BDA UT2 QB Answers
BDA UT2 QB Answers
BDA UT2 QB Answers
1. Consistency Availability Partition tolerance is three main aspects of the modern
distributed data system.
2. The CAP theorem was coined by Eric Brewer in 2000 to address the standard way to
maintain the network-based database systems.
3. In the era of petabyte-scale data, it became immensely important to develop and
maintain distributed data systems to main the load.
The three aspects of CAP theorem are consistency, Availability and Partition tolerance.
Let’s first discuss all of these separately then we will join the pieces.
1. Consistency : According to this theorem, all connected nodes of the distributed system see the
same value at the same times and partial transactions will not be saved. Suppose there are multiple
steps inside a transaction and due to some malfunction some middle operation got corrupted, now
if part of the connected nodes read the corrupted value, the data will be inconsistent and
misleading. So according to the CAP principle, we will not allow such a transaction. A transaction
cannot be executed partially. It will always be ‘All or none’. If something goes wrong in between the
execution of a transaction, the whole transaction needs to be rolled back.
2. Availability : According to this, the connected or distributed systems should remain
operational all the time. There should be a response for every client request in the system
irrespective of whether a particular node is being available or not. Though in practical
scenarios it is purely based on the traffic requirements. The key point of this is every
functioning node must return a response for all read and write requests in a reasonable
amount of time.
3. Partition tolerance : According to the partition tolerance policy, if a subpart of the
network is compromised, the entire distributed system should not go down. A system that
is partition tolerance should recover fast from partial outrage. In practical scenarios
partition tolerance cannot be an optional criterion, it should be maintained thoroughly. So
adhering to the CAP theorem became always a choice between high consistency and
high availability.
We cannot maintain all three principles of the CAP theorem simultaneously. Theoretically,
we can maintain only CA, CP or AP.
● Consistency and Availability: This is systems with high consistency and very lesser
downtime but the option of partition tolerance is not enforced.
--For example, network issues can down the e ntire distributed RDBMS system.
● Consistency and Partition tolerance: These systems adhere to high consistency and
partition tolerance but there is a risk of some data being unavailable.
-- Ex. MongoDB.
● Availability and Partition tolerance: These systems adhere to high availability and
partition tolerance but there is a risk of reading inconsistent data.
--Ex. Cassandra.
Atomic: All operations in a transaction succeed or every operation is rolled back.
Consistent: On the completion of a transaction, the database is structurally sound.
Isolated: Transactions do not contend with one another. Contentious access to data is
moderated by the database so that transactions appear to run sequentially.
Durable: The results of applying a transaction are permanent, even in the presence of
The main contribution is to use relaxed ACID properties in the CAP optimization process.
This may be viewed as a bridge between the CAP theorem and the traditional ACID theory.
Traditional ACID properties are weakened, but not completely dropped, in order to optimize
CAP properties.
From a user point of view, systems should thus function as if both the traditional ACID
properties and all the CAP properties were implemented.
ACID addresses an individual node's data consistency
CAP addresses cluster-wide data consistency
2. When it comes to big data how NoSQL scores over RDBMS.
NoSQL databases support storing data “as is.” Key value stores give you the ability to store
simple data structures, whereas document NoSQL databases provide you with the ability to
handle a range of flat or nested structures.
Most of the data flying between systems does so as a message. Typically, the data takes
one of these formats:
● A binary object to be passed through a set of layers
● An XML document
● A JSON document
Being able to handle these formats natively in a range of NoSQL databases lessens the
amount of code you have to convert from the source data format to the format that needs
storing. This is called extract, transform, and load ( ETL).
Using this approach, you greatly reduce the amount of code required to start using a
NoSQL database. Moreover, because you don’t have to pay for updates to this “plumbing”
code, ongoing maintenance costs are significantly decreased.
The vast majority of data in enterprise systems is unstructured. Many NoSQL databases
can handle indexing of unstructured text either as a native feature (MarkLogic Server) or an
integrated set of services including Solr or Elasticsearch.
Being able to manage unstructured text greatly increases information and can help
organizations make better decisions. For example, advanced uses include support for
multiple languages with faceted search, snippet functionality, and word-stemming support.
