Courtyard As Tropical Hot Humid Passive Design Strategy: Case Study of Indonesian Contemporary Boarding Houses in Surabaya Indonesia
Courtyard As Tropical Hot Humid Passive Design Strategy: Case Study of Indonesian Contemporary Boarding Houses in Surabaya Indonesia
Courtyard As Tropical Hot Humid Passive Design Strategy: Case Study of Indonesian Contemporary Boarding Houses in Surabaya Indonesia
Courtyard in building contributes to the indoor thermal environment. Courtyard has a potential
aspect of being a micro climate-modifier to reduce indoor air temperature during the day. This
paper examines the courtyard’s effect on indoor thermal environment in Indonesian
contemporary boarding houses using field measurement. This paper focuses on the indoor air
temperature reduction of 5 courtyard houses design of the contemporary boarding house in
Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. The field experiment method was used for two physical
environmental variables: air temperature and relative humidity. Each sensor was covered with a
paper cup wrapped with aluminum foil to protect from direct thermal radiation. Measurement
was carried out for 23 days consecutively in each building. The results of the measurement
exposed that the form and enclosure element is pivotal in its thermal environment design
consideration for tropical climate. Meanwhile, utilizing ventilation blocks as the primary
enclosure also helps reduce the air temperature in hot-humid climates. The results indicated that
during the daytime, the indoor air temperatures in the courtyard and surrounding room were 0.3-
1.7°C below the outdoor air temperature. At nighttime, indoor air temperatures swing to 0.8-
1.9°C above the outdoors. The thermal environment evaluation revealed that indoor air
temperatures can be categorized as a neutral temperature of the measurement period. Therefore,
the use of courtyards in contemporary boarding houses has proven as a feasible means to achieve
sufficient cooling effects through a full-day ventilation strategy and showed improved
performance when combined with ventilated blocks.
1 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
fewer courtyard elements, including height, building. The square courtyard layout studied by
width, length, and greenery elements. In general, Tablada et al. [28] recommends the importance
the courtyard elements studied in each climate are of cross ventilation and solar radiation protection.
width, length, and height. However, the aspect Courtyard’s geometry is an essential aspect of
ratio of the three has not been much discussed. achieving a good natural ventilation and indoor
thermal comfort in a dense urban environment. It
Courtyard study in hot-dry regions generally use is ensured that cross-ventilated rooms have
visual methods [6]–[8], [13]–[16], followed the higher indoor air velocity values and hence better
simulation method [4], [5], [9], [11], and thermal comfort than one-sided ventilation. In a
measurements [10]. Studies in a hot-humid one-sided ventilated room, the sun protection
climate generally use measurement methods [18], factor plays a vital role in maintaining a stable
[21], and simulations [17], [19], [20]. In a indoor thermal condition even if it is higher than
temperate climate, most studies use the the air temperature at the outside. Muhaisen [29]
simulation method [22], [25], chart [4], and studied the effect of rectangular courtyard
visual method [4]. In general, the widely used proportions on shade conditions and the resulting
methods for courtyard research in all climates are exposure on an inner envelope of forms in Kuala
simulation, visuals, measurements, and charts. Lumpur. Courtyard with small and depth shapes
The combination of various methods has not been are better than large and wide shapes [29]. The
done much. optimal height of the courtyard is found on the
third floor in a hot humid climate.
The studies of courtyard performance in hot-dry
climate primarily concern about air temperature Meanwhile, Dili et al. [30] revealed the results of
[9], [12], [14], comfort index [4], [11], [14], air courtyard measurements in vernacular houses of
humidity [12], [14], wind speed [12], and energy Kerala, India. Low pressure at the bottom of the
[13]. In hot-humid climate, most performance courtyard causes the effect of floating ventilation
studies are concerning the air temperature [17], generated by air movement from the outer
[18], [20], [21], air humidity [18], [21], wind courtyard through space around the courtyard.
speed [20], [21], and comfort index [19]. Courtyard elements have a unique advantage in
Meanwhile, a study in the temperate climate is hot and humid climates as a passive natural
focused on air temperature, humidity, wind cooling system and provide thermal comfort for
speed, energy, and comfort index [4]. The widely users [31]. The result of adding a courtyard roof
discussed aspects of courtyard performance are was able to reduce received solar radiation and
air temperature, air humidity, comfort index, improve thermal environmental conditions in
wind speed, and energy. adjacent spaces.
