Electric Vehicle: A Futuristic Approach To Reduce Pollution (A Case Study of Delhi)

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Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution (A case study of


Article  in  World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research · January 2007

DOI: 10.1504/WRITR.2007.016276


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2 authors:

Israr Ahmad K.K. Dewan

Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Millia Islamia


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300 World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2007

Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce

pollution (A case study of Delhi)

Israr Ahmad* and Kum Kum Dewan

Department of Mathematics,
Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025, India
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
*Corresponding author

Abstract: In developing countries, city traffic is growing at a very fast rate.

Rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, insurance and loan facilities etc., are some
of the important factors which accelerate the growth of traffic in urban areas.
The city of Delhi, like other cities in developing countries, is facing an acute
transport management problem. This primary transport management problem
leads to many more secondary problems such as traffic congestion, high energy
consumption, loss of productivity, increase in accidental death rates, vehicular
parking problem and deterioration of the environment. In this paper, we
conducted a survey based on a structured questionnaire for the need
for electric vehicles. By analysis of the data collected, we found that
if the people opt for the Electric Vehicle (EV), the pollution emitted by
all the cars and jeeps will be reduced to 75,991 tonnes from 1,01,051 tonnes
per year. Similarly, on the adoption of EV cars in Delhi, an amount of
Rs. 4940.51 – 3715.26 = Rs. 1225.25 crores (Approx. USD 28,16,663) can be
reduced, which is now being annually spent on petrol.

Keywords: electric vehicle; vehicular traffic congestion; pollution; parking

lots; environment; public transport management; motorisation; urbanisation.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Ahmad, I. and

Dewan, K.K. (2007) ‘Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution
(A case study of Delhi)’, World Review of Intermodal Transportation
Research, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.300–312.

Biographical notes: Israr Ahmad is Master of Computer Science and

Applications (MCA) from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, PhD from
Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi. He is working as a Computer
Programmer, in the Department of Mathematics, JMI, New Delhi, India. He is
looking after the practicals of MSc, MSc Tech, MCom, and BA/BSc (Hons)
Mathematics. He is also assisting in the teaching of computer papers to MSc
(Mathematics) evening and MCom (Final) students. Besides this, he guides the
students of MSc (Mathematics with Computer Science) in their projects also.
At present, he is on a teaching assignment (Assistant Professor of Computer
Science) in Hadhramout University of Science and Technology, Mukalla,

K.K. Dewan is MA (Mathematics) from University of Delhi, PhD from IIT,

Delhi and DSc from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. She is also the
recipient of JRF of CSIR, UGC and IIT, Delhi and the post-doctoral fellowship
of IIT, Delhi and Canada. She had also been a Visiting Assistant Professor in
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada and a Guest Scientist at ICTP, Italy
during 1987 and 1994, respectively. She has a teaching experience of more than

Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution 301

34 years to her credit. At present, she is Professor in the Department of

Mathematics and Dean, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Jamia Millia Islamia
(Central University), New Delhi and actively engaged in guiding research in
the area of Complex Analysis and Applied Mathematics.

