The Natural Diabetes Cure: Curing Blood Sugar Disorders Without Drugs
The Natural Diabetes Cure: Curing Blood Sugar Disorders Without Drugs
The Natural Diabetes Cure: Curing Blood Sugar Disorders Without Drugs
Curing Blood Sugar Disorders
Without Drugs
Roger Mason
The Natural Diabetes Cure
Roger Mason
The Natural Diabetes Cure
Roger Mason
ISBN #978-1-884820-80-90
Library of Congress Catalog Number:
Categories: 1. Health 2.
Printed in the U.S.A.
4th Printing Spring 2012
Seven Steps to Natural Health
About This Book
All blood sugar conditions should be treated the same way
with diet and lifestyle- diet, proven supplements, exercise, natural
hormones, avoiding prescription drugs, weekly fasting (if pos-
sible), and avoiding bad habits.
As long as you have an intact pancreas, you can cure
yourself. Those whose pancreas has irreversibly atrophied, or been
surgically removed, can still dramatically improve their health, and
reduce their insulin requirements.
Diabetes and other blood sugar disorders are caused by
what we eat and the way the live. You can cure yourself by making
healthier food choices and living better. You can heal yourself in
less than a year if you are sincere.
Diabetes is the fastest growing epidemic in the Western
world. One in three American children will grow up and needlessly
develop diabetes. 24% of American adults are insulin resistant and
45% of adults over the age of 60 are insulin resistant. In the last
three decades diabetes and other blood sugar problems have be-
come epidemics in all of the developed countries of the world. It is
estimated that about 18 million Americans have diabetes, 16 mil-
lion are pre-diabetic, and a whopping 60 million (one in five) have
metabolic syndrome. America leads the world in blood sugar dys-
metabolism for a very simple reason; we have the greatest afflu-
ence, as well as the worst diets and lifestyles. We are overfed and
Changing your diet and lifestyle will both prevent and cure
blood sugar disorders. The medical profession cannot help you;
you must help yourself. Treating the symptoms with toxic drugs is
the road to ruin. You have to be your own doctor, and your own
saviour. You must be willing to eat better foods, get regular
exercise, and change your lifestyle. Please read my book Zen
Macrobiotics for Americans. The Natural Diabetes Cure is the
most researched, effective, documented, comprehensive, and com-
plete book on diabetes and blood sugar problems available. This
research goes back over 30 years. Everything is backed up by
countless published international clinical studies.
Chapter 1: About Diabetes
DYSLIPIDEMIA (blood fats)
their native countries. In Papua New Guinea- possibly the least
civilized country in the world- diabetes is basically unknown.
Black American adults now have a high overall 15% diabetes rate.
Yet, this is rare in Africa, where they eat their traditional diet.
Caucasian American adults have the lowest overall rate.
Again, the basic indications are obesity (especially abdom-
inal), insulin resistance, elevated blood sugar, high cholesterol and
triglycerides, and hypertension. There are three main types of dia-
betes. Type 1 (insulin dependent) is due to the inability of the beta
cells in the pancreas to produce insulin. Only 5% to 10% of people
suffer from type 1. Surprisingly, Caucasians are more susceptible
to this form. This usually happens in childhood or adolescence.
These patients have to inject insulin, since they can’t produce it
naturally. If the pancreas has been removed, or is atrophied, the
condition cannot be cured. Quality of life can be improved im-
mensely, and insulin requirements can be reduced dramatically, by
following the advice in this book. Pancreas transplants just don’t
work despite the claims. Transplanting a pancreas from a cadaver
to a type 1 diabetic requires dangerous anti-rejection drugs, and
causes countless problems. Transplants of just the pancreatic beta
cells also promise much more than is delivered. Within twenty
years science may be able to successfully perform this procedure,
but that will merely be allopathic. It will not deal with the cause!
stress. Coffee (or any form of caffeine) raises blood sugar, and has
other very serious health effects. The scientists of the world are in
basic agreement that free radical oxidative stress is central to blood
sugar conditions.
Chapter 2: Diagnosis
What specific diagnostic tests can you get? When you get
your standard, basic blood analysis profile you’ll test glucose, uric
acid, white blood cell count, total cholesterol, HDL (high density
or “good”), LDL (low density or “bad”), and triglycerides. Total
cholesterol should be about 150 ideally, and very definitely well
under 200. Triglycerides are very crucial here, and should be under
100. Uric acid should be under 5 mg/dl for men and under 4 mg/dl
for women. The white blood cell count should be in normal range.
CRP should be less than 1 mg/l. Proteinuria (albumin) and cre-
atinine tests will also reveal kidney health. The liver is very
important here for a lot of reasons. Get both SGOT and SGPT
tests. Surprisingly, you do not need to get your insulin tested. You
should also have your homocysteine (Hcy) tested and look for 10
mmol or less. This is a also good predictor of coronary heart
disease (CHD) in general. Currently we do not have practical,
inexpensive tests to determine total oxidative stress or general free
radical levels. It is costly and unnecessary to test the basic status of
antioxidants such as SOD, glutathione, vitamin C, beta carotene,
and vitamin E. The anti-oxidant supplements you should take are
discussed in great detail in Chapter 6: Supplements.
very difficult to test the amount of oxidative stress you suffer from,
or your antioxidant status in general. There just isn’t any reason to
spend the time and money on these tests. Your attention needs to
be on curing yourself and changing your diet and lifestyle, rather
than getting exotic diagnostic tests you don’t need.