Sharples and Bensalem [26] conducted a study The courtyard enclosure wall is an essential
with wind tunnels and proposed that a courtyard element in a microclimate condition, and it could
with a porous roof gave a stronger difference in be adjusted to get a positive impact [32]. The
ventilation pressure. Studies show that open research finds a different function of the
courtyard with many openings that operate under enclosure wall and its orientation to the thermal
negative pressure is the most effective in the performance. Vegetation impact to the courtyard
urban context. Rajapaksha et al. [27] examined performance carried out by Jamaludin et al. [33].
the courtyard’s potentials for a natural cooling The average of lower temperature with a relative
system in a one-story building located in higher humidity percentage was recorded in a
Colombo, Sri Lanka through field measurement room shaded with a big canopy of trees compared
studies and computer simulations. The results to a room that is exposed to open spaces. A
show that indoor thermal conditions can be significant correlation is evident between
increased through a courtyard which functions as courtyard’s sky view factors and air temperature,
an air chimney that emits hot air indoors through especially in the daily maximum air temperature
the air stream. This is different courtyard’s and its average value. Reducing the courtyard’s
principle as a wind catcher or suction zone, which sky view factor reduces its air temperature [34].
is receiving air from outside. Based on the results Kubota [34] shows that cool outdoor air
of field measurements, a strong relationship temperatures (about 27-29°C) most likely pass
between the indoor wall’s temperature and the through the building from opening ventilations
temperature inside the room is evident. including exterior walls and upper openings of
the courtyards. Meanwhile, a slightly better
Several studies show that the geometry of cooling effect at night achieved by the use of dull
courtyards affects the received amount of solar day ventilation of courtyard houses even though
radiation and the air temperature inside the the exterior windows were closed.
2 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
Zakaria et al. [35] stated that in the hot-humid Elements Criterions Performance
climates, the form and courtyard orientation were under the ambient level
less significant in its environmental design. Thus, [27].
the exposure rate of the sky or direct shading The presence of open
should be more or at least equally important windows in a narrow
determinant of the courtyard’s shading effects. courtyard produces more
than one vortex to
coincide with the
Ghaffarianhoseini [19] evaluated the ability of number of the floors.
the courtyard without shading to create a
comfortable outdoor space with various designs Larger Conversely, in more
courtyard extensive courtyard, the
and scenarios, such as orientation, height, albedo ratio (width to impact of an open
from wall coverings, and the application of Courtyard height) window to the air flow in
vegetation. Increasing the height of courtyard’s ratio generated the cavity is less
wall enclosure increases outdoor thermal comfort better flow noticeable. As a result,
for indoor. the primary vortex inside
by reducing intense solar radiation and creating a the courtyard is not
broader shaded area. Therefore, it could be affected [28]. The form
concluded that design element that affects of a building with
building courtyard as it is shown to the table medium depth at almost
any elongation value,
below: preferably for acceptable
performance [29]
Table 1: The Effect of Tropical Courtyard
Element to the Natural Building Cooling. The one-facing rooms
In providing a and single natural
ventilation have very
higher level
Elements Criterions Performance low indoor airspeeds.
of building
Enabling large pressure ventilation,
Courtyard In a one-sided ventilated
field on the roof by cross
mono-pitch room, the sun protection
shading the courtyard ventilation
roof, large Ventilation factor is an important
with a porous roof to has better
open space on Mechanism role in maintaining
create stronger
the roof’s performance
indoor conditions even at
ventilation pressure compared to
leeward, higher temperatures [28].
differentials. Roofs that the one-sided
equal to Continuous ventilation
are placed near ventilation
30,4% of helps to control the level
atmospheric pressure mechanism.
Courtyard façade area. of humidity in the
(positive experience)
roof poorly performed building [30].
opening compared to roofs
negative Hot-humid: Optimal
suction exposed to negative
pressure when the wind shade happens when the
pressure on yard is posited at
the is perpendicular to the The axial of
building. Most of the northeast-southwest
courtyard’s the courtyard
courtyard roofs are spans to (estimated 65% shade
roof opening area) [29].
as a carried out with the same Orientation northeast-
ventilation standard at oblique wind southwest Lower air temperature
strategy. direction (45 °) [26] side.
than the outdoor in the
The direction of the north and south (2%
external wind flow of 45 lower) [32].
Better airflow ° through the building
coefficient is The optimal courtyard is
opening gives the air
found when found on the third floor
flow in the room higher
the courtyard in a hot humid climate
than the normal direction
has a negative [29].
(0 °) [26]
suction effect.
