Evolution of Android Operating System and It's Versions

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Evolution of Android Operating System and it’s Versions

Aishwarya Gujar, Prof. Pratibha Adkar
MCA Department, Modern College of Engineering, Modern College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Aishwarya Gujar |

Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating Prof. Pratibha Adkar "Evolution of
system, middleware and key applications. It can be considered as a software Android Operating System and it’s
platform as well as an operating system for mobile devices based on the Linux Versions" Published
operating system and currently developed by Google. It is designed primarily in International
for touch screens mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Journal of Trend in
One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is android. It is free and Scientific Research
open source software its source code is known as Android Open Source and Development
Project (AOSP), which is primarily licensed under the Apache License. This (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
Paper Contains android architecture consists of key applications, Application 6470, Volume-5 | IJTSRD42519
framework, Native libraries, Android runtime, DVM, Linux Kernal., Many Issue-4, June 2021,
versions of Android Operating System are KitKat, JellyBean, Honeycomb, pp.1023-1026, URL:
Froyo etc… Advantages and Disadvantages of Android and also the conclusion. www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd42519.pdf

KEYWORDS: Android, Android OS Architecture, Android Versions, Dalvik VM Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)

Android is a mobile operating system running on the Linux
kernel. It was initially developed by Android Inc. a firm later
purchased by Google, and lately by the Open Handset
Alliance. consortium of 47 hardware, software, and telecom
companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile
devices. One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is
android. It is free and open source software its source code is
known as Android Open Source Project (AOSP), which is
primarily licensed under the Apache Licenser.
History of Android OS:
Android is described as a mobile operating system, initially
developed by Android Inc. Android was sold to Google in
2005. Android is based on a modified Linux 2.6 kernel.
Google, as well as other members of the Open Handset
Alliance (OHA) collaborated on Android (design, Figure 1.An evolution of Android Operating system
development, distribution). Currently, the Android Open II. ANDROID OPERATING SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE:
Source Project (AOSP) is governing the Android maintenance
and development cycle.In July 2005, Google acquired
Android Inc. for at least $50 million.[7] Its key employees,
including Rubin, Miner and White, joined Google as part of
the acquisition.
Not much was known about the secretive Android at the
time, with the company having provided few details other
than that it was making software for mobile phones. At
Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device
platform powered by the Linux kernel. Google marketed the
platform to handset makers and carriers on the promise of
providing a flexible, upgradeable system.

Figure 2.Architecture of Android OS

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42519 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1023
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Software stack is split into four layers. That are III. DVM (DALVIK VIRTUAL MACHINE):
A. Linux kernel [13]Dalvik could be a purpose engineered virtual machine

B. Native Library designed specifically for humanoid that was developed by

C. Application Framework Layer Dan Bornstein and his team. it had been primarily developed
D. Applications for mobile devices. one among the outstanding aspects in
E. Android Runtime Dalvik its capability to along associate application
compilation enhancing the runtime performance of the
A. Linux kernel:
applications. DVM manage the virtual machine for
Android Architecture is based on Linux 2.6 kernel. It helps to
performance, battery and memory.
manage security, memory management, process
management, network stack and other important issues.[2] Working Structure of DVM:
Therefore, the user should bring Linux in his mobile device At an equivalent level there's android Runtime, wherever the
as the main operating system and install all the drivers most element Dalvik Virtual Machine is found. it had been
required in order to run it. the kernel handles all the things designed specifically for golem running in restricted setting,
that Linux is really good at such as networking and a vast wherever the restricted battery, CPU, memory and
array of device drivers, which take the pain out of interfacing information storage are the most problems. [14]android
to peripheral hardware. provides associate integrated tool “dx”, that converts
generated computer memory unit code from.jar to.dex file,
B. Native Library:
when this computer memory unit code becomes way more
the highest of the Linux kernel there's Native Library
economical to run on the little processors. because the result,
layer. Native libraries contain WebKit, OpenGL, Free Type,
it's doable to own multiple instances of Dalvik virtual
SQLite, Media, C runtime library (libc) etc. native libraries
machine running on the one device at an equivalent time.
written in C/C++, that ar to blame for stable performance of
The Core libraries ar written in Java language and contains of
assorted parts. SQLite is on-line database and accessible to
the gathering categories, the utilities, IO and different tools.
all or any applications. It manages the access for various
processes to compose second and 3D graphic layers.
[4]OpenGL E and SGL create a core of graphic libraries and

