THM07 Module 9 Digital Marketing
THM07 Module 9 Digital Marketing
THM07 Module 9 Digital Marketing
This module was prepared to help you gain fundamentals and basic knowledge
about Tourism and Hospitality Marketing. This will be the source of Information for you
to acquire knowledge and skill in this particular trade independently and at your own
pace, with minimum supervision of help from your instructor.
Talk to your online facilitator and agree on how you will both organize the
Training of this unit. Read each through the module carefully. It is divided into
sections, which cover all the skills and knowledge you need to successfully
complete this module.
Work through all the information and complete the activities in each section.
Read Modules and complete self-check. Suggested references are included to
supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably your facilitator will be your supervisor or manager. Your online
facilitator will support and correct you.
Your online facilitator will tell you about the important things you need consider
when you are completing activities and it is important that you listen and take
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on the job.
Make sure you practice new skills during regular work shifts. This way you will
improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.
Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their guidance.
Kindly the self-check questions at the LMS (EDMODO) to test your own progress.
When you are ready, ask your online facilitator to watch you online via Zoom or
Google Meet to perform the activities outlined in this module.
Ask your online facilitator work through the activities: ask for written feedback
on your progress. Your online facilitator keeps feedback/pre-assessment reports
for this reason. When you have successfully completed each element, ask the
facilitator to mark on the reports that you are ready for assessment.
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 2
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
When you have completed this module, and feel confident that you have
sufficient practice, your online facilitator will arrange an appointment with
registered assessor’s to assess you. The results of your assessment will be
recorded in your competency Achievement Record.
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 3
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
MODULE TITLE: Digital Marketing
1. Social Media
2. The internet and the world wide web
3. Characteristics of a good hospitality website design
4. Group buying sites
Assessment Method:
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 4
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
Learning Objective: After reading this MODULE, you should be able to:
The digital world is moving at a very fast pace. Materials written a
few years ago may become obsolete today. And what are written today
may be irrelevant in a few years time. Global online population is fast
shifting Statistics ( show that as of June 2012,
more than 2.4 billion people or 34.3% of the global population have access
to the Internet. This indicates a growth rate of 566% from the year 2000
and shows how the Internet is re shaping the way people communicate.
Communication scholar Marshall McLuhan predicted that the world will
become smaller because of the Internet.
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 5
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
Wikipedia defines social media as participatory online media where
news, photos, videos, and podcasts are made public via social media
websites through submissions. Wikipedia's process of arriving at a
definition of social media is an excellent example of social media social
media is used in this context to tap the collective expertise and arrive at an
acceptable conclusion (Evans 2008).
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 7
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
Social media content includes blogs (personal and corporate blogs),
tweets, photos, and videos
1. Blogging
2. Microblogs
3. Photo Sharing
Photos convey more than what words can. Photos are very useful in
sharing places visited, food eaten, and people one has been with. It has
been said that Filipinos nowadays take pictures of the food they eat first
than the traditional custom of saying grace before meals. Also, travel and
food photos can easily be uploaded to one's FB account and shared with
friends instantaneously.
4. Video Sharing
Videos are even more effective than photos. With movement and
audio, the experience becomes richer. There comes a greater appreciation
of what is being shared. When people travel, a camera that can take good
photos and videos is a must-have.
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 8
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
Also known as mobile social network, this is where people can share
their location with friends. This application allows you to "check-in" to
inform friends of your current location and also check on a list of venues
that are nearby. The more popular location-based networks are
Foursquare, Gowalla, and Facebook pages.
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 9
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT
unpleasant experiences happen. Hence, marketers need to be online too,
in order to engage its customers where they are.
Company Websites
It is not enough to have a good website. The website needs to be
marketed to lead potential customers to visit the site. Google, Yahoo, and
MSN are the most popular search engines used. Establishments can be
listed originally or through paid placement. Organic search refers to free
listing based on keywords found in the website. To boost rankings in
search engines, establishments can use the pay per click or sponsored
listings Technology can now trace activity within the website and actual
bookings generated from online marketing efforts making internet
marketing's return on investment measurable (Shoemaker et al. 2007).
Travel Websites
A travel website is a consolidator of different travel products. It
brings together a varied range of travel products so that potential
customers can go to just one site.
Online Auctions
The creation of e-mail changed the direct mail campaigns. The birth
of search disrupted classified ads. The birth of social media changed public
relations (Ryan & Jones 2011). Social media help develop relationships with
your customers. It is essential to stay involved long after your campaign
has ended because in social media, one can simply sustain the relationship
of the brand with one's customers the same way we sustain relationships
with friends who may have gone abroad.
(2015 EDITION)
Date Developed:
Document No. 001-2020
Tourism And Hospitality February 7, 2021
Marketing Module 9 : Date Revised: Issued by:
Digital Marketing Developed by: Page 16
Jennifer J. Miranda CRT