MSCI Feb11 IndexCalcMethodology
MSCI Feb11 IndexCalcMethodology
MSCI Feb11 IndexCalcMethodology
February 2011
MSCI Index Calculation Methodologies
February 2011
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
MSCI Equity Indices .............................................................................................................................. 5
Section 1: MSCI Price Index Methodology ............................................................................................ 6
1.2 PRICE INDEX LEVEL ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Index Market Capitalization ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.2 Example of calculation ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3.1 Security Contribution to the Index ................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.2 Today’s Initial Security Weight ..................................................................................................................... 11
1.3.3 Security Daily Price Return ........................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.4 Example of calculation using contribution ................................................................................................... 14
1.4 NEXT DAY INITIAL SECURITY WEIGHT ............................................................................................................ 15
1.6 SECURITY INDEX OF PRICE IN LOCAL............................................................................................................... 17
1.7 NOTE ON INDEX CALCULATION IN LOCAL CURRENCY .................................................................................... 19
1.8 CONVERSION OF INDICES INTO ANOTHER CURRENCY ..................................................................................... 19
Section 2: MSCI Daily Total Return (DTR) Index Methodology ........................................................ 21
2.1 CALCULATION METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 21
2.1.1 Dividend Impact ...........................................................................................................................................22
2.1.2 DTR Index Level from Security Information (Security DTR) ......................................................................22
2.1.3 Security Contribution to the Index ................................................................................................................22
2.1.4 Security Daily Total Return ...........................................................................................................................23 Security Daily Gross Return...................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Security Daily Net Return .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.5 Initial Security Weight ...................................................................................................................................26
2.1.6 Currency ........................................................................................................................................................28
2.1.7 Number of Shares and Index Weighting Factor ...........................................................................................28
2.2 REINVESTMENT METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 28
2.2.1 Timing of re-investment ................................................................................................................................29
2.2.2 Re-Investment Rules .....................................................................................................................................29
2.2.3 Dividends Resulting in a Reinvestment Only ...............................................................................................29
2.2.4 Dividends Resulting in a Reinvestment or in a Price Adjustment ................................................................30
2.2.5 Dividends Resulting in a Price Adjustment Only .......................................................................................... 31
2.3 PROCESSING RULES .......................................................................................................................................... 32
2.3.1 Dividend Data ...............................................................................................................................................32
2.3.2 Corporate Actions ..........................................................................................................................................32
2.3.3 Corrections ....................................................................................................................................................32
2.3.4 Payment Default ............................................................................................................................................33
2.3.5 Late Dividends ..............................................................................................................................................33
2.3.6 Country Exceptions .......................................................................................................................................33
2.3.7 Taxes on Dividends .......................................................................................................................................34 Tax Credit ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Withholding Tax .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Country Exception: Australian Dividends ........................................................................................................................................ 36
2.3.8 Definitions .....................................................................................................................................................37
Section 3: Gross Domestic Products (GDP) Weighted Indices ........................................................... 38
3.1 ANNUAL INDEX REVIEW AND COUNTRY WEIGHTS .......................................................................................... 38
3.2 SECURITY LEVEL WEIGHTS ............................................................................................................................... 39
Appendix I: Sunday Index Calculation ................................................................................................. 41
Appendix II: Annualized Traded Value Ratio (ATVR) and Annual Traded Value ............................ 44
Appendix III: Exchange Rates............................................................................................................. 47
Appendix IV: Singapore & Malaysia – A History of Inclusion in the Emerging and Developed
Markets Indices .................................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix V: Singapore and Singapore Free ........................................................................................ 52
Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates .................................................................................................. 53
Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy.................................................................................................... 55
Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Selected Regional Indices ....................................... 66
Appendix IX: MSCI Real Time Indices ............................................................................................... 77
Appendix X: Index Calculation Methodology Using Index Divisors.................................................. 80
MSCI Index Calculation Methodology Book Tracked Changes ......................................................... 95
This methodology book describes MSCI‘s general Index calculation methodology for the MSCI Equity
MSCI provides two ways of calculating MSCI Equity Indices, either by using the Price Adjustment Factor
(PAF) or the Index Divisors (Index Divisors methodology available as an appendix).
These policies and guidelines affect all securities across the MSCI Equity Indices and products. Unless
otherwise stated the policies and guidelines apply therefore to all securities in the MSCI Equity universe.
Please note that the index construction methodology and other guiding principles for the MSCI Standard
Indices can be found in MSCI Global Investable Market Indices Methodology Indices document, available
The MSCI Equity Indices measure the performance of a set of equity securities over time. The MSCI
Equity Indices are calculated using the Laspeyres‘ concept of a weighted arithmetic average together with
the concept of chain-linking.
MSCI country and regional equity Indices are calculated in ―local currency‖ as well as in USD, with price,
gross and net returns.
Index levels are also available in several other currencies such as AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, EUR,
GBP, HKD, INR, JPY, KRW (starting December 1, 2010), RUB and SGD.
While the local currency series of regional indices cannot be replicated in the real world, it represents the
theoretical performance of an index without any impact from foreign exchange fluctuations — a
continuously hedged portfolio.
Indices are calculated 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday with the exception of a selection of indices
that have a Sunday calculation available.
In certain cases, where there are no qualifying securities, it is possible for MSCI Indices to be empty
following a security deletion or GICS change. If an index becomes empty it would be dynamically
discontinued or ‗ruptured‘. It is then possible for the index to be re-started once a new security qualifies
for the index, and this index level would be rebased to an appropriate level at that time.
Price indices measure the market prices performance for a selection of securities. They are calculated daily
and, for some of them, on a real time basis. Each index captures the market capitalization weighted return
of all constituents included in the index.
As a general principle, today‘s index level is obtained by applying the change in the market performance to
the previous period index level.
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapUSDt
PriceIndex LevelUSDt PriceIndex LevelUSDt 1 *
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapForLocalt
PriceIndex LevelLocalt PriceIndex LevelLocalt 1 *
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
PriceIndex LevelUSDt 1 is the Price Index level in USD at time t-1
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapUSDt is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of the index in USD at
time t
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt is the Initial Market Capitalization of the index in USD at time t
PriceIndex LevelLocalt 1 is the Price Index level in local currency at time t-1
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapForLocalt is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of the index in USD
converted using FX rate as of t-1 and used for local currency index at time t
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret * InclusionF actort * PAFt
sI ,t FXrate t
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapForLocal t
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret * InclusionF actort * PAFt ICI t
sI ,t FXrate t 1
ICI t 1
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret 1 * InclusionF actort
sI ,t FXrate t 1
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 is the number of shares of security s at the end of day t-1.
PricePerSh aret is the price per share of the security s at time t.
PricePerSh aret 1 is the price per share of security s at time t-1.
InclusionFactort is the inclusion factor of the security s at time t. The inclusion factor can be
one or the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor, Domestic Inclusion
Factor, Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion Factor (*).
PAFt is the Price Adjustment Factor of the security s at time t.
FXrate t is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
FXrate t 1 is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t-1. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
ICI t is the Internal Currency Index of price currency at time t. The ICI is different than 1 when a
country changes the internal value of its currency (e.g. from Turkish Lira to New Turkish Lira –
ICI = 1,000,000).
ICI t 1 is the Internal Currency Index of price currency at time t-1.
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
The only difference in the formulas between USD and local currency indices calculation is that the same
exchange rate is used in the numerator and denominator for local currency, which means that there is no
impact of currency change in the performance. Time variant exchange rates are used for the USD
Day 1
IndexAdjustedM IndexInitialMar MarketCapFor
NumberOf PricePer PricePer Inclusion FXrate FXrate arketCapUSD t ketCapUSD t Local t (see
Shares t-1 Share t Share t-1 Factor t PAF t t t-1 (see 1.1.1) (see 1.1.1) 1.1.1)
Security A 150000 152.60 154.00 0.75 1 1.50 1.49 11,445,000 11,627,517 11,521,812
Security B 26000 98.40 105.00 1.00 1 1.15 1.14 2,224,696 2,394,737 2,244,211
Security C 290000 1592.60 1603.50 0.60 1 125.00 125.50 2,216,899 2,223,179 2,208,067
Security D 360000 268.00 265.30 0.85 1 1.50 1.50 54,672,000 54,121,200 54,672,000
Day 2
Security C is ex Right issue 1 : 1 @ 1300
IndexAdjustedM IndexInitialMar MarketCapFor
NumberOf PricePer PricePer Inclusion FXrate FXrate arketCapUSD t ketCapUSD t Local t (see
Shares t-1 Share t Share t-1 Factor t PAF t t t-1 (see 1.1.1) (see 1.1.1) 1.1.1)
Security A 150000 160.00 152.60 0.75 1 1.51 1.50 11,920,530 11,445,000 12,000,000
Security B 26000 95.00 98.40 1.00 1 1.16 1.15 2,129,310 2,224,696 2,147,826
Security C 290000 1450.00 1592.60 0.60 1.1012 124.50 125.00 2,231,497 2,216,899 2,222,571
Security D 360000 265.00 268.00 0.85 1 1.51 1.50 53,701,987 54,672,000 54,060,000
Day 3
Security C has an increase of number of shares following the right issue ex on Day 2
IndexAdjustedM IndexInitialMar MarketCapFor
NumberOf PricePer PricePer Inclusion FXrate FXrate arketCapUSD t ketCapUSD t Local t (see
Shares t-1 Share t Share t-1 Factor t PAF t t t-1 (see 1.1.1) (see 1.1.1) 1.1.1)
Security A 150000 165.00 160.00 0.75 1 1.50 1.51 12,375,000 11,920,530 12,293,046
Security B 26000 102.00 95.00 1.00 1 1.17 1.16 2,266,667 2,129,310 2,286,207
Security C 580000 1545.00 1450.00 0.60 1 124.45 124.50 4,320,289 4,053,012 4,318,554
Security D 360000 266.00 265.00 0.85 1 1.50 1.51 54,264,000 53,701,987 53,904,636
Another way to calculate the index level would be to use the initial weight and price return of the
individual securities included in the index:
SecurityDa ilyPriceRe turnUSDt is the price return in USD of security s at time t.
SecurityDa ilyPriceRe turnLocalt is the price return of security s at time t converted using FX
rate as of t-1 and used for local currency calculation at time t.
InitialSec urityWeigh t t
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
* 100
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 is the number of shares of security s at the end of day t-1.
PricePerSh aret 1 is the price per share of security s at time t-1.
InclusionFactort is the inclusion factor of security s at time t. The inclusion factor can be one or
the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor, Domestic Inclusion Factor,
Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion Factor (*).
FXrate t 1 is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t-1. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
Note: The SecurityIn itialFullM arketCapInSecurityPr iceCurrencyt is also available in the security
files and corresponds to the SecurityIn itialFullM arketCapUSDt multiplied by the FXrate t 1
The EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 used to calculate today‘s initial weight, available in the MSCI
products dated day t , is shown as ―Number of Shares (Today Index)‖.
SecurityAd justedMarketCapUSDt
SecurityDa ilyPriceRe turnUSDt 1 *100
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t
SecurityDa ilyPriceRe turnLocalt 1 *100
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret * InclusionF actort * PAFt ICI t
FXrate t 1 ICI t 1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret * InclusionF actort * PAFt
FXrate t
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret 1 * InclusionF actort
FXrate t 1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of security s in
USD converted using FX rate as of t-1
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
Day 2
Security C is ex Right issue 1 : 1 @ 1300
SecurityDaily SecurityPricec SecurityDaily SecurityPricec
InitialSecurit Price_Return ontributionToIn Price_Return ontributionToIn
NumberOf PricePer PricePer Inclusion FXrate FXrate yWeight t USD t (see dexUSD (see Local t (see dexLocal (see
Shares t-1 Share t Share t-1 Factor t PAF t t t-1 (see 1.2.2) 1.2.3) 1.2.1) 1.2.3) 1.2.1)
Security A 150000 160.00 152.60 0.75 1 1.51 1.50 16.22% 4.15% 0.67% 4.85% 0.79%
Security B 26000 95.00 98.40 1.00 1 1.16 1.15 3.15% -4.29% -0.14% -3.46% -0.11%
Security C 290000 1450.00 1592.60 0.60 1.1012 124.50 125.00 3.14% 0.66% 0.02% 0.26% 0.01%
Security D 360000 265.00 268.00 0.85 1 1.51 1.50 77.48% -1.77% -1.37% -1.12% -0.87%
Day 3
Security C has an increase of number of shares following the right issue ex on Day 2
SecurityDaily SecurityPricec SecurityDaily SecurityPricec
InitialSecurit Price_Return ontributionToIn Price_Return ontributionToIn
NumberOf PricePer PricePer Inclusion FXrate FXrate yWeight t USD t (see dexUSD (see Local t (see dexLocal (see
Shares t-1 Share t Share t-1 Factor t PAF t t t-1 (see 1.2.2) 1.2.3) 1.2.1) 1.2.3) 1.2.1)
Security A 150000 165.00 160.00 0.75 1 1.50 1.51 16.60% 3.81% 0.63% 3.13% 0.52%
Security B 26000 102.00 95.00 1.00 1 1.17 1.16 2.97% 6.45% 0.19% 7.37% 0.22%
Security C 580000 1545.00 1450.00 0.60 1 124.45 124.50 5.64% 6.59% 0.37% 6.55% 0.37%
Security D 360000 266.00 265.00 0.85 1 1.50 1.51 74.79% 1.05% 0.78% 0.38% 0.28%
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt 1
* 100
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt 1
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t is the number of shares of security s at the end of day t.
PricePerSh aret is the price per share of the security s at time t.
InclusionFactort 1 is the inclusion factor of the security s at time t+1. The inclusion factor can
be one or the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor, Domestic Inclusion
Factor, Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion Factor (*).
