Mathematics: Key Notes Terms Definitions Formulae
Mathematics: Key Notes Terms Definitions Formulae
Mathematics: Key Notes Terms Definitions Formulae
Highly Useful for Class XI & XII Students,
Engineering Entrances and Other Competitions
Amit Rastogi
Supported by
Love Agarwal
Brijesh Dwivedi
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ISBN : 978-93-13196-50-1
Handbook means reference book listing brief facts on a
subject. So, to facilitate the students in this we have
released this Handbook of Mathematics. This book has
been prepared to serve the special purpose of the students,
to rectify any query or any concern point of a particular
This book will be of highly use whether students are
looking for a quick revision before the board exams or just
before other examinations like Engineering Entrances or
any similar examination, they will find that this handbook
will answer their needs admirably.
This handbook can even be used for revision of a subject
in the time between two shift of the exams, even this
handbook can be used while travelling to Examination
Centre or whenever you have time, less sufficient or more.
The format of this handbook has been developed
particularly so that it can be carried around by the
students conveniently.
1. Sets and Relations 1-9 ! Cube Roots of Unity
! Set ! nth Roots of Unity
! Subset and Superset ! Geometry of Complex
! Venn Diagram Numbers
! Operations on Sets
4. Theory of Equations and
! Ordered Pair
Inequations 46-61
! Relation
! Composition of Relation
! Polynomial
! Quadratic Equation
2. Functions and Binary ! Quadratic Expression
Operations 10-27 ! Inequality
! Functions ! Linear Inequality
! Equal Functions ! Solution Set
! Real Valued and Real
Functions 5. Sequences and Series 62-73
! Standard Real Functions and
! Sequence
their Graphs ! Series
! Arithmetic Progression (AP)
! Operations on Real
! Geometric Progression (GP)
! Harmonic Progression(HP)
! Compositions of Two
! Arithmetic-Geometric
! Even and Odd Functions
! Binary Operations
6. Permutations and
3. Complex Numbers 28-45 Combinations 74-84
! Equality of Complex ! Fundamental Principles of
Numbers Counting
! Iota ! Factorial
of a Complex Number
! Rank of a Matrix
12. Solution of
9. Determinants 102-112 Triangles 141-147
! Determinant !Basic Rules of Triangle
! Minor and Cofactors ! Trigonometrical Ratios of
! Adjoint of aMatrix Half of the Angles of
! Inverse of a Matrix Triangle
! Homogeneous and Non- ! Area of a Triangle
homogeneous System of
Linear Equations 13. Heights and
Distances 148-150
10. Probability 113-123 ! Angle of Elevation
! Experiment ! Angle of Depression
! Algebra of Events
! Baye’s Theorem
23. Application of
27. Differential
Derivatives 242-253
!Derivatives as the Rate of Equations 284-290
Change ! Order and Degree of a
! Tangents and Normals Differential Equation
! Rolle’s Theorem ! Linear and Non-Linear
! Arithmetic Mean
at Unit Place
! Geometric Mean ! Rational Numbers
Sets and Relations
Set is a collection of well defined objects which are distinct from each
other. Sets are usually denoted by capital letters A, B, C,… and
elements are usually denoted by small letters a, b, c,... .
If a is an element of a set A, then we write a A and say a belongs to A
or a is in A or a is a member of A. If a does not belongs to A, we write
a A.
Standard Notations
N : A set of all natural numbers.
W : A set of all whole numbers.
Z : A set of all integers.
Z / Z : A set of all positive/negative integers.
Q : A set of all rational numbers.
Q / Q : A set of all positive/negative rational numbers.
R : A set of all real numbers.
R / R : A set of all positive/negative real numbers.
C : A set of all complex numbers.
Types of Sets
(i) Empty/Null/Void Set A set containing no element, it is denoted
by or { }.
2 Handbook of Mathematics
Power Set
The set formed by all the subsets of a given set A, is called power set of
A, denoted by P( A).
Non-comparable Sets
For two sets A and B, if neither A B nor B A, then A and B are
called non-comparable sets.
Disjoint Sets
Two sets A and B are called disjoint, if A B . i.e. they do not have
any common element.
Intervals as Subsets of R
(i) The set of real numbers x, such that a x b is called a closed
interval and denoted by [a, b] i.e. [a, b] { x : x R, a x b}.
(ii) The set of real number x, such that a x b is called an open
interval and is denoted by (a, b)
i.e. (a, b) { x : x R, a x b}
(iii) The sets [a, b) { x : x R, a x b} and
(a, b] { x : x R, a x b } are called semi-open or
semi-closed intervals.
Venn Diagram
In a Venn diagram, the universal set is represented by a rectangular
region and its subset is represented by circle or a closed geometrical
figure inside the rectangular region.
Operations on Sets
1. Union of Sets
The union of two sets A and B, denoted by A B, is the set of all those
elements which are either in A or in B or both in A and B.
4 Handbook of Mathematics
2. Intersection of Sets
The intersection of two sets A and B, denoted U
by A B, is the set of all those elements B
which are common to both A and B.
If A1 , A2 ,... , An is a finite family of sets, then
their intersection is denoted by
Ai or A1 A2 ... An .
Laws of Intersection
For any three sets, A, B and C, we have
(i) A (Identity law)
(ii) U A A (Universal law)
(iii) A A A (Idempotent law)
(iv) A B B A (Commutative law)
(v) ( A B) C A (B C) (Associative law)
(vi) A (B C) ( A B) ( A C)
(intersection distributes over union)
(vii) A (B C) ( A B) ( A C)
(union distributes over intersection)
3. Difference of Sets
For two sets A and B, the difference A B is the set of all those
elements of A which do not belong to B.
Symmetric Difference
For two sets A and B, symmetric difference is the set ( A B) (B A)
denoted by A B.
Important Points to be
(i) Every set is a subset of itself i.e. A A, for any set A.
(ii) Empty set is a subset of every set i.e. A, for any set A.
(iii) For any set A and its universal set U, A U
(iv) If A , then power set has only one element,i.e.n(P(A)) 1.
(v) Powersetofanysetisalways anon-emptyset.
(vi) SupposeA {1,2},thenP(A) {{1},{2},{1,2}, }.
If a Aset
(vii) (a) P(A) (b) {A} P(A) n
A has n elements, then P(A) has 2 elements.
(viii) Equalsetsarealways equivalentbutequivalentsetsmaynotbeequal.
(ix) The set {} is not a null set. It is a set containing one element .
6 Handbook of Mathematics
Ordered Pair
An ordered pair consists of two objects or elements grouped in a
particular order.
Diagramatic Representation of
Cartesian Product of Two Sets
We first draw two circles representing sets A A B
and B one opposite to the other as shown in the 1 f
given figure and write the elements of sets in 2
the corresponding circles. 3 g
Now, we draw line segments starting from each
element of set A and terminating to each
element of set B.
Properties of Cartesian Product
For three sets A, B and C,
(i) n( A B) n( A) n(B)
(ii) A B , if either A or B is an empty set.
(iii) A (B C) ( A B) ( A C)
(iv) A (B C) ( A B) ( A C)
(v) A (B C) ( A B) ( A C)
(vi) ( A B) (C D ) ( A C) (B D )
(vii) A (B C ) ( A B) ( A C)
(viii) A (B C ) ( A B) ( A C)
(ix) If A B and C D, then ( A C) (B D)
(x) If A B, then A A ( A B) (B A)
(xi) If A B, then A C B C for any set C.
(xii) ABBAAB
(xiii) If A B, then A B B A
(xiv) If either A or B is an infinite set, then A B is an infinite set.
(xv) If A and B be any two non-empty sets having n elements in
common, then A Band B A have n 2 elements in common.
If A and B are two non-empty sets, then a relation R from A to B is a
subset of A B.
If R A B and (a, b) R, then we say that a is related to b by the
relation R, written as aRb.
If R A A, then we simply say R is a relation on A.
8 Handbook of Mathematics
Representation of a Relation
(i) Roster form In this form, we represent the relation by the set
of all ordered pairs belongs to R.
e.g. Let R is a relation from set A { 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3} to set
B {1, 4, 9, 10}, defined by aRb a2 b,
Then, (3)2 9,(2)2 4,(1)2 1, (2)2 4,(3)2 9.
Then, in roster form, R can be written as
R {(1, 1),( 2, 4),(1, 1),(2, 4),( 3, 9),(3, 9)}
(ii) Set-builder form In this form, we represent the relation R
from set A to set B as
R {(a, b) : a A, b B and the rule which relate the elements
of A and B}
e.g. Let R is a relation from set A {1, 2, 4, 5} to set
1 1 1
B 1, , , such that
2 4 5
1 1 1
(1,1), 2,
4, 5, 5
2 4
Then, in set-builder form, R can be written as
R (a, b) : a A, b B and b
Note We cannot write every relation from set A to set B in set-builder form.
Types of Relations
(i) Empty or Void Relation As A A, for any set A, so is a
relation on A, called the empty or void relation.
(ii) Universal Relation Since, A A A A , so A A is a
relation on A, called the universal relation.
(iii) Identity Relation The relation I A {(a, a) : a A} is called
the identity relation on A.
(iv) Reflexive Relation A relation R on a set A is said to be
reflexive relation, if every element of A is related to itself.
Thus, (a, a) R, a A R is reflexive.
Equivalence Relation
A relation R on a set A is said to be an equivalence relation, if it is
simultaneously reflexive, symmetric and transitive on A.
Equivalence Classes
Let R be an equivalence relation on A ( ). Let a A .
Then, the equivalence class of a denoted by [a] or (a) is defined as the
set of all those points of A which are related to a under the relation R.
Inverse Relation
If A and B are two non-empty sets and R be a relation from A to B,
then the inverse of R, denoted by R1 , is a relation from B to A and is
defined by R1 {(b, a) : (a, b) R}.
Composition of Relation
Let R and S be two relations from sets A to B and B to C respectively,
then we can define relation SoR from A to C such that (a,
c) SoR b B such that (a, b) R and (b, c) S.
This relation SoR is called the composition of R and S.
(i) RoS SoR (ii) (SoR)1 R1oS 1 known as reversal rule.
Functions and
Binary Operations
Let A and B be two non-empty sets, then a function f from set A to set
B is a rule which associates each element of A to a unique element of B.
It is represented as f : A B or A B and function is also calledthe
Characteristics of a Function f : A B
(i) For each element x A, there is unique element y B.
(ii) The element y B is called the image of x under the function f.
Also, y is called the value of function f at x i.e. f(x) y.
(iii) f : A B is not a function, if there is an element in A which has
more than one image in B. But more than one element of A may
be associated to the same element of B.
(iv) f : A B is not a function, if an element in A does not have an
image in B.
(i) (ii)
Infigure(i), theverticalparallellineintersectsthe curve attwo points,thusthe
expression is a relation whereas in figure (ii), the vertical parallel line intersects
the curve at one point. So, the expression is a function.
Types of Functions
1. One-One (or Injective) Function
A mapping f : A B is a called one-one (or injective) function, if
different elements in A have different images in B, such a mapping is
known as one-one or injective function.
Methods to Test One-One
(i) Analytically If f(x1 ) f(x 2 ) x1 x2 f
or equivalently x x 1
1 2 2 6
f(x1 ) f(x2 ), x1 , x2 A, 3 7
then the function is one-one.
(ii) Graphically If every line parallel to X -axis cuts the graph of
the function atmost at one point, then the function is one-one.
X' X
(iii) Monotonically If the function is increasing or decreasing in
whole domain, then the function is one-one.
12 Handbook of Mathematics
2. Many-One Function
A function f : A B is called many-one function, if two or more
than two different elements in A have the same image in B.
Method to Test Many-One
(i) Analytically If x1 x2 f(x1 ) f(x 2 ) for some x1 , x2 A,then
the function is many-one.
1 4
2 5
3 6
X' X
4. Into Function
If f : A B is such that there exists atleast one A B
element in codomain which is not the image of 2 5
any element in domain, then f is into. 3 6
Thus, f : A B, is into iff f( A) B 4 7
i.e. Range Codomain
Number of Into Function
Let A and B be finite sets having m and n elements respectively, then
number of into functions from A to B is
n C (n 1)m nC (n 2)m nC (n 3) m... , nm
1 2 3
nm , nm
5. One-One and Onto Function (or Bijective)
A function f : A B is said to be one-one and onto (or bijective), if f is
both one-one and onto.
A f B
a1 b1
a2 b2
a3 b3
a4 b4
14 Handbook of Mathematics
Equal Functions
Two functions f and g are said to be equal iff
(i) domain of f domain of g.
(ii) codomain of f codomain of g.
(iii) f(x) g(x) for every x belonging to their common domain and
then we write f g.
X' X
Domain of f(x) R and Range of f(x) { c}.
2. Identity Function
The function which associates each real number x to the same number
x, is called the identity function.
i.e. y f(x) x,x R.
X' 45° X
Domain of f(x) R and Range of f(x) R
3. Linear Function
If a and b are fixed real numbers, then the linear function is defined as
y f(x) ax b. The graph of a linear function is given in the
following diagram, which is a straight line with slope tan.
y = ax + b, y = ax + b, a < 0 , b > 0
a > 0,
b > 0,
(0, b) (0, b)
X' X X' X
Y' Y'
Domain of f(x) R and Range of f(x) R.
16 Handbook of Mathematics
4. Quadratic Function
If a, b and c are fixed real numbers, then the quadratic function is
expressed as
y f(x) ax2 bx c, a 0
b 2 4ac b2
y a x
2a 4a
which represents a downward parabola, if a 0 and upward parabola,
b 4ac b 2
if a 0 and vertex of this parabola is at , .
2a 4a
Y Y – b , 4ac – b2
2a 4a
y = ax 2 + bx + c, a > 0 A
X' X
A y = ax2 + bx + c, a < 0
Y' – b , 4ac – b2 Y'
2a 4a
Domain of f(x) R
4ac b2 4ac b2
Range of f(x) is , 4a , if a 0 and 4a , , if a 0.
5. Power Function
The power function is given by y f(x) xn , n I , n 1, 0.
The domain and range of y f(x), is depend on n.
(a) If n is positive even integer, i.e. f(x) x 2 , x 4 ,...
y = xn, n is positive even integer
X' X
X' X
Domain of f(x) R and Range of f(x) R
(c) If n is negative even integer, i.e. f(x) x 2 , x 4 ,…
Y y = xn, n is negative even integer
X' X
Domain of f(x) R { 0} and Range of f(x) (0, )
(d) If n is negative odd integer, i.e. f(x) x 1 , x 3 ,…
Y y = xn, n is negative odd integer
X' X
Domain of f(x) R { 0} and Range of f(x) R { 0}
X' X
Domain of f(x) [0, ) and Range of f(x) [0, )
18 Handbook of Mathematics
X' X
8. Signum Function
Signum function is defined as follows
, if x 0 or
y f(x) , if x 0
x |x|
0, if x 0 0, if x 0
X' X
Symbolically, signum function is denoted by sgn (x).
Thus, y f(x) sgn (x)
1, if x 0
where, sgn (x) 0, if x 0
1, if x 0
Domain of sgn (x) R and Range of sgn (x) { 1, 0, 1}
–2 –1
X' X
20 Handbook of Mathematics
–3 –2 –1
X' X
X' X
–2 –1 O 1 2 3
Y' Y'
(i) (ii)
X' X X' X
O (1, 0) O (1, 0)
Y' Y'
(i) (ii)
22 Handbook of Mathematics
x f(x)
g (f (x))
x y
g = f –1
Periodic Functions
A function f(x) is said to be a periodic function of x, if there exists a
real number T 0, such that
f(T x) f(x), x Dom( f ).
The smallest positive real number T, satisfying the above condition is
known as the period or the fundamental period of f(x).
24 Handbook of Mathematics
Binary Operations
Let S be a non-empty set. A function * from S S to S is called a binary
operation on S i.e. * : S S S is a binary operation on set S.
Note Generally binary operations are represented by the symbols *, , ... etc.,
instead of letters figure etc.
Closure Property
An operation * on a non-empty set S is said to satisfy the closure
property, if
a S , bS a * bS, a, b S
Also, in this case we say that S is closed under *.
An operation * on a non-empty set S, satisfying the closure property is
known as a binary operation.
26 Handbook of Mathematics
Identity Element
Let * be a binary operation on a non-empty set S. An element e S, if it
exist, such that a * e e * a a, a S, is called an identity elements
of S, with respect to *.
For addition on R, zero is the identity element in R.
Since, a 0 0 a a, a R
Inverse of an Element
Let * be a binary operation on a non-empty set S and let e be the
identity element.
Suppose a S, we say that a is invertible, if there exists an element
bS such that a * b b * a e
Also, in this case, b is called the inverse of a and we write, a1 b
Addition on N has no identity element and accordingly N has no
invertible element.
Multiplication on N has 1 as the identity element and no element other
than 1 is invertible.
Complex Numbers
Complex Number
A number of the form z x iy, where x, y R, is called a complex
number. Here, the symbol i is used to denote 1 and it is called iota.
The set of complex numbers is denoted by C.
Real and Imaginary Parts of a Complex Number Let z x iy
be a complex number, then x is called the real part and y is called the
imaginary part of z and it may be denoted as Re(z ) and Im (z ),
Purely Real and Purely Imaginary Complex Number A complex
number z is a purely real, if its imaginary part is 0.
i.e. Im (z ) 0. And purely imaginary, if its real part is 0 i.e. Re (z ) 0.
Zero Complex Number A complex number is said to be zero, if its
both real and imaginary parts are zero.
Mathematician Euler, introduced the symbol i (read as iota) for 1
with property i 2 1 0. i.e. i2 1. He also called this symbol as the
imaginary unit. Integral power of iota (i) are given below.
i 1, i2 1, i3 i, i4 1
So, i4n i, i4n 2 1, i4n 3 i, i4n 4 1
Complex Numbers 29
Algebra of Complex Numbers
1. Addition of Complex Numbers
Let z1 x1 iy1 and z2 x2 iy2 be any two complex numbers, then
their sum will be definedas
z1 z2 (x1 iy1 ) (x2 iy2 ) (x1 x2 ) i( y1 y2 )
Properties of Addition of Complex Numbers
(i) Closure Property Sum of two complex numbers is also a
complex number.
(ii) Commutative Property z1 z2 z2 z1, z1 , z2 , z3 C
(iii) Associative Property (z1 z2 ) z3 z1 (z 2 z3 ),
z1 , z2 , z3 C
(iv) Existence of Additive Identity z 0 z 0 z
Here, 0 is additive identity element.
(v) Existence of Additive Inverse z (z ) 0 (z z ) Here,
(z ) is additive inverse or negative of complex number z.
30 Handbook of Mathematics
provided, z2 0.
Note The division of two complex numbers 1 , follows the closure property, but
this operation is neither commutative nor associative, like in real numbers. Also,
there does not exist any identity element for this operation and so inverse
element also does not exists.
Complex Numbers 31
Properties of Conjugate of Complex Numbers
For any complex number z , z1 , z2, we have
(i) (z ) z
(ii) z z 2 Re(z ), z z 0 z is purelyimaginary.
(iii) z z 2i [Im(z )], z z 0 z is purely real.
(iv) z 1 z 2 z 1 z 2
(v) z 1 z 2 z 1 z 2
(vi) z 1 z 2 z 1 z 2
z1 z 1
(vii) , z2 0
2 z2
(viii) z1 z2 z1 z2 2 Re(z1 z2 ) 2 Re(z1 z2 )
(ix) (z )n (z n )
(x) If z f (z1 ), then z f(z1 )
a1 a2 a3 a1 a2 a3
(xi) If z b1 b2 b3 , then z b1 b2 b3
c1 c2 c3 c1 c2 c3
where, ai , bi , ci ; (i 1, 2 , 3) are complex numbers.
(xii) z z {Re (z )} 2 {Im (z )} 2
32 Handbook of Mathematics
Complex Numbers 33
Argand Plane and Argument
of a Complex Number
Argand Plane
Any complex number z x i y can be represented geometrically by a
point (x, y) in a plane, called Argand plane or Gaussian plane.
Imaginary axis
O x M Real axis
The angle made by the line joining point z to the origin, with the
positive direction of real axis is called argument of that complex number.
It is denoted by the symbol arg (z) or amp (z).
arg (z) tan1
Argument of z is not unique, general value of the argument of z is
2n , where n is an integer. But arg (0) is not defined.
A purely real number is represented by a point on real axis.
A purely imaginary number is represented by a point on imaginary
34 Handbook of Mathematics
Properties of Argument
, if z is purely negative real number
(i) arg (z )
arg(z ), otherwise
(ii) arg(z 1z 2 ) arg (z 1 ) arg (z 2 ) 2 k,(k 0, 1 or 1)
In general,
arg (z1z2z3… zn ) arg (z1 ) arg (z2 ) arg(z3 )
z … arg (z n ) 2k,(k is an integer)
(iii) arg 1 arg (z 1) arg (z )2 2k (k 0, 1 or 1)
(iv) arg (z1z2 ) arg (z1 ) arg (z2 ) 2k,(k 0,1 or 1)
(v) arg 2 arg (z ) 2 k, (k 0, 1 or 1)
(vi) arg (z n ) n arg (z ) 2k, (k is an integer)
z 2 z1
(vii) If arg , then arg 2k ,(k 0,1 or 1)
z1 z2
(viii) If arg (z) 0 z is real
, if arg (z ) 0
(ix) arg (z) arg ( z )
, if arg (z ) 0
(x) If|z1 z z2| |z1 z2|, then
arg 1 arg (z1) arg (z )2
z2 2
(xi) If|z1 z2||z1||z2|, then arg (z1 ) arg (z2 )
(xii) If|z 1||z 1|, then arg (z )
z 1
(xiii) If arg , then|z| 1
z 1 2
(xiv) (a) If z 1 cos i sin , then
arg (z ) and|z| 2 cos
2 2
(b) If z 1 cos i sin , then
arg (z ) and|z| 2 cos
2 2
(c) If z 1 cos i sin , then
arg (z ) and|z| 2 sin
2 2 2
Complex Numbers 35
(d) If z 1 cos i sin , then
arg (z) and|z| 2 sin
2 2 2
(xv) If|z1| 1,|z2| 1, then
(a)|z z |2 (|z | |z |)2 [arg (z ) arg(z )]2
1 2 1 2 1 2
(b)|z z |2 (|z | |z |)2 [arg(z ) arg(z )]2
1 2 1 2 1 2
P (x, y)
X´ x X
If the general value of the argument is considered, then the polar form
of z is z r [cos (2n ) i sin (2n )] , where n is an integer.
De-Moivre’s Theorem
A simplest formula for calculating powers of complex numbers in the
standard polar form is known as De-Moivre’s theorem.
If n I (set of integers), then (cos i sin)n cos n i sin n and if
n Q (set of rational numbers), then cos n i sin n is one of the
values of (cos i sin)n .
36 Handbook of Mathematics
Complex Numbers 37
(iv) Cube roots of unity lie on the unit circle z 1 and divide its
circumference into 3 equal parts.
(v) It always forms an equilateral triangle.
(vi) Cube roots of 1 are 1, , 2.
38 Handbook of Mathematics
or log(z) log (|z|) i amp(z ),
In general, z re i( 2n )
log (z ) log|z| i arg(z ) 2ni
Complex Numbers 39
Q(a2, b2)
P(a1, b1)
1 r2
r1 R(z1/z2)
(r1/r2) Q(z2)
2 (1– 2)
O 2
R has the polar coordinates ,
1 2 and it represents the complex
number z1/z2.
40 Handbook of Mathematics
P(x, – y)
Geometrically, the point (x, y) is the mirror image of the point (x, y)
on the real axis.
Concept of Rotation
Let z1 , z2 and z3 be the vertices of a ABC described in anti-clockwise
sense. Draw OP and OQ parallel and equal to AB and AC, respectively.
Y C(z3)
Q(z3 – z1) A(z1)
P(z2 – z1)
Complex Numbers 41
(ii) The point P (z ) which divides the join of segment AB internally in
the ratio m : n is given by
mz2 nz1
If P divides the line externally in the ratio m : n, then
mz2 nz1
42 Handbook of Mathematics
Complex Numbers 43
z z1
(c) arg 0 or , then locus z is a straight line passing
z z2
through z1 and z2.
Y Q(zei)
(a) ze is the complex number whose modulus is |z| and
argument .
(b) Multiplication by e i to z rotates the vector OP in clockwise
sense through an angle .
(xiv) If z1 , z2 and z3 are the affixes of the points A, B and C in the
argand plane, then z z
(a) BAC arg 3 1
z2 z1
z3 z1 z3 z1
(b) (cos i sin), where BAC.
z2 z1 z2 z1
(xv) If z1 , z2 , z3 and z4 are the affixes of the points A, B, C and D,
respectively in the argand plane. z z
(a) AB is inclined to CD at the angle arg 2 1 .
2 z1
(b) If CD is inclined at 90° to AB, then arg .
z4 z3 2
Circle in Complex Plane
(i) An equation of the circle with centre at z0 and radius r is
|z z0| r or zz z0z z0z z0z0 r 2 0
(a) |z z0| r , represents interior of the circle.
(b) |z z0| r, represents exterior of the circle.
(c) z z0 r is the set of points lying inside and on the circle
z z0 r. Similarly, z z0 r is the set of points lying
outside and on the circle z z0 r.
44 Handbook of Mathematics
Complex Numbers 45
(ii) i is neither positive, zero nor negative.
(iii) Argument of 0 is not defined.
(iv) Argument of purely imaginary number is or .
2 2
(v) Argument of purely real number is 0 or .
1 a a2 4
(vi) If z a, then greatest value of|z| and least
z 2
value of|z| a a 4
(vii) The value of i e
i /2
Theory of Equations
and Inequations
An algebraic expression of the form a 0 a1x a 2x 2... an xn , where
n N , is called a polynomial. It is generally denoted by p(x), q(x),
f(x), g(x) etc.
Real Polynomial
Let a0 , a1 , a2 ,… , an be real numbers and x is a real variable, then,
f(x) a 0 a x1 a x22 … an xn is called a real polynomial of real
variable x with real coefficients.
Complex Polynomial
If a0 , a1 , a2 ,… , an be complex numbers and x nis a1 varying complex
number, then f(x) a a x a x2 … a x an xn is called a
0 1 2 n1
Degree of a Polynomial
A polynomial f(x) a a x a x a x3 … an xn , real or complex
0 1 2 3
is a polynomial of degree n , if an 0.
Quadratic Equation
A quadratic polynomial f(x) when equated to zero is called quadratic
i.e. ax2 bx c 0, where a, b, c R and a 0.
2. Direct Formula
Quadratic equation ax2 bx c 0 (a 0) has two roots, given by
b b2 4ac b b2 4ac
2a 2a
b D , b D
2a 2a
where, D b2 4ac is called discriminant of the equation.
Above formulas also known as Sridharacharya formula.
Nature of Roots
(i) Let quadratic equation be ax2 bx c 0, whose discriminant
is D.
Also, let a, b , c R and a 0. Then,
(a) D 0 Complex roots
(b) D 0 Real and distinct roots
(c) D 0 Real and equal roots as
48 Handbook of Mathematics
2. Cubic Equation
If , and are the roots of cubic equation ax3 bx2 cx d 0.
