Estimate MRL06

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District: Dhubri Road Length: 9.60 km

Division: Dhubri Civil Sub-Divn.TRD Location: Agomoni No. of Roads: 1
Package No: AS-05-199 Road List
State : Assam Sl. No. DDRP Road Name Length DDRP Road No.
NH-31 to Kaldoba 1.15 L034
2 Road from near Agomoni Circle to Kaldoba Pt-
1.38 L073
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road III
Road From NH-31 to Dighaltari To Dighaltari 3 Kaldoba Pt-III village road 0.72 L169
Sub-Division Golokganj Territorial Road Sub-Division Location: Agomoni 4 Kaldoba Pt-II to Bhangaduli road 2.79 L121
Block Name: Agomoni Block Code: 5 Bhangaduli to Gorerhat PMGSY Road Abhalarp 0.49 L171
Quarry Names: Hell & Saralbhanga 6 Sonakhuli Pt-I to Dighaltari ghat 1.4 L120
7 NH-31 Halakura to Dioghaltari 1.15 L117
Habitation Name Habitation Code Population Road Code:MRL06 Dighaltari to Jinkata Pt-II 1.12 L118
belguri Pt II 122583 1453 MRL 0 6 MRL06
Bhangaduli 137574 1091
Bidyadabri pt IV 161252 3306 Type of Proposal *N/U/ IRQP
Bidyadabri Pt V 161253 2493 N U IRQP
Dighaltari 300778 4138
kaldoba Pt I 488304 3806
kaldoba Pt II 488305 3094
kaldobaPt III 488306 3798 T6
lohajani 628862 3466 300000 600000
pachim Moisa Pt II 800338 1179
Sernagar 980860 3412
Sonakhuli pt II 1005076 2185
Sonakhuli Pt I 1005178 1283
Suparikuti 1317716 738 MRL 0 6 or MRL
Belguri Pt I 1317746 1690
Jinkata Pt II 466603 2173

Assitant Engineer PWRD

Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division,
JE Golakganj
Assistant Executive Engineer, PWRD
Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division,
AEE Golakganj
Executive Engineer, PWRD
Dhubri Civil Sub Division Territorial Road
EE Dhubri
Unsurfaced Katcha
LEAD Material
From - TO Surfaced Road
Road Road
Initial Lead Total Lead
Quarry Road 2.00
NH-31C to
Serfanguri 8.00
Serfanguri to
Beltoli 38.00
NH-31(896-828) 68.00
Proposed Road 5.00 2.00

TOTAL LEAD 119.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Unsurfaced Katcha
LEAD Material
From - TO Surfaced Road
Road Road
Initial Lead
Total Lead
Quarry Road 2.00
Quarry to NH-31C
NH-31C 8.00
Serfanguri to
Beltoli 38.00
NH-31(896-828) 68.00
Proposed Road 5.00 2.00
Stone Metals
& Aggregate

TOTAL LEAD 155.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

CD Works
Sl. Chainge Existing Cross Proposed Cross
No. Condition Existing GL
No. (in m) Drainage Work Drainage Work
1000mm dia (S)
1 1 /1 200.00 Poor
1000mm dia (S)
2 1 /1 900.00 Poor

3 1 1100.00 RCC Bridge Good

1000mm dia (S)

4 1 1810.00 Good

1 1 2430.00 RCC Bridge Good

1000mm dia (S)

5 1 2910.00 Poor
1000mm dia (S)
6 1 3310.00 Good
1000mm dia (S)
7 1 3620.00 Good
1000mm dia (S)
1 1 4300.00 damaged

8 1 4500.00

1000mm dia (S)

9 1 4900.00 damaged 1000mm dia (S) HPC
10 1 5200.00 0
1 1 5600.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC

1 5950.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC

11 1 6100.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC

12 1 6500.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
13 1 6700.00 Missing Gap 1000mm dia (S) HPC

14 1 7300.000 Missing Gap RCC Bridge L=30.00M

15 1 7900.000 Missing Gap 1000mm dia (S) HPC

Box Cell 3.00m x

8200.000 Missing Gap
3.00m= 3 Cell

8450.000 Missing Gap 1000mm dia (S) HPC

8700.000 Missing Gap 1000mm dia (S) HPC

Box Cell 2.00m x

2.00m= 2 Cell




16 1 8200.000 Missing Gap 0

DRAIN Toe Wall Turfing
Lined Drain length & Ch: Length & CH = Length & C 2500.00
UnLined Drain length & Ch: Av. Height =
Utility Shifting 120
Avenue Plantation 80
No. of Feeder Roads & Junctions 20
No. of Schools & Hospitals school 7 hospital 0

Email [email protected]

Habitation System Name of Total SC/ST Habitation Habitation

ID Habitation Block Population Population Direct Verified
1 122583 belguri Pt II Agomoni 1453 No Yes
2 137574 Bhangaduli Agomoni 1091 No Yes
3 161252 Bidyadabri pt IV Agomoni 3306 No Yes
4 161253 Bidyadabri Pt V Agomoni 2493 No Yes
5 300778 Dighaltari Agomoni 4138 No Yes
6 488304 kaldoba Pt I Agomoni 3806 No Yes
7 488305 kaldoba Pt II Agomoni 3094 No Yes
8 488306 kaldobaPt III Agomoni 3798 No Yes
9 628862 lohajani Agomoni 3466 No Yes
10 800338 pachim Moisa Pt II Agomoni 1179 No Yes
11 980860 Sernagar Agomoni 3412 No Yes
12 1005076 Sonakhuli pt II Agomoni 2185 No Yes
13 1005178 Sonakhuli Pt I Agomoni 1283 No Yes
14 1317716 Suparikuti Agomoni 738 No Yes
15 1317746 Belguri Pt I Agomoni 1690 No Yes
16 466603 Jinkata Pt II Agomoni 2173 No Yes
Grand Total Population: 39305 599

Rural Road(Village L034 NH-31 to

1 Agomoni 1.15 Full
Roads) Kaldoba
L073 Road from near
Rural Road(Village
2 Agomoni Agomoni Circle to 1.38 Full
Kaldoba Pt-III
Rural Road(Village L169 Kaldoba Pt-III
3 Agomoni 0.72 Full
Roads) village road
Rural Road(Village L121 Kaldoba Pt-II to
4 Agomoni 2.79 Full
Roads) Bhangaduli road
L171 Bhangaduli to
Rural Road(Village
5 Agomoni Gorerhat PMGSY 0.49 Full
Road Abhalarpat
Rural Road(Village L120 Sonakhuli Pt-I to
6 Agomoni 1.4 Full
Roads) Dighaltari ghat

Rural Road(Village L117 NH-31 Halakura

7 Agomoni 1.15 Full
Roads) to Dioghaltari

Rural Road(Village L118 Dighaltari to

8 Agomoni 1.12 Full
Roads) Jinkata Pt-II

MRL01 DRRP Road Code
Number L032,L045 & T06
NH-31 to Lakhiganj via
Road Name Road Length(in K.Ms)
Diporkuti Hospital 8.62
Road From NH-31 at Suryakahata Road To
Chainage( in 0 End Chainage(in Km)
Km) 8.62
Road Length Covered
Route Type Major Rural Link (with respect to
DRRP) Full
Road Short

Total Length
of Candidate 9.60
Road (in Km)
0 6



Package Number: AS-05-199

District: Dhubri
State: Assam
Road Code: MRL06 ###
Sl.No Name of Name of road Type of Proposed length (in km) Cost of Cost of Road Cost of CD works Utility Shifting &
Block Proposal Drain & State Share Road Safety Total Cost of the
Pavement Furniture Protection Bridge Cost DPR Cost (18 % GST)
Audit Project in Lakhs
From To *N/U/ BT CC Total Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs
1 Agomoni NH-31 to Dighaltari U 9.600 0.0 9.600 49862010.45 1203419.00 5407744.00 4485414.00 66237.89
Dighaltari 21085297.60 339840.00 11800.00 82461762.94

2 Add. 12% GST+1% Labour Cess 6482061.36 156444.47 703006.72 583103.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7924616.37

3 Total 56344071.81 1359863.47 6110750.72 5068517.82 66237.89 21085297.60 339840.00 11800.00 90386379.30
Total Estimated cost (Lakhs) Average Cost per km (Lakhs) ###
Const Maint. Const Maint. ###

Cost 82461762.94 35349464.30 8589766.97 3682235.86 ###

GST+ Labour 7924616.37 4595430.36 1116669.71 478690.66 ###
Prepared by: Signature Charge

Name:Hafiz Uddin Ahmed Total Cost 90386379.30 39944894.66 9706436.68 4160926.53 ###

Designation: Asstt.Executive Engineer,PWRD ###

Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division
Checked by: Signature ###
Name:Sri Paban Deka Technical scrutiny done Signature
Designation: Executive Engineer,PWRD by Name: ###

Dhubri Civil Sub Division

Territorial Road Division ###

Scrutinized by: Signature ###

Name:Shashi Mohan Nath Coordinator STA Signature ###
Designation: Superintending Engineer,PWD Name: Sasanka Borah
Proforma C
( For Indvidual Road Works )
To be filled by PIU.

1. Location :- State: Assam District : Dhubri Block Agomoni

2. Package No:- AS-05-199

3. Name of the Road: From NH-31 to Dighaltari To Dighaltari

4. Total Length (Km) - 9.6 In Built up area - 1.60 Km In Open Area - 8

5. Type of proposal : Upgradation/Riding Quality Improvement/Both

If portion of the prosed road is existing PMGSY road than indiacte

Name of the road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road L/T No. T04
Year of sanction under PMGSY 2005-06 Year of completion 2008 Design Traffic ( CVPD/ E

Yes NO
Whether road deteriorated due non maintenance √

6. Estimated Cost Rs :
Normal Area Special Area
Cost sharing pattern for this road
(60:40) (90:10)
Item Total Cost in Rs. Average Cost per
Km. Lakhs
Flexible Pavement 49862010.45 51.94
Rigid Pavement 0.00
Others ( CD Works, Protective works & Misc items) 28688274.67 29.88

Cost due to higher specification such as carriage way width, 66237.89 0.07
Higher Axle load , Hard shoulders, Shifting of Utilities

GST & LWF 10220147.99 10.65

Total Project Cost 90386379.30 94.15

MoRD Share

State Share

7. Is the road a part of DRRP and Approved CUCPL

a) If Yes , Through Route/ MRL No. T- or MRL- 0 6
b) Names of benefitted habitations Name of
Population Overall Weightage

belguri Pt II 1453
Bhangaduli 1091

Bidyadabri pt IV 3306

Bidyadabri Pt V 2493
Dighaltari 4138
kaldoba Pt I 3806
kaldoba Pt II 3094
kaldobaPt III 3798
lohajani 3466

pachim Moisa Pt
II 1179
Sernagar 3412
Sonakhuli pt II 2185

Sonakhuli Pt I 1283
Suparikuti 738
Belguri Pt I 1690
Jinkata Pt II 2173
Total weight
c) Utility value = Total weight/ Length of road
d) Name of facilities located on this proposed road as per

e)Whether the proposed road leads to


f) Average PCI of the road to which proposed TR or MRL will be connected

g) Average PCI value of proposed road

h) If PCI of MDR / SH / NH is 3 or below , whether the State's Yes No

undertaking for simultaneouly upgrading it from State fund is avaible

i) Age of the proposed road

j) Existing surface of proposed road

k) Cummalative maintenance expenditure in last three years( in lacs)

l) Whether the road proposed using new technologies Yes No

If Yes, Name of the technology proposed
8. a) Whether the Proposed Road has the desired carriage way Roadway width Road land width
carriage way width,Roadway width and Road Land Width
(RLW ) yes No yes No yes No

b) Indicate the actual widths of the following for the In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area (m)
proposed road

i) Carriageway 3.750 3.750

ii) Roadway 6.000 6.000
iii) Road Land Width 7.500 7.500
c) Indicate the proposed widths of the following for In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area (m)
the proposed road

i) Carriageway 3.750 3.750

ii) Roadway 6.000 6.000

INDEX MAP (not to scale ) : Attached

Enroute Habitations Name / Chainage
H1/F1 H2/F2 H3/F3
H- Habitation

F-Facilities name


9 Name of Road :
Cross Section details

a) Cross Section of The Existing road showing different component layers.

Item Thickness
OGPC 20 mm
WBM, G3 75 mm
WBM, G2 75 mm
GSB 150 mm

b) Cross Section of The Proposed road showing different component layers

(Should be as per Actual Provisions of DPR) Item Thickness
OGPC 20 mm
WBM, G3 75 mm
WBM, G2 75mm
GSB 200 mm

Base year traffic volume

Month & Year of Traffic Volume
Count =
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Days Cars,Jee Motoris Light Trucks Buses Cycles Cycle Animal Drawn Vechicle
p, ed two Comme Agricultural Tractors Ricksha
Vans,Thr Wheele rcial wa
ee rs Vehicle Trallers
Wheelers L U OL L U OL L U OL SWC

Day 1 129 166 227 70 83 0 129 155 0 54 68 0 64 16 0

Day 2 137 112 219 85 72 0 159 134 0 50 66 0 124 11 7

Day 3 148 73 270 90 74 0 166 138 0 71 74 0 40 22 6

Average 138 117 239 82 76 0 151 142 0 58 69 0 76 16 4

3 days traffic cound is required in case design is done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018

Passenger car unit( PCU)

a Traffic Details in case degisn is done as per SP IRC 72:2015

ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 447
Growth rate adopted (%) = 6% Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 297
Design Life = 10 Years
Number of Harvesting Seasons 2
No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season ( 75
Value of (n) assumed = 2 Cumulative ESAL = 542351
Traffic Category = T6
b Traffic Details in case degisn is done as per IRC 37-2001 /IRC 37 :2012 NA

A= Intitial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of

commericial vehicles per day
D= Lane distribution factor 1
F= Vehicle damage factor
n= Design life in years 10
r= growth rate adopted % 6%
N= The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for the design in terms of msa 542351
11. Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections ) =
Chainage 0-1000 1000-2000 2000-3000 3000-4000 4000-5000 5000-5610
Design CBR
% 5.10 5.30 5.00 5.1 5.3 4.7
12. Cost Details of upgradation
A. Pavement Components

Description of layer Thickness in mm Quantity Rate Rs Cost Rs.

Clearing, scarifying, dismantling existing CDs etc 4.800 Hect 46898.30 225112.00
Dismalteling the existing bituminous road surface 360.000 Sqm 571.90 205884.00
Dismalteling of concrete pavement 540.000 cum 1045.20 564408.00
Construction of embankment 27601.248 Cum 228.50 6306885.00
Subgrade (if provided seperately)/ Treated subgrade 1389.150 Cum 300.60 417578.00
Cement Treated Soil Sub-Base/Base 1286.250 Cum 740.30 952211.00
GSB 200 mm 616.875 Cum 3674.67 2266812.00
WBM Gr -II 150 mm 2573.438 Cum 5381.83 13849803.00
WBM Gr -III 75 mm 3602.813 Cum 5373.98 14869102.00
Prime Coat 34312.500 Sqm 35.20 1207800.00
Tack Coat 35025.000 Sqm 11.80 413295.00
OGPC /SDBC/BC ( SDBC / BC if designed by IRC 37) 34312.500 sqm 169.77 5825233.00
Seal Coat 34312.500 sqm 72.76 2496578.00
BM 50 mm 0.000 Cum 9528.26 0.00
GSB (Drain Portion) 100mm 35.000 cum 3674.67 128613.45
RCC M20 (Drain Portion) 100mm 22.500 Cum 5897.60 132696.00
Total cost of Flexible pavement 49862010.45
Cement Concrete Road
IRCSP 62:2014 IRC 58-2011

Design done


Dry lean concrete( DLC)

Concrete for Pavement (M30)

Total Cost of Concrete Pavement

B: C D Works
Location - Chainage ( Similar Type of CD's may be Type of CD & Total Length of Culvert Cost in Rs.( in lacs)
grouped together) their Nos (in m)

i Existing CD ( requiring repair)

200.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
900.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
1100.00 RCC Bridge
1810.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
2430.00 RCC Bridge
2910.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
3310.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
3620.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
4300.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
4900.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC
ii New proposed CD ( including complete replacement
of existing CDs)
4900.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
5600.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
5950.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
6100.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
6500.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
6700.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
7300.00 RCC Bridge L=30.00M
7900.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
8200.00 Box Cell 3.00m x 1164592.86
8450.00 3.00m=
1000mm dia3(S)
CellHPC 305241.63
8700.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 305241.63
9430.00 Box Cell 2.00m x 573646.45
9510.00 2.00m= 2 Cell

Total Cost of CD works in lacs 4485414.00

6700.00 1000mm dia (S) HPC 15797502.6604996

R.C.C Bridge 1x30.00m
C. Protection works
Length( m) side Cost in Rs
From To cost / m
Retaining wall 4500 4800 300 RHS 4780539
Breast wall
Toe wall
Pitching / turfing for slopes
Total cost of protection works 4780539

D. Pucca Side Drains (if Provided) Side Chainage Cost in Rs Average cost / m
From To ( m) 627205.00 6272.05

RHS 250.00 300.00 50.00

LHS 250.00 300.00 50.00
Total 100.00
Total cost of side drains works 627205.00
E. Road Logo, other Road Furniture including Road safety signs
Number Cost in Rs Average cost / km
Number of Boards 28 250303.00 26073.23
Other 953116.00 99282.92
Total cost of road furniture 1203419.00 125356.15

Total Cost of The project Including GST 68883203.82

F. Any other Provisions (Please Specify)
Cost of Preparation of DPR 339840
DPR for Bridge 0
Road Safety Audit 11800
Cost of Utility Shifting and Others 66237.888

Total Cost of the Project (Rs) 90386379.30 9415247.8441794

13. Five Year Routine Maintenance
To be estimated as per provision of Year Cost in lakhs % Cost Cost /km
Operation Manual I 4.46 1.92% 0.46
II 5.14 2.21% 0.54
III 19.15 8.22% 2.00
IV 23.93 10.27% 2.49
V 34.17 14.67% 3.56
Renewal coat after 5 years 146.14 62.72% 15.22

Total 233.00 100.00% 24.27

Maintenance after 6th years

renewal coat
5.72 4.75% 0.60
6.93 5.75% 0.72
25.54 21.20% 2.66
33.23 27.58% 3.46
49.08 40.73% 5.11
Total Maintenance Cost
Grand Total of maintenance 353.49

Yes NO
14. Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Manual RRM / Latest Circulars of NRIDA.

Yes No
15.Whether / Protection works are provided as per RRM / Latest Circulars of NRIDA/ Respective Codes
of IRC.

16.Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current
Phase Vetted at NRIDA Year
Yes No

17. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under

Material Sourc Lead Material Source Lead Distance
e Distance
Earth Cement
Aggregate Bitumen
Sand Steel

Certified that information provided is true

Prepared By Checked By Technical Scrutiny at

(Name) STA done by:

Counter Signatures of
Co-ordinator STA :
To be filled by State Technical Agency
Name of the STA:
Name of
Road : Yes / NO to be filled by STA in own handwriting

18 Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMAS under PMGSY III proposal module:
(Data entries to be verified by STA before Clicking the Propopsal)
19 Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of DRRP
20 Are you satisfied with the following
Engineering Surveys (L section, X section on A3 size paper must be verified)
Soil/ Material ( CBR, Density, LL, PI, Gradation to be verified)
Whether Traffic Surveys / count has been done by third party
Hydraulic Studies.
( Catchment for structures with more than 2 Vents to be verified from topo sheet. Location and
requirement of all CD structures to be verified from L section )
21 In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 7 Category and road designed using IRC 37 are you
satisfied with the reason given by PIU
Whether 3rd party Traffic verification / Axle load Surveys carried out on such roads
designed with more than 1 MSA traffic and carriageway width of 5.5 m

22 In case, sub grade CBR is less than 5; has Soil Stabilisation etc. been proposed

( If not , specific Yes / No

Reasons given
by PIU)

23 Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manul / Circulars of NRIDA:

Alignment & Geometrics

Location and type of CD works and Side drains
Integration for Cross and longitudinal Drainage
Protection Works
24 Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72- 2015 and design of Rigid Pavement as per
IRC SP:62- 2014 .
Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC 37 2018 and design of Rigid Pavement as per IRC
SP:58- 2002.

25 Does the proposal have provisions for

PMGSY Logo Sign Boards and Information Board
Km/Hm Stones
Guard Stones (where necessary )
Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary)
26 Are you satisfied with the Road safety provisions made in the DPR
Whether Road Safety Audit certificate attached in case of the proposed length is more than
5 Km

27 Secific Remarks, if any, by STA

( Specific remarks of STA about the overall project are necessary on each DPR)

Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the data and SSR provided by PIU Engineers . The Proposal after final
Correction is entered on the OMMAS.The Propasal may be considered for clearance.

Technical Scrutiny at STA done

by: Signature Co-ordinator STA:
Name Signature
Date Name

Proforma C
( For Indvidual Road Works )
To be filled by PIU.


F-Facilities name
Non Motorised Traffic
Animal Drawn Vechicle

Num. Tyred


s done using IRC SP:72-2015 and 7 day count required in case design is done with IRC 37:2018
Cost/ km

Cost in Rs.( in lacs)





Average cost / m

Average cost / km

Yes / NO to be filled by STA in own handwriting

District: Dhubri Block: Agomoni Package No.: AS-05-199

Existing CD Structure Type Details of Proposed CD Structure by type

Name of Total Cost of
Length Hume Pipe Culvert RCC/ Arch Culvert Minor Bridge Hume Pipe Culvert RCC/ Box Culvert Slab Culvert Minor Bridge Total Cost of
Roads Pavement
(in km) Proposed CD
Length Structure
No Dia No Length No Length No Dia No Length No Length No
1000 0 1 1 30
NH-31 to Dighaltari

0.00 49862010.45
0 0.00 21085297.60
2 x 1000 0 2

4 x 1000 0 4

Junior Engineer Assistant Engineer Executive Engineer.

Assistant Executive Engineer, PWRD Executive Engineer, PWRD
Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Dhubri Civil Sub Division Territorial
Division, Road Division,

Total cost
cost of

Format for Consolidated Report of the STA
On the Project Proposals under PMGSY

1. State: Assam Phase: Year:

2. Names of the Members of the STA involved in the Technical Scrutiny.

3. Whether Pre-DPR meeting was held with SRRDA and DPIUs.

4. Summary of the Project Proposals scrutinized including district wise and road wise details of length and
cost. The summary includes the No. of the Packages and total value.

5. Whether schedule for scrutiny was fixed in advance (give details) and difficulty in adhering to schedule.

6. Actual scrutiny process and time taken for the scrutiny (Please indicates the dates)

7. Interaction of the Engineers of the Exucuting Agencies with the STAs.

8. Major deficiencies observed during scrutiny with details.

9. Reliability of data obtained through investigations and used in the design/ estimation.

10.Complianceof the provisions / intructions given in the guidelines / circulars /operations manual / IRC
codes etc. in the preparation of DPRs including Environmental/RR/Road safety aspects etc.

11. Levels of response from the senior Engineers of the Executing Agencies for the suggestions given by
the STAs for revision / modifications in the DPRs.

12. If DPRs outsourced,perceived level of competence of outsourced consultants and suggestions.

13. Overall comments and impressions of the STAs, if any,on the process of the preparation of the DPRs and
their technical scrutiny.
Signature and
Name of the Coordinator STA
Format F1



Estimated cost (Rs in Lakhs)

Total Nos. of new
Type of No. of Length of CD Structure
Proposal Roads Roads Structures Pavement form Format F-2 Others Total
(Km) from F-2 A
U 1 1.15 9 903.863793 0.00 406077.89 406981.75
Sl. No.

NH-31 to Dighaltari road Name of Road

New construction

District: Dhubri
(N)/Associted Through
Route (A)/upgradtion (U)

9.600 9.6 Road length (km)

Earthen Existing surface Type

Cost (Rs) Details
Clearing & grubbing and Cutting
2.25 2.25
of trees
Block: Agomoni

2.06 2.06 Dismalteling of Existing Pavement

0.00 0.00 Loosening

9.52 9.52 Cement Treated Soil Sub Base

63.07 63.07 Construction of embankment

0.00 0.00 Excavation for roadway in soil

Construction of subgrade and

4.18 4.18
earthen shoulders

0.00 0.00 Turfing

24.00 24.00 150 mm Granular sub-base

138.50 138.50 75mm WBM Gr.II


Package No.: AS-05-199

148.69 148.69 75mm WBM Gr.III

12.08 12.08 Prime Coat


4.13 4.13 Tack Coat

58.25 58.25 OGPS

Details of Thickness & Cost for Pavement Layers (Rs. In Lacs)

24.97 24.97 Seat Coat

0.00 0.00 50mm Surface Course

6.27 6.27 Side Drain

0.00 0.00 Retaining Wall

12.03 12.03 Road Furniture

3.70 3.70 DPR Preparation

Total cost for Pavement

513.71 513.71
Rs. Lacs

66.78 66.78 Add. 12% GST+1% Labour Cess

903.86 903.86 Grand Total

Package No. : AS-05-199
District : Dhubri Name of Block : Agomoni

Existing CD Structure by Type Details of Proposed CD Structure by Type

Name of Block
Block Code
Hume pipe Box/Arch Bridge/ Hume Pipe Box/Arch Minor /Major Total cost
Habitations Road Total cost
Sl. Name of Culvert /SlabCulvert Wooden Culvert /SlabCulvert Bridge of Total Cost
Connected / Population length Pavement
No. Road Bridge proposed of the Road
Benifited (Km) of from
CD (21+22)
Format F2A
structures (in lakh)
(in lakh)
Lengt (in lakh)
No Dia No Width No No Dia No Width No Length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 Agomoni 00
belguri Pt
Err:509 9.60 Cost HPC 0 Slab 1 RCC 0.00 903.86 903.86
(Rs.) 1x1000 Culvert Bridge
II 1m 1x21.75
0 0
0 DHPC 0 Slab
Bidyadabri 2x1000 Culvert
pt IV 2m
0 0
Pt V
0 Slab

NH-31 to Dig
Total Err:509 9.60 (Rs.) 0.00 903.86 903.86
Details of typical Existing cross section of pavement
Details of proposed typical Cross Sections
NH-31 to Dighaltari road
BLOCK: Agomoni

Traffic per day*** Existing Road Details

Name of the Road Length Road accessed Total LCV/Truck Embankment WBM Layer Bituminous Layer
Sl No. Road (in km) connecting (Use Total Land Road Width
Bus Agriculture
A/B/C/D)** Motorised Width (m) (m)
Height (m) Width (m) Width (m) Thickness Type*** Width (m) Thickness
(m) (mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Dighaltari road
NH-31 to

1 9.6 VR D 447 818 12.00 7.50 1.50 10.00 3.75 75 mm OGPC 3.75 20

*Road Connecting to NH/SH/MDR/ODR/VR

**Use A = Market, B= Education Families, C= Health Centre and D=Combination of previous
*** Where actual figure is not available, Estimated figure may be included
*****Type BMMSSDMC
Association of Routes

Primary Network Whether

Associated proposed Other Non-
Through for Conformance Whether Habitation
Package No Habitations Route (ATR)/ PCI Age includes in served with
Upgradation Subsidiary to
No. Served (with MRL (U) or the ATR Package Y/N Population
Pop.) Renewal

AS-05-199 T03 2.46 U


Name of Block : Agomoni Package No. : AS-05-199

District : Dhubri
Unconnected Habitations
Name of the Total No. of
Code 250-499 Total Eligible
Block Habitations >1000 500-999 <250
Total Eligible Habitations

Agomoni 00 5 0 1 0 1 3 5

Estimated Cost (Rs. in Lacs) No. of Unconnected

No of new CD Pavement from CD Structure Habitations
Type of Work No. of Roads length of Total
Structures Format from Format connected/Connected
Road (5 + 6)
F-6 F-7 habitations benefited
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Up gradation - - - - - - -
New Connectivity 1 9.60 0 903.86 0.00 903.86 5
Associated through
- - - - - - -
Upgradation - - - - - - -
Other Upgradation - - - - - - -
Total 1 9.60 0 903.86 0.00 903.86 5
District: Dhubri
Block: Agomoni

Road Name:
NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Length(KM): #REF!
Package: #REF!
1 PAVEMENT WORKS 56344071.81
4 DRAINAGE 708741.65
TOTAL ROAD COST 68883203.83
Road safety Audit 11800.00

Assistant Executive Engineer, Executive Engineer, PWRD

PWRD Dhubri Civil Sub Division Territorial Road
Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division,
Division, Dhubri
Considering (i) The rumble strips extending for full formation width of 9.0m in one location.
Total length of road having rumble strip =14.3m

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length in m Breadth in m Thickness in Quantity Rate Amount
1 Earth work in excavation of roadway in cum
soil using manual means for carrying of
cut earth to embankment site with a lift
upto 1.5m and lead upto 50m as per
technical specification clause 302.3( To 2 15.000 1.750 0.300 15.750 113.00 1779.75
provide rumble strips on E/shoulder &
edge restraining wall)

2/12.5( Providing C.C restraining wall on both cum

A)(II) end of formation width to provide
horizontal confinement to the pavement 2 15.000 0.250 0.300 2.250 6710.5 15098.625
constructed in E/shoulder (M-20).for lying
rumble strips.
3 GSB GR.II(150mm thick) cum 2 15.000 1.500 0.150 6.750 3674.67 24804.0225
4 WBM GR.II (63-45mm)(75mm) cum 2 15.000 1.500 0.075 3.375 5381.83 18163.67625
5 WBM GR.III (53-22.4mm)(75mm) cum 2 15.000 1.500 0.075 3.375 5373.98 18137.1825
6 Prime coat (over WBM) sqm 2 15.000 1.500 45.000 35.20 1584
7 Tack coat (for OGPC & SC) sqm 2 15.000 1.5*2 90.000 11.80 1062
8 OGPC sqm 2 15.000 1.500 45.000 169.77 7639.65
9 SC sqm 2 15.000 1.500 45.000 72.76 3274.2
10 Bituminous work(OGPC) for rumble sqm
15 5.5+1.5+1.5 0.300 38.250 169.77 6493.7025
Total 98036.80875

Assitant Engineer PWRD

Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division,
Format - F6
Package No. : AS-05-199
District: Dhubri
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Length of the Road (km): 9.600 Block : Agomoni

L B D/H Rate Amount

Sl. No. Description of Item No Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1/2.2 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation,
grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300 mm, removal
of stumps of such trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials
and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead
of 1000 m including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding
150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201.
i)  By Manual Means
A) In area of non-thorny jungle