are used consequently for 3D and second hardware

acceleration. Moreover, it's attainable to use 2Dand 3D
graphics within the same application in automaton.
C. Application Framework Layer:
The Android Framework layer exists provides the high-level
building blocks you will use to create your applications. The
framework comes preinstalled with Android, but you'll
conjointly extend it along with your own parts as required.[3]
The Android Framework layer contains Android APIs such as
UI (user interface), telephony, resources, locations, content
providers (data) and package managers. This layer contains
a collection of classes and interfaces for Android application
D. Applications:
Android Architecture we have all the applications, which are
used by the final user. All applications are written
exploitation using the Java programming language. All apps Fig-3: Working of Dalvik virtual Machine
i.e., home, contact, settings, games, browsers are using an
android framework that uses android libraries and runtime.
The development of android started in 2003 by automaton,
This is the layer that end-users interact with. It is on this
Inc., that was purchased by Google in 2005.There were a
layer where application developers publish their
minimum of 2 internal releases of the computer code within
applications to run. Android, by default, comes with a set of
Google and therefore the OHA before the beta version was
applications that make android devices usable from the
discharged. The beta was discharged on day, 2007 whereas
the computer code development kit (SDK) was discharged
E. Android Runtime: on Gregorian calendar month twelve, 2007. many public beta
Android includes a collection of core libraries that has most versions of the SDK were discharged.[8]These releases were
of the practicality accessible within the core libraries of the done through computer code emulation as physical devices
Java artificial language. Every golem application runs in its failed to exist to check the package. The automaton OS
own method, with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual updates principally focuses on new options and fixes bugs.
machine. Dalvik has been written so a tool will run multiple Table shows the evolution of the automaton version. It
VMs with efficiency. The Dalvik VM executes files within the conjointly shows that the essential versions one.0 and 1.1
Dalvik viable (.dex) format that is optimized for borderline haven't any code name and therefore the later version of
memory footprint. automaton features a course name and version nine pie
stops the course codename system when automaton and
starts a system referred to as automaton one0, Android 11.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42519 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1024
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
network performance for Nexus S4G, Gmail application,
battery performance, voice searc bug, Google Case support
for Nexus S4G.
7. Android version 3.0 to 3.2.6: Honeycomb
Android 2011.0 was free on feb 22, 2011. The codename for
this version is Honeycomb. it absolutely was the primary
Android-based pill on the Linux kernel 2.6.66. This version
includes a "holographic" programmer for tablets, associate
connected system bar, simplified multitasking sound within
the recent application system bar.
8. Android version 4.0 to 4.0.4: Ice Cream Sandwich
Android 4.0.1 was released On October 19, 2011, with
codename frozen dessert Sandwich. This was supported
Linux kernel 3.0.1. This was the last version of formally
support Adobe System Flash player. This version introduces
the varied new features: refinements to "Holographic "
interface, separation of widgets in a very new tab, integrated
screenshot capture, improved error correction on the
keyboard, improved copy and paste practicality, build-in
photograph editor, spell-checking feature, fastened minor
bugs, improvement to graphics, higher camera performance.
Table 1 Version list of Android Operating System 9. Android version 4.1 to 4.3.1: Jelly Bean
Google declared the robot 4.1 version of the robot software
1. Android Version 1.0 to 1.1: No codename: system at the Google I/O conference on Gregorian calendar