3. Biquadratic Equation
If ,, and are the roots of the biquadratic equation
ax4 bx3 cx2 dx e 0, then
S1 ,
c c
S ( 1)2
a a
or S2 ( )( )
d d
S ( 1)3
a a
or S3 ( ) ( )
4 e e
and S ( 1)
a a
50 Handbook of Mathematics
Symmetric Roots
If the roots of quadratic equation ax2 bx c 0 (a 0) are and ,
b2 4ac D
(i) ( ) ( )2 4
a a
2 2 2 b2 2ac
(ii) ( ) 2
b b2 4ac
(iii) 2 2 ( ) ( )2 4 b 2D
a2 a
b(b2 3ac)
(iv) 3 3 ( )3 3( )
(b2 ac) b2 4ac
(v) 3 3 ( )3 3( )
a3 2
b2 2ac 2c2
(vi) 4 4 {( )2 2}2 2 2 2
a2 a2
4 4 2 2 2 2
b(b2 2ac) b2 4ac
(vii) ( ) ( )
2 2 2 b ac
(viii) ( )
2 2 ( )2 2 b2 2ac
(x) ( )
2 2
2 4 4 (2 2 ) 2 2 2 2 b2D 2a2c2
(xi) 2 2
2 2 2 2
a c
3. Biquadratic Equation
If ,, and are the roots of a biquadratic equation, then the
equation is
x4 S x3 S x2 S x S 0
1 2 3 4
i.e. x4 ( )x3 ( )x2
( )x 0
52 Handbook of Mathematics
By Cramer’s Rule
2 1
c1 b1 a1 c1 a1 b1
c2 b2 a2 c2 a2 b2
2 1
b1c2 b2c1 a2c1 a1c2 a1b2 a2b1
a c a c bc bc
2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1, 0
a1b2 a2b1 a2c1 a1c2
Hence, the condition for only one root common is
(c a c a )2 (b c b c )(a b a b )
1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1
A x=b A C x=b
X O x=a X
O x=a B
Quadratic Expression
An expression of the form ax2 bx c, where a, b, c R and a 0 is
called a quadratic expression in x.
1. Graph of a Quadratic Expression
We have,
y ax2 bx c f(x)
b 2 D
y a x
2a 4a 2
D 2
y b
D4a 2a b
Let y Y and x X
4a 2a
(i) The graph of the curve y f(x) is parabolic.
(ii) The axis of parabola is X 0 or x 0 i.e., parallel to
54 Handbook of Mathematics
a>0 D>0
(ii) For D 0, parabola touch X-axis in one point, x .
a<0 D=0
a>0 D=0
(iii) For D 0, parabola does not cut X-axis (i.e. imaginary value
of x).
a<0 D<0
a>0 D<0
5. Intervals of Roots
In some problems, we want the roots of the equation ax2 bx c 0 to
lie in a given interval. For this we impose conditions on a, b and c.
b c
Since, a 0, we can take f(x) x 2 x .
a a
(i) Both the roots are positive i.e., they lie in (0, ), iff roots are real,
the sum of the roots as well as the product of the roots is positive.
b c
i.e. 0 and 0 with b2 4ac 0
a a
Similarly, both the roots are negative i.e. they lie in ( , 0), iff
roots are real, the sum of the roots is negative and the product of
the roots is positive.
b c
i.e. 0 and 0 with b2 4ac 0
a a
56 Handbook of Mathematics
(ii) Both the roots are greater than a given number k, iff the
following conditions are satisfied
D 0, k and af(k) 0
X' X X' X
k (–b/2a) k
(iii) Both the roots are less than a given number k, iff the following
conditions are satisfied
D 0, k and af(k) 0
(iv) Both the roots lie in a given interval (k1 , k2 ), iff the following
conditions are satisfied
D 0, k1 k2 and af(k1 ) 0, af(k2 ) 0
or f(k1 ) f(k2 ) 0
X' (–b/2a)
X X' X
k1 (–b/2a) k2 k1 k2
(v) Exactly one of the roots lie in a given interval (k1 , k2), iff D 0 and
f(k1 ) f(k2 ) 0.
k2 k1
X' X X' X
k1 k2
(vi) A given number k lies between the roots, iff af(k) 0 and D 0.
X' X
Note The roots of the equation will be of opposite sign, iff 0 lies between the
af (0) 0, D 0
Lagrange’s Identity
If a1 , a2 , a3 , b1, b2, b3 R, then
(a2 a2 a2)(b2 b2 b2) (a b a b a b )2
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3
(a b a b )2 (a b a b )2 (a b a b )2
1 2 21 2 3 3 2 3 1 13
A statement involving the symbols , , or is called an inequality
or inequation.
Here, the symbols (less than), (greater than), (less than or equal to)
and (greater than or equal to) are known as symbol of inequalities.
e.g. 5 7, x 2, x y 11
Types of Inequalities
(i) Numerical inequality An inequality which does not involve
any variable is called a numerical inequality.
58 Handbook of Mathematics
e.g. 4 2, 8 21
(ii) Literal inequality An inequality which have variables is
called literal inequality.
e.g. x 7, y 11, x y 4
(iii) Strict inequality An inequality which have only < or > is called
strict inequality.
e.g. 3x y 0, x 7
(iv) Slack inequality An inequality which have only
or is called slack inequality.
e.g. 3x 2y 0, y 4
Linear Inequality
An inequality is said to be linear, if the variable (s) occurs in first
degree only and there is no term involving the product of the variables.
e.g. ax b 0, ax by c 0, ax 4.
Open Interval
The set of all real numbers x, such that a x b, is called an open
interval and is denoted by (a, b) or ]a, b [.
Solution of an Inequality
Any solution of an inequality is the value(s) of variable(s) which makes
it a true statement.
1. Addition or Subtraction
Some number may be added (or subtracted) to (from) both sides of an
inequality i.e. if a b, then for any number c,
a c b c or a c b c
2. Multiplication or Division
Let a, b and c be three real numbers, such that a b and c 0.
a b
(i) If c 0, then and ac bc.
c c
a b
(ii) If a b and c 0, then and ac bc.
c c
Solution Set
The set of all solutions of an inequality is called the solution set of the
60 Handbook of Mathematics
Important Inequalities
1. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Mean Inequalities
ab 2
(i) If a, b 0,then ab
2 (1 / a) (1 / b)
(ii) If ai 0, where i 1, 2, 3,… , n, then
a1 a2 … an n
(a 1a 2 .... a )1/n
n n 1 1 … 1
a1 a2 an
(iii) If a1 , a2 ,... , an are n positive real numbers and m1 , m2 ,... , mn are
n positive rational numbers, then
m1a1 m2a2 an
(am1 am2 . . . amn )m1 m2 ... mn
m m ...m 1 2 n
1 2 n
and Series
Sequence is a function whose domain is the set of natural numbers or
some subset of the type {1, 2, 3,... , k}. We represents the images of 1,
2, 3,… , n, ... as f1, f2 , f3 ,... , fn ... , where fn f(n ).
In other words, a sequence is an arrangement of numbers in definite
order according to some rule.
◆ A sequence containing a finite number of terms is called a finite
◆ A sequence containing an infinite number of terms is called an
infinite sequence.
◆ A sequence whose range is a subset of real number R, is called a
real sequence.
A sequence whose terms follow a certain pattern is called a progression.
If a1 , a2 , a3 ,... , an ,... is a sequence, then the sum expressed as
a1 a2 a3 ... an ... is called a series.
◆ A series having finite number of terms is called finite series.
◆ A series having infinite number of terms is called infinite series.
Selection of Terms in an AP
(i) Any three terms in AP can be taken as
(a d ), a, (a d )
(ii) Any four terms in AP can be taken as
(a 3d ), (a d ), (a d ), (a 3d )
(iii) Any five terms in AP can be taken as
(a 2d ), (a d ), a,(a d ), (a 2d )
64 Handbook of Mathematics
Important Results on AP
(i) If ap q and aq p, then ap q 0, ar p q r
(ii) If pap qaq, then ap q 0
1 1
(iii) If a p and a q , then a pq1
q p
(iv) If Sp q and Sq p, then Sp q ( p q)
(v) If Sp Sq , then Sp q 0
(vi) If a2 , b2 and c2 are in AP, then
1 1 1 a b c
, , and , , botharealsoinAP.
b c c a a b bccaab
(vii) If a1,a2,..., an are the non-zero terms of an AP, then
1 1 1 1 n 1
a1 a2 a2 a3 a3 a4 an 1 an a1 an
Geometric Progression GP
A sequence in which the ratio of any term (except first term) to its just
preceding term is constant throughout. The constant ratio is called
common ratio (r ).
an 1
i.e. r, n 1
If a is the first term, r is the common ratio and l is the last term of a
GP, then the GP can be written as a, ar , ar 2, ... , arn 1, ... l.
66 Handbook of Mathematics
Selection of Terms in a GP
(i) Any three terms in a GP can be taken as , a and ar.
a a
(ii) Any four terms in a GP can be taken as , , ar and ar 3 .
r3 r
a a
(iii) Any five terms in a GP can be taken as , , a, ar and ar 2.
Geometric Mean GM
(i) If a, G, b are in GP, then G is called the geometric mean of a and
b and is given by G ab.
(ii) GM of n positive numbers a1 , a2 , a3 ,... , an are given by
G (a 1a2 ... an )1/ n
Important Results on GP
x nq pq
(i) If ap x and aq y, then an n p
(ii) If am n p and am n q, then
q 2n
am pq and an p
(iii) If a, b and c are the pth, qth and rth terms of a GP, then
aq r br p cp q 1
(iv) Sum of n terms of b bb bbb … is
b 10(10n 1)
an n ;b 1,2,…, 9
9 9
(v) Sum of n terms of 0b 0bb 0bbb … is
b (1 10n)
an n ;b 1,2,…, 9
9 9
(vi) If a1, a2 ,a3 ,…, an andb1, b2 , b3 ,... ,bn are in GP, then the sequence
a1 b1, a2 b2 , a3 b3 … will not be a GP.
(vii) If pth, qth and rth term of geometric progression are also in geometric
progression, then p, q and r are in arithmetic progression.
(viii) If a, b and c are in AP as well as in GP, then a b c.
(ix) If a, b and c are in AP, then x a , x b and x c are in geometric progression.
68 Handbook of Mathematics
l a2 a1
where l is the last term.
(iii) 1 1 1 1
an an a l First term of HP Last term of HP
(iv) a , if a, d are the first term and common difference
a (n 1)d
of the corresponding AP.
Note There is no formula for determining the sum of harmonic series.
Harmonic Mean
(i) If a, H and b are in HP, then H is called the harmonic mean of
a and b and is given by H
(ii) Harmonic Mean (HM) of a1 , a2 , a3 ,… , an is given by
1 11 1 1 1
H n a1 a2 a3 an
(iii) If a, H1 , H 2 , H3 , .... , H n , b are in HP, then
(a) H1 , H 2 , H3 ,… , Hn
are called n harmonic means between a and b, where
Important Results on HP
(i) If in a HP, am n and an m, then
mn mn
am n , amn 1, ap
mn p
(ii) If in a HP, ap qr and aq pr,
then ar pq
(iii) If H is HM between a and b, then
(a) (H 2a)(H 2b) H 2
1 1 1 1
H a H b a b
H a Hb
(c) 2
H a H b
70 Handbook of Mathematics
Arithmetic-Geometric Progression
A sequence in which every term is a product of corresponding term of
AP and GP is known as arithmetic-geometric progression.
The series may be written as
a,(a d )r ,(a 2d )r 2,(a 3d )r3… [a (n 1)d ]rn 1
dr (1 r ) { a (n 1) d }r , if r 1
n 1 n
Then, S
1 r (1 r )2 1r
S n [2a (n 1)d ], if r 1
a dr
Also, S (1 r )2 , if|r | 1
Method of Difference
Let a1 a2 a3 ... be a given series.
Case I If a2 a1 , a3 a2 ,… are in AP or GP, then an and Sn can be
found by the method of difference.
Clearly, Sn a1 a2 a3 a4 … an
or Sn a1 a2 a3 … an 1 an
Exponential Series
1 1 1 1
The sum of the series 1 … is denoted by the
1! 2! 3! 4!
number e.
1 1 1 1
e1 …
1! 2! 3! 4!
(i) e lies between 2 and 3.
(ii) e is an irrational number.
x x x 2 x3
(iii) e 1 … , x R
1! 2! 3!
x x x2 x3
(iv) e 1 … , x R
1! 2! 3! a
x x log
(v) For any a 0, a e e
x2 2 x3 3
1 x (loge a) (loge a) (loge a) … , x R
2! 3!
72 Handbook of Mathematics
Logarithmic Series
x2 x3
(i) loge (1 x) x … , (1 x 1)
2 3 n4
n 1 x
(1) , (1 x 1)
n1 n
x2 x3 x4
(ii) loge (1 x) x … , (1 x 1)
2 3 4
x2 x3 x4
loge (1 x) x … , (1 x 1)
2 3 4
1 x x3 x5
(iii) loge 2 x … , (1 x 1)
1 x 3 5
1 1 1 1
(iv) log 2 1 …
2 3 4 5
(viii) e 1 … …
1! 2! 3! n!
(ix) e
n 0 n ! n1 ! n
(xiii) (ar br ) ar br
r1 r1 r1
n n
(xiv) kar k ar
r1 r1
(xv) k k k ... n times n. k, where k is a constant.
n(n 1)
(xvi) r12…n
r1 2
(xvii) Sum of first n even natural numbers.
i.e. 2 4 6 … 2n n(n 1)
(xviii) Sum of first n odd natural numbers.
i.e. 1 3 5 … (2n 1) n 2
n n(n 1)(2n 1)
2 2 2 2 2
(xix) r 1 2 3 … n
r1 6
n n(n 1) 2
(xx) r3 13 23 33 … n3
r1 2
n n(n 1)(6n3 9n 2 n 1)
(xxi) r 1 2 3 … n
4 4 4 4 4
r1 30
(xxii) Sum of n terms of series
12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 ...
n(n 1)
Case I When n is odd
n(n 1)
Case II When n is even
(xxiii) 2 a a (a a
... an )2 (a2 a2 ... a2 )
i j 1 2 1 2 n
i j1
Permutations and
Fundamental Principles of Counting
There are two Fundamental Principles of Counting
1. Multiplication Principle
If first operation can be performed in m ways and then a second
operation can be performed in n ways. Then, the two operations taken
together can be performed in mn ways. This can be extended to any
finite number of operations.
2. Addition Principle
If an operation can be performed in m ways and another operation,
which is independent of the first, can be performed in n ways. Then,
either of the two operations can be performed in m n ways. This can
be extended to any finite number of mutually exclusive events.
For any natural number n, we define factorial as
n ! or |n n(n 1)(n 2)… 3 2 1.
The rotation n ! represent the present of first n natural numbers.
Exponent of a Prime p in n!
If p is prime and pr divides n ! , then maximum exponent of prime p in
n ! is given by
n n n
Ep (n !) 2 3 …
p p p
Each of the different arrangement which can be made by taking some
or all of a number of things is called a permutation.
Mathematically The number of ways of arranging n distinct
objects in a row taking r (0 r n ) at a time is denoted by P(n , r )
or n Pr .
i.e. n
(n r )!
Properties of Permutation
(i) n Pn n (n 1) (n 2)...1 n !
(ii) n P0 1
(iii) n P1 n
(iv) n P n!
(v) Pr n n 1P r 1 n(n 1) n 2P r 2 n(n 1)(n 2) n 3 P r 3
(vi) Pr r n 1 P r 1 n Pr
(vii) n nr1
Pr 1
76 Handbook of Mathematics
Restricted Permutation
(i) Number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time,
(a) when a particular thing is to be included in each arrangement
is r n 1P r 1 .
Circular Permutation
In a circular permutation, firstly we fix the position of one of the
objects and then arrange the other objects in all possible ways.
(i) Number of circular permutations of n different things taken all
at a time is (n 1)! . If clockwise and anti-clockwise orders are
taken as different.
Each of the different groups or selections which can be made by some
or all of a number of given things without reference to the order of the
things in each group is called a combination.
Mathematically The number of combinations of n different things
taken r at a time is
C(n , r ) or n Cr or i.e. Cr n n!
r !(n r )!, 0 r n
Properties of Combination
(i) n
C0 nCn 1
(ii) C1 n
(iii) Cr nCn r
(iv) If n Cr nCp, then either r p or r p n
(v) n
(vi) n Cr nCr 1n 1Cr
Cr 1 (n r 1) nC r 1
(vii) n
n (n 1) n 2
(viii) n
C n n 1C C
r r 1
r r (r 1) r2
(ix) n
C0 nC 1 nC 2 … nCn 2n
78 Handbook of Mathematics
(x) n
C0 nC 2 nC 4 … nC1 nC 3 … 2n 1
2n 1
(xi) C 0 2n 1C1 2n 1C 2 … 2n 1 Cn 22n
(xii) n
Cn n 1Cn n 2Cn … 2n 1Cn 2n
Cn 1
2. Use in Geometry
(i) Given, n distinct points in the plane, no three of which are
collinear, then the number of line segments formed nC2.
(ii) Given, n distinct points in the plane, in which m are collinear
(m 3), then the number of line segments is ( n C2 mC2 ) 1.
(iii) Given, n distinct points in the plane, no three of which are
collinear, then the number of triangle formed nC 3
(ix) Suppose n straight lines are drawn in the plane such that no two
lines are parallel and no three lines are concurrent, then number
of parts which these divides the plane is equal to 1 n.
3. Prime Factors
Any natural number 1, can be expressed as product of primes.
Let n p1 p 2 p3 … p r , where
1 2 3 r
80 Handbook of Mathematics
(b) [( 1)( 1)( 1)… ( 1) 1], if n is a perfect
1 2 3 r
(vi) The number of ways in which n can be resolved into two factors
which are prime to each other is 2r 1, where r is the number of
different factors in n.
4. Integral Solutions
(i) The number of integral solutions of
x x … xr n , where x , x ,… xr 0 is n r 1C or
1 2 1 2 r 1
n r 1
Cn .
(ii) Number of integral solutions of
x x … xr n, where x , x ,… , xr 1, is n 1C .
1 2 1 2 r1
5. Sum of Digits
(i) Sum of the numbers formed by taking all the given n digits
(Sum of all the n digits) × (n 1)! (111...... 1).
(ii) The sum of all digits in the unit place of all numbers formed with
the help of a1 , a2 ,… , an all at a time (repetition of digits is not
allowed) is (n 1)!(a1 a2 … an ).
(iii) The sum of all digits of numbers that can be formed by using the
digits a1 , a2 ,… , an (repetition of digits is not allowed) is
10n 1
(n 1)!(a1 a2 … an )
6. Arrangements
(i) The number of ways in which m (one type of different things) and
n (another type of different things) can be arranged in a row so
that all the second type of things come together is n !(m 1)!.
7. Dearrangements
If n distinct objects are arranged in a row, then the number of ways in
which they can be dearranged so that
1 1no one1 of them noccupies
1 the
place assigned to it is … (1) and it is
1! 2! 3! n !
denoted by D (n ).
8. Selection
There are two types of selection, which are as follows
82 Handbook of Mathematics
84 Handbook of Mathematics
Binomial Theorem
and Principle of
Mathematical Induction
An algebric expression consisting of two terms with positive and
negative sign between them is called binomial expression.
i.e. (x a)n n
Cr xn rar …(i)
where, x and a are real numbers and n C0 , nC1 , nC2,… , nCn are called
binomial coefficients.
Also, here Eq. (i) is called Binomial theorem.
Cr for 0 r n.
r !(n r)!
86 Handbook of Mathematics
(vi) (a) If n is odd, then (x a)n (x a)n and (x a)n (x n a)1n
both have the same number of terms equal to .
n 2
(b) If n is even, then (x a)n (x a)n has terms.
and (x a)n (x a)n has terms.
Some ImportantmResults b n
(i) Coefficient of x in the expansion of ax p is the coefficient
np m
of Tr 1, where r .
(ii) The term independent of x in the expansion of ax p is the
coefficient of Tr 1 , where r .
(iii) If the coefficient of rth, (r 1) th and (r 2) th term of (1 x)n are
in AP, then n 2 (4r 1)n 4r 2 2
(iv) In the expansion of (x a)n ,
Tr 1 n r 1 a
Tr r x
(v) (a) The coefficient of xn 1 in the expansion of
n (n 1)
(x – 1)(x – 2).....(x – n )
(b) The coefficient of xn 1 in the expansion of
n (n 1)
(x 1) (x 2).....(x n )
(vi) If the coefficient of pth and qth terms in the expansion of (1 x)n
are equal, then p q n 2. x n
(vii) If the coefficients of xr and x r 1 in the expansion of a are
equal, then n (r 1)(ab 1) 1.
(viii) The number of terms in the expansion of
(x x … xr )n is n r 1C .
1 2 r1
88 Handbook of Mathematics
Greatest Coefficient
Binomial coefficient of middle term is the greatest binomial coefficient.
(i) If n is even, then in (x a)n , the greatest coefficient is n C n/ 2.
(ii) If n is odd, then in (x a)n , the greatest coefficient is n C
n 1
or nC n1 .
Greatest Term
In the expansion of (x a)n ,
(i) If is an integer p (say), then greatest terms are
Tp and Tp 1.
n1 n1
(ii) If is not an integer with m as integral part of x , then
x 1
a a
Tm 1 is the greatest term.
Divisibility Problems
From the expansion, (1 x)n 1 nC 1x nC x22... nCn xn
We can conclude that
(i) (1 x)n 1 nC 1x nC x22... nCn xn is divisible by x i.e. it is a
multiple of x.
or (1 x)n 1 M(x)
(ii) (1 x)n 1 nx nC x2 nC x3 ... nCn x n M(x 2 )
2 3
n(n 1) 2 n
(iii) (1 x)n 1 nx x C x3 nC x4... nC xn M (x3 )
3 4 n
(ix) C1 2 C2 3 C3 … 0
(x) C 2 C 3 C … (n 1) Cn (n 2) 2n 1
0 1 2
(xi) C Cr C C ... Cn rCn 2nCn r
0 1r 1
(2n )!
2nCn r
(n r )!(n r )!
(2n )!
(xii) C2 C2 C2 ... C2 2nC
0 1 2 n n
(n !)2
(xiii) C C C C ... (1) C
2 2 2 2 n 2
if n is odd.
0 1 2 3 n n/ 2 n
(1) Cn/ 2 , if n is even.
(xiv) C 2C 3C … ( 1) n C
2 2 2 n 2
1 2 3 n
1 nn!
(1) 2 . 2 . n n , when n is even.
! !
2 2
C1 C2 C 2n 1 1
(xv) C … n
2 3 n 1 (n 1)
C1 C2 C3 Cn 1
(xvi) C0 ... ( 1)n
2 3 4 n1 n1
90 Handbook of Mathematics
C1 C2 C3 C 3
(xvii) C0 2 3… n n
2 2 2 2
r n 1 3 r
7 r
15 r
(xviii) (1) Cr 2r 3 r ..... upto m terms
r0 2
2 2 24r
2mn 1
2mn (2n 1)
Multinomial Theorem
For any n N ,
(i) (x x )n n!
xr1 xr2
1 2
r1 r 2 n
r1 !r2 ! 1 2
(ii) (x x ... x
1 2 n
)n xr1 xr2… xrkk
r !r !…r ! 1 2
r1 r 2 … rk n 1 2 k
92 Handbook of Mathematics
A sentence or description which can be judged either true or false, is
called the statement.
e.g. (i) 3 divides 9.
(ii) Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh.
A matrix is a rectangular arrangement of numbers (real or complex)
which may be represented as
a11 a12 a13 .... a1n
a22 a23 .... a 2n .
A 21
.... .... .... .... ....
am1 am 2 am3 .... a mn
Matrix is enclosed by [ ] or ( ).
Compact form the above matrix is represented by [aij ]m n or A [aij ].
Element of a Matrix
The numbers a11 , a12 ,… etc., in the above matrix are known as the
element of the matrix, generally represented as aij , which denotes
element in ith row and jth column.
Order of a Matrix
In above matrix has m rows and n columns, then A is of order m n.
Types of Matrices
(i) Row Matrix A matrix having only one row and any number of
columns is called a row matrix.
(ii) Column Matrix A matrix having only one column and any
number of rows is called column matrix.
(iii) Null/Zero Matrix A matrix of any order, having all its elements
are zero, is called a null/zero matrix, i.e. aij 0, i, j.
(iv) Square Matrix A matrix of order m n, such that m n, is
called square matrix.
(v) Diagonal Matrix A square matrix A [aij ]m n is called a
diagonal matrix, if all the elements except those in the leading
diagonals are zero, i.e. aij 0 for i j. It can be represented as
A diag [a11 a22… ann ].
94 Handbook of Mathematics
Matrices 95
Algebra of Matrices
1. Addition of Matrices
Let A and B be two matrices each of order m n. Then, the sum of
matrices A B is defined only if matrices A and B are of same order.
If A [aij ]m n and B [bij ]m n . Then, A B [aij bij ]m n .
Properties of Addition of Matrices
If A, B and C are three matrices of order m n , then
(i) Commutative Law A B B A
(ii) Associative Law ( A B) C A (B C)
(iii) Existence of Additive Identity A zero matrix (0) of order
m n (same as of A), is additive identity, if
A0 A0A
(iv) Existence of Additive Inverse If A is a square matrix, then
the matrix (– A) is called additive inverse, if
A ( A) 0 ( A) A
(v) Cancellation Law A B A C B C [left cancellation law]
B A C A B C [right cancellation law]
2. Subtraction of Matrices
Let A and B be two matrices of the same order, then subtraction of
matrices, A B, is defined as
A B [aij bij ] m n ,
where A [aij ]m n , B [bij ]m n
96 Handbook of Mathematics
4. Multiplication of Matrices
Let A [aij ]m n and B [bij ]n p are two matrices such that the
number of columns of A is equal to the number of rows of B, then
multiplication of A and B is denoted by AB, is given by cij aikbkj ,
Matrices 97
Matrix Polynomial
Let f(x) a xn a xn 1 a xn 2 … an . Then,
0 1 2
f( A) a0An a A
n 2
… an In is called the matrix polynomial.
Transpose of a Matrix
Let A [aij ]m n , be a matrix of order m n. Then, the n m matrix
obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of A is called the
transpose of A and is denoted by A or AT .
A AT [a ]jin m
Properties of Transpose
For any two matrices A and B of suitable orders,
(i) ( A ) A (ii) ( A B) A B
(iii) (kA) kA (iv) ( AB) B A
(v) ( An ) ( A )n (vi) ( ABC) C B A
98 Handbook of Mathematics
Elementary Matrix
A matrix obtained from an identity matrix by a single elementary
operation is called an elementary matrix.
Equivalent Matrix
Two matrices A and B are said to be equivalent, if one can be obtained
from the other by a sequence of elementary transformation.
The symbol is used for equivalence.
Matrices 99
Trace of a Matrix
The sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix A is called the
trace of A, denoted by trace (A) or tr (A).
Conjugate of a Matrix
The matrix obtained from a matrix A containing complex number as its
elements, on replacing its elements by the corresponding conjugate
complex number is called conjugate of A and is denoted by A.
(v) ( An ) ( A)n
2. Idempotent Matrix
A square matrix A is said to be idempotent, if A2 A .
Properties of Idempotent Matrix
(i) If A and B are two idempotent matrices, then
(a) AB is idempotent, iff AB BA.
(b) A B is an idempotent matrix, iff AB BA O
(c) AB A and BA B, then A2 A, B2 B
(ii) (a) If A is an idempotent matrix and A B I , then B is an
idempotent and AB BA O.
(b) Diagonal (1, 1, 1, ...,1) is an idempotent matrix.
3. Involutory Matrix
A square matrix A is said to be involutory, if A2 I
4. Nilpotent Matrix
A square matrix A is said to be nilpotent matrix, if there exists a
positive integer m such that Am 0. If m is the least positive integer
such that Am 0, then m is called the index of the nilpotent matrix A.