Advanced features also include support for dictionaries and thesauri.
Furthermore, using search alert actions on data ingest, you can extract named entities from
directories such as those listing people, places, and organizations, which allows text data to
be better categorized, tagged, and searched.
Entity enrichment services such as SmartLogic, OpenCalais, NetOwl, and TEMIS Luxid
that combine extracted information with other information provide a rich interleaved
information web and enhance efficient analysis and use.
Because of the schema agnostic nature of NoSQL databases, they’re very capable of
managing change — you don’t have to rewrite ETL routines if the XML message structure
between systems changes.
Some NoSQL databases take this a step further and provide a universal index for the
structure, values, and text found in information. Microsoft DocumentDB and MarkLogic
Server both provide this capability.
If a document structure changes, these indexes allow organizations to use the information
immediately, rather than having to wait for several months before you can test and rewrite
Structured Query Language (SQL) is the predominant language used to query relational
database management systems. Being able to structure queries so that they perform well
has over the years become a thorny art. Complex multi table joins are not easy to write
from memory.
Although several NoSQL databases support SQL access, they do so for compatibility with
existing applications such as business intelligence (BI) tools. NoSQL databases support
their own access languages that can interpret the data being stored, rather than require a
relational model within the underlying database.
This more developer-centric mentality to the design of databases and their access
application programming interfaces (API) are the reason NoSQL databases have become
very popular among application developers.
Application developers don’t need to know the inner workings and vagaries of databases
before using them. NoSQL databases empower developers to work on what is required in
the applications instead of trying to force relational databases to do what is required.
NoSQL databases handle partitioning (sharding) of a database across several servers. So,
if your data storage requirements grow too much, you can continue to add inexpensive
servers and connect them to your database cluster (horizontal scaling) making them work
as a single data service.
Contrast this to the relational database world where you need to buy new, more powerful
and thus more expensive hardware to scale up (vertical scaling) . If you were to double the
amount of data you store, you would easily quadruple the cost of the hardware you need.
Providing durability and high availability of a NoSQL database by using inexpensive
hardware and storage is one of NoSQL’s major assets. Being able to do so while providing
generous scalability for many uses also doesn’t hurt!
6. Breadth of functionality
Most relational databases support the same features but in a slightly different way, so they
are all similar.
NoSQL databases, in contrast, come in four core types: key-value, columnar, document,
and triple stores. Within these types, you can find a database to suit your particular (and
peculiar!) needs. With so much choice, you’re bound to find a NoSQL database that will
solve your application woes.
Many applications need simple object storage, whereas others require highly complex and
interrelated structure storage. NoSQL databases provide support for a range of data
● Simple binary values, lists, maps, and strings can be handled at high speed in key-value
● Related information values can be grouped in column families within Bigtable clones.
● Highly complex parent-child hierarchical structures can be managed within document
● A web of interrelated information can be described flexibly and related in triple and graph
8. Vendor choice
The NoSQL industry is awash with databases, though many have been around for less
than ten years. For example, IBM, Microsoft, and Oracle only recently dipped their toes into
this market. Consequently, many vendors are targeting particular audiences with their own
brew of innovation.
Open-]source variants are available for most NoSQL databases, which enables companies
to explore and start using NoSQL databases at minimal risk. These companies can then
take their new methods to a production platform by using enterprise offerings.
9. No legacy code
Because they are so new, NoSQL databases don’t have legacy code, which means they
don’t need to provide support for old hardware platforms or keep strange and infrequently
used functionality updated.
NoSQL databases enjoy a quick pace in terms of development and maturation. New
features are released all the time, and new and existing features are updated frequently (so
NoSQL vendors don’t need to maintain a very large code base). In fact, new major releases
occur annually rather than every three to five years.
NoSQL databases were created in the era of Hadoop. Hadoop’s highly distributed file
system (HDFS) and batch-processing environment (Map/Reduce) signaled changes in the
way data is stored, queried, and processed.
Queries and processing work now pass to several servers, which provides high levels of
parallelization for both ingest and query workloads. Being able to calculate aggregations
next to the data has also become the norm.
