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Object Oriented Analysis And Design UNITⅥ


Department of Information Technology GEC III Year -ⅡSEM Page 1

Object Oriented Analysis And Design UNITⅥ

Learning Material

To gain the knowledge of developing architectural models .


Architectural Modeling: Components, Deployment, Component

diagrams, Deployment diagrams.

Students will be able to
➢ Identify different components and deployments in the application.
➢ Illustrate and design component diagrams for different cases.
➢ Illustrate and design deployment diagrams for different cases.

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• Components live in the material world of bits and therefore are
an important building block in modeling the physical aspects of a
• A component is a physical and replaceable part of a system that
conforms to and provides the realization of a set of interfaces.

• Every component must have a name that distinguishes it from
other components.
• A name is a textual string.
• That name alone is known as a simple name; a path name is the
component name prefixed by the name of the package in which
that component lives.

Components and Classes:

• Components are like classes: Both have names; both may
realize a set of interfaces; both may participate in dependency,
generalization, and association relationships; both may be
nested; both may have instances; both may be participants in
• However, there are some significant differences between
components and classes.

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• Classes represent logical abstractions; components represent

physical things that live in the world of bits. In short,
components may live on nodes, classes may not.
• Components represent the physical packaging of otherwise
logical components and are at a different level of abstraction.
• Classes may have attributes and operations directly. In
general, components only have operations that are reachable
only through their interfaces.

Components and Classes

Components and Interfaces:

• An interface is a collection of operations that are used to specify

a service of a class or a component.
• The relationship between component and interface is important.
• Component and its interfaces in one of two ways:
➢ The First style renders the interface in its elided, iconic form.
The component that realizes the interface is connected to the
interface using an elided realization relationship.
➢ The second style renders the interface in its expanded form,
perhaps revealing its operations.

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Binary Replaceability:
• We can create a system out of components and then evolve that
system by adding new components and replacing old ones,
without rebuilding the system.
• First, a component is physical. It lives in the world of bits, not
• Second, a component is replaceable. A component is
substitutableit is possible to replace a component with another
that conforms to the same interfaces.
• Third, a component is part of a system. A component rarely
stands alone. Rather, a given component collaborates with other
components and in so doing exists in the architectural or
technology context in which it is intended to be used.
Kinds of Components:
• Deployment components: These are the components necessary and
sufficient to form an executable system, such as dynamic libraries
(DLLs) and executables (EXEs).
• Work product components: These components are essentially the
residue of the development process, consisting of things such as source
code files and data files from which deployment components are
• Execution components: These components are created as a
consequence of an executing system, such as a COM+ object,
which is instantiated from a DLL.
Standard Elements

Executable : Specifies a component that may be executed on a node

Library : Specifies a static or dynamic object library

Table : Specifies a component that represents a database table

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File : Specifies a component that represents a document

containing source code or data

Document : Specifies a component that represents a document

Common Modeling Techniques

1). Modeling Executables and Libraries: The most common purpose for
which you'll use components is to model the deployment components
that make up your implementation. For most systems, these deployment
components are drawn from the decisions we make about how to
segment the physical implementation of our system. These decisions will
be affected by a number of technical issues, configuration management
issues, and reuse issues.
To model executables and libraries,
• Identify the partitioning of your physical system. Consider the
impact of technical, configuration management, and reuse issues.
• Model any executables and libraries as components, using the
appropriate standard elements. To implement new kinds of
components, introduce a new appropriate stereotype.
• If it's important for to manage the seams in the system, model the
significant interfaces that some components use and others realize

• As necessary to communicate your intent, model the relationships

among these executables, libraries, and interfaces. Most often,to
model the dependencies among these parts in order to visualize the
impact of change.

