The document discusses key principles of local autonomy and decentralization under Philippine law. It outlines 13 points related to organizational structure, appointment of local officials, allocation of resources, and coordination between local and national government. It also discusses that the Philippines has a unitary rather than federal system, and local governments have autonomy defined by statutes rather than being sovereign entities.
The document discusses key principles of local autonomy and decentralization under Philippine law. It outlines 13 points related to organizational structure, appointment of local officials, allocation of resources, and coordination between local and national government. It also discusses that the Philippines has a unitary rather than federal system, and local governments have autonomy defined by statutes rather than being sovereign entities.
The document discusses key principles of local autonomy and decentralization under Philippine law. It outlines 13 points related to organizational structure, appointment of local officials, allocation of resources, and coordination between local and national government. It also discusses that the Philippines has a unitary rather than federal system, and local governments have autonomy defined by statutes rather than being sovereign entities.
The document discusses key principles of local autonomy and decentralization under Philippine law. It outlines 13 points related to organizational structure, appointment of local officials, allocation of resources, and coordination between local and national government. It also discusses that the Philippines has a unitary rather than federal system, and local governments have autonomy defined by statutes rather than being sovereign entities.
organizational structure . and operating improvement of the performance of local
mechanism that will meet the priority needs and government units and the quality of community service requirements of its communities; life (LGC, Sec. 3). 3. Subject to civil .service law, rules, and regulations, local officials and employees paid Principles of Local Autonomy wholly or mainly from local funds shall be The principle of local autonomy under the 1987 appointed or re.moved, according to merit and Constitution simply means "decentralization" and it fitness, by the appropriate appointing authority; does not make the local governments sovereign 4. The vesting of duty, responsibility, and within a State or an imperium in imperio (Basco v accour:,tability in local government units shall be PAGCOR, G.R. No. 91649, May 14, 1991). accompanied with provision for reasonably adequate resources to discharge their powers The Philippines is still a unitary form of government, and effectively carry out their functions: hence, not a federal state. Being so, any form of autonomy they shall have the power to create and broaden granted to local governments wilr necessarily b~ their own. sources of revenue and the right to a limited and confined within the extent allowed by the just share in national taxes and an equitable central authority (Lina v. Pano, G.R. No. 129093. share in . the proceeds of the utilization and August 30, 2001). development of the national wealth within their respective areas; In a unitary system of government like the 5. Provinces with respect to component cities and Philippines, local governments can only be an intra municipalities, and cities and municipalities with sovereign subdivision of one sovereign nation. Local respect to component barangays, sh t in such a system can only mean a that the acts of their compo: t units of deC,€HJt,ralizationof the function of the ~co~e- of their pref 1\j . <!~po rs ~g f;ltFijOY~r t (Lfrr('l5(-ia v Mange/in, G.R. No. 80391, 5 1 6. funct,ons, - .) .r·•Y); r r=<·:;f,'\1 LGUs may group themselves-- -pnsofi~te·t »or--· :rt/jr~~'¥ll1· /~pPJ. + - ,,_ ...,J·•· L..--·"'· "' · '- :> . coordinate their e~orts, service · .d ongty~}:neans that local g_ov~~nme~tshave . commonly beneficial to them; ,. · :,:91venby the Const1tut1onwhich may 7. The capabilities of LGUs, rtr ..;by the national government, but that municipalities and baranga ft ~e. local governments may not pass enhanced by providing them w ef ~trary to statute (BERNAS, supra at to participate actively in the im 1-· "" national programs and projects; 8. There shall be a continuing h llippine concept of local autonomy, the enhance local autonomy not onl at' , rnment has not completely relinquished 1 enabling acts but also by admi . 1 ,•, " · ·-ers over local governments, including organizational reforms; "!.;,__ -~ ·us regions. Only administrative powers 9. LGUs shall share with the national gov,e nt o · ·;cal affairs are delegated to political the responsibility in the managementL ~ r · 1visions. The purpose of the delegation is to maintenance of ecological balance within t~if <rt:,:~ke governance more directly responsive and territorial jurisdiction, subject to the provisions of effective at the local levels (Pimentel, Jr. v. Ochoa, this ·code and national policies; G.R. No. 195770, July 17, 2012). 10. Effective mechanisms for _ensuring the accountability of local government units to their Concept of Association Unconstitutional . respective constituents shall be strengthened in The international law concept of associative order to .upgrade continually the quality of local relationship or association is formed when two states leadership; of unequal power voluntarily establish durable links. 11. The realization of local autonomy shall be In the basic model, one state, the associate, facilitated through improved coordination of delegates certain responsibilities to the other, the national government policies and programs an principal, while maintaining its international status as extension of adequate technical and material a state. Free associations represent a middle ground assistance to less developed and deserving between integration and independence. LGUs; . 12. The participation of the private sector in local T:he concept of association is not recognized under governance, particularly in the delivery of basic the 1987 Constitution. No province, city, or services, shall be encouraged to ensure the municipality, not even the ARMM, is recognized viability of local autonomy as an alternative under our laws as having! an associative relationship strategy for sustainable development; and, with the national government. It also implies the 13. The national government shall ensure that recognition of the associated entity as a state. decentralization contributes to the continuing (Province of North Cotabato v. Government of the -