Ytujens 2018 36 1.3718
Ytujens 2018 36 1.3718
Ytujens 2018 36 1.3718
Research Article
This paper presents experimental and numerical study on reinforced concrete (RC) beams with flexural
strengthening by carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets and steel plates. In the study, effect of
strengthening on flexural of RC beams is examined. Also, the differences between CFRP sheet and steel plate
retrofitting regarding flexural strength of the RC beams are indicated.
For experimental study, seven RC beams were produced. One of the beams is regarded as “control sample”,
three of samples were strengthened using CFRP sheets and the other three samples strengthened using steel
plates. Four points bending test was conducted, vertical displacements of the beams were measured. Tests
results indicated that the beams were strengthened for flexure became vulnerable shear failure and CFRP
application was better strength values in flexure than steel plates application. For numerical analysis, three-
dimensional finite element modeling of strengthened and non-strengthened reinforced concrete beams is
prepared. Reinforced concrete beam is modeled by using hexahedral, steel plate and CFRP sheets are modeled
by using tetrahedral elements. Finite element analysis is performed by using ATENA non-linear analysis
program. The results of experiments and finite element analysis are compared. Results indicated that the
strengthened reinforced concrete beams have larger moment capacity, yet exhibit shear failure. Although,
strengthened samples exhibit shear failure, failure is not brittle. Experimental results are also validated by
finite element analysis.
Keywords: Reinforced concrete beams, strengthening, carbon fiber polymers, steel plates.
Corresponding Author: e-mail: [email protected], tel: (232) 311 51 81
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
application is easy and e conomical. Although the strengthening with FRP or steel plates is easy
to apply, economical and used widely, a sufficient code for the FRP and steel plate strengthening
technics is not exist and feed backs of the applications are missing. Therefore there is needed to
determine or constitute specifications about applications of strengthening technics with FRP and/
or steel plates.
Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) is one of the type of FRP. It is used commonly in
structural rehabilitation, strengthening or retrofitting of reinforced concrete buildings. Academic
studies on the subject indicate that using CFRP in structural rehabilitation, strengthening or
retrofitting is an effective way to increase the performance of the certain structural members, such
as beams or columns [1-15]. Although there are many other studies about subject, only few are
cited here. Strengthening columns with CFRP wrapping is much easier than strengthening beams
due to physical limitations. In the case of application of strengthening to the beams only, CFRP
sheets are connected the member by epoxy, steel plates are connected by studs or bolts.
Commercial applications of CFRP strengthening in Turkey are usually practiced for flexure
without sufficient shear bonding; steel plate is always applied for flexure, claiming sufficient
strengthening is provided. In this study, common “ways” to apply CFRP and steel plates to a
beam for strengthening components and its effect are experimentally examined.
The main objective of this research is to establish an effective approach for commercial
applications of strengthening of reinforced concrete buildings. Commercial applications with
CFRP and steel sheets in Turkey usually consist of wrapping the column and attaching CFRP
component to the bottom face of the beam; ignoring shear vulnerability of the beam at section
close to the supports. Here, in this study, it would be exhibited that having strengthen the beam
for flexure only would not validate the technique is sufficient. This study is focused on especially
the ways of strengthening applications already used in the construction industry in Turkey.
There are three potential failure modes in beams strengthened with bolted steel plate [16-18]:
steel reinforcement yielding before concrete crashing,
concrete crashing before yielding of steel reinforcing,
steel reinforcing yielding followed by rupture or pull out of bolting (since bounding
between steel plate and the reinforced concrete beam was provided by only bolting).
