Bioplastics - An Eco-Friendly Alternative To Petro
Bioplastics - An Eco-Friendly Alternative To Petro
Bioplastics - An Eco-Friendly Alternative To Petro
Plastics have varied application and have become an essential part of
our daily lives. The use of the plastics has increased twenty-fold in the Article History
past half-century and is expected to double again in the next 20 years.
As a global estimate, around 330 million tonnes of the plastics are Received: 13 April 2019
Accepted: 27 April 2019
produced per annum. The production, use, and disposal of the plastics
emerged as a persistent and potential environmental nuisance. The Keywords
improper disposal of the plastics ends up in our environment, resulting
in the deaths of millions of animals annually and the reduction in fertility Bioplastics;
status of the soil. The bioplastics products are manufactured to be Biobased;
biodegradable with similar functionality to that of conventional plastics, Biopolymers;
which has the potential to reduce the dependence on petrochemicals Environment;
Waste Management.
based plastics and related environmental problems. The expansion
and development of the bioplastics and their products would lead to
an increase in the sustainability of environment and reduction in the
emission of greenhouse gases. The bioplastics innovation would be a
key to a long-term solution for plastic pollution. However, a widespread
public awareness is essential in effecting longer-term change against
plastic pollution.
CONTACT M. Selvamurugan [email protected] Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Eachangkottai, Thanjavur – 614 902, Tamil Nadu, India.
is arising among the peoples across the world. from plant and/or microorganisms, instead of fossil
Today’s conventional plastics are produced from fuels. Similar to conventional plastics, the bioplastics
the petrochemicals such as polyethylene, polyvinyl also can be used in several ways under ordinary
chloride and polystyrene, and the production of conditions. The only difference is that the bioplastics
such plastics accountable to consume more fossil are biodegradable or biobased polymers. Both the
fuels and thereby emit more amounts of greenhouse biodegradable and biobased plastics incorporate
gases. The conventional petrochemical plastics the phrase “bio”, but they are different from each
are persistent in the environment and thus the other. The biodegradable plastics are made of either
production and disposal of these plastics would natural or fossil sources, and are biodegradable
become a major problem in many metropolitan cities or mineralizable into water and carbon dioxide
throughout the world.3 Improper disposal of these by the action of microorganisms, in a reasonable
hazardous plastic wastes is a significant source period of time. The term "Biodegradability" is
of environmental pollution and it will be harmful to defined as the characteristics of the material
the lives.4 The conventional plastic wastes would that can be microbiologically degraded to the
prevent the penetration and dissipation of water final products of carbon dioxide and water, and
and air into the earth and thus the reduction in therefore is unlikely to persist in the environment.
the soil fertility, inhibition of other organic wastes The biodegradable plastics are defined as materials
degradation and hazard to animal life. In the marine whose physical and chemical properties undergo
environment, disposal of the plastic wastes would deterioration and completely degrade when exposed
cause the choking and entanglement to marine to microorganisms, into carbon dioxide as in aerobic
mammals.5,6 The conventional plastics have also processes, methane as in anaerobic processes
a costly impact on waste management. Burning with a specific time limit.8,9,10 The time required to
of plastics can also emit toxic chemicals such as decompose completely depends on the material,
dioxins.7 Nowadays, several kinds of plastics are environmental conditions such as temperature
being used for several purposes and recycling of and moisture, and location of decomposition.
that plastic wastes also carried out by different Compostable plastics are a group of plastics that
processes and hence the collection and recycling of can be degraded by microbes into humus, with an
plastic wastes are also more difficult. Understanding absence of toxic metals. The compostable polymers
this precarious situation, the several nations across should be in accordance with the defined standards.