1 Introduction

We can survive without food for several weeks. We can also live without water for a few
days. But, we can not live without breathing air even for a few moments. The air we
breathe directly gets into our blood stream. Hence it is necessary for us to ensure that the
air quality is not polluted beyond the threshold limits.
Rising incomes, combined with increasing prosperity for personal mobility, and
inadequate mass transportation facility have resulted in a pronounced increase in
ownership of vehicles and their utilisation in Delhi. Apart from the growth of
motorisation, there is the problem of absence of appropriate road traffic reduction
strategies on major corridors, an ageing and ill-maintained vehicle stock, a sizeable share
of two-stroke engine technologies, absence of an efficient public transport system,
inadequate separation between working, living space and moving space, and lower fuel
quality. All these problems lead to traffic congestion, longer travel time, extra fuel
consumption, high level pollution, discomfort to road users and degradation of the urban
It is notable that about two third of the vehicles in Delhi are two-wheelers, operated
on two-stroke engines, accounting for 70% of hydrocarbon and 50% of carbon monoxide
Delhi, with a current population of around 16 million and sprawling over
1483 Sq. Km. is on the threshold of a major environmental crisis in the form of air
pollution. Two factors point to a worsening of the air pollution situation in Delhi over the
next decade – the rapid pace of urbanisation and the even faster pace of motorisation.
Delhi’s population, which was 6.22 millions in 1981, increased to 13.78 millions in 2001,
indicating a more than two fold increase in the last two decades (Registrar General and
Census Commissioner, 2001). While the corresponding figures of the increase in vehicle
population accounts for 0.56 million and 3.58 millions, respectively, which indicates a
more than six time increase in the last two decades (Motor Transport Statistics of India,
1996). Vehicles, such as two wheelers and cars are increasing due to the absence of a
good public transport system, particularly, in the last two decades. Therefore, it can be
stated with certainty for Delhi that the contribution by transport to air pollution is likely
to increase if the present trends in vehicular growth are not controlled.
Table 1 shows the comparison of percentage of growth of population and motor
vehicles in Delhi during 1981–2006. It is clear that the percentage of growth of motor
vehicles is much greater as compared to the population of Delhi. The percentage of
growth of motor vehicles was approximately three times as compared to the growth of
population during the period 1981–1991, in 1996 and 2006 it was double, but in 2001 it
was 1.3 times greater than the growth of the population of Delhi. The number of vehicles
per thousand of population was 90.3 in 1981, which increased dramatically and in 2006
touched 300.17 vehicles per thousand of population in Delhi.
302 I. Ahmad and K.K. Dewan

Table 1 Percentage of growth of population and motor vehicles in Delhi

Growth of Growth of motor No. of vehicles per

Year Population Motor vehicles population (%) vehicles (%) thousand of population
1981 62,20,000 5,61,768 4.88 12.38 90.3
1986 77,29,000 10,75,486 4.85 18.29 139.1
1991 93,70,000 19,23,787 4.24 15.78 205.3
1996 114,54,800 27,93,605 4.44 9.04 243.8
2001 137,82,975 35,89,748 4.07 5.69 260.5
2006 160,21,000 48,09,010 3.25 6.79 300.17
Sources: Population Cencus (2001), Delhi Statistical Handbook (2006) and
Vehicular Data (2006)

2 Air pollution

The atmosphere of Delhi is adding to the pollution problem because it is laden with dust
particles. A lot of dust particles are mixed in the air of Delhi as they come from the arid
and dry lands of the Thar desert in Rajasthan. The sand particles from the Thar desert
reach Delhi, polluting the atmosphere.
Clean air is essential to lead a normal life, and for clean air, one needs a clean
environment. The problem of environment hazards to health has now entered the world of
urban rich and middle class (Murray, 1997). High levels of mortality and morbidity are,
therefore, being attributed to increasing air pollution in India.
Air quality is emerging as the principal motivation for enhancing Delhi’s
transportation system. In recent years, a series of initiatives have been launched in Delhi
to reduce vehicular emissions. These include augmentation of public transport, adherence
to progressively stringent standard for fuels and vehicles, scraping old buses, taxis
and auto-rickshaws, establishing inspection and maintenance of in-use vehicles and
promoting the use of clean alternative fuels. To improve air quality in Delhi, it is not
enough to introduce improved technologies and cleaner fuels, measures are required to
restrain road traffic growth by better land use planning, stricter demand management,
greater use of public and non-motorised transport and EVs.
Motorisation and the accompanying congestion and dependence on oil, and air
pollution, have plagued the large cities of the developed countries. Today, motor vehicles
and the adverse effects on their intensive use have spread worldwide. In the last two
decades, there has been relentless growth in motor traffic, particularly that generated
by cars. In many cities, especially those in the developing countries, the transport
infrastructure has been unable to cope with this upsurge in traffic. Traffic congestion has
become a common problem that the commuters have to face everyday. To provide an
efficient and environmentally sound transport system is now a matter of great urgency in
the large cities, without which it would be difficult to achieve an acceptable quality of life
in urban cities.
Delhi is a rapidly expanding city. Climate and natural sources also play an important
role in contributing to the pollution levels of Delhi in addition to the man-made sources.
The region has a semi-arid climate. A sporadic pre-monsoon feature is dust storms when
winds from the west bring large concentrations of suspended particulate matter to the
Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution 303

