Indian Polity: The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) Is Known As Mini-Constitution'
Indian Polity: The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) Is Known As Mini-Constitution'
Indian Polity: The 42nd Amendment Act (1976) Is Known As Mini-Constitution'
The term ‘preamble’ refers to the introduction or Initiative - is a method by means of which the people
preface to the Constitution. It contains the summary can propose a bill to the legislature for enactment.
or essence of the Constitution. Recall- is a method by means of which the voters can
remove a representative or an officer before the
It has been amended by the 42nd Constitutional expiry of his term, when he fails to discharge his
Amendment Act (1976), which added three new duties properly.
words— socialist, secular and integrity.
Plebiscite- is a method of obtaining the opinion of
Text of the Preamble: - people on any issue of public importance. It is
generally used to solve the territorial disputes.
“We, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly
resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN 5. Republic
SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC A democratic polity can be classified into two
and to secure to all its citizens: categories— monarchy and republic.
JUSTICE, Social, Economic and Political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and In a monarchy, the head of the state (usually king or
worship; EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; queen) enjoys a hereditary position, that is, he comes
and to promote among them all; into office through succession,
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual
and the unity and integrity of the Nation; In a republic, on the other hand, the head of the state
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty- is always elected directly or indirectly for a fixed
sixth day of November 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, period,
ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS India has an elected head called the president. He is
CONSTITUTION”. elected indirectly for a fixed period of five years.
The Parliament has enacted the Citizenship Act, 1955. 1.BY RENUNCIATION
By which a person can acquire a Citizenship. 2.BY TERMINATION
The Citizenship Act, 1955 has been amended in 1986, 3.BY DEPRIVATION
1992, 2003 and 2005.
Four Categories @ the commencement of constitution The Fundamental Rights are enshrined in Part
I) If he has his domicile in the territory of India, or he III of the Constitution from Articles 12 to 35.
or either of his parents were born in India or He has
been resident in the territory of India for not less than The fundamental rights are justifiable in Nature.
5 years immediately before the commencement of the
Constitution. (Ar.5) 12. Definition.
II) Two types of distinctions. 13. Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the
1. The people migrating to India before July fundamental rights.
19, 1948
2. The people migrating to India after July 19, Right to Equality (14-18)
1) The person or his parents or any of grandparents 14. Equality before law.
born in Undivided India and has been ordinarily 15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of
residing in India since the date of the migration. religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
2) He should have been registered as a citizen of 16. Equality of opportunity in matters of public
India and has been residing in India for at least 6 employment.
months immediately preceding the date of 17. Abolition of Untouchability.
application. (Ar.6) 18. Abolition of titles except military and academic.
III) A person who migrated to Pakistan from India
after March 1, 1947, but later returned to India for
resettlement could become a citizen of India. For this Right to Freedom (19-22)
he had to be the resident of India for 6 months
19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of
preceding the date of his application for registration.
speech, etc.
20. Protection in respect of conviction for offences.
IV) A person or Any of his parents or any of his
21. Protection of life and personal liberty.
grandparents born in Undivided India but
21A. Right to education.
ordinarily residing outside India shall become a
22. Protection against arrest and detention in certain
citizen of India if registered as a citizen of India by
the diplomatic representative of India in that country.
KARAIKUDI. CONTACT 94864 31610,04565 286671,[email protected]
Right against Exploitation (23-24) Ar-21A
Was present in Article 45 of the constitution. Through
23. Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced 86th amendment in 2002 it was made a fundamental
labour. right. This came into force on April 1, 2010.
24. Prohibition of employment of children in
factories, etc. Equality of Opportunity in Employment
1st Backward Class Commission was in 1953 by Kaka
Right to Freedom of Religion (25-28) Kalelkar.
Mandal Commission: - 2nd was in 1979 under B P
25. Freedom of conscience and free profession, Mandal by Morarji Desai Government. Gave 27% for
practice and propagation of religion. OBC
26. Freedom to manage religious affairs.
27. Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of Ar-32 (According B R Ambedkar Article 32 is the
any particular religion. heart and soul of the Indian Constitution)
28. Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction The Supreme Court and High Courts can issue writs.
or religious worship in certain educational Article 359 of the constitution provides the right to
institutions. move Supreme Court can be suspended during
national emergency.
Cultural and Educational Rights (29-30)
29. Protection of interests of minorities. It is an order issued by the court to a person who has
30. Right of minorities to establish and administer detained another person, to produce the body of the
educational institutions. latter before it. Hence this is against arbitrary
31. [Repealed.] detention. This can be issued to a private person or
public authorities.
Right to Constitutional Remedies- 32
Mandamus: (To Command):
32. Remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by Issued to a public official asking him to perform his
this Part. official duties that he has failed or refused to perform.
32A. [Repealed.] (this cannot be issued against President or Governor
33. Power of Parliament to modify the rights or CJ of a HC or against any private person).
conferred by this Part in their application to
Forces, etc. Prohibition: (to forbid):
34. Restriction on rights conferred by this Part while Issued by a higher court to a lower court or tribunal
martial law is in force in any area. to prevent the latter from exceeding its jurisdiction or
35. Legislation to give effect to the provisions of this usurping a jurisdiction that it does not possess.
Certiorari (To be certified or to be informed):
➢ FR is called the Magna Carta of India. Issued by a higher court to a lower court or tribunal
➢ Right to property (31) (Deleted by 44th either to transfer case pending with the latter to it or
amendment 1978) and made legal right under to squash the order of the latter in a case.