9600.00 2x2.5 4.800 Hect 46898.30 225112.00

2/3.4 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow
pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to
required slope and compacting to meet requirement of Tables 300.1 and
300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause
(i) Private Land
27601.248 Cum 228.50 6306885.00
3/3.14 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material
obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site,
spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement
of Table 300.2 with lead upto 1000 m as per Technical Specification
Clause 303.1.
(i) Private Land
Qty. as per Statement No. - 1
For Shoulder 1389.150 Cum 300.60 417578.00
6 Cement Treated Soil Sub-Base/Base
Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared sub-grade, pulverising,
adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread soil, mixing in place
with rotavator, grading with the motor grader and compacting with the road
roller at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined compressive strength and
to form a layer of sub-base/base as per Technical Specification Clause
For 4 per cent quantity of cement by weight of soil
1286.250 Cum 740.30 952211.00
L B D/H Rate Amount
Sl. No. Description of Item No Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Dismantling of Flexible Pavements
Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled
materials upto a lead of 100 m, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately as per Technical Specification
Clause 202
I By Manual Means
(A) Bituminous Courses
4800 3.75 0.02 360.00 cum 571.90 205884.00
Dismantling of cement concrete pavements by mechanical means using
pneumatic tools breaking to pieces not exceeding 0.02 cum in volume and
stock piling at designated locations and disposal of dismantled materials
upto a lead of 1000 m, stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials
1800.00 3.75 0.08 540.00 cum 1045.20 564408.00
4/4.1(ii) Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material,
spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing
by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with
smooth wheel roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
Technical Specification Clause 401.
(A) By Mix in Place Method
ii) For Grading II Material
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
616.88 Cum 3674.67 2266812.00
5/4.7(II)(A) WBM Grading 2
Using stone screening Type-B 11.2 mm for Gr.II
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific
sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in
uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with smooth wheel roller 80-100
kN in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming, stone
screening/binding materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density grading 2 as per
Technical Specification Clause 405.
(A) By Manual Means
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
2573.44 Cum 5381.83 13849803.00
L B D/H Rate Amount
Sl. No. Description of Item No Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6/4.7(III)(A) WBM Grading 3
Using stone screening Type-B 11.2 mm for Gr.II
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific
sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in
uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with smooth wheel roller 80-100
kN in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming, stone
screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density Grading 3 as per Technical
Specification Clause 405.
(A) By Manual Means
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
2573.44 Cum 5373.98 13829602.00
Patching on existing road surface = 4300x3.75x0.075x40% 1 4300.00 3.75 1029.38 Cum 298.80 1039500.00

7/5.1(i) Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-1) on
prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and
spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0 kg/sqm using mechanical means as
per Technical Specification Clause 502.
(i) Low Porosity
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
34312.500 Sqm 35.20 1207800.00
8/5.2(i) Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1) using
emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared
granular surfaces treated with primer & cleaned with Hydraulic broom as
per Technical Specification Clause 503.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
35025.000 Sqm 11.80 413295.00
9/5.3(i) Providing and laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using
crushed aggregates of grading as per Table 500.4 premixed with
bituminous binder, transported to site upto a lead of 1000 m laid over a
previously prepared surface
with paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled to
achieve the desired compaction as per Technical Specification Clause
0.00 Cum 9528.26 0.00
L B D/H Rate Amount
Sl. No. Description of Item No Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded material,
spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing
by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with
smooth wheel roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
Technical Specification Clause 401.
(A) By Mix in Place Method 100.00 3.50 0.10 35.00 Cum 3674.67 128613.45
11.4 A III Providing concrete
ii) For Grading for plain/reinforced concrete in open foundations
II Material
Qty. as perasStatement
per drawings
No. and
- 2 technical specifications Clause 802, 803,
Rate as& 1203
per F-8
A With crushed Stone
III P.C.C Grade M20
Nominal mix (1:2:4)

100.00 2.25 0.1 22.50 Cum 5897.60 132696.00

10/5.9 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous (penetration
grade/modified bitumen) Binder
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20 mm
thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates either using
penetration grade bitumen or emulsion to required line, grade and level to
serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base,
including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a three
wheel 80-100 kN static roller capacity, finished to required level and
grades to be followed by seal coat of either Type A or Type B or Type C as
per Technical Specification Clause 508.
Case - II By Mechanical Means
Bitumen (S-90)
34312.500 sqm 169.77 5825233.00
11/5.12 Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous surface
laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using Type A, Type B and
Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 510
Case - III : Type C
Bitumen (S-65)

34312.50 sqm 72.76 2496578.00

Total Pavement Cost 49862010.45
L B D/H Rate Amount
Sl. No. Description of Item No Quantity Unit
(m) (m) (m) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13/10.10 Kilometer Stone
Reinforced cement concrete M15 grade kilometre stone/local stone of
standard design as per IRC:8 fixing in position including painting and
printing, etc as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause

ii) Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) 4 Each 2220.50 8882.00

iii) 200 m stone (precast) 48 Each 590.50 28344.00
14/10.2 Providing & fixing retro – reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and
informatory sign as per IRC:67 made encapsulated lens type reflective
sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm
thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm 6 mm
firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M
15 grade cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below
ground level as per drawings and technical specification Clause 801
Qty. as per Statement No. - 4

(iv)800mm x 600mm rectangular 3 Each 6717.00 20151.00

ii) 600mm equilateral triangle 15 Each 5390.30 80855.00
iii) 600mm circular 6 Each 4730.80 28385.00
20/16.38 Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with
Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of
2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The
finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes and
conforming to the MoSrt&H specifications
Line= (9600) x30%m = 2880m

2880.00 0.15 432.00 Sqm 501.00 216432.00

20 Rumble Strips
Provision of 15 nos.rumble strips covered with premix bituminous
carpet,15.2 mm high at centre, 250mm wide placed at 1m centre to centre
at approved location to control speed, marked with white strips of road
marking paint.
5.00 Each 98036.81 490184.00
21 Providing and fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board with Logo as
per MORD specifications and drawing. Three MS Plates of 1.6mm thick,
top and middle plate duly welded with MS flat iron 25mm x 5m size on
back on edges. The lower plate will be welded with MS angle iron frame of
25mm x 25mm x 5mm. The angle iron frame of the lower most plate and
flat iron frame of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12
SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade
blocks of 450mm x 450mm x 600mm, 600mm below ground level. The top
most diamond plate will be welded to middle plate by 47mm x 47mm of 12
SWG steel plate tube. All M.S. will be stove enameled on both sides.
Lettering and printing arrows, border etc. will be painted with ready mixed
Format - F7

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. SHP 1000 mm dia= 9 Nos
2.3x3 Double Cell Box Culvert= 1 Nos
3.2x2 Double Cell Box Culvert= 1 Nos
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m
depth as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104
includding setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Cum 330.68 102.00
2 Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominalmix in foundation with crushed
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in
foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14
Cum 24.38 5742.00
3 Bedding of pipe
(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as
per Clause 1105(ii)
ii) Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted approved
granular material as per Clause 1105 (ii)
Cum 46.83 1369.05
4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete
as drawing and Technical Specification
(b) Randon Rubble Masonry
Cum 284.09 3770.00
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204
sqm 313.28 121.17
6 Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipe NP3 as per
design in Single Row
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for
culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row
including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding
excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry
works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106.
1000 mm dia

m 90.006888.50
Add 12% GST + 1 % Labour Cess
Format - F7

NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Amount in




Amount in


Statement No.- 2

Quantity for Pavement Works

Name of Work:- NH-31 to Dighaltari road


Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

30.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
60.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
90.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
120.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
150.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
180.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
210.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
240.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
270.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
300.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
330.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
360.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
390.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
420.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
450.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
480.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
510.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
540.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
570.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
600.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
630.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
660.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
690.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
720.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
750.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
780.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
810.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
840.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
870.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
900.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
930.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
960.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
990.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1020.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1050.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1080.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1110.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1140.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1170.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1200.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1230.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1260.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1290.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1380.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

1410.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

1440.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1470.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1500.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
The road is BT
From 0.00 to
1530.000 0.00
1560.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1590.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1620.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1650.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1680.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1710.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1740.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1770.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1800.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1830.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1860.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1890.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1920.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1950.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
1980.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2010.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2040.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2070.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2100.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2130.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2160.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2190.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2220.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2250.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2280.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2310.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2340.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2370.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2400.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2430.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2460.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2490.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2520.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2550.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2580.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2610.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2640.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2670.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2700.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2730.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2760.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2790.000 0.00 0.00 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

widening is
required in
ch.2800.00 to
5300.00m since
the CW is 3 m
2800.000 0.00
2850.000 3.75 4.69 14.06 14.06 187.50 187.50 187.50
2880.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2910.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2940.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
2970.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3000.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3030.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3060.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3090.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3120.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3150.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3180.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3210.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3240.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3270.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3300.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

The road ICBP

Ch.1500.00 to
3330.000 0.00
3360.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3390.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3420.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3450.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3480.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3510.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3540.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3570.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3600.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3630.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3660.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3690.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3720.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3750.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3780.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3810.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3840.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3870.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3900.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3930.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3960.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
3990.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

4020.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

4050.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4080.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4110.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4140.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4170.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4200.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4230.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4260.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4290.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4320.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4350.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4380.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4410.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4440.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4470.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4500.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4530.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4560.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4590.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4620.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4650.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4680.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4710.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4740.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4770.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4800.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4830.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4860.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4890.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4920.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4950.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
4980.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5010.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5040.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5070.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5100.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5130.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5160.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5190.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5220.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5250.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5280.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5300.000 1.50 1.88 5.63 5.63 75.00 75.00 75.00
The road is BT
Ch3300.00 to
5300.00m 0.00
5340.000 0.00
5370.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5400.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5430.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

5460.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

5490.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5520.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5550.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5580.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5610.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5640.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5670.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5700.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5730.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5760.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5790.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5820.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5850.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5880.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5910.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5940.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
5970.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6000.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6030.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6060.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6090.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6120.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6150.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6180.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6210.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6240.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6270.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6300.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6330.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6360.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6390.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6420.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6450.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6480.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6510.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6540.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6570.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6600.000 2.81 0.00 112.50
6630.000 2.81 0.00 112.50
6660.000 2.81 0.00 112.50
6690.000 2.81 0.00 112.50
6700.000 0.94 0.00 37.50
Bridge gap 0.00
6750.000 0.00
6780.000 2.81 0.00 112.50
6810.000 2.81 0.00 112.50
6840.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6870.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6900.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6930.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
6960.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

6990.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

7020.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7050.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7080.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7110.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7140.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7170.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7200.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7230.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7260.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7290.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7300.000 3.75 0.94 2.81 2.81 37.50 37.50 37.50

Ch5300.00 to
7300.00 the
road is

7380.000 0.00 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7410.000 0.00 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7440.000 0.00 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7470.000 0.00 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
widening is
required in
ch.7500.00 to
8600.00 m
since the CW
is 3 m
7530.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7560.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7590.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7620.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7650.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7680.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7710.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7740.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7770.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7800.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7830.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7860.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7890.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7920.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7950.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
7980.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8010.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8040.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8070.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8100.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8130.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

8160.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

8190.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8220.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8250.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8280.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8310.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8340.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8370.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8400.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8430.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8460.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8490.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8520.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8550.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8580.000 2.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
Ch7300.00 to
8600.00 the
road is BT 0.00

The road is
earthened from
Ch.8600.00 to
8600.000 0.00
8640.000 15.00 3.75 11.25 11.25 150.00 150.00 150.00
8670.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8700.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8730.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8760.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8790.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8820.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8850.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8880.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8910.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8940.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
8970.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9000.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9030.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9060.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9090.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9120.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9150.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9180.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9210.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9240.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9270.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9300.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9330.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9360.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9390.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9420.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

Modified WBM WBM Tack Coat
GSB Prime Coat OGPC

9450.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50

9480.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9510.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9540.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9570.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
9600.000 11.25 2.81 8.44 8.44 112.50 112.50 112.50
Total = 1286.250 616.875 2573.438 2573.438 35025.000 34312.500 34312.500

Executive Engineer, PWRD

Assistant Executive Engineer, PWRD Dhubri Civil Sub Division
Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division, Territorial Road Division,
Golakganj Dhubri
Statement No. - 1


Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

AREA (m2) VOLUME (m3)

E/W in Filling E/W in Filling
Chainage E/W in E/W in
Cutting Filling in Cutting In
Embankment Shoulder Embankment Shoulder
0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00
30.000 0.000 1.40 0.270 0.00 21.00 4.05
60.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 45.75 8.10
90.000 0.000 1.32 0.270 0.00 44.55 8.10
120.000 0.000 1.23 0.270 0.00 38.25 8.10
150.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 40.20 8.10
180.000 0.000 1.55 0.270 0.00 45.00 8.10
210.000 0.000 1.24 0.270 0.00 41.85 8.10
240.000 0.000 1.42 0.270 0.00 39.90 8.10
270.000 0.000 0.67 0.270 0.00 31.35 8.10
300.000 0.000 0.93 0.270 0.00 24.00 8.10
330.000 0.000 0.54 0.270 0.00 22.05 8.10
360.000 0.000 0.37 0.270 0.00 13.65 8.10
390.000 0.000 0.36 0.270 0.00 10.95 8.10
420.000 0.000 0.72 0.270 0.00 16.20 8.10
450.000 0.000 0.45 0.270 0.00 17.55 8.10
480.000 0.000 0.28 0.270 0.00 10.95 8.10
510.000 0.000 0.28 0.270 0.00 8.40 8.10
540.000 0.000 0.32 0.270 0.00 9.00 8.10
570.000 0.000 0.34 0.270 0.00 9.90 8.10
600.000 0.000 0.46 0.270 0.00 12.00 8.10
630.000 0.000 0.23 0.270 0.00 10.35 8.10
660.000 0.000 0.45 0.270 0.00 10.20 8.10
690.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 28.50 8.10
720.000 0.000 1.72 0.270 0.00 47.55 8.10
750.000 0.000 1.86 0.270 0.00 53.70 8.10
780.000 0.000 1.24 0.270 0.00 46.50 8.10
810.000 0.000 1.42 0.270 0.00 39.90 8.10
840.000 0.000 1.67 0.270 0.00 46.35 8.10
870.000 0.000 1.93 0.270 0.00 54.00 8.10
900.000 0.000 1.54 0.270 0.00 52.05 8.10
930.000 0.000 2.37 0.270 0.00 58.65 8.10
960.000 0.000 0.33 0.270 0.00 40.50 8.10
990.000 0.000 0.14 0.270 0.00 7.05 8.10
1020.000 0.000 0.46 0.270 0.00 9.00 8.10
1050.000 0.000 0.66 0.270 0.00 16.80 8.10
1080.000 0.000 0.28 0.270 0.00 14.10 8.10
1110.000 0.000 0.36 0.270 0.00 9.60 8.10
1140.000 0.000 0.46 0.270 0.00 12.24 8.10
1170.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 28.59 8.10
1200.000 0.000 1.28 0.270 0.00 40.95 8.10
1230.000 0.000 1.16 0.270 0.00 36.60 8.10
1260.000 0.000 1.72 0.270 0.00 43.20 8.10
1290.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 47.55 8.10
1320.000 0.000 1.28 0.270 0.00 40.95 8.10
1350.000 0.000 1.39 0.270 0.00 40.05 8.10
1380.000 0.000 2.39 0.270 0.00 56.70 8.10
1410.000 0.000 2.30 0.270 0.00 70.35 8.10
1440.000 0.000 1.70 0.270 0.00 60.00 8.10
1470.000 0.000 3.20 0.270 0.00 73.50 8.10
1500.000 0.000 3.57 0.270 0.00 101.55 8.10
1530.000 0.000 2.99 0.270 0.00 98.40 8.10
1560.000 0.000 2.80 0.270 0.00 86.85 8.10
1590.000 0.000 1.03 0.270 0.00 57.45 8.10
1620.000 0.000 1.09 0.270 0.00 31.80 8.10
1650.000 0.000 1.41 0.270 0.00 37.50 8.10
AREA (m2) VOLUME (m3)
E/W in Filling E/W in Filling
Chainage E/W in E/W in
Cutting Filling in Cutting In
Embankment Shoulder Embankment Shoulder
1680.000 0.000 1.90 0.270 0.00 49.65 8.10
1710.000 0.000 2.01 0.270 0.00 58.65 8.10
1740.000 0.000 2.70 0.270 0.00 70.64 8.10
1770.000 0.000 3.10 0.270 0.00 86.93 8.10
1800.000 0.000 3.18 0.270 0.00 94.07 8.10
1830.000 0.000 2.18 0.270 0.00 80.30 8.10
1860.000 0.000 3.08 0.270 0.00 78.80 8.10
1890.000 0.000 2.51 0.270 0.00 83.78 8.10
1920.000 0.000 2.69 0.270 0.00 77.93 8.10
1950.000 0.000 2.75 0.270 0.00 81.59 8.10
1980.000 0.000 3.06 0.270 0.00 87.15 8.10
2010.000 0.000 3.22 0.270 0.00 94.19 8.10
2040.000 0.000 2.90 0.270 0.00 91.86 8.10
2070.000 0.000 2.38 0.270 0.00 79.25 8.10
2100.000 0.000 2.33 0.270 0.00 70.62 8.10
2130.000 0.000 2.58 0.270 0.00 73.65 8.10
2160.000 0.000 0.66 2.250 0.00 48.66 37.80
2190.000 0.000 0.66 2.450 0.00 19.80 70.50
2220.000 0.000 2.89 0.270 0.00 53.24 40.80
2250.000 0.000 4.16 0.270 0.00 105.75 8.10
2280.000 0.000 4.75 0.270 0.00 133.73 8.10
2310.000 0.000 3.01 0.270 0.00 116.46 8.10
2340.000 0.000 1.74 0.270 0.00 71.27 8.10
2370.000 0.000 2.34 0.270 0.00 61.25 8.10
2400.000 0.000 2.21 0.270 0.00 68.22 8.10
2430.000 0.000 1.72 0.270 0.00 58.86 8.10
2460.000 0.000 2.14 0.270 0.00 57.87 8.10
2490.000 0.000 2.13 0.270 0.00 64.04 8.10
2520.000 0.000 2.14 0.270 0.00 64.04 8.10
2550.000 0.000 1.80 0.270 0.00 59.16 8.10
2580.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 51.87 8.10
2610.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 49.56 8.10
2640.000 0.000 1.15 0.270 0.00 42.00 8.10
2670.000 0.000 1.95 0.270 0.00 46.50 8.10
2700.000 0.000 1.56 0.270 0.00 52.71 8.10
2730.000 0.000 1.18 0.270 0.00 41.19 8.10
2760.000 0.000 1.11 0.270 0.00 34.38 8.10
2790.000 0.000 1.78 0.270 0.00 43.35 8.10
2820.000 0.000 1.16 0.270 0.00 44.05 8.10
2850.000 0.000 1.42 0.270 0.00 38.65 8.10
2880.000 0.000 1.43 0.270 0.00 42.68 8.10
2910.000 0.000 1.37 0.270 0.00 41.97 8.10
2940.000 0.000 1.43 0.270 0.00 42.05 8.10
2970.000 0.000 1.56 0.270 0.00 44.91 8.10
3000.000 0.000 1.94 0.270 0.00 52.56 8.10
3030.000 0.000 1.98 0.270 0.00 58.80 8.10
3060.000 0.000 1.49 0.270 0.00 52.05 8.10
3090.000 0.000 1.22 0.270 0.00 40.65 8.10
3120.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 40.05 8.10
3150.000 0.000 1.76 0.270 0.00 48.15 8.10
3180.000 0.000 1.86 0.270 0.00 54.30 8.10
3210.000 0.000 1.35 0.270 0.00 48.15 8.10
3240.000 0.000 1.42 0.270 0.00 41.49 8.10
3270.000 0.000 1.56 0.270 0.00 44.58 8.10
3300.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 48.16 8.10
3330.000 0.000 1.46 0.270 0.00 46.75 8.10
3360.000 0.000 1.64 0.270 0.00 46.53 8.10
3390.000 0.000 0.60 0.270 0.00 33.60 8.10
3420.000 0.000 0.72 0.270 0.00 19.80 8.10
3450.000 0.000 0.45 0.270 0.00 17.55 8.10
3480.000 0.000 0.28 0.270 0.00 10.95 8.10
3510.000 0.000 0.81 0.270 0.00 16.35 8.10
3540.000 0.000 0.21 0.270 0.00 15.30 8.10
AREA (m2) VOLUME (m3)
E/W in Filling E/W in Filling
Chainage E/W in E/W in
Cutting Filling in Cutting In
Embankment Shoulder Embankment Shoulder
3570.000 0.000 0.41 0.270 0.00 9.30 8.10
3600.000 0.000 0.91 0.270 0.00 19.80 8.10
3630.000 0.000 1.15 0.270 0.00 30.90 8.10
3660.000 0.000 1.91 0.270 0.00 45.90 8.10
3690.000 0.000 1.67 0.270 0.00 53.70 8.10
3720.000 0.000 1.64 0.270 0.00 49.65 8.10
3750.000 0.000 1.41 0.270 0.00 45.75 8.10
3780.000 0.000 1.10 0.270 0.00 37.65 8.10
3810.000 0.000 2.66 0.270 0.00 56.40 8.10
3840.000 0.000 2.49 0.270 0.00 77.25 8.10
3870.000 0.000 2.77 0.270 0.00 78.90 8.10
3900.000 0.000 2.30 0.270 0.00 76.05 8.10
3930.000 0.000 1.96 0.270 0.00 63.90 8.10
3960.000 0.000 1.26 0.270 0.00 48.30 8.10
3990.000 0.000 1.05 0.270 0.00 34.65 8.10
4020.000 0.000 1.63 0.270 0.00 40.20 8.10
4050.000 0.000 1.92 2.200 0.00 53.25 37.05
4080.000 0.000 1.75 2.200 0.00 55.05 66.00
4110.000 0.000 2.13 0.270 0.00 58.20 37.05
4140.000 0.000 1.01 0.270 0.00 47.10 8.10
4170.000 0.000 1.80 0.270 0.00 42.15 8.10
4200.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 48.75 8.10
4230.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 46.50 8.10
4260.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 49.50 8.10
4290.000 0.000 1.39 0.270 0.00 45.60 8.10
4320.000 0.000 1.20 0.270 0.00 38.85 8.10
4350.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 42.82 8.10
4380.000 0.000 1.46 0.270 0.00 46.75 8.10
4410.000 0.000 1.64 0.270 0.00 46.53 8.10
4440.000 0.000 0.61 0.270 0.00 33.75 8.10
4470.000 0.000 0.72 0.270 0.00 19.95 8.10
4500.000 0.000 0.75 0.270 0.00 22.05 8.10
4530.000 0.000 0.58 0.270 0.00 19.95 8.10
4560.000 0.000 0.11 0.270 0.00 10.35 8.10
4590.000 0.000 0.32 0.270 0.00 6.45 8.10
4620.000 0.000 0.34 0.270 0.00 9.90 8.10
4650.000 0.000 1.91 0.270 0.00 33.75 8.10
4680.000 0.000 1.15 0.270 0.00 45.90 8.10
4710.000 0.000 1.91 0.270 0.00 45.90 8.10
4740.000 0.000 1.67 0.270 0.00 53.70 8.10
4770.000 0.000 1.65 0.270 0.00 49.80 8.10
4800.000 0.000 1.10 0.270 0.00 41.25 8.10
4830.000 0.000 1.45 0.270 0.00 38.25 8.10
4860.000 0.000 1.66 0.270 0.00 46.65 8.10
4890.000 0.000 1.59 0.270 0.00 48.75 8.10
4920.000 0.000 1.77 0.270 0.00 50.40 8.10
4950.000 0.000 1.30 0.270 0.00 46.05 8.10
4980.000 0.000 4.96 0.270 0.00 93.92 8.10
5010.000 0.000 4.26 0.270 0.00 138.32 8.10
5040.000 0.000 3.05 0.270 0.00 109.64 8.10
5070.000 0.000 4.93 0.270 0.00 119.69 8.10
5100.000 0.000 3.92 0.270 0.00 132.72 8.10
5130.000 0.000 3.47 0.270 0.00 110.76 8.10
5160.000 0.000 3.43 0.270 0.00 103.50 8.10
5190.000 0.000 3.75 0.270 0.00 107.76 8.10
5220.000 0.000 2.63 0.270 0.00 95.70 8.10
5250.000 0.000 2.01 0.270 0.00 69.65 8.10
5280.000 0.000 4.80 0.270 0.00 102.21 8.10
5310.000 0.000 4.46 0.270 0.00 138.89 8.10
5340.000 0.000 5.99 0.270 0.00 156.72 8.10
5370.000 0.000 6.74 0.270 0.00 190.95 8.10
5400.000 0.000 6.34 0.270 0.00 196.20 8.10
5430.000 0.000 6.21 0.270 0.00 188.25 8.10
AREA (m2) VOLUME (m3)
E/W in Filling E/W in Filling
Chainage E/W in E/W in
Cutting Filling in Cutting In
Embankment Shoulder Embankment Shoulder
5460.000 0.000 6.72 0.270 0.00 193.95 8.10
5490.000 0.000 7.14 0.270 0.00 207.90 8.10
5520.000 0.000 7.13 0.270 0.00 214.05 8.10
5550.000 0.000 7.14 0.270 0.00 214.05 8.10
5580.000 0.000 6.80 0.270 0.00 209.10 8.10
5610.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 194.25 8.10
5640.000 0.000 6.65 0.270 0.00 192.00 8.10
5670.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 192.00 8.10
5700.000 0.000 7.95 0.270 0.00 211.50 8.10
5730.000 0.000 7.56 0.270 0.00 232.71 8.10
5760.000 0.000 7.18 0.270 0.00 221.19 8.10
5790.000 0.000 7.11 0.270 0.00 214.38 8.10
5820.000 0.000 7.78 0.270 0.00 223.35 8.10
5850.000 0.000 7.16 0.270 0.00 224.05 8.10
5880.000 0.000 7.42 0.270 0.00 218.65 8.10
5910.000 0.000 7.43 0.270 0.00 222.68 8.10
5940.000 0.000 7.37 0.270 0.00 221.97 8.10
5970.000 0.000 7.43 0.270 0.00 222.05 8.10
6000.000 0.000 7.56 0.270 0.00 224.91 8.10
6030.000 0.000 7.94 0.270 0.00 232.56 8.10
6060.000 0.000 7.74 0.270 0.00 235.22 8.10
6090.000 0.000 8.34 0.270 0.00 241.25 8.10
6120.000 0.000 8.21 0.270 0.00 248.22 8.10
6150.000 0.000 7.72 0.270 0.00 238.86 8.10
6180.000 0.000 8.14 0.270 0.00 237.87 8.10
6210.000 0.000 8.13 0.270 0.00 244.04 8.10
6240.000 0.000 6.14 0.270 0.00 214.04 8.10
6270.000 0.000 6.80 0.270 0.00 194.10 8.10
6300.000 0.000 7.15 0.270 0.00 209.25 8.10
6330.000 0.000 7.65 0.270 0.00 222.00 8.10
6360.000 0.000 7.15 0.270 0.00 222.00 8.10
6390.000 0.000 7.95 0.270 0.00 226.50 8.10
6420.000 0.000 7.56 0.270 0.00 232.65 8.10
6450.000 0.000 7.18 0.270 0.00 221.10 8.10
6480.000 0.000 7.11 0.270 0.00 214.35 8.10
6510.000 0.000 7.80 0.270 0.00 223.65 8.10
6540.000 0.000 7.15 0.270 0.00 224.25 8.10
6570.000 0.000 6.42 0.270 0.00 203.55 8.10
6600.000 0.000
6630.000 0.000
6660.000 0.000
6690.000 0.000
6700.000 0.000
Bridge Gap
6750.000 0.000
6780.000 0.000
6810.000 0.000
6840.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 92.25 4.05
6870.000 0.000 5.42 0.270 0.00 173.55 8.10
6900.000 0.000 5.16 0.270 0.00 158.70 8.10
6930.000 0.000 6.42 0.270 0.00 173.70 8.10
6960.000 0.000 6.14 0.270 0.00 188.40 8.10
6990.000 0.000 6.13 0.270 0.00 184.05 8.10
7020.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 184.20 8.10
7050.000 0.000 6.80 0.270 0.00 194.25 8.10
7080.000 0.000 5.98 0.270 0.00 191.70 8.10
7110.000 0.000 5.50 0.270 0.00 172.20 8.10
7140.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 174.75 8.10
7170.000 0.000 6.95 0.270 0.00 196.50 8.10
7200.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 196.50 8.10
7230.000 0.000 6.67 0.270 0.00 192.30 8.10
7260.000 0.000 6.64 0.270 0.00 199.65 8.10
7290.000 0.000 6.41 0.270 0.00 195.75 8.10
AREA (m2) VOLUME (m3)
E/W in Filling E/W in Filling
Chainage E/W in E/W in
Cutting Filling in Cutting In
Embankment Shoulder Embankment Shoulder
7320.000 0.000 2.12 0.270 0.00 127.95 8.10
7350.000 0.000 1.67 0.270 0.00 56.79 8.10
7380.000 0.000 1.49 0.270 0.00 47.34 8.10
7410.000 0.000 1.77 0.270 0.00 48.90 8.10
7440.000 0.000 1.30 0.270 0.00 46.05 8.10
7470.000 0.000 1.96 0.270 0.00 48.90 8.10
7500.000 0.000 1.26 0.270 0.00 48.30 8.10
7530.000 0.000 1.05 0.270 0.00 34.65 8.10
7560.000 0.000 1.93 0.270 0.00 44.70 8.10
7590.000 0.000 1.92 0.270 0.00 57.75 8.10
7620.000 0.000 1.47 0.270 0.00 50.85 8.10
7650.000 0.000 1.43 0.270 0.00 43.50 8.10
7680.000 0.000 1.75 0.270 0.00 47.70 8.10
7710.000 0.000 1.63 0.270 0.00 50.70 8.10
7740.000 0.000 1.01 0.270 0.00 39.60 8.10
7770.000 0.000 1.80 0.270 0.00 42.15 8.10
7800.000 0.000 1.46 0.270 0.00 48.90 8.10
7830.000 0.000 1.99 0.270 0.00 51.75 8.10
7860.000 0.000 1.70 0.270 0.00 55.35 8.10
7890.000 0.000 1.35 0.270 0.00 45.75 8.10
7920.000 0.000 1.21 0.270 0.00 38.40 8.10
7950.000 0.000 1.72 0.270 0.00 43.95 8.10
7980.000 0.000 1.14 0.270 0.00 42.90 8.10
8010.000 0.000 1.13 0.270 0.00 34.04 8.10
8040.000 0.000 1.14 0.270 0.00 34.04 8.10
8070.000 0.000 0.80 0.270 0.00 29.16 8.10
8100.000 0.000 0.15 0.270 0.00 14.31 8.10
8130.000 0.000 0.65 0.270 0.00 12.00 8.10
8160.000 0.000 0.15 0.270 0.00 12.00 8.10
8190.000 0.000 0.95 0.270 0.00 16.50 8.10
8220.000 0.000 0.56 0.270 0.00 22.71 8.10
8250.000 0.000 0.18 0.270 0.00 11.19 8.10
8280.000 0.000 0.11 0.270 0.00 4.38 8.10
8310.000 0.000 0.78 0.270 0.00 13.35 8.10
8340.000 0.000 0.16 0.270 0.00 14.05 8.10
8370.000 0.000 0.42 0.270 0.00 8.65 8.10
8400.000 0.000 0.43 0.270 0.00 12.68 8.10
8430.000 0.000 0.37 0.270 0.00 11.97 8.10
8460.000 0.000 0.43 0.270 0.00 12.05 8.10
8490.000 0.000 0.56 0.270 0.00 14.91 8.10
8520.000 0.000 0.94 0.270 0.00 22.56 8.10
8550.000 0.000 0.74 0.270 0.00 25.22 8.10
8580.000 0.000 1.34 0.270 0.00 31.25 8.10
8610.000 0.000 5.21 0.270 0.00 98.22 8.10
8640.000 0.000 5.72 0.270 0.00 163.89 8.10
8670.000 0.000 6.14 0.270 0.00 177.90 8.10
8700.000 0.000 6.14 0.270 0.00 184.20 8.10
8730.000 0.000 6.14 0.270 0.00 184.20 8.10
8760.000 0.000 5.80 0.270 0.00 179.10 8.10
8790.000 0.000 5.15 0.270 0.00 164.25 8.10
8820.000 0.000 4.65 0.270 0.00 147.00 8.10
8850.000 0.000 4.15 0.270 0.00 132.00 8.10
8880.000 0.000 5.95 0.270 0.00 151.50 8.10
8910.000 0.000 5.56 0.270 0.00 172.65 8.10
8940.000 0.000 4.18 0.270 0.00 146.10 8.10
8970.000 0.000 4.11 0.270 0.00 124.35 8.10
9000.000 0.000 4.44 0.270 0.00 128.25 8.10
9030.000 0.000 4.15 0.270 0.00 128.85 8.10
9060.000 0.000 4.42 0.270 0.00 128.55 8.10
9090.000 0.000 5.14 0.270 0.00 143.40 8.10
9120.000 0.000 5.32 0.270 0.00 156.90 8.10
9150.000 0.000 5.72 0.270 0.00 165.60 8.10
9180.000 0.000 5.14 0.270 0.00 162.90 8.10
AREA (m2) VOLUME (m3)
E/W in Filling E/W in Filling
Chainage E/W in E/W in
Cutting Filling in Cutting In
Embankment Shoulder Embankment Shoulder
9210.000 0.000 5.13 0.270 0.00 154.05 8.10
9240.000 0.000 6.14 0.270 0.00 169.05 8.10
9270.000 0.000 5.80 0.270 0.00 179.10 8.10
9300.000 0.000 6.15 0.270 0.00 179.25 8.10
9330.000 0.000 5.65 0.270 0.00 177.00 8.10
9360.000 0.000 5.15 0.270 0.00 162.00 8.10
9390.000 0.000 4.95 0.270 0.00 151.50 8.10
9420.000 0.000 5.56 0.270 0.00 157.65 8.10
9450.000 0.000 6.18 0.270 0.00 176.10 8.10
9480.000 0.000 6.21 0.270 0.00 185.85 8.10
9510.000 0.000 5.72 0.270 0.00 178.95 8.10
9540.000 0.000 3.14 0.270 0.00 132.90 8.10
9570.000 0.000 3.13 0.270 0.00 94.05 8.10
9600.000 0.000 1.14 0.270 0.00 64.05 8.10
Total 0.00 27601.25 1389.15

