Growing Together: Balkrishna Industries LTD
Growing Together: Balkrishna Industries LTD
Growing Together: Balkrishna Industries LTD
BIL:VRS/2016-2017 th
10 August, 2016
M/s Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd National Stock Exchange of India Ltd
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers 5th Floor, Exchange Plaza
Dalai Street Mumbai — 400 001 Bandra Kuria Complex Bandra (E),
Mumbai 400 051
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Submission of 54th Annual Report for the Financial Year 2015-2016
With Reference to the captioned subject, please find enclosed herewith 54 Annual Report for Financial Year
2015-2016 as required under Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulation, 2015, duly approved and adopted by the members as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Balkrish dus
/Arvind M Poddar
:hairman & Managing Director
JIN : 00089984
Enclosed : As above
Company Information ........................................................................................................01
Financial Highlights ...........................................................................................................02
Director's Reports ..............................................................................................................03
Corporate Governance Report ..........................................................................................24
Auditors’ Report .................................................................................................................33
Balance Sheet ...................................................................................................................36
Profit and Loss Account .....................................................................................................37
Notes to Financial Statement.............................................................................................38
Cash Flow Statement ........................................................................................................56
Consolidated Auditors’ Report ...........................................................................................57
Consolidated Balance Sheet .............................................................................................60
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account ...............................................................................61
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statement......................................................................62
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement ..................................................................................80
Annual Report 2015-16
M/s. JAYANTILAL THAKKAR & CO. B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area,
Chartered Accountants Aurangabad 431 136 (Maharashtra)
Members are requested to bring their copy of the Annual report along with them at the Annual General Meeting, as
copies of the Report will not be distributed at the Meeting.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
The paid up Share Capital of the Company as on 31st March, 2016 was Rs.19.33 Crores. During the year under review the Company
has not issued shares with differential voting rights nor granted stock options nor sweat equity. As on 31st March, 2016, none of the
Directors of the Company hold convertible instruments.
The Company proposes to transfer Rs. 503.06 Crores to General Reserves.
The board has approved the Scheme of Amalgamation (“the Scheme”) of your company’s wholly owned subsidiary company BKT
Exim Limited (BKT Exim) into it and their respective shareholders and creditors under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956.
Pursuant to the Scheme (i) BKT Exim shall be amalgamated with the Company with effect from the Appointed Date i.e. 1st April 2015
and (ii) The entire business and whole of undertakings of the BKT Exim together with assets, liabilities, properties, rights, benefits and
interest therein, shall be vested with the Company as a going concern. The entire issued, subscribed and paid up share capital of the BKT
Exim held by the Company shall stand cancelled in the books of BKT Exim.
The Company’s earnings are mainly generated through exports. Due to recessionary trends across the globe during past few years,
the business environment has been tough and challenging which has marginally impacted the revenue of the company during the
previous year. However, the long-term prospects of the company are good and promising. Your company is exploring all the avenues to
ensure growth of the business which includes; deeper penetration into existing market within India as well as outside India, extending
relationship with OEMs and expanding product range. With all such efforts, your company has aimed to achieve higher sales during
the current year.
Your company operates into a segment predominantly known as “large varieties-low volume segment”, which is not only capital
intensive but also labour intensive. Your Company is fully geared up to take advantage of the peculiarities of the said segment and has
developed a large base of SKUs to meet the diverse needs and applications.
Moreover, this segment is neither exposed to any technological obsolescence nor wild fluctuations in demand for its products.
The Company is continuously marching ahead to encash incremental opportunity in the form of developing “Earthmovers & mining
tyres markets and taking advantage of the shift from bias to radial tires, which is growing up continuously. In order to take advantage
of this opportunity, the company had first set up an all-steel OTR Radial tyre plant at its Chopanki location and now have added further
capacity at its Bhuj plant to produce large size all steel OTR radial tires besides other categories of tires. Your company is proud to be first
company in India to set up such plant. Your company is continuously expanding its base into its various sub-segments like agricultural,
industrial, construction, mining, winter and solid tyres under both technologies – bias as well as radials.
Like any other Company, your Company is also exposed to various threats like competition from small players, retention of employees,
labor unrest, increase in raw material prices and other input costs etc.
Fluctuation in Raw Material prices: The Company’s major raw material is Natural Rubber, which is an agricultural commodity and actively
traded on the commodities exchanges. Its prices fluctuate significantly and have witnessed significant volatility in the past. During last
two years, the raw material prices have been soft in the back drop of subdued business environment across the globe. Of late, it has
started moving up. In certain raw materials, the movement has been sharp. We do not foresee any immediate reversal in the price trend.
In order to minimize such risks, the Company not only enters into medium-term contracts but also adopts the policy to “Buy and Stock”
large quantities during the lean period.
Since most of the raw materials are imported, the company is exposed to foreign currency risk. However, it enjoys natural hedge as most
of its revenues are in foreign currency.
Labour Relations: Since Company’s manufacturing process is that of batch processing, it requires lot of skilled as well as un-skilled
workers. Maintaining a huge work force is a big challenge.
In order to mitigate the said risk, the Company follows good HR practices to promote the welfare, safety of its workmen and improve
the work environment. All workers are paid more than adequate remuneration for their work.
Retention of skilled manpower: Like other players in the industry, the Company is also exposed to this risk, more particularly when there
is shortage of skilled manpower in the industry.
The Company is able to manage the said risk by good HR practices and rewarding its employees handsomely.
Currency fluctuation: As stated earlier the company revenues are mainly generated through exports. The Company also imports lot of
its raw materials and capital equipment’s. Moreover, all its borrowings are in foreign currency and it is therefore exposed to risks due
to currency fluctuations.
The Company follows the system of hedging its receivables (net off payables) well in advance by entering into Forward Contracts,
thereby protecting itself from the fluctuations in currencies.
The Company has adequate system of internal controls to ensure that all the assets are safeguarded and are productive. Necessary
checks and balances are in place to ensure that transactions are adequately authorized and reported correctly. The Internal Auditors of
the Company conduct Audits of various departments to ensure that the necessary controls are in place. The Audit Committee of the
Board reviews these and the Company, when needed, takes corrective actions.
Annual Report 2015-16
The Company’s human resources continue to be its biggest asset. The team has remained as committed as ever and produced results
that are considered significant. Quality, quick delivery and focus on resolving customer issues are the hallmark of the team performance.
There is a strong focus on TEAM spirit, during the year, many events/training programs were conducted to develop personality and
outlook of its employees. Employee relations continue to be cordial.
The company has following 100% subsidiary companies:
BKT EXIM Limited, BKT Tyres Limited, Thristha Synthetics Limited, and Indirect Subsidiary Companies i.e subsidiary companies of BKT
Exim Limited; i.e. BKT EUROPE S.R.L., BKT USA INC, BKT TIRES (CANADA) INC., BKT EXIM US, INC. and subsidiary of BKT EXIM US, INC. i.e.
BKT TIRES, INC. The Policy determining material subsidiaries as approved may be accessed on the Company’s website at the link https://
Your Directors have approved the Scheme of Amalgamation (“the Scheme”) of its wholly owned subsidiary company BKT Exim Limited
(BKT Exim) into it and their respective shareholders and creditors under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 at its meeting
held on 18th May, 2016, subject to the approval of the of Honorable High Court of Judicature at Bombay (‘the High Court’), or National
Company Law Tribunal (‘NCLT’) or such other competent authority.
A statement containing the salient features of the financial position of subsidiary companies in Form AOC-1 attached as Annexure I.
Pursuant to the requirement under Section 134(3)(c) and 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, your Directors hereby confirmed that:
(i) that in the preparation of the annul accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2016, the applicable accounting standards read with
requirements set out under Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, have been followed and there are no material departures from
the same;
(ii) the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that were
reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2016 and of the
Profit of the Company for the year ended as on that date;
(iii) the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with provisions
of the Companies Act, 2013, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other
(iv) the Directors have prepared the annual accounts of the Company on a “going concern” basis;
(v) the Directors have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and the such internal financial controls are
adequate and are operating effectively; and
(vi) the Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that systems are
adequate and operating effectively.
As required by Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), 2015, a Report on
Corporate Governance together with a Certificate from the Company’s Auditors confirming compliance forms an integral part of this
All contracts /arrangements / transactions entered by the Company during the financial year with related parties were in ordinary course
of business and on an arm’s length basis. During the year, the Company has not entered into any contracts /arrangements / transactions
with related parties which could be considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party
transactions. The Policy on materiality of related party transactions and dealing with related party transactions are approved by the Board
may be accessed on the Company’s website at the link
party-transactions-and-on-dealing-with-related-party-transactions.pdf. Members can refer Note no. 41 to the financial statement which
set out related party disclosures.
The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the criteria for making the omnibus approval by the Audit Committee within the
overall framework of the policy on related party transactions. Prior omnibus approval is obtained for related party transactions which are
of repetitive nature and entered in the ordinary course of business and at arm’s length. All related party transactions are placed before
the Audit Committee for review and approval.
All related party transactions entered during the financial year were in ordinary course of the business and on arm’s length basis. No
material related party transactions were entered during the financial year by your Company. Accordingly, the disclosure of related party
transactions as required under Section 134(3)(h) of the Companies Act, 2013 in Form AOC-2 is not applicable to your Company.
The nomenclature of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee has been changed to Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance
Committee w.e.f 18th May, 2016. The committee is reconstituted which comprises of Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi – (Chairman), Mr.
Arvind Poddar (Member), Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar (Member), Mr. Laxmidas Merchant (Member), Mr. Sanjay Asher (Member) and Mr.
Khurshed Doongaji (Member). The said committee which is currently responsible to recommend the CSR activities to be undertaken by
the Board shall now also be responsible to implement Business Responsibility Policy.
The Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance Committee has formulated and recommended to the Board, a Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy (CSR Policy) indicating the activities to be undertaken by the Company, which is approved by the Board. As a part
of its CSR initiatives, during the year, the Company has spent Rs.13.20 Crores (2%) of the average net profits of last three years) on CSR
The Annual Report on CSR activities is annexed herewith as Annexure II.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
The Company has framed a Risk Management Policy to identify and access the key business risk areas and a risk mitigation process. A
detailed exercise is being carried out that the organization faces such as strategic, financial, credit, market, liquidity, security, property,
IT, legal, regulatory, reputational and other risks. The Board periodically reviews the risks and suggests steps to be taken to control and
mitigate the same through a properly defined framework.
In accordance with provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Vipul Shah, Director of the
Company, retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and being eligible seeks re-appointment. The Board recommends
his re-appointment.
as recommended by nomination and remuneration Committee the Board of Directors of the Company has re-appointed Mr. Arvind
Poddar as Chairman & Managing Director of the Company for a term of five years w.e.f. 1st August, 2016, subject to approval of
Members of the Company.
Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar has resigned as an Executive Director w.e.f. 8th August, 2015. However, she shall continue as Non-Executive
Director on Board w.e.f. 9th August, 2015.
Brief resume of the Director being re-appointed as required under SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), 2015 is
provided in the Annexure to the notice convening the Annual General Meeting of the Company.
The Company has received declaration from all Independent Directors of the Company confirming that they meet with the criteria of
independence as laid down under Section 149 (6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements),
The Independent Directors shall be of high integrity with relevant expertise and experience so as to have as diverse Board with Directors
having expertise in the fields of manufacturing, marketing, finance, taxation, Law, governance and general management.
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee shall identify persons of integrity who possess relevant expertise and experience
particularly in Tyre Industry, leadership qualities required for the position and shall take into consideration recommendation, if any,
received from any member of the Board.
The Company follows a policy on remuneration of Directors and Senior Management employees, details of the same are given in the
Corporate Governance Report.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Regulations 17 & 19 read with part D of Schedule II to the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), 2015, the Board has carried out an evaluation of the Directors as well as the evaluation of
the Board and Committees. The process was carried out by circulating evaluation forms on the Board and Committees’ functioning on
certain parameters set out in the Performance Evaluation Policy adopted by the Board. The performance evaluation of the Independent
Directors was carried out by the entire Board. The performance evaluation of the non-Independent Directors including the Executive
Directors was carried out by the Independent Directors. The Directors expressed satisfaction with the evaluation process and performance
of the Board of Directors and Committees.
On appointment, the concerned Director is issued a Letter of Appointment setting out in detail, the terms of appointment, duties,
responsibilities and expected time commitments. Each newly appointed Independent Director is taken through a formal induction
program including the presentation from the Managing Director on the Company’s manufacturing, marketing, finance and other
important aspects.
The Company Secretary briefs the Director about their legal and regulatory responsibilities as a Director. The induction for Independent
Director include interactive sessions with Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Whole Time Director and Business and Functional
Heads, visit to the manufacturing site etc. On the matters of specialized nature, the Company engages outside experts/consultants for
presentation and discussion with the Board members.
The details of such familiarisation programme have been displayed on the company’s website link:
Statutory Auditors:
Messers Jayantilal Thakkar & Co., Chartered Accountants, the Statutory Auditors of the Company, hold office till the conclusion of
the ensuing Annual General Meeting and are eligible for re-appointment and who have furnished certificates of their eligibility for re-
appointment as required under Companies Act, 2013.
Secretarial Auditor:
The Board has appointed Mr. G.B.B. Babuji, Company Secretary in Whole time Practice, to conduct Secretarial Audit for the financial
year 2015-16. The Secretarial Audit Report for the financial year ended 31st March, 2016 is annexed herewith marked as Annexure III.
Cost Auditor:
The Company’s revenue from exports, in foreign exchange, exceeds seventy five per cent of Company’s total revenue, as per Rule 7 (i)
of the Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules, 2014 Cost Audit is not applicable to the Company for the financial year 2015-16.
Auditor’s Qualification
There are no qualifications in the reports of the Statutory Auditors and Secretarial Auditor.
Annual Report 2015-16
The industrial relations with staff and workers during the year under review continue to be cordial.
1. Vigil Mechanism /Whiste Blower Policy
The Vigil Mechanism of the Company, which also incorporate a whistle blower policy in the terms of SEBI (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements), 2015 deals with instances of fraud and mismanagement, if any. The Policy on vigil mechanism and
whistle blower policy may be accessed on the Company’s website at the link:
2. Audit Committee
The Audit Committee comprises of Two Independent Non-Executive Directors viz. Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi (Chairman), Mr.
Khurshed Doongaji and Mr. Rajiv Poddar (Joint Managing Director). All the recommendations made by the Audit Committee were
accepted by the Board.
3. Number of Board Meeting
The Board of Directors of the Company met six times in the year, the details of which are provided in the Corporate Governance
4. Particulars of loans given, investment made, guarantees given and securities provided
Particulars of loans given, investments made, guarantees given and securities provided along with the purpose for which the loan
or guarantee or security is proposed to be utilized by the recipient are provided in the standalone financial statement (Please refer
to Note No. 14, 21 and 31 to the Standalone Financial Statement).
5. Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earnings and outgo
The particulars relating to conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo, as required to be
disclosed under Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 (3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, are
provided in Annexure IV to this report.
6. Cash Flow and Consolidated Financial Statements:
As required under Regulation 34(2) of SEBI LODR, Cash Flow and Consolidated Financial Statements is annexed.
7. Extract of Annual Return
Extract of annual return of the Company is annexed herewith as Annexure V to this report.
8. Particulars of Employees and related disclosures
The information required under Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and
Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 is attached as Annexure VI. In terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of
the Act read with sub-rules (2) and (3) of Rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules,
2014, a statement showing the names and other particulars of employees drawing remuneration in excess of the limits set out in
the said Rules are provided in the Report.
However, having regard to the provisions of the first proviso to Section 136(1) of the Act, the details are excluded in the report
sent to members. The required information is available for inspection at the registered office/corporate office and the same shall be
furnished on request.
No disclosure or reporting is required in respect of the following items as there were no transaction on these items during the
year under review:
1. Details relating to deposit and unclaimed deposits or interest thereon.
2. Issue of equity shares with differential rights as to dividend or voting.
3. Issue of shares (including sweat equity shares) and Employee Stock Option Scheme of the Company under any scheme.
4. Neither the Managing / Joint Managing Director nor the Whole-time Director of the Company receive any remuneration or
commission from any of its subsidiaries.
5. No significant or material orders were passed by the Regulators or Courts or Tribunals which impact the going concern and
Company’s operation in future.
Certain statements in the “Management Discussion and Analysis” describing the Company’s views about the Industry, expectations/
predictions, objectives etc., may be forward looking within the meaning of applicable laws and regulations. Actual results may differ
materially from those expressed in the Statement. Company’s operations may inter-alia affect with the supply and demand stipulations,
input prices and their availability, changes in Government regulations, taxes, exchange fluctuations and other factors such as Industrial
relations and economic developments etc. Investors should bear the above in mind.
Your Company is grateful to its valued customers for their continuous co-operation and patronizing its products. A word of appreciation
is also extended to its Financial Institutions and Banks for their continuous co-operation and assistance in meeting the financial
requirements of the Company. Your company would also like to thank its shareholders, employees, vendors and other service providers
for their valuable services to the company.
Last but not least, your Directors wish to place on record their warm appreciation to you for your continuous support and encouragement.
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annexure I
Form AOC-1
[Pursuant to first proviso to sub-section (3) of Section 129 read with Rule 5 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014]
Statement containing salient features of the financial statement of subsidiaries/associate companies/joint venture.
Part “A”: Subsidiaries
Sr. Particulars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Rs. In Crores
5 Reserves & surplus 2.22 0.02 0.14 0.57 3.62 0.29 (0.01)
10 Profit before taxation 3.34 (0.01) (0.61) 4.57 0.87 0.19 (0.002)
11 Provision for taxation 1.19 0.00 0.01 0.69 0.28 0.06 0.00
12 Profit/Loss after taxation 2.15 (0.01) (0.62) 3.88 0.59 0.13 (0.002)
Annual Report 2015-16
Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities for the financial year 2015-16
[Pursuant to clause (o) of sub-section (3) of section 134 of the Act and Rule 9 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014]
1. A brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including overview of projects or programs proposed to be undertaken and a reference
to the web-link to the CSR policy and projects or programs.
CSR Policy is stated herein below : WEBLINK
2. The Composition of Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance Committee (“CSR&G”)
The nomenclature of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee has been changed to Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance
Committee w.e.f 18th May, 2016. The Committee comprised of :
Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi (Chairman), Mr. Laxmidas Merchant (Member), Mr. Sanjay Asher (Member), Mr. Khurshed Doongaji
(Member) and Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar (Member).
