing.
Meanwhile, Ling g rates under the constant snobbery he Secondary Skills: Body Building, Wrestling,
receives from Warden Harker, who Ling sees as nothing Swimming (82%), Computer Operation (72%) , Com
more than a temperamental fig u rehead. The two have puter P rogramming (62%) , Research (82%) , Law (Gen
never gotten along, especially since Warden Harker has eral) (57%) , Basic Mechanics (62%), Automotive
ordered the integration of a new line of security robots, the Mechanics (57%) , Basic Electronics (62%)
Argonauts (described later in this section) to slowly phase Money: Ling makes $1 00,000 annually, and spends it
out h u man guards. Security Chief Ling is convinced there very prudently. He has a large family in Taiwan, to
is something not qu ite right about the Warden , but he can whom he sends nearly one third of every paycheck. He
not put his finger on it. Ling has conferred with both of his lives off the other third , and he saves the rest.
"lieutenants," Ardent McGee and Tom Rickles, and they
Weapons of Note:
concur that there's something distu rbing about the War
den. Whether he is hiding something or up to no good is XM-1 34 Minigun: Range: 2,500 feet (762 m). Damage:
yet to be seen. 506 per round. Rate of Fire: Long and full melee bu rsts
on ly. This weapon's rate of fire is so fast that a long burst
Chief of G ramercy Security, Jack Li ng counts as only two melee attacks. Payload : 4,000 rounds,
Alignment: P rincipled. Ling is the archetypical "boy enough for 8 long bursts, or fou r full melee bursts. Once
scout." His unflinching dedication to the law and right vs empty, Ling will drop the weapon and go to one of his
wrong has earned him many enemies among the corrupt sidearms. Ling can fire this weapon on his own only be
guards of Gramercy Island and operatives within The Sec cause he wears a suit of Maximillian Combat Armor at all
tor. In fact, he was chosen for the G ramercy assignment times when on duty.
to get him out of their hair. Laser Rifle: Range: 1 ,800 feet (548.6 m). Damage:
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 7, M.E.: 1 7, M.A.: 1 9, P.S.: 24, P.P.: 506. Rate of Fire : Single shot or burst firing. E-Clip Ca
24, P.E.: 24, P.B.: 20, Spd: 25 pacity: 20 shots. Note: This weapon is the standard issue
Age: 32; Sex: Male. for the I ntervention Squad , and comes with an M-203 g re
Height: Six feet, one inch ( 1 .85 m). Weight: 230 Ibs (1 04 nade lau ncher mounted under the barrel.
kg ; all muscle ! ) . M-203 40 mm Grenade Launcher: Range: 1 , 1 50 feet
Experience Level : 7th (350 m). Damage: High explosive: 2D4x1 0. Riot slug:
H it Points: 60; S.D.C.: 1 00. 1 D4x1 0 plus lose initiative and two melee attacks (no blast
radius). Flechette: 1 D6x1 0 (no blast radius, but acts like
Power Category: Special Training (Secret Operative).
buckshot). Tear gas: -6 to strike, parry or dodge. Knockout
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. gas: Roll to save vs. poison or fall asleep for 1 04 minutes.
Number of Attacks: 5 Rate of Fire : Single shot only. Blast Radius: 20 feet (6 m)
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +7 to strike, +8 to parry and for explosive rounds, 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) for gas rou nds.
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +4 to disarm , +2 to pull Beretta Model 92 9mm Automatic Pistol: Range: 1 80
punch, +9 to damage, + 1 8% to save vs coma/death, +5 feet/55 m. Damage: 306. Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst
to save vs magic and poison, +1 to save vs psionic at firing. Payload: 1 5 rou nds.
tack and insanity, trust/intimidate: 55%, and charm/im Vehicles and Other Equipment: Ling has access to
press: 60%. any piece of G ramercy Island hardware at any time. He
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+9, crescent kick: has free run of the place, as well he should.
204+ 1 1 , roundhouse kick: 306+9, tripping/leg hook,
backward sweep, jump kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20,
and paired weapons (all). Ardent McGee,
Education Level and Skills: Secret Operative.
Common & General Skills: Pilot Automobile (98%) , Deputy C h ief of Sec u rity
Pilot MotorcYC le (96%) , Pilot Jet Pack (78%), Basic Ardent McGee is Jack Ling's right-hand man when it
Mathematics (92%) , Speak Chinese (98%) , and Speak comes to running the secu rity operations of the prison.
Russian (98%). Deputy Chief McGee was a member of C-SWAT, Centu ry
Military P rogram: Boxing, Running, Climbing Station's Special Weapons and Tactics u nit, u ntil he lost
(92%/82%) , Military Etiquette (77%), Radio: Basic his arms, legs, and parts of his face to a land mine during
(98%), W. P. Pistol, W.P. Semi- and Automatic Rifles, the Bloody Monday riots a few years ago. The blast put
W.P. Heavy Weapons, and W . P . Energy Pistols, W . P . him into a coma that lasted for nearly a year. When he
Energy Rifles, W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons & Rail came to again , he was a different man.
G u ns.
P rior to Bloody Monday, McGee had an exemplary ser
Espionage: I ntelligence (78%) , Wilderness Su rvival
vice record, an outstanding psych profile, and had signed
(82%), Detect Ambush (77%) , Detect Concealment a medical waiver authorizing the Centu ry Station Police
(72%), Escape Artist (77%) . Department and its affiliates within the Council of I ndustry
Rogue: Find Contraband (72%) , Pick Pockets (77%), to perform any emergency medical services upon him they
Seduction (60%), Streetwise (60%) , Computer Hacking deemed necessary without his specific consent. While
(62%), Palming (72%) , and Pick Locks (62%). McGee was in his coma, Orion Robotics used this waiver
ber and as Deputy Secu rity Chief) precedes him, so most
inmates usually treat him with a mixtu re of fear and re
spect. Those few who try to make trouble with the prison's
resident cyborg usually find they have bitten off far more
than they can chew. With the strength, armor and weap
ons of his cybernetics, as well as extensive combat and
street experience, there is little an inmate can do to rattle
McGee. Usually, all he has to do is fire a hard stare at
rowdy prisoners, who very quickly back-pedal into their
cells, apologizing all the way.
The Deputy Chief is on excellent terms with Chief Ling
and Engineer Tom Rickles. Like them, he knows Warden
Harker is up to no good, but he can not prove it. U ntil he
can, he will take Harker's orders without question, but will
never, ever trust the man.
Deputy Security Chief, Ardent McGee
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 1 8, M.A.: 23, P.S.: 20 (robotic),
P.P.: 1 7, P.E.: 1 7, P.B.: 1 1 , Spd : 1 88 ( 1 30 mph/208 km) .
Height: Six feet, two inches ( 1 . 88 m ) . Weight: 500 Ibs
(225 kg) .
Experience Level: 6th level.
H it Points: 45; S.D.C.: 30
Power Category: Bionics (partial Conversion) .
Legs (2): Speed : 1 88 ( 1 30 mph/208 km)
to "volu nteer" McGee to field test a new series of cyber Arms & Hands (2): P . S . : 1 9, P . P . : 1 9; interchangeable
netic prosthetics. His arms and legs were restored, as was from hu man-like appendages to weapon arms.
his sight, hearing and facial features. When McGee Audio Systems: Amplified hearing, receive wide band ra
awoke, he was amazed to still be alive. He was even more dio transmissions.
astonished to learn that he was now more machine than Optics: I nfrared vision, light beam, macro-eye, macro-eye
h u man. However, being a man of iron wil l , he was able to
laser, micro-video camera eye, multi-system eye
cope with his transformation and embraced his new cyber
socket, night sight, targeting sight, telescopic vision,
netic abilities. However, his biggest su rprise was yet to
thermo-imager, u ltraviolet and polarized sight.
Sensors: Bio-scan, bio-comp monitoring system, clock
D u ring his coma, McGee's wife, children, brothers and
calendar, gyro-compass, internal comp-calculator, mo
sisters were all slain in a brutal night of savage bloodshed.
tion detector, radar, and radiation detector.
Their murders were thoug ht to have been orchestrated by
an organized crime leader named Gunther Grossman who Weapons:
was seeking revenge for McGee's participation in the Multi-Missile Arm Launcher: Damage: 1 D4x1 O. Rate
C-SWAT raid that killed G rossman's oldest son (an en of Fire: Single shot or volleys of 2, 4 or 6. Range: One
forcer in G rossman's criminal empire). When McGee mile ( 1 .6 km). Payload: Six missiles. Note: This modular
learned of the tragedy, it was as if something had hol missile system can replace McGee's entire left forearm
lowed out his insides. He felt cold and lost. Devoid of feel when he needs it. It takes only five minutes for a skilled
ings for anybody. What tu rned him around was the arrest technician to switch out the arms. Normally it takes th ree
and conviction of G u nther G rossman for racketeering and hours, but since McGee must often respond to trouble at a
his being sent to G ramercy Island for life without parole. moment's notice, he had his arms specially designed for
G iven the duty of making sure this monster and others like qu ick-change capability.
him would never h u rt anybody again was a job McGee XM-1 34 Minigun Arm : Range: 2,500 feet (762 m).
took with pride. By upholding the law and working at the Damage: 5 06 per round. Rate of Fire: Long and full melee
prison, he felt he could honor the memory of his loved bu rsts only. Payload: 4,000 rou nds, enough for 8 long
ones. bursts, or fou r full melee bursts. Note: This is another
McGee has worked on the island ever since. He tru ly weapon that replaces McGee's lower left forearm. He pre
loves his job and believes that the prison stands for justice fers it to the missile launcher, and will often patrol the facil
and peace. The Deputy Chief is more "hands-on" with the ity with this weapon installed as a show of force to the
facility than Secu rity Chief Ling , since it is his job to visit inmates.
the cell blocks each day to ensu re things are running Conventional Weapons: As Deputy Chief of Secu rity, he
smoothly. Deputy Chief McGee's reputation as a has access to a variety of sidearms and assau lt weap
hard-nosed enforcer of the law (both as a C-SWAT mem- ons.
Light Body Armor: A . A . : 1 1 , S . D . C . : 1 20. paperwork. They offered him a lucrative but demanding
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert. position as Chief Engineer for the new G ramercy Island in
Number of Attacks: 5 stitution. He j umped at the chance and has since proven
himself to be supremely diligent and capable. Using his Al
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to ter Limbs ability, he frequently shapes his hands into the
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +9 to precise tools he needs. His Mechano-Link gives him an
damage, and has a 75% likelihood of evoking trust or edge in troubleshooting and making quick repairs, and his
fear from those around him. Alter Physical Structure: Electricity power gives him the
Other Combat I nfo: Karate kick: 2 04+4, roundhouse ability to enter machinery and operate it from the inside in
kick: 306+4, tripping/leg hook, and critical strike: 1 8-20. combination with Mechano-Link.
Education Level and Skills: On the Job Training. Although his powers make him the top hardware man
Law Enforcement: Radio: Basic (98%), C riminal Sci on the prison's payroll, he is also the most reviled by War
ence (90%), Law (General) (80%), Streetwise (67%), den Harker who hates all superhu mans. Thus, poor
I ntelligence (79%) , I nterrogation (95%), Detect Ambush Thomas Rickles can not seem to escape his lot in life as a
(85%) , and Tracking (80%) . "mutant freak" to be hated and feared. Su rprisingly, he
Secondary Skills: Athletics (General) , Body Building, manages to keep his gentle, gOOd-natu re and most of the
P rowl (65%), Computer Operation (80%) , First Aid men under his charge respect and like him. Thomas does
(85%), Photog raphy (75%) , Research (90%) , not relish danger, so he tries to avoid as much contact
Swimming (90%) , Running, Recognize Weapon Quality with the prisoners as possible. I n fact, he tends to be a
(65%), T.V. & Video (57%) , Computer Programming something of a loner, keeping to himself and preferring to
(70%), and Writing (65%). be left alone so he can conduct his work in peace and
Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Pistol, W . P . Paired without ridicule or frightened looks. On the other hand, he
Weapons (all). enjoys his increasingly close friendship with Security Chief
Money: McGee makes around $70,000 a year, which is a Ling and Deputy Chief McGee, who are starting to get him
considerable bit more than he pulled down on C-SWAT. to relax a bit and come out of his shell. Their genuine trust
and friendship have shown him that not all people are
Weapons: None aside from his cybersystems. mean-spi rited bigots and that he can find a place in the
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. world.
If there is any one person Chief Rickles hates, it is War
den Harker. As a result, he has been keeping a very close
Tom Rickles, eye on the Warden, documenting every move the man
has made during his stay on the island . Chief Rickles is
Ch ief E n g i neer cu rrently planning on secretly installing several mi
G ramercy Island req u i res o n extensive amount of high cro-cameras in Harker's office as a way to gain some real
technology and automation to ru n. If this equipment is not dirt on him. The Chief is 80% confident that Harker has
kept in top shape, then the prison itself is not in top shape,
and the possibility for escape or trouble arises. That can
not be allowed to happen, which is why the P rison Author
ity h i red a specialist with the skills to keep the prison in top
form and running smoothly, gear by gear. The man for this
job is Thomas Rickles, a mutant uniquely able to handle
any kind of machinery.
Ever since high school, when Tommy's powers first
manifested themselves, he has felt like a freak. Shu nned
(and envied) for his mutant abilities, the lad resented his
powers and prayed they wou ld vanish as suddenly as they
appeared so he could be "normal" again. However, with
time, Tommy learned to cope with his special gifts.
After graduate school, with a degree in advanced elec
tronics, Tom feared his mutant heritage wou ld continue to
plague him. I ndeed, a few enemies at the u niversity made
it a point to make sure ''the freak" couldn't find work. The
message was coming through loud and clear: Go a way,
mutant. Dry up and go away.
Thomas had nearly resigned himself to a life of desti
tute hermitage when he was contacted by members of the
Centu ry Station Prison Authority. They had actually had
their eyes on him for quite some time, except the univer
sity job placement department had "accidentally" lost his
some kind of concealed cybernetics, he can feel it, but place in the cou ntry where he can live in peace (or so
can't prove it. (Of cou rse, Harker is really an alien robot he d reams).
whose unique construction makes him very difficult to de Weapons: None.
tect by conventional Earth equipment. Should Rickles ever Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
realize this, he could use his powers to neutralize the War
den in short order. Whether or not he would actually do
that depends on if he believes the Warden is an alien or
villain plotting something illegal. After all, this is Centu ry
Station, where intelligent robots and cyborgs mingle un
seen among humanity all the time. To Rickles, Harker's
true nature in and of itself wou ld not be as shocking as it
would be to most other people. )
Chief Engineer Thomas Rickles
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 1 4, M.A.: 1 4, P.S.: 1 1 , P.P.:
1 0, P.E.: 1 0, P.B.: 1 3, Spd : 1 1
Height: Five feet, nine inches ( 1 .75 m). Weight: 1 65 Ibs
(75 kg).
Experience Level : 6th level.
H it Points: 35 ; S.D.C.: 40
Power Category: M utant
Unusual Characteristics: Metallic silver-colored hair.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Limbs, Alter Physical Struc-
tu re: Electricity, and Mechano-Link.
Combat Training : None. Rickles discovered early on that
mutants who know how to fight often find themselves in
big trouble.
Number of Attacks: Three attacks or actions per melee
Bonuses: None.
Other Combat Info: Fire electrical ray: 1 D6x1 0, flying
electrical body block: 1 D4x1 o .
Education Level and Skills: Master's Degree.
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (85%) , Basic Me
chanics (85%) , and Robot Electronics (85%) .
Mechanical: Mechanical Engineer (80%), Robot Me
chanics (85%) , and Locksmith (80%) .
Science: Advanced Math (98%) , Chemistry (85%) ,
Chemistry: Analytical (80%), Biology (85%), and Botany
Computer P rogram: Basic Electronics (85%) , Com
puter Operation (85%) , Computer P rogramming (85%) ,
and Computer Repair (80%) .
Secondary: Law (General) (55%) , Swimming (80%) ,
Writing (55%) , Astronomy (55%) , First Aid (75%) , Ra
dio: Basic (75%), Pilot Truck (65%) , Pilot Airplane
(75%), Pilot Motorboat, (85%) , and Pilot Hovercraft
Money: Rickles earns $80,000 a year. He simply has no
idea what to do with all that money, and since he is a
workaholic anyway, he doesn't really ever spend much
of it. His bank account has swelled to over $1 60,000 in
savings already, with no letup in sight. Part of Rickles'
self-imposed spending ban is his belief that a mutant Faci l ity G uards
who is seen throwing around cash is likely to attract un The average secu rity officer o n G ramercy Island is
wanted attention and trouble. The other part is that he roughly equivalent to a Centu ry Station beat cop. These
hopes to retire early and find a nice, quiet, secluded guys are tough, resou rcefu l, and tenacious. Their biggest
problem is getting so hardened by what they have to deal an additional +2 to damage if it is "extended" into an oppo
with every day that they become mean or corrupt. Disillu nent. It adds a +1 bonus to parry.
sionment and apathy are the two things that u ndermine a Point B lank Armor: A . A . : 1 3, S . D . C . : 1 20, Note: This
guard's efficiency, while g reed contributes to succumbing consists of an armored vest, helmet with shatter-resistant
to bribery, smuggling, conspiracy and other forms of cor goggles, knee and elbow guards, padded leggings and
ruption . Those with a less than solid dedication to the law, sleeves, and heavy-duty combat boots.
justice and their work are qu ickest to succumb to g reed ,
cruelty, and crime.
Alignment: 1 5% P rincipled, 24% Scru pulous, 2 1 % U n I ntervention
principled , 20% Anarchist, 1 0% M iscreant, and 1 0% Aber
Sq uad Member
Typical Attributes: tQ.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 1 , M .A.: 9, P .5. : The I ntervention Squad i s the prison's equivalent of a
1 4+1 06, P.P.: 1 2, P.E.: 1 2, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 1 4+ 1 04. Special Weapons and Tactics u nit. These armored g uards
Experience Level : The stats given here are for 1 st level specialize in handling isolated prisoner distu rbances, such
guards, but feel free to adjust them u pwardly for more as brawls, prisoners who refuse to move out of their cells
experienced personnel. A good rule of thumb is to add for a transfer, armed combat, small-scale riots, and so on.
one level of experience for every 3-4 years of guard ex These fellows have no interest in establishing any kind of
perience. relationship with the prisoners - they are simply high-tech
enforcers who are called out to bust some heads and re
H it Points: 20 store order as needed . They are feared universally by the
S.D.C.: 30 inmates both for their invulnerability to prisoner attack and
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic. for their eagerness to use violence u pon any inmate who
Number of Attacks: 4 gets in their way. For most of G ramercy Island's residents,
Bonuses: +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, and +2 to pull the mere mention of the I ntervention Squad is enough to
get people to straighten up and play by the rules, at least
Other Combat Info:
Alignment: Alignment breakdown: 1 4% Principled , 25%
Education Level and Skills: Trade School. Scrupulous, 2 1 % U nprincipled, 1 5% Anarchist, 1 0% Mis
Law Enforcement: Radio: Basic ( 60% ) , Criminal Sci creant, 1 2% Aberrant and 3% Diabolic.
ence ( 50% ) , Law (General) (40% ) , I ntelligence (47% ) ,
About half are decent, duty-bound individuals, while the
Surveillance Systems (45%), and Streetwise (35%) .
other half are less than honorable in their intentions. I nter
Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Automatic Pistol, W . P .
vention squad members are almost never susceptible to
Shotgu n , W . P . Sub-Machinegu n, W.P. Automatic and
corruption, however, so those of selfish or evil alignments
Semiautomatic Rifles, and W . P . Heavy Weapons.
on this force do their work because they enjoy the oppor
Weapons & Armor: When mingling with prisoners in gen tunities it affords them to bully and h u rt other people with
eral population, guards do not carry firearms because impu nity. These bad eggs almost always commit atrocious
they create a secu rity risk if taken away by an inmate. acts of brutality when called into action. Such acts are typ
Billy clubs and pepper spray are discouraged , but not ically brushed under the carpet by the prison administra
prohibited. The bulk of g uards rely on their armor and tion, even if they are looked down u pon by the good half of
physical abilities to restrain u n ruly prisoners. If a riot or the squad.
major disru ption is in the works, then weaponry will be Typical Attributes: tQ.: 1 1 , M.E.: 1 2, M .A.: 9, P .5.:
broken out. Otherwise, this hardware is used when 1 5+1 06, P.P.: 1 4+ 1 06, P.E.: 1 3+1 04, P.B.: 1 0, Spd :
guarding the facility outside of general population ar 1 5+1 06
eas, such as the outer walls and entry ports, or d u ring
Experience Level : The stats given here are for 1 st level
riots and attacks on the prison (break ins).
g uards, but feel free to adjust them u pwardly for more
H&K M P-5 9mm Sub-Machinegun : Range: 660 feet experienced personnel. A good rule of thumb is to add
( 201 m). Damage: 306. Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst one level of experience for every 3-4 years of g uard ex
firing. Payload : 30 rou nds. Note: Has a flashlight mounted perience.
at the end of the foregrip (for illuminating dark shooting
H it Points: 25
zones) and a laser targeting sight which adds + 1 to strike.
Beretta Model 92 9mm Automatic Pistol: Range: 1 80 S.D.C.: 45
feet (55 m). Damage: 306. Rate of Fire: Single shot or Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
bu rst firing. Payload: 1 5 rounds. Number of Attacks : 4
Mace/Pepper Spray: A stinging chemical spray that Bonuses: +2 to roll with punchlfall/impact, and +2 to pull
blinds one's opponent. Victims are -6 to strike, parry and punch.
dodge. Range: 6 feet ( 1 .83 m), Duration: 404 melees or Education Level and Skills: Trade School
until washed out of their eyes. Payload : 20 shots. Law Enforcement: Radio: Basic ( 60% ) , Criminal Sci
Spring-Loaded, Collapsible Billy Club: Damage: ence ( 50% ) , Law (General) ( 40% ) , I ntelligence ( 47% ) ,
1 06+1 (and any P.S. bonuses) . Note: This weapon gains Su rveillance Systems (45% ) , and Streetwise ( 35% ) .
Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Automatic Pistol, W . P . performance is -20% and speed is reduced by 20%. Rate
Shotgun, W . P . Sub-Machinegu n, W . P . Automatic and of Fire: One jolt per attack. Range: By touch. Payload: Six
Semiautomatic Rifles, W . P . Energy Pistol, W . P . , En jolts per hour.
ergy Rifle, and W . P . Heavy Weapons. Vehicles and Other Equipment: I ntervention g uards
each wear a suit of Regulator Light Combat Armor
when on duty. In addition, the prison motor pool has a
Laser Rifle: Range: 1 ,800 feet (548.6 m). Damage:
fleet of six Deadlock Cybersystems reserved for critical
5D6. Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst firing. E-Clip Ca
operations (such as an invasion of the island or com
pacity: 20 shots. Note: This weapon is the standard issue
plete breakout of the Super-Being Containment Wing)
for the I ntervention Squad , and comes with an M-203 g re
where heavy firepower is needed. Those g uards who
nade launcher mounted under the barrel.
pi lot the Deadlock are specifically trained to do so; this
M·203 40 mm Grenade Launcher: Range: 1 , 1 50 feet
is not a piece of hardware that just anybody can jump
(350 m). Damage: High explosive: 2D4x1 0. Riot slug:
into and pilot competently.
1 D4x1 0 plus lose initiative and two melee attacks (no blast
radius). Flechette: 1 D6x1 0 (no blast radius, but acts like
buckshot). Tear gas: -6 to strike, parry o r dodge. Knockout RX-3 " Regulator" Combat Armor
gas: Roll to save vs poison or fall asleep for 1 D4 minutes. The Regulator is standard issue for all I ntervention
Smoke and flash g renades may also be used . Rate of Squad members. It is inspi red by the C-SWAT Maximillian
Fire : Single shot only. Blast Radius: 20 feet (6 m) for ex armor, but has a superior A. A . , g reater S . D.C. and offers
plosive rounds, 40 feet (1 2.2 m) for gas rounds. additional features like a padded , impact-resistant helmet
Beretta Model 92, 9mm Automatic Pistol: Range: and full envi ronmental protection that makes it an even
1 80 feet (55 m). Damage: 3D6. Rate of Fire: Single shot stu rdier heavy combat armor. At the same time, it is nearly
or burst firing. Payload : 1 5 rounds. as light and mobile as the Maximillian. Depending how
the prison's funding goes over the next few years, the
Stun Shield: This is a large riot shield lined with com
Regulator may be put to wider use and the Maximillian
bat electrodes capable of delivering a powerfu l , stunning
(see Century Station, page 5 1 ) might g radually become
jolt to whomever they touch. These shields are typically
standard issue for all guards.
used when guards must forcibly extract a prisoner from his
cell. Damage: 3D6 plus the victim loses initiative and one Type: Combat Exoskeleton
melee attack for the next 1 D4 minutes. During that time Body Frame: Basic Human.
the victim will also be at -4 to strike, parry and dodge, skill Dimensions: 6-7 feet ( 1 .8 to 2.1 m) tall, 200 Ibs (90.8 kg) .
Special Features: Advanced Robot Audio and Optics
System , heat and cold resistant, and has an air filtra
tion, purge and circu lation system . As an environmental
suit it can be completely sealed to protect its wearer
from noxious fumes, gas, and microorganisms, as well
as low levels of radiation . To this end, the air circulation
system will keep the flow of air fresh for 1 2 hou rs and
has a 30 minute oxygen supply for emergencies and
underwater operations. However, if the suit suffers
more than 75 pOints of damage, its integ rity as an envi
ronmental suit is breached and air, water and others el
ements will seep through.
Pilot-Oriented Systems: P ressu rized u nderwater capa
bilities able to su rvive depths of up to 400 feet ( 1 22 m),
but may requ i re an additional oxygen tank.
Built-in Sensors & Weapons: None
Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 6
S.D.C.: 250
Cumulative Robot Bonuses : +2 to initiative, +2 to strike,
parry and dodge, and + 1 attack per melee.
Total Cost: $1 3 million. However, all Regulator suits have
been donated to G ramercy Island by Orion Robotics,
which claims to be using the prison to field test the
units. Officially, Orion plans to mass produce the Regu
lator for worldwide law enforcement and military use,
but, since Orion also is a front company for the
supervillain g roup Fabricators. Inc. , chances are au
thorities using the armor will eventually meet under
world fig u res, mercenaries, and supervillains with
alarmingly similar armor. A mind game that does not go
unappreciated by the criminal masterminds behind
Motor Pool
G ramercy Island's motor pool is home to the ai rcraft,
watercraft and power armor used by the G ramercy Island
facility personnel. This hardware is absolutely critical to
the prison's safe and efficient operation, and is kept in
tip-top shape at all times. The motor pool contains a vari
ety of small trucks, hovercycles, jet packs and other
(mostly) conventional vehicles. The water scooters, patrol
boats, helicopters and hover vehicles all used by the
prison resemble models common to the CSPD, but featu re
various experimental modifications and upgrades. The fol
lowing items are a few of the most notable.
They are operated by the gu nner, who sits in the cockpit Main Body - 1 80 , if the main body is depleted , the
with the pilot. Utilizing advanced H U D targeting software, craft is destroyed . There is also a 1 5% chance the
a single gunner can fire simultaneously at two different tar mini-fusion reactor will detonate, inflicting 1 D4x1 00
gets (one gun apiece) or he can link the guns to both fire damage to everything within a 200 foot (61 m) radius.
upon the same target. Linked fire needs only one roll to hit Passenger Compartment - 1 00; if the main body is
and causes normal damage x2 . Additional Note: AVTRAN destroyed , the sealed passenger compartment will
is cu rrently working on a heavy energy cannon to supple slowly float to the surface and activate a distress bea
ment the miniguns of this craft, but is about six months con. It serves as a combination cockpit and escape
from deployment yet. The cannons will hit harder than the pod.
miniguns but will lose the burst and spray capability that Note: Items marked with a single asterisk are small
the g unners love so much. and/or difficult targets to strike. Attackers must make a
50 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher: Range: 3,000 called shot and even then are at -3 to strike. This pen
feet (91 4 m) . Damage: Explosive: 2D4x1 0. Flechette: alty applies to hitting the pilot of the craft, but not the
2D4x1 0. Tear gas: -6 to strike, parry or dodge. Knockout passenger. Depleting the S . D . C . of the main body de
gas: Roll to save vs poison or fall asleep for 1 D4 minutes. stroys the craft. Destroying one of the air jets reduces
Smoke or tear gas rounds are also available. Blast Ra the craft's speed by half and imposes a -2 penalty to
dius: 20 feet (6 m); explosive only. Rate of Fire: Single dodge. Destroying both jets renders the craft immobile,
shot or burst firing. Payload: Two 50-shot ammo d ru ms. but it could be salvaged and repai red .
One carries non-lethal ordnance, such as smoke and tear
Speed : 1 50 mph (240 km) on the su rface, 30 mph (48 km)
gas shells. The other carries high explosive or flechette
shells. The gunner can switch between the two with the
flick of a thumb switch and need not expend an extra at Range: U nlimited , thanks to the mini-fusion reactor fuel
tack/action to do so. Bu rsts can only fire off of one drum, sou rce.
however. Drums can not be switched in mid-fire. Depth : The Piranha can tolerate depths of up to 900 feet
Special Equipment: (274.5 m).
Radio: Range: 200 miles (320 km) . Length : 6 feet ( 1 .8 m)
Encrypted Burst Transmitter/Radio Scrambler: Range: Weight: 800 Ibs (360 kg)
200 miles (320 km) . Total Vehicular Bonuses: +4 to initiative and +1 to
Maxi-Radar: Range: 50 miles (80 km) . dodge.
Combat Computer w/ Heads-Up Display (HUD) Weapons:
Multi-Optics Periscope and H U D Mini Torpedo Launchers (2): Range: 2,000 feet (61 0 m).
Damage: 1 D6x1 o. Rate of Fire: Single shot or volleys of
two or fou r. Payload : Fou r mini-torpedoes. Bonuses: +4 Weapons:
to strike; the torpedoes are self-guided. .50 Caliber Machinegun: Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 ,830 m).
Nose Laser: Range: 4,000 feet ( 1 ,220 m). Damage: Damage: 706. Rate of Fire: Standard machinegun. Pay
1 D4x1 O. Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Payload: U nlim load : 800 round ammo drum (enough for 1 0 full melee
ited . bursts, 20 long bursts, or 40 short bu rsts) plus 2 extra
Special Equipment: ammo drums.
Radio: Range: 200 miles/320 km 50 mm Automatic Grenade Launcher: Range: 3,000
feet (91 4 m). Damage: Explosive: 2 D4x1 0 or Flechette:
Encrypted Burst Transmitter/Radio Scrambler: Range:
2D4x1 0. Blast Radius: 20 feet (6 m). Rate of Fire: Single
200 miles (320 km) .
shot o r bu rst firing. Payload: Two 50-shot ammo d ru ms.
Maxi-Radar: Range: 50 miles (80 km) . One carries non-lethal ordnance, such as smoke and tear
Combat Computer w/Heads-Up Display (H U D) gas shells. The other carries high explosive or flechette
Multi-Optics Periscope and H U D shells. The gunner can switch between the two with the
Radiation Shielding flick of a thumb switch and need not expend an extra at
tack/action to do so. Bu rsts can only fire off of one drum,
Pressurized Cabin
however. Dru ms can not be switched in mid-fire.
Mini-Fusion Reactor: This gives the craft an effectively
Radio: Range: 200 miles (320 km)
unlimited end u rance.
Encrypted Burst Transmitter/Radio Scrambler: Range:
200 miles (320 km) .
G-22 " Moray" Patrol Boat Maxi-Radar: Range: 5 0 miles (80 km) .
This is a military upgrade of the standard CSPD patrol Combat Computer w/ Heads-Up Display (HU D)
boat, which is a basic unarmed su rveillance and pursuit Multi-Optics Periscope and H U D
vessel. The Moray has been armored , equipped with a Radiation Shielding
faster engine, and has the arms to deal with most su rface
Pressurized Cabin
threats that wou ld approach the island. The Moray typi
cally is deployed to intercept u nauthorized vessels ap Mini-Fusion Reactor: This gives the craft an effectively
proaching the island . It also can serve as an emergency unlimited end u rance.
rescue vessel, a search and retrieval vessel for snatching
inmates who swim off the island, and as a secondary
means of moving from the island to the mainland.
Crew: One captain, one mate/sensors operator, one gun
O pe rat i o n
ner and u p to three patrol officers. (Note: I n emergency
situations, this vessel can accommodate up to another
ten people.)
Ar g o n aut
A.R.: 1 0
Operation Argonaut is the brainchild of an u nder-the-ta
S.D.C. by Location: ble deal between Warden Harker and the top-level execu
Bridge - 1 50 tives of the advanced technology firm Orion Robotics.
Deck Weapons Mount - 1 00 With the tacit approval of the Centu ry Station Prison Au
* Radar/Communications Array - 70
thority (Harker had to pull a few strings to get them to see
things his way) , Harker commissioned Orion to design and
** Main Body - 450, if the main body is depleted , the
build a series of h u manoid combat robots that could sub
craft is destroyed . There is also a 1 5% chance the stitute for human guards at G ramercy I sland. These robots
mini-fusion reactor will detonate, inflicting 1 D4x1 00 needed the firepower to keep the facility secure, but they
damage to everything within a 200 foot (61 m) radius. also wou ld need the artificial intelligence requ i red to inter
Note: Hitting the radar/communications array re act with the human staff and prisoners. The aim of includ
quires a called shot at -2. Depleting the S . D.C. of the ing robots is to g radually phase out half (if not more) of the
main body will cause the boat to sink in 1 04 minutes. humans secu rity officers and g uards. Theoretically, this
There is a single inflatable raft (50 S.D.C.) stored in the would dramatically reduce the problems with corruption ,
deck compartment that is capable of holding six people reduce the risk of human life and increase the overall
and can be deployed in less than a minute. power level (robots are stronger and more d u rable than
Speed: 70 mph ( 1 1 2 km) . hu mans) at the prison. It would also make enforcement of
Range: U nlimited , thanks to the mini-fusion reactor fuel prison rules and routi ne more efficient and uniform . Psy
sou rce. chologically, it would remind the prisoners that they tru ly
are at the mercy of cold mach ines of justice who cou ld not
Length : 21 feet (6.4 m).
be bribed or tricked . Moreover, d u ring times of crisis, ar
Weight: 32 tons mored robots would be ready and able to take swift action
Total Vehicular Bonuses: +4 to initiative and +1 to against insurgent prisoners o r raiders attempting to breach
dodge. the facility.
The biggest opposition to this project are the prison's h u man, but the Centu ry Station P rison Authority has not
human guards, who see the robots as a threat to their g reen-lighted this humanizing process. Besides, such cos
jobs. They have a legitimate gripe, too. Warden Harker metic additions do not address the real heart of the matter,
clearly wishes to remove as many humans from the island which is that these robot soldiers are cold machines that
as possible. U nless the staff stands u p for itself now, the may look like men, but don't think or act like them.
prison might very well become an 80% to 1 00% robot op G ramercy Island cu rrently maintains a force of 50
eration within a decade. Aside from mere job secu rity, the AN-1 05s, all of which are stored in individual stasis cham
protests against Operation Argonaut are born out of the bers (600 S.D.C. each) which are themselves stored in an
fear of havi ng machines play such a prominent role in the adjacent hangar to the island's main motor pool. The ro
penal system. Warden Harker himself clearly has aspira bots "sleep" on standby mode and activate only when
tions for the senate (he has announced that he will run at given the command or the prison goes on red alert. I n the
some point in the futu re). What if as Senator he gets robot event of a facility-wide crisis, the central monitoring station
guards running every prison? N umerous States and coun broadcasts an emergency start-up signal to every
tries are already looking at G ramercy Island as a model Argonaut in storage. Once activated , the Argonauts fan
for the futu re. Fears such as this touch a chord among out and secu re the island, responding first to areas identi-
many people who have never gotten over their primal fear
of robots and artificial intelligences. To folks such as
these, the thought of being at the mercy of heartless,
thinking machines is too unnerving to bear. Then there are
the advantages human beings bring to a situation. Cur
rently, even the best artificial intelligence is limited. The
human mind offers subjective thoug ht, imagination, in no
vation and a level of thought and resou rcefulness u navail
able to robots. Such capabilities are ideal for volatile
situations where human ingenuity may be requ i red to quell
a problem with minimal loss of life and property.
Warden Harker knows Operation Argonaut might not
resound with voters once he is in office, and as much as
he wants to see Argonaut-style robots running every
prison in the land , he wou ld never jeopardize his political
career to do so. Especially not when he has so many
other plans for the Argonauts, plans which only he can put
into motion.
Consequently, the AN-202 may be deployed with a squad tivity, but it does perform reasonably well. Top swim
of five to eight AN-1 OSs u nder its control. ming speed when submerged is 30 mph (48 km/2S.S
The chassis and armament of the AN-202 was modeled knots); maximum depth tolerance is 1 000 feet (30S m).
after the AN-1 0S and has a basic humanoid shape, but is Statistical Data : Height: 8 feet (2.4 m). Width: 4.S feet
much more skeletal and robotic in appearance. As a re ( 1 .4 m). Length: 4.S feet ( 1 .37 m). Weight: 2,000 Ibs ( 1
sult, the AN-202s are sometimes called "big brothers" by ton/900 kg) . Physical Strength : Equivalent t o a P .S. of
G ramercy Island robot mechanics and guards (and "Stilts" 30 (robotic). Cargo: None, only what the unit can carry.
by the inmates because of the robots' long, narrow, legs).
G ramercy Island maintains a force of a dozen AN-202s,
locked in individual stasis chambers on standby mode like
their brother AN-1 0S units. If activated and sent into ac
tion, they will definitely activate whatever AN-1 0Ss that
they can and coordinate their efforts to complete the mis
sion at hand. At G ramercy Island, they are programmed to
protect the g uards and workers, disperse riots, stop agita
tors and eliminate threats. Thus, they target the most im
mediate and dangerous quarry to attack.
Model Type: AN-202; also known as "Big Brother" and
Class: Argonaut 200 Series Heavy I nfantry Combat Robot
S.D.C. by Location:
Hands (2) - 1 00
Arms (2) - 1 S0
Legs (2) - 200
* Head - 1 80
the lead part of a mixed assau lt g roup. As such, it serves another to share their information and coordinate their in
as the squad leader to four AN-202s and 6-8 AN-1 05s. dividual teams. Commanding an entire mixed Argonaut
When deployed as a larger g roup (platoon or company), platoon, a single AN-307 can establish a significant pres
there will be one AN-307 Master for every 1 0-20 of the ence over a twenty mile (32 km) radius, as its AN-202s ex
smaller robots. All of the units under its command are tend to about 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km) from the AN-307, and the
linked via a mUlti-communications system to perform as a AN-1 05s extend to nearly 1 0 miles ( 1 6 km) from the
coordinated team with the Master calling the shots. More AN-202s. The Argonaut design team calls this
than that, everything the humanoid robots see, ear, and "piggybacking," a tactic to maximize the amount of g round
experience is transmitted to the Master, effectively func they can cover. Larger units can spread themselves out
tioning as an extension of its eyes, ears and hands. Addi even farther or, in the alternative, act as a more concen
tionally, as many as a dozen "Masters" can link with one trated strike force.
The Argonaut AN-307 Master is the u ltimate evolution * Destroying the robot's sensor pod will eliminate all op
in Orion Robotics' line of combat robots. The manufacturer tics and sensory systems. In such cases, the AN-307
claims the giant war machine is designed for urban law will attempt to back out of the area relying on sensory
enforcement and riot control as well as the military. How input from whatever other Argonauts it is networked
ever, their huge size, heavy armor and bristling weapons with. Once it extricates itself out of harm's way, it will
are u ndeniable best suited to military applications as reg roup the forces under its control and continue the
tank-killers, mobile artillery, infantry support, front-line assault. It will only retu rn to combat if it can use a fellow
combat, and wholesale slaughter. Any mission one might robot to visually spot the enemy, and if it appears that
need a tank or APC to handle, the AN-307 Master can the rest of its force is on the verge of defeat. Even then,
handle better. It is faster, more mobile, better suited for a the AN-307 is at -4 to strike, and if the robot "spotting"
variety of terrains, and no h u man lives are placed in jeop for it is disabled or destroyed , then the AN-307 is blind
ardy. It's a "robot," no humans necessary. Even the ac again, and is at -8 to strike, parry and dodge.
companying g round troops should be Argonaut robots! The sensor pod is a relatively small and difficult target
The AN-307 cu rrently remains untested with only four to hit, especially when the u nit is moving. Thus, it can
prototypes in service. Consequently, all testing has con only be hit when a character makes a "called shot," and
sisted enti rely of computer simulations. Two Masters have even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
been recently shipped to G ramercy Island for "carefu l and
* * Depleting the S . D.C. of the main body shuts the ro
limited" field testing. In the future, Warden Harker sees the
bot down completely, rendering it useless.
AN-307 as an integ ral part of the Argonaut Secu rity Force
which he sees eventually handling all G ramercy Secu rity. Reactive Armor (Speciall): Same as the AN-1 05, except
The big robot will be especially effective against it offers 200 points of S . D . C . protection to this giant.
superhumans and as a deterrent against raiders daring Speed : Running: 1 20 mph ( 1 92 km) . Leaping: 30 feet (9. 1
enoug h to attempt breaking comrades out of prison. m) high or 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) across; double if running at
So long as Warden Harker remains in a position of 60 mph (96 km) or faster. Note: The AN-307 is su rpris
power, he will try to find ways to justify the assignment of ingly agile for its size. Its large, ostrich-like legs g iving it
at least 6-1 0 AN -307 to G ramercy Island . If he can not excellent running speed and startling leaping capabili
have them built while he is warden, then he will bide his ties. I n fact, the Argonaut Master will often leap out of
time u ntil he becomes a Senator and try to get a few bu ilt harm's way (up or away) and into the thick of combat,
and added later or assigned to C-SWAT and other military leaping to and fro in a frenzy of action, shooting, kicking
projects. For Harker, the AN-307 is the next best thing to and striking with its big arms.
godliness, a beautiful and flawless engine of destruction , U nderwater: The AN-307's top swimming speed
something Harker himself aspi res to be in one way, shape when submerged is only 1 0 mph ( 1 6 km/8.5 knots), but
or form . ( Game Master's Note: To the Warden's thinking, it can walk on the bottom of shallow seas at a speed of
a single AN-307 linked to scores of Argonauts wou ld reign 1 5 mph (24 km/1 3 knots).
supreme over the island. A mechanized kingpin could - if Statistical Data: Height: 1 6 feet (4.9 m). Width: 1 0 feet (3
he so chose - use the digitized memory of, say, a certain m). Length: 8 feet (2.4 m). Weight: 25 tons, fully loaded .
alien android. An and roid who might use the AN-307 to P hysical Strength : Equivalent to a P.S. of 40 (robotic) .
lead a private army of robots to take over the island and Cargo: None. Power System: N uclear. The average
establish a kingdom of pure machinery. Or cou ld he have Argonaut's energy life span is 5 years.
some other mad scheme in mind? Once the Island was
Weapon Systems: The AN-307 is a fire suppression and
his, couldn't he offer its p risoners freedom as his minions?
anti-armor platform. Most of its firepower comes from
A malignant army composed of the most dangerous crimi
it's array of guns and mini-missiles, but it also sports
nals, masterminds and supervillains in the world! An army
high-end energy weaponry to make sure that once its
filled with hate and vengeance against a world the alien
android may seek to enslave or destroy. Could this have primary ammunition runs out, the u nit can remain on
been android Harker's plan from the beginning? Or is the battlefield as a viable combatant.
there something more?) 1 . Articulated Weapons Pods (2): The AN-307 has
Model Type: AN-307, also known as the "Master," and two robot arms that end in oversized weapon housings
where the robot's hands should be. These provide the ro
"Argonaut Master." The inmates prefer to call it the ''Tin
bot with more heavy firepower and the ability to shoot
around corners (especially useful when a networked
Class: Argonaut 300 Series Heavy Assault and Command Argonaut can provide the spotting). Each gun pod consists
Robot. of a multi-barrel roto-cannon and a laser.
S.D.C. by Location: 1 a. Multi-Barrel Roto-cannons (2): Damage: One
Forearm Weapon Pods (2) - 340 60-round bu rst inflicts 1 D6x1 0; both guns may fire simulta
Arms (2; upper) - 300 neously on the same target for 2D6x1 0 (counts as one at
Legs (2) - 450 tack) . Range: 6,000 feet ( 1 ,829 m). Rate of Fire : The
AN-307 can fire u p to six 60-round bursts per melee
* Sensor Pod (head/giant eye-like area) - 300
round. Payload : 9,960 rounds ( 1 66 60-round bursts) per
* * Main Body - 750
1 b. High-Powered Laser (2): The lower barrel on the Body Block/Ram: 3D6+25 S.D.C. plus victims are stag
forearm weapon pod is a long-range laser. As with the gered if giant ( 1 4 feetl4.3 m or bigger) and lose initiative
roto-cannon , the Master need only point and fire. Damage: and one melee attack, or knocked off their feet if smaller
5D6 per single blast; 1 D6x1 0 per simultaneous blasts from than 8 feet (2.4 m) tall and lose initiative and two melee at
both gu n-arms at the same target (cou nts as only one me tacks.
lee attack) . Range: 3000 feet (91 4 m) Rate of Fire: Equal Full Speed Running Ram: 1 D4x1 0+25 S . D . C . I n addi
to the robot's attacks per melee round; each blast or dou tion, there is a 0 1 -85% chance of knocking giant-sized op
ble blast counts as one melee action. Payload: Unlimited. ponents to the g round and those smaller than the AN-307
2. Flip Up, Top-Mounted Mini-Missile Pods (2): Be 6D6 yards/meters. The victim loses two melee actions and
tween the shoulders is a mini-missile launcher. To fire, the initiative as well as suffering damage. The attack uses u p
top flips up and slides back behind the head, but still pro th ree o f t h e robot's attacks also.
truding outward like the head-plate of a triceratops dino Stomp: 1 D6+25 S . D . C . ; effective only against objects
saur to provide protection to the actual lau ncher. Damage: smaller than five feet ( 1 .5 m) tall .
Depends on payload; typically the robot loads armor pierc Restriction: Remember, t h e Argonaut Master does not
ing (1 D4x1 0 M . D. ) or plasma (1 D6x1 0 M . D.) warheads. have hands, and can not pick and use hand-held weap
Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) . Rate of Fire : Single shot or vol ons, nor g rab, hold or carry. It uses the weapon append
leys of two, fou r, eight or twelve. Payload : 36 total . ages as clubs to hit, jab and hammer its opponents. It also
3. Particle Beam Blasters (1 ) : T h e deceptively small uses its feet to kick and claw.
and short nozzle in the chin is an experimental particle ac Bonuses: (includes all from p rogramming, sensors and
celeration beam designed to hammer bunkers and ar robotics): +4 on initiative, +8 to strike with weapon pods
mored vehicles in close proximity and obliterate g round (punch) or feet (kick or claw), +6 to strike on an aimed
troops. The gun only has a 90 degree arc of fire up and shot, +9 to parry, + 1 0 to dodge, +4 to parry and dodge
down, but can move 1 80 degrees side to side. Damage : attacks from behind (motion detectors) , +2 to roll with
1 D6x1 0 p e r single blast; counts a s only o n e attack. punch, fall or impact. C ritical strike on a natural 1 7-20.
Range: 900 feet (274 m). Rate of Fire: Th ree shots per
I mpervious to poison, gas, biological agents, as well as
melee round. Payload: 60 within one hour; regenerates at
psionic or magic mind control, charms, bio-manipula
a rate of ten per hou r.
tion, illusion, and Horror Factor.
4. Smoke Dispenser: A smoke dispensing unit in the
Special Sensory Systems: Same as the AN- 1 05 except
rear undercarriage can release a dense cloud of smoke
where noted.
that will cover a 60 foot (1 8.3 m) diameter behind it. It can
also release tear gas as an alternative, anti-personnel I mage Transmission: 24 hou rs of whatever it sees and
weapon. Payload: Eight total. Typically carries fou r smoke hears when out on its own. It can also maintain an open
and fou r tear gas. transmission feed, provided it remains within 1 5 miles (24
km) of the nearest relay transmitter or fellow AN-307. So
5. Self-Destruct System: Damage: 1 D4x1 00 to every
long as there is a chain of transmitters, the Argonaut Mas
thing within 1 00 feet (30.5 m) of the robot and 1 D6x1 0 to
ter can communicate with its lesser "slave u nits" ( 1 05s
everything within 600 feet ( 1 83 m). Triggering this
and 202s) as well as provide video feed to them or to relay
one-shot device destroys the Argonaut completely. The
stations. Its internal video memory also provides useful
robot will only use this device if it believes capture is immi
battlefield intelligence, especially for prison officials trying
nent and when the Warden issues a direct command to do
to identify troublesome inmates sighted at the scene of a
so. On solo missions, this feature is much more likely to
be used as a spoilsport weapon. I n many instances, the
Argonaut is told not to use the self-destruct protocol un Skill Programs of Note: The standard Argonaut skill
less commanded to do so by a specific h u man (at G ra package is described below. However, the Argonaut
mercy Island , that's the Warden). Typically this device is can learn additional skills on its own , either by being
not used except under the most dire of circumstances. taught by another person, or by having the appropriate
6. Hand to Hand Combat: Attacks Per Melee Round: software loaded. Theoretically, there is no upper limit to
7; equ ivalent to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. the number of skills an Argonaut may learn. Extensive
testing to this end has yet to be conducted, however.
Damage: Punch: 3D6+25 S.D.C. , Power Punch:
Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, including
6D6+40 S.D.C. (counts as two melee attaCks) .
all kicks, W.P. Paired Weapons.
Foot Claw Strike: 4D6+25 S . D . C . , Kick: 5D6+25 S . D . C . , Other Skills: Radio: Basic (98%), I ntelligence (92%),
Power Kick: 1 D4x1 0+50 S.D.C. (counts a s two attacks). Detect Ambush (92%), Land Navigation (94%) , Radio:
Ru nning Leap Kick: 1 D6x1 0+50 S . D . C . , however, this Scramblers (98%) , Tracking (77%), Basic & Advanced
attack must be used at the beginning of the melee round Math (98%) , S u rveillance Systems (92%), TV & Video
and uses up all but one melee attack. I n addition, there is (92%), Basic Electronics (92%), and Basic Mechanics
a 0 1 -95% chance of knocking g iant-sized opponents to (92%). Plus, the u nit can be loaded with new skill sets
the g round and those smaller than the AN-307 6D6 on an as-needed basis, as well as learn new skills on
yards/meters. The victim loses two melee actions and ini its own . Most commonly, Argonauts have been to first
tiative as well as suffering damage. learn mechanical skills so they can repair themselves
and fellow units. Skills that require "hands" are tempo Although society at large breathes a little easier know
rarily transmitted to an AN- 1 05 or 202. ing these dangerous public enemies are safely behind
Programming and Memory: Effectively has an I .a. of 1 6, bars, the Slaughterhouse veterans have not given up. Al
which means that anything it is not specifically pro thoug h their powers have all been temporarily deactivated ,
g rammed to recognize, it can learn very q uickly. Other and they can not communicate with each other, they all fo
wise same as the AN-1 05. cus thei r thoughts on escape. If one of these superbeings
should manage to break free, he or she will attempt to free
Argonaut Interface: A Series 300 Argonaut can override
the other members of the Slaughterhouse Seven. After
any Series 200 or Series 1 00 Argonauts within 1 5 miles
that, the g roup will make a singular run to blast their way
(24 km) and control them remotely as if they were ex
off the Island .
tensions of itself. Upper-level Argonauts only do this to
carry out complicated and coordinated attacks; this
measu re is not meant as a contingency in case the 200 Colonel Chaos
series Argonauts malfunction - to date. The ultimate su persoldier, Colonel Chaos i s t h e prod uct
of the very same processes that created the mega-hero
Apex, only it was a more developed and refined proce
Part Th ree :
d u re , so the Colonel does not have the nasty super-can
cer side effect that plagues Apex. P reviously named
Paragon by those who created him, Colonel Chaos has
The I n m ates
tu rned against his creators with a vengeance, forming the
Slaughterhouse Seven and embarking on a career of
supervillainy u nmatched by most other bad guys. He and
his cronies have devastated entire cities, terrorized entire
Note: The reader may be su rprised at the level of countries, and have tried more than once to rule the world
power some of these superhuman prisoners wield. Re or destroy it trying. In terms of pure malicious intent, Col.
member, G ramercy Island is designed to incarcerate Chaos is the worst of the worst among the Slaughter
some of the most powerful and dangerous superbeings in house Seven. Clearly his particular brand of evil motivates
the world. "his soldiers" to greater acts of villainy.
Colonel Chaos has the death sentence on him in over
thirty nations, many of which are pressu ring the U . S . to
N oto r i o u s give him and his gang up for extradition. The U . S . has re
fused, not out of any sense of concern for these vicious
terrorists, but because to move them to anything less se
doing time, his savings portfolio is earning 20% a year. the combat front-liner able to take and deal out major
This is his retirement package, but he will probably use damage. Most of all, he is a complete l unatic u nafraid of
it to fu nd one last adventu re before getting out of the anything and willing to take any risk. It is this characteris
game. tic, more than anything, that makes the mutant a danger to
just about everybody on the planet.
Particle Beam Rifle: Damage: 1 D6x1 0 on a hit roll of Real Name: U n known
1 1 -1 7. 1 D6x1 0+40 on a hit roll of 1 8-20. Anything de Other Aliases: Whackjob and Screwloose.
stroyed or killed by this weapon is diSintegrated entirely! Alignment: Diabolic
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Range: 1 ,200 feet (365.7 Attributes: I.Q.: 7 , M.E.: 3 , M.A.: 20, P.S.: 28 (Superhu
m). Payload: 1 0 blasts per E-clip, but Col . Chaos typically man ) , P.P.: 26, P.E.: 27, P.B.: 1 2, Spd: 26
keeps this weapon hooked up to a backpack power gener
ator that provides the gun with effectively limitless ammo. Age: 3 1 , Sex: Male.
The generator has 1 25 S . D . C . , and will explode for Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m), Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg) .
4D6x1 0 damage out to 1 00 feet (30.5 m) if destroyed
while the g u n is in operation.
Laser Pistols (2): Damage: 3D6. Rate of Fire: Stan
dard . Range: 500 feet ( 1 52 m). Payload: 1 0 shots per
Extra Ammo: 1 0 E-clips.
Note: Likes all kinds of heavy weapons, explosives and
advanced energy weapons.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Hard Armor Suit: A. R . :
1 7, S . D . C . : 250.
Of all the malevolent and unpredictable members of the
Slaughterhouse Seven, certainly the most insane is
Crazyface. A man so far off the deep end that he can
hardly be controlled even by Col. Chaos. Were he left to
his own devices, C razyface would embark on an endless
spree of thrill-killing until he was destroyed. The forceful
influence of Col. Chaos, however, gives C razyface the fo
cus and direction he needs to be a productive and helpful
member of the team. Crazyface must remain within ear
shot or radio contact of the Colonel or else he will go into
a complete psychotic frenzy that will take even Colonel
Chaos a few minutes to defuse.
The monstrous mutant has no friends or family. Nor
does he have any appreciable origin or history to speak of.
He simply appeared upon the mega-villain scene like a
falling meteorite, committing countless acts of outrageous
violence and mayhem. His pure unpredictability made him
almost impossible to apprehend , since law enforcement
officials simply never knew where the nut case would
strike next. However, under the direction of the Colonel,
Crazyface is all the more dangerous, because he follows
the Colonel's every command, making him a powerful tool
at the hands of the terrorist leader.
In the past, the mutant's critically short attention span
often prompted him to move from crime to crime without
actually completing any - more o f a rampage o f violence 'rJ\�. 2000
or streak of vandalism h u rting anybody who got in his way
or annoyed him. This left dozens of inj ured victims in his
wake, but they were alive rather than dead. U nder Colonel
Chaos' sway, Crazyface has learned to finish what he
starts, and the death toll from his exploits has gone
through the roof. Crazyface is the team's resident pit bull,
Experience Level : 1 0
H it Points: 95
S.D.C.: 8 1 9! As a resu lt, Crazyface is fond of striking si
mu ltaneously and not dodging or parrying at all u ntil he
is at 200 S.O.C. or less.
Power Category: Mega-Mutant (Crazyman!)
Mega-Abilities: Tremendous S. O.C.
Major Super Abilities: Spin at High Velocity.
Minor Super Abilities: Horror Factor (1 5) and Healing
Achi lles' Heel: Vulnerable to Psionics; -4 to save and all
psychic attacks do double damage.
Insanities: P hobias: Magicians and Cats. Obsession: Col
onel Chaos; Crazyface is strangely fascinated by his
leader and hangs on his every word as if his life de
pended on it. The mutant also trusts him completely
and is loyal to him. So far, the Colonel has shrewdly
picked up on this and uses it to his advantage. He also
has not made the mistake of treating Crazyface too
harshly when the mutant madman gets carried away or
makes mistakes (which wou ld tu rn the obsession turn
into a mindless rage, fueled by rejection).
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +7 to strike, +8 to parry, + 1 0 to
dodge, +1 7 to damage (increases to +23 to damage
physical strikes while spinning), +4 to roll with impact,
+3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, +9 to save vs magic and
poison, +9 to save vs Horror Factor, +44% to save vs
coma/death, and 60% to intimidate.
Other Combat Info: Restrained pu nch: 206+ 1 7 or +23,
full-strength punch: 406+1 7 or +23, power punch:
1 04x1 0+1 7 or +23, Karate kick: 2 06+1 7 or +23, snap
kick: 1 06+1 7 or +23, roundhouse kick: 306+1 7 or +23,
crescent kick: 206+1 7 or +23, jump kicks (all), critical
strike: 1 8-20, paired weapons (all), leap attack (critical
strike) , and body throwlflip. The second damage bonus
is for when he is striking at high speed
Education Level and Skills: Street Schooled.
Street Skills: Streetwise (60%) and P rowl (85%) .
Rogue Skills: Pick Locks (65%) , Pick Pockets (60%) ,
and Ventriloquism (42%).
Domestic Skills: Dance (65%) and Sing (70%).
Technical Skills: General Repair/Maintenance (70%)
and Law (General; 70%) . Headstrong
Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Knife and W.P. Pistol. Frank Newsome paid good money to become a
Secondary Skills: Swim (95%) , Climb (85%175%) , supervillai n , and it has proven to be a most profitable in
Running, Automotive Mechanics (60%) , and Basic Me vestment for him. Newsome g rew u p on the mean streets
chanics (65%) . of Century Station and spent much of his youth as a mere
Money: None. C razyface has never tried to amass a for thug in a gang. He always wanted more respect and
tune and would not know what to do with it anyway. power than his life on the streets wou ld bring him, so he
organized a few good-paying robbery scores, bankrolled
Weapons: None. Crazyface relies solely on his powers
his money, and h i red a black market scientist to bombard
during combat.
his body with omega beams in the hope it would endow
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. him with super abilities. The treatment worked, althoug h
with some freakish side effects, a n d s o t h e mega-villain
Headstrong was born. (Note: He chose his name because
in combat, he prefers to g rab his opponents and head butt C rush/squ eeze: 3D6+96. Paired weapons (all), body
them, which for him is the equivalent of a power punch. ) throwlflip, knockout/stun : 1 8-20, critical strike: 1 8-20,
Headstrong i s t h e Slaughterhouse Seven's "brick," the death blow: 1 6-20 (if desired).
guy able to soak u p the most damage, and who can hit the Education Level and Skills: Trade School.
hardest. He is unusual in the regard that he does his work C riminal P rogram: Streetwise (75%) , Pick Locks
best when smashing into things with his head, but it hardly (95%), Concealment (75%) , Find Contraband & Illegal
makes him any less dangerous a foe. Headstrong has Weapons (79%), and Safecracking (75%) .
been lethal in many of the group's exploits, including P hysical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Body Building
downing a news helicopter with a thrown manhole cover, & Weightlifting, and Running.
and killing an armored policeman by beating him to death Secondary Skills: Athletics (General), Basic Me
with another armored policeman. Though Headstrong is chanics (80%), Pilot Truck (80%) , Pilot Motorcycle
not particularly clever, he does get a kick out of applying (98%), Radio: Basic (98%) , and First Aid (95%).
his powers creatively. If he can kill or destroy something in Money: Headstrong had managed to save up about
a way that has not been seen before, then it is a good day $65,000 in a basic checking account, but when he was
for him. incarcerated , the District Attorney's office fou nd this
Real Name: Frank Newsome money, deemed it to be 1 00% the proceeds of criminal
Other Aliases: Headbanger activity and seized the funds. Headstrong is now broke.
Alignment: M iscreant Weapons: None, prefers physical combat.
Attributes: I.Q.: 7, M.E.: 8, M.A.: 1 0, P.S.: 1 08 (supernat
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None per se.
ural), P.P.: 1 5, P .E.: 1 9, P .B.: 1 1 , Spd : 25 ( 1 7 mph/27
km) .
Age: 24, Sex: Male. Psychotrope
Height: Eight feet (2.44 m), Weight: 500 Ibs (225 kg)
Perhaps one of the most powerful psychics in the world
Experience Level : 1 1 is Henson J i rida, a man who cultivated extraordinary abili
H it Points: 78 ties as a child and tu rned them into tools of destruction as
S.D.C.: 1 ,71 8; Natural A.R.: 1 6. a man . He has never aspired to put his tremendous gifts
Power Category: Mega-Experiment. to any constructive end . Rather, a life of utter and base vil
lainy is all that has consumed Henson's interest. This
Side Effect: Transformation! After gaining his powers,
made him exactly the kind of guy Colonel Chaos was look
Headstrong g rew in size, his skin tu rned light gray, and
ing to recru it into his new villain g roup. He wanted a psy
his S . D . C . and P.S. increased to unbelievable propor
chic for the u nusual abilities they provide, and Henson fits
tions. His powers are activated and always on whether
the bill nicely. Taking the name Psychotrope, he joined the
he wants them to be o r not. For most experiments, this
group and launched his lifelong career in crime.
transformation is something they must undergo each
time their powers are used. For Headstrong , it was a Psychotrope possesses many physically destructive ca
pabilities, but his talent for mucking around with people's
one-way change that now makes him look inhuman at
minds is his real forte. Although he can not convince mind
all times.
control victims to knowingly commit suicide or kill a loved
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers, plus Tremen one, he can get them to do the kinds of things that will re
dous S. D.C. and Tremendous Physical Strength. sult in death or turmoil - like taking potshots at SWAT
Major Super Abilities: Supernatu ral Strength and Bio-Ar team members, helping the Slaughterhouse Seven to
mor. commit crimes and sundry other things. Psychotrope has
The Achilles' Heel: In addition to his sadistic behavior become a master of subterfuge and manipulation that
and obsession with head-butting and trying different helps him to trick and mislead his victims of mind control
ways to h u rt people, Headstrong suffers from debilitat to accomplish whatever he needs done. In terms of a
ing migraine headaches (-30% on all skills and reduce more direct hand, Psychotrope uses his abilities to inca
number of attacks by one) whenever he is exposed to pacitate sentries, possess innocent people (particularly
extreme heat (over 95 degrees Fahrenheit) . authorities) to use them like puppets, gather intelligence,
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert. interrogate enemies, and to beguile, confuse and shatter
the will of whoever opposes him or his comrades. More
Number of Attacks: 7 blatant powers of electrokinesis and similar are used to
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +6 to parry and stop attackers and make good their escape.
dodge, +7 to roll with impact, +92 to damage, +2 to dis Psychotrope is a bit of a loner who likes to break off
arm, +6 to pull punch, +8% to save vs coma/death , and from the g roup to pursue his own criminal interests and
+2 to save vs magic and poison. dark pleasu res. Some of these extracurricular activities
Other Combat Info: Restrained punch: 5D6+96, have included telekinetically disabling aircraft d u ring take
full-strength punch: 2 D4x1 0+96, power punch/head off and landing, pyrokinetically setting fire to petrochemical
butt: 3D6x1 0+96 (counts as two attacks) . Body facilities, telepathically probing into the minds of heads of
block/tackle: 3D6+96. Pin/incapacitate: 1 8-20. state, as well as using astral projection to spy on various
Real Name: Henson J i rida
Other Aliases: M r. Mind
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q. : 1 4, M.E.: 30, M.A.: 25, P.S. : 1 7, P.P.:
1 1 , P.E. : 1 5, P.B.: 9, Spd: 2 1 (approx. 1 5 mph/24 km)
Age: 29, Sex: Male.
Height: Five feet, nine inches (1 .75 m) , Weight: 1 70 Ibs
(77 kg) .
Experience Level : 1 2
H it Points: 71
S.D.C.: 45
I.S.P.: 440
Power Category: Mega-Psionic.
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers, plus
Psychotrope does not need to eat or drink for nou rish
Psionics : Healing: Bio-Regeneration (self) (6) , Healing
Touch (6) , Lust for Life ( 1 5), Psychic Diagnosis (4) ,
Psychic P u rification (8) , Psychic Surgery ( 1 4) , Resist
Fatigue (4) , and Suppress Fear (8) .
P hysical: Death Trance (1 ) , I mpervious to Fire (4) ,
I mpervious to Poison/Toxins (4) , Mind Block (4) ,
Nightvision (4) , Resist Fatigue (4) , Resist Hunger (2) ,
Resist Thirst (6) , Summon I nner Strength (4) , Sponta
neous Combustion (6) , Telekinetic Punch (6),
Telekinetic Leap (8) , and Teleport Object ( 1 0).
Sensitive: Astral Projection (8) , Clairvoyance (4) ,
Mind Block (4), Object Read (6), Presence Sense (4),
See Au ra (6) , See the I nvisible (4) , Sense Time (2) ,
Sixth Sense (2) , Telepathy (4) , and Total Recall (2).
Super Psionics: Electrokinesis (varies) , Hydrokinesis
(varies), Mentally Possess Others (30) , Mind Bolt (var
ies), Mind Wipe (special ! ) , Pyrokinesis (varies) , Teleki
nesis (super) ( 1 0+) , and Telekinetic Force Field (30) .
Achi lles' Heel: Vulnerable to cold.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to parry and
dodge, +6 to damage, +4 to disarm, +2 to roll with im
pact, +2 to pull punch, +8 to save vs psionic attack, +1 3
to save vs insanity, and 84% chance to trust intimidate.
Needs only a 1 0 to save vs psionics.
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+6, rou ndhouse
kick: 306+6, tripping/leg hook, backward sweep, jump
kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20, pai red weapons (all),
leap attack (critical strike), and body throw/flip.
Education Level and Skills: Three Years of College.
Business: Basic Mathematics (98%) , Business & Fi
nance (98%) , Computer Operation (98%) , Law (Gen
eral) (95%) , and Research (98%) .
Communications: Basic Electronics (98%) , Radio:
Basic ( 98%) , Radio: Scramblers (98%) , T.V.Nideo
industry chief executives and use that information to extort (84%), Su rveillance Systems (98%) .
money and favors from them. He also enjoys mind games
Technical: Art (98%), Photography ( 98% ) , Computer
and likes to play cat and mouse with other superbeings
P rogramming ( 98% ) , and Writing (98%) .
(the end pu rpose rarely anything more than having fun or
Secondary: Prowl (80%) , Running, Body Building ,
proving h imself superior) .
Athletics (General) , Swim (98%) , and SCU BA/Ad Bonuses: +4 to in itiative, +9 to strike, +1 0 to parry and
vanced Swimming (98%) . dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +6 to damage, +2 to dis
Money: Millions! Even before he joined the Slaughter arm , +4 to pull punch, +4% to save vs coma/death , and
house Seven, Psychotrope had amassed a fortune + 1 to save vs poison and magic. 35% chance to
from the illicit use of his powers. He has since made charm/impress.
that fortune g row by leaps and bounds. However, it is Other Combat Info: Paired weapons, body throw, karate
all locked u p in offshore accounts that he can not ac kick (204), and critical strike on a unmodified roll of
cess while in prison. Thus, the money gains interest, 1 8-20.
but is of little use to Psychotrope while imprisoned .
Weapons: None, prefers to rely on his psychic powers.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Loves sports cars, but
other than that, nothing of note. Psychotrope is su
premely confident in his abilities and therefore does not
feel that he requ i res armor or personal weapons of any
She hails from somewhere down South. Maybe Missis
sippi, maybe Florida. She gets her powers from a bizarre
Meso-American necklace she wears that seems like a to
tem for some long-forgotten serpentine deity. She uses
her abilities expertly, proving more than a match for her
opponents and showing them no mercy. She is swift, si
lent and relentless in combat. She seems less a formal
warrior or soldier and more an animal predator, selecting
targets carefu lly and striking at those she believes can not
defeat her. Sinister, seductive, and calculatingly evi l ,
Serpentina is Colonel Chaos' chief lieutenant within the
Slaughterhouse Seven, responsible for stealth and infiltra
tion, but above all else, she is a born killer, a natural as
sassin. The hundreds of bodies left in her wake are testa
ment enough to her nature and ability. That she lies
locked up in G ramercy Island only means one thing; when
she gets out - and she will get out - she will have plenty
of lost killing time to make up for and an ample number of
targets on which to extract her vengeance.
Real Name: Calliope Borden
Other Aliases: Vipress
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 8, M .A.: 8, P .S.: 1 8 (supernatu
ral), P.P.: 28, P.E.: 1 7, P.B.: 1 7, Spd : 60 (42 mph/67 km)
Age: 22, Sex: Female.
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m), Weight: 1 60 Ibs
(72.6 kg) .
Experience Level : 1 0
H it Points: 63
S.D.C.: 1 1 5
Power Category: Mega-Magic (Enchanted Object) .
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers , plus Immortal-
Major Super Abilities: Animal Abilities: Reptile.
Other Super Abilities: I mpervious to poison.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 6
Education Level and Skills: High School G raduate. as soon as he makes a move on her, she will remove both
Pilot (Basic) : Pilot Airplane (86%) , Pilot Motorcycle of his heads. Better to just admire her from afar, then.
(96%), Pilot Truck (76%) , and Pilot Race Car (81 %). Real Name: He does not have one. Doublespeak is his
Pilot (Advanced): Navigation (98%) , Read Sensory only title.
Equipment (80%), Weapon Systems (90%) , Pilot Water Alignment: M iscreant
Scooters (98%), Pilot Motor Boats (98%), Pilot Helicop Attributes: I.a.: 9, M.E. : 7, M.A. : 4, P.S. : 1 8 (Supernatu
ter (85%) , Pilot Jet Packs (93%) . ral) , P.P.: 1 8, P.E.: 1 0, P.B.: 3, Spd : 2 1 (approx. 1 5
Secondary: Hunting, Land Navigation (72%), Pre mph/24 km)
serve Food (70%) , Skin & P repare Animal Hides (75%) ,
Track Animals (65%) , Swim (95%) , Climb (85%175%) ,
and P rowl (70%).
Money: Serpentina donates almost all of her criminal
proceeds to a secret society known as Totemica, a
group dedicated to finding magical artifacts and de
stroying them. She keeps this hidden from her team
mates for fear that they wou ld think she is more
dedicated to Totemica than to the Slaughterhouse
Dart Throwers: On each wrist, Serpentina wears a set
of modified bionic knuckle spike th rowers that are loaded
with a venomous cocktail of different snakes' venom.
Damage: 1 06 per spike, plus 606 and a 1 5% chance of
temporary paralYSis ( 1 06 minutes) if the victim fails to
save vs poison. Rate of Fire: Single shot or volleys of two,
three, fou r, six or twelve. Range: 300 feet (91 .5 m). Pay
load : 24 darts per dart thrower.
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Hard Armor: A . R . : 1 6,
S . D . C . : 260. Th is armor has been stylized so the hel
met resembles a snake's head and the rest of the ar
mor plating has a snake skin finish to it.