world commemorated World Environment Day There are three international standards viz., EN
2018 with a theme of “Beat Plastic Pollution”. The 13432:2000, ISO 17088:2012 and ASTM D6400-12
newly imposed environmental regulations, societal outlined the criterion of compostable polymers. Under
concerns, and growing environmental awareness European standard EN 13432:2000, at least 90% of
have triggered the search for new products that the compostable polymers must be converted into
are compatible with the environment. Under these carbon dioxide in industrial composting plants within
circumstances, replacement of the non-degradable 6 months period. Furthermore, particles have to be
petrochemical plastics by biodegradable and/ disintegrated into residues with dimensions below
or renewable resource-based plastics is of major 2 mm during this period.11 Not all biodegradable
interest for both to decision-makers and the plastic plastics are compostable. The other group of
industry. In this context, creation of public awareness bioplastics, biobased plastics are produced from
about bioplastics is an enviable goal. Therefore, this a wide range of plant-based raw materials, which
paper traces the different types of bioplastics and are not necessarily biodegradable. In general, the
provides an overview of its development and waste bioplastics are produced from the natural polymers
management. This paper also makes out a case for occurring in microorganisms, plants, and animals,
an accelerated shift from traditional petrochemical etc. Further, monomers like sugar, disaccharides and
plastics to bioplastics. fatty acids are also used as the basic raw materials
in the production of bioplastics, where the renewable
Bioplastics resources are modified and processed into biobased
The bioplastics are biodegradable plastics and/ plastics.12
or bio-based origin of plastics, which are derived
SELVAMURUGAN & SIVAKUMAR, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 14(1), 49-59 (2019) 51
Therefore, the bioplastics are produced by biological Advantages and Disadvantages of Bioplastics
systems viz., microorganisms, plants, and animals Advantages
or chemically synthesized from biological starting The environmental problems arising due to improper
materials like starch, cellulose and lactic acid. disposal of the plastic wastes would be solved
The large-scale production and utilization of the through the bioplastics. The main advantage of
bioplastics would preserve the non-renewable bioplastic products is that they are produced from
fossil fuel resources and the related environmental renewable resources rather than fossil resources.21
problems. Moreover, it would offer advantages such The usage of renewable resources would contribute
as a reduction in carbon footprint and additional to a reduction of greenhouse gases emission through
waste management options through chemical and the reduced carbon footprint. 12,22 Compared to
organic recycling.13 The global plastic pollution petrochemical plastics, the bioplastics production
problems would be solved through biodegradability.14 can emit about 80% less carbon dioxide. 23 The
In general, the bioplastics are compostable and production of bioplastics also consumes 65%
hence it would be applied to the soil without any less energy than the production of petrochemical
harmful effects, where the bioplastics will degrade plastics.24 After any possible reuse and recycling
and decompose easily. Unfortunately, some types options, the renewable biomass of bioplastics would
of bioplastics may leave toxic residues as plastic be recycled and utilized for energy recovery through
fragments behind in soil, for example, some cascades recycling25 and thus it offers the advantage
group of bioplastics will be degraded only at high of the improved resource recovery. Further, the
temperatures in a specialized composter. The bioplastics can avoid some of the environmental
indiscriminate disposal of the biodegradable plastics problems like uncontrolled dumping on land and
in the ocean may cause the death of several marine disposal at sea, and the related emission of toxic
organisms,15 because the marine environment would substances. However, effective implementations of
not offer a suitable environment for the degradation. collection, sorting and recycling practices and public
However, the implementations of collection, sorting awareness are also essential to reward the benefits
and recycling practices effectively would offer the of bioplastics.
benefit of improved resource recovery during the
disposal of bioplastics. Moreover, the products Disadvantages
of bioplastics exhibit higher mechanical strength It is an undeniable reality that the bioplastics
and thermal stability which are very similar to are offering many significant advantages over
conventional virgin plastics. The bioplastics are petrochemical plastics. However, they are also
also available in many grades with a wide variety of having a number of disadvantages that need to
properties.16 In general, products of bioplastics are be taken into account. Uncontrolled and improper
used as carry bags, super-absorbent for diapers, disposal of the bioplastic wastes also contributing
and wastewater treatment, various packaging to the problems like littering and, soil and water
applications, medical and dental implants, catering pollution. Similar to conventional plastics, the
and hygiene products, and mulching in agriculture.17 bioplastic wastes littering also harmful to wildlife.
Even though the bioplastics are a viable alternative The disposal of bioplastic wastes into a landfill
to conventional plastics, they are not cost-effective18 may contribute to the greenhouse gases emission.