In designing the beam, one of the failure modes should be chosen, and then failure should be
checked by using strain limitations. On the other hand, in this study, since the problem is
"upgrade the existence beam" not to "design", so that the analysis is made for the present
situation. For the reinforced concrete beam strengthened by bolted steel plate, rupture or pull out
of bolting before the steel reinforcing yielding failure mode assumption was made. Bending
moment capacity (Mr) of the beam is determined by using stress and strain profile given in Figure
1, and by the Eqs.s 1 to 5. In Eq. 2, Ts(d-a/2) represents moment capacity of reinforced concrete
beam without any strengthening. Flexural and shear stress in any level in profile are determined
by mechanics of materials.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
cu=0.003 fc 0.85f
a= C
Cross-section Strain Distribution Stress Distribution Equivalent Stress
Figure 1. Assumed stress and strain profile of the beam strengthened with bolted steel plate
0.85 (3)
where Cc is compression force in concrete block in compression region, TS is tension force in
reinforcing steel in tension region, TB is shear force in bolts in tension region, Mr is bending
moment capacity of the beam, fc is compressive strength of concrete, As is cross section area of
reinforcing steel, fS is tension strength of the reinforcing steel, AB is cross section of the bolts, fB
is shear strength of bolts, n is number of bolts in section, D is diameter of the bolts, 1 is concrete
compressive block factor, c, s, B are safety factors for concrete, steel reinforcement and bolts,
In the case of strengthening with CFRP sheets, there are four potential failure modes plate
steel reinforcing yielding before concrete crashing,
concrete crashing before yielding of steel reinforcing,
steel reinforcing yielding followed by CFRP rupture,
CPRP de-bonding.
Same approach in the case of strengthening with bolted steel is used for the case of
strengthening CFRP sheets. The rupture of CFRP before the steel reinforcing yielding failure
mode assumption was made, and bending moment capacity (Mr) of the beam is determined by
using stress and strain profile given in Figure 2, and by the Eq.s 6 to 8.
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Figure 2. Assumed stress and strain profile of the beam strengthened with bolted steel plate
where Cc is compression force in concrete block in compression region, TS is tension force in
reinforcing steel in tension region, TCFRP is shear force in CFRP sheet in tension region, Mr is
bending moment capacity of the beam, ACFRP is cross section of the CFRP sheet, fCFRP is tension
strength of CFRP, ECFRP is modulus of elasticity of CFRP, CFRP is elastic strain of CFRP, CFRP is
safety factor for CFRP sheets.
Moment capacities given in Eq.(2) for reinforced concrete beam strengthened with bolted
steel, in Eq.(7) for reinforced concrete beam strengthened with CFRP are for the assumption that
the samples exhibit fully flexural behavior. Analytic calculations for samples introduced
experimental study section are completed step by step according to reference ISIS Design Manual
No.4 [16] and ACI440 [18].
In experimental study, seven RC beams were produced. All the beam specimens are 250 by
150 mm in cross section and 1500 mm in span length Reinforcing detail of the sample is given in
Figure 3. Samples were designed to exhibit ductile behavior to emphasize effect of flexural
strengthening on behavior under static load. The both strengthening, with CFRP and with steel
plates, were applied to increase flexure behavior whether the sample needed flexural
strengthening or not. The reason behind such application is that because commercial applications
are performed without questioning the capacity of structural member.
One of the seven samples was regarded as “control sample”, the three samples were
strengthened using FRP sheets and the other three samples were strengthened using steel plates.
Four points bending test was conducted, mid span displacements were measured.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Materials used and their properties are listed in Table 1. Concrete was commercially available
ready to mix concrete manufactured according to local building codes TS EN 206-1. The other
materials were provided from market. Materials properties of concrete were provided by testing
cylinder samples suitable to ASTM C873.
4.1. Strengthening
Two types of strengthening techniques were applied: strengthening using steel plates and
strengthening using CFRP sheets. In steel plate application, bolting was used. 5mm thick, 250mm
wide and 1200mm long steel plate was bolted to the RC beam with 12 M10 bolts. Schematic
location of bolts and picture of strengthened member with steel plate are given in Figure 4 and 5,
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Two layers of fiber sheet were applied. CFRP sheets were applied as the steel plates had been:
CFRP sheets were applied only bottom surface of beam. Application of the CFRP was properly
and carefully completed (Figure 6). All rules were applied to have best bonding. At the both end
of the beam, CFRP sheets were wrapped two layers of CFRP sheets to eliminate immediate de-
bonding (Figure 7).