Total Length of Road: = 9600.00 m

9.60 Km

Executive Engineer, PWRD

Assistant Executive Engineer, PWRD Dhubri Civil Sub Division Territorial Road
Golakganj Territorial Road Sub Division, Division,
Golakganj Dhubri
Statement No. - 3
Package No: AS-05-199
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road


Sl. Chainge Existing Cross

Condition Proposed Cross Drainage Work Remarks
No. (in m) Drainage Work
1000mm dia (S)
1 200.000 Poor Constructed
1000mm dia (S)
2 900.000 Poor Constructed
3 1100.000 RCC Bridge Good Constructed
1000mm dia (S)
4 1810.000 Good Constructed
5 2430.000 RCC Bridge Good Constructed
1000mm dia (S)
6 2910.000 Poor Constructed
1000mm dia (S)
7 3310.000 Good Constructed
1000mm dia (S)
8 3620.000 Good Constructed
1000mm dia (S)
9 4300.000 damaged New

10 4500.000 1000mm dia (S) HPC New

1000mm dia (S)

11 4900.000 damaged New

12 5200.000 1000mm dia (S) HPC New

13 5600.000 1000mm dia (S) HPC New

14 5950.000 1000mm dia (S) HPC New

15 6100.000 1000mm dia (S) HPC New

16 6500.000 1000mm dia (S) HPC New

17 6700.000 Missing Gap RCC Bridge L=30.00M New

18 7300.000 Missing Gap New

1000mm dia (S) HPC

19 7900.000 Missing Gap Box Cell 3.00m x 3.00m= 3 New


20 8200.000 Missing Gap New

1000mm dia (S) HPC

21 8450.000 Missing Gap New

1000mm dia (S) HPC

22 8700.000 Missing Gap Box Cell 2.00m x 2.00m= 2 New

Statement No. - 6
Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Single HP Culvert
Considering Length = 10.00m
Upgradation of Boko Koimari to Dhupdhora under PMGSY - II for the year
Name of Road : 2019-20

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length Breadth Quantity
1 Earthwork in cum
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 1.685 30.431
Pipe Bed 1 7.500 1.530 0.550 6.311
Total = 36.742
2 C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 0.150 2.709
Total = 2.709
3 Bedding cum
Bedding 1 8.440 1.530 0.550 7.102
Deduct for pipe 1 8.440 0.225 1.899
Total = 5.203
4 Stone Masonary in cum
CM 1:4
Face Wall 2 6.150 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.465 25.014
Parapet Wall 2 6.150 0.400 0.600 2.952
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.4+0.83/2) 3.1416/4 1.513 1.462
Total = 31.566
5 Plastering sqm
Face wall+parapet 2 6.150 1.830 22.509
Top side of parapet 2 6.150 0.400 4.920
Inner Side 2 6.150 0.600 7.380
Total = 34.809

6 NP3 HP Rm 4 2.500 10.000

Earth work in
7 cushioning Cum 6.15 6.70 0.60 24.72
2 20 (6.70+6.00)*1/2 0.60 152.40
Total = 177.12
Statement No. - 6
Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Single HP NP-3 Culvert(New)
Considering Length = 10.00m
Upgradation of Boko Koimari to Dhupdhora under PMGSY - II for the year
Name of Road : 2019-20

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length in m Breadth in m Thickness in Quantity
1 Earthwork in cum
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 1.685 30.431
Pipe Bed 1 7.500 1.530 0.550 6.311
Total = 36.742

2 C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 0.150 2.709
Pillar 2 0.400 0.400 1.000 0.320
Total = 3.029

3 Bedding cum
1st class Bedding 1 8.440 1.530 0.550 7.102
Deduct for pipe 1 8.440 0.225(sqm) 1.899
Total = 5.203

4 Stone Masonary in cum

CM 1:4
Face Wall 2 6.150 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.465 25.014
Parapet Wall 2 6.150 0.400 0.600 2.952
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.78+0.4)/2 (3.1416*1.23*1.23)/4(sqm) 1.402
Total = 29.368

5 Plastering sqm
Face wall+parapet 2 6.150 1.830 22.509
Top side of parapet 2 6.150 0.400 4.920
Inner Side of
Parapet Wall 2 6.150 0.600 7.380
Total = 34.809

6 Length of HP NP3 Rm 4 2.500 Total = 10.000

Statement No. -
Type of Cross Drainage works :
1. Single Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m
depth as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104
includding setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and 11.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 36.742 102.00
bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR - 2013-14 SR

2 Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominalmix in foundation with crushed

stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in
foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14
17.7 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 3.029 5742.00

3 Bedding of pipe
(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as
per Clause 1105(ii)
ii) Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted approved 9.2 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 5.203 1369.05
granular material as per Clause 1105 (ii)

4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete

as drawing and Technical Specification
(b) Randon Rubble Masonry 17.9 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 29.368 3770.00
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204 17.44 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 sqm 34.809 121.17
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipe NP3 as per
design in Single Row
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for
culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row
including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding
excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry 9.3 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 m 10.000 6888.50
works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106.
1000 mm dia

Total =
Statement No. -

Amount in




Amount in

Amount in


Statement No. - 5
Summary of Quantity for Culverts

Name of Road :
NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Package No. : AS-05-199
Route No. : MRL06

Chainage in m

Slab culvert
Details of Culvert SHPC
4m span

No. of Culverts 9 0 11
Description Unit
1 E/W in excavation Cum 330.681 330.68
2 P.C.C. Grade M - 10 Cum 24.381 24.38
4 Bedding for pipe Cum 46.829 46.83
5 Stone Masonry Cum 284.090 284.09
6 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4) sqm 313.281 313.28
7 NP3 HP 90.000 90.00
Format - F8

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. : MRL06

Loading Unloading Unsurfaced
Sl. Ref. Item No. of SOR Rate as per Loose Surfaced Road Katcha Road Total of haulage Final Rate
Item of works Unit gravelled Road
No. 2017-18 SOR Qty 6*{(9*10)+(11*12) (4+7+8+15)
Amount Amount Km Rate Km Rate Km Rate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 Granular Sub-base 4.1/(A) (ii) 1467.50 cum 1.277 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 2207.17 3674.67

2 WBM Grading - II 4.7(II)(A) 2823.8 cum 1.210 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 2091.36 4915.16
0.270 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 466.67 466.67
3 WBM Grading - III 4.7/III(A) 2867.80 cum 1.210 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 2091.36 4959.16
0.240 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 414.82 414.82

4 BM 5.3(ii) 6534.40 cum 1.415 142.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 2993.86 9528.26

5 OGPC 5.9 123.10 Sqm 0.027 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 46.67 169.77

6 Seal Coat Type-C 5.12 57.20 Sqm 0.009 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 15.56 72.76

7 SDBC 17.2(ii) 8352.00 Cum 1.470 142.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 3110.23 11462.23

8 Hard shoulder (GWC) 4.11 631.60 Cum 1.280 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 2212.35 2843.95

9 Pitching 14.5 I 1646.80 Cum 1.000 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 1728.40 3375.20

10 Apron 14.20 2460.70 Cum 1.000 116.00 14.90 0.00 18.50 0.00 29.10 1728.40 4189.10
Loading Unloading Unsurfaced
Sl. Ref. Item No. of SOR Rate as per Loose Surfaced Road Katcha Road Total of haulage Final Rate
Item of works Unit gravelled Road
No. 2017-18 SOR Qty 6*{(9*10)+(11*12) (4+7+8+15)
Amount Amount Km Rate Km Rate Km Rate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
11 Filter Media 14.60 1813.60 Cum 1813.60

State : Assam District: Dhubri Package No: AS-05-199

Road from: NH-31 to Dighaltari to Dighaltari

Material Source Lead( in Km)
GSB Hell & Saralbhanga
WBM Hell & Saralbhanga

Analysis Of Rates:

Sl. No. as per MoRD SDB for

Sl. No. Rural Roads Descrption Units Qty. Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)
A. Construction Activities

B. Maintenance Activities


1 Rate Analysis shall cover all the items such as Site Clearance. Earth Work, Drainage,Granular Sub Base & Surface
Course,CD works, Traffic Signs,PMGSY Board & Logo & Maintences activities.
2 Where local material is used at site and the specifications & rate analyis are not found in BOS & SDB, for Rural Roads, the
analysis & nomenclature of the item can be suitably used based other standards such as PWD Schedule of Rate or
assessment based on field observation.

3 Completed items rates including lead for carriage materials should be shown.

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. : MRL06

Extra lead calculation

Sl. Material Surface Gravel Earthen
of Stone Name of Road
No. s Road Road Road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A.Stone Crusher Site to Work Site
Quarry Road 2
NH-31C to Serfanguri 8
Hell Quarry

Serfanguri to Beltoli 38
GSB 68
1 WBM NH-31(896-828)
Proposed Road 5 0
Total 119 2
Deduct Initial Lead 3 2
Total 116 0 0
B.Stone Crusher site to Plant Site
Quarry Road 2
Saralbhanga Quarry

Quarry to NH-31C 36
NH-31C 8
Serfanguri to Beltoli 38

NH-31(896-848) 48
1 BM
SDBC NH-31(848-828) 20

Proposed Road 5 0

Total 155 2
Deduct Initial Lead 13 2
Total 142 0 0
Statement No.- 2

Quantity for Pavement Works

Name of Work:- NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

30.00 15.75 7.875 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
60.00 15.75 7.875 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
90.00 15.75 7.875 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
120.00 15.75 7.875 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
150.00 15.75 7.875 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
180.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
210.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
240.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
270.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
300.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
330.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
360.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
390.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
420.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
450.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
480.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
510.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
540.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
570.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
600.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
630.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
660.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
690.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
720.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
750.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
780.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
810.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
840.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
870.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
900.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
930.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
960.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
990.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1020.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1050.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1080.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1110.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1140.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1170.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1200.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1230.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1260.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1290.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1320.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1350.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

1380.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00

1410.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1440.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1470.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1500.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1530.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1560.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1590.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1620.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1650.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1680.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1710.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1740.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1770.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1800.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1830.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1860.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1890.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1920.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1950.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
1980.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2010.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2040.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2070.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2100.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2130.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2160.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2190.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2220.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2250.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2280.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2310.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2340.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2370.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2400.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2430.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2460.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2490.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2520.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2550.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2580.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2610.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2640.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2670.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2700.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2730.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2760.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2790.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2820.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2850.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2880.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2910.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2940.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
2970.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

3000.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00

3030.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3060.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3090.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3120.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3150.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3180.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3210.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3240.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3270.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3300.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3330.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3360.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3390.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3420.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3450.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3480.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3510.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3540.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3570.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3600.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3630.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3660.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3690.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3720.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3750.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3780.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3810.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3840.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3870.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3900.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3930.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3960.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
3990.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4020.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4050.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4080.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4110.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4140.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4170.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4200.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4230.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4260.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4290.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4320.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4350.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4380.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4410.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4440.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4470.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4500.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4530.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4560.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4590.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

4620.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00

4650.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4680.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4710.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4740.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4770.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4800.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4830.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4860.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4890.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4920.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4950.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
4980.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5010.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5040.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5070.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5100.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5130.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5160.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5190.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5220.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5250.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5280.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5310.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5340.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5370.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5400.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5430.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5460.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5490.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5520.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5550.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5580.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5610.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5640.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5670.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5700.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5730.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5760.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5790.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5820.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5850.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5880.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5910.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5940.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
5970.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6000.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6030.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6060.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6090.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6120.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6150.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6180.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6210.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

6240.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00

6270.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6300.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6330.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6360.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6390.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6420.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6450.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6480.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6510.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6540.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6570.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6600.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6630.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6660.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6690.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6720.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6750.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6780.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6810.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6840.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6870.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6900.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6930.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6960.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
6990.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7020.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7050.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7080.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7110.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7140.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7170.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7200.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7230.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7260.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7290.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7320.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7350.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7380.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7410.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7440.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7470.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7500.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7530.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7560.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7590.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7620.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7650.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7680.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7710.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7740.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7770.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7800.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7830.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

7860.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00

7890.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7920.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7950.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
7980.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8010.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8040.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8070.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8100.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8130.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8160.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8190.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8220.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8250.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8280.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8310.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8340.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8370.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8400.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8430.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8460.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8490.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8520.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8550.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8580.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8610.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8640.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8670.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8700.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8730.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8744.00 5.78 3.85 154.00 77.00 77.00
Bridge Gap
8766.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
8790.00 9.90 6.60 264.00 132.00 132.00
8820.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8850.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8880.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8910.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8940.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
8970.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9000.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9030.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9060.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9090.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9120.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9150.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9180.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9210.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9240.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9270.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9300.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9330.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9360.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9390.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

9420.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00

9450.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9480.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9510.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9540.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9570.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9600.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9630.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9660.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9690.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9720.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9750.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9780.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9810.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9840.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9870.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9900.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9930.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9960.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
9990.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10020.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10050.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10080.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10110.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10140.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10170.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10200.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10230.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10265.00 14.44 9.63 385.00 192.50 192.50
Bridge Gap
10295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10320.00 10.31 6.88 275.00 137.50 137.50
10350.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10380.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10410.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10440.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10470.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10500.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10530.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10560.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10590.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10620.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10650.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10680.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10710.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10740.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10770.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10800.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10830.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10860.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10890.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10920.00 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10950.00 15.75 7.875 12.38 8.25 330.00 165.00 165.00
10968.00 9.45 4.725 7.43 4.95 198.00 99.00 99.00
Paved Shoulder Overall

Chainage WBM WBM Tack Coat

GSB B.M. Prime Coat OGPC

Bridge Gap
10979.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
11000.00 11.03 5.5125 8.66 5.78 231.00 115.50 115.50
Total = 114.98 57.49 4511.51 3007.68 120307.00 60153.50 60153.50
Extra widening
3.45 1.72 135.35 90.23 3609.21 1804.61 1804.61
Breaker 4.02 2.01 157.90 105.27 4210.75 2105.37 2105.37
Total = 122.45 61.22 4804.76 3203.17 128126.96 64063.48 64063.48
Name of Road NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Ch.4500.00m to 4800.00m
Volume of Boulder Apron= 300 x 1.8 x 1.5
= 810 Cum

Volume of Boulder Pitching = 300 x √((2x2)+(3x3)x.3)

= 300 X 3.6 X 0.3 Cum
= 324 cum
Volume of filter Media = 300 x 3.6 x 0.15
= 162
150 750 150

8 MM TOR B/W @ 300 c/c



75 mm pcc


Analysis for Trapezoidal Shaped CC Open Drain

Considering unit Length = 10.00 RM

(in Rs.)
Sl. Amount
Item No. Brief Description of Item No. Quantity Unit
No. (Rs.)

As per SOR
L (m) B (m) D (m)

Trapezoidal Shaped PCC Drain

Excavation for Structures

Earthwork in excavation for structures as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause 305.1 including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
1 11.1 / I (i) other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling in trenches with
excavated suitable material.
I) Ordinary soil (i) upto 3 m depth

Excavation for Structures 1 10.00 1.15 1.025 11.79 cum 113.00 1,332.27
Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in open
foundations complete as per drawings and technical
11.4 / A / I specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203
2 P.C.C grade M 10
Nominal mix 1:3:6
Base Conc 1 10.00 1.15 0.075 0.86 cum 5680.60 4,885.32
Supplying, fitting and placing TMT (Fe-500 D) reinforcement
bar (From Primary Producer: TATA/SAIL/Esser Steel/ Jindal
3 12.6 steel/Shyam steel/RINL) in substructrue complete as per
drawings and technical specification Clauses 1002, 1005, 1010
& 1202
8mm dia bothway 1 34 3 0.39 39.78 Kg
1 11 10 0.39 42.9 Kg
Total= 82.68 Kg
0.08268 MT 56373.7 4660.98

Providing concrete for plain / reinforced concrete in

substructure complete as per drawings and technical
specifications Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 1202 & 1204
12.5 / A / II PCC Grade M 20
4 Nominial mix (1:2:4)
12.5 / A / II

1 10.00 1.000 0.20 2

2 10.00 0.225 0.75 3.38
Total 5.38 cum 6710.50 36,068.94
Total for Trapezoidal Shaped PCC Drain Rs. 46,947.51
Rate per RM Rs. 4,694.75
10 mm tor @ 150 c/c 12 mm tor @ 150 c/c 8mm tor @ 150 c/c

100 mm


Analysis of rate for RCC slab of size 0.9m x 0.15m

Considering = 10.00 RM

(in Rs.)
Sl. No. Item No. Brief Description of Item No. Quantity Unit As per (Rs.)
L (m) B (m) D (m) SOR
Trapezoidal Shaped PCC Drain

Supplying, fitting and placing TMT (Fe-

500 D) reinforcement bar (From
Primary Producer: TATA/SAIL/Esser
3 12.6 Steel/ Jindal steel/Shyam steel/RINL) in
substructrue complete as per drawings
and technical specification Clauses
1002, 1005, 1010 & 1202

12mm dia main bar bottom 100mm dia

1 67 1 0.89 59.63 Kg

10mm dia main bar top 100mm dia c/c 1 67 1 0.62 41.54 Kg

8mm dia main bar top 150mm dia c/c 2 7 10 0.39 54.6 Kg

total= 155.77 Kg
0.15577 MT 56373.7 8781.33
Providing concrete for plain / reinforced
concrete in substructure complete as
per drawings and technical
specifications Clauses 802, 804, 805,
4 13.1/A/1/1 806, 1202 & 1204
PCC Grade M 20
Nominial mix (1:2:4)

1 10.00 0.900 0.10 0.9 cum 7768.47 6,991.62

Total for Trapezoidal Shaped PCC Drain Rs. 15,772.95

Rate per RM Rs. 1,577.30

Statement No. - 4

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road


Specification Location Unit Quantity

No. of Curve Proposed
Curve No. 4
T - Intersection No. 10
600mm equilateral triangle Cross Road No. 1
Speedbreaker No. 0
Total = 15
Rectangular School/Hospital No. 3
No. 3
600mm circular
Speed Limit No. 3
Total = 6
Km Post km Each 4
5th Km Stone 5th km Each 0
200 m Stone 200 m Each 48
Pkg. AS-05-199 Cars, jeeps, vans, 3 wheelers 138 ADT 1170
Name Motorised two wheelers 117 ADT lean 1170
of NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Road LCVs 239 ADT peak 2340
Trucks laden 82
0 Period : Trucks unladen 76 AADT=(T+1.2nTt/365) 1458
Enter if Peak = 1,Lean = 0 Trucks overloded 0 AADT*1.06*1.06 1638
6% Growth rate adopted(%) Agri Tractor Tr laden 151 Factor=AADT*1.06*1.06/ADT 0.70
10 Design life in years Agri Tractor Tr unladen 142 Overloaded HCV*factor*2.86 0.00
2 No. of Harvesting seasons Agri Tractor Tr over loaded 0 Loaded HCV*factor*2.58 252.87
No. of days in each Bus laden 58 Unloaded HCV*factor*0.31 31.61
Harvesting season Bus unladen 69 Overloaded MCV*factor*0.34 0.00
Bus over loaded 0 Loaded MCV*factor*0.31 32.84
286 200 Non-motorised 0 Unloaded MCV*factor*0.02 1.99
293.7 206 Cycles 76 To=B26+B31 319.32
Cycle rickshaws 16 ESAL=To*4811 1536260
Total CVPD Animal driven Solid wheeled 4 0
579 406 Animal driven pneumatic tyred 0
Pkg. AS-05-199 Cars, jeeps, vans, 3 wheelers 95 ADT 447
Motorised two wheelers 74 ADT lean 223.333333333
of NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Road Mini Bus, Pick up vans laden 14 ADT peak 447

MCVs unladen 12
Trucks laden 28
1 Period : Trucks unladen 26 AADT=(T+1.2 nT t/365) 297
Enter if Peak = 1,Lean = 0 Trucks overloded 0 AADT*1.06*1.06 334
6% Growth rate adopted(%) Agri Tractor Tr laden 41 Factor=AADT*1.06*1.06/ADT 0.75
10 Design life in years Agri Tractor Tr unladen 37 Overloaded HCV*factor*2.86 0.00
2 No. of Harvesting seasons Agri Tractor Tr over loaded 0 Laden HCV*factor*2.86 90.46
No. of days in each Bus laden 14 Unladen HCV*factor*0.31 8.88
Harvesting season Bus unladen 13 Overloaded MCV*factor*0.34 0.00
Bus over loaded 0 Laden MCV*factor*0.31 12.66
81 60 Non-motorised 0 Unladen MCV*factor*0.02 0.74
78.33 59 Cycles 63 To=266.71+25.37+13.44+0.99 112.73
Cycle rickshaws 30 ESAL=To*4811 542351
Total CVPD Animal driven Solid wheeled 0 0
159 119 Animal driven pneumatic tyred 0
Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Location on Road : Agomoni
Package No. : AS-05-199
Route No. : MRL06
District Dhubri

Date :
Mini Bus, Pick up vans, Agricultural
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Scooter/ Auto
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rickshaw Cycle
Bike Rickshaw
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded

6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 12 9 2 1 0 2 3 0 2 1 0 4 3 0 0 0 14 1
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 10 5 1 1 0 3 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 4 9 5
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 9 6 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 2 0 3 4 0 0 6 12 6
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 10 9 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 0 3 10 5
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 6 4 1 2 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 5 3 0 0 5 7 5
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 12 5 2 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 0 4 10 4
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 8 8 0 1 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 3 6 0
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 8 9 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM 7 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
12:00 AM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 82 55 8 8 0 24 23 0 11 10 0 26 22 0 0 25 72 26
Date :
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 14 9 4 3 0 3 1 0 3 3 0 7 7 0 0 5 14 7
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 9 8 3 3 0 2 2 0 2 4 0 7 4 0 0 4 15 3
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 7 9 2 1 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 4 5 0 0 7 12 8
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 8 6 3 3 0 2 2 0 3 1 0 7 6 0 0 4 7 4
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 5 8 3 4 0 2 3 0 2 3 0 7 5 0 0 5 4 3
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 10 5 2 3 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 6 7 0 0 6 7 7
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 7 5 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 2 0 5 7 0 0 2 7 5
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 5 6 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 8 5 0 0 2 3 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM 3 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 AM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mini Bus, Pick up vans, Agricultural
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Scooter/ Auto
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rickshaw Cycle
Bike Rickshaw
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded

Total 68 56 21 19 0 35 30 0 20 17 0 51 46 0 0 35 69 37
Mini Bus, Pick up vans, Agricultural
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Scooter/ Auto
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rickshaw Cycle
Bike Rickshaw
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded

Date :
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 14 8 2 1 0 1 3 0 2 1 0 10 6 0 0 8 12 1
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 9 4 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 6 5 0 0 3 10 4
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 5 6 1 1 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 0 5 7 2
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 11 10 3 2 0 3 2 0 1 1 0 7 6 0 0 4 5 6
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 8 11 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 6 7 0 0 4 6 7
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 7 12 3 2 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 6 4 0 0 5 5 6
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 9 9 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 3 6 0 0 0 4 3
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 5 11 2 1 0 2 3 0 2 2 0 5 7 0 0 0 0 3
10:00 PM to 12:00 AM 4 8 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 AM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 72 79 14 11 0 25 24 0 10 9 0 46 44 0 0 29 49 32
Average 74 63 14 13 0 28 26 0 14 12 0 41 37 0 0 30 63 32
Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Location on Road : Agomoni
Package No. : AS-05-199
Route No. :
District Dhubri
Vehicle Class
Cars, Motorised Animal Total
Auto Ricksha
Jeep, Two- Bus Truck Mini Bus, Pick up vans, etAgricultural Tractors /Tra Cycle Drawn
Rickshaw ws
Vans Wheelers Overload Overload Overloa Overloa Vehicles
Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen
Day ed ed ded ded
Day 1
3October20 37 92 166 54 68 0 70 83 0 101 126 0 129 155 0 64 16 0 1161
Day 2
4October20 29 108 112 50 66 0 85 72 0 95 124 0 159 134 0 124 11 7 1176
Day 3
5October20 62 86 73 71 74 0 90 74 0 132 138 0 166 138 0 40 22 6 1172

Total 128 286 351 175 208 0 245 229 0 328 388 0 454 427 0 228 49 13 3509
Daily 43 95 117 58 69 0 82 76 0 109 129 0 151 142 0 76 16 4 1170

Peak season
85 191 234 117 139 0 163 153 0 219 259 0 303 285 0 152 33 9 2339
AADT 64 142 175 87 104 0 122 114 0 163 193 0 226 213 0 113 24 6 1746
72 160 196 98 116 0 137 128 0 183 217 0 254 239 0 128 27 7 1962

Lean Season ADT (T) = 1170

Peak Season ADT (nT) = 2339 (Since Traffic Count was conducted during lean season, Considering n=2)
Length of Harvesting Season = 75 days
AADT (in the year of Traffic Count)= 1746
AADT (Before opening the road to Traffic)= 1962 (Considering that the road is opened to traffic 2 years after Traffic Count Data was collected)
Pkg. AS-11-830 Cars, jeeps, vans, 3 wheelers 54 ADT 368
Name Upgradation of Boko Koimari Motorised two wheelers 74 ADT lean 368.33333
of to Dhupdhora under PMGSY
Road - II for the year 2019-20 LCVs 37 ADT peak 737
Trucks laden 14
0 Period : Trucks unladen 15 AADT=(T+1.2nTt/365) 459
Enter if Peak = 1,Lean = 0 Trucks overloded 0 AADT*1.06*1.06 516
6% Growth rate adopted(%) Agri Tractor Tr laden 30 Factor=AADT*1.06*1.06/ADT 0.70
10 Design life in years Agri Tractor Tr unladen 34 Overloaded HCV*factor*2.86 0.00
2 No. of Harvesting seasons Agri Tractor Tr over loaded 0 Loaded HCV*factor*2.58 54.16
No. of days in each Bus laden 16 Unloaded HCV*factor*0.31 7.23
Harvesting season Bus unladen 19 Overloaded MCV*factor*0.34 0.00
Bus over loaded 0 Loaded MCV*factor*0.31 6.51
63 44 Non-motorised 0 Unloaded MCV*factor*0.02 0.47
63.67 45 Cycles 56 To=B26+B31 68.37
Cycle rickshaws 16 ESAL=To*4811 328940
Total CVPD Animal driven Solid wheeled 4 #N/A #N/A
127 89 Animal driven pneumatic tyred 0
Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Hell & Saralbhanga
Location on Road : Agomoni
Package No. : AS-05-199
Route No. : MRL06
District Dhubri

Date : 3 October 2020

Mini Bus, Pick up vans,
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rikshaw Cycle
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded

6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 21 8 2 5 0 2 3 0 4 9 0 4 6 0 0 0 18
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 29 3 3 7 0 4 7 0 6 13 0 7 13 0 0 3 9
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 21 2 6 7 0 7 9 0 11 13 0 13 17 0 0 4 12
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 19 2 8 8 0 11 12 0 15 15 0 20 22 0 0 5 6
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 20 2 9 8 0 14 15 0 17 15 0 26 28 0 0 2 7
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 25 6 12 14 0 11 13 0 22 26 0 20 24 0 0 1 5
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 17 4 6 4 0 11 13 0 11 7 0 20 24 0 0 1 2
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 14 10 4 3 0 3 3 0 7 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 2 5 0 1 2 0 4 9 0 2 4 0 0 0 5
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 2 2 0 4 6 0 4 4 0 7 11 0 0 0 0
Total 166 37 54 68 0 70 83 0 101 126 0 129 155 0 0 16 64
Date : 4 October 2020
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 8 7 3 2 0 3 1 0 6 4 0 6 2 0 0 0 12
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 15 4 7 8 0 8 3 0 13 15 0 15 6 0 1 4 21
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 14 4 6 12 0 12 6 0 11 22 0 22 11 0 0 3 18
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 18 2 9 9 0 15 12 0 17 17 0 28 22 0 0 0 3
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 15 4 10 8 0 11 12 0 19 15 0 20 22 0 4 3 21
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 19 5 8 12 0 12 10 0 15 22 0 22 19 0 2 1 25
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 18 3 3 8 0 10 13 0 6 15 0 19 24 0 0 0 24
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 5 0 3 3 0 3 8 0 6 6 0 6 15 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 0 2 0 6 5 0 0 4 0 11 9 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 0 0 0
Total 112 29 50 66 0 85 72 0 95 124 0 159 134 0 7 11 124
Mini Bus, Pick up vans, Agricultural
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rikshaw Cycle
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded

Date : 5 October 2020

6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 8 3 2 1 0 5 3 0 4 2 0 9 6 0 0 3 16
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 5 5 8 7 0 14 7 0 15 13 0 26 13 0 0 2 5
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 5 4 11 12 0 7 11 0 20 22 0 13 20 0 0 5 0
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 5 7 10 9 0 9 10 0 19 17 0 17 19 0 0 0 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 12 9 11 9 0 11 10 0 20 17 0 20 19 0 3 3 8
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 5 8 9 9 0 14 15 0 17 17 0 26 28 0 3 9 5
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 9 8 8 8 0 11 11 0 15 15 0 20 20 0 0 0 5
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 2 9 7 8 0 7 5 0 13 15 0 13 9 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 7 9 4 5 0 5 0 0 7 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 15 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 4 4 0 0 0 0
Total 73 62 71 74 0 90 74 0 132 138 0 166 138 0 6 22 40
Average 117 43 58 69 0 82 76 0 109 129 0 151 142 0 4 16 76

T0 = (Bus Laden + Truck Laden) x 2.86 + (Bus Unladen + Truck Unladen) x 0.31 + (Mini Bus Laden + Mini Truck Laden + Agriculrural Tractor/Trailor) x 0.34 +
(Mini Bus Unladen + Mini Truck Unladen) x 0.02
T0 = 140 X 2.86 + 146 X 0.31 + 403 X 0.34 + 129 X 0.02 = 585.16

N = T0 x 4811 x 1





Truck Unladen) x 0.31 + (Mini Bus Laden + Mini Truck Laden + Agriculrural Tractor/Trailor) x 0.34 +
Name of Road: Upgradation of Boko Koimari to Dhupdhora under PMGSY - II for the year 2019-20
Name of Block : 0
Location on Road : Guwahati
Package No. : AS-11-830
Route No. : T03
District Kamrup

Date : 20 Jan 2018

Mini Bus, Pick up vans,
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Scooter/ Auto
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rikshaw Cycle
Bike Rickshaw
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 11 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 19 3 5 0 0 1 2 0 3 7 0 0 5 0 0 3 9 1
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 11 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 5 3 0 0 4 12 1
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 9 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 6 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 10 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 5 5 0 1 0 0 0 2 7 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 15 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 2 0 0 1 5 0
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 7 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 2 0
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 4 10 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 86 37 15 15 0 5 6 0 25 32 0 24 33 0 0 16 64 4
Date : 21 Jan 2018
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 8 7 0 0 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 5
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 5 4 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 4 21 2
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 14 4 5 5 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 4 5 0 0 3 18 1
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 8 2 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 3 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 5 4 5 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 0 4 4 0 4 3 1 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 9 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 1 5 5
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 8 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 5 12 0 0 0 4 1
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 5 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 5 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 5 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 62 29 15 20 0 17 24 0 16 23 0 32 30 0 7 11 64 16
Mini Bus, Pick up vans, Agricultural
Bus Truck
Jeep/ etc. Tractor/ Trailers Animal
Scooter/ Auto
Time Taxi/ Drawn Rikshaw Cycle
Bike Rickshaw
Van Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unladen Overloade Laden Unladen Overload Laden Unlad Overl Vehicles
ed d ed en oaded
Date : 22 Jan 2018
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 8 3 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 16 0
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 5 5 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 5 16 0 0 2 5 3
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 5 4 0 5 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 5 7 5 5 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 1 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 12 12 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 3 3 8 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 5 8 5 6 0 0 2 0 5 5 0 1 5 0 3 9 5 1
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 0 5 0
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 2 9 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 7 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 73 65 18 21 0 20 14 0 10 5 0 34 38 0 6 22 40 11
Average 74 44 16 19 0 14 15 0 17 20 0 30 34 0 4 16 56 10



1. a) Certified that the land width for the Road is available and that no additional land is required; or
b) Certified that land width for the Road is likely to be available as certified by the Panchayats.