and hence the potential of the bioplastics have not The higher manufacturing cost of bioplastics is
been yet realized. However, the growing interest also limiting the use of these plastics. At last, the
in sustainable development, desire to reduce cultivation of crops for manufacturing bioplastics
dependence on fossil fuels and changing policies can create competition on cultivable land for food
and attitudes in waste management are improved production.25
the utility and availability of bioplastics.19 Further,
the behavior and awareness among the consumers Types of Bioplastics
and research institutions are also escalating the The bioplastics are a group of products each varied
commercialization of new applications for bioplastics with its properties, and the applications also varied
in worldwide.20 with the raw materials and manufacturing processes
SELVAMURUGAN & SIVAKUMAR, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 14(1), 49-59 (2019) 52
involved in the bioplastics products. Currently, with organic acids. The industrially important organic
the bioplastics are coming under the following cellulose esters are cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose
categories. acetate propionate (CAP) and cellulose acetate
butyrate (CAB). The organic cellulose esters are
Starch Based Bioplastics being used in packaging film, cigarette filters, textile
The first bioplastic was invented with maize starch fibers, pharmaceutical, and other specialty industrial
substituted plastics and sold under names such as applications. Cellulose regenerate is produced from
EverCorn™ and NatureWorks. These plastics were cellulose through dissolving by chemicals and then
manufactured by the blending of petrochemical newly restructured in the form of fibers or film.21 At
plastic polymer with biodegradable starch polymeric present, more than 60% of the global total chemical
compounds.26 Currently, the starch-based polymer grade pulp is used for the production of cellulose
can be produced from potato, corn, wheat, tapioca.10 regenerates.30 The examples of this regenerated
During the disposal of this bioplastics, the starch cellulose are viscose, viscose silk, lyocell and rayon.
molecules occurring in the polymer will be degraded
by the microorganisms and thereby the plastic Polylactic Acid Based Bioplastics
polymer will be disintegrated. However, the physical Polylactic acid (PLA), polylactide plastics are today’s
and chemical properties of this starch substituted most important bioplastics on the market.31 PLA is
bioplastics are not suitable for practical usage. based on lactic acid and is mainly produced by the
Further, the accumulation of non-degradable plastic process of microbial fermentation of starch obtained
residue in soil and water may cause environmental from the maize, cassava, potato, sugarcane and
pollution. This type of bioplastics manufactured sugar beet. The problems identified in the starch
directly from the starch, which will affect the stability substituted bioplastics can be overcome through
of the products during the exposure to moisture.27,28 these PLA bioplastics. In this process first, the
Further, these bioplastics also produced from the plant starch is transformed into lactic acid as a
starch through the microbial fermentation processes. monomer through microorganisms and then the
For example, the bioplastics such as polylactic lactic acid is chemically treated to link up the
acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) molecules into long chains or polymers. This PLA
are producing through the process of microbial plastic looks like conventional petrochemical plastics
fermentation of starch.21 Moreover, the starch and and it is a truly biodegradable plastic. The major
other carbohydrates are acts as the raw materials advantages of the PLA plastics are the high level
for the manufacturing of new generation bioplastics of rigidity, stability, transparency, thermoplasticity
such as the biobased polyolefins polyethylene and superior performance in the existing equipment
(PE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and the partially of conventional plastics manufacturing industry.
biobased polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Applications of the PLA plastics are mainly in food
packaging because of its properties similar to
Cellulose Based Bioplastics polyethylene and polypropylene. Moreover, making
Cellulose is a polymer of glucose in which the of this PLA plastic saves two-thirds of the energy
glucose units are linked by β-1,4-glucosidic bonds.29 required for manufacturing of the fossil fuel-based
The cellulose is found in the cell wall of all major plastics. The PLA plastics also emit almost 70%
plants and green algae and in the membranes of less greenhouse gases than conventional plastics
most fungi. In general, the cellulosic polymers are during the degradation in a landfill. At present,
produced by the extraction or chemical modification PLA and PLA-blends are available in granulated
of natural cellulose. The most predominant source of form as different grades for manufacturing of film,
cellulosic plastic is cotton fibres and wood pulp. The moulded parts, drinks containers, cups, bottles and
organic cellulose esters and regenerated cellulose other everyday items.32 The application of the PLA
are the two types of cellulosic plastics. Currently, based plastics is also expanding to a wide range of
around 20% of the global total chemical grade pulp fields like medical, textile, cosmetic and household
is utilized for the production of organic cellulose applications. Moreover, the automobile industries
esters.30 The organic cellulose esters are produced also producing the dashboards, door tread plates,
through the process of esterification of cellulose etc. from the PLA based plastics.33
SELVAMURUGAN & SIVAKUMAR, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 14(1), 49-59 (2019) 53
of bottles and the bio-LDPE are using in film recycling systems, since it having the variation in the
manufacturing. Biobased succinic acid is suitable base materials over conventional plastics.58,59 The