5. Unitary Matrix
A square matrix A is said to be unitary, if AA I
6. Periodic Matrix
If Ak1 A, where k is a positive integer, then A is known as periodic
matrix and k is known as period of matrix A.
Matrices 101
Rank of a Matrix
A positive integer r is said to be the rank of a non-zero matrix A, if
(i) there exists at least one minor in A of order r which is not zero.
(ii) every minor in A of order greater than r is zero, rank of a matrix A
is denoted by ( A) r.
Every square matrix A is associated with a number, called its
determinant and it is denoted by (read as delta) or det (A) or| A|.
Only square matrices have determinants. The matrices which are not
square do not have determinants.
(i) First Order Determinant
If A [a], then det (A) | A| a.
(ii) Seconda Order
If A 11 , then
a a
21 22
| A| a11a22 a21a12
(iii) Third Order Determinant
a11 a12 a13
If A a a a , then
21 22 23
a31 a32 a33
Determinants 103
Evaluation of Determinant of Square Matrix
of Order 3 by Sarrus Rule
a11 a12 a13
If A a a a , then determinant can be formed by enlarging
21 22 23
a31 a32 a33
the matrix by adjoining the first two columns on the right and draw
lines as show below parallel and perpendicular to the diagonal.
a11 a12 a13 a11 a12
a21 a22 a23 a21 a22
a31 a32 a33 a31 a32
The value of the determinant, this will be the sum of the product of
element in line parallel to the diagonal minus the sum of the product of
elements in line perpendicular to the line segment. Thus,
a11a22a33 a12a23 a31 a13 a21a32 a13 a22a31 a11a23 a32 a12a21a33 .
Note This method doesn’t work for determinants of order greater than 3.
Properties of Determinants
(i) The value of the determinant remains unchanged, if rows are
changed into columns and columns are changed into rows.
e.g. | A|| A|
(ii) If A [aij ]n n , n 1 and B be the matrix obtained from A by
interchanging two of its rows or columns, then
det (B) det (A)
(iii) If two rows (or columns) of a square matrix A are proportional,
then|A| 0.
(iv) |B| k| A|, where B is the matrix obtained from A, by
multiplying one row (or column) of A by k.
(v) |kA| kn| A|, where A is a matrix of order n n.
(vi) If each element of a row (or column) of a determinant is the sum
of two or more terms, then the determinant can be expressed as
the sum of two or more determinants.
a1 a2 b c a1 b c a2 b c
e.g. p1 p2 q r p1 q r p2 q r
u1 u2 v w u1 v w u2 v w
(vii) If the same multiple of the elements of any row (or column) of a
determinant are added to the corresponding elements of any
other row (or column), then the value of the new determinant
remains unchanged,
a11 a12 a13 a11 ka31 a12 ka32 a13 ka33
a21 a22 a23 a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33 a31 a32 a33
(viii) If each element of a row (or column) of a determinant is zero, then
its value is zero.
(ix) If any two rows (or columns) of a determinant are identical, then
its value is zero.
(x) If each element of row (or column) of a determinant is expressed
as a sum of two or more terms, then the determinant can be
expressed as the sum of two or more determinants.
(xi) If r rows (or r columns) become identical, when a is substituted
for x, then (x a)r1 is a factor of given determinant.
Determinants 105
(xi) Determinant of a triangular matrix
Product of its diagonal elements
(xii) A square matrix of order n is non-singular, if its rank r n i.e. if
| A| 0, then rank ( A) n
f1(x) f2(x) f3 (x)
(xiii) If (x) g1(x) g2(x) g3 (x) , then
a b c
n n n
f1(x) f2(x) f3(x)
x 1 x 1 x 1
n n n n
(a) (x) g1(x) g2(x) g3(x)
x1 x 1 x 1 x 1
a b c
n n n
f1(x) f2(x) f3(x)
x 1 x 1 x 1
n n n n
(b) (x) g1(x) g2(x) g3(x)
x1 x 1 x 1 x 1
a b c
(xiv) If A is a non-singular matrix, then| A1| | A|1.
| A|
(xv) Determinant of a orthogonal matrix 1 or 1.
(xvi) Determinant of a hermitian matrix is purely real.
(xvii) If A and B are non-zero matrices and AB O, then it implies
| A| O and|B| O.
and (adj A) n 1
, where A is a matrix of order n n.
x1 y1 1
(ii) If the given points are collinear, then x2 y2 1 0.
x3 y3 1
Determinants 107
(iii) Let two points are A(x1 , y1 ), B(x2 , y2 ) and P (x, y) be a point on the
line joining points A and B, then the equation of line is given by
x y 1
x y1 1 0
2 1
x2 y2 1
Adjoint of a Matrix
Adjoint of a matrix is the transpose of the matrix of cofactors of the
given matrix,
C11 C12 C13 T C11 C21 C31
i.e. adj(A) C C C C C C
21 22 23 12 22 32
C31 C32 C33 C13 C23 C33
Inverse of a Matrix
Let A be a non-zero square matrix of order n , then a square matrix B,
such that AB BA I , is called inverse of A, denoted by A1.
i.e. A1 (adj A) given in properties
| A|
◆ If a non-singular square matrix A is symmetric, then A is also symmetric.
Differentiation of Determinant
a(x) b(x) c(x)
If (x) p(x) q(x) r(x) , then
u(x) v(x) w(x)
a (x) b (x) c (x) a(x) b(x) c(x)
p(x) q(x) r(x) p (x) q (x) r (x)
u(x) v(x) w(x) u(x) v(x) w(x)
a(x) b(x) c(x)
p(x) q(x) r(x)
u (x) v (x) w (x)
Determinants 109
Integration of Determinant
a11(x) a12(x) a13 (x)
If (x) a21 a22 a23 , then
a31 a32 a33
Determinants 111
(ii) If D 0 and D1 D2 0, then the system is consistent and has
infinitely many solutions.
(iii) If D 0 and one of D1 and D2 is non-zero, then the system is
Case II Let the system of equations be a1x b1y c1z d1,
a2x b2 y c2z d2 and a3 x b3y c3 z d3 . Then, the solution of
the system of equation is x 1 , y 2 , z 3 , it is called
Cramer’s rule.
a1 b1 c1 d1 b1 c1 a1 d1 c1
where, D a2 b2 c2 , D1 d2 b2 c2 , D2 a2 d2 c2
a3 b3 c3 d3 b3 c3 a3 d3 c3
a1 b1 d1
and D3 a2 b2 d2 .
a3 b3 d3
(i) If D 0, then the system of equations is consistent with unique
(ii) If D 0 and atleast one of the determinant D1 , D2 , D3 is non-zero,
then the given system is inconsistent, i.e. having no solution.
(iii) If D 0 and D1 D2 D3 0, then the system is consistent, with
infinitely many solutions.
(iv) If D 0 and D1 D2 D3 0, then system has only trivial
solution, (x y z 0).
1 1 1
(iii) a b c (a b)(b c)(c a)[(a2 b2 c2) (ab bc ca)]
a4 b4 c4
1 1 1
(iv) a2 b2 c2 (a b) (b c) (c a)(ab bc ca)
a3 b3 c3
x2 (x a)2 (x a)2
(v) y (y a)2 (y a)2 4a 3(x y)(y z)(z x)
z2 (z a)2 (z a)2
11 1
(vi) a b c a2 b2 c2 ab bc ca
b a c
[(b c)2 (c a)2 (a b)2]
a b c
(vii) b c a (a b c) (a2 b2 c2 ab bc ca)
c a b
(a3 b3 c3 3abc)
xa b c d
a xb c d
(viii) x3 (x a b c d)
a b xc d
a b c xd
An operation which produce some well-defined results or outcomes is
called an experiment.
Types of Experiments
1. Deterministic Experiment
Those experiments, which when repeated under identical conditions
produce the same result or outcome are known as deterministic
2. Probabilistic/Random Experiment
Those experiments, which when repeated under identical conditions,
do not produce the same outcome every time but the outcome produced
is one of the several possible outcomes, are called random experiment.
Algebra of Events
Let A and B are two events associated with a random experiment,
whose sample space is S. Then,
(i) the event ‘not A’ is the set A or S A
(ii) the events A or B is the set A B
(iii) the events A and B is the set A B
(iv) the events A but not B is the set A B or A B
Note For more details, see operations on sets.
Theoretical (Classical) Approach
If there are n equally likely outcomes associated with a random
experiment and m of them are favourable to an event A, then the
probability of happening or occurrence of A, denoted by P( A), is given by
m Number of favourable outcomes to A
P( A)
n Total number of possible outcomes
Axiomatic Approach
Let S { w1, w2 , w3 , ... wn } be a sample space, then according to
axiomatic approach we have the following
(i) 0 P(wi ) 1 for eachwi S
(ii) P(w1 ) P(w2 ) ... P(wn ) 1
(iii) For any event A, P( A) P(wi ), wi A.
◆ Theoretical approach is valid only when the outcomes are equally likely and
Probability 115
Different Types of Events and Their Probabilities
(i) Equally Likely Events The given events are said to be
equally likely, if none of them is expected to occur in preference to
the other.
Thus, if the events E and F are equally likely, then P(E) P(F )
(ii) Mutually Exclusive Events A set of events is said to be
mutually exclusive, if the happening of one event excludes the
happening of the other.
If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then ( A B) .
The probability of mutually exclusive events is P ( A B) 0.
(iii) Probability of Exhaustive Events A set of events is said to
be exhaustive, if atleast one of them necessarily occurs whenever
the experiment is performed.
If E1 , E2 ,… , En are exhaustive events, then
E1 E2 … En S.
and so P(E1 E2 E3 … En ) 1.
Note If Ei Ej for i j and † Ei S , then events E1, E2, ... , En are
called mutually exclusive and exhaustive events.
(iv) Independent Events Two events A and B, associated to a
random experiment, are independent if the probability of
occurrence or non-occurrence of A is not affected by the
occurrence or non-occurrence of B.
Note If A and B are independent events associated with a random
experiment, then
(a) P(A B) P(A) P(B)
(b) A and B are independent events.
(c) A and B are independent events.
(d) A and B are independent events.
(v) Complementary Event Let A be an event of a sample space
S, the complementary event to A is the event containing all
sample points other than the sample point in A and it is denoted
by A or A i.e. A or A { n : n S , n A}
The probability of complementary event to A is
P ( A ) 1 P ( A)
(i) P (A) P(A ) 1 (ii) P( A A ) P(S ) 1
(iii) P(A A ) P() 0 (iv) P( A ) P(A)
P( Ai A j Ak ) …
1i jk n
(1)n 1 P( A1 A 2 … An )
Probability 117
(iv) If B A, then
(a) P( A B ) P( A) P(B)
(b) P(B) P (A)
(v) If A and B are two events, then
P( A B) P( A)(or P(B)) P( A B) P( A) P(B)
(vi) If A, B and C are three events, then
(a) P(exactly one of A, B, C occurs)
P( A) P(B) P(C) 2P( A B) 2P(B C)
2P( A C) 3P( A B C)
(b) P (atleast two of A, B, C occurs)
P( A B) P(B C) P(C A) 2P( A B C)
(c) P (exactly two of A, B, C occurs)
P( A B) P(B C) P( A C) 3P( A B C)
(vii) (a) P( A B) P( A) P(B), if A and B are mutually exclusive
(b) P( A B C) P( A) P(B) P(C), if A, B andC are
mutually exclusive events.
(viii) If the events A1 , A 2 ,… , An are mutually exclusive, i.e.
Ai Aj for i j, then
P( A1 A 2 A3 … An ) P( A1 ) ( A2 ) … P( An )
and P( A1 A 2 A3 … An ) P() 0
(ix) If A1 , A 2 ,… , An are independent events associated with a
random experiment, then probability of occurrence of atleast one
P( A1 A2 … An ) 1 P( A1 A 2 … An )
1 P( A1 )P( A 2 )… P( An )
(x) If A1 , A 2 ,… , A n are n events associated with a random
experiment, then
(a) P( A1 A2 … An ) P( Ai ) (n 1)
(Bonferroni’s Inequality)
P( A1 A2 ... An ) 1 P( A1 ) P( A2 ) ... P( An )
n n
(b) P( Ai ) P( Ai ) (Booley’s Inequality)
Conditional Probability
Let A and B be two events associated with a random experiment. Then,
the probability of occurrence of event A under the condition that B has
already occurred and P(B) 0, is called the conditional probability and
it is given by
P( A B)
P( A / B)
P( A B)
If A has already occurred and P ( A) 0, then P(B / A)
P( A)
Note If A and B are independent events, then P (B/ A) P(B) and
P( A/ B) P( A).
Probability 119
Theorem of Total Probability
Let S be the sample space and let E1 , E2 ,... , En be a partition of the
sample space S. If A is any event which occurs with E1 or E2 or … or
En , then
P( A) P(E1 )P( A / E1 ) P(E2 )P( A / E2 ) … P(En ) P( A / En )
P (Er )P( A / Er )
Baye’s Theorem
Let S be the sample space and let E1 , E2 ,... , En be a partition of the
sample space S. If A is any event which occurs with E1 or E2 or … or
En , then probability of occurrence of Ei , when A occurred, is
P(Ei )P( A / Ei )
P(Ei / A) n , i 1, 2,… , n
P(Ei )P( A / Ei )
A die has six face marked with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. If an experiment consists of
more than one die, then all dice are considered as distinct, if not otherwise
Playing Cards
A pack of playing cards has 52 cards, which are divided into 4 suits (spade,
heart, diamond and club) each having 13 cards.
The cards in each suit are ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2.
King, queen and jack are called face cards, so there are in all 12 face cards. Also,
there are 16 honour cards, 4 of each suit namely ace, king, queen and jack.
The suits, clubs and spades are of black colour while the suits hearts and
diamonds are of red colour. So, there are 26 red cards and 26 black cards.
Random Variable
Let S be a sample space associated with a given random experiment. A
real valued function X defined on S , i.e.
X : S R, is called a random variable.
There are two types of random variable
(i) Discrete Random Variable If the range of the function
X : S R is a finite set or countably infinite set of real numbers,
then it is called a discrete random variable.
e.g. In tossing of two coins S {HH , HT , TH , TT }, let X denotes
number of heads in tossing of two coins, then
X (HH ) 2, X (TH ) 1, X (HT ) 1, X (TT ) 0
(ii) Continuous Random Variable If the range of X is an
interval (a, b) of R, then X is called a continuous random variable.
Probability 121
Standard Deviation
V (X) E(X 2) (E(X ))2
Binomial Distribution
The probability of r successes in n-Bernaulli trials is denoted by
P(X r ) and is given by
P(X r ) nCr prqn r, r 0, 1, 2, ... n.
where, p probability of success
q probability of failure and p q 1
This can be represented by the following :
X 0 1 2 ... n
0 n 1 n1 2 n2 n
P(X )
Cp q n
C1p q n
Cp q ... Cn pn
0 2
Important Results
(i) If p q, then probability of r successes in n trials is n Cr pn .
(ii) Mean = E(X ) np
(iii) Variance x2 npq
(iv) Standard deviation x npq
(v) Mean is always greater than variance.
(vi) If the total number of trials is n in any attempt and if there are N
such attempts, then the total number of r successes is
N (n Cr prqn r )
Geometrical Probability
If the total number of possible outcomes of a random experiment is
infinite, in such cases, the definition of probability is modified and the
general expression for the probability P of occurrence of an event is
given by
Measure of region occupied by the event
Measure of the whole region
where, measure means length or area or volume of the region, if we are
dealing with one, two or three dimensional space respectively.
r! 2! 3! 4!
Probability 123
(iii) (a) Selection of Shoes from a Cupboard Out of n pair ofshoes,if k shoes
are selected at random, the probability that there is no pair is
C 2k
P 2nk
(b) The probability that there is atleast one pair is (1 P).
(iv) Selection of Squares from the Chessboard If r (1 r 7) squares are
selected at random from a chessboard, then probability that they lie on a
diagonal is
4[ 7Cr 6C …
r 1C ] r 2(8C ) r
(v) If A and B are two finite sets and if a mapping is selected at random from
the set of all mapping from Ato B, then the probability that the mapping is
(a) a one-onefunction n(A) , providedn(B) n(A)
(b) a many-one function 1 n(A)n(A) , providedn(B) n(A)
(c) a constant function
(d) a one-one onto function provided
, n(A) n(B)
Trigonometric Functions,
Identities and Equations
When a ray OA starting from its initial B
position OA rotates about its end point O
and takes the final position OB, we say
that angle AOB (written as AOB) has
been formed.
The amount of rotation from the initial side A
to the terminal side is called the measure O Initial side
of the angle.
O Initial side B
(Positive angle) (Negative angle)
Measurement of Angles
There are three system for measuring the angles, which are given
r P
l Length of arc
or l r
r Radius
Base AB
cos ,
Hypotenuse AC
Perpendicular BC
tan ,
Base AB A B
1 Base
1 , cot cos 1
cos sin tan
QAOP arc AP l
, using
radiusOP 1 r
Now, six circular functions may be defined as
(i) cos x (ii) sin y
1 1
(iii) sec , x 0 (iv) cosec , y 0
x y
y x
(v) tan , x 0 (vi) cot , y 0
x y
( 2 )
– 3 , 1
( )
, 1
X' O X
–2 – 3 – 3
– 2 2
2 2 2
–1 y=–1
( – , –1
2 ) (
3 , –1
2 )
(i) Domain R (ii) Range [1, 1] (iii) Period 2
2. Graph of cos x
y = cosx
(– 2, 1) 1 (0, 1) (2, 1)
X' O X
–2 – 3 3 2
2 2 2 2
y = –1
(– , –1) –1 (, –1)
(i) Domain R (ii) Range [1, 1] (iii) Period 2
3. Graph of tan x
Y y = tanx
X' – X
3 O 3
– – –
2 2 4 4 2 2
(i) Domain R ~ (2n 1) , n I
(ii) Range ( , )
(iii) Period
4. Graph of cot x
y = cotx
X' X
–2 – 3 – – O 3 2
2 2 2 2
(i) Domain R ~ n, n I (ii) Range ( , ) (iii) Period
5. Graph of sec x
y = sec x
(–2, 1) (2, 1)
X' X
–2 – 3 – – O 3 2
2 2 2 2
–1 y = –1
(–, –1) (, –1)
Another Trigonometric Function
Trigonometric tan sec cosec
sin cos cot
Handbook of Mathematics
tan 1 1
sin (sec2 1)
sin 1 cos2 1 cot 2 cosec
(1 tan )
1 cot 1 (cosec2 1)
cos (1 sin2 ) cos (1 cot2 )
(1 tan2 ) sec cosec
sin 1 1
(1 cos2 ) tan (sec2 1)
tan (cosec2 1)
(1 sin2 ) cos cot
Trigonometric Ratios of
Some Special Angles
1 1
Angle 7 15 18 22 36
2 2
Transformation Formulae
(i) 2 sin
A cos B sin ( A B) sin ( A B)
(ii) 2 cos
A sin B sin ( A B) sin ( A B)
(iii) 2 cos
A cos B cos ( A B) cos ( A B)
(iv) 2 sin
A sin B cos ( A C D cos ( A
B) C B)D
(v) sinC
sin D 2 sin cos
2 2
(vi) sinC sin D 2 cos sin
2 2
(vii) cosC cos D 2 cos cos
2 2
(viii) cosC cos D 2 sin sin
2 2
2 sin sin
2 2
(viii) cot cot cot
cot cot cot
2 2 2 2 2 2
(ix) tan tan tan tan tan tan 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
Hyperbolic Functions
The hyperbolic functions sinh z , cosh z , tanh z , cosech z , sec h z , coth z
are angles of the circular functions, defined by removing is appearing
in the complex exponentials.
ex e x
(i) sinh x
(i) cosh2 x sinh2 x 1
(ii) sech2x tanh2 x 1
(iii) coth2 x cosech2 x 1
(iv) cosh2 x sinh2 x cosh2x
Important Formulae
1. (i) sinh2 x sinh2 y sinh (x y)sinh (x y)
(ii) cosh2 x sinh2 y cosh(x y)cosh(x y)
(iii) cosh2 x cosh2 y sinh (x y)sinh(x y)
2. (i) sinix i sinh x (ii) cos(ix) cosh x
(iii) tan(ix) i tanhx (iv) cot(ix) i cothx
(v) sec(ix)sechx (vi) cosec (ix)i cosech x
3. (i) sinhx i sin(ix) (ii) coshx cos (ix)
(iii) tanh x i tan(ix) (iv) coth x icot(ix)
(v) sechx sec(ix) (vi) cosechx i cosec(ix)
Solution of Triangles
B a C
Semi-perimeter of the triangle is written as s .
sin A sin B sinC 1
(i) Sine Rule , where R is radius of the
a b c 2R
circumcircle of ABC.
b2 c2 a2 a2 c2 b2
(ii) Cosine Rule cos A , cos B
2bc 2ac
a2 b2 c2
and cos C
(iii) Projection Rule a b cos C c cos B, b c cos A a cos C
and c a cos B b cos A
BC bc A
(iv) Napier’s Analogy tan cot ,
2 b c 2
CA ca B AB ab C
tan cot and tan cot
2 ca 2 2 ab 2
Trigonometrical Ratios of
Half of the Angles of Triangle
A (s b)(s c) B (s c)(s a)
(i) sin , sin ,
2 bc 2 ac
C (s a)(s b)
2 ab
C (s a)(s b)
2 s(s c)
Area of a Triangle
Consider a triangle of side a, b and c.
1 1 1
(i) bc sin A ca sin B ab sin C
2 2 2
c2 sin A sin B a 2 sin B sin C b2 sin C sin A
2 sin C 2 sin A 2 sin B
(iii) s (s a) (s b)(s c), its known as Heron’s formula.
ab c
where, s [semi-perimeter of triangle]
(iv) rs, where R and r are radii of the circumcircle and the
incircle of ABC, respectively.
Solutions of a Triangle
Elements of a Triangle
There are six elements of a triangle, in which three are its sides and
other three are its angle. If three elements of a triangle are given,
atleast one of which is its side, then other elements can be uniquely
calculated. This is called solving the triangle.
A b C
(i) the solution when two sides are given
Given To be calculated
a a
a, b tan A ; B 90 A, c
b sin A
a, c sin A ; B 90 A
b c cos A or b c2 a2
(ii) the solution when one side and one acute angle are given
Given To be calculated
a, A a
B 90 A, b a cot A, c
sin A
c, A B 90 A, a c sin A, b c cot A
a b c abc
2 sin A 2 sin B 2 sinC 4
The circle touches the three sides of the triangle internally is called the
inscribed or the incircle of the triangle and its radius r is called the
inradius of circle.
3. Escribed Circle
The circle touches BC and the two sides AB and AC produced of ABC
externally is called the escribed circle opposite to A. Its radius is
denoted by r1.
Similarly, r2 and r3 denote the radii of the escribed circles opposite to
angles B and C, respectively. Hence, r1 ,r2 and r3 are called the exradius
of ABC. Here,
A A B C a cos 2 cos 2
(i) r1 s tan 4R sin cos cos A
2 2 2 2 cos
B B C A b cos 2 cos 2
(ii) r2 s tan 4R sin cos cos B
sb 2 2 2 2 cos
C C A B c cos 2 cos 2
(iii) r3 s tan 4R sin cos cos C
sc 2 2 2 2 cos
(iv) r r r 4R r
1 2 3
(v) r1 r 2 r r2 3 r3r1 1 2 3
The DEF formed by joining the feet of the altitudes is called the pedal
(i) Distance of the orthocentre of the triangle from the angular
points are 2R cos A, 2R cos B, 2R cos C and its distances from the
sides are 2 R cos B cosC, 2 R cosC cos A, 2 R cos A cos B.
(ii) The length of medians AD, BE and CF of a ABC are
AD 2b2 2c2 a 2 , BE 1 2c2 2a2 b2
2 2
and CF 1
2a2 2b2 c2
n n
(i) Radius of circumcircle (R) cosec
2 n
(ii) Radius of incircle (r ) cot , where a is the length of a side of
2 n
B m C
D n
(a) (m n) cot m cot n cot
(b) (m n) cot n cotB m cotC
Heights and
Height and distance is the important application of Trigonometry, in
which we measure the height and distance of different object as towers,
building etc.
Angle of Elevation
If O be the observer’s eye and OX be the horizontal line through O.
Horizontal line
If the object P is at higher level than eye, then POX is called the
angle of elevation.
Angle of Depression
If the object P is a lower level than O, then POX is called the angle
of depression.
O Horizontal line
Note P
(i) Angle of elevation and depression are always acute angle.
(ii) Angle of elevation of an object from an observer is same as angle of
depression of an observer from the object.
a B r C
(ii) If AB CD , then x y tan
x B
H sin( )
(iii) h
cos sin
h cot
and H
cot cot
H x cot tan ( )
h cot
(iv) H
x C
sin( )
(vi) H
sin ( )
D d
Inverse Trigonometric
Inverse Function
If y f(x) and x g ( y) are two functions such that f (g ( y)) y and
g ( f( y)) x, then f and y are said to be inverse of each other,
i.e. g f 1. If y f(x), then x f 1( y).
y tan 1
x R , 3 , , , 3 etc.
2 2 2 2 2 2
y sec 1 x R (1,1) [0, ] [, 0] – , [, 2 ] etc.
2 2 2
3 3
y cosec1 x R (1,1) , {0} , {– }, , {}
2 2 2 2 2 2
Y 2 Y y=tan x
3— y=x
2 /2
y=tan–1 x
y tan1 x — X X
–2 –1 2 0 /2
–1 0 1 2
–— –/2
3 Y
— y=cot x y=x
y=cot x —
y cot 1
x /2
–2 –1 X X
X X 0 /2
–1 0 1 2
– Y
Elementary Properties of
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Property I
(i) sin1 (sin) ; ,
2 2
(iii) sec1 x cosec1x ; x ( , 1] [1, )
if 1 x, y 1 and x2 y 2 1 or
if xy 0 and x2 y 2 1
sin1 { x 1 y2 y 1 x2 } ;
(i) sin x sin y
1 1
if 0 x, y 1 and x2 y 2 1
sin1 { x 1 y 2 y 1 x 2 };
if 1 x, y 0 and x2 y 2 1
sin1{ x
1 y2 y 1 x2 };
if 1 x, y 1 and x2 y 2 1
2 2
or if xy 0 and x y 1
sin1 x sin1 y sin { x 1 y2 y 1 x2 };
if 0 x 1, 1 y 0 and x2 y 2 1
sin1 { x 1 y2 y 1 x2 };
if 1 x 0, 0 y 1 and x2 y2 1
Property VII
(i) cos1 x cos1 y
cos1 { xy
1 x2 1 y2 }; if 1 x, y 1 and x y 0
2 cos1{ xy 1 x2 1 y2 }; if 1 x, y 1 and x y 0
(ii) cos1 x cos1 y
cos1{ xy 1 x2 1 y2 }; if 1 x, y 1 and x y
cos1{ xy 1 x2 1 y2 }; if 1 y 0, 0 x 1 and x y
Property VIII
(i) tan1 x tan1 y
xy if xy 1
tan1 1 xy ;
x y
tan1 ; if x 0, y 0 and xy 1
xy xy
tan1 ; if x 0, y 0 and xy 1
1 xy
(ii) tan1 x tan1 y
xy if xy 1
tan1 1 xy ;
1 x y
tan ; if x 0, y 0 and xy 1
x1 yxy
tan1 1 xy ; if x 0, y 0 and xy 1
Property IX
1 1 x
1 1
1 x2
(i) sin x cos 1 x2 tan cot
1 x2 x
1 1 1
sec cosec , x (0, 1)
1 x2 x
1 x2
(ii) cos1 x sin1 1 x2 tan1
x 1 x
cot1 sec1
1 x2 x
cosec , x (0, 1)
1 x2
1 1 1
(iii) tan x sin
1 x
cos cot
1 x2 1 x2 x
1 x2
sec1( 1 x2 ), x (0, )
Property XI
1 1 1
sin (3x 4x3 ); if x
12 2
1 1 3
(i) 3 sin x sin (3x 4x ); if x1
sin1 (3x 4x3 ); if 1 x
1 3 1
if x 1
cos (4x 3x); 21
1 1 3 1
(ii) 3 cos x 2 cos (4x 3x); if x
2 2
2 cos1(4x3 3x); if 1 x 1
1 3x x
1 1
tan ; if x
1 3x 3
3 3
1 1 3x x 1
(iii) 3 tan x tan ; if x
1 3x2 3
1 3x x
tan ; if x 3
1 3x 2
Property XII
2x if 1 x 1
sin 1 2 ;
1 x
(i) 2 tan1 x sin 1 2 ;
if x 1
12x x
sin1 ; if x 1
1 x 2
1 1 x
cos 2 ; if 0 x
(ii) 2 tan1 x 1 x 2
cos1 ; if x 0
1 x 2
Rectangular Axis
Coordinate Geometry
The branch of mathematics in which we study the position of any
object lying in a plane with the help of two mutually perpendicular
lines in the same plane, is called coordinate geometry.