The first official version of golem debuted publically in 2008 month 27, 2012. The codename of the update was candy.
as golem 1.0. the primary unleash failed to even have a This version is predicated on Linux kernel 3.0.31. This
codename. It supports browser to point out web content, version updates several options like power tool programme,
camera, access internet email server. This version includes enhance accessibility, expandable notification, fastened bug
Google Calendar, Google Maps, Google synchronize, Google on Nexus 7, one-finger gestures to expand/collapse
Search, photos (Gallery), Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support. notifications, lock. screen improvement, for tablet will add
2. Android version 1.5: Cupcake: multiple user.
The 2 updated to 1.5 free On April 27, 2009.[5]The codename 10. Android version 4.4 to 4.4.4: KitKat
of the update was course item (Cupcake). it's UNIX system Android 4.4 version discharged on September 3,2013 with
kernel 2.6.27. This version of android supports third-party codename KitKat. Initial code name was "Key Lime Pie". On
virtual keyboard, recording and playback in MPEG-4, Copy Oct 31, 2013 Google started on Google's Nexus five. The
and paste feature, Animated screen translations, auto- minimum needed quantity of RAM ought to out there to
rotation choice. automaton is 340 MB. the opposite devices with but 512 MB
3. Android version 1.6: Donut: of RAM should report themselves as "low RAM" devices.
Android 1.6 was free On Sep 15, 2009, with the name 11. Android version 5.0 to 5.1.1: Lollipop
friedcake. This version includes numerous new options like In 2014 google unleash redo automaton 5.0 with codename
voice and text entry search, bookmarker history, contacts, lollipop. On nov 12, 2014 it had been discharged formally.
web, "speak" a string of text, quicker camera access and user This version introduces several options like redesigned
will delete multiple photos in same time, support text-to- computer program, support for 64-bit CPUs, print preview
speech engine, WVGA screen resolutions. feature, material style, Project Volta for battery life
4. Android version 2.0 to 2.1: Eclair improvement, over one user accounts, audio input/output
Android 2.0 was free On October 26, 2009, with codename through USB devices, be a part of Wi-Fi networks, support
cream puff. it had been supported UNIX system kernel a pair for multiple SIM cards, device protection, HD voice calls,
of.6.29. This contains the various new options like distended native Wi-Fi business support.
account synchronize, Microsoft Exchange email support, 12. Android version 6.0 - 6.0.1: Marshmallow
[2]Bluetooth 15.1, ability to faucet a Contact picture and
On May 28, 2015 google unleash redo automaton 6.0 with
choose to decision, SMS, ability to go looking all saved SMS, codename "Marshmallow", for Nexus five and Nexus vi
MMS messages, delete the oldest message mechanically once phones, Nexus 9 tablet. automaton lunches "Marshmallow"
the outlined limit is reached, Minor API, bug fixes. for all automaton devices On Oct 5, 2015. This version
5. Android version 2.2 to 2.2.3: Froyo includes several new options as App Standby, the Doze mode
Android 2.2 was free on may 20, 2010. The update was to avoid wasting battery life, native fingerprint reader
codenamed Froyo. This update relies on the UNIX system support, run-time permission requests, USB-C support,
kernel 2.6.32. This version introduces several options like Unicode 7.0 & 8.0 emoji support.
speed, memory, performance improvement. 13. Android version 7.0 to 7.1.2: Nougat
6. Android version 2.3 to 2.3.7: Gingerbread Google major unleash for the android OS was the android 7.0
Android 2.3 version with cake codename was free on with codename "Nougat". The initial codename for this
Gregorian calendar month 6, 2010. it's supported Linux version was "Android N". It 1st appeared for developer
kernel 2.6.35. This version of android fixes bug fixes for preview on March 9, 2016, with a works image. the ultimate
Nexus S, voice or video chat exploitation Google speak, version discharged On August 22, 2016. This version