FXrate t is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
The SecurityIn itialFullM arketCapInSecurityPr iceCurrencyt 1 is also available in the security files
and corresponds to the SecurityIn itialFullM arketCapUSDt 1 multiplied by the FXrate t
The EndOfDayNumberOfShares t used to calculate next day‘s initial weight, available in the MSCI
products dated day t , is shown as ―Number of Shares (Next Day Index)‖.
1.5 Closing Index Market Capitalization today USD (Unadjusted Market Cap
today USD)
The value of the index market capitalization as of the close of a day is calculated as follows:
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
Effectively this figure represents the shares at the close on t, and does not include any of the effects of
corporate actions due at the open of the market the next day.
The closing market capitalization uses today‘s price, t, as it represents the market capitalization at the close
of the calculation day t.
The security Index of Price is distributed in MSCI daily and monthly security products [It represents the
price return from period to period by utilizing the concept of an index of performance with an arbitrary
base value. The index of price is fully adjusted for capital changes and is expressed in local currency.
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t
SecurityPr iceIndexLe velt SecurityPr iceIndexLe velt 1 *
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret * InclusionF actort * PAFt ICI t
FXrate t 1 ICI t 1
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 * PricePerSh aret 1 * InclusionF actort
FXrate t 1
SecurityPr iceIndexLe velt 1 is Security Price Index level at time t-1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of security s in
USD converted using FX rate as of t-1
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt is the Initial Market Capitalization of security s in USD at time
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 is the number of shares of security s at the end of day t-1.
PricePerSh aret is the price per share of security s at time t.
PricePerSh aret 1 is the price per share of security s at time t-1.
InclusionFactort is the inclusion factor of security s at time t. The inclusion factor can be one or
the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor, Domestic Inclusion Factor
Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion Factor (*).
PAFt is the Price Adjustment Factor of security s at time t.
FXrate t 1 is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t-1. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
ICI t is the Internal Currency Index of price currency at time t. The ICI is different than 1 when a
country changes the internal value of its currency (e.g. from Turkish Lira to New Turkish Lira –
ICI = 1,000,000).
ICI t 1 is the Internal Currency Index of price currency at time t-1.
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
The MSCI Country and Regional Indices are calculated in local currency as well as in USD. The
concept of a ―local currency‖ calculation excludes the impact of currency fluctuations.
Note that for a country index, the local currency index will not be the same as an index calculated with
the official currency of that country, if there is more than one currency of listing.
All currencies of listing are considered in the index calculation in local currency where current pricest
and previous day pricest-1 are converted into USD using the same exchange rate (exchange ratet-1) in
the numerator and denominator. As a consequence, the FX factor drops out of the equation.
The USD calculation includes exchange rates at t and t-1. Therefore, the local currency calculation
only represents the price appreciation or depreciation of the securities, whereas the USD calculation
also accounts for the performance of the currency (or currencies) relative to the USD.
An index can be calculated into any currency by converting the index in USD into the selected
currency using the formula below.
If the base date of the index is prior to the start date of the currency, the indices should be
rebased and converted using the following formula:
IndexLevelinUSDt FXrate t
IndexLevelinCurrency t 100 * *
IndexLevelinUSDcurrency_ base_ date FXrate currency_ base_ date
Note that 100 in the formula is the base value. This base value can be different than 100 (e.g. 1000
depending on the indices).
If the base date of the index is equal or posterior to the start date of the currency, the indices
should be converted only, using the following formula:
FXrate t
IndexLevelinCurrency t IndexLevelinUSDt *
FXrate index _ base_ date
WorldIndexinUSD10/20/99 EURvsUSDRate10/20/99
WorldIndexinEUR10/20/99 100 * *
WorldIndexinUSD31/12/98 EURvsUSDRate12/31/98
1224.048387 0.9279451
100 * * 115.985
1149.951577 0.8516074
MSCI‘s Daily Total Return (DTR) methodology reinvests cash dividends in indices the day the security is
quoted ex-dividend (ex-date). It applies to all index families. Cash dividends are not considered in price
indices, except for special dividends in certain circumstances described below.
The standard Daily Total Return (DTR) Indices are calculated and distributed on a daily basis. The indices
are available in USD and local currency (no currency impact), with gross and net total return
(IndexAdju stedMarketCapUSDt IndexDividendImpactUSDt )
DTRIndexLevelUSDt 1 *
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
(IndexAdju stedMarketCapForLocalt IndexDividendImpactForLocalt )
DTRIndexLevelLocalt 1 *
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
DTRIndexLevelUSDt 1 is the Daily Total Return index level in USD at time t-1
IndexDividendImpactUSDt is the gross or net amount of dividends in USD to be reinvested in the
index in USD at time t
IndexDividendImpactForLocalt is the gross or net amount of dividend in USD converted using
FX rate as of t-1 to be reinvested in the local currency index at time t
DTRIndexLevelLocalt 1 the Daily Total Return index level in local currency at time t-1
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 * DividendPerSharet * InclusionF actort
sI,t FXrate t
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 * DividendPerSharet * InclusionF actort ICI t
sI,t Fxrate t 1
ICI t 1
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 is the number of shares of the security s at the end of the
dividend ex-date-1.
DividendPerSharet is the gross or net dividend per share expressed in the same currency unit as
the price per share of the security s to be reinvested at time t.
Another way to calculate a DTR index would be to use the security initial weight and security total return:
Calculation Formulas:
SecurityDa ilyGrossReturnUSDt
(SecurityA djustedMar ketCapUSDt SecurityGr ossDividendImpactUSDt )
1 * 100
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
SecurityDa ilyGrossReturnLocalt
(SecurityA djustedMar ketCapForLocal t SecurityGr ossDividendImpactFor Localt )
1 * 100
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
SecurityGr ossDividendImpactUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 * GrossDividendPerSharet * InclusionF actort
FXrate t
SecurityGr ossDividendImpactForLocal t
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 * GrossDividendPerShar et * InclusionFactort ICI t
FXrate t 1 ICI t 1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of security s in
USD converted using FX rate as of t-1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapUSDt is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of security s in USD
converted using FX rate as of t
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
SecurityNe tDividendImpactUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 * NetDividen dPerSharet * InclusionF actort
FXrate t
SecurityNe tDividendImpactForLocal t
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 * NetDividen dPerSharet * InclusionF actort ICI t
FXrate t 1 ICI t 1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapForLocal t is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of security s in
USD converted using FX rate as of t-1
SecurityAd justedMarketCapUSDt is the Adjusted Market Capitalization of security s in USD
converted using FX rate as of t
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt is the Initial Market Capitalization of security s in USD at time
InclusionFactort is the inclusion factor of the security s at time t. The inclusion factor can be
one or the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor, Domestic Inclusion
Factor, Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion Factor (*).
FXrate t is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
FXrate t 1 is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t-1. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
EndOfDayNumberOfShares ex date1 is the number of shares of the security s at the end of
dividend ex-date-1.
NetDividendPerSharet is the net dividend per share expressed in the same currency unit as the
price per share of the security s to be reinvested at time t.
ICI t is the Internal Currency Index of price currency at time t. The ICI is different than 1 when a
country changes the internal value of its currency (e.g. from Turkish Lira to New Turkish Lira –
ICI = 1,000,000).
ICI t 1 is the Internal Currency Index of price currency at time t-1.
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM Countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
InitialSec urityWeigh t t
SecurityIn itialMarketCapUSDt
* 100
IndexIniti alMarketCapUSDt
EndOfDayNumberOfShares t 1 is the number of shares of security s at the end of day t-1.
PricePerSh aret 1 is the price per share of security s at time t-1.
InclusionFactort is the inclusion factor of security s at time t. The inclusion factor can be one or
the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor, Domestic Inclusion Factor,
Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion Factor (*).
FXrate t 1 is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD at time t-1. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
(*) From June 1 2007 to May 31 2008, to calculate the standard or small cap index market
capitalization (except for FM countries and China A), the security market cap should be multiplied by
the Standard or Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor.
From September 1 2009 to November 30 2009, to calculate the China A and related indices markets
capitalization, the China A securities market cap should be multiplied by the Standard Index Inclusion
The ‗Standard Index Inclusion Factor‘ is solely used for the computation of the MSCI Standard
Indices, and not for the Large Cap, Mid Cap and Provisional Indices, as these are all constructed using
the Global Investable Market Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition
The ‗Small Cap Index Inclusion Factor‘ is not used for the computation of the MSCI Emerging
Markets and AC Small Cap Indices, MSCI Small Cap Value and Growth, MSCI Provisional Small Cap
and MSCI Small Cap Sectors Indices, as these are all constructed using the Global Investable Market
Indices methodology and were not subject to the transition methodology.
2.1.6 Currency
For index calculations, all dividends are converted into USD at the spot rate of the ex date.
A dividend amount is expressed per share entitled to the dividend. Since the day before the ex-date is the
last day on which the share is entitled to the dividend, the total dividend per security reinvested into an
index is equal to the number of shares at the end of the ex-date-1 multiplied by the dividend per share.
In addition, the weighting factor of the security in the index is applied to the total dividend amount to be
reinvested. This may be the Domestic Inclusion Factor (DIF), the Foreign Inclusion Factor (FIF), the
Value Inclusion Factor (VIF), the Growth Inclusion Factor (GIF) or any inclusion factor considered in the
price index calculation.
This series approximates the maximum possible dividend reinvestment. The amount reinvested is the
dividend distributed to individuals resident in the country of the company, but does not include tax
This series approximates the minimum possible dividend reinvestment. Effective December 1, 2009, the
dividend is reinvested after deduction of withholding tax by applying the maximum rate of the company‘s
country of incorporation applicable to institutional investors. MSCI uses different withholding tax
depending if the indices are international or domestic:
International indices: the maximum rate applicable to non-resident institutional investors who do
not benefit from double taxation treaties.
Domestic indices: the maximum rate applicable to resident institutional investors
For more information on how taxes are applicable to dividends, please refer to the Appendix for details
about the withholding tax rates for the various countries.
The amount of an announced dividend is re-invested on the day the security is quoted ex-dividend on its
principal exchange. For securities trading on more than one exchange, MSCI uses the ex-date at the
exchange from which MSCI sources the security‘s price.
If a security does not trade on the day it is quoted ex-dividend, the re-investment is postponed to the day
when the security resumes trading.
There are two principal guidelines in accounting for dividends in MSCI‘s DTR Indices:
A recurring standard dividend paid out of current earnings will be reinvested among all the
constituents in an index. It is not considered in price indices
A dividend that is unusually large, i.e. at least 5% of the security cum price, or otherwise unlikely to
recur on a regular basis or any dividend that is paid for with extraordinary profits is handled by
applying a price adjustment factor and is hence taken into account in price indices as well as DTR
These guidelines are discussed in greater detail below.
Optional Dividend
In the case of an optional dividend, the company offers shareholders the choice of receiving the dividend
either in cash or in shares. However, shareholders electing the cash option may receive the dividend
consideration in cash or shares, or some combination of cash and shares. These dividends are a common
practice in the U.S. For dividend reinvestment purposes, MSCI assumes that investors elect the cash
option, therefore the dividend is reinvested in the MSCI DTR Indices and price adjustment is not
necessary (if the dividend is less than 5% of the cum market price of the underlying security). In the event
that shareholders electing the cash option receive the dividend distribution in shares, or a combination of
cash and shares, MSCI will increase the number of shares accordingly after results have been officially
communicated, with two full business days notice.
In other countries, companies may extend shareholders the choice to participate in certain programs
(including, but not limited to Dividend Reinvestment Plans and Bonus Buyback programs). In these cases,
MSCI will assume investors choose the default distribution. If no default distribution is available, MSCI
will assume investors elect the cash option. If some shareholders choose to take the stock option, when it
is confirmed, the number of shares will be increased accordingly at the next regularly scheduled Index
Interest on Capital
The ‗interest on capital‘ dividend is a cash payment to shareholders accounted for as a pre-tax interest
expense by the company. The balance sheet and the book value do not change. Interests on capital are
common in Brazil.
The dividends below are reinvested in the DTR index if, a day prior to the ex-date, the dividend impact on
the price is less than 5%.
However, if the impact is at least 5%, the dividend will be reflected in the index through a price
Special/Extra Dividend
The company declares the dividend as special or extraordinary. It is usually funded by a special event or
from extraordinary profits. MSCI may consider irregular and unusually large dividends as special even if
they are not declared as such by the company.
Retroactive/Arrears Dividend
Retroactive dividends are paid in Italy when a company has to pay a dividend to revenue-guaranteed
(RISP) shares to make up for previous years‘ non-payments.
Note that a special dividend is considered a regular cash dividend (‗regular special‘) after being distributed
for three consecutive years, and if it is proven to have been taken out of recurring operating profits.
A specific price adjustment is always applied to the security in the following cases:
MSCI considers other cash payments related to Corporate Events, such as mergers, acquisitions,
liquidations, etc. on a case-by-case basis.
Raw dividend data is provided by multiple electronic data feeds and is checked for completeness and
correctness. MSCI‘s Daily Total Return process requires that dividends be confirmed by at least two
distinct data sources. Most dividends are received and validated through electronic feeds, but some events
may require confirmation from other sources, such as stock exchanges or the company. In addition, MSCI
monitors securities for which a dividend is expected based on previous dividend announcement frequency,
but which has not yet been received through the regular data sources.
A corporate action, which changes the number of shares outstanding for a company, may take place
between the dividend‘s announcement date and its ex-date. As the number of shares on the day preceding
the ex-date is used to calculate the dividend amount to be reinvested, MSCI will adjust the dividend to
reflect the number of shares on that day.
Following certain corporate events, the number of shares used in MSCI Index calculations on the day
prior to the ex-date may include shares that are not issued yet or that are not entitled to the dividend. In
those cases, MSCI reinvests the dividend on the ex-date as if all shares included in MSCI Index
calculations were entitled to the dividend.