atmosphere of Delhi. Pre-monsoon calms contribute to increased pollution loads due to

lack of mixing between different atmospheric levels. In winter, ground-based temperature
inversions constrain dispersal of pollutants (White Paper on Pollution in Delhi with an
Action Plan, 1997).
According to the ambient air quality measured by the Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB) in Delhi, the concentration of Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxide (NO2)
has increased considerably since 1987 at most locations. The transport sector is the
largest consumer of petroleum products. The government is providing policy support,
fiscal incentives and regulatory measures for the development of alternative energy
vehicles and fuels. Battery operated vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen powered
vehicles and bio-fuel powered vehicles have been identified in this context
(Westbrook, 2001). The development activities of such fuels and vehicles need to be
further encouraged, particularly in view of their potential to protect the environment.
The main sources of air pollution are industries, vehicles and domestic activities
in the cities. Table 2 shows that the sources of air pollution in Delhi are emissions
from vehicles (72%), coal based thermal power plants and industrial units (20%) and
domestic (8%).

Table 2 Percentage share of air pollution by various sources in Delhi

1971 1981 1991 2001

Industrial 56 40 29 20
Vehicular 23 42 63 72
Domestic 21 18 8 8
Source: MoE&F (2001)

Table 2 shows the rising vehicular pollution which is contrary to the trend shown by
industrial and domestic pollution. Delhi is facing serious environmental problems
because of its degraded ambient air quality, particularly due to vehicular pollutant
emissions. It can be clearly seen from the following graph that the proportion of vehicular
pollution is increasing steadily (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Percentage share of air pollution in Delhi

304 I. Ahmad and K.K. Dewan

Table 3 shows the comparison of vehicular pollution in four metropolitan cities.

Clearly, Delhi is the most polluted city. From the graph, it is clear that carbon monoxide
is the major pollutant in the air of Delhi (Figure 2), which is due to petrol run vehicles
(Urban Statistics, 1996).

Table 3 Vehicular pollution load (tones/day) in metropolitan cities

City Particulates SO2 Nox HC CO Total

Delhi 10.3 8.96 126.46 249.57 651.01 1046.3
Mumbai 5.59 4.03 70.82 108.21 469.92 659.57
Kolkata 3.25 3.65 54.69 43.88 188.24 239.71
Chennai 2.34 2.02 28.21 50.46 143.22 226.25

Figure 2 Vehicular pollution load in Delhi

3 Electric Vehicle (EV)

India is a great country with abundant natural resources like coal, water, etc., that can be
used for electricity generation. Privatisation has seen more power being produced and
that too, at a time when people across the world are becoming more and more conscious
about their environment. Conventional fuels have always polluted and harmed the
environment. The search for a non-polluting fuel begins with hydrogen fuel cells and
ends with the use electricity for vehicles.
An EV is operated by an electric motor, which draws electricity from a battery bank.
Different types of batteries for EVs and other applications are being developed for better
performance. Storage batteries store a fixed amount of chemical energy. The batteries can
be recharged when the electro-chemically active material in these batteries have
been used up. Most of the EVs, at present, use rechargeable lead acid batteries because of
the availability and low price. The lead acid batteries are more widely used than
other batteries.
Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution 305

In effect, EVs could serve as a stimulant in bringing down pollution (Kirsch, 2000).
EVs would also help free the Indian government of some of its debts and deficits.
Fifty percent of our entire oil requirement for transportation is imported, which, in
numbers, accounts for a whopping savings in foreign exchange of over $24 million on
petrol alone (Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics, 1999–2001).