Dou blespeak
Definitely the wei rdest member of the Slaughterhouse
Seven crew, the creatu re known as Doublespeak has two
heads. They both operate off the same central brain (lo
cated somewhere within his massive chest cavity) and
give new meaning to the old adage, ''two heads are better
than one." This proves most disconcerting to people who
believe Doublespeak to be some kind of Siamese twin,
only to watch him begin sentences with one head and end
them with another. Even better is when he simply speaks
simultaneously for protracted periods of time, both mouths
speaking in absolute u nison; something no two people can
fake this well. His mastery over sonic expulsion makes
him a powerful energy projector. For the Slaughterhouse
Seven, he fills the role of walking artillery, able to nail tar
gets from a distance.
Doublespeak was effectively expelled from the
so-called Mutant Underground years ago for his erratic
and violent behavior. With his freakish appearance and no
underg round railroad to hide him or give him shelter, Dou
blespeak would have certainly perished had Colonel
Chaos not recru ited him. The two-headed mutant has
been uncommonly g rateful to his benefactor, and gladly
follows the Colonel's orders to a tee. The mutant has de
veloped an u nhealthy crush on Serpentina, but knows that
Age: 35, Sex: Male. earlier. Exactly how Colonel C haos contacted or recru ited
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m), Weight: 250 Ibs ( 1 1 2.5 kg) . him remains a mystery since the creature is clearly a
Experience Level : 1 1 stranger to this world. Aside from some initial misgivings
from the other Slaughterhouse veterans, I ron Warmonger
H it Points: 66
fit in quite well.
S.D.C.: 1 20 Just prior to his introduction to the Slaughterhouse
Power Category : Mega-Mutant. Seven, I ron Warmonger was defeated in single combat by
Mega-powers: All common mega-powers, plus Awe (Hor the heroic Speedmetal. It was the first super-brawl I ron
ror) Factor: 1 5. Warmonger had participated in after arriving on this world,
Major Super Abilities: Sonic Power. and it found the defeat to be truly humiliating. Since then it
has vowed to never again fall to any kind of superpowered
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Resistance and M u ltiple
hero, regardless of the circumstances. It wou ld rather de
Limbs. SPECIAL! Instead of having extra arms or legs,
stroy itself than su rrender. Only a stand-down order from
Ooublespeak has two heads! This enables him to use
Colonel Chaos will get I ron Warmonger to lay down its
his Sonic Power like a set of paired weapons; for every
arms peaceably before combat has ended. The warbot re
action he spends using his Sonic Power, he can attack
mains in a constant state of alert, scanning for any sign of
two different targets, or can simultaneously fire from
hostile action, and reacting with swift and deadly force.
both heads at one target.
The truth behind I ron Warmonger is that it is a member
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
of a race of intelligent alien machinery that invades other
Number of Attacks: 6 worlds, strips them clean and then moves on to a new tar
Bonuses: +7 on initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry and get. Warmonger was sent to this world as a scouting u nit,
dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +4 to pull punch, +7 to with no special agenda. The idea was to drop the unit on
damage, +2 to d isarm. Earth without any special preparation in order to gauge
Other Combat Info: Sonic Blast: 1 04x1 0 (+1 0 underwa what kind of stresses this would put on it. I ron Warmon
ter) . Restrained punch: 1 06+4, full-strength punch: ger's initial readings on Earth cu lture and conditions, as
206+4, power punch: 406+4 (cou nts as two attacks) , well as its fight with Speed metal and induction into the
karate kick: 204+4, backward sweep. Critical strike: Slaughterhouse Seven, indicate that for his race, Earth is
1 8-20, paired weapons (all), body throw/flip, knockout too hostile to merit invasion. Better that his people find a
stun : 1 8-20. Sonic blasts do no damage to Oouble less advanced world to conquer. Meanwhile, I ron War
speak. monger himself has chosen to stay behind on Earth to
fight alongside the Slaughterhouse Seven and learn about
Education Level and Skills: Street Schooled.
this world and its superheroes.
Scholastic Skills: Streetwise (74%) , P rowl (80%) ,
Pick Locks (80%), Pick Pockets (75%) , Concealment I n the Super-Being Containment Wing of G ramercy Is
(60%), Cook (85%) , Fishing (90%) , General Re land , I ron Warmonger is constrai ned by immersion into a
pair/Maintenance (85%) , and Law (General) (80%). negative power matrix that scrambles the flow of energy
within his unique robot body. So long as this matrix re
Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Knife and W . P . Blunt.
mains active, Warmonger is helpless.
Secondary Skills: Swim (98%) , Climb (90%/80%) ,
Running, Body Building, and Track Animals (70%) . Real Name: None
Money: Zip. J ust before his incarceration, Ooublespeak Other Aliases: None
blew his entire life's savings on the Megaball Power Alignment: Aberrant
Lottery. What makes it even more stupid is that Oouble Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: not applicable, M.A. : not appli
speak spent nearly $5 million buying tickets trying to cable, P.S.: 90 (Superh u man), P.P.: 2 1 , P.E.: 22, P.B.: 8,
win a $6 million jackpot. Spd: 66 (45 mph172 km)
Weapons: None, prefers to rely on his mutant abilities. Experience Level: 1 0
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. Power Category: Alien Robot.
Basic Programming and Skills:
U niversal Robot Skills: Basic and Advanced
I ron Warmonger Mathematics (98%), Literacy: English (96%) , Literacy:
A giant alien warbot from another dimension i s what Spanish (96%) , Biology (50%) , Military Etiquette (90%),
best describes the mechanized brute known as Iron War and Climb (95%/85%).
monger. He is a combination magical golem, walking I nvestigative Program: Criminal Science/Forensics
weapons platform, and a true robot operating on a unique (88%), Computer Operation (92%), I ntelligence (86%),
power sou rce that can be described as neither magical I nterrogation (80%) , Photog raphy (88%) , Su rveillance
nor technological, but perhaps a little of both. When the Systems (82%), Research (88%), Radio: Basic (80%) ,
group was captured, I ron Warmonger was a relatively new Cryptography (80%) , T.V.Nideo (80%) , Recognize
addition to the Slaughterhouse Seven, brought in to re Weapon Quality (80%), and First Aid (80%) .
place Starlifter, one of the g roup's members who died in a Money: None. I ron Warmonger has no desire to build up
battle with the Centu ry Station Centu rions roughly a year a personal fortune, although it is beginning to u nder-
Warmonger's Battle Chassis
Type: True Robot with an advanced artificial intelligence.
Body Frame: Large Humanoid (Reinforced Frame) .
Dimensions: 1 2 feet (3.66 m) tall , and 5000 Ibs (2250
kg) .
Power Supply: Unknown, b u t eq uivalent t o a Micro-Fu
sion Power System.
Legs: Giant-Sized Humanoid Legs: 45 mph (72 km) run
ning and can leap 30 feet (9 m) high or 50 feet ( 1 5.2 m)
lengthwise; increase by 50% with a running start.
Flight Propulsion System : Concealed back and feet jets
that enable the robot to hover or fly at speeds up to 500
mph (or 800 km) .
Underwater: Can swim at a speed of 60 mph (96 km or
52 knots) , and su rvive depths of u p to two miles (3.2
km) .
Arms & Hands: Hu manoid arms (P.S. : 90).
Audio Systems: Advanced audio system, radar signal
detector, audio recorder, loudspeaker, modu lating voice
synthesizer, sound analysis computer, inaudible fre
quency transmission.
Optics: Advanced robot optic system, laser targeting sys
tem, telescopic vision, thermo-imager, video receiver
and transmitter, and spotlight eye beams.
Sensors: Combat computer, chemical analysis system ,
motion detector and warning system, maxi-radar, radar
detector, radiation detector.
Combat Training : Equal to Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 8
Bonuses (ALL): +7 to initiative, +9 to strike, + 1 0 to parry
and dodge, +4 to disarm, +74 to damage (included in
most stats) , +6 to roll with impact, +6 to pull punch , +6
to roll with impact, and +4 to strike with ranged weap
Other Combat Info: Restrained pu nch: 206+20.
Full-strength punch: 306+74. Power punch: 606+74
(counts as two attacks) . Kick: 506+74. Pai red weapons
(all), body throw/flip, and is impervious to mind control,
possession, biological agents, gases, d rugs and poi
Weapons (built-in): Note: all weapons systems are con
cealed and retractable; may also use hand-held weap
ons, although rarely does.
40mm Grenade Launcher Gun Pod (1 ; Shoulder):
This weapon appears/forms out of either shoulder to fire.
Oamage: 204x1 0. Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee.
Range: 3000 feet (91 4 m), Payload: 30 rou nd magazine.
I ron Warmonger has hidden compartments across his
body that store an additional 1 0 magazines, total.
Particle Beam Cannons (2): Oamage: 1 06x1 0+20
Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee, per cannon . I ron War
stand the value money has on Earth , and that it can monger has a cannon installed in each arm. When using
buy him weapons and things like a hideout. Anytime the one of these weapons, the arm will transform from a fore
alien robot needs something it steals it, and Colonel arm with a hand into an energy cannon that comprises the
Chaos provides any weapons or other gear he might entire forearm. Range: 1 200 feet (366 m), Payload : U nlim
need. ited .
Eye Beams: Damage: 5 06 points per single blast or
1 D6x1 0 per double beam blast (both must fire at the same
target) . Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand
attacks, and each single or double blast counts as one This is the combination of two former supervillain
melee attack. Range: 3000 feet (91 4 m). Payload: Effec g roups, the Shootists and the Deadseyes. Both g roups
tively unlimited. were once competing for tu rf in the embattled Waingroh
District of Centu ry Station u ntil they finally decided to set
Shooting Spikes: The small spikes that run down the tle their d ifferences once and for all. Squaring off in a
side of I ron Warmonger's arms, thighs, and spine can be
broad-daylight shootout, the two groups blazed away at
launched to strike a specific opponent or spray multiple
each other, killing and wou nding dozens of innocent by
enemies! The robot can also fire similar spikes from its
standers in their insane bid to top each other. U ltimately,
knuckles. Damage from Body Spikes: 2 06 per spike (re
C-SWAT and the Centu rions arrived to take control of the
member, I ron Warmonger is giant-sized), or 606 per vol
situation, but by that time, nearly a whole city block had
ley of three, or 1 D6x1 0 if 6-8 are fired in a single volley
been tu rned into a wasted war zone. Several of the villains
and 3D6x1 0 if all are fi red at one single, large target (oth
died in the fight ( Trickshot, Magnum Master, Hollowpoint
erwise it counts as a "spray" attack inflicting 406 to every
and Dead Center chief among them) and the remainder
one within a 1 00 footl30.5 meter radius) . Range: 200 feet
were taken into custody. All were sentenced to long
(61 m). Payload : 40; will regenerate at the end of a 24
stretches on G ramercy Island, where they were contacted
hour period .
by The M inotau r. Seeking to establish a new band of en
Damage from Knuckle Spikes: 206 from one, 406 forcers to tighten his g rip on the Labyrinth , The Minotaur
from two, 606 from three, or 1 D4x1 0 for fou r. Volleys of got the two shattered g roups to put aside their differences
2-4 count as one melee attack/action. Range: 1 000 feet and unite as a single new g roup . . . Deathsquad!
(305 m). Payload: Unlimited. Somehow (magically?) the
So far, the unlikely alliance appears to be solid, but
alien robot can regenerate them at will!
time will tell if these new brothers-in-firearms will remain
Retractable Forearm Blade (1 ; right arm): A gi friendly once on the outside again. At present, The Mino
ant-sized sword can extend from a compartment in the tau r is working up a plan to break all of these villains out of
right arm to engage the enemy in close combat. Damage: prison and put them to work in the dark channels of the
506 (+74 from Superhuman P . S . ) ; +1 to parry. Labyrinth . (By then, The M inotaur will furnish the g roup
Clawed Hands: Retractable claws do 1 06 each; 406 with a central base of operations and all the high-tech
+74 from P.S. bonus when all fou r are extended and a weapon ry and gunsmithing facilities they desi re.)
clawing strike is made. Deathsquad cu rrently consists of the gunslinging
Grappling Hook and Towline (1 ; left arm): A g rap supervillains Doubletap, Sixgun, Hong Kong Kid, Sabot,
pling hook or spike (whichever is desired) can be fi red Flechette, and Pointman.
from the left arm with a towline attached ( 1 0,000 Ibs/4500
kg weight capacity) . This tool can be used by I ron War Dou bletap
monger to swing from roof tops, hook on to aircraft and Derek Vonneg ut does not officially exist. He was born
pull o r tow. Damage: 206 from the spike. Range: 200 feet into an extra-national criminal organization known as The
(61 m). Payload: Unlimited , like the spikes. Hidden Realm, a secret society dedicated to waging a se
Miscel laneous: Secret Compartments ( 1 2). cret war against other extra-nationals, such as the World
Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 7 League, the Pangean Confederation, and The Sector.
Derek was trained from childhood to become a secret
S.D.C.: 2 ,000, but (magically?) regenerates and repairs it
agent - one of the soldiers on the front-lines of a war the
self at a rate of 40 S.D.C. per hour (back to full S.D.C.
world at large knows nothing about.
in 48 hou rs). Note: If ever reduced to zero S.D.C. the
regeneration p rocess will take ten times longer (seems Over the years, Vonnegut, code-named Doubletap,
inert and dead u ntil rejuvenated) and only 1 800 S.D.C. earned quite a reputation for himself as a top-notch opera
is recovered (loses 200 S.D.C. each time he is knocked tor. The raid on the Korovian embassy in Moscow?
Doubletap. The theft of China's first space shuttle?
below zero). Can not regenerate if he suffers more than
Doubletap. The theft of the enti re U . S . nuclear protocol
3000 points of damage.
codes? Definitely Doubletap.
Robot Bonuses: I ncluded in the earlier bonus listing.
As Doubletap's reputation g rew, so did his arrogance
Total Cost: By Earth technology, I ron Warmonger is im and he soon wanted to leave The Realm to work free
possible to exactly duplicate. A cheap knock-off without lance. The thing is, groups like The Realm, the Mafia or
the powers of regeneration and a limited spike payload ninja clans are not too fond of letting go. Once in, you're in
would cost at least 20 million. for life. Anybody who leaves, dies. Doubletap took issue
with this, killed his mentors and superiors within The
Realm, and took flight. He foolishly chose not to set up a
new identity and began life as a supercriminal known by
his old code name, "Doubletap." He enjoyed initial suc
cess and even formed his own mercenary superg roup, but
his brashness soon led him and his cronies into the gun-
fight that landed the lot of them in prison. Since then , Weapons:
Doubletap has reflected a g reat deal on his situation and Heavy Ion B laster: Damage: 506. Rate of Fire: Single
is resolved never to return to prison. As the leader of shot only. Range: 400 feet ( 1 22 m). Payload : 1 0 shots per
Deathsquad, he will be a much better and matu re leader, E-clip.
level-headed and efficient. All he really has to worry about Ion Pistol: Damage: 406. Rate of Fire: Single shot
now is if and when his old comrades in The Realm will only. Range: 200 feet (61 m). Payload : 1 4 shots per
come looking for him. He knows it is only a matter of time. E-cl ip.
Pancor Jackhammer Mark 3A2 Assau lt Shotgun:
Real Name: Derek Vonnegut
Damage: 406 (buckshot) , 506 (slugs) , 606 (rocket as
Alignment: Abe rrant
sisted slugs, Doubletap's favorite). Rate of Fire: Single
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 4, M.A.: 1 3, P.S. : 27, P.P.: shot or burst firing. Range: 1 50 feet (45 .7 m). Payload: 1 0
20, P.E.: 23, P.B.: 1 5, Spd : 30 shot rotating cylinder.
Age: 30, Sex: Male. M82A 1 .50 Caliber Sniping Rifle: Damage: 1 D4x1 o.
Height: Six feet, three inches ( 1 .9 m), Weight: 220 Ibs Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst firing. Range: 6600 feet
( 1 00 kg) . (201 2 m). Payload: 1 1 rou nd magazine.
Experience Level : 9 Heckler & Koch M P-5 SMG : Damage: 406. Rate of
H it Points: 83 Fire : Single shot, bu rst fi ring or fully automatic. Range:
S.D.C.: 1 1 5 660 feet (201 m). Payload: 30 round magazine.
Power Category: Special Training (Secret Operative) . M950 Calico: Damage: 306. Rate of Fire: Single shot,
bu rst firing or fully automatic. Range: 1 35 feet (41 m).
Super Abilities: See Skills and Special Equipment.
Payload: 1 00 round helical box magazine.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts . Fragmentation Grenades (6): Damage: 406. Blast
Number of Attacks: 7 Radius: 40 feet (1 2.2 m).
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +5 to strike, +6 to parry and H igh Explosive Grenades (6): Damage: 1 D4x1 O.
dodge, +1 2 to damage, +3 to roll with impact, +2 to pull Blast Radius: 20 feet (6. 1 m).
punch, +4 to disarm, + 1 6% to save vs coma/death, and
+4 to save vs poison/magic. Vehicles and Special Equipment:
Other Combat Info: Body block/tackle: 1 04+1 2, pin/inca Souped-up Motorcycle: Doubletap d rives a standard
pacitate: 1 8-20, crush/sq ueeze: 1 04+ 1 2. Knockout on a racing motorcycle with the following eight features, as de
natu ral 20. Snap kick: 1 06+1 2, karate kick: 204+ 1 2 , scribed on p. 21 7 of HU2: Lightly armored , bulletproof
windshields, souped-up turbo engine, concealed front
axe kick: 206+ 1 2, roundhouse kick: 306+1 2, punch:
and rear-mounted 5.56 mm machineg u ns, front-mounted
1 04+ 1 2. Jump kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20, pai red
laser, front-mounted mini-missile launcher, and flotation
weapons (all), leap attack (critical strike) , body th row.
Education Level and Skills: Secret Operative.
Jet Pack: Speed: 1 50 mph (240 km) . Altitude: 2000
Common ! General Skills: Pilot Automobile (98%) ,
feet (61 0 m). Range: 300 miles (480 km) .
Pilot Motorcycle (98%) , Pilot Jet Pack (84%) , Basic
Mathematics (98%) , Speak Chinese (98%) , Speak Rus Class 4 Hard Armor: A . A . : 1 7, S . D . C . : 280. This armor
sian (98%). has been specially modified so that it does not impede
Military P rogram: Boxing, Running, Climbing Doubletap's movements at all.
(98%/90%) , Military Etiquette (85%), Radio: Basic
Espionage: I ntelligence (84%) , Wilderness Su rvival Sixg u n
(90%), Detect Ambush (85%) , Detect Concealment Wyatt Holliday, also known as Sixgun, has lived a life of
(80%), Escape Artist (85%) . crime ever since he was born . Born to poverty in a broken
Rogue: Find Contraband (74%), Pick Pockets (85%), home and a violent neighborhood, Holliday's ability to
Seduction (64%), Streetwise (66%), Computer Hacking transform himself into a walking arsenal was his ticket to
(70%), Palming (60%), Pick Locks (70%). the big time. He became an enforcer, assassin and hard
Weapon P roficiencies: W. P. Pistol, W . P . Semi- and core hijacker, earning more money than he knew what to
Automatic Rifles, W.P. Heavy Weapons, W . P . Energy do with. Though he lived the high life with his earnings, he
Pistols, W . P . Energy Rifles, W . P . Heavy Energy also sent a bunch of cash home to his family, relocating
Weapons & Rail G u ns. them to a much better part of town.
Secondary Skills: Body Building, Wrestling, When Sixgun was captu red , it broke his family's hearts,
Swimming (90%), Computer Operation (80%), Com especially his little sister, Amanda. His family had lived in
puter P rogramming (70%) , Research (90%) , Law (Gen denial over how Sixgun earned his living, but now there
eral) (65%) , Basic Mechanics (70%), Automotive was no doubt. The golden boy who made good was really
Mechanics (65%) , Basic Electronics (70%) . a cold-blooded contract killer. To save the family from fu r
Money: $230,000 in cash plus equ ipment, safely stashed ther heartache, they have disowned Wyatt u ntil he aban
on the outside. dons his wicked ways.
Now it is Sixg u n's tu rn for some soul searching. Killing Extra Grenades: Sixgun wears a bandoleer with 48 extra
is the only thing he's good at, and he sure likes the money g renades to manually load into any one of his weapon
it brings in, but is it worth losing his whole family? After all, arms.
his parents, brothers, and sisters are the only people in
the world who mean anything to him. Without them, he's
alone, and all the money or reputation in the world can not The Hong Kong Kid
make up for that. So while Sixg u n has joined the Born Tommy Wu, but having changed his name to Win
Oeathsquad, it might not be for very long . The question is, chester G lok, the pistol packing Hong Kong Kid is carrying
can he really leave his life of crime behind him? And more on a criminal tradition started by his g randfather, contin
importantly, will the other members of Oeathsquad let ued by his father, and passed on to him. For th ree genera
him? tions the Wu family has mastered the art of gunfire and
Real Name: Wyatt Holliday put it to nefarious purposes. The Hong Kong Kid's grand
Alignment: M iscreant, but struggling to become Anarchist father was a pirate, spy, and enforcer in the chaotic days
or U nprincipled. following the Opiu m War. Wu's father was a renowned
Attributes: 1.0.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 9, P.S.: 30, P.P.: 1 8, gu nfighter and assassin best known for popularizing the
P.E.: 30, P.B.: 7 , Spd: 1 4. use of two pistols at once (a technique later imitated by
Age: 24; Sex: Male. both Triad assassins and Hong Kong action film makers).
Height: Six foot ( 1 .83 m), Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg) . When Wu's father retired he was a living legend in
Kowloon City, leaving Tommy with very large shoes to fill.
Experience Level : 9 He finally came into his own as an ace weapons designer
H it Points: 92 and shootist right as the British su rrendered Hong Kong to
S.D.C.: 70 the People's Republic of China in 1 997. Wu then chose to
Power Category: M utant ply his trade in the super-cities of the U . S . , where he
qu ickly became a criminal superstar.
Unusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous.
Although the Hong Kong Kid's capture by Century Sta
Major Super Abil ities: Alter Limbs.
tion's mercenary hero, the Gauntlet, is a career setback,
Minor Super Abilities : M u ltiple Limbs (Four extra arms ! ) . he will not let it h u rt him too much. He quickly hooked up
Combat Training: Hand t o Hand: Assassin. with his cu rrent cohorts and looks forward to bursting out
Number of Attacks: 1 1 of G ramercy Island so he can renew his criminal career
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to parry, (+7 to and make up for lost time.
strike and parry with a Body Weapon) , +3 to dodge, The Hong Kong Kid is perhaps Oeathsquad's most en
+ 1 9 to damage, +3 to disarm , +5 to pull punch , +3 to thusiastic member. He truly loves his work - the thrill of
roll with impact and +8 to save vs poison and magic. combat and the illicit riches it offers. The Kid thinks he is
Other Combat Info: Body Weapon Sword: 306+1 9. Alter invincible and though he will not take stupid chances, he
Limb Firearm: 3 06 per bullet; can fire in bu rsts and fully does not fear much and will gladly wade into open gunfire,
twin pistols blazing, supremely confident that his skills will
automatic. Body Weapon Grenade Launcher: 1 06x1 0
carry him through.
to a fou r foot ( 1 .2 m) radius. Knockout on a Natu ral 20.
Body block/tackle: 1 04+1 9, crush/squeeze: 1 04+1 9, Real Name: Tommy Wu
pin/incapacitate: 1 8-20. Body flip/throw, death blow (if Alignment: M iscreant
desi red; must announce his intention). Karate kick: Attributes : 1.0.: 1 1 , M.E.: 1 4, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 1 5 , P.P.:
204+ 1 9, tripping/leg hook, backward sweep. 25, P.E.: 25, P.B.: 1 6, Spd : 1 8
Education Level and Skills: Trade School. Age: 20, Sex: Male
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (67%) , Pick Locks Height: Five feet, ten inches ( 1 .78 m). Weight: 1 70 Ibs
(85%), Concealment (67%) , Find Contraband & I llegal (77 kg).
Weapons (73%) , and Safecracking (67%). Experience Level : 8
P hysical Program: Boxing, Wrestling, Body Building
H it Points: 65
& Weightlifting, and Running.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (General), Basic Me S.D.C.: 80
chanics (70%), Pilot Truck (72%), Pilot Motorcycle Power Category: Hardware: Weapons Expert.
(92%), Radio: Basic (85%), First Aid (85%) , and Special Skills: Make & Modify Weapons ( 1 00%) , Recog
Climbing (35%/25%). nize Weapon Quality (65%/90%) , G u nfighter Paired
Money: About $30,000 in savings. He has frittered away Weapons: Revolver & Pistol, Quick-Draw I nitiative:
the rest of his money on his family, poor investments Handguns & Rifles, and W.P. Sharpshooting.
and fast living. Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Weapons: None. His arms are his weapons. Number of Attacks: 8
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Bonuses: +3 on initiative (+7 when gunfighting), +7 to
Extra Bullets: 30 1 2-shot clips specially modified for strike, +8 to parry and dodge, +5 to pull punch, +4 to
Sixgun to slot directly into his arms. damage, +3 to disarm, +3 to roll with impact, +20% to
save vs coma/death , and +5 to save vs magic and poi small tank. His signature weapon was his armor-piercing
son . sabot canon, which he used to great effect on larger,
Other Combat Info: Body fliplthrow and death blow (if de heavier targets such as tanks, helicopters, bunkers and
sired , must announce intentions). superbeings.
Education Level and Skills: On the Job Training. Sabot is a vicious animal who has participated in nu
Hardware: Weapons Expert: Sniper, W.P. Revolver, merous war crimes over the years. This proved to be his
W.P. Automatic Pistol, W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle, W . P . En undoing, as Eu roforce tracked him down over it and ar
ergy Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, W . P . Heavy Energy rested both him and his partner Flechette. I n the battle
that followed , Sabot's u nique armor was destroyed , al
Weapons & Rail G u ns, W . P . Heavy, W . P . Automatic
thoug h a copy of the blueprints for it resides in the
and Semi-Automatic Rifles, Demolitions (98%) , Demoli
G ramercy Island evidence depot.
tions Disposal (89%) , Find Contraband (74%) , Basic
Electronics (75%) , and Basic Mechanics (85%) . For his crimes against humanity (including taking part in
Espionage: Detect Ambush (75%) , I ntelligence several "ethnic cleansings") , Sabot had been sentenced to
(70%), Wilderness Su rvival (80%) , and Tracking death at his trial in the Hague, but he and Flechette es
(70%)and Forgery (65%) . caped before the sentence could be carried out. They
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (63%) , Pick Locks were recaptu red in Century Station , which has no death
penalty, so their sentence was changed to life in G ramer
(80%), Concealment (63%) , Find Contraband & Illegal
cy Island. Extradition is under serious consideration and
Weapons (69%) , and Safecracking (63%) .
likely to be approved within a year.
Secondary: Running, Climbing, Body Building, Boxing,
Wrestling, Prowl (60%) , Athletics (General) , and Real Name: Varke G romitz
Swimming (85%) . Alignment: M iscreant
Money: Wu's family collectively has a g reat deal of cash Attributes: I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 8, M .A.: 9, P.S.: 30 (robotic) ,
socked away, but refuses to disclose exactly how P.P.: 1 0 (robotic) , P.E.: 20, P.B.: 1 0, Spd: 1 00 (robotic;
much. For his part, Wu is expected to su rrender 80% of 72 mph/1 1 5 km)
his earnings to the family coffers, money he is entitled Age: 3 1 , Sex: Male.
to when he retires. Has at least $50,000 at his fingertips Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 200 Ibs
at any given moment. (90 kg).
Weapons: Experience Level : 7
Sliverguns (4): These handgu ns look like a slightly H it Points: 50
oversized automatic pistol. However, they fire a special S.D.C.: 40
electromagnetically propelled dart that hits with the force
of a bul let. Because the ammo is so small, this weapon Power Category: Robotics (Exoskeleton).
can carry a huge number of rounds per clip, which facili Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
tates constant firing on the Hong Kong Kid's part. This Number of Attacks: 5
weapon is also virtually silent, except for a slight "poonck" Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and
sound each time a dart is fired. The Hong Kong Kid typi dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull pu nch and +3 to
cally fights with one slivergun in each hand. When he runs save vs poison or mag ic.
out of ammo, he will holster his empty guns, and draw his
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4, backward sweep,
next two to keep firing without having to reload . Damage:
tripping/leg hook, critical strike: 1 8-20, pai red weapons
3D6 per round. Rate of Fire: Single shot, bu rst firing, or full
auto. Range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m). Payload : 1 00 rou nd clip
per each gun. Education Level and Skills: M ilitary Specialist.
Military (Basic) : Running, Climbing (90%/80%) , Mili
Extra Ammo: 1 0 slivergun magazines on a pouch belt.
tary Etiquette (85%), and Radio: Basic (95%) .
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Concealed Armor: A.A. Military Demolitions: Basic Electronics (80%) , Basic
1 0, S . D . C . : 50. Mechanics (80%) , Demolitions (98%) , Demolitions Dis
posal (98%) , and U nderwater Demolitions (98%) .
Espionage: Detect Ambush (75%) , I ntelligence
Sabot (71 %), Wilderness Su rvival (80%), Track (70%), and
Varke G romitz, a. k.a. Sabot, is the long-time partner of Sniper.
Flechette, both of whom are infamous international merce Modern Weapons: W . P . Revolver, W . P . Automatic
naries with a record for operational excellence and vi Pistol, W.P. Sub-Machineg un , W . P . Shotgun, W.P.
ciousness. Both also sustained serious inju ries a few Bolt-Action Rifle, W . P . Semi- and Automatic Rifles,
years ago when fighting in the Balkans, and only throug h W.P. Heavy Weapons, W. P . Energy Pistol, W.P. En
high technology have they managed t o keep their careers ergy Rifle.
alive. Sabot took a sniper's bullet through his upper spine, Secondary Skills: Swimming (80%), SCU BA/Ad
rendering him quadriplegic. With a fat Swiss bank ac vanced Swimming (80%) , Body Building, and Prowl
count, he commissioned a one of a kind warsuit that re (55%).
stored his full mobility and gave him the firepower of a
Money: None, really. Building his warsuit and then getting Having always been a heavy machinegunner and g ren
th rown into prison have pretty much cleaned him out. adier, Flechette designed for herself a pair of
He's got some serious debts to pay, too, so when he cyberweapons that combined those two disciplines - a
gets out, making money will occupy him predominantly. heavy, automatic shotgun! Sacrificing utility for fi repower,
Weapons: See below. Flechette's entire forearms are just big autocannons and a
series of gyroscopic compensators, fed by belts from a big
Vehicles and Other Equipment: See below.
ammo pack on her back. Those, combined with her pro
Sabot's Warsuit tective suit of cyber-armor, make for a rather inhuman kill
Type: Exoskeleton ing machine that is truly to be feared . Flechette does not
care how freakish her prostheses make her look. She con
Body Frame: Basic H umanoid (Reinforced) siders herself a pure warrior, and beauty is just a form of
Dimensions: Six feet, seven inches (2 m) tall , 1 70 Ibs weakness. Ugliness in all its forms represents the pure
(76.5 kg) . warrior spirit. (Urn, yeah. Okay.)
Power Supply: Micro-Fusion . Real Name: U n known
Legs: H uman-sized legs; Speed : 1 1 0 (75 mph/1 20 km) . Alignment: Aberrant
Propulsion Systems: J u mp jets provide enhanced leaps Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 1 1 , P.S. : 28, P.P.:
of up to 500 feet ( 1 52 m) up and 600 feet ( 1 83 m) 24, P.E.: 1 8, P.B.: 4, Spd : 30 (20 mph/32 km)
across. Age: 2 1 , Sex: Female.
Arms & Hands: H uman-sized Arms; Extraordinary P . S . : Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 500 Ibs
30. (225 kg) .
Audio Systems: Advanced audio system. Experience Level: 7
Optics: Advanced robot optic system, laser targeting sys H it Points: 50
tem, telescopic vision, thermo-imager. S.D.C.: 90
Sensors: Bio-scan, medical survey unit, combat com Power Category: Bionics.
puter, motion detector warning system, micro-radar. Bionic Systems:
Weapons: Arms (2): Extraordinary P . S . : 28.
Autocannon : This is Sabot's signatu re weapon , a for Reinforcing Exoskeleton: Spine, shoulders, arms, hands
midable autocannon mounted on top of his right arm, mak and wrists.
ing the arm look more like one big articu lated weapon than
Hard Plastic Skin: The mine blast that took Flechette's
anything else. Damage: 1 D6x1 0 (miniaturized d iscarding
arms also hideously bu rned her. She has chosen to
sabot rou nds) . Rate of Fire: Single shot or bu rst firing.
have armored skin replace and cover her body. It pro
Range: One mile (1 .6 km) . Payload: 30 rounds internally,
but the weapon can accommodate externally fed maga vides her with extra S.D.C. protection, but is also the
zines and ammo belts (200 rounds) . reason why her P.B. is a mere 4. She looks like some
thing that not even a mother could love.
Spare Ammo: Sabot keeps six spare 30-round maga
zines of autocannon ammo on hand . Sometimes when en
tering heavy combat, he will simply load up a 200-round
disintegrating link belt into his autocannon arm. Armor
Rating (A.R.): 1 5
S.D.C.: 900
Pilot-Oriented Systems: Tele-mental helmet, underwater
M iscellaneous: Secret compartments (8) .
Robot Bonuses (add to those noted above when using
the armor): +3 to strike (+6 for ranged weapons) , +6 to
initiative, +4 to parry, +3 to dodge. Shotgun Arm Cannons (2): Flechette's enti re forearms
Total Cost: $1 2.3 million. have been converted into fully automatic combat shot
guns! For manual tasks, she has a pair of retractable
bionic hands, bu ilt into the front of each shotgu n as
Flechette sembly. They don't look good, but they get the job
As Sabot's long-time partner (and sometimes lover) , done. Damage: 1 D4x1 0 flechettes. Rate of Fire: Single
Flechette (real name unknown) suffered a similar fate as shot, bu rst firing or full auto. Range: 1 50 feet (45.7 m).
he when she stepped on a Balkan land mine and lost both Payload: 300 rou nds per arm. Flechette has a special
her arms. Following Sabot's lead (who at the time had just reloader housing built onto each arm that feeds ammo
ordered his unusual warsuit) , she contacted some ace cy to the guns directly from a large backpack container.
bernetic doctors and set to retu rning to the battlefield The container is protected by Flechette's full suit of ar
ASAP. mor, but if it is hit, it has only 1 00 S . D . C . After that, any
hit on the container hits Flechette's ammo, setting it off Pointman had everything set up, having both an enti re
and really ruining Flechette's day to the tune of about building about a mile away from which to shoot, and hav
4D6x1 00 damage to her directly. Anybody within 50 ing built a copy of the heavy canon with which he made
feet ( 1 5.2 m) will suffer 1 D6x1 0 damage from flying his "mile shot" a few years earlier. All he needed was a
shrapnel. target to present itself. With national leaders from virtually
Full B ionic Armor: A . A . : 1 8, S . D . C . : 750. every country making an appearance, Pointman had a rich
selection to pick from.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
On the fatefu l day, Pointman sighted what he thought
Number of Attacks: 5
was the President of Russia and opened fire. While he
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and topped his old distance record , hitting the target from 1 .02
dodge, +2 to d isarm, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull miles ( 1 .63 km) away, the guy was a heroic body double.
punch, and +1 3 to damage. The real premier had entered through a side entrance. As
Other Combat Info: Restrained punch: 206+ 1 3, all hell broke loose, Pointman opened up, nailing whoever
full-strength punch: 406+ 1 3, power punch: 1 D4x1 0+ 1 3 he could trap in his crosshai rs, so eager was he to bag at
(counts as two attacks). Karate kick: 204+ 1 3, rou nd least one head of state. He killed nine bodyguards and as
house kick: 306+ 1 3, tripping/leg hook, backward sistants, but hit no world leaders. He bugged out, his little
sweep. J u mp kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20, paired side project a complete failure, and was nabbed while
weapons (all). waiting for a charter plane out of the country. Sentenced
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist. to 1 50 years in G ramercy Island , the thoroughly u n repen
tant Pointman has offered no real explanation for his at
M ilitary (Basic) : Running, Climbing (90%/80%) , Mili
tack. U nconfirmed reports suggest his goal was to kill one
tary Etiquette (85%) , Radio: Basic (95%), and W.P. Ri
government official from every nation on the planet.
Whether this is true remains to be seen. Meanwhile,
Military Demolitions: Basic Electronics (80%) , Basic
Pointman has joined Deathsquad because it presents him
Mechanics (80%) , Demolitions (98%) , Demolitions Dis
with both a good chance of escape and a means of fund
posal (98%) , and U nderwater Demolitions (98%) . ing so he can pay his respects at the Cairo World League
Espionage: Detect Ambush (75%) , I ntelligence meeting in 2004.
(71 %), Wilderness Su rvival (80%) , Track (70%) , and
Real Name: Cesar Almarado
Other Aliases: Dead Center and Centerfi re.
Modern Weapons: W . P . Revolver, W . P . Automatic
Alignment: M iscreant (and a little crazy).
Pistol, W . P . Sub-Machinegu n, W . P . Shotgun, W . P .
Attributes: I.a.: 1 3, M.E.: 7, M.A.: 6, P.S.: 1 8, P.P.: 30,
Semi- a n d Automatic Rifles, W.P. Heavy Weapons,
P.E.: 1 8, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 40 (28 mph/45 km)
W.P. Energy Pistol, and W.P. Energy Rifle.
Secondary S kills: Swimming (80%), SCU BA/Ad Age: 29, Sex: Male.
vanced Swimming (80%) , Body Building, and Prowl Height: Six feet, two inches ( 1 .88 m) , Weight: 220 Ibs
(55%). ( 1 00 kg) .
Money: Like Sabot, Flechette is fairly broke. She has a Experience Level : 8
few thousand bucks in cash stowed away in one of her H it Points: 60
old hideouts, reserved for emergencies. But that is it; S.D.C.: 50
certai nly not enough to hire somebody to help break
Power Category: Experiment (Super-Soldier) .
her out of G ramercy Island .
Super-Soldier Abilities : Mindlbody attunement and un-
Weapons: None aside from her bionics package.
canny targeting and throwing.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None aside from her bi
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary P hysical P rowess
onics package.
and Supervision: Advanced Sight.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Poi ntman Number of Attacks: 9
Cesar Almarado i s a sniper's sniper, and as his merce Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +1 0 to strike, +1 1 to parry and
nary alter ego, Pointman, he has become a feared addi dodge, +5 to an aimed shot with a g un , +3 to automatic
tion to many of the world's battlefields. He holds the dodge, +5 to pull punch, +4 to damage, +3 to disarm,
world's record (although it is not officially recorded) for the +3 to roll with impact, +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to
longest distance sniper kill at exactly one mile ( 1 .6 km) save vs poison and magic, and +2 to save vs posses
from a prototype sniping cannon. He has become a sion.
top-level assassin, charging u pwards of $1 million for a Other Combat Info: Body flip/throw, death blow (if de
single hit. For a period of time, he had more work than he sired ; must announce intentions).
could handle, though where all the money went was any
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist.
body's guess. What nobody knew was that he was ban k
Military (Basic) : Running, Climbing (98%/95%) , Mili
rolling it all for a personal project: to assassinate at least
three heads of state d u ring the 1 999 World Summit at the tary Etiquette (90%) , Radio: Basic (98%) , and W.P.
United Nations. Bolt-Action Rifle.
M ilitary Demolitions: Basic Electronics (85%) , Basic full auto only. Range: One mile (1 .6 km) . Payload: 600
Mechanics (85%) , Demolitions (98%) , Demolitions Dis round ammo drum. A full melee bu rst consumes 30
posal (98%) , and Underwater Demolitions (98%) . rounds. A long burst consumes 50 rounds. A short burst
Espionage: Detect Ambush (80%) , I ntelligence consumes 20 rou nds.
(75%), Wilderness Su rvival (85%) , Tracking (75%) , and Vehicles and Other Equipment: Body Armor: A. A . : 1 1 ,
Sniper. S . D . C . : 75.
Modern Weapons: W.P. Semi- and Automatic Rifles,
W.P. Heavy Weapons, W. P . Energy Pistol, and W . P .
Energy Rifle.
Rogue: Palming (65%) , Pick Locks (75%) , Conceal The Fun Bunch
ment (48%) , and Streetwise (48%) .
Secondary Skills: Swimming (85%), SCU BA/Ad
This supervillain team has been arou nd in one form or
vanced Swimming (85%) , Body Building, and Prowl
another for close to 40 years. During that time, the Fun
(67%) .
Bunch has had fou r constants: all of its members exhibit
Money: Flat broke. He has a few hundred bucks hidden at some kind of "evil clown" persona, none of their "real
his old flat, but that's all. This is why he looks forward to world" alter egos are known to anybody, none of their ori
getting out of prison and finding paying work with gins (how or where they obtained their powers) are known
Deathsquad. If Deathsquad does not land some major to anybody, and they are all homicidal maniacs with an
gigs after its members get spru ng from the joint, endless taste for mayhem. It is thought perhaps that sinis
Pointman will be forced to look elsewhere for employ ter super-genius, Cogito, created the Fun Bunch as his fi
ment. He would even consider working for some gov nal gestu re to society before committing su icide in 1 962.
ernment black bag operation, like The Sector, which he Even if this is the case, how the g roup has perpetuated it
hears is always in the market for hiring superpowered self since then is unknown. I nterestingly enough, there
freelancers, especially bad guys with debts to clear. have always been ten active members of the Fun Bunch
Weapons: at all times; as soon as one dies, another appears to re
Sniping Laser: This heavy energy weapon is place him. This is one reason why the Fun Bunch is in
Pointman's favorite because it has tremendous range, hits prison and not on death row somewhere - the fear is
hard , and the shots don't drift in the wind . It is also silent once these nastiest die, thei r replacements will simply
and has very little muzzle flare, also good things for a come out of whatever place is generating them and renew
sniper. Damage: 1 D6x1 O. Rate of Fire: Single shot only. their bloody work.
Range: Two miles (3.2 km) ! Payload: Ten shots per E-clip, The cu rrent g roup resembles a nightmarish circus crew
or 40 shots when hooked up to a belt generator. The gen who use their powers and talents to terrify and destroy.
erator recharges one shot an hou r. Pointman often will They appear to have funding from some unknown source
wear two generators slaved to each other, giving the (perhaps a trust fund set up by the g roup's earlier mem
weapon 80 shots before having to switch to E-clips. bers), since their crimes are almost never are for profit.
Pointman also keeps fou r E-clips on him at all times as a The Fun Bunch specializes in murder, torture, abduction,
backup ammo supply. terrorization, destruction of public property and elaborate
.50 Caliber Handgun: Pointman had this baby spe "games" involving these elements. They are best known
cially made for him as a kind of long-range sidearm. It is for slaying the mayoral candidates for G u lf Coast City last
equipped with special recoil dampeners and gyros that en year and declaring themselves the rulers of the city! They
able anybody with a P .S. of 1 8 or higher to fire it enforced this declaration by bombing the local police de
one-handed without any penalty to strike. (Otherwise, it is partment, burning down the fire stations (ironically
-4 to strike.). Damage: 706. Rate of Fire: Single shot only. enough), and recruiting the city's legions of bored destruc
Range: 1 000 feet (305 m). Payload: Three rou nd internal tive youth as their minions. By the time the superhero
magazine. Rounds are reloaded one at a time. team Skyfire chased the Fun Bunch out of town, much of
Remote Firing Station: This is Pointman's pride and G u lf Coast City was in ruins (over two billion dollars worth
joy, a monstrous weapon that can be used to wreak utter of damage).
havoc. Basically, the weapon is a 20 mm autocannon that The Fun Bunch have all been sentenced to multiple life
Pointman controls remotely through the controls in his terms and have been sent to G ramercy Island to serve
HUD helmet, u p to 2000 feet (61 0 m) away. When he their time. With so much insanity among them, their sec
brings this thing into action, its range, hitting power and tion of the Super-Being Containment Wing more resem
rate of fire provide the firepower of an army squad. The bles a high-secu rity psychiatric ward than a prison. All
big d rawback is that the gun itself is large (200 S.D.C.) members of the Fun Bunch are in physical restraints of
and immobile (600 Ibs/270 kg) , so if Pointman must some kind 2417, in addition to whatever measures have
exfiltrate quickly or does not destroy his target on the first been taken to neutralize their powers.
salvo, the gun stands a good chance of being left behind There are ten members to the Fun Bunch, total. They
or being destroyed. Should he find the money, the villain is are the Heckler and his nine cronies: Sigmund 'Raid, Doc
considering building an energy weapon version of this. tor Bones, Twinkletoes, Cane and Able, Punch and Judy,
Damage: 1 D6x1 0 per round. Rate of Fire: Burst firing or Jojo Fahrenheit, and Sticky Pete.
tu re may have a debilitating impact on one's psyche, leav
ing its victims emotionally and/or mentally scarred for life.
For each hour of torture, the Heckler's victims must roll
under their M . E . on a 020 or suffer one insanity at ran
dom. Those with the superpower (+2 to save) of Extraordi
nary M . E. stand a better chance of end u ring the Heckler's
tortu re and remaining mentally sound. Should one resist
the Heckler for ten hou rs or more, the effects of the torture
will suddenly reverse on the Heckler himself, who will col
lapse before his indomitable opponent and whimper like a
dog. The Heckler will remain in this state for 1 04 days,
d u ring which time, he is utterly defenseless. When he re
gains his composure, that individual will have become a
hated enemy for life.
Alignment: Diabolic and deranged.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 3, M.A.: 22, P.S. : 1 8, P.P.:
2 1 , P.E.: 1 7, P.B. : 9, Spd : 1 4
Insanities: Psychotic and sadistic: likes to hurt, maim, tor
tu re and kill. Obsession: power/leadership; loves to tor
ment and h u rt people in positions of power. Affective
disorder: hates musicians and music, except for those
playing circus or carnival themes. Multiple personalities:
Blood Thirsty, Megalomaniac, the Psychopath (roll ran
domly to determine which one is governing the Heckler
at any given time.)
Age: 40, Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m), Weight: 250 Ibs ( 1 1 2.5 kg) .
Experience Level : 6
H it Points: 45
The Heckler S.D.C.: 30
This villain i s the leader of the Fun Bunch and the sev Power Category: Special Training (Stage Magician).
enth person to carry the name Heckler. It seems this Special Skills: Sleight of Hand, Contortionist, Juggling
name is something of a tradition within the g roup. The cur (up to 1 0 items at once; 80% chance).
rent Heckler is an ace knife-thrower with a penchant for ut Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Assassin.
tering an endless stream of jokes d u ring combat. Most of Number of Attacks: 6 hand to hand or throwing attacks.
them are u nfit for retelling in civilized company, but they
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +5 to strike (+9 with any thrown
have definitely become this monster's calling card.
weapon), +6 to parry and dodge, +5 to pull punch , +6 to
Power-wise, the Heckler is perhaps the weakest of the
damage, +3 to d isarm, and +5 to roll with impact.
Fun Bunch, which is why he relies on his natu ral charisma
and presence to get his cronies to do most of the heavy Saving Throws: +4% to save vs coma/death , + 1 to save
supervi llainy for him. The Heckler is supremely talented, vs magic and poison, and impervious to Horror Factor
however, in the arts of torture, interrogation, and psycho (due to his own mindset) .
logical warfare. He puts these to use on whoever is u nfor Other Combat Info: 70% chance to evoke trust or intimi
tu nate enough to be captu red by his crew. Those who dation.
endure a questioning by the Heckler almost never emerge Education Level and Skills: Stage Magician.
physically or emotionally intact. Common � General: Pilot Automobile (98%), Pilot
During any given torture session by the Heckler, the vil Truck (75%) , Basic Mathematics (98%), and Speak
lain will use his knives to intimidate his victims and con U krainian (90%) .
vince them to share their secrets with him. It is noteworthy Sleight of Hand : Card Sharp (74%) , Concealment
to point out that it is this madman's soft-spoken demeanor, (70%), Palming (75%), Pick Locks (75%), Pick Pockets
gentle touch, voice and words that contribute considerably (70%), Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons (66%), and
to the horrifying expe rience. This often includes in-depth Safecracking (60%).
descriptions of what he "cou ld" do to them, or more often, I llusion � Magic: Dance (65%) , Disguise (70%) , Es
what he plans on doing to a loved one or innocent captive cape Artist (80%) , I mitate VOices/Impersonation
(forcing the target of his real torture to watch and wonder (71 %/5 1 %), T.V.Nideo (60%), Su rveillance Systems
what's in store for him). Aside from the damage this al (65%), and Chemistry (65%) .
ways does to one's P.B. stat as well as possible crippling Ancient W . P .s: W.P. Archery & Targeting, W.P.
injury, this combination of physical and psychological tor- Knife, W . P . Blunt, and W . P . Paired Weapons.
Secondary: First Aid (70%), Recognize Weapon Quality wants to bully his so-called "peers." To the public,
(50%), Art (60%) , Business & Finance (60%), Boat Build Sigmund 'Roid is simply the most terrible of monsters who
ing (50%) , Land Navigation (56%) , and Astronomy (50%) . delights in pushing school buses off bridges, th reatening
Money: $70,000 in ready cash h idden away in 1 0,000 dol- schools and bombarding playgrou nds with enormous
lar increments across the city. pieces of rock, concrete, and automobiles. With the possi
ble exception of the Heckler, Dr. 'Roid is the most reviled
by the public, something not lost on Sigmund himself, and
Throwing Ghurkas & Electromagnetic Gloves: The something which only makes him an angrier villain than he
Heckler's prime weapons are a set of ten heavy, cu rved al ready is.
throwing knives that he had made long ago from the same
Alignment: Diabolic and crazy.
weaponsmith who crafted the arsenal for the infamous vil
Attributes: I.Q.: 4, M.E. : 6, M.A.: 4, P.S. : 60 (Supernatu
lain Zoomerang. The Heckler's knives are like standard
ral), P.P.: 1 0, P.E.: 40, P.B.: 6, Spd : 1 0
"ghu rka" combat knives, except they are specially
weighted to retu rn if they miss thei r target. They also are Insanities: Compulsion: M ust bully and terrorize small
magnetized , so if the Heckler desires, he can simply pull children whenever he gets the chance .
them back into the palms of his electromagnetic gloves, Age: 34, Sex: Male.
just as if he were using telekinesis on them. The range of Height: Six feet, six inches ( 1 .98 m). Weight: 300 Ibs
his electromagnetic retrieval system is 250 feet (76.3 m). ( 1 35 kg) .
Of course, Heckler often does not need to retrieve his Experience Level : 4
knives; once he has sunk all ten into a target, the fight is
pretty much over, and Heckler can retrieve the weapons at H it Points: 74
his leisu re. Damage: 306 each. Should the Heckler ever S.D.C.: 250
desi re to poison these blades, the damage would probably Power Category: Experiment.
go up by another 506 should the target fail to save vs poi Side Effects: C h ronic pain (can fight to -32 H it Points ! ) , all
son. Rate of Fire: The Heckler can fire off six of these hair has fallen out.
wicked knives per melee round. Range: 1 60 feet (48. 8 m).
Major Super Abilities: Supernatu ral Strength.
Note: The electromagnetic gloves are also used to hang
onto moving vehicles and robots, climb iron or steel con Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary End u rance and
structs, and hold onto iron items with an u nbreakable g rip. Healing Factor.
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Concealed Armor: A.A. Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
1 0, S . D. C . : 50. The Heckler would wear heavier armor, Number of Attacks: 6
but it wou ld interfere with his crazy clown costume and
throwing too much.
Doctor Bones
A freakishly gaunt individual , Doctor Bones i s t h e resi
dent human skeleton of the Fun Bunch, using his powers
to contort his body almost beyond belief. This makes him
an exceptional escape artist, spy and infiltration specialist,
as evidenced by the cou ntless break-ins the good Doctor
has performed for the Fun Bunch. It also makes him the
g roup's stealth killer, since he is fond of sneaking u p on
opponents, wrapping them up with his body, and squeez
ing or strangling them to death. Doctor Bones loves to do
this more than anything, and will often break off from the
rest of the group so he can hunt for victims on his own.
C u riously, Doctor Bones also seems to have been one
of the original members of the Fun Bunch! Although his
age does not impede his combat ability, authorities won
der if he could offer any kind of information as to the Fun
Bunch's geneSiS, where their home base might be, and
how their ranks always replenish themselves. U nfortu
nately, Doctor Bones is mute, having never spoken a sin
gle word his enti re life. He has a fully functioning set of
vocal cords and a tongue, but has simply never chosen or
been made to speak. I n fact, although he will take the
Heckler's commands and listen to others talk, Doctor
Bones makes no attempt to communicate with others.
Psychiatric experts believe him to be locked in a freeform
delusional landscape where the world he sees is radically Weapons: None.
different from the world he actually lives in. The psychic Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Mega-Hero Psyscape performed a deep telepathic probe
on Doctor Bones one time and verified that he does live in
his own , twisted reality. To Doctor Bones, the world is a Twi n kletoes
nightmarish candy land, a never-ending carnival atmo
Certainly the Fun Bunch's heaviest member,
sphere desig ned and bu ilt by a deranged and evil mind.
Twinkletoes has taken the role of Fat Lady in the g roup's
"Like if hell were an amusement park," Psyscape said. No
circus motif. To that end, she wears a pink ballerina outfit
wonder Doctor Bones is so creepy.
and walks around on her tippy-toes (seemingly in defiance
Alignment: Diabolic and a homicidal maniac. of the laws of physics, considering how big she is).
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 9, M.A.: 1 1 , P.S.: 40 (Superhu
Twinkletoes actually appears to be a friendly member
man) , P.P.: 1 4, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 9, Spd : 8
of the Fun Bunch. She never swears or overtly threatens
Insanities: Psychosis: Fascination with death in all its her opponents, and at times even seems shy and hesitant
forms. Delusional, lives in his own fantasy world that to jump into combat. When she does, her attacks usually
happens to collide with o u r reality. consist of ru nning at an opponent as if they were a
Age: 58, Sex: Male. long-lost friend or relative and enveloping them in a
Height: Six feet, three inches ( 1 .9 m), Weight: 1 40 Ibs smothering embrace. (Note: I n game terms, this is like the
(63.6 kg) . Crush/Squeeze hold bestowed by the Wrestling skill.)
Experience Level : 4 Even if her victim is beating and thrashing to get away,
Twinkletoes will continue to hold them there, oblivious of
H it Points: 38
whatever damage she might take. These "love hugs" last
S.D.C.: 1 00 (1 50 at night) . from two to five ( 1 04+ 1 ) melee rounds, after which if her
Power Category : M utant. opponent is still conscious, she will suddenly reverse in
Unusual Characteristics: Large Hands with hideous, re her emotions, become enraged, and start fighting with her
tractable claws (306) . fists and other powers.
Major Super Abilities : Stretching (Horror Factor of 1 0 Another favorite attack is to run at an opponent and ei
while stretching; 1 3 when stretching at night). ther leap on top of him (equal to a Body Block/Ram attack
that does 506 damage) or stop short only to batter the
Minor Super Abilities: Nightstalking and Superhuman
character with ballerina-like spins and movements while
kicking the living daylights out of him.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand : Martial Arts.
Since her incarceration, Twinkletoes has started a
Number of Attacks: 5 long-d istance romance with another super-fat villain
Bonuses: + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +6 to roll named Heavyset, who is cu rrently at large in the
with impact, +29 to damage, +3 to save vs poison and super-city of U ltropolis. Twinkletoes routinely receives let
magic, +8 to save vs Horror Factor (due to his psycho ters from him, and when she writes back, she can only
sis). post her missives on the I nternet in the hopes that her
Other Combat Info: Claw swipe: 306+25. Kinetic projec love will find and read them. While authorities are trying to
tiles (e. g . , bullets, arrows, knives, etc.), explosive im use this paper trail to find and arrest Heavyset himself, a
pact and falls all do half damage. Energy attacks do full few disreputable newspapers have begun publishing
damage. + 1 06 damage at night. these strange love letters in their columns, much to the
Education Level and Skills: Doctorate. public's joyful revu lsion. This has made Twinkletoes
Medical Assistant: Basic Mathematics (90%) , Busi something of a bizarre celebrity, and she has appeared
ness & Finance (80%), Computer Operation (85%), Bi (via remote transmission) on a number of trashy daytime
talk shows, so the crowds may hoot at her appearance
ology (75%) , and Paramedic (85%) .
and her disturbing love for the equally g rotesque Heavy
Medical Doctor: Chemistry (75%) , Pathology (85%) ,
and M edical Doctor (98%/95%).
Medical I nvestigation: Criminal Science/Forensics Alignment: Aberrant and a nut case.
(85%) and Advanced Mathematics (90%) . Attributes: I.Q.: 1 1 , M.E.: 1 2, M.A. : 1 3, P .S.: 55 (super
Science: Archeology (75%) , Anth ropology (75%) , human) , P.P.: 1 1 , P.E.: 1 4, P.B.: 1 2, Spd : 5
and Chemistry: Analytical (75%) . Insanities: Obsessed with being polite and sweet, as well
Secondary: Body Building, Running, Climbing as obsessed with Heavyset (her true love). She will
(55%/45%) , Swimming (65%) , Athletics (General), Rec never, personally, harm a child, although she rarely
ognize Weapon Quality (40%), and Fi rst Aid (60%). tries to stop other members of her g roup from doing so,
Money: Doctor Bones periodically receives royalty checks tu rning a blind eye to their villainy.
from a mysterious company called GoreShock Sys Age: 30, Sex: Female.
tems, LLG. The checks are always in the six-fig u re Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m), Weight: 700 Ibs (31 5 kg) .
range, and while other teammates might want to know
Experience Level : 5
where this money is coming from, the Fun Bunch sim
H it Points: 40
ply spends it like crazy, not asking questions.
Technical : Research (75%), Writing (50%) ,
Speak/Literacy: Span ish (75%/55%), and Law (Gen
eral) (50%) .
Secondary Skills: Pilot: Automobile (80%) , Pilot: Air
plane (70%) , Pilot: Motorcycle (70%), Advanced Mathe
matics (65%), Auto Mechanics (45%) , Basic Mechanics
(50%), Cook (55%) , and Wrestling.
Money: Very little. Twinkletoes has frittered away most of
her cash buying gifts for her paramou r, Heavyset. Dis
tu rbing things, like latex ballerina outfits (complete with
tutu) , cattle p rods, and h u ndreds of dollars worth of
pudding mix.
Weapons: Her body, man. That's all she needs.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
third of the time, the two are roughly equal to each ness & Finance ( 50% ) , Speak/Literacy: German ( 98% ) ,
other. Speak/Literacy: English ( 65% ) , Recognize Weapon
Age: 26, Sex: Male. Quality (40% ) , Computer Operation ( 55% ) .
Height: Six feet, one inch ( 1 .85 m) , Weight: 2 1 0 Ibs (94.5 Money: Cane and Able have squirrelled away over half a
kg) . million dollars in cash to a Swiss bank accou nt. Se
Experience Level : 4 cretly, they plan on using this money to finance their
own criminal enterprises one day. They are presently
Hit Points: 40
considering raiding those funds to hire a team of Euro
S.D.C.: 40 pean super-mercenaries known as the Continental
Power Category: Experiment. Marines to break them and the other Fun Bunchers out
Major Super Abilities: Animal Metamorphosis (any and of G ramercy Island.
all animals, but they prefer predators), and Control Oth Weapons: None. These two rely on their animal abilities
ers. for overt combat. Their favorite forms are great cats,
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert. wolves and bears. They often reserve their Control
Number of Attacks: 5 (Others) abilities for those who they have already cap
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +6 to parry and tu red or defeated .
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, and +4 Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Aside from some per
to damage. sonal items, Cane and Able have no special gear. Both
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+6, axe kick: 2 06+4, like to wear natu ral leathers and animal furs, and use a
rou ndhouse kick: 306+4. +8% to save vs coma/death , whip like the animal trainer in the circus.
+2 to save vs magic and poison, +6 to save vs posses
sion and +4 to save vs Horror Factor.
Education Level and Skills: On the Job Training.
Pu nch & Judy
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (45% ) , Pick Locks Every crew of evil clowns requires a good slapstick rou
(60%), Find Contraband & Illegal Weapons (50%) , Con tine, right? Well, for the Fun Bunch, that routine is Pu nch
cealment (46%) , Card Sharp (48%). and Judy, two super-brawlers who enjoy h u rting each
Secondary Skills: Law (General) ( 40% ) , Sing (50% ) , other as much as the dozens of innocent bystanders who
Basic Electronics ( 45% ) , Basic Mechanics ( 45% ) , Busi- regu larly fall prey to them.
sessing hairtrigger tempers and a barely contained lust for
combat, it is all these two can do to not simply launch into
violent episodes every hour of the day. When not harass
ing others, they spend much of the time rolling around,
wrestling and fighting each other. During these tussles,
they pull their pu nches a lot and don't seriously hurt each
other. Meanwhile, in real combat situations, these two
work frighteningly well together, always opting to team up
on a single opponent like a demented pai r of cheating ,
tag-team wrestlers . However, should one of these two ac
cidentally hit the other, or should one of them miss hitting
a target three times in a row (Le. , a missed blow or the op
ponent parries or dodges successfully) , then the other will
often tu rn on his or her partner out of frustration. This
strange and almost humorous Achilles' heel is what de
feats the pair more than other combatants. No matter how
well combat may be going for these two, they almost al
ways end up fighting each other (pulling no pu nches, this
time) to punish themselves for a poor performance on the
battlefield . One of these days, they will probably end up
killing each other while the rest of the Fun Bunch looks on,
giggling maniacally and pointing their fingers at the spec
Alignment: Punch is Diabolic, J udy is M iscreant, both are
insanely agg ressive.
Attributes (Punch): I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A.: 1 5, P.S.: 30
(superhu man) , P.P.: 25, P.E.: 27, P.B.: 20, Spd: 40; both
Punch and J udy have nearly identical powers, although
J udy has an La. of 1 3 and M.E. 1 4.
Insanities: Semi-Functional Mindless Agg ression , ex
treme hostility and u nbound homicidal tendencies.
Age: 22, Sex: Punch is male, J udy is female, but wears
her hair short cropped and paints on a black mustache
and goatee to look more masculine (and in her mind ,
more dangerous).
Height: Both are six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 1 90 Ibs (85.5
kg) for Punch , 1 70 Ibs (76.5 kg) for J udy.
Experience Level : 6th each .
H it Points: 80 for Punch, 71 for J udy.
S.D.C.: 1 20 for Punch, 92 for J udy.
Power Category: Physical Training (Focus on End u rance
and Strength)
Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch, Power Kick,
Force of Will.
Combat Training: SPEC IAL: Agg ressive and Deadly
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +8 to strike, +9 to parry, +5 to
dodge, +4 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impact, +2 to
disarm, +50% to save vs coma/death, +8 to save vs
disease, toxins and pOisons, +6 to save vs magic.
Other Combat Info: Paired weapons (all), entangle, body
block/tackle, karate punch: 204+ 1 5, snap kick:
1 06+ 1 5, karate kick: 206+1 5 , rou ndhouse kick:
306+ 1 5, tripping/leg hook, backward sweep, arm hold ,
Unlike most of the Fun Bunch , Punch and J udy pos body hold , back flip, critical strike: 1 8-20, automatic
sess no bona fide superpowers, but their intensive combat
knockout on a natural 20, critical body flip/throw, body
training makes them just as lethal , if not more so. Pos-
flip/th row: +2.
Education Level and Skills: One Year of College.
P hysical: Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Body Building , Jojo Fah ren heit
Boxing, Climbing, Running, and Swimming. Jojo is a mean d runk who lives at the bottom of a bottle
Espionage: Detect Ambush (70%), I nterrogation and has a gift for using his constant inebriation as a
(80%), Tracking (65%) , and Wilderness Su rvival (75%) . means of exhibiting all sorts of savagery upon others.
Rogue: Palming (70%), Pick Locks (75%), Pick Even though he is clean and sober within G ramercy Island
Pockets (80%) , and P rowl (75%) . (the guards have made sure he can neither receive alco
Secondary: Automotive Mechanics (50%), Basic Me hol or make it himself) , his mean streak has not been di
chanics (55%) , Basic Electronics (55%), Radio: Basic luted one bit. Jojo Fahrenheit remains as su rly as ever,
(70%), First Aid (70%), T.V.Nideo (45%) , Carpentry and a constant agitant in a wing of the prison that hard ly
(50%), Recognize Weapon Quality (50%) and W . P . needs any rabble-rousers.
Blunt. Jojo's abilities include an immunity to fire and the expul
Money: None. They spend thei r money like drunken sail sion of flames. While drinking has nothing to do with his
ors, and they also both have serious gambling prob abilities exhibiting themselves, Jojo is convinced he must
lems. Thus, they are perpetually out of cash and drink alcohol , lighter fluid or other flammable liquid in o rder
looking for some way to scrape by. for his powers to work. Thus, he typically spends the first
Weapons: action of every melee round taking a long pull off his bottle
Slapstick: These villains both carry spiked cudgels of hooch (usually in a brown paper bag , or with a label that
they call their "slapsticks." Basically, baseball bats with simply says "XXX" on it) . After that, the re-energized mis
large nails protruding from them. They inflict 206+4 per anthrope cuts loose with streams of fire from his mouth
strike, and can be used as paired weapons. However, like a living flamethrower.
Punch and J udy each carry only one slapstick each in fa Jojo is the only member of the Fun Bunch who appears
vor of picking up some loose object from the battlefield to have a family. Melissa Sochran and her two sons Emil
and using it to complement the slapsticks. Note: Can use and Jase routinely send letters to G ramercy Island, telling
any type of blunt object as a weapon. Jojo that they love him, that they hope he gets better
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Padded and Ceramic soon, so he might one day retu rn home. Authorities have
Body Armor: A. R . : 1 2, S . D . C . : 80; concealed under no clue exactly who the Sochrans are (could they be part
of the Sochran family worth around $2.2 billion?). If Jojo is
their costumes.
truly a part of this family, and every attempt to trace where Secondary Skills: Swimming (70%), SCUBA/Ad
these letters are coming from has fai led, he could be a ty vanced Swimming (70%) , Hunting, Card Sharp (35%) ,
coon gone mad . Guards believe the letters might actually Pilot Airplane (60%) , Pilot Water Scooter (70%), Pilot
be a kind of coded message being sent to Jojo, or that Motorcycle (70%), and Pilot Truck (50%) .
some deluded individual is pretending to be Jojo's family Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Automatic and Semiau
as a form of fan worship for the villain. Despite such theo tomatic Rifle
ries, however, an investigative reporter has heard of this Money: According to letters he has received, Jojo might
and is trying to get the Soch ran family to g rant him an in be an heir to the legendary Sochran publishing fortune,
terview. According to some of the letters the Soch rans cu rrently worth over $2 billion! The thought of what the
have sent, the Fun Bunch apparently abducts its new re Fun Bunch would do with that kind of cash is tru ly
cru its and subjects them to some kind of empowering cer frightening. They'd probably buy a couple hundred
emony and brainwashing. Once part of the group, the thousand packets of Pop Rocks and dump them into
recruits fail to recognize their old family and go about their the Centu ry Station reservoir, for starters.
business of death and destruction. This explanation is
Weapons: Just his fire breath. If he were to have a bottle
most interesting , for if the Fun Bunch are essentially a fab
of gasoline on hand , he could throw it as a Molotov
ricated super-g roup, then there might be a way to neutral
ize their methods and disru pt their recruiting process, cocktail, inflicting 406 to the point of impact, and an
shattering the Fun Bunch for good . Now. if only somebody other 206 per melee for another 1 04 minutes.
knew where their headquarters was. Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes : I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 9, M.A.: 9, P.S.: 1 5, P.P.: 1 8,
P.E.: 25, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 20
Insanities: Power by Association: Any bottle of "hooch." It
can be cheap alcohol or high-octane gasoline (see Side
Effects, below) .
Age: 30, Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m), Weight: 1 90 Ibs (85.5 kg) .
Experience Level : 5
H it Points: 75
S.D.C.: 1 50
Power Category: Experiment.
Side Effects: Requires energy for nou rishment; Jojo has
learned that if he d rinks high octane gasoline (1 02 oc
tane or higher) it will suffice for food. He needs about a
gallon a day or else he will begin to suffer the effects of
malnutrition .
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expu lsion: Fire (706) , En
ergy Resistance (remember Jojo takes only half dam
age from energy attacks, so scale down energy attacks
by 50% before applying them to his 20 point energy re
sistance), I mpervious to Fire and Heat, Healing Factor,
Heightened Sense of Smell, and Extraordinary Physical
End u rance.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +6 to
dodge, +5 to pull punch, +4 to damage, +3 to disarm ,
+3 to roll with impact.
Other Combat Info: Body flip/th row, punch: 1 04+4, fire Sticky Pete
breath (706, 300 feet (91 .5 m). Of the enti re Fun Bunch, the only one with any hope of
Education Level and Skills: Trade School . reforming is the nefarious Sticky Pete. At first, one will no
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing tice how he speaks English, but in a variety of different
(75%/65%) , Military Etiquette (70%) , and Radio: Basic stereotypical accents (roll 1 01 0 to determine randomly
(70%). from among American Southern , Russian, English Cock
Military Demolitions Program: Basic Electronics ney, German, I ndian, Cantonese, New England American,
(50%) , Basic Mechanics (50%) , Demolitions (60%) , De Canadian, French , Mexican). But after that little curiosity,
molitions Disposal (60%) , and U nderwater Demolitions one will notice what is really important about this villain: he
is perhaps the only member of the Fun Bunch who shows
remorse for killing. Wilderness Su rvival Program: Wilderness Su rvival
(70%), Hunting , Identify Plants & Fru its (70%), Land
In the past, Sticky Pete used his powers to immobilize
Navigation (75%) , Track Animals (60%) , and Skin &
his victims and then slaughter them slowly, rejoicing in the
pain and fear he crafted. However, over the years, it P repare Animal H ides (75%) .
seems as if the weight of Sticky Pete's crimes has caught Science P rogram: Computer Operation (85%) , Ad
up with him, and now, whenever he immobilizes some vanced Mathematics (90%) , Chemistry (75%) , Astron
body, he is content to merely give them a good scare and omy (60%), Anthropology (65%) , and Archaeology
let them live. So far, he managed to conceal his change of (65%).
heart from his teammates, but if ever they discovered Domestic: Basic Mathematics (90%) , Cook (80%) ,
Sticky Pete is losing his killer instinct, the g roup wou ld de Fishing (85%) , and Sewing (85%).
scend upon him like a pack of rabid dogs. Secondary Skills: Running, Body Building, Prowl
(80%), Athletics (General) , Repair/Maintenance (55%) ,
The truth behind Sticky Pete's transformation is simple:
P hotography (55%) , and Holistic Medicine (40%).
Somehow, his mind is recovering from the cocktail of in
sanity that it once had been. With another 2D6+6 months Money: Sticky Pete has exactly $1 ,234.56 on him at all
of successful psychotherapy, Sticky Pete might finally be times. If he has more than this, he immediately spends
come 1 00% sane. It is the hope of the prison administra or gives it away. If he has less, he will do anything to
tion that once cured, Sticky Pete will be able to remember get his pocket change up to the "proper" level.
who he really is, and how he became a member of the Weapons: None.
Fun Bunch. At present, this seems to be the best lead for Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
shattering the dome of secrecy that has su rrounded the
Fun Bu nch for so long.