3. Average net profit of the Company for last three financial years : Rs.660.15 Crores
4. Prescribed CSR Expenditure (two per cent of the amount as in item 3 above) : Rs.13.20 Crores
5. Details of CSR spent during the financial year :
(a) Total amount to be spent for the financial year; Rs.13.20 Crores
(b) Amount unspent, if any : NIL
(c) Manner in which the amount spent during the financial year is detailed below:
Sr Projects / Activities sector Project or Programs wise Amount Outlay Amount Cumulative Amount
No. Districts / State (Budget) Spent on Expenditure spent: Direct
Project of Pro- the project upto report- or through
grams wise or program ing period implementing
Rs. in Crores
1 Provision of Mid-Day meals Healthcare / Vrindavan, Lucknow (U.P), 9.72 9.72 9.72 9.72
for 165000 school children Education Ahmedabad, Surat (Gu-
jarat), Nathdwara, Jaipur
2 Contribution for Providing Prime Minister's Na- Prime Minister's National 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
assistance tional Relief Fund Relief Fund
3 Scholarship to needy and Education Kundli (Haryana) 2.00 0.75 1.50 0.75
deserving students of
Ahsoka University
4 Heart surgeries of needy and Healthcare Bangalore (Karnaraka), 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
under privileged children Kolkata, Durgapur (West
Bengal), Jaipur (Rajasthan),
Ludhiana (Punjab), Mum-
bai (Maharashtra), Hy-
derabad (Andhra Pradesh),
Ahmedabad (Gujarat),
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
5 Procurement of Anaesthesia Healthcare Mumbai (Maharashtra) 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95
Delivery System, Bron-
choscope and Ultrasound
6 Children Palliative care - Healthcare Aurangabad (Maharash- 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Care for children with life tra), Rajasthan
limiting illness
7 Construction of Household Rural Development Paddhar, Kandherai, Ma- 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
toilets and solid liquid muara Tal: Bhuj (Gujarat)
management facility under
Mahatma Gandhi Swachata
8 Education and Training Education Madhapar Bhuj (Gujarat) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
in Computer, Sewing and
9 Rural Development Medical Rural Development Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
and Education Dombivali (Maharastra),
Bhuj (Gujarat)
14.45 13.20 13.95 13.20
* Details of the Implementing agencies - 1. Tha Akshay Patra Foundation, Bangalore 2. Prime Minister National Relief Fund, Delhi
3. International Foundation for Research and Education, Delhi 4. Have a Heart Foundation, Bangalore 5. Tata Memorial Centre,
Mumbai 6. Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai 7. 100% Contribution by Industrial Unit (Direct) 8. Kutch Navpallav Education and
Medical Charitable Trust, Bhuj 9. 100 % Contribution by Industrial Unit (Direct)
Balkrishna Industries Limited
6. The Company was required to spend Rs.13.20 Crores during the year and spent the entire amount of Rs.13.20 Crores on various
CSR activities.
7. The CSR Committee confirms that the implementation and monitoring of CSR Policy, is in compliance with CSR objectives and Policy
of the Company.
The CSR vision of the Company is “Promotion of Education, Health, Rural Development and help society in difficult times like natural
The Company commits itself to creating a more equitable and inclusive society by supporting processes that lead to sustainable
transformation and rural development. The Company either by itself or through vibrant and innovative partnerships with the Government,
NGO’s and Other Organizations, will promote education and healthcare for all vulnerable sections of society and will undertake rural
development initiatives as well as initiative to help nation to face aftermath of natural calamities.
The Company further commits itself to support the Country in the areas of Food relief (eradicating hunger), Health Services and
Environmental Sustainability Programme in the case of any natural disaster or calamity (viz. floods, earthquake etc.). BKT either by itself
or through partnerships with the Government, NGO’s and other organizations, will extend its support in the measures for rescue, relief
and rehabilitation.
To pursue these objectives;
1) We will continue to provide medical assistance to needy and poor people directly as well as through NGO’s and also by providing
medical equipment’s to hospitals.
2) We will continue to provide assistance to needy and poor students to impart good education through NGO’s and other educational
institutions and also by way of providing stationeries including computer etc to schools / educational institutions.
3) In terms of rural development, we will work with NGO’s or other similar kind of organization to install and maintain water
management facility to provide good and hygienic drinking water in the rural areas.
4) We will pro-actively support the Government, NGO’s and other similar kind of organization to help the society to tackle the
aftermath of natural disaster or calamities like floods, earthquake etc.
5) We will continue to work with likeminded bodies including governments, voluntary organizations and academic institutes to
achieve our objective in the area of CSR.
6) We will interact with the stakeholders to review and improve our CSR activities.
for the financial year ended 31st March, 2016
[Pursuant to Section 204(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule No.9 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014]
The Members,
Balkrishna Industries Limited
B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area,
Aurangabad 431136
I have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good corporate
practices by M/s. Balkrishna Industries Limited (hereinafter called “the Company”) – CIN L99999MH1961PLC012185. Secretarial Audit
was conducted in a manner that provided me a reasonable basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory compliances and
expressing my opinion thereon.
Based on my verification of the Company’s books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the
Company and also the information provided by the Company, its officers, agents and authorized representatives during the conduct of
secretarial audit, I hereby report that in my opinion, the Company has, during the period covering the financial year ended on 31st March,
2016 (hereinafter referred to as “audit period”) complied with the statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Company has
proper Board-processes and compliance-mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter:
I have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the Company for the
financial year ended on 31st March, 2016, according to the provisions of:
(i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules made thereunder; the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the
rules made thereunder;
(ii) The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (‘SCRA’) and the rules made thereunder;
(iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and Bye-laws framed thereunder;
(iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules and regulations made thereunder to the extent of Foreign Direct Investment,
Overseas Direct Investment and External Commercial Borrowings;
Annual Report 2015-16
(v) The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’):-
(a) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011;
(b) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992;
(c) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009; -- Not applicable
to the Company during the audit period.
(d) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines,
1999; -- Not applicable to the Company since it has no Employee Stock Option Scheme / Employee Stock Purchase
(e) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008; -- Not applicable to the
Company since it has not issued any debt securities.
(f) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993 regarding the
Companies Act and dealing with client;
(g) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009; -- Not applicable to the Company
during the audit period and
(h) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998; -- Not applicable to the Company
since it has not bought back any securities during the audit period.
I have also examined compliance with the applicable clauses of the following:
(i) Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India and notified by the Ministry of Corporate
(ii) The Listing Agreements entered into by the Company with BSE Limited (BSE) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited
(NSE) and The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
During the audit period the Company has complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines,
Standards, etc. as mentioned above.
I further report that, on an examination, on a test check basis, the relevant records and documents, and having regard
to the compliance management system prevailing in the Company, the Company has complied with the following laws
applicable specifically to the Company:
(i) The Rubber Act, 1947 and the Rules made thereunder
(ii) The Petroleum Act, 1934 and the Rules made thereunder
(iii) The Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008
I further report that
The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors and
Independent Directors. The changes in the composition of the Board of Directors that took place during the period under review were
carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act.
Adequate notice is given to all directors to schedule the Board Meetings, agenda and detailed notes on agenda were sent at least seven
days in advance, and a system exists for seeking and obtaining further information and clarifications on the agenda items before the
meeting and for meaningful participation at the meeting.
Majority decision is carried through while the dissenting members’ views are captured and recorded as part of the minutes.
I further report that there are adequate systems and processes in the Company commensurate with the size and operations of the
Company to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines.
I further report that during the audit period:
(i) the Company has shifted its Registered Office from H-3/1, MIDC A Road, Tarapur, Boisar 401506, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra to B-66,
Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Waluj, Aurangabad 431136, Maharashtra
(ii) the Company has kept the Register of Members and other Registers/Records maintained under Section 88(1) of the Act and copies
of the Annual Returns filed under Section 92 of the Act at the Corporate Office of the Company at Mumbai or at the office of
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent.
(iii) The Board of Directors of the Company at its Meeting held on February 13, 2016 approved a proposal for amalgamation of its
Wholly Owned Subsidiary Company viz. M/s. BKT Exim Limited into itself and authorised some of the Directors/Officers of the
Company to obtain professional advice for the same.
G.B.B. Babuji
Company Secretary in Whole-time Practice
Place : Mumbai, Membership No. FCS-1182
Date: May 18, 2016. C P No. 8131
Balkrishna Industries Limited
‘Annexure A’
The Members,
Balkrishna Industries Limited
B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area,
Aurangabad 431136
My report of even date is to be read along with this letter.
1. Maintenance of secretarial records is the responsibility of the management of the Company. My responsibility is to express an
opinion on these secretarial records based on my audit.
2. I have followed the audit practices and processes as were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about the correctness of the
contents of the Secretarial records. The verification was done on test basis to ensure that correct facts are reflected in secretarial
records. I believe that the processes and practices, I followed provide a reasonable basis for my opinion.
3. I have not verified the correctness and appropriateness of financial records and Books of Accounts of the Company.
4. Wherever required, I have obtained the Management representation about the compliance of laws, rules and regulations and
happening of events etc.
5. The compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards is the responsibility of
management. My examination was limited to the verification of procedures on test basis.
6. The Secretarial Audit Report is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor of the efficacy or effectiveness
with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
G.B.B. Babuji
Company Secretary in Whole-time Practice
Place : Mumbai, Membership No. FCS-1182
Date: May 18, 2016. C P No. 8131
Particulars of Conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo required under the Companies
(Accounts) Rules, 2014:
(a) Energy Conservation measures taken by the Company;
(i) Electrical Energy:
Energy Audit by outside Consultants has been carried out in the earlier years at the various Plants of the Company and also
in-house audits/surveys are conducted periodically. Necessary follow-up actions are being continuously carried out.
Besides, regular monitoring of the overall energy consumption is also carried out periodically during the year, and losses, if
any, are identified and suitable improvements carried out.
(ii) Coal/Fuel Oil Consumption:
The Company is carrying out regular maintenance of steam lines/steam traps and user equipment’s to ensure high efficiency
levels throughout the year, and new improvements are reviewed regularly and implemented wherever found suitable.
(b) Additional investments and proposals, if any, being implemented for reduction of Consumption of energy;
The Company is reviewing various proposals for reduction in consumption of energy, mainly by way of replacement of existing
equipment’s by modern and energy efficient equipment’s.