3.1 Indian initiative

In 2000, the Mashelkar Committee (Parivesh Newsletter, 1995) set up by the Ministry
of Non-conventional Energy Sources (MNES), Government of India, on high energy
density batteries for EVs, had recommended the following measures for accelerated
commercialisation of EVs in India:
• development of appropriate type of batteries for EVs, including advanced lead acid
batteries as a short-term strategy, nickel metal hydride batteries as a medium-term
strategy, and lithium batteries as a long-term strategy
• development and use of innovative, quick charging methods and devices for
charging of batteries.
The committee emphasised the importance of reduction of volume and weight, especially
of the on-board charger, and also intensifying efforts to improve fuel economy of EVs by
way of improving the efficiency of battery charge, batteries used, electric motor and
controller, besides, reducing the overall weight of the vehicle, as well as the aerodynamic
drag and rolling resistance.
Based on these and other recommendations, R&D projects for the development
of efficient, reliable and durable EVs and their components are being supported
by the Government. The use of lightweight materials such as aluminium for the
body and chassis of EVs is necessary in order to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle
(Larminie and Lowry, 2003). Aluminium can be recycled after disposal of the EVs.
A number of EVs are already plying on the roads today. BHEL (United Nations
Foundation, 2002) developed and commercialised a 16 seater EV Bus more than a
decade ago. Several improvements, including the control system and vehicle design and
performance based on operational experience of this bus, have been conducted.
Three wheeler EVs are also commercially available in the country. Scooter India Limited
(Development of High Energy Batteries for Electric Vehicles, 2000) has developed
and demonstrated electric three wheelers, which are now in an advanced stage of
commercialisation. Other major players for electric three wheelers include Mahindra Eco
Mobiles, which has come up with a three-wheeler EV called Bijli. Passenger EVs are also
available commercially in the country. Bangalore has developed a battery operated
passenger car, which goes by the name Reva.
With further technical performance improvement, cost reduction and increasing
awareness, EVs are expected to find greater acceptance and market penetration. The main
targeted users of EVs would be public transport systems: urban services industries,
service sectors and government at the central and state levels.
306 I. Ahmad and K.K. Dewan

3.2 Electric vehicle’s abilities

EVs would have an effect on the following:
• air and noise pollution
• infrastructure availability
• safety
• vehicle upgradation
• economic resource sustainability.

3.3 Growth potential

Like any other cutting-edge technology, as the technology grows, one expects a reduction
in cost and improvement in battery performance. There is tremendous potential for EVs
abroad as well as in India. It is expected that there will be a steep rise in EVs in India to
control the pollution. To be able to realise this kind of potential, support from all
industries and the government is a pre-requisite.
In India, some state governments have been exempting EVs from road and sales
taxes. In addition, the central government is providing a subsidy of Rs. 75,000 on EVs
purchased by its organisations. The government needs to push EV sales by providing
separate meters for charging EVs and implementing concessional rates of 50% tariff for
night charging. EVs are environment friendly, low on operating and maintenance costs
and provide us with a quiet and clean driving experience.

3.4 Electric vehicle ‘Reva’

The growing population in cities, increased traffic congestion and consequent low driving
speeds and growing air and noise pollution are problems. The Reva Electric Car
Company (RECC) draws its potential customers’ attention to these problems, and the
increase in petrol and diesel prices.
The Bangalore-based RECC, manufacturer of the first on-road electric car in India, is
looking at developing more models to add to their portfolio of products. Mr. Chetan
Maini, the Managing Director, RECC said, “An electric car makes lot of sense in a city
like London. In central London they charge five pounds per day for parking, but if you
were to use an electric car, there are no charges”. With the increased parking rates
recently being imposed by MCD and NDMC and the increased pollution in Delhi, Reva
would be an ideal choice if concession is given for parking of EVs. Reva is an ideal
option for city conditions such as high air pollution, traffic congestion, small within-city
distances, and high fuel prices.
Market research reveals that 98% of the urban population travels an average of only
40 Km a day and requires a maximum speed of 40 km/hr. Hence the REVA is ably suited
for the market requirement for city mobility (Metro Today, 2003). The Reva currently
offers a lot of features like dent-proof panels, two computers on board, tubeless tyres,
specially designed steel space frame etc., which add high values to our current models.
Reva is India’s first electric car. This two-seater car was named REVA from the
Sanskrit word meaning, ‘a new beginning’. The REVA does not come cheap. It has a
Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution 307

