132kv by 33kv SS Design

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Available online at http://www.journalcra.com

International Journal of Current Research
Vol. 8, Issue, 03, pp. 28403-28410, March, 2016

ISSN: 0975-833X
*Krishan Kumar
Department of Electrical Engineering, GJU Hissar, India


Article History: The project work assigned to us was to design a 132/33 KV EHV sub sub-station. We considered
Received 24 December, 2015
incoming power at 132 KV and the power was transferred to main bus through isolator isolator-circuit
Received in revised form breaker isolator combination. The power from main bus was fed into a 20MVA transformer which
27th January, 2016 stepped the voltage down to 33KV. The power is then fed into a 33KV bus from which different loads
Accepted 29th February, 2016 were tapped. In the process, the surge impedance loading of 132 KV and 33 KV lines were calculated
Published online 31st March, 2016 and they were used to estimate the maximum
maximum power that can be transferred by one transmission line.
The design of the entire substation was made keeping in mind the most basic requirements of a proper
Key words: substation including the civil and domestic requirements. The design is then submitted to our m
for verification
1) Bus bar, 2) Control Cable, 3) Earthing,
4) Insulation-Coordination, 5) Insulator,
6) Isolator, 7) Lightning Arrester,
8) Power Transformer, 9) Sub-Station,
10) Switchgear.

Copyright © 2016, Krishan Kumar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Citation: Krishan Kumar, 2016. “Design Haryana”, International Journal of Current

Design Analysis of 132/33 kV Grid Substation Fazilpur, Dist. Sonepat, Haryana
Research, 8, (03), 28403-28410.

INTRODUCTION  Low cost of energy generation.

 Simplicity of design.
Any sub-station
station which handles power at over 33KV is termed  Reserve capacity to meet future requirements
as extra High Voltage sub-station
station by the rules implemented by
Indian government. The design process of an EHV sub-station
sub Starting from the generating stations to the end users, voltage is
begins with very elemental
emental work of selection of site and needed to be stepped up and down several times in various
estimation of requirements which includes capital and material. substations. This ensures efficient transmission of power,
It is also needed to keep in mind, the civil aspects of a minimizing the power losses. es. Our project is to design a
substation design. In India about 75% of electric power used is 132KV/33KV EHV sub-stationstation where the incoming power is
generated in thermal and nuclear plants, 23% from mostly received at 132 KV from a generating station. The power factor
hydro station and 2% comes from renewable and other is corrected here and the voltage is stepped down to 33KV and
resources. The distribution system supplies power to the end power is then transferred to distribution sys
system of the grid to
consumer, while the transmission system connects between the meet the requirements of the end consumers at their suitable
generating stations and distribution system through voltage.
mission line. The entire network forms a power grid and A design layout of 132/33 kv, 200 mw sub
each power grid across the country is interconnected which
facilitates uninterrupted supply. While designing a power grid The sub-station
station is connected with three substations or load vviz.
the following aspects must be taken into consideration: A (3.2 mw), B (3.2MW) and C (3.2MW) at 33KV and D
(36MW) at 132 KV. The generated 16.2 KV is stepped up to
 Low capital cost. 132 KV and is supplied to the 132KV sub sub-station through two
 Reliability of the supply power. double circuit transmission lines. After analyzing the
 Low operating cost requirements of the loads & SIL of transmission lines the
 High efficiency whole arrangements are done
ne in the following way:
*Corresponding author: Sandhya Sawant,
Department of Microbiology, TNMC & BYL Nair Charitable • The value of surge impedance of transmission lines under
Hospital, Mumbai. consideration = 325 Ω
28404 Krishan Kumar. Design Analysis of 132/33 kV Grid Substation Fazilpur, Dist. Sonepat, Haryana

• Total load requirement = 3.2 MW + 3.2 MW + 3.2 MW + Depth of burial = 0.6 M

36 MW Earth electrode = 40 mm dia. G.I. pipe, 3 M long
• The distance between the substation & the neighboring Earth mat conductor = M.S. Round
generating station is 50km. Riser = G.I. strip