2. a) Certified that no forest land is involved along the entire road way; or

b) Certified that the case for permission under Forest conservation Act has been moved to the Forest
Department on (Date).

3. Certified that the DPR has been checked at site by


On date ………………………..

(DPR wise summary in Format F9-B)

Executive Engineer,

Head of PIU.


# DPRs seen on ground by DPR Nos % of total number

1 AE

2 EE

3 SE

Head of PIU
Format - F8

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. : MRL06

Loading Unloading Unsurfaced
Sl. Ref. Item No. of SOR Rate as per Loose Surfaced Road Katcha Road Total of haulage Final Rate
Item of works Unit gravelled Road
No. 2019-20 SOR Qty 6*{(9*10)+(11*12) (4+7+8+15)
Amount Amount Km Rate Km Rate Km Rate

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1 Granular Sub-base 4.1/(A) (ii) 1466.00 cum 1.277 Err:509 14.90 ### 18.50 ### 29.10 Err:509 Err:509

2 WBM Grading - II 4.7/2(B) 2455.60 cum 1.210 Err:509 14.90 ### 18.50 ### 29.10 Err:509 Err:509
0.270 Err:509 14.90 ### 18.50 ### 29.10 Err:509 Err:509

3 WBM Grading - III 4.8/3(B) 2301.70 cum 1.210 Err:509 14.90 ### 18.50 ### 29.10 Err:509 Err:509
0.240 Err:509 14.90 ### 18.50 ### 29.10 Err:509 Err:509

4 Premix Carpet 16.14 161.00 Sqm 0.027 Err:509 14.90 0.00 18.50 3.00 29.10 Err:509 Err:509

5 Seal Coat Type-C 16.19 54.10 Sqm 0.009 Err:509 14.90 0.00 18.50 3.00 29.10 Err:509 Err:509

4 BM 5.3(ii) 9132.70 cum 1.416 Err:509 14.90 ### 18.50 ### 29.10 Err:509 Err:509

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni

Route No. : MRL06
Extra lead calculation

Sl. Name of Surface Gravel Earthen

Materials Name of Road
No. Quarry Road Road Road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Quarry Road 1

Nagrijuli to Rangia 35

Rangia to Dimu 12
Hell & Saralbhanga

Dimu to Domdoma 10
i Domdoma to Abhypur 3
0 0

iii BM & SDBC

Total = 0.00 0.00 0.00


Name of Road :
NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. : MRL06
Extra lead calculation

Sl. Name of Surface Gravel Earthen

Materials Name of Road
No. Quarry Road Road Road
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Hahim Boko 16

GSB Along NH 4
Proposed Road 4

Quarry to Plant 8

ii BM & SDBC Surface Road 78

Statement No. - 8
Quantity Calculation of 6.0 m Span Slab Culvert
Considering Length = 6.0m

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS

Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width depth
E/W in excavation
For Abutments 2 6.20 3.395 1.60 67.36
For Return Walls 4 1.755 3.114 1.60 34.98
TOTAL QNTY. M3 102.33 102.00 10437.99
P.C.C. Grade M - 10
Abutment 2 6.20 3.395 0.20 8.42
Return Walls 4 1.76 3.114 0.20 4.37
TOTAL QNTY. M3 12.79 5216.60 66728.95
PCC M-15

For Abutments 2 6.00 2.77 1.40 46.54

3/11.4/II 2 6.00 1.47 3.09 54.60
For Return Walls 4 2.13 2.489 1.40 29.65
4 2.53 1.182 3.61 43.14
TOTAL QNTY. M3 173.93 4767.00 829123.44
R.C.C. M-25
Slab 1 6.76 6.00 0.48 19.47
Cap 2 6.00 0.70 0.20 1.68
4/13.1 Dirt walls
2 6.00 0.30 0.52 1.87
Kerb 2 10.64 0.25 0.30 1.60
Coping 4 4.00 0.40 0.15 0.96
TOTAL QNTY. M3 25.58 7501.00 191851.58
5/13.10 Dranage Spout 4 Nos 4.00 1520.00 6080.00
6/13.16 20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 11.00 132.00
7/12.7 TMT bar for substructure MT 0.47 64941.00 30663.58

8/13.3 TMT bar for super-structure MT 1.30 65664.00 85104.21

9/12.9 Weep holes 32 Nos 32.00 168.00 5376.00
10/13.5 Wearing coat 1 5.5 6.76 0.075 M3 2.79 11845.00 33029.78
11 Sub-Soil Investigation 2 25 50.00 1500.00 75000.00
Total 1333527.54
Statement No. - 6
Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width Depth
E/W in excavation
( i ) Upto 3 m depth.
1/11.1 For Abutments 6.2 3.032 0.7 13.16
For Return Walls 4 1.18 1.95 1.3 11.97
TOTAL QNTY. M3 25.12 102.00 2562.66
P.C.C. Grade M - 10

2/11.4/I For Return Walls 4 1.18 1.95 0.2 1.84

Abutment 6.2 3.032 0.2 3.76
TOTAL QNTY. M3 5.60 5216.60 29215.46
Stone Masonry
For Abutments 2 6 0.68 0.8 6.53
3/9.8 6 2.832 0.5 8.50
For Return Walls ------ 4 1.18 1.327 1.2 7.52
4 1.18 0.5635 1.5 3.99
TOTAL QNTY. M3 26.53 4160.20 110368.89
R.C.C. M-20
Beam 2 6 0.55 0.2 1.32
2 6 0.25 0.21 0.63
Slab 1 6 1.6 0.21 2.02
Cap 2 6 0.7 0.2 1.68
Dirt walls 2 6 0.3 0.48 1.73
Kerb 2 2.14 0.25 0.3 0.32
Coping 4 1.5 0.4 0.15 0.36
TOTAL QNTY. M3 8.06 6461.00 52043.36
5/13.10 Drainage Spout 2 Nos 2.00 1640.90 3281.80
6/13.16 20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 254.20 3050.40

Supplying,fitting and placing TMT bar

For super structure 0.21
TOTAL QNTY. MT 0.21 48414.80 9925.03
8/12.9 Weep holes 10 Nos 10.00 117.70 1177.00
Total 211624.60
Add 12% GST + 1% Laobor Cess 27511.19805
Total 239135.80
Item Brief Description of DIMENSIONS
No. Item of Work No. Length Width Depth Unit Quantity Rate Amount
E/W in excavation
( i ) Upto 3 m depth.
1/11.1 For Abutments ----- 6.5 4.88 2.1 66.61
For Return Walls ------------- 4 1.9 2.387 1.9 34.47
TOTAL QNTY= M3 101.08 102.00 10310.18856
P.C.C. Grade M - 15
For Return Walls ------------- 4 1.6 2.087 0.2 2.67
Abutment 2 6 2.14 0.2 5.14
2/11.4/I Coping 4 1.5 0.4 0.15 0.36
End Pillar 4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.38
Mortar Pad 2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.06
TOTAL QNTY= M3 8.62 5360.60 46183.49882
Stone Masonry
For Abutments ----------------- 2 6 11.48 0.2 27.55
2 6 1 0.5 6.00
3/11.6 II
For Return Walls ------------- 4 1.5 12.3 0.2 14.76
4 1.5 0.744 0.76 3.32
TOTAL QNTY.= M3 48.31 4160.20 200967.6134
R.C.C. M-20
Slab 1 6 2.6 0.24 3.74
4/13.1 A /I Cap 2 6 0.7 0.2 1.68
(iii) Dirt walls 2 6 0.24 0.4 1.15
Kerb & Piller 2 8 0.375 0.45 2.90
TOTAL QNTY= M3 9.48 6461.00 61224.436
Supplying,fitting and
5/12.6 placing TMT bar
For sub structure ( Reinforcement as per IRC:SPMT 0.20 61457.90 12291.58
6/13.10 Drainage Spout 2 Nos 2.00 1640.90 3281.8

7/13.16 (iv)
20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 254.20 3050.4
Supplying,fitting and
placing TMT bar
For super structure ( Reinforcement as per IRC:SP 0.38
TOTAL QNTY = MT 0.38 48414.80 18397.624
Weep holes 6 Nos 6.00 117.70 706.2

Wearing Coat 1 5.5 2 0.075 sqm 0.83 13809.00 11392.425
Total 367805.77
Say, 367806.00
Statement No. -

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Statement of quantity for slab 4.00m span

1) Earth work in Excavation

No Length Breadth Height Quantity
(in cum)
Abutment 2 6.6 4 1.6 84.480
R. Wall 4 2.32 3.5 1.6 51.968
Total : 136.448

2) PCC M10
No Length Breadth Height Quantity
(in cum)
Abutment 2 6.6 3.795 0.20 10.02
R. Wall 4 2.12 3.31 0.20 5.62
Total : 15.64

3) Stone Masonry
No Length Breadth Height Quantity
(in cum)
Abutment 2 6 (3.395+2.645)/2 1.40 50.74
2 6 (2.245+0.70)/2 3.09 54.60
R. Wall 4 2.32 3.11 1.4 40.46
4 (2.52+3.30)/2 (1.954+.40)/2 3.61 49.46
Total : 195.25

4) RCC M 25
Bearing Block 2 6 0.7 0.15 1.26
2 6 0.3 0.37 1.33
R Wall 4 4.00 0.4 0.15 0.96
Slab 1 6 4.60 0.37 20.42
Parapet 2 5.40 0.40 0.45 1.94
Total : 25.92

5) Suplying fitting fixing Reinforcement in Substructure

total wt
(in MT)
8mm bars @200mm c/c both ways on exposed surface 0.3393

6) Suplying fitting fixing Reinforcement in Superstructure

Bar Mark dia no length Spacing unit wt total wt
(in Kg)
Bearing Block 2 6 7.60 0.89 40.58
2 50 1.75 150.00 0.39 34.13
2 50 1.90 150.00 0.39 37.05
Parapet 4 28 0.60 200.00 0.62 10.42
4 4 5.70 250.00 0.39 8.89
slab Bottom 16 57 4.85 105.00 1.58 436.79
Top 16 57 3.83 105.00 1.58 344.93
12 46 7.70 200.00 0.89 315.24
Total : 1228.03
Say 1.23 Tonne
7) Weepholes
no Quantity
(in cum)
Bearing Block 24 24.00
Total : 24.00

8) Wearing course
No Length Breadth Height Quantity
(in cum)
Slab 1 4.60 6.00 0.075 2.07
Total : 2.07
Estimate for slab 4.00m span
Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Sl. Length Width Thickn Rate in Amount in

Item No. Item of work Unit Quantity
No. (m) (m) ess (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 11.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth as per As per Statement No. - cum 136.448 102.00 13917.70
drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with
approved material.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR 2019-20

2 11.4 A (i) Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course below As per Statement No. - cum 15.64 81584.20
open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical Specification
Clause 1109
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR 2019-20

3 11.6 (i) Stone masonry work in cement mortar in foundation complete as per As per Statement No. - cum 195.25 812284.87
drawing and technical specifications Clauses 702, 704, 1202 & 1203.
II. In 1:4 cement mortar
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR 2019-20

4 12.5 (iii) Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per As per Statement No. - cum 25.92 167469.12
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 1202
and 1204
for Height upto 5m
III. RCC Grade M20 6461.00
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR 2019-20

5 12.7 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement complete in As per Statement No. - Mt 0.34 61457.90 20852.67
substructure complete as per drawing and technical specification
(Refer to quantity estimation)
Sl. Length Width Thickn Rate in Amount in
Item No. Item of work Unit Quantity
No. (m) (m) ess (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

6 13.3 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement in superstructure As per Statement No. - Mt 1.23 48414.80 59454.62
complete as per drawing and technical specification clauses 1002, 1010
and 1202.
7 12.9 Providing weep holes in brick masonry / stone masonry, plain / reinforced Nos. 24 117.70 2824.80
concrete abutment, wing wall, return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe
extending through the full width of the structures with slope of 1(V) :20
(H) towards drawing face complete as per drawing and technical
specification clause 614, 709, 1204.3.7

8 13.5 (A) Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including cum 2.07 13809.00 28584.63
reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications
Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone

Total 1186972.61
Say 1186973


Name of work NH-31 to Dighaltari road


Construction Cost : Rs. 903.86 L

Maintenance cost : Rs. 51.09 L
Package No. : AS-05-199
Road Code : MRL06
Road Length : km
Block : Agomoni
District : Dhubri



Division : Dhubri Civil Sub-Divn.TRD

Proforma C
( For Indvidual Road Works )
To be filled by PIU.

1. Location :- State: Assam District : Dhubri Block : Agomoni

2. Package No:- AS-05-199

NH-31 to Dighaltari road

3. Name of the Road:

4. Total Length (Km) - 9.600 km In Built up area - 0.000 Km In Open Area - 9.600 Km

5. Type of proposal : Upgradation/Riding Quality Improvement/Both

If portion of the prosed road is existing PMGSY road than indiacte

Name of the road : L/T No.
Design Traffic
Year of sanction under PMGSY Year of completion (CVPD/ ESAL)

Yes NO
Whether road deteriorated due non maintenance

6. Estimated Cost Rs : 562.64 Lacs Average Cost : 58.61 Lacs

Normal Area Special Area

Cost sharing pattern for this road
(60:40) (90:10)
Item Total Cost in Average Cost
Rs. per Km. Lakhs
Flexible Pavement 544.86 56.76
Rigid Pavement
Others ( CD Works, Protective works & Misc items) 17.78 1.85

Cost due to higher specification such as carriage

way width, Higher Axle load , Hard shoulders,
Shifting of Utilities


Total Project Cost 562.64 58.61

MoRD Share

State Share

7. Is the road a part of DRRP and Approved CUCPL

a) If Yes , Through Route/ MRL No. T- or MRL- 0 6

b) Names of benefitted habitations

Sl No Name of habitation Population
1 belguri Pt II Err:509
2 Bhangaduli Err:509
3 Bidyadabri pt IV Err:509
4 Bidyadabri Pt V Err:509
5 Dighaltari Err:509

- Population sub served by the proposed road. Err:509

- Does the Proposed Road lead up to the Habitation for which it is supposed to provide
connectivity (In other words are you sure that the road is not being made partially?) YES / NO

- Does the proposed Road connect the unconnected Habitation to

-a) Another habitation having All- weather road. (A) (B)
-b) Directly to an All weather road.
If ( b) indicate the nature of road to which the proposed road leads.
-a) Another habitation having All- weather road.
-b) Directly to an All weather road.
If ( b) indicate the nature of road to which the proposed road leads.
- If the proposal is for up gradation YES / NO
- is the road a part of the core network YES / NO
- is it associated Through Route or Not YES / NO
- PCI value
- Age of the road
- Is it certified that there are no other unconnected Eligible Habitations in the
district. YES / NO

7. a) Whether the Proposed Road has the desired carriage way

width,Roadway width and Road Land Width (RLW ) YES / NO

b) Indicates the actual widths of the following for the In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area (m)
proposed road
a) Carriageway 3.75 3.75
b) Roadway 7.50 7.50
c) Road Land Width 7.50 12.00
Cross Section details

a) Cross Section of The Existing road showing different component layers.(Enclosed)

b) Cross Section of The Proposed road showing different component layers (Enclosed)
(Should be as per Actual Provisions of DPR)

8. Base year traffic volume

Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count = May-18
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Light Commercial Agricultural Tractors Animal Drawn
Vehicle Trucks Buses
Cars,Jeep, Motorised Trallers Cycle Vechicle
Days Vans,Three two Cycles Ricksha
Wheelers Wheelers wa Num.

Day 1 129 166 101 126 70 83 0 129 155 0 54 68 0 64 16 0 0

Day 2 137 112 95 124 85 72 0 159 134 0 50 66 0 124 11 7 0
Day 3 148 73 132 138 90 74 0 166 138 0 71 74 0 40 22 6 0
Average 138 117 109 129 82 76 0 151 142 0 58 69 0 76 16 4 0

ADT in the year of Traffic Count = 1170

Growth rate adopted (%) = 6% Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 1458
Design Life = 10 Years
Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2
No. of Days in Each Harvesting Season (t) = 75
Value of (n) assumed = 2 Cumulative ESAL = 1536260
Traffic Category = T4
9 Subgrade CBR ( for Different Sections ) =
Chainage 0-1000 1000-2000 2000-3100
CBR % 5.10 5.30 5.00

10. Cost Details Cost Rs. Cost /km

A. General Costs

B. Pavement Components
Description of layer Thickness in mm Quantity Cost Rs. In Lacs Cost/ km
Clearing and Grubbing of road land #REF! Hec 2.25 0.23
Earthwork- in Filling (Embankment) #REF! cum 63.07 6.57
Subgrade & shoulders #REF! cum 4.18 0.44
Granular Sub base 150mm #REF! cum 24.00 2.50
WBM Gr -I I 75mm #REF! cum 138.50 14.43
WBM Gr -I I I 75mm #REF! cum 148.69 15.49
C.Bituminous Layers
Prime Coat #REF! sqm 12.08 1.26
Tack Coat #REF! sqm 4.13 0.43
OGPS #REF! sqm 58.25 6.07
Seal Coat #REF! sqm 24.97 2.60
Total 482.18 50.23
Add. 12% GST+1% Labour Cess 62.68
Total 544.86
D. Cement Concrete Road
Pavement Quality Concrete (M30 )

E: C D Works
No. of Existing CD Works 10
Do they require any improvement- specify the nature of improvement Yes
If yes, their Number and Cost of improvement
Location - Chainage ( Similar Type of CD's may be grouped together) Type of CD & their Total Length of Bridge/ Culvert Cost in Rs. In
Nos (dia)/span lacs Cost /Km
Ch. 282, 420, 600, = 3 Nos. Slab Culvert (1m) 1m 0.00 0.00

Total Cost of Proposed CD works 0.00 0.00

Cost in Rs. In lacs Cost /Km
F. Protection works
Retaining Wall Length 0.00 m 0.00 0.00
Tufing 0.00 0.00
G. Pucca Side Drains (if Provided)
Pucca Drain Length 0.00 m 0.00 0.00
Katcha Drain Length 0.00 m 0.00 0.00
H. Road Logo, other Road Furniture 12.03 1.25

I. Any other Provisions (Please Specify)

Cost of Utility Shifting 0.00 0.00
Cost of Avenue Plantation 0.00 0.00
Cost of Preparation of DPR 3.70 0.39
Total 15.73 1.64
Add. 12% GST+1% Labour Cess 2.05
Total Cost of the Project (Rs) 562.64 51.87

Name of the road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

J. Five Year Routine Maintenance
Year Cost in lacs % Cost Cost /km
I 2.30 0.25 0.24
II 2.59 0.29 0.27
III 14.21 1.57 1.48
IV 5.77 0.64 0.60
V 26.21 2.90 2.73
Total Maintenance Cost 51.09 5.65 % 5.32
6th Year Renewal Cost 39.80 4.40 4.15
Total 90.89 9.47
11. Whether the road has Geometrics as per Rural Roads Mannual RRM / Latest Circulars of NRRDA.

12.Whether / Protection works are provided as per RRM / Latest Circulars of NRRDA/ Respective Codes.

13. Whether the Cost etimates are as per standerd data analysis and S.S.R. Yes

14. Sources and the Lead distances of Materials are as under

Material Source Lead Distance (Km) Material Source Lead Distance

Earth Cement/HP
Hell &
GSB 61.00 Emulsion

Aggregate (WBM) Bitumen

Aggregate (PC & SC) Steel

Certified that information provided is true

Prepared By Checked By Scrutinized By

(Name) #REF! (Name) #REF! (Name) #REF!

Counter Signatures of
Co-ordinator STA :
To be filled by State Technical Agency
Name of the STA: Assam Engineering College
Name of Road : #VALUE!
15 Is the Proposed Road entered on the OMMS : Yes/ No
(Data entries to be verified by STA before Clicking the Propopsal)
16 If the Proposal is for new connectivity
Yes / No
Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed road is a part of Core Network
Is the unconnected habitation (s) part of list of unconnected Habitations as per CN-6 Yes / No

Does the Proposal ensure full connectivity to Target Habitation

a) If No, the name of Unconected Habitation up to which it is connected Yes / No

b) If such Unconnected Habitation eligble Under PMGSY Yes/ No

17 Are you satisfied with the following
Engineering Surveys (L section, X section must be verified) Yes / No
Soil/ Material Investigation ( CBR, Density, LL, PI, Gradation to be verified) Yes / No
Traffic Surveys / Estimation Yes / No
Hydraulic Studies. Yes / No
( Catchment for structures with more than 2 Vents to be verified from topo sheet. Location and requirement of all CD
structures to be verified from L section )
18 In case , Traffic is projected beyond T 4 Category are you satisfied with the reason given by PIU Yes / No

19 In case, sub grade CBR is less than 3; has Soil Stabilisation etc. been proposed Yes / No
( If not , specific Reasons given by PIU)

20 Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manul / Circulars of NRRDA:
Alignment & Geometrics Yes / No
Location and type of CD works and Yes / No
Side drains Yes / No
Integration for Cross and longitudinal Drainage Yes / No
Protection Works Yes / No
21 Is the design of flexible Pavement as per IRC SP: 72- 2015 and design of Rigid Pavement as per IRC SP:62- 2004 . Yes / No

22 Does the Estimation Conform to Standard Rate Analysis and SSR generated for the current Phase Yes / No

23 Does the proposal have provisions for

PMGSY Logo Sign Boards and Information Board
Km/Hm Stones Yes / No
Guard Stones (where necessary ) Yes / No
Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary) Yes / No

24 Secific Remarks, if any, by STA

( Specific remarks of STA about the overall project are necessary on each DPR)

Certified that the Design and Estimation for the Proposed Road work are based on the data and SSR provided by PIU Engineers . The Proposal after final
Correction is entered on the OMMS.The Propasal may be considered for clearance.

Technical Scrutiny at STA done by:

Signature Co-ordinator STA:

Name Signature
Date Name

Date Date

District : Dhubri Package No. : AS-05-199

Total Average
Type of Proposed Cost of No. of CD Cost of
Sl. Name of Name of the Road Estimated cost per
Proposal length Pavement works CD Works
No. the Block cost Rs. (Lacs) km Rs. (Lacs)

From To *N/U Km Rs. (Lacs) Nos. Rs. (Lacs) Const. Maint. Const. Maint.

NH-31 to
1 Agomoni Dighaltari N 9.60 903.86 0 0.00 903.86 51.09 94.15 5.32

N-New Connectivity

Prepared by : Signature: Technical Scrutiny :Signature:

Done by : Name:

Checked by : Signature:

Co-Ordinator : Signature:
STA : Name:

Scrutinized by : Signature:


Format - F6
Name of Road : Upgradation of L195 Baharul Islam H.S Road under PMGSY - II for the year 2019-20.
Name of Block : Rangia
Route No. : L 195 Package No. : AS-11-865

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount

Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10
1 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth
upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and
disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable
material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding
150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201.
i)  By Manual Means
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
A) In area of non-thorny jungle

2.2 2150.00 2x1.90 0.817 Hect 42648.30 34843.66

2 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained
from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site,
spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet
requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m
as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5
(i) Private Land
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
3.4 / 301.5 3522.477 Cum 230.60 812283.25
3 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved
material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads,
transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and
compacted to meet requirement of Table 300.2 with lead upto
1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 303.1.
(i) Private Land
Qty. as per Statement No. - 1
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
3.14 / 303.1 For Shoulder 1715.175 Cum 286.30 491054.60
4 Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded
material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator
at OMC, and compacting with smooth wheel roller to achieve
the desired density, complete as per Technical Specification
Clause 401.
(A) By Mix in Place Method
ii) For Grading II Material
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
4.1 / 401 624.30 Cum 2283.28 1425445.71
Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10
5 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates
of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with
smooth wheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming, stone screening/binding
materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering
and compacting to the required density grading 2 as per
Technical Specification Clause 405.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8

2) Grading -II
(A) By Mechanical Means 4.7 / 405 613.20 Cum 3402.80 2086581.01
3) Grading –III
(A) By Mechanical Means. 4.7 / 405 613.20 Cum 3229.70 1980436.90
6 Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-
1) on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of
road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0 kg/sqm
using mechanical means as per Technical Specification Clause
(i) Low Porosity
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
5.1 / 502 8175.938 Sqm 27.90 228108.66
7 Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1)
using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm
on the prepared granular surfaces treated with primer & cleaned
with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8

5.2 / 503 8175.938 Sqm 10.20 83394.56

8 Open - Graded Premix Surfacing (specially for shaded areas)
Providing, laying and rolling of open - graded premix surfacing of
20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates
either using Bitumen Emulsion With cold mix Binder Ezee PC
(MS) (As per IRC : SP : 100 -2014) to required line, grade and
level to serve as wearing course on a per Technical
Specification and through credible technology partners duly
licensed by CRRI.
18.1 8175.938 Sqm 178.28 1457606.00
9 Seal coat with Cold mix Binder: Providing and laying seal coat
sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid to the specified
levels grade and cross fall using Type A,Type B and Type C as
per Technical specification clause 510.With cold mix Binder(As
per IRC:SP:100-2014)and through credible technology partners
duly licensed by CRRI.

16.19 8175.938 Sqm 59.86 489412.00

Total (A) 9089166.36
Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10
10 Providing and laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates with 4
mm dia GI wire conforming to IS:280 and IS:4826 in 100 mm x
100 mm mesh (woven diagonally) including 10 per cent extra for
laps and joints laid with stone boulders weighing not less than
25 kg each as per drawing and technical specifications Clause
14.2 108.000 Cum 2474.69 267266.52
11 Providing and laying filter material underneath pitching in slopes
complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clause
Qnty. 100.00x2.00x0.15 14.6 27.000 Cum 2935.70 79263.90
12 Providing and laying pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter
media as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1302
Qnty. 100.00x2.00x0.30
14.5 54.000 Cum 2474.69 133633.26
13 Construction of Stone masonry lined surface drain of average
cross sectional area ( 60 cm x 30 cm) to specified lines, grades,
levels and dimensions as per Drawing & Techanical Spefication
as per Fig 6.2 - (c ) of Sp 20-2002 at
Qty. as per Statement No. - 5
Rate as per Drain Estimate
153.00 Rm 1311.48 200656.59
Total (B) 680820.27
Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10
14 Kilometer Stone
Reinforced cement concrete M 15 grade kilometer stone / local
………………….. Specification Clause 1703.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 4
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
i) 5th Kilometer Stone (Precast) 0 Each 3524.80 0.00
ii) Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) 3 Each 2116.40 6349.20
iii) 200 m stone (precast) 10.10 / 1700 8 Each 563.20 4505.60
15 Providing & fixing retro – reflectorised cautionary, mandatory
and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made encapsulated lens
type reflective sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel
angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground
by means of properly designed foundation with M 15 grade
cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below
ground level as per drawings and technical specification Clause
Qty. as per Statement No. - 4
Rate as per SOR 2017-18

vi) 600mm x 600mm square 3 Each 5635.10 16905.30

ii) 600mm equilateral triangle 10.2 / 1700, 8 Each 3723.40 29787.20
iii) 600mm circular 300, 800 4 Each 4913.60 19654.40
16 RCC Guard Post: Supplying, fitting and fixing RCC guard post
150cm long erected 75cm above the ground and 75cm below
the ground with M-15 grade (nominal mix 1:2:4 with broken
stone aggregate up to 20mm size) of cement concrete and
required reinforcement tied in position with annealed black wire
including centering, moulding the top, curing including painting
concrete surfaces in 23cm strips upto 0.75m from the top
alternately in black and white and having 2 nos. reflective
band of desired shade etc. complete as per design and as
30 cm dia. RCC guard post with reinforcement of 6nos. 12mm
dia TMT main steel bars and 6mm TMT/ MS stirrups at 15cm

16.27 51.0 Each 653.00 33303.00

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10
17 Providing and fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board
with Logo as per MORD specifications and drawing. Three MS
Plates of 1.6mm thick, top and middle plate duly welded with MS
flat iron 25mm x 5m size on back on edges. The lower plate will
be welded with MS angle iron frame of 25mm x 25mm x 5mm.
The angle iron frame of the lower most plate and flat iron frame
of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12
SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-
15 grade blocks of 450mm x 450mm x 600mm, 600mm below
ground level. The top most diamond plate will be welded to
middle plate by 47mm x 47mm of 12 SWG steel plate tube. All
M.S. will be stove enameled on both sides. Lettering and
printing arrows, border etc. will be painted with ready mixed
synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and
coloue. All sections of framed posts and steel tube will primer
and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1710 and
Annexure 1700.1.
Rate as per SOR 2017-18

10.16 2 Each 21457.90 42915.80

18 Providing and fixing of typical Citizens Information Board with
Logo as per MORD specifications and drawing. Two nos. 1.6mm
thick MS sheet duly welded with 5mm thick steel plate on back
on edges. The 4 nos. steel plate will be welded horizontally with
2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly
embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of 600mm x
600mm x 750mm, 750mm below ground level. The 2 nos. steel
plate will be welded vertically to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12
SWG sheet tubes posts duly welded to vertical tubes. All M.S.
will be stove enameled on both sides. Lettering and printing
arrows, border etc. will be painted with ready mixed synthetic
enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and coloue.
All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be painted with
primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1701
and Annexure 1700.1
Rate as per Analysis-

1 Each 24440.55 24440.55

Total ( C ) 177861.05
Total (A+B+C) 9947847.68
Add. 12% GST+1% Labour Cess 1293220.20
Total including GST and Labour Cess 11241067.87
Cost of CD Works including GST 3645035.77
19 For DPR Preparation with GST 2.150 Km 22600.00 48590.00
Utility Shifting & Others 14834.53
TOTAL 14949528.17

Executive Engineer, PWD

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 5 6 7 8 4 9 10
Rangia Rural Road Division
Package No. : AS-05-199 PROFORMA: B
District: Dhubri
State: Assam
CD Works & bridges upto Bridges above 15m upto Average cost per km
15m 75m Cost of (Rs. In lakhs)
Type of Proposed Pavement State Share Total cost for
Protection Others Maintenance Cost
Sl. No. Name of Block Road Name proposal length Cost (Rs. In (Utility all works
Work (Rs. In (DPR Cost) ( lakhs) Constr.
(N/U)* (km) Lakh) Number of Cost Number of Cost Shifting) ( lakhs)
Lakh) (including DPR Maint.
CD (Rs. in lakhs) Bridges (Rs. in lakhs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 Agomoni NH-31 to Dighaltari road U 9.60 556.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.70 0.00 560.59 51.09 58.40 5.32

Total estimated cost of the package 9.60 556.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.70 0.00 560.59 51.09 58.40 5.32
* N: New Connectivity, U: Upgradation

Prepared by Signature Technical scrutiny done by Signature

Name Name
Designation Designation

Checked by Signature

Co-ordinator STA Signature

Scrutinized by Signature Designation

District : Dhubri Package No: AS-05-199

Total Average
Type of Proposed Cost of No. of CD Cost of No. of Cost of
Sl. Name of Name of the Road Estimated cost per
Proposal length Pavement works CD Works Bridges Bridge
No. the Block cost Rs. (Lacs) km Rs. (Lacs)
From To *N/U Km Rs. (Lacs) Nos. Rs. (Lacs) Nos. Rs. (Lacs) Const. Maint. Const. Maint.