Rectangular Axis
Let XOX and YOY be two fixed straight lines, which meet at right
angles at O. Then,
P (x, y)
X' X
(–, +) (+, +)
II Quadrant I Quadrant
x < 0, y > 0 x > 0, y > 0
X' X
(–, –) (+, –)
III Quadrant IV Quadrant
x < 0, y < 0 x > 0, y < 0
Polar Coordinates
In OPQ ,
Y P (x, y)
O x X
x y
cos and sin x r cos and y r sin
r r y
where, r and tan1
x2 y2
The polar coordinate is represented by the symbol P(r ,).
Distance Formulae
(i) Distance between two points P (x1 , y1 ) and Q (x2 , y2 ), is
PQ (x x )2 ( y y )2.
2 1 2 1
(ii) If points are (r1,1 ) and (r2 ,2 ), then distance between them is
r1 2 r2 2 2r1 r2 cos( 1 ).2
Section Formulae
(i) The coordinate of the point which divides the joint of (x1 , y1 ) and
(x2 , y2 ) in the ratio m1 : m2 internally, is
m1x2 m2x1 m1 y2 m2 y1
m1 m2 m1 m2
(x1, y1) m1 m2 (x2, y2)
m x m2x1 m1 y2 m2 y1
and externally is 1 2 , .
m1 m2 m1 m2
(ii) X-axis divides the line segment joining (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ) in the
ratio y1 : y2.
Similarly, Y-axis divides the same line segment in the ratio
x1 : x2. x x y y
(iii) Mid-point of the joint of (x , y ) and (x , y ) is 1 2 , 1 2 .
1 1 2 2
2 2
(iv) Centroid of ABC with vertices (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ) and (x3 , y3 ), is
x1 x2 x3 , y1 y2 y3 .
3 3
(v) Circumcentre of ABC with vertices A(x1 , y1 ), B(x2 , y2 ) and
C(x3 , y3 ), is
x1 sin 2 A x2 sin 2B x3 sin 2C y1 sin 2 A y2 sin 2B y3 sin 2C
, .
sin 2 A sin 2B sin 2C sin 2 A sin 2B sin 2C
(vi) Incentre of ABC with vertices A(x1 , y1 ), B(x2 , y2 ) and C (x3 , y3 )
and whose sides are a, b and c, is
ax1 bx2 cx3 ay1 by2 cy3
, .
abc abc
Area of Triangle/Quadrilateral
(i) Area of ABC with vertices A(x1 , y1 ), B(x2 , y2 ) and C(x3 , y3 ), is
A (x1, y1)
x1 y1 1 x x x x
1 x2 y2 1 1 1 3 2 3
2 2 y y yy
1 3 2 3
x3 y3 1
These points A, B and C will be collinear, if 0.
(ii) Area of the quadrilateral formed by joining the vertices
1 x1 x3 x2 x4 .
(x , y ), (x , y ), (x , y ) and (x , 4y ) is
1 1 2 2 3 3 2 y y yy
1 3 2 4
Rotation of Axes
Let (x, y) be the coordinates of any point P referred to the old axes and
(X ,Y ) be its coordinates referred to the new axes (after rotating the old
axes by angle ). Then,
X x cos y sin and Y y cos x sin
X' X
Note If origin is shifted to point (h, k) and system is also rotated by an angle
in anti-clockwise, then coordinate of new point P (x, y )is obtained by
x h x cos y sin
and y k x sin y cos
Equation of Locus
The equation of curve described by a point, which moves under given
conditions(s), is called the equation of locus.
Straight Line
A straight line is the locus of all those points which are collinear with
two given points.
General equation of a line is ax by c 0
◆ We can have one and only one line through a fixed point in a given direction.
(iv) Intercept Form The equation of a line which cuts off intercept
a and b respectively on the X and Y-axes is given by
x y
a b
The general equation Ax By C 0 can be converted into the
intercept form, as
x y
(C / A) (C /B)
(v) Normal Form The equation of a straight line upon which the
length of the perpendicular from the origin is p and angle made
by this perpendicular to the X-axis is , is given by
x cos y sin p
x–x1 R
A x1 M L
Condition of Concurrency
Condition of concurrency for three given lines a1x b1 y c1 0,
a2x b2 y c2 0 and a3 x b3 y c3 0 is
a3 (b1c2 b2c1 ) b3 (c1a2 a1c2 ) c3 (a1b2 a2b1 ) 0
a1 b1 c1
or a2 b2 c2 0
a3 b3 c3
Pair of Lines
General equation of second degree
ax2 2hxy by2 2gx 2fy c 0.
It will represent a pair of straight line iff
abc 2fgh af 2 bg2 ch 2 0
a h g
or h b f 0
g f c
Important Properties
(i) Let ax2 2hxy by2 0 be an equation of pair of straight lines.
(a) Slope of first line, m h h ab
h h 2 ab
and slope of the second line, m2
2h Coefficient of xy
m1 m 2
b Coefficient of y2
a Coefficient of x2
and m1m2
b Coefficient of y 2
Here, m1 and m2 are
(1) real and distinct, if h 2 ab. (2) coincident, if h 2 ab.
(3) imaginary, if h 2 ab.
(b) Angle between the pair of lines is given by
tan 2 h ab
|a b|
(1) If lines are coincident, then h 2 ab.
(2) If lines are perpendicular, then a b 0.
Note The angle between the lines represented by
ax2 2hxy by2 2gx 2fy c 0
angle between the lines represented by ax2 2hxy by2 0
(c) The joint equation of bisector of the angles between the lines
represented by the equation ax 2 2hxy by2 0 is
x2 y2 xy 2
hx (a b) xy hy2 0.
ab h
(d) The equation of the pair of lines through the origin and
perpendicular to the pair of lines given by ax2 2hxy by2 0
is bx2 2hxy ay2 0.
(ii) If the equation of a pair of straight lines is ax2 2hxy by2 2gx
2fy c 0, then the point of intersection is given by
hf bg gh af
, .
ab h 2 ab h 2
(iii) The general equation ax2 2hxy by2 2gx 2fy c 0 will
a h g
represent two parallel lines, if g2 ac 0 and and the
h b f
g2 ac f 2 bc
distance between them is 2 or 2 .
a (a b) b (a b)
(iv) The equation of the bisectors of the angles between the lines
represented by ax2 2hxy by2 2gx 2fy c 0 are given by
(ix) The area of the triangle formed by the lines y m1x c1, y m2x c2 and
y m3 x c3 is
1 (c c ) 2
1 2 .
2 m1 m2
(xviii) The equationof the straight line which passes through a given point(x1, y1)
and makes an angle with the given straight line y mx c are
m tan
(y y1) (x x1)
1; m tan
P(x1, y1)
y = mx + c
L 1 2
(xix) The equation of the family of lines passing through the intersection of the
lines a1x b1y c1 0 and a2 x b2 y c2 0is
(a1x b1y c1) (a2 x b2 y c2) 0
where, is any real number.
(xx) Line ax by c 0 divides the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2 ,y2) in
ax by 1 c
the ratio :1,then 1 .
ax2 by2 c
If is positive it divides internally and if is negative, then it divides
(xxi) Area of a polygon ofn-sides with vertices A1(x1,y1),A2 (x2 ,y2),... ,An(xn ,y n )
1 x1 y1 x2 y2 xn yn
2 2x y2 x3 y3 x1 y1
(xxii) Equation of the pair of lines through (,) and perpendicular to the pair of
lines ax2 2hxy by2 0 is b (x )2 2h (x )(y ) a (y )2 0.
Circle is defined as the locus of a point which moves in a plane such
that its distance from a fixed point in that plane is constant.
P (x, y)
C (0, 0)
The fixed point is called the centre and the constant distance is called
the radius.
O a
(ii) When the circle passes through the origin, then equation of the
circle is x 2 y2 2hx 2ky 0.
C(h, k)
O h M X
Circles 177
(iii) When the circle touches the X-axis, the equation is
x2 y2 2hx 2ay h 2 0.
C (h, k)
(iv) Equation of the circle, touches the Y-axis is
x 2 y 2 2ax 2ky k2 0.
C (h, k)
M a
M a C (a, a)
(vi) Equation of the circle passing through the origin and centre
lying on the X-axis is x 2 y2 2ax 0.
X' a X
O C (a, 0)
(vii) Equation of the circle passing through the origin and centre
lying on the Y-axis is x2 y 2 2ay 0.
(0, a)
X' X
(viii) Equation of the circle through the origin and cutting intercepts a
and b on the coordinate axes is x2 y2 ax by 0.
C(h, k)
X' a X
(0, 0)
Circles 179
General Equation of a Circle
The general equation of a circle is given by x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0,
whose centre (g, f ) and radius g2 f 2 c
(i) If g2 f 2 c 0, then the radius of the circle is real and hence
the circle is also real.
(ii) If g2 f 2 c 0, then the radius of the circle is 0 and the circle is
known as point circle.
(iii) If g2 f 2 c 0, then the radius of the circle isimaginary. Such
a circle is imaginary, which is not possible to draw.
Equation of Tangent
A line which touch only one point of a circle.
1. Point Form
(i) The equation of the tangent at the point P(x1 , y1 ) to a circle
x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0 is
xx1 yy1 g (x x1 ) f( y y1 ) c 0
2. Slope Form
(i) The equation of the tangent of slope m to the circle
x 2 y 2 2gx 2fy c 0 are
y f m (x g) (g2 f 2 c) (1 m 2 )
(ii) The equation of the tangents of slope m to the circle
(x a)2 ( y b)2 r 2 are y b m (x a) r 1 m2 and the
coordinates of the points of contact are
mr r
a ,b; .
1 m2
1 m2
(iii) The equation of tangents of slope m to the circle x2 y2 r 2 are
y mx r 1 m2 and the coordinates of the point of contact
rm r
,; .
1 m 2
3. Parametric Form
The equation of the tangent to the circle (x a)2 ( y b)2 r 2 at the
point (a r cos, b r sin) is (x a) cos ( y b) sin r.
Equation of Normal
A line which is perpendicular to the tangent is known as a normal.
1. Point Form
(i) The equation of normal at the point (x1 , y1 ) to the circle
x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0 is
y f
y y 1 (x x )
1 1
x1 g
or ( y1 f ) x (x1 g) y (gy1 fx1 ) 0.
(ii) The equation of normal at the point (x1 , y1 ) to the circle
x y
x2 y2 r 2 is .
x1 y1
2. Slope Form
The equation of a normal of slope m to the circle x2 y2 r 2 is
my x r 1 m2.
Circles 181
3. Parametric Form
The equation of normal to the circle x2 y2 r 2 at the point
(r cos , r sin ) is
x y
or y x tan .
r cos r sin
Pair of Tangents
(i) The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn from a
point P(x1, y 1) to the circle x 2 y2 r 2 is
(x1, y1)
(x2 y2 r 2) (x2 y2 r 2) (xx yy r 2)2
1 1
or SS1 T 2 1 1
where, S x2 y 2 r 2 , S x2 y 2 r 2
1 1 1
and T xx yy r 2
1 1
(ii) The length of the tangents from the point P(x1 , y1 ) to the circle
x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0 is equal to
O M C(x1, y1)
r 2x r2y
(a) Coordinates of M 21 , 2 2 1 2
x y x y
1 1 1 1
x12 y 12r 2
(b) AB 2r
x12 y21
Circles 183
(e) Area of ABC (x12 y21 r 2)3/ 2
2 2
x1 y1
r3 2 2 2
(f) Area of OAB 2 2
x1 y1 r
x1 y1
(g) Angle between two tangents ACB is 2 tan1 .
(v) In general, two tangents can be drawn to a circle from a given
point in its plane. If m1 and m2 are slope of the tangents drawn
from the point P(x1, y1) to the circle x2 y 2 a2, then
2x1 y1 y1 2
a 2
m1 m 2 and m1 m2
x12 a 2 x12 a2
(vi) The pair of tangents from (0, 0) to the circle
x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0 are at right angle, if g 2 f 2 2c.
Director Circle
The locus of the point of intersection of two perpendicular tangents to a
given circle is called a director circle. For circle x2 y 2 r 2, the
equation of director circle is x2 y 2 2r 2.
P (x1, y1)
T (h, k) Q
(ii) When two circles touch externally, three common tangents are
Condition, C1C2 r1 r2
Circles 185
T r2 D
C1 C2
Direct commontangent
common tangent
S1 – S2 = 0
C1D r1
Clearly, [externally]
C2D r2
C1T r1
and [internally]
C2T r2
(iii) When two circles intersect, two common tangents are possible.
Condition, |r1 r2| C1C2 (r1 r2 )
B Direct common tangent
C1 C2 D
Common chord
(S1 – S2 = 0)
(iv) When two circles touch internally, one common tangent is
Condition, C1C2 |r1 r2|
C1 C2
r1 Common tangent
S1 – S2 = 0
(v) When one circle contains another circle, no common tangent is
Condition, C1C2 |r1 r2|
C1 C2
Orthogonal Circles
Two circles are said to be intersect orthogonally, if their angle of
intersection is a right angle.
If two circles
S1 x 2 y 2 2g x1 2f y1 c 1 0 and
S 2 x 2 y 2 2g x 2 2f y 2 c 2 0 are orthogonal, then
2g1g2 2f1 f2 c1 c2
Common Chord
The chord joining the points of intersection of two given intersecting
circles is called common chord.
Common chord
Q c2
(i) If S1 0 and S2 0 be two intersecting circles, such that
S1 x 2 y 22g x 2f y c 0
1 1 1
and S x2 y2 2g x 2f y c 0,
2 2 2 2
Circles 187
Family of Circles
(i) The equation of a family of circles passing through the
intersection of a circle S x 2 y 2 2gx 2fy c 0 and line
L lx my n 0 is S L 0
where, is any real number.
(ii) The equation of the family of circles passing through the point
A(x1 , y1 ) and B (x2 , y2 ) is
x y 1
(x x1 ) (x x2 ) ( y y1 ) ( y y2 ) x1 y1 1 0.
x2 y2 1
(iii) The equation of the family of circles touching the circle
S x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0 at point P(x , y1 ) is
x2 y2 2gx 2fy c [xx yy g(x x ) f( y y ) c] 0
1 1 1 1
Radical Axis
The radical axis of two circles is the locus P (h, k)
of a point which moves in such a way
Radical axis
that the length of the tangents drawn
from it to the two circles are equal. A
system of circles in which every pair has
the same radical axis is called a coaxial Q R
system of circles. The equation of radical C1 C2
axis of two circles S1 0 and S2 0 is
given by S1 S2 0.
(i) The radical axis of two circles is always perpendicular to the line
joining the centres of the circles.
(ii) The radical axes of three circles, whose centres are non-collinear
taken in pairs are concurrent.
(iii) The centre of the circle cutting two given circles orthogonally,
lies on their radical axis.
(iv) Radical Centre The point of intersection of radical axis of
three circles whose centre are non-collinear, taken in pairs, is
called their radical centre.
Limiting Points
Limiting points of a system of coaxial circles are the centres of the
point circles belonging to the family.
Let equation of circle be x2 y2 2gx c 0
Radius of circle g2 c
For limiting point, r 0
g2 c 0 g c
Thus, limiting points of the given coaxial system as ( c , 0) and ( c , 0).
Circles 189
Image of the Circle by the Line Minor
Let the circle be x2 y2 2gx 2fy c 0
C1 r r
C 2
(– g, – f )
lx + my + n = 0
Diameter of a Circle
The locus of the middle points of a system of parallel chords of a circle
is called a diameter of the circle.
(i) The equation of the diameter bisecting parallel chords
y mx c of the circle x2 y2 a2 is x my 0.
(ii) The diameter corresponding to a system of parallel chords of a
circle always passes through the centre of the circle and is
perpendicular to the parallel chords.
Conic Section
A conic is the locus of a point whose distance from a fixed point bears a
constant ratio to its distance from a fixed line. The fixed point is the
focus S and the fixed line is directrix l.
The constant ratio is called the eccentricity denoted by e.
(i) If 0 e 1, conic is an ellipse.
(ii) e 1, conic is a parabola.
(iii) e 1, conic is a hyperbola.
Parabola 191
(ii) a pair of parallel (or coincident) straight lines, if 0
and h 2 ab.
(iii) a pair of perpendicular straight lines, if 0 and a b 0
(iv) a point, if and h 2 ab
(v) a circle, if a b 0, h 0 and 0
(vi) a parabola, if h 2 ab and 0
(vii) a ellipse, if h 2 ab and 0
(viii) a hyperbola, if h 2 ab and 0
(ix) a rectangular hyperbola, if h 2 ab, a b 0 and 0
A parabola is the locus of a point which moves in a plane such that its
distance from a fixed point in the plane is always equal to its distance
from a fixed straight line in the same plane.
If focus of a parabola is S(x1 , y1 ) and equation of the directrix is
ax by c 0, then the equation of the parabola is
(a2 b2)[(x x )2 ( y y )2] (ax by c)2
1 1
X' X
O S(x1, y1)
ax + by + c = 0
Parabola 193
(iii) (x h )2 4a ( y k), if its axis is parallel to OY i.e. parabola
opens upward.
(iv) (x h )2 4a ( y k), if its axis is parallel to OY i.e. parabola
opens downward.
(v) The general equation of a parabola whose axis is parallel to X-
axis, is x ay2 by c and the general equation of a parabola
whose axis is parallel to Y-axis, is y ax2 bx c.
Position of a Point
The point (x , y ) lies outside, on or inside the parabola y 4ax
1 1 2
according as y 4ax , , 0.
1 1
Joining any two points on a curve is called chord.
(i) Parametric Equation of a Chord Let P(at 2 , 2at ) and
1 1
Q (at , 2at ) be any two points on the parabola y 4ax, then the
2 2
2 2
equation of the chord is
2at2 2at1
( y 2at1 ) (x at21)
at2 at2
2 1
or y (t1 t2 ) 2x 2at1t2
(ii) Let P(at 2 , 2at) be the one end of a focal chord PQ of the parabola
y2 4ax, then the coordinates of the other end Q are
a 2a
(iii) If l1 and l2 are the length of the focal segments, then length of the
latusrectum 2 (harmonic mean of focal segment)
i.e. 4a
l1 l2
(iv) For a chord joining points P(at 2 , 2at ) and Q(at 2 , 2at )
1 1 2 2
and passing through focus, then t1t2 1.
(v) Length 2of the focal chord having t1 and t2 as end points is
a (t t ) .
2 1
Equation of Tangent
A line which touch only one point of a Tangent
parabola. Y
Point Form
The equation of the tangent to the
parabola y2 4ax at a point (x , 1y ) is
1 X' X
given by yy1 2a (x x1 ). O
Slope Form
(a) The equation of the tangent of
slope m to the parabola y 2 4ax Y'
is y mx
(b) The equation of the tangent of slope m to the parabola
( y k)2 4a (x h ) is given by ( y k) m (x h )
The coordinates of the point of contact are h
a 2a
,k .
m 2 m
Parametric Form
The equation of the tangent to the parabola y2 4ax at a point
(at 2 , 2at) is yt x at2.
Condition of Tangency
(i) The line y mx c touches a parabola, iff c and the point of
a m
contact is 2a
, .
(ii) The straight line lx my n 0 touches y 2 4ax, if nl am2 and
x cos y sin p touches y2 4ax, if p cos a sin2 0.
Parabola 195
Angle between Two Tangents
Angle between tangents at two points P(at2, 2at ) and Q(at2, 2at ) on
1 1 2 2
the parabola y2 4ax is given by
t2 t1
1 t1t2
Equation of Normal
A line which is perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact
with parabola.
Normal at P
X' X
y2 = 4ax
Point Form
The equation of the normal to the parabola y2 4ax at a point (x , y )
1 1
is given by y y 1 (x x ).
1 1
Parametric Form
The equation of the normal to the parabola y 2 4ax at point (at 2 , 2at)
is given by y tx 2at at3.
Slope Form
The equation of the normal to the parabola y 2 4ax in terms of its
slope m is given by y mx 2am am3 at point (am 2 , 2am).
Parabola 197
(vi) If the normal chord at a point P(at2 , 2at) to the parabola y 2 4ax
subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola, then t2 2.
(vii) The normal chord of a parabola at a point whose ordinate is equal to the
abscissa, subtends a right angle at the focus.
(viii) The normal at any point of a parabola is equally inclined to the focal
radius of the point and the axis of the parabola.
(ix) Maximumthreedistinctnormalscanbedrawnfromapointtoaparabola.
(x) Conormal Points The points on the parabola at which the normals pass
through a common point are called conormal points. The conormal
points are called the feet of the normals.
P(x1, y1)
T S(a, 0)
X' X
(–x1, 0) N G(x1+2a, 0)
(x1, 0)
y2 = 4ax
Equation of Diameter
The locus of mid-point of a system of parallel chords of a conic is
known its diameter.
The diameter bisecting chords of slope m to the parabola y2 4ax is
y .
Pair of Tangents
The combined equation of the pair of tangents drawn from a point to a
parabola y2 4ax is given by
SS1 T 2
and T [yy1 2a (x x1 )]
Chord of Contact
The chord of contact of tangents drawn from a point (x1 , y1 ) to the
parabola y2 4ax is yy 2a (x x ).
1 1
Director Circle
The locus of the point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to a
parabola is known as director circle.
The director circle of a parabola is same as its directrix.
Parabola 199
P(x1, y1)
X' O X
R y2 = 4ax
(i) The polar of a point P (x1 , y1 ) with respect to the parabola
y2 4ax is yy 2a(x x ) or T 0.
1 1
Ellipse is the locus of a point in a plane which moves in such a way
that the ratio of the distance from a fixed point (focus) in the same
plane to its distance from a fixed straight line (directrix) is always
constant, which is always less than unity.
B(0, b)
P(x, y)
S(–ac, 0) K
K A(–a, 0)
(ae, 0) (a,0)
a B(0, –b) a
x =– e x=
Ellipse 201
(vi) Length of latusrectum, LL1 L L1
(vii) Eccentricity, e 1 1
(viii) Focal distances of point P(x, y) are SP and S1P i.e.|a ex|and
|a ex|. Also, SP S1P 2a major axis.
(ix) Distance between foci 2ae
(x) Distance between directrices
x2 y2
Vertical Ellipsei.e. 1,(0 a b)
a2 b 2
If the coefficient of x2 has the smaller denominator, then its major axis
lies along the Y -axis, then it is said to be vertical ellipse.
B l
P' P(x,y)
X' X
A1 O A
S1 L'
B1 l'
Vertices B(0, b), B1(0, b)
(ii)Centre O(0, 0)
(iii) Length of major axis BB1 2b, Length of Minor axis AA1 2a
(iv) Foci are S(0, ae) and S1(0, ae)
b b
(v) Equation of directrices are l : y ; l : y
e e
2a 2
(vi) Length of latusrectum LL1 L L1
(vii) Eccentricity e 1 2 1
Parametric Equation
The equation x a cos , y b sin , taken together are called the
x2 y2
parametric equation of the ellipse 2 2 1, where is any
a b
a2 b2 a 2 b2
Auxiliary Circle
x2 y2 2 2 2
The ellipse a2 b2 1, becomes x y a , if b a.
This is called auxiliary circle of the ellipse. i.e. the circle described on
the major axis of an ellipse as diameter is called auxiliary circle.
Ellipse 203
The ACQ is called the eccentric angle of the point P on the
B P(x, y)
A1 A
B1 x2 y2
x2 + y2 = a2 + = 1, (a>b)
a2 b2
Equation of Tangent
(i) Point Form The equation of the tangent to the ellipse
x 2 (x y,2 y ) is 1 1 1 or T 0. xx yy
1 at the point 1 1
a2 b2 a2 b2
(ii) Parametric Form The equation of the tangent to the ellipse
x y
at the point (a cos, b sin) is cos sin 1.
a b
(iii) Slope Form The equation of the tangent of slope m to the
x 2 y2
ellipse 1 are y mx a2m2 b2 and the coordinates
a2 b2
of the point of contact are ,; b2 .
a2 m2 b2 a2m 2 b2
(iv) Point of Intersection of Two Tangents The equation of
the tangents to the ellipse x at points
y P(a cos1 , bsin1 ) and
Q (a cos 2, b sin )2 are cos 1 sin 1 1
a b
x y
and cos 2 sin 2 1 and these two intersect at the point
a b
2 2
a cos 1 b sin 1
1 2
, 2
cos cos 1
2 2
(v) Pair of Tangents The combined equation of the pair of
x2 y2
tangents drawn from a point (x1 , y1 ) to the ellipse 2 2 1
2 a b
2 2 2 2 xx yy
is x y 1 1x 1 y1 1 1 1
i.e. SS T 2
a 2
b 2
a 2
a 2
b 2
Director Circle
The locus of the point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to an
x2 y2
ellipse is a director circle. If equation of an ellipse is 2 2 1, then
a b
equation of director circle is x2 y2 a2 b2.
Equation of Chord
Let P(a cos, b sin) and Q(a cos , b sin ) be any two points of the
x2 y2
ellipse 2 2 1.
a b
(i) The equation of the chord joining these points will be
b sin b sin
( y b sin) (x a cos)
a cos a cos
x y
or cos sin cos
a 2 b 2 2
(ii) The equation of the chord of contact of tangents drawn from a
point (x1 , y1 ) to the ellipse
x2 y2 1 is 1 xx yy
1 1 or T 0.
2 2 2
a b a b2
x2 y2
(iii) The equation of the chord of the ellipse 2
2 1 bisected at
a b
the point (x1 , y1 ) is given by
xx yy x2 y2
1 1 1 1 1 1
a2 b2 a 2 b2
or T S1
Equation of Normal
(i) Point Form The equation of the normal at (x1 , y1 ) to the ellipse
x2 y2 2 b2 y
2 1 is a x a 2 b2
a b x1 y1
(ii) Parametric Form The equation of the normal to the ellipse
x2 y2
1 at (a cos, b sin) is
a2 b2
ax sec by cosec a2 b2
Ellipse 205
(iii) Slope Form The equation of the normal of slope m to the
2 2 m (a2 b2)
ellipse x y 1 are given by y mx
a2 b2 a2 b2m2
and the coordinates of the point of contact are
2 b2m
a ,
a 2 b 2 m2 a2 b2m2
(iv) Point of Intersection of Two Normals Point of
intersection of the normal at points (a cos1 , b sin1 ) and
(a cos2 , b sin2 ) are given by
1 2
cos 2
a2 b2 cos 1 cos 2 ,
a 1 2
1 2
(a2 b2) sin1 sin2 2
b 1 2
2 2
(v) If the line y mx c is a normal to the ellipse x2 y2 1, then
a b
m2(a2 b2)2
a2 b2m2
Conormal Points
The points on the ellipse, the normals at which the ellipse passes
through a given point are called conormal points.
