Test Suite Redundancy For Conf
Test Suite Redundancy For Conf
Test Suite Redundancy For Conf
that while RSR generally achieves less size reduction than -10
tcas totinfo schedule schedule2 printtokens printtokens2 replace
HGSBr, both RSR and HGSBr still generally achieve very Subject Program
generally achieves the least suite size reduction with the possible points of discussion regarding our approach.
benefit of yielding the least fault detection loss. HGSdu “Fault detection effectiveness loss is still very large
achieves a middle-ground between RSR and HGSBr. Con- across all reduction techniques, even in the new
sidering that even RSR is still able to achieve relatively approach
high suite size reduction, the benefit of RSR in retaining - the technique of test suite reduction itself is a lost
more fault detection effectiveness in our experiments is cause.”
evident. Figure 6 shows the benefit of RSR in selecting There are many factors at work which influence the fault
additional test cases that are likely to expose new faults. detection effectiveness loss of suites. For instance, the
From the fig- ure, notice that for every subject program, test cases used in our experiments were selected from
the average ratio value is above 0. For tcas, totinfo, pools as- sembled by Siemens researchers, and the test
printtokens2, cases were generated with respect to various kinds of
Fault Detection Loss of Reduced Test Suites: We black-box and white-box approaches. Therefore, many of
ob- serve from the Table 4 that there is a strong the test cases in our suites are intentionally meant to test
tendency for RSR reduced suites to detect more entities within the subject programs that we do not know,
faults than HGSBr and HGSdu-minimized suites. nor that we have ac- counted for during reduction.
This is expected since both RSR and HGSdu- Therefore, any such test cases could be exercising
reduced suites retain the same all-uses cover- age as something special about the subject pro- gram that we do
their non-reduced counterparts, but RSR reduced not realize (such as special boundary con- ditions or
suites contain some redundancy with respect to test combinations of input values), and thus throwing them
cases that provide additional def-use coverage by away could result in fault detection loss. However, it is
exercising al- ready covered branches in a different quite remarkable that for all the techniques discussed in
order. From our ex- periments it appears that this this paper, much higher percentage suite size reduction is
form of redundancy is effec- tive at retaining test achieved as compared to the corresponding percentage
cases that are likely to expose faults. The gray boxes fault detection loss.
in Figure 5 also show that the fault detec- tion losses mary criterion but also with respect to the secondary
experienced by RSR are considerably less than that crite- rion because of the order in which they were added
experienced by HGSBr, and overall, the fault loss to the reduced suite. The fundamental difference is that
val- ues for both RSR and HGSBr are considerably our new algorithm specifically seeks to include
less than the corresponding suite size reduction redundancy in the reduced suites while the minimization
values. techniques seek to eliminate as much redundancy as
Test Suite Reduction vs. Fault Detection Loss: HGSBr possible.
generally achieves the most suite size reduction at the ex-
pense of yielding the most fault detection loss, while RSR 6 Conclusions and Future
the median value is at 0 with a lower quartile also at 0, in- Work
dicating that over half of the ratio values are greater than
or equal to 0, the average value is more than 0. For tcas, We have presented a new approach to test suite
reduction that attempts to selectively keep redundant test
the upper quartile is over 1 (more than 25% of suites have
cases with the goal of decreasing the loss of fault
ratio value greater than 1), and for totinfo, the upper
detection effective- ness due to reduction in suite size. Our
quartile is over 2 (more than 25% of suites have ratio
approach is general and can be integrated into any existing
value greater than 2!). For replace, even the lower
test suite minimiza- tion algorithm. In our experimental
quartile is greater than 0 (over 75% of suites have a
study, our approach consistently performed better than
positive ratio value).
test suite minimization without redundancy by generating
It is reasonable to ask whether or not the increased fault
reduced test suites with less fault detection loss at the
detection retention of RSR is due merely to the fact that
expense of a small increase in the size of the reduced
the RSR-reduced suites are larger than the other
suite. In the near future, we plan to evaluate the
minimized suites. It turns out this is not the case. As
effectiveness of our technique for test suite reduction with
indicated by the results in Table 5 compared to the RSR
selective redundancy for a combination of white-box and
results in Table 4, in all cases, the average number of
black-box coverage requirements.
faults detected by the randomly-added suites is less than
the average number of faults detected by the
corresponding RSR-reduced suites. Accordingly, the
average percentage fault detection loss of the randomly-
added suites is always more than the average fault
detection loss of the RSR-reduced suites. Our exper-
imental results clearly show the potential of our new tech-
nique in selecting a small set of redundant test cases which
have a high chance of detecting new faults.
We would now like to elaborate on the following