02 - Nigeria 100 Years Ago - Yorubaland
02 - Nigeria 100 Years Ago - Yorubaland
02 - Nigeria 100 Years Ago - Yorubaland
A road in Ife.
“The Yorubans are, perhaps, the cleverest and most talented nation to be
found in the whole of West Africa”
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Royal Culture
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100Years
Ago Clothing and Dressing
Dresses worn similarly among the Yoruba, Nupe, Hausa and Kanuri.
“Some women in pretty headdresses and some men in handsome
flowing garments were standing here”
Detail of light trousers, ornamented Sketch of a type of gown worn all- Sketch of a dress which was
with blue and red embroidery over Nigeria used to go to farm and in the
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Architecture
A streetipsum
Lorem view in Ife. sit amet
“Cities which, in the sense we, too, give to the term, deserve to be
called ‚metropolitan’”
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Crafts: Wood Carving
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Crafts
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Traditional Religion
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Classical Ife I
National Commission for Museums and Monuments and Frobenius Institute, Frankfurt/Main
Nigeria 100 Years Ago Classical Ife II