(c) Impact of the measures at (a) and (b) above for reduction of energy consumption and consequent impact on the cost of production
of goods;
The various energy conservation measures detailed above adopted by the Company have resulted in savings in energy consumption
as per information given in Form ‘A’.
(d) Total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit of production as per Form ‘A’ hereunder.
I. Power and Fuel Consumption: Current Year Previous Year
Rupees Rupees
1 Electricity
(a) Purchased
Units (KWH) 10,79,30,336 15,24,48,634
Total amount (Rs. in lacs) 7,231 9,717
Rate/Unit (Rs.) 6.70 6.37
(b) Own generation
(i) Through Diesel Generation Sets* 8,16,970 10,70,432
Units per liter of H.S.D/L.D.O/Furnace Oil 1.59 1.68
Cost/Unit (Rs.) 21.33 25.11
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Form No. MGT-9
as on the financial year ended on 31st March, 2016
[Pursuant to section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014]
i) CIN L99999MH1961PLC012185
ii) Registration Date 20th November, 1961
iii) Name of the Company Balkrishna Industries Ltd
iv) Category / Sub-Category of the Company Public Company / Limited by shares
v) Address of the Registered office and contact details B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area,
Aurangabad 431136 (Maharashtra)
Tel No. (0240) - 6646950 / 999
Email : [email protected]
vi) Whether listed company Yes / No Yes
vii) Name, Address and Contact details of Registrar and Hyderabad address :
Transfer Agent, if any M/s Karvy Computershare Private Limited
UNIT : Balkrishna Industries Limited
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli,
Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad – 500 032
Email Id: einward.ris@karvy .com
Phone: +91 40 6716 2222; Fax No: +91 40 2342 0814
Mumbai address (for shareholder services) :
B-24, Rajabhadur Mansion, 6, Amblal Doshi Marg
Behind BSE Ltd , Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Phone : +91 022 66235454
All the business activities contributing 10 % or more of the total turnover of the company shall be stated:-
Sr. Name and Description of main products / services NIC Code of the Product/service % to total turnover of the
No. Company
1 Pneumatic Tyres 25119 100%
Subsidiary Companies
Sr. Name of The Address Cin/Gln Holding/ % of Applicable
No. Company Subsidiary/ Shares Section
Associate Held
1 BKT EXIM LTD BKT House, C/15, Trade World, U74999MH2007PLC167200 Subsidiary 100% Section
Kamala Mills Compound, Company 2(87)
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013
2 BKT TYRES LTD BKT House, C/15, Trade World, U35990MH2007PLC171411 Subsidiary 100% Section
Kamala Mills Compound, Company 2(87)
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013
3 Thristha BKT House, C/15, Trade World, U17291MH2013PLC244763 Subsidiary 100% Section
Synthetics Ltd Kamala Mills Compound, Company 2(87)
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013
4 BKT EUROPE Viale Della Repubblica, 133 2083, NA Subsidiary 100% Section
S.R.L. 1 Seregmo (MB) Italy Company 2(87)
5 BKT USA INC. 2660 West Market St. Suite 100 NA Subsidiary 100% Section
Fairlawn (Akron) OH 44333, USA Company 2(87)
6 BKT TIRES 55 York Street, Suite 401, Toronto, NA Subsidiary 100% Section
(CANADA) INC. Ontario M5J 1R7, Canada Company 2(87)
7 BKT EXIM US, 960, Holmdel Road, Bldg 2, NA Subsidiary 100% Section
INC. Holmdel, NJ 07733 Company 2(87)
8 BKT Tires, Inc. 12 Cadillac Drive, Suite 240, N.A. Subsidiary 100% Section
Brentwood, TN 37027, USA Company 2(87)
Associates Companies
Sr. Name of The Address Cin/Gln Holding/ % of Applicable
No. Company Subsidiary/ Shares Section
Associate Held
Annual Report 2015-16
IV. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Shares Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity)
i) Category-wise Shareholding:
Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year No. of Shares held at the end of the year % Change
during the
Demat Physical Total % of total Demat Physical Total % of total
shares shares
A Promoters
1) Indian
a Individuals/ HUF * 56347740 - 56347740 58.30 56347740 - 56347740 58.30 (0.00)
b Central Govt. - - - - - - - - -
c State Govt.(s) - - - - - - - - -
d Bodies Corporate 270 - 270 0.00 270 - 270 0.00 -
e Banks/ FI - - - - - - - - -
f Any other (specify) - - - - - - - - -
i. Trusts - - - - - - - - -
Sub-Total (A) (1) 56348010 - 56348010 58.30 56348010 - 56348010 58.30 (0.00)
2) Foreign
a NRI Individuals - - - - - - - - -
b Other Individuals - - - - - - - - -
c Bodies Corporate - - - - - - - - -
d Banks/ FI - - - - - - - - -
e Any other (specify) - - - - - - - - -
Sub-Total (A) (2) - - - - - - - - -
Total holding of Promoter 56348010 - 56348010 58.30 56348010 - 56348010 58.30 (0.00)
B Public Shareholding
1) Institutions
a Mutual Funds/ UTI 15351336 - 15351336 15.88 13439340 - 13439340 13.90 (1.98)
b Banks/ FI - - - - 26282 - 26282 0.03 0.03
c Central Govt. - - - - - - - - -
d State Govt.(s) - - - - - - - - -
e Venture Capital Funds - - - - - - - - -
f Insurance Companies - - - - - - - - -
g FIIs 13754123 - 13754123 14.23 17982891 - 17982891 18.61 4.38
h Foreign Venture Capital Funds - - - - - - - - -
i Others (specify) - - - - - - - - -
Sub-Total (B) (1) 29105459 - 29105459 30.11 31448513 - 31448513 32.54 2.43
2) Non-Institutions
a Bodies Corporates
i. Indian * 1822517 1500 1824017 1.89 1603705 1500 1605205 1.66 (0.23)
ii. Overseas
b Individuals
i. Individual Shareholders 5613770 1076655 6690425 6.92 5189966 1106395 6296361 6.51 (0.41)
holding nominal share
capital upto Rs. 1 lakh
ii. Individual Shareholders 1713090 546900 2259990 2.34 252000 405600 657600 0.68 (1.66)
holding nominal share
capital in excess of Rs. 1
c Others (specify)
i. Non-Resident Indian 399044 - 399044 0.41 300644 - 300644 0.31 (0.10)
ii. Overseas corporate - - - - - - - - -
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year No. of Shares held at the end of the year % Change
during the
Demat Physical Total % of total Demat Physical Total % of total
shares shares
iii. Foreign Nationals 1000 - 1000 0.00 - - - - (0.00)
iv. Clearing Members - - - - - - - - -
v. Trust 30650 - 30650 0.03 2262 - 2262 0.00 (0.03)
vi. Foreign Bodies - - - - - - - - -
Sub-Total (B) (2) 9580071 1625055 11205126 11.59 7348577 1513495 8862072 9.16 (2.43)
Total Public Shareholding 38685530 1625055 40310585 41.70 38797090 1513495 40310585 41.70 0.00
(B)= (B)(1) + (B)(2)
Total (A+B) 95033540 1625055 96658595 100.00 95145100 1513495 96658595 100.00 0.00
C Shares held by Custodian - - - - - - - - -
for GDRs & ADRs
Grand Total (A+B+C) 95033540 1625055 96658595 100.00 95145100 1513495 96658595 100.00 0.00
*Note :As on 31st March, 2016, total Promoter Share Holding was 5,63,48,010 (58.30%) is inclusive of 22,500 shares which is held in the name of SSM
Securities P. Ltd (Share Broker). There was an interse transfer of 22,500 (0.02%) shares between promoters on 30th March, 2016, 22,500 shares were
debited from the demat account of GPP Enterprises LLP (Seller) but 15,000 shares were not credited in the demat account of Mr. Rajiv Poddar (Acquirer)
and 7,500 shares were not credited in the demat account of Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar (Acquirer) as on 31st March, 2016. The said 22500 Shares are included
in the respective accounts of the Promoters and not included in Bodies Corporate Head i.e ‘No. of Shareholders and No. of Fully Paid up Equity Shares held
Column (since it is held in the name of SSM Securities P. Ltd). On 4th April, 2016 the said shares were credited to Mr. Rajiv Poddar (15,000 Shares ) & Mrs..