2.3.3 Corrections
A dividend that has been reinvested may need to be amended, due to an error in its ex-date, in the
dividend amount, or in the dividend currency. MSCI will give advance notification for dividend
corrections that are received after their ex-date. Consequently, the correction in the index will be
postponed to the next business day following MSCI‘s receipt and announcement of the information.
A historical correction will be applied to all indices impacted by more than 50 basis points1 if the
impact on a country or World / EM industry group index is over 50 basis points. Starting December
1, 2010, for the MSCI Frontier Markets Indices (including MSCI GCC Countries Indices), there will be
a historical correction only if the impact on the MSCI Frontier Markets region is over 50 basis points.
The security that needs a dividend correction may have changed its status for index inclusion between
the ex-date and the correction date. For example, this may be due to the security‘s subsequent
exclusion from the index, or a change in its industry or country classification. Applying the correction
with the current status may reinvest dividends into the wrong index. If there is a change in the security
status between the ex-date and the correction date, no correction amount will be reinvested.
A correction will be applied when a dividend is declared unpaid (payment default). This may result in a
negative reinvestment. Past index values (history) are not corrected.
A late dividend is a dividend that is only known after its ex-date. It is processed under the correction
policy as described in sub-section 2.3.3 above.
The 50 basis point limit is linked to the price index correction policy and will be revised accordingly to reflect any
changes in this policy.
data sources without any correction. MSCI will use the number of shares effective on the day prior to the
In the case of Korean and Russian companies declaring their dividends prior to their ex-date, MSCI will
reinvest dividends into the MSCI DTR Indices on the day the security is quoted ex-dividend on its
principal exchange (in accordance with the section 2.2.1).
Should the dividend amount for Korean and Russian companies change following approval by the
shareholders at the general meeting, there will be no correction of the past index levels.
For the depositary receipts (DR) of Russian companies, MSCI will wait until the DR depositary bank
announces the dividend amount before reinvesting the dividend on the next business day following the
reception date of such dividend amount from MSCI‘s data sources.
Shareholders may be taxed on dividend payments. Tax rates vary depending on the company‘s and
shareholder‘s country of domicile. Tax data is monitored on a regular basis and is updated when
A tax credit related to a dividend can be considered as a reimbursement of tax already received by the
fiscal administration. In countries operating under an imputation tax system, a company‘s annual earnings
are taxed before distribution to the shareholders, and then the shareholders pay taxes on the dividend.
Some countries operating under an imputation tax system provide shareholders with a tax credit to offset
the amount of the tax they would otherwise owe in respect of the dividend.1 MSCI does not take into
account the amount of a tax credit in calculating either gross or net dividends.
A withholding tax related to a dividend is a tax on the income of the shareholder withheld by the company
when the dividend is paid to a shareholder. The withholding tax rate depends on the tax status of the
shareholder. MSCI uses the maximum withholding tax rate applicable to institutional investors in
calculating MSCI net dividends. A non-resident shareholder must also pay taxes on dividends in his/her
domestic country as part of his/her income taxes. Countries may eliminate this double taxation by signing
‗bi-lateral‘ double taxation treaties.
MSCI uses companies‘ country of incorporation to determine the relevant dividend withholding tax rates
in calculating the net dividends and the MSCI net DTR Indices. In cases where the withholding tax rate in
the company‘s country of incorporation is higher than the MSCI company‘s country of classification as
determined in accordance to Appendix III of the MSCI Global Investable Markets Indices Methodology,
MSCI will make a specific analysis to determine the actual withholding tax rate applied to non-resident
institutional investors.
Companies‘ country of incorporations are reviewed on a semi-annual basis and changes to companies‘
withholding tax rates, if any, are made with the May and November Semi-Annual Index Reviews.
In the calculation of the MSCI Net DTR International Indices, MSCI uses the withholding tax rate
Singapore completely migrated to a one-tier tax system from imputation system effective January 1, 2008. Under a one-
tier or single-tier tax system, a company pays a tax on its taxable income and shareholders are not charged with a tax on
dividends paid to them by the company. Malaysia has been transitioning from the imputation system to a single-tier tax
system beginning on January 1, 2008. All Malaysian companies must move to a single-tier tax system by no later than
January 1, 2014.
applicable to non-resident institutional investors that do not benefit from double taxation treaties.
In the calculation of the MSCI Net DTR Domestic Indices, MSCI uses the withholding tax rate applicable
to domestic institutional investors.
Some Australian companies pay their dividends with franking credits attached in order to pass on to
investors the value of any tax that the company has already paid on its profits. Dividends can be fully
franked, partially franked or unfranked. Foreign non-resident investors are subject to the Australian
dividend withholding tax on the unfranked portion of a dividend. However, foreign non-resident investors
are not subject to the Australian dividend withholding tax on the unfranked portion of the dividend to the
extent that it is declared as conduit foreign income1 by Australian companies, or on the franked portion of
the dividend.
In the calculation of the MSCI Net DTR International Indices for Australian dividends, MSCI uses the
withholding tax rate2 applicable to foreign non-resident institutional investors on the unfranked portion of
the dividend that is not designated as conduit foreign income. MSCI does not apply withholding tax rate
on the franked portion of the dividend or the unfranked portion of the dividend declared to be conduit
foreign income.
In the case that the franking percentage and/or the conduit foreign income not publicly available prior to
the ex-date, the franking percentage and/or the conduit foreign income will be assumed zero
The effective withholding tax rate being applied to the Australian dividends in the MSCI Net DTR
International Indices is as follows.
Conduit foreign income is foreign income received by a foreign resident via an Australian corporate tax entity, and is that
income which would ordinarily not be taxed under the relevant Australian tax laws (source: Australian Government, The
Please refer to the Appendix for the latest withholding tax rate for Australia.
Effective withholding tax rate = Australia default withholding tax rate x (100% - franking % - conduit
foreign income %)
Examples of Calculation
Default Effective
Conduit Foreign
Franking Percentage Withholding Tax Withholding Tax Gross Amount Net Amount
Income Percentage
Rate Rate
Security A 100% 0% 30% 0% AUD 2.56 AUD 2.56
Security B 75% 25% 30% 0% AUD 1.47 AUD 1.47
Security C 50% 0% 30% 15% AUD 1.00 AUD 0.85
Security D 0% 50% 30% 15% AUD 2.00 AUD 1.70
2.3.8 Definitions
• Announcement date - the date on which the company announces its next dividend payment.
• Reception date - the date on which the information about the dividend is received by MSCI from its
data sources.
• Record date - the date on which an individual must own shares (be the holder of record) in order to
receive a declared dividend or capital gains distribution.
• Ex-date - the first day on which, if an investor buys the security, the security no longer carries the
right to the declared dividend.
The MSCI GDP Indices offer an alternative to market capitalization-weighted indices for global and
regional asset allocation purposes. In the MSCI GDP Indices, country weights are based on the size of the
country‘s economy rather than the size of its equity market. While equity markets can have performance-
related peaks and troughs, GDP figures are more stable over time. The MSCI GDP Indices include the
MSCI GDP ACWI, World, EAFE, Europe, EMU and EM Indices.
The MSCI GDP Indices are rebalanced annually in May. The rebalancing date has been changed in 2002
to May from June to coincide with the annual full index review of the MSCI Standard Indices.
The country weights of the MSCI GDP Indices are reset every year on the basis of the previous year‘s
GDP figures. Afterwards, the country weights fluctuate with changes in performance and market
capitalization in the MSCI Standard Country Indices until the next rebalancing.
The primary sources for GDP data are the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other various government organizations. In some
cases, GDP estimates may be used if final figures are not available at the time of the rebalancing.
GDP figures provided by the OECD are in USD at current prices and current exchanges rates. IMF GDP
figures are provided in local currency and converted in USD at the period average market rate. For GDP
figures in local currency provided by other sources, MSCI applies an average of the previous year‘s daily
exchange rates to calculate the USD-equivalent GDP figures.
For the Emerging Markets (EM) GDP Index as well as All Country World Index (ACWI) GDP Index,
MSCI provides historical index levels back to June 30, 2000. Prior historical index levels for these indices
are only available on a custom basis. Changes in country indices within EM and ACWI or migrations from
Emerging to Developed Market indices are implemented to coincide with the Annual GDP Index Review.
As such, as of the close of June 29, 2001, MSCI Egypt and Morocco were added to the EM and ACWI
GDP Indices whilst MSCI Sri Lanka was removed. Simultaneously, MSCI Greece migrated from the
Emerging to the Developed Markets GDP Indices.
As a reminder, Developed Markets (DM) GDP Indices, such as The World Index, EAFE and Europe
have a price index level history available since December 31, 1969 on a monthly basis, and since
December 31, 1987 on a daily basis, whereas EMU‘s entire index level history goes back to June 30, 1998.
In addition to the country migrations mentioned above, the most recent country level changes include the
inclusion of MSCI Portugal into the Developed Markets GDP Indices as of the close of June 30, 1998,
and the removal of MSCI Malaysia as of the close of September 30, 1998.
The weight of a security in the GDP Indices is determined by multiplying the weight of the security in the
MSCI Standard Country Index by the current weight of the country in the regional MSCI GDP Index.
SW GDP security weight in the regional MSCI GDP Index
SW STD security weight in the MSCI Standard Country Index
CW GDP_CUR current country weight in the regional MSCI GDP Index
CW GDP_INI initial country weight in the regional MSCI GDP Index at the last
McapCountry CUR current country market capitalization in the MSCI Standard Index
McapCountry INI initial country market capitalization at the last rebalancing in the MSCI
Standard Index
Calculation Methodology
A selected list of MSCI Indices is calculated on Sunday to reflect the performance of the markets open on
this day1.
In order to preserve compatibility with the other MSCI International Indices, which are calculated from
Monday to Friday, MSCI uses the concept of a Monday pre-opening (intermediate) calculation for the
Sunday calculation. The Sunday index performance captures the price changes and reflects corporate
events effective on this day.
In case of corporate events occurring on Sundays and where a PAF is needed, the PAF is applied to the
security on Sunday and Monday. If the security does not trade on Monday, the Sunday closing market
price is carried forward to Monday, including the PAF.
Changes in the security‘s number of shares, FIFs and/or DIFs due to corporate events occurring on
Sunday are implemented as of the close of Monday, regardless of whether the corporate event requires the
application of a PAF on Sunday or not.
The index constituent list is the same as the one to be used for the Monday calculation.
WM/Reuters spot FX rates as of the previous Friday is carried forward to Sunday in order to perform the
index calculation in USD.
No dividends are reinvested on Sundays. Consequently, the Daily Total Return (DTR) index performances
for Sunday will equal to the ones of the price index.
Sunday‘s daily index performance is computed by comparing Sunday‘s adjusted prices and the
previous Friday‘s unadjusted prices
Monday‘s daily index performance is computed, as currently, by comparing Monday‘s adjusted
prices and the previous Friday‘s unadjusted prices
Effective October 16, 2010, MSCI has discontinued the calculations and distribution of the Saturday files.
Friday calculation
Sunday calculation
Monday calculation
SecurityInitialFullMarketCapUSD * InclusionFactorMonday
IndexLevel Local Friday *
sI, Monday
SecurityInitialFullMarketCapUSD * InclusionFactorMonday
IndexLevel USD Friday *
sI, Monday
InclusionFactorMonday is the inclusion factor of the security as of the following Monday. The
inclusion factor can be one or the combination of the following factors: Foreign Inclusion Factor,
Domestic Inclusion Factor, Growth Inclusion Factor, Value Inclusion Factor, Index Inclusion
Factor (*).
SecurityInitialFullMarketCapUSD Sunday
EndOfDayNumberOfShar es Friday * PricePerSh are Friday
EndOfDayNumberOfShares Friday is the number of shares of security s as of the end of the
previous Friday.
PricePerSh are Sunday is the price per share of the security s as of Sunday.
PricePerSh areFriday is the price per share of security s as of the previous Friday.
PAFSunday is the Price Adjustment Factor of the security s as of Sunday.
FXrateSunday is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD as of Sunday. It is the value
of 1 USD in foreign currency.
FXrate Friday is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs USD as of the previous Friday. It
is the value of 1 USD in foreign currency.
ICI Monday is the Internal Currency Index of price currency as of Monday. The ICI is different than
1 when a country changes the internal value of its currency (e.g. from Turkish Lira to New Turkish
Lira – ICI = 1,000,000).
ICI Friday is the Internal Currency Index of price currency as of previous Friday.
Appendix II: Annualized Traded Value Ratio (ATVR) and Annual Traded Value
Calculation Methodology
The Annualized Traded Value Ratio (ATVR) is used to measure liquidity. MSCI uses ATVR as an
investability criterion to determine the inclusion of securities into the MSCI Indices.
MSCI distributes ATVR fields on a monthly basis. Below the fields that are distributed are defined. Note
that the data used by MSCI during the index reviews may differ from the data distributed.
NbOfSecurityTradingDays MonthN is the number of days in the month where the security
has been traded
DailySecur ityTradedVolumet represents the number of securities traded during the day t
PricePerSh aret is the price per share of the security s at time t.
FXrate t is the FX rate of the price currency of security s vs. USD at time t. It is the value of 1
USD in foreign currency.
SecurityFI FAdjustedM arketCapUSDMonthN_endday is the security market capitalization at the end of
the month, SecurityAd justedMarketCapUSDMonthN_endday , adjusted with FIF
The ATVR is not calculated when less than 12 months of monthly traded value ratios are available.
The Annual Traded Value is not calculated when less than 12 months of monthly median traded values are
5. Aggregated information
In the calculation of the aggregated information, the trading volumes in depository receipts associated with
that security, such as ADRs or GDRs, are also considered. It is obtained by summing up the ATVR of
each listing.