NH-31 to
1 Agomoni Dighaltari N 9.600 903.86 0 0.00 1 0.00 903.86 51.09 94.15 5.32

N-New Connectivity

Prepared by : Signature: Technical Scrutiny : Signature:

Name: Dipak Mazumdar
Done by : Name:
Designation: AEE, Goreswar Rural Road Sub Division

Checked by : Signature:
Name: Bhupendra Nath Deka
Co-Ordinator : Signature:
Designation: EE, Rangia Rural Road Division
STA : Name:

Scrutinized by : Signature:
Name: D. Saharia
Designation: SE, Guwahati Road Circle
Proforma C
( For Indvidual Road Works )
To be filled by PIU.

1. Location:- State:- ASSAM District:- Golaghat Block:- Gomariguri

2. Package No.:- AS 08XXX Road Code: MRL 02 CUPL/CNCPL NO 2
3. Name of the Road:- From: Merapanibazar To: CRPF Camp
4. Length (km):- Total 10+460 km In Built up area: 0+000 km In Open area: 10+460 km
5. Estimated Cost Rs : 94,278,627.33 Average Cost : 9,013,253.09
Item Total Cost in Cost per Km.
Rs. Lakhs
Flexible Pavement 82,924,735.43 79.28
Rigid / Cement Concrete Pavement 0.00 0.00
Others 11,353,891.91 10.85
Total 94,278,627.33 90.13

6. Type of proposal:- Upgradation

-If the proposed road is Upgradation
DRRP Road Code MRL 02
If Yes Through Route/ MRL Road Code L0 2 or U
- Name of the benifitted Habitation (s)
Merapani FS Part-1, Upper Merapani,Negheribil Missing,No.12 Kulajan,No2
Torani Lilapur ,0,0,0

- Population sub served by the proposed road. -

- Total Population served by the proposed road. 3831

- Does the Proposed Road lead up to the Habitation for which it is

supposed to provide connectivity (In other words are you sure that the YES / NO
road is not being made partially?)
- Does the proposed Road connect the unconnected Habitation to
-a) Another habitation having All- weather road. (A) (B)
-b) Directly to an All weather road.
If ( b) indicate the nature of road to which the proposed road leads.

- If the proposal is for up gradation YES / NO
- is the road a part of the Candidate Road list YES / NO
- is it associated Through Route or MRL YES / NO
- PCI value 2
- Age of the road 10 years
- Is it certified that there are no other unconnected Eligible Habitations
in the district. YES / NO

7. a) Whether the Proposed Road has the desired

carriage way width,Roadway width and Road Land Width YES / NO
(RLW )

b) Indicates the actual width of the following for the In the Built Up Area (m) In the Open Area (m)
proposed road

a) Carriageway 5.5 5.50

b) Roadway 8.50 8.50
c) Road Land Width 9.00 12.00


8. Base year traffic volume

Month & Year of Traffic Volume Count = 02/12/2018- 04/12/2018
Motorised Traffic Non Motorised Traffic
Motorised two Wheelers
Cars,Jeep, Vans,Three

Light Commercial

Cycle Rickshaw

Tractors Trallers &

Total MV

Trucks Buses



Commercial Animal Drawn

Vehicles Vechicle

Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen

(27/07/2019 ) 155 147 83 60 83 26 29 36 36 127 80 0

(28/07/2019 ) 171 187 100 68 91 31 37 52 50 162 122 0

(29/07/2019 ) 145 182 96 55 78 15 24 26 16 167 128 0

Average 157 172 93 61 84 24 30 38 34 152 110 0

Growth rate adopted (%) = 6 Base Year Traffic AADT (T) = 989
Design Life = 10 Years
Number of Harvesting Seasons = 2


(For Individual Road Works)

To be filled by P.I.U.

1 Location : State : Meghalaya District : Dhubri Block : Agomoni

2 Package No. :
3 Name of the Road : From : NH-31 to Dighaltari To : Dighaltari
4 Length (km) : Total : 9.600 km In Buit up area: 1.250 km In open area : 8.350 km
5. Estimated Cost Rs. : 903.86 Lakhs Average Cost : 94.15 Lacs
Cost per
Item km in Total cost
Pavement 94.15 903.86
CD 0.00 0.00
Total 94.15 903.86

6. Type of proposal : New connectivity/Up gradation

If the proposed road is new connectivity
Is the road a part of core network Yes/No

If Yes, Through/Link Route Number

Name of the unconnected Target Habitation Nengbrok = 337 & Millawe = 450
(to be crosschecked with CN-6)

List of Habitations connected enroute

Population sub served by the proposed road Err:509

Does the proposed road up to the Habitation for which it
is supposed to provide connectivity (In other words are
you sure that the road is not being made partially?) Yes/No.

Does the proposed road connect the unconnected

habitation to (a) (b)
a) Another habitation having all-weather road
(Connected status)
b) Directly to an all weather road NH
If (b), indicate the nature of road to which the proposed RR MDR
road leads.

If the proposal is for upgradation

Is the road a part of core network Yes/No
Is it associated Through Route or not Yes/No
PCI value
Age of Road given
Is it certified that there are no other unconnected
habitations in the district Yes / No

7. (a) Whether the proposed road has the desired

carriageway width, Roadway width and road land width Yes
(b) Indicate the actual widths of the following for the In the built up area (m) In the open area (m)
proposed road.
a) Carriageway 3.75 3.75
b) Roadway 6.00 6.00
c) Road land width 9.00 12.00
8. Base year traffic volume 2008 (SP-72)

LCV/Mini Total
Bus/Truck Bus/Tractor Cars/
Trailor Three Two Cycle Bullock
Vans/ Cycles Non
Wheelers Wheelers Rickshaw Carts Motorizes
Jeeps Motorizes
Laden Unladen Laden Unladen

3 3 17 3 24 8 46 5 15 0 104 20
9. Growth rate adopted (%) : 6% Cumulative ESAL (N) : 104214
10. Sub Grade CBR 5%
Chainage 0.00km to 2.045km
Design CBR (%) 5%
11. Cost Details
A. Clearing & grubbing and Cutting of trees : Cost Rs. In lacs 2.25
B. Pavement Components
Description of the layer Thickness (mm) Cost (Rs.) in Lacs
Loosening & recompaction of origin ground 63.07
Earthwork in Core 0.00
E/W in Subgrade & Shoulder 4.18
Excavation for Ordinary & Rock Soil 0.00
GSB with drainage layer 175mm 24.00
WBM - II 75mm 138.50
WBM - III 75mm 148.69
C. Bituminous layers :
Prime Coat 12.08
Tack Coat 58.25
Premix Carpet 20mm 24.97
Seal Coat 0.00
D. Cement Concrete Road Total 475.99 Lacs
E. CD Works:
No. of Existing CD Works 2 Nos
Do you require any improvement No.
If yes, cost of improvement
No. of proposed CD Works with Classification (SHPC=4Nos., DHPC=2Nos. & RCC Br.=2Nos.) 0 Nos.
Cost of proposed CD Works with Protection 0.00 Lacs
F. Protection works Length: 0.00 m Cost: 4.13 Lacs

G. Side Drains (if provided) Length: 0.00 m Cost: 0.00 Lacs

H. Retaining / Breast /Toe Wall Length: Err:509 m Cost: 0.00 Lacs
I. Road Logo, other Road Furniture Cost: 12.03 Lacs
J. Cost of Preparation of DPR cte @ Rs. 0.60 L Length: 9.600 km Cost: Err:509Lacs
K. Five Year Routine Maintenance : m Lacs
Total Err:509
Year Cost in lakhs % of Const. Cost
I 2.30 0.25
II 2.59 0.29
III 14.21 1.57
IV 5.77 0.64
V 26.21 2.90

12. Whether the road has Geometric as per Rural Roads manual (RRM)

13. Whether CD works/Protection works are provided as per RRM

14. Whether the cost estimates are as per Standard data analysis and

Certified that information provided as true

Prepared By: Checked By : Scrutinized by :

A.E.E. E.E. S.E.


Name of the STA:

15. Is the proposed Road entered on the OMMS : Yes/No

16. If the proposal is for new connectivity

Have you satisfied yourself that the proposed Road is a part of the Core Network Yes/No
Is the unconnected habitation(s) part of list of unconnected Habitation(s) as per CN-VI Yes/No
Does the proposal ensure full connectivity of the Target Habitation
(a) If No, the name of Unconnected Habitation up to which it is connected Yes/No
(b) Is such Unconnected Habitation eligible Under PMGSY Yes/No

17. Are you satisfied with the following

Engineering Surveys Yes/No
Soil / Material Investigation Yes/No
Traffic Surveys / Estimation Yes/No
Hydraulic Studies Yes/No

18. In case , Traffic is projected beyond 45 CVPD; are you satisfied with the reason given

19. In case, sub grade CBR is less than 3; has Soil Stabilization etc. been proposed

20. Is the design of the following elements as per Rural Roads Manual
Alignment & Geometric Yes/No
Pavement Design Yes/No
CD works and protection measures Yes/No
Side Drains Yes/No
Integration for Cross and Longitudinal Drainage Yes/No

21. Does the estimation conform to standard rate analysis and SSR Yes/No

22. Does the proposal have provision for

PMGSY Logo Sign Boards Yes/No
Km/HM stones Yes/No
Guard Stones (where necessary) Yes/No
Traffic Sign Boards (as necessary) Yes/No
5 year routine maintenance, estimated on lumpsum basis Yes/No

23. Specific remarks, if any, by STA

Certified that the design and estimation for the proposed road are based on the data and SSR provided
by Engineers. The Proposal after final correction is entered on the OMMS. The Proposal may be
considered for clearance.

Technical Scrutiny Coordinator

Done By S.T.A
Signature Signature
Name Name


Ministry of Rural Development Government of India, New Delhi

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of District : District:

Name of Block : Agomoni

Package No. : AS-05-199

Road Length : 9.600 km


Amount Rs. In
Sl No. Item of Works
1 Pavement Works
A Cost of Earth work for ebmankment Rs. 67.25
B Cost of Pavement (excluding embankment) Rs. 414.93
Total (A) Rs. 482.18
2 Total Cost of CD Works Rs. 0.00
3 Total Cost of Protection Works Rs. 0.00
4 Total Cost of Road Logo & Road Furniture Rs. 12.03
5 Total Cost of Drain works Rs. 0.00
Total (B) Rs. 12.03
6 Cost of preparation of DPR (C) Rs. 3.70
Total (A+B+C) Rs. 497.91
Maintenance of road for five years Rs. 51.09

Executive Engineer, PWD

Dhubri Civil Sub-Divn.TRD

Abstract of Cost Estimate

Based on rate modified by NRRDA in December 2007

Length as Design
Total Cost of CD works at Total cost of CD Total cost Total cost per
Sl. No. Link per priority Length of Total cost
Name of Road Pavement Chainage CD Proposed works in Rs. km
Route No list road Rs in Lacs
in Rs. in m in Rs (6+9) Rs in Lacs
in km in km

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 NH-31 to 2.000 9.600 90386379.31 5.000 1 x 1000 HP Culvert 0.00 90386379.31 903.86 94.15
road 293.000 2 x 1000 HP Culvert
450.000 RCC Bridge (L=10.00)
690.000 2 x 1000 HP Culvert
1024.000 1 x 1000 HP Culvert
1350.000 1 x 1000 HP Culvert
1520.000 RCC Bridge(L=10.00m)
1717.000 1 x 1000 HP Culvert
Total 2.000 9.600 90386379.31 0.00 90386379.31 903.86 94.15

Format - F7

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Single Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 7 Nos.
2. Triple Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 0 Nos. 0 Package No:
3. Single Cell Box Culvert (2m x 2m) = 0 Nos.
4. Double Cell Box Culvert (3m x 3m) = 0 Nos.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth as
per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding setting
out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with
approved material.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
9.1 Cum 278.732 Err:509 Err:509
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
9.7 / 1109 Cum 18.963 Err:509 Err:509
3 Bedding for pipe
(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as per
Clause 1105(ii)
(ii) Granular Material
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1105
(ii) Cum 27.672 Err:509 Err:509
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar in foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specifications Clauses 702, 704, 1202 & 1203.
II. In 1:4 cement mortar
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12

9.9 / 1109 Cum 220.959 Err:509 Err:509

5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
12.3 /
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204
613.4 &
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
1204 10m2 258.300 Err:509 Err:509
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts
on first class bedding of granular material in single row including
fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation,
protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls
and parapets Clause 1106.
(B) 1000 mm dia
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
9.3 / 1106 Rm 52.500 Err:509 Err:509
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts
on first class bedding of granular material in double row including
fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation,
protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls
and parapets Clause 1106.
(B) 1000 mm dia
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
9.6 / 1106 Rm 0.000 10616.00 0.00
7 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
III. RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
12.5 Cum 0.000 Err:509 Err:509
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in sub-
structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clauses
1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-2
12.7 Cum 0.000 Err:509 Err:509
9 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone

13.6 Cum 0.000 Err:509 Err:509

10 Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm nominal
size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical RCC post
not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post
not to exceed 2000 mm, as per drawings and technical specifications
clauses 800, 900 and 1208.3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
13.6 Rm 0.000 2258.00 0.00
Total = Err:509
Format - F7 (i)
Name of Road : Package No. :
Name of Block :
Route No. :
1. Slab Culvert = 1 No.

Sl. Item Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Unit Quantity
No. No. (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures
upto 3 m depth as per drawing and technical
specification Clause 1104 includding setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 101.00 #REF!
2 Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in
open foundations complete as per drawings and
technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 &
A. With crushed stone
II. P.C.C grade M 15
(i) Nominal mix (1:2.5:5)
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
11.4 / 800
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 3482.00 #REF!

Sl. Item Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Unit Quantity
No. No. (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in
open foundations complete as per drawings and
technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 &
III. P.C.C. grade M 20
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09 11.4 / 800
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 3987.00 #REF!
4 Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in
open foundations complete as per drawings and
technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 &
V. R.C.C. grade M 25
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
11.4 / 800
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 4521.00 #REF!
5 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar
reinforcement (Fe 415) in substructrue complete as
per drawings and technical specification Clauses
1002, 1005, 1010 & 1202
1.For Ht Up to 5m
III. R.C.C. grade M 20
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
12.7 /
1000 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 MT #REF! 54847.00 #REF!
6 Providing and fillling joint sealing compound as per
drawings and technical specifications with coarse
sand and 6 per cent bitumen by weight.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09 13.6 /
1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Rm #REF! 17.00 #REF!

Sl. Item Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Unit Quantity
No. No. (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
7 Providing and laying cement concrete wearing
course M 30 grade including reinforcement complete
as per drawing and technical specifications Clauses
800 and 1206.3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
13.5 / 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 10984.00 #REF!
8 Construction of R.C.C. railing of M 25 grade in cast-
in-situ with 20 mm nominal size aggregate, true to
line and grade, tolerance of vertical railing post not
to exceed 1 in 500, centre-to-centre spacing between
vertical posts not to exceed 2000 mm as per
drawing and technical specifications Clauses 800,
900 and 1208.3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
13.6 / 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Rm #REF! 2631.00 #REF!
9 Backfilling behind abutment, wing wall and return
wall complete as per drawings & technical
specification Clause 1204.3.8
I. Granular material
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09 12.10 /
1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 576.00 #REF!
Total = #REF!
Protection Work

Sl. Item Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Unit Quantity
No. No. (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures
upto 3 m depth as per drawing and technical
specification Clause 1104 includding setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 101.00 #REF!
11 Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in
open foundations complete as per drawings and
technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 &
A. With crushed stone
II. P.C.C grade M 15
(i) Nominal mix (1:2.5:5)
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09
11.4 / 800
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 3482.00 #REF!
12 Providing concrete for plain/reinforced concrete in
open foundations complete as per drawings and
technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 &
III. P.C.C. grade M 20
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09 11.4 / 800
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 3987.00 #REF!

Sl. Item Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Unit Quantity
No. No. (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13 Providing and laying boulder apron for bed
protection with stone boulders of minimum size and
weight as per Table 1300.1, no fragment weighing
less than 25 kg laid dry complete as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause 1301
Rate as per Format - F8
14.1 /
1300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! #NAME? #NAME?
14 Providing and laying flooring laid over cement
concrete bedding complete as per drawing and
technical specification Clause 1303
I. Rubble stone laid in cement mortar 1:3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2008-09 14.7 /
1303 Qty. as per Statement No. - 7 Cum #REF! 2770.00 #REF!
Total = #REF!
G. Total = #REF!

Format - F8

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. : Road Code:

Rate as per Loading Unloading Unsurfaced
Sl. Ref. Item No. Loose Surfaced Katcha Final Rate
Item of works PMGSY SOR Density Unit gravelled Total of
No. of PMGSY Qty Road Road (4+17)
2008-09 Road Haulage
Rate Amount Rate Amount Km Rate Km Rate Km Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22

1 Granular Sub-base 4.1/(A) (ii) 668.00 1.82 Cum 1.277 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

2 WBM Grading - II 4.7/2(A) 1048.00 1.82 Cum 1.480 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

3 WBM Grading - III 4.7/3(A) 1066.00 1.82 Cum 1.450 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

4 Prime Coat 5.1(i) 39.00 sqm 0.850 80.20 0.068 75.70 0.064 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 #NAME? #NAME?

5 Tack Coat 5.2(i) 11.00 sqm 0.225 80.20 0.018 75.70 0.017 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 #NAME? #NAME?

6 Premix Carpet 5.9/Case I (i) 107.00 1.82 Sqm 0.027 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?
Bitumen 1.470 80.20 0.118 75.70 0.111 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 #NAME?

7 Seal Coat Type-C 5.12/B.Case 42.00 1.82 Sqm 0.009 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?
III(i) Bitumen 0.980 80.20 0.079 75.70 0.074 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 #NAME?

8 Apron 14.1 911.00 1.82 Cum 1.200 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

9 Filter Material 14.6 1390.00 1.82 Cum 1.200 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

10 Boulder Pitching 14.5 (i) 911.00 1.82 Cum 1.200 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

11 HP NP3 1000 mm dia 9.3 (B) 4508.00 Rm 1.00 52.800 239.000

Tonne 0.754 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

Rate as per Loading Unloading Unsurfaced
Sl. Ref. Item No. Loose Surfaced Katcha Final Rate
Item of works PMGSY SOR Density Unit gravelled Total of
No. of PMGSY Qty Road Road (4+17)
2008-09 Road Haulage
Rate Amount Rate Amount Km Rate Km Rate Km Rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 22

12 HP NP3 1200 mm dia 9.3 (A) 5742.00 Rm 1.00 52.800 239.000

Tonne 0.90432 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 ### 9.00 #NAME? #NAME?

13 Repair to pot holes by 15.3 (I) 6755.00 1.82 Cum 1.410 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 0 9.00 #NAME?
with 75mm BM #NAME?
Bitumen 93.000 80.20 7.459 75.70 7.040 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 #NAME?

14 Patch repair over 15.3(II) 191.00 1.82 Sqm 0.027 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 0 9.00 #NAME?
75mm BM with 20mm
Bitumen 2.340 80.20 0.188 75.70 0.177 ### 4.00 ### 4.00 #NAME?

Statement No.- 2

Quantity for Pavement Works


Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

30.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
60.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
90.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
120.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
150.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
180.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
210.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
240.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
270.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
300.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
330.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
360.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
390.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
420.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
450.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
480.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
510.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
540.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
570.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
600.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
630.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
660.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
690.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
720.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
750.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
780.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
810.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
840.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
870.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
900.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
930.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
960.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
990.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1020.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1050.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1080.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1110.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1140.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1170.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1200.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1230.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1260.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1290.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1320.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1350.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1380.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1410.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1440.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1470.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1500.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1530.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1560.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1590.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1620.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

1650.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

1680.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1710.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1740.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1770.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1800.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1830.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1860.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1890.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1920.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1950.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
1980.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2010.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2040.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2070.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2100.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2130.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2160.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2190.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2220.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2250.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2280.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2310.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2340.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2370.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2400.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2430.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2460.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2490.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2520.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2550.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2580.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2610.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2640.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2670.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2700.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2730.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2760.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2790.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2820.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2850.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2880.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2910.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2940.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
2970.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3000.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3030.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3060.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3090.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3120.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3150.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3180.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3210.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3240.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3270.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3300.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3330.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3360.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3390.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

3420.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

3450.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3480.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3510.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3540.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3570.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3600.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3630.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3660.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3690.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3720.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3750.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3780.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3810.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3840.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3870.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3900.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3930.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3960.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
3990.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4020.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4050.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4080.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4110.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4140.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4170.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4200.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4230.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4260.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4290.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4320.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4350.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4380.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4410.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4440.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4470.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4500.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4530.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4560.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4590.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4620.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4650.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4680.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4710.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4740.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4770.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4800.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4830.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4860.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4890.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4920.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4950.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
4980.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5010.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5040.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5070.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5100.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5130.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5160.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

5190.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

5220.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5250.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5280.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5310.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5340.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5370.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5400.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5430.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5460.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5490.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5520.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5550.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5580.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5610.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5640.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5670.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5700.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5730.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5760.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5790.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5820.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5850.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5880.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5910.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5940.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
5970.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6000.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6030.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6060.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6090.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6120.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6150.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6180.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6210.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6240.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6270.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6300.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6330.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6360.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6390.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6420.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6450.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6480.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6510.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6540.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6570.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6600.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6630.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6660.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6690.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6720.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6750.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6780.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6810.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6840.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6870.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6900.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
6930.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

6960.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13

6990.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7020.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7050.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7080.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7110.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7140.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7170.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7200.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7230.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7260.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7290.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7320.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7350.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7380.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7410.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7440.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7470.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7500.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7530.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7560.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7590.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7620.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7650.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7680.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7710.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7740.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7770.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7800.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7830.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7860.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7890.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7920.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7950.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
7980.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.60 4.13
8010.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8040.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8070.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8100.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8130.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8160.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8190.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8220.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8250.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8280.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8310.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8340.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8370.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8400.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8430.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8460.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8490.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8520.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8550.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8580.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8610.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8640.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8670.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8700.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

8730.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13

8760.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8790.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8820.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8850.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8880.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8910.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8940.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
8970.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9000.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9030.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9060.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9090.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9120.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9150.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9180.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9210.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9240.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9270.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9300.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9330.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9360.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9390.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9420.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9450.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9480.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9510.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9540.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9570.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9600.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9630.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9660.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9690.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9720.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9750.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9780.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9810.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9840.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9870.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9900.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9930.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9960.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
9990.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10020.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10050.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10080.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10110.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10140.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10170.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10200.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10230.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10260.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10290.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10320.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10350.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10380.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10410.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10440.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10470.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

10500.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13

10530.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10560.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10590.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10620.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10650.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10680.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10710.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10740.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10770.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10800.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10830.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10860.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10890.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10920.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10950.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
10980.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11010.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11040.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11070.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11100.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11130.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11160.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11190.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11220.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11250.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11280.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11310.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11340.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11370.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11400.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11430.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11460.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11490.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11520.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11550.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11580.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11610.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11640.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11670.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11700.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11730.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11760.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11790.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11820.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11850.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11880.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11910.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11940.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
11970.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12000.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12030.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12060.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12090.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12120.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12150.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12180.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12210.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12240.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

12270.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13

12300.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12330.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12360.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12390.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12420.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12450.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12480.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12510.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12540.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12570.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12600.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12630.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12660.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12690.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12720.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12750.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12780.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12810.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12840.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12870.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12900.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12930.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12960.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
12990.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13020.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13050.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13080.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13110.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13140.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13170.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13200.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13230.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13260.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13290.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13320.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13350.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13380.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13410.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13440.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13470.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13500.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13530.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13560.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13590.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13620.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13650.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13680.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13710.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13740.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13770.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13800.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13830.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13860.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13890.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13920.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13950.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
13980.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14000.000 0.000 17.40 8.25 8.25 4.40 2.75

Drainage Layer GSB WBM Gr.-II WBM Gr.-III BM SDBC

14040.000 0.000 34.80 16.50 16.50 8.80 5.50

14070.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14100.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14130.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14160.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14190.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14220.000 0.000 26.10 12.38 12.38 6.60 4.13
14250.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14280.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14310.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14340.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14370.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14400.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14430.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14460.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14490.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14520.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14550.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14580.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14610.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14640.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14670.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14700.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14730.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14760.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14790.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14820.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14850.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14880.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14910.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14940.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14970.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15000.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15030.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15060.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15090.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15120.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15150.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15180.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15210.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15240.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15270.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15300.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15330.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15360.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15390.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15420.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15450.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15480.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15510.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
15540.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total = 0.000 5428.800 2574.00 2574.000 3128.400 1955.250
Add 3% for extra widening at
curves 162.864 77.220 77.220 93.852 58.658
Grand Total = 5591.664 2651.220 2651.220 3222.252 2013.908
Statement No.- 2

Quantity for Pavement Works

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat

Area (m2)

Prime Coat,
Tack Coat


Statement No. - 6
Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width Depth
E/W in excavation
( i ) Upto 3 m depth.
1/11.1 For Abutments 6.20 3.03 0.70 13.16
For Return Walls 4 1.18 1.95 1.30 11.97
TOTAL QNTY. M3 25.12 71.00 1784
P.C.C. Grade M - 10

2/11.4/I For Return Walls 4 1.18 1.95 0.20 1.84

Abutment 6.20 3.03 0.20 3.76
TOTAL QNTY. M3 5.60 5,299.00 29677
Brick Masonry
For Abutments 2 6.00 0.68 0.80 6.53
3/9.8 6.00 2.83 0.50 8.50
For Return Walls ------ 4 1.18 1.33 1.20 7.52
4 1.18 0.56 1.50 3.99
TOTAL QNTY. M3 26.53 5708.00 151432
R.C.C. M-20
Beam 2 6.00 0.55 0.20 1.32
2 6.00 0.25 0.21 0.63
Slab 1 6.00 1.60 0.21 2.02
4/12.5 Cap
2 6.00 0.70 0.20 1.68
Dirt walls 2 6.00 0.30 0.48 1.73
Kerb 2 2.14 0.25 0.30 0.32
Coping 4 1.50 0.40 0.15 0.36
TOTAL QNTY. M3 8.06 6782.00 54629
5/13.10 Drainage Spout 2 Nos 2.00 1535.00 3070
6/13.16 20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 13.00 156
Supplying,fitting and placing
TMT bar
For super structure 0.21
TOTAL QNTY. MT 0.21 66360.00 13604
8/12.9 Weep holes 10 Nos 10.00 182.00 1820
Total 256171
Statement No. - 3
Package No: AS-05-199

Name of Road :
NH-31 to Dighaltari road


Sl. Chainge Existing Cross

Condition Proposed Cross Drainage Work Remarks
No. (in m) Drainage Work
1 282.00 HPC 1x600 Poor Slab Culvert 1m Reconstruction
2 420.00 HPC 1x600 Poor Slab Culvert 1m Reconstruction
3 600.00 HPC 1x600 Poor Slab Culvert 1m Reconstruction
Statement No. - 5

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road


For Unlined Surface Drain

From To Side Length

0.000 0.000 Both 0.00
0.000 0.000 Both 0.00
0.000 0.000 Both 0.00
Total 0.00
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Package No.: AS-05-199
Rate Analysis of Citizen Information Board

Sl. Reference to Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

No. MORD (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 1700 Providing and Fixing Citizens Information Board
Providing and fixing of typical Citizens Information Board with Logo
as per MORD specifications and drawing. Two nos. 1.6mm thick
MS sheet duly welded with 5mm thick steel plate on back on
edges. The 4 nos. steel plate will be welded horizontally with 2 nos.
75mm x 75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in
cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of 600mm x 600mm x 750mm,
750mm below ground level. The 2 nos. steel plate will be welded
vertically to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts
duly welded to vertical tubes. All M.S. will be stove enameled on
both sides. Lettering and printing arrows, border etc. will be painted
with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in
required shade and coloue. All sections of framed posts and steel
tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per
drawing Clause 1701 and Annexure 1700.1

Unit = Each
Taking out put = one typical board
(i) Excavation for foundations
As per Item No. 11.1 of Chapter 11 cum 0.270 102.00 27.54
(ii) PCC grade M15
As per Item No. 11.4 of Chapter 11 cum 0.270 5669.10 1530.66
Painting on MS Steel tubes with primer and two coats of epoxy
2 x 2.45 x 0.30 = 1.47
2 x 1.00 x 0.30 = 0.60
As per Item No. 10.6 of Chapter 10 sqm 2.070 66.90 138.48
(iv) Painting new letters and figures of any shade with synthetic
Top Plate :
Heading Band=90x1x10=900 per cm height per letter
Figure 7x10 = 70 per cm height per letter
Side Border 2x65x1.5=195 per cm height per letter
Lower Border 1x90x1.5=135 per cm height per letter
Words (57x2.5+245x1.7) = 559 per cm height per letter
Figure 65x20 = 1300 per cm height per letter
Bottom Plate :
Border (2x75x1.5+2x90x1.5) = 495 per cm height per letter
Words 565x1.7 = 96..50 per cm height per letter
Total 4614.50 per cm height per letter
As per Item No. 10.1 of Chapter 10 per
letter 4614.500 0.59 2722.56
a) Labour (for fixing at site)
Mate day 0.060 356.65 21.40
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 1.000 244.56 244.56
b) Materials
MS tubes 75mmx75mm of 12 SWG sheet 8400mm long kg 100.090 127.00 12711.43
5mm steel plate kg 14.600 35.15 513.19
1.6mm thick MS sheet strengthening by 25mm x 5 MS flat iron
on painting with stove enameled paint on both sides as per
MORD specifications. sqm 1.350 2500.00 3375.00
Add 3% cost of MS tube and steel plate towards the cost of
fabrications, drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc. 482.59
c) Machinery
Tractor with trolley hour 0.300 409.00 122.70
d) Overheads & Contractor's profit @ 15.5% on (a+b+c) 2707.99
Cost for one Board = (i+ii+iii+iv+a+b+c+d) 24598.09
Note : Printing and lettering for blank spaces on the plates will be written
as required and paid separately.
Statement No. - 6