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42519 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1025
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
introduces several new versions file-based encoding, rivet Disadvantages:
the screen, multi-window support, new knowledge Saver 1. Apps run in the background:-
mode. In the older version of android, most apps forever run within
14. Android version 8.0 to 8.1: Oreo the background and are available to foreground as they
The eighth major release of the automaton OS was need. however in new edition of golem apps cannot
automaton 8.0 with codename “Oreo”. It 1st appeared for mechanically come back to foreground. As some apps run
developer preview on March 21, 2017 and its final developer within the background then it consumes mobile battery and
preview was discharged on july 24, 2017.The fastened your device battery vanishes quickly.
version of this releases On August 21, 2017 with several new 2. Google account needed:-
options like picture-in-picture support, support for Unicode For putting in apps from google play store you would like
10.0 emoji (5.0), restructured settings, adoptive icons, Gmail account. you furthermore may would like a google
notification channels, notification dots, increase boot time, account to use different Google product.If you forget Gmail id
Google Play shield, support Integrated printing, Neural then your device are often fastened and for unlocking you
network API, shared memory API, android cookie Go Edition, would like to induce your Gmail account.
auto fill framework, automatic light-weight.
3. Virus protection:-
15. Android version 9.0: Pie Android isn't sensible at virus protection. Users have rights
The ninth major version of the android OS was android 9.0. to transfer and install apps from different external websites
The codename for this version was "Pie". Google discharged and these apps might contain a deadly disease and scarf your
and previewed the primary version on March 7, 2018, and it knowledge and data. it's additionally noticed that some apps
had been formally discharged on august 6, 2018. a number of in google play store contain a deadly disease.
the new options of this version area unit that the clock
moves to the left facet of the notification bar, screenshots VI. CONCLUSION:
area unit additional, buttons, percentages area unit This paper is giving information about different version of
continuously shown within the show. Android OS and Architecture of Android operating system it
consist of Dalvik Virtual machine. Each new version of
16. Android version 10:
Android introduces various new features with its release.
The tenth updated version of the android OS is “Android 10”.
The android architecture has been discussed in a detail way
The codename of android ten is android q. Initially, The
with there advantages and disadvantages. Application used
version of automaton ten was discharged on September 3,
in android are made with java programming so these
2019. This version includes some new options like
applications also provide the security because java is
permissions to access location, floating setting panel,
secured language.
support for associate degree AV1 video codec, support for
biometric identification, support the WPA3 Wi-Fi security. VII. REFERENCES:
17. Android 11: [1] Pritee S. Uttarwar, Rani P. Tidke, Deepak S. Dandwate,
Android 11 is that the huge launch of september OS. it's the Umesh J. Tupe (2021)“A Literature Review on
18th version of automaton mobile OS. This version was Android -A Mobile Operating system” International
released on sep,8 2020. The code-naming system of android Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
supported deserts, was stopped in android 10 version. This (IRJET) Vol. 8, No. 2.
OS has name as "Android 11". [2] M. Narmatha , S. Venkata KrishnaKumar , “Study on
Android Operating System And Its Versions(2016)”
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1. Android is Open source:-
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satisfaction(2015)” International Journal of Advanced
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touch bit. Developers have conjointly access to the core code
and might build changes to that.
[4] Dawn Griffiths, David Griffiths “Head First Android
2. Notifications are nicely displayed:- Development,2010 3rd Edition” Published by:
All the notifications of apps, messages, emails, low battery O'Reilly Media , Inc. ISBN: 9781492076520
square measure displayed nicely. Users will access the [5] http://code.google.com/android/
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[6] http://www.android.com
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[7] https://www.androidauthority.com/history-android-
3. Sharing of internet among devices:- os- name-789433/
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different devices or with laptop. this could facilitate saving [9] http://www.androidwiki.com
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[10] https://www.guru99.com/android-architecture.html.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD42519 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1026

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