Aggregated FIF/DIF adjusted ATVR is the sum of FIF/DIF adjusted ATVR of K securities that are
linked by the same issuer, share class and share type:
Aggregated ATVR is calculated even if less than 12 months of monthly median traded values are available
for one, several or all listings. When less than 12 months are available for a given listing, MSCI will use the
ATVR based on the monthly median traded values for the last 6 months, 3 months or 1 month for that
listing (depending on data availability).
The Aggregated Annual Traded Value includes trading volumes in depositary receipts or other alternate
listings associated with that security. It is obtained by summing up the Annual Traded Values of each
Aggregated AnnualTradedValue MonthN AnnualTradedValue MonthN,linkedSec_i
Until December 30, 1993, MSCI used the exchange rates taken from the Reuters multi contributor pages
at 4.00PM CET.
Since December 31st, 1993, MSCI has been using the WM/Reuters Closing Spot Rates, taken at 4PM
London time, for all the countries for which it provides indices, except for the Latin American countries.
At the time, MSCI established a special foreign exchange policy for Latin American countries in view of
the risks of important movement of currencies in some of these markets between the 4PM London
closing and the close of the respective Latin American markets.
Starting July 26, 2000, MSCI began to use the WM/Reuters Closing Spot Rates for all the countries it
provides indices including Latin American countries.
In case WM/Reuters does not provide rates for specific markets on given days (for example Christmas
Day and New Year Day), the previous business day‘s rates are normally used.
MSCI independently monitors the exchange rates on all its indices. MSCI may under exceptional
circumstances elect to use alternative sources of exchange rates if the WM/Reuters rates are not available,
or if MSCI determines that the WM/Reuters rates are not reflective of market circumstances for a given
currency on a particular day. In such circumstances, an announcement would be sent to clients with the
related information. If appropriate, MSCI may conduct a consultation with the investment community to
gather feedback on the most relevant exchange rate.
Forward Rates
MSCI uses the spot and 1-month premium/discount as provided by WM/Reuters to compute the 1-
month Forward exchange rates. These values are taken at 4PM London time
Appendix IV: Singapore & Malaysia – A History of Inclusion in the Emerging and
Developed Markets Indices
Stock Markets
Stock trading has a long history in Singapore dating back to the 1930‘s. In 1960 the Malayan Stock
Exchange started trading shares publicly. There were trading floors in both Singapore and Kuala Lumpur
linked as a single market. When Singapore split from Malaysia the stock exchange continued to operate as
one under the name Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore (SEMS). In 1973 the accord that allowed
for the convertibility at par between the Singapore Dollar and Malaysian Ringgit was terminated. This led
to the separation of SEMS into the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) and the Stock Exchange of
Singapore (SES). Malaysian companies continued to trade heavily in Singapore.
MSCI Indices
On December 1st 1972, the MSCI Singapore/Malaysia Index was added to the World Index. The index
was developed in cooperation with the Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation, which published the same
index under the name O.C.B.C. Index. As is the case with other MSCI Indices the purpose was to track
those securities representative of Singapore. However as approximately half the market capitalization and
liquidity of the SES was due to Malaysian shares the index was designed to incorporate both Singaporean
companies as well as those Malaysian shares that traded in Singapore. This aspect was different from
other MSCI Indices, as the norm is to only include domestically listed shares. In light of the long
integrated history of the Malay Peninsula and Singapore, and the continued dual listing of shares, it was
deemed to be more representative to include these Malaysian companies as representative of the
opportunity set of the SES.
MSCI launched its emerging market series on January 1, 1988. Among other country indices was an index
of Malaysia with 59 securities. As MSCI was now covering emerging markets the MSCI Mexico Index was
pulled out of MSCI World. The World Index was to be considered a developed market index.
In 1989 the Malaysian government announced that Malaysian companies would be asked to delist their
shares from the SES. Previously the government had prohibited newly listed shares of Malaysian
companies from listing on the SES. In November 1989, reacting to the Malaysian government
announcement, MSCI initially announced its intention to remove Malaysian securities from the
Singapore/Malaysia index. The following month MSCI announced that the terms and timing of the
Malaysian delisting were too ambiguous. As a result MSCI would take a wait and see approach prior to
removing any Malaysian securities from the Singapore/Malaysia index. As a result the Malaysian shares in
the MSCI Singapore/Malaysia Index were effectively frozen or grandfathered. Over time, some of these
shares were no longer listed on Singapore but continued to be included in the index using the Ringgit price
at which they were traded in Kuala Lumpur.
In January 1992 MSCI announced a change. The Singapore/Malaysia index was now composed of a
representative sampling of Singaporean companies coupled with grandfathered Malaysian securities that
used to trade in Singapore but were no longer trading there as a result of the delisting requirement.
Malaysia was clearly an emerging market, for example its GDP per capita was $2,340 considerably below
that of Spain ($10,920), the lowest country that was currently in the MSCI World Index. Nonetheless
many developed market investors had historically purchased Malaysian companies as a result of some
Malaysian companies being included in the MSCI World and EAFE Indices. Deleting all Malaysian
companies from the developed market indices could have been very disruptive to the markets. As a result
of this dilemma MSCI decided to add Malaysia as a country to the World and related developed market
indices while continuing to include Malaysia in the emerging market series. One could not have a credible
emerging market series without the continued inclusion of Malaysia in that series.
Thus Malaysia was to be represented in both the developed and emerging market series. At the time
MSCI acknowledged that the existence of Malaysia in both the developed and emerging market series was
less than ideal. As of April 30th 1993 Malaysia was fully added to the developed market series, resulting in
the addition of approximately 40 securities. This was because the MSCI Malaysia Index was designed to
represent the profile of the entire Malaysian market whereas the current Malaysian stocks in the World and
EAFE Indices were selected to reflect the composition of those Malaysian stocks trading in Singapore.
ACWI clients would not have to worry about double counting as Malaysia was represented at its
appropriate market cap weight. The index of Singapore represented the continuation of the
Singapore/Malaysia index and therefore retains its base date of December 31, 1969. Developed and
emerging market indices excluding Malaysia were calculated for those clients who preferred a different
The ―Asian Crisis‖, starting in 1997 with the devaluation of the Thai Baht eventually spread to Malaysia.
On September 1st 1998 Malaysia imposed a series of restrictions on the convertibility of the Ringgit.
These controls effectively prohibited the repatriation of funds. On Sept 4th, 1998 MSCI announced that
effective Sept 30th Malaysia would be removed from the EAFE and World Indices and that its status in
EMF was under review. In the MSCI announcement of the change it was stated ―…the limitations in
repatriating investment proceeds would seriously challenge the objective and integrity of the MSCI
Developed Markets Indices, were the Malaysian securities to remain in these indices.‖ These restrictions
imposed by the government of Malaysia thus ended the legacy issue of Malaysian securities appearing in
both the developed and emerging market series.
On Sept 28th, 1998 MSCI announced that Malaysia would be removed from the MSCI EMF and ACWI
Free series as of the close of November 30th, 1998. As part of the capital controls imposed, foreign
investors became obligated to hold Malaysian securities for a period of one-year commencing Sept 1st,
1998, before any possible capital repatriation. The authorities also imposed a fixed exchange rate of 3.8
Ringgit to the US dollar. The measures taken by the government along with the lack of transparency
meant that Malaysia‘s inclusion in the Free series of indices was no longer justified. A discount of 30%
was applied to the valuation of the MSCI Malaysia Index in US dollars, effective Sept 30th, 1998. The
discount was applied because market forces no longer determined the official exchange rate.
On February 5th, 1999 MSCI announced that effective February 26th, 1999 the discount would be
reduced to 15%. This followed the Malaysian Government announcement on the previous day that it was
alleviating the restrictions on the repatriation of investments.
As a result of the removal of the restrictions on the repatriation of capital, MSCI announced on August
12, 1999, the removal of the 15% discount effective August 30, 1999. On November 23, 1999, MSCI
announced that Malaysia would be re-included fully at 100% in the EMF and AC Free indices as of May
31, 2000.
MSCI Malaysia Indices will be removed from the MSCI Emerging Markets Free (EMF) series and the
MSCI All Country (AC) Free Indices effective as of the close of 30th November, 1998 Of course Malaysia
was not readmitted to the developed market series, as its inclusion there was a result of the previously
explained anomaly.
Quick Facts
From May 3, 1993 up to the close of Sep 30, 1998, Malaysia was part of DM as an individual country
(separated from Singapore).
Malaysia has been part of the Emerging Market indices from 1987 to present:
With a discount of 30% from Sep 30, 1998 to Feb 25, 1999
With a discount of 15% from Feb 26, 1999 to Aug 29, 1999
With no discount since Aug 30, 1999
What is the difference between the MSCI Singapore Index and the MSCI Singapore Free Index;
the MSCI EAFE Index and the MSCI EAFE Free Index; the MSCI World Index and the MSCI
World Free Index?
In the 1990s, Singapore enacted a system to prevent companies in strategic industries (mainly banks,
airlines and the media) from being controlled by foreigners. Certain shares had limits on the percent that
could be purchased by foreigners. Once the limit was reached, these shares traded at a premium price. The
MSCI Singapore Free Index used the prices at which foreigners could trade.
MSCI also started calculating the regional indices, MSCI World Free Index, MSCI EAFE Free Index and
MSCI Pacific Free Index to include the MSCI Singapore Free Index as well as to reflect investment
restrictions in some of the Nordic countries and Switzerland. The MSCI Singapore Index (non-free
version) reflected the investment opportunities applicable to domestic investors.
In May of 1999, the foreign ownership restrictions in Singapore were lifted and as of that date, the MSCI
Singapore Index and MSCI Singapore Free Index and the corresponding regional developed market Free
and non-Free indices have had the same constituent market caps and performance. Only the absolute
index levels continue to differ. MSCI will continue both the Free and Non-Free versions of MSCI
Singapore Index, MSCI EAFE Index and MSCI World Index to reflect the differing history.
AT Austria 25 KZ Kazakhstan 0
BE Belgium 25 LR Liberia 15
BG Bulgaria 5 LT Lithuania 15
BH Bahrain 0 0 LU Luxembourg 15
BM Bermuda 0 MA Morocco 10
BR Brazil 0 MH Marshall Islands 0
BS Bahamas 0 MK Macedonia 10
BW Botswana 15 MU Mauritius 0
CA Canada 25 MX Mexico 0
CH Switzerland 35 MY Malaysia 0
CO Colombia 0 NO Norway 25
EE Estonia 0 PH Philippines 30
EG Egypt 0 PK Pakistan 10
ES Spain 19 PL Poland 19
GG Guernsey 0 RO Romania 16
Country Of Incorporation Withholding Tax Rates (%)(1) Country Of Incorporation Withholding Tax Rates (%)(1)
Code Name Foreign Domestic Code Name Foreign Domestic
GH Ghana 8 RS Serbia 20
GI Gibraltar 0 RU Russia 15
HU Hungary 0 SI Slovenia 20
ID Indonesia 20 TH Thailand 10
IE Ireland 20 TN Tunisia 0
IL Israel 20 TR Turkey 15
IN India 0 TW Taiwan 20
IT Italy 27 UA Ukraine 15
JE Jersey 0 US USA 30 30
JO Jordan 0 VN Vietnam 0
KE Kenya 10
1. Used in the calculation of the MSCI Net Daily Total Return (DTR) Indices. Withholding tax rates used are the maximum rates of the
company’s country of incorporation applicable to institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Foreign rates
are used in the MSCI Net DTR International Indices and Domestic rates are used in the MSCI Net DTR Domestic Indices.
2. For Australian dividends, franking percentage and conduit foreign income are taken into consideration on calculation of the MSCI Net
DTR Indices. The actual withholding tax rate for an Australian dividend ranges from 0% to 30%. For details, please refer to the section
4. For the MSCI China Index, the withholding tax rates are exceptionally based on Chinese securities’ share types, regardless of the
company’s country of incorporation. B-share and H-share are subject to a 10% withholding tax. P-Chip is subject to a 0% withholding
tax. Red Chip withholding tax rate is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and is generally subject to 0%, unless a specific withholding
tax rate of 10% is announced by the companies.
6. Dividends on Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS) are subject to a 10% withholding tax.
Unless otherwise indicated, the prices used to calculate the MSCI Indices are the official exchange closing prices or those figures accepted as such.
Please note that MSCI reserves the right to use an alternative pricing source on any given day.
The sources listed below are the "standard" MSCI pricing sources.
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
Bolsa de Comercio de Last round lot trade with a 72 hour settlement basis. Round lots in Argentina-Bolsa de
Argentina .BA AF XBUE Last traded price 5:00PM
Buenos Aires Comercio de Buenos Aires vary for each stock and are established on a daily basis.
see USA
(US listed NASDAQ Global Select see USA (NASDAQ
.OQ UW XNGS see USA (NASDAQ Global Select Market) Global
Depository Market Global Select Market)
(US listed see USA
Depository (NYSE)
Australian Stock The closing price is determined in a single price auction which takes place at the end of
Australia .AX AU XASX Auction close 4:12PM
Exchange (ASX) normal trading.
The chosen price is the price for which the highest number of orders can be executed.
Austria Vienna Stock Exchange .VI AV WBAH Auction close 5:35PM
The auction begins at 5:30PM.
Bahrain Bahrain Stock Exchange .BH BI XBAH Last traded price Last traded price 12:30PM
The closing price for a security shall be determined as per the weighted average price of
all the trades in the last 30 (thirty) minutes of trading. If there is no trade during the above
specified time, the weighted average price of maximum 20 (twenty) number of trades
Bangladesh Dhaka Stock Exchange .DH BD XDHA Official close 3:30PM
preceding the above 30 (thirty) minutes shall be taken for determination of closing price. If
there has been no trade in the security during the continuous trading session, the opening
price of the security shall be treated as the closing price.