for several applications in sports and footwear, bioplastic wastes also act as potential substrates
automotive, packaging, agriculture, non-wovens, for composting since it is biodegradable in nature
and fibres applications. The main advantage of these where the valuable organic materials are recovered
bioplastics is reduced carbon footprint since it is as an end product.60
made up of renewable biomass. It is also possible to
process, manufacture and recycle these drop-ins in Recycling Options
the existing facilities of conventional plastics, which Recycling is the preferred and viable options for the
will reduce the production cost. sustainable management of bioplastics, and then
incineration with energy recovery is the most suitable
Fossil Fuel-based Bioplastics method over land-filling. All the recycling methods
The biodegradable plastics can be manufactured including material, chemical, and organic recycling
not only from bio-based feedstock but also from the are viable for bioplastics management. Material
petrochemical raw materials. Petrochemical products recycling is defined as the reprocessing of waste
such as polybutyrate adipate terephthalate (PBAT) material into a new product. This type of recycling
also using for manufacturing of the bioplastics. The is also called mechanical recycling. The mechanical
PBAT is a new group of a polymer of petrochemicals recycling is suitable for all types of bioplastics,
but is still biodegradable, and commonly known as however, the unreliable supply of bioplastic waste
polybutyrate.49 It is mainly used in conjunction with in a large quantity would make this recycling as a
starch and other bioplastic materials for improving less economically attractive than for the conventional
the application-specific performance, because of plastics. The mechanical recycling companies
its biodegradability and rigidity. The development of convert these sorted products into recyclates using
new bio-based or partly bio-based versions of PBAT processes like washing, density separation and
has increased in recent years. This PBAT plastic has compounding. Currently, the produced bioplastics
also been produced from renewable resources.51 For are being recycled easily along with conventional
example, poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) plastics depending upon the base materials. For
(PBAT) is commercially synthesized from adipic acid, examples, the biobased polyethylene (PE) is being
terephthalic acid, and 1,4-butane diol. This PBAT is recycled in the PE-stream, and the biobased
a random copolymer made up of butylene adipate polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is being recycled
and terephthalate. It is biodegradable and it having in the PET -stream. In this way, the bioplastics
the properties viz., high elasticity, fracture resilience, contribute to higher recycling proportions. The PLA
and flexibility, and hence, it is used as a preferred polymers wastes can be recycled efficiently without
alternative for use in products such as bags, wraps any alterations in chemical and physical properties
and other packaging materials. It is also used to through mechanical recycling for a few times and the
produce rubbish bags and disposable packaging, recyclates being converted into the products viz.,
because of its fastest rate of decomposition. It has plastic lumber, piping, garden furniture and pallets.61
also been used as the additives in manufacturing of
bioplastics for giving rigidity and flexibility. Another option for recycling of the bioplastics
is chemical recycling, in which the biopolymer
Waste Management Options for Bioplastics wastes will be remelted and regranulated for the
The bioplastics are suitable for a wide range of development of a new product. In certain cases,
end-of-life options viz., reuse, mechanical recycling, the biopolymer wastes also converted into the
chemical recycling, organic recycling and energy chemical building blocks i.e., monomers which can
recovery. A ‘waste hierarchy’ proposed by the several be used again for the production of the biopolymer.
nations also recognizes the options like reduction, This type of recycling is also called as feedstock
reuse and recycle for the sustainable treatment recycling. This recycling is the feasible option for
and disposal of the wastes.52,53,54,55,56,57 However, PLA based bioplastics. At present, the PLA based
the bioplastics that enter into the municipal waste bioplastics are recycled effectively into the lactic
stream makes some complications for existing plastic acid and converted into a new PLA based products
SELVAMURUGAN & SIVAKUMAR, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 14(1), 49-59 (2019) 55
in countries like Belgium and The United States Anaerobic digestion is also being used to manage
of America. The Loopla process is also one of the the bioplastic wastes effectively from separate waste
chemical recycling processes, in which the PLA is collection schemes, and mechanical treatment of
hydrolyzed into lactic acid.62 mixed municipal solid waste. In anaerobic digestion,
the bioplastic wastes are decomposed into methane
Composting has the potential for recycling the and carbon dioxide under anaerobic conditions.71
biodegradable plastic wastes into a nutrient-rich soil The anaerobic digestion producing the biogas and
amendment and it is being implemented in many digestate, in which the biogas can be used as a
parts of the world.60 The natural microorganisms can renewable source of energy and the digestate can
convert these biodegradable polymers wastes into be utilized as organic manure. Song et al.60 reported
simpler compounds and then the simpler compounds that the biodegradable plastic wastes are suitable for
are decomposed into carbon dioxide and water under anaerobic digestion where the waste biopolymers
the aerobic condition and decomposed into methane are converted into methane. Moreover, the methane-
and carbon dioxide under anaerobic conditions. containing landfill gases also may be utilized for the
The composting is also considered as one kind of generation of energy.
