Guide To Homeopathy Materials
Guide To Homeopathy Materials
Guide To Homeopathy Materials
This guide was compiled to facilitate locating Taubman Health Sciences Library’s
homeopathic materials. Many items from this collection have been scanned, and are
available on line. The search interface for the documents available online is at the following
URL: h ttps://
The print materials in the Homeopathy Collection are stored in various places including:
Buhr Shelving Facility at Green and Hoover Streets, the Serials and Microfilms department
on the second floor of the south section of the Hatcher Graduate Library, Health Sciences
Remote Shelving, Special Collections, Hatcher Graduate Library, and Bentley Historical
Library. The subjects highlighted by the Guide are presented as illustrations of various topics
that are available in the collection and by no means constitute an exhaustive list of
This guide was created prior to the renovation of the Taubman Health Sciences Library
and may not accurately reflect the current location of materials. All items in the guide
should be findable using L ibrary Catalog Search.
The homeopathy collection at the University of Michigan originated in the holdings of the
Homeopathic Medical College, first established as part of the University in Ann Arbor in
1875 and conducted concurrently with the allopathic Medical School until 1922. There was
also a Homeopathic Hospital in existence locally from 1879 until 1891. For a more complete
history see:
● "The Homeopathic Medical College." In: The University of Michigan: An Encyclopedic
Survey, edited by Wilfred B. Shaw, vol. 2, pp. 1003-1012. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 1994. (Also available electronically)
● The Making of the University of Michigan 1817-1992, by Howard H. Peckham, edited
and updated by Margaret L. Steneck and Nicholas H. Steneck. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan, Bentley Historical Library, 1997.
The collection itself contains items dating from the mid-1800’s to the present day. Of
particular interest is the Bradford Homeopathy Collection, which is composed of 1027
pamphlets that detail 75 years of the history and development of the field of homeopathic
medicine. Along with the holdings of the former Homeopathic Library, these pamphlets
constitute one of the most complete collections on the subject.
Guide Notes
● Delicate or older materials may have been moved to storage, a change not
necessarily reflected in Library Catalog Search.
● This document is only a guide; for the full records and a complete list, they should
consult L
ibrary Catalog Search.
● Many items in this collection have been scanned and are available online. The search
interface for this electronic collection is at the following URL:
Title Location and Call number
Complete list of homoeopathic medical journals published Hatcher Graduate & FILM
in the United States between the years 1835-1868.
Michigan homoeopathic journal. John Ellis, M.D.; J.I. Buhr Shelving Facility
Hewitt, M.D.; & S.B. Thayer, M.D., editors
Using Homeopathy in practice
General resources
Author Title Location and Call
Directory & who’s who of homeopathic practitioners Taubman Health
610.91 D555
Crandall, Diseases and their cure : fifty years’ experience Buhr Shelving
O. H. Facility 616.08 C89
& FILM Me302(2)
Niederkor A handy reference book giving briefly the specific Taubman Health
n, Joseph indication for remedies, paying particular attention to Sciences
Stephen each organ of the body distinctively 616.08 N666h &
FILM Me116(4)
Primary care
Author Title Location and
Call number
Dr. Durden Dr. Durden’s pocketbook and repertory. A popular epitome Taubman
of the homoeopathic treatment of ordinary ailments, and Health
domestic medical guide Sciences
615.1 D95
1921 & FILM
Skinner, An introduction to homeopathic medicine in primary care Taubman
Sidney Health
RX 72 .S5561
Leckridge, Homeopathy in primary care Taubman
Bob Health
RX 71 .L491
Downey, Homoeopathy for the primary health care team : a guide Taubman
Paul for GPs, midwives, district nurses, and other health Health
professionals Sciences
RX 71 .D691
Clarke, John Catarrh, colds and grippe : including Buhr Shelving Facility 616.2
Henry prevention and cure, with chapters on nasal C6 &
polypus, hay fever and influenza Taubman Health Sciences
FILM Me252(5)
Underwood, Headache and its materia medica Buhr Shelving Facility 616.8
B. F. U56 &
FILM Me259(9)
King, John C. Headaches and their concomitant Taubman Health Sciences
symptoms 616.8 K53 & FILM Me220(4)
Medical specialities
Author Title Location and Call
A.C. Becker, Consumption treated homoeopathically Buhr Shelving Facility
M.D. 616.2 R92 & FILM
Burnett, J. Gold as a remedy in disease, notably in some Buhr Shelving Facility
Compton forms of organic heart disease, angina 615.2 B96g & FILM
pectoris, melancholy, tedium vitae, scrofula, Me147(8)
syphilis, skin disease, and as an antidote to
the ill effects of mercury
Ruddock, E. The stepping stone to homoeopathy and Buhr Shelving Facility
H. health with alterations and additions 610.2 R91s 1906 & FILM
adapting it to the climate, diseases, and Me348(3,4,5,6) & William
customs of Americans L. Clements Cookery 1879
Richardson, Cholera infantum : and its sequelæ, Hatcher Graduate - Argus
William C. convulsions, diarrhœa and dysentery - MoA | 618.9 R53 &
Taubman Health Sciences
FILM Me275(2)
Anshutz, New, old, and forgotten remedies. Papers by Buhr Shelving Facility
Edward many writers 615.1 A62 1917 & FILM
Pollock Me54(5)
Billig, Hugo Croup. A description of croup in children, with Taubman Health Sciences
