Gastroprotectivetherapy: M. Katherine Tolbert
Gastroprotectivetherapy: M. Katherine Tolbert
Gastroprotectivetherapy: M. Katherine Tolbert
Gastric ulcer Acid suppressant Proton pump inhibitor
Histamine-2 receptor antagonist
A range of gastroprotective drugs are available for the treatment of upper gastrointestinal
injury, including acid suppressants, coating agents, prostaglandin analogs, and antacids.
The choice of gastroprotective drug is guided by the cause and location of gastrointestinal
injury and the potential for adverse effects.
Proton pump inhibitors are the most effective drugs for the medical treatment of upper
gastrointestinal injury.
However, proton pump inhibitors are not effective for all causes of upper gastrointestinal
injury and bleeding.
Gastric acid secretion is triggered by hormonal and neural stimulation of parietal cells,
the acid-producing cells of the stomach. The predominant stimulators of acid secre-
tion are gastrin (released from gastric G cells), acetylcholine (released from vagal in-
puts), and histamine (released from enterochromaffin-like cells in the gastric
fundus), whereas the major inhibitors are somatostatin (released from gastric D cells)
and prostaglandins. Gastric acid secretion can be characterized by the phase of acid
secretion and depends on the timing of the meal. Gastric acid secretion is divided into
3 phases: (1) cephalic, in which the sight and smell of food triggers a small amount of
gastric acid secretion; (2) gastric, in which gastric distension and digested food,
particularly proteins, are responsible for the largest amount of gastric acid secretion;
and (3) intestinal, in which gastric acid secretion is inhibited after gastric emptying and
a decrease in duodenal pH. Basal acid secretion occurs during fasting periods,
whereas the highest gastric acid secretion occurs after ingestion of a meal and the
subsequent gastric distension. In dogs and cats, unlike studies in humans, food
seems to be a strong stimulus of acid secretion and no buffering effect of food can
be detected on gastric pH (Fig. 1).
Gastroprotectants are widely used by veterinarians for the treatment of esophagitis
and gastroduodenal mucosal injury or ulceration in dogs and cats. Despite their wide-
spread use, there are only a handful of studies investigating the use of these drugs in
Gastrointestinal Laboratory, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Texas A&M College
of Veterinary, 4474 TAMU j College Station, TX 77843-4474, USA
E-mail address: [email protected]
Fig. 1. Gastric pH over time in a healthy dog. Time in hours is on the x-axis and pH is on the
y-axis. The asterisks (*) denote feeding times. Gastric pH is not significantly buffered by
healthy cats and dogs and even fewer in those with naturally occurring disease. Most
of the guidelines for therapy are derived from those established for humans, but there
can be no certainty that these guidelines are appropriate for small animals. Many of
the drugs are available over the counter and clients are often not provided instructions
for discontinuation, which can result in months to years of inappropriate therapy.
Moreover, this class of drugs is often used for dogs and cats with vomiting, presumed
gastritis, or as preventative therapy for a wide range of diseases with little evidence for
a benefit. Before prescribing gastroprotectants, it is important for the clinician to ask
the following questions: (1) Is there an appropriate indication for the use of the drug?
(2) What objective measures will be used to determine if a beneficial effect is
achieved? (3) Have I provided adequate instructions for use and discontinuation of
the drug? The reader is referred to the American College of Veterinary Internal Medi-
cine consensus statement for more details on the indication and rationale for the use
of gastroprotective therapy in dogs and cats.1 A brief summary of the mechanisms for
and causes of gastroduodenal ulceration as well as a review of drugs used for the
treatment of gastroduodenal ulceration are provided in this article, and the recommen-
ded drug dosages are listed in Box 1.
Gastroduodenal ulceration results from a breakdown in the mucosal barrier either from
physical disruption of the barrier, altered mucosal blood flow, or utilization of or
decreased local mucus and bicarbonate secretion. Common causes of ulceration in
the dog include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug toxicity and gastroduodenal or
pancreatic neoplasia. Although nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced ulcera-
tion can occur in the cat, cats seem to be less susceptible than dogs. Gastroduodenal
or pancreatic neoplasia is the most common cause of ulceration in the cat. Other
Gastroprotective Therapy 3
Box 1
Gastroprotective drugs
H2 receptor antagonists
Famotidine: 1 mg/kg q 12 h PO, SC, IV (cat, dog); 8 mg/kg/d IV CRI (dog)
Ranitidine: 2.0 to 3.5 mg/kg PO*, SC, IV q 12 h
Proton pump inhibitors
Omeprazole, pantoprazole: 1 mg/kg q 12 h PO, IV, SC
Esomeprazole: 1 mg/kg q 12 h IV, 1 mg/kg q12 to 24 h PO, SC (dog); 1 mg/kg q12 h IV, PO (cat)
Coating agents
Sucralfate slurry (tablet crushed and dissolved in water): 0.5 to 1.0 g q 6 to 8 h PO (dog);
0.25 g q 6 to 8 h PO (cat)
Barium: 1 to 2 mL/kg q 8 to 12 h PO, per rectum (colorectal bleeding)
Prostaglandin analogs
Misoprostol: 3 mg/kg q 8 to 12 PO (dog)
Abbreviations: CRI, constant rate infusion; IV, intravenously; PO, by mouth; q, every; SC,
*See text regarding concerns for oral administration.