Alignment: Aberrant; with extensive therapy he could be
come Unprincipled. The Dynosaurs
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 1 8, P.P.:
26, P.E. : 1 4, P.B.: 1 2, Spd : 44
Insanity: Obsessed with having exactly $1 ,234.56, noth These g uys were bred by the Genesys Corp. As part of
ing more, nothing less. a military program for the next century. This g roup is the
Age: 40, Sex: Male. fi rst generation of fully fu nctioning individuals, and had
been put together as an independent crimefighting team to
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m) , Weight: 1 80 Ibs
demonstrate the program's potential to buyers. Right off
(81 .7 kg) .
the bat, the Dynosaurs became very popular within Cen
Experience Level : 5 tu ry Station, due to their heroic exploits, their personable
Hit Points: 34 demeanor, and their marketable appearance. (Hey, kids
S.D.C.: 30 simply love dinosaurs.) The original team included an up
Power Category: Experiment. lifted Pterosau roid, Hadrosauroid, Stegosau roid and
Allosauroid, but those fou r either died d u ring uplift training
Side Effects: All of Sticky Pete's hair has fallen out, ex or reg ressed and were put down. The team cu rrently in
cept for the hair on the top of his head; his body is en cludes Balthazar the Triceratops, Desdemona the
tirely bald . Velociraptor, Orlando the Sau ropod, lago the Tyranno
Major Super Abilities: Alter Metabolism. sau r, and Portia the Anklyosau r.
Minor Super Abilities: Extraordinary Physical P rowess, For close to a year, the Dynosaur Team was part of a
Adhesion, Energy Expu lsion: Sticky G lobs. (SPECIAL! joint effort between Genesys and the Century Station Po
This attack does no damage, but instead fires a glob of lice Department for private industry to play a hand in local
goo that behaves identically to a Carpet of Adhesion law enforcement. The Dynosau rs were a rapid response
spell cast at 5th level proficiency, except that it is not team to situations that C-SWAT either could not handle or
magic.) required super-powered backup. C-SWAT had been gen
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. erally disdainful of the Dynosau rs, who they viewed as
freaks and monsters foisted u pon them by some g reedy
Number of Attacks: 6
corporation looking only to make a buck at the expense of
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to automatic dodge, +8 to honest, human police officers. Even thoug h the Dynosau rs
strike, +2 to disarm, +9 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll were not showboaters, and had a nearly perfect action re
with impact, +2 to pull punch. cord (which included saving the lives of numerous
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4+3, axe kick: 2 D6+3, C-SWAT team members), they served as pariahs by the
roundhouse kick: 3D6+3, trippinglleg hook, and j u mp very men who they would count as their closest allies.
kicks (all). All this came to a head several months ago, when a
Education Level and Skills: Masters' Degree. team of high-tech bank robbers smashed throug h a bank
Technical P rogram: Research (90%) , Writing (75%) , vault and robbed the place d u ring daytime hours. The rob
Art (85%) , and Business & Finance (85%) . bers then made a break for it through a crowded shopping
district, where they were intercepted by a C-SWAT squad Alignment: P rincipled
who, against orders, opened fire upon the robbers. I n the Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 3, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 30, P.P.:
resu lting fi re-fight, over a dozen civilians were caught in 1 8, P .E.: 30, P . B . : 1 1 , Spd: 25
the crossfire. Three C-SWAT troopers went down, and the Age: 3, Sex: Male.
robbers got away. The media blitz that followed would Height: Fou r feet, six inches (1 .37 m). Weight: 305 Ibs
have been terrible for C-SWAT, so the commanding offi
( 1 37 kg) .
cer in the group that began the fight took matters into his
own hands. Since media crews had failed to captu re the Experience Level : 3
fight on film, and since the on-scene witnesses either died H it Points: 45
or were too busy running to see anything, C-SWAT had a S.D.C.: 98
chance to do some spin control. It just required somebody Power Category: M utant Animal (Triceratops) .
else to take the fall for it. Enter the Dynosau rs. Size Level : 1 0
Calling in favors from corrupt computer operators within Build: Short
the Centu ry Station Police Department, C-SWAT doctored Hands: Full
the combat footage from its own troopers helmet cameras. Biped: Full
Using sophisticated image manipu lation software, images Speech : Full
of the Dynosaurs were superimposed on the bodies of the Looks: None
bank robbers. C-SWAT leaked the footage to the press,
who had a field day with it. The public backlash against
the Dynosaurs (and mutants in general) was intense to
say the least. And though they protested their innocence,
the Dynosaurs were all fou nd guilty of murder, armed rob
bery and other charges in a two-day show trial. When the
dust settled, the innocent Dynosaurs were sent to G ramer
cy Island, and C-SWAT had done the housecleaning it
had always hoped for.
Today, the only evidence of any wrongdoing lies in the
memory of the C-SWAT officers involved in the frame-up.
Should any one of them discover a conscience and con
fess, then the Dynosau rs might be spru ng from prison.
(Genesys is certainly no help, washing their hands of the
mutants in order to preserve good public relations.) Other
wise, the mutants will spend the rest of their lives behind
bars u nless they escape. To that end, both Desdemona
and lago want to break free from the island, track down
their framers (they have a pretty good idea of who did it)
and bring them to justice. Balthazar wants to stay in prison
out of respect for the laws that imprisoned him (he simply
will not break the law, even if it is to u ndo his own wrongful
imprisonment) and to protect the team. He knows if they
escape, they'll be hunted down and destroyed like mad
dogs. Portia agrees with Balthazar. Orlando is on the
fence, and could go either way.
He is the designated leader of the team, and is a
slightly more "advanced model" than his teammates.
While Balthazar is stalwart and strong, his blind dedication
to the law and loyalty to his creators at Genesys under
mine him as a leader. The truth is, Balthazar fears
Genesys, and has always believed that if he does not
carry out their orders perfectly, they will simply kill him or
replace him with an even more "advanced" (read: more
compliant) model. Now that he is in prison, he advocates
serving his time "like a good soldier" and forgetting any
notions of pursing justice on his own terms.
Real Name: TRI v. 3.0
Occupation: C H I M E RA Special Forces Trooper and Pro
fessional Crimefighter.
Weapons: Horn Projections (+2D6 to head butt) & Neck
Shield (Natu ral A . A . : 1 7 to head and neck) . Desdemona
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. Designed for q u ick and discreet secu rity interventions,
Number of Attacks: 4 Desdemona is the group's stealthy SWAT-style interven
tion agent (reconnaissance, intelligence, rescue and
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +7 to
anti-terrorism). She prefers one on one melee combat to
parry with head, +5 to dodge, + 1 5 to damage, +3 to roll
g u nfighting, and truly enjoys the thrill and danger of her
with punch/fall/impact, +3 to pull punch, and +2 to dis job. Despite this, she knew from the beginning that she
arm. was both a slave to Genesys and a threat to C-SWAT.
Saving Throws: +8 vs magic and pOison, +30% vs Even before being framed she was no longer content to
coma/death carry out the company's hatchet work or perform public re
Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 D6+ 1 5, Karate Kick: lations stunts for them. Nor work alongside C-SWAT. Now
2D4+1 5 , Axe Kick: 2D6+ 1 5 , Roundhouse Kick: more than anything, she wants to live a simple life in the
3D6+ 1 5 , Tripping/Leg Hook, Backward Sweep wilderness, running, and hunting as a predator, killing only
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist for food . Now that C-SWAT has dropped the hammer on
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush (60%) , I ntelli her, she fantasizes about escaping prison and waging war
gence (60%) , Wilderness Su rvival (55%) , Sniper, and on the corrupt officers who tried so hard to destroy her.
Tracking (55%) . Revenge shall be hers. Oh yes, revenge will be hers.
M ilitary Demolitions: Basic Electronics (60%) , Basic Her teammates fear Desdemona has a form of atavism
Mechanics (60%) , Demolitions (86%) , Demolitions Dis that encourages her to revert to a more animalistic state.
posal (86%) , and U nderwater Demolitions (84%) . Perhaps that is so, but even if it is, Desdemona does not
Secondary Skills: P rowl (35%) , Running, Swimming care. U ntil she breaks free of G ramercy Island, she will
(60%), Climbing (50%/40%) , SCU BA/Advanced g row increasingly hotheaded and free-spirited, like a tiger
Swimming (60%) , and Radio: Basic (55%). trapped in a cage. Which is what she is, really.
Weapon P roficiencies: W. P . S hotgu n , W . P . Real Name: VEL v. 2.4
Sub-Machineg u n , W. P . Automatic a n d Semiautomatic Occupation: C H I M ERA Special Forces Trooper and Pro-
Rifles, W . P . Heavy Weapons, W . P . Energy Pistol, W. P . fessional Crimefighter.
Energy Rifle, W. P. Heavy Energy Weapons & Rail Alignment: Anarchist
G uns. Attributes: I.Q.: 1 7, M.E.: 9, M.A.: 1 5, P.S.: 24, P.P.: 20,
Money: Like the rest of the Dynosaurs, Balthazar once P.E.: 24, P.B. : 9 , Spd: 58 (40 mph/64 km)
earned $1 00,000 a year and has approximately Age: 3 , Sex: Female.
$50,000 saved up, largely because he has little to Height: Five feet ( 1 .5 m). Weight: 1 30 Ibs (58.5 kg) .
spend it on .
Experience Level : 3
H it Points: 39
Prototype Ion Blaster: Range: 1 ,000 feet (305 m).
S.D.C.: 45
Damage: 1 D4x1 o. Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each
shot cou nts as one melee action . Payload: 1 0 shots per Power Category: M utant Velociraptor.
E-Clip or can be hooked up to a backpack generator Size Level: 6
(S. D.C.: 50) for an effectively unlimited payload. Build: Medium
Simple Ion Blaster Pistol: Range: 200 feet (61 m). Hands: Full
Damage: 4D6. Rate of Fire: Single shot only; each shot Biped: Full
counts as one melee action. Payload: 1 4 shots per E-Clip. Speech: Partial
Looks: None
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Aside from the standard
Weapons: Hand Claws, Teeth, Scythe Claw.
field equipment and vehicles available to other special
Powers: Leaping Ability.
agents of C H I M ERA, Balthazar makes routine use of
the following: Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Modified Class 4 Hard Armor: A.A.: 1 7. S . D . C . : 280. Number of Attacks: 4
Multi-Optic Goggles: This advanced bit of eyewear offers Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to
all of the featu res of a Mu lti-Optics Helmet but in a dodge, +9 to damage, +3 to roll with punchlfall/impact,
much more compact package. +3 to pull punch , +2 to disarm .
Personal Coml ink: Balthazar wears a combination Saving Throws: + 5 v s magic and poison, + 1 8% vs
subvocal th roat mike and an inner ear mike that allow coma/death.
him to remain in constant burst transmitter contact with Other Combat Info: Hand Claw: 2D6+9, Bite: 1 D 1 0+9,
his teammates. These comlinks are cutting edge mili Scythe Claw: 2 D 1 0+9, Karate Kick: 2 D4+ 1 D1 0+9, Axe
tary technology and communicate by using scrambled Kick: 2D6+ 1 D 1 0+9, Roundhouse Kick: 3D6+ 1 D 1 0+9,
burst transmissions that are very difficult to intercept Tripping/Leg Hook, Backward Sweep. Can leap 1 2 feet
and descramble (-20% on all jamming, interception and (3.6 m) high and 25 feet (7.6 m) lengthwise, increase
descrambling efforts) . Range: 5 miles (8 km) . by 50% with a running start.
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist. Multi-Optic Goggles: This advanced bit of eyewear of
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush (55%), I ntelli fers all of the features of a Mu lti-Optics Helmet but in a
gence (55%) , Wilderness Survival (50%) , Tracking much more compact package.
(50%, +1 5% to track a blood scent), and Detect Con Personal Comlink: A combination subvocal throat
cealment (50%) . mike and an inner ear mike that allow her to remain in
Military P rogram (Basic) : Running, Climbing constant bu rst transmitter contact with her teammates,
(50%/40%) , Military Etiquette (60%) , and Radio: Basic same as Balthazar.
Secondary Skills: Body Building, Prowl (35%) , Run
ning, Athletics (General), H u nting, Swimming (60%), Orlando
and SCUBA/Advanced Swimming (60%) . Orlando is the real heart and soul of the team, cool un
Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Rifle, W . P . Energy Pis der fire and flexible enough to adapt to any situation. He
tol , W . P . Energy Rifle, W . P . Sub-machinegun, W . P . also has the easiest time dealing with humans, especially
Heavy Weapons. his Genesys creators and C-SWAT members, even
Weapons: Desdemona prefers fighting tooth and claw, so thoug h he does not like them very much. Of all the
whenever possible, she will not use her energy weap Dynosaurs, Orlando is the best equipped mentally and
ons. emotionally to live on his own, as a superhero, an adven
Prototype Ion B laster: Same as Balthazar. tu rer, or just a very u nusual free citizen .
Simple Ion Blaster Pistol: Range: 200 feet (61 m). D u ring his trial and incarceration, Orlando fou nd his
Damage: 4D6. Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Payload: 1 4 commitment to upholding the law under serious question.
shots per E-Clip; unlimited if hooked to a generator pack. How or why should he protect a society that's willing to be
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Modified Hard Armor tray him? Shouldn't he break free from his cell and pursue
Vest: A.A. 1 2, S . D . C . 1 20. justice against those who did him wrong? But at the same
Mini-Jet Pack: Speed: 1 20 mph (1 92 km) , with a maxi time, he wonders if that's really the best cou rse of action .
mum altitude of 2000 feet (61 0 m). After all, Genesys has more than twenty other mutant di-
nosaur humanoids "in development" in thei r labs. If he Weapons:
were to escape, the resulting security risk might encou r 1 0mm Light Rail Gun: Range: 3,000 feet (91 5 m).
age Genesys to destroy all of their test subjects, sending Damage: 706. Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst firing.
many of Orlando's sau rian breth ren to u njustified deaths. Payload: 50- or 1 OO-shot ammo d rum.
Or once finished, send them to track him and his team Underbarrel 20mm M icrogrenade Launcher: Range:
mates down. 1 ,250 feet (381 m). Damage: Varies. High Explosive
Thus, this lonely warrior rides the fence between what rou nds do 1 06x1 0 and have a 5 foot ( 1 .5 m) blast radius.
he feels is right and what he knows is smart. Revenge, or Fragmentation rounds do 1 04x1 0 and have a 20 foot. (6. 1
sacrifice? Nobody, not even Orlando can say what the fi m) blast radius. Plasma/Napalm rounds do 1 04x1 0 and
nal call will be. have a blast radius of 1 0 feet (3 m); anyone hit by one of
Real Name: APA v. 2.8 these rounds will take an additional 506 worth of burn
Occupation: C H I M ERA Special Forces Trooper, P rofes- damage the next melee round, another 4 06 the fol lowing
sional Crimefighter. melee round, and another 306 the following melee round
Alignment: Scrupulous u nless the fire is extinguished. Rate of Fire: Single shot or
Attributes: 1.0. : 1 4, M.E.: 1 4, M.A.: 1 4, P.S.: 40 (Super 3-shot bu rsts. Payload : 6-shot rotary ammo drum. Note:
human) , P.P.: 1 5, P.E.: 35, P.B.: 1 0, Spd: 33 (approx. 22 This weapon is attached to the u nderside of Orlando's 1 0
mph/35 km) . mm Light Rail G u n , and can be fired without having to use
an attack for switching weapons.
Age: 3; Sex: Male.
Ion B laster SMG: Range: 1 ,000 feet (305 m) . Damage:
Height: Seven feet, two inches (2.2 m). Weight: 400 Ibs
406. Rate of Fire: Single shot or burst firing. Payload: 20
( 1 80 kg) .
shot E-Clip.
Experience Level : 3
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Modified Class 4 Hard
H it Points: 49 Armor: A . A . : 1 7, S . O . C . : 280.
S.D.C.: 1 55
Power Category: M utant Sauropod (Apatosaur) .
Size Level : 1 0
Build: Medium
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Partial
Looks: None
Weapons: 2 06 Whip Tail .
Powers: Medium Natural Body Armor (A. A . :
S . O.C.)
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to
dodge, +25 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fali/impact,
+3 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +8 vs magic and poison, +35% vs
Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 04+25, Snap Kick: 1 06+25,
Karate Kick: 204+25, C rescent Kick: 204+27, Axe
Kick: 206+25, and Roundhouse Kick: 306+25.
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist.
Military P rogram (Basic) : Running, Climbing
(70%/60%) , Military Etiquette (65%), and Radio: Basic
Physical P rogram: Boxing and Wrestling.
Secondary Skills: Body Building, Prowl (35%) , Athlet
ics (General) , H u nting, Swimming (60%), SCUBA/Ad
vanced Swimming (60%)
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Rifle, W.P. Energy Pis
tol, W.P. Energy Rifle, and W . P . Heavy Energy
Multi-Optic Goggles: This advanced bit of eyewear offers him. Despite his bestial nature, however, lago has a good
all of the featu res of a M ulti-Optics Helmet but in a heart, wants to do the right thing and must forever wrestle
much more compact package. with his youthful selfishness and impulsiveness.
Personal Comlink: Standard as per the rest of the team. At present, lago is enraged at his imprisonment and
can not u nderstand why or how it happened. Desdemona
has informed him of a suspected C-SWAT set-up, and
o also of her plans to break out of the prison and get the rats
o who sent them up the river. lago has agreed to this, and is
o more than ready to sink his teeth into those who wronged
Real Name: TVR v. 1 .7
Occupation: C H I M ERA Special Forces Trooper, P rofes-
sional Crimefighter.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: I.a.: 7, M.E.: 7, M.A.: 9, P.S. : 40, P.P.: 1 5 ,
P.E.: 30, P.B.: 8, Spd : 30
Age: 3; Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet, six inches ( 1 .9 m). Weight: 260 Ibs ( 1 1 7
kg) .
Experience Level: 3
H it Points: 45
S.D.C. : 1 50
Power Category: M utant Tyrannosau roid.
Size Level: 1 1
Build: Medium
Hands: None/Partial when wearing robotic waldoes.
Biped: Full
Speech: None/Partial while wearing vocorder.
Looks: None
Weapons: 201 0 Teeth
Powers: Advanced Smel l , Heavy Natural Body Armor
(A. A . : 1 0, +90 S.D.C.).
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 4
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to
dodge, +25 to damage, +3 to roll with punch/fall/impact,
+2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: +8 vs magic and poison and +30% vs
Other Combat Info: Bite: 2 D 1 0+25, Roundhouse Kick:
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist
Mechanical P rogram: Mechanical Engineer (50%),
Locksmith (50%) , Basic Electronics (55%).
lago Mechanics, Vehicles: Automotive M echanics (50%) ,
Aircraft Mechanics (50%) , Weapons Engineer (50%).
lago i s the least sophisticated Dynosaur in terms of Secondary Skills: Running, Body Building, Swimming
mental and emotional development. With a lightly modified (60%), Athletics (General) , Recognize Weapon Quality
brain the size of an orange, his temperament is like that of (35%), First Aid (55%) , Wilderness Su rvival (35%) ,
an eight year old child, which can be really dangerous for Hunting, Track Animals (30%), Land Navigation (44%) ,
a mutant T-Rex who wears an energy weapon on its head . Astronomy (35%) , Cook (45%) .
The other Dynosau rs must constantly remind lago to focus Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Energy Pistol.
and master his emotions. Without them, this creature Weapons:
would rapidly self-destruct and revert back into an ani
Helmet-Mounted Ion B laster: Range: 1 ,000 feet
mal-like state. Like a youngster, lago is naive and impres
(305 m). Damage: 1 D4x1 0. Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
sionable, and easily swayed by charismatic individuals,
Payload: This weapon is connected to a backpack genera
which is why fol ks like Desdemona have such pull over
tor (S. D . C . : 50) for an effectively unlimited payload.
Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Robotic Waldoes: These are a pair of robotic limbs
lago wears over his normal , stunted Tyrannosauroid arms. Portia is the "den mother" of the g roup, q uiet, reserved ,
While wearing these waldoes, lago enjoys the equivalent knowledgeable, patient, and even-tempered . When things
of Partial hands with a P .S. of 1 0. He has finally gotten get bad, she is l i ke the eye of the storm, a spot of calm
used to them enough that he can perform complicated amid turmoil. Her teammates often ral ly around her d u ring
manual skills with no penalty. The waldoes themselves times of trouble because she makes them feel safe and in
have an A.R. of 1 0 and 50 S.D.C. each. lago cou ld fire control, almost like how a mother might tend to her young
small firearms with his waldoes (nothing larger than a in a crisis. Portia is also very cautious, if u nwilling to sub
sub-machinegun), but he much prefers his specially de ject herself to reckless danger even thoug h she is immune
signed helmet-blaster. to most attacks, thanks to her thick natural armor. Still, her
Multi-Optic Helmet: Like an ordinary MOH, only this conservative view of things, especially dangerous situa
one also provides a heads-up display for his helmet blast tions, has saved the team more than once. In fact, it is her
er. concern for the team as potential fugitives on the ru n that
prevents her from supporting a jailbreak. She does not
Telemental Helmet: This is the third component of
think the team will make it on the outside as monstrous
lago's helmet array, somewhat similar to the same kind of
refugees, and knows they will almost certainly be de
devices used by robot pilots to better control their fighting
stroyed . Still, she longs for freedom herself, and if ever
machines. This particular device acts as an advanced
she found herself on the run because of circumstances
form of fire control for lago's helmet blaster, offering the
beyond her control, Portia would make the best of things
Tyrannosauroid an additional +3 to strike.
while looking out for her teammates. Whether or not she
Vocorder: lago was not uplifted enough to have devel would go after the C-SWAT troopers who framed her is
oped vocal cords, but he has enough vocal development another matter. If g iven the opportunity to simply run away
that when he wears a special voice synthesizer u nit and forget the whole thing she has about a 60% chance of
strapped to his throat, he gets the equivalent of Partial doing just that. Revenge doesn't ru n strongly in her blood .
Speech .
Real Name: AK v. 0.9
Modified Class 4 Hard Armor: A. R . : 1 6; S . D .C: 240.
Occupation: C H I M ERA Special Forces Trooper, and Pro
fessional Crimefighter.
Alignment: Scrupulous Vehicles and Other Equipment:
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 4, M .A.: 1 4, P.S. : 34 (Super Back-Mounted Miniaturized Supercomputer: This in
human) , P.P.: 1 0, P.E.: 34, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 1 5 credibly sophisticated piece of hardware enables Portia to
Age: 3 , Sex: Female. access n umerous criminal, superhero , civil ian and military
Height: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) long, 5 feet ( 1 .5 m) tall at the shoul- databases as well as negotiate a number of d ifferent wire
der. Weight: 205 Ibs (93 kg) . less communications lines (which she sometimes does to
log on to the I nternet for work and play). Her supercom
Experience Level : 3
puter also acts as a combat computer, offering an ad
H it Points: 50 vanced fire control system for her back-mounted
S.D.C.: 2 1 1 ; Natu ral A.A. 1 5. weapons. This fire control software gives her +3 to strike
Power Category : M utant Anklyosau roid. and +2 to initiative (already factored in above).
Size Level: 1 0 Telemental Helmet: Standard as per the team.
Build: Medium Vocorder: Standard.
Hands: None
Biped: None
Speech : None/Partial while wearing vocorder.
Looks: None The Body S hots
Weapons: Mace Tai l .
Powers: Heavy Natu ral Body Armor.
This team of martial artists, brawlers and warriors are
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic. some of the nastiest fist-fighters to plague Centu ry Sta
Number of Attacks: 5 tion. How this g roup came together is a bit unclear, but ac
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +4 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to cording to the Centurions (Centu ry Station's g reatest team
dodge, +1 9 to damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall/impact, of heroes) , the members of the Body S hots were all vic
and +4 to pull punch. tors in an u nderg round circuit of gladiator contests orga
Saving Throws: +8 vs magic and poison and +34% vs nized and run by the shadowy criminal mastermind, The
coma/death. Minotaur. According to the Centu rions, The M inotaur runs
a series of underworld bloodsports both for gambling pur
Other Combat Info: Mace-like P rehensile Tail: 2 D 1 0+1 9
poses, and to recruit the best of the best as his enforcers.
(or 3D6+1 9) damage.
The Body Shots is the culmi nation of over three years of
Education Level and Skills: Trade School. recruiting and g ladiatorial contests. With his g reatest
Military P rogram (Basic) : Running, Body Building, champions pooled together as a g roup, The M inotaur
Military Etiquette (55%), and Radio: Basic (75%) . used the fighters as an elite enforcement team to carry out
Communications: Basic Electronics (50%), Radio: his dirty work.
Scramblers (55%), T.V.Nideo (43%) , and Radio: Satel
For five years the Body Shots did their job wel l , per
l ite (45%) . forming countless acts of intimidation, protection racke
Secondary Skills: Literacy (40%), Business & Fi teering, extortion, assault and murder on behalf of the
nance (45%), Computer Operation (50%), Sing (45%), criminal mastermind they served . The g roup's luck finally
Wilderness Survival (35%) , Law (General) (35%) , Re ran out when a teams of as-yet unnamed vigilante heroes
search (60%) , and Writing (Journalism Style) (35%). tracked them down and ambushed them. In the pitched
Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. battle, the Body S hots were ultimately defeated and CHI
Heavy Energy Weapons, and W.P. Heavy Weapons. M E RA (Century Station's law enforcement aegis) picked
Weapons: Fire-linked energy rifles like Balthazar's, and a up the villains, and processed them. A q u ick trial sent the
grenade launcher like Orlando's. gang to G ramercy Island for 20 years. Sadly, the price for
Twin Shoulder-Mounted Ion B lasters (Fire Linked): the gang's capture was a high one. Most of the vigilantes
Range: 1 ,000 feet (305 m). Damage: 2D4x1 0 per simulta who brought them to justice either perished in the melee
neous dual blast; 1 D4x1 0 for a single blast. Rate of Fire: or were crippled . Only two have gone on to continue to
Single shot only. Payload: This weapon is connected to a fight crime.
backpack generator (S. D.C. : 65) for an effectively u nlim Back in prison, none of the Body Shots will bear wit
ited payload. ness against their employer. In fact, all of them deny any
Back-Mounted 20mm M icrogrenade Launcher: association with The M inotaur and remain silent on all
Range: 1 ,250 feet (381 m). Damage: Varies. High Explo other matters. To them, silence is the policy of a loyal un
sive rou nds do 1 D6x1 0 and have a 5 foot ( 1 .5 m) blast ra derling. They all expect to either escape the island them
dius. Fragmentation rou nds do 1 D4x1 0 and have a 20 foot selves, or for The Minotaur to b reak them out. Little do
(6. 1 m) blast radius. P lasma/Napalm rou nds do 1 D4x1 0 they know that their crime master employer is cu rrently re
and have a blast radius of 1 0 feet (3 m); anyone hit by one cruiting a fresh, new team of super-brawlers to replace the
of these rou nds will take an additional 5 D6 worth of burn ones he has lost. The Minotau r has no intention of break
damage the next melee round, another 4D6 the fol lowing ing his old lackeys out of prison, for such a raid wou ld tip
melee round, and another 3D6 the following melee round his hand and warn the authorities of j ust how powerful he
unless the fire is extinguished. Rate of Fire : Single shot or really is - and that wou ld never do. Furthermore, The Mi-
3-shot bu rsts; Payload: 24-shot ammo hopper.
notau r is considering a scheme to have them all killed in
prison to prevent the gang from betraying him by accident
if not to save their own skins. He hasn't quite decided yet.
They were one of the very best teams of enforcers he had
ever gathered, and even as middle-aged men twenty
years from now, they may be worth utilizing.
Note: Should the Body Shots learn their old employer
plans to leave them to rot in prison, they will endeavor to
break free themselves and seek vengeance on him. From
this, only chaos and bloodshed can resu lt, and plenty of it.
There are six members in the Body Shots: Uppercut,
Roundhouse, Stranglehold, Knuckleduster, Bo/chock, and
U p percut
Wallace Mangold was an aging prize fighter with no
major victories under his belt and reti rement looming over
him like the shadow of doom. As his trainer liked to tell
him, ''There ain't no place fer an old man in the ring, Wally.
Either ya got a chance at a big payday or ta be the cham
pion , or ya git out of this business 'fore it kills ya. Or
worse, ya embarrass yerself on pay-to-view in front of a
1 0 million viewers." But Wallace had fighting in his blood .
It was his father's trade, and it was something Wallace
himself had wanted to do his enti re life. S u re, he could
have retired, thirty-fou r was old for a heavyweight. S u re he
could become a trainer himself or open his own gym, but it
would never be the same and never enough. Wallace
wanted that one shot at the g reatness he felt he deserved.
U nfortunately, time in the ring had been cruel to the aging
pugilist, and he simply was not as strong, quick or physi
cally tough as he used to be. He needed an edge. But
what, and from where?
Enter The Minotaur. Wallace had made it known that he
was in the market for steroids or any other kind of d ru g
that might improve h i s performance. Agents f o r T h e Mino
tau r heard about the boxer's plight and passed it on to
their master. The M inotau r arranged a meeting between
Wallace and one of his top street chemists. The deal was
that the u nderworld kingpin wou ld provide the boxer with a
super-serum that would put him back in his prime and
then some! The Minotaur would also arrange for a title
fight for Wallace within one year. After that fight, the
fighter would compete in a prize fighting circuit arranged
by The M inotaur and "the Champ" would do whatever he
was told . Wallace agreed.
The seru m worked a little bit better than anticipated and
not only restored Wallace's youthful energy and stamina,
but also gave him super abilities which made him more
than a match for any ordinary boxer. The night of
Wallace's title fight with heavyweight champion Leroy
Holmes, Wallace tore Holmes' head off . . . literally! It
seems in the heat of the moment, Wallace j ust didn't know
his own strength and hit Holmes with a haymaker that
splattered him. The crowd was horrified. Wallace fled for
the locker-room, and people began to shout that ''the fix
was in" and Wallace was a "super-freak" who killed Leroy t ,
in the ring.
The police immediately wanted a talk with Wallace, but Secondary: Basic Mathematics (65%) , First Aid
by that time he had gone underg round and was safely (80%), Law (General; 60%), Automotive Mechanics
within The M inotau r's organization. Left with no other re (60%), Radio: Basic (80%) , T.V.Nideo (53%), Conceal
cou rse, Wallace began fighting in the secret gladiator are ment (48%) , and Palming (55%) .
nas of The M inotau r's u nderg round fight scene. He got to Money: Uppercut made $600,000 in an illegal fighting
fight twice a week and loved every second of it. S u re , he competition . He shrewdly invested that money which
had to perform enforcer work in between, but he kind of has since g rown to over $ 1 .3 million. A nice nest egg
liked that too. He liked being the strongest. He liked peo for when he gets out. (In twenty years that investment
ple fearing him. And he liked the respect (at least in his should easily quadruple. Who says boxers are dumb?)
mind) it all brought him. For Wallace Mangold, now calling
Weapons: Typically none. Uppercut generally feels that
himself Uppercut, he was living the good life, and there
his hands are weapons enough. However, he can , and
would be no looking back. Even now, stuck at G ramercy
sometimes does, use weapons that are easily available
Island, he has no reg rets, nor animosity for The Minotaur.
to him when the situation calls for one.
He had his day in the limelight and his big "payday." H e
was tough, s o he knew he could sit on twenty years and Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: None right now. Upper
come out okay. He lives by the adage, "if you can't do the cut used to enjoy the good life, and that meant fine
time, don't do the crime." quality cigars, expensive liquor, a ritzy apartment and
Real Name: Wallace Mangold expensive cars.
Other Aliases: Knockout and Headman.
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A.: 1 9, P .S. : 50 (Super
Rou nd house
human), P.P.: 28, P.E.: 35, P.B.: 8, Spd : 40 I n the world of martial arts, few names garnered more
revulsion than that of Archie Voss. Arrogant, belligerent
Age: 40, Sex: Male.
and supremely skillful , Voss was a self-taught martial artist
Height: Six feet, one inch ( 1 .85 m). Weight: 250 Ibs who led a personal crusade against all cu rrent forms of
( 1 1 2.5 kg) ; all muscle. martial combat. To Voss, martial arts in general had be
Experience Level : 8 come corrupt, impu re, and impotent. Especially in coun
H it Points: 1 01 tries where martial arts classes are taught for a fee. Voss
S.D.C.: 1 90 considered the martial tradition dead in spirit, kept alive
only by fools, hypocrites and vu ltu res. Voss took it upon
Power Category: Experiment.
himself to excise the world of this element, and traveled to
Side Effects: Breathe Without Air, stronger and more ag dojos, gymnasiums and schools worldwide, seeking out
ile than a man half his age. the leading masters of any given style of martial combat
Major Super Abilities: Natural Combat Ability. and challenging them to single combat before an audi
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Extraordi ence. The terms of the bout were simple. If Voss lost he
nary P hysical P rowess, and Extraordinary Physical En wou ld retire from fighting forever. If he won , the master
d u rance. would cease teaching forever and d issolve his school. I n
Combat Training : SPECIAL: Natural Combat Ability. five years, Voss fought 3 3 matches, winning every one,
Number of Attacks: 1 0 and creating a swath of silence across the martial arts
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +7 to strike, +7 to parry and
I n response to Voss's crusade, new masters were step
dodge , +3 to automatic dodge, +4 to disarm , +6 to pull
ping forward to challenge the upstart and new styles of
punch, +5 to roll with impact, +35 to damage, +30% to
martial arts were being developed to cou nter Voss's eclec
save vs coma/death, +8 to save vs magic and poison,
tic brand of fighting, but by then, he had disappeared. The
+5 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to save vs posses
u nofficial master of the martial arts had come to Centu ry
Station to defeat a capoeira maistre there when he was
Other Combat Info: Back flip (88%) , pai red weapons contacted by The Minotau r to take on some of his top
(all), exceptional balance (86%) , punch: 1 06+37, power fighters. Voss could not resist. He met the crime lord's top
punch: 1 06x1 0+50 (this is his trademark uppercut brawlers in a secret gladiator game and soundly defeated
which he will use often even though it counts as two at them. The only man to g ive Voss a serious challenge was
tacks), kick attack: 204+35, karate kick: 206+37, jump Uppercut. Impressed, The M inotaur offered him a job as
kick, leap attack, head butt: 1 06+35, knockouVstu n: an enforcer and gladiator. Voss agreed, and had since
1 9-20, body th row/flip and can use any melee weapon lived a happy life as a professional underworld warrior tak
(sword, axe, club, etc.) instinctively. ing on vigilantes and superhuman opponents in
Education Level and Skills: Trade School no-holds-barred combat. H is recent defeat and incarcera
P hysical: Boxing, Gymnastics, Body Building, and tion eats at him like a cancer, making him a violent and
Running. u n ru ly prisoner. He is positive that The M inotaur will do
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (75%) , Basic Me everything in his power to overturn the verdict or break
chanics (75%) , Computer Operation (85%), and Lock him (if not the entire gang) out of prison. When he realizes
smith (70%). that The Minotaur has abandoned him (this should take a
1 00
few years), he will turn his frustration and anger toward Other Combat Info: Paired weapons (all), entangle, +2 to
the crime lord. If Roundhouse ever gets out he will launch body flip/th row, body block/tackle, karate punch :
a vendetta against The M inotaur the likes of which will 204+ 1 0, snap kick: 1 06+1 0, axe kick: 206+ 1 0, karate
shake even this kingpin of crime. kick: 2 06+ 1 0, roundhouse kick: 306+ 1 0 (Round
house's signatu re move), tripping/leg hook, backward
Real Name: Archie Voss
sweep, back flip, critical strike: 1 8-20, automatic knock
Other Aliases: The Challenger.
out on a natu ral 20, critical body flip/th row, all holds.
Alignment: Anarchist with strong leanings toward Miscre
+50% to save vs coma/death, + 1 0 to save vs disease
ant evil.
and poisons, +8 to save vs magic.
Attributes: I.Q.: 8, M.E.: 8, M.A.: 8, P.S.: 25, P.P.: 2 1 ,
P.E.: 30, P.B.: 1 3, Spd : 24 Education Level and Skills: One Year of College.
P hysical: Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Body Building ,
Age: 25, Sex: Male.
Climbing (80%170%) , Running, Swimming (90%) ,
Height: Six feet, three inches ( 1 . 9 m). Weight: 225 Ibs Wrestling, W . P . Blunt, W . P . Chain.
( 1 01 .2 kg) . Espionage: Oetect Ambush (75%) , I nterrogation
Experience Level : 7 (85%), Tracking (70%) , and Wilderness Survival (80%).
H it Points: 97 Rogue: Palming (65%), Pick Locks (75%), Pick
S.D.C. : 1 44 Pockets (70%), and P rowl (70%).
Secondary: Automotive Mechanics (55%), Basic Me
Power Category: Physical Training.
chanics (60%) , Basic Electronics (60%), Radio: Basic
Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch, Power Kick, (75%), First Aid (75%), T.V.Nideo (49%), Carpentry
Force of Will. (55%), and Recognize Weapon Quality (55%) .
Combat Training : SPEC IAL: Agg ressive & Oeadly Com Money: $220,000 hidden way in a secret bank account,
bat. however, money means very little to Voss - reputation
Number of Attacks: 6 and winning mean everything.
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +6 to strike, +7 to parry, +3 to Weapons: None, per se. Roundhouse might pick u p loose
dodge, +6 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impact, +4 to weapons on the battlefield, such as a knife or fighting
disarm, + 1 0 to damage. sticks, and when he does, he usually fights with pai red
1 01
weapons, but in most cases, he simply relies on his
hands and feet.
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Modified Sparring Ar
mor: A. A . : 1 0, S . D . C . : 75 .
Strang lehold
Chuck Fink knew something wei rd was going o n when his full-time agents. S u re, it was working for a paycheck
that vat of u nmarked chemicals fell over on him at the again, but the hou rs were g reat, a truckload of respect
plant. He had been working there for ten years, and not came with it, and, wow, what a paycheck! With the num
once did the foremen ever secu re those barrels properly! ber of zeros coming Chuck's way, he did not mind having
When a stack of them finally toppled and caught him in a a boss again . Since he always loved a good rumble, work
deluge of chemical solution, Chuck figu red he was in for a ing for The Minotaur's underground organization as a
sweet lawsu it and a truckload of money. He only hoped gladiatorial fighter, enforcer and special operative was ic
the chemicals wouldn't cripple him too bad. ing on the cake.
Chuck abandoned his d reams of a money-making law Since his incarceration he's been angry and frustrated .
suit when he discovered the odd mixtu re of chemicals had He too assu mes The M inotaur will do something to get
g ranted him superpowers. Why wait for somebody to cut him out, so he waits impatiently. What Chuck does not
him a check when he could just go and "take" what he know is that his powers are g radually fading. Every time
wanted? Banks, jewelry stores, industrial payroll and posh he is severely battered about (reduced to 1 0 S.D.C. or
commercial establishments all became the favorite targets less) , his powers diminish by 5% (reduce, range/length he
of Stranglehold, Chuck's "supervillain" identity. With his can stretch, S . D . C . and special skills and bonuses from
strength and stretching ability, not to mention a fair knowl the stretching power) . With time, his Stretching power may
edge of wrestling, Chuck could squeeze the fight out of be gone forever. Without it, he will become a shadow of
just about anyone. And with a body made of living rubber, his former villainous self and will become desperate to get
he could take a hit and keep on coming, too. his abilities back. Cu rrently, he tries to convince himself it
His criminal exploits in Victory City earned him the at is the superpower inhibitors that are responsible, but he
tention of The Minotaur, who hired Stranglehold as one of knows better. Even before getting locked up, he noticed
1 02
his abilities were 25% less than what they were originally. Vehicles and Other Equipment: None right now in
Abandoned by The Minotaur, he might even work out a prison; the authorities seized and auctioned away all of
deal with C H I M ERA or some other superhero g roup to his possessions "gained from criminal activities." The
bring down the crime lord , in retu rn for his freedom and M inotau r used to provide for other special needs per
help in restoring his powers. assignment.
Real Name: Chuck Fink
Other Aliases: Thrasher
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 8, M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 1 0, P.S.: 50 (Superhu Kn uckled uster
man; 60 when transformed), P.P.: 1 8, P.E.: 36, P.B.: 8,
The KN-23 is a sophisticated sparring robot designed
Spd: 1 4
by Robodyne Mechworks, a robotics company that primar
Age: 35, Sex: Male. ily sells to military clients. Better known as the Knuckle
Height: Five feet, eleven inches ( 1 .8 m) , Eight feet (2.44 duster, the KN-23 is meant to train superh u man
m) when transformed . Weight: 1 65 Ibs (74.25 kg) , 300 operatives in hand to hand combat. Robodyne built just
Ibs (1 35 kg) when transformed. one with the intent of presenting it to Sector 1 0 in the
Experience Level : 7 hopes that The Sector would order dozens. However, in a
H it Points: 86 gross stroke of bad luck, the transport plane carrying the
robot went down somewhere over the mountains of North
S.D.C.: 1 01 normally and 1 39 when transformed - used Carolina. The wreckage was found , but the KN-23 was
to be 1 35 and 1 85 when transformed) . gone.
Power Category: Experiment As it tu rns out, the impact both activated the robot and
Side Effects : M ust physically transform into an elastic slightly damaged its C P U . This wiped out its programming
man to use his powers. When transformed, he gains di rectives, giving it something akin to a free will, and en
about 1 40 Ibs (63.6 kg) , two feet (.6 m) in height, and abled it to pursue whatever goals it chose. Possessing a
his skin tu rns pale white, almost the color of certain art basic artificial intelligence capable of learning vast
erasers. amounts of data, the KN-23 began wandering west, where
Major Super Abilities: Stretching (but at -25% of normal) . it wou ld eventually come into G u lf Coast City. By that time,
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman Strength and the robot had learned so much that its CPU began creat
Healing Factor (only his power to stretch is fading, ing more and more associated thinking pathways. As the
these remain unaffected) . end result, on the day the KN-23 reached G u lf Coast, it
became self-aware. It was no longer a piece of missing
Combat Training : Hand t o Hand: Expert.
hardware. It was Knuckleduster, the sentient mach ine.
Number of Attacks : 5 However, Knuckleduster also needed new parts and
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike (was +5), +5 to extensive maintenance, things it knew it could not simply
parry and dodge (was +7) , +35 to damage (+45 when ask for from just anyone. It was wanted by Robodyne and
transformed), +6 to roll with impact (was +8), and +2 to the military, so it had no intention of delivering itself to
pull punch. +50% to save vs coma/death, +8 to save vs them or the authorities. So Knuckleduster went under
magic, +1 1 to save vs poison, and +3 to save vs g round and stumbled u pon a substantial superpowered
psionic attacks. villain community within G u lf Coast, with whom it launched
Other Combat Info: All kinetic missile attacks (bullets, ar a new life of crime. Using its melee fighting skills, Knuckle
rows, etc.) do one third damage (was half damage). duster participated in a number of heists and earned
Punch: 1 06+25 (+35), karate kick: 2 04+25 (+35), trip enough money to keep itself in top condition. The robot
ping/leg hook, backward sweep, critical strike: 1 8-20. had also discovered it had a taste for violence, excitement
and the thrill of breaking the law. It moved to Centu ry Sta
Education Level and Skills: Trade School.
tion to find better opportunities to move up the ladder and
Criminal: Streetwise (54%) , Pick Locks (70%), Pick
greater challenges. It hit the big time when the sentient ro
Pockets (65%) , Concealment (54%) , Find Contraband
bot met The M inotau r and was recruited into his ranks.
& Illegal Weapons (60%) .
Knuckleduster reveled in its position and took special
P rofessional Thief: Locksmith (65%) , P rowl (65%) ,
pleasu re out of beating people to a pulp on a routine ba
Climbing (75%/65%), and Surveillance Systems (70%).
sis. It too is certain The Minotaur will arrange for its es
Secondary: Art (65%) , Business & Finance (65%) ,
cape from prison, but is beginning to wonder why it is tak
Cook (65%), Recognize Weapon Quality (55%) , Pilot
ing to so long. Of all the members of the Body Shots, it
Truck (64%) , Pilot Motorcycle (84%), and Pilot Airplane
can su rvive the test of time, but government officials on
behalf of Robodyne are lobbying to "shut it down" - it is a
Money: Believe it or not, Stranglehold has socked away privately owned machine after all, intended for military use
$4. 1 million dollars! - tear it apart and retool the valuable prototype so it can
Weapons: Typically, none, relying on his natural abilities. be "fixed" and field tested as originally planned. Knuckle
However, he does occasionally use g u ns and knives if duster fears its days of consciousness may be numbered
the situation warrants it. u nless The Minotau r does something soon.
1 03
Real Name: KN-23
Other Aliases: Battlebot.
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 1 2, P.S.: 1 00 (super
human), P.P.: 1 0, P.E.: 1 0, P.B.: 20, Spd : 1 1 0 (75
mph/1 20 km).
Age: 1 0, Sex: N/A; although it has taken a distinctly male
image of itself.
Height: Six feet, eight inches (2.07 m), Weight: 600 Ibs
(270 kg) .
Experience Level : 6
Power Category: Robotics (True Robot) .
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 8
Bonuses: +8 to initiative, +2 to strike, +6 to parry and
dodge, +2 to disarm, +3 to roll with impact, and +6 to
pull punch.
Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 06+85, snap kick: 1 06+85,
karate kick: 206+85, crescent kick: 204+87, rou nd
house kick: 306+85, jump kicks (all), and critical strike:
1 8-20.
Education &. Skills: Combat Robot.
U niversal Robot Skills: Basic and Advanced
-- --
Once known as Konstantin Veledin, the super-brawler
Bolchock had done his fai r share of traveling before join
ing The Minotau r's ranks. He g rew up on the mean streets
of London's East End, where street gangs often battled
each other for turf. Many of these gangs exhibited their
own style of dress, speech and conduct, not unlike the
"colorgangs" of Century Station. Konstantin's gang mem
bers all d ressed like they had watched A Clockwork Or
ange one too many times, complete with white jumpsuits,
bowler derby hats, fake eyelashes on one eye, combat
boots and fighting canes. It was d u ring these days that
Konstantin become Bolchock. And even thoug h the gang
has long since disbanded , Bolchock still keeps the name.
I n the years since, Bolchock has gotten cozy with ele
ments of the Russian mafia in several different countries,
acting as an enforcer, bodyguard and assassin . His spe
cialty was working over people who owed his bosses
money, a task he enjoyed with an unhealthy glee. When
his organization got busted by Eu roforce, Bolchock fled to
the States, where he hooked up with a new Russian family
who themselves had ties with The M inotaur. Little did
Bolchock know that his new benefactors had betrayed The
Minotau r, who retaliated by having the entire family wiped
out! Bolchock was spared because he was new to the or
ganization and because The M inotaur could use him as an
enforcer as well as a fighter in his underworld gladiatorial
games. Not having much choice in the matter, Bolchock
went to work for The M inotau r.
At first he resented the arrangement, but with time,
Bolchock learned to enjoy his work and even developed a
genuine loyalty for his boss. So much so, that should The
Minotaur fail to spring the g roup from prison, Bolchock will
be reluctant to believe it is treachery and will need extra
convincing before he takes part in any retaliatory action
against The Minotau r.
Real Name: Konstantin Veledin
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 0, M.A.: 1 0, P.S. : 30 (Extraor
dinary Strength), P.P.: 30, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 1 6, Spd: 58
Age: 24, Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet, six inches (2 m) , Weight: 240 Ibs ( 1 08
kg) .
1 05
Experience Level : 6 lay her fame into a movie or television career and live on
H it Points: 59 Easy Street the rest of her life.
S.D.C.: 95 It would have happened , too, if her mutant natu re had
not been revealed by investigative reporters. The reason
Power Category: Physical Training.
why Stacy kept blowing her rivals away in competition was
Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch, Power Kick, from an unfair genetic advantage, one that manifested in
and Force of Will. childhood and something she kept hidden as an adult.
Combat Training : SP EC IAL: Defensive and Fast Com How these muckrakers u ncovered her secret is something
bat. that has eluded Stacy to this day, but one thing was for
Number of Attacks: 8 certain : her days as a bodybuilder were over. And her
Bonuses: +4 to roll with impact, +5 to pull punch, +4 to d reams of true stardom died before they could ever blos
initiative, + 1 0 to strike, +1 1 to parry, + 1 2 to dodge, +3 som.
to disarm, + 1 5 to damage, +20% to save vs To make matters worse, her semi-celebrity made get
coma/death, and +3 to save vs magic and poison. ting any kind of good paying job difficu lt (she was recog
Other Combat Info: Pai red weapons (all), back flip, +2 to nized as both a cheater and an u ntrustworthy mutant), and
Stacy had racked up an impressive debt to loan sharks to
body flip/throw, critical body flip/th row, karate punch:
pay for her fast and expensive lifestyle. Then fate inter
204+ 1 5, karate kick; 206+ 1 5 , backward sweep, arm
vened. The loan sharks worked for The Minotau r, and the
hold , leg hold , automatic dodge, automatic back flip.
crime lord had an offer: Come work for him, fight in the
Education Level and Skills: High School G raduate. arena, win a lot and do extra muscle work whenever he
P hysical: Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Body Building , needed it, and he wou ld forgive the debt and pay her
Climbing (70%/60%) , Running, and Swimming (75%). enough to continue to live in the style to which she had
Espionage: Detect Ambush (65%) , I nterrogation g rown accustomed . It was an offer Stacy COUldn't refuse.
(75%), Tracking (60%) , and Wilderness Su rvival (70%). A life of crime was never something Stacy had contem
Rogue: Palming (55%), Pick Locks (65%), Pick plated, so she has su rprised herself with just how quickly
Pockets (60%), and Prowl (60%) . she adapted to it. Moreover, Haymaker, as she is now
Secondary: Automotive Mechanics (50%), Basic Me called , learned she had a real taste for blood . "A killer's in
chanics (55%) , Basic Electronics (55%), Radio: Basic stinct," they call it. And she likes being an underworld
(70%), Fi rst Aid (70%) , T.V.Nideo (45%) , Law (Gen ''tough.'' Haymaker likes the respect, the power and the
eral) (50%) , and Recognize Weapon Quality (50%) . money. She also enjoys the live hard , kick butt, criminal
Money: Bolchock once had hundreds of thousands in subcultu re of The Minotaur's organization.
Russian rubles, but that has all evaporated as that I n the arena and on the streets, Haymaker is infamous
country's currency has devalued so badly it makes the as a merciless fighter who takes no g uff and th rows noth
Mexican peso look solid. The authorities seized all his ing but power punches (even at stu nned and otherwise
"criminally acqui red" assets so most of the money he helpless opponents). She has forgotten her old friends
once had is gone. However, he still has $60,000 hidden and family entirely, even though they wonder what be
away. came of her. Her you nger brother, in particular, has hired
Weapons: Fighting Batons: These are basic fighting a legion of private detectives to find Stacy and bring her
sticks that Bolchock has always used . They are roughly home. If he learns that she is the hired killer known as
the equ ivalent to billy clubs, and inflict 204+ 1 5 per Haymaker, cu rrently in the pen at G ramercy Island, he will
strike. He fights with them as a pair, and is fond of us work tirelessly to get her sentence appealed . Failing that,
ing them to engage multiple opponents at once. His fa he will try to hire freelance superbeings to break Stacy out
vorite tactic is to wade into combat, parry and dodge all and bring her home. From there he will fig u re out how to
incoming attacks for the melee round, and then just get his old sister back. The poor man will have deluded
open up with his remaining attacks on his otherwise himself that his sister was somehow brainwashed and cor
helpless opponents. rupted and that he can reach the old Stacy and bring her
back. He will be sadly mistaken.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Concealed Armor: A.R.
1 0, S . D. C . : 50. Real Name: Stacy Frazier
Other Aliases: Powerhouse
Alignment: M iscreant and likes it that way (was unprinci
Haymaker pled when her brother knew her) .
Attributes: I . Q . : 1 7, M.E.: 1 7, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 4 5 , P . P . :
Before she became one of The Minotau r's gladiators 3 0 , P.E. : 3 0 , P.B.: 2 0 , Spd: 4 0 (roughly 28 mph/45 km) .
and enforcers, Stacy Frazier was a world-class female Age: 2 1 , Sex: Female.
bodybuilder on her way to serious fame and fortune. Not
Height: Six foot ( 1 .8 m) , Weight: 1 50 Ibs (67.5 kg) , all
only did she have a killer physique, but she still looked
feminine and could handle herself well in public and on
screen. Once she won the l ronwoman World Female Experience Level : 5
Bodybuilding Championship, she reckoned , she could par- H it Points: 75
1 06
S.D.C.: 200
Power Category: M utant
Unusual Characteristics: Haymaker's eyes are an un
usual violet that radiates a violet hue of light, making
her easily identifiable as something other than an ordi
nary human (the light is especially noticeable at night).
Minor Super Abilities: Superhuman Strength, Power
Channeling, Extraordinary P hysical Prowess, Extraordi
nary Physical Endurance, and Radar.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +1 2 to strike, +1 3 to parry and
dodge, +6 to automatic dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2
to disarm, +2 to pull punch , +1 to save vs insanity and
psionic attack, +8 to save vs poison and disease, +8 to
save vs magic, and 50% to charm/impress.
Other Combat Info: Body tackle: 1 D6+5D4+30, head
butt: 3D6+30, pu nch: 6D6+30, power punch: 6D6x2+30
(this is her famous "haymaker" attack, which she will al
most always start off each melee rou nd with. It counts
as fou r attacks.), kick: 7D6+30, jump kick: 7D6x2+30
(uses all attacks) .
Education Level and Skills: Four Years of College
P hysical: Body Building, Athletics (General) , and
Climbing (85%/75%).
Medical Assistant: Basic Mathematics (75% ) , Busi
ness & Finance ( 65% ) , Computer Operation (70% ) , Bi
ology (60%) , and Paramedic (70%).
Computers: Basic Electronics (60% ) , Computer Pro
gramming ( 60% ) , and Computer Repair ( 55% ) .
Secondary: Art ( 55% ) , Sing ( 55% ) , Dance ( 50% ) ,
Photography ( 55% ) , Business & Finance ( 55% ) , Pilot
Truck ( 56% ) , Pilot Ai rplane ( 66% ) , Pilot Water Scooter
( 70% ) , and Holistic Medicine ( 40% ) .
Money: After her trouble with loan sharks, Haymaker had
become unusually prudent for a supervillain who likes
the high-life. She kept only half of her ''take home"
(which is considerable) and invested the rest in a
broadly diversified portfolio that is cu rrently worth $1 .3
million. The investment portfolio is under a dummy cor
poration that the authorities haven't found, so it (and
then some) should all be there when she gets out. The
operative word here is "should," because since she has
been in G ramercy Island, the super-hacker Mother
board has broken into her account and d raws on it reg
ularly. It is already down u nder half and should be
completely d rained within another year. This will leave
Haymaker broke again , and infu riate her (she vowed to
herself to never be poor again). When she finds out it is
gone, Haymake r will go ballistic. If she finds out that it
was Motherboard who stole it, she will go on the war
path u ntil Motherboard is made to pay for her crime.
Weapons: Haymaker generally refuses to use weapons of
any kind, but will if the situation demands it.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
1 07
Perhaps needless to say, all of the Workshop's mem
bers have plans of their own to get out of prison, both le
The Workshop gal and not so legal. When they do get out, they plan to
track down Blasterman (who is believed to have already
earned his freedom and be living in protective custody
This team of freelance Hardware Experts ru n o n e of the somewhere in another time zone) and extract a just pay
most capable black market R&D firms in the city. The ment. As Hairtrigger is fond of saying, "sometimes blood is
three members of the crew - Archimedes, Hairtrigger, as good as money."
and Overdrive - were accomplished adventu rers who de
cided to start a business making and selling high-tech
weapons, equipment and gizmos. The problem was that Hai rtrigger
they did so illegally, selling to whoever was willing to front Mike "Mad Dog" McCafferty from Americus, Georgia is
the cash. Black marketeers, mercenaries, vigilantes, as tough as they come. A hardcore gun freak, he chose
heroes, villains, hit men, and anybody who had the cash, it not to take another tou r with the Marine Corps because he
didn't really matter to them. Since would-be heroes (partic felt it wasn't exciting enough (never mind his fairly intense
ularly vigilantes and fugitives u nj ustly h u nted by the law) combat experience) . He came to Century Station to de
were among their patrons, the so-called "good guys" tend sign his own weapons and hire h imself out as a merce
to ignore the Workshop's involvement with the criminal nary, hoping that in all of the chaos there was still a
underg round, opting to seize weapon shipments and bust market for a gunslinger like himself. Before long, he
the "buyer" rather than the manufacturer (sort of like the hooked up with Overd rive and Archimedes and helped
U . S . War on Drugs) . While the good guys tried to use the found the Workshop, where he made a p retty good living
Workshop's creations to help people and fight crime, the tinkering with weapons and making shipment d rops. Peri
vast majority of the organization's clients were criminals: odically, he still ventured out into the city to scare up new
colorgangs, syndicates and low-rent supervillains looking technology and clients, as well as to keep his combat
to upgrade their firepower before taking down thei r next skills from getting rusty.
big score. More than a few police officers, vigilantes, Hairtrigger is brash, loud and intense. Always on the ra
superheroes and innocent victims have been inju red and zor's edge, always ready to th row down at a moment's no
killed thanks to items created and supplied by the Work tice, this incredibly high-stru ng adrenaline junkie was the
shop. They too must be held accou ntable for the spilt g roup's resident pit bull. He often volunteered to make
blood of the innocent. merchandise deliveries, pick-ups and d rops as well as un
The physical Workshop was a real piece of work. Its dermine rivals and deal out vengeance u pon anybody who
main operations was hidden below a respectable industrial tried to cheat or steal from the g roup.
machine facility in downtown Centu ry Station. A cavern Also Known As: Mad Dog Mike and Autofire.
ous testing, design and storage area was hidden below
Real Name: Mike "Mad Dog" McCafferty.
the shop itself. All communications were handled through
bu rst transmissions to and from the client. The actual Occupation: G unslinger, freelance inventor, and adrena-
transactions were conducted at a neutral location, and at a line ju nkie.
different place each time. The Workshop only worked on a Alignment: M iscreant (started off Anarchist).
"cash and carry basis," so there were no outstanding Attributes : I.Q.: 1 7, M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 1 9, P.P.:
debts or loans. The only possible double-cross would be 20, P.E.: 1 7, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 25
somebody raiding the d rop site and trying to steal the Age: 26, Sex: Male.
merchandise, and the Workshop was usually ready for Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m), Weight: 1 75 Ibs
such su rprises. Furthermore, anybody who successfully (78.7 kg) .
stole or cheated them wou ld be sniffed out, tracked down
Experience Level : 8
and made to pay - one way or the other.
H it Points: 50
Getting pay back is very much on thei r minds these
days, since it was one of the Workshop's own clients that S.D.C.: 55
led them to prison. A low-rent street crook who wished to Power Category: Hardware (Weapons Expert).
be come a bona fide super-criminal contacted the Work Special Skills: Make and Modify Weapons ( 1 00%), Rec
shop and bought a slew of high-tech armaments, including ognize Weapon Quality (65%/90%), G u nfighter Paired
a suit of power armor, some super-weapons, and a get Weapons: Revolver & Automatic Pistol, W.P. Sharp
away vehicle. This new off-the-shelf villain named himself shooting.
Blasterman and was promptly caught by C-SWAT on his Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
fi rst job. Blasterman quickly tu rned State's evidence and
Number of Attacks: 5 (+1 attack when using any type of
squealed on the Workshop to reduce his own sentence.
g u n , and another + 1 when sharpshooting).
The Workshop fell soon after that and have been cooling
their heels in G ramercy Island ever since. Each faces a Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to
25-30 year sentence for aiding and abetting criminal activ dodge, +4 to damage, +3 to d isarm on a called shot, +4
ity and trafficking in illegal weapons. to disarm in hand to hand , +3 to rol l , and +3 to pull
1 08
Other Combat Info: P u nch: 1 04+3, Snap Kick: 1 06+3,
Karate Kick: 2 04+3, Axe Kick: 206+3, Roundhouse
Kick: 306+3, All J u mp Kicks, Leap Attack, C ritical
Strike: 1 8-20, Horror Factor: 1 2.
Education Level and Skills: Military Specialist.
Scholastic Skills: Demolitions (98%) , Demolitions
Disposal (98%) , Find Contraband (77%), Basic Me
chanics (88%) , and Basic Electronics (88%).
Basic Military Program: Running, Climbing
(88%178%) , Military Etiquette (93%) , and Radio: Basic
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush (83%) , I ntelli
gence (78%), Wilderness Su rvival (88%) , Escape Artist
(83%), and Tracking (83%) .
Military Demolitions: Basic Electronics (98%) , Basic
Mechanics (98%) , and U nderwater Demolitions (98%) .
Robotic P rogram: Computer Operation (98%), Com
puter Prog ramming (88%) , Robot Electronics (88%) ,
Robot Mechanics (88%) .
Secondary Skills: Swimming (88%), SCU BA/Ad
vanced Swimming (88%) , Body Building, Pilot Motorcy
cle (91 %) , & Pilot Truck (71 %) .
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Pistol, W.P. Revolver,
W . P . Bolt-Action Rifle, W . P . Automatic and Semiauto
matic Rifle, W . P . Sub-Machinegun, W . P . Shotgun, W.P.
Heavy, W. P . Sniper, W . P . Knife (+2 to strike, +4 to
parry, +1 to th row) , W . P . Sword (+3 to strike and parry) ,
and W . P . Paired Weapons.
Money: Plenty of it! And with the way sales had been go
ing, Mad Dog could have stopped taking contract work
in another few years, cash out, and live easy u ntil his
taste for action overwhelmed him and forced him back
to the streets. That all changed when he and the other
members of the Workshop were busted . Their attorney
is appealing, but things do not look promising. Being
locked up is living hell for a guy like Hairtrigger and it
will eventually d rive him to attempt an escape, even if
it's su icidal. He just can't stay stuck in a little cell for
years at a stretch. For now, he deals with his time by
plotting escapes and revenge.
Weapons: Hairtrigger has invented a broad array of spe
cialized firearms which are hot sellers with well-heeled
vigilantes, superhero wannabes, colorpunks, and
low-rent supervillains looki ng for fi repower. When in
combat himself, Hairtrigger preferred to rely on a pair of
rotopistols (and plenty of extra ammo) , a pair of
gyropistols, and a microhowitzer thrown in for good
measure. For close encounters, he would use on a pair
of Knuckle Dusters his cohort Archimedes gave him.
Rotopistol: Range: 200 feet (61 m). Damage: 206.
Rate of Fire: Burst or spray firing only; because of the high
rate of fire for this weapon, long bursts count as only two
melee attacks. Payload : 52 round helical magazine
(enough for fou r long bu rsts or two full melee bu rsts) .
Cost: $2,500.
Rotocarbine: Range: 400 feet ( 1 22 m). Damage: 306.
Saving Throws: +5% vs coma/death, + 1 vs magic and Rate of Fire: Same as rotopistol . Payload: 1 04 round
poison . ammo drum (enough for eight long bursts or fou r full me
lee bursts). Cost: $3,500.
1 09
Rotocannon : Range: 1 ,000 feet (305 m). Damage: Vehicles and Other Equipment: While incarcerated ,
406. Rate of Fire: Same as rotopistol. Payload: 1 04 round Hairtrigger continues to mentally work out designs for
ammo drum (enough for eight long bursts or fou r full me some new equipment which he does not feel ready to
lee bursts) . Cost: $1 0,000. market yet. The Feds and local authorities have seized
Gyropistol: This weapon fires tiny self-propelled rock everything they could find.
ets, or "gyrojets" which combine the best of a bullet and
grenade, with a super-localized blast effect that h u rts only
what it hits. But what it hits, it hits hard. Range: 1 , 500 feet
(457.5 m). Damage: 1 D4x1 0 plus the target loses initiative
and one attack and must roll to Maintain Balance from the
impact. Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Payload: 1 0 round
magazine. Cost: $ 1 6,000. The amazing range and fire
power make this weapon extremely desirable.
Gyrocannon : A heavier version of the Gyropistol, this
weapon is the size of a carbine, and fires slightly heavier
ammunition. Range: 1 ,500 feet (457.5 km). Damage:
1 D6x1 0 plus the target loses initiative and two attacks and
must roll to Maintain Balance from the impact. Rate of
Fire: Single shot only. Payload: 20 round magazine. Cost:
$2 1 ,000.
The "Mad Dog Special": This multi-caliber assault
weapon is a pu re knockoff of the Triton Industries MCR2,
which was originally designed for use by the Centu ry Sta
tion C-SWAT. The gun itself is roughly the size of a
sub-machinegun such as the H&K M P-5. The weapon's
non-retractable stock comes off the bottom of the
handg rip, and a mechanism within the stock feeds the
weapon's specially designed helical magazine, like those
used on weapons like the M950 Calico machine pistol.
The 1 2-gauge shotgun is a clip-fed weapon attached to
the u nderside of the M-D Special. Range: 1 ,000 feet (305
m) for the SMG or 1 00 feet (30.5 m) for the shotgun. Dam
age: 306 (SMG) , 406 (buckshot), 5 06 (slug), 606
(flechette). Rate of Fire: Single shot or bu rst firing for both
components. Payload: 50 round helical magazine (SMG) ,
6 round box magazine (shotgun). Cost: $5,000.
Microhowitzer: This death-dealer is essentially an as
sault rifle version of a Mark-1 9 g renade launcher, only it
packs a bit more punch. Hairtrigger hopes this weapon will
become a common sight on the streets of Centu ry Station .
Range: 3,000 feet (91 4 m). Damage: 2D4x1 0. Blast Ra
dius: 1 2 feet (3.6 m). Rate of Fire: Single shot only; th ree
shots per melee, maximum. Payload: 6 rou nd revolving
Overd rive
Boris Geckle earned his keep for years by modifying
d rum. Cost: $35,000.
special vehicles for himself and hiring out his services as
Stinger: This hand-held light energy weapon is like a an expert getaway d river and ace mechanic. He made a
weird cross between a laser and a taser, designed for in g reat deal of money at this u ntil one particu lar chase
capacitating victims instead of killing them. Range: 1 50 ended in a crash that nearly cost him his life. He got away
feet (45.7 m). Damage: 306 S . D . C . plus stun for 1 06 me unscathed , but his mangled vehicle exploded just seconds
lees (victims must roll a saving throw of 1 6 or better to re after he got free of it. After that, he tu rned his interest to
sist the weapon's stunning effects. Stu nned targets will ward the supply side of the black market, ru nning an un
are at -9 to strike, parry and dodge, and lose half their me derworld garage for all those with souped-up vehicles, and
lee attacks for 1 06 melees). Rate of Fire: Single shot only. those looking to acqu i re one.
Payload: 1 0 shot E-Clip Cost: $7,500 for the gu n , $1 ,000 He put those skills to work at the Workshop, building ,
for the E-Clip.
modifying, souping-up and tu rning ordinary vehicles into
Armor: While Hairtrigger does not make special armor, super-vehicles. He misses his time in the shop and longs
his business partner Archimedes does. He has been to get back at it. His attorney has petitioned the prison
kind enoug h to test d rive most of her inventions too, board to take him out of the Super-Being Containment
and as a resu lt, has an M-Flex bodysu it (A. A . 1 5 , Wing and put him in Cell Block B (where he hopes he can
S . D . C . : 250) stashed away along with $20,000 cash. find an easier way to escape) . Overdrive is not a thug,
killer or superhuman and his petition to be moved into the that cash into a mutual fund he set u p for himself u nder
general population is likely to be g ranted . He has been a a du mmy corporation. He can live off the interest of the
model prisoner and hopes to eventually get transferred to fund, never touching the principal for decades.
"Alphaville" (Cell Block A) , where he'll gain access to ma Weapons: No personal weapons, aside from a few con
chines, tools and parts. ventional automatic pistols and a shotgun. Overd rive is
Also Known As: Poppa Wheelie and Slim Jim. n't really into guns unless they' re mounted on a vehicle,
Real Name: Boris Geckle in which case the bigger, the better.
Occupation: Hot rodder, freelance inventor, mechanic, Other Equ ipment: Overdrive has connections with a
ex-crimefighter, and getaway car d river. score of underworld garages and operations where he
Alignment: Anarchist can get credit to acquire anything he might need .
Attributes: I.a.: 24, M.E.: 1 9, M.A.: 1 3, P.S. : 1 5 , P.P.: Mainly, he's into tools and fast vehicles of all kinds. I n
1 4, P.E.: 1 1 , P.B.: 9, Spd : 6 fact, o n e of each of t h e following vehicles is stored for
Age: 42, Sex: Male. him someplace throughout the District.
Height: Five feet, 1 1 inches ( 1 .8 m) . Weight: 270 Ibs Vehicles: Oh, yeah. You want veh icles, Overdrive's got
( 1 2 1 .5 kg) . vehicles. While he can custom build anything described
in the Super-Vehicle section of the H U2 rule book, he
Experience Level : 7
also has a number of standard modification kits for
H it Points: 38 those who aren't very picky over how they want their
S.D.C. : 35 (typically wears an M-Flex suit) . vehicle customized. Over the years, he's finalized sev
Power Category: Hardware (Mechanical Genius). eral really popular designs, and maintains a prime-con
Special Skills: Hot-Wiring Automobiles (91 %), Building dition model of each for his own use and to show to
Supervehicles (98%) , and Recognize Weapon Quality prospective clients. They are the Uberhog, the
(85%). Spyhunter, the Roadblock, and the Dragonfly.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
Number of Attacks: 5
Type: Heavy Motorcycle.
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to
dodge, +2 to damage, +2 to roll with punchlfall/impact, Crew: One d river and one passenger.
+2 to pull punch. A.R.: 1 4 (main body); 1 2 (passenger compartment) .
Saving Throws: +2 to save vs psionics and +2 to save vs S.D.C. by Location :
insanity. Main Body - 500
Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 04+2, Kick: 1 06+2, and Passenger Compartment - 250
Critical Strike: 1 9-20. Tires - 40 each
Education Level and Skills: Special . Maximum Speed : 300 mph (480 km) .
Mechanical Genius Scholastic Skills: Mechanical En
Cruising Speed : 1 20 mph (1 92 km) .
gineer (95%) , Weapons Engineer (95%) , Robot Me
chanics (98%), Basic Mechanics (98%), Automotive Range: 350 miles (560 km) .
Mechanics (90%) , Locksmith (85%), Ai rcraft Mechanics Weapons:
(85%), Read Sensory Instruments (95%) , Basic Elec Twin Light Machineguns (2): Range 3,000 feet (91 4
tronics (80%), Advanced Mathematics (98%) , Pilot m). Damage: 606 from one g un , x2 if both are fi red simul
Race Cars (92%) , Pilot Ai rplanes (98%). taneously. Rate of Fire: Bu rst only. Payload: 200 rou nds
Advanced Pilot P rogram: Navigation (Ai r, Land , Sea) each . Note: These weapons can only be fired simulta
(98%), Navigation: Space (98%) , Weapon Systems neously and at the same target. They can only fire di rectly
(98%), Pilot Motorcycle (98%) , Pilot Truck (94%), Pilot in front of the vehicle.
Helicopter (95%), Pilot Hovercraft (98%) , Pilot Jet Air Two (2) Rocket Tubes: Range: 1 mile ( 1 .6 km) . Dam
craft (94%), Pilot Jet Fighter (94%), Pilot Jet Packs age: 1 D6x1 0 Blast Radius: 3 feet (0. 9 m). Rate of Fire:
(96%) , Pilot Submersible (94%) , Pilot Tanks & APCs Each tube can be fired individually. Speed : 1 ,400 mph
(90%), Pilot Warships and Patrol Boats (94%) . (2,240 km).
Secondary Skills: Pilot Boats (Sail-Types) (90%), Pi Special Equipment: Smokescreen, Self-Sealing/Self-In
lot Boats (Motor-Types) (85%) , Pilot Ships (75%/69%) , flating Tires, Radar Display, Super Fuel Efficiency, Oil
Pilot Water Scooters (80%) , Astronomy (55%) , Slick, Vehicular Caltrops, Siren, and Portable Tool Kit.
Swimming (80%), and SCUBA/Advanced Swimming Cost: $1 75,000
Money: Beaux coup dollars, baby! Back in his more crimi
nal years, Overdrive charged one million dollars per
Outrun ner
getaway d rive (he'd also supply the souped-up car) for Type: Sports Car.
some of the more brazen and daring villains in town. He Crew: One d river and one passenger.
pulled off a dozen jobs like this and bankrolled all of A.R.: 1 6 (main body), 1 3 (passenger compartment) .