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker for inflammation, and
a very important test for CHD conditions. Keep this under 1.0. The
best study on this came from the Quebec Heart Institute. CRP
correlates with obesity, blood glucose impairment, insulin
resistance, hypertension, triglycerides, and uric acid. It has been
found the CRP also accurately predicts blood sugar disorders. CRP
is positively associated with obesity, impaired glucose function,
the metabolic syndrome generally, and outright type 2 diabetes in
otherwise healthy people. Everyone over the age of 40 should
annually get a CRP test with their regular yearly checkup and
blood analysis. Even children and young people can benefit from a
CRP test.
Chapter 3: Whole Grains: The Staff of Life
Medicine v 4, 2007) 161,737 women (aged 37 t0 65) in the classic
Nurses’ Health Study were followed. Their dietary patterns were
studied. The researchers concluded: “Whole grain intake is
inversely associated with risk of type 2 diabetes. Findings from
prospective cohort studies consistently support increasing whole
grain consumption for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.” You can
just not debate the results from this many people studied over
years. The more whole grains you eat, the less chance of getting
diabetes or any other blood sugar disorder. More from Harvard
(Annals of Internal Medicine v 136, 2002) was done with 42,504
men over a 12 year period. This is 466,508 person years! A
stunning review with 24 references was done at Harvard
(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition v 77, 2003) came to the
very same basic conclusions.
insulin”. They said further, “The inverse association between
whole grain intake and fasting insulin was most striking among
overweight participants”. Their conclusion was, “Increased intake
of whole grains may reduce disease risk by means of favorable
effects on metabolic risk factors”. The series of Framingham
studies are the most pretigious ever done. In the very same journal,
from Simmons College, a similar study was done.` “Whole Grain
Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes”. 51,529 men were followed
for 12 years as part of the Health Professionals Study. This study is
one of the most famous and best ever done. Their dietary patterns
were examined in detail. The men who ate the most whole grain
foods had the least diabetes. Their conclusion was clear“. A diet
high in whole grains is associated with a reduced risk of type 2
diabetes. Efforts should be made to replace refined-grain with
whole grain foods”. Other similar published studies were done at
Harvard with the very same results.
in less than a month. Imagine the results Nathan could get today by
adding proven supplements and natural hormones!
Chapter 4: Fats and Oils
It is not just the saturated fats that cause problems, but also
excess vegetable oils (due to the omega-6 content). We eat far too
many omega-6 fatty acids, and far too few omega-3s. This is why
flax oil is recommended as a supplement. Flax is the best source of
omega-3 fatty acids known. Yes, the Mediterranean diet is better
than the Western European and American diets, but is not the an-
swer at all. Excessive intake of olive oil is just as harmful as any
other vegetable oil. Vegetable oils are merely less harmful than
animal fats. The point here is to eat a diet of less than 20% total
fat- a 30% fat diet is not “low.” There is also the problem of
hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated “trans fatty acids”. These
are made by forcing hydrogen gas into vegetable oil, under
extreme pressure, with exotic catalysts. This “saturates” the mole-
cule, and gives the oil longer shelf life. Hydrogenated fats are the
worst possible choice, and you should avoid them. Read your
labels. The published research, in just the last few years, on the
effect of dietary fats is far too volumous to even attempt to cover.
We certainly can mention a few of the largest reviews to prove this
very clearly. The best evidence comes from an analysis of the free
fatty acids (FFAs) in our plasma.
This same phenomenon was demonstrated at the University
of Minnesota (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition v. 78, 2003).
2909 adults had the fatty acids in their blood measured. This is a
better means to determine fat intake than mere dietary analysis.
“Our findings suggest that the dietary fat profile, particularly that
of saturated fat, may contribute to the etiology of diabetes”. They
further said, “…diabetes incidence was significantly and positively
associated with the proportion of total saturated fatty acids in
plasma”. They specifically found high levels of saturated (animal)
fatty acids such as palmitic, palmitoleic, and stearic in their blood.
Again, we find animal products in the diet as the cause of diabetes.
Another powerful review with 44 references from the Uni-
versity of Uppsala in Sweden, in the same journal (v 83, 2000),
found high levels of palmitic and palmitoleic fatty acids (from
animal foods) in the blood serum of diabetics. FFAs were clearly
related to both diabetes and obesity as well. “A high level of
dietary fat is associated with impaired insulin sensitivity and risk
of diabetes.” Similar studies show significant relationships be-
tween serum lipid fatty acid composition- which mirrors the type
and amount of the fatty acids in the diet, and insulin sensitivity.
You are just not going to have high levels of palmitic, palmoleic
and stearic acids in your blood when you eat whole grains,
vegetables, fruits, and seafood as your basic sustenance, as these
are basically from saturated animal fats.