You no longer need a separate data warehouse system that is updated overnight. With fast
aggregations and query handling, analysis is passed to the database for execution next to
the data, which means you don’t have to ship a lot of data around a network to achieve
locally combined analysis.
3. Explain the block diagram architecture of the Data stream Management
Traditional relational databases store and retrieve records of data that are static in
nature. Further these databases do not perceive a notion of time unless time is
added as an attribute to the database during designing the schema itself. While this
model was adequate for most of the legacy applications and older repositories of
information, many current and emerging applications require support for online
analysis of rapidly arriving and changing data streams. This has prompted a deluge
of research activity which attempts to build new models to manage streaming data.
This has resulted in data stream management systems (DSMS), with an emphasis
on continuous query languages and query evaluation.
As a result of the above definition, we have the following characteristics that must be
exhibited by any generic model that attempts to store and retrieve data streams.
1. The data model and query processor must allow both order-based and
time-based operations (e.g., queries over a 10 min moving window or queries of the
form which are the most frequently occurring data before a particular event and so
2. The inability to store a complete stream indicates that some approximate
summary structures must be used. As a result, queries over the summaries may not
return exact answers.
3. Streaming query plans must not use any operators that require the entire input
before any results are produced. Such operators will block the query processor
4. Any query that requires backtracking over a data stream is infeasible. This is due
to the storage and performance constraints imposed by a data stream. Thus any
online stream algorithm is restricted to make only one pass over the data.
5. Applications that monitor streams in real-time must react quickly to unusual data
values. Thus, long-running queries must be prepared for changes in system
conditions any time during their execution lifetime (e.g., they may encounter variable
stream rates).
6. Scalability requirements dictate that parallel and shared execution of many
continuous queries must be possible.
An abstract architecture for a typical DSMS is depicted in Fig. 6.1. An input monitor
may regulate the input rates, perhaps by dropping packets. Data are typically stored
in three partitions:
1. Temporary working storage (e.g., for window queries).
2. Summary storage.
3. Static storage for meta-data (e.g., physical location of each source).
Long-running queries are registered in the query repository and placed into groups
for shared processing. It is also possible to pose one-time queries over the current
state of the stream. The query processor communicates with the input monitor and
may re-optimize the query plans in response to changing input rates. Results are
streamed to the users or temporarily buffered.
4. Suppose a datastream consists of the integers:2 1 6 1 5 9 2 3 5,Let the
function being used is
a)h(x)= 2x+3 mod 16
b)h(x)=4x+1 mod 16
c)h(x)=5x mod 16
Count Distinct Elements in a stream using FM algorithm.
5. Explain different ways by which big data problems are handled by NoSQL.
1. Moving queries to the data, not data to the queries: With the exception of large graph
databases, most NoSQL systems use commodity processors that each hold a subset of the
data on their local shared-nothing drives. When a client wants to send a general query to all
nodes that hold data, it’s more efficient to send the query to each node than it is to transfer
large datasets to a central processor. This simple rule helps you understand how NoSQL
databases can have dramatic performance advantages over systems that weren’t designed
to distribute queries to the data nodes. Keeping all the data within each data node in the
form of logical documents means that only the query itself and the final result need to be
moved over a network. This keeps your big data queries fast.
2. Using hash rings to evenly distribute data on a cluster: One of the most challenging
problems with distributed databases is figuring out a consistent way of assigning a
document to a processing node. Using a hash ring technique to evenly distribute big data
loads over many servers with a randomly generated 40-character key is a good way to
evenly distribute a network load.
Hash rings are common in big data solutions because they consistently determine how to
assign a piece of data to a specific processor. Hash rings take the leading bits of a
document’s hash value and use this to determine which node the document should be
assigned. This allows any node in a cluster to know what node the data lives on and how to
adapt to new assignment methods as your data grows. Partitioning keys into ranges and
assigning different key ranges to specific nodes is known as keyspace management.