Summary of Quantity for Culverts

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Package No. : Package No:
Route No. : Road Code:

10, 230, 610,

Chainage in m 1750, 2400,
3450, 3700 Total
2.0x2.0 Box 3.0x3.0 Box 4.0x4.0 Box
Details of Culvert 1x1000 HPC 3x1000 HPC
(Single Cell) (Double Cell) (Double Cell)
No. of Culverts 0 0 0 7 0 7
Description Unit
1 Earthwork in excavation cum 0.000 0.000 0.000 278.732 0.000 278.732
2 C.C. work in Proportion 1:3:6 cum 0.000 0.000 0.000 18.963 0.000 18.963
3 Bedding cum 27.672 0.000 27.672
4 Stone masonry in CM 1:4 cum 220.959 0.000 220.959
5 Plastering sqm 258.300 0.000 258.300
6 NP3 HP Rm 52.500 0.000 52.500
R.C.C. work in Proportion
7 cum 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
8 TMT bar Reinforcement Ton 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 R.C.C. wearing course cum 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Statement No. - 7
Quantity Calculation of Toe Wall

Estimate of Quantity for Toe Wall 0

Total= 0

Average Ht. of Wall= 1.2 7.50m

No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity
1 Toe Wall 1 0.00 0.60 0.65 0.00
Total Cum 0.00
Toe Wall base (M10) 1 0.00 0.60 0.10 Cum 0.00
Wall (M15) 1 0.00 0.40 1.20 Cum 0.00
Estimate for SLAB CULVERT of 1.00 M Span
Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width depth
1/11.1 E/W in excavation for Structures ….
( i ) Upto 3 m depth.
for restraint wall 2 6.24 0.12 0.7 1.05
2 2.4 0.1 0.7 0.34
For Abutments ----------------- 1 6.00 2.4 0.33 4.75
For Return Walls ------------- 4 0.3 1.45 0.35 0.61
TOTAL QNTY. 6.75 61.00 411.46
Laying bedding on well compacted
9.2(ii) Cum
sand as per clause 1105(ii)
i) Sand 1 6 2.40 0.05 0.720

TOTAL QNTY. 0.720 903.00 650.16

2/11.4 Prov. Concrete for plain /reinfprced
concrete in open foundations ……….
B. With Natural Gravel
I. P.C.C. Grade M - 10
Nominal Mix 1:3:6 for return wall 4 0.3 1.45 0.15 0.261
TOTAL QNTY. 0.26 4898.00 1278.378
3/11.4 Prov. Concrete for plain /reinfprced
concrete in open foundations ……….
B. With Natural Gravel
II. P.C.C. Grade M - 15
Nominal Mix 1:3:6
For Abutments ----------------- 2 6.00 0.72 0.20 1.728
For Return Walls ------------- 4 0.20 1.05 0.20 0.168
Restrain walls 2 6.24 0.1 0.70 0.874
2 2.70 0.12 0.70 0.454
TOTAL QNTY. 3.223 4767.00 15364.99
4/9.8 Brick Masonry Cum
For Abutments ------------------ 2 6.00 0.55 0.80 5.28
For Return Walls -------------- 4 0.65 0.525 0.80 1.092
For Parapet wall 2 1.80 0.23 0.20 0.17
TOTAL QNTY. 6.5376 5047.00 32995.27
5/13.1 R.C.C. Grade M - 25 Sup.Str.
B. With Natural Gravel
II. R.C.C. Grade M - 25
(a) For height upto 5.0 m
For Deck Slab ----------------- 1 6.00 1.80 0.21 2.268
TOTAL QNTY. 2.268 7501.00 17012.27
6/13.5 Providing & applying cement concrete
wearing course M-30 grade ------------ 1 5.55 1.80 0.075 0.749
TOTAL QNTY. 0.749 11845.00 8874.87

7/12.9 Providing Weep Holes in brick

masonry / Stone masonry ………… Each 6 - - - 6
TOTAL QNTY. 6 168.00 1008.00
8/13.2 Supplying,fitting and placing HYSD bar
reinforcement Super structure ……..
For R.C.C. Deck Slab ------- - - - - 0.276
Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width depth
TOTAL QNTY. 0.276 65364.00 18018.03
Providing and laying inter locking block
pavement having thickness 60mm as
per drawing & technical specificatin Sqm
clause 1504
At base 1 6 2.40 14.400
TOTAL QNTY. 14.400 833.00 11995.20
10/4.1/ Granular sub base by providing well
Cum 1 6 2.40 0.2 2.880
401 graded materials,Grade-II material
TOTAL QNTY. 2.880 Err:509 Err:509
Plastering with cement mortar (1:4) 10Sqm 4 1.8 0.2 1.440
15mm thick. Parapet Wall 2 1.8 0.23 0.828
Abutment 2 6 0.8 9.600
4 0.55 0.8 1.760
Return Wall 4 0.725 0.8 2.320
TOTAL QNTY. 1.595 1173.00 1870.70
Gr. Total = Rs. Err:509
Statement No. - 6
Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width Depth
E/W in excavation
( i ) Upto 3 m depth.
1/11.1 For Abutments ----- 6.20 3.03 0.70 13.16
For Return Walls ------- 4 1.18 1.95 1.30 11.97
TOTAL QNTY. M3 25.12 61.00 1532.57
P.C.C. Grade M - 10
For Return Walls ------- 4 1.18 1.95 0.20 1.84
Abutment 6.20 3.03 0.20 3.76
TOTAL QNTY. M3 5.60 4898.00 27431.15
Brick Masonry
For Abutments ----------- 2 6.00 0.68 0.80 6.53
3/9.8 6.00 2.83 0.50 8.50
For Return Walls ------- 4 1.18 1.33 1.20 7.52
4 1.18 0.56 1.50 3.99
TOTAL QNTY. M3 26.53 5047.00 133895.44
R.C.C. M-20
Beam 2 6.00 0.55 0.20 1.32
2 6.00 0.25 0.21 0.63
Slab 1 6.00 1.60 0.21 2.02
4/12.5 Cap
2 6.00 0.70 0.20 1.68
Dirt walls 2 6.00 0.30 0.48 1.73
Kerb 2 2.14 0.25 0.30 0.32
Coping 4 1.50 0.40 0.15 0.36
TOTAL QNTY. M3 8.06 6335.00 51028.43
5/13.10 Drainage Spout 2 Nos 2.00 1520.00 3040.00
6/13.16 20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 11.00 132.00
Supplying,fitting and placing TMT
For super structure 0.21
TOTAL QNTY. MT 0.21 65664.00 13461.12
8/12.9 Weep holes 10 Nos 10.00 168.00 1680.00
9/13.5 Wearing coat 1 5.5 6 0.075 M3 2.48 11845.00 29316.38
Total 261517.08
Statement No. - 6
Item Brief Description of DIMENSIONS
Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width Depth
E/W in excavation
( i ) Upto 3 m depth.
For Abutments ----- 6.20 3.03 1.90 35.72
For Return Walls -------- 4 1.70 1.40 1.90 18.09
TOTAL QNTY. M3 53.80 71.00 3,820.15
P.C.C. Grade M - 10
For Return Walls -------- 4 1.50 8.10 0.20 9.72
Abutment 2 6.00 7.90 0.20 18.96
TOTAL QNTY. M3 28.68 5,299.00 151,975.32
Brick Masonry
For Abutments ------------ 2 6.00 0.85 0.50 5.10
3/9.8 2 6.00 0.40 0.21 0.50
For Return Walls -------- 4 1.50 0.70 0.50 2.10
TOTAL QNTY. M3 7.70 5,708.00 43,974.43
R.C.C. M-20
Slab 1 6.00 1.60 0.21 2.02
Cap 2 6.00 0.70 0.20 1.68
Dirt walls 2 6.00 0.21 0.40 1.01
Kerb 2 2.14 0.25 0.30 0.32
Coping 4 1.50 0.40 0.15 0.36
TOTAL QNTY. M3 5.39 6,369.00 34,297.07
5/13.10 Drainage Spout 2 Nos 2.00 1,535.00 3,070.00
6/13.16 20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 13.00 156.00
Supplying,fitting and placing TMT
For super structure 0.21
TOTAL QNTY. MT 0.21 66,360.00 13,603.80
8/12.9 Weep holes 6 Nos 6.00 182.00 1,092.00
9/13.5 Wearing coat 1 5.5 6 0.075 M3 2.48 13,233.00 32,751.68
Total 284,740.44
Say, 284,740.00
Statement No. - 6
Quantity Calculation of 1.0 m Span Slab Culvert
Considering Length = 6.0m

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Item Breif Description of DIMENSIONS

Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Item of Work No. Length Width depth
E/W in excavation for Structures
For Abutments -------------- 1 6.00 2.4 0.33 4.752
For Return Walls ---------- 4 0.3 1.1 0.30 0.396
1 Restrain walls 2 6.24 0.12 0.70 1.04832
2 2.4 0.1 0.70 0.336
TOTAL QNTY. 6.53232 61.00 398.47
Laying bedding on well
2 Cum 1 6.00 2.40 0.05 0.720
compacted Sand
3 P.C.C. Grade M - 10 Cum 4 0.3 1.1 0.15 0.198
P.C.C. Grade M - 15
For Abutments --------- 2 6.00 0.72 0.20 1.728
For Return Walls ----- 4 0.40 0.875 0.20 0.280
4 Cum
Restrain walls 2 6.00 0.12 0.70 1.008
2 2.40 0.1 0.70 0.336
TOTAL QNTY. 3.352 4216.00 14132.03
5 Brick Masonry Cum
For Abutments ---- 2 6.00 0.55 0.80 5.28
For Return Walls ---- 4 0.50 0.525 0.80 0.84
For Parapet wall 2 1.80 0.23 0.30 0.25
TOTAL QNTY. 6.3684 3785.00 24104.39
R.C.C. Grade M - 25
6 Cum
For Deck Slab ------- 1 6.00 1.80 0.21 2.268
7 Wearing course M-30 grade - Cum 1 5.50 1.80 0.075 0.743
8 Weep Holes No 8 - - - 8
TMT bar (Fe-500)
For Slab MT - - - - 0.276
10 Inter locking block Sqm 1 6.00 2.14 12.840
11 GSB material Cum 1 6.00 2.14 0.2 2.568
Plastering with cement mortar Sqm 4 1.8 0.3 2.160
(1:4) 15mm thick 2 1.8 0.230 0.828
Abutment 2 6 0.204 2.448
2 6 0.800 9.600
2 6 0.854 10.248
TOTAL QNTY. 25.284 99.40 2513.23
Quantity Calculation of Box Cell
Estimate of Quantity for 1.00m x 1.00m single cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 1.00m
Height of Culvert = 1.00m
No. of Cell= 1 No.
Since, length of box considered = 7.50 m

Item No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity

1 Excavation
Box Culvert 1 7.50 1.65 1.50 18.56
2 0.38 1.65 0.30 0.37
Total Cum 18.93
2 PCC M15 Below Box Culvert 1 7.50 1.65 0.15 1.86
2 0.38 1.65 0.30 0.37
Total cum 2.23
Box Culvert, top & bottom slab 2 7.50 1.35 0.175 Cum 3.54
Vertical wall 2 7.50 1.00 0.175 Cum 2.63
Haunch 4 7.50 0.01 Cum 0.34
Wheel Guard & Parapet 2 4.30 0.250 0.225 Cum 0.48
2 4.30 0.200 0.375 Cum 0.65
Return wall 4 1.475 0.30 1.35 2.39
Total Cum 10.02
4 Reinforcement for box as per detail drawing Total tonne 1.113

5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 1.35 0.075 0.759

Statement No. - 7
Statement of quantity for slab 4.00m span

Brief Description Item of DIMENSIONS

Item No. Work Unit Quantity Rate Amount
No. Length Width Depth
1) Earth work in
1/11.1 Abutment 2 6.2 4 1.6 Cum 79.360
R. Wall 4 3.81 3.5 1.6 Cum 85.344
Total : Cum 164.704 71.00 11,693.98
2) PCC M15
Abutment 2 6 3.395 0.20 Cum 8.15
R. Wall 4 3.71 3.11 0.20 Cum 9.24
2/11.4/I R Wall ( coping ) 4 3.62 0.4 0.15 Cum 0.87
End Pillar 4 0.40 0.40 0.60 Cum 0.38
Mortar Pad 2 0.40 0.20 0.40 Cum 0.06
Total : Cum 18.71 5,286.00 98,886.01
3) Stone Masonry
Abutment 2 6 25.16 0.20 Cum 7.25
2 6 1.47 3.09 Cum 54.60
R. Wall 4 3.62 22.63 0.2 Cum 65.52
4 3.62 1.177 3.51 Cum 48.09
Total : Cum 175.46 3,387.00 594,287.01
4) RCC M 20
Cap 2 6 0.7 0.15 Cum 1.26
4/12.5 Dirt Wall 2 6 0.3 0.37 Cum 1.33
(iii) Slab 1 6 4.60 0.37 Cum 10.21
Kerb & pillar 2 12.00 0.38 0.45 Cum 4.25
Total : Cum 17.05 6,782.00 115,660.23
5) Suplying fitting fixing 8mm bars @200mm c/c both -
5/11.8 Reinforcement in ways on exposed surface -
Substructure Mt 0.34 22,252.31
6/13.10 Drainage Spout 2 Nos 2.00 1,535.00 3,070.00
7/13.16 20mm Joint filler 2 6 RM 12.00 13.00 156.00
6) Suplying fitting fixing -
( Reinforcement as per IRC:SP-
Reinforcement in 20,2002 )
8/13.3 -
Total 0.8215 66,360.00 54,514.74
9/12.9 Weep holes 12 Nos 12.00 182.00 2,184.00
12/ 14.1 Boulder Apron 2 12.79 0.6 0.6 M3 9.21 1,166.00 10,737.46
13/ 14.5 I 2 12.79 2.49 0.3 M3 19.11 1,166.00 22,280.23
I Stone / Boulder
14 / 14.6 Filter Media 2 12.79 2.49 0.15 M3 9.55 1,332.00 12,726.10

Total cost of Slab = Rs 948,448.08

Quantity Calculation of Box Cell
Estimate of Quantity for 1.00m x 1.00m single cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 1.00m
Height of Culvert = 1.00m
No. of Cell= 1 No.
Since, length of box considered = 7.50 m

Item No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity

1 Excavation
Box Culvert 1 7.50 1.65 1.50 18.56
2 0.38 1.65 0.30 0.37
Apron Up Stream 1 3.000 (1.475*2+1.35+1.6)/2 0.30 2.66
Down Stream 1 3.500 (1.475*2+1.35+1.6)/2 0.30 3.10
1 0.60 4.30 0.30 0.77
Excavation for back filling 2 10 0.78 1.35 21.04
Total Cum 46.50
2 PCC M15 Below Box Culvert 1 7.50 1.65 0.15 1.86
2 0.38 1.65 0.30 0.37
Total cum 2.23
Box Culvert, top & bottom slab 2 7.50 1.30 0.175 Cum 3.41
Vertical wall 2 7.50 1.00 0.175 Cum 2.63
Haunch 4 7.50 0.01 Cum 0.34
Wheel Guard & Parapet 2 4.30 0.250 0.225 Cum 0.48
2 4.30 0.200 0.375 Cum 0.65
Return wall 4 1.475 0.30 1.35 2.39
Total Cum 9.89
4 Reinforcement for box as per detail drawing Total tonne 1.112

5 Apron with boulder

Upstream side 1 3.000 (1.475*2+1.35+1.6)/2 0.30 2.66
Downstream side 1 3.500 (1.475*2+1.35+1.6)/2 0.30 3.10
Total Cum 5.75
6 Backfilling behind abutment 2 10 0.61 1.05 Cum 12.73
& Return wall
7 RCC wearing coat 1 10.00 1.35 0.075 1.0125
Statement No. - 10
Quantity Calculation of R.C.C.Box Cell 2.00mx2.00m

Estimate of Quantity for 2.00m x 2.00m (without earth cushion) single cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 2.00m
Height of Culvert = 2.00m
No. of Cell single = 1 no.
Length of Box 7.50m

No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity
Box Culvert 1 7.50 2.80 1.40 29.40
2 0.38 2.80 0.30 0.63
Total Cum 30.03
Below box culvert 1 7.50 2.80 0.15 Cum 3.15
2 0.38 2.80 0.30 Cum 0.63
Total 3.78
Bottom & Top slab 2 7.50 2.50 0.250 Cum 9.38
wall 2 7.50 0.250 2.000 7.50
haunch 4 7.50 0.08 0.15 0.34
3 wheel guard 2 8.50 0.25 0.225 0.96
Parapet 2 8.50 0.20 0.375 1.28
Return wall 4 3.00 0.30 0.600 2.16
4 2.00 0.30 1.900 4.56
Total 26.16
4 Reinforcement (Qty as per DWG ) Ton 1.996
5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 2.50 0.075 1.40625

Construction of Retaining walls/breast walls in cement mortar 1:5 as per drawing and technical specifications Clause 1604
Analysis for length of 1m
Height above GL= 2.5 m

Sl.No. Item of Works Unit Length Width Depth Qty Rate Amount

Excavation for Structures (Earth work

1.Ordinary soil 1 2.3 0.9 2.07 102 211
(i) Upto 3m depth Cum

Plain/reinforced cement concrete in

substructure complete as per
drawings and technical
specification Clauses 802, 804,
2 805, 806, 807, 1202
ans 1204
A With Crushed Stone
P.C.C grade M 15
Nominal mix (1:2.5:5)
Cum Base 1 2.3 0.15 0.345 5669.9 1956.00
Wall 1 1.2 3.25 3.9
Parapet 1 0.35 0.5 0.175

Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete as drawing and Technical Specification
3 Random Rubble Masonry Cum Total = 4.075 4205 17135.00

Providing weep holes in Brick

masonry/Plain/Reinforced concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall with
4 100 mm dia AC pipe, extending Each
through the full width of the
structure with slope of 1V :20H
towards drawing foce. Complete as
per drawing and Technical
specification. 2 2 200 400.00
5 Providing PCC M20 architectural copi m 1 1 417.3 417.30
6 Back filling behind abutment, wing w Cum 1 0.6 2.5 1.5 1455 2183.00
Rate Per RM = Rs. 22302.30
Quantity Calculation for line drain Trapezoidal
150 450 150

Sl. Item No. Length Breath Depth/ Qty

No. Thickness
1 Earthwork in excavation 1 1.00 0.95 0.55 0.55 m3
2 C C (1:3:6) 1 1.00 0.95 0.10 0.10
Wall 2 1.00 0.19 0.45 0.17 100
Total = 0.26 m3
100 225 300 225 100
3 Cement plastering prop 1:3
Bedding 1 1.00 0.30 0.30
Wall 2 1.00 0.46 0.91
Total = 1.21 m2

Quantity Calculation for line drain Rectangular

Sl. Item No. Length Breath Depth/ Qty

No. Thickness
1 Earthwork in excavation 1 1.00 0.80 0.55 0.55 m3
C C (1:3:6)
2 Bed 1 1.00 0.80 0.10 0.08
Wall 2 1.00 0.15 0.45 0.14
Total = 0.22 m3
3 Cement plastering prop 1:3
Bedding 1 1.00 0.30 0.30
Wall 2 1.00 0.45 0.90
Total = 1.20 m2

Quantity Calculation of Box Cell
Estimate of Quantity for 1.00m x 1.00m single cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 1.00m
Height of Culvert = 1.00m
No. of Cell= 1 No.
Since, length of box considered = 7.50 m

Item No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity

1 Excavation
Box Culvert 1 7.50 1.65 1.50 18.56
2 0.38 1.65 0.30 0.37
Total Cum 18.93
2 PCC M15 Below Box Culvert 1 7.50 1.65 0.15 1.86
2 0.38 1.65 0.30 0.37
Total cum 2.23
Box Culvert, top & bottom slab 2 7.50 1.35 0.175 Cum 3.54
Vertical wall 2 7.50 1.00 0.175 Cum 2.63
Haunch 4 7.50 0.01 Cum 0.34
Wheel Guard & Parapet 2 4.30 0.250 0.225 Cum 0.48
2 4.30 0.200 0.375 Cum 0.65
Return wall 4 1.475 0.30 1.35 2.39
Total Cum 10.02
4 Reinforcement for box as per detail drawing Total tonne 1.113

5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 1.35 0.075 0.759

Statement No. - 11

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road


From To Side Length Area

Left 3.02 0.00
Left 3.13 0.00
Left 3.13 0.00
Total 0.00
Statement No. - 13
Quantity Calculation of R.C.C.Box Cell 4.00mx4.00m (Triple Cell)

Estimate of Quantity for 4.00m x 4.00m (without earth cushion) Triple cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 4.00m
Height of Culvert = 4.00m
No. of Cell single = 3 nos.
Length of Box 7.50m

No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity
Box Culvert 1 7.50 14.10 2.45 259.09
2 0.38 14.10 0.30 3.17
Total Cum 262.26
Below box culvert 1 7.50 14.10 0.15 Cum 15.86
2 0.38 14.10 0.30 Cum 3.17
Total 19.04
Bottom & Top slab 2 7.50 13.80 0.350 Cum 72.45
wall 4 7.50 0.450 4.000 54.00
haunch 12 7.50 0.08 0.15 1.01
wheel guard 2 22.80 0.25 0.225 2.57
Return wall 4 4.50 0.30 0.600 3.24
4 4.00 0.30 4.000 19.20
Total 152.47
4 Reinforcement (Qty as per DWG ) Ton 16.570
5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 13.80 0.075 Cum 7.7625
6 RCC Railing 2 22.80 Rm 45.6
Statement No. -
Quantity Calculation of R.C.C.Box Cell 4.00mx4.00m (Double Cell)

Estimate of Quantity for 4.00m x 4.00m (without earth cushion) Double cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 4.00m
Height of Culvert = 4.00m
No. of Cells = 2 nos.
Length of Box 7.50m

No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity
Box Culvert 1 7.50 9.65 2.50 180.94
2 0.38 9.65 0.30 2.17
cut-off walls 2 9.65 0.30 1.50 8.69
2 9.65 0.75 0.75 10.86
apron 1 9.65 5.00 0.60 28.95
1 9.65 3.00 0.60 17.37
Total Cum 248.97
Below box culvert 1 7.50 9.65 0.15 10.86
2 2 0.38 9.65 0.30 2.17
cut-off walls 2 9.65 0.75 0.15 2.17
Total Cum 15.20
Bottom & Top slab 2 7.50 9.35 0.350 49.09
wall 3 7.50 0.450 4.000 40.50
haunch 8 7.50 0.10 0.20 1.20
wheel guard 2 21.35 0.25 0.225 2.40
Return wall 4 6.00 0.30 0.600 4.32
4 4.00 0.30 4.100 19.68
cut-off walls 2 9.65 0.30 1.500 8.69
2 9.65 0.45 0.600 5.21
Total Cum 131.09
4 Reinforcement (Qty as per DWG ) Ton 10.960
5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 9.35 0.075 Cum 5.259
6 RCC Railing 2 21.35 Rm 42.7
Boulder Apron
D/S 1 9.65 5 0.6 28.95
U/S 1 9.65 3 0.6 17.37
Total Cum 46.32
Statement No. - 7
Quantity Calculation of 1200mm dia Double HP Culvert
Considering Length = 7.50m

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length Breadth Quantity
1 Earthwork in cum
Face Wall 2 8.180 1.400 1.800 41.227
Bed 1 7.200 1.530 0.850 9.364
Total = 50.591
2 C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 8.180 1.400 0.150 3.436
Total = 3.436
3 Bedding cum
Bedding 1 8.266 3.460 0.550 15.730
Deduct for pipe 2 8.266 0.156 2.577
Total = 13.153
4 Stone Masonary in cum
CM 1:4
Wall 2 7.880 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.880 37.446
Wall 2 7.880 0.400 0.600 3.782
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.83+0.4)/2 3.1416/4 1.440 1.391
Total = 39.837
5 Plastering sqm
Face wall 2 7.880 2.200 34.672
Top 2 7.880 0.400 6.304
Inner Side 2 7.880 0.400 6.304
Total = 47.280
6 NP3 HP Rm 6 2.500 15.000
Format - F7B

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Double Hume Pipe Culvert (1200mm dia) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth as
per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding setting
out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with
approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2016-17 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 9 Cum 50.591 71.00
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2016-17 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 9 Cum 3.436 5299.00
3 Bedding for pipe
(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as per
Clause 1105(ii)
(i) Sand Filling
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2016-17 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 9 Cum 13.153 969.00
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar in foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specifications Clauses 702, 704, 1202 & 1203.
II. In 1:4 cement mortar
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2016-17
11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 9 Cum 39.837 3795.00
5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2016-17
12.3 / 600 Qty. as per Statement No. - 9 10m3 47.280 1266.00
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts
on first class bedding of granular material in double row including
fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation,
protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls
and parapets Clause 1106.
(A) 1200 mm dia
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2016-17
9.3 / 1100 Qty. as per Statement No. - 9 Rm 15.000 9480.00
Total =
Format - F7B

Amount in



Amount in



Annexure I
Analysis for RCC Guide post of 250mm dia

Diameter = 250 mm
Analysis for 1 No. RCC Guide post

Sl Amount
No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity Rate (Rs.)
1 0.79 0.25 0.30 0.01 71.00 1.05
RCC M-20
1 0.79 0.25 1.050 Cum 0.05 6297.00 324.56
10 mm bars 4 1.15 2.85
8 mm Stirrus @ 150 c/c 8 0.70 2.18
Total Ton 0.01 65583.00 329.93
5 Painting 1 7.50 1.90 0.075 1.07 75.00 80.16
TOTAL = 735.69
Say Rs. 736.00
Statement No. -

Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Single HP Culvert

Considering Length = 10.00m

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length Breadth Quantity
1 Earthwork in cum
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 1.800 32.508
Bed 1 7.200 1.830 0.850 11.200
Total = 43.708
2 C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 0.150 2.709
Total = 2.709
3 Bedding cum
Bedding 1 8.266 1.530 0.550 6.956
Deduct for pipe 1 8.266 0.156 1.289
Total = 5.667
4 Stone Masonary in cum
CM 1:4
Wall 2 6.150 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.465 25.014
Wall 2 6.150 0.400 0.600 2.952
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.83+0.4)/2 3.1416/4 1.440 1.391
Total = 26.574
5 Plastering sqm
Face wall 2 6.150 2.200 27.060
Top 2 6.150 0.400 4.920
Inner Side 2 6.150 0.400 4.920
Total = 36.900
6 NP3 HP Rm 4 2.500 10.000
Statement No. -
Type of Cross Drainage works :
1. Single Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m
depth as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104
includding setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and 11.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 43.708 107.00
bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR - 2013-14 SR

2 Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominalmix in foundation with crushed

stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in
foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14
17.7 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 2.709 6195.00

3 Bedding for pipe

(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as
per Clause 1105(ii) 9.2 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 5.667 1146.00
(i) Sand Filling

4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete

as drawing and Technical Specification
Randon Rubble Masonry 17.9 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Cum 26.574 4205.00

5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in

substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204 17.44 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 sqm 36.900 144.00
Rate as per SOR - 2013-14 SR
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for
culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row
including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding
excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry
works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106. 9.3 Qty. as per Statement No. - 4 Rm 10.000 6888.40
(B) 1000 mm dia
Rate as per F-8

Total =
Statement No. -

Amount in





Amount in


Statement No. -
Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Double HP Culvert
Considering Length = 10.0m

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length Breadth Quantity
1 Earthwork in cum
Face Wall 2 8.180 1.400 1.800 41.227
Bed 1 7.200 1.530 0.850 9.364
Total = 50.591
2 C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 8.180 1.400 0.150 3.436
Total = 3.436
3 Bedding cum
Bedding 1 8.266 3.460 0.350 10.010
Deduct for pipe 2 8.266 0.156 2.577
Total = 7.433
4 Stone Masonry cum
Wall 2 7.880 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.880 37.446
Wall 2 7.880 0.400 0.600 3.782
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.83+0.4)/2 3.1416/4 1.440 1.391
Total = 39.837
5 Plastering sqm
Face wall 2 7.880 2.200 34.672
Top 2 7.880 0.400 6.304
Inner Side 2 7.880 0.400 6.304
Total = 47.280
6 NP3 HP Rm 8 2.500 20.000
Type of Cross Drainage works :
1. Double Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth as
per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding setting
out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with 107.00
approved material.

Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 50.591 5413.22

2 Plain Cement Concrete M15 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109 6195.00

Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 3.436 21283.54

3 Bedding for pipe
(i) Type A (Concrete Cradle) Bedding
Laying concrete cradle bedding with M15 Grade Cement Concrete as
per Clause 1105 (i)

Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 7.433 8517.97

4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar in foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specifications Clauses 702, 704, 1202 & 1203.
II. In 1:4 cement mortar 4205.00

Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 39.837 167514.09

5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204 144.00
Qty. as per Statement No. - 10m 3
47.280 680.83
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts
on first class bedding of granular material in double row including
fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation,
protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in head walls
and parapets Clause 1106. 9879.40
(A) 1200 mm dia

Qty. as per Statement No. - Rm 20.000 197588.00

Total = 400997.65
Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Single HP Culvert
Considering Length = 12.50m

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length Breadth Quantity
Earthwork in cum
1 Face Wall 2 6.700 1.400 1.200 22.512
Bed 1 9.700 1.900 0.560 10.321
Total = 32.833
C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 6.700 1.400 0.150 2.814
Total = 2.814
Stone Masonry cum
Wall 2 6.400 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.450 25.872
Wall 2 6.400 0.400 1.000 5.120
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.83+0.4)/2 3.1416/4 1.440 1.391
Total = 29.601
Plastering sqm
Face wall 2 6.400 2.200 28.160
Top 2 6.400 0.400 5.120
Inner Side 2 6.400 0.400 5.120
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.83+0.4)/2 3.1416/4 0.966
Total = 37.434
NP3 HP in single
5 row Rm 5 2.500 12.500
Boulder Apron
Upstream Side cum 1 1.5 2.2 0.3 3.000
6 cum 1 2.3 3.8 0.3 8.440
Downstream Side
1 0.7 6.4 0.3 4.180
Total = 15.620
Filter Media
Upstream Side cum 1 3.14 x (2.3^2) x 1/4 0.15 0.623
Downstream Side cum 1 3.14 x (2.3^2) x 1/4 0.15 0.623
Total = 1.246
Boulder Pitching
Upstream Side cum 1 3.14 x (2.3^2) x 1/4 0.3 1.246
Downstream Side cum 1 3.14 x (2.3^2) x 1/4 0.3 1.246
Total = 2.493
Statement No. - 6
Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Single HP Culvert
Considering Length = 7.50m

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Sl.No. Item Unit No Length Breadth Quantity
1 Earthwork in cum
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 1.800 32.508
Bed 1 4.700 1.830 0.850 7.311
Total = 39.819
2 C.C.Work in cum
Proportion 1:3:6
Face Wall 2 6.450 1.400 0.150 2.709
Total = 2.709
3 Bedding cum
Bedding 1 5.766 1.530 0.550 4.852
Deduct for pipe 1 5.766 0.156 0.899
Total = 3.953
4 Stone Masonary in cum
CM 1:4
Wall 2 6.150 (1.25+0.4)/2 2.465 25.014
Wall 2 6.150 0.400 0.600 2.952
Deduct for pipe 2 (0.83+0.4)/2 3.1416/4 1.440 1.391
Total = 31.566
5 Plastering sqm
Face wall 2 6.150 2.200 27.060
Top 2 6.150 0.400 4.920
Inner Side 2 6.150 0.400 4.920
Total = 36.900
6 NP3 HP Rm 3 2.500 7.500
Format - F7A
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Slab Culvert (1.0m span) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m
depth as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104
includding setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100 &
300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 Cum 6.532 49.00 320.08
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling
course below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings &
Technical Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.4 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 Cum 0.198 4204.00 832.39
Laying bedding on well compacted sand as per clause 1105(ii) Sand 9.2 / (ii)(i)
1100 & 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 Cum 0.720 741.00 533.52
4 Providing Concrete for plain /reinforced concrete in open
foundation M-15 complete as per drawing and technical 11.4/ (ii)
specification clause 802,803,1202 & 1203 700 & 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 Cum 3.352 4216.00 14132.03
5 Brick Masonry work in cement mortar in substructure complete
excluding pointing and plstering as drawing and technical
specifications clause 600,1202 & 1203, ii)Brick masonry in 1:4
cement mortar 12.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 Cum 6.368 3785.00 24104.39
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete in superstructure
as per drawing and technical specification clause 800,1205.4 &
1205.4 R.C.C. Grade M - 25 height upto 5m 13.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 Cum 2.268 6294.00 14274.79
Providing and laying cement concrete wearing course M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing technical
specifications clause 800 and 1206.3 as per drawing and technical
specification clause 800,1205.4 & 1205.4 R.C.C. Grade M - 25
height upto 5m
13.5 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 0.743 9988.00 7416.09
Providing Weep Holes in brick masonry/stone masonry abutment,
return wall with 100mm dia AC pipe extending through the full
width of the structure with slope of 1(v):20(H) towards drawing
face complete as per drawing technical specifications clause
614,709,1204.3.7 12.9 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 8.000 125.00 1000.00
9 Supplying,fitting and placing TMT(Fe-500) bar reinforcement in
super structure complete as per drawing technical specifications
clause 1002,1010 and 1202 13.3 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 0.276 61561.00 16990.84
10 Providing and laying inter locking block pavement having thickness
60mm as per drawing & technical specificatin clause 1504 6.7(i) Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 12.840 879.00 11286.36
Granular sub-base by providing well graded material, spreading in
11 uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by
mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with
smooth wheel roller to achieve the desired density, complete as
per Technical Specification Clause 401.
(A) By Mix in Place Method
ii) For Grading II Material
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2 4.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 2.568 Err:509 Err:509
12 Rate as perwith
Plastering F-8 cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
12.3 Qty. as per Statement No. - 6 10m2 25.284 994.00 25132.30
Total = Err:509
Format - F7A
Name of Road: T01 Badarpur Adarkuna Road to Madol Bil
Type of Cross Drainage works :
1. Box Culvert (1m x 1m) Single cell = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth as per
drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious
matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 18.934 60.70 1149.28
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course below open
foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 2.228 4898.18 10910.70
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per drawing and
technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807, 1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 10.025 6164.00 61791.02
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in sub-structure
complete as per drawing and technical specifications Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 &
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 1.113 64941.00 72279.33
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clauses
1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 13.5 / 800
& 1206.3 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 0.759 11845.00 8994.80
Total = 155125.12
Format - F7A
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Single Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m
depth as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104
includding setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR 2017-18 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 8 Cum 39.819 113.00 4499.53
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling
course below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings &
Technical Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR 2017-18 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 8 Cum 2.709 4946.00 13398.71
Bedding of pipe
(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as
per Clause 1105(ii)
ii) Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted approved 3.953 1378.80 5450.63
3 Stone
materialwork inClause
as per cement1105
(ii) in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications Clauses 702, 704, 1202 &
II. In 1:4 cement mortar
Rate as per SOR 2017-18 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 8 Cum 31.566 7277.90 229731.19
5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in
substructure as per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
12.3 / 600 Qty. as per Statement No. - 8 10Sqm 36.900 128.00 472.32
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for
culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row
including fixing collar with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding
excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry
works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106.
(B) 1000 mm dia
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
9.3 / 1100 Qty. as per Statement No. - 8 Rm 7.500 6891.90 51689.25
Total = 305241.63
Add12%GST+1%Labour cess 39681.41
Total 344923.05
Format - F7C

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Box Culvert (2m x 2m) Single cell = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 10 Cum 30.030 Err:509
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 10 Cum 3.780 Err:509
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 10 Cum 26.164 Err:509
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 10 Cum 1.996 Err:509
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
12.3 / 600 Qty. as per Statement No. - 10 10m3 1.406 Err:509
Total =
ormat - F7C

Amount in




Format - F7B
Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Type of Cross Drainage works :
1. Triple Hume Pipe Culvert (1000mm dia) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth as per
drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious
matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 100.246 113.00 11327.75
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course below open
foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 4.162 4946.00 20586.24
3 Bedding for pipe
(ii) Type B(First Class) Bedding
Laying (First Class) bedding on well compacted sand moorum as per Clause
(i) Sand Filling
Rate as per SOR 2017-18 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 15.901 7277.90 115723.53
4 Stone masonry work in cement mortar in foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications Clauses 702, 704, 1202 & 1203.
II. In 1:4 cement mortar
Rate as per SOR 2017-18 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 43.437 Err:509 Err:509
5 Plastering with cement mortar (1:4), 15 mm thick on brickwork in substructure as
per technical specification Clauses 613.4 & 1204
Rate as per SOR 2017-18
12.3 / 600 Qty. as per Statement No. - 10m3 57.660 128.00 738.05
6 Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts on first
class bedding of granular material in single row including fixing collar with
cement mortar 1:2 but excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling,
concrete and masonry works in head walls and parapets Clause 1106.
(B) 1000 mm dia
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR 2017-18

9.3 / 1100 Qty. as per Statement No. - Rm 30.000 6880.50 206415.00

Total = Err:509
Format - F7C

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Box Culvert (1m x 1m) Single cell = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 18.934 Err:509 Err:509
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 2.228 Err:509 Err:509
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 10.025 Err:509 Err:509
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 1.113 Err:509 Err:509
Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in
Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 13.5 / 800
& 1206.3 Qty. as per Statement No. - Cum 0.759 Err:509 Err:509
Total = Err:509
Format - F7C

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Box Culvert (Double Cell) (3.00m x 3.00m) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 162.563 113.00
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 11.813 4946.00
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 89.168 7121.00
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 6.900 47543.60
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
13.5 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 4.050 13337.30
6 Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm
nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical
RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between
vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, as per drawings and technical
specifications clauses 800, 900 and 1208.3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12

13.6 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Rm 15.000 2258.00

7 Providing and laying boulder apron for bed protection with stone
boulders of minimum size and weight as per Table 1300.1, no
fragment weing less than 25 kg laid dry complete as per drawing and
technical specifications clause 1301
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
14.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 36.000 1025.00
Total =
rmat - F7C

Amount in






Statement No. - 10
Quantity Calculation of R.C.C.Box Cell 3.00mx3.00m (Double Cell)

Estimate of Quantity for 3.00m x 3.00m (without earth cushion) Double cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 3.00m
Height of Culvert = 3.00m
No. of Cell single = 2 nos.
Length of Box 7.50m

No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity
Box Culvert 1 7.50 7.50 1.95 109.69
2 0.38 7.50 0.30 1.69
cut-off walls 2 7.50 0.30 1.50 6.75
2 7.50 0.75 0.75 8.44
apron 1 7.50 5.00 0.60 22.50
1 7.50 3.00 0.60 13.50
Total Cum 162.56
Below box culvert 1 7.50 7.50 0.15 Cum 8.44
2 2 0.38 7.50 0.30 Cum 1.69
cut-off walls 2 7.50 0.75 0.15 1.69
Total 11.81
Bottom & Top slab 2 7.50 7.20 0.300 Cum 32.40
wall 3 7.50 0.400 3.000 27.00
haunch 8 7.50 0.08 0.15 0.68
wheel guard 2 16.20 0.25 0.225 1.82
3 Parapet 2 16.20 0.20 0.375 2.43
Return wall 4 4.50 0.30 0.600 3.24
4 3.00 0.30 3.000 10.80
cut-off walls 2 7.50 0.30 1.500 6.75
2 7.50 0.45 0.600 4.05
Total 89.17
4 Reinforcement (Qty as per DWG ) Ton 6.900
5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 7.20 0.075 Cum 4.05
6 RCC Railing 2 7.50 Rm 15
Boulder Apron
D/S 1 7.50 5 0.6 22.5
U/S 1 7.50 3 0.6 13.5
Total Cum 36.00
Statement No. - 11
Quantity Calculation of R.C.C.Box Cell 2.00mx2.00m (Double Cell)

Estimate of Quantity for 2.00m x 2.00m (without earth cushion) Double cell box culvert
Span of Culvert = 2.00m
Height of Culvert = 2.00m
No. of Cell single = 2 nos.
Length of Box 7.50m

No. Description Nos. Length(m) Breadth(m) Height(m) unit Quantity
Box Culvert 1 7.50 5.05 1.40 53.03
2 0.38 5.05 0.30 1.14
Total Cum 54.16
Below box culvert 1 7.50 5.05 0.15 Cum 5.68
2 0.38 5.05 0.30 Cum 1.14
Total 6.82
Bottom & Top slab 2 7.50 4.75 0.250 Cum 17.81
wall 3 7.50 0.250 2.000 11.25
haunch 8 7.50 0.08 0.15 0.68
3 wheel guard 2 10.75 0.25 0.225 1.21
Parapet 2 10.75 0.20 0.375 1.61
Return wall 4 3.00 0.30 0.600 2.16
4 2.00 0.30 1.900 4.56
Total 39.28
4 Reinforcement (Qty as per DWG ) Ton 4.595
5 RCC wearing coat 1 7.50 4.75 0.075 2.671875
Format - F7D

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Box Culvert (Double Cell) (2.00m x 2.00m) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 54.161 113.00 6120.22
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 6.818 4946.00 33719.36
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 39.279 7121.00 279708.43
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 4.595 47543.60 218462.84
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
12.3 / 600 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 10m3 2.672 13337.30 35635.60
Total = 573646.45
Format - F7C

Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Box Culvert (Triple Cell) (4.00m x 4.00m) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in Amount in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 262.260 Err:509 Err:509
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 19.035 Err:509 Err:509
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 152.468 Err:509 Err:509
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 16.570 Err:509 Err:509
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
13.5 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 7.763 Err:509 Err:509
6 Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm
nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical
RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between
vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, as per drawings and technical
specifications clauses 800, 900 and 1208.3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12

13.6 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Rm 45.600 2258.00 102964.80

Total = Err:509
Format - F7D

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Type of Cross Drainage works :

1. Box Culvert (Double Cell) (4.00m x 4.00m) = 1 No.

Sl. Length Width Thickness Rate in

Description of Item Item No. Unit Quantity
No (m) (m) (m) (Rs)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3 m depth
as per drawing and technical specification Clause 1104 includding
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.1/1100
& 300 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 248.970 Err:509
2 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6 nominal mix) in levelling course
below open foundation of Head walls as per drawings & Technical
Specification Clause 1109
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.9 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 15.199 Err:509
3 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete, in sub structure complete as per
drawing and technical specification Clauses 802, 804, 805, 806, 807,
1202 and 1204
A. With Crushed Stone
RCC Grade M20 for Height upto 5m
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 9.2 / 1100
& 800 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 131.085 Err:509
4 Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement (Fe-500) in
sub-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
Clauses 1002, 105, 1010 & 1202
Qty. as per Statement No. - 6
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12 11.6 / 700
& 1200 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 10.960 Err:509
5 Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade
including reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications Clauses 1002, 1010 and 1202
A. With crushed stone
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
13.5 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 5.259 Err:509
6 Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with 20 mm
nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical
RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between
vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, as per drawings and technical
specifications clauses 800, 900 and 1208.3
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12

13.6 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Rm 42.700 2258.00

7 Providing and laying boulder apron for bed protection with stone
boulders of minimum size and weight as per Table 1300.1, no
fragment weing less than 25 kg laid dry complete as per drawing and
technical specifications clause 1301
Rate as per SOR PMGSY - 2011-12
14.1 Qty. as per Statement No. - 11 Cum 46.320 1025.00
Total =
rmat - F7D

Amount in






Table No. - 1


STATE : ASSAM District : Dhubri CODE : 00 BLOCK : Agomoni
B : Provide the following details of all types of Rural Roads in the Block

All-Weather Road (AWR) or

List of
Length (KM) with Surface

Condition Rating (PCI)

Width (m) Existing Cross Drainage Works Habitations

Fair-Weather Road

Category of Road
on the Road
Name of Road

Terrain Type
Length (km)

Type of Soil
(Ex. 12.935)
Road Code
Sl. No.


(Waterway Span)

Habitation Code

Total Length
Road Land

Width (m)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
NH-31 to 12m
1 Dighaltari road VR 9.600 Alluvial Plain ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ FWR

NOTE : Please see the instruction-II for details

Certification : Certified that the above information is correct Name : Designation : Signature :
Table No. - 2


Name of Road:
Name of Block :
Package No. :
Route No. :

(i)  Single lane Traffic
Annual Traffic Growth Rate = 6%
Design CBR = 5% from borrow area soil
ESAL per day (T0) =
(iv)              825.98

SWC Correction Factor = 0 [Since Animal drawn vehicles consists mostly of Solid-
wheeled (Iron-rimmed) Carts]
T0 x 4811 x 1 x SWC correction factor
(vi) Cumulative ESAL (N) =
= 0
Design life of the road = 10 years
(viii) Traffic Category = T4
(ix) Average Daily Traffic = 1170
(x) Average Rainfall = Above 1500mm

Ref. IRC:SP-72/2007
For CBR = 5%

Pavement thickness = 300 mm

Pavement Composition
Sub-base = 150 mm
Base Coarse
Layer – I – Gr.II = 75 mm
Layer – II –Gr.III = 75 mm
= 300 mm + 20 mm Premix Surfacing with Seal Coat

Note :
T0 = (Bus Laden + Truck Laden) x 2.58 + (Bus Unladen + Truck Unladen) x 0.31 + (Bus Overloaded +

Truck Overloaded) x 2.86 + (Mini Bus, Pick-up vans etc. Laden + Agriculrural Tractor/Trailor Laden) x

0.31 + (Mini Bus, Pick-up vans etc. Unladen + Agriculrural Tractor/Trailor Unladen) x 0.019 + (Mini

Bus, Pick-up vans etc. Overloaded + Agriculrural Tractor/Trailor Overloaded) x 0.344

T0 = 605.99+75.76+0.00+135.57+8.66+0.00 = 825.98
Statement No. - 7
Quantity Calculation of 1000mm dia Triple HP Culvert
Considering Length = 7.50m

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Sl. Depth/
Item No. Length Breath Quantity
No. Thickness
Earthwork in
Wall 2 9.91 1.40 1.80 49.95
Bed 1 7.20 4.99 1.40 50.30
Total = 100.25 m3
C.C. work in
Proportion 1:3:6
Wall 2 9.91 1.40 0.15 4.16 m3
3 Bedding
Bedding 1 8.29 4.99 0.55 22.76
Deduct for pipe 3 8.29 0.28 6.86
Total = 15.90 m3
Stone Masonary in
CM 1:4
Wall 2 9.61 (0.4+1.25)/2 2.73 43.21
Wall 2 9.61 0.40 0.60 4.61
Deduct for pipe 6 (0.827+0.4)/2 3.142/4 1.51 4.39
Total = 43.44 m3
5 Plastering
Face wall 2 9.610 2.200 42.284
Top 2 9.610 0.400 7.688
Inner Side 2 9.610 0.400 7.688
Total = 57.660 sqm
6 NP3 HP 12 2.500 30.000 Rm
Table No. - 2


Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Package No. : Package No:
Route No. : Road Code:

(i)  Single lane Traffic
Annual Traffic Growth Rate = 6%
Design CBR = 5% from borrow area soil
ESAL per day (T0) =
(iv)              21.66
Cumulative ESAL (N) = T0 x 4811 x 1 = 104214
Design life of the road = 10 years
Traffic Category = T4
(viii) Average Daily Traffic = 167
(ix) Average Rainfall = Above 1500mm

Ref. IRC:SP-72/2007
For CBR = 5%

Pavement thickness = 300 mm

Pavement Composition
Sub-base = 150 mm
Base Coarse
Layer – I – Gr.II = 75 mm
Layer – II –Gr.III = 75 mm
= 300 mm + 20 mm Premix Surfacing with Seal Coat

Note :

T0 = (Bus Laden + Truck Laden) x 2.86 + (Bus Unladen + Truck Unladen) x 0.31 + (Mini Bus Laden + Mini Tru

T0 = 12.60+1.37+7.64+0.06 = 21.66

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Location on Road :
Package No. : Package No:
Route No. : Road Code:
District District:

Date : 04-08-2011

Bus Truck Mini Bus Mini Truck Animal

Scooter/ Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Drawn Auto
Time Bike Jeep/T Agricultural Tr Vehicles Rikshaw Cycle Rickshaw
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 9 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 5 3
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 11 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 1
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 1 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 11 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 5 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Total 51 24 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 16 0 5 16 8
Date : 05-08-2011
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 10 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 5 2
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 1
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 1 1 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 10 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 1
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Date : 04-08-2011
Total 49 23 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 2 14 0 4 17 7
Date : 06-08-2011
6:00 AM to 8:00 AM 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM 9 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 4 3
10:00 AM to 12:00 NOON 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 1
12:00 NOON to 2:00 PM 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM 11 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 5 2
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
10:00 PM to 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12:00 PM to 2:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2:00 AM to 4:00 AM 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4:00 AM to 6:00 AM 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Name of Road: NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Location on Road : 1st km
Package No. : Package No:
Route No. : Road Code:
District District:

Vehicle Class
Bus Truck Mini Bus Mini Truck

Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen Laden Unladen
Cars, Je Rickshaw Motorised T Agricultural TrCycle RickshawsAnimal DraTotal
Day 1 (04/08/2011) 24 8 51 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 16 16 5 0 130

Day 2 (05/08/2011) 23 7 49 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 2 14 17 4 0 126

Day 3 (06/08/2011) 24 8 46 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 3 14 15 5 0 124

Total 71 23 146 0 0 10 10 0 0 7 7 44 48 14 0 380

Average Daily
24 8 49 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 2 15 16 5 0 127
AADT 30 10 61 0 0 4 4 0 0 3 3 18 20 6 0 158
Traffic before
31 10 64 0 0 4 4 0 0 3 3 19 21 6 0 167
opening (ADT)

AADT = 158
Traffic before opening of the road (ADT) = 167
Annexure - 3



Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. :
District : Dhubri Civil Sub-Divn.TRD

Maintenance Cost Estimate (For 1.00km)


1ST YEAR 34266.70 35980.04

2nd YEAR 39156.16 43071.77
3rd YEAR 142325.51 163674.33
4th YEAR 177205.78 212646.94
5th YEAR 251422.37 314277.96
TOTAL 644376.52 769651.04
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2019-20 in Assam
For 1st Year (Rates based on SOR 2017-18)
Sl. SOR ref. Rate Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit Remarks
No. no. (Rs./unit) (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts(Manual Means) 45.00 Cum 130.50 5,872.50 Total 6% raincuts for 1st year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 10% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 70.00 Sqm 72.10 5,047.00
excess soil) 1st year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Maintenance not required at the end
3 15.3 I 0.00 Cum 7396.20 -
mateial and filling with 75 mm BM of first year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Maintenance not required at the end
4 15.3 IV 0.00 Sqm 173.70 -
hole repairing etc.) of first year

5 15.6 Maintenance of Drain 100.00 m 2.30 230.00 Maintenance to be done twice a yer

Manintenance to be done twice a

5 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1439.60 5,758.40

Manintenance to be done once in 2

6 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1100.90 550.45

Considering 2% requiring
7 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.00 M 143.10 -

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

8 15.11 i 1.00 Km 123.90 123.90

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

9 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 524.40 524.40
ii) Printing of letters

10 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 100.00 2,000.00

11 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 5.80 377.00

Considering 12% of the total area

12 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 302.62 Sqm 1.90 574.98
requiring grass trimming

13 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 16.50 165.00

Total = 21,223.63
Add 13% GST 2,759.07
Total = 23,982.70

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2019-20 in Assam
For 2nd Year (Rates based on SOR 2017-18)
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./un Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 54.00 Cum 130.50 7,047.00 Total 7.2% raincuts for 2nd year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 12% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 93.00 Sqm 72.10 6,705.30
excess soil) 2nd year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Maintenance not required at the end
3 15.3 I 0.00 Cum 7396.20 -
mateial and filling with 75 m BM of 2nd year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Maintenance not required at the end
4 15.3 IV 0.00 Sqm 173.70 -
hole repairing etc.) of 2nd year

5 15.6 Maintenance of Drain 100.00 m 2.30 230.00 Maintenance to be done twice a yer

Manintenance to be done twice a

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1439.60 5,758.40

Manintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1100.90 550.45

Considering 4% requiring
8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.76 M 137.20 104.27

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 123.90 123.90

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 524.40 524.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 100.00 2,000.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 5.80 377.00

Considering 15% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 175.98 Sqm 1.90 334.35
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 16.50 165.00

Total = 23,920.07

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2019-20 in Assam
For 3rd Year (Rates based on SOR 2017-18)
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./un Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 63.00 Cum 130.50 8,221.50 Total 8.4% raincuts for 3rd year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 14% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 193.00 Sqm 72.10 13,915.30
excess soil) 3rd year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Total 2.5% requiring maintenance

3 15.3 I 10.54 Cum 7396.20 77,955.95
mateial and filling with 75 m BM for 3rd year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Total 1.5% requiring maintenance

4 15.3 IV 117.18 Sqm 173.70 20,354.17
hole repairing etc.) for 3rd year

5 15.6 Maintenance of Drain 100.00 m 2.30 230.00 Maintenance to be done twice a yer

Manintenance to be done twice a

5 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4.00 No. 1439.60 5,758.40

Manintenance to be done once in 2

6 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1100.90 550.45

Considering 8% requiring
7 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.52 M 137.20 208.54

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

8 15.11 i 1.00 Km 123.90 123.90

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

9 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 524.40 524.40
ii) Printing of letters

10 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20.00 No. 100.00 2,000.00

11 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65.00 No. 5.80 377.00

Considering 15% of the total area

12 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 321.27 Sqm 1.90 610.41
requiring grass trimming

13 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 16.50 165.00

Total = 130,995.02

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2019-20 in Assam
For 4th Year (Rates based on SOR 2017-18)
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./un Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 72.00 Cum 130.50 9,396.00 Total 9.6% raincuts for 4th year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 16% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 225.00 Sqm 72.10 16,222.50
excess soil) 4th year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Total 3% requiring maintenance for

3 15.3 I 14.05 Cum 7396.20 103,916.61
mateial and filling with 75 m BM 4th year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Total 2% requiring maintenance for

4 15.3 IV 140.62 Sqm 173.70 24,425.69
hole repairing etc.) 4th year

5 15.6 Maintenance of Drain 100.00 m 2.30 230.00 Maintenance to be done twice a yer

Manintenance to be done twice a

5 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1439.60 5,758.40

Manintenance to be done once in 2

6 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1100.90 550.45

Considering 10% requiring

7 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.90 M 137.20 260.68

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

8 15.11 i 1.00 Km 123.90 123.90

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

9 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 524.40 524.40
ii) Printing of letters

10 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 100.00 2,000.00

11 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 5.80 377.00

Considering 15% of the total area

12 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 326.04 Sqm 1.90 619.48
requiring grass trimming

13 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 16.50 165.00

Total = 164,570.11

Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2019-20 in Assam
For 5th Year (Rates based on SOR 2017-18)
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./un Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 81.00 Cum 130.50 10,570.50 Total 10.8% raincuts for 5th year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 18% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 314.00 Sqm 72.10 22,639.40
excess soil) 5th year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Total 4.5% requiring maintenance

3 15.3 I 22.83 Cum 7396.20 168,855.25
mateial and filling with 75 mm BM for 5th year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Total 2.5% requiring maintenance

4 15.3 IV 164.06 Sqm 173.70 28,497.22
hole repairing etc.) for 5th year

5 15.6 Maintenance of Drain 100.00 m 2.30 230.00 Maintenance to be done twice a yer

Manintenance to be done twice a

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1439.60 5,758.40

Manintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1100.90 550.45

Considering 10% requiring

8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.90 M 137.20 260.68

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 123.90 123.90

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 524.40 524.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 100.00 2,000.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 5.80 377.00

Considering 25% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 570.55 Sqm 1.90 1,084.05
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 16.50 165.00

Total = 241,636.24

Total maintenance cost for 5 years Rs. 582,345.07


Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3


Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Length : 9.600 km
Package No. : AS-05-199

Sl No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Maintenance cost for 1st year km 9.600 23982.70 230233.94

2 Maintenance cost for 2nd year km 9.600 27029.68 259484.92

3 Maintenance cost for 3rd year km 9.600 148024.37 1421033.98

4 Maintenance cost for 4th year km 9.600 185964.22 576589.10

5 Maintenance cost for 5th year km 9.600 273048.95 2621269.93

Total 5108611.86

Say Rs. In Lakh 51.09

1year periodic maintenance estimate

Name of Road : Jellura Point to NH 37 at Jirighat via Lakhinagar, Namdailong, Ramgaijang and Digli
Name of Block : Lakhipur Name of District : Cachar
Route No. : MRL02 Package No. : AS-03-222

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount

Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Maintenance of WBM Road

Maintenance of WBM road including filling up of pot holes, ruts

1 and rectifying corrugated surface, damaged edges and ravelling 15.5 Sqm 10174.00 3.75 15% 5741.91 290.20 1666300.52
as per technical specification Clause 1906.

Providing and applying primer coat with Bitumen emulsion (SS-

1) on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of
road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.90- 1.2 kg/sqm
2 5.1 (ii) Sqm 10174.00 3.75 20% 7630.50 34.20 260963.10
using mechanical means as per Technical
Specification Clause 502.

Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1)

using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm
3 on the prepared dry and hungry bituminous surface cleaned with 5.2 (ii) Sqm 10174.00 3.75 38152.500 10.20 389155.50
Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification
Clause 503.

20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous

(penetration grade/modified bitumen) Binder
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20
mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates
either using penetration grade bitumen or emulsion to required
line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously
4 5.9 Case-I (iv) Sqm 10174.00 3.75 38152.500 180.92 6902550.30
prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and
rolling with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller capacity,
finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal coat
of either Type A or Type B or Type C as per Technical
Specification Clause 508. Case - I: By Manual Means, Crumb
Rubber Modified Bitumen
Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Seal Coat
Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous
surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using 5.12 (A) Case-I
5 Sqm 10174.00 3.75 38152.500 73.31 2796959.78
Type A, Type B and Type C as per Technical Specification (iv)
Clause 510. By Manual Means, Case - I : Type A, Crumb
Rubber Modified Bitumen

TOTAL 12015929.20


Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Community Consultation Checklist – Engineering
Question Yes No N/a
1. Are there any flood prone areas on the road?
If yes:
1.1 Are locations specified and inspected?
1.2. Is high flood level specified for each stretch?
1.3 Are locations specified and inspected?
2. Are there any locations on the road where irrigations ducts need to
be provided?
If yes:
2.1 Are locations specified and inspected?
3. Can the road be used as a shortcut by through traffic?
4. Does the road lead to any quarries, mining areas, brick kilns, logging
areas, tourist attractions etc.?
5. Are there plans to build new schools, hospitals, temples etc
6. Is there potential for double connectivity?
If yes on any of 3-6:
6.1 Is information on location, size and nature of additional traffic
generators and specific routes obtained?
7. Is there a need for deviations from existing track?
If yes:
7.1 Were the proposals for deviation shown on site and explained to the
7.2 Is the land availability checked?
7.3 If there is a need for donation, were the owners consulted regarding
their agreement to donate the land?
8. Is there a need for speed breakers?
If yes:
8.1 Is location and rational for speed breakers identified?
8.2 Is rationale verified and checked on site?
8.3 Are alternative or additional locations discussed?
9. Are all existing intersections checked with the community on site?
9.1 Is the use of intersecting roads identified (e.g. school children, farm
machinery, etc)?
10. Are proposed culvert locations verified with the community?
10.1 Is there a need for additional culverts?
10.2 If yes, are locations identified?

For DPR consultant For PIU For PIC

Format - F6
Name of Road :
NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Route No. : MRL06 Package No. : AS-05-199

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount

Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild
vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth
upto 300 mm, removal of stumps of such trees cut earlier and
disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of serviceable
material to be used or auctioned, upto a lead of 1000 m
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding
150 mm in thickness as per Technical Specification Clause 201.
i)  By Manual Means
A) In area of non-thorny jungle

2.2 Hect #REF! 2x1.90 #REF! 42648.30 #REF!

2 Construction of embankment with approved material obtained
from borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m, transporting to site,
spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet
requirement of Tables 300.1 and 300.2 with a lead upto 1000 m
as per Technical Specification Clause 301.5
(i) Private Land
3.4 / 301.5 Cum #REF! 230.60 #REF!
3 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved
material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads,
transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and
compacted to meet requirement of Table 300.2 with lead upto
1000 m as per Technical Specification Clause 303.1.
(i) Private Land
Qty. as per Statement No. - 1
Rate as per SOR 2019-20
3.14 / 303.1 Cum For Shoulder #REF! 286.30 #REF!
4 Construction of granular sub-base by providing well graded
material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on
prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator
at OMC, and compacting with smooth wheel roller to achieve
the desired density, complete as per Technical Specification
Clause 401.
(A) By Mix in Place Method
ii) For Grading II Material
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
4.1 / 401 Cum #REF! Err:509 #REF!
Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates
of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including
spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with
smooth wheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to proper grade and
camber, applying and brooming, stone screening/binding
materials to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering
and compacting to the required density grading 2 as per
Technical Specification Clause 405.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8

2) Grading -II
(A) By Mechanical Means 4.7 / 405 Cum #REF! Err:509 #REF!
3) Grading –III
(A) By Mechanical Means. 4.7 / 405 Cum #REF! Err:509 #REF!
6 Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion (SS-
1) on prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of
road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.70-1.0 kg/sqm
using mechanical means as per Technical Specification Clause
(i) Low Porosity
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8
5.1 / 502 Sqm #REF! 27.90 #REF!
7 Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen emulsion (RS-1)
using emulsion distributor at the rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm
on the prepared granular surfaces treated with primer & cleaned
with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 2
Rate as per F-8

5.2 / 503 Sqm #REF! 10.20 #REF!

8 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet using Bituminous
(penetration grade/ modified bitumen) Binder: Using Paver
finisher hydrostatic with sensor control @ 75 cum per hour
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded premix carpet of 20
mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates
either using penetration grade bitumen or emulsion to required
line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously
prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and
rolling with a three wheel 80-100 kN static roller capacity,
finished to required level and grades to be followed by seal coat
of either Type A or Type B or Type C as per Technical
Specification Clause 508.