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2). Modeling Tables, Files, and Documents: Our implementation

might include data files, help documents, scripts, log files, initialization
files, and installation/removal files. Modeling these components is an
important part of controlling the configuration of your system. Fortunately,
you can use UML components to model all of these artifacts.
To model tables, files, and documents,
• Identify the ancillary components that are part of the physical
implementation of the system.
• Model these things as components. If the implementation
introduces new kinds of artifacts, introduce a new appropriate
• As necessary to communicate intent, model the relationships
among these ancillary components and the other executables,
libraries, and interfaces in the system. Most often, you'll want to
model the dependencies among these parts in order to visualize the
impact of change

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3). Modeling an API: An API is essentially an interface that is realized

by one or more components. As a developer, you'll really care only about
the interface itself; which component realizes an interface's operations is
not relevant as long as some component realizes it.
To model an API,
• Identify the programmatic seams in the system and model each
seam as an interface, collecting the attributes and operations that
form this edge.
• Expose only those properties of the interface that are important to
visualize in the given context; otherwise, hide these properties,
keeping them in the interface's specification for reference, as
• Model the realization of each API only insofar as it is important to
show the configuration of a specific implementation.

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4). Modeling Source Code : Modeling source code graphically is

particularly useful for visualizing the compilation dependencies among
source code files and for managing the splitting and merging of groups
of these files when fork and join development paths. In this manner,
UML components can be the graphical interface to configuration
management and version control tools.

To model source code,

• Depending on the constraints imposed by the development tools,
model the files used to store the details of all logical elements,
along with their compilation dependencies.
• If it's important for to bolt these models to configuration management
and version control tools, to include tagged values, such as version,
author, and check in/check out information, for each file that's under
configuration management.
• As far as possible, let development tools manage the relationships
among these files, and use the UML only to visualize and document
these relationships

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Component Diagrams
• Component diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams found
in modeling the physical aspects of object-oriented systems.

• “A component diagram shows the organization and dependencies

among a set of components”.

• Use component diagrams to model the static implementation

view of a system. This involves modeling the physical things that
reside on a node, such as executables, libraries, tables, files, and

• Component diagrams are essentially class diagrams that focus

on a system's components.

Component diagrams comprise of:

• Components
• Interfaces
• Relationships
• Packages and Subsystems (optional)

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Component diagrams are used for:

• Constructing systems through forward and reverse engineering.

• Modeling configuration management of source code files while

developing a system using an object-oriented programming

• Representing schemas in modeling databases.

• Modeling behaviors of dynamic systems.

Common Modeling Techniques of Component diagrams:

1) Modeling Source Code :
We will develop software in Java, you'll usually save your source
code in .java files. If you develop software using C++, you'll typically
store your source code in header files (.h files) and bodies (.cpp
To visualize the source code files and their relationships using
component diagrams. Component diagrams used in this way
typically contain only work-product components stereotyped as
files, together with dependency relationships.
To model a system's source code,

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• Either by forward or reverse engineering, identify the set of

source code files of interest and model them as components
stereotyped as files.

• For larger systems, use packages to show groups of source code

• Consider exposing a tagged value indicating such information as
the version number of the source code file, its author, and the
date it was last changed. Use tools to manage the value of this

• Model the compilation dependencies among these files using

dependencies. Again, use tools to help generate and manage
these dependencies.

2). Modeling an Executable Release :

Releasing a simple application is easy: You throw the bits of a single

executable file on a disk, and your users just run that executable.

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Releasing anything other than a simple application is not so easy.

Need the main executable (usually, a .exe file), but you also need all its
ancillary parts, such as libraries (commonly .dll).
To model an executable release,
• Identify the set of components like to model. Typically, this will
involve some or all the components that live on one node, or the
distribution of these sets of components across all the nodes in
the system.
• Consider the stereotype of each component in this set. For most
systems, find a small number of different kinds of components
(such as executables, libraries, tables, files, and documents). We
can use the UML's extensibility mechanisms to provide visual
cues for these stereotypes.
• For each component in this set, consider its relationship to its
neighbors. Most often, this will involve interfaces that are
exported (realized) by certain components and then imported
(used) by others.