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
4.2. Testing
Beams were simply supported over a clear span of 1300 mm and tested under four-point
bending, as shown in Figure 8. The load was applied using 500 kN capacity load cell with a
loading rate of 1 kN/ min. All beams were instrumented to measure displacements on the mid
4.3. Findings
Control specimen exhibited flexural failure, as expected. Flexural cracks formed parallel to
each other in the mid span until the beam failed due to yielding of longitudinal reinforcing in
tension region and crashing concrete in compression region as seen in Figure 9. Fracture load
capacity of the beam is 97.1 kN, and the flexural moment capacity of beam at fracture is 19.4kN-
m. The theoretical moment capacity of the beam calculated from mechanics of the cross section is
12kN-m. The beam exhibited larger flexural capacity than theoretical. Load-displacement curve
of the sample is given in Figure 10. The sample exhibited considerably large ductility.
Modulus of rupture (MOR) of the sample at the loading point is determined by Eq. 9.
MOR (9)
where P is applied load, l' is distance between support and the nearest loading point, b is
width and d is height of the beam. Modulus of rupture calculated for CONTROL beam is 20.71
MPa. (for P=97.11 kN, l'=0.4m, b=0.25m, d=0.15m). Flexural strength of all the samples tested is
given in Table 2, at section 4.
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 10. Load-deflection curves of CONTROL sample
The Figure 11 exhibits the while parallel cracks becomes shear cracks at about supports and
progress to the compression region, the concrete at compressive region is crashed.
Specimens strengthened with steel plates exhibited semi ductile failure. The beams failed at
support regions due to concrete crashing initiated by shear effect (Figure 12). All the samples
were failed due to concrete crashing immediately after either pulling out or rupturing of bolting
(Figure 13). The capacity of the beam was limited by the shear capacity although the beam was
retrofitted to the flexure. Load-deflection curves are shown in Figure 14. Strengthened samples
had larger load carrying capacity than CONTROL sample. On the other hand, one of the beams
(Figure 12-a), fractured in shear following same pattern with the others, was exhibited relatively
better ductility as seen in Figure 15. The sample has 138.94kN fracture load capacity, indicating
bolting and bounding conditions are important parameters comparing fracture load capacity of
other two samples that are 130.11 kN and 124.1 kN. If the failure in bolting was prevented, the
sample might have exhibit flexural failure. Flexural strength of the samples are 29.64, 27.76, and
26.47 MPa calculated according to Eq. 11. Average load carrying capacity is increased according
to control specimen, but since the failure mod was semi-ductile, bounding technique should be
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Figure 13 indicates severe concrete crashing after failure of bolting member. Two of the
samples exhibit such behavior, one of the sample exhibits concrete failure without failure in
bolting having smaller amount increase in both moment capacity. Although mentioned increase
may not considered large increase, load-displacement curves (Figure 14) indicates samples
exhibit ductile behavior, meaning reinforcing in the beam is still working.
Load (kN)
60 STEEL 1
40 STEEL 2
20 STEEL 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 14. Load-displacement curve of steel plate strengthened
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Specimens strengthened with CFRP sheets exhibited both ductile and semi-ductile failure.
One of the beams exhibited flexural failure (Figure 16-a), other two exhibited shear failure
(Figure 16-b,c). Although flexural strengthening member (CFRP sheet) was hold by at about
support section by CFRP sheets in each samples, it is proven that attention paid during
application is important.
Figure 17. Failure of the three samples strengthened with CFRP sheets [19]
Fracture load and flexural strength capacities of the samples are given in Table 2. Detailed
discussion will be made in section 6.
Load-deflection curves of samples with CFRP sheets are shown in Figure 18. Average load
carrying capacity is increased according to control specimen. Although the load-deflection curve
indicates that as if all the samples exhibit ductile behavior, the failure was shear failure in two of
the samples. On the other hand, if retrofitting applied sufficient enough, the flexural capacity of
the sample might be increased.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Load (kN) 120
20 CFRP 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Tests results indicated that the beams were strengthened for flexure became vulnerable shear
failure and FRP application was better strength values in flexure than steel plates.