S.D.C. by Location: Eight (8) Rocket Tubes: Range: 1 mile ( 1 .6 km) . Dam
Main Body - 1 ,050 age: 1 D6x1 o. Blast Radius: 3 feet (0.9 m). Rate of Fire:
Passenger Compartment - 350 Each tube can be fired singly or in g roups of two, three or
fou r. Speed: 1 ,400 mph (2,240 km). Note: These weapons
Maximum Speed : 440 mph (704 km) .
can only fire directly in front of the vehicle.
Cruising Speed : 1 55 mph (248 km) . Four (4) Anti-Aircraft M issiles: Range: 8,000 feet
Range: 1 ,550 m p h (2,480 km) . (2,438 m). Damage: 2D4x1 0. Blast Radius: 20 feet (6 m).
Weapons: Note that all weapons on the Outrunner are Rate of Fire: Single shot or in groups of two, three or fou r
fully retractable. simultaneously.
Automatic Cannon : Range: 3,000 feet (91 4 m). Dam Special Equipment: Searchlight, Smoke Screen, Theft
age: 1 D6x1 0+20. Rate of Fire: Single shot, twice per me Alarm System , Winch and Cable, Armored ,
lee maximum. Payload: 20 shots. Self-Sealing/Self-I nflating Tires, Radar Display, Super
Twin Light Machineguns (2; front): Range 3,000 feet Fuel Efficiency, Oil Slick, Vehicular Caltrops,
(91 4 m). Damage: 6D6 from one gu n, x2 if both are fired Ram-Prow, and Trunk Tool Kit.
simultaneously. Rate of Fire: Burst only. Payload : 200 Cost: $31 5,000
rounds each. Note: These weapons can only be fired si
multaneously and at the same target. They can only fire
directly in front of the vehicle.
Twin Light Machineguns (Back): These weapons are Type: Light Combat Jet.
identical to the ones mentioned above except they are Crew: One Pilot.
rear-mounted and can shoot only at targets directly behind A.R.: 1 0 (Main Body) , 1 2 (Crew Compartment) , 1 0 (Fuel
the vehicle. Compartment)
Four (4) Rocket Tubes: Range: 1 mile ( 1 .6 km). Dam S.D.C. by Location:
age: 1 D6x1 o. Blast Radius: 3 feet (0.9 m). Rate of Fire : Main Body - 900 S.D.C.
Each tube can b e fired singly or in g roups o f two, three or
C rew Compartment - 250 S.D.C.
fou r. Speed : 1 ,400 mph (2,240 km).
Fuel Compartment - 200 S. D.C.
Two (2) Souped-Up Anti-Aircraft Mini-Missiles:
Range: 8,000 feet (2,438 m). Damage: 2 D4x1 0 . Blast Ra Maximum Speed : Mach 1 (660 mph/1 ,056 km) .
dius: 20 feet (6 m). Rate of Fire: Single shot or both simul Range: Unlimited.
taneously. Weapons:
Special Equipment: Ejection Seat, Smoke Screen , Theft Six (6) Heavy Machineguns: Range: 4,000 feet ( 1 ,21 9
Alarm System, Armored , Self-Sealing/Self-I nflating m). Damage: 7D6. Rate of Fire: Burst or spray firing. Pay
Tires, Radar Display, Super Fuel Efficiency, Oil Slick, load : 200 rou nds each. Note: These weapons are linked to
Vehicular Caltrops, and Trunk Toolkit. all fire simultaneously at the same target, directly in front
Cost: $225,000 of the vehicle. Additional Note: Overdrive was considering
adding an energy weapons variant that would sport two
heavy laser cannons that would work off the vehicle's fu
Roadblock sion generator instead of the "six pack" of machineguns.
Type: Tractor-Trailer Cab. The trouble is, he cou ldn't find the right weapons for the
Crew: One driver, th ree passengers and two g unners. job, since laser cannons are very hard to come by.
A.R.: 1 8 (main body) , 1 4 (passenger compartment) . Special Equipment: Anti-Missile Chaff (6) , Ejection Seat,
Fusion Generator, P ressu rized Cabin, Smoke Screen,
S.D.C. by Location :
VTOL Capabi lity, and Advanced Radar Targeting Com
Main Body - 2,000 S.D.C. puter.
Passenger Compartment - 450 S . D . C . Cost: $1 1 .02 million
Maximum Speed: 250 m p h (400 km) .
Cruising Speed : 1 20 mph (1 92 km).
Range: 1 ,500 miles (2,400 km) .
Twin Automatic Cannons: Range: 3,000 feet (91 4 m).
Damage: 1 D6x1 0+20. Rate of Fire: Single shot, twice per
melee maximum. Payload: 20 shots. Note: These weap
ons can only fire simultaneously and at the same target.
Two (2) Heavy Machineguns: Range: 4,000 feet
( 1 ,21 9 m). Damage: 7D6. Rate of Fire: Bu rst or spray fir
ing. Payload : 200 rounds each. Note: These weapons are
mounted on roof tu rrets and have a 360 degree firing arc.
refuses to answer to anything else. The grief has d riven
her to become cold , antisocial and deluded. Thus, she
uses her talents to create weapons of destruction in an
effort to lash out at the world for the loss of her father.
She actually likes the idea that both heroes and villains
are hurt by her creations (for she's not sure which side
to blame for her dad's death). Another reason is she
has become a true anarchist who sees destruction and
change as the only real constants in life and her work
adds to that ever changing world. Meanwhile, she
closes her eyes and mind to the fact that her weapons
take away the fathers and loved ones of other l ittle girls
(a fact she would otherwise have trouble living with ) .
If somebody could ever reach her, Archimedes might
be tu rned into a force for good , but she has spent years
and years locked in a horrible prison of her own mak
ing, and the view from her emotional jail cell is terribly
narrow and her defense built up like the G reat Wall of
Height: Five feet, eight inches ( 1 .73 m). Weight: 1 40 Ibs
(63 kg)
Experience Level : 1 st
H it Points: 1 6
S.D.C.: 30
!.S.P.: 1 60
Power Category: Psionics
Healing: Bio-Regeneration (self) (6) and Lust for Life
( 1 5).
Physical: Levitation (varies) and Nightvision (4) .
Sensitive: Astral Projection ( 1 0), Clairvoyance (4) ,
Object Read (6) , Speed Reading (2) , Telepathy (4) , and
Total Recall (2) .
Super Psionics: I nvisible Haze (30), Mental Illusion
(20) , Telekinetic Force Field (30) .
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Number of Attacks: 4
Bonuses: +2 to roll with impact and +2 to pull punch.
Other Combat Info: None. I nteg rity generally is not into
physical combat, and if she must fight, she will defend
herself using her psionic powers alone. She's a writer,
not a fig hter.
Education Level and Skills : Bachelor's Degree (Col
lege) .
Jou rnalisVl nvestigation : Computer Operation (60%) ,
Research (70%), Photography (55%) , Writing (Journal
istic Style) (45%), Interrogation (50%), I mpersonation
(30%/26%/24%) , Escape Artist (40%), and I ntelligence
Commu nications: Basic Electronics (50%), Radio:
Basic (65%) , Radio: Scramblers (55%) , T.V.Nideo
(45%), and Laser (Communications) (50%).
Language: Spanish (70%), German (70%), French
(70%), and Italian (70%).
Secondary: Concealment (20%) , Palming (20%) ,
Pick Locks (30%) , Pick Pockets (25%) , P rowl (25%) ,
Safecracking (20%) , Seduction (20%) , Streetwise
(20%), and Ventriloquism (1 6%) .
Money: M i randa was scratching out about $500 a month
on her various freelance writing gigs (not incl uding oc
casional low, fou r fig u re bonuses for "big" stories and
exposes) . Now that she's doing hard time, she can ex
pect that to drop to zero. The only paper that wants her
to work for them is the sleazy tabloid fighting for her re
lease. She is currently pinning her financial hopes on
the book she is writing while in jail. Who knows? Maybe
it will be a best seller, in which case, she will probably
find herself pressu red by her publisher to get into more
adventu res she can write about. And even though ad
venturing is definitely not her thin g , she might consider
it if the paycheck is big enough.
Other Aliases: Tattletale Weapons: Are you kidding? Those things kill people.
Alignment: Anarchist Vehicles and Other Equipment: Nothing aside from the
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 30, M.A.: 1 0, P.S.: 9, P.P.: 1 2 , camcorder and pocket tape recorder she used to carry
P.E.: 1 0, P.B.: 22, Spd : 1 6 around with her everywhere.
Age: 22, Sex: Female.
fu l attempt to blend in better. This is not as difficult as it
may sound, since "Roger's" cyborg body is a slight build,
with h u man-like featu res. Okay, he has a prehensile tail
and his artificial skin has spots, but the mechanical tail can
be cu rled u p and concealed , and the skin can be dis
gu ised with cosmetics. U nfortunately, blending in is not
one of Roger's fortes.
Roger Blaster finds this whole incarceration business a
little disheartening. How is he supposed to get home in
time to start his job if he's locked up on G ramercy Island?
To this traveler, the g ravity of his situation never seems to
hit him. He sees being in prison as a major inconvenience,
like if an American coming home from E u rope just missed
his connecting flight in Paris.
Thanks to the extremely complicated nature of Roger
Blaster's bionics, he has plenty of hidden compartments
and devices that still work and can be used to break him
self out of his cell. He is just waiting for what seems like a
good time to do it. Then he can break out I ntegrity and
Gearz too and they can all make a dash for the mainland
Real Name: Gylar
Other Aliases: Roger Blaster and Space Cadet.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A.: 1 2, P.S.: 40 (super
h u man) , P.P.: 1 8, P.E.: 1 5 , P.B.: 1 1 , Spd : 77 (53 mph/85
Age: 36, Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet, six inches ( 1 .98 m). Weight: 400 Ibs
( 1 80 kg)
Experience Level : 1
Roger B laster H it Points: 26
Deep in the center of the galaxy, where hundreds of S.D.C.: 290
spacefaring civilizations come into close contact with each
Power Category : Alien (Bionics).
other, there are entire societies where cybernetics are so
common that they are more akin to a fashion statement Alien Appearance: Humanoid (Tough and lumpy,
than a medical or military device. The world of Suhenka is blue-g reen skin with dark blue spots, prehensile tail).
one such place, where all citizens are requ ired by law to Full Conversion Cyborg :
undergo at least partial cyborg conversion, if not full. After Bionic Arms & Hands: P.S.: 40, P . P . : 1 8.
conversion, citizens are then expected to roam the galaxy Bionic Feet & Legs: P . S . : 40, Spd: 77.
for a period of eight galactic years and then retu rn to a job
Bionic Lungs & Gas Filter.
in the industrial, commercial or military sector.
Full Body Exoskeleton : +230 S.D.C.
The alien Gylar, a full conversion cyborg , decided to
see the "galactic backwater" d u ring his post-conversion Full Body Bionic Armor: A. A . : 1 8, S.D.C.: 900, Pen
sojourn, and d u ring his travels, he opted for a side trip to alties: -30% to prowl , climb, acrobatics, and similar
Earth. The vessel that brought him to Earth d ropped him skills.
off in a one-way travel pod that mostly bu rned u p in the at Machine Pistol Implants (2): Damage: 306. Rate of Fire:
mosphere. Gylar landed with a bang in the Appalachian Single shot, bu rst firing or full auto. A short bu rst uses 6
Mountains, and after a few interesting encounters with rounds, a long bu rst uses 1 5 rou nds, and a full melee
some of the regional folk, made his way to Centu ry Sta burst uses 30 rounds. Range: 600 feet ( 1 83 m). Pay
tion, where he could see the sights. load : 1 00 rounds per implant. Note: These weapons are
Since he is used to keeping a low profile, Gylar man built into the forearms and fire out th rough a port in the
aged to make some friends in a seedy section of town palm . It takes one melee action to reload each weapon.
without alerting the police, especially the alien supercop Retractable Blades: Damage: 306+28. Note: Roger
Alpha Prime, to his presence (if Alpha Prime got him, she Blaster has a set of blades on each arm, and can fight
would have certainly deported Gylar back to his with them as paired weapons.
homeworld). As he learned about Earth culture, Gylar Cost: $8 million.
changed his name to Roger Blaster in a partially success-
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Number of Attacks: 4 had landed on a world as savage and oppressive as the
Bonuses: +25 to damage, +2 to initiative, +2 to roll with Toogarth's.
impact, +2 to pull punch. The aliens eluded captu re and went into hiding. They
Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 04+25. Kick: 1 06+25. had remained free, but they were still in a hostile environ
ment and in need of n umerous advanced components,
Education Level and Skills: Alien Combat Specialist
equipment and material. Seeing themselves as soldiers in
P hysical: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Gymnastics
enemy territory, they began committing crimes to steal
Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Knife, W.P. Sword , W.P.
what they needed to repair thei r ship. For parts they
Paired Weapons, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Ri
needed to manufactu re themselves, the g roup either stole
fle, W . P . Heavy Energy Weapons & Rail Guns. the necessary material and construction equ ipment, or
Secondary: Pilot: Hovercraft (50%) , First Aid (45%) , they heisted something else to raise money to flat out buy
P rowl (-5% Maybe he'll get better with age, but for now what they needed . It was d u ring one of these heists that
his bionic armor makes prowling impossible.), Wilder the three were caught by local heroes and sentenced to
ness Su rvival (35%), Track Animals (20%) , and Recog 25 years each on G ramercy Island for armed robbery.
nize Weapon Quality (25%). Their h u man appearance masks their alien natu re, which
Money: When Roger Blaster came to Earth, he brought is why the alien superhero Alpha Prime has not yet de
with him nearly $250,000 in precious alien metals. He ported these characters to off-world authorities.
hid this stash in a ventilation shaft of Gearz's workshop. Meanwhile, the three are still wanted criminals in the
Since the Regulators have been imprisoned, Gearz's Toogarth Empire. Toogarth hunters have been on their
workshop has certainly been ransacked by street thugs, trail since day one, and it is only a matter of time before
but Roger Blaster's hidden cache has most likely they trace their trajectory to Earth . What may happen once
(01 %-85%) been overlooked. the Toogarth learn about our planet is anybody's guess,
Weapons: None, aside from his cybernetic weaponry. but it sure won't be good.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
From a far-distant planet of an even fu rther distant di
The Fearless mension, Skorin Enserel was an otherwise unremarkable
member of a slave race modified from ancient h u man
stock (from another dimension? I nteresting). He and
The Fearless are a team of alien freedom fighters - nearly one million of his fellow slaves were sent to the life-
Liberator, Relentless, and Bra vo have been battling the less planetOid Buria Kalsu as part of a mining effort eng i-
evil Toogarth aliens for their enti re lives. The Toogarth neered by the Toogarth , who had bought genetic
Empire has recently begun an agg ressive expansion in its templates of Skorin's race and were mass producing them
corner of the galaxy, swallowing up l ittle worlds like Sorini in incubator vats on the Toogarthian homeworld. Skorin's
Prime, home to a race of human-like people all natu rally kind were considered cheap and disposable labor, easily
gifted with super abilities. The Sorini people were over- killed and discarded , destined to a nasty, brutish and short
whelmed by the Toogarth and enslaved. A handfu l of life of extreme labor and casual torment by their masters.
Sorini escaped , however, and have fought a ru nning battle Not for Skorin . Slowly, he gathered enough kisentite to
with their Toogarth oppressors in the unlikely hope that forge his own weapons, and he encou raged a small group
they can somehow persuade the invaders to let Sorini to do the same. I n secret, they practiced their martial
P rime go. prowess and ultimately led a slave revolt. In the fighting,
The Fearless were th ree such escaped Sorini. Flying a Skorin and his two friends made it to a Toogarthian space-
commandeered Toogarth interceptor, the g roup routinely craft and left the moon. After that came the crash-landing
hit Toogarth ships, facilities and personnel. U nfortunately, on Earth and incarceration on G ramercy Island .
their l uck ran out some months ago, resulting in a botched While it might appear as if Liberator and his comrades
attack. In the chaotic aftermath, the Fearless found them- will remain in prison for many years, the truth is Liberator
selves d rifting in a ruined starship at translight speed . If has broken out of prisons more advanced than this one.
they did not hit the g ravity well of a solar system soon, All he needs is another 206 weeks of observation before
they would fly right out of the galaxy and into the void of he fig u res out the prison's patterns and devises a way to
intergalactic space. exploit them. That way, he will be able to break out, free
Luck was with the young rebels when they crash his comrades and get off the Island. As "the" Liberator, the
landed on Earth . They had su rvived, but thei r craft was a alien is likely to free a handful of others whom "he" consid-
wreck. It wou ld need extensive repairs for it to ever flY ers to be also unjustly imprisoned (like the Regu lators and
again. So, the three aliens activated the vessel's cloaking select others. Whether he asks them to join his team or
device, parked it beneath the waves near Centu ry Station not is another story). The alien may also free a few villains
and swam ashore. U nfortunately, the cultu rally ignorant fu- to create g reater chaos in order to cover his own escape,
gitives did not think that wearing advanced weaponry out or his team's exploits while escaping may damage one or
in public would raise any eyebrows, so when C-SWAT de- more containment systems of other (more dangerous and
scended on them in record time, they merely thought they evil) prisoners, enabling them to break free. This cou ld
Age: 20, Sex: Male.
Height: Five feet, six inches ( 1 .68 m). Weight: 220 Ibs
(99 kg).
Appearance: H uman-like.
Environment: High G ravity World .
Fami liarity with Earth : None.
Experience Level : 3
H it Points: 5 1
S.D.C.: 256
Power Category: Alien (Physical Training; Focus on En
d u rance and Strength).
Special Abilities : Superh u man P.S., Power Punch,
Power Kick, Force of Will.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand : Agg ressive & Oeadly
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry, +3 to
dodge, + 1 6 to damage, +4 to pull punch, +8 to roll with
pu nch/fall/impact
Saving Throws: +9 vs diseases and poison, +7 vs magic,
+46% vs coma/death.
Other Combat Info: Karate Punch: 204+1 6, Karate Kick:
206+ 1 6, Entangle, Body Th row/Flip, Body
Block/Tackle, Arm Hold, Body Hold
Education Level and Skills: Special.
Rogue Skills: Prowl (50%) , Pick Locks (35%) , Pick
Pockets (35%) , Streetwise (28%) , Card Sharp (32%) ,
Seduction (26%) , and Palming (30%) .
Communications Skills: Laser (Communications)
(40%), Read Sensory Equipment (40%) , Basic Me
chanics (40%) , and Mechanical Engineer (35%) .
Espionage Skills: Oetect Ambush (40%), I nterroga
tion (50%) , Tracking (35%), and Wilderness Su rvival
cause something of a chain reaction allowing 206+6 other (45%).
superbeings to escape their cells. Whether these others P hysical Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics (General), Body
escape from the island depends on luck, fate and the Building & Weightlifting, Climbing (50%/40%) , Gymnas
Game Master. Note: The Liberator, his teammates and tics, Running, Swimming (60%), and SCU BA/Advanced
those he deliberately helps to escape should all get off the Swimming (60%) .
island . As for other escapees, the alien freedom fighters Secondary Skills: Computer Operation (50%) , Basic
will feel terrible if those who escaped G ramercy Island be Mathematics (55%), and Recognize Weapon Quality
cause of them cause death and destruction. If this hap (35%).
pens, the Fearless are likely to try to recapture them to Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Sword (+2 to strike and
make amends. Whether the Toogarth ever track the Fear parry) , W.P. Knife (+1 to strike, parry and dodge), W . P .
less down is left to the G . M . (Ooes a Toogarth raiding Staff (+2 t o strike, + 1 t o parry) , W . P . Chain ( + 1 to
party attack the prison, freeing dozens, perhaps hundreds
strike) , W.P. Targeting (+2 to throw, Rate of Fire: 5),
of prisoners, supervillains among them, to seize their run
and W.P. Paired Weapons (All).
away slaves? Certainly the Toogarth will have no regard
for Earth law, and won't even consider using diplomatic Money: $ 1 4,000 in precious metals, worth $200 each in
challenges to get the fugitives. They take what they want.) cash.
For a detailed description of the Toogarth aliens, please Weapons:
refer to the Villains Unlimited™ sou rcebook. Kisentite Sword : 306+ 1 6.
Real Name: Skorin Enserel Kisentite Chakrams (2): 204+ 1 6. (Note: These return
to the thrower when th rown .)
Occupation: Fugitive, Freedom Fighter, Adventu rer
Alignment: U nprincipled Kisentite Daggers (3): 206+ 1 6 .
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5 , M.E.: 1 3, M.A.: 1 1 , P.S. : 31 , P.P.: Kisentite Whipping Chains (2): 204+ 1 6.
1 9, P.E.: 28, P.B.: 1 8, Spd: 1 08
1 20
Vehicles and Other Equipment: escaping the prison or repairing the g roup's damaged
Leather Armor: A . A . : 1 2. S . O . C . : 75. Note: This suit of spaceship. Should he get out on his own , he will mostly
armor resembles stylized motorcycle leathers. Liberator likely seek help from heroes or freelancers sympathetic to
wears this armor whenever he can, choosing to cover it up his cause.
with shabby, loose-fitting Earth clothing, like sweat pants, Now that Relentless has had some time to familiarize
athletic shirts and overcoats. himself with Earth cu ltu re, he genuinely regrets the crimes
Antigravity Ring: Top Speed: 1 00 mph ( 1 60 km) . he and his comrades committed earlier. He honestly felt
S . O . C . : 8. Carrying Capacity: 500 Ibs (225 kg) Note: This he was acting within a 1 00% hostile territory, and had he
device has no altitude limit; with sufficient life support, Lib known better, he would have suggested to Liberator that
erator could use this ring to fly into and through outer they find more honest means of repairing their vessel.
space. Relentless admi res the exploits of this world's
superpowered heroes, and should escape to another
world become impossible, he would not mind earning his
freedom and becoming a hero himself. Fighting crime and
injustice are right up his alley.
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 8, M.A.: 9, P.S.: 27, P.P.: 22,
P.E.: 30, P.B.: 1 3, Spd: 1 6
Age: 1 9, Sex: Male.
Height: Five feet, eleven inches ( 1 .8 m). Weight: 1 80 Ibs
(81 kg).
Experience Level : 4
H it Points: 60
S.D.C.: 1 1 5
Power Category: Alien (Super Powers).
Appearance: Human-like.
Major Super Abilities: M u ltiple Lives .
Minor Super Abilities: Healing Factor.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +6 to strike, +9 to parry and
dodge, +2 to disarm, +6 to roll with impact, +2 to pull
punch, + 1 2 to damage, +50% to save vs coma/death,
+ 1 1 to save vs magic and poison, and +3 to save vs
psionic attacks.
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+ 1 2, snap kick:
1 06+ 1 2, crescent kick: 204+ 1 4, axe kick: 206+ 1 2 ,
j u m p kicks (all). Knockout on a natural 2 0 , pin/incapaci
tate: 1 8-20, body block/tackle: 1 04+ 1 2 , and
crush/squeeze: 1 04+ 1 2.
Education Level and Skills: Alien Combat Special ist.
P hysical: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, and Gym
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Knife, W. P. Sword , W.P.
Paired Weapons, W . P . Energy Pistol, W.P. Energy Ri
Relentless fle, W . P . Heavy Energy and Weapons & Rail G u ns
Secondary: Pilot: Hovercraft (50%) , First Aid (45%) ,
Relentless specializes in close combat, preferring to
P rowl (25%) , Wilderness Su rvival (35%) , Track Animals
rely on simultaneous attacks when duking it out with his
(20%), and Recognize Weapon Quality (25%) .
opponents. His ability to soak up tremendous amounts of
damage and still keep fighting is what has led the Money: Relentless has forsaken all worldly goods except
Toogarth to call him Kin Zubda, meaning "the Forever for that which can be directly used in the fight against
Warrior." the Toogarth Empire. Any booty he has ever gained in
his struggle has been donated to other freedom fighters
Relentless trusts Liberator's instincts completely and
to buy weapons and equ ipment. While on Earth, any
will follow orders from him to the letter. On his own, the
plunder he has gathered is all di rected at getting the
warrior does not possess much initiative or creativity, so
g roup's spaceship repai red so they can leave to con
he would be hard pressed to devise any plan that entailed
tinue their fight against the evil empire.
1 21
Weapons: few long-term motivations. I ronically, while he possesses
Energy Swords (2): Damage: 5D6+ 1 2. A long (1 2 g reat mind powers, he still has a short attention span and
inches/30 cm) hilt, without crossguard , holds the powerful tends to act rashly. His ultra-gung-ho attitude has led the
energy generator for these weapons, which Relentless Fearless into trouble more than once, and in fact, it is the
uses as a pair. The balance and length of the swords (3.5 reason why the g roup is in prison today. According to the
feeV1 . 1 m) give them an additional + 1 to strike. The CSPD, it was Bravo's idea to bu rglarize a museum featur
Swords are locked away at G ramercy Island , but the ing radically advanced aerospace designs. Bravo knew
Relentless and his teammates will retrieve all their weap the exhibit was heavily guarded but he insisted the group
ons before leaving the island . hit it anyway, since they certainly could break in, take what
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. they needed and break out without anybody stopping
them. The plan went off as Bravo said, and it would have
worked had he not stayed behind to continue fighting se
cu rity guards just for the fun of it. That critical delay is
what prevented the group from escaping the scene before
the authorities showed up with Apex, Haven and
Spartacus along for good measu re (Alpha Prime was
dealing with matters off-world) . They captu red the trio and
put them in the lock-up at G ramercy Island. Bravo hopes
his comrades never realize it was his folly that landed
them in captivity, and has sworn to himself to try to curb
his impulses and rage.
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 2 1 , M.A.: 1 9, P.S. : 1 9, P.P.:
1 8, P.E.: 1 8, P.B.: 1 7, Spd: 20
Age: 20, Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 8 m). Weight: 200 Ibs (90.8 kg) .
Experience Level : 5
H it Points: 38
S.D.C.: 70
I.S.P.: 1 71
Power Category: Alien (Psionics).
Psionics :
Healing: Bio-Regeneration (self) (1 0), Deaden Pain
(4) , Healing Touch (6) , Psychic Diagnosis (4), Psychic
Pu rification (8) , and Psychic S u rgery ( 1 4) .
P hysical: Death Trance ( 1 ) , I mpervious to Cold (2) ,
I mpervious to Fire (4) , Resist Fatigue (4) , Summon In
ner Strength (4) , Telekinetic Punch (6) , and Telekinetic
Leap (8).
Sensitive: Clai rvoyance (4) , Empathy (4), Sense Evil
(2) , Sixth Sense (2), and Telepathy (4).
Super Psionics: Mind Bolt (varies) , Psi-Shield (30) ,
Psi-Sword (30) , Telekinesis (Super) (1 0+), and Telekinetic
Force Field (30) .
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Bravo Number of Attacks: 6
With formidable psychic powers as his armor and
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +7 to parry and
shield , Bravo is a cocksu re front-line warrior and the resi
dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +3 to
dent wild man. He has been battling the Toogarth since
damage, +6% to save vs coma/death and +2 to save vs
his psychic powers first manifested themselves, and when
he escapes G ramercy Island and retu rns to space, he
shall resume his fight against them. H is enti re family (all Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4+3, tripping/leg
77 of them!) remain enslaved by the Toogarth and until hook, backward sweep.
every one has been freed , the rebel known as Bravo shall Education Level and Skills: Alien Science Specialist.
never rest easy. Science: Biology (50%) , Botany (45%), Chemistry
Aside from his life-long dedication to rescuing his family (50%) , Astronomy (45%), and Astrophysics (50%)
and other slaves from Toogarth domination, Bravo has Physical: Boxing and Wrestling.
1 22
Commu nications: Radio: Basic (55%) , Radio: Scram him. He tends to see all wealth as that which belongs to
blers (45%) the Toogarth , that which should belong to those who
Other Skills: Computer Operation (50%), Basic Math oppose the Toogarth, and that which belongs to every
ematics (55%) , Read Sensory I nstruments (40%) , one else.
Weapon Systems (50%), Navigation (60%) , Pilot Hov Weapons: None. Tends to rely on his natural abilities, but
ercraft (60%), Pilot Airplane (60%), and Pilot Jet Pack will use weapons, armor and vehicles as the situation
(52%). calls for.
Money: Bravo has lived a life of endless slavery and the Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
very concept of private property is somewhat foreign to
G ramercy I s l an d
Su permax Correctional Faci l ity
. -.
Slated for -
: ..
• •
. .
. .
.' .
. .
. . .
.. 0'· · . -
. .
Key . . .
. .
1: The Airlock .
: .
2: Staff Housing . .
3: Industry Buildings
• .
• • •
• •
4: Harbor & Wet Dock
. .
. . . :
. . .
5: Administrative Offices
1 23
In war-torn Western Africa, there exists a legend con
cerning mythical creatu res known as the abatwa, tiny folk
no larger than an ant. To see an abatwa was an omen of
good luck, as these diminutive warriors are known to be
crusaders of truth and justice. Every hundred generations,
it was said, a h umble villager would be endowed with the
power of the abatwa so he could act as a liaison between
the h u man world and the abatwa. The last time this hap
pened was some thirty years ago, in the village of
Likunde, to a you ng lad named Samuel Sgoro.
Blessed with the power of the abatwa, Sgoro was ex
pected to become a champion for his village and his peo
ple in general. However, a cruel and bloody civil war had
gripped the land, recruiting every boy over the age of 1 2
into the carnage. Any pretense of organized rebellion dis
integ rated into an ongoing orgy of rape, pillage, and geno
cide with no clear di rection or objective. Like all boys his
age, Sgoro was swept into this maelstrom of violence.
Using his extraordinary magic abilities, he became a noto
rious warlord and even controlled a small swath of villages
with an i ron fist. So g reat was Sgoro's local activity that
when General Marcus Dengi emerged to organize the
fighting into a clear rebellion against the government, he
personally recruited Sgoro into his fold. For the rebellion to
work, it needed weapons, and to get weapons, the rebel
lion needed money. And to get that, General Dengi was
willing to pursue any avenue. Sgoro suggested he take to
supervillainy in the U . S . where his unique talents could
bring in some serious cash. The General agreed , and
charged him to "acqu i re" as much money as he could over
the next two years, and then to retu rn to the war.
Sgoro arrived in Century Station , and as Abatwa, he
used his shrinking powers to become an extraordinarily
successful cat burglar and industrial spy. Within a year, he
had raised over $4.2 million and sent it back to General
Dengi, who used the cash to arm his ragtag army with mil
itary hardware. So armed, General Dengi's forces overran
their opposition, and very soon, he had sworn himself in
as president for life.
Back in the states, Abatwa's fortunes had reversed .
Looking to make one last, big score and retu rn home
early, Abatwa got too g reedy and tried to raid the offices of
a software prog ramming company working on a new
breed of military VR software. What he did not anticipate
was the extreme secu rity at the facility, which detected his
entry (despite his tiny size) and captu red him swiftly. He
was arrested and tried for burglary, and was sent to G ra
mercy Island for 7 years.
Since his capture, Abatwa has done a bit of reflecting
on how he has abused his gifts, and is on the verge of
truly repenting. All he needs to do is fall in with the right
people to become the hero he was always meant to be.
1 24
Real Name: Samuel Sgoro fool. He knew there was a good chance he would be
Alignment: Anarchist (was Miscreant) . out in the cold when his leader took over, so to hedge
Attributes: I.Q. : 1 2, M.E.: 8, M.A. : 1 0 (20 transformed), his bets, he had been skimming a little off each job for
P.S.: 1 5 (35 transformed), P.P.: 1 5 (20 transformed), P.E.: himself. He now has over $300,000 saved up for per
1 5 , P.B.: 1 0, Spd: 20 ( 1 00 transformed). sonal use.
Age: 23, Sex: Male. Weapons: None.
Height: Five feet, eight inches ( 1 .73 m). Weight: 1 60 Ibs Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
(72.6 kg) .
Experience Level : 7
H it Points: 50
Afterbu rner
S.D.C.: 40 (220 when transformed). A l iving firebolt, streaking overhead at the speed of
sound is the image the mega-villain Afterburner leaves
P.P.E.: 50
when he flies into town - invariably bent on some kind of
Power Category: Magic (Bestowed Abilities). sinister scheme to g rab as much money and power for
Major Super Abilities: Shrink (Note: This ability automat himself as he can before he escapes in a swirl of flame.
ically tu rns on whenever Abatwa assu mes his Afterbu rner has been a heavy hitter on the super-villain
superpowered identity. This power can not be tu rned off scene for close to a decade. Born Shelby Vinson, a
except by Abatwa resuming his ordinary, mortal form. farmer's son from Remote, Kansas, Afterbu rner's mutant
When shrunken , Abatwa is only one inch/2.5 cm tall , powers manifested themselves with a vengeance, causing
and has a natu ral prowl ability o f 75%. H i s mass re a prairie fire the likes of which had never been seen be
mains u nchanged , however, which means that all at fore. Frightened of how his powers had initially surged out
tacks against Abatwa do only half damage. Attacks with of control, Vinson fled his home and l ived in seclusion for
guns and other "ranged" weapons and powers are -6 to some time. Once he got over his fear and mastered his in
strike; hand to hand melee attacks are -4 to h it, be credible abilities, however, his mind q u ickly turned to ne
cause Abatwa is such a small and difficult target.) farious plots. Why work hard like his folks, when he could
Spell Knowledge: just use his powers to get the life of lUXUry and ease he
Level One: See the I nvisible (4) . knew he always deserved? So it was that Afterbu rner was
Level Three: Armor of Ithan (1 0) and Energy Bolt (5). born.
Level Four: Blind (8), Carpet of Adhesion (1 0) , Magic Net For the next ten years, Afterbu rner scored big, time and
(7) , and Shadow Meld ( 1 0). again , executing a number of major heists as well as con
Level Five: Circle of Flame (1 0). ducting raids against rival villains and heroes who had
crossed him. Periodically, he has worked with other
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
mega-Villains, or has hired less powerful superbeings as
Number of Attacks: 5 u nderlings and lackeys, but for the most part, he is a solo
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike (+5 transformed), operator who enjoys the heat of combat and the thrill of
+6 to dodge (+9 transformed), +3 to parry (+6 trans fast living. He is dangerous in the extreme, supremely
formed), +5 to damage (+8 transformed), +4 to pull confident, petty, vindictive and willing to go to any length
punch, and +2 to roll with impact. to "win" or get what he wants.
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+5, crescent kick: Afterbu rner is the latest addition to the Super-Being
204+7, rou ndhouse kick: 306+5, +1 to save vs magic, Containment Wing, thanks to the efforts of the Centurions.
+3 to save vs possession , +8 to save vs Horror Factor The i rony of it all is that Afterbu rner was only in Centu ry
and 60% trust/intimidate (transformed). Station on personal business, but was spotted as his alter
Education Level and Skills of Note: Military. ego and captu red for past crimes. Although fou r of the
Basic Military: Running, Climbing (80%/70%), Mili Centurions confronted the fiery speedster, Afterbu rner put
tary Etiquette (75%) , Radio: Basic (85%), and W . P . Ri up an excellent fight and incapacitated two of his attackers
fle. before finally going down for the count. U n repentant for
Communications: Basic Electronics (70%), Radio: his crimes, the villain smiled through his trial and informed
Scrambler (75%), T.V.Nideo (59%) , and S u rveillance reporters that he would not be imprisoned for more than
Systems (70%). 30 days, tops. Today is Day 28 of Afterbu rner's life behind
Technical : Literacy (60%) , Speak English (85%) , bars. Will his prediction come true? Will he blast his way
to freedom? Does he have friends waiting outside to break
Speak French (85%) , and Speak German (85%).
him out? Or are his words mere bravado?
Secondary: Recognize Weapon Quality (55%) , Basic
Mechanics (60%) , Automotive Mechanics (55%), Land Real Name: Shelby Vinson
Navigation (60%) , Pilot Truck (64%), and Body Build Alignment: Anarchist with leanings toward M iscreant.
ing. Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 2 1 , P.S. : 20 (Super
natural) , P.P.: 1 3, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 1 3, Spd : 1 4 (running);
Money: Abatwa had been promised a cushy retirement
mach one (flying).
fund when he retu rned home and broug ht the rebellion
in his homeland to final victory. However, Abatwa is no Age: 27; Sex: Male.
1 25
Height: Six feet, two inches ( 1 .9 m). Weight: 200 Ibs
(90.S kg) .
Experience Level : 6
H it Points: 50
S.D.C. : 225 (300 when ablaze).
Flame A.R. : 1 4
Power Category: Mega-Mutant.
Unusual Physical Characteristics: None.
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers, plus After-
burner does not need to eat or drink for nourishment.
He also does not need to breathe air. This combination
allows him to fly into outer space (for some reason , the
vacuum of space does not snuff his flames, nor is there
any ceiling to his Sonic Flight power) . Actually he does
this qu ite often , and for the fun of it, has flown to the
moon (where he has considered building a hideout) and
back under his own power. Once he gets out of G ra
mercy Island , he might take a prolonged leave of ab
sence on the moon or elsewhere.
Major Super Abilities: Sonic Flight, Alter Physical Struc
tu re: Fire
Achilles' Heel : Vulnerable to Magic. All magic does dou
ble damage, and Afterburner is -4 to save vs magical
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +2 to strike (+3 in flight) , +3 to
parry (+5 in flight), +3 to dodge (+9 in flight) , +5 to pull
punch, +9 to damage, +3 to disarm, +3 to roll with im
Other Combat Info: Bolt of fire: S06 (+3 to strike) , fire
ball: 906 (+4 to strike) , restrained punch: 1 06+9,
full-strength punch: 206+9, power punch: 406+9
(counts as two attacks) , sonic two-fisted flying punch:
1 04x1 0+9 (306 to Afterb u rner and counts as two at
tacks), sonic flying body ram : 204x1 0+9 (506 to After
burner and cou nts as three attacks) . Body fliplthrow.
Trust/intimidate: 65%. + 1 0% to save vs coma/death. +3
to save vs poison.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Master's Degree.
Business: Basic Mathematics (95%) , Business & Fi
nance (S5%) , Law (General) (75%) , and Research
Communications: Basic Electronics (70%), Radio:
Basic (95%), Radio: Scrambler (S5%), T.V.Nideo
(70%), Laser (Commu nications) (SO%).
Computer: Computer Operation (90%) , Computer
P rogramming (SO%) , and Computer Repair (75%) .
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (SO%) , Basic Me
chanics (SO%), and Robot Electronics (SO%) .
Secondary: First Aid (70%) , Wilderness Su rvival
(60%), Automotive Mechanics (50%), Astronomy
(50%), P rowl (50%) , Swimming (75%) , and Advanced
Mathematics (70%) .
Money: Afterbu rner has amassed a vast fortune worth bil
lions. With this much money and the power it brings, he
1 26
is rapidly losing interest in petty criminal ventu res and is Attributes: I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 7, M.A. : 6, P.S.: 1 2, P.P.: 1 2,
putting his energies towards a larger goal , such as P.E.: 1 4, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 1 5
building a criminal empire or perhaps taking over a Age: 35; Sex: Female.
small country on the Earth. Height: Five feet, seven inches ( 1 .7 m). Weight: 1 45 Ibs
Weapons: None, doesn't need any. (65 . 8 kg) .
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None of note. He does Experience Level : 2nd
like to live in the lap of lUXUry and buys all the finest H it Points: 24
items for his h u man alter ego.
A native to the B ritish-held Falkland Islands, Janet
Church is no stranger to the cold. Church considers the
more temperate clime of the U n ited States to be positively
tropical! G iven how she spends much of her time trans
formed into l iving ice, it is not hard to see why.
Janet's powers first manifested themselves when she
was a teenager d u ring the Falkland Island War in the early
1 980s. Although the rest of the world figu red from the out
set that G reat Britain would win the conflict, Janet was
hard ly so sure. She was terrified by the fighting all around
her, and the stress of it all is what triggered the super abili
ties locked within her cell structu re to reveal themselves.
Able to command the power of ice as well as kinetic en
ergy (negating an object's movement is something she
likes to refer to as ''the big freeze") , Janet engaged and
defeated an Argentinean squad all on her own. But once
the soldiers lay helpless at her feet, a viciousness within
her sprung forth and took over. She began using her pow
ers to encase the men in ice, and then to torture them
mercilessly. By the time British soldiers got to her, Janet
had slain all eight Argentine troops. She considered her
self a hero, but the British troops saw her actions as war
crimes. They apprehended the young mutant (she was too
weakened from her previous battle to put up much resis
tance) and took her back to England, where she was sen
tenced to thirteen years in prison.
Church broke free near the end of her sentence and
became a terrorist, targeting British police and military as
a means of revenge. After a while, she g ravitated from po
litical violence to straight out crime, both in the U . K. and in
the States. Despite her powers, she simply lacks the skills
and disposition to be a hardcore supervillain, as her track
record shows. Of seven attempted robberies, five ''tripped
for biscu its" - they were botch jobs with no reward . On
her seventh, Antarctica had the misfortune of hitting a ca
sino the same night it got hit by another team of robbers.
The facility lockdown that resu lted ended with a massive
superb rawl between Antarctica, the rival robbers, casino
security and local law enforcement. I n the end, Antarctica
was knocked out and taken into custody. She is now serv
ing seven years in G ramercy Island, d u ring which time she
has been given the advice to seriously consider putting
h er powers to some kind of constructive use. Antarctic ex
ploration, maybe, because being a superhuman warrior or
criminal mastermind just is not in her blood.
Real Name: Janet Church
Other Aliases: Ice Queen.
Alignment: M iscreant.
1 27
S.D.C.: 40 (90 when in ice form) . She wou ld still have the knowledge and energy to do so
APS: Ice A.R.: 1 4 against all kinetic attacks. Teflon inside her, but a mental barrier would prevent her from
coated or other armor piercing bullets pass right weaving the magic without the bag (only something trau
through. Lasers do no damage, bouncing off and per matic might compel her to cast magic without the bag -
haps hitting somebody else nearby. Explosions do half at which point she'd concoct some i rrational explanation or
damage. Fire, extreme heat, psionics, electricity and perhaps chose some new power-sou rce) .
other energy attacks do full damage. While in ice form, Camilla is a scabrous and cranky old gal, but under
ordinary punches and kicks do no damage, those from neath her raggedy clothes and scruffy exterior, she has a
Extraordinary and Superhuman P .S. do half damage, heart of gold. She is always willing to help a friend and
and those from Supernatu ral P .S. do full damage. watches out for children and lost house pets, keeping
Power Category: M utant them safe and helping to get them home. These acts of
kindness go largely unnoticed as she likes to help from a
Unusual Characteristics: Pale blue skin; tends to be lazy distance, away from the limelight.
and likes a life of leisure and lUxury (not that she's ever
U nfortunately, her heroic qualities were u nable to keep
gotten it).
her out of trouble with the law. One cold winter night, she
Major Super Abil ities: Alter Physical Structure: Ice and ran afoul of a gang of punks who took delight in torment
Manipulate Kinetic Energy. ing the homeless. This particular crew had al ready killed a
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic. few of Camilla's elderly friends, and they intended to add
Number of Attacks: 4 her to their score. When the smoke cleared from the con
Bonuses: +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to rol l with impact, frontation, six of the eight punks lie dead, and the other
+2 to pull punch. two would never walk again. By the time the police arrived
on the scene, Camilla looked like the bad guy, preying on
Other Combat Info: Ice shards: 206 each or 606 for a a bunch of poor, defenseless teenagers. An unsympa
three-shard volley. Ice balls: 1 06 each. thetic prosecutor, judge, and j u ry all did thei r part to see
Education Level and Skills of Note: High School G radu that Camilla ("Super Hag" the newspapers called her, and
ate. worse) was sentenced to 30 years on G ramercy Island
Domestic: Basic Mathematics (SS%) , Cook (4S%) , without parole. The SBCW had no difficu lty keeping her
Sewing (SO%) , and Sing (4S%). under control, since she really wants no trouble with any-
Technical: Art (4S%) , Photography (4S%), Research
(60%), and Writing (3S%).
Secondary Skills: Pilot Sailboats (70%), Pilot Motor
boats (64%), Pilot Ships (SO%/49%) , Wilderness Sur
vival (40%) , Boat Building (30%) , Carpentry (30%) ,
Land Navigation (40%), and P reserve Food (30%).
Money: None. She never really had any before her prison
stint. Doing time has not exactly been her chance to in
crease her fortunes.
Weapons: None.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
1 30
damage, +2 to disarm, + 1 4 to save vs coma/death, and of poison in its handle. Each time the blade strikes, the
+4 to save vs magic and poison . knife releases a charge of venom, infecting the cut imme
Other Combat Info: Karate Kick: 2 04+6; trip diately.
ping/leg-hook, backward sweep, critical strike: 1 8-20, Vehicles and Other Equipment: Battle Vest: A.A. 1 3,
paired weapons (all), body throwlflip, and knockout/stun S . D . C . : 1 20. The vest contains numerous pouches and
1 8-20. ammo straps to hold all of the Baron's various equipment.
Education Level and Skills of Note: H unterNigilante.
Common � General Skills: Pilot Automobile (98%) ,
Pilot Sailboat (98%) , Pilot Airplane (98%) , Basic Math
The B i l l iona i re
(98%), Speak Russian (98%), Speak English (98%) , William Randle was always interested in money. So
and Speak French (98%). much so, that he was known as "Dollar Bill" for most of his
Wilderness � H u nting: Camouflage (85%) , Detect life. Not that he minded , Bill relished it. By the time he was
Ambush (95%) , Detect Concealment ( 80% ) , Fishing nine, he had made his fi rst million dollars playing the stock
( 98% ) , Land Navigation (92%) , Wilderness Su rvival market. U pon his g raduation from high school he formed
( 98% ) , Identify Plants & Fruits ( 98% ) , Preserve Food his own trading fi rm and held a place on the Tycoon 500
(98% ) , Skin & Prepare Animal H ides (98%) , Track Ani list. After that, Randle's exploits simply exploded as he
mals (95%). shrewdly invested in diverse interests, expanding his for
Man-hunter Program: Tracking ( 98% ) , Disguise tu nes to unbelievable levels.
( 90% ) , Find Contraband (92%), I ntelligence ( 98% ) , All along, Randle augmented his gains with hyper-ad
Streetwise (86%) , Escape Artist (85%) , Sniper, Radio: vanced computerized market-tracking systems. For while
Basic ( 98% ) , Radio: Scramblers ( 90% ) . Dollar Bill's most public talent laid in making money, his
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Knife, W . P . Automatic true genius was in electrical engineering. He simply com
Pistol, W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle, and W . P . Semi- and Au bined the two disciplines and made them work for each
tomatic Rifles. other. Using his supertech CPU's to track market trends
Secondary Skills: Sewing (95%) , Cook ( 90% ) , Auto and forecast stock performance, Randle found that mak
motive Mechanics ( 80% ) , Fi rst Aid ( 98% ) , Holistic Medi ing money hand over fist had grown painfully simple. Rich
cine (75%) , Recognize Weapon Quality ( 80% ) , Pilot: beyond compare, he g rew bored and sought new chal
Horse ( 96% ) , Pilot: Truck (86%) lenges. He found it in crime.
Money: Millions upon millions! The Baron's family is just Using his massive resou rces and naming himself the
Billionaire, Randle became a chief financier of projects for
filthy rich. His slice of the Zorokov fortune is probably
supercriminals. Offering loans with reasonable interest as
worth some $500 million. His family's total wealth is u p
well as other financial services (money laundering, portfo
over $ 4 billion, but i t remains a hidden fortune, which is
lio management, etc.), the Billionaire became a one-man
why it never appears on any financial magazines' re
Swiss bank for the underworld. None too careful , he was
views of the richest people in the world. The Zorokovs
noticed by the I RS who busted him for tax evasion. His
enjoy remaining hidden to all but a select few.
close association with so many supercriminals caused him
Weapons: to be incarcerated in G ramercy Island rather than a nor
Zorokov .50 Short: This is the Baron's prime weapon , mal prison. His sentence is 20 years, but with his
a compact hunting rifle (almost a carbine, really) invented high-priced lawyers and fortune available for bribery, he is
by his father and perfected by Baron Zanzibar himself. He certain to get out in under five. Meanwhile, he will simply
uses it as a sniper's device, and will gladly wait for hou rs let his billions manage themselves and secretly continues
or days for the perfect shot on his opponent. He is not financing select u nderworld operations. Note: The Billion
about to use this weapon to get into a point blank aire is jailed in Cell Block-A, where he has h i red himself
shoot-out with anybody. Damage: 706. Rate of Fire: Sin enoug h protection to keep away from the "u nsavoriness"
gle shot or a three-round short burst. Range: 4,000 feet of prison life.
( 1 220 m). Payload : Six shot internal magazine. Bon uses: Real Name: William Randle
+3 to strike. Alignment: M iscreant (started off Anarchist).
Zorokov H i-Gauge (2): These unusual sidearms are Attributes: I.Q.: 24, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 22, P.S.: 1 0, P.P.:
another Zorokov family design. They are essentially a .45 1 0, P.E.: 1 0, P.B.: 1 8, Spd : 6
caliber revolver with a single shot 1 2 gauge shotgu n barrel Age: 44, Sex: Male.
underneath the main pistol barrel. Damage: Pistol: 406, Height: Five feet, eight inches ( 1 .73 m). Weight: 1 90 Ibs
buckshot: 406, slug: 506, armor piercing slug: 606. Rate (85.5 kg)
of Fire: Single shot or bu rst fi ring. Range: 500 feet (1 52.5
Experience Level : 4
m) for the pistol, 1 50 feet (47.8 m) for the shotgun. Pay
load : Six shots for the revolver, one shot for the shotgu n . H it Points: 33
Boonswang Knife: T h i s i s a self-envenoming knife S.D.C.: 20
that Baron Zanzibar is especial ly fond of for u p-close kill Power Category: Hardware (Electrical Genius).
ing. Damage: 1 06 plus another 1 D4x1 0 if the victim fails Special Abilities : Hot Wiring ( 94% ) , Computer Hacking
to safe vs pOison. Payload: The knife contains eight doses ( 86% ) , and Electronics Construction (92%) .
1 31
Combat Training: None. Education Level and Skills of Note: Master's Degree.
Number of Attacks: 2 Electrical Genius Skills: Electrical Engineer (85%) ,
Bonuses: None. Surveillance Systems (75%), Optic Systems (75%),
Computer Operation (95%), Computer Programming
Other Combat Info: +3 to save vs psionic attack and
(75%), Radio: Basic (90%), and Advanced Mathematics
trust/intimidate: 60%.
Business: Basic Mathematics (95%) , Business & Fi
nance (85%) , Law (General) (75%), and Research
Language: Spanish (98%) , Russian (98%) , French
(98%), German (98%) , Japanese (98%), Chinese
(98%), Italian (98%), Dutch (98%) .
Pilot: Advanced: Navigation (98%) , Read Sensory
Equipment (80%) , Weapon Systems (90%), Pilot Air
plane (97%) , Pilot Helicopter (85%), Pilot Hovercraft
(98%), Pilot Jet Planes (87%) .
Secondary: Art (60%), General Repai r/Maintenance
(60%), Photography (60%) , Writing (50%) , Astronomy
(50%), Card Sharp (46%) , Palming (45%), and Pick
Pockets (50%) .
Money: Billions u pon billions u pon billions. H is has one of
the world's g reat fortu nes. He could buy software mag
nates like they were two-bit street hustlers. He could
bail out the national debt of entire cou ntries.
Weapons: None. Money and influence are his weapons.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None available in jai l ,
b u t he has anything anybody could want on t h e outside.
He plans to build himself a new, advanced super-com
puter when he's free.
B l uehair
Miss Marjorie Bonaparte is a 90 year old woman who
married into a vast industrial fortune some years ago as a
trophy wife. When she bu rned throug h her dead hus
band's money on bogus ways of maintaining her youthful
appearance (back in the day, she was a real dish), she
became desperate for new sou rces of cash. One day,
while d riving her Linkin Gormanzo lUxury sedan home
from the local bingo parlor, she lost control of it (not diffi
cult for her, since she can't see over the steering wheel)
and plowed right into the lobby of a major bank. Her car
didn't stop u ntil it smashed right into the vault door! Thank
fu lly, the Gormanzo is one of those old solid-steel frame
cars that had been souped-up to a "super-vehicle" level by
her late husband, so the vau lt door fared far worse than
the car did. In the confusion, th ree masked men ju mped
into the back seat of Marjorie's massive automobile and
told her to d rive them out of the bank. Marjorie was only
too happy to oblige, and shuttled the felons to safety.
During the getaway, she lost control of her Gormanzo
twice more, crashing it once into a jewelry store, and once
into a check-cashing joint. Both times, the quick-thinking
robbers bailed out, robbed the establishments and got
back in before Marjorie took off again. By the time the day
was done, Marjorie had been involved in three major
armed robberies, trashed the six police cars that chased
her, and even ran over the superheroine Turnabout en
route to the robbers' safe-house. (Tu rnabout requi red sev-
1 32
eral weeks of hospitalization to heal her broken hip, but Real Name: Marjorie Bonaparte
lived. ) Alignment: Anarchist
T h e g rateful robbers gave Marjorie a generous c u t of Attributes : I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 7, M .A.: 8, P.S.: 4, P.P.: 4, P.E.:
their earnings, which th rilled the old biddy. After promptly 5 , P.B.: 6, Spd : 3
blowing the money on new cosmetics and a massive bouf Age: 90; Sex: Female.
fant hairdo, she was ready to take on some more work as Height: Five feet, one inch (1 .55 m). Weight: 75 Ibs
the city's most dangerous getaway driver. Her name was (33.75 kg) soaking wet.
al ready being circulated through the underworld, which Experience Level : 2
made work easy to find. After a few more jobs, she had
H it Points: 1 7
her Gormanzo modified to be an even more formidable
vehicle, something resembling the unholy offspring be S.D.C.: 1 0
tween a monster truck, an armored personnel carrier and Power Category: Robotics (Super-Vehicle) .
the biggest freaking boat of a car on the streets. Combat Training: None
Marjorie continued pulling getaway jobs for over a year Number of Attacks: 2
until she fell asleep d u ring one job while waiting for her cli Bonus Modifiers: -4 to strike, parry and dodge and -5 to
ents to meet her. The CSPD apprehended her without a damage.
struggle (she was really out) and she was sentenced to 20
years in prison. Given her advanced age and a legal team Other Combat Info: None.
adept at making her look like just a poor, old confused Education Level and Skills of Note: Aged Trophy Wife.
person in the wrong place at the wrong time, she will prob Domestic: Cook (35%) , Sewing (40%), Play Canasta
ably be paroled in a year or two. U ntil then, she passes (76%), Nag (98%)
her time knitting sweaters and baking cookies for all of the NOTE: Pilot: Automobile and Pilot Truck were not
crook and supervillain friends she has made d u ri ng her accidentally omitted from Bluehair's skill list. She simply
larcenous career. The truth is, she has become sort of a does not have those skills. Not that it keep her from
weird grandmother fig u re for many underworld fig u res, driving anyway.
some of whom would be eager to spring her from incarcer Money: Just a few thousand in savings. She has frittered
ation if given the chance. Relatively harmless without away her inheritance, as well as the proceeds from her
her super-car, the old bat is held in Alphaville. bizarre career.
1 33
Weapons: None, guns scare her. heroism, simply refusing to cru mble u nder the overwhelm
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Just her Linkin ing firepower of tyranny. It would be this steadfastness
Gormanzo, described below, and a nice condo bought that wou ld car� the Allies to victo�, but only after years of
and paid for by her late husband. unthinkable carnage.
For Portia, the war took an unusual turn the night her
The Linki n Gormanzo shelter was hit by an experimental super-munition de
They just don't build them like these anymore - um, signed by Nazi scientists as a means of eliminating large
actually they never built them like this. Made almost en nu mbers of Londoners without necessarily destroying the
ti rely of cast iron and superalloys, this car is obscenely city. The bomb contained a bizarre cocktail of radioactive
heavy and tough. It g uzzles gas like crazy, which is what material and various industrial chemicals. When the bomb
ultimately doomed the line d u ring the fuel shortages of the detonated , the mix was supposed to become volatile,
1 970s. Of the 32 Gormanzos still on the road , 30 are causing anybody exposed to wither and die within hours.
d riven by people over the age of 80. All of them have been The weapon was a failure. All it did was make people ve�
involved in multiple accidents. Rumor has it the U. S . Army sick for a day or two, but nothing else. The only person
is looki ng into using the Gormanzo's basic design for a who died was fai r young Portia, who experienced an un
next-generation armored personnel carrier or riot control foreseen allergic reaction to the bomb's effects. Clinically
vehicle. speaking, she died within minutes of the explosion, but be
Type: Luxu� Sedan fore her body was buried , Portia's heart began beating
again, and she revived as if she'd suffered nothing more
Crew: One d river, six passengers.
than a bump on the head.
Dimensions: The car is 22 feet (6.7 m) long, and 8 feet
Her recove� made news all throughout London, and
(2.44 m) wide. It rests on a suspension that places the
for a little while the girl was a heroine who had suffered
car some 1 4 feet (4.27 m) off the g round. The tires
the worst the Nazis could throw at her and come out of it
themselves are 1 1 feet (3.35 m) in diameter and are six
okay. Several months later, however, Portia's body began
feet ( 1 .83 m) thick.
to mature at an incredible pace, and within weeks, the
A.R.: 1 8 (main body) , 1 4 (passenger compartment) , 1 0 lanky 1 8 year old girl had become a full-figured goddess.
(tires) P ractically radiating strength and power, Portia was exam
S.D.C. by Location: ined by government medics, who realized that in her
Main Body - 1 850 transformation , the young woman had also developed
Passenger Compartment (heavy armor; plexiglass win amazing super abilities. She had become a virtually un
dows) - 450 stoppable machine, capable of end u ring the worst rigors
of combat and emerging unscathed.
Tires - 200 each
Needless to say, this made her of extreme interest to
Maximum Speed : 300 mph (480 km) .
the milita�, who d rafted her into service and entered her
Cruising Speed : 1 20 mph ( 1 92 km) . into commando training. Code-named Britannia, Portia
Range: A fusion generator u nder t h e hood g ives this be would become Britain's g reatest hero of the war, leading
hemoth an effectively unlimited range. Which is just as raid after devastating raid against the Nazis all over Eu
wel l , since Marjorie often took her car out on meander rope. By war's end , she was the leader of Euroforce, an
ing d rives, got lost, and went off in a random di rection Allied super-g rou p that is still in existence today. Britannia
for a few hundred miles before she realized she had no served with Eu roforce's original lineup: Johnny Rocket
clue where she was or where she went. (Canada), Rosie the Riveter ( U . S . ) , Kid Silver ( U . S . ) ,
Weapons: None at present, but the Gormanzo could eas Watchdog ( U . K. ) , Airborne (U .K.), Marionette (France) ,
ily be fitted to accommodate a few turrets here and Fighting Irish ( I reland; he vol unteered, since his count�
there. was neutral and did not fight in WW \ I ) , and the duo
Special Equipment: Luxu � accommodations, armored, Omaha and Dog Green ( U . S . ) . Together they fought Nazi
troops as well as the Axis' various super-operatives: Die
self-inflating tires, ram-prow.
Panzer, Jaeger, V2, Ubermensch, Rising Sun, Zero, Con
Cost: $6.2 million. dottiere, and a host of others.
I n time, Eu roforce's original members either d ied in ac
Britan n ia tion or reti red within a few years after the war's end , but
The super-powered heroine known across the world as not Britannia. Her powers had made her ageless, and as
Britannia got her start d u ring the London Blitz, in the dark long as she remained in top form, she would continue to
days of World War I I . At the time, young Portia Kellington fight for the honor of her cou nt� and in defense of the free
was just one of many Londoners forced into air raid shel world.
ters each night as Nazi bombers rained death and de To Britannia, the new political order of the Cold War
struction on her home. Eve� night, the bombs would fall lacked the pu rity of the "G reat Crusade" to save E u rope
and eve� morning, Portia and her cou rageous count� from the Nazis. Even as she battled communist agents
men would clear the rubble and continue on with their such as Mother Russia, Redstar, the Partisan, and Prole
lives. Theirs was the simplest and most sublime form of tariat, she g radually fell into a deep and wistful depres-
1 34
sion. As the years d ragged on and her own family
members passed away, all Britannia had left was her
work, but even that had lost its meaning. There was no
G reat Crusade any longer. The Cold War seemed hollow
and g ray, with no one side clearly good or clearly evil .
When t h e Cold War ended and h e r work tu rned toward
fighting global terrorists and criminal cartels, Britannia's
mood improved a little, but by now she had become re
signed to an eternity of serving causes which where but
shadows of her fi rst one.
That all changed two years ago when Britannia re
ceived an alarming (and yet invigorating) challenge. It
seemed that fou r of her old Nazi enemies - Die Panzer,
Jaeger, V2 and Ubermensch - had somehow been in
stasis since the end of WWI I and were looking to settle
their scores with Britain's greatest champion. The place:
Century Station. The time: Whenever Britannia felt up to
the challenge. The catch: She was not to inform anyone of
the impending battle, or it was off and the Nazis would
never be seen again. Britannia was too despe rate for this
fight to say no, so she accepted the terms and headed for
her date with destiny in Centu ry Station .
When Britannia met her nemeses in the sky over the
city, what was supposed to be a private vendetta became
a highly televised super-brawl that every media organ in
town covered . D u ring the fight, 29 citizens were inju red
and property damage ranged over a million dollars.
Worse, Britannia killed both V2 and Ubermensch. Die
Panzer and Jaeger were critically wounded and pressed
charges against their attacker. And that was Britannia's
u ndoing .
None of the super-Nazis were under any kind of crimi
nal charges. They were never formally identified as war
criminals since they disappeared d u ring the course of
WWI I and were p resu med dead . They also had committed
no crime on U .S . soil (at least none that could be p roven).
Their story, as improbable as it seemed , was that they had
merely come to Centu ry Station on vacation and were set
upon by the rabid Britannia. With no other evidence for
Britannia to prove her innocence, she was convicted of
two counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder,
totaling two life sentences and two 20 year sentences on
top of that.
It was a hideous miscarriage of justice, from a media
circus trial with star struck judges and self-serving attor
neys to a clueless j u ry. After all, Britannia should not have
been tried at all, since she technically was an official of the
British government and therefore subject to diplomatic im
munity. But her illegal entry into the U . S . voided that, and
the judiciary in Century Station merely shrugged and said
they were j ust doing their job.
Over in Britain, the public (and the government) was
outraged at their allies across the pond. How could they
imprison a hero who had fought so hard on their behalf in
the mother of all wars? For the moment, the U . S . State
Department is considering getting involved , but for some
under-the-table reason , the Federal government is afraid
to touch this issue. Why? There is only one feasible rea
son: the Nazis have connections in all the right places to
keep Britannia from ever leaving G ramercy Island.
1 35
All of this has crushed Britannia's spirit. How could she Sonic two-fisted punch: 1 D4x1 0+59 (Britannia takes
be stupid enoug h to let herself be baited into an obvious 306) . Flying body block/ram: 2D4x1 0+59 (Britannia
trap? As absorbed as she is in self-blame, she is not even takes 5 06 and the attack cou nts as th ree attacks) .
considering an escape. However, a national coalition of Body block/tackle: 1 04+59, crush/squeeze: 1 04+59,
superheroes on the outside are lobbying for her release. pin/incapacitate: 1 8-20. Restrained punch: 506+59.
This tight-knit confederacy d raws its members from all Full-strength pu nch or kick: 2D4x1 0+59. Power punch:
sorts of teams (even bitter rivals), all united to free Britan 3D6x1 0+59 (cou nts as two attacks) . Tripping/leg hook,
nia. A small cad re within the g roup have decided to give backward sweep. Jump kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20,
the powers that be six more months to act, after which paired weapons (all), leap attack (critical strike), body
they will spring the wrongly imprisoned heroine them th row/flip.
selves, regardless of the consequences. Takes only half damage from energy-based attacks.
Real Name: Portia Kellington Education Level and Skills of Note: Military Specialist.
Alignment: Scrupulous Basic Military: Running, Climbing (98%/98%), Mili
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 3, M.A.: 20, P.S.: 70 (super tary Etiquette (98%), and Radio: Basic (98%) .
natu ral) , P.P.: 1 7, P.E.: 22, P.B.: 30, Spd: 30 Espionage: Detect Ambush (98%) , I ntelligence
Age: 70, but her body is that of a 25 year old. Sex: Fe (96%), Wilderness Su rvival (98%) , Detect Concealment
male. (98%), Disguise (98%) , Escape Artist (98%) , I mperson
Height: Seven feet (2. 1 3 m). Weight: 250 Ibs ( 1 1 2.5 kg) . ation (84%/80%/78%), I nterrogation (98%) , and
Tracking (98%) .
Insanity: Has been suffering from bouts o f depression for
Modern Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Revolver, W . P .
the last 20 years, as well as a sense of loss and feeling
Automatic Pistol, W.P. S ub-Machineg u n , W. P. Semi
a step out of time (futu re shock). All in all, she manages
and Automatic Rifles, and W . P . Heavy Weapons.
reasonably wel l , and continues to fight for what she be
P hysical: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Gymnastics
lieves is right.
Secondary: Astronomy (80%) , Sing (90%) , Art
Experience Level : 1 2 (90%), and First Aid (98%).
H it Points: 71 Money: Britannia lives on a six-fig u re annual stipend,
S.D.C.: 375 which she ordinarily would spend modestly. The truth
Power Category: Mega-Experiment. is, Britannia hardly leads a normal life, since her talents
Side Effects: Physical Transformation: The process that are always in demand , and she does not fit into normal
gave Portia her super powers also transformed her into society. Thus, most of her money goes to international
a physical powerhouse! Her skin was tu rned into an charities or to her few su rviving , distant family relations.
odd bluish-white, which she playfully says reminds her Weapons: None.
of two of the colors in Britain's Union Jack. She can not Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
change back to her former body structure, but she does
not particularly want to, either.
Mega-Powers: Immortal Bug house
Major Super Abilities: Supernatu ral Strength , Super En By day, psychologist Edsel Reese was a ward adminis
ergy Expulsion , and Sonic Flight. trator at the Highland Asylu m for the Criminally I nsane. He
Achilles' Heel: Inhuman Form: Transformed , Britannia re spent his days analyzing his patients, trying to figure out
sembles a heroic demigoddess. While this makes her the exact natu re of thei r psychoses and how they might be
incredible to look at, it also lends her an unearthly ap cured. By night, Reese underwent a Jekyll and Hyde
pearance which has alienated her from society at large transformation as he became Bughouse, a Crazy Villain
and condemned her to a life of loneliness, despite an best known for wearing a hockey mask, fighting with
adoring public and a number of g ratefu l world govern paired chainsaws, and using his powers to bend the will of
ments. others. Usually cackling maniacally all the time, Bughouse
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. was fond of using his powers upon large crowds and incit
ing them to riot. He found crowds leaving sports stadiums
Number of Attacks: 8
or large celebratory crowds were the best to control, since
Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +8 to parry (+1 0 in flight) , +8 to their mass inebriation and/or agg ression made their resis
dodge (+1 4 in flight) , +59 to damage, +4 to pull punch, tance to mind control much lower. Once his victims were
+5 to roll with impact, +4 to disarm, +3 to strike (+4 in under his sway, Bughouse d rove them into destructive
flight) , + 1 4% to save vs coma/death, +4 to save vs frenzies, smashing storefronts, committing mass robber
magic and poison, charm/impress: 92% and trust/intimi ies, and other acts of wanton criminality. But for
date: 50%. Bughouse, the real thrill was when the authorities would
Other Combat Info: Energy blast: 2 D4x1 0+1 0 (or 1 5D6) ! show u p and try to control things. That was when
Super energy blast: 2D6x1 0+30 (must be the fi rst at Bughouse could mentally nudge his thralls into a rioting
tack of the melee and uses all but one of Britannia's at mob and instigate lethal gu nfights and other confronta
tacks for the rou nd). tions. The result? Dozens dead , dozens more inj u red, and
1 36
who closed in and thrashed Bughouse handily. Now en
sconced safely in a cell on G ramercy Island's Super-Being
Containment Wing, Reese/Bughouse can look forward to
a solid 30 years of isolation and psychotherapy.
Real Name: Edsel Reese
Alignment: Diabolic
Other Aliases: Riotman
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 27, P.S.: 1 6, P.P.:
1 6, P.E.: 1 4, P.B.: 1 5, Spd: 22
Insanities: Psychoses: God Syndrome, plus Manic De
pressive, Paranoid Schizophrenic, Jekyll & Hyde. This
guy is just a cocktail of mental illnesses.
Age: 42; Sex: Male.
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 80 Ibs
(81 .7 kg) .
Experience Level : 2
H it Points: 2 1
S.D.C.: 80
Power Category: Crazy Experiment.
Major Super Abilities: Control (Others) and Divine Aura.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Number of Attacks: 4
Bonuses: +3 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch, + 1 to
strike, + 1 to parry and dodge, and +1 to damage.
Other Combat Info: +6 to save vs possession, +3 to save
vs psionic attack and insanity. Trust/intimidate: 92%.
Education Level and Skills of Note of Note: P h . D
Medical Assistant: Basic Mathematics (85%) , Busi
ness & Finance (85%) , Computer Operation (80%), Bi
ology (70%), and Paramedic (80%) .
Medical Doctor: Chemistry (70%), Pathology (80%),
and M edical Doctor (95%/85%) .
Medical I nvestigation: Criminal Science/Forensics
(80%) and Advanced Mathematics (85%).
Science: Archeology (60%), Anthropology (60%) ,
and Chemistry: Analytical (65%) .
Secondary: Body Building, Running, Climbing,
Swimming (60%) , Athletics (General), Recognize
Weapon Quality (35%), Fi rst Aid (55%) , and W.P.
Paired Weapons.
Money: As Edsel Reese, Bughouse pulled down a six fig
u re salary each year. Most of that has been saved in
nu merous accounts, but Bughouse has hardly got the
inclination or the patience to access them. He would
rather just kill somebody and take what they have.
Chainsaws (2): Damage: 5D6+ 1 . Bonuses: -3 to strike
and parry. Notes: These one-handed chainsaws are
Bughouse's preferred weapons, even though they are a
bit u nwieldy and he does not really have the skill to use
a crowd full of victims not knowing why they were in jail or them effectively. He carries them more for their shock
how they came to be g rievously inj u red . His work done, value than to use against people.
Bughouse then would depart from the scene, giddy from Vehicles and Other Equipment: Body Armor: A. R . : 1 0,
the bloodshed and chaos he had j ust orchestrated. S . D . C . : 50. Note: This suit of light body armor comes
Luckily, Bughouse was captu red by Centu ry Station's complete with Bughouse's signature plain white hockey
famous Crazy Hero, the Schwa. Being a bit nutso himself, mask. Bughouse knows that people see his mask as a
Bughouse's mental control had little effect on the Schwa, generic symbol for lunacy and serial killings, which is
why he wears it.
1 37
Cal i g u la
Lester Fegmen was an unassuming nobody for most of
his life. Aside from his gifts as a private investigator, the
man was one of those forgettable losers who never made
much of a lasting impact on anybody. At the end of his
rope and d rowning under a sea of debts (many of them to
various crime syndicates) , Lester decided to end it all with
a single g unshot to the head . Even in su icide, Lester could
not do the job right, however, and he only gave himself a
g rave head wound. The incident had removed a small por
tion of his brain and doctors were pessimistic about
Lester's recovery. However, Fegmen stu nned the medical
community by regaining his strength and wits in just a few
short weeks. He further amazed his doctors when he ex
hibited a remarkable change in intellectual capacity and
persona. Gone was the old, schlumpy personality of
Lester Fegman , loser at large. He had been reborn as the
Roman Emperor Caligula, and the world would bow at his
Upon further analysis, doctors learned that Fegman's
brain inj u ry makes him believe that he is living in ancient
Rome, and that everything he sees conforms to that delu
sion. Large buildings are magnificent ancient Roman coli
seums. Policemen are Roman legionnaires. Automobiles
are chariots. Superhumans are demons, demigods, gods
from on high, and so on. There wou ld be no recovery from
this state of mind. M r. Fegman was, for all intents and pur
poses, a modern reincarnation of the debauched Roman
Emperor whose brief rule was marked with insanity, de
pravity and eventually, assassination.