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3). Modeling a Physical Database :

• A logical database schema captures the vocabulary of a system's

persistent data, along with the semantics of their relationships.
• Physically, these things are stored in a database for later
retrieval, either a relational database.
• Mapping a logical database schema to an object-oriented
database is straightforward because even complex inheritance
lattices can be made persistent directly.
Typically, we can apply one or a combination of three strategies
1. Define a separate table for each class. This is a simple but naive
approach because it introduces maintenance headaches when
you add new child classes or modify your parent classes.
2. Collapse your inheritance lattices so that all instances of any
class in a hierarchy has the same state. The downside with this
approach is that you end up storing superfluous information for
many instances.
3. Separate parent and child states into different tables. This
approach best mirrors your inheritance lattice, but the downside
is that traversing your data will require many cross-table joins.
When designing a physical database, you also have to make decisions
about how to map operations defined in our logical database schema.
We have some choices.
1. For simple CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations,
implement them with standard SQL or ODBC calls.
2. For more-complex behavior (such as business rules), map them
to triggers or stored procedures.

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4). Modeling Adaptable Systems :

All the component diagrams shown thus far have been used to
model static views. Their components spend their entire lives on one
node. This is the most common situation you'll encounter, but
especially in the domain of complex, distributed systems, we need to
model dynamic views- need to use a combination of component
diagrams, object diagrams, and interaction diagrams

To model an adaptable system,

• Consider the physical distribution of the components that may
migrate from node to node. You can specify the location of a
component instance by marking it with a location tagged value,
which you can then render in a component diagram (although,
technically speaking, a diagram that contains only instances is
an object diagram).

• If you want to model the actions that cause a component to

migrate, create a corresponding interaction diagram that
contains component instances.

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5). Forward and Reverse Engineering :

Forward engineering and reverse engineering components are pretty

direct, because components are themselves physical things
(executables, libraries, tables, files, and documents) that are close to
the running system.
• When you forward engineer a class or a collaboration, you really
forward engineer to a component that represents the source code,
binary library, or executable for that class or collaboration.
• When you reverse engineer source code, binary libraries, or
executables, you really reverse engineer to a component or set of
components that, in turn, trace to classes or collaborations.
To forward engineer(the creation of code from a model) a component
• For each component, identify the classes or collaborations that
the component implements.
• Choose the target for each component. Your choice is basically
between source code or a binary library or executable.
• Use tools to forward engineer your models.
To reverse engineering (the creation of a model from code) a component
• Choose the target you want to reverse engineer. Source code can
be reverse engineered to components and then classes. Binary
libraries can be reverse engineered to uncover their interfaces.
Executables can be reverse engineered the least.
• Using a tool, point to the code you'd like to reverse engineer. Use
your tool to generate a new model or to modify an existing one
that was previously forward engineered.
• Using the tool, create a component diagram by querying the

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Nodes, just like components, live in the material world and are an
important building block in modeling the physical aspects of a system.
A node is a physical element that exists at run time and represents a
computational resource, generally having at least some memory and,
often, processing capability.
A node typically represents a processor or a device on which
components may be deployed.
Graphically, a node is rendered as a cube.

Names: Every node must have a name that distinguishes it from other
nodes. A name is a textual string.
• Simple name: Name alone is known as a simple name.
• Path name: Node name prefixed by the name of the package in which
that node lives.

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Nodes and Components

Nodes are a lot like components:

Both have names; both may participate in dependency,

generalization, and association relationships; both may be nested;
both may have instances; both may be participants in interactions.

There are some significant differences between nodes and


• Components are things that participate in the execution of a

system; nodes are things that execute components.

• Components are things that participate in the execution of a

system; nodes are things that execute components.

➢ The relationship between a node and the components it deploys

can be shown explicitly by using a dependency relationship.

➢ The most common kind of relationship you'll use among nodes is

an association. In this context, an association represents a
physical connection among nodes.

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Common Modeling Techniques of Deployments 1).

Modeling Processors and Devices:
Modeling the processors and devices that form the topology of a stand-
alone, embedded, client/server, or distributed system is the most
common use of nodes.
Nodes that you can use to represent specific kinds of processors and
devices. A processor is a node that has processing capability, meaning
that it can execute a component. A device is a node that has no
processing capability and, in general, represents something that
interfaces to the real world.
To model processors and devices,
• Identify the computational elements of your system's deployment
view and model each as a node.
• If these elements represent generic processors and devices, then
stereotype them as such. If they are kinds of processors and
devices that are part of the vocabulary of your domain, then
specify an appropriate stereotype with an icon for each.
• As with class modeling, consider the attributes and operations
that might apply to each node.

