Instruction Manual: 25cc/1.5 Cu - In. 2-Cycle 17 Inch Cutting Path / 0.080 In. Line Gasoline Weedwaoker ®
Instruction Manual: 25cc/1.5 Cu - In. 2-Cycle 17 Inch Cutting Path / 0.080 In. Line Gasoline Weedwaoker ®
Instruction Manual: 25cc/1.5 Cu - In. 2-Cycle 17 Inch Cutting Path / 0.080 In. Line Gasoline Weedwaoker ®
Model No.
• Safety
• Assembly
• Operation
• Maintenance
• Parts List
• Espar_ol
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating
Instructions before first use of this product.
reduce the risk of fire and serious
injury. Read and follow all instructions=
This power unit can be dangerous! Op-
erator is responsible for following
instructions and warnings on unit and in _WARNING: Trimmer line throws
manual. Read entire instruction manual
before using unit! Be thoroughly familiar objects violently. You and others can be
with the controls and the proper use of blinded/injured. Wear eye and leg
the unit. Restrict the use of this unit to protection. Keep body parts clear of ro-
persons who have read, understand, tating line.
and will follow the instructions and
Eye Protection
warnings on the unit and in the manual.
Never allow children to operate this unit. / Hazard Zone
Keep children, bystanders, and animals
_k DANGER: Never use blades or 50 feet (15 meters) away. If approached
flailing devices. This unit is designed stop unit immediately.
occur which
arenotcov- • Make carburetor adjustments with
eredinthismanual,usecareand lower end supported to prevent line
goodjudgment. Ifyouneedassis- from contacting any object.
Service • Keep others away when making car-
Center orcall1-800-235-5878. buretor adjustments.
OPERATOR SAFETY • Use only recommended Craftsman®
• Dress properly. Always wear safety accessories and replacement parts.
glasses or similar eye protection when • Have all maintenance and service not
operating, or performing maintenance, explained in this manual performed by
on your unit (safety glasses are avail- a Sears Service Center.
able). Eye protection should be FUEL SAFETY
marked Z87. • Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
• Always wear face or dust mask if op- • Keep away from sparks or flames.
eration is dusty. • Use a container approved for fuel.
• Always wear hea W, long pants, long • Do not smoke or allow smoking near
sleeves, boots, and gloves. Wearing fuel or the unit.
safety leg guards is recommended. • Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all
• Always wear foot protection. Do not fuel spills.
go barefoot or wear sandals. Stay • Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away
clear of spinning line. from fueling site before starting en-
• Secure hair above shoulder length. gine.
Secure or remove loose clothing or • Stop engine and allow to cool before
clothing with loosely hanging ties, removing fuel cap.
straps, tassels, etc. They can be • Always store gasoline in a container
caught in moving parts. approved for flammable liquids.
• Being fully covered also helps protect CUTTING SAFETY
you from debris and pieces of toxic
plants thrown by spinning line.
_,WARNING: Inspect the area be-
• Stay Alert. Do not operate this unit
when you are tired, ill, upset or under fore each use. Remove objects
the influence of alcohol, drugs, or (rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.)
medication. Watch what you are do- which can be thrown by or become
ing; use common sense. entangled in line. Hard objects can
• Wear hearing protection. damage the trimmer head and be
• Never start or run inside a closed thrown causing serious injury.
room or building. Breathing exhaust • Use only for trimming, scalping, mow-
fumes can kill. ing and sweeping. Do not use for edg-
• Keep handles free of oil and fuel. ing, pruning or hedge trimming.