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
The closing price is an auction price calculated between 5:30PM and 5:35PM. It is still
Belgium Brussels Stock Exchange .BR BB XBRU Auction close 5:35PM
possible to trade at the auction price between 5:30PM and 5:40PM.
Bosnia and
Sarajevo Stock Exchange .SJ BT XSSE Last traded price Last traded price 1:30PM
Botswana Stock
Botswana .BT BG XBOT Last traded price Last traded price 3:00PM
For all listed companies on the electronic trading system, there is a „closing call‟ between 6:00PM
Brazil Bovespa (Sao Paulo SE) .SA BS XBSP Auction close
5.55PM and 6.00PM (4:55PM and 5:00PM*). (5:00PM*)
Bulgarian Stock Exchange
Bulgaria .BB BU XBUL Last Traded Price Last Traded Price 2:00PM
Market on Close / Market on Close (MOC) auction for MOC eligible stocks. Last traded price for stocks not 4:10PM /
Canada Toronto Stock Exchange .TO CT XTSE
Last traded price eligible for the MOC auction. 4:00PM
The Official Close is calculated using a volume weighted average price of the trades in
Bolsa de Comercio de the last ten minutes of the trading day. For a trade that occurs within the last ten minutes 5:30PM
Santiago of trading to be included in the VWAP calculation, the volume of each trade must meet a (4:30PM*)
set volume determined by the exchange at the open of each month
Hong Kong Stock See Hong
China .HK HK XHKG See Hong Kong See Hong Kong
Exchange Kong
Volume Weighted Average Price of all trades conducted in the last minute of trading prior
China Shanghai Stock Exchange .SS CG XSHG VWAP to the close (including the last trade). If there is no concluded transaction on that day, the 3:05PM
previous closing price is used as the day‟s closing price.
Volume Weighted Average Price of all trades conducted in the last minute of trading prior
Shenzhen Stock
China .SZ CS XSHE VWAP to the close (including the last trade). If there is no concluded transaction on that day, the 3:05PM
previous closing price is used as the day‟s closing price.
The closing price is the price of the last transaction which meets a number of shares
Bolsa de Valores de (12:00PM*)
Colombia .CN CX XBOG Last traded price threshold between 9:30AM and 12:00PM (11:30AM at the end of the month). The
Colombia / 12:30AM
exchange defines the threshold based on price ranges.
(US listed see USA
Depository (NYSE)
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
The official closing price is the Volume Weighted Average Price of trades throughout the
Croatia Zagreb Stock Exchange .ZA ZA XZAG VWAP 4:00PM
entire trading day.
Zagreb – Vrazdin The official closing price is the Volume Weighted Average Price of trades throughout the
Croatia .ZA VA XZAG VWAP 4:00PM
Segment entire trading day.
The official closing price is taken from the closing auction in the continuous trading
Czech Prague Stock Exchange market, which runs from 16:00 – 16:07PM local time. If no price is set during the closing
.PR CD XPRA Official Close 6:10PM
Republic (SPAD) auction, the official closing price will be the last price on the SPAD regime consistent with
the Prague Stock Exchange official closing price rules.
The closing call auction will begin when the trading session ends at 4:50PM. It will run
Copenhagen Stock until 5:00PM. The closing price will be generated in the closing call auction. If no trades
Denmark .CO DC XCSE Auction close 5:00PM
Exchange are executed during the closing call auction, the closing price will correspond to the last
The closing price of a security traded on CASE (Cairo Stock Exchange) is the Volume
Weighted Average Price which is equal to the total value traded of the security divided by
Egypt Cairo Stock Exchange .CA EC XCAI VWAP the total volume traded of the same security, provided that the security trades at least 100 2:30PM
shares in the daily trading session. In case the security trades less than 100 shares, the
previous day‟s closing price is considered to be the official closing price.
In the course of the closing auction, transaction orders are matched in the order book
according to the equilibrium price. The equilibrium price is achieved only if the prices of
Estonia Tallinn Stock Exchange .TL ET XTAL Auction Close 2:00PM
buy and sell orders entered in the order book are crossing or equal. An auction is not held
unless there are transaction orders with crossing prices.
As of Sep 27 2004, the official closing price is the result of the closing call which occurs
Finland Helsinki Stock Exchange .HE FH XHEL Auction close during the last 10 minutes of trading. If no trades are matched in the closing call then the 6:30PM
last trade prior to the auction will be defined as the closing price.
The closing price is an auction price calculated between 5:30PM and 5:35PM. It is still
France Paris Stock Exchange .PA FP XPAR Auction close 5:35PM
possible to trade at the auction price between 5:30PM and 5:40PM.
Germany The Auction price is defined during the auction that closes the trading session. The
XETRA Exchange .DE GY XETR Auction close 5:35PM
(XETRA) chosen price is the price for which the highest number of orders can be executed.
The official closing price is the Volume Weighted Average Price of trades throughout the
Ghana Ghana Stock Exchange .GH GN XGHA VWAP 3:00PM
entire trading day.
The closing price is determined through a call auction at the conclusion of the continuous
Greece Athens Stock Exchange .AT GA XATH Auction close trading session, whereby the price at which the greatest trading volume is attained is the 5:20PM
auction close price.
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
If there is closing auction session for the security, final Indicative Equilibrium Price (IEP)
would be taken as auction close price. Otherwise, median price would be applied. The
Hong Kong Stock Auction Close / median price is determined by taking the median of five nominal prices in the last minute
Hong Kong .HK HK XHKG 4:15PM
Exchange Median Price of the trading hours to avoid the closing price being biased by one single trade. HKSE
takes up to 5 snapshots of the nominal prices at interval of every 15 seconds starting
from 3:59PM, local time.
Hungary Budapest Stock Exchange .BU HB XBUD Last traded price Last traded price 5:10PM
The Weighted Average Price is defined as the volume weighted average of all orders
executed within the last 15 minutes of the continuous trading session. If there are no
The Bombay Stock
India .BO IB XBOM WAP trades during the last 15 minutes, then the last traded price in continuous trading is taken 3:30PM
as the official close. Bombay Stock Exchange prices are only used for securities not
traded on the NSE.
The closing price of a security is the volume weighted average price of the last half hour
(3:00PM-3:30PM). If there are no trades during the last 30 minutes, then the last traded
National Stock Exchange
India .NS IS XNSE VWAP price is taken as the official close. However, in cases where such prices are not available 4:00PM
of India
due to the delisting from the National Stock Exchange (NSE), official closing prices from
the Bombay Stock Exchange will be used.
Indonesia Jakarta Stock Exchange .JK IJ XIDX Last traded price Last traded price 4:00PM
The session ends with a 2 minute auction (between 4:28PM and 4:30PM). If a security is
traded during the closing auction, the auction price will be the official closing price. If there
are trades during the opening auction or during the continuous trading period, but no
Ireland Irish Stock Exchange .I ID XDUB Auction close 5.05PM
trades during the closing auction, the last traded price will be the official closing price. If
there are no trades on a particular day, the previous day‟s official closing price will be the
official closing price.
The closing price will be the one set during the closing call alone, where the volume of the
share at the closing call auction will be at least: NIS 400,000 in the TA-25 NIS 200,000 in
Israel Tel Aviv Stock Exchange .TA IT XTAE Auction Close the TA-75 NIS 100,000 in the “Mid Cap” index If the closing volume is less than 4:30PM
mentioned above, the price will be set at the weighted average of the latest transaction
prices, including those executed in the closing call.
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
The closing auction, including a pre-auction phase that can end at any time within the last
minutes of that actual pre-auction phase. Closing auction, comprising the closing phases
Italy Italian Stock Exchange .MI IM MTAA Auction close and validation, will end at 5.40PM local time. Where no auction price is available, the 5:40PM
reference price, defined by the exchange as the Volume Weighted average of the last
10% of the day‟s trading volume, will be used.
The Average Price calculation is the volumes of a stock purchased at different prices,
Jamaica Jamaica Stock Exchange .JM JA XJAM Average price 1:30PM
divided by the cumulative volumes of the stock unit that traded throughout the day.
The closing price is determined during a price auction which takes place at the end of the
normal trading day. During this auction, all orders entered in the individual order book are
aggregated before the execution, and treated as simultaneous orders. In accordance with
Japan Nagoya Stock Exchange .NG JN XNGO Auction close the principle of price priority, each buy order is compared with sell orders until its volume 3:30PM
and price are matched. By this method, a single price is determined and this price makes
up the closing price. In the event of a closing auction not happening for a particular day,
the last price (Itayose or special quote method) will be used instead.
The closing price is determined during a price auction which takes place at the end of the
normal trading day. During this auction, all orders entered in the individual order book are
aggregated before the execution, and treated as simultaneous orders. In accordance with
Osaka Securitites
Japan .OS JO XOSE Auction close the principle of price priority, each buy order is compared with sell orders until its volume 3:10PM
and price are matched. By this method, a single price is determined and this price makes
up the closing price. In the event of a closing auction not happening for a particular day,
the last price (Itayose or special quote method) will be used instead.
The closing price is determined during a price auction which takes place at the end of the
normal trading day. During this auction, all orders entered in the individual order book are
aggregated before the execution, and treated as simultaneous orders. In accordance with
Japan Tokyo Stock Exchange .T JT XTKS Auction close the principle of price priority, each buy order is compared with sell orders until its volume 3:00PM
and price are matched. By this method, a single price is determined and this price makes
up the closing price. In the event of a closing auction not happening for a particular day,
the last price (Itayose or special quote method) will be used instead.
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
The closing price is determined during a price auction which takes place at the end of the
normal trading day. During this auction, all orders entered in the individual order book are
aggregated before the execution, and treated as simultaneous orders. In accordance with
Japan JASDAQ .Q JQ XJAS Auction close the principle of price priority, each buy order is compared with sell orders until its volume 3:00PM
and price are matched. By this method, a single price is determined and this price makes
up the closing price. In the event of a closing auction not happening for a particular day,
the last price (Itayose or special quote method) will be used instead.
Jordan Amman Stock Exchange .AM JR XAMM Last traded price Last traded price 12:00PM
Kazakhstan Stock
Kazakhstan .KZ KZ XKAZ Last traded price Last traded price 6:00PM
(UK listed see UK
London Stock Exchange .L LI XLON see UK (SETS) see UK (SETS)
Depository (SETS)
The closing price of a security shall be the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) or
transactions executed during the last hour of trading of the specific security. If the
Kenya Nairobi Stock Exchange .NR KN XNAI VWAP 3:00PM
security does not trade within the last hour the closing price will be the average price
calculated for the session.
The closing price is the price for which the highest number of orders can be executed
Korea KSE .KS KP XKRX Auction close 3:00PM
during the auction. The auction starts 10 minutes before the official close at 3:00PM.
The closing price is the price for which the highest number of orders can be executed
Korea KOSDAQ .KQ KQ XKOS Auction close 3:00PM
during the auction. The auction starts 10 minutes before the official close at 3:00PM.
Kuwait Kuwait Stock Exchange .KW KK XKUW Last traded price Last traded price 12:30PM
Lebanon Beirut Stock Exchange .BY LB XBEY Last traded price Last traded price 12:30PM
In the course of the closing auction, transaction orders are matched in the order book
according to the equilibrium price. The equilibrium price is calculated to be the price
Lithuania Vilnius Stock Exchange .VL LH XLIT Closing Call Auction 2:30PM
where in a particular Order Book the highest buy price is higher than or equal to the
lowest sell price.
The Bursa Malaysia
Malaysia .KL MK XKLS Last traded price Last traded price 5:00PM
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
The Stock Exchange of
Mauritius .MZ MP XMAU Last traded price Last traded price 12:30PM
Bolsa Mexicana de Weighted average
Mexico .MX MM XMEX Weighted Average Price of the last 20 minutes of trading 3:00PM
Valores price
Morocco Bourse De Casablanca .CS MC XCAS Last traded price Last traded price 3:30PM
The closing price is an auction price calculated between 5:30PM and 5:35PM. It is still
Netherlands EuroNext Amsterdam .AS NA XAMS Auction price 5:35PM
possible to trade at the auction price between 5:30PM and 5:40PM.
New New Zealand Exchange
.NZ NZ XNZE Last traded price Last traded price 5:00PM
Zealand Limited
The official closing price is defined as the last trade with volume greater than 50,000
Nigeria Nigeria Stock Exchange .LG NL XNSA Official Close shares. If there are no trades over 50,000 shares during the current trading day, the 1:30PM
previous close is carried over
The official closing prices is determined during a closing auction which takes place at the
end of the continuous trading between 16:20 and 16:30. When the closing auction for a
Norway Oslo Stock Exchange .OL NO XOSL Auction close 5:30PM
particular security cannot be completed, the last traded price before the start of the
auction will be used.
The closing price is considered to be the volume weighted average price. The closing
price will not change unless a minimum number of securities are traded. This minimum is
Oman Oman Muscat Exchange .OM OM XMUS VWAP 500 Shares for securities listed in the Regular & Parallel markets and 2000 for securities 1:00PM
listed in the Third market. In case traded securities do not exceed the specified threshold
for their market, the closing price will equal the previous close.
The closing price is determined by the volume weighted average price of the last 30 2:15PM
minutes trades of that security for the day. In case of no trading in a particular security (Mon-Thu),
Pakistan Karachi Stock Exchange .KA PK XKAR Official Close
during the last 30 minutes of the day, the closing price is the volume weighted average 4:00PM
price for the last traded 30 minutes of that security. (Fri)
Peru Bolsa De Valores de Lima .LM PE XLIM Last traded price Last round lot regular trade 4:00PM
Peru (US
listed see USA
Depository (NYSE)
Philippines Philippine Stock Exchange .PS PM XPHS Last traded price Last traded price 12:10PM
The closing price is determined in an auction procedure in which the closing price will be
Poland Warsaw Stock Exchange .WA PW XWAR Auction Close 5:15PM
based on orders submitted during the closing phase. If no orders are placed during the
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
closing phase then the closing price will be that of the last transaction.