The SIL of 132 KV line = (132KV) 2/325 = 53.61 = 54 MW


The SIL of 33 KV line = (33KV) 2/325 = 3.35 = 3.5 MW


Observing the total load demand, the input to the substation

must be greater than the requirement. So one double circuit
132KV transmission lines (54 X 2 = 108 MW) only can satisfy
this. The second double circuit tower is constructed keeping in
mind the future load demand increase. The lines first supply the
power to the 132KV bus A of the sub-station. As the distance
between the substation and the generating station is only 50km,
the SIL can increase to 1.2 times of the theoretical value.
Hence the input of the substation can be as high as (108 X 1.2) Minimum cross-section of grounding conductor having
MW i.e. almost 130 MW. required thermal stability can be calculated by using the

Amin = required conductor section

If =fault
Current in Amps t = time in sec for operation of
Protection relay c = constant which is equal to
70 for M.S. round

Hence Amin = (4000x√1)/70=571 mm2

Next standard size M.S. round =32 mm (diameter)

Considering soil resistivity for conductor sizing as 10 ohm-M,

correction factor is taken as 1.3

Hence cross-section area of each conductor with correction =

(The curve is closely applicable in determining transmission 1.3x571 mm2 = 742 mm2
line loading based on transient stability & also steady state
stability for operating voltages between 66 & 500KV) For load Or, (∏/4)*(dia. Of conductor) = 742 mm2
A, B and C it is suitable to step down the incoming 132KV
voltage to 33KV. Hence power transformers of rating Or, diameter of the conductor = 30.74 mm2
(132/33KV, 20 MVA are used). Another transfer of same
rating is installed to meet future increase in demand. On the Nearest standard size is 32 mm diameter
other hand, a double circuit line from 132 KV bus A is useful
to serve the load D.33 KV is supplied to load A, B and C For riser connection above ground, no tolerance is required.
through one double circuit transmission lines (SIL capacity 3.5
X 2 = 7 MW) and to load D through one double circuit Hence selected size of M.S flat = 75x8 mm
transmission lines( SIL capacity 54 X 2 = 108 MW) where
actually one circuit will be left for emergency or maintenance Calculation of Tolerable Touch & Step Potential
reason. The stepped down 33KV is further stepped down to
11KV and then finally to 440V to meet the demand of local The reduction factor Cs can be approximately by the equation,
station loads. A transfer bus is installed in the system for
providing provision for maintenance of the main bus. Cs = 1-[0.9(1-(P/Ps))/(2hs+0.09)]

Design of Earth-Mat Where,

Calculation P = soil
Fault current = 40KA Resistivity = 10 diameter
Fault duration = 1.0 sec Ps = surface layer resistivity = 2500 ohm-m hs = surface layer
Soil resistivity = 10 ohm thickness = 0.1 meter
28405 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 08, Issue, 03, pp. 28403-28410, March, 2016

Hence, Cs = 1-[{0.9x(1-(10/2500))}/(2x0.1+0.09)] The subject of earthing may be divided into

= 1-(0.08964/0.2)
=0.691 1.1 Neutral Earthing
1.2 General Earthing
Following operation can be used to compute the tolerable touch
and step voltages respectively: Insulation Coordination