UNIT / MAINTENANCE SAFETY • Keep firm footing and balance. Do not
• Disconnect the spark plug before per- overreach.
forming maintenance except carbure- • Keep all parts of your body away from
tor adjustments. muffler and spinning line. Keep engine
• Look for and replace damaged or below waist level. A hot muffler can
cause serious burns.
loose parts before each use. Look for
and repair fuel leaks before use. Keep • Cut from your left to your right. Cutting
in good working condition. on right side of the shield will throw
• Replace trimmer head parts that are debris away from the operator.
chipped, cracked, broken, or dam- • Use only in daylight or good artificial
aged in any other way before using light.
the unit. • Use only for jobs explained in this
• Maintain unit according to recom-
mended procedures. Keep cutting line TRANSPORTING AND STORAGE
at proper length. • Allow engine to cool; secure unit be-
• Use only 0.080 inch (2 mm) diameter fore storing or transporting in vehicle.
Craftsman(R_ brand line. Never use • Empty the fuel tank before storing or
wire, rope, string, etc. transporting the unit. Use up fuel left
• Install required shield properly before in the carburetor by starting the en-
using the unit. Use only specified trim- gine and letting it run until it stops.
mer head; make sure it is properly • Store unit and fuel in area where fuel
installed and securely fastened. vapors cannot reach sparks or open
• Make sure unit is assembled correctly flames from water heaters, electric
as shown in this manual. motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
• Storeunitsolinelimiterblade cannot closelytheirphysical
cause injury.
Theunit theconditionofthistool.
canbehung bythetube. SPECIAL NOTICE: Thisunitis
• Storeunitoutofreach ofchildren. equipped withatemperature limiting
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposuretovibra- mufflerandspark arrestingscreen
tionsthrough prolonged useofgaso- whichmeets therequirements ofCali-
linepowered hand toolscould cause fornia
Codes 4442and4443.AllU.S.
blood vessel ornerve damage inthe forest
landandthestates ofCalifornia,
fingers,hands,andjoints ofpeople Idaho,Maine, Minnesota, NewJersey,
prone tocirculation disorders
orab- Oregon, andWashington requireby
normal swellings. Prolonged usein lawthatmany internal
combustion en-
coldweather hasbeenlinked toblood ginesbeequipped withaspark arrest-
vessel damage inotherwise healthy ingscreen.Ifyouoperate inalocale
people. Ifsymptoms occursuchas where suchregulations exist,
numbness, pain,lossofstrength, legally
change inskincolorortexture, orloss operatingconditionofthese parts.
offeeling inthefingers,hands, or Failuretodosoisaviolation ofthe
discontinue theuseofthistool law.Fornormal homeowner use,the
andseekmedical attention.
Ananti- mufflerandspark arrestingscreenwill
vibrationsystem does notguarantee notrequireanyservice. After50hours
theavoidance ofthese problems. Us- ofuse,werecommend thatyourmuf-
erswhooperate power toolsonacon- fler
beservicedCenter. byyour
tinualandregular basis mustmonitor SearsService
Trimmer Shaft
Assist Hand_.,_ _,__._ler
Head _.
._hield Throttle
Spark Plug _, Bulb Trigger
Line Limiter
Blade STOP
Choke Lever
Starter Handle
3 inches (8 sm
above ground
WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance
except for carburetor adjustments.
Idle Speed Adjustment If you require further assistance or are
Allow engine to idle. Adjust speed until unsure about performing this proce-
engine runs without stalling (idle dure, contact your Sears Service Cen-
speed too slow). ter or call our customer assistance
• Turn idle speed screw clockwise to help line at 1-800-235-5878.
increase engine speed if engine
stalls or dies.
• Turn idle speed screw counterclock-
wise to decrease engine speed.