U nfortunately, before proper measu res cou ld be taken,
Caligula broke free of his restraints, killed his n u rses (after
savagely brutalizing them) and escaped to the streets. Af
ter an extensive spree of street crime, Caligula took con
trol of several gangs, merged them into a single
supergang and renamed them the Imperial Legion.
Funding themselves with various high-risk criminal enter
prises, the Imperial Legion prospered and before long ,
Caligula was living in a posh underground hideout sur
rou nded by machinegun-toting bodyguards all d ressed in
ancient Roman armor. For Caligula, his delusion had be
come reality. His days became filled with never ending or
gies of wine, women and song punctuated only by
ordering his flunkies to perform robberies, assau lts and
other criminal acts.
Caligula was finally taken in by the superhero
Forcepoint, who destroyed the "Emperor's" lai r and killed a
number of his g uards. The u n repentant Caligula was sen
tenced to life in G ramercy Island. U nfazed , Caligula simply
convinced himself that he had retired to his winter palace
after a slight coup had deposed him of the throne. To that
end, he has set about writing his memoi rs while waiting for
his loyal bodyguards to rescue him from exile and return
him to the throne, where he rightfully belongs. His gang
does not have the capabilities of breaking him out of
prison even if they wanted to. Without the brutal guidance
of their insane leader, the gang has fallen into utter disar-
1 38
ray. Not that Caligula knows this, of cou rse. I n his mind,
freedom is coming to him any day now. Cham bara
Real Name: Lester Fegmen Jimmy Tavor developed a love for Japanese anime at
Other Aliases: The Emperor and the I mperial. an early age, reveling in the exploits of brave mecha pi
Alignment: Diabolic lots, smart-alecky demon hu nters, and most of all,
Attributes : I.a.: 1 7, M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 27, P.S. : 1 5, P.P.: fast-fighting samu rai and ninja. An intensely lonely and in
1 5, P.E.: 1 5, P.B.: 1 1 , Spd : 1 0 tellectual lad , Tavor's life really turned u pside down when
Age: 33; Sex: Male. his parents were murdered by the Hundred Oni, a real-life
ninja clan . It tu rned out that Tavor's father owed the H un
Height: Five feet, eleven inches ( 1 .8 m). Weight: 1 75 Ibs
d red Oni quite a large sum of money, and they killed him
(78.7 kg) .
and his wife when he couldn't make good on the debt. The
Experience Level : 9 only reason Jimmy is still alive is because he was out of
H it Points: 60 town visiting relatives.
S.D.C.: 34 When he came home, J immy underwent a grim reality
Power Category: Special Training (Super-Sleuth). check. These shadow warriors who slaughtered his family
Special Abilities: Computer Hacking (98%) , See Through were not glamorous sword fighters pursuing noble causes.
Disg uise (76%), and Recognize Forgery (84%). Despite They were just cold-blooded killers. The lad swore to
his insanity, or rather because of it, Caligula is exceed avenge his family and , living off the generous life insur
ingly cunning, resou rceful and ruthless. He also carries ance he received , began a life of intense martial arts train
himself with the statu re of an Emperor and is frighten ing. He mastered samurai swordsmanship at the age of 21
ingly charismatic in a diabolic sort of way. and embarked on his d riving goal: to destroy the ninja who
slew his folks.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
Jimmy Tavor has become known to the ninja under
Number of Attacks: 9 world as Chambara, the demon who all but eliminated the
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and Hundred Oni in an ongoing secret war across the Ameri
dodge, +2 to damage, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull cas, E u rope and Asia. I n the process, Chambara has
punch, and +1 to disarm, 92% likelihood to evoke trust formed his own school of hyper-intense swordsmanship
or intimidation. and recruited some 30 students. (All of them are roughly
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4, critical strike: identical to Chambara in statistics, except they are all first
1 9-20, body th rowlflip. or second level, so adjust them accordingly.) As his mis
Education Level and Skills of Note: Super-Sleuth. sion of vengeance neared completion, Chambara began
Common � General: Pilot Automobile (87%), Pilot seeking other challenges. He had become absorbed into a
Truck (93%) , Basic Mathematics (98%) , and Speak Ital life of dueling and bloodshed, willing to challenge anyone
ian (98%) . to a death match j ust to prove his skills, particu larly if they
Detective: W. P. Revolver, Radio: Basic (98%) , Com had ties to the criminal underworld. I n the process, he
puter Operation (98%), Criminal Science (98%) , Law slew a number of enforcers as well as renowned martial
artists, vigilantes and even heroes, including the notable
(General) (85%) , I ntelligence (85%) , I nterrogation
public figu re Shugeyosha. This proved to be Chambara's
(96%) , Research (98%) , Su rveillance Systems (91 %) ,
u ndoing, as the fight occu rred in broad daylight and was
and Photography (96%) .
captu red on video by an agent of the H u nd red Oni (or
Rogue: Find Contraband (79%) , Streetwise (73%) ,
what was left of them, anyway). The Hundred Oni sent the
Concealment (73%), and Escape Artist (81 %).
tape and Chambara's last known add ress to the police,
Technical : Art (86%), Business and Finance (98%) ,
who promptly captu red the self-styled kenshin and sent
Writing (76%) , and General Repair/Maintenance (86%).
him to G ramercy Island for 50 years without parole.
Secondary: Basic Electronics (71 %) , Automotive Me
Meanwhile, the Hundred Oni have begun a campaign
chanics (66%), Basic Mechanics (85%), First Aid
to assassinate Chambara's students (half are al ready
(86%), Recognize Weapon Quality (66%), Pick Locks
gone) and intend to kill him in prison. Somehow,
(71 %) , Pick Pockets (66%) , and W. P . Paired Weapons.
Chambara knows this and looks forward to the attack.
Money: Holy cow, is this guy loaded! Caligu la has gath While he waits, he plans to assemble a new body of stu
ered a considerable fortune with which to build and ru n dents so he can rebuild his school once he inevitably es
his delusional Roman Empire. capes. After that, he will track down the remaining
Weapons: H u nd red Oni and destroy them as well as any other ninja
Gladius: Damage: 3D6. This was the standard sword clans and criminal organizations they associate with .
of the Roman legionnai res. Without having studied real Japanese h istory or samu
Pugio: Damage: 2D6. This was the standard dagger of rai philosophy, Chambara has modeled himself after the
the Roman legionnaires. stylized samu rai imagery he has seen in countless anime
Vehicles and Other Equipment: I mperial Armor: This or flicks. This might explain his crazy hairstyle, exaggerated
nate suit of armor was commissioned by Caligula, and costume, and tendency to shout out the name of the ma
it remains the centerpiece of his costume. A. A . : 1 3, neuver he is executing as he is doing it.
S . D . C . : 1 00.
1 39
Real Name: J immy Tavor Martial Art Techniques: lai-J utsu: +2 to initiative (in
Other Aliases: The Kenshin cluded in bonuses below).
Alignment: Anarchist Special Katas: 'Warrior Spi rit" Kata of Debana
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 1 8, M.A.: 1 3, P.S.: 20 (Super O-Kujiki Katas. When using this, Chambara can not at
h u man), P.P.: 20, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 1 4, Spd : 26 tack, only parry or dodge , . but his M.A. is boosted to
Age: 24; Sex: Male. 1 9. Anybody attacking him must roll over Chambara's
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 1 90 Ibs (85.5 kg) . M .A. (Le., roll a Natural 20) or they will back down, run
away, or fight with a penalty of -4 to strike.
Experience Level : 5
H it Points: 70 Combat Training: Hand to Hand : Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu
(Samurai Swordsmanship).
S.D.C.: 1 60
Escape Moves: Roll with Punch/Fall/I mpact, Maintain
Power Category: SPECIAL! Chambara is a Physical Balance.
Training character with a focus on end u rance and Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic
strength, but he has forfeited his Special Combat Abil Parry
ities and his Aggressive and Deadly Combat bonuses Advanced Defenses: M u ltiple Dodge, Circular Parry,
in favor of taking the martial art of Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu Combination Parry/Attack, Power Block/Parry (does
from Ninjas & Superspies™ . With G . M . approval, this damage!), Automatic Roll, Breakfall.
can be a standard modification of the P hysical Training Hand Attacks: Strike (Pu nch): 1 D6+5
power classification: For the use of a Ninjas & Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack: 2D4+5, Backward
-- --
1 42
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: None. Conspi rator used
to have a garage of souped-up vehicles, but shortly be
fore his incarceration, they were destroyed under mys Bio-energy scientist Chris Fear was obsessed with a
terious circu mstances. An initial evidence sweep single d riving goal: to u nlock the secrets of the human
indicates that the super-powered mercenaries Frogman body's energy-making processes so they could be dupli
and Willy Pete were involved. cated technologically on an industrial scale. To this end,
1 43
Fear spent over eight years conducting hardcore re g rants him (see Achilles' Heel, below) , it also provides
search, making numerous breakthroughs but never really him with extra size and power.
getting any closer to his goal . Finally, after teaming up Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers plus Coppertop
with an unscrupulous bio-pharmacologist, Fear designed a does not need to eat or d rink when his powers are acti
super-serum that would alter his own genetic structure in a vated. If he goes without nourishment for a long time,
way that would increase his body's energy-making pro he will need to replenish himself as soon as he deacti
cesses exponentially. The only catch was that it would vates his powers.
radically alter his body in such a way that it would make Major Super Abil ities: Alter P hysical Structure: Metal,
him something of a monster. But to Fear, if it could bring and Alter Physical Structu re: Electricity.
him closer to finding a way to provide the world with a new
energy technology, then it was worth anything. Achilles' Heel: Transforms into a hulking h u manoid mon
ster whenever he uses his powers. In this super-form,
The seru m worked to a point. It did transform Fear into
Coppertop has rippling muscles, popping veins and
a super-powered juggernaut, a living example of the tre
strange eyes. His weig ht increases dramatically, and of
mendous bio-energies the human body is capable of pro
course, his powers activate, so he takes on a cop
ducing . However, Fear also underwent a severe
per-clad form that crackles with electrical energy. To
personality change, turning him from a skilled , thoughtful
most people, this makes Coppertop a monster to be
scientist into a base, shallow thug concerned only with
feared. For Coppertop, it is something of a perk, since
satisfying his basic animal u rges.
he wants people to fear him.
Renaming himself Coppertop, he began conducting
acts of villainy, constantly running afoul of law enforce Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
ment and superheroes at every turn. He was arrested no Number of Attacks: 6
less than twenty times, but until G ramercy Island was Bonuses: +1 to initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and
bu ilt, no prison could hold him. Now, he is serving his first dodge, +47 to damage, +1 to disarm, +2 to roll with im
of nine sentences, for assault, robbery, and other assorted pact, +2 to pull punch, + 1 2% to save vs coma/death,
crimes. He has committed murder repeatedly, but it has and +3 to save vs magic and poison.
never been proven in a cou rt of law, so his terms do not Other Combat Info: Fire electrical ray: 1 06x1 0+ 1 8.
reflect that. If the full body of evidence regarding Copper M ini-lightning bolt: 906. Lightning bolt: 506+ 1 8. Electric
top's crimes were brought to light, he would certainly get flight body block/ram: 1 04x1 O. Electrical attacks do no
life without parole. damage. Fire and energy attacks do half damage. Re
The bottom line is Coppertop is enti rely u n repentant for strained pu nch: 5 06+47, full-strength punch:
his crimes and he shows no intention of deviating from h is 204x1 0+47, power punch: 306x1 0+47. Critical strike:
path of utter evil . As long as he lives, he is a th reat to soci 1 9-20, body th row/flip.
ety, no matter where he is. The only way that might be ne Education Level and Skills of Note: Doctorate.
gated is if his cu rrent Coppertop personality could be
Science: Computer Operation (98%), Advanced
dissolved and the remnants of his former scientist persona
Math (98%), Chemistry (98%), Chemistry: Analytical
could somehow be reconstructed. The chances of that are
(98%), Biology (98%), and Botany (98%) .
slim to none, but there does exist the possibility that
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (98%) , Basic M e
somehow, some way, Coppertop the villain could be truly
chanics (98%) , and Computer Repair (98%).
destroyed (or at least buried).
Computer: Basic Electronics (98%) , Computer Pro
Real Name: Chris Fear g ramming (98%) , and Laser (Communications) (98%) .
Alignment: Diabolic (was Unprincipled d u ring his h u man Business: Basic Math (98%) , Business & Finance
life). (98%), Law (General; 95%) , and Research (98%) .
Attributes : I.a.: 22, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A.: 8, P.S.: 9 (60 trans Secondary: Astronomy (73%) , Fi rst Aid (93%) , Cook
formed; Supernatural), P.P.: 1 8, P .E.: 21 , P .B.: 1 5, Spd: (83%), Wilderness Su rvival (83%), Automotive Me
16 chanics (73%), Body Building , and P rowl (73%).
Age: 26; Sex: Male. Money: Coppertop has about $1 00,000 earned from his
Height: Five feet, nine inches ( 1 .75 m), ordinarily. Six criminal exploits, but it is being held by a Centu ry Sta
feet, six inches (1 .98 m) when transformed. Weight: tion criminal fixer known as Durango Down.
1 60 Ibs (72.6 kg) ordinarily. 1 040 Ibs (468 kg) when Weapons: None.
transformed . Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Experience Level : 9
H it Points: 6 1
S.D.C.: 30 a s a h u man, 1 ,350 when transformed .
A.R. : 1 7, but only when transformed . Horror Factor: 1 3.
Power Category: Mega-Experiment.
Side Effects: P hysically transforms when his powers are
active. I n addition to the monstrous appearance it
1 44
Paolo M u rgheis, an unemployed fisherman, was look exoskeleton had suffered more in the battle than he had
ing at financial ruin when, for the third season in a row, his realized . It was all he could do to make it to a nearby roof
fish ing trawler failed to bring in enoug h fish to cover his top where three superheroes and the police were waiting
costs. Still hopeful, Paolo took his boat out for one last trip with open arms.
and b rought home a most u n usual catch ! It was a hermeti The Cormorant's armored suit is safely tucked away at
cally sealed containment crate that held a fully operational G ramercy Island where Paolo is sitting out a 1 0 year
robot exoskeleton! A winged warsuit - power armor that stretch for eleven counts of armed robbery, aggravated
not only flew but also packed the firepower of a SWAT assault and resisting arrest. Powerless without his armor,
team. Paolo, who was never a stranger to crime (he had he and his old rival, the Chickenhawk (doing 25-30
helped smuggle d rugs into the country a few times in the years), are locked away in Cell Block-C. Note: Nobody
past), immediately decided to put the un usual suit to larce knows who made the Cormorant's warsuit, or how or why
nous pu rposes. it got dumped in the ocean . Of cou rse now, thanks to the
He swept above the rooftops of major cities, fi rst as a Cormorant's highly publicized aerial battle and subsequent
cat burglar and later pulling off more and more daring rob incarceration, whoever may have made and/or lost it,
beries. Just as he began earning a name for himself, he knows exactly where it is. The question is, will he/she/it
got the attention of a rival villain named Chickenhawk. The come to get it?
two dueled in the air above Victory City, fighting for re
spect and turf. Paolo, who called himself the Cormorant, Real Name: Paolo M u rgheis
easily defeated the outmatched Chickenhawk and sent Alignment: Anarchist
him plummeting to the streets filled with police, television Attributes: I.Q.: 1 1 , M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 1 2, P.S.: 1 0, P.P.: 9,
crews and spectators. As the Cormorant was about to P.E.: 1 0, P.B.: 7 , Spd : 1 2
make a hasty exit, the wings locked up on him and the
Age: 26; Sex: Male.
suit's power system sputtered. Apparently the winged
1 45
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 75 Ibs Optics: Advanced robot optic system, laser targeting sys
(95.5 kg) . tem, thermo-imager.
Experience Level : 2 Sensors: Bio-scan, medical su rvey unit, combat com
H it Points: 1 8 puter, micro-radar.
S.D.C.: 30 Weapons: Both of the following weapon systems can only
Power Category: Robotics: Exoskeleton. be used when the Cormorant's wings are extended and
he is in flight.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
Wing-Mounted Heavy Lasers (2): At the middle jOint of
Number of Attacks: 4
each wing is a powerful but small laser cannon that
Bonuses (as an ordinary guy): +2 to parry and dodge, makes u p the Cormorant's primary weapon system. He
+2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch. Also see cumu prefers to strafe his targets from above and not get in
lative robot bonuses when wearing his Cormorant range for them to counterattack. Damage: 5D6 singly,
warsuit, below. or 1 D6x1 0 when fired simultaneously at the same tar
Other Combat Info: None. get. Rate of Fire : Single shot or simultaneous shots,
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School. both count as a single melee attack. Range: 2000 feet
Pilot: Advanced: Navigation (65%) , Read Sensory (61 0 m). Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Equipment (45%), Pilot Sailboats (75%), Pilot Motor Mini-Missile Pods (2): These pods are located on the
boats (70%), Pilot Ships (60%/59%) , and Pilot Hover Cormorant's back, at the base of his wings. Damage:
craft (65%) . 1 D4x1 0 per mini-missile. Rate of Fire: Single shot or
Criminal: Streetwise (34%) , Pick Locks (45%) , Con volleys of 2 , 3 or 4. Moreover, the pods can synchro
cealment (34%) , Find Contraband & I llegal Weapons nize and fire simultaneously at the same target. A si
(40%), and Prowl (40%). multaneous mini-missile strike counts as only one
Secondary: Swimming (55%) , SCU BA/Advanced attack. Range: One mile ( 1 .6 km) . Payload : Eight
Swimming (55%) , Boat Building (30%) , General Re mini-missiles per pod .
pair/Maintenance (40%), Photography (40%), Automo Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 5
tive Mechanics (30%) and Basic Mechanics (35%).
S.D.C.: Main Body - 800; Wings (2) - 325 each.
Money: Legal fees burned through Paolo's money half
Pilot-Oriented Systems: Telemental helmet.
way throug h his conviction appeal, so he had to cut his
legal team loose. Little does he know that his lead attor Cumulative Robot Bonuses (In-Flight): +1 attack, +5 to
ney has a crushing debt to super-powered loan sharks initiative, +3 to strike (+7 with ranged weapons) , +5 to
in U ltropolis. This lawyer put Cormorant's impou nded parry, +6 to dodge when flying u nder 80 mph ( 1 28 km) ,
battle suit up as collateral on his loan, and now has no +8 to dodge when flying over 80 mph ( 1 28 km) , +2
way to repay the interest or the principal. These loan damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed .
sharks are not patient people, and once they are Total Cost: $23. 87 million dollars.
through "dealing with" the Cormorant's lawyers, they
might very well target him next. Certainly if he gets out,
they will expect him to cover his attorney's debt, or Crash pad
Weapons: None, aside from his warsuit. Meet Cedrick Danforth , inventor of an u nusual
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. exoskeleton that should have made him a millionaire but
instead landed him in a life of crime and a lengthy stay on
C-1 S1 Cormorant Warsuit
G ramercy Island.
Type: Exoskeleton/power armor.
Danforth was an industrial safety designer for a major
Body Frame: Basic h u manoid, reinforced; superior armor military contractor. H is job was to develop personal kinetic
protection. protection of various sorts. High impact body armor, ki
Dimensions: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m) tall , 1 70 Ibs (76.5 kg) . netic diffusion su its to protect pilots in a crash, deflection
Power Supply: Micro-fusion power supply. technology to aid riot police against flying projectiles, etc.
Legs : Basic humanoid (Speed: 1 0) Danforth's work was excellent and he was headed for a
long and prosperous career, but he had other plans. De
Propulsion Systems: Winged flight! The Cormorant suit
signing these technologies is interesting enough, but actu
featu res a set of fully retractable wings that resemble,
ally using them is where the real fun is at!
angular, stylized bird wings. The wings are independent
of the suit's arms, and flap at the wearer's mental com After stealing a few copies of each of his own designs,
mand. The wings behave just like the Minor Super Danforth resigned from his position and set to putting to
Power, Flight: Winged. The top speed for the system is gether a rudimentary battlesuit of his own . After a few
200 mph (320 km) . All bonuses for that power apply. months of tinkering, he had it: a riot suit that could protect
him from any kinetic impact but with servos enabling him
Arms & Hands: Basic hu manoid ( P . S . : 1 0) . to deal out some major punishment. The supervillain
Audio Systems: Advanced audio system. Crashpad was born .
1 46
Crashpad soon became known as a professional cut a deal with The M inotaur to finance building a new one
knock-over artist. He typically h i red himself out to criminal for his services as one of the crimelord's enforcers. He
masterminds for various jobs. Most often , he wou ld be has al ready managed to get his suit specs uploaded to the
come the strongman for a g roup of freelance villains as crimelord's techs so they can get started on the basics
sembled to hit a particular target. Using his suit's strength (Danforth is smart enough to hold back the most critical
and p rotection systems, he would punch his way through design elements u ntil he can install them, secretly, him
barriers and defenses for his cohorts to follow, soaking u p self). He can hardly wait to get back in action. With contin
terrific amounts o f damage a n d slamming whoever gets in ued good behavior, he could be out in one year.
his way. Real Name: Cedrick Danforth
This is how it was for Crashpad for nearly eight years. Other Aliases: Rodeblok and the Wall .
He tussled with the law and super-powered h u mans on Alignment: M iscreant
nu merous occasions but it was not u ntil five years ago that Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 3, M.A.: 1 2, P.S. : 1 5 ( 1 00 as
he was taken down by a g roup of young heroes calling Crashpad; S uperhuman) P.P.: 1 5, P.E.: 1 2, P.B.: 1 3,
themselves Teenteam Alpha. With his crash suit de Spd: 1 6
stroyed, Crashpad presented no special threat, but once Age: 38; Sex: Male.
G ramercy Island was built, he was transferred there to
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 1 95 1bs (87.7 kg) .
Cell Block-B. It is the same story for many other techno
logical villains, whose super abilities can be effectively de Experience Level : 1 0
activated , making them no more dangerous than any other H it Points: 60
prisoner. For one reason or another, some are secu red S.D.C. : 80
away in Cell Block-C and, occasionally, even in the Power Category: Robotics (Exoskeleton).
Super-Being Containment Wing; few are ever allowed in
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Alphaville because their access to machinery could spell
trouble. Number of Attacks: 7 ( 1 0 in warsuit).
Now in the of a nine year stretch , C rashpad is busy Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to parry and
thinking u p improvements for his new battlesuit. He has dodge, +7 to roll with impact, +4 to disarm, and +2 to
1 47
pull punch. This does not include the bonuses from the falling object, explosive concussion, getting struck by a
Crashpad suit (described below) . moving vehicle, etc.). Such impacts do only 20% their
Other Combat Info: Critical strike: 1 8-20 and paired normal damage; i.e. an explosion that inflicts 50 points
weapons (all). Also see Damage from the suit. of damage (204x1 0) only does 1 0 poi nts of damage to
Education Level and Skills of Note: Bachelor's Degree. the C rashpad armor! The rest is dispelled by the
Mechanical (General): Mechanical Engineer (90%), Effector Field. Round down for fractions.
Basic Electronics (95%) , and Locksmith (90%) . Crashpad Arm Shields: On each forearm of this suit
Vehicular Mechanics: Automotive Mechanics (90%), is a large forearm plate that is used like a shield to
Aircraft Mechanics (90%) , Robot Mechanics (95%). block incoming attacks entirely. They provide a +6 bo
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (95%) , Basic Me nus to parry, have 700 S.O.C. each , and are energy re
chanics (95%) , Computer Operation (98%) , and Robot sistant, negating the fi rst 20 points of any energy based
Electronics (95%) . attack.
P hysical: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Gymnastics Total Cost: $ 1 7.775 million.
Secondary: Business & Finance (80%) , Computer
P rogramming (75%) , General Repair/Maintenance
(80%), Law (General) (70%), Research (95%) , Writing Cryptolo
(70%), Recognize Weapon Quality (70%) Henson Hicks is one of the new wave of computer ge
Money: None. niuses generated by Centu ry Station's recent in itiative to
Weapons: None. provide everyone in the city u nder 1 8 with a free notebook
computer and unlimited access to the Century Station
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None, at least while in
prison. Citynet. Before he received his free computer, Hicks had
never even tu rned on a computer, much less learned to
use one. He was too busy gang banging and schooling
Crash pad Suit himself in all sorts of street-level crime and violence.
Type: Exoskeleton When his computer arrived , he planned on pawning it, but
Body Frame: Basic h u manoid, reinforced . on a lark he activated it. After just a few mouse clicks,
Dimensions: Six feet, six inches (1 .9 m), 1 70 Ibs (76.5 Hicks was u nlocking his natu ral super-talent for comput
kg) . ers, as well as learning how to put them to criminal use.
By the week's end, he had hacked his way across most of
Power Supply: Micro-fusion power supply.
the Federal government, and had raided a couple of cor
Legs: Basic humanoid (Spd: 1 6) . porate databases for valuable intellectual property. Hicks'
Propulsion Systems: None. days of street crime were over. His days as a digital raider
Arms & Hands: Basic h u manoid (Superh u man P .S. 1 00). had begun.
Audio Systems: Basic. Calling himself Cryptolo, Hicks made the mistake of
Special Optics, Sensors, & Weapons: None. partnering with the Centu ry Station super-hacker Mother
board, and together they pulled off one of the g reatest
Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 5 computer thefts in history. Manipulating numerous world
S.D.C. : 1 500 bank databases simultaneously, they pulled just one dollar
Pilot-Oriented Systems: T elemental helmet, underwater from nearly a billion and a half personal accounts from
capabilities ( 1 5 mph/24 km; 1 000 feetl305 m maximum around the globe. The money was all pooled and sent to a
depth). central accou nt in the Caymans. All Motherboard and
Miscel laneous: None. Cryptolo needed to do was recover their money and split
it. That's where the trouble began .
Robot Bonuses (add to those of the pilot): +3 attacks
per melee, +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to pull punch, While Cryptolo was double-crossing Motherboard by
and doubles normal running speed . transferring their $1 .5 billion to a different account, Moth
erboard was doing the same by calling the cops in on
Damage Capabilities: The Superhuman P.S. of the suit
C ryptolo. H icks was arrested without a struggle (he knew
provides a +85 damage bonus. Due to the bulkiness of
if he gave the cops a g u nfight, he'd definitely end up the
the his su it, Crashpad can not perform any kicks or
loser - he is toug h , but not stupid). By the time he was
leaps in combat, but has a number of other options
taken into custody, all the money he stole with Mother
available to him. Pu nch: 1 06+85, body block/tackle: board was safely ensconced far out of his ex-partner's
1 06+85, running ram: 406+85 (plus 0 1 -75% likelihood reach. To enjoy it, all he has to do is get out of his ten year
of knocking small cars and opponents over, off their stretch on G ramercy Island and avoid the assassins Moth
feet; lose initiative and one melee action; counts as two erboard has put on his tail . If he can do that, he will be rich
attacks for Crashpad), body throw/flip: 406+40, as sin, and in a position to begin to execute his next big
crush/squeeze: 1 06+85, and pin/incapacitate: 1 8-20. plan: to buy an island somewhere and set up a digital stor
Force Field Defensive Systems: Effector Field: This is age haven, where hackers from around the world can
an automatic force field , that dampens the impact of safely store their stolen information, for a percentage, of
any incoming kinetic force including punch, kick, bullet, course.
1 48
Real Name: Henson Hicks Experience Level : 9
Other Aliases: Dotcom Kid and Modem Man. H it Points: 50
Alignment: M iscreant S.D.C.: 30
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A.: 1 1 , P .S. : 1 5, P.P.:
Power Category: Hardware: Electrical Genius.
1 3, P.E.: 1 4, P.B.: 1 5, Spd : 1 5
Special Electrical Skills of Note: Hot Wi ring (99%) ,
Age: 1 7; Sex: Male.
Computer Hacking (91 %), and Electronics Construction
Height: Five feet, eight inches ( 1 .72 m) , but is still a g row (97%).
ing boy. Weight: 1 50 Ibs (67.5 kg) .
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +1 to initiative , +1 to strike, +2 to parry and
dodge, +2 to damage, +1 to disarm, +2 to roll with im
pact, +2 to pull punch.
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204, karate punch: 1 06,
critical strike: 1 8-20, body throw/flip.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Master's Degree.
Electrical Genius Skills: Electrical Engineer (98% ) ,
S u rveillance Systems (98% ) , Optic Systems (98% ) ,
Computer Operation (98% ) , Computer P rogramming
(98% ) , Radio: Basic (98% ) , and Advanced Mathematics
(98% ) .
Business: Basic Mathematics (98% ) , Business & Fi
nance (98% ) , Law (General) (95% ) , and Research
(98% ) .
C riminal: Streetwise (87%) , Pick Locks (98% ) , Sur
veillance Systems (98% ) , Find Contraband & Illegal
Weapons (88%), and Safecracking (82%) .
Pilot: Advanced: Navigation (98% ) , Read Sensory
Equipment (98% ) , Weapon Systems (98% ) , Pilot Air
plane (98% ) , Pilot Helicopter (98% ) , Pilot Hovercraft
(98% ) , and Pilot Jet Planes (98% ) .
Secondary: Art (80%) , General Repai r/Maintenance
(80%), P hotography (80%) , Writing (70%) , Astronomy
(70%), Card Sharp (61 %), Palming (65%) , and Pick
Pockets (70%).
Money: $1 .5 billion. He just can't get to it cu rrently.
Weapons: None. He sometimes carried a handgun on
him when on the outside.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None, although he
would like to build a megacomputer to help him with his
hacking. He still has his fi rst notebook computer hidden
away as a keepsake item. He has considered just
souping up that and making it his primary hacking tool.
The Cu rmudgeon
According to Victory City police records, the superbeing
known as the Curmudgeon is a mysterious homeless per
son whose powers and personal history are unknown,
even to the Cu rmudgeon himself! All that is certain is that
he had lived on the mean streets of Victory City for close
to seven years before VC police tried to round him u p in a
vagrant sweep six months ago. Victory City was compet
ing to host the next summer Olympics, and to do that, the
city needed to eliminate its ch ronic homeless problem.
The city fathers did the easiest and most morally question
able thing: they simply rounded up every homeless person
in town and gave them a one-way bus ticket to any other
1 49
city of their choice. Very few homeless folks objected , es
pecially since the VCP D made it clear that failure to take a
free ride would lead to an u npleasant few months in the
D u ring this sweep, the Curmudgeon refused to be
brought in, resisting the officers who tried to corral him.
When the officers responded with restraining force, the
C u rmudgeon went wild, tearing the two officers limb from
limb with his bare hands. By the time backup units arrived,
the C u rmudgeon had melted the fi rst squad car somehow,
and was taking round after round of g u nfire, seemingly
without effect. The C u rmudgeon finally went down when
the Victory City SWAT team came in with heavy laser fire
and just peppered the guy with it.
Despite the amount of damage the C u rmudgeon took,
no blood ever spilled , and he somehow came back from it
all. With the Cu rmudgeon refusing to speak to anyone,
VCPD could not figu re out who or what he was. So, Vic
tory City tried him on two counts of murdering a peace offi
cer and fou r counts of assaulting a police officer, adding
up to 60 years of jail time, and shuffled the C u rmudgeon
off to Century Station , where he could be housed in G ra
mercy Island and conveniently forgotten.
U pon arriving at the Island, it was discovered that the
C u rmudgeon was not a h u man (surprise, surprise) but
was really a super-sophisticated android! Who bu ilt this bit
of remarkable hardware remains a mystery, as is the pur
pose to which the Curmudgeon was supposed to be put.
Engineers in the Super-Being Containment Wing keep the
C u rmudgeon under control by holding his power levels at
a mere 3%, just barely enoug h to keep him operational at
all. Meanwhile, military engineers are planning to tinker
with his android brain so they might access his total mem
ory. G iven that the Curmudgeon strongly resembles a pro
totype robot designed by the Defense Department but lost
in its initial test run, the government has g rave concerns
about this robot.
Real Name: U n known
Other Aliases: The Android and P risoner #4432.
Alignment: M iscreant. The technicians of the Super-Be
ing Containment Wing believe that if they tinkered with this
android's brain, they might reprogram it to a more
law-abiding alignment.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 5, M.A. : 1 5, P.S. : 55 (Super
h u man), P.P.: 1 5, P .E.: 1 5 , P .B.: 1 5, Spd : 1 1 00 (750
mph/1 200 km) !
Age: N/A; Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 240 Ibs ( 1 08 kg) .
Experience Level : 1 1
S.D.C.: 600
Power Category: Robotics (And roid).
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +2 to strike, (+5 with ranged
weapons), +5 to parry and dodge, +40 to damage, +6
to roll with impact, +6 to pull punch , and +2 to disarm.
1 50
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+40, punch: Retractable Blades: Damage: 3 06+85.
1 06+40, tripping/leg hook, backward sweep. C ritical Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 5
strike: 1 8-20, paired weapons (all), body th row/flip, and S.D.C.: 900
knockouVstun: 1 8-20.
Pilot-Oriented Systems: U nderwater capabilities.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Android Pro
Miscellaneous: Self-destruct system , artificial blood sys-
g ramming
tem, realistic skin overlay, real body hair, realistic eyes,
Basic Combat P rogram: Military Etiquette (90%) and
scu lpted facial featu res.
Climb (85%/95%).
Espionage Program: Computer Operation (92%) , In Cumulative Robot Bonuses (already included above):
+4 to initiative, + 1 to strike (+4 with ranged weapons),
telligence (88%) , P rowl (75%) , Escape Artist (80%) , I n
and +2 to parry and dodge.
terrogation (80%), Detect Ambush (80%) , Demolitions
(86%), Demolitions Disposal (86%) . Total Cost: $ 1 5.223 million.
Pilot Program: Automotive Mechanics (88%) , Ai rcraft
Mechanics (82%) , Basic M echanics (96%) , Pilot Heli
copter (80%), Pilot Hover Craft (80%) , Pilot J et Aircraft
The Cuttlefish
(80%), Pilot jet Fighter (80%) , Pilot Jet Packs (80%), What do you get when you cross a chameleon, a tuna
and Pilot Submersible (80%) . and a living rubber band? You get a cuttlefish, a bizarre
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Revolver, W . P . Pistol, marine animal that few people know about. It is not a par
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle, W.P. Semi- and Automatic Ri ticularly admirable or attractive animal, it's j ust one of
fles, W.P. Heavy, W. P . Energy Pistol , W. P. Energy Ri those odd creatu res of the sea. So why someone would
fle, W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons and Rail G u ns, W . P . want to develop superpowers to emulate one of these
Knife. creatu res is beyond anybody's guess. But that is exactly
Money: None. what disgruntled ichthyologist, Harvey Huckleby, did when
he contacted the criminal super-scientist, Dr. Atomic. Ac
Weapons: None other than on board weapons systems.
cording to rumor, Huckleby paid D r. Atomic $1 2 million in
However, the C u rmudgeon will gladly pick up weapons
cash so he could be infused with the powers of the cuttle
off the battlefield and use them, especially energy
fish . As a resu lt, H uckleby would be an u ndefeatable lord
weapons. The C u rmudgeon can even plug energy
of the waves, a leviathan, a juggernaut, a titan! Of cou rse,
weapons into any one of the numerous outlet ports hid
none of that happened.
den beneath his skin for an effectively unlimited pay
Dr. Atomic took Huckleby's money and experimented
load .
with him. The end result tu rned Huckleby into a mutated
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. freak with large webbed hands and feet, underwater pow
ers and the ugly head of a cuttlefish. The sad truth, this
The Curmudgeon 's Android Body pathetic bad guy is not particu larly frightening looking, and
Type: And roid wearing a costume with a picture of the cuttlefish on his
Body Frame: Basic human, reinforced. chest does not exactly inspi re fear in others. Add to this
Power Supply: Micro-fusion power supply the that fact that the villain's powers are for the water, and
H uckleby has spent most of his time trying to rob
Legs: H u man legs (Spd: 1 1 00, or 750 mph/1 200 km) . land-based facilities, so the criminal is something of a joke
Propulsion Systems: None. in the press as well as the superbeing and law enforce
Arms & Hands : H u man arms and hands (Superhuman ment communities. Among supervillains, the Cuttlefish
P .5. 55), with detachable, remote controlled hands with definitely ranks among the worst in terms of power, ability,
internal hover jet systems; crawling speed is 1 5 mph reputation and respect. Next to this guy, even the Mighty
(24 km; 60% prowl), flying speed is 30 mph (48 km) . Static Man looks like a world-shaking arch-villain.
Audio Systems: Advanced audio system, loudspeaker, As the Cuttlefish, H uckleby spends most of his time
modulating voice synthesizer, sound analysis com swimming about and trying to think u p g rand crimes. He
puter, and inaudible freq uency transmission. periodically ventu res onto land to look around, and when
Optics: Advanced robot optic system, laser targeting sys he does, he inevitably gets into trouble. Over the years, he
tem, thermo-imager, telescopic vision, video receiver has tangled with practically every superpowered hero of
and transmitter. G u lf Coast City (and every one of them has a funny story
to tell about it). The Cuttlefish is one of those guys who
Sensors: Combat computer, chemical analysis system ,
heroes never take seriously, and they often laugh at the
motion detector a n d warning system, micro-radar, radar
mere mention of his name. Of cou rse, with this kind of ut
detector, radiation detector.
ter lack of respect, there will probably come the day when
Weapons: the Cuttlefish tries something truly rash (and dangerous)
Retractable Wrist B lasters : Damage: 306 each ; 606 to prove that he is, indeed, the fearsome villain he wants
for a simultaneous strike (counts as two attacks) . Rate of people to think he is.
Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack. Range: 660 He was arrested and tried in Centu ry Station and sen
feet (201 m). Payload : Unlimited. tenced to 30 years at G ramercy Island. U nderestimated to
1 51
begin with and pretending to be meek and docile, every
body on the transport helicopter was caught off guard
when the Cuttlefish suddenly escaped his bonds, opened
the hatch and dived into the ocean below from 6,000 feet
( 1 ,828 m) in the air. His parting words were something
like, "You've not heard the last of the Magnificent Cuttle
fish! Mark my words."
Nobody has seen him in the two months since his sui
cidal escape and the authorities have written him off for
dead. However, at least a dozen people (mostly drunken
boaters) claim to have seen him around the Island. This
has led one of the local newspapers to offer a reward for a
clear photograph of this desperado - who is quickly be
coming Centu ry Station's own Loch Ness Monster. Some
speculate that the late, Magnificent Cuttlefish will become
something of a local legend or u rban bogeyman. But those
who have seen him insist he is very much alive and up to
Real Name: Harvey H uckleby
Other Aliases: The Amazing Cuttlefish, the Magnificent
Alignment: Anarchist
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: 1 0, M.A.: 5, P.S.: 1 4 (24 under
water) , P.P.: 1 7, P.E.: 1 7, P.B.: 3, Spd : 1 8 (90 underwa
Insanity: Obviously a bubble off the plum, H uckleby suf
fers from a life-long obsession (love) with the Cuttlefish
and a wei rd inferiority complex that compels him to do
strange things to prove he is important, dangerous and
a force to be respected and feared . He also suffers
from a fear of success and subconsciously sabotages
most everything he tries to do. He actually appreciates
being made to look more like his beloved cuttlefish and
sees himself as a thing of beauty and power (when to
he looks in the mirror he sees himself with a P.B . 23) .
Age: 34; Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet, six inches ( 1 .9 m). Weight: 1 80 Ibs (81 .7
kg) .
Experience Level: 1 0
H it Points: 66
S.D.C.: 1 40 (200 u nderwater) .
Power Category: Experi ment (tu rning himself into an in-
hu man creatu re).
Major Super Abilities: Stretching and Chameleon.
Minor Super Abil ities: U nderwater Abilities.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Number of Attacks: 6 (7 underwater) .
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +5 to strike (+7 u nderwater) , +6
to parry ( +8 underwater), +6 to dodge ( + 1 0 underwa
ter) , +8 to roll with impact, +4 to disarm, and +2 to pull
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204, crescent kick:
204+2, axe kick: 2 06, rou ndhouse kick: 306, jump
kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20, pai red weapons (all),
leap attack (critical strike) , body th rowlflip. P rojectiles
such as bullets, arrows and thrown objects do only half
1 52
Education Level and Skills of Note: Bachelor's Degree. overestimated their abilities, and they were soundly de
Science: Computer Operation (98%) , Advanced feated by the Centurions after an epic battle over the skies
Math (98%), Chemistry (95%) , Chemistry: Analytical of Century Station. The rest of the Solarians fled the
(90%), Biology (95%), Botany (90%). planet and are cu rrently being pursued by other galactic
Technical : Computer P rogramming (95%), Photogra lawmen. Cygnus was captu red, however, contained in a
phy (98%) , Law (General) (90%), and Research (98%). small energy matrix and shipped to G ramercy Island for
Pilot: Advanced: Navigation (98%) , Read Sensory safekeeping, where he resides still. He will stay in the
Equipment (95%) , Weapon Systems (98%), Pilot Sail prison u ntil he is transferred to a penal facility on another
boat (98%) , Pilot Motorboat (98%) , Pilot Submersible world (or u ntil a malfunction of his energy matrix allows
(96%), and Pilot Helicopter (98%) . him to escape) .
Wilderness: Wilderness Survival (98%) , Boat Build Cygnus seethes with rage at being defeated by Alpha
ing (90%) , Identify Plants & Fruits (90%) , Preserve P rime. Being trapped within some puny technological gad
Food (90%), and Skin & Prepare Animal Hides (95%) . get is the worst humiliation he can imagine, and only fuels
Secondary: Radio: Basic (90%), Basic Electronics his hatred for the Centu rion specifically and h u mans in
(75%), Automotive Mechanics (70%) , Basic Mechanics general . If he should escape, the fi rst thing he will do is
(75%) , First Aid (90%) , and Holistic Medicine (65%) . make the staff of the Super-Being Containment Wing pay
for daring to imprison him. Then he will blast the place to
Money: The Cuttlefish has only made one or two decent
pieces (freeing 6 06+6 prisoners) and leave to take re
venge u pon Alpha Prime and The Centurions. After that,
Weapons: he will p robably gather a new g roup of superhumans and
Harpoon Gun: Damage: 306 for a standard spear. relaunch his conquest of the planet.
506 for a rocket-assisted spear. 1 D6x1 0 for an explo
sive-tipped spear. Rate of Fire: Single shot. Range: 250 Note: For more information on Bhlazes in general ,
please refer to the Skraypers™ sou rcebook for both
feet (76.3 m) for standard and explosive spears, 750 feet
(228.75 m) for rocket-assisted spears. Payload: One shot.
RiftS® and Heroes Unlimited™, 2nd Edition.
However, the Cuttlefish has gotten so adept at operating Real Name: Unpronounceable to humans.
this weapon that he can fire and reload in a single action . Occupation: Would-be tyrant and overlord.
The Cuttlefish caries a quiver of 1 0 extra spears. Note: Alignment: Diabolic
The Cuttlefish can attach a line spool and winch to either a Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: 1 7, M .A.: 20, P.S. : 4 1 (Super
standard or rocket-assisted spear so the target can be natu ral) , P.P.: 20, P.E.: 25 (Supernatural) , P.B.: 1 7, Spd :
reeled in after getting hit. The drawing strength of the 1 01
winch is 20.
Insanity: Megalomaniac with delusions of g randeur.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. Hates to lose and is obsessively vengeful , as well as
cruel and abusive.
Cyg nus Age: ?? Sex: None, per se, although Alpha P rime as
sumes a female h u manoid form and Cygnus takes a
Cygnus is a Bhlaze Alien, a race of powerful beings male form.
known for possessing g reat energy abilities and for cham Height: Six feet, six inches ( 1 . 9 m). Weight: 75 Ibs (34
pioning the causes of good throughout the galaxy. Like all kg) .
Bhlazes, Cygnus is composed of pure energy, but must Experience Level : 2
take some kind of physical shape to interact with the rest
of the world. Thus, he has crafted the form of an athletic H it Points: 1 00
male Earthling, albeit one with jet black ski n , g lowing S.D.C.: 200
white, pupil-less eyes , a glowing white wave of energy for Power Category: M ega-Al ien.
hair, and two-toed feet. Cygnus looks average for a Fami liarity with Earth : Very familiar.
Bhlaze, but is clearly an alien to human eyes, something Reason for Coming to Earth : To take the damn place
he makes no effort to disguise. over! Why else come to this stinking mud ball?
For a while, the only Bhlaze on Earth was the interstel
Major Super Abilities: Super Energy Expu lsion: Energy
lar champion of j ustice Alpha Prime, who fights crime as a
& Light, Sonic Flight, and Supernatural Strength.
member of Centu ry Station's premier superg roup, the
Centurions. When Cygnus arrived , Alpha Prime thought Minor Super Abilities : Resistant to Energy, Bend Light,
perhaps she was being relieved of her duties on Earth by Control Static Electricity, Energy Absorption, Super Vi
a fellow galactic peacekeeper, but all too soon, it became sion (All), Self-Regeneration of Outer Ski n , Recreate
apparent that Cygnus had a more diabolical pu rpose. He Outer Skin, Shed Energy Containment Outer Ski n , Fly
came here with the intent of taking over the Earth and de at Light Speed, Reforming After Complete Dissipation .
stroying anybody who got in his way. Backing him up was Special Notes: Cygnus does not need to breathe, eat or
a super-team of various aliens who collectively called drink. He requ i res only fou r hou rs of rest/meditation per
themselves the Solarians, and together, they laid siege to day, and is impervious to normal heat, fire, cold , dis
Centu ry Station. Thankfully, the malevolent aliens g rossly ease , gases and fumes. Audio communication is done
1 53
b y manipulating energy and radio waves. Cygnus un d} As an energy being, Cygnus can assume a h uman
derstands all spoken languages. oid shape, but his touch still inflicts 1 06 points of damage
In energy form (temporarily leaving his physical to all who come into contact with him.
body), Cygnus can hover, fly, discharge energy bolts at Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Special .
50% g reater range, gets an additional +1 attack per Number of Attacks: 6 Physical or 7 Energy.
melee round, and +2 to initiative. As energy, he can
Bonuses: +7 to strike, +7 to parry, +8 to dodge, +43 to
travel throug h small openings, holes and cracks as eas
damage, +2 to disarm, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with
ily as a beam of light. He can also accu rately sense the pu nch/fall/impact
di rection of light and trace it back to its sou rce at a base
success ratio of 40%. Saving Throws : +3 vs Horror Factor, +1 vs psionic attack
and insanity, +5 vs magic and poison, and +20% vs
a} Cygnus is vulnerable to magic and psionics. � agic
Other Combat Info: Restrained Punch: 406, Full
spells, weapons, creatures of magic, supernatural beings,
Strength Punch: 1 06x1 0, Power Punch: 204x1 0, Super
and psionic creatu res all inflict full damage to him.
Energy Pulse Attacks ( 1 ,200 feetl366 m): 606+6
b} Explosions, punches and attacks from beings wi�h
(counts as one melee attack) , 1 06x1 0 (cou nts as two
Extraordinary, Superhuman or Supernatural P . S . , SOniC
melee attacks) , 204x1 0 (cou nts as three melee at
speed attacks, and tremendous impacts of falls from g reat
tacks), 206x1 0 (counts as fou r melee attacks) .
heights all do full, normal damage.
c} Cygnus may be able to take a humanoid form, but he
Education Level and Skills of Note: Special
can never truly be human. He cannot have a physical or Scholastic Skills: Basic and Advanced Mathematics
sexual relationship with humans o r most other mortal hu (98%), I ntelligence (52%) , Navigation (85%), Naviga
manoids. tion: Space (75%) , Land Navigation (76%), Anthropol-
1 54
ogy (45%) , Archaeology (45%), Astronomy (50%) , th reatening to explode, Lulu bailed out and was taken into
Astrophysics (55%) , W . P . Sword (+2 to strike, +2 to custody along with all of her merc drivers. (Note: Both
parry) . Flying Fox and Wingman disappeared shortly after this in
Money, Weapons, Vehicles and Other Equipment: cident and have not been seen since. They reportedly
None. Has no particular need for any. were investigating a strange radar signatu re in the Ber
muda Triangle when they just . . . vanished! )
Sent t o G ramercy I sland for 25 years, L u l u resides in
Demol itia the Super-Being Containment Wing, reflecting on her
massive destruction spree. After her first few years, she
This crimi nal super-genius's talent lies i n the design has come to the conclusion that rather than run over her
and construction of super-powerful construction vehicles, hometown with wild mega-vehicles, she should have j ust
as unlikely as that may seem. Lulu Shoney had g rown up
in the remote woodlands of Maine, where logging is the
only way of life and the gigantic logging trucks known as
skidders are almost as common as pickup trucks . Pos
sessing a beefy frame, Lulu had the physical strength re
quired to d rive a skidder, as these monstrous trucks are
so large that even their power transmissions need a little
manual help from the driver. Ordinarily, lumberjack-sized
men are tagged to drive skidders, but every once in a
while a woman like Lulu would land the job. These women
would often be made fun of for their size and g ruffness,
and referred to as skidder queens.
Now, up in Lulu's neck of the woods, people have
pretty thick skins and either ignore such jibes or sock the
joker who said it across the jaw. Lul u , however, pos
sessed an u nusually sensitive natu re and was wou nded
deeply every time she took flak for her skidder d riving and
her most un-dainty frame. She also never liked the fact
that people always made fun of her for her braininess and
her love for designing and building exp�rimental machin
ery. Bitter and resentful, she moved away from her home
town and relocated to Boston, where she landed a gig with
a top industrial deSign firm. There, she really came into
her own, designing a revolutionary line of high-tech con
struction and excavation vehicles, power suits and other
P retty soon, the bonus checks were rolling into Lulu's
accou nt like there was no tomorrow. But instead of living
the high life, she funneled her cash into a secret project of
her own: Constructing a private fleet of her super-vehicles
so she could ride back to Maine and flatten everybody
there who had ever done her wrong.
It was five years to the day after Lulu left home that she
retu rned, driving a combination power crane and dump
truck so big that it practically blotted out the sun as it
passed by. Dubbing herself Demolitia, she laid waste to
her hometown, building by building. With her in smaller ve
hicles was Lulu's crew of mercenary drivers , who encir
cled the town and kept away local law enforcement while
Demolitia did her thing.
Finally, super-powered heroes were called in when the
National G uard failed to disable the vehicles. (The squad
of tanks and APCs sent to the scene lasted all of five min
utes before they were flipped over and demolished by
Demolitia herself.) Leading the law enforcement effort was
that dashing super-pilot, Flying Fox and his sidekick Wing
man. Together, they strafed the hell out of Demolitia's fleet
of vehicles, none of which had any kind of capable
anti-ai rcraft defenses. With her vehicle smoking and
1 55
d ropped a nuke on it or something. Would have probably subcontracting for various military agencies) . Lulu
been cheaper and easier. Sheesh . made a cool five million off that deal as well as a 7%
While Demolitia's various vehicles were destroyed in royalty on all g ross sales of it. Now if she could just get
her disastrous battle, the plans for them were raided from out of prison, she might be able to enjoy all that cash.
her computer and u ploaded to the G ramercy Island evi Weapons: None.
dence depot, where they are contained on u ltra-encrypted Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: None. The Mother Load
optical disks. The disks have been specially formatted so was destroyed in the battle that brought Demolitia to
they can only be read by a single computer which cur G ramercy Island , but the blueprints for it are out there,
rently is stationed in C H I M ERA headquarters. Hacking and anybody with the right connections and resou rces
into G ramercy Island and stealing the plans is simply not could build an exact duplicate of it.
possible. That said , Warden Harker does not know that
two copies of the disk were made initially, and that the
second disk somehow made it behind a soda machine in The Mother Load
one of the guards' rest lounges. It has been there for over This is Demolitia's somewhat souped up version of
three years, undisturbed. Is it simply a piece of misplaced Mother Load; the design she sold has 33% less S.D.C.
evidence or did somebody copy the files and ditch the and is 20% slower.
disk? Those who manage to access this data will find de Type: Mega-construction and excavation behemoth.
tailed schematics for Demolitia's flag vessel, the Mother
Crew: One d river, up to three passengers in the control
Load. The schematics for the smaller vehicles Demolitia
cabin. The vehicle is so big, however, that two or th ree
designed were corrupted when C H I M E RA agents took
dozen people could hitch a ride on this thing, easy.
them initially, but they included readouts for a super-bull
dozer, steam shovel, a drill, a steamroller, a crane, and a A.R. : 1 8 (main body) , 1 4 (passenger compartment) .
dump truck. S.D.C. by Location:
Real Name: Lulu Shoney Main Body - 3,000
Other Aliases: The Skidder Queen Passenger Compartment - 500
Alignment: M iscreant Caterpillar Treads - 250 each
Attributes: I.Q.: 20, M.E.: 1 4, M.A.: 8, P.S.: 20, P.P.: 1 4,
Power Crane Arms (2) - 1 ,000 each
P.E.: 2 1 , P.B.: 1 1 , Spd: 9
Front Bulldozer Scoop - 1 ,500
Insanity: Obsessed with revenge.
Maximum Speed : 60 mph (96 km) . Note that when travel
Age: 40; Sex: Female.
ing at speeds g reater than 30 mph (48 km) , reduce all
Height: Five feet, ten inches ( 1 .78 m). Weight: 260 Ibs d riving skill rolls by 20%. It will take the Mother Load
( 1 1 7 kg) . three full minutes to accelerate to top speed. It takes it
Experience Level: 1 3 only one minute to decelerate, however, thanks to the
H it Points: 65 unique g ripping anchors on the vehicle's treads.
S.D.C.: 40 Range: 1 ,000 miles ( 1 ,600 km) . Of cou rse, traveling that
Power Category: Robotics (Super-Vehicle) . far in this monster would take just short of forever.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic. Weapons: The Mother Load originally did not have any
conventional weapons mou nted on it. It merely used its
Number of Attacks: 6
oversized construction abilities to crush and smash its
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and targets. Up to eight different weapon systems could be
dodge, +2 to damage, +4 to roll with impact, +4 to pull installed on the vehicle if Demolitia so desired . Should
punch, + 1 to d isarm. she b reak out and rebuild her signatu re vehicle, she will
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4, critical strike: definitely make sure it is armed with heavy machine
1 9-20, body throw/flip, and critical strike or knockout guns, rocket pods, and energy cannons to prevent ae
from behind. rial opponents from defeating her again.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School. Power Crane Arms (2): Range: They can reach out and
Vehicular Mechanics: Automotive Mechanics (98%) , strike/claw/scoop things as far as 250 feet (76.25 m)
Mechanical Engineer (95%), Basic Electronics (98%), from the chassis. Damage: The claws hit with a robot
and Robot Mechanics (98%). strength of 1 00, resulting in a clobbering blow of
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (98%) , Computer Op 2D6x1 0+85 , and any person who gets hit by one of
eration (98%) , and Robot Electronics (98%) . these arms will get clobbered and knocked 2D6x1 0
Secondary: Computer Programming (98%) , Pilot yards/meters (victim loses two melee attacks and initia
Truck (98%), Pilot Tanks & APCs (84%) , Wilderness tive), while most automobiles, SUVs, and small trucks
Survival (95%), Basic Math (98%) , Advanced Math will be knocked over. However, the arms are at -5 to hit
(98%), and Astronomy (85%). anything smaller than a house, and an additional -4 to
Money: Lulu has actually sold the blueprints of the Mother hit a small moving target. Thus, hitting individual people
Load, her primary destruction vehicle, to an industrial with one of these arms has a -9 penalty to strike. As
vehicles manufactu rer (who also happens to do a little mentioned before, these are anti-structu re devices , not
1 56
anti-personnel. Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's nu mber low intelligence, a bad temper and the inability to control
of hand to hand attacks. Note: These arms can only hit its rage, it was only a matter of time before disaster struck.
whatever is directly in front of the main chassis. The up The Denizen lived on the bottom of Centu ry Bay until it
per part of the chassis can rotate 360 degrees, but it was disturbed by a fleet of high-tech pi rate mini-subma
takes one melee action per 90 degrees. For small tar rines on thei r way to attack G ramercy Island. The subs
gets like people, staying ahead of the rotating upper torpedoed the Denizen without warning, causing the crea
chassis is fai rly easy. For a larger target, like a tanker ture to hit back. It destroyed the subs in short order, but by
truck or tank, well, it's pretty much going to get clob this time, the Denizen was so enraged it headed for the
bered. shore, hellbent to destroy everything in its path. It started
Power Scoop: The power scoop is like a big bulldozer in the posh, high-tech district of Society Hill, destroying
scoop mounted directly in front of the vehicle. The dam entire buildings and killing dozens in the rampage.
age it causes depends on the speed of the vehicle at It took the combined might of C-SWAT and half of Cen
the time of impact. 1 to 1 5 mph ( 1 .6 to 24 km): 3D6x1 0 tury Station's heroes to stop the giant beast long enough
S . D . C . ; 1 6 to 30 mph (25.6 to 48 km) : 6D6x1 0 S . D . C . ; to apply an experimental molecular decelerator to the
31 -45 m p h (49.6 t o 7 2 km) : 1 D6x1 0 0 S . D . C . ; and 46-60 monster's hide. The device placed the Denizen into stasis,
mph (73.6 to 96 km) : 2D4x1 00 S.D.C. This attack saving the city from further ru in. The Denizen now resides
counts as three melee actions. in G ramercy Island where it will remain in stasis until the
Special Equipment: Pressu rized cabin, refrigerator, mi super-alien Alpha Prime can transport it to an uninhabited
crowave oven, 6-disc CD changer. world where it can do no harm.
Cost: $50 million (half that for Lulu since she did all the According to Alpha P rime, the Denizen is a biological
design work and a lot of the construction herself) . weapon designed by an ancient interstellar empire that
has long since collapsed. As a spoilsport plan , the evil I m
perials meant to fire hundreds of these beasts at the
The Den izen th roneworld of their enemy. The attack went awry and the
This mega-powerful alien misanthrope traveled t o Earth Denizen salvo sprayed in a wide arc, sending the mon
in the heart of a meteorite that crash-landed in the waters sters all over the galaxy. This one crash-landed on Earth
off Centu ry Station exactly one year ago. U pon landing (it pu rely by chance. Where other Denizens are headed or
was really some kind of elemental spacecraft), it split open
and let out its monstrous passenger. A hulking brute of
1 57
may have al ready landed , nobody knows. Wherever they Money: None. The Denizen does not know what it is.
are, however, massive destruction and death are sure to Weapons: This guy is a weapon .
follow, especially on worlds without super beings or the Vehicles a n d Other Equipment: Z i p . Zilch. Nada. Noth
technology to protect themselves from such a savage
th reat.
Should the Denizen ever awake, it will be like a fright
ened animal , unsure of its su rroundings and wanting to be Diva
left alone more than anything else. However, the slightest
provocation will send the monster into another rampage Cassand ra McKay has always had a way with men .
like the last one. Born with mind-bending beauty and charisma, this femme
fatale is never seen without a cad re of male bodyg uards
Other Aliases: The Space C reatu re.
all jockeying for her attention. Drunk on the influence she
Alignment: Considered a predatory animal; the equ iva
could exert over others, the Diva has held her own narcis
lent of Anarchist. The Denizen does not particularly enjoy sistic cou rt for close to a decade. As long as her looks and
destroying things, it just lashes out by natu re, without un influence hold out, there will always be a virtual legion of
derstanding why. goons willing to carry out her bidding.
Attributes: I.Q.: 4, M.E.: 5, M.A.: 30, P.S. : 1 32 (supernat
Where Diva's real power comes from, however, is the
u ral) , P.P.: 1 8, P.E.: 34, P.B.: 4, Spd : 63
half-dozen heads of state with whom she has ongoing ro
Age: U n known; Sex: U n known. mances. Like a modern day Mata Hari, Diva has enough
Height: 1 2 feet (3.66 m). Weight: 2000 Ibs (900 kg) . high government officials wrapped around her pinky finger
Experience Level : 1 to cause a major diplomatic crisis ... or prevent one. How
H it Points: 1 80 ever, she has landed herself in a g reat spot of trouble that
not even her contacts can help her with.
S.D.C.: 490; and heals super-qu ick (2D4x1 0 S . D . C '/H . P .
p e r 2 4 hou rs). Seven months ago, one of the Diva's entourage
spu rned her for another woman, and nobody does that to
A.R.: 1 5
her! So, she had her ex-goon and his new g i rlfriend mur
Power Category: Mega-Alien (Experi ment) . dered in cold blood . Too bad for her, the girlfriend was a
Alien Appearance: H umanoid Rhinoceros, only no horns, high-ranking State Department secretary who had her own
just a large, powerful body with thick skin, no hair, wide share of friends in high places. Long story short: the Diva
hands and feet, a long, wide face with high ears, and a took the fall for the hit and for reasons u nexplained , she
small mouth low on the face. refuses to call in a favor from any of her high-ranking par
Alien Physiological Modifications: High G ravity. amours. For her, this is a test to see which one of them
will come to her rescue first. She is confident that at least
Side Effects: I ncreased Mass.
one or two of her lovers will bail her out. The question is,
Mega-Abilities: Tremendous Physical Strength. which one and how? Meanwhile, Diva is taking her 1 5
Major Super Abilities: I nvu lnerability, Supernatu ral years in G ramercy Island in stride, confident that she will
Strength. be sprung one way or another. Meanwhile, those who
Achi lles' Heel: Slow and ponderous, however, given the know about Diva's international meddlings must wonder:
Denizen's high g ravity background, this weakness does who exactly are the officials she has entranced, and how
not slow him down while on Earth . does she intend to use them in the futu re?
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert. Real Name: Cassandra McKay
Number of Attacks: 4 Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 27, M.A.: 28, P.S.: 1 0, P.P.: 9,
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and
P.E.: 9 , P.B.: 24, Spd : 9
dodge, +4 to pull punch , +2 to roll with impact, and
+ 1 1 7 to damage! Also +9 to save vs magic, +8 to save Age: 29; Sex: Female.
vs poison, +2 to save vs possession, +44% to save vs Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 40 Ibs
coma/death. I ntimidate: 97%. (63.6 kg) .
Other Combat Info: Death blow (if desi red): 1 6-20. Re Experience Level : 5
strained punch: 5 D6+ 1 1 7, full strength punch: H it Points: 29
2D4x1 0+1 1 7, power punch: 3D6x1 0+1 1 7, bite attack: S.D.C.: 26
1 D6x1 0+30, thrown objects (usually hundreds to thou
I.S.P.: 230
sands of pounds, like lamp posts and cars torn in half) :
1 D4x1 0+ 1 1 7 for those under 500 Ibs, 2D4x1 0+ 1 1 7 for Power Category: Psionics (Master) .
those weighing closer to 1 000 Ibs (450 kg) and Psionics:
2D6x1 0+ 1 1 7 if a ton o r more. Healing: Deaden Pain (4) , Lust for Life (1 5), Mask
Education Level and Skills of Note: Animal I nstincts L S . P . and Psionics (7).
Physical: Alter Au ra (2), Deaden Senses ( 1 ) ,
Skill Equivalents: P rowl (80%), Wilderness Su rvival (80%) ,
Ectoplasmic Disguise ( 1 2), Resist Fatigue (4) , Resist
Track (80%) , Swim (80%), and Climb (80%/90%) .
Hunger (2), Resist Thirst (6) , and Teleport Object ( 1 0)
1 58
Combat Training : None. Diva does not stoop to some
thing as demeaning as physical combat. If she feels
th reatened, she makes sure she has a legion of thralls
around her willing to give their lives in her defense.
That is how she wins most of her battles, by getting
other people to fight for her, by one way or another.
Number of Attacks : Three (has been shown some basic
self-defense by one of her special friends; but nothing
much, really) .
Bonuses: +6 to save vs psionic attack (needs a 1 0 or
higher to save) , +9 to save vs insanity, 94% to evoke
feelings of trust or intimidation, and 70% to charm and
Other Combat Info: None.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Master's Degree.
Business: Basic Mathematics (80%) , Business & Fi
nance (70%) , Computer Operation (85%), Law (Gen
eral) (60%) , Research (95%) .
Language: Spanish (95%) , Russian (95%) , French
(95%), German (95%) , Japanese (95%) , Chinese
(95%), Farsi (95%) , Hindi (95%) .
Pilot: Advanced: Navigation (95%) , Read Sensory
Equipment (75%) , Weapon Systems (85%) , Pilot Air
plane (91 %) , Pilot Helicopter (80%), Pilot Hovercraft
(95%), Pilot Jet Planes (81 %).
Secondary: Art (55%) , Computer Programming
(50%), General Repair/Maintenance (55%) , Photog ra
phy (55%) , Writing (45%), Astronomy (45%) , Advanced
Mathematics (65%) , Seduction (32%), Palming (40%),
Pick Pockets (45%) .
Money: Diva cu rrently has only a few hundred thousand
dollars stashed in banks in the Cayman Islands, Swit
zerland and Centu ry Station. However, to her luxu rious
lifestyle this is mere pocket change. To really live in
style, she needs to find a multi-billionai re sugar daddy
to take care of her. All she needs is one week outside
of prison and she could find one, too. No man yet has
ever resisted the Diva's charms, whether she use her
formidable pSionic powers, her natu ral charisma, in
credible looks or her . . . um . . . "easy virtue."
Weapons: None. The mere thought of arming herself is
repu lsive and base to one as refined as the Diva.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
E poch
H i s name has been forgotten to history, in large part
because he does not wish it known. His origin remains
equally enshrouded, something that cou ld only be de
scribed th rough g uesswork and pure rumor. He has
walked the earth for generations, seemingly impervious to
the forces of time as he g radually increases his arcane
Sensitive: Astral P rojection (6) , Clairvoyance (4) , knowledge and mastery of the art of war.
Empathy (4) , Object Read (6) , P resence Sense (4), The sorcerer known only as Epoch is one of G ramercy
See Aura (6), and Telepathy (4) . Island's most interesting and enigmatic villains. According
S uper Psionics: G roup M ind Block (22) , I nsert Mem to his official statement, Epoch came to Centu ry Station to
ory (25), Mentally Possess Others (30), Mind Bond meet with Madame Alexia Sensikov, the world's g reatest
( 1 0) , Hypnotic Suggestion (6) and M ind Wipe (special). fortu ne-teller to verify a prophecy that he has known for a
1 59
hundred years. That in the very near futu re, somewhere
on the Northern American continent, there will be an event
so world shaking that it will alter the cou rse of h u man his
tory forever. It shall bring to an end the modern age and
give birth to a new stage of human evolution. It is some
thing that Epoch intends to be at the forefront of, so he
might rule and lead this new age before anybody else can
gain their footing in it. By doing this, Epoch not only can
take over the enti re world, but he will have to lift nary a fin
ger to do it. All he must do is be in the right place at the
right time, and his natu ral skills and abilities will do the rest
for him. This much he knows to be true.
When he visited Madame Sensikov, she indeed re
peated Epoch's vision back to him, but she added a criti
cal detail that had been missing before. Epoch wou ld rule
in this g rand new age, yes. But he would be mu rdered by
his greatest rival a short time later and would never truly
govern h u manity as he would like.
This has sent the sorcerer into a frenzy. With perhaps
as little time left as a single year before the Next Age be
gins, he has become hellbent to seek out any sorcerer,
hero or villain who might oppose him, and to destroy them
without warning. So far, Epoch has slain over thirty
superbeings: heroes, villains and non-combatants living
their extraordinary lives on the sidelines (so to speak) . He
has mu rdered children to protect his futu re destiny, and
has even slain expectant mothers who would eventually
give birth to powerful individuals that might oppose him.
To Epoch, no act is too paranoid or depraved to cast
aside. He must do absolutely anything in his power to
make su re that when the world turns upside down, he will
be there to inherit it.
All of this bloodletting has led him into some serious
trouble in Centu ry Station. As Epoch feels he has less and
less time to secure his destiny, his actions against real
and perceived rivals have become increasingly brazen .
Where he once used to plot t h e elimination o f a rival with
g reat care and forethought, now he simply tracks down his
targets and overpowers them with brute force, whether
there are witnesses in view or not.
Eventually, Epoch attacked and slew an up-and-coming
spell caster named Rebekah Solstice in broad daylight in
a crowded downtown pedestrian plaza. The magical battle
lasted only three minutes, but at its end, Solstice lay dy
ing, and Epoch was su rrounded by Centu ry Station's
femme fatales, the Valkyries. Using the trademark team
work that has made these maverick heroes so successful ,
t h e Valkyries descended upon Epoch before he could ef
fect an escape. They defeated him soundly and guarded
him until the CSPD showed up to take the sorcerer into
custody. He is now serving a 1 25 year to life sentence on
G ramercy Island . Whether or not he shall be behind bars
when the Next Age happens (if indeed it happens at all)
remains to be seen. Note: Nobody knows what the heck
his talk about the "Next Age" means, and the fortune-teller
has vanished. Most assume Epoch's trek throug h the cen
tu ries has u nhinged his mind and that he lives in a delu
1 60
Real Name: U n known Science: Computer Operation (98%) , Advanced
Other Aliases: Timeline Math (98%) , Chemistry (98%) , Astronomy (98%), An
Alignment: Diabolic and ruthless in the extreme. th ropology (9 5 %), Archeology (95%) , and Biology
Attributes : I.Q.: 24, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 22, P.S. : 1 7, P.P.: (98%).
1 7, P.E.: 1 7, P.B.: 1 1 , Spd: 1 7 Secondary: W . P . Staff, W . P . Blunt, W . P . Sword ,
Insanity: Doctors believe Epoch suffers from paranoid de W.P. Knife, Research (98%) , and Writing (90%).
l usions and megalomania. He may even be schizo Money: None. Epoch lost whatever he had when he was
phrenic. incarcerated . That said, he generally does not carry
Age: U n known; Sex: Male. much anyway, since he is always hopping from time to
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 75 Ibs time, making most cu rrencies i rrelevant. His favorite
(78.7 kg) . cu rrency is precious metal, preferably gold.
Experience Level: 1 2 Weapons: Sword : Damage: 3D6+4.
H it Points: 66 Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 220 Eyespy
Power Category: Magic (Mystic Study) .
As a dockside enforcer controlling a small crew of syn
Magic Abilities: Astral P rojection (6), Familiar Link (20) ,
dicate thugs, Robert "Rocko" U pjohn planned to ply his
Sense Enchantment (0), Sense Supernatu ral Evil (0) ,
criminal trade for about three or fou r years before he
Sense Magic (4) .
would face "early retirement." That is, he would either die
Spell Knowledge: Feel free to substitute any of Epoch's at the hands of his boss's enemies, or he would screw u p
spells for the time-manipulating spells found in R ifts® a n d receive a death sentence from h i s boss di rectly. A s it
World Book 3 : England™. Spells in italics below are tu rned out, Rocko got a bit of both. D u ring a particularly
to be found in the Heroes Unlimited G.M.'s Guide™ . nasty gang war, his tu rf was overrun by rival gang mem
Level One through Fou r: All spells. bers toting state of the art firepower, such as lasers, auto
Level Five: Calling (8) , Charm ( 1 2), Circle of Flame matic g renade launchers, and even a mini-gun or two.
( 1 0), Eyes of Thoth (8) , and Horrific Illusion (1 0) . Rocko's crew never stood a chance and got cut apart like
Level Six: Call Lightning ( 1 5 ) , Fire Ball ( 1 0) , I mpervi ducks in a barrel. U pjohn h imself barely escaped the at
ous to Energy (20) , Magic Pigeon (20) , Memory Bank tack, but was blinded in both eyes. Rocko's boss added
(12), Time Slip (20) insult to inj u ry by ordering him to be killed as punishment
Level Seven: Dispel Magic Barriers (20) , Second for his battleground defeat. Finally, Rocko caught a spot of
Sight (25), Wink-Out (20+). good luck when one of his former crew members took pity
Level Eight: Oracle (30), Time Capsule (30) on him and transported him to another city before the
Level N ine: Age ( 5 0) death sentence could be carried out.