Article 300 A in part XII of the constitution.
➢ Except Fundamental rights guaranteed under Quowarranto (By what Authority?):
Articles 20 and 21 remaining Fundamental rights It is issued by a court to enquire into the legality of
can be suspended during operation of National claim of a person to a public office.
➢ Article 19 can be suspended only when emergency Ar.33
is declared on the grounds of war or external Restrict FR to members of armed forces, para-military
aggression and not on the grounds of armed forces, Police force, Intelligence agencies.
➢ Article 13: All laws that violate Fundamental Fundamental Rights available only to citizens and
Rights shall be void. not to foreigners: -
➢ That Power is conferred to SC (Article 32) and
High Courts (Article 226) that can declare a law Article 15, Article 16, Article 19, Article 29, Article 30
1) No ex-post-facto Legislation
2) No Double Jeopardy
KARAIKUDI. CONTACT 94864 31610,04565 286671,[email protected]
Fundamental Rights available to both citizens and 2. Formation of new states and alteration of
foreigners (except enemy aliens) areas, boundaries or names of existing states.
3. Abolition or creation of legislative councils
Article 14, Article 20, Article 21, Article 21A, Article 22, in states.
Article 23, Article 24, Article 25, Article 26, Article 27, 4. Second Schedule
Article 28 5. Quorum in Parliament.
6. Salaries and allowances of the members of
(36-51) 7. Rules of procedure in Parliament.
➢ These are the recommendations to the state in 8. Privileges of the Parliament, its members
Legislative, Executive and Administrative and its committees.
matters. 9. Use of English language in Parliament.
➢ Non-justifiable in nature. 10. Number of puisne judges in the Supreme
FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES (51A) 11. Conferment of more jurisdiction on the
Supreme Court.
These were added on the recommendation of 12. Use of official language.
Swaran Singh Committee (1976). 13. Citizenship—acquisition and termination.
The 10 Fundamental Duties were added to the 14. Elections to Parliament and state
Constitution in the year 1976 through 42nd legislatures.
amendment. The 11th Fundamental Duty was added 15. Delimitation of constituencies.
in the year 2002 through the 86th amendment of the 16. Union territories.
Indian Constitution. 17. Fifth Schedule.
18. Sixth Schedule.
51A. Fundamental duties.
(b) Amendment by special majority of the Parliament
AMENDMENT OF THE INDIAN FR, DPSP & All provisions not covered in 1st
CONSTITUTION and 3 categories
Amendment means Addition, Deletion, Modification (c) Amendment by special majority of the Parliament
of that already existing in the Constitution. and the ratification of half of the state legislatures by
a Simple Majority.
PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENT 1. Election of the President and its manner.
2. Extent of the executive power of the Union
Initiated in the Parliament (Lok Sabha or Rajya and the states.
Sabha) only by introducing a bill. 3. Supreme Court and high courts.
Bill can be introduced either by a public member 4. Distribution of legislative powers between
(Minister) or by a Private member (who is not a the Union and the states.
Minister, but a member of the house). 5. Any of the lists in the Seventh Schedule.
Bill must be passed in each house separately by a 6. Representation of states in Parliament.
special majority. 7. Power of Parliament to amend the
Disagreement between the two house the bill is Constitution and its procedure (Article 368 itself).
considered to be rejected.
There is no provision of Joint Sitting in the EMERGENCY PROVISIONS
Constitution for passing a constitution amendment
bill. (Joint session is summoned by President only Three types of emergencies
when there is a disagreement between two houses (Article 352) - Due to war, external aggression or
with reference to ordinary bills only) armed rebellion. known as “National Emergency”
Bill is presented to the President after it is passed. (Article 356) - Failure of the constitutional machinery
President must give assent to constitution in the states. known as “President ‘s Rule” or “State
amendment bill he cannot withhold the assent and Emergency”.
cannot return the bill for the reconsideration. After (Article 360) - Financial.
the assent of the President the amendment bill
becomes an act. Grounds of Declaration
3) Sarkaria Commission In 1983 under the The Powers and Functions of the President
chairmanship of R S Sarkaria
Executive Powers
4) Punchhi Commission in 2007 under the ➢ He appoints the Prime Minister, Ministers,
Chairmanship of Madan Mohan Punchhi, former Attorney General of India, Comptroller and
Chief Justice of India. Auditor General of India, Chief Election
Commissioner and other Election
CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Commissioners, the Chairman and Members of
the UPSC, the Governors of the states, the
PRESIDENT Chairman and the members of the Finance
➢ Elected by an electoral college consisting of Commissions etc.
elected members of the two Houses, Legislative ➢ Can appoint a commission to investigate into the
Assemblies of the States, national capital territory conditions of SCs, STs and OBCs.
of Delhi and the Union territory of Pondicherry ➢ He is the Commander in Chief of the Indian
by means of a single transferable vote. Armed Forces.