Insulation co-ordination is the process of determining the

Etouch = (1000+1.5xCs.Ps)x0.116/√ts
proper insulation levels of various components in a power
system as well as their arrangements. It is the selection of an
Where, ts =duration of shock for determining allowable body
insulation structure that will withstand voltage stresses to
which the system or equipment will be subjected to, together
= 1 sec.
with the proper surge arrester. The process is determined from
the known characteristics of voltage surges and the
Hence, Etouch = (1000+1.5x0.691x2500)x0.116/√1
characteristics of surge arrester. Its final objective is to ensure
safe, optimized distribution of electric power. By optimized is
= 416.59 volts
meant finding the best possible economic balance between the
various parameters depending on this co-ordination: n cost of
Estep = (1000+6.0xCsxPs)x0.116/√ts
insulation, n cost of protective devices, n cost of failures in
= (1000+6.0x0.691x2500)x0.116/√1
view of their probality.
=1318.34 volts
Design of bus bars
Determination of grid resistance
Bus bars are Cu/Al rods of thin walled tubes and operate at
The equivalent length of earth-mat area (L) = 300M constant voltage. The bus-bars are designed to carry normal
current continuously. The cross section of conductors is
The equivalent width of earth-mat area (W) = 250M
designed on the basis of rated normal current and the following
No. of conductors along length (NL) = 16 factors: System voltage, position of sub-station. Flexibility,
reliability of supply and cost. Our design must ensure easy and
No. of conductors along width (NW) = 20 uninterrupted maintenance, avoiding any danger to the
operating of operating personnel. It must be simple in design
Minimum no of electrodes = fault current/500= 80 and must possess provision for future extension. Any
fluctuation of load must not hinder its mechanical characters.
Keeping a margin of 50% extra, no. of electrodes (N) = The sub-station bus bars are broadly classified in the following
1.5x80= 120 three categories:

Length of individual electrode (Lr) = 3 1.3 Outdoor rigid tubular bus-bars.

1.4 Outdoor flexible ACSR or Al alloy bus-bars.
Hence, LT=Lc+LR=(LxNL+WxNW)+(NrxLr) 1.5 Indoor bus bars.

Or, LT = (3000x16+250x20) + (120x3) In our substation, we have chosen ONE MAIN BUS AND
= 10160 m ONE TRANSFER BUS system. The buses are coupled using a
bus-coupler which facilitates load transfer while maintenance
Total area of earth-mat (A) = 75,000 m2 and fault conditions. Load catered = 200 MW

Safety Check Voltage = 132 KV

For the safe earthing design, attainable step and touch voltage Rated current is taken to be I ampere, we get
should be less tolerable values respectively.
P = √3 VI cos φ
Volt Attainable Tolerable
Touch Voltage 12.5 416.59 We take power factor as 0.9
Step Voltage 36.72 1318.34
= 971.97 ampere
The attainable touch as well as step voltage is well below
tolerable limit. Hence the design is safe Going by the rated current that is required to be catered and
keeping in mind the future provision of load we chose twin
Earthing moose conductor for the purpose of main bus and normal single
moose and normal moose for transfer bus.
Earthing means that, making a connection to the general mass
of the earth. The use earthing is so widespread in an electrical Insulators
system that at particular every point in the system, from the The insulators serve two purposes. They support the
generators to the consumer equipment, earth connections are conductors (or bus-bars) and confine the current to the
28406 Krishan Kumar. Design Analysis of 132/33 kV Grid Substation Fazilpur, Dist. Sonepat, Haryana

conductors. The most commonly used material for the [3] Distance or Impedance relay
manufacture of insulator is porcelain. There are several type of [4] Differential relay
insulators, and their use in the sub-station will depend upon the [5] Translay scheme
service requirement. The main four types of insulators are as
follows: Buchholz Relay

8.1 Pin Type Insulators It is a gas actuated relay installed in a oil immersed
8.2 Suspension Type Insulators transformers for protection against all kinds of faults. This
8.3 Strain Insulators relay is used to give an alarm in case of incipient (slow
8.4 Shackle Insulators developing) faults in transformer and to disconnect the
transformer from the supply in the event of severe internal
Circuit breaker faults. It is usually connected in the pipe connecting the
conservator to the Main Tank.
Circuit breakers are a piece of electrical device that

9.1 Make or break a circuit either manually or by remote

control under normal conditions.
9.2 Break a circuit automatically under fault conditions.
9.3 Make a circuit either manually or by remote control under
fault conditions.

Classification of Circuit Breakers

The most common method of classification of circuit breakers

is on the basis of medium used for arc extinction. Accordingly
they are classified as:

1.5.1Oil circuit-breaker.
1.5.2 Air-blast circuit breaker.
1.5.3 Sulphur hexafluoride circuit breakers.
1.5.4 Vacuum circuit breakers.