Shyamlata Poddar (7,500 Shares) and debited from SSM Securities P. Ltd. (22,500 Shares).
ii) Shareholding of Promoters
Sr. Shareholder’s Name Shareholding at the beginning of the year Shareholding at the end of the year
No. No. of % of total % of Shares No. of % of total % of Shares % change
Shares Shares Pledged / Shares Shares Pledged / in share-
of the encumbered to of the encumbered holding
Company total shares Company to total shares during the
1 Rajiv A Poddar * 906500 0.94 - 921500 0.95 - 0.01
2 Vijaylaxmi Arvindkumar Poddar 1528895 1.58 - 1705895 1.77 - 0.19
3 Rajiv Arvind Kumar Poddar 163290 0.17 - 163290 0.17 - -
4 Rameshkumar Dharaprasad Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
5 Arvindkumar Mahabirprasad Poddar 500 - - 500 - - -
6 Akp Enterprises Llp 23998445 24.83 - 23998445 24.83 - -
7 Rap Enterprises Llp 23967995 24.80 - 23967995 24.80 - -
8 Khusbhoo Rajiv Poddar 3796500 3.93 - 3796500 3.93 - -
9 Gpp Enterprises Llp 333100 0.34 - 100 - - (0.34)
10 Rishabh Sureshkumar Poddar 718915 0.74 - 718915 0.74 - -
11 Shyamlata Sureshkumar Poddar * 580675 0.60 - 676675 0.70 - 0.10
12 Vkp Enterprises Llp 125 - - 125 - - -
13 Tmp Enterprises Llp 350125 0.37 - 395125 0.41 - 0.04
14 Pkp Enterprises Llp 125 - - 125 - - -
15 Hsp Enterprises Llp 125 - - 125 - - -
16 Dpp Enterprises Llp 125 - - 125 - - -
17 Pawankumar Dharaprasad Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
18 Ashadevi Rameshkumar Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
19 Avnish Pawankumar Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
20 Dharaprasad Ramrikhdas Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
21 Madhudevi Pawankumar Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
22 Vibhadevi Shrikishan Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
23 Shrikishan Dharaprasad Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
24 Sangeeta Pramodkumar Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
25 Harshit Shrikishan Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
26 Ankit Pramodkumar Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
27 Anurag Pramodkumar Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
28 Geetadevi Dharaprasad Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
29 Gaurav Pramod Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
30 Abhishek S Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
31 Gaurav Poddar (Karta of Pramod Poddar Huf) 100 - - 100 - - -
32 Dhara Prasad Poddar (Karta of Dharaprasad 100 - - 100 - - -
& Sons Huf)
33 Dhara Prasad Poddar (Karta of Dharaprasad 100 - - 100 - - -
Promodkumar Huf)
Annual Report 2015-16
Sr. Shareholder’s Name Shareholding at the beginning of the year Shareholding at the end of the year
No. No. of % of total % of Shares No. of % of total % of Shares % change
Shares Shares Pledged / Shares Shares Pledged / in share-
of the encumbered to of the encumbered holding
Company total shares Company to total shares during the
34 Dhara Prasad Poddar (Karta of Daraprasad 100 - - 100 - - -
Poddar & Co Huf)
35 Ramesh Kumar Poddar (Karta of 100 - - 100 - - -
Rameshkumar Poddar & Bros. Huf)
36 Ramesh Kumar Poddar (Karta of 100 - - 100 - - -
Rameshkumar Poddar & Co. Huf)
37 Pawan Kumar Poddar (Karta of Pawan Kumar 100 - - 100 - - -
Poddar & Co. Huf)
38 Shrikishan Poddar (Karta of Shrikishan Poddar 100 - - 100 - - -
39 Balgopal Holding & Traders Ltd 50 - - 50 - - -
40 Poddar Brothers Investments Private Limited 50 - - 50 - - -
41 S P Finance and Trading Ltd 50 - - 50 - - -
42 Vishal Furnishings Ltd 50 - - 50 - - -
43 Sanchna Trading & Finance Ltd 35 - - 35 - - -
44 S P Investrade (India) Limited 35 - - 35 - - -
TOTAL 56348010 58.30 - 56348010 58.30 - -
*Note : As on 31st March, 2016, total Promoter Share Holding was 5,63,48,010 (58.30%) is inclusive of 22,500 shares which is held in the name of SSM Securities P. Ltd
(Share Broker). There was an interse transfer of 22,500 (0.02%) shares between promoters on 30th March, 2016, 22,500 shares were debited from the demat account of GPP
Enterprises LLP (Seller) but 15,000 shares were not credited in the demat account of Mr. Rajiv Poddar (Acquirer) and 7,500 shares were not credited in the demat account of
Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar (Acquirer) as on 31st March, 2016. The said 22500 Shares are included in the respective accounts of the Promoters and not included in Bodies Corporate
Head i.e ‘No. of Shareholders and No. of Fully Paid up Equity Shares held Column (since it is held in the name of SSM Securities P. Ltd). On 4th April, 2016 the said shares were
credited to Mr. Rajiv Poddar (15,000 Shares ) & Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar (7,500 Shares) and debited from SSM Securities P. Ltd. (22,500 Shares).
iii) Change in Promoters’ Shareholding (Please specify, if there is no change
Shareholding at the Cumulative Shareholding
beginning of the year during the year
No. of Shares % of total No. of Shares % of total
shares of the shares of the
company company
At the beginning of the year 56348010 58.30
Date wise Increase/Decrease in Promoters Shareholding during
the year specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (eg. *** *** *** ***
Allotment/transfer/bonus/sweat equity etc):
At the end of the year 56348010 58.30
*** During the year there are inter-se transfers among the promoters.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
iv) Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders (Other than Directors, Promoters, and Holders of GDRs and ADRs)
Sr. Name Shareholding Date Increase/ Reason Cumulative Shareholding during
No. Decrease in the year
No. of Shares at % of total shareholding No.of Shares % of total
the beginning shares of the shares of the
(01/04/15)/ Company Company
end of year
1 HDFC TRUSTEE COMPANY 4138266 4.28 1-Apr-15
LIMITED-HDFC EQUITY FUND 4138266 4.28 31-Mar-16
2 HDFC TRUSTEE COMPANY 2420685 2.50 1-Apr-15
LTD - A/C HDFC MID - 2420685 2.50 31-Mar-16
3 ICICI PRUDENTIAL VALUE 1792849 1.85 1-Apr-15
DISCOVERY FUND 1792849 1.85 31-Mar-16
4 AMANSA HOLDINGS PRIVATE 1750000 1.81 1-Apr-15
LIMITED 28-Aug-15 44571 Transfer 1794571 1.86
4-Sep-15 353458 Transfer 2148029 2.22
29-Jan-16 1661 Transfer 2149690 2.22
5-Feb-16 489384 Transfer 2639074 2.73
18-Mar-16 293210 Transfer 2932284 3.03
2932284 3.03 31-Mar-16
5 FRANKLIN TEMPLETON 1644220 1.70 1-Apr-15
INVESTMENT FUNDS 10-Apr-15 (933462) Transfer 710758 0.74
17-Apr-15 (195254) Transfer 515504 0.53
31-Jul-15 (210560) Transfer 304944 0.32
7-Aug-15 (75225) Transfer 229719 0.24
14-Aug-15 (22538) Transfer 207181 0.21
6-Nov-15 127250 Transfer 334431 0.35
334431 0.35 31-Mar-16
6 CREDIT SUISSE (SINGAPORE) 1211568 1.25 1-Apr-15
LIMITED 22-May-15 (50000) Transfer 1161568 1.20
29-May-15 (210000) Transfer 951568 0.98
5-Jun-15 (11000) Transfer 940568 0.97
26-Jun-15 (90568) Transfer 850000 0.88
30-Jun-15 (100000) Transfer 750000 0.78
10-Jul-15 (119453) Transfer 630547 0.65
21-Aug-15 (547) Transfer 630000 0.65
30-Oct-15 690 Transfer 630690 0.65
6-Nov-15 (629441) Transfer 1249 0.00
11-Dec-15 (71) Transfer 1178 0.00
8-Jan-16 (1178) Transfer 0 0.00
0 0.00 31-Mar-16
7 LATA BHANSHALI 1200425 1.24 1-Apr-15
17-Apr-15 (31000) Transfer 1169425 1.21
6-Nov-15 (640000) Transfer 529425 0.55
13-Nov-15 (200655) Transfer 328770 0.34
15-Jan-16 (100000) Transfer 228770 0.24
22-Jan-16 (140000) Transfer 88770 0.09
11-Mar-16 (3191) Transfer 85579 0.09
85579 0.09 31-Mar-16
8 GOVERNMENT PENSION FUND 1000800 1.04 1-Apr-15
GLOBAL 31-Mar-16 10424 Transfer 1011224 1.05
1011224 1.05 31-Mar-16
9 FRANKLIN TEMPLETON 790000 0.82 1-Apr-15
MUTUAL FUND A/C FRANKLIN 17-Jul-15 46541 Transfer 836541 0.87
INDIA PRIMA PLUS 24-Jul-15 (106541) Transfer 730000 0.76
9-Oct-15 19230 Transfer 749230 0.78
16-Oct-15 100770 Transfer 850000 0.88
8-Jan-16 1465 Transfer 851465 0.88
15-Jan-16 34702 Transfer 886167 0.92
29-Jan-16 50065 Transfer 936232 0.97
5-Feb-16 13768 Transfer 950000 0.98
12-Feb-16 64859 Transfer 1014859 1.05
19-Feb-16 15141 Transfer 1030000 1.07
1030000 1.07 31-Mar-16
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Type Section of the Brief Description Details of Penalty Authority [RD / Appeal
Companies Act / Punishment / NCLT / COURT] made, if any
Compounding fees (give details)
Punishment None
Punishment None
Punishment None
Annual Report 2015-16
i) The percentage increase in remuneration of each Director, Chief Financial Officer, and Company Secretary during the financial year
15-16, ratio of the remuneration of each Director to the median remuneration of the employees of the Company for the financial
year 15-16 and comparison of remuneration of each Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) against the performance of the Company as
under :
Sr. Name of the Director/KMP and Remuneration of Director % increase in Remuneration Ratio of remuneration of Comparison of the
No. Designation /KMP for financial year in the Financial Year 2015- each Director/ to median Remuneration of the KMP
2015-16 (Rs. In Lacs) 16 remuneration of employees against the performance of
2015-16 the Company
1 Arvind Poddar 3299.66 18.53 906.50
Chairman & Managing Director
2 Vijaylaxmi Poddar 466.87 -63.14 128.26
Executive Director (upto 08.08.2015)
3 Rajiv Poddar 2409.75 22.31 662.02
Joint Managing Director
4 Vipul Shah 38.48 12.98 10.57
Director & Company Secretary
5 Rameshkumar Poddar 0.50 66.67 0.14
Non-Executive Director
6 Sachin Nath Chaturvedi 3.05 93.04 0.84 Total Revenue decreased
by 12.88%, Profit After Tax
Non-Executive Director increased by 16.13%
7 Khursed Doongaji 2.70 92.86 0.74
Non-Executive Director
8 Sanjay Asher 0.90 200.00 0.25
Non-Executive Director
9 Ashok Saraf 1.45 383.33 0.40
Non-Executive Director
10 Laxmidas Merchant 1.40 133.33 0.38
Non-Executive Director
11 Basantkumar Bansal 114.73 9.56 31.52
Director (Finance)
ii) The median remuneration of employees of the Company during the financial year was Rs.3.64 lacs;
iii) In the financial year, there was an increase of 12% in the median remuneration of employees ;
iv) There were 2,598 permanent employees on the rolls of the Company as on 31st March, 2016
v) Relationship between average increase in remuneration and Company performance : Total Revenue decreased by 12.88%, Profit
After Tax increased by 16.13% for the financial year 31st March,2016 where as average increase in median remuneration was
6.17%. The average increase in median remuneration was in line with the performance of the Company.