Chapter 5: Diet, Diet, Diet
It has been repeated over and over that diet, lifestyle, and
exercise are the way to cure blood sugar conditions of all kinds.
Americans eat 42% fat calories (nearly all saturated animal fats),
This is five time the fat they need. They also eat twice the protein,
half the fiber, and twice the calories they need- plus 160 pounds of
various sugars they don’t need at all. We are overfed and under-
nourished. This chapter will cover the basic points in my book Zen
Macrobiotics for Americans. Please read this book to really un-
derstand how to make the best food choices. Traditional Japanese
macrobiotics has a very limited selection of foods, and does not
use supplements, natural hormones, rigorous exercise, or even fast-
ing. The word “macrobiotics”, simply means an overall (macro)
view of life (bios). You will be eating the common foods you grew
up with. There is really nothing exotic about it.
Milk and milk products are the most allergic foods known.
They contain lactose (milk sugar), and cancer promoting casein.
All adults of all races are lactose intolerant, since they no longer
produce the enzyme lactase. Without lactase you simply cannot
digest lactose. Everyone over the age of three years old is allergic
to dairy products. Fact. Nature provided cow milk for calves, and
goat milk for baby goats. Lactose-reduced milk is just not the
answer here at all, nor are lactase tablets like Lactaid®. Dairy
cheese is low in lactose, but is extremely high in saturated animal
fat, casein, and cholesterol. It is a very poor food choice. You can
use soy, rice, almond, or oat milks instead of dairy milk. Very
good meltable non-dairy cheeses are available at any grocery store.
You can even buy soy cream cheese. Dairy yogurt has twice the
amount of milk sugar, since powdered milk is added to thicken it.
Soy yogurt and soy ice cream is readily available, but contain quite
a bit of sugar.
Beans are an excellent food, and are very similar to whole
grains in their nutritional profile. There are many delicious var-
ieties of beans available, especially in ethnic grocery stores. Beans,
bean soups, and bean dips should be a central part of your daily
fare. Get a good cookbook, and learn how to make more gourmet
bean dishes. If you have problems with gas or bloating, this is not
due to the beans, but rather to your weakened digestive system.
Take Beano®, or a generic version of alpha-galactosidase,
temporarily until your digestive system is stronger.
and yellow vegetables, ironically. Actually, frozen vegetables are
very nutritious; only the texture is harmed by the freezing process.
Canned vegetables should be avoided. Avoid the nightshade fam-
ily. This includes potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.
Nightshades contain large amounts of toxic solanine. Macrobiotics
is about the only diet system to warn against these nightshade
vegetables. Also avoid vegetables high in oxalic acid, such as
spinach, Swiss chard and others. Tropical vegetables like taro, etc.
are meant for tropical peoples living in tropical climates. If you are
of, say, African or Indian descent living in southern Florida or
Arizona, you certainly can eat such tropical foods. If you are of
European descent these foods were simply not meant for you.
which they don’t need at all. The worst offender of all is high
fructose corn syrup, since it is the cheapest to produce. At the
Diabetes Research Centre in India (Diabetologica 44, 2001) it was
shown the urban (not rural) Indians have an inordinate sugar
intake. This causes epidemic diabetes rates, even though they are
largely vegetarian, and eat a very low fat diet. Eating sweets will
raise your triglyceride levels dramatically without eating fats.
You can eat a fresh, green salad every day, as long as you
use a low fat, non-dairy dressing. Traditional Japanese macro-
biotics had a bias against fresh salads for some reason. In fact they
had a bias against any raw foods at all basically. The best time to
eat salads is in summer time, since they are rather yin. You can
still enjoy fresh salads all year round. People who advocate a 100%
raw food diet are irrationally neurotic, and cannot stay on these
very long as their health deteriorates so badly.
for just three weeks. Glucose levels fell dramatically. In just 21
days, and 71% of the ones taking oral medication discontinued
their drugs! That is over 7 in 10 in 21 days! 39% of those on
insulin stopped injecting themselves! That is almost 4 in 10 get-
ting off insulin in 21 days! They simply ate better foods, and did
some moderate exercise. Imagine what would happen if they did
this for a whole year. These results are simply amazing!
fruits, and fish lived the longest, and had the lowest illness rates.
The ones who ate red meat, refined grains, dairy products, fried
foods, and desserts had far higher disease rates, and much shorter
lives. Forty-two thousand real people prove the point conclusively.
The diet books in print are generally terrible, and there are
very few authors who have any idea of what they’re talking about.
If you go to a bookstore or library, you will see many books
claiming to tell you how to cure diabetes. Nearly all of them are
not only useless, but will actually make you worse. You can al-
ways tell if the books are spurious if the author suggests eating
dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, sweeteners of any kind
(including honey, stevia, etc.), tropical foods (like bananas and
citrus), or nightshade vegetables (like potatoes and tomatoes). It is
not considered “good form” in this business to mention these
pseudo-authorities by name, so they won’t be named individually.