A protective relay is a device that detects the fault and initiates

the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective Current Transformer
element from the rest of the system. The relay constantly
measures the electrical quantities which are different under CT has a primary winding one or more turns of thick wire
normal and fault condition. Having detected the fault the relay connected in series with the line carrying the current to be
operates to close the trip circuit of the breaker. The trip circuit measure. The secondary consist of a large no of turns of fine
is operated by a direct voltage. A relay must be highly selective wire and feeds a standard 5 amp. ammeter. It is used for the
to the normal and fault conditions to avoid unwanted tripping. measuring and protection purpose. The secondary of current
It must operate with suitable speed so that fault is eliminated transformer should never be left open under any circumstances.
before it can cause any damage. A relay must also be sensitive
to work with low values of currents. Potential Transformer

Classification of Relay These transformers are extremely accurate ratio step down
transformer s and are used in conjunction with standard low
a. Electromagnetic attraction type- which operates on the range voltmeter (100-120V) whose deflection when divided by
principle where the relay armature is attracted by an transformation ratio, gives the true voltage on primary side. In
electromagnet. general they are shell type. Their rating is extremely small for
b. Electromagnetic induction type- which operates due to safety operation secondary is completely insulated from high
mutual interaction of two different fluxes which are voltage primary. Its primary current is determined by the load
differing at a certain phase angles, having same or different on secondary.
amplitude and nearly equal frequencies. The net torque that
operates to rotate the induction disc is proportional to the Lightning Arrester
product of the amplitudes and sine of the phase diff
An electric discharge between clouds and earth, between
Functional Relay Types
clouds or between the charge centers of the same cloud is
[1] Induction type over-current relay known as lightning. It is a huge spark and takes place when the
[2] Induction type reverse power relay clouds are charged to such high potential with respect to earth
28407 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 08, Issue, 03, pp. 28403-28410, March, 2016

or a neighboring cloud that the dielectric strength of

neighboring medium is destroyed. A lightning may strike the
power system (e.g. overhead lines, towers or sub-stations)
directly and the current path may be over the insulators down
to pole to the ground or it may strike indirectly, resulting from
electrostatically induced charges on the conductors due to the
presence of charged clouds.


The term switchgear, used in association with the electric

power system, or grid, refers to the combination of electrical
disconnects, fuses and/or circuit breakers used to isolate
electrical equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-energize
equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults
downstream. Switchgear is already a plural, much like the
software term code/codes, and is never used as switchgears.
The very earliest central power stations used simple open knife
switches, mounted on insulating panels of marble or asbestos.
Power levels and voltages rapidly escalated, making open
manually-operated switches too dangerous to use for anything
other than isolation of a de-energized circuit. Oil-filled
equipment allowed arc energy to be contained and safely
controlled. By the early 20th century, a switchgear line-up
would be a metalen closed structure with electrically-operated
switching elements, using oil circuit breakers. Today, oil-filled
equipment has largely been replaced by air-blast, vacuum, or
SF6 equipment, allowing large currents and power levels to be
safely controlled by automatic equipment incorporating digital
controls, protection, metering and communications.

Power Transformer

Types of Lightning Arresters This is the most important component of a sub-station. The
main work of a sub-station is to distribute power at a low
The lightning arrester mainly differs in their constructional voltage, by stepping down the voltage that it receives in its
features. However they work with the same operating principle, incoming lines. Power is generally transmitted over long
i.e. providing low resistance path for the surges. They are distances at very high voltages, generally in the range of 400
mainly classified as: KV, 200 KV or 132 KV to the sub-stations.
[1] Rod gap arrester However consumer requires power at rather low voltages, 11
[2] Horn gap arrester KV for industries and 440 V or 220 V for domestic consumers.
[3] Multi gap arrester The sub-stations use step-down transformers to attain this
[4] Expulsion type lightning arrester voltage and then distribute this power. All the other equipment
[5] Valve type lightning arrester in a sub-station works only to facilitate the smooth working of
the power transformer.
28408 Krishan Kumar. Design Analysis of 132/33 kV Grid Substation Fazilpur, Dist. Sonepat, Haryana