16.14 Sqm #REF! Err:509 #REF!

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9 Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous
surface laid to the specified levels, grade and cross fall using
Type A, Type B and Type C as per Technical Specification
Clause 510 B.
By Mechanical Means
Case - III : Type C
ii Bitumen (S-65)
16.19 Sqm #REF! Err:509 #REF!
10 Kilometer Stone
Reinforced cement concrete M 15 grade kilometer stone / local
………………….. Specification Clause 1703.
Qty. as per Statement No. - 4
Rate as per SOR 2019-20
i) 5th Kilometer Stone (Precast) Each 0 3524.80 0.00
ii) Ordinary Kilometer Stone (Precast) Each 4 2116.40 8465.60
iii) 200 m stone (precast) 10.10 / 1700 Each 48 563.20 27033.60
Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 Providing & fixing retro – reflectorised cautionary, mandatory
and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made encapsulated lens
type reflective sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel
angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground
by means of properly designed foundation with M 15 grade
cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below
ground level as per drawings and technical specification Clause
Qty. as per Statement No. - 4
Rate as per SOR 2019-20

vi) 600mm x 600mm square Each 3 5635.10 16905.30

ii) 600mm equilateral triangle 10.2 / 1700, Each 15 3723.40 55851.00
iii) 600mm circular 300, 800 Each 6 4913.60 29481.60
12 RCC Guard Post: Supplying, fitting and fixing RCC guard post
150cm long erected 75cm above the ground and 75cm below
the ground with M-15 grade (nominal mix 1:2:4 with broken
stone aggregate up to 20mm size) of cement concrete and
required reinforcement tied in position with annealed black wire
including centering, moulding the top, curing including painting
concrete surfaces in 23cm strips upto 0.75m from the top
alternately in black and white and having 2 nos. reflective
band of desired shade etc. complete as per design and as
30 cm dia. RCC guard post with reinforcement of 6nos. 12mm
dia TMT main steel bars and 6mm TMT/ MS stirrups at 15cm

16.27 Each 115.0 653.00 75095.00

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13 Providing and fixing of typical PMGSY informatory sign board
with Logo as per MORD specifications and drawing. Three MS
Plates of 1.6mm thick, top and middle plate duly welded with MS
flat iron 25mm x 5m size on back on edges. The lower plate will
be welded with MS angle iron frame of 25mm x 25mm x 5mm.
The angle iron frame of the lower most plate and flat iron frame
of middle plate will be welded to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12
SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-
15 grade blocks of 450mm x 450mm x 600mm, 600mm below
ground level. The top most diamond plate will be welded to
middle plate by 47mm x 47mm of 12 SWG steel plate tube. All
M.S. will be stove enameled on both sides. Lettering and
printing arrows, border etc. will be painted with ready mixed
synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and
coloue. All sections of framed posts and steel tube will primer
and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1710 and
Annexure 1700.1.

10.16 Each 2 21457.90 42915.80

14 Providing and fixing of typical Citizens Information Board with
Logo as per MORD specifications and drawing. Two nos. 1.6mm
thick MS sheet duly welded with 5mm thick steel plate on back
on edges. The 4 nos. steel plate will be welded horizontally with
2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly
embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of 600mm x
600mm x 750mm, 750mm below ground level. The 2 nos. steel
plate will be welded vertically to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12
SWG sheet tubes posts duly welded to vertical tubes. All M.S.
will be stove enameled on both sides. Lettering and printing
arrows, border etc. will be painted with ready mixed synthetic
enamel paint of superior quality in required shade and coloue.
All sections of framed posts and steel tube will be painted with
primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per drawing Clause 1701
and Annexure 1700.1
Rate as per Analysis-

Each 1 24598.09 24598.09

15 For DPR Preparation Km 9.600 20000.00 192000.00
Add. 12% GST+1% Labour Cess #REF!
Total #REF!

Executive Engineer, PWD

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount
Item Description Item No. Unit
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dhubri Civil Sub-Divn.TRD
Statement No. - 4


Specification Location Unit Quantity

No. of Curve Proposed
Curve No. 8
T - Intersection No. 5
600mm equilateral triangle Cross Road No. 0
Speedbreaker No. 0
Total = 13
600mm x 600mm square School/Hospital No. 2
No. 0
600mm circular
Speed Limit No. 13
Total = 13
Km Post km Each 9
5th Km Stone 5th km Each 1
200 m Stone 200 m Each 36
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Name of Block : Agomoni
Package No.: AS-05-199
Rate Analysis of Citizen Information Board

Sl. Reference to Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

No. MORD (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 1700 Providing and Fixing Citizens Information Board
Providing and fixing of typical Citizens Information Board with Logo
as per MORD specifications and drawing. Two nos. 1.6mm thick
MS sheet duly welded with 5mm thick steel plate on back on
edges. The 4 nos. steel plate will be welded horizontally with 2 nos.
75mm x 75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts duly embedded in
cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of 600mm x 600mm x 750mm,
750mm below ground level. The 2 nos. steel plate will be welded
vertically to 2 nos. 75mm x 75mm of 12 SWG sheet tubes posts
duly welded to vertical tubes. All M.S. will be stove enameled on
both sides. Lettering and printing arrows, border etc. will be painted
with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint of superior quality in
required shade and coloue. All sections of framed posts and steel
tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paint as per
drawing Clause 1701 and Annexure 1700.1

Unit = Each
Taking out put = one typical board
(i) Excavation for foundations
As per Item No. 11.1 of Chapter 11 cum 0.270 113.00 30.51
(ii) PCC grade M15
As per Item No. 11.4 of Chapter 11 cum 0.270 5588.40 1508.87
Painting on MS Steel tubes with primer and two coats of epoxy
2 x 2.45 x 0.30 = 1.47
2 x 1.00 x 0.30 = 0.60
As per Item No. 10.6 of Chapter 10 sqm 2.070 70.40 145.73
(iv) Painting new letters and figures of any shade with synthetic
Top Plate :
Heading Band=90x1x10=900 per cm height per letter
Figure 7x10 = 70 per cm height per letter
Side Border 2x65x1.5=195 per cm height per letter
Lower Border 1x90x1.5=135 per cm height per letter
Words (57x2.5+245x1.7) = 559 per cm height per letter
Figure 65x20 = 1300 per cm height per letter
Bottom Plate :
Border (2x75x1.5+2x90x1.5) = 495 per cm height per letter
Words 565x1.7 = 96..50 per cm height per letter
Total 4614.50 per cm height per letter
As per Item No. 10.1 of Chapter 10 per
letter 4614.500 0.65 2999.43
a) Labour (for fixing at site)
Mate day 0.060 396.70 23.80
Mazdoor (Unskilled) day 1.000 272.02 272.02
b) Materials
MS tubes 75mmx75mm of 12 SWG sheet 8400mm long kg 100.090 83.00 8307.47
5mm steel plate kg 14.600 45.00 657.00
1.6mm thick MS sheet strengthening by 25mm x 5 MS flat iron
on painting with stove enameled paint on both sides as per
MORD specifications. sqm 1.350 2500.00 3375.00
Add 3% cost of MS tube and steel plate towards the cost of
fabrications, drilling holes, nuts, bolts etc. 350.47
c) Machinery
Tractor with trolley hour 0.300 499.00 149.70
d) Overheads & Contractor's profit @ 15.5% on (a+b+c) 2036.00
Cost for one Board = (i+ii+iii+iv+a+b+c+d) 19855.99
Note : Printing and lettering for blank spaces on the plates will be written
as required and paid separately.


Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road

Length : 9.600 km
Package No. : AS-05-199

Sl No. Description of Item Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Maintenance cost for 1st year km 9.600 46498.12 446381.95

2 Maintenance cost for 2nd year km 9.600 53580.87 514376.35

3 Maintenance cost for 3rd year km 9.600 199509.01 1915286.50

4 Maintenance cost for 4th year km 9.600 249278.80 2393076.48

5 Maintenance cost for 5th year km 9.600 355978.51 3417393.65

Total 8686514.93
Say Rs. In Lakh 86.87
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2020-21 in Assam
For 1st Year
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./unit Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts(Manual Means) 63.00 Cum 142.30 8,964.90 Total 6% raincuts for 1st year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 10% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 350.00 Sqm 73.70 25,795.00
excess soil) 1st year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Maintenance not required at the end
3 15.3 I 0.00 Cum 7172.40 -
mateial and filling with 75 mm BM of first year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Maintenance not required at the end
4 15.3 IV 0.00 Sqm 192.30 -
hole repairing etc.) of first year

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

Maintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

Considering 2% requiring
8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.38 M 141.50 53.77

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

Considering 14% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 490.00 Sqm 2.20 1,078.00
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 46,498.12


Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2020-21 in Assam
For 2nd Year
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./uni
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 75.60 Cum 142.30 10,757.88

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of

2 15.2 1 420.00 Sqm 73.70 30,954.00
excess soil)

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed

3 15.3 I 0.00 Cum 7172.40 -
mateial and filling with 75 m BM

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt-

4 15.3 IV 0.00 Sqm 192.30 -
hole repairing etc.)

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.76 M 141.50 107.54

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 525.00 Sqm 2.20 1,155.00

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 53,580.87


Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
tine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2020-21 in Assam


Total 7.2% raincuts for 2nd year

Total 12% requiring maintenance for

2nd year

Maintenance not required at the end

of 2nd year

Maintenance not required at the end

of 2nd year

Maintenance to be done twice a year

Manintenance to be done twice a


Manintenance to be done once in 2


Considering 4% requiring

Considering 15% of the total area

requiring grass trimming



Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2020-21 in Assam
For 3rd Year
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./uni Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 88.20 Cum 142.30 12,550.86 Total 8.4% raincuts for 3rd year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 14% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 490.00 Sqm 73.70 36,113.00
excess soil) 3rd year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Total 3% requiring maintenance for

3 15.3 I 15.68 Cum 7172.40 112,427.37
mateial and filling with 75 m BM 3rd year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Total 2.5% requiring maintenance

4 15.3 IV 137.50 Sqm 192.30 26,441.25
hole repairing etc.) for 3rd year

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

Manintenance to be done twice a

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00

Manintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

Considering 8% requiring
8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.52 M 141.50 215.08

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

Considering 15% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 525.00 Sqm 2.20 1,155.00
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 199,509.01


Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2020-21 in Assam
For 4th Year
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./uni Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 100.80 Cum 142.30 14,343.84 Total 9.6% raincuts for 4th year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 16% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 560.00 Sqm 73.70 41,272.00
excess soil) 4th year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Total 4% requiring maintenance for

3 15.3 I 20.90 Cum 7172.40 149,903.16
mateial and filling with 75 m BM 4th year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Total 3% requiring maintenance for

4 15.3 IV 165.00 Sqm 192.30 31,729.50
hole repairing etc.) 4th year

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

Manintenance to be done twice a

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00

Manintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

Considering 10% requiring

8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.90 M 141.50 268.85

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

Considering 15% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 525.00 Sqm 2.20 1,155.00
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 249,278.80


Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1 km road length for PMGSY works 2020-21 in Assam
For 5th Year
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./uni Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 113.40 Cum 142.30 16,136.82 Total 10.8% raincuts for 5th year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 18% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 630.00 Sqm 73.70 46,431.00
excess soil) 5th year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Total 6.5% requiring maintenance

3 15.3 I 33.96 Cum 7172.40 243,592.64
mateial and filling with 75 mm BM for 5th year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Total 3.5% requiring maintenance

4 15.3 IV 192.50 Sqm 192.30 37,017.75
hole repairing etc.) for 5th year

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

Manintenance to be done twice a

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00

Manintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

Considering 10% requiring

8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.90 M 141.50 268.85

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 Km 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

Considering 25% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 875.00 Sqm 2.20 1,925.00
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 355,978.51

Total maintenance cost for 5 years Rs. 904,845.31



Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads), Assam

Chandmari, Guwahati - 3
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1.00 km road length for PMGSY-III works 2020-21 in Assam
for 6th Year (Rates based on SOR 2020-21) with roadway width 9.00 m

Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./unit Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts(Manual Means) 63.00 Cum 142.30 8,964.90 Total 6% raincuts for 1st year

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of Total 10% requiring maintenance for

2 15.2 1 400.00 Sqm 73.70 29,480.00
excess soil) 1st year

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed Maintenance not required at the end
3 15.3 I 0.00 Cum 7172.40 -
mateial and filling with 75 mm BM of 6th year

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt- Maintenance not required at the end
4 15.3 IV 0.00 Sqm 192.30 -
hole repairing etc.) of 6th year

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year

Maintenance to be done once in 2

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

Considering 2% requiring
8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.38 M 141.50 53.77

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 sqm 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

Considering 14% of the total area

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 508.61 Sqm 2.20 1,118.95
requiring grass trimming

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 50,224.07

Total including 5% escalation= 52735.27088

Total including GST and Labour Cess 13%= 59,590.86
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1.00 km road length for PMGSY-III works 2020-21 in Assam
for 7th Year (Rates based on SOR 2020-21) with roadway width 9.00 m

Sl. SOR ref. Amount
Item of work Quantity Unit (Rs./uni
No. no. (Rs.)

1 15.1 A Restoration of Rain-cuts 75.60 Cum 142.30 10,757.88

Maintenance of earthern shoulder (stripping of

2 15.2 1 480.00 Sqm 73.70 35,376.00
excess soil)

Repair of pot holes by removal of failed

3 15.3 I 0.00 Cum 7172.40 -
mateial and filling with 75 m BM

Maintenance of Bituminous surface (road, pt-

4 15.3 IV 0.00 Sqm 192.30 -
hole repairing etc.)

5 15.6 Maintenance of drain 100.00 m 2.60 260.00

6 15.7 I Maintenance of Hume Pipe Culverts 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00

7 15.9 Maintenance of Road Signs 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95

8 15.10 II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.76 M 141.50 107.54

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones i)

9 15.11 i 1.00 sqm 194.60 194.60

Maintenance of 200m stones and km stones

10 15.11 ii 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
ii) Printing of letters

11 15.12 I Cutting of branches of trees from roadway 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00

12 15.12 II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 65 No. 6.50 422.50

13 15.12 III Trimming of grass and weeds from shoulder 556.88 Sqm 2.20 1,225.13

14 15.13 White washing of Parapet walls of CD works 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00

Total = 58,073.00

Total including 10% escalation= 63,880.29

Total including GST and Labour Cess 13%= 72,184.73
tenance of 1.00 km road length for PMGSY-III works 2020-21 in Assam
r (Rates based on SOR 2020-21) with roadway width 9.00 m


Total 7.2% raincuts for 2nd year

Total 12% requiring maintenance for

2nd year

Maintenance not required at the end

of 7th year

Maintenance not required at the end

of 7th year

Maintenance to be done twice a year

Manintenance to be done twice a


Manintenance to be done once in 2


Considering 4% requiring

Considering 15% of the total area

requiring grass trimming
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1.00 km road length for PMGSY-III
works 2020-21 in Assam for 8th Year (Rates based on SOR 2020-21)
with roadway width 9.00 m

Item Rate
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
of Quantity Unit (Rs./uni Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)
work t)
tion of of
1 15.1 A earther 88.20 Cum 142.30 12,550.86 Total 8.4% raincuts for 3rd year
of pot
holes Total 14% requiring maintenance for
2 15.2 1 560.00 Sqm 73.70 41,272.00
rby 3rd year
anceof of Total 3% requiring maintenance for
3 15.3 I of failed 15.68 Cum 7172.40 112,427.37
Bitumin 3rd year
and Total 2.5% requiring maintenance
4 15.3 IV surface
filling 137.50 Sqm 192.30 26,441.25
for 3rd year
with 75
m BM
5 15.6 ance
repairinof 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year
g etc.)
ance of
Manintenance to be done twice a
6 15.7 I Hume 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00
ance of Manintenance to be done once in 2
7 15.9 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95
Road year
ance of Considering 8% requiring
8 15.10 II ance of 1.52 M 141.50 215.08
RCC maintenance
stones of
9 15.11 i 200m 1.00 sqm 194.60 194.60
and km
and km
10 15.11 ii i)
of 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
s of
11 15.12 I Printing
Cutting 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00
12 15.12 II roadwa
ng 65 No. 6.50 422.50
y of
and Considering 15% of the total area
13 15.12 III y
White 556.88 Sqm 2.20 1,225.13
washing requiring grass trimming
14 15.13 shoulde
Parapet 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00
rwalls of
CD Total = 204,738.14
Total including 15% escalation= 235,448.86
Total including GST and Labour
Cess 13%=
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1.00 km road length for PMGSY-III
works 2020-21 in Assam for 9th Year (Rates based on SOR 2020-21) with
roadway width 9.00 m

Item Rate
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
of Quantity Unit (Rs./uni Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)
work t)
tion of of
1 15.1 A earther 100.80 Cum 142.30 14,343.84 Total 9.6% raincuts for 4th year
of pot
holes Total 16% requiring maintenance for
2 15.2 1 640.00 Sqm 73.70 47,168.00
rby 4th year
ng failed
anceof of Total 4% requiring maintenance for
3 15.3 I of 20.90 Cum 7172.40 149,903.16
Bitumin 4th year
and Total 3% requiring maintenance for
4 15.3 IV surface
filling 165.00 Sqm 192.30 31,729.50
4th year
with 75
m BM
5 15.6 ance
repairinof 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year
g etc.)
ance of
Manintenance to be done twice a
6 15.7 I Hume 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00
ance of Manintenance to be done once in 2
7 15.9 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95
Road year
ance of Considering 10% requiring
8 15.10 II ance of 1.90 M 141.50 268.85
RCC maintenance
stones of
9 15.11 i 200m 1.00 sqm 194.60 194.60
and km
and km
10 15.11 ii i)
of 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
s of
11 15.12 I Printing
Cutting 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00
12 15.12 II roadwa
ng 65 No. 6.50 422.50
y of
and Considering 15% of the total area
13 15.12 III y
White 556.88 Sqm 2.20 1,225.13
washing requiring grass trimming
14 15.13 shoulde
Parapet 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00
rwalls of
CD Total = 255,244.93
Total including 20% escalation= 306,293.91
Total including GST and Labour
Cess 13%=
Analysis of rates for Routine Maintenance of 1.00 km road length for PMGSY-III works
2020-21 in Assam for 10th Year (Rates based on SOR 2020-21) with
roadway width 9.00 m

Item Rate
Sl. SOR ref. Amount
of Quantity Unit (Rs./uni Remarks
No. no. (Rs.)
work t)
tion of of
1 15.1 A earther 113.40 Cum 142.30 16,136.82 Total 10.8% raincuts for 5th year
of pot
holes Total 18% requiring maintenance for
2 15.2 1 720.00 Sqm 73.70 53,064.00
rby 5th year
anceof of Total 6.5% requiring maintenance
3 15.3 I of failed 33.96 Cum 7172.40 243,592.64
Bitumin for 5th year
and Total 3.5% requiring maintenance
4 15.3 IV surface
filling 192.50 Sqm 192.30 37,017.75
for 5th year
with 75
mm BM
5 15.6 ance
repairinof 100.00 m 2.60 260.00 Maintenance to be done twice a year
g etc.)
ance of
Manintenance to be done twice a
6 15.7 I Hume 4 No. 1525.50 6,102.00
ance of Manintenance to be done once in 2
7 15.9 0.50 Km 1173.90 586.95
Road year
ance of Considering 10% requiring
8 15.10 II ance of 1.90 M 141.50 268.85
RCC maintenance
stones of
9 15.11 i 200m 1.00 sqm 194.60 194.60
and km
and km
10 15.11 ii i)
of 1.00 Km 638.40 638.40
s of
11 15.12 I Printing
Cutting 20 No. 111.20 2,224.00
12 15.12 II roadwa
ng 65 No. 6.50 422.50
y of
and Considering 25% of the total area
13 15.12 III y
White 556.88 Sqm 2.20 1,225.13
washing requiring grass trimming
14 15.13 shoulde
Parapet 10.00 Sqm 17.80 178.00
rwalls of
CD Total = 361,911.63
Total including 25% escalation= 452,389.54
Total including GST and Labour Cess
Total maintenance cost for 5
years Rs.

Rate for formation

Sl no Item Quantity Unit width 9m (in Rs) Amount

1 Routine Maintenance for 1st year 9.60 Km 59590.86 572072.22

2 Routine Maintenance for 2nd year 9.60 Km 72184.73 692973.43

3 Routine Maintenance for 3rd year 9.60 Km 266057.21 2554149

4 Routine Maintenance for 4th year 9.60 Km 346112.12 3322676

5 Routine Maintenance for 5th year 9.60 Km 511200.18 4907522

Grand Total per km 1255145.09

6th year periodic renewal estimate for carriageway width 3.75 m

Sl. Length Width Height Total Rate Amount

Item Description Item No. Unit No
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

WBM Grading 3, stone screening Type-B 11.2

mm for Gr.III
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound
macadam specification including spreading in
uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with
smooth wheel roller 80-100 kN in stages to
proper grade and camber, applying and
brooming, stone screening to fill-up the
interstices of coarse aggregate, watering and
compacting to the required density Grading 3 as
per Technical Specification Clause 405.
1 4.7 (III) A cum 25% 1000.00 3.75 0.075 70.31 5373.98 377857.97
Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen
emulsion (SS-1) on prepared surface of granular
base including cleaning of road surface and
spraying primer at the rate of 0.90-1.2 kg/sqm
using mechanical means as per Technical
Specification Clause 502.
2 5.1 / 502 Sqm 100% 1000.00 3.75 3862.50 35.20 135960.00
Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen
emulsion (RS-1) using emulsion distributor at the
rate of 0.25 to 0.30 kg per sqm on the prepared
granular surfaces treated with primer & cleaned
with Hydraulic broom as per Technical
Specification Clause 503.
3 5.2 / 503 Sqm 100% 1000.00 3.75 3862.500 11.80 45577.50
OGPC. 20mm thick Open-Graded Premix Carpet
using Bituminous (penetration grade/modified
bitumen) Binder.
Providing, laying and rolling of open-graded
premix carpet of 20 mm thickness composed of
13.2 mm to 5.6 mm aggregates either using
penetration grade bitumen or emulsion to
required line, grade and level to serve as wearing
course on a previously prepared base, including
mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a
three wheel 80-100 kN static roller capacity,
finished to required level and grades to be
followed by seal coat of either Type A or Type B
or Type C as per Technical Specification Clause 5.9Case
508. - I:
4 (ii)/ 508 Sqm 100% 1000.00 3.75 3862.500 184.14 679950.00
Seal coat with Cold mix Binder -Providing and
laying seal coat sealing the voids in a bituminous
surface laid to the specified levels grade and
cross fall using Type A,Type B and Type C as
per Technical specification clause 510.With cold
mix Binder(As per IRC:SP:100-2014)and through
credible technology partners duly licensed by
CRRI. 16.20
By mechanical means Case-III,
5 Bitumen Emulsion (RS-2) Type C Sqm 100% 1000.00 3.75 3862.500 76.38 282900.00
Sub-TOTAL 1522245.47
Add GST 12% +Labour cess 1% 13% 197891.91
Name of Road : NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Generalised per km cost Package No. : AS-05-199
For 1st Year
Sl No SOR 2011-12 Item of work Qntty Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Ref No.
1 15.1 A Restoration of rain cuts 45.00 cum 90.00 4050.00 total 6% raincuts for 1st
2 15.2.I Maintenance of earthen shoulder 250.00 sqm 60.00 15000.00 total 10 % for 1st year
( stripping of excess soil)
3 15.3.I Repair of pot holes by removal of 0.00 sqm 7867.00 0.00 not required
failed material and filling with 75mm
4 15.3.IV Maintenance of Bituminous surface 0.00 sqm 177.00 0.00 not required
(Repair to pot holes and removal of
5 15.7.I loose material)
Maintenance of Hume pipe culverts 4 no 1204.00 4816.00 maintenance to be done
twice a year
6 15.9 Maintenance of Road signs 0.50 km 861.00 430.50 maintenance to be done
once in 2 years
7 15.10.II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.38 m 154.00 58.52 considering 2% requiring
8 15.11 Maintenance of 200 m stones and 1.00 km 303.00 303.00
Km stones
9 15.12.I Cutting branches of trees from 20 no 54.00 1080.00
10 15.12.II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 40 no 4.00 160.00
11 15.12.III Trimming grass and weeds from 270.00 sqm 1.00 270.00 considering 12% of the
shoulder total area requiring grass
12 15.13 White washing of parapet walls of 10.00 sqm 11.00 110.00
CD works
Total 26278.02
Say Rs. 26278.00
For 2nd Year
1 15.1 A Restoration of rain cuts 54.00 cum 90.00 4860.00 total 7.2% raincuts for 2nd
2 15.2.I Maintenance of earthen shoulder 300.00 sqm 60.00 18000.00 total 12 % for 1st year
( stripping of excess soil)
3 15.3.I Repair of pot holes by removal of 0.00 sqm 7867.00 0.00 not required
failed material and filling with 75mm
4 15.3.IV Maintenance of Bituminous surface 0.00 sqm 177.00 0.00 not required
(Repair to pot holes and removal of
loose material)
5 15.7.I Maintenance of Hume pipe culverts 4 no 1204.00 4816.00 maintenance to be done
twice a year
6 15.9 Maintenance of Road signs 0.50 km 861.00 430.50 maintenance to be done
once in 2 years
7 15.10.II Maintenance of RCC railing 0.76 m 154.00 117.04 considering 4% requiring
8 15.11 Maintenance of 200 m stones and 1.00 km 303.00 303.00
Km stones
9 15.12.I Cutting branches of trees from 20 no 54.00 1080.00
10 15.12.II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 40 no 4.00 160.00
11 15.12.III Trimming grass and weeds from 337.50 sqm 1.00 337.50 considering 15% of the
shoulder total area requiring grass
12 15.13 White washing of parapet walls of 10.00 sqm 11.00 110.00
CD works
Total 30214.04
Say Rs. 30214.00
Sl No SOR 2011-12 Item of work Qntty Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Ref No.
For 3rd Year
1 15.1 A Restoration of rain cuts 63.00 cum 90.00 5670.00 total 8.4% raincuts for 3rd
2 15.2.I Maintenance of earthen shoulder 350.00 sqm 60.00 21000.00 total 14 % for 3rd year
( stripping of excess soil)
3 15.3.I Repair of pot holes by removal of 8.78 sqm 7867.00 69072.26 total 2.5% requiring
failed material and filling with 75mm maintenance for 3rd year
4 15.3.IV Maintenance of Bituminous surface 70.31 sqm 177.00 12444.87 total 1.5% requiring
(Repair to pot holes and removal of maintenance for 3rd year
loose material)
5 15.7.I Maintenance of Hume pipe culverts 4 no 1204.00 4816.00 maintenance to be done
twice a year
6 15.9 Maintenance of Road signs 0.50 km 861.00 430.50 maintenance to be done
once in two years
7 15.10.II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.52 m 154.00 234.08 considering 8% requiring
8 15.11 Maintenance of 200 m stones and 1.00 km 303.00 303.00
Km stones
9 15.12.I Cutting branches of trees from 20 no 54.00 1080.00
10 15.12.II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 40 no 4.00 160.00
11 15.12.III Trimming grass and weeds from 337.50 sqm 1.00 337.50 considering 15% of the
shoulder total area requiring grass
12 15.13 White washing of parapet walls of 10.00 sqm 11.00 110.00
CD works

Total 115658.21
Say Rs. 115658.00
For 4th Year
1 15.1 A Restoration of rain cuts 72.00 cum 90.00 6480.00 total 9.6% raincuts for 1st
2 15.2.I Maintenance of earthen shoulder 400.00 sqm 60.00 24000.00 total 16 % for 4th year
( stripping of excess soil)
3 15.3.I Repair of pot holes by removal of 10.54 sqm 7867.00 82918.18 total 3% requiring
failed material and filling with 75mm maintenance for 4th year
4 15.3.IV Maintenance of Bituminous surface 93.75 sqm 177.00 16593.75 total 2% requiring
(Repair to pot holes and removal of maintenance for 4th year
loose material)
5 15.7.I Maintenance of Hume pipe culverts 4 no 1204.00 4816.00 maintenance to be done
twice a year
6 15.9 Maintenance of Road signs 0.50 km 861.00 430.50 maintenance to be done
once in two years
7 15.10.II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.90 m 154.00 292.60 considering 10% requiring
8 15.11 Maintenance of 200 m stones and 1.00 km 303.00 303.00
Km stones
9 15.12.I Cutting branches of trees from 20 no 54.00 1080.00
10 15.12.II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 40 no 4.00 160.00
11 15.12.III Trimming grass and weeds from 337.50 sqm 1.00 337.50 considering 15% of the
shoulder total area requiring grass
12 15.13 White washing of parapet walls of 10.00 sqm 11.00 110.00
CD works
Total 137521.53
Say Rs. 137522.00
Sl No SOR 2011-12 Item of work Qntty Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Ref No.
For 5th Year
1 15.1 A Restoration of rain cuts 81.00 cum 90.00 7290.00 total 10.8% raincuts for 1st
2 15.2.I Maintenance of earthen shoulder 450.00 sqm 60.00 27000.00 total 18 % requiring
( stripping of excess soil) maintenance for 5th year
3 15.3.I Repair of pot holes by removal of 15.81 sqm 7867.00 124377.27 total 4.5 % requiring
failed material and filling with 75mm maintenance for 5th year
4 15.3.IV Maintenance of Bituminous surface 117.19 sqm 177.00 20742.63 total 2.5 % requiring
(Repair to pot holes and removal of maintenance for 5th year
loose material)
5 15.7.I Maintenance of Hume pipe culverts 4 no 1204.00 4816.00 maintenance to be done
twice a year
6 15.9 Maintenance of Road signs 0.50 km 861.00 430.50 maintenance to be done
once in two years
7 15.10.II Maintenance of RCC railing 1.90 m 154.00 292.60 considering 10% requiring
8 15.11 Maintenance of 200 m stones and 1.00 km 303.00 303.00
Km stones
9 15.12.I Cutting branches of trees from 20 no 54.00 1080.00
10 15.12.II Cutting of shrubs from roadway 40 no 4.00 160.00
11 15.12.III Trimming grass and weeds from 562.50 sqm 1.00 562.50 considering 25% of the
shoulder total area requiring grass
12 15.13 White washing of parapet walls of 10.00 sqm 11.00 110.00
CD works
Total 187164.50
Say Rs. 187165.00
5 Years Total 496837.00
5 Pkg. 0 Cars, jeeps, vans, 3 wheelers 138 ADT 1169.67
Name Motorised two wheelers 117 ADT lean 1170
of NH-31 to Dighaltari road
Road LCVs 239 ADT peak 2339
Trucks laden 82
0 Period : Trucks unladen 76 AADT=(T+1.2nTt/365) 1458
Enter if Peak = 1,Lean = 0 Trucks overloded 0 AADT*1.06*1.06 1638
6% Growth rate adopted(%) Agri Tractor Tr laden 151 Factor=AADT*1.06*1.06/ADT 0.70
10 Design life in years Agri Tractor Tr unladen 142 Overloaded HCV*factor*2.86 0.00
2 No. of Harvesting seasons Agri Tractor Tr over loaded 0 Loaded HCV*factor*2.58 252.96
No. of days in each Bus laden 58 Unloaded HCV*factor*0.31 31.62
Harvesting season Bus unladen 69 Overloaded MCV*factor*0.34 0.00
Bus over loaded 0 Loaded MCV*factor*0.31 32.85
286 200 Non-motorised 0 Unloaded MCV*factor*0.02 1.99
293.7 206 Cycles 76 To=G26+G31 319.43
Cycle rickshaws 16 ESAL=To*4811 1536780
Total CVPD Animal driven Solid wheeled 4 #N/A #N/A
579 406 Animal driven pneumatic tyred 0

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