Sign Language Converter
Sign Language Converter
Sign Language Converter
Abstract: - People with hearing and speaking disabilities face problems in communicating
with other hearing people. Sign language is a visual language that is used by deaf and
dumb people as their mother tongue. It uses body movements (usually hand movements)
for the purpose of communication. But the sign language is not so easy to be understood
by abled persons. They do require a translator for translation. A translator is a person
who knows both local and sign language. He will listen to the abled person and translate
it into sign language for the specially abled person. And then translate the responses from
specially abled people from sign language to the local language. The application Sign
Language Converter will act as a translator for 2-way communication.
speaking disability that totals over 360 million
people across the globe. The majority of these
people live in countries with comparatively low
incomes. Sign Language is an independent
1. Introduction
language which is different from spoken/written
language, the basic difference is it has limited
Sign language is used by people who have
vocabulary compared to written/spoken. Sign
speaking or listening disabilities so that they can
language is not the same in every country,
exchange information between other people and
different sign languages are used in different
within their own community. This can be used on
countries or regions. There are two separate
a wide scale to make most of the public
languages ASL and BSL among which ASL is
understand what a person is trying to convey to
the most widely used signed language. This
the world through sign language. This will
paper describes a technology in which real time
prevent disabled people from hiring other people
videos are analyzed and are used for hand
who can speak and understand sign language just
movement detection and recognition, thus
to be their communicator. Sign Language
helping them to convey what they want to
Converter is a machine learning program that
explain or tell, in the form of transcripts and
detects and recognizes audio signals received to
converts it into audio. The system developed
text using speech to text API (python modules or
identifies sign language (non verbal
Google API) and then making a visual
communication) done by using some hand
presentation (video) of the converted sign
gestures and the machine is trained to recognize
language which requires machine learning as a
some daily frequently used gestures and convert
part. Sign gestures can be majorly classified into
them into verbal communication so that the other
two types, static and dynamic. The static gesture
people who are not familiar with this non-verbal
is simpler than dynamic gesture recognition, in a
communication can be understood easily which
static only a single image is recognized at a time
will ultimately prevent them to hire a person to
while on the other hand dynamic gesture is a
communicate for them and save their money. We
moving gesture represented by various images.
focus on mainly these two points: - Persons who
Various signs performed by the hand and convert
are disabled to speak or hear converse in sign
it into text/speech.
language and have a problem in communicating
2. Problem Formulation what they actually mean. A mediator is needed
just for the communication between two people
According to the World Health Organization if one is disabled and the other is not.
(WHO), around 5% of the world population
belongs to the people with the hearing and 3. Proposed Solution
comprises input and output pairs which are used
The current system that we are proposing would to train the model and determine a hidden
work on processing of live video streams rather pattern. This hidden pattern is then used for
than processing of a still image. It actually recognition of specific patterns when working
identifies the signs on a real time basis which are data is provided in future. Supervised learning is
in front of a machine or host that has a webcam in which you have input variable
and tells us about the communications done in (a) and an output variable
transcripts form to read. The current system is (b) and you apply an algorithm to learn the
developed in python and works on machine mapping function from the input to the
learning algorithm that uses supervised learning output. Y = f (A)
as its basis. It uses a specified Dataset which has The aim is to approximate the mapping function
information (Q&A) about a finite number of so well that when you have new input data (a)
sign videos provided, using this information only you can predict the output variables (b) for that
the algorithm recognizes the nonverbal data
communication done in front of the machine. It Supervised learning is called so because the
also has the capability to recognize all types of method of algorithm learning from the training
characters from A to Z or numbers 0 to 9. dataset can be thought of as a trainer supervising
the learning process. We know the accurate
results; the algorithm iteratively makes
4. Technologies used in the project predictions on the training data and is corrected
by the trainer. Learning stops when the algorithm
a) Machine Learning achieves an agreeable level of performance.
Although the project is capable of doing the
conversion of sign language to common speech
and vice-versa, it does face some limitations.
The first one is the need of internet availability
and the second one is the requirement of android
smartphones. Also, it is a bit of a
time-consuming task as the project requires
some time for the conversion. Also, some
amount of memory is utilized for loading
images and videos.
11.Future Enhancements