X' X
A' O M(h,k) A
Ellipse 207
(ii) The sum of the squares of any two conjugate semi-diameters of
an ellipse is constant and equal to the sum of the squares of the
semi-axis of the ellipse i.e. CP 2 CD 2 a 2 b2.
(iii) If2PCP , QCQ are two conjugate semi-diameters of an ellipse
x 2
y 1 and S , S1 be two foci of an ellipse, then
a2 b
(a cos , b sin)
(–a sin , b cos )
(iv) The tangent at the ends of a pair of conjugate diameters of an
ellipse form a parallelogram.
(v) The area of the parallelogram formed by the tangents at the
ends of conjugate diameters of an ellipse is constant and is equal
to the product of the axes.
Contd. …
A hyperbola is the locus of a point in a plane which moves in the plane
in such a way that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point in the
same plane to its distance from a fixed line is always constant, which is
always greater than unity.
The fixed point is called the focus and the fixed line is directrix and
the ratio is the eccentricity.
L1 l' l L1
(i) Centre : O(0, 0)
(ii) Foci : S(ae, 0),S1( ae, 0)
(iii) Vertices : A(a, 0), A1 ( a, 0)
a a
(iv) Equation of directrices l : x ,l:x
2 b2
(v) Length of latusrectum : LL1 L L 1
(vi) Length of transverse axis : 2a
Hyperbola 211
Focal Distance of a Point
The distance of a point on the hyperbola from the focus is called its
focal distance.
The difference of the focal distances of any point on a hyperbola is
constant and is equal to the length of transverse axis of the hyperbola
|S1P SP| 2a
where, S and S1 are the foci and P is any point on the hyperbola
x2 y2
2 2 1.
a b
2 1.
a2 b
(ii) If a point P(x, y) moves in the plane of two perpendicular
straight lines a1 x b1 y c1 0 and b1x a1 y c2 0 in such a
way that 2 2
a1x b1y c1 b1x a1 y c2
a 2 b2 a 2 b2
1 1 1 1 1
a b2
Then, the locus of P is hyperbola whose transverse axis lies
along b1x a1 y c2 0 and conjugate axis along the line
a1x b1 y c1 0. The length of transverse and conjugate axes
are 2a and 2b, respectively.
Parametric Equations
x2 y2
(i) Parametric equations of the hyperbola 1 are
a 2
x a sec , y b tan
or x a cosh, y b sinh
(ii) The equations x a e e , y b e e are also the
2 2
parametric equations of the hyperbola.
Hyperbola 213
Equation of Chord
(i) Equations of chord joining two points P(a sec 1 , b tan 1 )
x2 y2
and Q(a sec 2 , b tan 2 ) on the hyperbola 2 2 1 is
a b
b tan 2 b tan 1
y b tan 1 (x a sec )
a sec a sec 1
2 1
x 2 y 2 2
or cos 1 sin 1 cos 1
a 2 b 2 2
(ii) Equations of chord of contact of tangents drawn from a point
x 2 y2 xx yy
(x1 , y1 ) to the hyperbola 1 is 1 1 1 or T 0.
a 2
a b2
x2 y2
(iii) The equation of the chord of the hyperbola 2
2 1 bisected
a b
at point (x1 , y1 ) is given by
xx yy x2 y2
1 1 1 1 1 1
a2 b2 a2 b2
or T S1
Director Circle
The locus of the point of intersection of perpendicular tangents to the
x2 y2
hyperbola 2 2 1, is called a director circle. The equation of
a b
director circle is x2 y2 a2 b2.
P (h, k)
X' X
x2 y2
Note Director circle of hyperbola 2 2
1 is exist only when a b .
a2 b2
Conormal Points
Points on the hyperbola, the normals at which passes through a given
point are called conormal points.
(i) The sum of the eccentric angles of conormal points is an odd
multiple of .
(ii) If 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 are eccentric angles of four points on the
x2 y2
hyperbola 2 2 1, then the normal at which they are
a b
concurrent, then
(a) cos(1 2 ) 0 (b) sin(1 2 ) 0
Hyperbola 215
(iii) If 1 , 2 and 3 are the eccentric angles of three points on the
x 2 y2
hyperbola 1, such that
a2 b2
sin(1 2 ) sin(2 3 ) sin(3 1 ) 0.
Then, the normals at these points are concurrent.
(iv) If the normals at four points2 P(x1 , y1 ), Q(x2 , y2 ), R(x3 , y3 ) and
x y2
S(x4 , y4 ) on the hyperbola 2 2 1 are concurrent, then
a b
1 1 1 1
(x1 x2 x3 x4 ) 4
x1 x2 x3 x4
1 1 1 1
and ( y1 y2 y3 y4 ) 4.
y1 y2 y3 y 4
An asymptote to a curve is a straight line, at a finite distance from the
origin, to which the tangent to a curve tends as the point of contact
goes to infinity.
Y Asymptotes
B x2 y2
— =1
a2 b2
X' X
A' C A
x2 y2
Y' – 2 +2 = 1
a b
x2 y2
(i) The equation of two asymptotes of the hyperbola 2
2 1 are
a b
b x y
y x or 0
a a b
(ii) The combined equation of the asymptotes of the hyperbola
x2 y2 x 2 y2
2 21 is 0.
a b a2 b2
(iii) When b a, i.e. the asymptotes of rectangular hyperbola
x2 y2 a2 are y x which are at right angle.
(iv) A hyperbola and its conjugate hyperbola have the same
(v) The equation of the pair of asymptotes differ the hyperbola and
the conjugate hyperbola by the same constant only i.e.
Hyperbola – Asymptotes = Asymptotes – Conjugate hyperbola
(vi) The asymptotes pass through the centre of the hyperbola.
(vii) The bisectors of angle between the asymptotes of hyperbola
x2 y2
2 1 are the coordinate axes.
a b
x2 y2 1 b
(viii) The angle between the asymptotes of 2 2 1 is 2 tan
a b
or 2 sec1(e).
Hyperbola 217
Rectangular Hyperbola
A hyperbola whose asymptotes include a right angle is said to be
rectangular hyperbola or we can say that, if the lengths of transverse
and conjugate axes of any hyperbola be equal, then it is said to be a
rectangular hyperbola.
x2 y2
i.e. In a hyperbola 2 2 1, if b a, then it said to be rectangular
a b
hyperbola. The eccentricity of a rectangular hyperbola is always 2.
A1 A
X' X
S1 S
L'1 l' l L1
(vi) Equation of directrices x
(vii) Length of latusrectum 2a
(viii) Parametric form x a sec, y a tan
(ix) Equation of tangent, x sec y tan a
(x) Equation of normal, y 2a
sec tan
X' X
(vi) Equations of directrices x y 2c
(vii) Length of latusrectum 2 2 c
(viii) Parametric form x ct, y
Hyperbola 219
(iii) The equation of the normal at ct, is a fourth degree equation
in t. So, in general maximum four normals can be drawn from a
point to the hyperbola xy c2.
Limits, Continuity
& Differentiability
Let y f(x) be a function of x. If at x a,f(x) takes indeterminate form
, , , 0 , 1 , 00 and 0 , then we consider the values of the
function at the points which are very near to a. If these values tend to
a definite unique number as x tends to a, then the unique number, so
obtained is called the limit of f(x) at x a and we write it as lim f(x).
Existence of Limit
lim f(x) exists, if
x a
(i) lim f(x) and lim f(x) both exist
xa xa
(ii) lim f(x) lim f(x)
xa xa
Uniqueness of Limit
If lim f(x) exists, then it is unique, i.e. there cannot be two distinct
x a
numbers l1 and l2 such that when x tends to a, the function f(x) tends
to both l1 and l2.
lim f(x)
lim f(x)
(iv) , provided lim g(x) 0
x a g(x) lim g(x) xa
lim g ( x )
lim [f(x)] g lim f(x)
(x ) x a
xa x a
(vi) lim (gof ) (x) lim g[f(x)] g lim f(x)
xa xa x a
lim log f(x) log lim f(x) , provided lim f(x) 0.
xa x a xa
lim f ( x )
(viii) lim e f (x ) ex a
(ix) If f(x) g(x) for every x excluding a, then lim f(x) lim g(x).
xa x a
(x) lim f (x) lim f (x)
x a xa
(xi) If lim f(x) or , then lim 0
xa x a f(x)
2. Trigonometric Limits
sin x x
(i) lim 1 lim
x 0 x x 0 sin x
tan x x
(ii) lim 1 lim
x 0 x x 0 tan x
sin x 1 lim
1 x
(iii) lim
x 0 x x 0 sin1 x
tan x1
(iv) lim 1 lim
x 0 x x 0 tan1 x
sin x
(v) lim
x 0 x 180
(vi) lim cos x 1
x 0
sin(x a)
(vii) lim 1
x a xa
tan(x a)
(viii) lim 1
x a xa
(ix) lim sin1 x sin1 a,|a| 1
x a
x 0 x
4. Logarithmic Limits
(i) loge (1 x)
lim 1
x 0 x
(ii) lim loge x 1
x e
loge (1 x)
(iii) lim 1
x 0 x
loga (1 x)
(iv) lim log e, a 0, 1
x 0 x
Particular Cases 1
(i) lim (1 x)1x e (ii) lim 1 x e
x 0
2. Indeterminate Forms
While evaluating lim f(x), if direct substitution of x a leads to one of
x a
the following form ; ; ; 0 ; 1 , 00 and 0, then these limits
can be determined by using L’ Hospital’s rule or by some other method
given below.
(i) Limits by Factorisation
f(x) 0
If lim attains form, then x a must be a factor of numerator
x a g(x) 0
and denominator which can be cancelled out.
(ii) Limits by Rationalisation
If lim f(x) attains form or form and either f(x) or g(x) or both
x a g(x) 0
involve expression consisting of square root, then this can be evaluated
by rationalising.
(iii)Limits by Substitution
(v)L’Hospital’s Rule
If f(x) and g(x) be two functions of x such that
(i) lim f(x) lim g(x) 0
x a x a
(ii) both are continuous at x a.
(iii) both are differentiable at x a.
(iv) f (x) and g (x) are continuous at the point x a, then
f (x)
lim f(x) lim .
x a g(x) x a g (x)
x3 x5
(vii) sin x x ... , x R
3! 5!
x2 x4
(viii) cos x 1 ... , x R
2! 4!
x3 2
(ix) tan x x x5 ...
3 15
1 x3 9x5
(x) sin x x ...
3!3 5!
x 5 7
x x ...
(xi) tan x x
3 5 7
x 0 tan nx n
1 log a
(vi) lim x a
a x
xa x a
x a 1 log a
(1 x) 1 m
(vii) lim
x 0 (1 x)n 1 n
(1 bx)m 1 mb
(viii) lim
x 0 (1 ax)n 1 na
a bx
(ix) lim (1 ax) b/ x eab
lim 1
x0 x
(x) lim (x n yn )1/ n y, ( 0 x y)
Sandwich Theorem
Let f (x), g (x) and h (x) be real functions such that
f(x) g (x) h(x), x (, ) { a}
If lim f(x) l lim h(x),
xa x a
y = h(x)
y = g(x)
y = f(x)
y = h(x)
y = g(x)
y = f (x)
O a
If the graph of a function has no break or gap, then it is continuous. A
function which is not continuous is called a discontinuous function.
e.g. f(x) sin x is continuous, as its graph has no break or gap.
3 2
–/2 2
X' X
– O /2
–2 –3
While f(x) is discontinuous at x 0.
X' X
f (x) = x
Discontinuity of a Function
A function f(x) can be discontinuous at a point x a in any one of the
following ways.
(i) f(a) is not defined.
(ii) LHL and RHL both exist but unequal i.e.
lim f(x) lim f(x)
xa xa
(c) is continuous at those points, where g(x) 0.
(ii) If g is continuous at a point a and f is continuous at g(a), then fog
is continuous at a.
(iii) If f is continuous in [a, b] , then it is bounded in [a, b] i.e. there
exist m and M such that
m f(x) M , x [a, b],
where m and M are called minimum and maximum values of
f(x) respectively in the interval [a, b].
(iv) If f is continuous in its domain, then| f|is also continuous in its
(v) If f is continuous at a and f (a) 0, then there exists an open
interval (a , a ) such that for all x (a , a ), f (x) has the
same sign as f (a).
(vi) If f is a continuous function defined on [a, b] such that f (a) and
f (b) are of opposite sign, then there exists atleast one solution of
the equation f(x) 0 in the open interval (a, b).
(vii) If f is continuous on [a, b] and maps [a, b] into [a, b], then for
some x [a, b], we have f (x) x.
(viii) If f is continuous in domain D, then is also continuous in
D { x : f(x) 0}.
If the curve has no break point and no sharp edge, then it is
Domain R,
Identity f(x) x
Range ] , [ R
Domain R,
Constant f (x) c Range {c}, where
c constant Continuous and
f(x) everywhere
a a x a x2
0 1 2
Domain R,
Greatest integer f(x) [x]
Range I
Other than
Domain R, integral values it
Least integer f(x) (x)
Range I is continuous
and differentiable
Domain R,
Fractional part f(x) {x} x [x]
Range [0,1)
| x|
x Continuous and
Domain R, differentiable
Signum 1, x0
0, x 0 Range { 1, 0,1} everywhere
except at x 0
1, x0
Domain R,
Exponential f(x) ax , a 0, a 1
Range ] 0, [ Continuous and
differentiable in
f(x) log a x; x, a 0 Domain (0, ), their domain
Logarithmic and a 1 Range R
Derivative or Differential Coefficient
The rate of change of a quantity y with respect to another quantity x is
called the derivative or differential coefficient of y with respect to x.
The process of finding derivative of a function is called differentiation.
Derivatives 235
(viii) (cos x) sin x
(ix) (tan x) sec2 x, x (2n 1) , n I
dx 2
dx (cot x) cosec2 x, x n, n I
(xi) (sec x) sec x tan x, x (2n 1) , n I
dx 2
(xii) (cosec x) cosec x cot x, x n , n I
d 1
(xiii) (sin1 x) ,1x1
1 x2
d 1
dx (cos x) ,1x1
1 x2
d 1
(xv) (tan1 x)
dx 1 x2
d 1
(xvi) (cot1 x)
dx 1 x2
(xvii) (sec1 x) 1 ,|x| 1
dx |x| x 2 1
d 1
(xviii) (cosec1x) ,|x| 1
dx |x| x2 1
(xix) (sinh x) cos h x
(xx) (cosh x) sin h x
(xxi) (tanh x) sech 2x
(xxii) (coth x) cosech 2x
(sech x) sec h x tan h x
(cosech x) cosech x cot h x
(xxv) (sinh1 x) 1 / (x 2 1)
(cosh1 x) 1 / (x 2 1), x 1
(tanh1 x) 1 / (1 x2),|x| 1
(xxviii) (coth1 x) 1 / (1 x2),|x| 1
(xxix) (sech1x) 1 / x (1 x2), x (0, 1)
(xxx) (cosech1x) 1/|x| (1 x2), x 0
Derivatives 237
(i) 2
a x 2
x a sin or a cos
(ii) a2 x2 x a tan or a cot
2 2
(iii) x a x a sec or a cosec
(iv) ax a x x a cos 2
a x a x
(v) a2 x2 a2 x2 x2 a2 cos 2
a2 x2 a2 x2
(vi) x x cos2 sin2
or (x )(x )
(vii) a sin x bcos x a r cos , b r sin
Logarithmic Differentiation
(i) If a function is the product or quotient of functions such as
f (x) f2(x) f3 (x)...
y f (x) f (x)... f (x) or 1 , we first take logarithm
1 2 n
g1(x) g2(x) g3 (x)...
and then differentiate it.
(ii) If a function is in the form of [f(x)] g (x )
, we first take logarithm
and then differentiate it.
Note If { f ( x)}g( { g ( y)}f( x), then
dy gf(x)
dx (y) fg(x)
f(x)log g(y) g (y)
(y) g (y)log f(x) f(x)
Derivatives 239
{f( x)} ... dy y2f ( x)
(i) If y f (x) , then
f ( x){1 y log f ( x)}
dy f ( x)
(ii) If y f(x) f(x) f(x) … , then
dx 2 y 1
Differentiation of a Determinant
p q r
If y u v w , where all elements of determinant are differentiable
l m n
functions of x, then
dp dq dr p q r p q r
dy dx dx dx du dv dw
u v w u v w
dx dx dx dx dl dm dn
l m n l m n
dx dx dx
Successive Differentiations
If the function y f(x) is differentiated with respect to x, then the
result or f (x), so obtained, is a function of x (may be a constant).
Hence, can again be differentiated with respect to x.
The differential coefficient of with respect to x is written as
d dy 2
d y d2y
or f (x). Again, the differential coefficient of with
2 2
dx dx dx dx
respect to x is written as
d d 2 y d3 y
or f (x) …
dx dx 2 dx3
dy d 2 y d3 y
Here, , , ,… are respectively known as first, second,
dx dx2 dx3
third, … order differential coefficients of y with respect to x. These
are alternatively denoted by f (x), f (x), f (x),… or y1 , y2 , y3 ,…,
dy d 2y
d d 2
y d
Note but
dx dx dx 2 d 2x
d d2
Partial Differentiation
The partial differential coefficient of f(x, y) with respect to x is the
ordinary differential coefficient of f(x, y) when y is regarded as a
constant. It is written as or fx .
Thus, lim f(x h , y) f(x, y)
x h 0 h
Similarly, the differential coefficient of f (x, y) with respect to y is
or fy, where lim f(x, y k) f(x, y)
y k0 k
Derivatives 241
e.g. If z f(x, y) x4 y4 3xy2 x2y x 2y,
z f or f 4x3 3y2 2xy 1
then or
x x
[here, y is consider as constant]
z f
and or or f 4y 6xy x 2 [here, x is consider as constant]
3 2
y y
Application of
Derivatives as the Rate of Change
If a variable quantity y is some function of time t i.e. y f(t), then
small change in time t have a corresponding change y in y.
Thus, the average rate of change .
When limit t 0 is applied, the rate of change becomes
instantaneous and we get the rate of change with respect to t at any
y dy
instant y, i.e. lim .
t 0 t dt
Similarly, the differential coefficient of y with respect to x i.e. is
nothing but the rate of change of y relative to x.
Marginal Cost
Marginal cost represents the instantaneous rate of change of the total
cost with respect to the number of items produced at an instant. If C (x)
represents the cost function for x units produced, then marginal cost,
denoted by MC, is given by
MC {C(x)}.
y = f(x)
P (x, y)
P (x, y)
(ii) Length of normal, PB y sec y 1
(iii) Length of subtangent, AS y cot
(dy / dx)
(iv) Length of subnormal, BS y tan y
The other angle between the tangents is (180 ). Generally, the
smaller of these two angles is taken to be the angle of intersection.
The angle of intersection of two curves is given by
m1 m2
1 m1m2
df1 df2
where, m1 and m2
dx ( x dx ( x , y )
1 , y1 ) 1 1
df1 df
(i) If , m m 1 2 1
1 2
dx ( x1 , y1 ) dx ( x1 , y1 )
such curves are called orthogonal curves.
(ii) If 0, m m df1 df
1 2
dx dx
( x1 , y1 ) ( x1 , y1 )
such curves are tangential at (x1 , y1 ).
Rolle’s Theorem
Let f be a real function defined in the closed interval [a, b], such that
(i) f is continuous in the closed interval [a, b].
(ii) f(x) is differentiable in the open interval (a, b).
(iii) f(a) f(b)
Then, there is some point c in the open interval (a, b), such that
f (c) 0.
Under the assumptions of Rolle’s theorem, the graph of f(x) starts at
point (a, f(a)) and ends at point (b, f(b)) as shown in figures.
f(a) = f(b)
(b, f (b)) (a, f(a)) (b, f (b))
f(a)=f(b) X
O a c1 b
O a c b
Oa c b
Increasing Function Y
(Non-decreasing Function)
A function f is called an increasing function in X X
domain D, if x1 x2 f(x1 ) f (x2 ), x1 , x2 D.
Strictly Increasing Function
f(x) is said to be strictly increasing in D, if for every x1 , x2 D ; x1 x2
f(x1 ) f(x2 ).
X' X
a X
O a–h a+h
Indefinite Integrals
Let f (x) be a function. Then, the collection of all its primitives is called
the indefinite integral (or anti-derivative) of f(x) and is denoted by
Sign of integral
(x) Anti-derivative or primitive or integral of function f(x)
The process of finding functions whose derivative is given, is called
anti-differentiation or integration.
Note The derivative of function is unique but integral of a function is not unique.
d 1 x 1 1 x
cos 2 2 dx sin a C
(xvi) dx a a2 x2 a x
1 x
d 1 1 x 1 dx cos 1 C
(xvii) tan 2
a x 2 a
dx a a a x2
1 1 x
d 1 1 x 1 dx tan1 C
(xviii) cot a2 x2 a a
dx a a a2 x2
1 1 x
d 1 1 x 1 a2 dx cot 1 C
sec x2 a a
dx a a x x a2
1 1 x
d 1 1 x 1 dx sec1 C
cosec a a
(xx) dx a a x x2 a2 x x a 2 2
1 1 x
dx cosec1 C
x x2 a2 a a
Properties of Integration
{ f(x)dx} f(x)
Method of Integration
Some integrals are not in standard form, to reduce them into standard
forms, we use the following methods
1. Integration by Substitution
For integral f { g(x)}g (x) dx, we create a new variable t g(x), so
that g (x) or g (x)dx dt.
Hence, f (t)dt f(t) C f{ g(x)} C
f { g(x)}g (x)dx
{f ( x)}n1
(i){f ( x)} n f (x)dx
C, n 1
f ( x)
(ii) dx log| f( x)| C, f( x) 0
(vi) cos (ax b)dx a sin (ax b) C
(vii) 1
sec2 (ax b)dx a
tan (ax b) C
(viii) cosec2(ax b)dx cot(ax b) C
sec (ax b) tan(ax b) dx sec (ax b) C
(x) 1
cosec (ax b) cot(ax b)dx cosec (ax b) C
(xi) tan (ax b) dx log|cos (ax b)| C
(xii) cot (ax b) dx log|sin(ax b)| C
(xiii) sec (ax b) dx log|sec (ax b) tan (ax b)| C
(xiv) cosec(ax b) dx log| cosec (ax b) cot (ax b)| C
Trigonometric Identities, Used for Conversion of
Integrals into the Standard Integrable Forms
1 cos 2nx
(i) sin2 nx
1 cos 2nx
(ii) cos2 nx
nx nx
(iii) sin nx 2 sin cos
2 2
3 1
(iv) sin nx
3 sin nx sin 3 nx
4 4
3 1
(v) cos3 nx cos nx cos3nx
4 4
(vi) tan nx sec nx 1
2 2
a x2
(iv) 2x 2x a2 x2 x a tan
, ,
a2 x2 a2 x2 a2 x2
1 xa
(v) (nN, n1) t
1 1
1 1 xb
(x a) n (x b) n
Special Integrals
1 1 x
(i) dx tan1 C
x2 a2 a a
1 1 x
(ii) 1 dx 1 log a x C tanh C
a2 x2 2a ax a a
p sin x q cos x r
1 dx
p sin x q cos x r p sin x q cos x r
log| p sin x q cos x r|
x dx
p sin x q cos x r
x2 1 x2 1
(viii) Form VIII dx, dx ,
x4 x2 1 x4 x2 1
1 x2
x4 x2 1
dx, x4 x2 1 dx
To evaluate this type of integrals we proceed as follows:
(a) Divide numerator and denominator by x2.
(b) Express the denominator of integrands in the form of
x 1 k2.
x 1 1
(c) Introduce d x or or both in numerator.
d x
x x
1 1
(d) Put x t or x t as the case may be.
x x
1 1
(e) Integral reduced to the form of dx or dx.
x2 a 2 x2 a 2
(ix) Form IX tan x dx, cot x dx,
sin x cos4 x
2. Integration by Parts
This method is used to integrate the product of two functions.
If f(x) and g(x) be two integrable functions, then
f(x) g(x) dx f(x) g(x) dx f(x) g(x) dxdx
I II dx
ex f(x) C
Note { xf ( x) f ( x)} dx xf ( x) C.
1 1 x
(ii) a2 x2 dx x a2 x2 a sin C
2 a
(iii) x2 a2dx x x2 a2 a 2 log|x x2 a2| C
4ac b2
where k2
Form II ( px q) ax2 bx c dx
Put px q A (ax2 bx c) B A(2ax b) B
Now, find the values of A and B and then integrate it.
Now, A1 f(a1 )
(a a )(a a )(a a )...(a a )
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 n
f(a 2 )
A2 …
(a a )(a a )(a a )...(a a )
2 1 2 3 2 4 2 n
f(a n )
(an a1 )(an a2 )(an a3 )...(a n an 1 )
Trick To find Ap, put x ap in numerator and denominator after
deleting the factor (x ap ).
Case II When g(x) is expressible as product of repeated linear factors.
Let g(x) (x a)k(x a 1)(x a )…
2 (x an ),
f(x) A A
then 1
... A k B1 B 2
g(x) x a (x a) 2
(x a)k (x a1) (x a2 )
(x a)n
Here, all the constant cannot be calculated by using the method in
Case I. However, B1 , B2 , B3 ,… , Bn can be found using the same
method i.e. shortcut can be applied only in the case of non-repeated
linear factors.
Integration of Irrational Algebraic Function
Irrational function of the form of (ax b)1/ n and x can be evaluated by
substitution (ax b) tn , thus
1/ n tn b ntn 1
f{ x,(ax b) }dx f a , t dt.
dx 2
(i) , substitute Cx D t , then the given
( Ax B) Cx D
2 dt
integral reduces into
At2 AD BC .
dx 2
(ii) , substitute Cx D t , then the given
( Ax B) Cx D
2C dt
integral reduces into
At4 2DAt2 ( AD 2 BC2).
dx 1
(iii) , substitute x k , then the given
(x k)r Ax2 Bx C t
tr 1
integral reduces into dt.
At2 Bt C
Here, we write
ax2 bx c A (dx e) ( fx2 gx h ) B (dx e) C
1 1 1
where, A1, B1 and C1 are constants.
e [(a2 b2) cos(bx c) 2ab sin(bx c)] k
(a2 b2)2
(b) xe ax
sin(bx c)dx [asin(bx c) b cos(bx c)]
a b2
e [(a2 b2)sin(bx c) 2abcos(bx c)] k
(a2 b2)2
cos x sin n 1 x n 1
(viii) (a) sinn x dx
n sinn2xdx
sin x cosn 1 x n 1
(b) cosn x dx n n cosn2 xdx
tann 1 x
(c) tann x dx
n 1 tan x dx
n 2
Definite Integrals
Let f(x) be a function defined on the interval [a, b] and F(x) be its
anti-derivative. Then, f(x) dx F(b) F(a) is defined as the
definite integral of f(x) from x a to x b.