Susan Powter has written two good books, Stop the Insanity
and Food, on eating well, staying slim, and calorie density. Susan
practices what she preaches, and looks great at 61. Neal Barnard is a
member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
(PCRM), and is a very sincere person. His books include Turn Off the
Fat Genes, Live Longer, Live Better, Food for Life, and Eat Right,
Live Longer. Gary Null has written Get Healthy Now, Vegetarian
Handbook, and Seven Steps to Perfect Health. Terry Shintani is a very
committed man who wrote The Hawaii Diet, and The Good
Carbohydrate Revolution. Dean Ornish is also a member of the
PCRM, and has written Eat More, Weigh Less and Program for
Reversing Heart Disease. Robert Pritikin (Nathan Pritikin’s son) has
written a half dozen books on low-fat vegetarian eating. The old
Nathan Pritikin books are still available in your public library. Michio
Kushi is a prolific writer on traditional Japanese macrobiotics, as is
George Ohsawa. You should read both of these authors, and then take
the unnecessary, overly restrictive, limited, obsessive-compulsive
Japanese trappings out of their writings. It seems that macrobiotic
authors are the only ones to understand such basic truths as the
toxicity of nightshade vegetables, and the
fact tropical foods aren’t meant for temperate peoples. None of the
aforementioned authors really understand proven supplements, nat-
ural hormone balance, and fasting to any degree, however.
yourself of this. You can literally eat all you want, if you just make
better food choices. Americans eat twice the calories they need.
Chapter 6: Effective Supplements
temporary exogenous ones for short term use.
betes. A good number of human studies have shown the benefits of
beta glucan for all blood sugar issues. Beta glucan also has power-
ful cholesterol and triglyceride lowering activity which, of course,
is of great concern in blood sugar dysmetabolism. This is a very
important supplement you must add to your regimen, and even
healthy children and people under 40 should routinely take this.
Eat just a little oatmeal and barley regularly and you won’t need to
take a supplement.
American eats about 300 mg daily, while vegetarians eat twice that
amount. Vegetarians have far less blood sugar problems. Take 300
mg a day of mixed sterols (mixed sterols is the only form
available). You should take 600 mg a day for the first year, and
then just 300 mg. Beta-sitosterol is the most effective natural
remedy known for both prostate problems and high blood fats
(cholesterol and triglycerides). At the Gerontology Clinic (Vnitrni
Lekarstvi v. 50, 2004) blood levels of these plant sterols were
shown to be very important in diabetic patients. “In diabetics the
level of disease compensation correlated negatively with plant
sterol values”. You can read more about plant sterols in my book
Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs. All this is strongly related to
cholesterol and triglyceride dysmetabolism.
all-cause mortality and length of life. The international research is
very strong here.
L-glutamine is a proven amino acid for good intestinal
health. You should take a gram (two X 500 mg) in the AM and
another gram in the PM. You can also take a tablespoon of
inexpensive bulk glutamine powder every day for even better
results. This will also spike (temporarily raise) your growth hor-
mone levels. While L-glutamine has shown no specific value for
blood sugar problems, always remember we are treating the whole
body, and not just our glucose metabolism. Regardless of our age,
our digestive systems are generally in terrible shape from our poor
diets. Taking L-glutamine, with a good brand of acidophilus and
FOS, will help us digest our food well. Strong digestion is an
important part of maintaining normal blood sugar and insulin
Glucosamine will not specifically help your blood sugar
condition, but it is an important supplement for anyone over the
age of 40. Literally 95% of Americans over the age of 65 suffer
from arthritis and joint inflammation. Glucosamine 500 -1,000 mg
a day is a proven supplement for bone and joint health. Do not take
chondroitin, as it is not absorbed by our intestines and is therefore
useless. Glucosamine cannot work alone, and must have a com-
plete supply of minerals, flax oil, and vitamin D to be effective.
Soy isoflavones can be taken in 40 mg doses of combined
genestein and diadzein. It is unrealistic to think we are going to get
a sufficient intake of these valuable isoflavones by eating a variety
of soy products. Tofu is the white bread of soybeans, is highly
refined, and lacking in nutrition. Westerners rarely eat any amount
of soy products such as miso, seitan, soy flour, tempeh, or other
traditional Asian foods. Soy sauce is merely a condiment. There is
an overwhelming amount of published research on the benefits of
soy supplementation. Anyone who tells you soy is “bad” for you is
mentally deficient. The dairy and meat industries are very upset by
the popularity of soy products, especially soy milks. Billions of
Asians for centuries prove the value of soy isoflavone intake.
Okinawans eat more soy than anyone, and live the longest of all.
Chapter 7: Temporary Supplements
other effects. Taking 100 mg a day for six months to a year will
help your immunity in general.
Quercetin is technically an endogenous antioxidant
although basically only found in apples and onions. You can take
100 mg daily for one year. Only one study was found where dia-
betic animals improved with quercetin supplementation. There is
good science on the antioxidant benefits of quercetin.
little scientific evidence behind it. There are a few possible studies,
however, for blood sugar conditions. You can use 3 grams (6 X
500 mg) daily for one year. At the University of Vienna L-arginine
was found to inhibit lipid peroxidation in human diabetics. At the
Medical College of Wisconsin diabetic rats benefited from L-
arginine in their water. At Cumhuriyet University in Turkey rabbits
lowered blood glucose levels with oral L-arginine. Arginine is
commonly promoted without clinical backing. This is an optional
supplement, as it is not well clinically proven at all.
