PILOT Oral Examination - FIR /AFIR July 2020 Session: List of Admitted Candidates
PILOT Oral Examination - FIR /AFIR July 2020 Session: List of Admitted Candidates
PILOT Oral Examination - FIR /AFIR July 2020 Session: List of Admitted Candidates
Important Instructions:
1. The acceptance of the candidature is subject to the condition that the requirements stipulated in Section-Q, Section-R
of Schedule-II of Aircraft Rules 1937 and CAR, Section-7, Series-B, Part-VII as applicable are complied with to the
satisfaction of the Examination Board. The candidates are required to produce the CPL in original.
2. The FIR/AFIR Exams will be conducted at Directorate of Flying Training (DFT), O/o DGCA Opp. Safdarjung Airport
Technical Centre, New Delhi-110003. The Candidates are required to report for the exam at the above venue on the
date and time mentioned against their names.