Mimic diagram are made of anodized aluminum or plastic,

screwed to panel. The mimic buses are generally 2mm thick;
width of mimic bus is 10mm for bus bar and 7mm for other
connections. Indicating lamp, one for each phase for each bus
is provided on mimic of bus coupler panel to indicate bus
charged condition. Color scheme for mimic diagram

Voltage class Colour Shade index of is

132KV Light Orange 557
33KV Signal Red 537

Semaphore indicators for each earth switches, control switch

width on, off indicating lamps for isolators, and discrepancy
type control switch with built-in indicating lamp, flush type
for circuit breakers are mounted along mimic diagram at
appropriate location in panel.

DC Circuit

There shall be only one DC incoming (220V) for the C&R

Control Cable board through a 32AMP switch-fuse unit. One HRC fuse-unit
both at positive and negative side shall be provided for the DC
Control cables are used in substations for connecting control incomer at the bus coupler panel. The said DC incoming bus
systems, measurements, signaling devices, protection circuits shall run continuously in the total C&R board. DC
etc. rated below 1000volts. They have a copper conductor. annunciation bus shall also be teed off from the incomer DC
They may have another rubber insulation or PVC insulation. bus through 6A HRC fuse at positive and a link in the negative
Control cables have several cores, each having independent side with necessary DC supervision relay.
insulation. To avoid interference due to stray magnetic fields,
the control cables should be properly laid and their sheath DC supply to each individual panel thus teed off and
should be properly earthed. distributed within the panel as below

Design of Control and Relay Panel Complete with  C.B. remote and local closing through HRC fuse and link.
Protection for 132/33 KV Sub station  C.B. remote and protection trip to trip coil 1 with trip circuit
supervision relay through a separate HRC fuse and link.
The scope of this section covers design, engineering,  C.B. remote and protection trip to trip coil 2 with trip circuit
manufacture, installation, testing and commissioning of control supervision relay through a separate HRC fuse and link.
and relay panels (Complete with protective relays, measuring  Protective relay and PT selection circuit with DC
and indicating equipments along with visual and audible alarm, supervision relay.
interlocking schemes) inclusive of internal wiring and external  Indication circuit through 6A HRC fuse and link.
connection to various switchyard equipments. In a 132/33 KV  Isolator control circuit through 10A HRC fuse and link.
substation the control panels are corridor type (also called
duplex type). In this type the front and rear walls are erected Bus bar protection and LBB protection DC shall be teed off
independent with a common cover. The sides are open except from the 132KV C&R board.
the end panels, which are provided with doors and door switch
for internal illumination. In between front and rear there is AC Circuit
adequate space to move for inspection and wiring. In this type,
the protective relays are mounted on rear board and the control A 132KV single phase AC supply to the entire C&R board will
and indication equipments on the front panels. The standard be fed from AC distribution board through a 32A switch-fuse
size of individual panel is Depth – 1983mm, width- limited to unit. The supply shall be provided in bus coupler/ bus transfer
1000mm, height – 2312 mm. the corridor is 762mm wide and panel.AC circuit for incoming DC and annunciation DC fail
access doors on end panels are 1900mm high. Panels are dust, alarm scheme is provided in bus coupler panel. The above bus
moisture and vermin proof. These are free standing, floor is teed off to each panel through separate switch-fuse unit. One
mounting type but grounded with foundation bolts. Cable supervision relay for incoming AC fail with test push button
entries to panel are from bottom. The bottom plates of the panel and reverse flag indication shall be provided for monitoring of
are fitted with removable gland plates and fixed with cable AC supply healthiness through DC operated fascia
glands. The cable glands are screwed type made of brass and annunciation of bus coupler panel.
suitable for PVC armored cable.
PT Secondary Supply Distributions
Mimic Diagram