Finite element (FE) analysis of the RC beam strengthened with CFRP sheets and strengthened
with bolted steel plate is completed by using ATHENA [20]. structural analysis software. Mesh
seeding is done to determine the optimum mesh size [21-23].
The concrete part of the model is composed of 8008 Hexahedral elements, longitudinal and
strips are composed of 88 linear elements and the loading and the support plates are composed of
808 tetrahedral elements. The reinforced concrete beam strengthened bolted steel plate is modeled
using 2560 tetrahedral elements. The 12 bolts that provide connection between steel plate and
concrete are modeled as linear elements. The CFRP under the beam is modeled also as linear
elements as explained in ATENA Program Documentation Part 4-9. Figure 19, 20 and 21 shows
the FE models of the Control, Steel plated and CFRP applied models of the samples, respectively.
The reinfored concrete beam strengthened steel plate and CFRP sheets shown in Figure 20
and Figure 21, respectively, presented upside down in order to present steel plate and CFRF
sheets clearly.
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Figure 20. Finite element model of the beam with bolted steel plate (the beam is presented upside
down), and reinforcing bars
After analysis, the deformed shape and cracks on the models are presented in following
Figures. In Figure 22, the stress contour of concrete beam and reinforcement for CONTROL
model is presented.
Figure 21. Finite element model of the beam with CFRP ( the beam is presented upside down )
Figure 22. Deformed shape and cracks of control sample at the end of the analysis with
maximum principle stress contour for beam and reinforcing bars.
The crack generation under loading of FEM model is very much similar to experimented
sample. Even concrete crashing under load point is observed. The stress transformation from
concrete to steel rebars is also observed. Maximum stress recorded 7.95 MPa compression in
concrete and 502.25 MPa tension in rebars. Tension stress in the rebars is also determined
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
analytically as 584 MPa using Eq. 10. Calculations are based on mechanics of the beam profile.
Since strain measurements were not performed, stresses are not checked by experimentally.
σ (10)
where Ts is load in reinforcing bar, As is cross section area of reinforcing bar. Ts is
determined by using Eq. 4. Figure 23 presents load-deflection curves of testing and FEM analysis
of CONTRON sample.
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 23. Deformation and stresses in bolts in reinforced concrete beam strengthened bolted
steel plate
Figure 24 presents the deformed shape and cracks of the steel plated sample at the end of the
analysis with maximum principle stress contour. As shown in Figure the concrete has cracks near
the supports as it is in experimental results. Deformed shapes of beam in experiment and FEM
analysis are almost identical (compare Figure 13 and Figure 24).
Figure 24. Deformed shaped and cracks of the beam bolted steel plate model at the end of the
FEM analysis also indicates that stress release in plate occurs due do pulling out or rupturing
bolts near support. The Figure 25 shows deformation and stresses in bolting members. As it was
seen in sample tested (Figure 12 and Figure 13), the bolts near supports are under large tensions.
After failure of the bolts near supports, stresses are transferred to insider bolts by plate, so that the
stress concentration occurs in plate. Since ultimate failure takes place following by concrete
crushing, steel plate and the insider bolts do not have large stresses.
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Figure 25. Deformation and stresses in bolts in reinforced concrete beam strengthened bolted
steel plate
Figure 26 presents load-deflection curves of testing and FEM analysis of samples with bolted
steel plate. Maximum load carrying capacity of the samples tested and the model are in close
range. Although, response of the samples tested is ductile and progressive cracking is observed
clearly reaching ultimate load having multiple cracks, the model reaches the ultimate load in
elastic region, and exhibits ductile behavior after having first crack .
Load (kN)
80 STEEL 1
20 STEEL 3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 26. Deformation and stresses in bolts in reinforced concrete beam strengthened bolted
steel plate
Figure 27 presents the deformed shape and cracks of the sample with CFRP and principle
stress contour in CFRP sheets in FEM analysis. Deformed shapes of beam in experiment and
FEM analysis are almost identical (compare Figure 13 and Figure 27). Stress concentration
observed in CFRP sheets is close to right side of the beam indicating that CFRP sheet in left side
of the beam is fractured and stress moves to the right side.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
Figure 27. Deformed shape and cracks for the beam with CFRP and stress contour of concrete
beam and CFRP sheets
The load-deflection curves of samples with CFRP sheets and model are given in Figure 28.