The closing price is an auction price calculated between 4:30PM and 4:35PM. It is still
Portugal EuroNext Lisbon .LS PL XLIS Auction close 4:35PM
possible to trade at the auction price between 4:30PM and 4:40PM.
Qatar Doha Securities Market .QA QD DSMD Last traded price Last traded price 12:30PM
Bucharest Stock
Romania .BX RO XBSE Last traded price Last Traded Price 4:30PM
Moscow Interbank
Russia Currency Exchange .MM RX XMIC Last traded price Last traded price 6:45PM
Russia (US
listed see USA
New York Stock Exchange .N UN XNYS see USA (NYSE) see USA (NYSE)
Depository (NYSE)
Russia (UK
listed see UK
London Stock Exchange .L LI XLON see UK (SETS) see UK (SETS)
Depository (SETS)
Serbia Belgrade SE .BEL SG XBEL VWAP The closing price is considered to be the volume weighted average price. 2:00PM
At 5:00PM, all unmatched orders are carried forward to Pre-Close Routine, which runs for
6 minutes and consists of a Pre-Close Period and a Non-Cancel Period. Similarly, orders
Singapore Exchange
Singapore .SI SP XSES Auction close can be entered, amended or cancelled during the Pre-Close Period (5:00PM - 5:05PM). 5:06PM
Securities Trading
During the Non-Cancel Period (5:05PM - 5:06PM), orders are matched and executed at a
Closing price computed for the day, while unmatched orders will become void.
The Official Closing Price is defined as the Auction Price formed during the Closing
Auction. If there are no trades executed for a given security during the Closing Auction,
Slovenia Ljubljana Stock Exchange .LJ SV XLJU Official Close the Closing Price will be the last trade of the day. If there are no trades executed in a 1:00PM
given security on a given day, the closing price for the day will be the closing price of the
previous trading day.
The closing prices on securities traded on the South Africa Exchange will be calculated
based on the price at which trades occurred in a closing execution. In this closing
Johannesburg Stock Last traded price /
South Africa .J SJ XJSE execution, the last traded price will be the official closing price, unless there is a higher 5:05PM
Exchange VWAP
bid price or a lower ask offer, which will then be used as the closing price. In the event
that there is no closing execution, then a Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) taken
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
over the last 10 minutes of trading leading up to the "closing auction" is used.
The session ends with a 5 minute auction (between 5:30PM and 5:35PM) and a random
closing of 30 seconds. The resulting auction price will be the session's Closing price. In
case an Auction price does not exist, the closing price will be the price of the last 500
Spain Mercado Continuo CATS .MC SQ XMCE Auction price 5:35PM
traded units closest to their weighted average. If two prices have the same difference with
respect to this weighted price, the price will be the last one executed. If 500 units have
not been traded, the closing price will be the price of the previous session.
Closing price is defined as the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) of trades
executed during the last one hour of trading of the specific security. If the security does
Sri Lanka Colombo Stock Exchange .CM SL XCOL VWAP 2:30PM
not trade during such one hour the closing price will be the VWAP calculated for the
period of time it has traded.
The official closing price is the result of the closing call which occurs during the last 10
Stockholm Stock
Sweden .ST SS XSTO Auction price minutes of trading. If no trades are matched in the closing call then the last trade prior to 5:30PM
the auction will be defined as the closing price.
Closing price is the result of the closing auction (the auction pre-opening starting at
The Swiss Exchange .S SE XSWX 5:20PM, and the auction being run at 5:30PM). If no price update occurs during that
(SWX) auction, the last paid price on the exchange will represent the reference price. If there is
Switzerland Auction price 5:30PM
no paid price for the given security that day, the reference price will be calculated by
Virt-X .VX VX XVTX either taking the bid-price, if the bid is higher than the reference price, or it will take the
ask-price if the ask is lower than the reference price.
The closing price is determined by a closing call auction. The Exchange will accumulate
Taiwan Taiwan Stock Exchange .TW TT XTAI Auction price orders for 5 minutes (from 1:25 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.) before the closing call auction. If there 1:30PM
is no closing auction for a security, the last traded price will be used.
The closing price is defined by using the random call auction method. The closing auction
The Stock Exchange Of
Thailand .BK TB XBKK Auction price can take place anytime between 4:35PM and 4:40PM local time. This method apply to 4:40PM
securities trade on both main board and foreign board of stock exchange of Thailand.
The closing price of a security listed on the Exchange is determined by using the price of
the last transaction executed in the primary market for the security, subject to the Board
Trinidad and Trinidad and Tobago Lot structure below. By way of example, for a share priced between $0 - $4.00, the last
.JM TP XTRN Official Close 12:00PM
Tobago Stock Exchange transaction executed with a volume of 5,000 shares or more, would be the closing price
used. If a security does not trade in any designated trading session, the closing price of
that security will be the same as the closing price of the previous day.
Tunisia Tunis Stock Exchange .TN TU XTUN Last Trade Last traded price 11:30AM
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
Turkey Istanbul Stock Exchange .IS TI XIST Last traded price Last traded price 5:30PM
Ukraine PFTS .PFT UZ PFTS Last traded price Last traded price 5:00PM
United Arab Abu Dhabi Securities The closing price is the value weighted average of the stock price for the day. There is
Emirates Market currently no minimum volume restriction.
United Arab
Dubai Stock Exchange .DU DB XDFM Last traded price Last traded price 2:00PM
United Arab Dubai International
.DI DU DIFX Last traded price Last traded price 5:00PM
Emirates Financial Exchange
For SETS, the closing trade price is the uncrossing trade price at which orders execute
during an auction, or a Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), or the last automatic
United trade price. If a closing auction fails to take place, then the VWAP of the last 10 minutes
London Stock Exchange .L LN XLON Auction price 4:35PM
Kingdom of trading will be used to set the closing price. If however, no trading has occurred during
the VWAP period, then the last automatic trade price will be used as the official closing
For SEAQ, SEATS and AIM securities the closing price is the mid price of the best bid
London Stock Exchange .L LN XLON Mid price and best offer calculated from market maker quotes at the end of the mandatory quote 4:35PM
The NOCP is either determined using the normalized price of the last trade reported to
NASDAQ's proprietary trade reporting system or, for selected securities, using the newly
introduced NASDAQ Closing Cross. The normalized NASDAQ Official Closing Price
(NOCP) adjusts reported trade price outside the closing bid-ask spread, "moving up" to
the bid whenever the last sale is below the bid or "moving down" to the ask whenever the
last sale is above the ask.
The NOCP is either determined using the normalized price of the last trade reported to
NASDAQ's proprietary trade reporting system or, for selected securities, using the newly
introduced NASDAQ Closing Cross. The normalized NASDAQ Official Closing Price
(NOCP) adjusts reported trade price outside the closing bid-ask spread, "moving up" to
the bid whenever the last sale is below the bid or "moving down" to the ask whenever the
last sale is above the ask.
Market Closing
Reuters Bloomberg Identifier Prices
Country Exchange Price used Description (For more detailed information, please contact the relevant exchange)
Code Code Code availability
(MIC) (local time)
The NOCP is either determined using the normalized price of the last trade reported to
NASDAQ's proprietary trade reporting system or, for selected securities, using the newly
NASDAQ Global Select introduced NASDAQ Closing Cross. The normalized NASDAQ Official Closing Price
Market (NOCP) adjusts reported trade price outside the closing bid-ask spread, "moving up" to
the bid whenever the last sale is below the bid or "moving down" to the ask whenever the
last sale is above the ask.
USA NYSE .N UN XNYS Last traded price Last traded price 4:00PM
USA AMEX .A UA XASE Last traded price Last traded price 4:00PM
Ho Chi Minh Securities
Vietnam .HN VM XSTC Last traded price Last traded price 11:00AM
Trading Center
Hanoi Securities Trading
Vietnam .HM VH HSTC Last traded price Last traded price 11:00AM
In the event that a security does not trade on a Monday but was traded on the previous Saturday and/or Sunday, the latest price available during the weekend
will be used for the Monday index calculation.
In addition, a security that does not trade on Monday but traded ex corporate event during the previous weekend will have the event reflected in the Monday
index calculation.
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
700074 BOTSWANA - - - - - - - - - - - -
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
to 17-Jan-
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
700073 GHANA - - - - - - - - - - - -
to 31-May- 2001
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
to 26-May- 2010
700071 JAMAICA - - - - - - - - - - - -
2008 2008
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
to 30-Sep- 30-Sep-1996
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
to 31-Jan-
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
1997 1997
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
to 30-Apr- to 30-Apr-
1993 1993
to 30-Nov- to 30-Nov-
1999 1999
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
to 17-Jan-
to 15-Jul-
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
(former ACWIF)
(former EMF)
892400 ACWI
891800 EM
MSCI disseminates real time indices every 60 seconds or 15 seconds depending on the index type and its
use in the marketplace. On a daily basis for each real time index, MSCI will provide an Index Open value
(IO) which will occur when the first security belonging to that index trades, an Index Update value (IU)
which will occur throughout the day after the Index Open has been sent and an Index Close value (IC)
which will be sent out as the last real time level and indicate the real time closing value.1
Real Time Intraday Foreign Exchange Rates vs. Real Time Close Foreign Exchange Rates
MSCI Real Time Indices use the Reuters Multi Contributor FX Rates for all Index Open and Index
Updates and MSCI applies the WM 4PM London time Closing Mid Rates for the Index Close.
Mono-currency indices which are indices that have exposure to a single currency will have their Index
Close value sent shortly after the underlying stock exchange(s) close and do not require the WM 4PM
London closing rate to calculate the Index Close.
Multi-currency indices (which have exposure to multiple currencies) require the WM 4PM London closing
rate to calculate the Index Close. Multi-currency indices whose underlying stock exchanges close before
the WM 4PM London rates are received will have their last Index Update sent shortly after the last
underlying stock exchange closes and then will have their Index Close sent when the WM 4PM London
Close is received. Multi-currency indices whose underlying stock exchanges close after the WM 4PM
London rates are received will continue to use the Reuters Multi Contributor FX rates for all Index
Updates until the last underlying stock exchange closes and the Index Close is sent using the WM 4PM
London Close.
Real Time Intraday Security Pricing vs. Real Time Close Security Pricing
The real time Index Close could be different from the index value for the same index delivered in MSCI’s end-of-day
product files due to manual data updates implemented during the end-of-day calculation process. The official closing level
of any MSCI index is the level distributed in MSCI’s end-of-day product files.
Index Open and Index Update calculations use the last traded price available and the Index Close uses the
official closing price or last trade as described in the MSCI Closing Prices Policy found in Appendix VII of
this document.
Price filtering
MSCI has various price filters set in place to ensure that high quality prices are used in MSCI‘s Real Time
index calculations. MSCI‘s price market filters exclude trades such as block sales and odd lots among
others and MSCI‘s price threshold filters ensure that price fluctuations above or below a certain threshold
are checked prior to being included in the calculation of the MSCI Real Time Indices.
Consistent with the Daily Total Return (DTR) end-of-day index calculation methodology, MSCI‘s real
time DTR calculation will reinvest a dividend only if the security paying the dividend trades on the ex-date.
The dividend will be reflected in real time index calculations as soon as the security paying the dividend
trades in real time. All dividends for which the security does not trade on the ex-date will be postponed to
the next day. Late and correction dividends will be treated in real time calculations consistent with the
end-of-day DTR index calculation methodology. For more details on MSCI‘s DTR methodology please
see the discussion beginning on page 21 of this document.
Upcoming dividends to be reinvested in the MSCI DTR Indices are announced prior to their reinvestment
in the MSCI Security Advanced Dividend File.
Late dividends and dividend corrections that are received after their ex-date are reinvested or corrected in
the MSCI DTR Indices on the next business day following the reception date from the data sources.
Therefore, there is at least one day‘s notice through the MSCI Security Advanced Dividend File prior to
their reinvestment and / or correction.
In exceptional cases, MSCI will announce the treatment of dividends that are not pre-announced in the
MSCI Security Advanced Dividend File and are received by MSCI during market hours on their ex-date
through an intraday option email announcement.
MSCI sends an Opening and Closing PAF announcement for all Real Time constituents that have a
corporate event effective involving the calculation of a theo-cum PAF such as a special cash dividend,
capital repayment or in general when a shareholder receives something other than the underlying asset.
The opening PAF announcement uses the opening price of the security and is used for Index Update
calculations throughout the day. The opening PAF value is sent shortly after the first trade of the security
having the corporate event and does not change throughout the day based on intraday market prices.
The closing PAF announcement uses the closing price of the security having the corporate event and is
used in the Index Close calculation. The closing PAF value is sent shortly after the closing price of the
security having the corporate event is received. For more information on corporate events, please see the
MSCI Corporate Event Methodology document.
When calculating a security‘s performance on days with certain corporate events, a price adjustment factor
(PAF) is needed to ensure historical price comparability. This factor often accounts for assets that
contribute to the index performance for a day, such as rights offerings, spun-off companies or cash. In the
alternative index calculation methodology described herein, the PAF is replaced by the interim
constituents, which explicitly capture the impact of corporate events.
Index Divisor (t)
The index divisor for a day t is defined as the ratio of the initial market capitalization and the previous
index level.
IndexIniti alMarketCapt
IndexLevelt 1
The index divisor does not change unless the index composition changes, e.g., in cases of corporate events
and index additions / deletions where a change in index market capitalization is not due to performance
and does not correspond to a change in the index level.
The index divisor for day t is known after the close of day t-1 (the initial index market capitalization is
calculated using prices and exchange rates as of day t-1 but constituents as of t).