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2). Modeling the Distribution of Components :

It's often useful to visualize or specify the physical distribution of its
components across the processors and devices that make up the

To model the distribution of components,

• For each significant component in your system, allocate it to a
given node.
• Consider duplicate locations for components. It's not
uncommon for the same kind of component (such as specific
executables and libraries) to reside on multiple nodes

• Render this allocation in one of three ways.

1. Using dependency relationships, connect each node
with the components it deploys.
2. List the components deployed on a node in an additional
3. Don’t make the allocation visible, but leave it as part of
the backplane of your modelthat is, in each node's

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Deployment Diagrams:

Deployment diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams used in

modeling the physical aspects of an object-oriented system. A
deployment diagram shows the configuration of run time processing
nodes and the components that live on them.

• Deployment diagrams to model the static deployment view of a

system. This view primarily addresses the distribution, delivery,
and installation of the parts that make up the physical system.
• Deployment diagrams modeling the topology of the hardware
on which your system executes
• Deployment diagrams are essentially class diagrams that
focus on a system's nodes.
• Deployment diagrams commonly contain
➢ Nodes
➢ Dependency and association relationships
➢ Like all other diagrams, deployment diagrams may contain
notes and constraints.
➢ Deployment diagrams may also contain components, each of
which must live on some node.

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.Common Modeling Techniques of Deployment Diagram

1) .Modeling an Embedded System:
Developing an embedded system is far more than a software problem.
To manage the physical world in which there are moving parts that
break and in which signals are noisy and behavior is nonlinear.
To model an embedded system,
• Identify the devices and nodes that are unique to your system.
• Povide visual cues, especially for unusual devices, by using the
UML's extensibility mechanisms to define system-specific
stereotypes with appropriate icons. At the very least, you'll want
to distinguish processors and devices.

• Model the relationships among these processors and devices in a

deployment diagram.

• As necessary, expand on any intelligent devices by modeling their

structure with a more detailed deployment diagram.

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2) .Modeling a Client/Server System :

The moment you start developing a system whose software no longer
resides on a single processor, you are faced with a host of decisions:
How do you best distribute your software components across these
nodes? How do they communicate? How do you deal with failure and
Ans: client/server systems, in which there's a clear separation of
concerns between the system's user interface (typically managed by
the client) and its data (typically managed by the server).
To model a client/server system,
• Identify the nodes that represent your system's client and server
• Highlight those devices that are germane to the behavior of your
system. For example, you'll want to model special devices, such
as credit card readers, badge readers, and display devices other
than monitors, because their placement in the system's hardware
topology are likely to be architecturally significant.
• Provide visual cues for these processors and devices via
• Model the topology of these nodes in a deployment diagram.
Similarly, specify the relationship between the components in
your system's implementation view and the nodes in your
system's deployment view.

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3) .Modeling a Fully Distributed System:

Distributed systems come in many forms, from simple two-processor
systems to those that span many geographically dispersed nodes. The
latter are typically never static. Nodes are added and removed as
network traffic changes and processors fail; new and faster
communication paths may be established in parallel with older
To model a fully distributed system,
• Identify the system's devices and processors as for simpler
client/server systems.
• If you need to reason about the performance of the system's
network or the impact of changes to the network, be sure to
model these communication devices to the level of detail
sufficient to make these assessments.

• Pay close attention to logical groupings of nodes, which you can

specify by using packages.

• Model these devices and processors using deployment diagrams.

Where possible, use tools that discover the topology of your
system by walking your system's network.