vi) Total remuneration of Key Managerial Personnel was increased by 2.75%, Total Revenue decreased by 12.88%, Profit After Tax
increased by 16.13%.
vii) a. Variation in Market Capitalisation of the Company : The market Capitalisation as on 31st March, 2016 was Rs.6,084 Crores
(Rs. 6,244 as on 31st March,2015)
b. Price Earning ratio of the Company was Rs.10.72 as at 31st March, 2016 and was Rs.13.03 as on 31st March, 2015.
c. The Company has not made any public offer in the recent past and accordingly, comparison of Public Offer Price and the
Current Market Price of the Company’s shares will not be relevant.
viii) Average percentage increase made in the salaries of employees other than the managerial personnel in the last financial year was
6.17% where an increase in managerial remuneration for the same financial year was 2.76%.
ix) The key parameters for the variable component of remuneration availed by the directors are considered by the Board of Directors
based on the recommendations of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee as per the Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key
Managerial Personnel and other Employees.
x) The ratio of the remuneration of the highest paid director to that of the employees who are not directors but receive remuneration
in excess of the highest paid director during the year - Not Applicable; and
xi) It is hereby affirmed that the remuneration paid is as per the Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Dated :18th May, 2016 Chairman & Managing Director
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
As stipulated by the Code of Independent Directors under the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Regulation, a separate meeting of
the Independent Directors of the Company was held to review the performance of Non-independent Directors (including the Chairman)
and the Board as whole. The Independent Directors also reviewed the quality, content and timeliness of the flow of information between
the Management and the Board and its Committees which is necessary to effectively discharge their duties.
Evaluation of the Board’s Performance:
During the year, the Board adopted a formal mechanism for evaluating its performance and as well as that of its Committees and
individual Directors, including the Chairman of the Board. The exercise was carried out through a structured evaluation process covering
various aspects of the Boards functioning such as composition of the Board & committees, experience & competencies, performance of
specific duties & obligations, governance issues etc. Separate exercise was carried out to evaluate the performance of individual Directors
including the Board Chairman who were evaluated on parameters such as attendance, contribution at the meetings and otherwise,
independent judgment, safeguarding of minority shareholders interest etc.
Familiarisation Programmes for Board Members:
On appointment, the concerned Director is issued a Letter of Appointment setting out in detail, the terms of appointment, duties,
responsibilities and expected time commitments. Each newly appointed Independent Director is taken through a formal induction
program including the presentation from the Managing Director on the Company’s manufacturing, marketing, finance and other
important aspects.
The Company Secretary briefs the Director about their legal and regulatory responsibilities as a Director. The induction for Independent
Directors include interactive sessions with Managing Director, Joint Managing Director, Whole time Director & Business and Functional
Heads, visit to the manufacturing site etc. On the matters of specialized nature, the Company engages outside experts/consultants for
presentation and discussion with the Board members.
The details of such familiarization programmes have been displayed on the company’s website
others/familiarisation-programme-for-independent-directors.pdf .
Compliance with the Code of Conduct:
The Board of Directors has adopted the Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management Personnel. The said Code has been
communicated to the Directors and the Members of the Senior Management. The Code has also been posted on the Company’s website
The Chairman & Managing Director has given a declaration that the members of the Board of Directors and Senior Management
Personnel have affirmed compliance with the Code during the year 2015-2016.
Prohibition of Insider Trading:
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has promulgated the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015 (“The PIT
Regulations”). The PIT Regulations has come into effect from May 15, 2015 and replaced the earlier Regulations. The object of the PIT
Regulations is to curb the practice of insider trading in the securities of a listed company.
The Company has adopted an ‘Internal Code of Conduct for Regulating, Monitoring and Reporting of Trades by Insiders’ (“the Code”) in
accordance with the requirements of the PIT Regulations.
The Code is applicable to Promoters and Promoter’s Group, all Directors and such Designated Employees who are expected to have
access to unpublished price sensitive information relating to the Company. Mr. Vipul Shah is the Compliance Officer for monitoring
adherence to the said Regulations. The Company has also formulated ‘The Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of
Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI)’ in compliance with SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. This Code
is displayed on the Company’s website viz.
The Board of Directors have constituted Board Committees to deal with specific areas and activities which concern the Company and
requires a closer review. The Board Committees are formed with approval of the Board and function under their respective Charters.
These Committees play an important role in the overall management of day-to-day affairs and governance of the Company. The
Board Committees meet at regular intervals and take necessary steps to perform its duties entrusted by the Board. The Minutes of the
Committee meetings are placed before the Board for noting.
The Board currently has the following Committees:
Audit Committee:
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (“the Audit Committee”) is entrusted with the responsibility to supervise the Company’s
internal controls and financial reporting process. The composition, quorum, powers, role and terms of reference of the Audit Committee
covers the areas as contemplated under Regulation 18 of the Listing Regulations and Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013, as
applicable, besides other terms as referred by the Board of Directors.
The Audit Committee comprises of two Independent Non-Executive Directors viz. Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi (Chairman), Mr. Khurshed
Doongaji and Joint Managing Director Mr. Rajiv Poddar.
All the members are financially literate and the Chairman, Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi is a Chartered Accountant. The Director &
Company Secretary, Mr. Vipul Shah acts as the Secretary of the Committee. The Chief Financial Officer, President Commercial, Assistant
General Manager ( Accounts ), the representatives of the Statutory Auditors and the Internal Auditors are permanent invitees to the
Audit Committee Meetings.
The Audit Committee met four times during the year on 14th May, 2015, 08th August, 2015, 9th November, 2015 and 13th February, 2016
where all the members of the Committee were present for the said meetings. The maximum gap between any two meetings was less
than one hundred and twenty days.
The terms of reference of Audit Committee, inter alia consists
1) To review and recommend the quarterly financial statements of the company;
2) To review reports of the Internal Auditors quarterly;
3) To review weaknesses in internal controls reported by Internal as well as the Statutory Auditors.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
The scope of activities of the Audit Committee is prescribed in Part C of Schedule II of this Regulation. Audit Committee also mandatorily
reviews the information prescribed under Part C of Schedule III.
In fulfilling the above role, the Audit Committee has powers to investigate any activity within its terms of reference, to seek information
from employees and to obtain outside legal and professional advice.
The Chairman of the Audit committee was present at the last Annual General Meeting held on 11th July, 2015.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee:
The powers, role and terms of reference of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee covers the areas as contemplated under
Regulation 19 of the Listing Regulations and Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013, besides other terms as referred by the Board of
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee comprises of three Non-Executive Independent Directors comprising of Mr. Sachin Nath
Chaturvedi (Chairman), Mr. Khurshed Doongaji and Mr. Ashok Saraf.
The terms of reference of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, inter alia consists
1. Formulation of the criteria for determining qualification, positive attributes and independence of a director and to recommend to
the Board a policy, relating to the remuneration of the directors, key managerial personnel and other employees;
2. Formulation of criteria for evaluation of Independent Directors and the Board.
3. Devising a policy on Board diversity;
4. Identifying persons who are qualified to become directors and who may be appointed in senior management in accordance with
the criteria laid down, and recommend to the Board their appointment and removal.
During the financial year 2015-2016 Nomination and Remuneration Committee Meeting was held on 14th May, 2015 where all the
members of the Committee were present for the said meeting.
The Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee was present at the last Annual General Meeting held on 11th July, 2015.
Performance Evaluation
The criteria for performance evaluation covers the areas relevant to the functioning as Independent Directors such as preparation,
participation, conduct and effectiveness. The performance evaluation of Independent Directors was done by the entire Board of Directors
and in the evaluation the Directors who are subject to evaluation had not participated.
Remuneration of Directors
Remuneration Policy
The Company follows a policy on remuneration of Directors and Senior Management Employees.
Remuneration to Non-Executive Directors
The Non-Executive Directors shall be entitled to receive remuneration by way of sitting fees for participation in the Board/Committee
Meetings as permissible under Rule 4 of the Companies (Appointment & Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
Remuneration to Managing/Joint Managing / Executive/Whole-Time Director:
Subject to the approval of the Board and of the Company in its General Meeting and such other approval as may be necessary,
Managing/Joint Managing/Executive/Whole-Time Director are paid remuneration as per their terms of appointments. The remuneration
structure comprises of salary, allowances, commissions, perquisites and employee benefits, if any.
The Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee fixes remuneration of Managing/Joint
Managing / Executive/Whole-Time Director and thereafter the same is approved by the shareholders at a General Meeting.
The Board of Directors takes all decisions regarding the remuneration of Non-executive Directors on Recommendations made by
Nomination & Remuneration Committee
The details of the remuneration of Directors for the year are given below:
(in Rupees)
Name of the Director Salary Perquisites and Commission Sitting Fees Total Service Contract
allowances #
Mr. Arvind Poddar 3,00,00,000 2,99,66,107 27,00,00,000 - 32,99,66,107 01.08.2011 to
Annual Report 2015-16
* Retire by rotation
** The Term of appointment is for five consecutive years from 2nd August, 2014 to 1st August, 2019, as approved in the 52nd Annual
General Meeting held on 13th September, 2014
*** Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar served as an Executive Director till 08.08.2015 and continues to serve as a Non- Executive Director w.e.f.