The index divisor can be calculated in any currency: both the index initial market capitalization and the
previous index level need to be expressed in that currency.
Index Unit
The index unit describes the set of index constituents and corresponding quantities of total value equal to
the index level. It can be derived by dividing the total index quantities by the index divisor.
IntradayIndexNumberOfShares t
IntradayIndexUnitNum berOfShares t
EndOfDayIndexNumberOfShares t
EndOfDayIndexUnitNum berOfShares t
IndexDivisort 1
The index unit composition changes from the intraday index unit number of shares to the end of day
1 Index inclusion factors encompass any inclusion factors specific to a given index, for example, the Value Inclusion Factor
(VIF) for a Value index.
index unit number of shares as of the close of day t, i.e., the index unit number of shares change is
calculated as
IndexUnitN umberOfSharesChanget
EndOfDayIndexUnitNum berOfShares t IntradayIndexUnitNum berOfShares t
Both gross and net index dividend points can be calculated for a price index variant: they express the
amount of dividends paid by a price index unit.
Net (gross) index dividend points can be calculated for a net (gross) index variant: they express the
amount of dividends reinvested in the net (gross) index unit.
Pre-open Price
The pre-open price of a security on day t is its closing price of day t-1 theoretically adjusted for the effects
of corporate events affecting the security ex on day t.
where Pricei,t is replaced by the pre-open price for the constituents that have not yet traded on t and I is the
index unit constituent set. The previous index level can also be recalculated by using pre-open prices and
exchange rates of the previous day.
To calculate the index level on October 27, 2009 (intraday or close), current prices and exchange rates
(columns I and J respectively) are used for each constituent, and the market capitalization of the
constituent in the index unit (column K) is obtained by multiplying the intraday index unit NOS by the
prices and dividing by the exchange rate. The sum of the column K gives the value of the index unit,
which is equal to the index level.
Idx Incl Intraday Intraday Mcap in
Calculation Price (As FX (As of
As of Date Security Name Flag (as Index NOS Idx Unit Idx Unit
Date of Date) Date)
of date) MM NOS D*F*I/J
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 ERSTE GROUP BANK 1 174.36 8.14 28.50 0.67 344
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 OMV AG 1 150.00 7.01 29.03 0.67 301
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 TELEKOM AUSTRIA 1 322.00 15.04 11.88 0.67 265
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 VOESTALPINE 1 117.53 5.49 23.83 0.67 194
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 VERBUND OESTERR ELEK A 1 77.05 3.60 31.80 0.67 170
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 RAIFFEISEN INT'L BANK 1 54.13 2.53 42.50 0.67 159
10/26/2009 10/27/2009 VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP 1 38.40 1.79 41.10 0.67 109
* Columns A-F come from the MSCI Market Open Index File Index (USD) 1,541.96
The file will be distributed after the close of October 26 for use on October 27
Calculating Index Unit Changes Due to Corporate Events and Index Rebalancings
As corporate events and rebalancings occur, the index unit composition can change. All adjustments are
based on closing prices. To get the index unit adjustment, the new index divisor needs to be calculated.
Dividing the end of day index number of shares by the new index divisor results in the end of day index
unit number of shares. Given the equations
IndexIniti alMarketCapt 1
IndexDivisort 1
IndexLevelt (coming from the divisor definition), and
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapt
IndexLevelt (coming from the divisor definition and the fact the index
level is proportional to the index market capitalization on any given day), a practical way of calculating the
new divisor is
IndexIniti alMarketCapt 1
IndexDivisort 1 IndexDivisort *
IndexAdjus tedMarketCapt .
As an example, consider the MSCI Brazil index unit on October 21, 2009 described below. Effective
October 22, 2009, a new security, BC SANTANDER BRASIL UNIT will be added to the index. Hence,
the index divisor and the index unit composition will change as of the close of October 21, 2009.
A new index divisor (for October 22, 2009) is calculated by multiplying the current divisor (for October
21, 2009) by the sum of the next day constituents‘ initial market capitalizations (column M) and dividing
by the current index market capitalization (sum of column L). The new end of day index unit number of
shares (column N) are calculated by dividing the end of day index number of shares (column H) by the
new divisor. The index unit composition is adjusted by the difference between the end of day index unit
number of shares and intraday index unit number of shares (column O): in this case, 0.16 shares of BC
SANTANDER BRASIL UNIT are added to the index unit by decreasing the index unit number of shares
of all the other index constituents.
Idx Incl Intraday Intraday Idx Incl End of Day Mcap Initial Mcap End of Day Idx Unit NOS
Calculation Price (As FX (As of
As of Date Security Name Flag (as Index NOS Idx Unit Flag (as of Index NOS (As of Date) (As of Date + 1) Idx Unit Change
Date of Date) Date)
of date) MM NOS date + 1) MM D*E*I/J G*H*I/J NOS (N-F)
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 BC SANTANDER BRASIL UNIT 0 1 525 23.19 1.74 0 7,017 0.16 0.16
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 PETROBRAS PN 1 3,146 22.10 1 3,146 36.70 1.74 66,538 66,538 21.80 -0.31
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 PETROBRAS ON 1 2,283 16.04 1 2,283 43.00 1.74 56,582 56,582 15.82 -0.22
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 VALE PNA 1 2,109 14.82 1 2,109 40.77 1.74 49,549 49,549 14.61 -0.20
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 ITAU UNIBANCO PN 1 2,053 14.43 1 2,053 36.00 1.74 42,608 42,608 14.23 -0.20
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 VALE ON 1 1,440 10.12 1 1,440 46.11 1.74 38,272 38,272 9.98 -0.14
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 BANCO BRADESCO PN 1 1,535 10.78 1 1,535 36.00 1.74 31,849 31,849 10.64 -0.15
10/20/2009 10/21/2009 CSN SIDERURGICA NAC'L ON 1 397 2.79 1 397 63.50 1.74 14,519 14,519 2.75 -0.04
* Subset of the MSCI Brazil Index Unit
Interim Constituents1
On days with certain corporate events, the index can hold constituents that influence the performance for
a day. When calculating the index performance using price adjustment factors (as described in section 1.1),
these do not appear explicitly in the calculation formula but are accounted for implicitly by applying a
price adjustment factor (PAF) on the capitalization of the security affected by the corporate event. The
index, however, is exposed to all the constituents and when valuing an index unit, these need to be
explicitly taken into account. For example, the following corporate events result in a creation of interim
Capital Repayments: the index calculation assumes that cash is received in the index and held until
the close when it is finally reinvested in the index so cash effectively brings performance to the
index on the ex-date and is part of the index unit
Spin-off with the spun-off company not eligible for the index: the calculation assumes that the
spun-off company is received in the index on the ex-date and is held until the close when it is
finally sold and the proceeds reinvested back in the index. In this case, the spun-off company is
effectively part of the index on the ex-date
Note that the interim constituents play a similar role in the index calculation as the price adjustment factor
(PAF) and the resulting index levels are exactly the same whether using interim constituents or PAFs.
To explain how interim constituents are created, several examples of common corporate events are
described below. Some corporate events can result in the creation of more than one interim constituent,
but these can also be broken up in several simple consecutive corporate events.
1 Interim constituents will be added to the product files in the second phase of the MSCI Market Open Index product
(expected delivery at the end of 2010)
Capital Repayment
As an example, consider the repayment of EUR 0.4 per share by ELISA A effective October 26, 2009.
According to the calculation methodology, this cash is reinvested back in the index as of the close of the
ex date, October 26, 2009. Hence, intraday, the MSCI Finland index unit holds both ELISA A and the
cash. An interim constituent is therefore added to the index unit, as shown below, with the following
Intraday index unit number of shares equal to the stock that repaid capital (given that each share of
ELISA A in the index unit is entitled to the cash payment)
Fixed price equal to the repayment amount, EUR 0.40.
Cash will leave the index unit as of the close of October 26 (as indicated by column G) and the proceeds
reinvested back in the index. Repeating the calculations described in the previous section gives the index
unit number of shares change (column O) that represents the theoretical trade adjustment to the index
unit: cash is ―sold‖ (negative change) while the index unit holdings in all the other constituents increase
(positive change)
Divisor (As of Date) 249,175,772
Divisor (As of Date + 1) 249,001,078
Interim const. Idx Incl Intraday Intraday Idx Incl End of Day Mcap Initial Mcap End of Day Idx Unit NOS
Calculation Interim Price (As FX (As of
As of Date Security Name trading Flag (as Index NOS Idx Unit Flag (as of Index NOS (As of Date) (As of Date + 1) Idx Unit Change
Date constituent type of Date) Date)
status of date) MM NOS date + 1) MM D*E*I/J G*H*I/J NOS (N-F)
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 ELISA A 1 133 0.53 1 133 13.90 0.67 2,763 2,763 0.53 0.0004
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 ELISA A (INTERIM 1)* CASH FIXED 1 133 0.53 0 0.40 0.67 80 0 0.00 -0.5339
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 NOKIA CORP 1 3,745 15.03 1 3,745 8.78 0.67 49,129 49,129 15.04 0.0105
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 FORTUM CORP 1 444 1.78 1 444 16.65 0.67 11,050 11,050 1.78 0.0013
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 SAMPO A 1 420 1.69 1 420 16.76 0.67 10,521 10,521 1.69 0.0012
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 UPM-KYMMENE 1 520 2.09 1 520 8.11 0.67 6,301 6,301 2.09 0.0015
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 KONE B 1 154 0.62 1 154 26.30 0.67 6,040 6,040 0.62 0.0004
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 STORA ENSO R 1 582 2.33 1 582 5.29 0.67 4,598 4,598 2.34 0.0016
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 METSO CORP 1 128 0.51 1 128 18.74 0.67 3,572 3,572 0.51 0.0004
10/25/2009 10/26/2009 WARTSILA B 1 84 0.34 1 84 25.83 0.67 3,235 3,235 0.34 0.0002
Subset of the MSCI Finland
* Interim constituents will be added to the product files in the second phase of the MSCI Market Open Index project (expected d elivery at the end of 2010)
On the ex date (October 1, 2009), the spun-off company still brings performance to the index and is hence
part of the index unit. It is therefore part of the index with the following characteristics:
Intraday index unit number of shares calculated according to the terms (intraday index unit
number of shares of the parent stock * 1/1)
Market price given that the spun-off company is traded on the ex-date.
It is ―sold‖ from the MSCI Switzerland Large Cap index unit at the close of the ex-date and the proceeds
are reinvested back in the index. To determine the index unit number of shares (column O), the
calculations described in the previous section should be repeated.
Underlying Interim const. Idx Incl Intraday Intraday Idx Incl End of Day Mcap Initial Mcap End of Day Idx Unit NOS
Calculation Interim Price (As FX (As of
As of Date Security Name Asset trading Flag (as Index NOS Idx Unit Flag (as of Index NOS (As of Date) (As of Date + 1) Idx Unit Change
Date constituent type of Date) Date)
Description status of date) MM NOS date + 1) MM D*E*I/J G*H*I/J NOS (N-F)
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 JULIUS BAER HOLDING 1 211 0.25 1 211 38.30 1.04 7,765 7,765 0.25 0.0009
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 GAM HOLDING TRADED 1 211 0.25 0 12.00 1.04 2,433 0 0.00 -0.2451
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 NESTLE 1 3,639 4.23 1 3,639 43.96 1.04 153,656 153,656 4.24 0.0153
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 ROCHE HOLDING GENUSS 1 703 0.82 1 703 166.30 1.04 112,240 112,240 0.82 0.0029
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 NOVARTIS 1 2,115 2.46 1 2,115 51.65 1.04 104,937 104,937 2.47 0.0089
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 UBS NAMEN 1 3,558 4.13 1 3,558 18.39 1.04 62,859 62,859 4.15 0.0149
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 CREDIT SUISSE 1 1,125 1.31 1 1,125 57.45 1.04 62,111 62,111 1.31 0.0047
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 ABB LTD 1 2,207 2.56 1 2,207 20.46 1.04 43,372 43,372 2.57 0.0093
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 ZURICH FINL SERVICES 1 147 0.17 1 147 244.80 1.04 34,552 34,552 0.17 0.0006
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 SYNGENTA 1 97 0.11 1 97 229.90 1.04 21,404 21,404 0.11 0.0004
9/30/2009 10/1/2009 HOLCIM 1 245 0.28 1 245 68.50 1.04 16,143 16,143 0.29 0.0010
Subset of the MSCI Switzerland Large Cap Index Unit
* Interim constituents will be added to the product files in the second phase of the MSCI Market Open Index project (expected delivery at the end of 2010)
Intraday index unit number of shares equal to the parent company (terms are not considered as
this is a ―dummy‖ security
Calculated price in real time equal to the difference between the cum price (closing price of the
previous day) of the parent company and the ex (current) price
At the close of the ex-date, the interim constituent is replaced by the detached security. Note that there is
no divisor change and hence no index unit number of shares change.