The numbers a and b are called upper and lower limits of integration,
cn b
… f(x) dx f(x) dx
cn1 c
a a
5. f(x) dx f (a x) dx
0 0
f(x) a
Deduction a dx
0 f(x) f(a x) 2
b b
6. f(x) dx f(a b x) dx
a a
b f(x) ba
Deduction dx
a f(x) f(a b x) 2
2a a a
7. f(x) dx f(x) dx f(2a x) dx
0 0 0
a a a
8. f(x) dx f(x) dx f(x) dx
a 0 0
2a 2 0 f(x) dx if, f(2a x) f(x)
0 f(x) dx
0, if f(2a x) f(x)
b 0, if f(a x) f (b x)
10. f(x) dx
a ab
2 2 f (x) dx, if f (a x) f (b x)
2 af(x) dx, if f(x) is even i. e. f( x) f(x)
a 0
11. f(x) dx
if f(x) is odd i. e. f( x) f(x)
dx (x ) dx dx
15. If f(x) 0 on the interval [a, b], then f(x) 0.
b b
16. If f(x) (x) for x [a, b], then f(x) dx a (x) dx.
(b a) a
f(c) f(x) dx
is called the mean value of the function f(x) on the interval [a, b].
24. If f(t) is an even function, then for non-zero a, f (t)dt is not
necessarily an odd function. It will be an odd function, if
0 f (t) dt 0.
25. If f(x) is continuous on [a, ), then f (x) dx is called an
improper integral and is defined as f (x) dx lim f (x) dx.
a b a
b b
26. f (x) dx lim a f (x) dx and
Integral Function
Let f(x) be a continuous function defined on [a, b], then a function (x)
defined by (x) f (t) dt, x [a, b] is called the integral function of the
function f.
where, nh b a
Now, put a 0, b 1
nh 1 0 1 or h
1 1 n 1 rn
0 f(x) dx nlim
f n
r 0
lim f f (x)dx
r 1
n n
where, lim 0 (as r 1)
n n
and lim p (as r pn)
n n
/2 tann x /2 cotn x
(d) dx n n dx
0 tan x cot x
n n 4 0 tan x cot x
/2 secn x /2 cosecn x
(e) dx n n dx where, nR
0 sec x cosec x
n n 4 0 sec x cosec x
/2 asin x /2 acos nx
n n
a sin x a cos x
dx 0 a sinn x
a cosn x
/2 /2
(iii) (a) logsin x dx log cos x dx log 2
0 0 2
/2 /2
(b) log tan x dx log cot x dx 0
0 0
/2 /2
(c) logsec x dx log cosec x dx log 2
0 0 2
b a
(iv) (a) e0 ax sin bx dx a b2
2 (b) 0eax cos bx dx a b2
(c) 0eax x n dx an 1
Applications of
The space occupied by the curve along with the axis, under the given
condition is called area of bounded region.
(i) The area bounded by the curve y F(x) above the X -axis and
between the lines x a, x b is given by
y = F(x)
x=a x=b
X dx X
b b
a y dx a F(x) dx
(ii) If the curve between the lines x a, x b lies below the X-axis,
then the required area is given by
x = a y x=b
Y y = F(x)
b b b
| ( y) dx| | a y dx|| a F(x) dx|
(iii) The area bounded by the curve x F( y) right to the Y -axis and
between the lines y c, y d is given by
d d
c x dy c F( y) dy
x = F(y)
X' X
x = F(y) x
X' X
d d d
| (x) dy| | x dy|| F( y) dy|
c c c
y = G(x)
X O x=a x=b X
a { F(x) G(x)} dx
x = F(y)
x = G(y)
X' O
c [F( y) G( y)] dy
Y y = F (x) y = G (x)
Oa c b
c b
Area { F (x) G(x)} dx {G (x) F (x)}dx
a c
Curve Sketching
1. Symmetry
(i) If powers of y in an equation of curve are all even, then curve
is symmetrical about X-axis.
(ii) If powers of x in an equation of curve are all even, then curve
is symmetrical about Y -axis.
(iii) When x is replaced by –x and y is replaced by –y, then curve is
symmetrical in opposite quadrant.
(iv) If x and y are interchanged and equation of curve remains
unchanged, then curve is symmetrical about line y x.
2. Nature of Origin
(i) If point (0, 0) satisfies the equation, then curve passes
through origin.
(ii) If curve passes through origin, then equate lowest degree
term to zero and get equation of tangent. If there are two
tangents, then origin is a double point.
4. Asymptotes
(i) Equate coefficient of highest power of x to get asymptote
parallel to X-axis.
(ii) Similarly equate coefficient of highest power of y to get
asymptote parallel to Y-axis.
5. The Sign of
Find points at which vanishes or becomes infinite. It gives us the
points where tangent is parallel or perpendicular to the X-axis.
(i) ay 2 x 3 (Semi-cubical parabola) X X
(2a, 0)
(iv) ay 2 x2 (a x) X X
O (a, 0)
(v) a 2y 2
x2(a2 x2) X X
(v) f (x, y) ; O(0,0),A(a,a), (i) For x 0,y 0 Y
B(a, a) 2
x2 y 2 2ax Area a2 A(a, a)
4 3
and y 2 ax sq units
X' X
(ii) For x 0, (0, 0)O
Area 2a2
4 3 B(a, –a)
sq units Y'
X' X
B (0, 0 )
Differential Equation
An equation that involves an independent variable, dependent variable
and differential coefficients of dependent variable with respect to the
independent variable is called a differential equation.
d 2 y dy 3
e.g. (i) x 2 x3 7x2 y 2
dx2 dx
(ii) (x2 y2) dx (x2 y2) dy
1. General Solution
If the solution of the differential equation contains as many
independent arbitrary constants as the order of the differential
equation, then it is called the general solution or the complete integral
of the differential equation.
e.g. The general solution of y 0 is y A cos x B sin x because
dx 2
it contains two arbitrary constants A and B, which is equal to the order
of the equation.
2. Particular Solution
Solution obtained by giving particular values to the arbitrary constants
in the general solution is called a particular solution. e.g. In the
previous example, if A B 1, then y 2 cos x sin x is a particular
d y
solution of the differential equation y 0.
Solution of a differential equation is also called its primitive.
8. Bernoulli’s Equation
An equation of the form Py Qyn (n 0,1), where P and Q are
functions of x only or constants, is called Bernoulli’s equation.
It is easy to reduce the above equation into linear form as below
Dividing both the sides by yn , we get
y n Py n 1 Q
Put y n 1 z
dy dz
(n 1) y n
dx dx
Then, the equation reduces to
1 dz dz
Pz Q (1 n ) Pz Q (1 n )
1 n dx dx
which is linear differential equation in z and can be solved in the usual
Orthogonal Trajectory
Any curve, which cuts every member of a given family of curves at
right angle, is called an orthogonal trajectory of the family.
A vector has direction and magnitude both but scalar has only
magnitude. e.g. Vector quantities are displacement, velocity,
acceleration, etc. and scalar quantities are length, mass, time, etc.
Characteristics of a Vector
(i) Magnitude The length of the vector AB or a is called the
magnitude of AB or a and it is represented as AB or a .
(ii) Sense The direction of a line segment from its initial point to
its terminal point is called its sense.
e.g. The sense of AB is from A to B and that of BA is from B to A.
initial point Terminal point
(iii) Support The line of infinite length of which the line segment
AB is a part, is called the support of the vector AB.
Types of Vectors
(i) Zero or Null Vector A vector whose initial and terminal
points are coincident is called zero or null vector. It is denoted
by 0.
(ii) Unit Vector A vector whose magnitude is unity i.e., 1 unit is
called a unit vector. The unit vector in the direction of n is given
by and it is denoted by n̂.
(iii) Free Vector If the initial point of a vector is not specified, then
it is said to be a free vector.
(iv) Like and Unlike Vectors Vectors are said to be like when
they have the same direction and unlike when they have
opposite direction.
(v) Collinear or Parallel Vectors Vectors having the same or
parallel supports are called collinear vectors.
(vi) Equal Vectors Two vectors a and b are said to be equal, written
as a b, if they have same length and same direction.
(vii) Negative Vector A vector having the same magnitude as that
of a given vector a and the direction opposite to that of a is called
the negative vector a and it is denoted by a.
(viii) Coinitial Vectors Vectors having same initial point are
called coinitial vectors.
(ix) Coterminus Vectors Vectors having the same terminal point
are called coterminus vectors.
(x) Localised Vectors A vector which is drawn parallel to a given
vector through a specified point in space is called localised
(xi) Coplanar Vectors A system of vectors is said to be coplanar,
if their supports are parallel to the same plane. Otherwise they
are called non-coplanar vectors.
(xii) Reciprocal of a Vector A vector having the same direction as
that of a given vector but magnitude equal to the reciprocal of
the given vector is known as the reciprocal of a and it is denoted
by a 1, i.e. if|a| a , then|a1| .
Addition of Vectors
Triangle Law of Vector Addition
Let a and b be any two vectors. From the terminal point of a, vector b
is drawn. Then, the vector from the initial point O of a to the terminal
point B of b is called the sum of vectors a and b and is denoted by
a b. This is called the triangle law of addition of vectors.
Note When the sides of a triangle are taken in order, then the resultant will be
Vectors 293
Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition
Let a and b be any two vectors. From the initial point of a, vector b is
drawn and parallelogram OACB is completed with OA and OB as
adjacent sides. The diagonal of the parallelogram through the common
vertex represents the vector OC and it is defined as the sum of a and b.
This is called the parallelogram law of vector addition.
O a A
The sum of two vectors is also called their resultant and the process of
addition as composition.
Important Properties
(i) | a||||a|, where be a scalar.
(ii) 0 0
(iii) m (a) m a (m a)
(iv) (m) (a) m a
(v) m (n a) mn a n(m a)
(vi) (m n)a m a n a
(vii) m (a b) ma m b
O (origin)
i.e. PQ PV of Q PV of P
Collinear Points
Let A, B and C be any three points.
Points A, B, C are collinear AB, BC are collinear vectors
AB BC for some non-zero scalar .
Components of a Vector
1. In Two-dimension Let P (x, y) be any point in a plane and O be
the origin. Let ˆiand ˆjbe the unit vectors along X and Y -axes,
then the component of vector P is OP xˆi yˆj.
Vectors 295
2. In Three-dimension Let P (x, y, z ) be any point is a space
ˆ be the unit vectors along X , Y
and O be the origin. Let ˆi, ˆjand k
and Z-axes, then the component of vector P is OP xˆi yˆj zk.
P1 (x1, y1, z1)
O ^i
The position vectors of P1 ˆand Pˆ2 with respect to the origin O are
OP x i y j ˆ and OP x ˆi y ˆj ˆ
1 1 1 z1k 2 2 2 z2k
Then, the component form of P1P2 is
P1 P2 (x ˆ2i y 2ˆj z 2ˆk) (x1î y1 ĵ z1k)
ˆ ˆ
(x x ) i ( y y ) j (z ˆ
2 1 2 1 2 z )
1 k ˆ
Here, vector component of P P are (x x ) iˆ, ( y y )ˆjand (z
1 2 2 1 2 1 2 z1 )k
along X-axis, Y -axis and Z-axis respectively.
Its magnitude is|P1P2| (x 2 x )12 ( y 2 y )2 1 (z z2)2 1
Section Formulae
Let A and B be two points with position vectors a and b, respectively
and OP = r.
(i) Internal division Let P be a point
dividing AB internally in the ratio m : n.
Then, position vector of P is a P
m OB n OA
OP r n
(m n ) O B
m b na b
i.e. r
Vectors 297
(i) Angle between two like vectors is 0 and angle between two
unlike vectors is .
(ii) If either a or b is the null vector, then scalar product of the vector
is zero.
(iii) If a and b are two unit vectors, then a b cos.
(iv) The scalar product is commutative
i.e. a b = b a
(v) If ˆi, ˆjand ˆ are mutually perpendicular unit vectors iˆ, ˆjand ˆ ,
k k
ˆ kˆ 1
ˆi iˆ = ˆj ˆj = k
and ˆ =k
iˆ ˆj= ˆj k ˆ ˆi 0
(vi) The scalar product of vectors is distributive over vector addition.
(a) a (b c) a b a c (left distributive)
(b) (b c) a b a c a (right distributive)
(vii) (ma) (b) m (a b) a(mb), where m is any scalar.
(0 < < 90°)
A C b
Components of a along and perpendicular to b are
a b ab
b and a b
|b| |b|2
(xi) Work done by a Force The work done by a force is a scalar
quantity equal to the product of the magnitude of the force and
the resolved part of the displacement.
F S dot products of force and displacement.
Suppose F1 , F2 , ... , Fn are n forces acted on a particle, then
during the displacement S of the particle, the separate forces to
quantities of work F1 S, F2 S,..., Fn S.
Vectors 299
n n
where, a |a|, b |b|, is the angle between the vectors a and b and n̂
is a unit vector which is perpendicular to both a and b.
Contd. ...
Vectors 301
(e) The area of a parallelogram with diagonals a andb is |a b|.
(f) The area of a quadrilateral ABCD is equal to |AC BD|.
(xii) Vector Moment of a Force about a Point The vector moment of
torque M of a force F about the point O is the vector whose magnitude is
equal to the product of F and the perpendicular distance of the point O
from the line of action of F.
r ×F
M r F
where, r is the position vector of A referred to O.
(a) The moment of forceF about O is independent of the choice of point A
on the line of action of F.
(b) If several forces are acting through the same point A, then the vector
sum of the moments of the separate forces about a point O is equal to
the moment of their resultant force about O.
(xiii) TheMoment ofa Force abouta Line LetF be F
a force acting at a point A, O be any point on the
given line l and a be the unit vector along the A
line, then moment ofF about the line l is a scalar
given by (OA F) a . l
O a
(xiv) Moment of a Couple
(a) Twoequalandunlikeparallelforceswhoselinesofactionaredifferent
is said to constitute a couple.
(b) Let P and Q be any two points on the lines of action of the forces
F and F, respectively.
Vectors 303
(viii) The scalar triple product of cyclic components ˆi, ˆjand ˆk is 1,
i.e.[i j k] 1.
a c b c
(ix) (a b) (c d)
a d b d
au bu cu
(x) [a b c] [u v w] a v b v c v
a w b w c w
(xi) Three non-zero vectors a, b and c are coplanar, if and only if
[a b c] 0.
(xii) Four points A, B, C, D with position vectors a, b, c, d respectively
are coplanar, if and only if [AB AC AD] 0.
i.e. if and only if [b a c a d a] 0.
(xiii) Volume of parallelopiped with three coterminus edges a, b and
c is|[a b c]|.
(xiv) Volume of prism on a triangular base with three coterminus
edges a, b and c is |[a b c]|.
(xv) Volume of a tetrahedron with three coterminus edges a, b and
c is |[a b c]|.
(xvi) If a, b, c and d are position vectors of vertices of a tetrahedron,
Volume |[b a c a d a]|.
Important Properties
(i) The vector r a (b c) is perpendicular toa and lies in the plane
b and c.
(ii) a (b c) (a b) c, the cross product of vectors is not
Three Dimensional
Coordinate System
The three mutually perpendicular lines in a space which divides the
space into eight parts and if these perpendicular lines are the
coordinate axes, then it is said to be a coordinate system.
y=0 Z
Z' O (0, 0, 0)
Note The coordinates of any point on the X ,Y and Z-axes will be the form
(x, 0, 0), (0, y, 0) and (0, 0, z)respectively.
Sign Convention
Octant Coordinate x y z
OX Y Z –
OX Y Z –
Section Formulae
(i) The coordinates of any point, which divides the join of points
P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and Q(x2 , y2 , z2 ) in the ratio m : n internally are
mx2 nx1 my2 ny1 mz2 nz1
, ,
mn mn mn
(ii) The coordinates of any point, which divides the join of points
P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and Q(x2 , y2 , z2 ) in the ratio m : n externally are
mx2 nx1 my2 ny1 mz2 mz1
, ,
mn mn mn
(iii) The coordinates of mid-point of P and Q are
x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2
, ,
2 2 2
(iv) Coordinates of the centroid of a triangle formed with vertices
P(x1 , y1 , z1 ), Q (x2 , y2 , z2 ) and R (x3 , y3 , z3 ) are
x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3
, ,
3 3 3
(v) Centroid of a Tetrahedron
If (x1 , y1 , z1 ), (x2 , y2 , z2 ), (x3 , y3 , z3 ) and(x 4 , y4 , z4 )are the vertices
of a tetrahedron, then its centroid G is given by
x1 x2 x3 x4 y1 y2 y3 y4 z1 z2 z3 z4
, , .
4 4
Area of Triangle
If the vertices of a triangle be A(x1 , y1 , z1 ), B(x 2 , y2 , z2 ) and C(x3 , y3 , z3 ),
Area of ABC xy
2 yz 2 zx
Direction Cosines
If a directed line segment OP makes angle , and with OX , OY and
OZ respectively, then cos, cos and cos are called direction cosines
of OP and it is represented by l, m, n.
i.e. l cos
m cos
and n cos
P(x, y, z)
If OP r, then coordinates of OP are (lr , mr , nr )
(i) If l, m, n are direction cosines of a vector r,then
(a) r |r|(lî mĵ n ˆ ) r̂ lî mĵ n ˆ
k k
(b) l2 m2 n 2 1
(c) Projections of r on the coordinate axes are
l|r|, m|r|, n|r|
sum of the squares of projections
(d) |r|
of r on the coordinate axes
(ii) If P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and Q(x2 , y2 , z2 ) are two points, such that the
direction cosines of PQ are l, m, n. Then,
x2 x1 l|PQ|, y2 y1 m|PQ|, z2 z1 n|PQ|
These are projections of PQ on X , Y and Z-axes, respectively.
(iii) If l, m, n are direction cosines of a vector r and a, b, c are three
l m n
numbers, such that . Then, we say that a, b and c are
a b c
the direction ratios of r which are proportional to l, m, n.
a b
Also, we have l ,m ,
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
a2 b2 c2
(iv) If is the angle between two lines having direction cosines
l1 , m1 , n1 and l2 , m2 , n2, then cos l1l2 m1m2 n1n2
l m n
(a) Lines are parallel, if 1 1 1 .
l2 m2 n2
(b) Lines are perpendicular, if l1l2 m1m2 n1n2 0.
(v) If is the angle between two lines whose direction ratios are
proportional to a1 , b1, c1 and a2 , b2 , c2 respectively, then the angle
between them is given by
a1a2 b1b2 c1c2
cos .
a 2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
1 1 1 2 2 2
a1 b1 c1
Lines are parallel, if .
a2 b2 c2
Lines are perpendicular, if a1a2 b1b2 c1c2 0.
(vi) The projection of the line segment joining points P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and
Q(x2 , y2 , z2 ) to the line having direction cosines l, m, n is
|(x2 x1 ) l ( y2 y1 ) m (z2 z1 )n|.
(vii) The direction ratio of the line passing through points P(x1 , y1 , z1 )
and Q(x2 , y2 , z2 ) are proportional to x2 x1 , y2 y1 , z2 z1.
Then, direction cosines of PQ are
x2 x1 y2 y1 z 2 z1
, ,
|PQ| |PQ| |PQ|
Line in Space
A line (or straight line) is a curve such that all the points on the
line segment joining any two points of it lies on it.
A line can be determined uniquely, if
(i) its direction and the coordinates of a point on it are known.
(ii) it passes through two given points.
1. Equation of a Line Passing through a given Point and
Parallel to a given Vector
Vector Equation Equation of a line passing through a point
with position vector a and parallel to vector b is r a b,
where is a parameter.
Cartesian Equation Equation of a line passing through a
fixed point A(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and having direction ratios a, b, c is given
x x1 y y1 z z1
by , it is also called the symmetrically
a b c
form of a line.
2. Equation of Line Passing through Two given Points
Vector Equation A line passing through two given points
having position vectors a and b is r a (b a) , where is a
Cartesian Equation Equation of a straight line joining two
fixed points A(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and B(x2 , y2 , z2 ) is given by
x x1 z z1
y y1
x2 x1 y2 y1 z2 z1
3. Perpendicular Distance of a Point from a Line
Vector form The length of the perpendicular from a point
P() on the line
( a) b
r a b is given by | a|2
Cartesian Form The length of the perpendicular from a
point P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) on the line
xa yb zc
is given by
l m n
(b y 1) m (c z )1 n }2
where, l, m, n are direction cosines of the line.
Skew Lines
Two straight lines in space are said to be skew lines, if they are neither
parallel nor intersecting. Thus, skew-lines are such pair of lines which
are non-coplanar.
Shortest Distance
If l1 and l2 are two skew lines, then a line perpendicular to each of
lines l1 and l2 is known as the line of shortest distance.
If the line of shortest distance intersects the lines l1 and l1
l2 at P and Q respectively, then the distance PQ between
points P and Q is known as the shortest distance
between l1 and l2. Q
Vector Form
(i) The shortest distance between lines r a1 b1 and
r a2 b2 is given by
(b1 b2 ) (a2 a1 )
|b1 b 2|
(ii) The shortest distance between parallel lines
r a1 b and r a2 b is given by
(a2 a1 ) b
(iii) Two lines r a1 b1 and r a2 b2 are intersecting, when
(b1 b 2 ) (a2 a1 ) 0.
Cartesian Form
(i) The shortest distance between the lines
x x1 y y1 z z1
a1 b1 c1
x x2 y y2 z z 2
and is given by
a2 b2 c2
a1 b1 c1 0
a2 b2 c2
A plane is a surface such that, if two points are taken on it, a straight
line joining them lies wholly on the surface. A straight line, which is
perpendicular to every line lying on a plane is called a normal to the
Cartesian Form
The equation of a plane, which is at a distance p from origin and the
direction cosines of the normal from the origin to the plane are l, m, n
is given by lx my nz p.
Note The coordinates of foot of perpendicular N from the origin on the plane
are (lp, mp, np).
Cartesian Form
The equation of a plane passing through a given point (x1 , y1 , z1 ) is
given by a(x x1 ) b ( y y1 ) c (z z1 ) 0
where, a, b, c are direction ratios of normal to the plane.
Intercept Form
The intercept form of equation of plane represented in the form of
x y z
a b c
where, a, b and c are intercepts on X , Y and Z-axes, respectively.
Note There is no vector form of plane in intercept form.
For x intercept Put y 0, z 0 in the equation of the plane and
obtain the value of x. Similarly, we can determine for other intercepts.
Cartesian Form
The cartesian equation of a plane passing through three non-collinear
points A (x1 , y1 , z1 ), B (x2 , y2 , z2 ) and C (x3 , y3 , z3 ) is
x x1 y y1 z z1
x2 x1 y2 y1 z2 z 1 0.
x x y y z z
3 1 3 1 3 1
Cartesian Form
The carteian equation of plane passing through the intersection of two
planes a1x b1 y c1 z d1 and a2 x b2 y c2z d2 0
is (a1 x b1 y c1 z d1 ) (a2 x b2 y c2 z d2 ) 0
or x (a1 a2 ) y (b1 b2 ) z (c1 c2 ) d1 d2, where R.
Cartesian Form
The cartesian equation of a plane parallel to the given plane
ax by cz d1 0 is ax by cz d2 0.
Important Results
(i) Equation of a plane passing through the point A(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and
parallel to two given lines with direction ratios
x x1 y y1 z z1
a1 , b1, c1 and a2 , b2, c2 is a1 b1 c1 0.
a2 b2 c2
(ii) Equation of a plane passing through two points A(x1 , y1 , z1 ) and
B(x2 , y2 , z2 ) and parallel to a line with direction ratios a, b, c is
x x1 y y1 z z1
x2 x1 y2 y1 z2 z1 0.
a b c
Cartesian Form
x x1 y y1 z z1 x x2 y y2 z z2
The lines and
a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2
x2 x1 y2 y1 z2 z1
are coplanar if a1 b1 c1 0.
a2 b2 c2
Vector Form
If n1 and n2 are normals to the planes, and be the angle between the
planes r n1 d1 and r. n2 d2.
Then, cos = n1 n2
n1 n2
Cartesian Form
The angle between the two planes
a1x b1 y c1z d1 0 and a2x b2 y c2z d2 0 is
Vector Form
Two planes r n1 d1 and r n2 d2 are parallel, if n1 n2 for some
scalar and perpendicular, if n1 n2 0.
Cartesian Form
The planesaa1x b b1 cy c1z d1 0 and a2x b2 y c2z d2 0 are
parallel, if 1 1 1 and perpendicular, if a a b b c c 0.
1 2 1 2 1 2
a2 b2 c2
Note The equation of plane parallel to a given plane ax by cz d 0 is
given by ax by cz k 0, where k may be determined from given
Cartesian Form
The perpendicular distance of a point P(x1, y1, z1)
P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) from the plane
ax by cz d
1 1 1
ax by cz d 0 is ax + by + cz + d =0
2 2 2
a b c
If the plane is given in normal form lx my nz p. Then, the
distance of the point P(x1 , y1 , z1 ) from the plane is|lx1 my1 nz1 p|.
Note The length of perpendicular from origin to the plane
ax by cz d 0 is .
a b2 c2
A sphere is the locus of a point which moves in a space, such a way
that its distance from a fixed point always remains constant.
Cartesian Form
The equation of the sphere with centre (a, b, c) and radius r is
(x a)2 ( y b)2 (z c)2 r 2 ...(i)
the equation of a sphere with centre at origin and radius r is
x2 y2 z 2 r 2.
In generally, we can write as x2 y2 z 2 2ux 2vy 2wz d 0.
Here, its centre is (u , v, w) and radius u 2 v2 w2 d
Cartesian Form
The plane lx my nz p will touch the sphere x2 y2 z 2 2ux
2vy 2 wz d 0, if
|lu mv nw p|
u 2 v2 w2 d
l2 m2 n 2
or (lu mv nw p)2 (u 2 v2 w2 d ) (l 2 m 2 n 2 )
Statistics is the Science of collection, organisation, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of the numerical data.
Useful Terms
1. Primary and Secondary Data The data collected by the
investigator himself is known as the primary data, while the
data which are not originally collected but rather obtained from
some sources is known as secondary data.
2. Variable or Variate A characteristics that varies in
magnitude from observation to observation. e.g. weight, height,
income, age, etc are variables.
3. Grouped and Ungrouped Data The data which is organised
into several groups is called grouped data where as ungrouped
data is present in original form, i.e. it is just a list of numbers.
4. Class-Intervals The groups which used to condense the data
are called classes or class-intervals.
5. Limit of the Class The starting and ending values of each
class are called Lower and Upper limits, respectively.
6. Class Size or Class Width The difference between upper and
lower boundary of a class is called size of the class.
7. Class Marks The class marks of a class is given by
Lower limit Upper limit.
8. Frequency The number of times an observation occurs in the
given data, is called the frequency of the observation.
9. Frequency Distribution It is a tabular summary of data
showing the frequency of observations.
10. Discrete Frequency Distribution A frequency distribution
is called a discrete frequency distribution, if data are presented
in such a way that exact value of the data are clearly shown.
Statistics 321
11. Continuous Frequency Distribution A frequency
distribution in which data are arranged in classes (or groups)
which are not exactly measurable.
12. Cumulative Frequency Distribution In this type of
distribution, the frequencies of each class intervals are added
successively from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
A cumulative frequency distribution is of two types
(i) Less than cummulative frequency distribution In
this frequencies are added successively from top to bottom
and we represent the cumulative number of observation less
than or equal to the class frequency to which it relates.
(ii) More than cummulative frequency distribution In
this frequencies are added successively from bottom to top
and we represent the cummulative number of observation
greater than or equal to the class frequency to which it
Graphical Representation of
Frequency Distributions
(i) Bar Diagrams In bar diagrams, only the length of the bars
are taken into consideration. To draw a bar diagram, we first
mark equal lengths for the different classes on the horizontal
axis, i.e. on X-axis.
On each of these lengths on the horizontal axis, we erect
(vertical) a rectangle whose heights are proportional to the
frequency of the class.