causes of ulceration in the cat or dog include advanced liver disease (ie, portal hyper-
tension, intrahepatic portal vein shunting), high-dose corticosteroids, foreign bodies,
trichobezoars inflammatory bowel disease, and severe stress (eg, critical illness,
high-intensity exercise). It is important to note that gastroprotective therapy may not
be effective depending on the underlying cause of ulceration (eg, portal hypertension).
Sucralfate is composed of a polyaluminum sucrose sulfate that is divided into sucrose
sulfate and aluminum salts in the presence of gastric acid. The negatively charged sul-
fate groups protect the ulcerated tissue from additional injury by binding electrostat-
ically to positively charged proteins exposed in ulcerated areas. Sucralfate’s affinity for
abnormal, injured tissue is 5 times greater than for normal mucosa. Sucralfate also de-
creases pepsin activity and stimulates the release of protective prostaglandins, which
4 Tolbert
in turn increases mucosal blood flow and increases mucus production and viscosity.2
Sucralfate is particularly beneficial where pain is an anticipated sequela, such as with
reflux esophagitis. In a canine ex vivo model of acid-induced injury, sucralfate was
effective at restoring gastric barrier defects.3 Based on comparative studies in
humans, sucralfate might be more effective in the adjunctive treatment of duodenal
ulcers compared with gastric ulcers. Importantly, it should be given as a commercially
available suspension (eg, sucralfate [Carafate] suspension) or slurry rather than
crushed or given as a whole tablet. A slurry may be prepared just before administration
by dissolving a 1 g tablet in approximately 10 mL of water and allowing the mixture to
stand for 15 to 20 minutes. The slurry should be shaken well before administration. Fla-
vorings can be added, if needed, to improve palatability. Sucralfate is associated with
very few adverse effects aside from constipation and drug interactions. However, its
use, especially at high doses, is discouraged in cats with chronic kidney disease.4
Sucralfate does change the pH of the stomach and therefore can interfere with the
metabolism of drugs that are dependent on an acidic gastric pH (eg, proton pump in-
hibitors [PPIs]). It also interferes with drugs affected by the aluminum component of
sucralfate (eg, tetracyclines, ciprofloxacin).5,6 Therefore, these drugs (eg, acid sup-
pressants, antibiotics) should be administered at least 2 hours before or after sucral-
fate administration.
Barium, like sucralfate, is proposed to have mucosal protecting effects and hemostat-
ic properties. However, to the authors’ knowledge, there are no published studies
evaluating the efficacy of barium for gastric injury or bleeding. Barium enemas are
effective for treatment of lower GI bleeding in people but there are no studies evalu-
ating barium enemas in dogs or cats. The dose recommended for mucosal hemosta-
sis (1–2 mL/kg) can be occasionally challenging to administer orally especially in a
patient with a history of dysrexia or vomiting. Although barium is inert, aspiration of
barium with gastric fluid contents can be fatal. Discontinue barium for at least 24 hours
before GI endoscopy and do not use in animals where GI perforation is suspected.
Histamine Type 2 Receptor Antagonists
Gastric acid secretion is triggered by hormonal and neural stimulation of parietal cells,
the acid producing cells of the stomach. Acid-suppressing drugs, which take aim at
these physiologic targets on the parietal cell surface, have largely supplanted antacids
(acid-neutralizing drugs) as the drugs of choice for acid-related diseases. Histamine
type-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) were developed in the 1970s after the identifica-
tion of histamine type-2 receptors and proton pumps on parietal cells.7 Gastrin, acetyl-
choline, and histamine were identified as the major secretagogues of gastric acid
secretion with histamine recognized as the most potent secretagogue. Healing of
acid-related disorders was determined to be partially dependent on gastric acid sup-
pression. Thus, H2RAs became the standard of care for the treatment of gastric ulcers
and erosive esophagitis in humans and animals until the development of PPIs in the
The H2RAs (eg, famotidine, ranitidine, cimetidine hydrochloride) are competitive in-
hibitors of the interaction of histamine with the histamine type-2 receptor on the pari-
etal cell. They have a good safety profile and can be administered with a full meal.
