Real Estate NQF 4
Real Estate NQF 4
Real Estate NQF 4
Chartall Business College believes in flexibility. We have an in-house team of professionals who are able to customise the
training curriculum to the needs of your organisation. This may include the addition of job-specific unit standards, the
selection of particular elective unit standards or even the inclusion of non-unit standard based content. In addition, we
ensure that the content of the qualification does not conflict with the values and standard operating procedures prescribed by
your company.
Although the programme is scheduled to include the specified contact days, it does not mean that the learners will not have
access to additional support. Each learner will have access to assistance via email, as well as access to a tutor who is able to
provide extra assistance should the need arise. This tutor support can be used to assist students who are not progressing at
the same pace as the rest of the class or miss a session. We also have experienced facilitators who can manage projects
involving learners with disabilities.
Chartall Business College will assist with SETA contracting, learnership preparation [if required], briefing of workplace
coaches and the SETA reporting.
Other requirements
If students want to access online resources they will need access to a computer or tablet with video and sound capability,
have their own email address and have reliable internet access (minimum 2 Mbps).
Programme curriculum
Compulsory induction
Compulsory content as prescribed by the EAAB. Provides overview of the real estate sector,
legislation, code of conduct, sales and marketing. Not specifically linked to unit standards but
provides a good base for the rest of the training.
• Introduction to the assessment process, logbook and learnership
• Overview of the assessment and EAAB logbook requirements