0 X
Registered vehicles
0 X
10 20 30 40 50 60
Class interval
If however the classes are of unequal width, then the height of
the rectangles will be proportional to the ratio of the frequencies
to the width of the classes.
(iii) Pie Diagrams Pie diagrams are used to represent a relative
frequency distribution. A pie diagram consists of a circle divided
into as many sectors as there are classes in a frequency
distribution. The area of each sector is proportional to the
relative frequency of the class.
Now, we make angles at the centre proportional to the relative
frequencies. And in order to get the angles of the desired sectors,
we divide 360° in the proportion of the various relative
frequencies, i.e.
Central angle 360
Total frequency
120° Bus
105° 75°
Statistics 323
corresponding frequencies. These plotted points are joined by
straight lines to obtain the frequency polygon.
14 D
Number of students
8 B
4 E G
0 X
25.5 30.5 35.5 40.5 45.5 50.5 55.5 60.5 65.5
Weights (in kg)
60 60
‘More than’ ogive
50 50
‘Less than’ ogive
Cumulative frequency
Cumulative frequency
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Upper limits Lower limits
1. Arithmetic Mean
The arithmetic mean (or simple mean) of a set of observations is
obtained by dividing the sum of the values of observations by the
number of observations.
(i) Arithmetic Mean for Unclassified (Ungrouped or Raw)
Data If there are n observations, x1 , x2 , x3 ,… , xn , then their
arithmetic mean
x1 x2 … xn i 1
A or x
n n
(ii) Arithmetic Mean for Discrete Frequency Distribution
or Ungrouped Frequency Distribution Let f1 , f2 ,… , fn
be corresponding frequencies of x1 , x2 ,. .. , xn . Then, arithmetic
xi fi
x1 f1 x2 f2 … xn fn i 1
f1 f2 … fn
f i
i 1
xi fi
(a) From Direct Method A i1
i 1
Statistics 325
fi ui
(c) Step Deviation Method is x A 1 i 1n h
i 1
where, A1 assumed mean
xi A1
ui step deviation and h width of interval.
(iv) Combined Mean If A1, A 2 ,... , A r are means of n1 , n2 ,... , nr
observations respectively, then arithmetic mean of the
combined group is called the combined mean of the
n 1A 1 n A 2 2… n A ni Ai
A r r
i 1
n 1 n 2 … n r
i 1
2. Geometric Mean
(i) If x1 , x2 ,... , xn be n positive observations, then their geometric
mean is defined as
G n x1 x2 … xn
log x1 log x2 … log xn
or G antilog
where N fi
i 1
4. Median
The median of a distribution is the value of the middle observation,
when the observations are arranged in ascending or descending order.
Statistics 327
n n
Hence, Median Mean of th and 1 th observations
1 n 2 n
th 1 th of observations
2 2 2
divide the distribution in four equal parts.
Q1 Q2 = Md Q3
Quartiles for a continuous distribution is given by
Q1 (first quartile) l 4 h
Similarly, Q2 (second quartile) l 2 h median,
Q3 (third quartile) l 4 h
where, N total frequency
l lower limit of the quartile class
f frequency of the quartile class
C the cumulative frequency corresponding to the class just
before the quartile class
h the length of the quartile class.
5. Mode
The mode (M O ) of a distribution is the value at the point about which
the observations tend to be most heavily concentrated. It is generally
the value of the variable which appears to occur most frequently in the
Statistics 329
(iii) Mode for Classified (Grouped) Distribution or
Grouped Frequency Distribution
The class having the maximum frequency is called the modal class
and the middle point of the modal class is called the crude mode.
The class just before the modal class is called pre-modal class and the
class after the modal class is called the post-modal class.
Mode for classified data (Continuous Distribution) is given by
f0 f1
O l h
0 1 2
Measure of Dispersion
The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average
value is called the dispersion of the data. The four measure of
dispersion are
1. Range 2. Mean deviation
3. Standard deviation 4. Root mean square deviation
1. Range
The difference between the highest and the lowest observation of a
data is called its range.
i.e. Range X max Xmin
Xmax Xmin
The coefficient of range
Xmax Xmin
It is widely used in statistical series relating to quality control in
(i) Inter quartile range Q3 Q1
Q3 Q1
(ii) Semi-inter quartile range (Quartile deviation)
Q Q1
and coefficient of quartile deviation 3
Q3 Q1
2. Mean Deviation (MD)
The arithmetic mean of the absolute deviations of the values of the
variable from a measure of their average (mean, median, mode) is
called Mean Deviation (MD). It is denoted by .
|xi x|
(i) For simple (raw) distribution i 1
where, n number of terms, x A or Md or MO
fi |xi x|
(ii) For unclassified frequency distribution i 1
n i 1
fi |xi x|
(iii) For classified distribution i 1
i 1
Statistics 331
Limitations of Mean Deviation
(i) If the data is more scattered or the degree of variability is very
high, then the median is not a valid representative.
(ii) The sum of the deviations from the mean is more than the sum of
the deviations from the median.
(iii) The mean deviation is calculated on the basis of absolute values
of the deviations and so cannot be subjected to further algebraic
3. Standard Deviation and Variance
Standard deviation is the square root of the arithmetic mean of the
squares of deviations of the terms from their AM and it is denoted by .
The square of standard deviation is called the variance and it is
denoted by the symbol 2.
(i) For simple distribution
(x i x ) 2 1 n
2 n
i 1
n xi x i
n n i 1 i 1
where, n is a number of observations and x is mean.
(ii) For discrete frequency distribution
f(x i x ) 2 1 n
2 n
i 1
N fi xi fi xi
N N i 1 i 1
1 n n
fi d
Shortcut Method N fi id i
N i 1 i 1
where, di deviation from assumed mean xi A and A assumed
(iii) For continuous frequency distribution
fi (x i x ) 2
i 1
where, xi is class mark of the interval.
h n n
Shortcut Method N fi ui2 fi iu
N i 1 i 1
xi A
where, ui , A assumed mean and h width of the class
Statistics 333
S f(x A )2
Note If A A (mean), then S
(ii) 2 A2 fx. 2
f 2
2 2 x
(iii) For discrete distribution, if f 1,then A .
(iv) The mean deviation about the mean is less than or equal to the SD. i.e.
MD .
The tendency of simultaneous variation between two variables is called
correlation (or covariation). It denotes the degree of inter-dependence
between variables.
Types of Correlation
1. Perfect Correlation
If the two variables vary in such a manner that their ratio is always
constant, then the correlation is said to be perfect.
2. Positive or Direct Correlation
If an increase or decrease in one variable corresponds to an increase or
decrease in the other, then the correlation is said to be positive.
3. Negative or Indirect Correlation
If an increase or decrease in one variable corresponds to a decrease or
increase in the other, then correlation is said to be negative.
Let (xi , yi ), i 1, 2, 3,… , n be a bivariate distribution, where
x1 , x2 ,… , xn are the values of variable x and y1 , y2 ,… , yn those of y,
then the cov (x, y) is given by
1 n
(i) cov (x, y) (xi x )( yi y)
n i1
where, x and y are mean of variables x and y.
1 n 1 n 1 n
(ii) cov (x, y) xi yi xi yi
n n i 1 n i 1
(xi x ) ( yi y)
i 1
n n
(xi x )2 ( yi y) 2
i 1 i 1
n n
n xi yi
i 1
xi yi
i 1
i 1
2 2
n n
xi n
xi 2 i 1
i 1
i 1 i 1
n n n
n xi yi xi yi
i 1 i 1
i 1
n n
xi yi
2 2
n xi n yi
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1
Statistics 335
Properties of Correlation
(i) 1 r 1
(ii) If r 1, then coefficient of correlation is perfectly positive.
(iii) If r 1, then correlation is perfectly negative.
(iv) The coefficient of correlation is independent of the change of
origin and scale.
(v) Correlation coefficient has no unit and it is a pure number.
(vi) If 1 r 1, it indicates the degree of linear relationship
between x and y, whereas its sign tells about the direction of
(vii) If x and y are two independent variables, then r 0
(viii) If r 0, x and y are said to be uncorrelated. It does not imply
that the two variates are independent.
(ix) If x and y are random variables and a, b, c and d are any
numbers such that a 0, c 0, then
r(ax b, cy d ) r(x, y).
(x) Probable Error and Standard Error If r is the
correlation coefficient in a sample of n pairs of observations,
then it standard error is given by .
And the probable error of correlation coefficient is given by
1 r 2
(0.6745) .
n(n 2 1)
Regression helps to estimate or predict the unknown value of one
variable from the known values of the other related variables.
Lines of Regression
A line of regression is the straight line which gives the best fit in the
least square sense to the given sets of data.
Regression Analysis
Regression Equation Regression equations are the algebraic
formulation of regression lines.
(i) Line of regression of y on x is
y yr (x x )
Statistics 337
(ii) Line of regression of x on y is
x x r x ( y y)
(iii) Angle between two regression lines is given by
1 1 r x y 1
tan r 2 2 tan bb
x y xy yx
(a) If r 0, i.e. , then two regression lines are
perpendicular to each other.
(b) If r 1 or 1, i.e. 0,then two regression lines coincide.
In mathematical language, there are two kinds of reasoning—inductive
and deductive. Here, we will discuss some fundamentals of deductive
Statement (Proposition)
A statement is an assertive sentence which is either true or false but
not both. Statements are denoted by the small letters i.e. p, q, r ... etc.
e.g. p : A triangle has four sides.
(i) A true statement is known as a valid statement and a false statement
is known as an invalid statement.
(ii) Imperative, exclamatory, interrogative, optative sentences are not
1. Simple Statement
A statement which cannot be broken into two or more statements is
called a simple statement.
e.g. p : 2 is a real number.
2. Open Statement
A sentence which contains one or more variable such that when certain
values are given to the variable it becomes a statement, is called an
open statement.
e.g. p : ‘He is a great man’ is an open statement because in this
statement, he can be replaced by any person.
~(p ^ q ) ~(p q)
~ (p q)
p q ~p ~q pq pq pq pq ( p^~ q)
~ p ~ q p^~ q
(~ p^ q)
Quantifiers are phrases like, ‘‘There exists’’ and ‘‘For all’’
(i) The symbol ‘’ stands ‘for all values of ’.
This is known as universal quantifier.
(ii) The symbol ‘’ stands for ‘there exists’.
This is known as existential quantifier.
Quantified Statement
An open statement with a quantifier becomes a quantified statement.
e.g. x4 0,x R is a quantified statemet. Its truth value is T.
Validity of Statements
Validity of a statement means checking whether the statement is valid
(true) or not. This depends upon which of the connectives and
quantifiers used in the statement.
Linear Programming
Problem (LPP)
Linear programming problem is one that is concerned with finding the
maximum or minimum value of a linear function of several variables,
subject to conditions that the variables are non-negative and satisfy a
set of linear inequalities.
Note: Variables are sometimes called decision variables.
Objective Function
The linear function which is to be optimised (maximised/minimised) is
called an objective function.
The system of linear inequations under which the objective function is
to be optimised is called constraints.
Non-negative Restrictions
All the variables considered for making decisions assume non-negative
Optimal Value
The maximum or minimum value of an objective function is known as
the optimal value of LPP.
Number System
Number A number tells us how many times a unit is contained in a
given quantity.
Numeral A group of figures (digits), representing a number, is
called a numeral.
Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Classification of Numbers in
Decimal Number System
Real Number
r3 r
r 1 2 r 1
Irrational Number
An irrational number is a non-terminating, non-recurring decimal,
which cannot be written in the form of p/q, is called irrational number.
Real Number
Any number, which is either rational or irrational is called real
number and it is denoted by the symbol R.
i.e. R {Set of all rational and irrational numbers}
Complex Numbers
If a and b are two real numbers, then the number (a ib) is called the
complex number and it is denoted by the symbol C.
i.e. C { a ib, a, b R}
Here, a is called real part and b is called imaginary part.
(iii) Cross-multiplication Method If we have two fractions
and , then cross-multiply the fraction. i.e. we get ad and bc.
The fraction, whose numerator after cross-multiplication gives
the greater value is greater.
a c
i.e. If ad bc, then .
b d
Irrational root of a rational number is called a surd.
If n is a positive integer and a is a positive rational number, which
cannot be expressed as the nth power of some rational number, then
the irrational number, a or a1/ n that is the positive nth root of a, is
called surd or a radical. The symbol n is called the radical sign, n
is called the order of the surd (or radical) and a is called the
radicand. Hence, 2 is not a surd as 2 is not a rational number.
However, 7 is a surd as 7 is a rational number and square root of 7 is
not a rational number.
64 is not a surd as though 64 is a rational number but 64 8, which
is not an irrational number.
12 is a surd of order 6.
Properties of Surds
1. Every surd is a real number. However, every real number is not
a surd.
2. A surd of order 2 is called a quadratic surd or square root. Hence,
7, 25, are quadratic surds.
3. A surd of order 3 is called a cubic surd or cubic root. Hence,
2, 33 5, 3 2 / 5 are cubic surds.
4. A surd of order 4 is called a biquadratic surd.
Hence, 4 5, 2 4 7, 4 4 are biquadratic surds.
5. A surd containing only one term is called a monomial surd.
Hence, 2 3 5, 34 7 are monomial surds.
6. If a is surd, then (n a )n a.
n n n
7. If a and b are surds, then n a b n
a a
8. If a and b are surds, then n n
b b
9. If n a is a surd and m is a positive integer, then
m n
a a mn a.
n p n p mn pm
10. If a is a surd and m is a positive integer, then a a
(index of the radical and the exponent of the radical are
multiplied by same positive integer m).
n p
21. If a is a surd in simplest form, then its simplest rationalising
factor is n an p.
22. If apbq is a surd in simplest form, then its simplest
rationalising factor is n an pbn q.
23. A surd containing only two distinct terms is called a binomial
surd. Hence, 2 3, 2 3 3 2, 7 3 are binomial surds.
24. Two binomial surds are said to be conjugates of each other, if
they differ only in sign (+ or –) connecting them.
Thus, 2 2 3 3 and 2 2 3 3 are conjugates of each other.
25. Rationalising factor of a binomial surd is its conjugate.
e.g. Rationalising factor of a b c d is a b c d .
26. Surds containing three distinct terms is called a trinomial
surd. Hence, 7 2 3 3, 7 2 3 are trinomial surds.
2. Division Method
Step I Divide the larger number by smaller number.
Step II Take remainder (as obtained in Step I) as divisor and the
last divisor as the dividend.
Step III Repeat Step II until 0 is obtained as remainder. The last
divisor will be the required HCF.
2. HCF of Decimals
Step I First make the same number of decimal places in all the
given numbers.
Step II Remove the decimals as if they are integers, thus obtain
the HCF of obtained integers.
Step III Place as many decimal places in the obtained HCF as
there are decimal places in each of the numbers.
3. HCF of Fractions
HCF of fractions, after expressing them in their lowest form
HCF of numerator
LCM of denominator
1. LCM of Decimals
Step I Make the same number of decimal places in all the given
Step II Remove the decimal and consider the numbers as integer.
Step III Find LCM of obtained integers.
Step IV Mark as many decimal places as there are decimal places
in each of the number.
In mathematical expression, which consists of several operations. Then,
operations should be performed in the order of each of the letter of
B Brackets ( ), { }, [ ]
O Of of
D Division
M Multiplication
A Addition
S Subtraction
Note Brackets must be removed in the order of ( ) , { } and [ ].
Quicker Methods
(i) For addition/subtraction of mixed fraction.
Step I Add/subtract integer part only.
Step II Add/subtract fraction part only.
Step III Add both the results.
Average is the ratio of the sum of the distributed data among different
objects divided by number of data.
Sum of data
i.e. Average
Number of data
and Sum of data Average Number of data
Combined Average
(i) If x and y is the average of objects m and n respectively, then the
mx ny
combined average of the data
(ii) If x, y and z are the average of objects m, n and p respectively,
then combined average of the data
mx ny pz
Compositions of Ratios
(i) Compound Ratio Ratio obtained by multiplying together the
antecedents of different ratios to get a new antecedent and
consequents to get a new consequents is called compound ratio.
i.e., for a : b, c : d, e : f, compound ratio ace : bdf
(ii) Duplicate Ratio For x : y, duplicate ratio x 2 : y 2
(iii) Triplicate Ratio For x : y, triplicate ratio x3 : y3
(iv) Subduplicate Ratio For x : y, subduplicate ratio x : y
(v) Subtriplicate Ratio For x : y, subtriplicate ratio x1/3 : y1/3
(vi) Inverse Ratio/Reciprocal Ratio
For x : y, inverse ratio y : x
Types of Ratios
For a ratio x : y,
(i) if x y, then ratio is of equality.
(ii) if x y, then ratio is of greater inequality.
(iii) if x y, then ratio is of lesser inequality.
When the ratio of two quantities is same as the ratio of two other
quantities, then these quantities are said to be in proportion. i.e.
If a : b c : d, then a, b, c and d are in proportions, where a and d are
called extremes and b and c are called means. And a : b c : d is
denoted by a : b :: c : d or ad bc Product of means Product of
2. Direct Proportion
Two quantities are said to be in direct proportion, if by increasing or
decreasing one of the quantities, the other increases or decreases,
respectively to the same extent.
3. Indirect Proportion
Two quantities are said to be in indirect proportion, if by increasing or
decreasing one of the quantities, the other decreases or increases,
respectively to the same extent.
Time and Work
Each person has different capabilities to do any work. If a person has
lot of capability to do a work, then he takes less time to do that work
and if a person has less capability to do a work, then he takes more
time to do that work.
A person take a time to do any work
Capability of person to do that work
Fundamental Formula
If M1 person can do W1 works in D1 days and M2 persons can do W2
work in D2 days, when M1 works T1 hour with efficiency of E1 and M2
works T2 hour with efficiency of E2, then
M1D1T1E1W2 M 2D2T2E2W1
(ii) x (Speed in upstream Speed in downstream)
and y (Speed in downstream Speed in upstream)
Clocks consists of two arms, longer arm which shows minute is called
minute hand and shorter arm which shows hour is called hour hand.
Dial of a clock is a circle, whose circumference is divided into 12 equal
parts called ‘hour space’. Each hour space is further divided into
5 parts, called ‘minute space’.
Calendar is a measure of time having day as the smallest unit.
Ordinary Year A year having 365 days, is called ordinary year.
Leap Year A year having 366 days, is called leap year.
Odd Days Number of days more than the complete numbers of weeks
in a given period is called odd days.
Arithmetic III
The word ‘per cent’, means ‘per hundred’ or ‘out of hundred’, symbol %
is used to express percentage.
1. To convert a fraction into percentage, multiply the fraction by
100. x x
If fraction , then its percentage 100 % .
y y
2. Percentage can be converted into fraction, by dividing the
percentage by 100.
If percentage is a%, then its fraction will be a/100.
3. To convert decimal into percentage, multiply it by 100.
4. To convert percentage into decimal, divide it by 100.
5. x % of y y% of x
Dishonest Dealer
(i) If a shopkeeper sells an article at its cost price but cheats the
customer by using false weight, then percentage gain
True weight False weight
False weight
or percentage gain 100%
True weight Error
False Weight
If a shopkeeper sells a substance at its cost price but uses an incorrect
weight (by mistake weighing more than that marked on it), then
percentage loss will be
Pecentage loss 100%
True value + Error
(i) If d1 %, d2 %, d3 %,… are the successive discounts given on an
article, then
100 d1 100 d2 100 d3
SP MP ...
100 100 100
(ii) If discount offered are d1 %
d dand
d2 % respectively, then net
discount will be d d 1 2 %.
1 2
(iii) If two items are sold at same SP, one at a loss of x% and other at
x2 x 2
a gain of x%, then there is a loss of % or
100 %.
(iv) If CP of two items is same, if one is sold with a loss x% and other
is sold with a gain of x%, then there is no loss or no gain.
(v) If a man purchases x items for ` y and sell y items for ` x, then
x2 y2
profit or loss (depending upon +ve or –ve sign) is 2 100% .
Transaction in Part
(i) If m part of a consignment is sold at x1 %profit, n part is sold at
x2 % profit and l part at x3 % profit and overall profit is ` R, then
R 100
value of total consignment .
mx1 nx2 lx3
(ii) If a man purchases a certain number of articles at R1 and the
same number at R2 and after mixing them together, he sells
them at R3 , then gain or loss
(according +ve or –ve sign) 2R1R2 1 100%.
R (R R )
3 1 2
(iii) If a shopkeeper marks an article at x% above its cost price and
gives purchasers as discount of d%, then the
dx profit/loss
(depending upon +ve or –ve sign) is x d %.
(iv) If a person buys two articles at total cost of ` R and sells one at a
loss of y% and other at a profit of x%, then
CP of both y
Cost of one article .
CP of both x
Cost of second article .
(v) When each of the two articles is sold at same price and a profit of
x% is on first and a loss of y% is on second, then gain or loss
(depending upon +ve or –ve sign) is
100(x y) 2xy
(100 x) (100 y)
(vi) If a discount of d1%, the shopkeeper makes a profit of x1% and if
the discount is d2%, then profit 100 d
x2% (100 x1) 2
100 d1
Simple Interest
Some Basic Terms
(i) Interest (I ) Interest is the amount of money which is paid by
the borrower to the lender for the use of the money lent.
(ii) Principal (P ) The money borrowed by the borrower from the
(iii) Rate of Interest (R) The money paid by the borrower to the
lender for 1 yr use of ` 100 is called rate of interest per annum.
(iv) Time (T ) The duration for which the money is borrowed by the
(v) Amount (A) Principal together with the amount of interest is
called amount.
(vi) Simple Interest (SI) If the interest is calculated on the
original sum (principal) for any period of time, is called simple
Some Important Results
PRT SI 100
1. SI 2. R
100 PT
SI 100
3. T 4. A P SI
lent at R3 % for T3 years and so on, being same. Then, the ratio in
which the sum was divided in n parts, is given by
1 1 1 1
: : : ... : .
100 R1T1 100 R2T2 100 R3T3 100 RnTn
Compound Interest
Money is said to be lent at Compound Interest (CI), if the
interest at the end of year or a fixed period of time is not paid by the
borrower to the lender, it is added to the principal and thus the
amount obtained becomes the new principal for the next period and
so on.
12. If a certain sum becomes ` A1 in T1 years at compound interest,
( A )T2/T1
then after T2 years, the amount will be A2 ` 1 ,Twhere
(P ) 2/T1 1
P is the principal.
13. If the compound rate of interest is R1 % for first T1 years, R2 % for
next T2 years, R3 % for next
T3 yearsTand so on, Tthen
R 1 R 2 R 3
AP1 1 1 2 1 3 ... .
100 100 100
14. If certain sum at compound interest becomes x times in n1 year
1/n 1/n
and y times in n2 year, then x 1 y 2 .
1. Population If there is an increase/decrease of R% per annum
in the population, then
(i) population after n years will be
A P 1 R , P Present population.
(ii) population n years ago will be A
1 R n
Note If population decreases with the rate of R %, then negative sign will
be used in place of positive sign in the above mentioned formulae.
2. Old Wooden Objects If Old wooden objects decays at a
constant rate of R% per annum, then after n years, its value will
R n , P Present value
Partnership is an association of two or more persons who put their
money together to carry out on a certain business. These persons are
called partners.
(i) Active or Working Partners Partners who actively
participate in managing the process of the business.
(ii) Sleeping Partners Partners who only invest their money in
the business and do not actively participate in it.
Types of Partnership
1. Simple Partnership If partners of the business invest their
money/capital in the business for same duration of time, the
partnership is called simple partnership.
In this case, the profit/loss is divided in the ratio of their
(i) If two partners P and Q invest their money in a business,
then investment of P : investment of Q profit/loss of P :
profit/loss of Q.
(ii) If there are three partners P , Q and R to invest, then
Investment of P : Investment of Q : Investment of R
Profit/loss of P : Profit/loss of Q : Profit/loss of R.
2. Compound Partnership If the partners of the business invest
their money for different duration of time, then it is called
compound partnership.
In this case, the profit/loss is divided in the ratio of their
equivalent investment for a unit of time.
Equivalent investment = Investment Number of Units of time
Alligation or Mixture
1. When two or more types of quantities of things are mixed, a
mixture is produced.
2. Alligation is a rule that enables us to find.
(a) The proportion in which two or more ingrediants of the given
prices must be mixed to produce a mixture at a given price.
Note The cost price of unit quantity of the mixture is called the mean
(b) The mean price of the mixture when the prices of the
ingrediants and the proportions in which they are mixed is
3. Rule of alligation
Quantity of cheaper ingrediant
CP of dearer Mean price
Quantity of dearer ingrediant Mean price CP of cheaper
(D M ) (M C)
Quantity of cheaper : Quantity of dearer (D M ) : (M C)
4. Mean price
Quantity of cheaper CP of cheaper
+ Quantity of dearer CP of dearer
Quantity of cheaper + Quantity of dearer
5. Two vessels of equal size are full with mixtures of liquids A and
B in the ratios a1 : b1 and a2 : b2 respectively. The contents of both
vessels are emptied into a single large vessel. Then,
a a2
Quantity of liquid A a1 b1 a2 b2
Quantity of liquid B b b2
a1 b1 a2 b2
6. Three vessels of size equal are full with mixtures of liquids A, B
and C in the ratios a1 : b1 ; a2 : b2 and a3 : b3 , respectively. The
contents of all three vessels are emptied into a single large
vessel. Then,
a a2 a3
Quantity of liquid A a1 b1 a2 b2 a b
3 3
Quantity of liquid B b b3
1 b2
a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3
Note The above result can be extended to any number of vessels.
Elementary Algebra
An expression of the form a x n a x n 1
a xn 2
...a x an ,
0 1 2 n 1
where a0 , a1 ,... , an are real numbers and n is a non-negative integer, is
called a polynomial in the variable x. Polynomial in the variable x are
usually denoted by f (x), g (x) and h(x) etc.
Thus, f(x) a xn a xn 1 a xn 2 ... a x an .
0 1 2 n 1
Degree of a Polynomial
(i) In One Variable The highest power of the variable is called
the degree of the polynomial.
(ii) In Two Variables The sum of the powers of the variables in
each term is obtained and the highest sum, so obtained is the
degree of that polynomial.
Types of Polynomials
(i) Constant Polynomial A polynomial having degree zero.
(ii) Linear Polynomial A polynomial having degree one.
(iii) Quadratic Polynomial A polynomial having degree two.
(iv) Cubic Polynomial A polynomial having degree three.
(v) Biquadratic Polynomial A polynomial having degree four.
Factorisation of Polynomials
(i) (x a)2 x2 2xa a2
(ii) (x a)2 x 2 2xa a 2
(iii) (x a)3 x3 3x2a 3a2x a3
(iv) (x a)3 x3 3x2a 3a2x a3
(v) (x y z )2 x2 y2 z 2 2xy 2yz 2zx
(vi) (w x y z )2 w2 x2 y2 z 2 2w(x y z )
2x( y z ) 2yz
(vii) a b c 3abc (a b c) (a b c ab bc ca)
3 3 3 2 2 2
(viii) If a b c 0 a3 b3 c3 3abc
1 1 2 1 2 1 2
11. x 2 2 x 2 12. x x 4
x x x x
1 2 1 1 2 1
13. x x 4 14. x x 2
x x x2
1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1
15. x x 2 2 16. x x 2 x 2 2
x x x x x
1 2 1 1 1 3 1
17. x x 4 18. x 3 x 3 x
x x x3 x x
1 1 3 1
19. x x3 x 3 x
x x
Remainder Theorem
If p (x) is a polynomial in x of degree 1 and a be any real number such
that, if p (x) is divided by a polynomial of the form (x a), then the
remainder is p (a).