Highest Significant height effect
Reducing temperatures
Courtyard courtyard of the courtyard wall at
to 2° C under the
Daytime lowers the air air temperature [32].
maximum outdoors Height
ventilation Better indoor temperature.
compared to the Decreasing the height of
adjustment courtyard without courage increase the
when ventilation (0.7 ° C) average temperature of
during daytime radiation during the day
functions as ventilation. [19]
an opened air The optimal ACH is
funnel. The shade is Air temperature is 1.5oC
between 1.5-2 ACH
adjacent to
when the thermal Shading lower compared to
Device the opening in maximum outdoor
modification is 1° C
the room (Synchronization with
3 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
Elements Criterions Performance 2. METHOD
upper courtyard
temperature) [30]. Objects of the study are six boarding houses by
Reducing courtyard heat Andy Rahman Architect, which conducted using
The elevated gain during peak hours field measurement. Andy Rahman, the founder
courtyard (1:00 p.m.) around 85% and principal architect of Andy Rahman
Roof height with a height and increasing thermal
Architect, is an influential architect in the
of 500 mm conditions in adjacent
zones [31] architecture industry of Indonesia. His works
were published in both national and international
Lower indoor means media. In 2012, he was granted a world-level
adjacent room
temperature with
architecture award as a nominee in Architizer A
relatively higher + Awards. Furthermore, his Biophilic Boarding
humidity [33]. house was also nominated as a finalist in the
Tree canopy World Architecture Festival 2016 in Berlin and
Canopy of adjacent to Cover with the highest
trees the window. temperature levels and Archdaily’s Building of the Year 2017. The six
an average increase rate boarding houses are Andy Rahman’s works since
for relative humidity 2014 which are located in one nearly residential
compared to the area. One of its unique features is the use of
courtyard with the
vacant lot [19] ventilated block and courtyard as passive cooling
ventilation is The field measurement was taken place in
superior to The average temperature Keputih boarding houses that consist of two and
Night others, e.g., is always below 30 ° C
three-storey boarding houses, located in
Full day, comparable to the others.
noon, and no Surabaya (7.17°S and 112.48°E) at the position
ventilation. of approximately 1.5 m above sea level. As
shown in Fig. 1, Keputih boarding houses consist
Proper design
of six boarding houses (Keputih boarding houses
s from sky 1,2,3,4,5, and 6) which located in the middle of
exposure can Increasing the the row with a narrow frontage (6m-12m) and a
offer the courtyard’s sky view long depth (15m-25m). The measurement was
The Sky
desired factor increase the air
shadow effect temperature [34].
conducted throughout 22nd March to 12th April
and allow 2019 for Keputih boarding house 1 and 28th May
ventilation to 20th June 2019 for Keputih boarding house
circulation 2,3,4,6. The monthly temperatures extend from
The 27.2°C (November) to 30.3°C (April), and
application of relative humidity ranges between 70–80%.
ventilation Night time ventilation
Night and sloping can ensure cold air is
roofs on the provided to indoor
and courtyard can spaces, while a sloping
courtyard’s be the right roof can increase the
method to flow of cold air due to
roofs maintain the effect of cooling
lower indoor radiation at night [34].
compared to
of the effect In hot humid climates, Figure 1: Location of case study boarding house
of shade by diffuse sun radiation
(source: Google Earth, retrieved on 26 June
controlling exposure affected heat
exposure to gain for courtyard space. 2019)
the sky or Therefore, building
roof of the orientation can be less The main features of Keputih boarding houses
courtyard is significant than direct are the use of ventilated blocks on its façade and
expected to exposure or direct
be more shading devices [35]
the availability of courtyard in Keputih boarding
appropriate. house 2, 3, and 6, as shown in figure 2. The use
of ventilated blocks shows that all the objects are
using full day ventilation. Fig. 3 shows the case
study’s floor plans. Floor-to-floor height in all
buildings is 3.7 m, with wall and floor materials
4 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
are made of brick and concrete respectively. RC-
4HC Elitech data loggers are used to measure the
Keputih Boarding
air temperature and relative humidity. The House 1
Building of floors
12x15 2 2014
1 North-south
House 1
8x15 2 2015 Exterior Interior
2 North-south
House 2 Figure 2: Front exterior and interior view of
12x20 2 2016 Keputih boarding house
3 North-south
House 3
6x25 3 2017
4 West-east
House 4
8x15 3 2018
5 North-south
House 6
5 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
6 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
the concrete roof. The highest time lag is 3 hours house, a slightly warmer air temperature of
in Keputih boarding house 6, with both Keputih 26.6°C-28.1°C was discovered.
