Topic 7. Salient Provisions of R.A. 4136

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Topic 7

Salient Provisions of R.A. 4136 and General Road Use and Conduct

At the end of the lesson, students shall be able to:
a. Explain the salient provisions of R.A. 4136.
b. Apply learned concepts in life.

Handout in Traffic Management

RA 4136 - An Act to Compile the Laws Relative to Land Transportation and Traffic
Rules, to Create a Land Transportation Commission and for Other Purposes

What is RA 4136? It is arguably the most important driving law ever enacted. Republic
Act 4136, also known as the Land Transportation and Traffic Code laid the
groundwork for all the traffic regulations we have today. Plus, it also created the
Land Transportation Commission in the Philippines, currently known as the Land
Transportation Office.

RA 4136 required all motor vehicles to be registered in a national registry. It also set
the registration requirements and fees for every car owner. Aside from that, this
law also required drivers to apply for a professional and non-professional license.
RA 4136 also set the penalty fees for failing to comply with the commission’s
registration and licensing requirements.

In terms of traffic regulations, RA 4136 set the legal speed limits for every driver to
follow. Here is a list of speed limits for all vehicles:
Maximum Allowable Speed
Type of Roadway Passenger Cars and Motor Trucks
Motorcycles and Buses
1. On open country roads, with no blind
corners not closely bordered by 80 km 60 km
2. On “through streets” or boulevards clear
of traffic, with no blind corners, when so 40 km 30 km
3. On city and municipal streets, with light
traffic, when not designated “through 30 km 30 km
4. Through crowded streets, approaching
intersections at “blind corners”, passing
school zones, passing other vehicles 20 km 20 km
which are stationary, or for similar
dangerous circumstances.

Exceeding Registered Capacity (Overloading)

Passengers, freight or cargo load of a motor vehicle should not be more than
its registered carrying capacity.
All passenger automobiles for hire are required to have the registered
passenger capacity marked plainly and conspicuously on the sides thereof in
letters and numerals not less than 5 cm. In height.
Motor trucks for passengers or freight, private or for hire, shall have the
registered passenger or freight gross and net weight capacities marked plainly
and conspicuously on the sides thereof in letters and numerals not less than 5
cm in height.
Cargo Carrying Devices - The construction of devices for carrying cargo at the rear or
sides of trucks may be allowed, subject to the approval of the Commissioner, but the
total net weight of the device, including cargo, must not exceed 100 kilos.
Riding on Running Board - It is strictly prohibited, except for conductors collecting
passenger fare.
Riding on Top of the Motor Vehicle - Passengers shall not be allowed to ride on top of
motor vehicles, but baggage or freight may be carried on top of the truck, provided
that the weight thereof is not more than 20 kilos per square meter distributed in such a
way as not to endanger passengers or the vehicle’s stability.
Required Motor Vehicle Accessories
a. Tires d. Headlight g. Windshield wipers
b. Brake e. Tail light h. Use of red flags
c. Horn f. Stop light i. Mufflers
Hitching on to a Vehicle
a. Hanging on to or riding on the outside or rear end of any vehicle.
b. Holding on to any motor vehicle whether on foot or otherwise.
c. Driver allowing any person to hang on to or ride outside of or at the rear
end of the vehicle.
Driving While Under the Influence of Liquor (DUI)
Obstruction of Traffic - Obstruction of traffic by operating a motor vehicle in such a
manner as to obstruct, block, or impede the passage of another vehicle is prohibited.
This prohibition applies even when discharging or loading passengers.