Factor Theorem
If p (x) is a polynomial in x of degree 1 and a be any real number such
that p (a) 0, then (x a) is a factor of p (x).
Zeroes/Roots of a Polynomial
A real number is a zero of the polynomial p (x), if and only if f() 0.
If p (x) is a polynomial of order n, such that
p (x) a x a x n 1 a x n 2 … a x an 0,
0 1 2 n1
HCF of Monomials
To find the HCF of two or more monomials, we multiply the HCF of
the numerical coefficients of the monomials by the highest power of
each of the letters common to both the polynomials.
LCM of Monomials
To find the LCM of two monomials, we multiply the LCM of the
numerical coefficient of the monomials by all the factors raised to the
highest power which it has in either of the given polynomials.
Linear Equations
(i) Equation A statement of equality of two algebraic expressions
involving two or more unknown variable, is called equation.
(ii) Linear Equation An equation involving the variables in
maximum of order 1 is called a linear equation. Graph of linear
equation is a straight line.
Linear equation in one variable is of the form ax b 0.
Linear equation in two variables is of the form ax by c 0.
(iii) Solution of an Equation A particular set of values of the
variables, which when substituted for the variables in the
equation makes the two sides of the equation equal, is called the
solution of an equation.
(iv) Simultaneous Linear Equation A set of linear equation in
two variables is said to form a system of simultaneous linear
equation, if both equations have same solution.
(v) Consistency of Simultaneous Linear Equation If a
system of simultaneous linear equation has atleast one solution,
then the system of linear equation is called consistent.
(vi) Inconsistency of Simultaneous Linear Equation If a
system of simultaneous linear equation has no solution, then
the system of linear equation is called inconsistent.
3. Cross-multiplication Method
Step I Consider the system of simultaneous linear equations, in
two variables x and y.
i.e. a1x b1y c1 0
and a2x b2 y c2 0
b2 c2 c2 a2 a2 b2
Step III Now, find the value of x and y according to the following
x y 1
b1c2 b2c1 c1a2 c2a1 a1b2 a2b1
which gives
b1c2 b2c1
a1b2 a2b1
c1a2 c2a1
and y
a1b2 a2b1
4. Graphical Method
When we draw the graph of each of the two equations, we have the
following possibilities.
(a) If two lines intersect at one point, then it has a unique solution
and point of intersection gives the solution.
(b) If two lines are parallel, then it has no solution.
(c) If two lines are coincide, then it has infinite solutions.
Rational Expression
If f(x) and g(x) are two polynomials and g(x) 0, then quotient is
called a rational expression.
Every polynomial is a rational expression but every rational expression
is not a polynomial. is said to be in lowest form, if f(x) and g(x)
have no common factor.
If a is a positive real number other than 1 and a x m, then x is called
the logarithm of m to the base a, written as loga m. In loga m, m
should be always positive.
(i) If m 0, then loga m will be imaginary and if m 0, then
loga m will be meaningless.
(ii) loga m exists only, if m, a 0 and a 1.
Types of Logarithms
1. Natural (or Napier) Logarithms The logarithm with base ‘ e’
(e 2.718) is called natural logarithms.
e.g. loge x, loge 25 etc.
Note The another way of loge x can be represented as ln.
2. Common (or Brigg’s) Logarithms The logarithm with base 10 is
called common logarithm.
e.g. log10 x, log10 75 etc.
Note In a logarithmic expression when the base is not mentioned,
it is taken as 10.
Note In place of 1 or 2 etc., we use 1 (one bar) and 2 (two bar) etc.
Properties of Logarithms
(i) A negative number can never be expressed as the power of 10,
mantissa should always be kept positive. Hence, whenever
characteristic is negative, minus sign is placed above the
characteristic and not to its left to show that the mantissa is
always positive.
(ii) Mantissa of the logarithm of all the numbers having same digits
in the same order will be the same, irrespective of the position of
the decimal point.
Anti logarithm
The positive number a is called the anti logarithm of a number b, if a is
anti logarithm of b, then we write a antilog b.
So, a antilog b log a b.
Logarithms 409
logb x
(v) log x log b log x ; a, b 0, 1, x 0
a a b
logb a
(vi) For m, n 0, a 0 and a 1
(a) loga (mn ) loga m loga n
(b) log a m loga n
(c) loga (m) n n loga m
(vii) For x 0, a 0, 1
(a) log (x) log x
an a
log n x log xa
a n
(viii) For x y 0
(a) loga x loga y, if a 1
(b) loga x loga y, if 0 a 1
(ix) If a 1, then
(a) loga x p x a p
(b) 0 loga x p 0 x a p
(x) If 0 a 1,then
(a) loga x p 0 x a p
(b) 0 loga x p a p x 1
(xi) (a) loga x 0 x 1, a 1 or 0 x 1, 0 a 1
(b) loga x 0 x 1, 0 a 1 or 0 x 1, a 1
(xii) (a) logb a , if b 1 and a 0
(b) logb a , if b 1 and a
(c) logb a , if 0 b 1 and a 0
(d) logb a , if 0 b 1 and a
Graph of y logb a is as follows
Y Y b>1
(1, 0) (1, 0) X
X' X X'
Y' Y'
A fine dot on paper or a location on plane is called point. Point has no
length, breadth or thickness.
A line is defined as a line of points that extends infinitely in both
Line Segment
A line segment is a part of line that is bounded by two distinct end
points and contains every point on the line between its end points.
If a line segment is extended to unlimited length on one of the end
points, then it is called a ray.
If two rays are drawn in different directions from
a common initial point, then they are said to form
an angle. Angle
(i) An angle of 90 is a right angle and an O Ray
angle less than 90 is an acute angle.
(ii) An angle between 90 and 180 is an obtuse angle.
(iii) An angle between 180 and 360 is a reflex angle.
Geometry 411
(iv) The sum of all angles on one side of a straight line AB at a point
O by any number of lines joining the line AB at O is 180.
(v) When any number of straight lines joining at a point, then the
sum of all the angles around that point is 360 which is called as
complete angle.
(vi) Two angles whose sum is 90 are said to be complementary to
each other and two angles whose sum is 180 are said to be
supplementary to each other.
Intersecting Lines
When two straight lines intersect each other, then vertically opposite
angles are equal.
2O 4
i.e. 1 3, 2 4
Parallel Lines
When a straight line XY cuts two parallel lines l 1 and l 2 as shown in
the figure, the line XY is called the transversal line.
2 1
3 4
6 5
l 1
7 8
The following are the relationships between various angles that are
(i) Alternate angles are equal.
i. e. 1 7, 2 8, [alternate exterior angles]
3 5 and 4 6. [alternate interior angles]
(ii) Corresponding angles are equal.
i. e. 1 5, 2 6, 3 7 and 4 8.
(iii) Sum of interior angles on the same side of the transversal line is
equal to 180.
i. e. 3 6 180 and 4 5 180
This is also known as cointerior angles.
A figure bounded by three line segments in a plane is called a triangle.
It has three vertices, three sides and three angles.
60° 60°
i.e. AB BC AC
or A B C 60
Geometry 413
Important Properties of Triangles
(i) Sum of the three angles of a triangle is 180.
(ii) Sides opposite to equal angles are equal and vice-versa
(iii) In an isosceles right angled triangle one angle is 90° and other
two angles are 45° each.
(iv) The exterior angle of a triangle (at each vertex) is equal to the
sum of the two opposite interior angles (exterior angle is the
angle formed at any vertex, by one side and the extended portion
of the second side at that vertex) Z X Y .
(v) Side opposite to the greatest angle is the longest side and vice-
Also, side oppest to the smallest angle is the smallest side and
(vi) If the sides are arranged in the ascending order of their
measurement, then the angles opposite to the side ( in the same
order) will also be in ascending order ( i. e. greater angles has
greater side opposite to it). If the sides are arranged in descending
order of their measurement, then the angles opposite to the side
in the same order will also be in descendingorder
( i. e. smaller angle has smaller side opposite to it).
(vii) There can be only one right angle or only one obtuse angle in any
F r r E
The circle drawn with incentre as centre and touches all three sides on
the inside is called incircle. The point of intersection of two external
angle bisectors and one internal angle bisector is called an excentre.
Any triangle has three excentres, one opposite to each vertex.
3. Orthocentre
The perpendicular is drawn from a vertex to the opposite side is called
an altitude. The three altitudes meet at a point is called orthocentre.
4. Centroid
Median is the line joining the mid-point of a side to the opposite vertex.
The three medians of a triangle meet at a point is called the centroid G.
Centroid divides the median in the ratio 2 : 1.
Geometry 415
Important Points about Centres of Triangles
(i) In a right angled triangle, the vertex where the right angle is
formed ( i. e. the vertex opposite to the hypotenuse) is the
(ii) In an obtuse angled triangle, the orthocentre lies outside the
(iii) Centroid divides each of the medians in the ratio 2 : 1, the part of
the median towards the vertex being twice in length to the part
towards the side.
(iv) In a right angled triangle, the length of the median drawn to the
hypotenuse is equal to half the hypotenuse. This median is also
the circumradius and the mid-point of the hypotenuse is the
circumcentre. In an obtuse angled triangle, the circumcentre
lies outside the triangle.
(v) In an isosceles triangle, centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre
and incentre all lie on the median to the base.
(vi) In an equilateral triangle, centroid, orthocentre, circumcentre
and incentre all coincide.
(vii) The ratio of circumradius and inradius of an equilateral triangle
is 2 : 1.
Congruency of Triangles
Two triangles that are identical in all respects are said to be congruent
and it is denoted by the symbol . In two congruent triangles,
(i) the corresponding sides are equal.
(ii) the corresponding angles are equal.
Two triangles will be congruent, if atleast one of the following
conditions is satisfied.
(i) Three sides of one triangle are respectively equal to the three
sides of the second triangle. (SSS)
(ii) Two sides and the included angle of one triangle are respectively
equal to two sides and the included angle of the second triangle.
(iii) Two angles and the included side of a triangle are respectively
equal to two angles and the corresponding side of the second
triangle. (ASA) or (AAS)
(iv) Two right angled triangles are congruent, if the hypotenuse and
one side of one triangle are respectively equal to the hypotenuse
and one side of the second right angled triangle. (RHS)
Similarity of Triangles
Two triangles are said to be similar, if they are alike in shape only and
it is denoted by the symbol (~). The corresponding angles of two similar
triangles are equal but the corresponding sides are only in proportional
but not equal. Two triangles are similar, if
(i) the three angles of one triangle are respectively equal to the
three angles of the second triangle. (AAA) or (AA)
(ii) two sides of one triangle are proportional to two sides of the
other and the included angles are equal. (SAS)
(iii) the corresponding sides of two triangles are in the same ratio,
then triangles are similar. (SSS)
3. If D and E divide AB and AC in the ratio m : n respectively, then
4. Mid-point Theorem The line segment A
joining mid-points of two sides of a triangle
is parallel to the third side and equal to
half of it. D E
i.e. BC|| DE and DE BC
Geometry 417
5. In ABC, if D and E are the points on AB and AC, respectively
such that DE is parallel to BC, then .
6. In ABC, if AD is the median from A to side BC meeting BC at
its mid-point D, then 2( AD 2 BD 2 ) AB2 AC 2. This is called
the Apollonius theorem.
7. The ratio of areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of
the squares of any two corresponding sides.
8. The areas of two similar triangles are in the ratio of the squares
of corresponding altitudes.
9. The areas of two similar triangles are in the ratio of the squares
of the corresponding medians.
10. The areas of two similar triangles are in the ratio of the squares
of the corresponding angle bisector segments.
11. If the areas of two similar triangles are equal, then thetriangle
are congruent and vice-versa.
A plane closed figured bounded by four segments is called
A quadrilateral having opposite sides are A B
parallel is called a parallelogram. In a
(i) opposite sides are equal.
(ii) opposite angles are equal. D C
(iii) each diagonal divides the
parallelogram into two congruent triangles.
(iv) sum of any two adjacent angles is 180.
(v) the diagonals bisect each other.
A parallelogram is a rhombus in which every pair of adjacent sides are
equal (all four sides of a rhombus are equal).
A parallelogram is a rectangle in which each of the angles is equal to
90. The diagonals of a rectangle are equal.
Geometry 419
A rectangle is a square in which all four sides are equal (a rhombus in
which all four angles are equal, all are right angles).
Hence, the diagonals are equal and they bisect at right angles.
If one pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are parallel, then it is
called a trapezium.
Any figure bounded by three or more line segments is called a polygon.
A regular polygon is one in which all sides are equal and all angles are
equal. A regular polygon can be inscribed in a circle.
The name of polygons with three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and
ten sides are respectively triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon,
heptagon, octagon, nonagon and decagon.
Convex Polygon
In a convex polygon, a line segment between two points on the
boundary never goes outside the polygon.
Concave Polygon
In a concave polygon, a line segment between two points on the
boundary goes outside the polygon.
In concave polygon atleast one of the interior angle is more than 180°.
(i) The sum of all the angles in a convex polygon is (2n 4)90.
Geometry 421
(ii) Exterior angle of a regular polygon is .
(iii) Interior angle of a regular polygon is 180
n(n 3)
(iv) Number of diagonals of a convex polygon with sides is .
A circle is a set of points which lie in a plane which area at a constant
distance from a fixed point in the plane.
1. Radius Radius is the shortest distance between the centre of
the circle and a point on the circumference of the circle.
2. Chord A chord is a line joining two points on the circumference
of a circle.
3. Diameter Diameter is the largest chord of a circle.
4. Secant A secant is a line intersecting a circle in two distinct
5. If two chords APB and CPD intersect at P, then
6. Tangent A line that touches the circle at only one point is called
a tangent to the circle (RR is a tangent touching the circle at R).
90° A X
Geometry 423
Arc and Sector
An arc is a segment of a circle. In the figure, ACB is called minor arc
and ADB is called major arc. In general, when we say it is an arc AB,
we refer to the minor arc. The closed figure AOBCA is called the
sector. AOB is called the angle of the sector.
(i) Angles in the same segment are equal. In the figure,
(ii) The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle
subtended by the arc in the remaining part of the circle. In the
figure, AOB 2 AXB 2 AYB.
Perimeter and Area of Plane Figure
Plane Figure A figure enclosed by three or more sides or by a
circular boundary.
Perimeter Total length of the sides of a plane figure.
Area Space covered by a plane figure.
For any triangle having sides a, b and c, then A
Perimeter a b c 2 s b
1 h
Area Base Height (a h )
B a C
or Area s(s a)(s b)(s c), it is called
Heron’s formula.
where, s semi-perimeter of the triangle.
Perimeter b d h d
1 h
Area (b h )
B b
Hypotenuse d h 2 b2
(ii) Equilateral Triangle A
Perimeter 3a
a a
Altitude Height (h) a h
Area a 2 B a C
Perimeter AB BC CD DA A
h1 h2
Area (h h )BD
2 1 2
Mensuration 427
(vi) Trapezium A a B
Let a and b are the length of the
parallel sides and h height
Area (a b) h D
b C
Area of trapezium, when the lengths A a B
of parallel and non-parallel sides are
given h d
s(s k)(s c)(s d ) D
where, k (b a) and s
Perpendicular distance (h) between the two parallel sides
s(s k)(s c)(s d )
(vii) Trapezoid
h1 h2
a b c
(h1 h2 )b ah1 ch2
A trapezoid can also be divided into two triangles. The area of
each of these triangles is calculated and the result added to find
the area of trapezoid.
Let radius of circle r, diameter d
Perimeter 2r d (Q d 2r) O
Area r 2
(i) Semi-circle
Perimeter ( 2)r r d r
7 r
Area r 2 A O B
Mensuration 429
(ii) Quarter Circle
Perimeter 2 r
Area r 2
(iii) Sector of a Circle
2r A
Length of the arc AB r
2r Or
Perimeter of the sector AOB 2r B
r 2
Area of the sector AOB
Area of the sector AOB arc AB r
(iv) Segment of a Circle
r 2
Area of minor segment
180 sin
r 22 (360 )n
Area of major segment sin
2 180
Concentric Circles
Perimeter 2 r1 r2 r2
Area of the shaded region r1
(r 2 r 2)
2 1
(r2 r1 )(r2 r1 )
Mensuration 431
(xi) Angle inscribed by minute hand in 60 min 360
(xii) Angle inscribed by hour hand in 12 h 360
(xiii) Angle inscribed by minute hand in 1 min 6
(xiv) Distance moved by a wheel in one revolution Circumference of
the wheel 2r, where r is the radius of a circle
(xv) If the length of a square/rectangle is increased by x% and the
breadth is decreased by y%, the net effect on the area is given by
Net effect x y xy %
(xvi) If the side of a square/rectangle/triangle is doubled the area is
increased by 300%, i.e. the area becomes four times of itself.
(xvii) If the radius of a circle is decreased by x %, the net effect on the
x2 x2
area is %,i.e. the area is decreased by %.
100 100
(xviii) If a floor of dimensions (l b)is to be covered by a carpet of width
w metre the length of the carpet is m.
(xix) If a floor of dimensions (l b) m is to be covered by a carpet of
width w metre at the rate ` X per metre, then the total amount
required is ` .
(xx) If a room of dimensions (l b)m is to be paved with square tiles,
(a) the side of the square tile HCF of l and b
(b) the number of tiles required
(HCF of l and b)2
(xxi) If the sides of a rectangular field of area x sq m are in the ratio
m n
m:n, then the sides are given by x and x .
n m
(xxii) If the side of a regular polygon is
na and the
polygon has n sides,
then the area of the polygon is cot a2 sq units.
(xxiii) Area of a square inscribed in a circle of radius r is 2r 2 and the
side of a square inscribed in a circle of radius r is 2r.
(xxiv) The area of the largest triangle inscribed in a semi-circle of
radius r is r 2.
Solid Figure
The objects which occupy space (i.e. they have three dimensions) are
called solids.
1. Cuboid (Parallelopiped)
A figure which is surrounded by six rectangular surfaces is called
Lateral surface area 2(l b)h
Total surface area 2(lb bh lh )
Volume lbh
Mensuration 433
2. Cube
A cuboid whose length, breadth and height are same is called a cube.
4. Hollow Cylinder
Curved surface area 2 (R r )h
Total surface area 2 (R r )(h R r )
Volume h (R2 r 2)
Mensuration 435
7. Sphere
A sphere is a solid generated by the revolution of a
semi-circle about its diameter.
Surface area 4r 2 d 2
4 r
Volume r3 d3
3 6
8. Hemisphere
A plane passing through the centre of a sphere, divides the sphere into
two equal parts. Each part is called a hemisphere.
r2 r1
Volume of the material (r3 r3 )
2 1
(D d3 )
a r1
X' X
Mensuration 437
(i) Triangular Prism
A three sided prism having parallel bases and in
equilateral triangle. Lateral surface area 3ah
3 2 h
Total surface area 3ah a
4 a
3 2
Volume a h
(ii) Pentagonal Prism
Surface area of pentagonal 3a2
Lateral surface area 5a h 5ah
Total surface area 5ah 2 3a2
Volume 3a2 h 3a2h
(iii) Hexagonal Prism
Surface area of hexagonal a2 2.5981 a2
Lateral surface area 6a h 6ah
33 2
Total surface area 6ah a
2 a
33 2
Volume a h 2.5981a2h
13. Pyramid
It is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to
a single point at the top.
Lateral surface area Perimeter of base Slant height
Total surface area Lateral surface area Area of base
Volume Area of base Height
(i) Triangular Pyramid
Lateral surface area (3a) s s
Total surface area as 3 a2 a
2 4
1 3 2 3 2
Volume a h ah
3 4 12
3 3
(iii) Pentagonal Pyramid
1 5
Lateral surface area 5a s as
2 2
5 s
Total surface area as 3a 2
Volume 3a2 1 a2 h
3 3
(iv) Hexagonal Pyramid a
Lateral surface area 6a s 3as
2 s
33 2
Total surface area 3as a h
3 2
Volume ah a
Mensuration 439
xy yz zx xyz
is given by x y z 2
100 (100)
(b) Cube If the sides of the cube are changed2by x%,3 then
change in the volume is given by 3x 3x x 2 %
100 (100)
or 1 x
1 100%.
(f) If height and radius are changed by x%, then change in the
volume is given by
3x 3x2 x3 %.
100 (100)2
(g) If the length, breadth and height of cuboid are made x, y
and z times respectively, its volume is increased by
(xyz 1) 100%.
(h) If the sides and diagonal of a cuboid are given, then the total
surface area in terms of diagonal and sides is given by
Total surface area (Sum of the sides) 2 (Diagonal) 2.
Rene Descartes
The French philosopher and mathematician, Rene Descartes was
famous for his method of expressing geometric shapes in the form of
algebraic equation. It was because of Rene Descartes that we got
introduced to the beautiful branch of coordinate geometry. The
Cartesian coordinates, in fact, refer to his name. Besides this Rene
made valuable contributions in the field of optics and energy
Leonhard Euler
Euler, a Swiss mathematician and physicists is widely acclaimed for
his contributions in the field of function notation. His mathematical
genius has been proved by his contribution in the fields of infinitesimal
calculus and graph theory. His mathematical works and research in
optics, mechanics, fluid dynamics have been hailed to be very
Leonardo of Pisa, the greatest European Italian mathematician,
popularly known as Fibonacci, was the first mathematician to
introduce Hindu - Arabic system in Europe, that is the positional
system of using ten digits with a decimal point and zero. He is popular
for using Fibonacci number sequence, that is, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... in
the book authored by him, known as Book of Calculation, the Liber
Carl F. Gauss M
Carl F. Gauss, a German mathematician, known as Princeps
mathematicorum meaning, “the Prince of Mathematicians” or “the
foremost of mathematicians” was a child prodigy and a genius. Even as
a teenager, he is believed to have made remarkable mathematical
contributions. Carl F. Gauss made path breaking contributions in
fields like set theory, statistics, differential analysis, geophysics,
electrostatics, number theory and astronomy. He proved the
fundamental theorem of Algebra and made various contribution in
number theory.
Benjamin Banneker
A child prodigy, a watch designer and a mathematician, Bannerker
discovered many puzzles in fields of trigonometry. He was a genius in
logarithms and used them extensively in trigonometry. He is still
regarded as the most popular black mathematician.
John Von Neumann
The Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, John made
valuable contribution in several fields like set theory, functional
analysis, quantum mechanics, ergodic theory, continuous geometry
and statistics.
His operator theory in mechanics is still regarded as one of his most
pioneering works. He was also a key figure in the development of game
Appendix 1
Table of Symbols
Symbol Reference
equal to
not equal to
~ approximately equal to
congruent to
approaches, ray
proportional to
< less than
| not less than
> greater than
| not greater than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
much less than
much greater than
or sigma
% percentage
plus, positive
minus, negative
plus or minus
ab multiplication
ab division
Q since
— line segment
acute angle
|| parallel
logb a logarithm (to base b)
log10 a common logarithm
loge a or ln a natural logarithm
conjunction (and)
disjunction (or)
Symbol Reference
,2 cube roots of unity
AB directed line segment
| AB|,| AB| length
square root
n nth root
aRb a relation to b
R 1 inverse relation
f:x y function, mapping
f:ST function, mapping
xh limit
fog composition
inverse function,
f 1
inverse mapping
df dy derivative, derived
f , , y,
dx dx function
f , f , … , f(n),
d 2f d nf higher derivative
, …,
dx 2 dxn
y, y, , y(n),
d 2y d ny higher derivative
, …,
dx 2
f f
fx, f y, f ,1 f ,2 ,
x y partial derivative
a definite integral
|a| magnitude of a
a b scalar product
a b vector product
a (b c), [a b c] scalar triple product
a (b c) vector triple product
[ ] or ( ) or || || matrix
Appendix 2
Table of Greek Letters
Name Capital Lower case Name Capital Lower case
Alpha A Nu N
Beta B Xi
Gamma Omicron
Delta Pi
Epsilon E Rho
Zeta Z Sigma
Eta E Tau
Theta Upsilon
Iota Phi
Kappa Chi X
Lambda Psi
Mu M Omega
Appendix 3
Table of Roman Numerals
The basic values are I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500 and
M 1000.
If smaller numbers follow larger numbers, then the numbers are added,
but if a smaller number comes before a larger number it is subtracted,
so CM is 900 and MC is 1100.
Appendix 4
Conversion of Units
Conversion of Length
10 millimetres (mms) = 1 centimetre (cm)
10 centimetres = 1 decimetre (dm)
10 decimetres = 1 metre (m)
10 metres = 1 decametre (dam)
10 decametres = 1 hectometre (hm)
10 hectometres = 1 kilometre (km)
Conversion of Area
100 square millimetres = 1 square centimetre
100 square centimetres = 1 square decimetre
100 square decimetres = 1 square metre
12 months = 1 year
365 days = 1 year
366 days = 1 leap year
10 years = decade
25 years = silver jubilee
50 years = golden jubilee
60 years = diamond jubilee
75 years = radium jubilee or platinum jubilee
100 years = century
1000 years = 10 centuries or 1 millenium
Equivalents of Units
Units of Lengths
12 inches = 1 feet (ft) = 0.348 metres
3 feet = 1 yard (d)
1 yard = 0.9144 metres
22 yards = 1 chain
1 kilometre = 0.621 mile or 103 metres
1 mile = 1.6093 kilometres or 1760 yards
1 inche = 2.54 centimetres
1 hectare = 2.471 acres
Units of Area
1 square feet = 144 square inches
= 0.0929 square metres
1 square metre = 1.196 square yards
1 square yard = 0.836 square metres
1 square kilometre = 0.3861 square miles
= 1000 hectares
1 square mile = 2.59 square kilometres
= 640 acres
1 acre = 4840 square yards
= 4046.86 square metres
100 square metres = 1 acre
100 acres = 1 hectare = 1000 square metres
Appendix 6
Derivatives of Different Functions
dy dy
y y
dx dx
xn nxn1 cosh x sinh x
du dv
uv tanh x sech2 x
dx dx
dv du cosech x cosech x coth x
uv u v
dx dx sech x – sech x tanh x
u 1 du dv 1
v u 1
coth x
v v 2 dx dx 1 x2
ax a sinh1 x ( x2 1)
sin x cos x cosh1 x ( x2 1)
cos x sin x tanh1 x
x2 1
tan x sec 2 x cosech1 x x (1 x2)
cosec x cot x 1
cosec x sech 1x
x (1 x 2 )
sec x sec x tan x coth1x x2 1
cot x cosec x2
cot1 x 1 x2
sin x1
(1 x2)
cos x 1
(1 x2)
sec 1 x
1 x ( x2 1)
tan1 x 1 x2
ex e x x 12
cosec 1 x
e –e x ( x 1)
ax ax loga 1
log x
sinh x cosh x x
y y dx y
y dx
a2 cos1
1 x 2 a
sin1 C (a2 x 2 )
(a2 x2) a 1
x C (a2 x 2 )
1 1 a x 1 x
ln C, a2 cosh1
x2 a2 2a a x 2 a
( x 2 a 2)
for| x| a, a 0 1
x ( x2 a 2 ) C
1 xa 1 2 x
ln C a sinh1
2a x a 2 a
( x2 a 2 ) 1
for| x| a, a 0 x C ( x2 a 2 )
x 2
Reduction Formulae
For a positive integer
sinn 1 ax cos ax
(i) n1 n 2
sinn ax dx
na n sin ax dx
cosn 1 ax sin ax
(ii) cosn ax dx n 1 cosn 2 ax dx
na n
(iii) When n 1, tann ax dx tann 1 ax tann 2 ax dx
a(n 1)
1 n
(iv) xn eax dx x n eax x n 1eax dx
a a
(v) (ln x)n dx x(ln x)n n (ln x)n 1 dx