➢ Nominated members of both house, state ➢ Can grant a pardon to or reduce the sentence of a
legislative, UT and State Legislative Council (both convicted person.
elected and nominated) will not Participate.
The Legislative Powers
Eligibility ➢ Can summon or end a session of the Parliament
➢ Indian citizen. and dissolve the Lok Sabha.
➢ completed the age of thirty-five (35) years. ➢ Summon a joint sitting of both the houses of
➢ qualified for election as a member of the Lok Parliament which is presided over by the Speaker
Sabha. of the Lok Sabha.
➢ Should not hold any office of profit under ➢ Can appoint a member of the Lok Sabha to
Government. preside over its proceeding when both Speaker as
well as Deputy Speaker posts are vacant.
Presidents’ Term of Office ➢ Also can appoint any member of the Rajya Sabha
➢ Appointed by the Chief Justice of India and in his to preside over its proceeding when both the
absence, by the senior most judge of the Supreme Chairman ‘s and Deputy Chairman ‘s office falls
Court. vacant.
➢ President holds office for a five year. ➢ Can nominate 12 members to the Rajya Sabha
➢ Can resign at any time by addressing the ➢ When a bill is sent to the Parliament after it has
resignation letter to the Vice-President of India. been passed by the parliament, the President can
➢ If vacancy occurs due to his death, resignation or give his assent to the bill or withhold his assent to
removal the Vice president acts as the President the bill or return the bill (if it is not a Money Bill
KARAIKUDI. CONTACT 94864 31610,04565 286671,[email protected]
or a Constitutional Amendment Bill) for any such person is elected Vice-President, he
reconsideration of the Parliament. should vacate his seat in that House.
➢ Can promulgate ordinances when both the ➢ Vice-President can be removed from office by a
Houses of the Parliament are not in session resolution of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha),
(Article 123) and must be approved by the passed by a majority of its members at that time
Parliament within the six weeks of its reassembly. and agreed to by the House of the People (Lok
➢ Emergency Powers. Sabba).
➢ He acts as the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
Pardoning Power of the President
➢ Article 72 of the Constitution empowers the PRIME MINISTER
President to grant pardons.
1. Pardon: - It removes both the sentence and the Prime Minister is the real executive authority
conviction and completely the convict from all
sentences, punishments and disqualifications. Appointment of the Prime Minister
2. Commutation: - It denotes the substitution of one
form of punishment for a lighter form. For example, a ➢ Article 75 says Prime Minister shall be appointed
death sentence may be commuted to rigorous by the president.
imprisonment, which in turn may be commuted to a ➢ The President appoints the leader of the majority
simple imprisonment. party in the Lok Sabha as the Prime Minister.
3. Remission: - It implies reducing the period of ➢ When no party has majority the President may
sentence without changing its character. For example, exercise his personal discretion in the selection
a sentence of rigorous imprisonment for two years and appointment of the Prime Minister.
may be remitted to rigorous imprisonment for one ➢ Such a situation, President usually appoints the
year. leader of the largest party or coalition in the Lok
4. Respite: - It denotes awarding a lesser sentence in Sabha as the Prime Minister and asks him to seek
place of one originally awarded due to some special a vote of confidence in the House within a month.
fact, such as the physical disability of a convict or the ➢ A person who is not a member of either House
pregnancy of a woman offender. can be appointed as Prime Minister for six
5. Reprieve: - It implies a stay of the execution of a months, within which, he should become a
sentence (especially that of death) for a temporary member of either House otherwise, he ceases to
period. be the Prime Minister.
High court operates below the Supreme Court but Article 370 in Part XXI of the Constitution grants a
above the subordinate courts special status
Bills were introduced in the Parliament for 10 times iv) L M Singhvi Committee
in the following years: In 1986, Rajiv Gandhi government appointed a
1. In May 1968, 2. In April 1971, 3. In July 1977, 4. In committee under the chairmanship of L M Singhvi. It
August 1985, 5. In December 1989, 6. In September made the following recommendations.
1996, 7. In August 1998, 8. In August 2001, 9. In The Panchayati Raj institutions should be
August 2011, 10. In December 2011. constitutionally recognised, protected and preserved.
However, none of the bills mentioned above were The bill finally emerged as the 73rd Constitutional
passed by the Parliament due to one or the other Amendment Act, 1992 and came into force on 24
reasons. April, 19932.
Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2011
KARAIKUDI. CONTACT 94864 31610,04565 286671,[email protected]
73rd Amendment Act of 1992
Significance of the Act
This act has added a new Part-IX to the
Constitution of India. It is entitled as ‘The
Panchayats’ and consists of provisions from Articles
243 to 243 O. In addition, the act has also added a
new Eleventh Schedule to the Constitution.
Signifies the governance of an urban area by the
people through their elected representatives.
There are eight types of urban local governments in
India— municipal corporation, municipality, notified
area committee, town area committee, cantonment
board, township, port trust and special purpose
The system of urban government was
constitutionalised through the 74th Constitutional
Amendment Act of 1992.