instructions for its treatment from its earliest 615.1 B673 R6 & FILM
appearance according to homoeopathic Me208(3)
Author Title Location and Call
Complementary and alternative cardiovascular Taubman Health
medicine / edited by Richard A. Stein and Sciences RC 684 .A48
Mehmet C. Oz C7371 2004
Duncan, T. Hand book on the diseases of the heart and their Buhr Shelving Facility
C. homeopathic treatment 616.1 D9 & FILM
Me251(6 )
Author Title Location and Call number
Ruddock, E. H. The clinical directory, chapter on poisons, etc. : Buhr Shelving
being parts V. and VI. of the "Text book of Facility 616.08 R91&
modern medicine and surgery on homœopathic FILM Me250(4)
Smith, Dean Before and after surgical operations : a treatise Taubman Health
Tyler on the preparations for, and the care of the Sciences 617.9 S64
patient after operations, including homoepathic & FILM Me129(13)
Author Title Location and Call
Drugs/ Pharmacology
Author Title Location and Call
Hirschel, Rules and examples for the study of Taubman Health
Bernhard pharmacodynamics: extracted from Dr. Sciences FILM
Hirschel’s Grundriss der Homoeopathie Me299(12)
Stimson, Julia Nurses handbook of drugs and solutions Buhr Shelving Facility
Catherine 615.1 S86 1915 & FILM
Author Title Location and Call
Tooker, The diseases of children and their homeopathic Buhr Shelving Facility
Robert treatment : a text-book for students, colleges, and 618.9 T67 & FILM
N. practitioners Me311(3)
T.C. Diseases of infants and children with their Hatcher Graduate -
Duncan homoeopathic treatment Argus - MoA & Taubman
Health Sciences FILM
Guernse The application of the principles and practice of Taubman Health
y, Henry homeopathy to obstetrics, and the disorders Sciences 618.2 G93
Newell peculiar to women and young children
Author Title Location and Call
Leadam, Thomas Homoeopathy as applied to the diseases of Buhr Shelving Facility
Robinson females and the most important diseases 618 L43 - In
of early childhood Preservation
Ludlam, R. Medical and surgical lectures on the Buhr Shelving Facility
diseases of women: a clinical and 618.1 L94
systematic treatise
Hinsdale, W. B. The school girl and college woman as a Bentley Historical FImu
clinical study C101
Miller, Adam Plain talk to the sick, with directions for FILM Me343(3)
homœopathic treatment and general rules
for the preservation of health. Also an
appendix on the diseases of women,
containing an exposé of the impositions
practiced upon innocent sufferers by men
in high places
Pulte, Joseph Woman’s medical guide; containing essays Taubman Medical 618
Hippolyt on the physical, moral and educational P98 & FILM Me130(1)
development of females, and the
homeopathic treatment of their diseases
Author Title Location and
Call number
Hering, Analytical repertory of the symptoms of the mind Buhr Shelving Facility
Constantine 615.1 H55 &
FILM Me281(1 )
Other materials
Author Title Location and Call
The British and foreign homœopathic medical Buhr Shelving
directory and record / edited by George Atkin. Facility 610.93
B76 & FILM
Me293(3 )
Ruddock, E. The clinical directory, chapter on poisons, etc.: being Buhr Shelving
H. parts V. and VI. of the "Text book of modern Facility 616.08
medicine and surgery on homœopathic principles” R91 & FILM
Me250(4 )
International homoeopathic medical directory. Taubman 610.91 I
Clarke, John The prescriber : a dictionary of the new therapeutics Buhr Shelving
Henry Facility 615 C6 &
FILM Me279(3)
Laurie, Joseph Homœopathic domestic medicine. Thoroughly rev. & FILM Me21(1)
brought down to the present time, to which is added
a dictionary of medical terms & treatment. By R. S.
Author Title Location and
Call number
W. J. Hawkes Characteristic indications of prominent remedies for Buhr Shelving
the use of students of materia medica and Facility &
therapeutics Taubman
Medical 6 15.1
H39 B &
FILM Me59(1,2)
Cate, William The child of promise The Isaac of medicine and Taubman
Mellen Ishmael, the half brother : being a comprehensive Medical 615.53
glance at the instincts and predilections of the rival C36 &
schools of medicine FILM Me80(6)
Beckwith, D. The history of the Western college of homeopathic Buhr Shelving
H medicine from 1850-1860 Facility 610.7173
C63 B & FILM
Author Title Location and Call
Rogers, Naomi An alternative path : the making and remaking of Electronic
Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital of Resource &
Philadelphia Taubman Medical
R 747 .H23 R641
American Hospitals & sanatoriums of the homoeopathic Taubman Medical
Institute of school of medicine... 613.5 A51h
Historical material
Author Title Location and
Call number
Whorton, Nature cures: the history of alternative medicine in Taubman
James C. America Health
Sciences R 733
.W4951 2002
University of Is there but one school of medicine? The homoeopathic Bentley
Michigan standpoint. Prepared by a committee of the faculty of the Historical 017
Homoeopathic Medical School of the University of Bimu C101 2
Hering, A concise view of the rise and progress of homœopathic Buhr Shelving
Constantine medicine Facility 615.53
H55 tM43 &
615.53 H55
tM43 & FILM
Me94(6 )
Culture, knowledge, and healing : historical perspectives Taubman
of homeopathic medicine in Europe and North America / Health
edited by Robert Jütte, Guenter B. Risse and John Sciences RX 51
Woodward .C87 1998
Hastings, A retrospect of allopathy & homoeopathy for the last Buhr Shelving
Hugh thirty years, with cases Facility 615.53
Author Title Location and
Call number
Author Title Location and
Call number
Author Title Location and
Call number
Author Title Location and
Call number
Author Title Location and Call number