Colored mimic diagram and symbols showing exact The bus coupler panel shall receive PT secondary volt through
representation of the system are provided in the front panel. fuses and link provided in PT kiosk in the switchyard. Selected
28409 International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 08, Issue, 03, pp. 28403-28410, March, 2016

PT secondary supply to protective relays of each panel shall be directional over-current relay Back up directional earth fault
fed through individual fuses and links. Necessary arrangement relay.
for supervision of PT secondary supply is provided. Selected
PT secondary supply to metering and indicating instrument of 132/33KV Autotransformer Protection
each panel shall be fed through fuses and links.
Percentage biased differential protection (3winding) Backup
Annunciation Scheme directional voltage potential 3element IDMT over current with
high set instantaneous element Backup directional voltage
Other trip and non trip alarm scheme. Fascia annunciation polarized earth fault relay with high set instantaneous element.
system has to be provided in each control panel by means of Local break up back up protection at HV side only. Over flux
visual and audible alarm to draw attention of operator. The protection and overload alarm at HV side. Flag relays for
annunciation can be divided into the following categories internal protection of transformer like buchholz relay, winding
Trip annunciation Warning annunciation. Incoming DC fail temperature, oil temperature and pressure relief Valve
and annunciation bus DC fail alarm scheme. Bus coupler
panel shall have an “incoming DC fail and annunciation 132 KV Bus Coupler Protections
bus DC fail alarm scheme” common to the entire C&R
board and operate from 230V AC supply for audible and Bus differential protection scheme.
visual alarm through lamp and bell arrangement. The Local breaker back up protection.
scheme comprises of DC supervision relay with push AC supervision relay.
buttons for incoming DC supply and annunciation bus DC DC supervision relay.
system, one AC operated alarm accept relays, one DC fail relay 3phase trip relay
indication lamp, one AC operated hooter and one push
button for cancellation of audible alarm. Alarm inscriptions 132KV Transfer Bus Bay Protections
are engraved in facial window and the same should be
prominently visible when fascia light is ON. Accept reset The breaker is used for transfer of any circuit through transfer
and lamp test push buttons for acknowledgement of alarm, bus in case of necessity. During the period of transfer the line
reset of visual indicator and checking correctness of lamps side CT operated protection of transferred circuit will trip the
are provided below each fascia. The annunciation scheme transfer bus breaker in place of respective bay circuit breaker
should be such that momentary closing of any fault contacts through trip transfer switch. Normally the protection scheme
shall cause operation of annunciation. provided in transfer bus bay excepting the LBB protection
shall be kept in operating with the help of protection IN/OUT
Trip Annunciation selector switch. However, its own protection shall be used
when there is trouble in the protection system of transferred
Trip annunciation shall draw attention of operation when a circuit.
C.B. is tripped automatically thorough relay. The audible
common alarm should buzz and the visual annunciation is The protection scheme of this bay will be as follows
provided by flickering of window fascia.
Numerical distance protection scheme for transferred feeder
Warning Annunciation protection with protection IN/OUT switch but without carrier
intertripping, auto reclose relay, in-built fault locater,
Warning annunciation is used to draw attention of operator to disturbance recorder.
abnormal operating conditions of equipment for immediate
action to avoid tripping of C.B. audible alarm is provided by a Local breaker backup protection.
separate common bell with different tone and visual
annunciation of flickering of fascia window. Backup directional IDMT over current relay with protection
IN/OUT switch. Backup directional earth fault relay.
Protection Philosophy
Clamps and Connectors
The philosophy of protection is to design the protection
scheme for lines, transformers, bus couplers, bus transfer bay The role of clamps and connectors can be felt during operation
depending upon the substation layout arrangement. The of substation. Connectors of bad quality often result in outage
scheme shall be generally based on the requirement listed of system and can even lead to total bus fault. The cause of
below. failure of connector is mainly due to heating and excessive
electromechanical stress. That is why, choice of materials and
Line Protections design of connectors are given due consideration while
designing the substation.
Numerical distance relay with built-in auto enclosure or in
standalone mode. Separate fault locator or included in distance Isolators
relay (available in ABB make RES SII type relay). Disturbance
Recorder (may be built in with Distance Relay). Back up When carrying out inspection or repair in a substation
installation, it is essential to disconnect reliably the unit or
28410 Krishan Kumar. Design Analysis of 132/33 kV Grid Substation Fazilpur, Dist. Sonepat, Haryana