Level Ten: Dimensional Pocket (30 or 1 40), Mystic Rocko's buddy hooked him u p with a black market
Portal (60) , and Teleport (120). cyber-su rgeon who promised to restore Rocko's sight as
Level Twelve: Time Hole (2 1 0) well as make him powerful enough that mere syndicate
Level Fou rteen : Close Rift (200+) goons could never threaten him again . Rocko agreed to
Level Fifteen : Dimensional Portal (1 000), Dimen- the surgery and was soon sporting a brand new set of u l
sional Teleport (800), and Teleport: Superior (600). tra-tech cyber-eyes, as well as numerous cybernetic sup
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert. port systems throughout his body.
Number of Attacks: 6 This hardware did not come cheap, and for the next five
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +3 to strike, +6 to parry and years, Rocko would engage in industrial espionage, and
dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +4 to pull pu nch , +4 to rob banks and industry centers to pay off his substantial
damage, +2 to d isarm. cybernetics bill. He took on the super-villain persona of
Eyespy and loved every minute of his new career. He also
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4+4, tripping/leg
proved to be pretty good at it, too. Once his debts were
hook, backward sweep, critical strike: 1 8-20, paired cleared, Eyespy continued with his line of work, adding
weapons (all), body throw/flip, knockout/stun : 1 8-20. ''takeover robberies" to his resume (he and some addi
Education Level and Skills of Note: On the Job tional freelance firepower would simply storm a place such
Training. as a bank, hold everybody there hostage for a few min
Magic Skills: Spell Translation (57%) , Demons & utes, and leave with as much money as they could carry) .
Monsters (98%) , Geomancy (98%) , Religion (98%) , Ar It was this kind of stuff that swelled Eyespy's personal cof
chaeology (98%) , Chemistry (98%) , and Holistic Medi fers enough that he could retire from full-time work and
cine (98%). only pull down scores when he wanted some excitement.
Wilderness: Wilderness Su rvival (98%) , Identify There was one last score to settle. His old syndicate
Plants & Fru its (98%) , Land Navigation (98%) , and Pre boss, Seamus Cork, had yet to pay for his treachery, and
serve Food (98%). Rocko felt it was time. He cornered Cork in his favorite
1 61
restau rant and, using his powerfu l cyber-weaponry, mur
dered him and his bodyguards. However, a second wave
of Cork's men arrived on the scene and soon Eyespy
found himself slugging it out with twelve or more gu nmen
in broad daylight. By the time local heroes showed up, an
other ten of Cork's men were incapacitated (half dead),
and Eyespy himself was critically inj u red from multiple
gu nshot wounds. The sinister cyborg already wanted for
bank heists and armed robberies all over town, was sent
to G ramercy Island to recover. He was tried and sen
tenced to 90 years and will not be eligible for parole for at
least another 40 years.
Meanwhile, Eyespy lives as a blind man in Cell
Block-C, since his cybernetics have all been deactivated .
He now longs just to see again , and has proven to be a
most cooperative inmate because he hopes it will win him
back the privilege of sight. Of cou rse, once his cybernetics
are back on-line, an escape attempt will follow.
Real Name: Robert "Rocko" U pjohn
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 9, M.E.: 8, M.A.: 8, P.S.: 20, P.P.: 1 9,
P.E.: 1 9, P.B.: 9 , Spd : 1 5
Age: 24; Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet, one inch ( 1 . 85 m). Weight: 1 85 Ibs (83.2
kg) .
Experience Level: 3
H it Points: 30
S.D.C.: 75
Power Category: Bionics
B ionic Features:
Bionic Eyes (2): Macro-eye, macro-eye laser, mi
cro-video camera eye, night sight, targeting sight, tele
scopic vision, thermo-imager, ultraviolet and polarized
Eye B lasters: Damage: 1 D6x1 O. This entails both eyes
blasting away simultaneously at the same target. This
system can only fire with both eyes at once. Rate of
Fire : U p to fou r times per melee. Range: 1 000 feet ( 305
m). Payload: 20 blasts per hour, maximum. Each blast
takes 3 minutes to recharge.
Full B ionic Armor: A . A . : 1 8, S . D . C . : 750
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +7 to parry and
dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, and +3
to damage.
Other Combat Info: Body block/tackle: 1 04+3, pin/inca
pacitate: 1 8-20, crush/squeeze: 1 04+3.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School.
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (43%) , Pick Locks
(55%), Concealment (43%) , Find Contraband & I llegal
Weapons (50%) , and Safecracking (45%) .
P hysical P rogram: Boxing, Wrestling, Body Building
& Weightlifting, and Running.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (General), Basic Me
chanics ( 35% ) , Pilot Truck ( 44% ) , Pilot Motorcycle
( 64% ) , Radio: Basic ( 50% ) , and Fi rst Aid (50%).
1 62
Money: Eyespy has arou nd $1 0,000 left over from his
criminal exploits. He will need this money to buy his
way into a major crime syndicate operating out of
U ltropolis when and if he gets out of prison.
Weapons: None.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Fat Cat
As far as anybody can tell, Smudge the Cat was born a And, having never really lost his predatory instincts, the
mutant who evolved into a h u manoid form shortly after ad mutant feline also learned how to p rey upon people's
olescence. Smudge also began to gain an ENORMOUS weaknesses and fears. He pooled all of these things to
amount of weight as his human featu res came into being , gether and went into business for himself as an evil finan
taking away his ability to effectively hunt and feed himself. cier of criminal projects of every kind. U nder the title of Fat
Abandoning his wild side and trying to find a way to fit into Cat, Smudge's reach extended well beyond his home turf.
the human world , Smudge began interacting with ele He made himself richer than sin by financing hundreds of
ments of Motor City, arguably the most crime-ridden me crooked jobs and taking his standard 1 5% organizer's fee.
tropolis in North America. There, it hardly mattered how Capers he actually planned, earned him half the take, and
freakish one was. As long as one could bring in (illegal) ''friendly'' loans had a mere 33% annual interest rate.
cash, he was worth keeping around. Smudge q uickly Smudge's downfall came about when he dou
learned how to manipulate people into doing his bidding. ble-crossed some u nderworld associates out of a few very
1 63
lucrative deals. U nable to arrange for the mutant cat's as Modern Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Automatic Pis
sassination, they did one better: they sold him up the river. tol , W.P. Sub-Machinegun, W . P . Shotg u n , W . P . Semi
Soon, Federal Marshals were knocking on Fat Cat's door and Automatic Rifles.
and before the obese feline knew what hit him, he was Secondary: Cook ( 60% ) , Sing ( 50% ) , Basic Me
cooling his paws behind bars. chanics (45%), Basic Electronics ( 45% ) , First Aid
Although Fat Cat is supposed to serve the next 20 ( 60% ) , and Wilderness Su rvival ( 50% ) .
years for racketeering, conspiracy, tax evasion, and a Money: Smudge has a few million bucks bankrolled in
dozen other finance-related felonies, it is clear he will be various places, all j ust waiting for him to spend when he
out in considerably less time than that. He cu rrently has a gets out. And if this Genesys deal works out, Fat Cat
great team of lawyers working on his appeal, as well as a will be retiring to "Easy Street" posthaste.
plea bargain, if necessary. (See, Smudge knows some en Weapons:
emies he can give up to the Feds, and he is not above
Uzi Pistol: Back when he was making moves on the
selling out his associates to secure his freedom, especially
street, Fat Cat's signature weapon was his trusty Uzi
not after they betrayed him.)
pistol, which he typically used to cap off enemies at
I n the meantime, Smudge still is arranging criminal
point blank range. Since Fat Cat was never into con
deals from the Big House and bankrolling the proceeds
fronting people directly (on account of him being too
with various Swiss and off-shore accou nts. He also has
smart and carefu l to be seen in a fight) , he usually
somehow procu red some kind of top-secret information
goaded his enemies into coming to him. Most of the
from the research and development wing of the Genesys
time, an enemy would approach Fat Cat with m u rder
Corporation, a genetics research company notorious for
ous intent, only for Smudge to produce his machine pis
its indiscretions. Whatever it is Fat Cat has obtained has
tol and drop an entire clip into him, in self-defense, of
Genesys ru nning scared , and they are in private negotia
cou rse. Damage: 306. Rate of Fire: Full auto only.
tions to buy the information back from Smudge, suppos
Range: 500 feet ( 1 52 m). Payload: 30 round magazine.
edly for a high nine-digit figure.
Real Name: Smudge the Cat. Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. Fat Cat prefers to
Alignment: M iscreant rent a limo and ride in style. Smudge's real tools are his
Attributes : 1.0.: 1 5, M.E.: 1 4, M.A.: 1 5, P.S.: 24, P.P.: 3, personal contacts and his savant-like knowledge about
P.E.: 22, P.B.: 8, Spd : 3 the workings of the local underworld. His approach to
business and his ability to network within any given cir
Age: 9; Sex: Male.
cle of criminals has proven that, at least for him, it's not
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 405 Ibs (1 87 kg) . Note: what you know that counts, but who you know and how
Smudge is about 200 Ibs ( 90 . 8 kg) overweight. This cat to massage the system.
is j ust one big tub of lard . When sitting on the g round,
he looks like he is his own pillow, he's that fat.
Experience Level : 5
H it Points: 41 Fi refly
S.D.C.: 35 J . D. Thompson was a lowly janitor . . . e r , sanitation en
Power Category: M utant Housecat gineer, of the R&D wing of Orion Robotics for going on
Size lmle.l: 1 0 thirty years when he was laid off due to personnel cut
B.uild. : Mediu m backs. When Thompson learned that management had
gone on a "white hair h u nt" and eliminated any old em
.I:::land.s. : Full
ployee on the verge of collecting a full pension, he got an
BiJ;l.ed. : Full g ry. S u re, he cou ld have taken Orion to cou rt, but that
Speech: Full would take years, and who knew if he would even be alive
.l.QQks. : None by the time he saw any money? Opting for a quicker and
powers: N ightvision. Otherwise, he has no powers. His easier solution , he stole the only working prototype of
claws and teeth are vestigial and serve no pu rpose in Orion's F I R E FLY suit, a revolutionary new kind of power
combat. armor worth millions in unrealized sales.
Thompson lacked the cou rage to even use the suit for a
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
while, but on a lark he began wearing it and found that it
Number of Attacks: 4 was far easier to control than he thoug ht. Using the suit's
Bonuses: +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with impact, unique combination of insect-style abilities (including
+2 to pull punch, +1 1 to damage, +4 to save vs poison winged flight and various types of energy expulsion), he
and magic, +1 4% to save vs coma/death. had the power of an entire army platoon . And more than
Other Combat Info: See Weapon P roficiencies (W. P.s). anything, he had a reason to use it. Orion was going to
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School. pay, big time.
Business: Basic Math (70% ) , Business & Finance Thompson's fi rst visit was to Orion's chief accou ntant.
(60%), Computer Operation (65%) , Law (General; He took him and his family hostage while Firefly set about
50%) , and Research (75%) . destroying thei r home. He left the family u n h u rt after he
1 64
got the add resses of the rest of Orion's financial decision to homeless street people, the church (anonymously) and
makers. I n one spree-fi lled night, he visited over nine those he happened upon who looked down on their luck.
high-level Orion executives, terrorizing them and destroy Among his exploits as Fi refly, he rescued six seniors from
ing their property. By the dawn , Thompson had pretty well a b u rning retirees' apartment building, and a cat out of a
vented his rage and was ready to "retire" his suit and get tree, and th reatened to ki ll the corrupt owners of an old
used to life without a job. That's when C-SWAT de folks' n u rsing home unless they stopped skimming money
scended upon him like a hu rricane. For a while, he tried to and started to "do right by the folks who needed them."
evade captu re but the C-SWAT troopers had him cor The press and the public ate it up, "Villain or modern day
nered. Thompson was not about to go to jail so he struck Robin Hood?"
back, and he struck back hard. When it was all over, ten After a while, Fi refly became sloppy and a little too con
C-SWAT troopers were inj u red , and several vehicles laid vinced of his own cunning and invincibility. He had forgot
in pieces. Thompson escaped to the night, and would for ten that C-SWAT was still after him, as well as a horde of
ever be known as the supervillain Firefly. super-powered bounty hu nters u nder Orion's employ. It
Thrilled and invigorated by his brush with death , was one of these freelancers, the Titanium Ranger, who
Thompson continued his vendetta against Orion's top bushwhacked Firefly when h is suit was in dire need of re
brass. Only Orion's people had gone to high alert after pairs. The old exo-pilot never stood a chance, and he had
Firefly's first night of terror, so the wily old codger decided to su rrender or face fiery doom.The Ranger ran Firefly in
to ease back. Instead of blitzkrieging the rest of his tar and collected a half million dollar bounty from Orion.
gets, he decided to let them live in fear as he picked them Thompson caught a 30 year stretch on G ramercy Island
off, one or two over the cou rse of a year. Meanwhile, as a warning to all vigilantes that thei r kind will not be tol
Thompson became a sort of iron-clad Robin Hood, hitting erated. He will be 91 by the time of his release, if he is still
establishments and places owned by Orion or its officers, alive by then.
stealing money to live on, but also giving half of every take Real Name: J . D . Thompson
1 65
Alignment: Anarchist In-Flight Bonuses: +1 attack, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +4
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A. : 9, P.S. : 1 0, P.P.: 9, to dodge when flying at or below 80 mph ( 1 28 km), +6
P.E.: 1 1 , P.B.: 1 2, Spd: 9 to dodge when flying at or above 81 mph (1 29.6 km) ,
Age: 6 1 ; Sex: Male. +4 to damage for every 20 mph ( 32 km) of flying speed .
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 60 Ibs Power Systems: The F I R EFLY armor is a truly revolu
( 72 kg) . tionary piece of hardware. I nstead of offering optic, au
dio, senso r or weapon systems, it uses a bizarre kind of
Experience Level : 7
power matrix technology called Prometheus Circuits
H it Points: 39 that enable the suit to emulate actual super powers!
S.D.C.: 30 These powers include:
Power Category: Robotics (Exoskeleton). Flight: Winged: As per the minor super ability on
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic. page 232 of H U2. The wings appear insect-like, and
are actually a set of fully retractable wire frames that
Number of Attacks: 5
generate a u nique kind of force field among them to
Bonuses: + 1 to initiative, + 1 to strike +2 to parry and create the wing areas. Top speed : 220 mph (352 km).
dodge, +2 to damage, +2 to roll with impact, and +2 to
Adhesion: Electrostatic pads on the palms and bot
pull punch. Does not include the bonuses provided by
tom of the su it's feet enable it to climb walls as per the
the Firefly suit. Adhesion minor super power on page 228 of HU2.
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 204+2, critical strike: Energy Resistance: U nique diffusing laminates on
1 9-20. the armor's outermost layer enable the suit to shake off
Education Level and Skil ls of Note: High School G radu the first 20 points of any incoming energy attack (fi re,
ate. laser, electricity, etc.), as per the Energy Resistance
Computer P rogram: Basic Electronics (65%) , Com power on page 231 of HU2.
puter Operation (75%) , Computer P rogramming (65%) , Energy Expulsion : Electricity: As per the minor power
Computer Repai r (60%). of the same name on page 230 of H U2. Range is 400
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (5 1 %) , Pick Locks feet ( 1 22 m), and damage is fixed at 806. Each blast
(65%), P rowl (60%), Computer Hacking (65%), and counts as one attack. +3 to strike on an aimed shot, + 1
Conceal ment (5 1 %). to strike on a wild shot.
Secondary Skills: Basic Mechanics (60%), Auto Me Energy Expu lsion: Light: As per the minor power of
chanics (55%) , Radio: Basic (75%) , T.V. & Video the same name on page 231 of HU2. Range is 600 feet
(5 1 %), General Repai r & Maintenance (65%), Pilot Mo ( 1 83 m), and damage is fixed at 706. Each blast counts
torcycle (86%) , Pilot Airplane (76%), and Pilot Water as one attack. +3 to strike on an aimed shot, +1 to
Scooters (80%). strike on a wild shot.
Money: None. What money Firefly had he spent or gave Energy Expu lsion: Electrical Field : As per the power
away to the needy. Now that he's in the klink, his cash on page 231 of HU2. Range is 20 feet (6. 1 m).
has d ried up. The way he sees it, there is no point in Pilot-Oriented Systems: None had been installed yet at
him ever leaving G ramercy Island without his Fi refly the time of the suit's theft.
suit, cu rrently being held in the Containment Wing's evi M iscellaneous: None had been installed yet.
dence depot. If he ever got the chance, he'd g rab the Total Cost: P riceless . This suit represents years of inten
suit and go back to adventuring, although this time he'd sive research on the part of Orion , and represents a
leave Orion alone (well, mostly) and stick to helping quantum leap forward for science in general. Orion sci
people. He liked helping people, even if he was break entists want this suit back very badly, but G ramercy Is
ing the law in the process. land simply will not give it up. Note: This entire suit of
Weapons: Just his exoskeleton . armor has a very pronounced insectoid look to it, from
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Just h i s exoskeleton. top to bottom. Like the user was some giant cybernetic,
armored insect from another world.
FIREFLY Combat Armor
Type: Exoskeleton Flamebait
Body Frame: Basic human shape, reinforced.
Simon Strane was a network technician who spent a lot
Dimensions: Six feet, three inches ( 1 . 9 m) , 200 Ibs (90
of his free time online. In fact, he liked to spend all of his
kg) . time online. U nder a cluster of different handles, Strane
Power Supply: Micro-fusion power supply. would frequ ent over a dozen high-traffic message boards,
Legs: Basic h u man (Spd: 27) . engaging in an endless variety of highly opinionated dis
Arms & Hands: Basic h u man ( P . S . : 1 8) . cussions on almost any topic imaginable. Over the cou rse
Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 5 of three years, Strane became something of an online ce
lebrity as a man who had an opinion on everything, an
S.D.C.: Main Body 550; Wings
- - 1 50 each. opinion that was sure to offend 98% of the viewing public.
1 66
Strane had a gift for seeing what wou ld get u nder people's But Strane's transformation was hardly complete. U ntil
skin, and he enjoyed saying whatever it took to outrage as his attack, Strane lived a relatively quiet, lonely life. His
many people as possible. For a long time, Strane thought virulent online behavior was merely a symptom of his fear
nothing of his highly obnoxious form of entertainment. Af of other people and persistent feelings of powerlessness.
ter all, everybody's entitled to an opinion, right? Who When online, people at least listened to what he had to
cares if people couldn't handle his? say, even if they hated him for it. And , in a wei rd way, he
A lot of people, actually. During his time online, Strane felt he got a kind of respect from people, especially from
made a huge number of enemies. Most of them were fol ks the people he regularly argued with online. In the real
like Strane himself - mouthy individuals for whom the Net world, Strane was just another faceless information tech
was merely an outlet for vitriolic and anonymous out nology consu ltant. A "hired g u n" brought in by big compa
bu rsts. There were also a few unbalanced folks who nies to fix thei r networks, get a paycheck, and to be shown
wished serious harm to him, and plotted his death. One of the door when his job was done. He felt no satisfaction for
them, a convicted felon who had served time for illegal his work, no appreciation, no respect. H is life online was a
use of explosives, built an experimental kind of home cheap substitute for all that. His constant outbu rsts were a
made napalm bomb. After an extensive background venting of his rage, and kept it under control.
search, this person discovered Strane's real name and ad All that changed after the bombing . Strane became un
d ress and mailed him the device. The u nwitting Strane controllably angry at everyone and everything, raging
opened the package, which detonated in his face. against a world where he felt he could never fit in. A world
For any other person, this is where the story might end that wou ld never accept him for who he was or what he
in tragic death, but not for Simon Strane. U nbeknownst to could become. Well, he would show them. He would show
him, his genetic structure contained a latent "x-factor" that them aJn First, he would find the ones who h u rt him, and
awaited the right kind of catalyst to set it into motion . make them pay. Then he'd find anyone who ever agreed
When Strane was immolated by the napalm bomb, this with those who h u rt him, and he would make them pay.
x-factor kicked in and modified his cells accordingly. Then, he'd find anyone who'd ever agreed with them, and
Strane recovered from what should have been his fatal . .. well , you get the idea.
burns in just a few days, and shortly thereafter, incredible It didn't take long for Strane to find the guy who torched
powers kicked in. He developed the ability to transform him. By the time he was through with him, the fellow could
into a being of living fire, and to control fire itself. only be identified by his dental records. Strane's subse
quent killing spree spiraled more and more out of control
u ntil he assaulted a g roup of his perceived enemies at a
mall . By the time that terrible afternoon was over, his tar
gets were all dead , as were over thirty other innocent
folks. Dozens more were wou nded, and property damage
ranged into the millions. In the end, it was the combined
efforts of the heroes Suppressor, Particle Man and an un
expected appearance from (the then still free) Firefly, that
brought this new supervillain to his knees. When the me
dia learned of the backstory behind the rampage, they
dubbed him Flamebait.
While his appeal was pending, Flamebait escaped from
prison and continued his killing spree, only to be appre
hended by superheroes again . Flamebait escaped con
finement to wreak mayhem a second time, which is why
he has been transferred to G ramercy Island. He is kept
under control by being suspended in a tank of oxygenated
liquid that prevents his powers from activating. Tech
nically, he is supposed to spend the rest of his life in
prison, but it is only a matter of time before he figures out
a way to break out and retu rn to a life of senseless vio
lence. U ntil then, his anger seethes and intensifies, con
suming his every thoug ht and waking moment.
Despite the long list of people he has killed and
wounded, Flamebait still has a H U G E list of people who
he feels have slighted him and must pay for thei r indigni
ties with their lives. Heck, look at this lunatic the wrong
way and you're on his l ist. Eventually, he intends to get
back at all of these people, no matter what it takes. His
powers and abi lities make him a monster. Flamebait is
hopelessly arrogant and agg ressive, easily goaded into
fights he can not win or should back away from.
1 67
Real Name: Simon Strane
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 1 0, M.A.: 6, P.S.: 1 5 , P.P.: 1 5,
P.E.: 1 5, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : 1 5
Insanity: Hate-filled antisocial , psychotic killer obsessed
with delusions of persecution and retribution.
Age: 2 1 ; Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 1 75 Ibs (78.7 kg) .
Experience Level: 9
H it Points: 55
S.D.C.: 30 (80 in fiery form).
Natural A.R.: 1 4; incoming objects must roll over a 1 4 to
strike or they will melt before impact.
Power Category: Experiment.
Side Effects: Whole body g lows, making Flamebait easy
to see, especially in darkness. This seriously hampers
his P rowl abilities, as well as his hopes for interacting
with normal society without being noticed as a
Major Super Abilities: Alter P hysical Structu re: Fire, M u l-
tiple Lives (9 lives left) .
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Resistance.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to strike (+5 with fire ball and
+6 with continuous bolt of flame) , +3 to parry, +3 to
dodge (+5 in flight) , +5 to pull punch, +4 to damage, +3
to disarm , and +3 to rol l with impact.
Other Combat Info: Body flip/throw, death blow (if de
sired ; must announce intentions), karate kick: 204, trip
ping/leg hook, backward sweep. Continuous bolt of Galahad
flame: 906, fire ball : 1 006. Flamebait can also fly at 60
The mega-hero Galahad has had an extraordinarily
mph (96 km) to an altitude of 20,000 feet (6096 m).
long and glorious career as a crusader for truth and justice
Education Level and Skills of Note: Two Years of Col throughout the ages. Possessing tremendous power, j ust
lege. the mention of his name is enough to strike fear into the
Computer: Basic Electronics (95%) , Computer Oper hearts of supervillains everywhere. He was first thought to
ation (95%) , Computer Programming (85%) , and Com have appeared on the scene in 1 2th centu ry England , al
puter Repair (80%) . thoug h those who have known him say Galahad has been
Electrical: Electrical Engineer (90%) , Basic Me around for much longer than that. Clad in the arms and ar
chanics (90%) , and Robot Electronics (90%). mor of a medieval knight, Galahad appears wherever the
Secondary: Writing (70%) , Research (95%) , Law forces of truth and justice are in dire peri l . There, he fights
(General) (70%), Streetwise (56%) , First Aid (90%) , evil and tyranny for as long as it takes to right injustice and
Swim (95%) , and Prowl (30%). restore law and order. When all seems in place, this mys
Money: Flamebait is convinced he can sell his life's story terious crusader disappears, returning as if reborn many
to some publisher for a few mill, but nobody is buying years later when his special talents are requi red once
so far. more. Even when this warrior seems to be mortally
Weapons: None. wounded , he simply vanishes from sight, only to miracu
lously reappear one day, fully healed and ready to resume
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
his fight against the forces of darkness.
Galahad's most recent appearance began some seven
years ago at Century Station where he came to fight the
rising tide of lawlessness and anarchy. Before long, he
had established a name as a major hero, and became one
of the most beloved heroes of the city. Sadly, this encour
aged the evil genius Headcase to construct a kind of mind
control device that wou ld enslave Galahad to his every
1 68
whim. With Galahad under his control, Headcase rein turned. U ntil that time, Galahad qu ietly does his time on
vented the knight as an evil villain calling himself Black G ramercy Island. With good behavior, he should be out in
guard. The mind-controlled warrior conducted fou r years.
innu merable acts of wanton violence and destruction u pon
Real Name: U n known.
the terrified citizens of the city, although he never actually
Other Aliases: Blackguard and Lionheart.
killed anybody (Headcase's mind control only goes so far) .
Alignment: P rincipled
Eventually, Sector 1 0 's top superhumans descended upon
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 1 5, P.S.: 30 (super
Blackguard in force, and after a spectacular battle, de
natu ral) , P.P.: 22, P.E.: 30, P.B.: 20, Spd: 20
feated him. The world was shocked to d iscover that their
beloved Galahad was also the d read villain Blackguard . Age: U n known. Sex: Male.
Galahad's remarkable crimefighti ng career spoke t o h i s in Height: Six feet, three inches ( 1 .9 m). Weight: 200 Ibs
nocence, as well as the subsequent captu re of the (90 kg) .
mind-control equ ipment Headcase used to b rainwash Experience Level : 4
Galahad. (Headcase h imself has remained at large ever H it Points: 70
since Galahad's capture. ) Although not a legal require
ment, what Galahad needed to do to secu re his freedom
S.D.C.: 1 073
was to testify on his own behalf. Had he done that, he Power Category: Mega-Special Training (Ancient Mas
would have certainly been able to prove his innocence ter) .
and remain a free hero. However, the noble knight felt that Mega-Powers: A l l common mega-powers p l u s Tremen
the only reason Headcase was able to control him in the dous S . O.C. and Longevity.
first place was because his heart was not pu re enough, Special Abilities: Feign Death (82%) , Cleansing Spirit
his crusading d rive not strong enoug h . Thus, Galahad re (78%), Positive Energy, Channel and Unleash Physical
mained silent d u ring his trial and was sentenced by a re Energy: 3 06+8 damage.
luctant j u ry to ten years in prison.
Minor Super Abilities: Healing Factor.
At this point, nu merous law enforcement officials in high
Achilles' Heel: Vulnerable to magic. All magic attacks in
places intervened and fig u red, if they could not prevent
flict double damage and he is -4 to save vs all types of
Galahad from going to jail, they could at least send him
magical attacks.
someplace where his presence might do some good. So,
they had him sent to G ramercy Island , officially because Combat Training : SPEC IAL: Ancient Master.
his powers technically made him an escape risk, but really Number of Attacks: 8
because they hoped his presence would help to get his Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +8 strike, +8 to parry, +9 to
fellow inmates to tow the line. To that end, Galahad was dodge, +4 to automatic dodge, +4 to automatic body
placed in the general popu lation of "Bedlam," Cell Block-B. flip, +3 to disarm, +6 to pull punch, +5 to roll with
The fallen heroes tends to keep to himself for much of the punch, + 1 5 to damage, +60% to save vs coma/death ,
day, seemingly locked in meditation or deep thought. +6 to save vs Horror Factor, +6 to save vs possession ,
When he does mingle with the rest of the prison popula +2 to save vs mind control, + 1 1 to save vs poison, +7 to
tion, his mere presence brings any anarchy or lawless save vs magic, +3 to save vs psionic attacks. Trust/in
ness among the other inmates to a standstill. Even without timidate: 60%, charm/impress: 50%.
his weapons and armor, Galahad is more than a match for
Other Combat Info: Automatic back flip, automatic
any of the other inmates in Bedlam, especially since the
dodge, critical strike from behind or by surprise, death
prison authorities have deliberately chosen not to employ
blow: natural 1 7-20, disarm, entangle, body throw:
any kind of power-hobbling technology on the hero. They
204+ 1 5 plus victim loses initiative and two melee at
know Galahad's respect for the law will prevent him from
attempting an escape. Only the hatemonger Warden tacks, knockout/stun : natu ral 1 8-20, all holds (arm , leg ,
Harker protested this "disturbing situation," but he has ca neck, body) , restrained pu nch: 206+ 1 5 , full strength
pitulated and kept q u iet to avoid any political or public punch: 406+ 1 5 , power punch: 1 04x1 0+1 5 (counts as
fall-out that might h u rt his plans for futu re political office. two attacks), paired weapons (all), can leap 1 2 feet (3.6
However, it infu riates him to have a superbeing "loose" al m high) and 20 feet (6. 1 m) across.
most as much as it angers him to have "his" power Education Level and Skills of Note: Ancient Master.
usu rped from him as it has been. Scholastic Skills: Basic Math (98%) , French (85%) ,
Meanwhile, Galahad remains ever-repentant about his Biology (65%), Art (65%) , First Aid (75%) , Boxing,
involvement with the kind of crimes he has dedicated his Wrestling, Climbing (75%/65%) , Acrobatics, Gymnas
life to preventing. He truly believes that were he a true tics, Sewing (55%) , and Cook (50%).
hero, Headcase could never have gained control over his Secondary Skills: Law (General) (40%) , Basic Me
mind. To Galahad's way of thinking, some part of him chanics (45%), Basic Electronics (45%), First Aid
must have secretly wanted to commit acts of vicious aban (60%), and Swim (65%) .
don, and for such conduct, he must pay whatever debt so Weapon P roficiencies: W. P. Blunt, W . P . Chain , W. P .
ciety has seen fit to level against him. On the outside, Sword, W. P . Staff, and W . P . Shield .
numerous other superheroes find this whole situation Money: None, G alahad generally has no need for it.
absurd , and are trying to get Galahad's conviction over-
1 69
Weapons: ment officers had a difficult time nailing the G rim Harbin
Long Sword: Damage: 7D6+ 1 5. (This takes Galahad's ger on aiding and abetting , because he successfully
supernatu ral strength into account.) distanced himself from his criminal clients, and because
Large Shield : Damage: 6D6+ 1 5 when used for bashing. he performed such a valuable service to the underworld
(This takes Galahad's supernatu ral strength into ac that nobody was willing to rat him out (in fact, many
count.) Bonuses: +3 to parry. S . D . C . : 1 00 wrongly assu med he would "know" if they did, even before
they did it, escape captu re and seek retribution upon
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Plate Mail: A . A . : 1 6,
them) .
S . D . C : 1 50.
He finally made a mistake when long-time psychic rival,
the hero Psynapse, with whom the G rim Harbinger had
tangled back d u ring his M indbender days, l u red him out
into the open. Psynapse reached the villain via astral pro
jection and issued an open challenge: single combat with
him anytime, anywhere in Centu ry Station. As u nsafe as it
was, the G rim Harbinger's pride and an u nsettled grudge
against Psynapse were enough to make him take the bait.
He traveled to Centu ry Station and foolishly thoug ht that
Psynapse would really meet him in single combat. When
he arrived at the prearranged battle site he found was an
entire C-SWAT platoon backed up by elements of Sector
1 0 waiting for him. Nobody's fool, the G rim Harbinger sur
rendered without a fight, and doubted they could make
any charges stick. He was wrong.
U nknown to the G rim Harbinger, a cad re of criminals
had turned States evidence against him to save their own
necks . In exchange for d ramatically reduced sentences
th rough plea bargaining, they testified to the vil lain's many
criminal acts. Worse, they made it sou nd as if he was
some kind of criminal mastermind instigating crime. As a
result, The G rim Harbinger is cu rrently serving 99 years in
G ramercy Island and kicki ng himself every day for his stu
pidity. If given the chance to remove his psionic dampen
ers, he is confident he can escape, and perhaps free a
few others for good measu re.
1 70
S uper Psionics: Bio-Manipu lation ( 1 0), Bio-Regener- freelancing as a courier and runner for vigilantes and crim
ation (super) (20) , Psi-Shield (30) , and Psi-Sword (30). inals - not fully aware of exactly what he was delivering
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic. or who he was working for.
Number of Attacks: 5 Harrier's luck ran out when he did the wrong job for the
wrong kind of people and was taken in on an aiding and
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and
abetting charge as well as resisting arrest. To his credit, it
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, and +2 to pull punch.
took the Centu ry Station Police Department and several
Other Combat Info: Needs only a 1 0 to save vs psionics. supe rheroes fou r hours to catch him. His expert knowl
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School. edge of the city's streets and back alleys gave him an
Military Program (Basic) : Running, Body Building , edge, but in the end, it was hardly enough to keep him
Military Etiquette (55%), and Radio: Basic (75%) . ahead of the concerted efforts of the city's finest. Once
Commu nications: Basic Electronics (50%) , Radio: taken into custody, Harrier was tried and sentenced to a
Scramblers (55%), T.V.Nideo (43%) , and Radio: Satel three-year stint on G ramercy Island. Considering his lack
lite (45%) . of any previous criminal convictions, and the insistence of
Secondary Skills: Literacy (40% ) , Business & Fi various superheroes in the area that the lad has a decent
nance ( 45% ) , Computer Operation ( 50% ) , Sing (45%) , chance of reform, Harrier will probably be paroled in half
Wilderness Su rvival ( 35% ) , Law (General) (35%) , Re that time. If he keeps cool in prison, that is.
search (60%) , and Writing (Journalism Style; 35%). To keep his powers in check, Harrier must wear a set of
Weapon P roficiencies: W.P. Rifle, W . P . Automatic bracers, anklets, belt and collar that impose a kind of
Pistol, W.P. Shotgun. hyperg ravitic field on him that makes him unable to leave
Money: It is widely believed that the G rim Harbinger has a the g round and reduces his speed by half. These items
great deal of wealth secreted away, but anybody who are lowjacked and monitored by the central office of the
learns of it mysteriously loses all recollection of it soon prison's Super-Being Containment Wing, so if they were to
thereafter. Although one would suspect the G rim Har be discarded or disabled, the authorities would instantly
binger of blanking people's memories, he does not know about it.
have that power. Moreover, he does not know this Harrier is one of a n umber of young men and women
mass memory loss is even going on, much less who with super abilities but without any real direction in how to
might be perpetrating it. What does this person stand to
gain by keeping the G rim Harbinger's fortune a secret?
Weapons: None. Never uses a weapon to avoid any
charges of assau lt with a deadly weapon and murder.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. He used to have
a sweet little sports car.
Meet Century Station's only super-powered cou rier, the
one, the only, Harriet1 Using Sonic Flight, he prefers to fly
only a few feet off the g round (largely because of an i ronic
fear of heights) , dodging obstacles in a reckless, dare
devil , stunt-flyer fashion. He promises to get anything any
where in town within the hour. Some think he's a
showboater abusing his powers for a quick buck. Others
think he's a harmless sideshow, and some find him a likely
recruit who could use his considerable talents either for
good or evil .
Harrier, a. k.a. Stuart Suycott, h i g h school ju nior, is a
mutant who went skyflying when his powers fi rst mani
fested themselves but were still u nstable. On one flight,
his powers gee ked out on him and he fell several thou
sand feet before they kicked in again . The experience
never repeated itself, but it gave the Harrier a lasting fear
of heights. U nwilling to fly higher than 500 feet ( 1 52 m), he
developed the acrobatic, g rou nd-hugging flight style that
has become his trademark.
For over a year, Harrier had been one of the few super
h u man individuals on the scene who had never tangled
with either a hero or a villain. He had been skating the
edge between the various factions, and skirting the law,
1 71
use them or dedicate their lives to good. Super g roups like Weapons: None - it's not like he's a criminal or anything.
the Centurions have launched junior superhero teams in Vehicles and Other Equipment: Point Blank Vest: A. R . :
part to raise a new generation of superheroes, but also to 1 0, S . D . C . : 70. Note: Harrier wears this along with a
give g uys like Harrier a shot at turning their lives around pair of goggles and a paintball face mask he's owned
before they go seriously astray. So far, Harrier has shown for a couple of years. Together, his armor is meant to
some interest in this program, but is unsure if he can really protect him mostly from airborne debris while he is fly
commit to it. Time will tell if he becomes a hero, or ing. (A piece of g ravel or a bug h u rts a lot when you
whether his stint on the Island is just the first of many smack into it at just u nder Mach 1 .) He pu rchased the
more to come. armor from one of his underworld clients.
Also Known As: Fly Boy.
Real Name: Stuart Suycott
Occupation: High School J u nior. Hazmat
Alignment: U nprincipled Meet the Hazardous Materials Man! Arliss Core was a
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 1 2, P.S. : 1 4, P.P.: hazardous materials cleanup worker from Texas who
20, P.E.: 1 5, P.B. : 1 3, Spd : 20 worked for the world-class Golden Crescent, Inc. (GCI)
Age: 1 7; Sex: Male. petrochemical corporation . The company took its name
Height: Five feet, six inches ( 1 .68 m). Weight: 1 40 Ibs from the so-called "golden crescent" territory in which it is
(63 kg) . based . A territory stretching from New Orleans through
Insanity: Fear o f heights. T h e kid prefers t o fly n o higher Texas that contains the highest concentration of petro
off the ground than ten feet (3 m), but will go up to 500 leum refineries and petrochemical facilities in the world .
(1 52 m) when absolutely necessary. Technically, he As one can imagine, these facilities have their fair share of
can fly as high as an airplane. fi res and hazmat spills, so hazmat professionals like Arliss
Core are in g reat demand . I n fact, GCI maintai ned their
Experience Level : 3
own fire-fighting and hazmat crews headed by Core, a
H it Points: 26 top-notch expert in the field.
S.D.C.: 1 30 All that changed the day GCI suffered a hazardous ma
Power Category: M utant. terials spill in its experimental compounds facility. The
Major Super Abil ities: Sonic Flight. work being done there was all considered a big industrial
Minor Super Abilities: Radar and Extraordinary Physical secret. Fearful its new secret project might being compro
P rowess. mised and fall i nto the hands of a rival, GCI sent its
cleanu p crew to the site without telling them exactly what
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic.
they were cleaning up. All they would say was that it was
Number of Attacks: 7 "Hypertane," a flammable, corrosive, and deadly chemical
Bonuses: +7 to initiative, +6 to strike, +7 to parry, +7 to mixture. (Basically, the stuff amounted to a kind of rocket
dodge, +3 to automatic dodge, +2 to roll with fuel that could be used by ordinary automobiles.)
pu nch/fall/impact, and +2 to pull punch. Although concerned for his men's safety, Core led his
In-Flight Bonuses: + 1 attack per melee, + 1 to strike, +2 crew through the cleanup, which went off without a hitch
to parry, and +6 to dodge. u ntil a tank unexpectedly burst, covering Core in the vola
Other Combat Info: Punch : 1 D4, Sonic Two-Fisted tile Hypertane. By the time his crewmen got to him and
Punch: 1 D4x1 0 (3D6 to self) , Sonic Body Block/Ram: cleaned him off, the Hypertane had bu rned through h is
2D4x1 0 (5D6 to self) , and Critical Strike: 1 9-20. suit. Hideous b u rns covered 85% of his body and Core
spent the next several months u ndergoing intensive medi
Education Level and Skills of Note: High School.
cal care. He made an unlikely recovery as his body slowly
Technical Program: Writing (38%), Computer Opera
covered itself in scar tissue. He also began to d isplay an
tion (55%) , Speak/Literacy: French (65%), Speak/Liter
array of amazing powers which transformed him into a liv
acy: German (65%) , Research (65%), Art (50%) ,
ing battery of hazardous energy. He cou ld transform him
Business & Finance (50%) , P hotography (50%). self into a toxic form of plasma and could even control
Secondary Skills: Astronomy (35%), Pilot Motorcycle radioactive energies, but at the same time, he remained
(68%), Advanced Mathematics (55%) , Land Navigation terribly scarred and in constant pain.
(44%) , Sewing (50%) , Cook (45%) , Play M usical I nstru
Core was slated to undergo nerve deadening su rgery to
ment (Keyboard) (45%), Computer Programming
stop the pain, but he went berserk before that could hap
(50%), and Radio: Basic (55%) .
pen. Using his new powers, Core broke free from the hos
Money: He made about $1 00 a week working in a local pital and bu rnt most of it down as he battled his way to the
used bookstore as his legitimate pay. However, he has outside. Without skipping a beat, he headed to the G C I fa
worked as a superhu man courier for shady elements on cility where he had been inj u red . Than kfully, authorities
more than a few occasions, earning a few thousand tracking the crazed man's prog ress alerted the facility,
bucks each time. However, he has kept most of this which fully evacuated before Core arrived . He opened u p
cash hidden because he does not know how to spend it with streams of plasma and radiation , touching off a series
without his family finding out (he has $1 3,000 stashed of explosions that destroyed the enti re facility. For three
way) .
1 72
days, the th ree-mile (4.8 km) facility was engulfed in toxic
flames as millions of gallons of equally toxic ru noff drained
into the G u lf of Mexico, the worst ecological disaster for
the U . S . petroleum industry since Alaska's Prince Edward
Sound spill. The total price tag for the facility damage and
environmental cleanup: $4.4 billion.
As the media covered the incident, Core was dubbed
Hazmat, the Hazardous Materials Man. After the initial de
struction subsided , Hazmat barricaded himself within the
wreckage and was captu red only after a lengthy siege by
Federal law enforcement and SCRET squads. He was
tried for capital destruction, envi ronmental endangerment,
and a half-dozen other charges, amounting to over one
thousand years in prison. Although Hazmat got about half
that time thrown out in appeals, that would still leave him
at the ripe old age of 533 when he finally gets out of jail.
U ntil then, he spends all of his time locked in an armored
contain ment suit that prevents his powers from activating ,
but also has the pleasant side effect of deadening his oth
erwise constant agony.
Note: Hazmat is not the fi rst superbeing to be created
by Hypertane. The villain Scorcher gained his powers
when he d rank a beaker of Hypertane on a bet, and the
mutant lab rat Samuel Strong also gained his human fea
tu res and super abilities when injected with the stuff d u ring
its early development.
Real Name: Arliss Core
Other Aliases: Atomic Monster
Alignment: M iscreant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 2, M.A. : 1 0, P.S. : 1 5 (super
natural), P.P.: 1 4, P.E.: 1 4, P.B.: 4, Spd: 1 5
Insanity: Driven insane from the disfiguring accident and
the pain, Hazmat is incredibly violent and easily pro
voked into mindless aggression. He is also obsessed
with making those responsible suffer, but that elite
g roup of targets has been expanded to include anybody
in the oil or chemical business! Worse, he takes his an
ger and pain out on everybody around him.
Age: 38; Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 1 85 Ibs (83.2 kg) .
Experience Level: 1 st level monster/villain, was a 9th
level hazmat specialist.
H it Points: 34
S.D.C. : 460 (constantly in his plasma form).
Power Category : Considered an accidental Mega-Experi
Side Effects: Chemical Resistance.
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers plus Tremen
dous S.D.C.
Major Super Abilities: APS: Plasma and Control Radia
Achi lles' Heel: SPECIAL: Overactive Powers. Hazmat's
APS: Plasma is constantly active, which makes him a
burn hazard to everything he comes into contact with .
J ust touching him causes 1 D6x1 0 damage! Moreover,
his Generate Extreme Levels of Deadly Radiation
power is likewise always active, inflicting 306 damage
1 73
to everybody within 50 feet ( 1 5.2 m), along with a of the weapon's true nature, because Bonereaver chose
01 %-30% chance of giving them radiation sickness. to conceal itself u ntil coming into contact with somebody it
The only way for Hazmat to avoid affecting other peo thought would make a nice host. Andy fit the bill, and the
ple by either of these effects is to wear a specially moment he touched the axe, the spirit of the weapon took
shielded suit that contains his powers enti rely. The suit him over. Andy and Bonereaver were made one and
is more like a suit of armor (A. A . 1 5, S . D . C . : 1 60) that became the joint entity known as the Headsman. During a
can only be opened/removed from the back, and after staged, mock medieval battle, Andy brought his magic axe
one has entered a 30 digit pass code onto the keypad onto the field , and before anybody could ask him to put
on the armor's back. the "live" weapon away, the Headsman went into action.
Cold and water based attacks do double damage. Within minutes, ten players were down and the crowd
Being placed in a vacuum inflicts 306 damage per min screamed and fled , having realized this was no act. An
ute. other six folks died in the stampede away from the fair
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Expert. g rounds.
Number of Attacks: 4 For the weapon , the feeling of blood on its blade was
Bonuses: +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +5 to like a d rink of water after too long a thirst. For Andy, he
was both horrified and exhilarated by what had transpired,
save against all chemicals, poisons and toxins, +2 to
but by this time, he was little more than a passenger in his
save vs magic potions. I mpervious to all types of radia
own body. Watching himself say and do things that felt like
tion, heat, fire, molten slag and even magic fire.
they were drawn from his subconscious - vaguely recog
Other Combat Info: Plasma bolt: 1 D6x1 0+2, plasma nizable, but utterly beyond his ability to change or control.
touch: 1 D6x1 0, discharge nuclear fire: 406.
The Headsman escaped the fair massacre and contin
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School equiv ued bloody spree killings throughout a four-city circuit.
alent. Most of these were at or near the 90 percent Even though several prominent super-sleuths got involved
range, but the pai n and trau ma have so tortu red his on the case, the Headsman was not caught u ntil the
mind that all skills have been severely diminished and sword-wielding mega-hero Durandal was brought in. Dur
most of his old hazmat skills lost. ing the fight, Bonereaver relished every time it clashed
Domestic P rogram: Basic Mathematics (40%) , Cook with Durandal and wants a rematch with the sword. Al
(45%), Sewing (50%), Sing (45%) though the Headsman went to a life stretch in prison (he is
Wilderness P rogram: Wilderness Su rvival (45%) , now just the Andy Bu rrod persona) and his sword into the
Identify Plants & Fru its (35%) , Land Navigation (46%), G ramercy Island evidence depot, the two of them remain
P reserve Food (35%) , Skin & P repare Animal Hides in telepathic contact and will figure out some kind of break
(40%) from this prison.
Secondary: Swim (50%), Running, Prowl (25%), I n combat, the Headsman wears a stylized execu
Climbing (40%/30%) , Body Building, Fishing (40%) , tioner's outfit. A simple tunic and leggings, a leather vest,
Cook (35%) leather wrist bands, and a hood. His axe is always with
Money: None. After his criminal rampage, Hazmat's entire him and unless defeated and separated from his weapon.
family has abandoned him, so now he has nothing. The Headsman does not assume a secret identity be
Weapons: None. cause he enjoys being the m u rderous Headsman .
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None at present, but It is also worth mentioning that occult experts believe
should he ever escape, he will definitely bring along h is the Headsman is just one of a circle of villains, each of
containment suit. He likes the armor protection it pro whom is beholden to a different magic weapon. Although
vides, and he wou ld like to hire a Hardware expert to in the names and powers of these weapons are unknown, a
stall ports on the gauntlets that would allow Hazmat to photog raph of the g roup taken 40 years ago shows indi
expel his energy blasts while keeping the armor on. viduals wielding a magic sword, a magic spear, a magic
war hammer, and a magic flail , in addition to Bonereaver.
For the Headsman's part, he is either unwilling or unable
The Headsman to speak about this, even when under chemical encour
agement or hypnosis.
The magical axe Bonereaver has been the implement Real Name: Andy Bu rrod
of destruction for many a villai n and overlord throughout Alignment: Was Unprincipled , but has become Diabolic
the ages. The item first appeared in Scandinavia in the
since obtaining the magical axe Bonereaver.
ninth centu ry and has shown up about once every centu ry
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: 1 1 , M.A. : 1 0, P .5. : 1 0 (30; su
since. Each time the axe is wielded by a different owner;
pernatu ral) , P.P.: 1 0 ( 1 8 transformed), P.E.: 1 0 (21 trans
ostensibly whoever owns Bonereaver comes to an un
formed), P.B.: 9, Spd : 21 (33 transformed).
timely end because of it.
Age: 26; Sex: Male.
The axe's cu rrent owner is a burly medieval
recreationist named Andy Bu rrod . He picked u p Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 1 75 Ibs (78.7 kg) .
Bonereaver a t a weapon dealer's table during a local me Experience Level: Two as Andy, but six as the Heads-
dieval-renaissance fair. Neither the dealer nor Andy knew man.
1 74
H it Points: 33 (+35 transformed). save vs magic, +3 to save vs poison, and +1 2% to save
S.D.C.: 1 5 (+250 transformed). vs coma/death.
Power Category: Mega-Magic (Enchanted Weapon). Other Combat Info: Restrained pu nch: 206+ 1 5 ,
Mega-Powers: All the common mega-powers plus Tre- full-strength punch o r kick: 406+1 5, power punch:
mendous Strength. 1 D4x1 0+1 5 (cou nts as two attacks) , axe strike:
Weapon of Chaos Abilities: Damage Bonus, Power Bolt, 606+ 1 6, power axe strike: 1 D6x1 0+1 5 (cou nts as two
Animate and Control the Dead , Tu rn Self and Wielder attacks) . Karate kick: 206, tripping/leg hook, backward
I nvisible, Fly, Circle of Flame. sweep. Critical strike: 1 8-20. Death blow: 1 6-20 (if de
Super Abilities: Extraordinary Endurance, Extraordinary sired ; must announce intentions). Can see the invisible.
P hysical P rowess. Education Level and Skills of Note: One Year of Col
Achilles' Heel: Deadly Metal : Silver, plus magic has full lege.
effect and does full damage, including other magic Technical : Research (85%) , Writing (60%) , Business
weapons. & Finance (60%) , Computer Operation (65%) , Com
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert. Note: This is puter P rogramming (65%), Law (General) (60%) , Pho
only when transformed into the Headsman . Andy tog raphy (70%), and Art (45%) .
Burrod does not know how to fight at all, and if at Secondary: Athletics (General), Running, Body
tacked , he has only two melee actions per round, and Building, W . P . Blunt, W . P . Shield, and W. P . Axe.
no bonuses whatsoever. The following bonuses are for Money: Yeah , right. Bonereaver goads Bu rrod into slaying
when he is transformed into the Headsman . innocent people so much he hardly ever earns any kind
Number of Attacks: 6 of money at all, even from robberies or other criminal
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +4 to strike, +5 to parry and jobs.
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull pu nch, +5 to Weapons: None. Bonereaver does not allow it.
1 75
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Chain and Plate Armor:
A . R . : 1 5, S . D . C . : 1 00.
.. A
.. . .- � .
. .. . . .. �
Like the famous alien superhero Alpha Prime, Kisentite laug hed at Alpha P rime's message and intend to ignore it.
came to earth to catch those aliens who break the Cove Meanwhile, a few have wondered aloud if they shouldn't
nant - an agreement among the galactic community not assemble a large war fleet of advanced combat vessels
to meddle with non-starfaring worlds like Earth . At first, and head to Earth to conquer and enslave its people. As
Kisentite performed his duties to the letter, but he soon fell for Kisentite himself, he stews in prison, waiting for an op
to corruption. Instead of apprehending alien criminals, he portunity to escape and extract revenge.
extorted a hefty cut of thei r profits. Finally, a disgruntled
Real Name: U r-Ku-Si
business "partner" reported Kisentite to Alpha Prime and
Alignment: Aberrant
the two set to battle. Kisentite lost (but gave a really good
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 1 , M.E.: 1 5, M.A.: 1 2 , P.S. : 45, P.P.:
fight) and has resided in G ramercy Island ever since.
1 7, P.E.: 2 0, P.B.: 5 , Spd : 22
Alpha Prime has asked Kisentite's fellow homeworlders
Age: Unknown . Sex: Not applicable. Kisentite's species
to come get him and imprison him there. However, Alpha
reproduces by a kind of budd ing process.
P rime failed to realize that Kisentite's homeworld had un
dergone a radical political shift and now the planet is con Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 350 Ibs ( 1 57.5 kg) .
trolled by vicious, planet-devouring warlords. They Experience Level : 5
1 76
H it Points: 45
S.D.C.: 200
Megasau r
A.R.: 1 4 Like a T. Rex stomping though the world of heroes and
Power Category: Alien (Super Abilities) . villains, the Megasaur is a living legend of larceny and ter
ror. He is a h u man with reptilian characteristics, but has
Alien Appearance: Humanoid mineral.
always felt more akin to mutant reptiles than Homo Sapi
Alien Environment: Normal Earth Environment. ens. After a long stint as a major supervillain, the
Reason for Coming to Earth : Criminal pursuit; ex-law Megasaur disappeared for a few years. When he resu r
man. faced , it was in the j u ngles of Mexico, G uatemala, and
Familiarity with Earth : Extensive. Kisentite is fl uent Hond u ras, where the M egasaur was proclaiming himself
(98%) in English, Spanish , Russian, Chinese, and Jap King of a reptilian republic and began to raid villages and
anese. towns insisting they worship him or be destroyed! They
didn't take this madman too seriously, u ntil he sent two
Minor Super Abilities: Manipulate Kinetic Energy, Power
military companies in retreat.
Channeling, Energy Resistance, Supervision: X-ray,
I mpervious to Fire and Heat. That's when the joint governments scrambled the
heroes Quetzlcoatl and Vaquero to defeat Megasaur and
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Assassin.
crush his mad d reams of kingship. The two heroes de
Number of Attacks: 6 feated the villain and brought him to G ramercy Island ,
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +3 to strike, +1 to parry and where he is now serving a life sentence for slaying
dodge, +5 to pull punch, +34 to damage, +3 to disarm, Vaquero and dozens of soldiers and innocent people.
+3 to roll with impact, +1 0% to save vs coma/death , Megasau r is a loner at heart and will not team up with
and +3 to save vs magic. other villains unless they are at least as powerful and ex
Other Combat Info: Body tackle: 1 06+504+34, head perienced as he. Even then, such an alliance would be
butt: 306+34, punch: 606+34, power punch: temporary at best.
1 06x1 0+40 (cou nts as two actions) , kick: 706+34,
Real Name: U n known.
jump kick: 204x1 0+34.
Alignment: Oiabolic
Education Level and Skills of Note: Alien General Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2 , M.E.: 1 2, M .A.: 1 2, P.S.: 53 (su per
Studies, natural) normal ; 99 (supernatu ral) giant, P.P.: 29, P.E.:
Scholastic Skills: Astronomy (45%) , Astrophysics 23, P.B.: 1 2, Spd : 46 ( 92 , giant)
(50%), and Biology (50%) .
Insanity: A power-crazed madman, with delusions of god
Secondary: Basic Math (65%) , Advanced Math
hood, bent on conquering some part of the world as his
(65%), Wilderness Su rvival (55%), Basic Mechanics
private kingdom. The fi rst step to his conquest of the
(50%), Basic Elect'ronics (50%) , and Radio: Basic
Age: U nknown. Sex: Male.
Money: Kisentite came to Earth with $30,000 in precious
gems. He has hidden this, along with the rest of his Height: Seven feet (2. 1 4 m) normal , 53 feet ( 1 6.2 m) gi
equipment at his landing site. He will retrieve it all once ant. Weight: 300 Ibs ( 1 35 kg) normal; 2600 Ibs ( 1 1 70
kg) giant.
he escapes from prison. O r when the invasion fleet ar
rives, whichever comes first. Experience Level : 1 1
Weapons: H it Points: 83
Laser Rifle: Oamage: 606 per blast. Rate of Fire: Single S.D.C.: 1 70 normal; 1 550 giant.
shot or burst firing. Range: 1 400 feet (427 m). Payload: Horror Factor (when giant): 1 6 .
20 shot E-clip. Power Category: Mega-Mutant.
Laser Pistol: Oamage: 406 per blast. Rate of Fire: Single U nusual Characteristics: Odd Face (Reptilian Features) ,
shot or burst firing. Range: 300 feet (91 m). Payload: 1 5 Scaly Skin, and U nstable Powers.
round E-clip.
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers plus Tremen
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: One-Man Gyrocopter dous Strength.
(VTOL) : A small, single-seat rotorcraft. No canopy, j ust
Major Super Abilities: Animal Abilities: Reptile, G rowth,
a seat, motor, landing gear and tail . Maximum Speed:
Super-Energy Expulsion (eyes and mouth) .
1 80 mph (288 km) . Cru ising Speed: 1 45 mph (232 km) .
Bonuses: +1 to dodge. S . O . C . : 300. Minor Super Abilities: Energy Resistance, I mpervious to
Fire and Heat , Heightened Sense of Smel l , Supervi
sion: Advanced Sight (great for spotting individuals
when Megasaur is at full height)
Achilles' Heel : God Syndrome. The Megasau r considers
himself a god who should be worshipped by all the peo
ple of the world. He sees all reptilian mutants and
aliens as his people and expects them to serve as his
1 77
minions and chosen ones. If there were enough reptil
ian people, they could march forth under his leadership
and rid the world of the d readed homo sapiens.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike (+1 for wild energy
blasts and +3 for aimed energy blasts) , +5 to parry, +6
to dodge (+2 giant) , +4 to disarm, +6 to roll with impact,
+2 to pull punch , +38 damage (+84 giant).
Other Combat Info: Energy blast: 1 406. Super energy
blast: 1 06x1 0+ 1 1 06+30 (uses all but one attack for the
melee round) . Restrained punch : 5 06+38 (506+84 gi
ant) , full strength punch: 204x1 0+38 (204x1 0+84, gi
ant) , power punch: 306x1 0+38 (306x1 0+84, giant),
body block/tackle: 1 04+38 ( 1 04+84, giant),
crush/squeeze: 1 04+38 ( 1 04+84, giant), pin/incapaci
tate: 1 8-20. Death blow: 1 6-20 (if desired ; must an
nounce intentions).
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School.
P hysical: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, and Gym
Secondary Skills: P rowl (70%) , Climbing (75%/65%),
Swimming (85%) , Body Building, and Speak English
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Pai red (All), W . P . Axe
(+2 to strike and parry, +1 to throw) , W . P . Sword (+2 to
strike and parry) .
Money: None. Megasau r largely exists in the wilderness,
away from civilization. He considers money to be a hu
man weakness and takes whatever he wants.
Weapons: None.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: As god , everything in
the world belongs to him.
1 78
mes in contact with , then he fig u res out what makes peo
ple tick, what thei r weaknesses and desires are, and uses
them to his advantage. This may involve blackmail, to co
ercion, to simply more information gatheri ng. ("Come on,
who's this information going to h u rt? Do you really want
the press to learn you r secret?") With this kind of power
and data at his disposal, the M iddleman can try to lever
age al most anybody, or sti r the pot, i nstigating trouble
among rivals, as well as help push through almost any
thing within the underworld. And if he doesn't have his
hand in something (and getting a piece of the action) , he
certainly knows about it.
The M iddleman conducted business like this for 25
years, controlling the Centu ry Station underworld to his lik
ing with nobody any the wiser. However, that changed
when The Minotaur entered the crime scene. This mysteri
ous crime lord saw the Middleman as a real pain in the
neck as well as a potential threat to the future of his oper
ations. So he set him up, beat the M iddleman at his own
game, and now the old, secret kingpin of blackmail and in
telligence is doing time in solitary (Cell Block-C) for the
next 40 years. Now, the M iddleman sits and bides his
time, confident that once things shift in the syndicates
once more, he'll find a way to get out and rebuild his em
pire. Somehow, he still manages to know what's going on
at G ramercy Island, and catches snippets about the real
world. Meanwhile, there are easily a hundred inmates who
would like to stick a shiv between his ribs for d i rty deals
and con-jobs the Midd leman played on them before he got
captu red and sent to "join the party" (imprisoned).
1 79
(90%), Palming (95%), Concealment (86%) , Pick his folks die one by one. M i re was not about to test their
Pockets (98%) , and Seduction (51 %). resolve, or wait for intervention from the law, and tu rned
P rofessional Thief Program: Locksmith (85%) , Prowl himself in. Thoug h the Federal government appreciated
(85%), S u rveillance Systems (90%) , and Climbing the lengths that these man-hunters went to captu re M i re,
(90%/98%) . and they believed them that it was all a "bluff," they dis
Secondary Skills: Art ( 80% ) , Business & Finance ag reed with thei r methods. Consequently, no bou nty was
( 80% ) , Law (General) ( 70% ) , Photography ( 80% ) , Basic paid and Heavy Gauge was arrested and sentenced to
Electronics ( 75% ) , Basic Mechanics ( 75%), and T.V. & th ree years on assau lt charges. Meanwhile, M i re is doing
Video (61 %). 25 years at G ramercy Island . When he gets out (even if
Money: Presu mably, tons of it, but the Middleman keeps
qu iet about these things. It is safe to say that he has
stashed money under a dozen different aliases, how
ever, and should he ever escape, it will be difficult to
find him again .
Weapons: None. T h e Middleman abhors personal vio
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None on the inside, who
knows what on the outside.
M i re
Hailing from Oxbow, Louisiana, mutant George Kilgore
developed his powers early into adolescence and became
the super-powered hero Mire. U nfortunately, life as a cru
sader was more difficu lt than he had imagined, the public
fickle with their affections, the authorities disapproving of
his methods, so he gave up and tu rned to crime. He al
ways struggled with his baser tendencies and liked to use
strongarm techniques, th reats and even tortu re against his
enemies. Now he didn't have to worry about what the au
thorities or press wou ld say about his cruel and abusive
methods, and the underworld knew how to respect power.
He traveled the cou ntry pulling off one masterful exploit
after another, amassing a small fortune and sending half
of it home to his rather extensive family ( 1 2 brothers and
sisters, not to mention a legion of cousins, nieces and
nephews ! ) . Whether operating solo or within a hastily as
sembled villain group, M i re was a consummate profes
sional criminal who kept his cool under fire, and could
always manage a way out of the worst situation (due in
part to his experience as a lawman). After participating in
the raid on the U ltropolis Metro Airport as well as a strong
arm robbery at the Canadian World Expo, M i re found him
self on the top 20 I nternational Most Wanted list.
For this slippery villain, such notoriety was welcomed .
He had fought for years to gain respect, and now he had
it. More work flowed in to him than he could handle, and
for a few years he was a superstar among the super-crimi
nal community. However, there was a downside to all this
nefarious prosperity. Bounty h u nters specializing in collar
ing superh u man targets were hot on M i re's trail, not to
mention "heroes" were always quick to attempt his captu re
whenever they were encountered.
Finally, a bounty h u nter named Hea vy Gauge struck
M i re where he could be hit most easily: his family. Heavy
Gauge, along with a small army of fellow hunters and sub
contracted posse members, took Mire's entire family hos
tage and demanded that the villain turn himself in or watch
1 80
it's 25 years later) , he will go after those who dared en
danger his family and hurt them back. He's also anxious to Obzelon
escape, so he can get back to supporting his family. Death has always been a fascination for the villain
Real Name: George Kilgore Obze/on. Born Victor Schanz, he became obsessed with
Other Aliases: Qaugmire - his mother calls him "puddin' death at a ve ry early age. Since he was something of a
head ." child prodigy, he rocketed through schooling and had his
Alignment: Aberrant bachelor's degree by the time he was sixteen. He contin
Attributes: I.Q.: 8, M.E.: 7, M .A.: 7, P.S.: 1 8 (40 trans ued on to become a medical doctor and went into forensic
formed; superhuman) , P.P.: 1 3, P.E.: 1 6, P.B.: 1 0, Spd : pathology largely as an excuse to get closer to as many
14 dead people as possible. This alone was creepy enough,
Age: 30; Sex: Male. but the truth behind Victor's dark fixations was far more
Height: Six feet, two inches ( 1 .88 m) . Weight: 205 Ibs
(92.2 kg) normal ; 61 5 Ibs (276.7 kg) when in mud form. During his studies, Schanz had uncovered the secrets
of necromancy, a type of sorcery specializing in spells that
Experience Level : 1 0
have power over the dead . His work with cadavers was all
H it Points: 66 just research efforts for fu rthering his macabre magical
S.D.C. : 600 knowledge. When Schanz felt he had nothing left to learn
Power Category: M utant. from this line of work, he left it and adopted the villainous
Unusual Characteristics: None. personality of Obze/on, Master of Death!
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structu re: Stone Obzelon's prime goals were ambitious to procu re im
and Alter Physical Structure: Liq uid. mortality for himself and to raise an army of dead persons
in order to control the living. To take over the world and
Special Power Note: M i re can not activate one of these rule it with a skeletal fist.
powers without activating the other. When combined ,
Obzelon's mystic knowledge is formidable, but he
these powers effectively become Alter Physical Struc
hardly can immortalize himself or raise enough dead to
tu re : Mud. The APS: Stone power remains fully intact
conquer the world. Indeed , such goals might very well be
except the A . R . 1 6 is negated in favor of the limited in
impossible to attain , since Obzelon doesn't know if spells
vulnerabil ity offered by APS: Liquid. The APS: Liquid
of such magnitude ever existed, much less that he can
power remains intact, except M i re can not d raw upon or
find them or fig u re them out for himself. Consequently, he
merge with water. Instead, he can do so with open soi/.
studies and gathers (buys or steals) ancient books and ar
Otherwise, the power works the same way, except as
tifacts of magic from every corner of the world in pu rsuit of
mud instead of water.
his goals. He also plu nders knowledge from the minds of
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic. other spell casters. This may involve a free-wi lled sharing
Number of Attacks: 6 of knowledge or the mad Necromancer may slay them,
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and and plu mbs their dead memories for whatever knowledge
dodge, +5 to damage (+20 transformed), +4 to roll with he can use for his dark magic.
impact, +4 to pull punch, and + 1 to disarm. Over the years , he has taken the heads of some 20
Other Combat Info: Mud (water) bolt: 204+1 0, punch: sorcerers, most of whom were notable players in the
1 04+5 (+20 transformed), karate kick: 204+5 (+20 global spell caster commu nity. This made Obzelon a dan
transformed), critical strike: 1 9-20, and body throw/flip. gerous rogue wanted worldwide by virtually every orga
nized wizards' SOCiety there is. With this kind of heat, it
Education Level and Skills of Note: Two Years of Col
was only a matter of time before Obzelon was captu red
and punished.
Business Program: Basic Mathematics (25%), Busi
ness & Finance (95%) , Computer Operation (95%) , On Christmas Eve two years ago, the fateful showdown
Law (General) (85%) , and Research (98%) . happened in a titanic magic battle on Scotland's O rkney
Science Program: Advanced Mathematics (98%) , Islands. Nobody really knows what happened except that
Chemistry (90%), Biology (90%), Botany (85%) , and the Order of Three defeated Obzelon, he was tried, found
Anthropology (80%). guilty of multiple i nternational mu rders and later deposited
Secondary Skills: Sing (80%) , Play G uitar (80%), at G ramercy Island to serve out a life sentence without pa
role. He resides in a cell which has been marked with a
Athletics (General) , Dance (75%) , Streetwise (61 %) ,
magic circle that p revents him from casting any spells
Concealment (61 %), Law (General) (70%) , and Gen
whatsoever. The circle was d rawn and is routinely main
eral Repai r/Maintenance (80%).
tained by one of the world's g reatest hero-sorcerers , Lord
Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Knife, W . P . Chain
Money: Not much. As usual , M i re has given most of his
Real Name: Victor Schanz
earnings to his family.
Other Aliases: None.
Weapons: None. Alignment: Diabolic.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. Attributes: I.Q.: 1 9, M.E.: 9 , M .A.: 5 , P.S.: 1 0, P.P.: 9,
P.E.: 8 , P.B.: 7, Spd : 8
1 81
H it Points: 50
S.D.C.: 30
P.P.E.: 200
Power Category: Magic (Mystic Study) .
Magic Abilities: Astral P rojection (6), Familiar Link (20) ,
Sense Enchantment (0) , Sense Supernatu ral Evil (0) ,
Sense Magic (4) .
Spell Knowledge: For added spice, feel free to substitute
any of Obzelon's spells for any of the Necro-Magic
spells found in either the Pal ladium Fantasy RPG®,
Rifts® World Book 4: Africa TM , or R iftS® World Book
1 8: Mystic Russia™. Spells in italics below are to be
found in the H U G.M.'s Guide™ .
Levels One through Fou r: All spells!
Level Five: Calling (8)
Level Six: Animate Object (1S)
Level Seven: Animate & Control Dead (20), Con
strain Being (20), Life Drain (25) .
Level Eight: Commune with Spirits (2S), Sickness
(SO), Spoil (30)
Level N i ne: Monster I nsect (50 or 1 00), Summon &
Control Canines (SO)
Level Ten: Phantom Horse (60), Summon Shadow
Beast ( 1 40) , Summon & Control Rodents (70)
Level Eleven: Create Mummy (1 60), Summon &
Control Animals (12S)
Level Twelve: Create Zombie (2S0)
Combat Training : None. Obzelon prefers to let his
Zombies and other undead machinations fight for him.
Number of Attacks: Two hand to hand or two by spell
Bonuses: None.
Other Combat Info: +5 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs
poison, +4 to save vs possession and Horror Factor, +4
to Spell Strength (victims need to roll a 1 6 or higher to
save vs his magic).
Education Level and Skills of Note: Doctorate
Magic Skills: Spell Translation (47%), Demons &
Monsters (98%) , Geomancy (98%), Religion (98%) , Ar
chaeology (98%) , Chemistry (98%) , and Holistic Medi
cine (98%).
Medical Assistant: Basic Mathematics (98%) , Busi
ness & Finance (98%) , Computer Operation (98%), Bi
ology (98%), Paramedic (98%)
Medical Doctor: Chemistry (98%) , Pathology (98%) ,
and Medical Doctor (98%/98%) .
Medical I nvestigation: C riminal Science/Forensics
Insanities: Obsession: I mmortality (wants it for himself) , (98%) and Advanced Mathematics (98%) .
death (wants to master and control it), and power Science: Arstronomy (98%) , Anthropology (95%) and
(wants it for himself) , combined with megalomania and Chemistry: Analytical (98%).
a dissociative disorder that makes people little more im Secondary: Body Building , Running, Climbing
portant than cattle. (85%n5%) , Swimming (95%), Athletics (General) , Rec
ognize Weapon Quality (70%) and First Aid (90%).
Age: 52; Sex: Male.
Money: Oh, he's got plenty, all right.
Height: Six feet, two inches ( 1 .88 m). Weight: 1 50 Ibs
(67.5 kg) . Weapons: None; relies on magic.
Experience Level: 1 0 Vehicles and Other Equipment: Still owns an estate in
Germany that is being maintained by a cousin. A secret
1 82
sub-basement at that property is a mortuary bunker that
the authorities never discovered. It contains 40 skele
tons, two mu mmies and a dozen zombies, along with
Obzelon's most precious artifacts and books on magic
(worth billions, many stolen from museums and private
collections from around the world) , along with a million
dollars worth of gems.
The Octagon
Otto Corben i s the result of a long and unusual experi
ment in genetics and human breeding. He is of a stock of
hu mans selected by a secret eugenics organization to
breed with one another in order to produce superh u man
offspring. For seven generations, this secret breeding pro
gram produced an increasingly sophisticated blood line
u ntil only one "viable" descendant remained . This descen
dant, G u nther Corben, had eight sons, with Otto being the
youngest. The eighth son of an eighth son, Otto devel
oped amazing mutant powers, just as the ancient eugen
ics masters who bred him had predicted . Now, thei r work
tu rned to what to do with this superhuman. They seemed
to want Otto to become a leader of men, perhaps to con
trol a nation of his own or alter h u man civilization in some
way. These idealistic d reams were never to be realized .