material recycling, which is referred to as organic
recycling.63 The composting is also equivalent to Market Demand for Bioplastics
the material recycling64 and hence it is considered The importance of the bioplastics was not known
as a sustainable and environment-friendly option for the past two decades. However, recently the
for bioplastic wastes management. Van der Zee bioplastics have become an integral part of our
65 conducted the study for tunnel composting of society. The continuous research and developmental
PLA based foam at 10x10 cm sized blocks with a activities towards bioplastics and growing awareness
temperature of more than 60 °C and he observed towards environmental conservation have led to
that the complete disintegration of PLA foam with 3 a remarkable growth of the overall bioplastics
days in a composting period of 2 weeks. According market.72 Further, the stringent regulatory reforms
to ISWA 25, the bioplastics would not produce any by the several governments towards the reduction
toxic substances during the composting period. The of plastic usage have augmented the demand for
biodegradable plastic wastes compost also improved bioplastics. At present, the contribution of bioplastics
the soil quality and enhanced the plant growth products in the total plastics market is around
parameters like other organic manures.66 only 1 per cent. However, the results of European
Bioplastics’ annual market data update, presented
Energy Generation at 12th European Bioplastics Conference held on
The energy is generated from the bioplastic wastes 29 November 2017 in Berlin, confirmed that steady
through different processes viz., anaerobic digestion, growth of the global bioplastics industry. The capacity
pyrolysis, incineration. But it would be carried of the global bioplastics production is 2.05 million
out after complete recovery of all the recyclable tonnes in 2017 and it is expected to be increased
materials from the bioplastic wastes 60. Since, the to 2.44 million tonnes in 2022. 73 The growth rate
bioplastics having a high caloric value, it can be used of bioplastics is around 20-25 per cent per year
to generate energy in general conventional plastic but the growth rate for conventional plastics is only
waste incineration facilities.67,68,69 Even though some 4-9 per cent per year.74 The European bio-plastics
of the bioplastics such as natural cellulose fibre and market reported that the global bioplastics market
starch having the property of lower gross calorific is to be growing at more than 20% per year.75 The
values (GCV), they are a resemblance to wood, and only disadvantage of the global bioplastics market
hence the energy recovery is feasible and viable is high production cost over conventional plastics,76
from these bioplastic wastes through incineration.67,70 however, it can be overcome by the technology
The incineration of the bioplastic wastes will emit advancement. Moreover, the increasing price
large quantities of carbon dioxide which will be of crude oil has also boosted the manufacturer
captured and may be used to develop new biobased towards the production of bioplastics over petroleum
products.50 This will make the practice of incineration based plastics.20,60 The developing countries like
of bioplastic wastes as a sustainable practice. India, China, etc., also promoting the bioplastics
SELVAMURUGAN & SIVAKUMAR, Curr. World Environ., Vol. 14(1), 49-59 (2019) 56
by providing incentives coupled with contract avoid the plastic pollution. Further, the intensification
manufacturing which is also further expected to of research through industrial tie-ups and promotion
contribute to the growth of the bioplastics market. At of the large-scale production and commercialization
present, the drop-ins bioplastics are dominant in the of the bioplastic products are also inevitable to
bioplastics market. Around 56 per cent of the global solve the plastic pollution in our environment. The
bioplastics production is only the drop-in bio-based bioplastics are still in its infancy, and hence a great
plastics viz., bio-PET, bio-PA and bio-PE.67 While innovation would be developed by the intensification
considering the individual types, the drop-in bio- of research through the government and industrial
based PET is dominating in the bioplastics market funding. The continuing intensified research in this
over other types of bioplastics, which is followed field would facilitate further breakthroughs and
by the starch-based bioplastics. However, the PLA improvements. However, bioplastics are not the
and PHA based plastics production are expected to only solution to the problem of plastic pollution.
increase in the bioplastics market due to its superior The changes in consumer behaviour in buying,
quality and valid end-of-life options. In terms of consuming and disposing of plastics, and widespread
application, the global biodegradable plastics market public awareness of the bioplastics are also essential
is segmented into packaging, textile, agriculture, in effecting the control of plastic pollution.
electronic, medical, building construction, injection
moulding and a number of other segments. Among Acknowledgement
them, the packaging industry is the largest field The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. P.
which contributes to 60 per cent of global bioplastics Doraisamy and Dr. M. Maheswari for their valuable
production. comments and suggestions, which significantly
improved the contents of this manuscript.
Bioplastic is an important innovation and it would Conflict of Interest
offer sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to The Author(s) declare no conflict of interest.
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