09.08.2015 .
# Perquisites and Allowances also include Contribution to Provident Fund and other Funds and Retirement Benefits.
The Company does not have Stock Option Scheme and Pension Scheme.
Notice Period
The Notice Period for the Managing /Joint Managing/Executive/Whole-Time Director is one month from either side for resigning/
terminating from the services of the Company.
Severance Fees
No Severance Fees has been paid or payable by the Company.
Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee
The Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee deals with all matters relating to transfer of shares, issue of duplicate/new shares, subdivided
and consolidated share certificates, demat/remat, Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance and its redressal.
The Committee comprises of Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi (Chairman), Mr. Khurshed Doongaji and Mr. Vipul Shah - Members of the
Committee. Mr. Vipul Shah, the Director & Company Secretary acts as the Compliance Officer of the Committee.
The above committee has met for four times during the financial year ended 31st March, 2016. The meetings were held on 14th May,
2015, 8th August, 2015, 9th November, 2015 and 13th February, 2016 where all the members of the Committee were present for the said
meetings .
During the year, No Complaints/ queries were received. There was no complaint pending as on 31st March, 2016.
As at 31st March 2016, there was no Share Transfer pending for Registration for more than 15 days.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee (Renamed Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance Committee)
The Committee oversees corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and other business related matters referred by the Board
or the Chairman, as and when deemed necessary, for the consideration and recommendation of the Committee. This Committee
also discharges the role of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 which includes
formulating and recommending to the Board, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy indicating the activities to be undertaken by
the Company as per Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013; recommending the amount of expenditure to be incurred; and monitoring
the CSR Policy of the Company.
For the financial year 2015-2016 the CSR Committee comprised of Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar (Chairperson), Mr. Arvind Poddar (Managing
Director), Mr. Rajiv Poddar (Joint Managing Director) and Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi (Independent Director).
The nomenclature of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee has been changed to Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance
Committee w.e.f. 18th May, 2016. The committee is reconstituted which comprises of – Mr. Sachin Nath Chaturvedi (Chairman)
Mr. Arvind Poddar (Member), Mr. Laxmidas Merchant (Member), Mr. Sanjay Asher (Member), Mr. Khurshed Doongaji (Member) and
Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar (Member).
The terms of reference of the Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance Committee, inter alia consists
1. To frame the CSR policy and its review from time to time.
2. To ensure effective implementation and monitoring of CSR activities as per the approved policy, plans and budget.
3. To ensure compliance with the laws, rules & regulations governing the CSR and to periodically report to the Board of Directors.
4. To frame Business Responsibility Reporting policy and its review from time to time.
5. To ensure Business Responsibility Report is prepared as required by Regulation 34(2) of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015
6. To ensure effective implementation and monitoring of Business Responsibility Reporting activities.
The above committee has met four times during the financial year ended 31st March, 2016. The meetings were held on 14th May,
2015, 8th August, 2015, 9th November, 2015 and 13th February, 2016 where all the members of the Committee were present for the
said meetings .
General Body Meeting:
Details of the last three Annual General Meetings:
Balkrishna Industries Limited
of business) together with the moneys already borrowed by the Company in excess of the aggregate of the paid up share capital of the
Company and its free reserves, provided that maximum amount of the moneys so borrowed by the Board and remaining outstanding
shall not at any time, exceed Rs.5000 Crores and Second Special Resolutions was passed pertaining to consent to the Board pursuant to
Section 180(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013 to create such charges, mortgages and hypothecation on such movable and immovable
properties of the Company to secure borrowings from Banks/Financial Institutions not exceeding the Limit of Rs. 5000 Crores at any time.
At the 53rd Annual General Meeting held on 11th July, 2015, No Special Resolutions were passed.
Postal Ballot & its Procedure:
During the year under review, the Company has passed 2 (two) resolutions as Special Resolutions through Postal Ballot in accordance
to the procedure prescribed in Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) read with the Companies (Management and
Administration)Rules, 2014.
During the conduct of the Postal Ballot, the Company had in terms of Clause 35B of the Listing Agreement provided e-voting facility to
its shareholders to cast their votes electronically through the NSDL e-voting platform. Postal ballot forms and business reply envelopes
were sent to shareholders to enable them to cast their vote in writing on the postal ballot. The Company also published a notice in
the newspaper declaring the details of completion of dispatch and other requirements as mandated under the Companies Act, 2013
and applicable Rules. The scrutinizer submitted his report to the Chairman, after completion of the scrutiny and the results of voting
by posting ballot were then announced by the Chairman/ Authorised officers. The voting results were sent to the Stock Exchanges and
displayed on the Company’s website. The last date of receipt of postal ballot form by the Company is deemed to be the date of passing
of the resolutions.
a) Shifting of Registered Office of the Company from Thane to Waluj (Aurangabad), within the State of Maharashtra.
The Company sought approval of members vide special resolution passed on December 26, 2015 for Shifting of Registered Office
of the Company from Thane to Waluj (Aurangabad), within the State of Maharashtra.
Mr. Prasen Naithani, Practicing Company Secretary was appointed as Scrutinizer for the postal ballot process for conducting the
entire activity in a fair and transparent manner. The said resolution was passed as a Special Resolution on December 26, 2015 with
Majority (the votes cast in favour of the resolution being 99.99% as against 0.001% votes against the resolution).
b) To keep Registers, Copies of Returns etc., at Corporate Office of the Company at Mumbai or at the office of Registrar and
Share Transfer Agent at Mumbai. (i.e. place other than Registered Office where the Registers, returns and other documents
are proposed to be kept);
The Company sought approval of members vide special resolution passed on December 26, 2015 for To keep Registers, Copies of
Returns etc., at Corporate Office of the Company at Mumbai or at the office of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent at Mumbai.
(i.e. place other than Registered Office where the Registers, returns and other documents are proposed to be kept). Mr. Prasen
Naithani, Practicing Company Secretary was appointed as the Scrutinizer for the postal ballot process for conducting the entire
activity in a fair and transparent manner. The said resolution was passed as a Special Resolution on December 26, 2015 with
Majority (the votes cast in favour of the resolution being 99.99% as against 0.001% votes against the resolution).
Means of Communication:
The Board of Directors of the Company approves and takes on record the un-audited financial results in the Proforma prescribed by
the Stock Exchanges or SEBI “Listing Regulations” , within forty five days from the end of quarter/half year and announces forthwith
the results to all the Stock Exchanges where the shares of the Company are listed. Further, the results are published in newspapers (The
Business Standard and Sakal), as prescribed. The results are also posted on Company’s Website As the Company
publishes the audited annual results within the stipulated period i.e. within sixty days of end of the financial year, as required by the
listing agreement with the Stock Exchanges/SEBI “Listing Regulations”, the audited results for the last quarter of the financial year are
not separately published.
Detailed Presentations are made to Institutional Investors and Financial Analysts on the Un-audited Quarterly Financial Results as well
as Audited Financial Results of the Company. The Presentations are also uploaded on the website of the Company and are sent to the
Stock Exchange for dissemination.
Management Discussion and Analysis is a part of the Annual Report.
General Shareholder Information:
Annual General Meeting :
Date 6th August, 2016
Time 12:00 Noon
Venue B-66, Waluj MIDC , Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad – 431 136 (Registered Office)
Date of Book Closure 3rd August , 2016 – 4th August, 2016 ( Both days inclusively )
Dividend Payment Date The board has decided to treat the Interim Dividend of Rs. 3.00 per equity share and a Special
Dividend of Rs. 2.50 per equity share aggregating to Rs. 5.50 per equity share, already paid for the
financial year ended 31st March, 2016 shall be treated as Final Dividend. The said dividend was paid
on 28th March, 2016.
Financial Calendar for the year 2016-2017
Financial Year
First Quarterly Results Within 45 days from the end of quarter
Half Yearly Results Within 45 days from the end of quarter/half year.
Third Quarter Results Within 45 days from the end of quarter
Results for year end Within 60 days from the end of financial year.
The Company has paid Annual Listing Fees for the Financial Year 2015-16 to BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
Annual Report 2015-16
Month BSE Limited (BSE) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE)
High Low High Low
April-2015 792.00 640.00 792.75 633.20
May-2015 798.65 710.00 800.00 708.00
June-2015 738.00 685.00 740.00 690.00
July-2015 756.40 650.00 758.80 620.10
August-2015 715.75 623.70 717.00 621.00
September-2015 703.80 636.00 704.90 630.35
October-2015 687.00 645.00 678.00 619.40
November-2015 684.85 625.50 683.90 625.40
December-2015 660.00 625.60 664.90 625.00
January-2016 663.00 596.45 664.85 596.00
February-2016 619.75 551.35 623.35 552.00
March-2016 650.00 561.50 649.90 549.05
{Source: & }
1000 35000
700 25000
400 15000
100 5000
{Source : }
(SEBI vide its Order No. WTM/RKA/MIRSD2/41/2016 dated 22nd March, 2016 (Order) has debarred Sharepro Services (India) Private
Limited (Sharepro) from accessing the Capital Market. The Order also directs all the clients of Sharepro to carry out/switchover their
activities related to a registrar to an issue and share transfer agent, either in-house or through another registrar to an issue and share
transfer agent registered with SEBI.)