Otto may have incredible powers, but he also has the
heart of villai n. A brutal thug who only wanted to abuse his
powers for personal gain. To the disgust and dismay of
those who b red him, Otto forsook his heritage and be
came the superpowered villain Octagon. Arrogant and
overconfident, he was his own u ndoing and is cu rrently
doing 1 0 years in G ramercy Island for armed robbery. It
has been 4 years al ready, and Otto is definitely a changed
man, but not for the better. As soon as he gets out, he
plans on putting together a league of superbeings to follow
him, track down his makers, and force them to help him
take over the world.
Real Name: Otto Corben
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 8, M.A.: 7, P.S.: 24, P.P.: 24,
P.E.: 24, P.B.: 2 1 , Spd : 24
Insanities: Megalomania, antisocial and anger manage
ment problems and obsession: h imself (he loves him
self to pieces, why don't you?).
Age: 24. Sex: Male.
Height: Six feet, six inches ( 1 .95 m). Weight: 200 Ibs (90
Experience Level : 8
H it Points: 64
S.D.C.: 1 40
Power Category: M utant
Major Super Abilities: Multiple Lives (SPECIAL! The Oc
tagon has 7 lives left. Each time he is reborn, however,
his remaining two super powers are to be randomly
re-rolled . They will remai n Major Super Powers, but ex
actly which ones is up in the air. ) , Super Energy Expul
sion and Energy Absorption.
1 83
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +8 to strike, +9 to parry and
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +2 to
disarm, + 1 1 to damage, +5 to save vs poison and
magic, +1 8% to save vs coma/death, 55% chance to
charm and impress.
Other Combat Info: Energy blast: 1 06x1 0+6, super en
ergy blast: 2 06x1 0+20 (uses all but one melee attack) .
Snap kick: 1 06+1 1 , karate kick: 204+1 1 , roundhouse
kick: 3 06+1 1 , critical strike: 1 8-20, paired weapons
(all), body throw/flip, knockout on a natu ral 20, body
block/tackle: 1 04+ 1 1 , crush/squeeze: 1 04+ 1 1 , pin/i n
capacitate: 1 8-20. I mpervious to energy attacks, heat
and fi re.
Education Level and Skills of Note: High School G radu
P hysical P rogram: Boxing and Wrestling.
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (49%) , I nterrogation
(75%), Pick Locks (65%), Find Contraband & I l legal
Weapons (55%), Concealment (49%) .
Secondary: Basic Mechanics (65%) , Automobile Me
chanics (60%), First Aid (80%) , Recognize Weapon
Quality (65%) , Law (General; 60%)
Money: Minimal.
Weapons: None; relies on his superior powers and intel
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Pantag ruel
I n 1 532, a n ex-monk by the name of Francois Rabelais
wrote Pantagrue/, a medieval masterpiece of satire, pro
paganda and comedy. Named after its central character,
Pantagruel ch ronicles the exploits of a monstrous giant
who is also a supreme gentleman , a true "renaissance
man" at a time when the very concept was brand new.
Rabelais used his character to lampoon many aspects of
medieval society, and it, as well as its sequel Gargantua,
cemented his status of one of E u rope's g reat literary
minds. For centu ries, the world fig u red Pantagruel was
just a figment of Rabelais' imagination , at least u ntil the
cultu red giant who cu rrently resides at G ramercy Island's
Super-Being Containment Wing appeared.
The creatu re who calls himself Pantagruel arrived in
Centu ry Station by means unknown about fou r years ago.
Despite his bulk and monstrous appearance, Pantagruel
managed to keep himself hidden in the city sewers, sur
facing periodically to raid fine clothing shops for new sets
of clothes, hitting antique bookstores so he could procu re
something to read , and raiding top tobacconists and liquor
stores for something to enjoy in the evening. Oh, yes, he
also was in the habit of kidnapping people and pets, and
eating them. But that, he explains, is an u nfortunate
cross-cultural misunderstanding. "You see, where I come
from, eating the folk is a bit of an honor, don't you know. A
statement that one's progeny is of such uncommon caliber
1 84
and, er, good taste, that it shou ld be consumed at once in Money: Pantag ruel had gathered maybe $30,000 or
a show of appreciation." $40,000 before he was captu red. This money was
Needless to say, this show of alien civility has not gone looted by the mob.
over well with the people of Centu ry Station, who formed a Weapons: Meat Cleaver: Pantag ruel's favorite weapon is
mob, tracked down Pantagruel in his lair, and beat him a terrifying two-handed meat cleaver he named Little
within an inch of his life. Even with his formidable super Delicious. Each strike with it does 3D6+ 1 7 (bonuses in
abilities, Pantag ruel never stood a chance. They d ragged cluded). Any psychic who Object Reads this heinous
his limp body to the su rface and were ready to burn him at device had better be prepared for months of psycho
a makeshift stake when CSPD riot units showed u p and therapy afterward, considering how many evil deeds its
broke up the distu rbance. Pantagruel was taken into cus blade has taken part in.
tody and sentenced to eight consecutive life sentences at Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: None, but he enjoys the
G ramercy Island, one for each individual he had abducted , finest clothing, books, alcohol and other things in life.
slain and eaten. The heinousness of Pantagruel's crimes
was such that there is a debate about renewing the death
penalty at Century Station. The Pri nce
Real Name: Pantagruel is his real name.
Other Aliases: Son of Gargantua. of Centu ry Station
Alignment: Diabolic.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 1 8, P.S. : 30 (Super A true enigma, nobody knows who h e is, o r what h e is
human) , P.P.: 1 0, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 5 , Spd : 2 1 (46 flying). all about. He is said to be the mysterious benefactor of nu
Age: Who knows? Sex: Male, presu mably. merous heroes (and villains?) in town, all of whom are un
witting pawns in some bizarre plan or game of his that
Height: Seven feet (2. 1 m). Weight: 400 Ibs (1 80 kg) . everybody in the superhero community seems to know of,
Experience Level : 1 1 but nobody really knows anything about. Rumors abound
H it Points: 69 as to who this person really is. A vampire who buys willing
S.D.C.: 275 victims? A reformed demon from the Oriental un
Natural A.R.: 1 2 der-realms trying to stay on the straight and narrow? An
ex-su perhero funding a new b reed of super-conflict in the
Power Category: Alien.
District? A sick industrialist playing chess with the city?
Alien Appearance: Demonic appearance. Pantagruel has
The world will never know the truth, that the P rince is:
a l umpy, armored hide, large horns on his head , clawed
fingers, a thick and reptilian (but prehensile) tail, and al Carter Downright, Wealthy Man About Town
most ridiculously small bat wings sprouting off his back
(they work though). A multi-billionai re philanth ropist with mysterious inten
tions, Carter is one of the city's movers and shakers who
Alien Environment: Abrasive Atmosphere.
always keeps the gossip mill hu mming with activity. Could
Major Super Abilities: I nvisibility. he really be a costu med vigilante sometimes spotted
Minor Super Abilities : Supervision : Nightvision . about the darker ends of town? Or is he merely in league
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic. with one of those characters, lending him his identity when
Number of Attacks: 7 he needs it?
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +5 to parry and He is all of these things and more, a self-styled "vigi
dodge, +8 to roll with impact, +4 to pull punch, +1 7 to lante philanthropist," who fu nds numerous superhero
damage, +1 to disarm, +1 0% to save vs coma/death, causes throughout town, from superspies and experimen
+3 to save vs magic and poison, and +50% to evoke tal super ability creation prog rams to super-sleuth agen
trust or intimidation . cies that need some start-u p capital. He is currently
spending a th ree year sentence for a fraud and embezzle
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2D4+1 7, punch:
ment scheme that he insists is a frame job (revenge se
1 D6+ 1 7, critical strike: 1 9-20, body th row/flip, critical cretly orchestrated by The Middleman even while he's in
strike or knockout from behind, knockout on a Natu ral solitary and put into action by one of his few remaining
20, body block/tackle: 1 D4+ 1 7, crush/sq ueeze: henchmen) . He's incarcerated at G ramercy Island but on
1 D4+ 1 7, pin/incapacitate: 1 8-20, +2 to save vs Horror a special work prog ram at the d rug rehab center con
Factor. nected to Cell Block-A. He is in good health and enjoys
Education Level and Skills: Alien Combat Specialist. safety and privileges most prisoners don't even d ream
P hysical Skills: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, Gym about. With good behavior he shou ldn't spend more than
nastics six months in sti r.
Secondary Skills: First Aid (98%) , Speak English
(98%), Recognize Weapon Ouality (75%) , Land Navi Alignment: Scrupulous
gation (81 %), Prowl (75%) . Attributes: 1 .0. 1 5, M . E . 1 5, M.A. 1 7, P.S. 1 4, P . P . 1 4,
Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Sword , W.P. Knife, W . P . P . E . 1 4, P.B. 1 8, Spd 1 4
Blunt, W . P . Chain, W.P. Axe, and W . P . Polearm. Age: 38; Sex: Male.
1 85
Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 90 Ibs B ru no was always a hothead and from an early age,
(85.5 kg) . tended to get into fights far more easily than he cou ld get
H it Points: 2 1 ; S.D.C.: 22. out of them. Determined never to end u p on the losing
side of an altercation again, he dedicated his life to a strict
Equivalent Level of Experience: 7th level Vigilante Phi
physical regimen of intense exercise and combat training.
lanth ropist
By the time he was 1 8, Bru no was a deadly self-trained
Skills of Note: Business & Finance (80%), Computer Op martial artist, able to handle most street opponents with
eration (8 5 %) , Law (General) (70%) , Horsemanship ease. Lacking the mental discipline that truly g reat martial
(89%), Pi lot Airplane (89%) , Pilot Boats: Motor-Types artists also develop, Bruno qu ickly began abusing his abili
(98%), Pilot Boats: Sail Type (98%), Read Sensory ties and ran into trouble with the law after hospitalizing an
Equipment (60%), Art ( 65 %) , Research (80%) , Writing entire gang of street toughs. True, the toughs were a
( 55 %), Speak Japanese (80%) , Speak French (80%) , neighborhood menace, but Bruno had attacked them un
and Speak Latin (80%) . provoked , and two of them he permanently disfigured .
While in juvie hall, the Centu rions contacted Bruno and ar
ranged for his early release so long as he became a ju nior
Raptor Red member of the Centurions. Bruno agreed , and the
superhero-in-training Raptor Red was born.
Bru no Wayamon is one of the few super-beings to have
joined the legendary superhero g roup, The Centurions, Alas, Bru no q uickly proved to be a bad investment for
and subseq uently be expelled from their ranks. Bruno was the Centurions. He resisted any kind of formal training, he
recruited as a j unior member of the Centu rions just th ree resented authority, and he g rated so badly on his team
years ago as an ongoing effort to reach out to young mates that he began to adversely affect their progress,
superbeings and get them to use their gifts to fight, rather too. The straw that b roke the camel's back, though, was
than commit, crime. For the most part, this program has when Raptor Red disobeyed a di rect order in combat and
been highly successful, and will yield a new crop of pu rsued some fleeing supervillains from the scene of a
superheroes to carry on once the original Centu rions must crime. Although Raptor Red apprehended the villains
(heck, he broke the back of one and removed th ree fin
step out of the crimefighting arena. Alas, Bru no Wayamon ,
gers from another's hand), he was u nnecessarily brutal
a. k.a. Raptor Red, was not one of those successes.
and also failed to help his teammates free innocent civil-
1 86
ians trapped in a burning bus. While it was important to them vanish at will. Size/Length: Six inches (0. 1 5 m)
catch the bad g uys, serving the public was a g reater re per level of experience. Bon uses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to
sponsibility, and Bruno knew it. With the g roup disgusted strike and parry with the Energy Weapon Extension.
by this final act of cruelty and g randstanding, Raptor Red Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch, Power Kick,
was expelled from the Centu rions and remanded back to Force of Will.
prison to serve the rest of his term .
Achilles' Heel: Extremely Nearsighted. Without his spe
Enraged b y this rejection, Raptor Red vowed t o destroy cially made contacts, Raptor Red's combat efficiency
the Centurions. He broke out of jail and hooked up with a goes way down . That is why he is considering having
mad scientist named Dr. Lovejoy who possessed the bionic eyes put in once he gets out of prison, even as
means of bestowing super abilities upon test subjects. abhorrent as that might seem to most Physical Training
Raptor Red made the doctor ru n his machinery on him, re characters. Raptor Red also suffers from an additional
gardless of the possible side effects. Raptor Red emerged Achilles' Heel of Vulnerable to Psionics. (Let this be a
from the machinery a changed man. He was a hulking lesson to those villains who reach for more powers than
brute of muscle, rippling with power and with the ability to
they should have: it all comes with a price.) Not to men
create a shimmering bladed energy weapon from his
tion his aggressive behavior gets him into all kinds of
hand. He also was slightly insane, enraged to the point of
homicidal fu ry given the least provocation.
Combat Training: SPEC IAL: Aggressive and Deadly
Raptor Red ended u p at G ramercy Island after am
bushing his former teammates and then breaking out of
conventional prisons, twice. To keep him u nder control, Number of Attacks: 8
the SBCW has placed Raptor Red in a cell with al Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +6 to strike (+7 with energy ex
pha-wave emitters that keep him in a perpetual state of tension) , +8 to parry (+9 with energy extension), +3 to
d rowsy relaxation. That, combined with some serious roll with impact, +6 to pull punch, +4 to d isarm, +2 to
medication, keeps this monster in a state of mind where body flip/throw, +2 to automatic back flip, +1 5 to dam
he can not activate his powers, much less bash his way age, +2 to automatic dodge, and +4 to dodge.
out of prison. This method of restraint is fragile, though, Other Combat Info: Pai red weapons (all), entangle, body
and should he go u nmedicated or u nder-stimulated for flip/th row, body block/tackle, karate punch: 2D6+1 7,
more than 20 minutes, he will come to a fury and respond power punch: 4D6+ 1 5 (counts as two attacks) , snap
accordingly. kick: 1 D6+ 1 5, crescent kick: 2D4+ 1 5, axe kick:
Note: Raptor Red appears on the cover of the Century 2D6+ 1 5, karate kick: 2D6+ 1 5, rou ndhouse kick:
Station sou rcebook, as the red-garbed fig u re in the lower 3D6+ 1 5, tripping/leg hook, backward sweep, energy
left hand corner. Real Name: Bru no Wayamon weapon extension: 6 D6+41 , death blow: natu ral 1 8-20
(if desired) , knockout/stun: 1 7-20, all holds (arm, leg ,
Other Aliases: Killjoy
neck, body) , back flip, critical strike: natu ral 1 8-20, au
Alignment: M iscreant.
tomatic knockout on natu ral 20, +30% to save vs
Attributes : I.Q.: 1 5 , M.E.: 1 5 , M .A.: 1 5, P.S.: 20 (super
coma/death, +3 to save vs magic, +5 to save vs poison.
natu ral), P.P.: 20, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 1 5, Spd : 20
Education Level and Skills of Note: Military Specialist.
Age: 26; Sex: Male.
Basic Military: Running, Climbing (98%/98%), Mili
Height: Six feet, three inches ( 1 .9 m). Weight: 225 Ibs tary Etiquette (98%), and Radio: Basic (98%) ,
( 1 01 .2 kg) . Military: Trap/M ine Detection (95%) , Parachuting
Experience Level: 1 2 (98%), Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (98%) ,
H it Points: 1 00 Camouflage (95%) , and Armorer (Field; 98%) .
S.D.C.: 750 Espionage: Detect Ambush (98%) , I ntelligence
Power Category: Mega-Physical Training. (98%), Wilderness Su rvival (98%), Escape Artist (98%) ,
and I nterrogation (98%) .
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers plus tremen
Secondary: Swimming (98%) , P rowl (80%) , Body
dous S. D.C.
Building, Basic Mechanics (85%) , and Basic Electronics
Major Super Abilities: Energy Weapon Extensions. (85%).
(Note: This power appears in the Skraypers
Money: None. Raptor Red has always been a high roller
sou rcebook, but it is so cool it merits reprinting here.)
and a spendthrift, so he is out of cash. Being in prison
The ability to form deadly energy from one's hands i n
does not help, since he has large outstanding debts
t h e form shape o f a simple weapon (sword, sickle, axe,
that are racking u p amounts of interest so g reat that he
trident, etc.). Similar to a Psi-Sword, only it is a different
would probably just be better off killing those to whom
manifestation of energy and very powerful . Each cre
he owes money.
ation of the energy weapon appendage counts as one
melee action. As many as one per hand. Range: Self. Weapons: None. He considers himself to be a "living
weapon." Modest, huh?
Damage: 6D6+2 per level. ( I n Raptor Red's case it co
mes out to 6D6+41 with all bonuses counted in.) Du ra Vehicles and Other Equipment: Stylized Body Armor:
tion: Five minutes per level of experience, can make A . A . : 1 2, S . D . C . : 1 20.
1 87
Tragedy struck the tenacious company when a team of
heavily armed bandits stormed the facility and stole a
great deal of plans, prototypes and experimental parts.
The R-Li N E v3.4 prototype, which had never even been
tu rned on, was part of the booty stolen.
What happened next to the robot is u n known, but ex
actly one month to the day after the robbery, R-Li N E
made a public appearance a s Redline, the newest
supervillain on the scene. Using its incredibly powerful leg
motors (the dominant featu re of the R-Li N E v3 series) ,
Redline was able to perform smash-and-grab robberies in
the blink of an eye. Using its armored form to crash right
into storefronts, its strength to smash display cases and its
phenomenal speed to escape the scene, Redline was a
difficult foe to defeat. Several high-speed heroes tried, in
cluding the u p-and-coming Speedmetal, but the robot
proved too much for all of them. Finally, it was the bril
liance of Straight A, a child prodigy and analytical genius,
who figu red out the precise electrical frequencies the ro
bot's power supply generated, and designed an E M P
bomb that would target that frequency only. T h e bomb de
activated Redline instantly. The robot was transported to
G ramercy Island and has remained inert ever si nce. De
bate continues over whether to keep the robot deactivated
and locked away as a public hazard or retu rn it to its right
ful owners , Solar Systems, LLC.
Real Name: R-Li N E v3.4
Alignment: U n known ! The robot has exhibited antisocial
tendencies, indicating that it is at least Anarchist, but it
could be Miscreant or Aberrant. To find out, The
Super-Being Containment Wing technicians would have to
reactivate the robot and perform a detailed psych analysis
on it. Solar Systems, LLC insist any "negative personality"
is all a matter of prog ramming and the cu rrent one can be
purged and replaced with a law abiding one.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 3, M.A. : 1 3, P.S.: 50 (robotic),
P.P.: 1 5, P.E.: N/A, P.B.: 6, Spd : S P EC IAL (see below) .
Age: N/A; Sex: N/A; has a bit of a masculine appearance.
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg) .
Experience Level : 6
S.D.C.: 900
A.R.: 1 7
Power Category: Robotics (True Robot) .
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, and +35
Red l i ne to damage.
R-Li N E v3.4 is the latest prototype i n a series of hu Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 06+35, karate kick:
manoid robots designed to perform like h u mans but under 204+35, axe kick: 206+35, rou ndhouse kick: 3 06+35 .
trying conditions, such as off-world colonization . The Education Level and Skills of Note: Military/explora
R-Li N E robots are being designed by Solar Systems, LLC, tion/high-speed transport protocol .
a start-up technology fi rm on the West Cost that hopes to Basic Combat P rogram: Military Etiquette (90%) and
send some of its robots u p on the fi rst manned expedition Climb (85%/95%) .
to Mars.
1 88
Espionage Program: Computer Operation (92%), In
telligence (88%) , P rowl (75%) , Escape Artist (80%), In
Fau ltl i ne
terrogation (80%), Detect Ambush (80%), Demolitions Twenty years ago, the Centers for Disease Control par
(86%), Demolitions Disposal (86%) . ticipated in an experiment with the biotech company
Advanced Piloting Program: Pilot J et Pack ( 85% ) , Zentex to work up an experimental seru m that would
Navigation ( 85% ) , and Navigation: Space (85% ) . destabilize the user's genetic makeup in such a way that it
Money: None. would enable him to "dodge" the effects of any virus. If
successful, the serum wou ld virtually eliminate all types of
Weapons: None aside from onboard systems and abili-
viral infection. U nfortunately, the serum did not work, and
it killed 99% of its test subject animals. The remaining 1 %
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. were terribly deformed. I n a tragic accident (or was it?), six
Redline Robotic Chassis test volunteers for a d ifferent project were given the se
Type: True Robot (Advanced Artificial I ntelligence). rum . All but Cutter Halton died . The seru m did not make
Body Frame: Basic humanoid (reinforced) . him virus-proof, but it did alter his genetic code enough to
trigger certain super-powerful changes within him. After a
Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 7
lengthy illness and recovery, Halton's powers manifested
S.D.C.: 900 with a vengeance. At first they were u ncontrollable, and
Power Supply: Three (3) M icro-Fusion generators. One they were the real cause behind the San Altimo quake of
for the robot, one for the super-jet pack, and one for the '96, which destroyed more than $400 million in residential
scramjet. and commercial property. The rush of all that destruction
Legs: Basic hu manoid legs; super-powerful. Running was l i ke a d rug to Halton, who soon mastered his abilities
speed: 1 1 00, o r 750 mph ( 1 200 km) . only so he could engineer such destruction again.
Propulsion Systems: No longer powerful enough to generate city-shaking
J u mp Jets: 500 feet (1 52 m) up and 600 feet ( 1 83 m) quakes on his own , and unwilling to wait for the right seis
out. Redline can quadruple this distance if he activates mic conditions to trip off another temblor, Halton moved to
the jump jets when running at full speed (Mach 1 ). attack specific targets in specific cities. The Twin Hills
Super-Jet Pack: This high-powered propu lsion sys bridge . The Solar Towers. The U ltradome. The G ulf Coast
tem can accelerate Redline up to speeds of Mach 2, or Arch. By ripping apart such national landmarks, Halton
1 320 mph (2 1 1 2 km) ! To activate this system , Redline earned h imself the supervillain moniker Faultline. He also
must first accelerate to Mach 1 on the g round, fire his developed enemies in virtually every city in the cou ntry, so
jump jets and then activate his super-jet pack. I n the whatever criminal celebrity Faultline enjoyed was soon
dissolved by a life on the run . Forever p u rsued by agents
air, Redline has no bonuses to dodge, and he can not
of the law (both official and otherwise) , Faultline had to put
perform combat maneuvers. This is a straight out pro
his agenda of public destruction on hold to avoid his na
pu lsion system meant for getting from Point A to Point
tionwide manhu nt.
B as fast as possible. For really intense trips, once
Redline reaches Mach 2 , he can activate his scramjet. When he was finally captu red he was tried and re
Scramjet: This overthruster transforms most of Red ceived a 1 00 year stretch on the Island without any
line's back into one big propulsion assembly. This jet is chance of parole (thousands of people had been injured ,
so powerful it can not be fired unless Redline has al scores killed and property damage ranged into the billions
ready maxed out his super-jet pack, or the robot will of dollars). With his powers under negation , he can do
nothing but seethe at being trapped in a mighty facility that
simply lose control and fly off into something, and
not even he can shake to its fou ndation.
smash into itsy-bitsy pieces. When the scramjet goes
off, Redline can reach Mach 5, or 3,300 mph (5280 Real Name: Cutter Halton
km) , enough to b reak Earth's g ravitation and rocket into Other Aliases: Riptor
space. Alignment: M iscreant
Arms & Hands: Basic H u manoid (P.S.: 50) . Attributes: I.Q.: 1 4, M.E.: 1 3, M.A. : 1 2, P.S. : 1 0, P.P.:
1 2, P.E.: 1 1 , P.B.: 1 0, Spd: 40
Audio Systems: Advanced audio system , inaudible fre-
Age: 32. Sex: Male.
quency transmission .
Height: Five feet, eleven inches ( 1 . 8 m). Weight: 1 70 Ibs
Optics: Advanced robot optic system. (76.5 kg)
Sensors: M icro-radar. Experience Level : 5
Weapons: None. But Redline cou ld pick u p ordinary
H it Points: 36
weapons and use them if it so desi red. Usually, it just
prefers to smash into a place, take what it wants, and S.D.C.: 90
then accelerate away before anything can catch it. For Power Category: Experiment.
Redline, flight most definitely outranks fight. Side Effects: Vulnerable to Radioactivity.
Cumulative Robot Bonuses: +35 to damage, + 1 to initia Major Super Abilities: Control Elemental Force: Earth
tive. Total Cost: $43.56 million. and Vibration
Pilot-Oriented Systems: U nderwater capabilities. Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
1 89
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +5 on initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to
dodge, +6 to roll with impact, +2 to damage, +5 to pull
punch, +1 to d isarm.
Other Combat Info: Karate kick: 2 04+2, critical strike:
1 9-20, body throw/flip. Shock blast: 406 (606 underwa
ter) , h u rl small rock (golf ball size): 1 06, h u rl me
dium-sized rock (baseball ) : 206, h u rl large rock (soccer
ball): 506, h u rl really large rock (basketball): 1 06x1 0,
h u rl gigantic rock (beach ball): 2 04x1 0; among other
earth control powers.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Three Years of Col
Science P rogram: Computer Operation (95%), Ad
vanced Mathematics (90%), Chemistry (85%), Chemis
try: Analytical (80%) , Biology (85%), and Botany (75%).
Wilderness Program: Wilderness Su rvival (85%) , 1 0
Plants and Fru its (80%) , Land Navigation (85%) , Track
Animals (67%) , H u nting.
Technical P rogram: Art (90%) , Speak/Literacy: Ger
man (95%) , and Research (95%).
Secondary Skills: Swimming (90%) , Climbing
(80%/70%) , P rowl (65%) , Pilot Sailboats (98%) , Pilot
Motorboats (95%) , Pilot Horsemanship (84%), Astron
omy (65%) , and Writing (65%) .
Money: At one point, Faultline secu red a $3 million ran
som from the city of U ltropolis in return for not destroy
ing its Victory Arch. Once he got that money, Faultline
knocked it down anyway.
Weapons: None, but can use any without benefit of a
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. Has an SUV,
1 92
Well, one can see where this was headed. Scalibrus Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, and Auto
was immediately arrested , but the demon wished to de matic Parry.
fend himself, and assu med his true demonic form right Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch): 206+ 1 2, Palm Strike:
there in the questioning room! After the frightened cops 206+1 2.
d ropped thi rty bullets into him without much effect, Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack: 206+ 1 2,
Scalibrus realized he was spooking them, apologized , and Tripping/Leg Hook.
resumed h u man form. J u mping Foot Attacks: J u mp Kick.
The demon was sentenced to one thousand years in Special Attacks: Gore: 206+ 1 2 , Double Gore:
prison, a sentence set to be commensurate with the 406+ 1 2, Shoulder Ram: 206+ 1 2 plus Knocks
demon's extraordinary life span. Scalibrus was disap Opponent Down, and Elbow Strike: 204+1 2.
pointed by this, but he did not mind. In fact, it wou ld give Number of Attacks: 5
him plenty of time to reflect and meditate so the next time Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +6 to strike (+8 to kick, palm
he entered society, he might be less tempted to do wrong.
strike and gore/double gore, +1 1 to shoulder ram), +2
He resides in the Super-Being Containment Wing and is
to parry and dodge, +1 to roll with impact, +1 2 to dam
constrained by a Circle of P rotection against demons that
age, immune to Horror Factor, +6 to save vs posses
has been written on the edges of his cell. This magic circle
sion, +6 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs poison, +1 6%
makes it impossible for Scalibrus to pass outside the cir
to save vs coma/death.
cle, but since he is not especially escape-minded , it hardly
is necessary. I n fact, Scalibrus is one of the few prisoners Other Combat Info: Critical strike: natu ral 1 9-20.
in the Containment Wing who intends to sit out his enti re Education Level and Skills of Note: Demonic I nstincts.
sentence. After all, he must respect local laws, right? Scholastic Equivalents: P rowl (80%) , Climb
"A thousand years is a long time, though," he thinks. (80%/90%) , Swim (85%) , and Torment (SPECIAL) .
"And I could just splatter those guards and scoot on out of Money: None.
here. Man, this do-gooder thing is going to be tougher Weapons: None.
than I thought." Little does Scalibrus know that his depar Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
ture from the Varna Hell has inspired several other de
mons to do the same, and they have all learned of their
ex-commander's incarceration in G ramercy Island . These
new fugitives are cu rrently exploring ways to get him out
Seamou nt
of prison without breaking the laws of Hell or man to do it. The Hawaiian Islands have produced their fai r share of
Real Name: Scalibrus super beings. The most recent of them is Seamount, a vil
Other Aliases: Too many to list. lainess whose u nderwater abilities have enabled her to at
Alignment: P rincipled , now. He was Aberrant. tack and sink su rface vessels at will. As environmental
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5 , M.E.: 1 7, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 25, P.P.: terrorist Kona Serano, Seamount has waged a long-stand
2 1 , P.E.: 23, P.B.: 1 6 (5 demonic form), Spd : 2 1 ing war against the international community, which she
holds responsible for the degradation of her home. To her,
Age: 1 3,500; Sex: Male.
any development of the land whatsoever is a crime
Height: Six feet (1 .83 m). Weight: 200 Ibs (90 kg) h u man against not only the Hawaiian people but the world ecol
form, 400 Ibs ( 1 80 kg) demonic form. ogy as well.
Experience Level : 3 For most of her life, Kona could only protest and pub
H it Points: None. Scalibrus is made of pure negative Chi. lish leaflets. But one night, when she and a few cohorts
S.D.C.: 30 (hu man form), 1 00 (demonic form) . were breaking into an industrial waste site to paper it with
A.R.: 1 6 (demonic form only) . fliers, Kona accidentally came into contact with a drum of
volatile refuse materials. Fearing for her life, she dove into
Horror Factor: 1 2 (demonic form). the ocean to wash herself off, but the chemicals were only
Negative Chi (to be accessed when in Negative Chi accelerating their effects. They leached into her body and
Form) : 1 25 . transformed her such that she developed amazing abilities
C h i (to b e accessed when in h u man or demonic form): 35. when submerged in water. With the ability to tu rn mere
Power Category: Reformed Demon ! This is a special Ra words into action, the reborn Kona first struck an oil tanker
cial Character Class from Mystic China TM , a as it came into dock, sinking it and dumping its payload .
sou rcebook for the Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG. Apparently, Seamount had forgotten that when a ship
Negative Chi Mastery Abilities: Control Negative Chi, sinks, whatever is inside of it leaks out. I n her myopic bat
Negative Chi Polarity, I nflict Negative Chi Illness. tle to protect her home from environmental damage, she
worsened the situation by a factor of about a million.
Positive Chi Mastery Abilities: Chi Overcharge, Fill Ob
Oblivious to the consequences of her actions, she hit
ject with Chi, and Divert I ncoming Chi.
about a dozen other ships before her apprehension by the
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Liang Hsiung Kung Fu marine superhero Leviathan. By then she had caused
(Demon Wrestling). possibly i rreparable damage to the Hawaiian marine eco
Escape Moves: Roll with P unch/FaIVl mpact, Back system, the effects of which would certainly be felt around
Flip, and Maintain Balance. the world.
1 93
For this, Seamount was sent to G ramercy Island for life
without parole while the Hawaiian people figu red out a
way to repair the damage that their u nwanted "savior" had
done to them. Meanwhile, Seamount feels no remorse for
her crimes and silently rails against the confines of the
unique dry tank that both deprives her of her powers and
confines her to the Super-Being Containment Wing.
Real Name: Kona Serano
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 1 3, M.A.: 1 4, P.S. : 20 ( Extraor
dinary underwater) , P.P.: 1 5, P.E. : 1 4, P.B.: 1 5, Spd : 1 2
(60 underwater)
Insanities: Obsessed with revenge and suffers from para
noia and agg ression ; often blinded by rage and righ
teous indignation.
Age: 25; Sex: Female.
Height: Five feet, eight inches ( 1 .72 m). Weight: 1 40 Ibs
(63 kg) .
Experience Level: 8
H it Points: 46
S.D.C.: 1 00 ( 1 60 underwater plus an additional 280 when
Force Aura is in place) .
Power Category: Experiment.
� Side Effects: Unusual Skin Color: Blue-g reen; it makes
her look like she would be more at home underwater
than on land . She also has webbed hands and feet.
Major Super Abilities: Control Elemental Force: Water
and Force Aura.
Minor Super Abilities: U nderwater Abilities.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 5 (6 underwater) .
Bonuses: +6 to initiative, +4 to parry (+6 underwater) , +4
to dodge (+8 u nderwater) , +2 to strike (+4 u nderwater) ,
+2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch , and +2 to dis
Other Combat Info: Create water spout, whirlpool, wall of
water and create waves, small : 1 D6, large wave:
5 D6+ 1 6, huge wave: 2 D4x1 0 ; water slam: 2 D6+8; criti
cal strike: 1 8-20, paired weapons (all), and body
Force Aura (HU2, page 273) provides the following
when in place (underwater or on d ry land): A.R. 1 4, 280
S . D . C . , Horror Factor 1 0, + 1 0 to P.S. , +4 to roll with i m
Education Level and Skills of Note: Master's Degree.
Journalist/I nvestigation P rogram: Computer Opera
tion (98%), Research (98%) , Photography (98%), Writ
ing (Journalist-style) (95%) , I mpersonation (97%177%) ,
Forgery (80%) , Pick Pockets (95%) , and Escape Artist
Criminal P rogram: Streetwise (81 %), Pick Locks
(98%), Palming (90%) , P rowl (95%) , and Ventriloquism
Technical Program: Law (General) (95%), Speak/Lit
eracy: English (98%) , and Business & Finance (98%).
Secondary Skills: Ath letics (General) , Body Building,
1 94
Running, Swimming (98%), Climbing (85%n5%) , Pilot H it Points: 46
Airplane (86%), and Horsemanship (86%). S.D.C.: 90
Money: Seamount never had much money to begin with , Power Category: M utant.
and once she essentially became an ecoterrorist, she Unusual Characteristics: Unusual eyes; completely
spent most of her time in the water, so her finances white.
simply slipped away. She has since become disinter
ested in money and material possessions in general.
Weapons: None.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Shatterhands i s a big name i n the Mutant Underground,
even though he is a villain of the fi rst order who enjoys us
ing his abilities to slaughter anyone who crosses him, and
to steal whatever he feels like, wheneve r he feels like it.
Being a mutant himself and no stranger to the kind of per
secution those people must endu re , Shatterhands will not
assault mutants for any reason, not even if they are at
tacking him. He simply believes that his first loyalty is to
himself, but that mutants in general come in a very close
second .
Possessing the kinds of abilities to transform him into a
one-man slaughterhouse, Shatterhands gave up his "real
world" name and personality long ago so he cold play the
part of supervillain all the time. His skill and tenacity have
earned him a killer rep for being a g reat fighter. He is often
subcontracted temporarily to supervillain teams to provide
extra firepower for a job or two.
U nfortunately for him, it was one such job that landed
him in G ramercy Island . Contracted to "advise" a new
g roup of villains called the Badsiders, Shatterhands ac
companied them on their first job, a bank robbery. The
robbery itself went fine, but when Shatterhands visited his
employer for payment, he was ambushed by the police.
Realizing he had been double-crossed, Shatterhands
gave himself up without a fight, much to the relief of Fed
eral law enforcement agents on the scene.
Shatterhands has been sentenced to 45 years without
parole, but he cu rrently has a team of high-powered attor
neys working on an appeal , and there is a 65% chance he
might get all charges against him thrown out. It would
seem that Shatterhands knows something about his old
employers that they would rather keep secret. And
Shatterhands is willing to share this information with the
Man if it will buy him freedom. I n the alternative, his old
employers can pool their resources to get him sprung and
keep their secrets.
1 95
Major Super Abilities : Disruptive Touch, Energy Exten-
sions, and Natural Combat Ability.
Combat Training : SPEC IAL! Natu ral Combat Ability.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +1 6 to damage, +3 to disarm ,
+ 4 t o p u l l punch, + 2 t o save v s poison and magic, +8%
to save vs coma/death , +3 to save vs Horror Factor and
+1 to save vs possession.
Other Combat Info: Energy extensions: 606+1 6. Disrupt
optic nerve touch: victims -8 on initiative and to strike,
parry and dodge. Disrupt nervous system touch: para
lyzes victims for 304 minutes. Touch of pai n : 306.
Death touch : 606 and coma if victim fails his saving
th row of 1 5 o r higher.
Regular punch: 1 06+8, power punch: 206+1 6
(counts as two attacks), karate kick: 206+8, leap at
tack, head butt: 1 06+6, knockouVstu n : 1 9-20, body
throwlflip: 204+6 plus victim loses initiative and one
melee attack.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School.
P hysical P rogram: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics,
Espionage Program: Detect Ambush (65%) , I ntelli
gence (55%), Wilderness Su rvival (60%) , I nterrogation
(70%), and Tracking (55%).
Secondary Skills: P rowl ( 55% ) , Streetwise (35% ) ,
Seduction ( 30% ) , Computer Operation ( 60% ) , Com
puter P rogramming ( 50% ) , Swimming ( 70% ) , First Aid
( 65% ) , Pilot Automobile (95% ) , and Pick Locks (50%).
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Paired Weapons (All).
Money: None. He spent the last of it on legal appeals.
Weapons: None. The way he fights, carrying weapons
would be an exercise in redu ndancy.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Solar Scarab
Amateu r archeologist Anthony Clearview made t h e find
of a lifetime when, on a university dig in southern Egypt,
he found a cu rious bauble in the shape of a scarab beetle
- a holy object according to ancient Egyptian mythology.
It was made of solid gold and when he fiddled with it, the
scarab seemed to come to life, bu rrowing under his skin
and nestling right on top of his breastbone. Once there , all
Clearview had to do is touch the lump on his chest cover
ing the scarab, utter a mysterious Egyptian power phrase
(taught to Clearview telepathically by the scarab itself) and
his body would transform into a golden-clad powerhouse!
Having always wanted to be a superhero, Clearview em
barked on a vigilante career as the Solar Scarab, cham
pion of justice and scourge of the supernatu ral .
Being able t o control sunlight and having fists made of
silver, Clearview could harm vampires, werewolves and
other such monsters with his pu nches alone. He soon
specialized in battling such foes, and quickly made a
name for himself doing it. Somewhere along the line, the
Scarab began accepting financial rewards for his efforts,
1 96
and even freelanced for private clients. (Two of his more Aliases: The Golden Scarab and The Scarab.
notable jobs include serving a Carpathian nobleman trou Alignment: Anarchist with strong leanings toward Miscre
bled by local bloodsuckers, and a family in the Louisiana ant.
bayou that wanted to be rid of the area's "Ioup garou" for Attributes: I.Q.: 1 5, M.E.: 9, M.A. : 6, P.S. : 1 2 (40, trans
ever.) After that, it did not take long for the Solar Scarab to formed; superhuman), P.P.: 1 8, P.E.: 1 8 , P.B.: 1 5, Spd:
give up his "pro bono" work entirely in favor of fee-based 20
adventu res. He also became addicted to fame and glory, Insanities: An extreme sense of self-importance and arro
seeking out any job that might earn him some more public gance that makes him an antisocial anarchist and dan
accolades. He hired a crack team of P R aces, advertising gerous. Obsessed with fame even if it's infamy rather
and marketing moguls, and even some spin doctors to than true glory. He doesn't quite suffer from a god syn
make his less-than-successful adventu res seem like d rome, but his ego is up there.
world-saving epics.
Age: 24; Sex: Male.
For a while, it all worked. The public loved the Solar
Scarab, and he had the coveted position of the nation's
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 1 80 Ibs (81 kg) .
most beloved superhero. But fame can be fleeting, and Experience Level : 3
soon the fickle crowds tired of thei r "golden boy." As fast H it Points: 29
as he had risen to prominence, the hero had become yes S.D.C.: 30 (870 transformed) .
terday's news and many considered him a "money g rub A . R . : 1 7 (transformed).
bing sell-out." H is fifteen minutes had flashed by. No more
positive news magazine cover stories, television inter
Power Category: Magic (Enchanted Object) .
views or movie deals. Even DelaG rossa Toys discontin Major Super Abilities: Super-Energy Expulsion: Light.
ued his action figure line! And , having decimated most of Other Magic Abilities: Flight (as per the spell Fly as the
his enemies (and his money) , the Solar Scarab soon Eagle; maximum d u ration: 30 minutes), his armor magi
found his paying work d rying up as well. cally appears and his hands are magically coated in
Enraged and desperate, the Solar Scarab seethed as p u re silver (ideal for fighting the Supernatu ral).
the next superhero flavor of the month, a martial artist Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
named Shotokan, took his place in the public eye. The So Number of Attacks: 4
lar Scarab could take no more, and vowed to destroy this
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative (+2 when fighting the supernatu
upstart. At Shotokan's next public appearance (a guest
ral ; part of his magic abilities), +4 to strike, +4 to parry
spot on a popular late night television talk show), the Solar
and dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +25
Scarab attacked. For the next few minutes, a stunned na
to damage, +2 to save vs mag ic.
tion watched as their newest hero was blasted to death, a
total disg race to the Scarab's former heroic legacy. Other Combat I nfo: Punch: 1 D6+25, can generate sun
After the fight, Clearview came to his senses , deacti light, fire a variety of light and laser-like blasts (see HU2
vated his powers, and gave himself up to the authorities. pages 231 for light powers and 293 for Super-Energy
His trial was short and he was sentenced to 25 years on Expulsion), i nflicting 6D6 damage with a normal blast,
G ramercy Island . It was only his adept use of the tempo 2D6x1 0 with a super-blast (but uses up all but one me
rary insanity defense that saved him from life without pa lee action and must be used at the beginning of a
role. G ramercy Island's Super-Being Containment Wing round), absorb and channel light and heat energy, per
surgically removed the magic scarab from Clearview's form ricochet blasts and more.
chest and stored it in the facility evidence depot. Today, Education Level and Skills of Note: Two Years of Col
Clearview spends his days in Cell Block-C (since he has lege.
no powers without his scarab) and routinely u ndergoes Business Program: Basic Mathematics (65%), Busi
schedu led psychotherapy. His doctors seriously doubt ness & Finance (65%) , Computer Operation (75%) ,
Clearview will ever get over his "glory hound persona," but Law (General; 60%), and Research (75%) .
they believe he is sincerely sorry for his murderous deed Science P rogram: Advanced Mathematics (70%) ,
and did suffer from a sort of mental lapse resu lting in the Chemistry (45%) , Biology (55%) , Archeology (55%) ,
killing. U n known to anybody, Clearview can escape at any and Anthropology (50%) .
time by simply summoning the magical scarab to him, re Secondary Skills: Sing (45%) , Play G uitar (45%) ,
connecting and using his powers to blast free. For now, Athletics (General) , Dance (40%), Streetwise (24%) ,
the ex-hero is considering his options and considering try Concealment (24%) , General Repai r/Maintenance
ing to return to the superhero business. However, it will be (45%) and Pilot Automobile (56%) .
as an anti-hero and fugitive from the law, because he has Weapon Proficiencies: W . P . Knife and W . P . Chain.
no intention of living out his enti re sentence (even with Money: Clearview still has around a quarter of a million
good behavior he'll be imprisoned for at least 1 4 years - dollars bankrolled from his various freelance gigs, com
no way) . More likely than not, he will slip into the role of a mercials, and such work.
supervillain or maverick vigilante who regu larly defies and
Weapons: None; pai r of silver daggers (1 D6 S.D.C.
breaks the law to do as he pleases.
each) , and a length of silver-plated chain with a
Real Name: Anthony Clearview weighted dagger/spike at one end (2D6 damage).
1 97
Vehicles and Other Equ ipment: Has a couple different The test went off a little too well, however. Horatio's un
cars. usual cell structu re acted in a hyper-sensitive way to the
dampeners, and caused h is enti re body's electrical flow to
short out. Clinically dead for three minutes, Horatio was
resuscitated , but his cells had been permanently altered
by the experiment, and now he had the ability to siphon
the super powers of others!
With delusions of becoming a mastermind of
supervillains, Horatio dubbed himself the Terrible Siphon
and set about to rule the Centu ry Station underworld by
ordering wou ld-be supervillain lackeys to do his bidding or
lose thei r powers altogether. It was a good plan. Well, on
paper, anyway. It took the Siphon a while to find the right
kind of low-rent bad guys who wou ld be intimidated by his
th reats. Most villains simply laughed him off or tried to kill
him, so it took a few months for him to build u p a decent
criminal crew. Acting as their boss, he sent his underlings
out to conduct armed robberies, shake down other crimi
nals, and even muscled in on well-defined syndicate terri
tory. Eventually the Terrible Siphon touched off a gang
war that started with the intent of simply destroying him
and his scrappy crew. Things got out of hand and pretty
soon nearly every organized crime g roup in the city was
d u king it out. It was the worst case of gang violence in the
city's h istory, all thanks to the would-be supervillain.
I n the chaos, the (not so) Terrible Siphon was captu red
by the CSPD, tried and sentenced to 50 years without pa
role in G ramercy Island for inciting a riot, conspi racy, rack
eteering, extortion and a host of other crimes. However,
the very scientists who run the Wing are those who inad
vertently gave Horatio his powers. Together they have
worked out an early release program for Horatio p rovided
he allows the Containment Wing staff unlimited access to
his genetic information (for testing and development pur
poses only). U nder this deal, Horatio will be eligible for pa
role after only serving five years. It is a good deal for
The Terri ble Si phon everybody involved except the general public, which
stands to be threatened by the early release of this obvi
Horatio G rimley, a.k.a. The Terrible Siphon, has had
ously u nrepentant criminal.
something of a cyclical relationship with the scientists be
hind G ramercy Island's Super-Being Containment Wing. Real Name: Horatio G rimley
P rior to the formation of the Containment Wing, the Cen Alignment: M iscreant
tu ry Station P rison Authority had funneled a g reat deal of Attributes: I.Q.: 1 0, M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 8, P.S.: 1 4, P.P.: 1 3,
cash into researching various kinds of super ability damp P.E.: 1 2 , P.B.: 1 1 , Spd : 1 0
ening technologies. The goal, of cou rse, was to perfect a Age: 30; Sex: Male.
cheap and simple series of devices that could constrain Height: Five feet, ten inches (1 .78 m). Weight: 1 60 Ibs
super-powered beings, regardless of their abilities. It was (72 kg).
to this end that Horatio first vol unteered his services.
Experience Level: 4
He had been an intern working on the project in its
H it Points: 25
early days, and volu nteered himself to test the fi rst proto
types of the power dampening collars used in the Contain S.D.C.: 30
ment Wing today. Horatio had been identified as having Power Category: Experiment.
the Polymorph Syndrome, a kind of genetic instability that Side Effects: None.
made him especially vu lnerable to the cell-altering effects Major Super Abilities: M imic and Negate Super Abi l-
of certain chemicals and energy radiations. This made him ities/Powers.
a perfect test subject for the project, since any
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
power-dampening equipment run on him would have a mi
nuscule effect on Horatio's body's electrical energy. The Number of Attacks: 5
dip in Horatio's bio-energy would be a small-scale but ac Bonuses: +1 to initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and
cu rate gauge of the effectiveness of the power-dampener dodge, +2 to roll with impact, and +2 to pull punch.
1 98
Other Combat Info: Suffers from overconfidence and pet
Education Level and Skills of Note: Three Years of Col
Science P rogram: Computer Operation (70%), Ad
vanced Mathematics (75%), Chemistry (60%) , Chemis
try: Analytical (60%) , Biology (60%), and Botany (55%).
Wilderness Program: Wilderness Su rvival (55%) , 1 0
Plants and Fru its (55%) , Land Navigation (60%) , Track
Animals (60%), H u nting.
Technical Program: Art (65%) , Speak/Literacy: Rus
sian (80%), and Research (80%) .
Secondary Skills: Swimming (65%) , Climbing
(55%/45%) , P rowl (40%) , Pilot Sailboats (75%) , Pilot
Motorboats (70%), Horsemanship (68%), Astronomy
(40%), and Art (40%).
Money: The Siphon has only $3,562 in his savings ac
count, the sum total of the cash he has been able to
scratch together as a supervillain. When trying to recruit
others to serve him, however, Siphon overlooks his fi
nancial realities and acts as if he has millions upon mil
lions to fall back on.
Weapons: None. Siphon believes he can su rvive any
superbrawl with his powers alone (good luck) .
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Savage Fu ry
The theory of "quantum wrinkles" is a new one to the
world of physics. Essentially, it states that periodically, the
fabric of universal space-time bu nches u p due to g ravitic
or other anomalous distortions. As a resu lt, space-time
crunches up, holds momentarily and then snaps back to
its original configu ration, sending a ripple distortion out
ward from the original point of disturbance. Everything
within range of the subsidiary ripple experiences a dimin
ished reproduction of the original space-time distortion,
and will experience a corresponding slip from the standard
quantum velocity of the universe. Isn't very easy to follow,
is it? That's what Sergio Molinari thought too when he first
read about quantum wrinkles in his college physics text a
book. Then again, for this hard d rinking frat boy, thinking
hard about anything was a little too much effort to be
worthwhile, which is probably why he was in his seventh
year of college and still no closer to g raduating than he
had been the previous six.
Sergio's roommate, a physics genius, had built what he
believed to be a prototype quantum wrinkling device and
set it up for a test run the fi rst thing the next morning. After
that, he went out for the evening to catch a movie and
pizza to celebrate.
U nfortunately, he left it out in the open where a soused
Sergio stumbled back in from an evening of excessive
drinking and pledge hazing. While heading through the
darkened apartment searching for the toilet, Sergio
crashed into Seebohm's quantu m device and set it off, di
recting a powerful , localized quantum distu rbance right
into his body! At first, Sergio just wrote off the strange sen-
1 99
sation to "spinning room syndrome," something to which Education Level and Skills: One Year of College.
he was no stranger. The next day, he realized that he was Physical: Boxing, Wrestling, Body Bu ilding , Running,
seriously h u rt by his roommate's freaky machine. Climbing (98%/90%) , Swimming (60%), and Athletics
Not long afterwards, Sergio dropped out of school alto (General).
gether and began living off the allowance his rich parents Secondary: Writing (75%) , Research (98%) , Literacy
kept sending him. Sergio lived at the bottom of a bottle for (80%), Automotive Mechan ics (35%) , Basic Mechanics
a while as he worked on better control of the powers he (40%), Pilot Automobile (64%) , and Pilot Motorcycle
had gained that fateful night. Although the powers he kept (68%).
secret could have made him a full-fledged hero (or villain) Money: None, really. He is a brawler and a thug. Holding
if he desi red , Sergio wasted his days away on a bar stool , on to money or spending it responsibly is simply out
periodically getting into fights with local rowdies and side of his frame of reference.
th rashing the living daylights out of them. Weapons: None.
Sergio's trip to G ramercy Island came as a result of a Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. He probably
barroom brawl with a particularly big bruiser who tu rned
should wear some kind of body armor, but he refuses
out to be the supervillain Maximum-Man. In the ensu ing
to, insisting that to wear armor is to i nvite bad luck.
melee, the entire bar was destroyed and over thirty people
were inj u red as the building collapsed. Maximum-Man es
caped, but Sergio was too battered and d runk to get away,
so he took the fall for everything. Dubbed the Savage Fury Spi n nerette
by reporters who caught the fight on a live camera, Sergio Ever since she was a kid , Margaret Petropolous has
has been in G ramercy Island since it opened and is been deathly afraid of spiders. No matter what they looked
scheduled for release in another two years. like or even if they were enclosed in a jar and could not
While in the joint, Sergio has sobered up, but has be touch her, the mere sight of arach nids was enough to
come even meaner. H is innate tendencies for casual vio cause the girl to faint dead away. For most people, this
lence and bu llying have only intensified , and the moment would just be an annoying phobia to deal with and move
he gets out, the chances of him finding some seedy bar or on, but not for poor Margaret. At the age of 1 4, she began
tavern or fight club and starting a ruckus are practically a to develop mutant powers that resembled the abilities of
certainty. He has vowed never to return to prison, how most spiders - adhesion, extreme agility, superhuman
ever, and if cornered by law enforcement officials, he will strength, a venomous touch, and so on. The association
fight to the death rather than submit peacefully. Not every between herself and the spiders she feared so much was
one is cut out to be a superhuman, and more people than too much for Margaret's mind to bear, and she went into a
the public imagine suffer a fate like Sergio. catatonic state for close to seven years.
When she broke out of it, she was a completely differ
Real Name: SergiO Molinari ent person. It was if, while comatose, Margaret's old per
Alignment: Anarchist and suffers from depression and sonality had dissolved and was replaced by a new one.
agg ression . One marked by a lust for predation and laying cunning
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 1 , M.E.: 1 2, M.A.: 1 2, P.S. : 50 (Super traps for her adversaries. Psychologists were amazed -
human), P.P.: 1 5, P.E.: 1 5, P.B.: 1 1 , Spd : 1 4 apparently Margaret had constructed a new personality for
Age: 29; Sex: Male. herself that reflected her perceptions of what spiders were
Height: Six foot, five inches ( 1 .98 m). Weight: 300 Ibs like. Now she was no longer meek little Margaret
( 1 35 kg) . Petropolous, she was Spinnerette, the human spider,
Experience Level : 2 predator supreme.
H it Points : 40 Arming herself with a stolen police-issue g renade
launcher and a few thousand rou nds of stickum gel,
S.D.C.: 80
Spinnerette had all she needed to conduct a reign of terror
Power Category: Experiment. upon the people of her home town of Metro Basin. Using
Side Effects: I ncreased Mass. her abilities and weapon ry to immobilize passersby and
Major Super Abilities: Control Kinetic Energy. then rob them (killing those who gave her trouble) ,
Minor Super Abilities: Power Channeling and Superhu- Spinnerette struck without warning, provocation or pattern.
man Strength. "Spiders kill indiscriminately," she once remarked in a
phone interview to the media. "And so shall I ."
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
After an eight year criminal career, Spinnerette was fi
Number of Attacks: 5 nally captu red and she ended up at G ramercy Island ,
Bonuses: +2 to initiative , +2 to strike, +38 to damage, +3 where she is serving life as a serial killer.
to parry and dodge, +2 to disarm , +4 to roll with impact, Spinnerette has been a particularly troublesome pris
and +4 to pull punch. oner and stands no chance of parole. For reasons yet to
Other Combat I nfo: Body tackle: 1 D4x1 0+38, head butt: be determined, the villain seems resistant to all power
3D6+38, punch: 1 D6x1 0+38, power punch: 1 D6x1 0+38 dampening devices - nothing seems to work on her!
(counts as fou r attacks) , and kick: 1 D6x1 0+38. Even stasis only works to a point, so unless the Contain-
Real Name: Margaret Petropolous
Alignment: Diabolic
Attributes: tQ.: 1 9, M.E.: 1 9, M.A.: 1 9, P.S. : 1 9, P.P.:
29, P.E. : 1 9, P.B.: 1 9, Spd : 39
Age: 29; Sex: Female.
Height: Five feet, ten inches ( 1 .78 m). Weight: 1 60 Ibs
(72 kg) .
Experience Level: 9
H it Points: 64
S.D.C.: 50
Power Category: M utant.
U nusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous.
Major Super Abilities: Disruptive Touch.
M inor Super Abilities: Adhesion, Extraordinary P . P . and
Power Channeling.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Number of Attacks: 9
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +6 to parry and dodge, +5 to
strike, +3 to automatic dodge, +5 to pull punch , +7 to
damage, +3 to disarm, and +3 to roll with impact.
Other Combat Info: Body flip/th row, death blow (if de
sired , must announce intention), body tackle:
1 06+904+7, head butt: 5 06+7, punch: 1 06+7, power
punch: 1 D6x1 0+ 1 4 (counts as fou r attacks), kick:
1 D6x1 0+ 1 0. Disrupt optic nerve touch: victims -8 on ini
tiative and to strike, parry and dodge. Disru pt nervous
system touch : paralyzes victims for 304 minutes.
Touch of pain: 306. Death touch: 606 and coma if vic
tim fails the saving throw of 1 5 or higher.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School.
Mechanical Engineer: Mechanical Engineer (75%) ,
Basic Electronics (80%) , and Locksmith (75%) .
Electrical P rogram: Electrical Engineer (85%) , Basic
Mechanics (80%) , Computer Operation (90%), and Ro
bot Mechanics (90%) .
Secondary Skills: Body Building, Athletics (General),
Pilot Truck (68%), Pilot Airplane (78%) , General Re
pair/Maintenance (70%) , T.V & Video (53%) .
Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Paired Weapons (All).
Money: Only a few thousand, Spinnerette has always
been more interested in h u nting, h u rting, scaring and
killing people more than making money from her pow
ers .
Weapons: Spinnerette originally used a standard 40mm
g renade launcher that fi red specialty rounds that ex
ploded into a blast of sticky super-glue, not unlike the
effects of a Carpet of Adhesion spell . Of cou rse, she no
longer owns such a g u n , but were she to get out and
resume her activities as a villainess, she might try find
ing a gun like this once more, as it has become some
thing of a trademark for her. In the meanwhile, she'll
use a variety of handguns or maybe h i re some gadge
ment Wing figu res out how to keep Spinnerette under con teer to build her wrist-mounted gizmos that fire a chemi
trol soon, she will definitely figure out a way to break her cal adhesive webbing. Nah, too contrived. Who'd ever
bonds and escape the prison. take those seriously?
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None at present.
menaces, supernatu ral dangers, the U ltranauts fought
them all, with Stalwart leading the way.
Stalwart's story is well known to most people, since
Simic never made any attempt to hide his true identity. He
was g rowing up in a simple Midwestern town when he dis
covered a strange lump of rock in his father's field. Dig
ging the rock up, the lad realized too late that it was really
an alien meteor that had landed on the planet thousands,
maybe even millions of years before. The rock contained a
trace amount of strange radiation that affected Simic, al
tering his cellular structu re and endowing him with incredi
ble powers. After the that, the radioactivity of the rock itself
faded out entirely, ensuring that no others would gain
powers like Simic. Subsequent scientific examinations of
the rock have tu rned up nothing, since the material is
completely foreign compared to Earth elements.
Encouraged by his family to use his powers to better
hu manity, Simic became a high-profile public superhero,
operating solo for a while but then founding and leading
the U ltranauts. The g roup fought crime for only a year and
a half when Stalwart u nwittingly led the team into a terrible
ambush that ended with the death of fou r U ltranauts - EI
Dorado, Black Dog, the Crimson Commando and Miss
Mystery. The remaining team members, Jabberwocky,
Hovergirl and Thunderfist, all reti red from the superhero
business. It seems there had been a g rowing rift between
the team members and thei r increasingly megalomaniacal
leader. After Stalwart arrogantly led the group to their
near-destruction, the su rvivors had had enoug h and left
Stalwart on his own .
That incident - the ambush and the subsequent disso
l ution of the U ltranauts - d rove Stalwart off the deep end,
and he embarked on a savage quest to destroy
super-criminals whenever and wherever they could be
found. Instead of running bad guys in, Stalwart was beat
ing them to death, and on more than one occasion there
were scores of eyewitness and his deeds captu red on am
ateu r video. Finally, the authorities closed in on him and
asked him to su rrender. In a moment of lucidity, Stalwart
realized the craziness of his behavior and su rrendered
peacefully. He pled not guilty to five counts of murder, but
was fou nd guilty and is cu rrently doing life on G ramercy
Now that the smoke has cleared and his madness sub
sided, Stalwart realizes the scope of his crimes and that
he is a disgrace to the superhero community. Where once
he was a champion of law and order, now his legacy shall
be one of mindless rage and vigilantism. He contemplates
the foolishness of his actions every day, and stands a de
cent chance of parole in nine or ten years . Should he get
out, he will probably try to mentor up and coming
superheroes in the Old School way of doing things so they
can avoid making the same mistakes he made.
Stalwart Real Name: James Simic
For a brief time, James Simic, a.k.a. Stalwart, was one Other Aliases: Triumph, Captain Courage
of the g reatest heroes in the country. Commanding incred- Alignment: U nprincipled but was Aberrant evil and still
ible powers and endless cou rage, he led a short-lived leans in that direction. While he seems to be genuinely re
team of heroes known as the Uitranauts against countless forming, he could always slip back to his Aberrant ways
enemies. C riminal empires, corrupt governments, alien for some reason.
Attributes: 1.0.: 1 3, M.E.: 1 3, M.A. : 20, P.S.: 90 (super
natu ral), P.P.: 1 5, P.E.: 25, P.B.: 20, Spd : 20 Stratosfear
Age: 26; Sex: Male. Jared Stradler g rew up in Cory, Oklahoma, right in the
Height: Six feet, three inches ( 1 .9 m). Weight: 240 Ibs heart of America's ''tornado alley," the most
( 1 08 kg) . twister-stricken part of the world . When an F5, the most
Experience Level : 3 powerful category of tornado hit Jared's hometown while
he was in college, he was devastated. His family, friends,
H it Points : 35
and home were all swept away by the furious storm, never
S.D.C.: 700 to be seen again. U nwilling to accept what had happened ,
Natural Bio-Armor A.R.: 1 6 (240 S . D . C . ) . Jared d ropped out of school and became a tornado
Power Category: Mega-Experiment. chaser, one of a g rowing number of scientists and enthusi
Side Effects: Whole body glows. This makes him a g reat asts who d rive around in storms looking to sight tornadoes
on the grou nd. Most people do this so weather monitors
target at night and reduces prowl attempts by -40%.
and scientists can confirm the touchdown of an actual tor
That might be a reason why Stalwart never tries sneak
nado, and study them. However, a small number of these
ing anywhere; he knows he will get caught anyway, so
"chasers" simply do it for the thrill. Jared fell into neither
better to simply walk straight in and let one's powers do
category. He was doing it so he could be there when an
all the talking.
other F5 struck. His plan: a death wish , to enter the F5
Mega-Powers: All common mega-powers plus Tremen and join his lost family and friends once and for all.
dous Strength and Tremendous S.D.C.
F5s are reasonably rare, so Jared's plan could very
Major Super Abilities: Supernatural Strength, Sonic well have taken him years to realize. Luckily for him, an
Flight, and Bio-Armor. other F5 hit Oklahoma just two years after the monster
Achi lles' Heel: Vulnerable to Light. (When Stalwart uses that ripped through Cory. Jared was ready, and when the
his Bio-Armor abil ity, it automatically creates polarizing twister hit, he positioned himself right in its path. Jared just
eye shades for him). closed his eyes and waited for the spinning fury to take
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. him up into the sky. It did just that, but instead of battering
Jared to pieces, the experience so supercharged him, so
Number of Attacks: 5
ad renalized him, that it triggered his dormant mutant cell
Bonuses: +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +4 to structure, energizing him with power beyond that of mortal
initiative, +2 to strike (+3 in flight) , +3 to parry (+5 in men. Somehow, his fixation on tornadoes and the experi
flight) , +3 to dodge (+9 in flight) , +75 . to damage, +2 to ence of whirling around the heart of the most powerful
disarm, trust/intimidate: 60% and charm/impress: 50%. windstorm known to man guided what kind of powers he
Other Combat Info: Restrained punch: 5 06+75, would develop. Before he knew it, Jared was exerting his
full-strength punch : 2 D4x1 0+75, power punch: own control over the tornado. It was obeying his com
3D6x1 0+75 (counts as two attacks) . mands, his every wish! And even more, at the merest
Education Level and Skills of Note: P h . D . thoug ht, Jared became like the wind himself, merging with
Science P rogram: Computer Operation (75%), Ad the F5 and feel ing its awesome power firsthand.
vanced Mathematics (80%), Chemistry (75%) , Chemis Eventually, the tornado died out, in small part because
try: Analytical (70%), Astrophysics (65%) , Anthropology of Jared's attempts to calm it down. He came out of the
(60%), Archaeology (65%) , and Botany (65%) . storm a changed man. Drunk with his newfound power, he
Mechanical Program: Mechanical Engineer (65%) , likened himself to the windstorm. Tornadoes kill and de
Basic Electronics (70%) , and Locksmith (65%) . stroy indiscriminately, Jared reckoned, and so would he.
Electrical Program: Electrical Engineer (98%), Basic After resting for a few weeks to gain his strength, his ram
Mechanics (98%) , and Computer Repai r (95%) . page began with a series of farms outside Cory. Next, he
Secondary Skills: Research (60%) , Writing (35%) , used his wind abilities to terrorize the people inside a large
Pilot Motorcycle (68%), Computer Prog ramming (40%), regional shopping mall . By that time, he fig u red it was time
General Repair/Maintenance (45%), Speak/Literacy: to move out of the little league and into some serious crim
Russian (60%/40%) , Speak/Literacy: English (60%/ inal work. He moved to Victory City and began knocking
40%) , Speak/Literacy: German (60%/40%) . over banks and jewelry stores u ntil he ran afoul of a cun
ning team of Hardware geniuses whose g roup tactics and
Money: None.
innovative crimefighting gadgets proved to be more than a
Weapons: None. match for the self-styled wind master known to the world
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None. as Stratosfear.
He cu rrently resides in the Super-Being Containment
Wing, where he plots his escape and revenge upon the fa
cility itself. Perhaps a few twisters would do nicely.
Real Name: Jared Stradler
Other Aliases: Cumulus
Alignment: M iscreant.
H it Points: 50
S.D.C.: 40
Power Category: M utant
Unusual Characteristics: None.
Major Super Abilities: Control Elemental Force: Air and
Alter Physical Structure: M ist.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Number of Attacks: 7
Bonuses: +5 to pull punch , +4 to damage, +3 to disarm,
+3 to roll with impact, +3 to initiative, +3 to parry and
dodge, +2 to strike.
Other Combat Info: Call lightning: 606, whirlwind : 406,
body fli pith row, and death blow (if desired , must an
nounce intention).
Education Level and Skills of Note: High School G radu
Science: Advanced Math (84%) , Computer Opera
tion (75%), Biology (65%) , Astronomy (50%), Astro
physics (65%), Chemistry (65%)
Pilot (Advanced): Navigation (8 5 % ) , Read Sensory
Equipment ( 65 % ) , Weapon Systems (75 % ) , Pilot Truck
( 70% ) , Pilot Motorcycle ( 88% ) , Pilot Helicopter (76% ) ,
and Pilot Airplane (78%) .
Secondary: First Aid (70%) , Recognize Weapon
Quality ( 5 0% ) , Basic Mechanics ( 55 % ) , and Basic Elec
tronics ( 55 % ) .
Money: Stratosfear received a H U G E life insu rance pay
ment when his family died, and he will live off that for
the rest of his life. He will not touch this money to fund
criminal ventu res.
Weapons: None.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
Triskel ion
Triskelion began her professional adventu ring career as
an ex-I nterpol agent who had a long history of tangling
with the supernatu ral. A native of New Orleans, you ng Na
omi Desjardins' nanny was a voodoo priestess of sorts
who gave the g i rl her first taste of magic. I ntrigued, Naomi
ag reed to partake in a strange ritual that the priestess said
wou ld g rant Naomi g reat power once she was finally
g rown. Years later, with the ceremony all but forgotten ,
Naomi's powers sprung to life and the girl was marked
with a mystical brand in the shape of a three-legged spiral,
a Triskelion appeared on her back. From this day forth ,
her quest was clear: eradicate all evil on Earth, pu re and
Attributes: 1.0.: 1 5 , M.E.: 1 0, M.A.: 1 5, P.S. : 1 4, P.P.: simple.
1 4, P.E.: 1 4, P.B.: 1 3, Spd : 1 2 Triskelion is the sworn champion of a good wizards'
Insanity: The traumatic loss of his family and the near gu ild called Thessalica, whose name apparently refers to
death experience that transformed him have perma an ancient and powerful society of wizards fighting to
nently ruined his mind. Sadly, the psychotic young man maintain a loosely referred to "balance of the u niverse." To
is d riven to terrorize and destroy. that end, Triskelion waged an independent war against su
Age: 25; Sex: Male. pernatu ral evildoers everywhere. Her work brought her to
Centu ry Station which had become her new base of oper
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 1 7 5 Ibs (78 . 7 kg) .
ations. Her headquarters was a large loft in the Waingroh
Experience Level : 6 district, where her reputation alone kept punks from mess-
ing with the place. Periodically, she would check in with
Thessalica for missions, but more often , they called upon
her when they requi red her services or an audience with
U nfortunately, she has been arrested , tried and sen
tenced to ten years at G ramercy for vigilantism and resist
ing arrest (she put six cops in the hospital). Her lawyers
think she can get out in three years on good behavior. Un
til then, she remains under control thanks to a weird magi
cal ink that the SBCW experts have used to draw a mystic
sign of containment on her forehead . Where this ink co
mes from has not been disclosed by the SBCW, but
Triskelion suspects it was volu nteered by the Black Order,
a rogue group of evil sorcerers with whom her arch-enemy
villain Vincent Bloodstone is in league. As long as this
magical ink and writing remain on her head , she can not
use any of her magical powers. She also can not wipe the
ink away herself - somebody must do it for her.
(63) , Basic Mechanics (53%) , Auto Mechanics (53%) ,
and General Repair/Maintenance (63%) . Twi l i g ht
Weapon Proficiencies: W. P . Revolver, W.P. Auto Dyson Regent had been a leading research assistant
matic Pistol, W . P . Shotgu n , and W.P. Sub-Machinegun. for a high-tech laser communications firm working on a
Money: Triskelion is taken care of by the Thessalica, the project to craft black diamonds for a special lasing tube in
wizards' guild that acts as her collective patron. They development. While testing a diamond sample, it unex
supply her with whatever conventional weapons and pectedly exploded , catching Dyson right in the blast. Sev
equipment she requ i res, as well as any other opera eral folks were ki lled, and the resulting litigation and
tional costs within reason . They also give her a per claims drove the company into an early g rave. Meanwhile,
sonal salary of $30,000 a year, which considering the the millions of diamond shards embedded in Regent's
hazard of her work, doesn't even begin to approach ad flesh sparked some mutant factor or instilled him with
equate compensation, but Naomi isn't going to com strange powers. Since then, he has become a superhu
plain. After all, she's in this line of work whether she man independent contractor who works by his own rules
likes it or not, and is just g rateful that she has anybody and agenda as the criminal known as Twilight.
at all willing to help. Besides, it's not like she has much For years , that destiny would bring Dyson g reat wealth
of a personal life, so she has little to spend her money as he plundered industrial sites, high-tech business opera
on. tions, research labs and jewelry outlets (he's always had a
thing for gem stones and jewelry) . The g reater the risk and
Weapons: higher the payoff, the more he likes it. In recent years,
G lock-1 7 Pistols (2): Range: 1 65 feet (50 m). Dam Twilight has developed a taste for fine art, too, and has hit
age: 3D6 (silver bullets). Rate of Fire: Single shot or bu rst a nu mber of private residences, art galleries, and muse
firing (for bu rst firing with both guns at once, simply roll ums in an attempt to build up a vast personal collection of
once for a simultaneous bu rst and double the damage if it the world's g reatest works.
hits, but apply a -4 to strike penalty. For more detailed He was eventually captu red while breaking into a mu
two-gun shooting ru les, check out the stats for the C rime seu m, and was sentenced to only five years on G ramercy
Lord Gong Feng or the Triad Assassin martial arts in the Island. While he is incarcerated, however, authorities keep
Mystic China™ sourcebook) . Payload: 1 7 rounds. linking him to dozens of other unsolved art thefts and
Model 37 M Ithaca Shotgun: Range: 1 50 feet (45.7 crimes, so his time to serve keeps lengthening as addi
m). Damage: 4D6 (silver buckshot) , 5 D6 (silver slug), 6D6 tional sentences pile up on him. He could probably get out
(si lver flechettes; her favorite). Rate of Fire: Single shot. instantly if he would divulge the location of his hidden art
Payload: 5 rounds. cache, but Twilight is unwilling to do so. U ntil then, he fo
Silver-Edged Katana: Damage: 3D6. cuses on trying to break out and resu me his career as the
Mace/Pepper Spray: A stinging chemical spray that world's most unusual art collector.
blinds one's opponent. Victims are -6 to strike, parry and The SBCW keeps Twilight's powers neutralized by
dodge. Range: 6 feet ( 1 .83 m). Duration: 4D4 melees. hold ing him in a photonically variable cell. That means
Payload : 20 shots. Twilight's body is constantly bombarded by special-inten
Stun Gun: Range: Touch. Damage: Victims hit by this sity lightwaves that enter the diamond fragments in his
are jolted with a few thousand volts of electricity and are at skin and effectively short out his powers. Should the bom
-8 to strike, parry and dodge, and their number of attacks bardment cease for even a single minute, his powers will
per melee are halved for the next 2D4 minutes. Payload : retu rn to full strength. After that, it will take a new vari
1 0 charges. able-photonic bombardment of at least one hour to neu
tralize him again .