Cimetidine was the first H2RA to be used clinically in dogs and cats. When adminis-
tered orally 3 times daily, its effect on reducing aspirin-induced gastritis is comparable
Gastroprotective Therapy 5
bonds with the active proton-pumping H1-K-ATPase enzymes. The PPIs are more
effective than H2RAs in healing upper GI erosion and ulceration.24 Indeed, a variety
of omeprazole formulations (whole and divided enteric-coated tablet, capsule, refor-
mulated paste, suspension) have been evaluated and demonstrated to be superior
in raising the gastric pH in healthy dogs and cats compared with H2RAs.12,13,19,20
Although peak concentrations of H2RAs occur within hours of oral administration
and the PPIs can take up to 4 days to reach peak effect, PPIs are likely as effective
as H2RAs on day 1 of administration. Orally administered PPIs should be given on
an empty stomach immediately before offering a full meal. A small treat can be given
with the drug if necessary to aid in oral administration.13
Although keeping the enteric-coated tablet intact is desired when possible, the
tablet can be divided to optimize dosing for cats and small dogs. The degree of
acid suppression is likely not as good on day 1 compared with an intact tablet, but pro-
vides good acid suppression over time as any drug that escapes premature gastric
degradation begins to provide its own “enteric coating” by raising the gastric pH.19
For most causes of upper GI ulceration or bleeding, dogs and cats should be treated
twice daily with a PPI.12,13,20 However, once-daily treatment may be effective for
certain causes of gastric injury such as with exercise-induced gastritis.24 Once-daily
omeprazole administration is also effective for reduction of aspirin-induced gastritis,
but was no better than placebo for the treatment of mechanically induced ulceration,
which raises concern for once-daily administration of omeprazole for the treatment of
common causes of ulceration, including gastric tumors and nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs.8 If once-daily administration of a PPI is necessary or compliance
is a concern, orally administered esomeprazole seems to be an effective option even
when dosed once daily.25
Esomeprazole might also be the preferred treatment for erosive esophagitis based
on studies in people and may provide superior gastric acid suppression when intrave-
nously administered as compared with pantoprazole.23 Esomeprazole, in combination
with cisapride, dosed 12 to 18 hours and 1.0 to 1.5 hours before induction is an effec-
tive treatment for prevention of anesthetic-induced reflux in dogs.26 Acid suppres-
sants should be discontinued after anesthetic recovery. Adverse effects of PPI
administration in dogs and cats can include diarrhea (dogs),12,20 induction of intestinal
dysbiosis,27,28 and hypergastrinemia and drug withdrawal-induced rebound gastric
acid hypersecretion.29 The PPIs are the medical treatment of choice for dogs and
cats with documented nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced upper GI
bleeding or injury. However, omeprazole administration might induce intestinal injury
when co-administered with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, carprofen, in
healthy dogs.30 Thus, prophylactic omeprazole administration to healthy dogs
receiving nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not recommended unless other
risk factors for gastric bleeding are present. Serum gastrin concentrations should
normalize within 7 days after PPI or H2RA cessation.31
The PPIs are inhibitors of the hepatic cytochrome P450 system. Thus, drug interac-
tions with concurrent PPI administration are possible with drugs that are affected by
increased gastric pH or cytochrome P450 inhibition. Omeprazole does not diminish
the antiplatelet effects of clopidogrel in healthy dogs. Over-the-counter omeprazole
suspensions can contain xylitol and should not be used in dogs. Chronic use of
PPIs and H2RAs or prophylactic administration for diseases in which a benefit has
not been demonstrated is discouraged owing to reports of an association with a
wide variety of adverse effects in people following long-term PPI use including chronic
kidney disease, osteoporosis and pathologic fractures, community-acquired pneu-
monia, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, and spontaneous bacterial
Gastroprotective Therapy 7
Prostaglandin Analogs
Prostaglandins play a critical role in the integrity of the GI mucosal barrier including by
stimulating the secretion of bicarbonate-rich mucus, enhancing mucosal blood flow,
and promoting epithelial restitution. The most commonly used prostaglandin agonist
in veterinary medicine is misoprostol, a prostaglandin E1 analog. By simulating endog-
enous eicosanoids, misoprostol may offer many of the protective benefits of prosta-
glandins. However, despite its mechanism of action, misoprostol is predominantly
effective for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced injury32 and has no effect
with steroid-associated ulceration.33 Misoprostol may increase GI and urogenital
smooth muscle contractions leading to side effects of cramping, diarrhea, and
The author is a consultant for TriviumVet, Inc. Studies performed by the author in the
text above were supported by the Comparative Gastroenterology Society, American
Veterinary Medical Foundation, Winn Feline Foundation (W17-017), Miller Trust
(MT18-004), UTK Companion Animal Fund, and the ACVIM Foundation.
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8 Tolbert
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