Translation Skills
Translation Skills
Translation Skills
Anyone attempting to translate will agree to the fact that professional translation
is a technical art for a successful write-up. Hence this requires a basic knowledge and
understanding of what it takes to be a competent translator.
1. Attention to Detail
Without this quality, translators won’t consistently produce fully accurate, well-
worded translations
2. Good Organization
Successful translators manage their time well, have good recordkeeping and are
efficient in what they do.
3. Self-Motivation
The energy and discipline to do what you have to do, and go the extra mile when
you need to, can only come from you
4. Dependability
Clients must be able to rely on you to respond promptly to communications and
meet translation deadlines.
5. Adaptability
The quality to take non-standard translation projects and unusual client requests
in your stride. And to consider reviewer critiques and suggestions with an open mind.
6. Integrity
To play by the “rules” – maintain confidentiality, observe business and professional
ethics, respect your client/supplier relationships.
7. Curiosity
Translators who are naturally curious find all texts interesting, so enjoy every
translation project. And people who enjoy their work tend to do a better job.
8. Professional Pride
The quality that will spur you to always produce high quality work and present
yourself in a professional manner.