hefty price tag, at Rs. 2.58 lakhs (USD 5931) (excluding Registration and Road Tax),
which is almost at par with Maruti’s 800 deluxe model. Reva has basically three models
i.e., the Base Reva model, the Reva AC and the fully loaded Reva Classe. RECC is
planning to come out with more variants of its electric cars. The Chairman of RECC is
looking for Sales Tax exemption from the government, which would make a difference of
about Rs. 33,000 to Rs. 45,000 (USD 759–1034).

3.4.1 Features of Reva

Stop at a red light and it is so silent that it feels ‘dead’, but do nothing till the light turns
green and then simply press the accelerator again. Its brake, with power-assisted feel, not
only stops the vehicle, but it provides charge every time one brakes. It has the smallest
radius in its class and needs the least space to park among all cars on the road today.
The plug-in car, available in five different colours, with no gears, no clutch, no
engine, carburettor, gearbox, radiator or exhaust, is “an ideal for ‘stop and go’ city
driving”. The absence of gears and clutch makes it extremely reliable and safe and easy
to drive and manoeuvre in our congested cities (The Financial Express, 2001). With the
innumerable advantages of EVs, companies in the developed countries have spent huge
amounts to develop electric cars that can travel longer distances while also providing a
high level of comfort.
The Reva is fully automatic and the most eco-friendly and economical car in India
and offers ease of driving, ease of parking due to easy manoeuvrability, safety and
reliability and can seat two adults and two children comfortably on city roads. It has been
tested for safety and reliability to withstand the most trying conditions. Its size, shape and
steering characteristics are ideal for negotiating narrow, crowded roads and limited
parking spaces. Its body is of Acrylonitrile Butadiene or ABS plastic, which can
withstand denting. It employs special electronics to make use of the braking energy
(brakes are often employed in India’s start-stop traffic) to recharge the batteries.
If you calculate the electricity cost at the present rate of Rs 4.75 per unit, the cost for
a full charge works out to be Rs. 67.55. In fact, Reva’s per km running cost is also lower
than that of many-wheelers in the market today. The EV uses special batteries that run up
to 40,000 km, implying an average life span of three to four years. These lead-acid
batteries for REVA cars are being provided by Exide Technologies, the global leader in
stored electrical batteries. Exide will provide REVA with these high-performance
3ET200 lead-acid batteries under the brand name, Chloride Motive Power. Reva is
equipped with eight, 6-volt batteries. Reva is powered by a 10.4 KWh high-density
tubular lead acid battery pack that gives the car a range of 75–80 km per charge.
The batteries can be charged 80% in two and half hours and full charge in 6 h.
Advantages of electric vehicle
• zero pollution car
• 50% noise reduction
• low operating and maintenance cost
• low running cost per km
• free from the onus of changing engine oils regularly, tuning the engine, cleaning the
spark plug
308 I. Ahmad and K.K. Dewan

• regenerative brake converts the energy while pressing the brake into power and
sends it back to the power panel
• there is a beeper to indicate completion of 50 Km (of the 80 Km) on a single charge
• can be charged anywhere at home or at work at a 220 V, 15 amp socket
• side-impact beams, steel-frame and dent-proof body panel
• no long queues at pumps
• easy to service and maintain.
Disadvantages of electric vehicle
• cannot be driven faster than 65 Km/h
• can accommodate only two adults and two kids
• can run only 80 Km on a single charge
• replacement pack of batteries after 3–4 years which costs approx. Rs. 32,000.

