TD - Muhammad Faiz Othman Mu 14 - 5
TD - Muhammad Faiz Othman Mu 14 - 5
TD - Muhammad Faiz Othman Mu 14 - 5
Faculty of Music
March 2014
Declaration of Authorship
“I hereby declare {hm this thesis is the result of my own work except for the ideas and
summaries which I have clarified from their sources. This thesis has not been accepted for
any degree and has not concurrently submitted in candidate of any degree”
Faculty of Music
The study was carried out to educate beginner and student drummers regarding the
knowledge of effect of different drumsticks on drums sound production. The objective of this
research is to explain and provide guidelines for beginner and student drummer me proper
way to choose drumsticks that suitable with genre of music that they ate playing. This study
will also find solution that drummexs face regarding the effect of the sound from dmmsticks.
Lastly, this research will then find the suitable drumsticks for every drummer in genre that
Title Page“)
0 Declaration of Authorship 2
0 Aclmowledgemem 3
0 Abstract 4
0 Statement of Problems 9 - 10
- Reseaxch Objectives 11
I Research Questions 11
0 Scope of me Study
C Drumsticks l3 - 15
Chapter 3: Methodology
0 Research Design 16
0 Research Methodology 16
0 Data Collection 16 — l7
0 Data Analysis 17
Chapter 1: Introduction
Drumsticks is a type of pcrcussion mallet used paniculaxly for playing snare drum,
drum kit and some other percussion instruments, and particularly for playing unpitched
percussion. Drumsticks are made from three types of wood, which are maple, hickory and
oak, The tip or head is the part most often used to strike the instrument. Originally and still
commonly oI'the same piece of wand as the rest nfthe stick and sticks with nylon tips, Tips
of whatever material are of various shapes, including acorn, barrel, oval and round. The
shoulder ufthe s‘ick is the part that tapers towards the tip, and is normally slightly convex‘ It
is often used for playing the bell nfa cymbal, and for the loudest strokes on a wood block. It
can also be used to produce a cymbal crash when applied to the how or n‘m Ufa cymbal, and
for playing ride patterns on China, swish and pang cymbals. The shafi is the body of the stick,
and is cylindrical for most applications including drum kit and orchestral work. It is used for
playing cross stick and rim shots, and applied to the rim ofa cymbal for the loudest cymbal
crashes. The bun is the opposite end ofthc stick to the tip.
Professional drummers are very fussy choosing a drumsticks especially the session
drummers because most of them will play a versatile music. These drummers does not want
to change ‘heir drumsticks in certain genre because they do not want to lost: the “feel" from
the drumsticks. So, they will chnosc a pcrfcct pair without losing their touch on the drum and