Interim Underlying Interim const. Idx Incl Intraday Intraday Idx Incl End of Day Mcap Initial Mcap End of Day Idx Unit NOS
Calculation Pricing Price (As FX (As of
As of Date Security Name constituent Asset trading Flag (as Index NOS Idx Unit Flag (as of Index NOS (As of Date) (As of Date + 1) Idx Unit Change
Date Formula of Date) Date)
type Description status of date) MM NOS date + 1) MM D*E*I/J G*H*I/J NOS (N-F)
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 SONAE SGPS 1 800 3.69 1 800 1.65 0.68 1,950 1,950 3.69 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 SONAE SGPS (INTERIM 1)* SONAE CAPITAL Calculated 1 800 3.69 0 0.26 0.68 307 0 0.00 -3.6908
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 SONAE SGPS (DETACHED) 0 1 800 0.26 0.68 0 307 3.69 3.6908
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 EDP ENERGIAS DE PORTUGAL 1 2,011 9.28 1 2,011 4.54 0.68 13,490 13,490 9.28 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 PORTUGAL TELECOM SGPS 1 790 3.65 1 790 8.70 0.68 10,157 10,157 3.65 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 BCP BANCO COMERCIAL 1 1,806 8.33 1 1,806 2.72 0.68 7,256 7,256 8.33 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 BANCO ESPIRITO SANTO 1 225 1.04 1 225 14.45 0.68 4,804 4,804 1.04 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 BRISA 1 300 1.38 1 300 10.00 0.68 4,432 4,432 1.38 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 PT MULTIMEDIA SERVIC COM 1 235 1.09 1 235 9.25 0.68 3,216 3,216 1.09 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 CIMPOR CIMENTOS DE PORT 1 202 0.93 1 202 6.03 0.68 1,796 1,796 0.93 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 BANCO BPI 1 228 1.05 1 228 4.97 0.68 1,674 1,674 1.05 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 JERONIMO MARTINS SGPS 1 189 0.87 1 189 5.59 0.68 1,559 1,559 0.87 0.0000
1/3/2008 1/4/2008 SONAE INDUSTRIA SGPS 1 63 0.29 1 63 6.11 0.68 569 569 0.29 0.0000
Subset of the MSCI Portugal Index Unit
* Interim constituents will be added to the product files in the second phase of the MSCI Market Open Index project (expected delivery at the end of 2010)
Rights Issue
As an example, consider the rights issue for BALFOUR BEATTY effective October 8, 2009 in the MSCI
UK Index1 and described below. 3 rights were offered for every 7 shares held at 1.8 GBP.
The performance of the index on the ex-date reflects an exposure to the rights and the BALFOUR
BEATTY weight increases only as of the close of the ex-date. Note that the adjustment for a rights issue is
always theoretical (the intrinsic value of the right is the difference between the underlying stock price and
the subscription price), even if the rights will list on an exchange. An interim constituent with the
following characteristics is created:
Intraday index unit number of shares calculated according to the terms (intraday index unit
number of shares of BALFOUR BEATTY times 3/7)
A calculated price defined as the price of BALFOUR BEATTY minus the subscription price of
At the end of the day, the interim constituent is deleted from the index (the rights are subscribed to) and
the exposure to BALFOUR BEATTY increases (its intraday index number of shares and the divisor
increase). The index unit adjustment (column O) is given by the calculations described in the previous
Note that this example is based on the current adjustment methodology for rights issue. The methodology being different
before November 2009, the published index level was calculated in a different way in practice
Interim const. Idx Incl Intraday Intraday Idx Incl End of Day Mcap in Mcap Initial Mcap End of Day Idx Unit NOS
Calculation Interim constituent Price (As FX (As of
As of Date Security Name trading Pricing Formula Flag (as Index NOS Idx Unit Flag (as of Index NOS Idx Unit (As of Date) (As of Date + 1) Idx Unit Change
Date type of Date) Date)
status of date) MM NOS date + 1) MM D*F*I/J D*E*I/J G*H*I/J NOS (N-F)
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 BALFOUR BEATTY 1 478 0.24 1 683 2.80 0.62 1 2,152 3,074 0.34 0.1013
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 BALFOUR BEATTY (INTERIM 1)* CALCULATED 1 205 0.10 0 0 1.00 0.62 0 329 0 0.00 -0.1014
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 HSBC HOLDINGS (GB) 1 17,315 8.57 1 17,315 7.12 0.62 98 198,497 198,497 8.57 -0.002
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 BP 1 18,738 9.28 1 18,738 5.46 0.62 81 164,556 164,556 9.27 -0.003
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 VODAFONE GROUP 1 52,487 25.98 1 52,487 1.35 0.62 56 113,736 113,736 25.98 -0.008
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 GLAXOSMITHKLINE 1 5,188 2.57 1 5,188 12.35 0.62 51 103,157 103,157 2.57 -0.001
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 ROYAL DUTCH SHELL A 1 3,546 1.76 1 3,546 17.68 0.62 50 100,892 100,892 1.75 -0.001
10/7/2009 10/8/2009 ROYAL DUTCH SHELL B 1 2,696 1.33 1 2,696 17.18 0.62 37 74,561 74,561 1.33 0.000
Parent Security Parent Security Interim Trading Interim Constituent Interim Constituent
Description of event Constituent
Intraday NOS* Pre-open Price Constituent Type Status Intraday NOS Intraday/Closing Price
Pre-open Price
EndOfDayNOS(t-1) EndOfDayNOS(t-1) of
adjusted to take parent security
Theo-ex price taking into
only into account adjusted to take into
Buyback Against Cash - account the terms of the CASH Fixed Buyback price Buyback price
the shares that account the shares
have not been that have been bought
bought back back
EndOfDayNOS(t-1) of
parent security
adjusted to take
Theo-ex price taking into adjusted to take into
Exchange of only into account OTHER ASSET Other asset Other asset acquired
Buyback - account the terms of the Traded account the shares
Shares the shares that ACQUIRED acquired price price
event that have been bought
have not been
back and the amount
bought back
of other asset acquired
Theo-ex price taking into
Capital EndOfDayNOS(t-1) of
- - EndOfDayNOS(t-1) account the terms of the CASH Fixed Cash amount Cash amount
Repayment parent security
EndOfDayNOS(t-1) of
parent security
adjusted to take
Partial Theo-ex price taking into adjusted to take into
Exchange of only into account OTHER ASSET Other asset Other asset acquired
Tender - account the terms of the Traded account the shares
Shares the shares that ACQUIRED acquired price price
Offer event that have been bought
have not been
back and the amount
bought back
of other asset acquired
If market right
and other Theo-ex price taking into Theo-ex price of Ex price of parent
RIGHT - NEW Calculate parent security
asset attached EndOfDayNOS(t-1) account the terms of the parent constituent - constituent -
UNDERLYING d adjusted by the terms
price are not event subscription price subscription price
SHARES of the right
EndOfDayNOS(t-1) of
Right of Shares Theo-ex price taking into THEORETICAL Other asset Other asset acquired
Calculate parent security
Rights Issue in Another - EndOfDayNOS(t-1) account the terms of the RIGHT - OTHER acquired price - price - subscription
d adjusted by the terms
Listed Security event ASSET ACQUIRED subscription price price
of the right
An adjustment
is made for
dividends when
the impact of Theo-ex price taking into
Special EndOfDayNOS(t-1) of
dividend on the - EndOfDayNOS(t-1) account the terms of the CASH Fixed Cash amount Cash amount
Dividend parent security
price of the day event
prior the ex-
date is greater
than or equal
to 5%.
Multiple corporate events happening on the same day use a combination of the above rules and can potentially result in several interim constituents being created
*In case of multiple corporate events, the field "EndOfDayNOS(t-1)" should be replaced by the "IntradayNOS" calculated during the previous event
- Daily Hedged Indices
- Change in the wording to clarify the hedged indices calculation methodology (3.2.1 and
- Update of the Daily Hedged Index example (3.2.5)
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Addition of Frontier Markets
- Removal of Venezuela
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Addition of Frontier Markets
- Removal of Venezuela
- Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Regional Indices
- Addition of Frontier Markets countries
- Addition of 3 regions (GCC countries, Arabian Markets, Frontier Markets)
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Change in the closing price description for Croatia
- Addition of Dubai International Financial Exchange for United Arab Emirates
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Change in the closing price description for Croatia
- Addition of Dubai International Financial Exchange for United Arab Emirates
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Change in the closing price description for Israel (Domestic).
- Change in the Closing price available time (local) of Bahrain market
- Change in the Closing price used, price description and available time for HK.
- Appendix II: Security level information: Annualized Traded Value Ratio (ATVR) and
Annual Traded Value
- New section
- Appendix VI: Withholding Taxes Rates
- Addition of Lithuania and Serbia
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price availability for Greece updated to be 5:20pm local time.
- Closing price used for Serbia market updated to be VWAP.
- Closing price used for Chile market updated to be Official Closing Price.
- Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Regional Indices
- Addition of Lithuania and Serbia.
- Updates for Jordan
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price description of Thailand includes explanation of applying random auction
call method to both main board and foreign board of stock exchange of Thailand.
- Price used for The Bombay Stock Exchange update to be WAP, description is also
updated accordingly.
- Closing price description of The National Stock Exchange of India has been
confirmed to be Volume Weighted Average Price.
- Closing price used and description for Pakistan will take last available ASK price for
those securities that do not report one or more trades on the Karachi Stock Exchange
for the calculation date.
- Include coverage of Botswana, Ghana, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.
- Closing price availability time change of Israel market
- Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Regional Indices
- Updates for Pakistan
- Section 2: MSCI Daily Total Return (DTR) Index Methodology
- Country Exceptions
Update on Russian dividends treatment (2.3.6)
- Taxes on Dividends
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Updates for Kazakhstan and Lithuania
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Update close price definition and description of Trinidad and Tobago
- Section 1: MSCI Price Index Methodology
- Reordering of chapters
- Addition of example of index calculation using contribution method
- Addition of chapter ‗Note on Index Calculation in Local Currency‘
- Addition of chapter ‗Conversion of indices into Another Currency‘
- Section 2: MSCI Daily Total Return (DTR) Index Methodology
- 2.2.3 dividends resulting in a reinvestment only
Change in paragraph related to optional dividend
- Appendix V: Singapore and Singapore Free Indices
- Section added. Information was previously part of Frequently Asked Questions Appendix
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Updates for China Red Chip and Kuwait
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for Jamaica updated to be Average Price
- Closing price used for Pakistan updated to be Official Close
- Additional closing price used for Kazakhstan updated to be closing price of Kazakhstan
(UK listed Depository Receipts) and following UK closing price policy.
- Appendix VIII: Country composition of MSCI Regional Indices
- Update for Argentina
- Update for Pakistan
- Update for Trinidad and Tobago
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Section removed: Removal of information related to Israel Domestic and Israel Non-
- Information related to Singapore and Singapore Free Indices moved to Appendix V.
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for UAE, International Financial Exchange, updated to be Official Close
- Closing price used for Czech Republic updated to be Official Close Price.
- Update closing prices availability for the Belgium, Netherlands, France and Portugal.
- Update close price definition and description of USA (NASDAQ Global Market,
NASDAQ Global Select Market)
- Additional column of market identifier code (MIC) is added.
- Closing price description update of ADR from Argentina, Colombia, Israel and Peru.
- Bloomberg country codes for the following countries have been updated. (Argentina, Brazil,
Canada, Chile, Columbia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Kazakhstan (UK listed Depository
Receipts), Korea, Pakistan, Russia (UK listed Depository Receipts), Spain, UAE, USA,
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- MIC update for Oslo Stock Exchange and Taiwan Stock Exchange.
- MSCI Equity Indices
- Addition of CNY as a currency indices are provided in.
- Section I and section II
- Addition of note for China A indices related to the use of the Index Inclusion Factor
- Section II
- Net Daily Today Return
Updates for Net Daily Total Return (2.2)
- Withholding Tax
Country of incorporation is used to determine the relevant dividend withholding tax
rate (
- Section III: Alternative Index Calculation
- Section renamed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Weighted Indices
- Removal of Daily Hedged Indices chapter
- Appendix I: MSCI GCC Country Indices: Saturday/Sunday Index Calculation
- Removal of the note related to the use of Index Inclusion Factor which is not relevant for
GCC Countries.
- Appendix III: Exchange Rates
- Details added related to treatment in special circumstances and if WM/Reuters does not
provide rates.
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Updates for withholding tax rates based upon country of incorporation
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Updates for Lithuania and Spain
- MSCI Equity Indices
- Addition of BRL, HKD, INR, RUB and SGD as currencies indices are provided in
- Addition of a note related to the treatment of index ruptures
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Update for the change of closing price for Saudi Arabia
- Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Selected Regional Indices
- Addition of Bangladesh
- Changes for Israel to reflect its move from EM to DM coverage
- Section 2: MSCI Daily Total Return (DTR) Index Methodology
- 2.3.3 Correction
Addition of precision in correction implementation timing
- 2.3.6 Country Exceptions
Addition of precision on timing for implementation of late dividends (2.3.6)
Addition of precision on Korean and Russian late dividends (2.3.6)
- Appendix I: Saturday/Sunday Index Calculation
- Addition of precision on corporate Events treatment
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Removal of pricing information for Israel non Domestic
- Closing price used for Pakistan updated to be Official Close
- Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Selected Regional Indices
- Changes for Bangladesh to reflect its inclusion into the FM regional index.
- Appendix IX: Real Time Indices
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for Greece updated to be Auction Close
- Appendix X: Index Calculation Methodology Using Index Divisors
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Addition of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Update for Slovenia
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Addition of Bangladesh
- Section 2: MSCI Daily Total Return (DTR) Index Methodology
- 2.3.3 Correction
Addition of correction policy for MSCI Frontier Markets Indices
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for Nigeria updated to Official Close
- Removal of Saudi Arabia
- Appendix VIII: Country Composition of MSCI Selected Regional Indices
- Replaced index GCC COUNTRIES by index GCC COUNTRIES ex SA
- Replaced index ARABIAN MARKETS by index ARABIAN MARKETS ex SA
- Removal of Saudi Arabia
- Appendix I: Sunday Index Calculation
- Discontinuation of Saturday products
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for Qatar updated to Last traded price
- MSCI Equity Indices
- Addition of KRW as a currency indices are provided in.
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Removal of closing price information for Russian Trading System (RTS)
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Update for Portugal
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for Slovenia updated to Official Close
- Appendix VI: Withholding Tax Rates
- Update for Greece
- Appendix VII: Closing Prices Policy
- Closing price used for Ghana updated to VWAP
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