3. Using replication to scale reads: Databases use replication to make backup copies of
data in real time. Using replication allows you to horizontally scale read requests
This replication strategy works well in most cases. There are only a few times when you
must be concerned about the lag time between a write to the read/write node and a client
reading that same record from a replica. One of the most common operations after a write
is a read of that same record. If a client does a write and then an immediate read from that
same node, there’s no problem. The problem occurs if a read occurs from a replica node
before the update happens. This is an example of an inconsistent read. The best way to
avoid this type of problem is to only allow reads to the same write node after a write has
been done. This logic can be added to a session or state management system at the
application layer. Almost all distributed databases relax database consistency rules when a
large number of nodes permit writes. If your application needs fast read/write consistency,
you must deal with it at the application layer.
4. Letting the database distribute queries evenly to data nodes: In order to get high
performance from queries that span multiple nodes, it’s important to separate the concerns
of query evaluation from query execution. Figure shows this structure:
Figure NoSQL systems move the query to a data node, but don’t move data to a query
node. In this example, all incoming queries arrive at query analyzer nodes. These nodes
then forward the queries to each data node. If they have matches, the documents are
returned to the query node. The query won’t return until all data nodes (or a response from
a replica) have responded to the original query request. If the data node is down, a query
can be redirected to a replica of the data node.
This approach is somewhat similar to the concept of federated search. Federated search
takes a single query and distributes it to distinct servers and then combines the results
together to give the user the impression they’re searching a single system.
6. Discuss NoSQL architectural Pattern with examples
The key−value store, column family store, document store and graph store patterns
can be modified based on different aspects of the system and its implementation.
Database architecture could be distributed (manages single databases distributed in
multiple servers located at various sites) or federated (manages independent and
heterogeneous databases at multiple sites).
In the Internet of Things (IoT) architecture a virtual sensor has to integrate multiple
data streams from real sensors into a single data stream. Results of the queries can
be stored temporarily and consumed by the application or stored permanently if
required for later use. For this, it uses data and sources-centric IoT middleware.
Scalable architectural patterns can be used to form new scalable architectures. For
example, a combination of load balancer and shared-nothing architecture;
distributed Hash Table and Content Addressable network (Cassandra);
Publish/Subscribe (EventJava); etc.
Applications of DGIM:
● In an e-commerce website there are thousands of products and millions of
● We can have an vector of 0/1 to indicate if a product X is sold in any nth transaction.
● The query on this stream is like - how many times we have sold X in the last K sales.
● On the same line we can represent the users who purchased the products using 0/1
● So the query can be asked like how many users did purchased products in last K
To begin, each bit of the stream has a timestamp, the position in which it arrives. The first
bit has timestamp 1, the second has timestamp 2, and so on.
Since we only need to distinguish positions within the window of length N, we shall
represent timestamps modulo N, so they can be represented by log2 N bits. If we also
store the total number of bits ever seen in the stream (i.e., the most recent timestamp)
modulo N, then we can determine from a timestamp modulo N where in the current
window the bit with that timestamp is.
We divide the window into buckets, 5 consisting of:
1. The timestamp of its right (most recent) end.
2. The number of 1’s in the bucket. This number must be a power of 2, and we refer to
the number of 1’s as the size of the bucket.
To represent a bucket, we need log2 N bits to represent the timestamp (modulo N) of its
right end. To represent the number of 1’s we only need log2 log2 N bits. The reason is
that we know this number i is a power of 2, say 2j , so we can represent i by coding j in
binary. Since j is at most log2 N, it requires log2 log2 N bits. Thus, O(logN) bits suffice to
represent a bucket. There are six rules that must be followed when representing a stream
by buckets.
● The right end of a bucket is always a position with a 1.
● Every position with a 1 is in some bucket.
● No position is in more than one bucket.
● There are one or two buckets of any given size, up to some maximum size.
● All sizes must be a power of 2.
● Buckets cannot decrease in size as we move to the left (back in time).
Agility : The process of storing and retrieving data for complex queries in RDBMS is
quite cumbersome. If it is a nested query, data will have nested and repeated
subgroups of data structures that are included in an object-relational mapping layer.