Load (kN)
60 CFRP1
40 CFRP 2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 28. Deformation and stresses in bolts in reinforced concrete beam strengthened bolted
steel plate
The result of FEM and the testing are very close each other. It is also observed that the FE
model of the beam reaches maximum load with the first cracking, later the curve exhibit
rectilinear although tested samples reach the maximum load with multiple cracking.
In this section, analytical, experimental and FEM results are discussed. Analytical calculation
is based on basic mechanics of beam profile. Constants needed to use are taken from local codes.
Maximum load, flexural moment capacities and flexural strengths are summarized in Table 2.
The nonlinear FEM analysis and the experimental results regarding both moment capacity and
flexural strength are reasonably close each other. On the other hand, analytical results do not give
true approach to estimate either moment or flexural strength. Reason of it is, analytical calculation
E. Ercan, B. Arısoy, A. Özyüksel Çiftçioğlu / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
is based on working the concrete beam and CFRP sheet together without peeling from edges or
ruptures in supports due to large shearing forces.
The load-deflection curves are given in Figure 29. In Figure 29, the worst experimental data is
chosen to make comparison in order to avoid excess load-deflection curves, and CONTROL,
CFRP 3 and STEEL 3 curves represent the experimental results.
Table 2. Maximum load, moment and flexural strength capacities of experimental analytical and
FEM analysis
Max. Load Capacity (kN) Moment Capacity (kN-m) Flexural Strength (MPa)
Sample Analytic* FEM Exp. Analytic* FEM Exp. Analytic* FEM Exp.
Control 58.7 86.86 97.11 11.7 17.58 19.42 12.48 18.75 20.72
Beam with 124.1 24.82 26.42
Bolted 71.34 139.75 130.1 14.27 27.95 26.02 15.22 29.81 27.76
SteelPlate 138.9 27.79 29.42
Beam with 143.8 28.76 30.68
CFRP 474.6 158.62 94.9 31.72 101.2 33.84
155.5 31.1 33.17
166.2 33.24 35.45
* Analytic results are based on mechanics of beam profile for without deformation
180 CFRP 3
160 STEEL 3
Load (kN)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 29. Deformation and stresses in bolts in reinforced concrete beam strengthened bolted
steel plate
In Figure 29, although strengthened specimens seem exhibit ductile behavior, in fact samples
demonstrate shear failure but not in brittle manner. Increase in load carrying capacity indicate
strengthening have large impact on the performance of the beam, yet strengthening beams for
only flexure is not enough to have "strengthened" member. All other issues, in this case, such as
shear failure and concrete crashing should be considered.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Reinforced … / Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci 36 (1), 231-248, 2018
such as strengthening only beams, leads unexpected results. This study expresses the
inappropriate strengthening of the beams causes unpredicted failures in beams.
Strengthening the beams in flexure without strengthening shear sections, or strengthening
inappropriately, causes shear failure in beam. Although load carrying capacity is increased in
beams strengthened in flexural, brittle failure is undesirable. Applying of appropriate shear
strengthening to the beam might result large load carrying capacity.
This study is carried out to express effect of two different strengthening technics,
strengthened with bolted steel plate and strengthened with CFRP sheets, on flexural behavior of
reinforced concrete beam. The following conclusions can be drawn:
1) Reinforced concrete beam without any strengthening exhibited typical flexural behavior.
Experimental and FEM analysis results give approximately close moment capacity an flexural
strength, yet FEM analysis predicts that behavior of the sample has larger rigidity. Analytical
result represents only linear behavior of the beam.
2) Strengthened samples exhibited shear failure, yet flexural moment capacity and flexural
strength of the beams are increased.
3) The samples strengthened with CFRP sheets exhibited better behavior regarding both for
flexural strength and flexural performance.
4) By improving bolting technics or methods in support sections for the sample strengthened
with bolted steel plate might provide better flexural behavior.
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