Idle Speed Screw
YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OB- questions regarding your warranty rights
LIGATIONS: The U.S. Environmental and responsibilities, you should contact
Protection Agency/California Air Re- your nearest authorized service center
sources Board and Sears, Roebuck or call Sears at 1-800-469-4663.
and Co., U.S.A., are pleased to explain WARRANTY COMMENCEMENT
the emissions control system warranty DATE: The warranty period begins on
on your year 2005 and later small off- the date the small off-road engine is
road engine. In California, all small off- purchased. LENGTH OF COVERAGE:
road engines must be designed, built, This warranty shall be for a period of
and equipped to meet the State's strin- two years from the initial date of pur-
gent anti-smog standards. Sears must chase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR
warrant the emission control system on OR REPLACEMENT OF PARTS. Re-
your small off-road engine for the peri- pair or replacement of any warranted
ods of time listed below provided there part will be performed at no charge to
has been no abuse, neglect, or improp- the owner at an approved Sears Servi-
er maintenance of your small off-road ce Center. If you have any questions
engine. Your emission control system regarding your warranty rights and re-
includes parts such as the carburetor sponsibilities, you should contact your
and the ignition system. Where a war- nearest authorized service center or call
rantable condition exists, Sears will re- Sears at 1-800-469-4663. WARRAN-
pair your small off-road engine at no TY PERIOD: Any warranted part which
cost to you. Expenses covered under is not scheduled for replacement as re-
warranty include diagnosis, parts and quired maintenance, or which is sched-
labor. MANUFACTURER'S WARRAN- uled only for regular inspection to the
TY COVERAGE: If any emissions re- effect of "repair or replace as neces-
lated part on your engine (as listed un- sary" shall be warranted for 2 years.
der Emissions Control Warranty Parts Any warranted part which is scheduled
List) is defective or a defect in the mate- for replacement as required mainte-
rials or workmanship of the engine nance shall be warranted for the period
causes the failure of such an emission of time up to the first scheduled replace-
related part, the part will be repaired or ment point for that part. DIAGNOSIS:
replaced by Sears. OWNER'S WAR- The owner shall not be charged for
RANTY RESPONSIBILITIES: As the diagnostic labor which leads to the de-
small off-road engine owner, you are termination that a warranted part is de-
responsible for the performance of the fective if the diagnostic work is per-
required maintenance listed in your in- formed at an approved Sears Service
struction manual. Sears recommends Center. CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-
that you retain all receipts covering AGES: Sears may be liable for dam-
maintenance on your small off-road en- ages to other engine components
gine, but Sears cannot deny warranty caused by the failure of a warranted
solely for the lack of receipts or for your part still under warranty. WHAT IS NOT
failure to ensure the performance of all COVERED: All failures caused by
scheduled maintenance. As the small abuse, neglect, or improper mainte-
off-road engine owner, you should be nance are not covered. ADD-ON OR
aware that Sears may deny you war- MODIFIED PARTS: The use of add-on
ranty coverage if your small off-road or modified parts can be grounds for
engine or a part of it has failed due to disallowing a warranty claim. Sears is
abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, not liable to cover failures of warranted
unapproved modifications, or the use of parts caused by the use of add-on or
parts not made or approved by the orig- modified parts. HOW TO FILE A
inal equipment manufacturer. You are CLAIM: If you have any questions re-
responsible for presenting your small garding your warranty rights and re-
off-road engine to a Sears authorized sponsibilities, you should contact your
repair center as soon as a problem ex- nearest authorized service center or call
ists. Warranty repairs should be com- Sears at 1-800-469-4663.
pleted in a reasonable amount of time,
not to exceed 30 days. If you have any
WHERE TO GET WARRANTY SER- without charge to the owner if the part is
VICE: Warranty services or repairs shall under warranty. EMISSION CONTROL
be provided at all Sears Service Cen- WARRANTY PARTS LIST: Carburetor,
ters. Call 1-800-469-4663. MAINTE- Ignition System: Spark Plug (covered
NANCE, REPLACEMENT AND RE- up to maintenance schedule), Ignition
PAIR OF EMISSION RELATED Module, Muffler including catalyst.
PARTS: Any Sears approved replace- MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The
ment part used in the performance of owner is responsible for the perfor-
any warranty maintenance or repair on mance of all required maintenance as
emission related parts will be provided defined in the instruction manual.
The information on the product label indicates to which standard your engine is certified.
Example: (Year) EPA Phase I or Phase II and/or CALIFORNIA.