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Real Name: Dyson Regent
BMW Z3 Convertible: She appropriated this from an Aliases: Shadowlord and Dirk M idnight.
evil sorcerer she took down a few months ago. Since then , Alignment: Anarchist
she has done an excellent job of forging the right kinds of Attributes : I.Q.: 1 2, M.E.: 1 0, M.A.: 9, P.S.: 1 5, P.P.: 1 5,
papers so if the vehicle is run through a police computer, it P.E.: 1 5, P.B.: 1 0, Spd: 20
will appear to be lawfully registered and insured . She will Age: 27; Sex: Male.
use this vehicle until it is implicated in some kind of illegal
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 1 90 Ibs (85 .5 kg) .
or paranormal activity, after which she will try to appropri
ate some other means of transport. Deep down, she gets Experience Level : 1 0
a thrill out of ripping off her enemies. H it Points: 55
Holdout Gear: Triskelion always carries on her a Swiss S.D.C.: 55
army knife, a pocket lighter, a pair of handcuffs, a roll of Power Category: Experiment.
quarters, a set of lock picks, three silver bullets, a silver Major Super Abilities: Darkness Control.
cross, and some other goodies that come in handy from
Minor Super Abilities: Nightstalking, Energy Expu lsion
time to time.
("Black Lasers:" 600 feetl1 83 m, 1 D6x1 0+ 1 0 damage at
Side Effects: Light g ray, sparkling skin. Requires energy
for nourishment.
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
Number of Attacks: 6
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to
dodge, +2 to damage, +4 to pull punch, + 1 to disarm,
+2 to roll with punch/fall/impact.
Nightstalking Bonuses: + 1 0% to P rowl, Tracking, Land
Navigation; Nightvision (1 ,000 feetl305 m); Horror Fac
tor: 1 3; +1 to initiative, +1 06 to damage and +50 S.D.C.
Other Combat Info: Punch 1 04+2, Kick 1 06+2, Black La
ser Blast: 1 D6x1 0+1 0 damage at max. (can also fire
less damaging blasts in increments of 1 06 up to 1 206) ,
Critical Strike: 1 9-20, Body Flip/Throw.
Education Level and Skills of Note: Trade School.
Science P rogram: Computer Operation (98%), Ad
vanced Mathematics (98%), Chemistry (90%) , Analyti
cal Chemistry (85%) , Astronomy (85%) , and
Astrophysics (90%) .
Communications: Basic Electronics (90%), Radio:
Basic (98%), Radio: Scramblers (95%) , T.V. & Video
(76%), and Laser (Communications) (90%) .
Secondary Skills: Computer P rogramming (75%) ,
Body Building, Athletics (General) , Climbing
(85%/75%) , Streetwise (56%), Art (80%), and Business
& Finance (80%) .
Money: For a super-powered adventu rer, Twilight does
moderately well for himself, with an annual "salary" of
about $300,000. However, his luck runs really hot and
cold, so he might pull down fou r or five scores a year
netting him anywhere from 1 00,000 to 500,000 each .
This does not include his art, gem and jewelry col lec
tion worth in excess of 300 million dollars.
Weapons: None.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
U n d i ne
Amy G ruvensky was an u nassuming street punk, living
an aimless life of petty crime until she became interested
in the occult. She soon began hanging around local occult
bookstores and antiquity shops, stealing whatever she
could without their proprietors noticing. (And usually ignor
ing the "Shoplifters will be C U RSED!" signs, too.) Her luck
... shall we say ... changed when she stole a philter of un
identified liquid from a shop belonging to Heronimus
Tilney, otherwise known as the magical mega-hero
Hierophantl Tilney immediately called G ruvensky on her
theft, but rather than return the stolen potion , she d rank it.
Almost immediately, her body underwent a radical physi
cal transformation, tu rning her skin a bluish-white and
making all of her hair fall out. Amy also developed amaz
ing powers that g ranted her control over water. She would
have immediately began using these powers to pursue a
career in wretched villainy, had the Hierophant not inter
vened .
At first, the Hierophant merely wanted to punish this girl
himself for stealing the magic elixir. He had obtained it as
a gift from an alien emperor as a reward for a truly epic
adventure, and the Hierophant was saving it as a possible
bargaining device in case he ever needed to do a deal
with a powerful supernatu ral entity. Now that this punk girl
had wasted it, he fig u red he might as well try to make the
best of it. Hierophant took Amy u nder h is wing , training
\ o o her in the use of her power responsibly.
For a while, Amy took her lessons to heart, and she
even became H ierophant's superhero sidekick for a few
o months. But after a while, she g rew tired of her mentor's
rules and sermonizing. So, one day she simply left and
\ embarked on a wild and woolly string of thrillseeker crimes
and acts of reckless endangerment. When confronted by
Hierophant himself, she tried to escape and in doing so,
caused a massive boating accident that left over 1 00 peo
ple injured .
The wild thrillseeker, now calling herself Undine, was
caught and sentenced to 25 years at G ramercy I sland,
where she has been forced to assume her liquid form and
remain trapped inside a hypertanium metal cube too
strong for her to break out of. This special device has no
seams or weak joints, making it impossible for Undine to
escape. It remains to be seen just how long she will live
like this, however, so her life sentence could become an
eternity if she is not released or if the laws governing her
incarceration are changed . Should U ndine escape, she
will be in an extremely bad mood, and will seek to orga
nize a party of fellow supervillains to kill Hierophant and
go on a crime rampage that will not stop until she is dead
or captu red.
Real Name: Amy G ruvensky; no aliases.
Occupation: Supervillain and street punk.
Alignment: Miscreant. When she was working with the
Hierophant, she had been Anarchist. If she escapes her
confinement cube, she will be Diabolic.
Attributes: I.Q.: 1 1 , M.E.: 20, M.A. : 1 2, P.S. : 1 3, P.P.:
1 4, P.E.: 1 5, P.B.: 22, Spd : 20
Age: 1 8; Sex: Female.
Height: Five feet, seven inches (1 .7 m). Weight: 1 30 Ibs
(59 kg) .
�" -, . ·f
Experience Level: 5
H it Points: 30
S.D.C.: 70
Power Category: Experiment
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Liquid
(Water) and Control Elemental Force: Water.
Side Effects: All hair has fallen out; porcelain white skin.
U ndine camouflages herself by passing off her looks as
a kind of wei rd neo-Gothic thing. The funny thing is,
many of her fellow classmates in school have beg u n
imitating t h e look b y shaving thei r heads a n d applying
white makeup all over their head and hands, highlight
ing it as Amy does, with light blue lipstick and eye
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Expert.
Number of Attacks: 5
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to
dodge, +2 to pull punch , +2 to roll with punch/fail/im
pact, +3 vs psionic attack and insanity.
Other Combat Info: Punch: 1 04 , Snap Kick: 1 06, Karate
Kick: 204, and Axe Kick: 206.
Education Level and Ski l ls of Note: High School G radu
Computer P rogram: Basic Electronics (55%) , Com
puter Operation (65%) , Computer P rogramming (55%) ,
and Computer Repai r (50%) .
C riminal P rogram: Streetwise (41 %) , Pick Locks
(55%), P rowl (50%) , Computer Hacking (55%) , and
Concealment (41 %).
Secondary Skills: Basic Mechanics (50%), Auto Me
chanics (45%), Radio: Basic (65%) , T.V. & Video
(41 %), General Repai r & Maintenance (55%) , Pilot Mo
torcycle (76%) , Pilot Airplane (66%) , and Pilot Water
Scooters (70%).
Money: When she was free, she made as much as any
convenience store clerk pulls down. U ndine couldn't fig
u re out why Hierophant made her take such a crummy
job, but he kept telling her it had something to do with
learning humility.
Weapons: None for now.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: None for now, but she
likes the high-life.
N o one knows who h e is o r where h e comes from. All
that is known about him are snippets of information taken
from those who have done battle with him, and what few
details he has h imself divulged. He is a mystery, a dark
stranger, an enigma wrapped in shadows. He is the
Hailing from an alien dimension where only the cruel
su rvive and the vicious prosper, the Xenomancer is a war
lord and tyrant who mastered the mystic arts solely for the
purpose of smiting his enemies, enslaving those less pow
erful than he, and bringing as many worlds as possible un
der his dominion.
For more than a century, the Xenomancer ruled a vast
interdimensional empire with an i ron fist, crushing any dis
sent and waging terrible wars u pon his neighbors. U lti
mately, the Xenomancer's insatiable thirst for conquest led
him to neglect more pressing matters at home. As a result,
his subjects revolted against him and, caught unprepared ,
the evil overlord was forced to abdicate his throne. He
would be damned if he was going to let peasant rabble
take control of his empire, so before he left, he set off
some kind of mystic device that sparked a destructive
chain reaction in each of the dozen dimensions where he
had held territory. Not even the Xenomancer knows the
full extent of the damage, but one thing is certain: all of the
lands the Xenomancer once held were utterly destroyed,
and billions of lives were lost in the process. This heinous
2 09
act of mass murder does not trouble the Xenomancer one Level One: Blinding Flash ( 1 ) , Cloud of Smoke (2) ,
bit. As far as he is concerned , the people he killed were no Death Trance ( 1 ) , Decipher Magic (4), G lobe of Day
more significant than so many insects scuttling about the light (2) , and See the I nvisible (4) .
earth. All he has done was, in his view, destroy a pest-rid Level Two: Darkness (6), Extinguish Fire (4) , Mystic
den environment before evacuati ng it. Alarm (5) , and Tu rn Dead (6) .
Those who su rvived this holocaust do not share his Level Three: Armor of Ithan (1 0) , Breathe Without Air
sentiments, and seek retribution. Chief among them is a (5) , Energy Bolt (5), Fingers of the Wind (5) , Float in Air
small cad re of su rvivors, many of whom possess magic or (5) , Ignite Fire (6) , and I nvisibility: Simple (6) .
super abilities themselves. They wander the universe in Level Fou r: Carpet of Adhesion ( 1 0), Charismatic
search of a new home, but more importantly, they search Aura ( 1 0), Energy Field ( 1 0), Fire Bolt ( 1 0), Magic Net
for the d readed Xenomancer. (7) , M u ltiple I mage (7) , and Seal (7).
This development is unknown to the Xenomancer, who Level Five: Charm ( 1 2), Circle of Flame ( 1 0), Heal
has chosen Earth as his new home, at least for now. He Wounds ( 1 0) , Escape (8) and Sleep ( 1 0).
was defeated in battle and sent to G ramercy Island for Level Six: Fire Ball ( 1 0), Fire Fist ( 1 5), Magic Pigeon
containment while he u nderwent trial in an international (20) , Mystic Shield (1 0) , Tongues ( 1 2), and Teleport:
cou rt for causing all sorts of chaos in the British Isles. It Lesser ( 1 5).
appears he had tapped mystic energy from Stonehenge Level Seven: Animate & Control Dead (20), Fly as
with a magic scroll from another dimension, in a bid to the Eagle (25), Wink-Out (20), Circle of Containment
transform the planet and conquer the world. U ltimately, ( 1 5+) , and Life Drain (25) .
the sorcerer was foiled, the scroll destroyed , and he was Level T e n a n d higher: Mystic Portal (60) , Anti-Magic
sentenced to life imprisonment. Considering that the Cloud (1 40) , Dimensional Portal ( 1 000) and Teleport
Xenomancer is expected to live another few centuries at Superior (600) .
least, this might turn out to be a long stretch indeed. Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Basic.
Real Name: Unknown. The Xenomancer is all too aware Number of Attacks: 7
what kind of power one's true name holds, and fears of
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry and
any other spell caster learning it.
dodge, +1 1 to damage, +4 to roll with impact, +4 to pull
Alignment: Diabolic
punch, and +1 to disarm . +5 to save vs magic, +2 to
Attributes: I.Q.: 29, M.E.: 28, M.A.: 28, P.S.: 24 , P.P.:
save vs poison, +4 to save vs possession and Horror
1 6, P.E.: 1 8, P.B.: 1 3, Spd : 45
Factor, +4 to Spell Strength ( 1 6 or higher to save vs the
Age: Who knows? Sex: Male. Xenomancer's spells) , and +6% to save vs coma/death.
Height: Six feet ( 1 .83 m). Weight: 2 1 5 Ibs (96.7 kg) . Other Combat I nfo: Karate kick: 2 04+ 1 1 , critical strike:
Experience Level : 1 2 1 9-20, body throw/flip, critical strike or knockout from
H it Points: 75 behind.
S.D.C.: 1 30 Education Level and Skills of Note: Alien Military Spe
A.R.: 1 2 cialist.
Magic Skills: Spell Translation (47%), Demons &
P.P.E.: 374
Monsters (98%) , Geomancy (98%), Religion (98%) , Ar
Power Category: Alien: Magic (Mystic Study) . chaeology (98%) , Chemistry (98%) , and Holistic Medi
Alien Appearance: Humanoid : g rey skin, pointed ears, cine (98%).
glowing yellow eyes, demonic face (a central ridge run Espionage: Detect Ambush (98%) , Detect Conceal
ning down the middle of his head along with tiny, sharp ment (98%) , I ntelligence (98%) , Tracking (98%) , and
teeth and a forked tongue), and delicate hands with Escape Artist (98%).
long , slender fingers. Military: Camouflage (98%) , Find Contraband & I lle
Alien Environment: Abrasive Atmosphere. (Note: Al gal Weapons (98%) , Recognize Weapon Quality (98%),
though the Xenomancer hails from a world with high Trap/Mine Detection (98%) , and Armorer (Field) (98%) .
g ravity and eternal nighttime, the conditions there are Physical: Boxing, Wrestling, Acrobatics, and Gym
not so g reat as to merit any additional Alien Envi ron nastics.
ment bonuses. They merely serve to fu rther differenti Weapon P roficiencies: W . P . Sword , W . P . Energy
ate what the Xenomancer considers a comfortable Pistol, W.P. Energy Rifle, and W . P . Heavy Energy
envi ronment from that of the Earth. ) Weapons & Rail G u ns.
Magic Abilities: Astral P rojection (6), Familiar L i n k (20) , Secondary: Art (98%) , Swimming (98%) , Running,
Sense Enchantment (0) , Sense Supernatu ral Evil (0) , and Law (General) (98%) .
Sense Magic (4) . Money: None.
Spell Knowledge: G . M .s, feel free to substitute any of Weapons: None. He used to own an arsenal of u nusual
these spells with those found in the Heroes Unlim conventional , magical and technological weaponry be
ited™ G.M.'s Guide, the Palladium Fantasy R PG® or fore he was deposed , however, this collection has been
R iftS®. dispersed throughout the Megaverse. Should the
21 0
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21 1
Xenomancer get free, he would very much like to reas
semble this collection.
Vehicles and Other Equipment: Likewise, the
Xenomancer once owned a set of rune armor that
greatly boosted his spell casting power, but that too has
been lost (in a game of chance against a d ragon , of all
things) . Of all of the Xenomancer's possessions, this
was his most treasu red, and he is at the point where he
will do anything to get it back.
William Will iams is not the original Billy that his family To prove this, Williams set up a series of secret cloning
knows and loves. He is a sixth-generation clone of his experiments where he cloned a fully grown duplicate of
original self, the superpowered result of a bizarre experi himself, and then duplicated that, and again and again .
ment in human duplication. Williams is an award-winning Finally, b y the sixth generation clone, super abilities
geneticist who has been working to unlock the secrets of emerged - the ability to mimic the superpowers of others,
cloning for most of his professional life. While other scien and ironically, the ability to duplicate oneself. Williams had
tists have successfully cloned sheep and other livestock, proven his theory (or did he just happen to have mutant
Williams had focused entirely on cloning h uman subjects. genes waiting to be stimulated and unleashed?)
His aim is not just to duplicate human beings, but to use However, with each subsequent copy of himself, Wil
cloning as a tool to unlock the power potential within each liams' clones became more aggressive, animalistic and
person's genetic structu re. Williams had theorized that if amoral. By the time "Version Six" was generated , he had
the h u man cell structu re is duplicated enough times, it will, powers, yes, but he also was a monstrous villain who
in essence, "shake loose" the u nlocked potential of one's wished only to use his gifts to hurt others. He started by
own body, triggering super abilities and psionics. murdering the other duplicates of himself as well as his
21 2
originator. From there, he simply liquidated his earthly be Weapons: None.
longings, alienated his family and friends, and began a life Vehicles and Other Equipment: None.
of villainy for the sheer pleasu re. Calling himself
Zeerod-Quad, he used his powers to spread hate, fear
Adventu re
and misery as far as he cou ld.
The only thing that stopped him, oddly enough, was the
Centu ry Station villain team known as Overrun, a set of
identical triplets who all possessed duplication powers
themselves. It seems Overru n felt that Zeerod-Quad gave
duplicators a bad name, and so they ju mped him. The bat
tle looked like a small riot at a twins' convention, with so
many identical looking people running about. But
Zeerod-Quad was defeated and d ropped off into the wait
ing hands of the CSPD. (For their vigilante efforts, Over 1 01 Gramercy Island Adventures
run had several ongoing criminal investigations against
By Bill Coffin with Kevin Siembieda
them d ropped. ) Zeerod-Quad was sentenced to 50 years
in prison for his various crimes. Oddly, he was never held For G . M .s strapped for time or wanting to throw a red
convicted for murdering the other versions of himself. herring i nto their ongoing adventu re or campaign, here are
Real Name: William Williams VI 1 0 1 adventure ideas you can incorporate into almost any
Other Aliases: Version Six Heroes Unlimited™ game. Many of these can be ex
Alignment: Diabolic panded to become an enti re adventu re or even a series of
Attributes: I.a.: 20, M.E.: 20, M.A.: 20, P.S.: 20, P.P.: adventu res. Others are good for just a super-heroic vi
20, P.E.: 20, P.B.: 20, Spd : 20 gnette to have some fun with while taking a breather from
you r ongoing campaign. We used this format in Century
Age: 30, Sex: Male.
Station™ and it was a big h it, so we thought we'd try it
Height: Six feet ( 1 . 83 m). Weight: 1 90 Ibs (85.5 kg) . again for Gramercy Island™ . Enjoy!
Experience Level: 8 The fi rst hundred are given percentile nu mbers so the
H it Points: 60 G . M . can roll percentile dice and use this section as a kind
S.D.C.: 30 of random encou nter table. The 1 01 st entry is a bonus
Power Category: Experi ment. prize for all of you who toughed it out and read this u ntil
the end.
Side Effects: None.
01 %: An up and coming freelance investigative reporter
Major Super Abilities: M u ltiple Beings/Selves (up to fou r
has leaked to the I nternet that he has discovered the true
copies can be made at once; each is 8th level), and
identity of Warden Harker! The thing is, nobody else has
M imic.
much reason to bel ieve the Warden is anything other than
Combat Training : Hand to Hand: Martial Arts. what he appears to be, so this reporter is havi ng a hard
Number of Attacks: 5 time selling the story. I n desperation, he has tried to black
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +5 to strike, +6 to parry and mail Harker, but it has backfi red for two reasons. One, the
dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +4 to reporter really does not have any dirt on Harker - it is all
disarm, +3 to save vs psionic attack and insanity, a bluff in the hopes to shake something loose and build
trustlintimidate 60%, charm/impress 50%, +1 0% to his career. Second, Harker does not play to blackmai l. He
save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs magic and poison. has decided to kill the reporter instead, and has secretly
Other Combat Info: Snap kick: 1 06+5, karate kick: dispatched a few Argonauts (or some hoods) to handle
2 04+5, rou ndhouse kick: 206+5, backward sweep, the job. How the heroes get involved is up to the G . M .
Maybe they come in after the reporter tu rns up dead and
jump kicks (all), critical strike: 1 8-20, paired weapons
must bring his killer to justice. He'll claim the Argonauts
(all), and leap attack.
were usurped from Orion Robotics and can prove those
Education Level and Skills of Note: Street Schooled. allocated to the Island are still in storage.
Scholastic Skills: Streetwise (89%), P rowl (98%) ,
02%: After a particularly nasty hu rricane season, the
Ventriloquism (71 %), Pick Locks (96%) , Pick Pockets
mean water level around G ramercy island and Centu ry
(91 %), Cook (98%) , Fishing (98%) , Literacy (96%) , and
Station is much higher than usual . And now, H u rricane
Speak Spanish (98%) . William has blown in. For the last three days and nights it
Secondary Skills: First Aid (98%), Radio: Basic has dumped over three feet (0.9 m) of water and G ramer
(98%), Swimming (98%), General Repai r/Maintenance cy Island is starting to flood . From the island, it looks like
(98%), Hunting, and Track Animals (86%) . the land is sinking into the sea. And guess what? William
Money: Williams P rime had millions stashed in various is not expected to move away or disSipate for another
accounts, mutual funds and other investments. How th ree days. Does the prison's electrical system hold-up
ever, Williams VI can not remember the pass codes to (there are back-ups)? Does the storm provide an opportu
these accounts and can not access any of them! nity for one or more super-prisoners to escape? Is a bad
21 3
Su per- Bei ng
Co ntai n ment Wi n g
ARG ONAUT Each pod has
L OCKER fou r cells. The
SBCW has 1 00
cel ls total .
• ••
21 4
guy or g roup of superhumans using the storm as a cover tinental U .S. Natu rally, Warden Harker is not playing to
to attack the island and bust out some friends (especially if that and has tapped local heroes for the job of infiltrating
there are characters in the raiding g roup who can control the cell block and apprehending the ringleaders behind
elemental forces)? this prisoner uprising - that shou ld bring things to an
03%: Zeke Arlington is a career killer serving ten con abrupt end. Harker has authorized the use of deadly force
secutive life sentences in Bedlam. Only he's telling the if necessary. Should details of any bloodbath make it to
Warden that unless he springs him at once, he is going to the mainstream press, Harker will gladly sick his own spin
leak the secret identities of the heroes who captured him. doctors on the situation to wash the heroes' hands of any
Warden Harker has contacted the heroes as a cou rtesy culpability.
and to see what their next move shall be. Zeke is not bluff 09%: The supervillain Sideslide has slipped his bonds
ing; he really does know the heroes' secret identities. How en route to G ramercy Island , and when his transport craft
he learned them is quite the mystery. landed at the Airlock, he was nowhere to be fou nd. He has
04%: An entire supervillain team incarcerated in the not been implanted with a low jack yet, nor has he been
SBCW (G . M .'s choice) has vanished from thei r cells! How seen on G ramercy Island. However, given his publicly
they got out is unknown (magic?), as is their present stated obsession with killing Warden Harker, it is a safe
whereabouts. All of the villains had been I owjacked , but bet the villain is somewhere on the island , plotting an as
their signals died out the moment they vanished. Rumor sassination attempt or worse.
has it they have already gotten to the mainland and are 1 0%: Ever since Hector Guzman (black sheep of the
looking to settle a score with the heroes or lawmen who famous G uzman industrial fortune) gained control over the
originally put them behind bars. notorious colorgang, Waingroh Underground, Bedlam has
05%: Ricky Fingers, capo of the DeTeluzzi crime syndi been a killing zone. Members of this hyper-violent gang
cate, has decided to snitch on his bosses to buy his free have been committing assau lts and murders the moment
dom. All he has to do is make it from G ramercy Island to they enter the cell block just to prove that the g roup's rep
the cou rthouse without getting clipped in the process. The on the street is well deserved. Now that there are over 55
player g roup has been asked to pull escort d uty. A verita U nderg round members in Bedlam , a mass killing is bound
ble army of gunmen, assassins and superhu man goons to happen. This will prompt a serious gang war and might
could be arrayed against them. All looking to cap off the plunge Bedlam into a full-blown riot. G uzman has since re
one guy who can destroy one of the largest syndicates in nou nced his life as a gang banger, however, and disap
this half of the country. peared. If he can be found and brought to G ramercy
06%: From the upper reaches of the stratosphere, a Island to denounce the gang he helped forge, perhaps he
massive bomb is dropped at G ramercy Island . One of the can cool tensions and prevent a prison bloodbath. Can the
city's mightiest heroes was able to intercept it while still player characters do a little detective work to find
ai rborne and prevent the destruction , but the perpetrator G uzman?
got away. (He is believed to have flown a stealth vehicle, 1 1 %: A ring of corrupt cops within the Century Station
since it didn't show up on any radars). The following mes Police Department are running a protection racket where
sage is e-mailed to Warden Harker: "Release all inmates they shake down criminals for "protection money" in retu rn
from the SBCW within 24 hours, or I shall d rop another for not busting them. This ring has now extended to G ra
bomb on you r precious facility for each day you violate my mercy Island, where certain u nscrupulous guards shake
deadline. Do not tarry, dear Warden. Time is of the es down known d rug dealers, contract killers and other in
sence." mates conducting profitable (and illegal) work. Both the
Who is this madman and can he be stopped before prison and the CSPD want this ring shattered but cannot
somebody gets h u rt? Does he represent some g roup? use their own people, since it will tip off the bad g uys. The
Does he have superbei ngs as well as technology at his player g roup has been asked to help out, perhaps by inter
disposal? Is he bl uffing? rogating the dirty prison guards first and working their way
07%: The heroes have been asked to shed their heroic up the organization's ladder on the outside until its master
identities and to go into Bedlam undercover to determine mind can be identified and brought to justice.
the ring leader of a new prison gang that is training in 1 2%: Recently, a popular super-vigilante named Mr.
mates in terrorist techniques. The terrorist recruits new Do-Good was arrested for the slaying of a known drug
members in prison, then gathers them together once they dealer, convicted of fi rst-degree murder, and sent to G ra
are free. The g roup has no name that the authorities are mercy Island. This has so outraged the citizens of Century
aware of, but they are believed to have been responsible Station that they have organized a "helicopter protest," in
for both the Si lver City arcology bombing and the Millions which a fleet of some twenty-five commercial helicopters
Pavilion spree killing. have loaded u p with protesters, and are now en route to
08%: A computer glitch in The Cage has simulta the Island. The g uards there will not shoot the choppers
neously unlocked every single cell on the Block. Like a down, but then the Island has a serious secu rity situation
tidal wave, the inmates have pou red out and have 1 00% on its hands once the protesters touch down at the Visi
control of Cell Block C, including the heavily defended ops tor's Area without going through proper channels. Any
center. Their demands are for all of them (over 3 ,000!) to body could slip on or off the island this way, as well as
be flown or ferried to the city of their choice within the con- smuggle in weapons, drugs, and other contraband. Things
21 5
might get especially ugly if any of the inmates use the dis 1 8%: Super-Being Containment Wing Escape! The
tu rbance as cover for one of their own schemes or an es Denizen woke u p from his slumber, freaked out and went
cape. on a rampage! I ronically, this alien brute was brought un
1 3%: C H I M ERA has reason to believe that an outside der control and captu red , but his rampage smashed
terrorist g roup (perhaps with superhumans) will try to con through several of the other SBCW cells, freeing other
tact inmates and organize a super-breakout. Warden superh umans who have made a break for it! Exactly how
Harker wants the heroes to go inside undercover, elicit the many supervillains escaped and who is left is up to the
terror g roup's attention and trust, then bring them down. Game Master - maybe two or th ree to a dozen or more!
1 4%: Somebody within G ramercy Island is on the take, They've been gone from the island for over three hou rs
accepting cash bribes smuggled in by visitors in order to now and could be anywhere, but are most likely some
arrange for the escape of an inmate. The corrupt staff where in nearby Century Station.
member'S sister has uncovered the plot and has tried to 1 9%: Facility Chopper Assault! Somebody has some
get her brother to stop, but he will not. So, in desperation , how hacked i nto G ramercy Island from the outside and re
she has tu rned to the heroes of the player g roup for help. mote-commandeered three of its assau lt helicopters! The
She has revealed all she knows about the extensive cor birds are circling the place, destroying whatever targets
ruption u nderlying the G ramercy Island facility personnel they can find. Facility secu rity can handle the choppers (it
and she begs the heroes to use this information to bring is only a matter of time before they are shot down, if noth
an end to corruption withi n the prison, but most of all, to ing else), but officials need some heroes to track down
somehow get her brother to give up his life of crime, or to this hacker at the sou rce and bring him or her in before it
be brought to justice for it. happens again!
1 5%: One of the Crime Lords of Century Station has 20%: Over the last month, numerous members of a
lost a few too many members of his gang to G ramercy Is new colorgang, the 11/ Children, have been captu red and
land , and he has decided that the player characters will incarcerated at G ramercy Island . These un usually well or
bring them back. The mastermind has captured a friend , ganized and violent criminals have all been sent to Bed
family member, loved one, etc . , of one (or more) of the lam, where they have reunited and are slowly forging
heroes and th reatens to kill him/her unless specific gang alliances with all the other colorgangs on the block, form
members are released within th ree days. The heroes can ing a coalition su per-gang . This whole phenomenon is at
either go by the demand and spring the mastermind's min tributed to the brilliant leadership of Aidan Sikorsky, who is
ions (including a superhuman or two?) or they can try to still at large. Somebody has to find this guy and get him to
track down the mastermind himself and rescue their loved vol untarily disband the ' " Children (not likely), so humiliate
one. him that his gang members no longer respect him, or bring
1 6%: A sting operation in Alphaville has revealed a vast him to justice so he is sent to p rison (somewhere other
conspiracy of murder, extortion and blackmail that all than the Island) . With Sikorsky out of the pictu re, the I I I
seems to point to Century Station's mayor Dwayne Children's alliance w i l l crumble.
Zardona as the ringleader! Warden Harker, who has no 21 %: An u nidentified caller has alerted the media that a
love for the good mayor, has already tipped off C H I M E RA, nuclear weapon has been hidden on G ramercy Island .
Centu ry Station's law enforcement administration. The The bomb is not powerful enough to incinerate the island .
Mayor, on the other hand , is calling in a favor from the I n fact, it is a new generation "micro-nuke," designed more
player group (or they may already have some reason to for its electromagnetic pulse than its blast damage (which
want to help him) to investigate the situation and prove his is minimal). If the bomber is not given one billion dollars,
innocence. The Mayor insists it is all an elaborate he will detonate it, effectively killing all security measures
frame-up orchestrated by a powerful enemy. The first on the island. That means the Containment Wing will
place to gather clues is right where the action is - G ra black out and at least 50-80% will be able to escape. The
mercy Island. authorities are qu ite positive this is a bluff, but they have
1 7%: Barker Barnes, a killer and con man doing 20 less than 24 hou rs to find out one way or the other.
years in the Cage, tells prison authorities that he's got the 22%: The Defense Department finally got the right to
straight dope on that most nefarious of underworld figu res: take the and roid known as the Curmudgeon out of G ra
The Minotaur. He will squawk only if he is let go from mercy Island for military research and study. On the way
prison enti rely. That means he is sent to Centu ry Station to a military base, the and roid escaped and is believed to
and let walk, and he will contact the authorities within 24 be somewhere in or near Century Station.
hours. It is a ridiculous deal, and Barnes is surely going to 23%: Catastrophe! A j umbo airliner filled with 230 pas
try to escape during the first 24 hours, but C H I M E RA is sengers strayed into the ai rspace over G ramercy Island
convinced he honestly has information on The Minotaur and has been shot down by an overeager guard. To make
and they want to cut a deal. The player heroes have been matters worse, the plane has plowed right into G ramercy
asked to shadow Barnes (or have caught wind of the oper Island, smashing throug h the southeast corner of the wall,
ation and do so on their own) for that 24 hours and, 1 ) not and cracking the Bedlam cell blocks and a small area of
let him get away, and 2) not let him know he is being the S uper-Being Containment Wing! Any heroes who re
tailed. If by the end of the 24 hou rs Barnes has not con spond are faced with the triple th reat of helping rescue the
tacted C H I M ERA regarding The M inotaur, the heroes are airline passengers, re-secure the compromised cell
to bring Barnes in.
21 6
blocks, and apprehend any and all escaped inmates (ordi and tail a couple of his men recently released from G ra
nary criminals and superbeings alike). A bunch of the ordi- mercy Island to get more information or even tail them to
nary h u man inmates will make a run for the dock area to the d ru g lab or their crime boss. These hoods are easy to
secure a boat or aircraft to get off the island (a few find, just tail 'em after a meeting with their parole officer or
superbeings may be among this g roup). The exact num follow the new birds about to be released from the Island
ber of escaped supervillains and who is left to the Game in a few days.
Master - maybe two or three to a dozen or more! 26%: A rogue satellite has been discovered in a
Note that not all supervillains will necessarily try to es geosynchronous orbit over Centu ry Station and G ramercy
cape. Pantegruel or Spinnerette for example, might hang Island . The parties who built this device and put it in place
in the shadows to p rey on crash victims "rescued" from the remain a mystery, as do the large energy signatu res ema
water and put on the relative safety of the Island. A villain nating from the satellite itself. Could this be some kind of
like the Middleman might try to escape by pretending to be orbital laser set up to blast the facility to breakout some or
one of the air-crash victims (taking the identity of a specific all of its prisoners?
individual and pretending to be in shock to avoid answer 27%: Omar Entebbe is just a run of the mill thug ,
ing questions - the real person tied u p and stashed scu mbag and killer doing life on the Island for killing a few
away, or killed, weighed down and tossed back into the cops. During his stay, he has built a radio that can monitor
water) . Meanwhile, lu natics like The Fun Bunch, and decrypt the secret frequencies the prison uses to
Megasaur, Savage Fury, Hazmat, and the Denizen will go communicate! Entebbe has spent a g reat deal of time
berserk and try to smash more of the p rison (releasing monitoring prison airwaves, and has learned not only the
other villains?) , attack g uards and rescuers, and engage passcodes to enter the SBCW's Evidence Depot, but also
superheroes in combat - u ntil these maniacs are con has learned a bit about the various other secu rity proce
tained, things will only get worse. d u res used to p rotect the place. If he can use this info to
24%: Believe it or not, a g roup of some 1 D4x1 0 giant get inside the evidence depot himself, he could steal and
mutant crocodiles have clambered onto the shores of G ra use any number of items to escape. Likewise, he can use
mercy Island and are storming the facility! These crea them to free one or more superbeings (and himself) and
tu res have a natu ral A.A. of 1 5, 75 S . D . C , 1 00 Hit Points, escape from the island. Or so he believes. Entebbe has
three attacks per melee round, and can bite for 1 D4x1 0 or made it known to a few key, outside underworld kingpins
tail slap for 6D6+ 1 5 points of damage. They are +1 on ini that he has this information and is willing to launch a
tiative, +3 to strike and + 1 to parry and dodge. L a . : 5, breakout attempt if the money is rig ht and he gets out of
M . E . : 5 , M.A.: 5 , P.S.: 30 (considered Superhuman), P . P . : prison too.
2 0 , P . E . : 2 0 , P . B . : 5, Spd: 2 0 on land, 6 0 in water. Where 28%: Simmering gang tensions in Bedlam have
the hell did these things come from, and why are they at erupted into all-out warfare! The g uards in the cell block
tacking G ramercy Island? The way they move, they seem have barricaded themselves in a few cells and the ops
to be controlled by some external force - something or center as inmates overrun the enti re facility. They can not
someone smarter than a reptile. Cou ld it be the Megasaur get out of the locked down building , but the building itself
controlling them or some new menace? Those who be is hard ly secure. The prison is having a difficult time get
lieve the Cuttlefish is alive believe he is the one responsi ting its Argonauts on line, so they are no help. Even with
ble (adding to his growing u rban myth) . Note: The crocs the power suits at the prison's disposal, Bedlam has sev
will fig ht to the death and nobody will claim responsibility eral thousand prisoners rioting. The cu rrent guard strength
to the attack, add ing to the mystery (and providing an may not be enough to bring the facility back under control,
opening for a series of adventu res and maybe a new vil so any and all heroes have been asked to help. Even vigi
lain). lantes with criminal records are welcome, and will have
25%: The Soribachi crime syndicate has had ill fortunes their entire records expu nged as a reward.
ever since its leaders were killed in a shootout with the po 29%: A ring of corrupt guards has a arranged for the
lice, and its lower echelon members sent to G ramercy Is delive ry of ten kilos of the super-d rug Eternity into G ra
land . All of a sudden , the top dog of the g roup, Senzo mercy Island . The shipment has a street value of $30 mil
Watanabe, professes to be alive! lion, which begs the question: why bring it into G ramercy
Word on the street is he's rebuilding his crime empire, Island when the d rug has not yet established a serious
and that includes starting a new d rug trade whose influ presence on the streets outside yet? Perhaps one of the
ence is spreading on the streets of Centu ry Station like dirty guards has the answers, as well as the name of the
wi ldfire. And why? Because he is producing a new d rug masterminds behind this operation . Could it be someone
called Zombie, which puts its users into a fugue state for a on the inside?
couple of hours. Word is, Watanabe is planning on d rop 30%: The Maggots, a colorgang of uncertain origins,
ping a large amount of Zombie into the Century Station has collectively asked to enter Administrative Segregation
water supply to take over the city! Police on the outside in return for snitching out who its handlers on the outside
have been u nable to crack Watanabe's organization, but were. P rison officials are curious as to the g roup's collec
hope that shaking down some of his men locked up at tive change of heart, but will take the offer anyway. Once
G ramercy Island might give them some leads. Meanwhile, these g uys finger their u nderworld bosses, all hell will
perhaps some streetwise vigilantes or heroes can locate break loose as assassins infiltrate the prison looking to
21 7
whack the Maggot informers one by one. Meanwhile, any minds d u ring his stay on the Island, and once word of that
Maggots on the outside will find themselves under siege gets out, he is a dead man . Too bad, too, since he can put
by numerous other colorgangs looking to erase the the finger on at least one other criminal mastermind.
snitches. At the same time, gangs allied to the Maggots 36%: The Grim Harbinger claims to have had a vision
will come in from other cities and throw down on their of impending disaster at G ramercy Island and warns the
friends' behalf. Large-scale gang warfare will be the likely prison authority. U nfortu nately, he can not see exactly
result at the prison as well as the streets of Centu ry Sta what that danger or disaster is, unless they remove the
tion, which is where the heroes come in. Somebody has to power dampening devices they have secu red him with.
stop this mess before it gets out of control. Once his powers are restored, he is certain that he can
31 %: U n known to the authorities and other inmates, see the future to help them avoid this dilemma. The War
one of the young prisoners in Bedlam has developed su den has refused on the g rou nds that it is nothing but an
perpowers. The now superh u man inmate is wondering if obvious ruse, and that once his powers are restored, the
he should escape early (he only has five months left be G rim Harbinger will use them to attempt an escape, seek
fore he is paroled) or use his powers to breakout one of retribution on a g uard or help others escape.
the Crime Lords or Supervillains in the belief that the 37%: Over 40 prisoners are fleeing to the edges of the
grateful individual will reward him handsomely with money island after blowing a hole in the outer walls of Bedlam us
and a position of power on the outside. The lad is strongly ing a easy-to-manufacture, di rected-blast explosive known
leaning to this idea and is trying to figu re out who he as TZE. Average inmates can not synthesize the stuff, so
should pick to help escape. The Fat Cat, Baron Zanzibar, it must have been smuggled inside. How, for what pur
Middleman, Grim Harbinger and Skulldugger (see #35 be pose (the prisoners can't get off the island) and by who?
low) are among those he's considering. Note: The kid is a Could this be a test ru n for something bigger, like a break
mutant with the super abilities: I ntangibility, Wingless out from the SBCW?
Flight and Extraordinary P.S. 38%: A team of foreign investors representing countries
32%: A failure in the SBCW protocols allows the villain that want to build their own super-prison come to tou r G ra
Twilight to escape. Nobody knows how this could have mercy Island.
happened. The authorities suspect an inside job. How The visit of such influential guests can lead to all kinds
ever, nobody can be fingered and secu rity is tightened . of possible trouble. One or more are really supervillains
The authorities (and heroes) are on the lookout for this no come to break out a buddy or hired to break out a particu
torious thief, but he could be anywhere in the world. lar individual o r g roup. Or they could be dignitaries who
33%: Boat Escape! A team of enterprising prisoners get captu red by one or more inmates with demands (a riot
from Alphaville have abused their light security privileges may ensue) . To or from the prison, the dignitaries are tar
to build a crude boat in the manufactu ring facility, and geted by terrorists or villains who do not wish to see any
have left the island with it. What makes these guys spe more super-prisons built. Or they si mply vanish ! ?
cial, aside from the fact that they are escapees, is that all 39%: Warden Harker believes t h e secu rity measu res of
th ree were participants in a medical experiment on the Is his p rison are lacking. To test them, he has asked the
land to create an inoculation against the H I V virus. The player characters to use any means at their disposal
scientists in charge of the test insist that these g uys (who (short of lethal force or mass p roperty destruction) to infil
are considered armed and extremely dangerous) be trate G ramercy Island, abduct him, and spi rit him to Cen
brought in alive and unharmed , since their altered blood tury Station. The rest of the facility does not know this is
supplies might hold the key to eradicating HIV once and merely a d rill. Whether Harker clears the heroes after the
for all. fact remains to be seen. He does seem to hate
34%: A dimensional portal opens u p right over the G ra superbeings, remember?
mercy Island visitors' center! For an hour, it has just hov 40%: Nine Ice , a large and powerful colorgang, has
ered there, a glowing, pulsing doorway to some othe r part developed a weird kind of super-freezing agent that can
of the infinite M egaverse®. As the heroes and G ramercy be stored at room temperature, but once activated will in
Island secu rity force move in to cordon off the portal, one stantly freeze anything and tu rn it as brittle as thin ice. The
must wonder: is this portal meant to provide somebody stuff can be made out of common household ingredients,
with an exit from this world/prison (Xenomancer perhaps?) and N i ne Ice has manufactu red over three hundred gal
- or to provide somebody (or some thing) with an en lons of the stuff covertly through the various industry cen
trance into ours? G . M .'s call . ters. Now the g roup has equipped each of its members
35%: The nefarious street-level mastermind with a large vial of the stuff, and they will soon embark on
Skulldugger has entered the Cage on a triple life convic a massive vandalism campaign. The hope is to so d istract
tion. Once word gets out that he is on the Island, half the the facility staff that they can freeze a hole through the
inmates in Bedlam go nuts. To them, Skulldugger is a walls and get to freedom. They will dump a few gallons
hero fig u re, and until he is transferred to their block, they into the water to create an ice bridge to the mainland to
will continue to riot and cause distu rbances. Sku lldugger make good thei r escape. It's a wild and desperate plan ,
has largely given up his criminal ways, however, and is but one they intend to go through with.
looking to the prison authorities to protect him. You see, 41 %: Ghost Ship! People have reported seei ng an
he has al ready snitched out th ree other criminal master- old-style sailing ship near G ramercy Island over the last
21 8
several nights of heavy fog. One night it even fired a can I n a surprise tu rn of events, a high profile attorney (with
non volley at the prison and punched a good sized whole mob connections) has managed to overtu rn Sizewell's
in one of the outer walls. It will take a month to completely conviction. He should be spru ng from G ramercy Island
repair the damage and requi res a work-team to come in within 24 hours. Once out, he will be targeted by G ipetto
from the mainland. goons who will extract the whereabouts of the ruby one
Some people believe it is the handiwork of the old pi way or another. All of this will cause enough of a sti r on
rate ship said to haunt these waters. Others attribute it to the street that the player characters will definitely hear
the Terrible Cuttlefish. The Warden and a number of about it and can get in on the action if they choose. The
superheroes suspect a more down to earth culprit and a insurance company is offering a 20% "finder'S fee" to any
possible prison break plot. Heroes throughout the District body who can recover the gem - and it's worth an esti
of Centu ry Station are on alert and prison secu rity has mated ten million bucks! Of cou rse, this means bounty
been stepped up - especially with weathermen predicting hu nters and other superbeings may also be looking to col
another heavy fog i n a couple of days. lect on the reward by recovering it for themselves.
42%: The arch-villain Megasau r's restraints fail , and 46%: The Motley Fools have done it again! Once more,
now he has grown to full size and is rampaging across the super-pranksters of Centu ry Station have made their
G ramercy Island! There are two crises to contain: one is to presence felt on G ramercy Island . The fi rst time, they
simply stop M egasaur before the island is reduced to a somehow reloaded all the miniguns with blank caps. The
smoldering ruin. The other is to d raw the beast away from second time, they ''toilet papered" the entire outside wall .
the Super-Being Containment Wing and make sure no Now they have introduced cola syrup and sufficient car
other superhuman inmates get out. A few may al ready bonation into G ramercy Island's water system to tu rn the
have (left to the discretion of the Game Master) . entire place into a giant soda fountain . What will those nut
balls think of next? Harker has put a one million bou nty on
43%: A publicity-seeking role-playing game designer
the g roup , but frankly, the authorities and guards find their
has created Graybar, a prison RPG that contains, among
antics so amusing they are not particu larly inclined to go
other things, exact floor plans for G ramercy Island! Con
after the Fools.
sidering how this information is classified, the prison au
thority wou ld like to know who this publisher is, where they 47%: Miss January of a widely published men's maga
got this top secret information, and whether there's more zine, Jenni Jasmine, has arranged to give a live singing
to this guy than meets the eye! I n any case, secu rity has concert for the benefit of G ramercy Island's prisoners . The
been compromised and criminals who can get a copy of thing is, she has no approval to do this. She plans on hav
the book will have information damaging to the prison's ing her private choppers fly her in covertly, and set up an
secu rity. The FBI has seized all inventory of the game impromptu stage on top of the visitors' center. The local
book as well as computer files and related material, how media think this is the g reatest thing ever, and are cover
ever, 8732 copies have already been sold. Tracking them ing it extensively. Half the cameramen think Jasmine will
all down (especially if the government is trying to keep the get shot down the moment she nears the prison. The
public from learning that this supposed work of "fiction" other half think the prison would never do such a thing ,
contains real-life floor plans) seems impossible. All the and are i nterested to see what they will do to stop the vi
government and prison authorities can do is hope there vacious vixen from pulling off this little publicity stunt.
aren't too many RPG players in the u nderworld and Should the inmates even think Jasmine is on the island ,
among those who do exist, that they never fig u re out they they'll go wild. This is not the first time Jasmine has pulled
have something real! such a stunt, either. Last year, she performed a live strip
tease on top of the Silver Hill arcology and had the foot
44%: Hadley Arms, a big-league defense contractor is
age fed live to the I nternet.
still smarting from losing its bid to provide G ramercy Island
with its weapons technology. It comes as no su rprise, 48%: A massive fire in the Evidence Depot has caused
then, that as key weapon and defense systems begin to a series of explosions to rip through the facility. Is anybody
malfu nction or fai l , Hadley Arms is suspected of industrial h u rt? Have any prisoners escaped? Is anything missing?
sabotage. If somebody can prove it, there is a two million How did the fire get started? Could this be more sabotage
dollar reward posted by the Centu ry Station P rison Author by Hadley Arms or something else?
ity. I n the meanwhile, what else might go wrong and who 49%: Diva is sprung from jail. Apparently one of her
are the "inside" men (there must be somebody)? paramours, tycoon Malcom Gaspers, pulled enough
45%: Spike Sizewell, one of the world's most able es strings and d ropped enough money to get her paroled.
cape artists and jewel thieves, has finally double-crossed 50%: The G ramercy Island main ops center has begun
the wrong people. He was supposed to steal the Crimson to receive an alien transmission of some sort. I nformation
Star, a magnificent ruby, for the Gipetto crime family, only is coming in as fast as the equ ipment will receive it, and a
he got caught shortly after stashing the rock. Now G ipetto single, supermassive data archive is filling u p the prison's
soldiers want to know where their ruby is and how they mainframe. What is this all about, anyway? And why is
can get it. Sizewell claims he lost it. That has sealed his Cygnus (or I ron Warmonger) smiling so much all of a sud
death warrant, especially since the G ipettos are in league den?
with a number of superpowered henchmen who just love 51%: Thrilling Entertainment is using G ramercy Island's
to take their agg ressions out on those who have crossed inmates to test drive a new form of VR entertainment in
the family.
21 9
which the players upload their entire consciousness into terviewing over a hundred felons placed within G ramercy
the "gameframe" and role-play from there. The problem? Island, C H I M E RA has decided to put bounty h u nter firm
Something has gone wrong with the game machine and Justice to Go out of business. The founder and chief orga
now over thirty players are stuck inside the game, their nizer is wanted on a number of charges, i ncluding framing
consciousness u nable to leave. For Warden Harker, this suspects, tracking down individuals on behalf of criminal
presents an interesting opportunity in prisoner storage. benefactors, and racketeering, among others. Many key
What if certain inmates were uploaded to the gameframe operatives are also wanted for questioning. The going will
and their bodies stored in stasis or destroyed entirely? not be easy, though. Many of these members are
52%: A prisoner named Jax Archer insists that he is the equ ipped with state of the art firepower and even have
victim of a cruel mind transfer operation, and that he is re super abilities! Perhaps superheroes would be best to
ally Commander Brent Chisholm, superspy for The Sector. handle this situation? All they have to do is tail the bounty
D u ring his last mission , agents of the extranational terror hunters, catch them in the act of doing something illegal,
ist organization OUTLA W captu red him, switched his mind and bring them i n . Simple, huh?
with that of Archer's and had him th rown in p rison to sit 57%: Hardcore rap star Gat 50 has been sentenced to
out Archer's ten consecutive life sentences. Won't any G ramercy Island for the murder of a few fellow rappers as
body believe him? The psyche team says he's completely well as the C EO of Streetwise Records. Gat 50 is a god to
delusional and honestly believes his wild story. The Grim the street kids of nearly every major city in the country,
Harbinger has offered to conduct a mind scan , provided and his prison stretch will be like martyrdom for the g uy.
the power dampeners are removed and his abilities re His fol lowing is just as ardent within G ramercy Island, and
stored . the moment he walks into Bedlam, he will have a following
53%: SBCW Tech's are able to "redefine" the alignment the size of a small army. Harker plans on Ad Segging the
of the and roid Redline to become a force for good. The guy immediately, but Gat 50's lawyers will eventually put
android passes a series of tests and is released into the an end to that. When Gat 50 enters general population ,
hands of CHIMERA to serve as a super-agent. The robot what might follow is the uprising of the entire cell block. I n
disappears after its second assignment and it is feared any case, he will have a g reat deal of clout and informa
that it has gone underg round (and perhaps, back to life as tion.
a villain). Or did Solar Systems LLC steaVkidnap it back? 58%: The g host of John Burkee, the infamous pirate
U ntil it resurfaces, no one will know whether it is good or captain who once made G ramercy Island his home many,
evil (G . M .'s discretion). many years ago, now stalks the prison corridors. Those
54%: Utopian Technologies, Inc. has studied G ramercy who pay him respect and offer "gifts" of money, d rugs and
Island extensively and believes there is a far better way to other goods, get off with a mere hau nting. Those who of
run a super-prison. Namely, build an ocean-going vessel fend the vengeful pirate (i.e. have nothing to give, or re
large enough to house a super-maximum secu rity prison, fuse to pay) suffer a physical assau lt by the creature, who
complete with a Super-Being Containment Wing at least commands numerous psionic powers, including those of
half the size of G ramercy Island , and then keep it in inter telekinetic punch, telekinesis, and ectoplasm. Although
hundreds of inmates swear they've seen the g host, War
national waters. Utopian missed out on the chance to bid
on G ramercy Island, but if the record of its u nscrupulous den Harker dismisses it as nonsense. The Secu rity Chief
CEO, Engle Rensiker, is any indication, sabotaging G ra wonders if it isn't a superpowered inmate or, more likely,
mercy Island in order to have it rebu ilt as a super-prison an outsider (mutant?) pretending to be a g host to extort
vessel is not out of the question. UTI cu rrently has three money, d rugs and other items from the prisoners. He has
no evidence of this, other than some strange blurs on
nations on board with the project with a handful of others
expressing serious interest. Thus, plans are u nderway to video s u rveillance cameras said to be ''the g host."
build the structure. 59%: Wallace Williams scored a big 50 years in prison
when he sabotaged the Thunder Hill bridge over in Victory
55%: The mastermind known as The Shark has offered
City a few years ago. Williams has largely reformed , and
a ten million bounty on Warden Harker's head , as well as
has vol unteered some information that has the authorities'
bona fide superpowers to anybody (guard , prisoner or
heads spinning. It seems Wallace is quite the engineer,
freelancer) who completes the job. I n Bedlam alone there
and he helped design the new Hexagon national military
must be a thousand guys willing to take the job. Outside
command center being built in Capitol City. When he was
contractors are also looking hard at the offer, which makes
laid off from that project, he sold what he knew to a terror
Harker very, very u neasy.
ist brigade known internationally as the Jackal Pack. What
56%: Bounty hunters are a major resou rce in the ap the Pack intends to do to the Hexagon is a mystery, but
prehension of fugitives in the District of Centu ry Station the heroes should be on their toes. The Hexagon will offi
and other super-cities. They often have crack training and cially open tomorrow night, and all the heavy hitters from
are not bound by the same regu lations as police officers. Capitol City's political scene will be there, including the
(Namely, they do not need search warrants and do not P resident.
need to issue M i randa rights when apprehending fugi 60%: How the Madjacks colorgang got into energy
tives.) Some bou nty hunters are valued associates of the weapons dealing is anybody's guess. But now that they
law enforcement community, but there are rogues who are are smuggling laser and ion beam weapons into G ramercy
more dangerous than the criminals they put away. After in- Island one component at a time, their activities must be
stopped ! The player g roup is commanded or recruited to even The M inotaur, although not who this mysterious
find and destroy (or stumble u pon) the Madjack's distribu Crime Lord is or where exactly he's headquartered.
tion setup on the outside and bring their higher-ups to jus 66%: A squad of Argonauts are sent to a nearby city as
tice. part of a public relations tour. Only at a large and crowded
61 %: P rison break in the Super-Being Containment mall, the robots go haywire, killing a few spectators and
Wing! Near disaster is averted when Galahad, Britannia, taking more than 300 people hostage. The robots have no
Solar Scarab and Scalibrus all work to contain a dozen es demands. They only are letting a self-imposed "hostage
caping prisoners. It wou ld seem another act of sabotage clock" run down before they begin killing everybody. Ne
from two or more "insiders" who turned off select contain gotiations are impossible with these things, since they
ment systems to effect the escape. U nfortunately, the two have no demands. A rescue operation is the only way
suspects were killed in the commotion. Solar Scarab uses these innocent p risoners will ever see another day alive. A
his heroism to get a lot of press and there is talk about "glitch" in their programming is not a factor. This is either
commuting his sentence to time served. another act of sabotage or some superbeing with powers
Whether any supervillains escape during the fiasco (no over robots seized control and made them act against
more than fou r) is left to the Game Master. their built-in protocols.
62%: The Centu ry Station Police Department wrongly 67%: Dogfight! A small fleet of combat hovercraft have
believe the player g roup is involved in some kind of crimi launched an aerial attack against the prison, drawing out
nal racket or terrible crime (G . M .'s discretion as to exactly the I sland's enti re air force. In the ensu ing battle, the in
what) involving G ramercy Island - sabotage, smuggling, vaders have taken some heavy h its, and lost half their air
or a prison break, perhaps - or framing somebody i mpris craft, but the Island forces are down to just two combat
oned, or some such}. choppers, one of which is on the verge of going down , and
Thanks to a "gu i lty u ntil proven innocent" attitude to the other is moderately damaged. With nothing else left to
ward superbeings, the heroes must somehow prove them stand in their way, these invaders will begin blasting the
selves innocent of all charges. The authorities are g iving facility with thei r laser cannons, which have a better range
them one week to do it, after that, they are outlaws and than the many miniguns defending the perimeter. Heroes
will be arrested. If any of them leave Century Station for are scrambling to take on these dogfighters. How about
any reason, they will be considered fugitives. your heroes? They want a piece of this? Is there some
thing else going on that the player g roup discovers (like,
63%: Something wei rd has gotten into the food at G ra
could this be a diversion for ... )?
mercy Island, and it is causing about 1 0% of the inmates
to suffer from molecu lar gigantism. The end result? 68%: Somehow (by magic?) the Headsman has been
Dozens of inmates in Cell Blocks A-C a re all g rowing to reunited with his magical axe and is attacking guards and
extraordinary sizes (have P.S. of 30, and extra 1 00 S.D.C. robots in the SBCW. Whether this is an isolated act of re
and exhibit heightened aggression and mild paranoia). venge or madness, and whether he plans to escape (and
Who is dOing this and why remains a mystery, but u ntil he perhaps unleash a few other prisoners) is yet to be seen.
or she is stopped, there can only be more trouble for the Supe rhu man intervention in quelling this violence will re
Island. duce the nu mber of deaths and inj u ry.
64%: A secretly implanted fiber optic cable has been 69%: Somebody in the Ultropolis and Motor City may
discovered to have been laid on the sea bed between oral departments is accepting large cash bribes from War
G ramercy Island and the open water. The cable seems to den Harker to have their inmates sent to G ramercy Island
be abandoned , but what authorities want to know is who for internment. If this gets out, the resulting scandal could
bring down all three administrations. That is why the
bu ilt it and why? Why secretly spy on a prison, of all
things? Could this be the action of a terrorist g roup? For Mayors of those cities as well as Warden Harker are will
eign government? C riminal organization? The Sector or ing to kill whoever learns about this and are likely to leak it
who? Of cou rse, some chose to believe it is the work of to the press or authorities.
the Mysterious Cuttlefish. 70%: The Tigerstripes colorgang has declared war on
65%: The Ilyushin crime family has held a deadlock on both the Killer Queens and the Babyfaces. While this is
the narcotics and weapons trades in half a dozen cities, creating no small amou nt of havoc on the streets of the
and they aim to keep it that way. Things have looked up th ree super-cities in which these gangs operate, it is mak
for the g roup ever since its old leader got pinched on tax ing life in Bedlam utter hell. As fast as they can, guards
evasion and was sent to G ramercy I sland. The old gang are Ad Segging the belligerents, but the fact is, the vio
ster proved too difficult to kill inside, but now that he is out lence is outpacing the prison's ability to do anything about
on parole, he will be delivered straight into the arms of his it. If this keeps up for much longer, things will turn into a
former associates . . . and death. He makes a public plea to riot. What makes things worse is that members of all three
superheroes (perhaps the player g roup directly) to help gangs have connections with known supervillains, and
protect him - si nce the authorities have ignored his might try calling them in on favors for extra fi repower.
pleas. If they do, he will give up all the dirt he has on any 71 %: Lifer Segali Boutros just copped a Waingroh Sun
one supervillain of the heroes' choice (within reason, and set in the chow line at Bedlam over some gambling debts
not if it will ruin an ongoing campaign) . This g uy is con he never cleared . Now that the old coot is dead , nobody
nected, and knows a l ittle something about everyone, will ever know if that massive ancient art heist he eng i-
neered long ago actually happened, or where he stashed the prison's alien inmates to a galactic cou rt for their real
the loot. trial and punishment. Only now the alien inmates are re
72%: A new deadly drug has hit the streets of Centu ry questing political asylu m from the governments of the
Station. According to word on the street, it's being made at Earth! Anti-alien activists in the U . S. are strongly in favor
and smuggled out from G ramercy Island! of keeping the aliens here so that they may be punished
73%: The villain g roup known as the Workshop has on Earth for their crimes to Earth. If the alien inmates are
played a hidden ace and escaped from prison! In the removed, there will certainly be rioting in some cities, and
chaos, 2D6 other villains escaped, too. Now a massive alien superheroes will definitely receive a public backlash.
manhunt is on for the escapees, with a $1 million reward 80%: Centu ry Station's first colorgang, the Clowns o f
on any villain brought back alive. Death, idolize the villain g roup the Fun Bunch, and its
74%: According to rumor, a militant faction within the leader, the Heckler, has been giving the gang orders from
Mutant U nderg round is planning on launching an assault prison. The Clowns of Death have been carrying on a
on the prison to free mutants u njustly persecuted by hu crime spree for over a month now, with no end in sight.
man dominated society. True or false? If true, when and Warden Harker wants to orchestrate an escape for the
how? Fun Bunch so C H I M E RA's agents can then track them to
75%: The criminal mastermind Spoilsport has produced the Clowns of Death and capture the whole kit and caboo
evidence that he is the legal owner of G ramercy Island ! I n dle. The player characters may be in on this plan , or they
docu mentation ratified b y t h e world cou rt, Spoilsport might be outsiders who inadvertently interfere with the
shows that the island was traditionally a possession of the plan. (And allow the villains to escape for real? ! ) . The Fun
Spanish government, and its transfer to American hands Bunch will not be as easy to follow or recaptu re as some
was never formalized. Strapped for cash, a corrupt Span might believe, and once out they will cause all kinds of
ish official arranged for Spoilsport to buy the island years mayhem.
ago, before the prison was bu ilt (or so the documents 81 %: The player characters have been asked to submit
claim) . Now, by all legal rights, the prison belongs to a vi themselves to power negation experiments held by the
cious villain. Of cou rse the U .S . government denies all SBCW's R&D wing , so the prison can fu rther refine their
such claims, but Spoilsport continues to make claims, file supervillain restraint techniques. This may be volu ntary or
lawsuits and generally cause trouble. U nless the govern the g roup may be coerced into participating (Le. "all
ment buys "his" island for 50 billion dollars, he will not go charges will be d ropped if you help us out here"). Only
away. Can anybody prove this document of ownership is a something goes wrong with the procedu re, and the heroes
forgery or gotten illegally? lose their powers! And just their luck, that is when their
76%: An enormous sea monster has risen from the wa worst enemies come knocking for a rematch or there is a
ters off G ramercy Island! It has already sunk one ferry and breakout at the p rison. Note: Powers retu rn good as al
three patrol boats. Apparently the beast wishes to block ways within 1 -3 days.
ade G ramercy Island, but to what end? G . M .s, have fun
82%: The player heroes have finally put that scu mbag
designing this creature. A possible gu ideline might be
d rug dealer, Mr. Giddy, in G ramercy Island where he be
crafting it as an Alien villain with the powers of Supernatu
longs. Only there is a problem. M r. G iddy's top lieutenant
ral Strength, Extraordinary P . E . , G rowth (always on), and
was a DEA undercover agent who was using G iddy to get
perhaps even I nvulnerability. More people than ever will
to his boss. I n apprehending G iddy, the heroes have
assume the I nsidious Cuttlefish has something to do with
blown a three-year investigation that might very well have
this aquatic terror (even if it is later proven he had no in
destroyed the drug trade on the entire U . S . eastern sea
volvement) , adding to his u rban myth.
board. Plus, the agent(s) has a hate on for them and
77%: The prisoners of all G ramercy Island cell blocks craves revenge.
are rising up in a massively coordinated revolt. Their aim:
To captu re the island and declare it a sovereign nation ! 83%: What do you suppose will happen when it comes
Then, they will seek an alliance with the United States (or out that Felix Dumond, convicted spree killer, drug dealer
whatever other country) that will help them. Since G ramer and arsonist is innocent and the real villain remains at
cy Island technically lies outside of territorial U .S. waters, large? Was it the player g roup who brought D u mond to
there is a slight chance the international community could justice? Did they frame him?
recognize a new, tiny island nation of ex-prisoners, but it's 84%: G host i n the Machine! A synthetic consciousness
not likely. has invaded the G ramercy Island mainframe and is in the
78%: While doing life in Alphaville, Gabriel Twineheart process of deciding whether or not to let all of the inmates
has become one of the top machinists in the general man go at once. The invader has already taken over every
ufactu ring industry center. So much so, that he has figured Argonaut on the p remises, as well as remote-piloting ev-
out how to build a rudimentary jet pack that could buy him ery vehicle and suits of power armor. The only way to lib
his freedom from this place. If only he could find some fuel erate the island is to either fight one's way through all that
for it, he'd be set. defense and smash the mainframe, or hack into the main
79%: A team of Bhlaze aliens in league with Alpha frame and confront this consciousness, which calls itself
P rime (of Century Station's superg roup, the Centurions) Model 60, in virtual reality. Or is there some other way to
have touched down with the intention of removing all of reason with it and make it leave?
85%: The Jamiro crime family has been a long-time en him. The question is, will the player g roup let justice be
emy of the imprisoned vigilantes, The Regulators. The served, or will they intervene for their own purposes and
Jami ros are looking for some payback and now have their somehow save Euker from prison?
chance. The Regulators are being transferred to Centu ry 90%: The criminal mastermind Sinderella has con
Station for a rare clemency hearing. Jamiro assassins will spired with arch-villainesses such as Charisma, Mankiller,
line the streets looking for a clear shot at the Regulators. If Dementia and Lady Razor to form the new villain group
none present themselves, they will simply resort to a mass Fatale. All they need is to add Diva to their ranks, which
assault on the prisoners' motorcade , using heavy entails getting her out of p rison. By the time their plan
machineguns, lasers, g renade launchers and other hard (whatever it is) is set into motion, the player heroes will
ware. These Jamiro g uys are not kidding around. They know of it and might be the only chance of stopping this
want the Regu lators DEAD. They want their families cadre of evil from forming.
DEAD. They want their houses bu rnt to the G RO U N D . 91 %: A team of super-bu rglars has penetrated the
Getting t h e pictu re? prison's defenses, slipped i nto the Evidence Depot, and
86%: Attack of the Living Dead! Clambering up the stolen a bunch of the high-tech equ ipment stored there. It
shores of G ramercy Island are a veritable army of h u n appears the g roup somehow snuck in using some kind of
dreds upon hundreds of animated skeletons and zombies, teleportation device. G ramercy Island wants these crimi
all intent on overru nning the island and hu rting every living nals caug ht to p revent the sale of an arsenal of high-tech
person in the p rison! So far the prison is holding its own , criminal hardware to the u nderworld .
and only a few creatu res have gotten past the outer de 92%: Dead Men Walking. The player characters, or
fenses, but despite constant resupply airdrops, ammo is some band of heroes they respect or consider friends,
running low. The prison needs help, and is calling for all have been framed by their worst enemies for several
heroes in the vicinity lend a hand . Fighting off the army of counts of murder. The heroes' supposed crimes are so ex
dead is one thing, but somebody has to figu re out what is treme that Centu ry Station has re-instituted the death pen
causing this attack and how to stop it at the sou rce. alty for this one case. The heroes have been sent to
87%: A platoon of power armor-wearing commandos G ramercy Island where they will await a new experimental
have stormed G ramercy Island and broke out the super process that will permanently remove their powers - the
g roup Deathsquad. The assault was coordinated by the only p roblem is that there's a 50/50 chance of turning
criminal mastermind The Minotaur, who has secretly them into d rooling vegetables. They have only three
planned on springing Deathsquad and putting them to weeks to break out, but they might need to ally them
work as his own cadre of enforcers. Now Deathsquad is selves with some super-baddies to do it. If they get out,
on the loose and Centu ry Station's streets will run red with they will be h u nted fugitives of the worst sort. U nless they
blood if they are not recaptured, pronto. can prove their innocence, every superhero they encoun
There is something even more sinister to all of this. The ter will try to take them i n . Their only alternative is that
suits of armor used bear a striking resemblance to the they have friends on the outside who can clear them (the
exoskeletons used by G ramercy Island and the Centu ry player characters?)
Station police! Could it be that the manufactu rers of that 93%: Serial Killer James Whitby has made a career out
hardware are illegally selling it to free buyers? Or maybe of slaying people who - depending on who one asks -
somebody out there is producing knockoffs of classified really deserve their grisly deaths. Whitby's victims are all
military equipment. Whoever the provider is, they should exclusively corrupt police, politicians, and others who
be fou nd, stopped and arrested. abuse their power. Ru mor has it he only allowed himself to
88%: One by one, G ramercy Island's i nmates are suc get caught so he cou ld go to G ramercy Island and slay the
cumbing to a wei rd disease that renders one comatose corrupt guards there, too. He was sent to the Cage, but
within 24 hours of exposu re. The public did not care when has now escaped from there and is thought to still be on
the d isease was confined to the island, but it could spread the island. So far, three known corrupt guards have tu rned
to Century Station. This has the makings of an epidemic up headless, and still no sign of Whitby anywhere. Word
unless the cause of the disease is found. Somehow, some is, he is getting help from otherwise "clean" guards who
way it must be stopped. Could one of the bio-Iabs be re are frustrated with the corruption at the prison and see his
sponsible? A villain (The Funbunch)? Does he have an extreme means as the only solution .
antidotes? Let's hope so. 94%: A hit is attempted on The M iddleman while inside
89%: Centu ry Station's top cop, Reggie Euker, has G ramercy Island ! He survived, but a guard (known for be
been exposed to be dirty as a pig in sloppy. He brutalizes ing on the take) "accidentally" killed his assai lant. This can
his suspects, he skims criminal profits from crooks, he only spell more trouble at the prison and encourage The
routinely raids evidence depots, and is involved in a host Middleman to make a break for it.
of other illegal activities. He also has been extremely help 95%: A g roup of inmates has done a g reat deal of legal
ful to the player g roup (or other heroes) in the cou rse of research and learned that the super-vigilante g roup Pay
their career (feeding them i nformation, getting them off the back, Inc. used all sorts of illegal means to captu re them.
hook when in trouble with the law, etc.). Euker is wanted The prisoners have filed a class action lawsuit against the
for his crimes, and will certainly be convicted and sent to vigilantes, and have subpoenaed nearly every hero in the
G ramercy Island. Once there, the inmates will definitely kill surrounding area (including the player characters) to tes-
tify in the case. If everybody heeds the subpoenas, the 99%: A criminal mastermind calling himself, Ali Saba,
trial will be the largest gathering of heroes in recent his and his gang, The Forty Thieves, have completely re
tory. A perfect opportunity for some villain to strike and re united in Bedlam for the first time. Trouble can only follow.
move all of his enemies at once. 1 00%: Lockdown! A prison riot has spread across G ra
96%: A localized EMP hits the island, knocking out all mercy I sland and resulted in a siege of the cell blocks .
of its electronics! Unless the prison can scramble some T h e villains won't talk t o anybody u nless t h e player g roup
genius-types to get the prison back online, the secu rity goes in and faces them personally.
measu res are facing total failure within 24 hours . U ntil 1 01 %: Ever since G ramercy Island has taken custody
then, localized secu rity fail u res are allowing for of the mega-alien Denizen, they have feared that it would
mini-breakouts all over the prison. Heroes are needed to one day break its bonds, destroy the prison, and go on an
help keep the place locked down u ntil the crisis is solved. other city-smashing rampage. Well , these fears are noth
97%: Thanks to the efforts of a seriously crooked supe ing compared to the reality of what has just happened!
rior cou rt judge, the Slaughterhouse Seven have amaz The U . S . Space Command has just detected three
ingly won an appeal on their original convictions and are meteor-like objects h u rtling through space, on a crash
to be released at once! Somebody had better keep an eye course for the waters surrounding G ramercy I sland! With
on these guys. They have publicly announced their inten no time to react, the prison must watch helplessly as the
tions to destroy the prison, free its populace, and to exe meteors splash down, create a series of small tidal waves
cute Warden Harker and his staff. and cause some minor shock damage to the facility. Then
98%: Hard Time. The player heroes are themselves the three meteors crack open, and three more Denizens
sentenced to the Island and must su rvive life on the in come out! They sense their brother locked away on the Is
side, su rrou nded by bad guys they themselves have put land and converge on the prison, apparently bent on
away. Can the heroes su rvive long enough to have friends breaking their brother out.
on the outside clear their names? Will they have to fight to
protect themselves? Will they break out of jail?
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