• If you need to focus on the dynamics of your system, introduce

use case diagrams to specify the kinds of behavior you are
interested in, and expand on these use cases with interaction

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4) . Forward and Reverse Engineering

There’s only a modest amount of forward engineering (the creation of
code from models) that you can do with deployment diagrams.
For example, after specifying the physical distribution of components
across the nodes in a deployment diagram, it is possible to use tools
that then push these components out to the real world
Reverse engineering (the creation of models from code) from the real
world back to deployment diagrams is of tremendous value, especially
for fully distributed systems that are under constant change.
To reverse engineer a deployment diagram
• Choose the target that you want to reverse engineer. In some
cases, you'll want to sweep across your entire network; in others,
you can limit your search.
• Choose also the fidelity of your reverse engineering. In some
cases, it's sufficient to reverse engineer just to the level of all the
system's processors.
• Use a tool that walks across your system, discovering its
hardware topology. Record that topology in a deployment

• You can use similar tools to discover the components that live on
each node, which you can also record in a deployment model
• Using modeling tools , create a deployment diagram by querying
the model.


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Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
A. Questions testing the understanding / remembering level of students
I) Objective Questions

1. Component diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams found in modeling
the .............. aspects of object-oriented systems.

2. A node is a ……… element that exists at …… time and represents a

computational resource, often, processing capacity.

3. Graphically, Components are representing with the symbol………….

a) rectangle b) rectangle with two tabs c)cube d) ellipse

4. A component is a physical and ………….. Part of a system that conforms to

and provides the realization of a set of …………..
5. A component can have both attributes and operations.

6. Which among the following are not the valid notations for package and
component diagram?
a) Notes b) Box c) Extension Mechanisms d) Packages

7. Which of the following is false?

a) A note is a dog-eared box connected to any model element by a dashed line
b) The main way to extend UML is by constraints, properties, etc
c) A dependency relation holds between two entities D and I where change in
I does not affect D
d) All of the mentioned
8. A device is a node that has no processing capability and, in general, represents
something that interfaces to the real world. [True/False]
9. What are the ways in which artifacts can be deployed?
a) Artifact symbol can be placed within node symbol
b) The artifact symbol can appear outside the node but be attached to it by
dependency arrow from the artifact
c) Artifact name can be listed inside the node symbol
d) All of the mentioned

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II) Descriptive questions
1. Enumerate the use of component & deployment diagrams in UML?

2. Interpret the relation between components and Interfaces in a component

diagram? Explain with one example?

3. Identify different types of components that are used in component diagram?

List out different uses of component diagrams?

4. Enumerate common modeling techniques for component diagrams.

5. Enumerate common modeling techniques for and deployment diagrams.

6. Describe interfaces of a component? How it is modeled in UML?

7. Express terms, concepts, components, classes and Interfaces In architectural


8. Differentiate component and deployment diagrams with example.

9. Explain elements and purpose of a component diagram. How do you model

the deployment view in UML?

B. Question testing the ability of students in applying the concepts.

I) Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Components can be represented by which of the following?

a) Component symbols b)Stereotypes
c) Rectangular boxes d) a, b e) a, c
2. What types of units does Component follow?
a) Modular Unit b)Replaceable Unit
c) Unit with well defined interface d) All of the mentioned
3. What does a component diagram consists of?
a) Components, their Relationship to the environment
b) Packages and dependency
c) Internal structure d) a, b e) a, c

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4. Which among these are the common notations for deployment diagrams?
a) Artifacts and nodes b)Stereotypes
c) Components d) All of the mentioned
5. What does a deployment diagram consists of?
a) Computational resource
b) Communication path between resource
c) Artifacts that execute resource
d) All of the mentioned
6. Which of the following is true?
a) A UML artifact is any physical representation of data used or produced
during software development or software product operation
b) A node is a computational resource
c)All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned

7. Which of these are types of nodes used in deployment diagram?

a) Device b) Execution Environment

c) Artifact d) a,b e) a,c

II) Problems

1. Analyze the behavior of deployment diagrams to model a fully distributed


2. Apply common modeling techniques in deployment to model client/server


3. Illustrate deployment diagram for client server 2 tier, event registration


4. Develop UML deployment and component diagrams for a banking


5. Construct a model for email system in the sense of deployment view.

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6. Construct a model for content management system in the sense of component.

C. Questions testing the analyzing / evaluating ability of student

1. CASE STUDY: Identify different components and deployment in Library
management system; to illustrate deployment and component diagrams of the

2. Design deployment diagram for a two –tier web applications.

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