4 Data analysis

As on March 31, 2006, the total number of vehicles in Delhi was 48,09,010 of which cars
and jeeps numbered 14,66,641.
A survey based on a structured questionnaire was conducted. Around 500 respondents
were interviewed personally and their viewpoints were brought into focus. The findings
and observations of the respondents can be seen from Tables 4 and 5.

Table 4 Findings of the data surveyed from the respondents for electric vehicle

S. no. Observations Findings

1 Average mileage of vehicle 15.29 Km/Lt.
2 Average distance travelled by a vehicle per day 39.78 Km
3 Average number of working days per month 24.06 days
4 Average monthly expenditure on a vehicle Rs. 4065
5 Standard deviation 1861.2

Table 5 Recommendations of the respondents for electric vehicle

S. no. Recommendations Yes (%) No (%)

1 Percentage of persons who pay toll charges 12 88
2 Percentage of the persons who say that Delhi should be less polluted 95.6 4.4
3 Percentage of the persons who are in favour of the idea that electric 93 7
vehicles will reduce pollution
Percentage of the people who want to shift their cars from
4 Petrol to electric vehicle 24.8
5 Diesel to electric vehicle 1.8
6 Not interested 73.4
Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution 309

Table 5 Recommendations of the respondents for electric vehicle (continued)

S. no. Recommendations Yes (%) No (%)

Percentage of persons not interested to shift to EV due to
7 Initial high cost 86.1 13.9
8 Electric problem 61.9 38.1
9 Easy availability of petrol 65.9 34.1
10 No battery-charging infrastructure 69.5 30.5
11 Less seating capacity 72.2 27.8
12 Limited mileage on a single charge 80.4 19.6
13 Percentage of persons who are in favour of EVs if batteries can be 85.8 14.2
charged easily
14 Percentage of people who say that EVs can run smoothly on busy Delhi 58.4 41.6
15 Percentage of persons who are in favour of EVs if battery charging 72 28
facility is available at petrol pumps in case of emergency or otherwise
16 Percentage of people who are in favour of giving subsidies to EVs at 77.6 22.4
parking lots

• As is evident from the above analysis, 95.6% people are of the opinion that
Delhi should be less polluted while 93 % people believe that EVs will reduce the
• 85.8 % of respondents are willing to shift EVs if batteries could be charged
easily and in lesser time and they also want the recharge facilities available at
petrol pumps.
• Presently, 24.8% petrol and 1.8% diesel car owners are interested in shifting their
vehicle to Electric. However, 73.4% people are not interested in shifting to EVs due
to high initial costs and various other factors like electric problems, easy availability
of petrol, seating capacity and mileage on a single charge.
• 77.6% people say that people will shift to EVs if subsidy is given at parking lots.
• 58.4% people are of the opinion that EVs can run smoothly on Delhi busy roads.

5 Impact on pollution

By the analysis of the data collected through survey from various locations in Delhi,
24.8% (24.8% of 1466641 = 363727 cars) car owners are interested to shift their Petrol
Vehicle to EV. The impact on pollution can be calculated as below:
310 I. Ahmad and K.K. Dewan

Average distance travelled by a car per day 39.78 Km

Average no. of working days in a month 24.06 days
Average distance travelled by a car in one month 24.06 × 39.78 Km
957 Km
Average distance travelled by a car in one year 957 × 12
11484 Km
Average CO emitted by a car 4 gm/Km
Average NOx and HC emitted by a car 2 gm/Km
Average pollution emitted by a car (4 gm + 2 gm) 6 gm/Km
0.006 Kg/Km
Pollution emitted by a car per year 11484 × .006 Kg
68.9 Kg
Pollution emitted by 363727 cars and jeeps per year 363727 × 68.9 Kg
25060790 Kg
25060 tones/year
Pollution emitted by all the cars and jeeps (1466641), if nobody shifts 1466641 × 68.9 Kg
to Electric Vehicle 101051564 Kg
101051 tones/year
Percentage of reduction in pollution if people shift to Electric Vehicle (25060/101051) × 100

Therefore, if nobody opts for EV, the pollution emitted by all the cars and jeeps comes to
1,01,051 tones per year, while by introducing EV, it reduces to (1,01,051 – 25,060)
75,991 tones per year. It can be seen from above calculations that 24.8% pollution will be
reduced if EVs are introduced in Delhi.