This layer is responsible to generate the exact combination of SELECT, INSERT,
DELETE and UPDATE SQL statements to move the object data from and to the
backend RDBMS layer. This process is not simple and requires experienced
developers with the knowledge of object-relational frameworks such as Java
Hibernate. Even then, these change requests can cause slowdowns in
implementation and testing.
BigTable is built on top of Google’s other services that have been in active use since 2005,
namely, Google File System, Scheduler, MapReduce and Chubby Lock Service. BigTable
is a column-family database which is designed to store data tables (sparse matrix of row,
column values) as a section of column of data. It is distributed (high volume of data),
persistent, multidimensional sorted map. The map is indexed by a row key, column key and
a timestamp (int64).
Google Bigtable is a distributed, column-oriented data store created by Google Inc. to
handle very large amounts of structured data associated with the company's Internet
search and Web services operations.Bigtable was designed to support applications
requiring massive scalability; from its first iteration, the technology was intended to be
used with petabytes of data. The database was designed to be deployed on clustered
systems and uses a simple data model that Google has described as "a sparse,
distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map." Data is assembled in order by row
key, and indexing of the map is arranged according to row, column keys and timestamps.
Compression algorithms help achieve high capacity. Google Bigtable serves as the
database for applications such as the Google App Engine Datastore, Google Personalized
Search, Google Earth and Google Analytics. Google has maintained the software as a
proprietary, in-house technology. Nevertheless, Bigtable has had a large impact on
NoSQL database design. Google software developers publicly disclosed Bigtable details
in a technical paper presented at the USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems and
Design Implementation in 2006. Google's thorough description of Bigtable's inner
workings has allowed other organizations and open source development teams to create
Bigtable derivatives, including the Apache HBase database, which is built to run on top of
the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Other examples include Cassandra, which
originated at Facebook Inc., and Hypertable, an open source technology that is marketed
in a commercial version as an alternative to HBase
b) Amazon DynamoDB has one of the largest e-commerce operations in the world. Customers
from all around the world shop all hours of the day. So the site has to be up 24 × 7.
Initially Amazon used the RDBMS system for shopping cart and checkout systems.
Amazon DynamoDB, a NoSQL store, brought a turning point.
DynamoDB addresses performance, scalability and reliability, the core problems of
RDBMS when it comes to growing data. Developers can store unlimited amounts of
data by creating a database table and DynamoDB automatically saves it at multiple
servers specified by the customer and also replicates them across multiple
“Availability” Zones. It can handle the data and traffic while maintaining consistent,
fast performance. The cart data and session data are stored in the key−value store
and the final (completed) order is saved in the RDBMS as shown in Fig. 3.3.
The salient features of key−value store are as follows:
1. Scalable: If application’s requirements change, using the AWS Management
Console or the DynamoDB APIs table throughput capacity can be updated.
2. Automated storage scaling: Using the DynamoDB write APIs, more storage can
be obtained, whenever additional storage is required.
3. Distributed horizontally shared nothing: Seamlessly scales a single table over
hundreds of commodity servers.
4. Built-in fault tolerance: DynamoDB automatically replicates data across multiple
available zones in synchronous manner.
5. Flexible: DynamoDB has a schema-free format. Multiple data types (strings,
numbers, binary and sets) can be used and each data item can have a different
number of attributes.
6. Efficient indexing: Every item is identified by a primary key. It allows secondary
indexes on non-key attributes, and query data using an alternate key.
7. Strong consistency, Atomic counters: DynamoDB ensures strong consistency
on reads (only the latest values are read). DynamoDB service also supports atomic
counters to atomically increment or decrement numerical attributes with a single API
8. Secure: DynamoDB uses cryptography to authenticate users. Access control for
users within an organization can be secured by integrating with AWS Identity and
Access Management.
9. Resource consumption monitoring: AWS Management Console displays
request throughput and latency for each DynamoDB table, since it is integrated with
10. Data warehouse − Business intelligence facility: Amazon Redshift Integration
− data from DynamoDB tables can be loaded into Amazon Redshift (data
warehouse service).
11. MapReduce integration: DynamoDB is also integrated with Amazon Elastic
MapReduce to perform complex analytics (hosted pay-as-you-go Hadoop
framework on AWS).