Chapter 8: Alpha Lipoic Acid
Anyone over the age of forty should take lipoic acid as part
of their basic supplement program for its powerful antioxidant
properties. For most people 400 mg a day is sufficient. Clinical
studies have used up to 1,000 mg, but only in the short term.
Injected lipoic acid is much more effective than oral use, but very
impractical obviously. Overdoses of lipoic acid, or anything else,
merely unbalance our metabolism, and are contraindicated. If you
have a serious problem, you can safely take 800 mg a day for one
year, Just use 400 mg in the AM, and another 400 mg in the PM, to
maintain maximum blood levels. Lipoic acid is safe, inexpensive,
and non-toxic, but there just isn’t any reason to take more than 400
mg for the long term. Short term studies have used higher doses,
but you’ll be doing long term therapy.
ologies, including cataract formation, vascular damage, and poly-
neuropathy”. Rather powerful statements from top doctors in the
best hospitals.
formation. The famous Mayo Clinic, in Minnesota, did a most
impressive 16 page review, complete with 77 references
(Antioxidants in Health and Disease v 6, 1997) on lipoic acid. This
study leaves no doubt as to the proven effectiveness on any disease
associated with oxidative stress- including blood sugar disorders
generally. At the University of California, in Los Angeles, a
sophisticated review, with an impressive 78 citations (Toxicology
and Applied Pharmacology v 182, 2002), was done on the general
antioxidant and pro-oxidant properties of lipoic acid. They showed
both lipoic acid and dihydrolipoic acid exhibit direct free radical
scavenging properties. Other studies provide evidence that lipoic
acid supplementation has pro-oxidant prop-erties, decreases
oxidative stress, and restores reduced levels of other antioxidants
in real people.
Chapter 9: We All Need Minerals
you. More is not better.
such as citrates, sulfates, or oxides are good.
health. You will almost never find this in any vitamin supplement.
A good dose is 10 mg, although you probably don’t need that
much. It isn’t toxic, so 10 mg would be a safe and effective
amount. Silicon levels in common foods vary so greatly, it is hard
to be more precise. Plain silica gel (silicic acid) is the best form to
take. Do not use horsetail herb. Make sure the label says silicic
acid. One major need for silicon (not to be confused with silicone-
which is a polymer of silicon and oxygen) is for bone and joint
metabolism, and calcium absorption. Why aren’t vitamin com-
panies putting this inexpensive, essential element in their form-
ulas? Be sure to get silicon in your mineral supplement.
blood sugar metabolism is overwhelming. This must be in your
supplement program.
body if overdoses are used. This is a very important antioxidant
element, and fights free radicals. Studies have shown people with
low selenium intakes have more cancer, heart and artery disease,
diabetes, and other illnesses. Generally, most vitamin formulas
contain the 70 mcg you need.
Tin has no RDA, but is definitely an essential ultra-trace
element. A reasonable dosage would be 100 mcg, but the FDA
irrationally limits this to 30 mcg. The same comments apply
regarding research on tin as to that of nickel. Human research has
found low tin levels in various pathological conditions and
diseases. We need more human research on tin. You’ll almost
never find meaningful amounts in any of the supplements currently
in the marketplace.
in all our organs. The earth’s crust has an amazing 10 mg per kg of
gallium. A Japanese study showed people were only taking in a
mere 12 mcg a day. Other human blood and organ studies indicate
common deficiency.
We need all the known essential elements and not just some
of them. All elements work synergistically and harmoniously
together, in concert, as a team. You must get all of them, and not
just some of them. We know there are at least twenty-one we need.
Look up “mineral supplements” on the Internet to find one that has
the minerals you are known to need.
Chapter 10: Your Basic Hormones
Testosterone is not the “male hormone” at all, even though
men have about ten times as much as women. Men and women
both need youthful levels of this primary androgen. Please read my
book Testosterone Is Your Friend - A Book for Men and Women.