boarding houses 3 and 4 have 2 hours lags. This
On the contrary, Fig.7.b shows that the outdoor
corresponds with research by Dili [30] and Sadafi
air temperatures were higher than the indoors at
et al. [31], which stated that the delay in
09:00, 12:00, 15:00, and 18:00. In contrast with
transmitting heat to the interiors through the roof
Keputih boarding house 3, in Keputih boarding
could result in a time lag.
house 6, the indoor and outdoor air temperature
was relatively the same at 21:00. This similarity
indicates that the time lag case in Keputih
boarding house 6 is longer than in Keputih
boarding house 3. The indoor air temperatures are
warmer at 00:00, 03:00, and 06:00. Fig.7 shows
that the air temperature in the courtyard followed
the same pattern with the outdoor temperature.
The reduction of air temperature in the courtyard
below the outdoor temperature level was
discovered in both cases, Keputih boarding
houses 3 and 6, due to their high-mass and full-
day ventilated buildings.
7 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
second courtyard, respectively, in case Keputih 3.5 Thermal Environments in the Courtyard,
Boarding House 6. Meanwhile, the highest Corridor and the Bedroom in Case Keputih
temperature at the top-level was lower than the Boarding House 2 and 6
highest outdoor air temperature of 35.5 °C. The
vertical temperature profile shows a heat gain The following discussion is the results of thermal
from the first courtyard is rising or retreating to environment field measurement on two different
the top. Furthermore, the air temperature study cases with different measured times,
reduction at the bottom and middle levels in the Keputih boarding house 2 from 21 March-21
courtyard are more significant in Keputih April 2019 and Keputih boarding house 6 from
boarding house 6 case, from 3°C to 4°C, than in 28 May-20 June 2019. The bedroom adjacent to
Keputih boarding house 3 case, from 5°C to 6°C. the courtyard is directly affecting the courtyard's
thermal environment. Therefore, this zone's
Thermal stratification is shown in both Keputih indoor air temperature is observed and compared
boarding house 3 and house 6 cases. The highest with the courtyard and outdoor air temperatures
temperature at the top level is higher compared to to understand the courtyard's effect on the indoor
the upper floor. In the Keputih boarding house 6 environment. As presented in Fig. 9, the indoor
case, the relatively lower air temperature levels air temperatures were lower than the courtyard
were recorded in the first-floor courtyard. The levels during the daytime in both Keputih
gradient of the air temperature above was also boarding house 2 and 6 cases. However, while the
observed during nighttime, except in the indoor air temperatures parallel with the
courtyard of Keputih boarding house 3 (Fig. 8). courtyard temperature, during the Keputih
The courtyard in Keputih boarding house 6 gives boarding house 2 case (except in the early
the effect of vertical air exchange, which results morning), the indoor air temperatures were
in air temperature being reduced adequately to relatively lower than the indicated levels in
the outdoor levels. These results indicate that the Keputih boarding house 6. It correlates with the
outdoor air that is relatively cool at night is most pattern of courtyard temperature compared to the
likely to enter the buildings from the upper outdoor temperature. The highest indoor air
openings of the courtyard, consisting of temperature in Keputih boarding house case 2
ventilated blocks and effectively cool the and 6 are 28.6°C at 19:00 and 28.8°C during
structure of the building at night. 14:00-16:00 h respectively.
The maximum air temperature of the courtyard
and the outdoor were recorded at the same time
by 12:00 h in Keputih boarding house 2 case with
a temperature of 31.6°C and 33.5°C respectively.
These temperatures show a slight temperature
reduction of 1.9°C. Meanwhile, for the Keputih
boarding house 6 case, the maximum air
temperature of the courtyard is decreased by
5.7°C below the maximum air temperature of
outdoor by 14:00h, 2 hours after the maximum air
temperature of outdoor was recorded.
Furthermore, this indicates a relatively more
significant reduction of air temperatures in the
Keputih boarding house 6 case corresponds with
the daytime indoor temperature induction.
8 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
The air temperature of the courtyard with the
influence of openings on the roof shows a
difference in vertical air temperature
performance. The courtyard with a large
ventilated roof gives stack effect ventilation,
indicated by the temperature difference between
the lower and upper floors in Keputih boarding
house 2. Meanwhile, in Keputih boarding house
3, the temperature between the lower and upper
levels are relatively the same.
9 Journal of Design and Built Environment, Vol 20(2): 1-12: August 2020 A. M. Nugroho et. al.
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