Ooad Unit-6
Ooad Unit-6
Ooad Unit-6
Learning Material
To gain the knowledge of developing architectural models .
Students will be able to
➢ Identify different components and deployments in the application.
➢ Illustrate and design component diagrams for different cases.
➢ Illustrate and design deployment diagrams for different cases.
• Components live in the material world of bits and therefore are
an important building block in modeling the physical aspects of a
• A component is a physical and replaceable part of a system that
conforms to and provides the realization of a set of interfaces.
• Every component must have a name that distinguishes it from
other components.
• A name is a textual string.
• That name alone is known as a simple name; a path name is the
component name prefixed by the name of the package in which
that component lives.
Binary Replaceability:
• We can create a system out of components and then evolve that
system by adding new components and replacing old ones,
without rebuilding the system.
• First, a component is physical. It lives in the world of bits, not
• Second, a component is replaceable. A component is
substitutableit is possible to replace a component with another
that conforms to the same interfaces.
• Third, a component is part of a system. A component rarely
stands alone. Rather, a given component collaborates with other
components and in so doing exists in the architectural or
technology context in which it is intended to be used.
Kinds of Components:
• Deployment components: These are the components necessary and
sufficient to form an executable system, such as dynamic libraries
(DLLs) and executables (EXEs).
• Work product components: These components are essentially the
residue of the development process, consisting of things such as source
code files and data files from which deployment components are
• Execution components: These components are created as a
consequence of an executing system, such as a COM+ object,
which is instantiated from a DLL.
Standard Elements
Component Diagrams
• Component diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams found
in modeling the physical aspects of object-oriented systems.
• Components
• Interfaces
• Relationships
• Packages and Subsystems (optional)
All the component diagrams shown thus far have been used to
model static views. Their components spend their entire lives on one
node. This is the most common situation you'll encounter, but
especially in the domain of complex, distributed systems, we need to
model dynamic views- need to use a combination of component
diagrams, object diagrams, and interaction diagrams
Nodes, just like components, live in the material world and are an
important building block in modeling the physical aspects of a system.
A node is a physical element that exists at run time and represents a
computational resource, generally having at least some memory and,
often, processing capability.
A node typically represents a processor or a device on which
components may be deployed.
Graphically, a node is rendered as a cube.
Names: Every node must have a name that distinguishes it from other
nodes. A name is a textual string.
• Simple name: Name alone is known as a simple name.
• Path name: Node name prefixed by the name of the package in which
that node lives.
Deployment Diagrams:
• You can use similar tools to discover the components that live on
each node, which you can also record in a deployment model
• Using modeling tools , create a deployment diagram by querying
the model.
1. Component diagrams are one of the two kinds of diagrams found in modeling
the .............. aspects of object-oriented systems.
6. Which among the following are not the valid notations for package and
component diagram?
a) Notes b) Box c) Extension Mechanisms d) Packages
II) Problems