6 Impact on revenue

Average distance travelled by a car 11484 Km/year

Average of the vehicle 15.29 Km/Lt.
Petrol required for a car per year 11484/15.29
751.08 Lt.
Petrol required for 363727 cars per year 363727 × 751.08 Lt.
273188075 Lt.
273188 Kl
Petrol required for all the cars and jeeps (1466641) per year, 1466641 × 751.08 Lt.
if no one opts for Electric Vehicle 1101564722 Lt.
1101565 Kl
Amount required for 1101564722 Lt. (Petrol price Rs. 44.85 Rs. 1101564722 × 44.85
per litre) Rs. 49405177790
Rs. 4940.51 crores
Saving of amount on petrol per year Rs. 273188075 × 44.85
Rs. 12252485160
Rs. 1225.25 crores
Percentage of saving of revenue on petrol per year (1225.25 /4940.51) × 100
Electric vehicle: a futuristic approach to reduce pollution 311

Therefore, on the adoption of EVs in Delhi, an amount of Rs. 1225.25 crores

(Approx. USD 28,16,663) which is being spent on petrol annually can be saved.

7 Suggestions to reduce vehicular pollution

The following measures are suggested to reduce vehicular pollution:

• The number of cars running on the roads should be cut down at least by 50%
by allowing even numbered vehicles on even dates and odd numbered ones
on odd dates.
• The use of two-wheelers and three-wheelers should be prohibited on main roads, and
if used, they should be fitted with a 4-stroke engine and a catalytic converter.
• Construct a proper ring road around outer Delhi at the earliest with no traffic lights.
• General public should be encouraged to use bicycles.
• Private transport should not be allowed once in a week. Only DTC, STA permit
buses, bicycles and cycle rickshaws should be allowed.
• There should be separate lanes for bicycles and rickshaws, two wheelers, and
four-wheelers, respectively.
• There should not be more than one car for a maximum number of four persons in a
family. If they want to purchase a second car, the registration fees on the second car
should be increased to discourage the rate at which the cars are registered.
• There should be restrictions on purchase of a car. Only those who pay income tax of
more than Rs. 25,000/- per year can buy a car.
• Buses over eight years old must be phased out.
• It is suggested that a six lane elevated ring road may be designed with a provision of
another layer of flyovers, if required, in future.
To promote EVs in place of vehicles driven by petrol or diesel, some of the following
measures are suggested to attract the people:
• There should be 100% depreciation of EVs during the first year of purchase.
• There should be reserved and free parking for EVs in parking lots.
• Battery charging facility should be provided at petrol pumps and parking lots of
commercial complexes.
• There should be no road tax on EVs.
• There should be very low premium of insurance of EVs.
• The maximum charging time of batteries should be 30 min, by applying new
• Technology of batteries should be improved, so that EVs can run at least
150–300 Km on a single charge.
• There should be 50% concession of power tariff to charge EVs.
312 I. Ahmad and K.K. Dewan

Delhi Statistical Handbook (2006) Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of NCT of
Delhi, Delhi
Development of High Energy Batteries for Electric Vehicles (2000) Ministry of Non-conventional
Energy Sources (MNES), Government of India.
Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics (1999–2001) Economics and Statistics Division,
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, New Delhi.
Kirsch, D.A. (2000) The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History, Rutgers University Press,
Cloth: ISBN 0-8135-2808-9, Paperback: ISBN 0-8135-2809-7.
Larminie, J. and Lowry, J. (2003) Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, John Wiley & Sons,
ISBN-10:0-470-85163-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-85163-0.
Metro Today (2003) REVA Pursues the Vision to Create EV Platforms, August 12,
Bangalore, India.
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