Restriction as to Speed - Any person driving a motor vehicle on a highway shall drive
the same at a careful and prudent speed, not greater nor less than is reasonable and
proper, having due regard for the traffic, the width of the highway, and of any other
condition then and there existing; and no person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a
highway at such speed as to endanger the life, limb and property of any person, nor
at a speed greater than will permit him to bring the vehicle to a stop within the
assured distance ahead.
Exception to the Speed Limit
1. A physician or his driver when the former responds to emergency calls.
2. The driver of a hospital ambulance on the way to and from the place of
accident or other emergency.
3. Any driver bringing a wounded or sick person for emergency treatment to a
hospital, clinic, or any other similar place.
4. Any driver of a motor vehicle belonging to the Armed Forces while in use for
official purposes in times of riot, insurrection or invasion.
5. The driver of a vehicle, when he or his passengers are in pursuit of a criminal.
6. A law-enforcement officer who is trying to overtake a violator of traffic laws.
7. The driver officially operating a motor vehicle of any fire department provided
that exemption shall not be construed to allow useless or unnecessary fast
drivers aforementioned.
Driving on the Right Side of the Highway - All vehicles, whether motorized, animal-
drawn or muscle powered, shall use the right side of the road when meeting persons
or other vehicles coming from the same direction. (Section 37, RA 4136)
Overtaking a Vehicle - In overtaking another vehicle, a driver should pass at a safe
distance to the left of the vehicle being overtaken and shall resume driving on the
right side of the road only after passing clear of the overtaken vehicles.
Exception: On the highway with two or more lanes where traffic goes in one
direction, another vehicle may be overtaken on the right.
Giving Way to Overtaking Vehicles -The driver of a motor vehicle about to be
overtaken must give way to the overtaking vehicle and shall not increase his speed
until the overtaking vehicles has fully passed by.
Right of Way Rules
1. In case of two vehicles approaching or entering as intersection at the same
time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way; however,
the driver of any vehicle travel at an unlawful speed forfeits this right. (Section
42, a)
2. In case of a vehicle approaching but has not yet entered the intersection, its
driver shall yield the right of way to vehicle already within such intersection or
turning therein to the left across the line of travel of the first mentioned vehicle.
(Section 42, b)
3. In case of a vehicle on a highway within a business or residential district, its
driver shall yield the right of way to pedestrian crossing the highway within
crosswalk, except at intersection where traffic is regulated by a peace officer
of a traffic signal. If there is not crosswalk, pedestrian shall yield the right of
way to vehicles on the highways. (Section 42, c)
4. In case of vehicle traversing a through-highway, its driver should bring it to a
full stop before crossing. However, if it is clear and no hazards exist, the vehicle
may slow down to 5 miles per hour instead of a full stop. (Section 42, d)
Exception to the Right of Way Rules - Right of way rules do not apply in the case of a
vehicle entering a private road or driveway. The right of way is in favor of all vehicles
utilizing the highway. (Section 43)
Making a Right Turn (Normal Procedures)
1. Signal your intention to turn right with your turning signal light or hand signal at
least 100 ft. before you intend to make turn.
2. Stay on the right lane of the road.
3. Never make a right turn from the left lane.
4. At an intersection with a red traffic light, make a right turn only after coming to
a full stop to make sure that no vehicles are coming from the left.
5. If there is a sign prohibiting a right turn unless there is green, do not turn right
while the red light is on.
Making a Left Turn (Normal Procedures)
1. Signal your intention to turn left with your turning signal at least 100 ft. before
you intend to make your turn.
2. Stay on the left lane of the road.
3. At an intersection with a traffic light, vehicles going straight have the right of
way. Wait for them to pass first before you turn left.
4. At an intersection with a traffic light, make a left turn only when the green light
is on or when there is a left turn light.
Making a U-TURN
Recommended Procedures: (Two Lane Road)
1. Make a right turn signal at least 100 ft. before you start moving to the right side
of the road.
2. Stay as close to the right side as possible. Come to a complete stop if
necessary. Check behind you for traffic. Also check for oncoming traffic on
the other lane.
3. Once all traffic had passed you, initiate your U-turn. See to it that you can
make it on one sweep. If you have a long vehicle, look for an intersection or a
wide section of the road to make a U-turn in.
4. At this point, you should be making the U-turn if you know the turning radius of
your vehicle.
5. Do not move immediately to the middle of the road. Keep to the right side
until you have increased your speed sufficiently to move to the middle of the
Recommended Procedures: (Four Lanes Highway)
1. Check for traffic light behind you and indicate your intentions with a left turn
signal. Stay on the left lane if there are no fast moving vehicles.
2. Clear the other side for oncoming traffic and initiate your turn as soon as it is
clear. Do not come to a complete stop.
3. Straighten out on the right lane and begin gaining speed.

Enhancement ACTIVITY:
Log in to your dashboard
Assessment. Log in to your dashboard (study this lesson and be ready for a quiz)
Refer to your handout.

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