section on which the work is to be done, from all other live In the event of emergency manual operation safety contact
parts on the installation in order to ensure complete safety of interrupts the motor circuit so that simultaneous actuation from
the working staff. To guard against mistakes it is desirable that control room is not possible. To prevent mal operation, the
this is done by an apparatus which makes a visible break in the operating mechanism of isolators and earthing switches can be
circuit. Such an apparatus is the isolating switch or interlocked relative to each other, motorized systems
ISOLATOR. Isolators used in power systems are generally electrically, compressed air systems electro-pneumatically and
three pole isolator. The three pole isolators have three identical manual systems mechanically.
poles. Each pole consists of two or three isolator posts mounted
on fabricated supports. The conducting parts are supported on Conclusion
insulator posts. The conducting part consists of conducting
copper or aluminum rod, fixed and moving contacts. During In conclusion to all the mentioned design aspects of the
the opening operation the conducting rod swings apart and 132/33KV sub-station there are several other factors that are
isolation is obtained. needed to be considered. This includes socio-economic factor
of the surrounding locality, political developments, union of
The simultaneous operation of 3 poles is obtained by workers and contractors. Economic factors become chief aspect
mechanical interlocking of 3 poles. For all 3 poles there is a in any project which can take a prolonged period to complete.
common operating mechanism. The operating mechanism is An assumption of price hike of all the materials to a higher
manual plus one of the following precision is needed to be made in order to estimate the budget
of this project. The mechanical and civil designs are also an
• Pneumatic mechanism essential part of any electrical substation design. Thus a lot of
• Electric motor mechanism other engineering brains in those fields are also employed for
the construction. Experts in the field of commerce and law are
Pneumatic mechanism is the primitive mechanism of isolator also employed to meet the various challenges that may rise up.
operation. It operates on compressed air at 8 kg/cm2, example It’s an overall build up that ensures huge employment of people
of this type of isolator is a TMG make isolator. But the biggest from different fields.
disadvantage of pneumatic operation is that the whole process
is dependent on compressor plant station. In case of breakdown REFERENCES
in compressor plant or the airline, isolator becomes
dysfunctional. Now days, however motor driven isolators are Books
put to use. These are operated by 3ɸ ac motors. In case of
breakdown of electrical system, manual operation is also A textbook of electrical power system by V.K. Mehta
possible. The pneumatic operated isolators are used only where Electric power substations engineering, third edition (electrical
a source of compressed air is available. Motorized systems are engineering handbook) by John D. Mcdonald
usually simpler and less costly and hence we are using these in Protective relaying: Principles and applications, third edition
our design. The operating mechanism is generally mounted (power engineering (Willis)) by J. Lewes Blackburn
direct on base frame of the isolator. The actuator unit then Power system relaying (RSP) by Stanley H. Horowitz
requires a bearing and additional link rod when the system is Power system protection (Ieeepress series on power
well off the ground. Emergency manual operation is possible Engineering) by Paul m. Anderson
with all operating mechanisms, if the power fails. The Electrical power transmission system Engineering: Analysis
operating mechanisms also incorporate actuating switches for and design, 2nd edition by Turangonen
indicating the switching position and for control and interlock Protection of electricity distribution networks, 3rd edition (iet
purposes. Motor driven units also include contactors and Power and energy) by juan gers and edward J. Holmes
control devices. The control system is arranged so that only one Power circuit breaker theory and design by charles h. flurs
switching pulse is needed and the actuators switch off cheim
automatically when end position is reached. Protection and switchgear by U.A. Bakshi, M.V. Bakshi
Conductors and insulators by Angela Royston


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