This is the most researched, comprehensive, and informative book
available on testosterone. Men cannot have hyper levels, as the
testes cannot overproduce this. Even if men oversupplement with
testosterone, the excess basically spills over into estradiol and est-
rone. Overdoses just make estrogens in men. Literally over 90% of
men over the age of 50 have low testosterone, and would benefit
from supplementation. Women have only about a tenth of the
blood testosterone that men have, but they can have deficient or
excessive levels. Hyper levels in women can only be lowered by
diet and lifestyle, not dangerous prescription drugs. A high level of
testosterone, androstenedione, and/or DHEA in women is called
“androgenicity”. This is a hallmark of polycystic ovaries - a very
common condition. Studies repeatedly show diabetic men gen-
erally have deficient levels, while women generally have excessive
ones. Doctors generally have no idea how to accurately measure
testosterone, much less administer it. They usually prescribe
dangerous injections, toxic oral salts, or very overpriced patches
and weak gels. Transdermal creams or gels of natural testosterone,
and sublingual tablets or drops of testosterone enanthate are the
preferred methods. (Natural testosterone tastes terrible.) Trans-
dermal creams and gels generally only deliver 20% into the blood,
so 80% is wasted. DMSO solutions deliver about 98%, are safe
and effective, but are not allowed under FDA regulations. Nor are
nasal sprays. Men make about 6-8 mg a day, so they generally only
need about a 3 mg (3,000 mcg) daily dose in their blood. This
means a man would use a daily 4 mg sublingual tablet or drops of a
salt (containing 3 mg actual testosterone). A woman would use a
daily 200 mcg sublingual tablet or drops of a salt (containing 150
mg of actual testosterone). Women make about 300 mcg a day, so
about 150 mcg in their blood is a good daily dose, since they store
testosterone more efficiently. If a man gets a 100 g tube of 3%
natural (3g per 100 g) cream, each half gram will have 15 mg. He
can expect 3 (20%) mg to actually go into his blood. The tube will
therefore last over six months (200 days). If a woman gets a 100 g
tube of a mere 0.15% natural (150 mg per 100 g) cream each half
gram will contain 750 mcg. She can expect 150 mcg (20%) to go
into her blood. Men who are “androgen resistant”, and cannot use
testosterone or DHEA, simply cannot use any androgen as they
will just get estrogens. Even pregnenolone, nandrolone, HCG,
aspartic acid, and other testosterone boosters will spill over into
estrogens in such cases. Even aromatase inhibitors like formestane
and ATD will eventually just turn into estrogens. There is no
known cure and no research being done here.
Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant hormone. Melatonin is
much more powerful and beneficial than the media tells you, and
has even been studied for cancer therapy. Even though levels fall
from the time we’re 18, it is best you test your melatonin level if
you are over the age of 40. You cannot assume you are low just
because you are older. Hyper levels are medically unknown (ex-
cept rarely with pineal tumors). A few people are melatonin de-
ficient throughout life, and would benefit from early diagnosis. We
have discussed the vital importance of antioxidants and oxidative
stress in blood sugar conditions. This is a very underestimated hor-
mone, despite numerous published studies showing major benefits
in real people (including immunity enhancement and antioxidant
properties) for many diseases. Men over 40 can take 3 mg at night,
and women half tablets (1.5 mg). Only take this at night when our
levels naturally rise, and never during the day. Taking this during
the day would produce negative effects. You can only test mel-
atonin at 3:00 AM with a saliva test kit.
balance your pregnenolone level, so all your other hormones can
work effectively. Men over 40 can take 50 mg if they prove to be
low, and women about 25 mg. There are no saliva kits in 2012, and
doctors will overcharge you to test this. Go to websites such as to test this without a doctor. You are look-
ing for the youthful level you had at age thirty, as always. This will
help keep your mind, memory and cognition strong in your elderly
years. This is the most important brain, memory, and cognition
hormone of all. Use this with PS and ALC.
type 1 and 2 diabetics. Get an inexpensive blood test for these. Test
your FREE T3 and FREE T4. Do not let the doctor test the
traditional TSH and T3 uptake; these do not accurately indicate
thyroid function. Again, you must test your free T3 and free T4,
regardless of what your doctor tells you. You can use websites like to get this done inexpensively. Doc-tors
know little about thyroid diagnosis, and this includes endo-
crinologists. Here you cannot accept low normal values, even
though they are technically “in range”. You need midrange or
better values. Add high and low ranges and divide by 2. T3 and T4
are both bioidentical hormones, with no side effects whatsoever
when used properly. That’s right- Synthroid® and Cytomel® are
exactly the same as the hormones in your body. Do not use
Armour® Thyroid from pigs, as it contains a 4:1 ratio of T4 and
T3. Very few people (i.e. 5%) are low in both- treat T3 and T4
separately. For people with excessive levels, only diet and lifestyle
will lower them; do not get surgery or irradiate your thyroid gland!
NOT work well, since it is fat soluble. You can measure this with
blood according to your monthly cycle. After menopause it doesn’t
matter, of course, when you measure it. Postmenopausal women
can safely use this any two weeks of the month without testing,
since their ovaries no longer produce this. Men can use 1/8
teaspoon five days a week directly on their scrotums to protect
against excess estrogens as they age. Progesterone is therefore
anti-feminizing in men. Men need youthful levels of progesterone
just as women do. Please read my book The Natural Prostate Cure
to learn more about why they need this.
women are low in this.
Chapter 11: Hormone Testing
Your melatonin must be tested at 3:00 AM with a saliva kit.
The only other way is to pay a fortune to stay overnight in a sleep lab
and get a blood draw. Look for the level you had at the age of
30. Doctors have no interest in testing or prescribing melatonin,
since they don’t understand how important it is. Also, it is sold
over the counter, so there is no profit in it for them. Our melatonin
levels fall from the time we’re 18 until they almost disappear by
our seventies. Most everyone over 40 would benefit from mel-
atonin supplementation. Don’t assume you are low, just because
you are getting older.
and money testing your TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and T3
uptake, instead of your free T3 and free T4. In 2012 there is no
saliva testing offered, but this situation should change due to de-
mand. Getting your free T3 and free T4 tested is very inexpensive,
and only costs about $30 each, plus the office visit. Go in at about
9:00 AM fasting. Fortunately you can go to websites (like www. and get this done for under $100 without a
doctor. Do not settle for low normal ranges here, but look for
midrange levels. Add high and low ranges and divide by 2. Ranges
differ from lab to lab; there is no universal range. 100 mcg of T4
and 25 mcg of T3 (it is always a 4:1 ratio) are good starting doses
if you are low. You can get bioidential T3 (Cytomel®) and T4
(Synthroid®) legally on the Internet from Mexican online
pharmacies. Search for generic Levoxyl® and Cynomel®. Do not
use Armour® pig thyroid, as it contains both in a 4:1 ratio, and few
(like 5%) people need that.
Rather than test your insulin per se, it is better to get a glu-
cose tolerance test (GTT). You drink a 75 gram measured cup of
glucose, wait an hour and have your blood sugar level tested with a
blood draw. If the accepted range is 140 mg use 120 to130 as the
more healthful range. Just go 10 to 20 points under the “accepted”
level. Make sure your fasting glucose level is 85 mg/dl or less; do
not accept the accepted “normal” limit of 100 or more. It must be
85 or less. The GTT test is inexpensive, accurate, and should be
routine for anyone with symptoms of the metabolic syndrome, or
anyone over the age of 40. This is a very under-utilized tool.
gesterone if they are low. This includes teenage girls, and women
under 40. Actually, testing is optional. Saliva testing just doesn’t
work well here, since progesterone won’t dissolve in water. Post-
menopausal women can simply use progesterone any two weeks of
the calendar month, since their ovaries are no longer active. Men
over 40 should, use small amounts of transdermal progesterone
(i.e. 1/8 teaspoon five days a week), but don’t need to test it.
Chapter 12: Heart Disease and Cholesterol
Researchers around the world agree that both type 1 and 2
diabetes, insulin resistance, and impaired glucose metabolism are
highly correlated with dyslipidemia. There is no reason to review
this overwhelming research, as the scientists of the world are in
basic agreement on this issue. Our emphasis will therefore be on
practical and effective ways to lower our blood fats naturally. Diet
is the most important of course. Proven supplements, especially
beta-sitosterol, flax oil, beta glucan, and soy isoflavones are the
second means. Natural hormone balance is the third, and regular
exercise the fourth. Fasting once a week on water from dinner to
dinner will also help you lower blood fats. Read my book, Lower
Cholesterol Without Drugs.
Supplements will only help you if you eat well. The most
important supplement is 300 to 600 mg of beta-sitosterol. Beta-
sitosterol is found in literally every vegetable you eat. The studies
on lowering blood fats with mixed plant sterols go back over three
decades. Most Americans only eat about 300 mg a day, and veg-
etarians about twice that much. We eat too many omega-6 fatty
acids, and not enough omega-3s. Flax oil is the best known source
of omega-3 fatty acids (and lignans), and a better choice than fish
oil for many reasons. Choose flax oil! Our food is very deficient in
omega-3s, and very excessive in omega-6s. Beta glucan is the third
supplement. Beta glucan is the most powerful immune enhancer
known to science, and that includes prescription drugs such as
interferon alpha. Beta glucan has also shown effectiveness in low-
ering blood lipids. Please read my booklet What is Beta Glucan? to
learn just how powerful and effective this really is. People of all
ages will benefit from taking 200 mg of more of beta glucan a day.
Isoflavones are the fourth supplement. Taking 40 mg of mixed
daidzein and genistein soy isoflavones is the most practical and
realistic way to get the benefits of soybeans. Western people simp-
ly won’t eat enough soy foods to get sufficient isoflavones in their
diet. Soy foods just aren’t a part of Western culture.
plete lack of knowledge in this area. It has become faddish to say,
“cholesterol doesn’t count”, so people have an excuse to continue
their high fat diets. Some frauds go even further, and tell you that
low cholesterol is somehow “dangerous”. Many elderly people are
so sickly that they lose their ability to manufacture cholesterol,
despite a high fat diet. Therefore, their lower cholesterol levels are
not indicitive of good health at all, but rather of morbidity. The
chart below- from the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial
(MRFIT)- proves beyond any doubt that total cholesterol should
ideally be about 150 mg/dl. (Archives of Internal Medicine v.148,
1998). 361,662 men from 40 different countries aged 35-57 were
studied over a period of six years. The ones with low cholesterol
had only 3 deaths per thousand every year, while the ones with
high cholesterol had 16 deaths per thousand annually. That is
533% more deaths. They summarized this as, “The association
between serum cholesterol and six year risk of CHD was con-
tinuous, graded, and strong over the entire range…”
The MRFIT study
140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 Serum
Cholesterol, mg/dL
Americans eat about 42% fat calories, and most all of them
are from saturated animal fats. Substituting vegetable oils is simply
lessening the harmful effects. Canola oil is a promotional fraud
(seen any canola plants lately?), despite the hype and promotion by
the so-called health food industry. Olive oil must be limited like
any other vegetable oil. Corn, safflower, sunflower, and olive oils
should be used in moderation. Soy oil tastes terrible, unless it is
highly refined. Sesame oil is very expensive, and toasted sesame
oil is a condiment. Palm and coconut oils are meant for tropical
peoples living in tropical climates. You should eat less than 20%
fat calories, and these should be from vegetable sources, as well as
seafood. This is very easy to do when you’re not eating red meat,
poultry, eggs, dairy products, fried foods, and junk foods. 15% is
even better.
keep them under 100. Sweets of all kinds, including honey and
maple syrup, will raise your triglycerides levels- even on a low fat
diet. Vegans and ethical vegetarians are nearly always sugar
addicts. They usually have elevated triglyceride levels, despite
eating no saturated fats or animal foods at all. Fruit juice, dried
fruit, stevia, honey, agave, etc. are just as bad as white sugar.
required amounts clearly stated on the label.
Chapter 13: Obesity
glucose concentrations, and reduce the need for diabetes medi-
cations. Moreover, improvements in fasting blood glucose are
directly related to the relative amount of weight loss”.
ww pasta 3.1 mangoes 8.3
chicken 3.2 blueberries 8.8
avocado 3.3 apples 9.4
eggs 3.4 potatoes 9.6
salmon 3.9 soymilk 10.1
ww bread 4.0 grapes 11.9
navy beans 4.8 carrots 13.0
shrimp 4.8 onions 14.8
brown rice 5.1 oranges 15.6
pinto beans 5.3 cantaloupe 18.2
sweet potato 5.4 cauliflower 20.2
oatmeal 6.0 spinach 21.0
bananas 6.4 green beans 21.9
corn 6.5 cabbage 22.8
squash 28.8 cucumbers 32.8
celery 32.8 lettuce 39.0
It’s obvious that meat, poultry, eggs (50% fat calories), and
dairy products are basically highest in fat, and therefore highest in
calories. Whole grains and beans are very filling, yet low in fat and
calories. Vegetables and fruits are the lowest of all.
We only need two meals a day. The less you eat the better.
Americans eat twice the calories they need. Don’t eat out. Take
your lunch to work. A man only needs about 1,800 calories a day,
and a woman about 1,200 calories. Don’t eat breakfast, and you’ll
have more time in the morning. Or you can eat breakfast and
supper, and skip lunch. You’ll save time, money, and energy not
eating three times a day. Soon this will feel very natural to you,
and you won’t want to eat three meals a day anymore. You may
not be able to fast for more than 8 or 12 hours until you are well.
When you are well, you should fast every week for 24 hours, on
water, from dinner to dinner.
You can eat all you want, never be hungry, and stay slim
and trim just by choosing healthier, low-fat foods to eat.
Chapter 14: Exercise is Essential
If you have most any form of cancer, you can lay on your
dead rear end, watch TV, rarely get any exercise, and still get well
in a year, if you do all the other things you’re supposed to. That is
not a good idea of course. This is NOT true at all with diabetes and
blood sugar disorders. YOU MUST EXERCISE REGULARLY.
You can do resistance or aerobic exercise, or both, but you must
exercise regularly. There is no way around this! No matter how
well you eat, how many proven supplements you take, and how
well you balance your endocrine hormone system, you still need to
exercise to cure diabetes and similar blood sugar conditions. The
literature is overwhelmingly clear on this. Exercise burns off that
blood sugar. Since researchers around the world agree on this, we
won’t bother to cite the journals for the studies mentioned.
ferenced reviews were done on exercise and type 2 diabetes.
Regular physical exercise proved to be vital for both the prevention
and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Regular physical exercise with
dietary restrictions increased energy expenditure. This leads to
decreased body weight, increased insulin sensitivity, improved
long-term glycemic control and lipid profiles, lower blood pres-
sure, and increased cardiovascular fitness.
Postmenopausal women, especially obese ones, in America
can be difficult to treat because they usually have multiple health
conditions. At the University of Maryland, in Baltimore, obese
post-menopausal women (aged 50 to 65) performed resistance
training (RT) exercise regularly for a few months. The gained
strength, lost weight, lowered their body fat per cent, and improved
their insulin sensitivity. The conclusion was that RT has the
potential to ameliorate, and even prevent, the development of
insulin resistance, and reduce the risk for glucose intolerance and
NIDDM in post-menopausal women. Just simple exercise ac-
complished this, with no changes in diet or lifestyle.
minutes a day, three times a week- 90 minutes a week- and found
this provided a practical addition to lifestyle management of type 2
diabetes in only eight weeks. Resistance exercise (circuit training)
was found to be an effective method that improved functional
capacity, lean body mass, strength, and glycemic control of pat-
ients. One of the studies found that moderate exercise and a diet
(including fish) high in omega-3 fatty acids improved various
diagnostic factors for type 2 diabetes. Another study lowered glu-
cose 13%, and insulin 20%, just with mild exercise. At St. Vin-
cent’s Hosptial, in Sydney, type 1 diabetics improved their health
with just 45 minutes of cycling a day. Again, feeding whole com-
plex carbohydrates prior to exercise prevented hypoglycemia.
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Testosterone Is Your Friend – Roger Mason $ 8.95 US
Roger Mason
The Natural Diabetes Cure, is the most
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