Unit : (Balkrishna Industries Limited)
Karvy Selenium Tower B, Plot No. 31-32
Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda
HYDERABAD – 500 032
Email Id: einward.ris@karvy .com
Phone: +91 40 6716 2222; Fax No: +91 40 2342 0814
Contact Person:
Mr. V K Jayaraman,
General Manager
Email : [email protected]
Mumbai address (for shareholder services) :
B-24, Rajabhadur Mansion, 6, Amblal Doshi Marg
Behind BSE Ltd , Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
Phone : +91 022 66235454
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Plant Locations
TYRE MANUFACTURING : B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Indl. Area, Aurangabad 431 136 (Maharashtra)
SP-923, RIICO Industrial Area, Phase-III, P.O. Bhiwadi 301 019 Dist. Alwar (Rajasthan)
RIICO, Phase VIII, Chopanki P.O. Bhiwadi 301 707 Dist. Alwar. (Rajasthan)
Village Padhdhar, Taluka Bhuj, Dist: Kutch 370 105 (Gujarat)
CALENDERING : SP4-886, RIICO Industrial Area Pathredi 301 707, Dist. Alwar, Rajasthan
WIND FARM : Village Soda Mada, Tehsil: Fatehgarh Dist. Jaisalmer (Rajasthan)
MOULD UNIT : Plot No. C-21 and TS-1, M.I.D.C, Phase No. I, Dombivali (E) 421 203, Dist. Thane (Maharashtra)
Address for Correspondence
Registered Office : B-66,Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad : 431 136, Maharashtra.
Tel: (0240) – 6646950 / 999, Fax: (0240) – 2554143
Corporate Office : BKT House, C/15, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel (W), Mumbai 400013
Tel: 022 66663800 Fax: 66663899
E-mail: [email protected]
Other Disclosures:
Related Party transactions
There were no transactions of material nature with its promoters, the Directors or the Management, their subsidiaries or relatives, etc.,
that may have potential conflict with the interests of the Company at large.
Statements of transactions with related parties have been placed periodically before the Audit Committee. Transactions with related
parties have also been disclosed in Note no.41 of the Financial Statements.
Policy on materiality of related party transactions and dealing with related party transactions has been displayed on the
Company’s website
Details of non-compliance by the Company, penalties, and strictures imposed on the Company by Stock Exchanges or SEBI or
any statutory authority, on any matter related to capital markets, during the last three years.
The Company has complied with all requirements specified under Listing Regulations as well as other regulations and guidelines of
SEBI. Consequently, there were no strictures or penalties imposed by either SEBI or the Stock Exchanges or any statutory authority for
non-compliance of any matter related to the capital markets during the last three years.
Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower Policy
Pursuant to Section 177(9) and (10) of the Companies Act, 2013, and Regulation 22 of the Listing Regulation, the Company has formulated
Whistle Blower Policy for vigil mechanism of Directors and employees to report to the management about the unethical behaviour, fraud or
violation of Company’s Code of Conduct. The mechanism provides for adequate safeguards against victimization of employees and Directors
who use such mechanism and makes provision for direct access to the chairperson of the Audit Committee in exceptional cases. None of the
personnel of the Company has been denied access to the Audit Committee. The Whistle Blower Policy is displayed on the Company’s website
viz. .
Non-mandatory requirements
Adoption of non-mandatory requirements of Listing Regulation is being reviewed by the Board from time-to time.
Subsidiary Companies:
The Company does not have any material subsidiary as defined under Listing Regulation .The Audit Committee reviews the financial
statements and investments made by unlisted Subsidiary Companies. The minutes of the Board Meeting as well as statements of all
significant transactions and arrangements entered into of the unlisted subsidiary companies are placed regularly before the Board of
Directors for their review. However, the Company has formulated the Material Subsidiary Policy and uploaded on the website of the
Company viz. .
Compliance with Governance Framework
The Company has complied with all the mandatory requirements specified in Regulations 17 to 27 and clauses (b) to (i) of
sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 46 of the Listing Regulations, In which Regulation 21 of Listing Agreement i.e. Risk Management
Committee is Not Applicable .
This Corporate Governance Report of the Company for the year 2015-2016 are in compliance with the requirements of Corporate
Governance under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with BSE Limited or National Stock Exchange of India Limited or SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as applicable.
Disclosure of Accounting Treatment
In the preparation of the financial statements, the Company has followed the Accounting Standards referred to in Section 133 of
the Companies Act, 2013. The significant accounting policies which are consistently applied are set out in the Notes to the Financial
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Risk Management
Business risk evaluation and management is an ongoing process within the Company. The assessment is periodically examined by the
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Dated :18th May, 2016 Chairman & Managing Director
Arvind Poddar
Chairman & Managing Director
Dated: 18th May, 2016
Auditors’ Certificate
To the Members of
Balkrishna Industries Limited
We have examined the compliance of regulations of Corporate Governance by Balkrishna Industries Limited (the Company) for the year
ended March 31, 2016, as stipulated in regulations Part C of Schedule V of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 (“Listing Regulations”).
The compliance of regulations of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Management. Our examination was limited to
procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the regulations of Corporate
Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and the representations made by the
Directors and the Management, we certify that the Company has complied with the regulations of Corporate Governance as stipulated
in the above mentioned Listing Regulations.
We further state that such compliance is neither an assurance to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness
with which the Management has conducted the affairs of the Company.
For Jayantilal Thakkar & Co.
Chartered Accountants
(FIRM REG. NO.104133W)
Mumbai, Partner
Dated : 18th May, 2016 Membership No.116279
Annual Report 2015-16
Mumbai Partner
Dated : 18th May, 2016 Membership No.116279
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
(xv) According to the information and explanations given to us and based on our examination of the records of the Company, the
Company has not entered into non-cash transactions with directors or persons connected with him. Accordingly, paragraph 3(xv)
of the Order is not applicable.
(xvi) The Company is not required to be registered under section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.
Chartered Accountants
(Firm Reg. No. 104133W)
Mumbai Partner
Dated : 18th May, 2016 Membership No.116279
Mumbai Partner
Dated : 18th May, 2016 Membership No.116279
Balkrishna Industries Limited
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Joint Managing Director
Annual Report 2015-16
Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2016
PARTICULARS Note Current Year Previous Year
No. Rupees Rupees
IV Expenses :
VI Tax Expense:
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Joint Managing Director
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Basis of Accounting
The accounts have been prepared in accordance with historical cost convention and on accrual basis.
Use of Estimates
The presentation of financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires the Company to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the
reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Difference between the actual and estimates are recognised in
the period in which the results are known/materialised.
Fixed Assets
a) Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost comprises of purchase price and attributable expenses (including financing
charges) and is net of permissible credits/set offs.
b) Expenditure (including financing charges) incurred for fixed assets, the construction / installation/acquisition of which is not
completed, is included under the Capital Work-in-Progress and the same is related/classified to the respective fixed assets on the
a) Effective from 1st April 2014, Depreciation on fixed assets (other than leasehold land) has been provided based on useful life of
the assets in accordance with Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013, on Straight Line Method except in respect of Plant and
Equipment where the useful life is considered differently based on an independent technical evaluation as 10 to 15 years.
Investments are valued at cost plus attributable expenses of acquisition and are classified as Long Term Investments and Current
Investments (investments intended to be held for not more than one year). Long Term Investments are stated at cost. However, where
there is a diminution, other than temporary, in the value of a long-term investment, necessary provision is made to recognise the decline.
Current Investments are stated at lower of cost and fair value, computed on individual investment basis.
Valuation of Inventories
Inventories are valued at lower of the cost and net realisable value. Cost of inventories is computed on moving weighted average basis.
Cost comprises of all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location
and condition.
Revenue Recognition
Sales are inclusive of Excise Duty but excluding Value Added Tax/Central Sales Tax and are net of Trade Discounts, Rebates and Incentives.
Export Benefits
Consumption of Raw Materials is arrived at after taking into account the duty saved on imported raw material against which export
has yet to be made. Export Incentives under Focus Product Scheme, Focus Market Scheme and MEIS – Merchandise Exports from India
Scheme under EXIM policy/ Foreign Trade Policy are accounted for on the basis of its utilization. Profit/Loss on sale of such licenses, if
any, is accounted in the year of sale.
Transactions in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rates prevailing on the day of the transaction. Gains and losses arising
out of subsequent fluctuations are accounted on actual payment/realisation. Monetary items related to foreign currency transactions,
remaining unsettled at the end of the year are adjusted at the rates prevailing at the year end or are stated at the amounts likely to
be realised or required to be disbursed, except for those considered doubtful of recovery. The exchange fluctuation arising on account
of such adjustments are dealt in Profit and Loss Account. Non-monetary items are reported by using the exchange rate at the date of
The Company enters into Forward Contracts to hedge its Foreign Currency Exposures. Premium/ Discount in respect of outstanding
forward contracts at the year end are amortised as expense or income over the life of the contract.
Annual Report 2015-16
Employee Benefits:
Short-term employee benefits consisting of wages, salaries, social security contributions, ex-gratia and accrued leave are recognised
in the year to which it relates.
i) Benefits in the nature of contribution to provident fund, superannuation scheme, employee state insurance scheme etc.
provided by the company to the employees have been identified as defined contribution plans in terms of provisions of AS-15
on “Employee Benefits” where the obligation of the company is limited to a pre-agreed amount as fixed by the administrator
of those plans. Such contributions are recognised in the year to which they relate.
ii) Benefit in the nature of gratuity paid by company to the employees has been identified as defined benefit plan in terms of
provisions of AS-15 on “Employee Benefits”. The gratuity scheme in respect of the employees of the company is administered
through Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Annual contributions as determined by LIC are charged to profit and loss
account. The liability of the company is also determined through actuarial valuation technique at balance sheet date and the
additional liability, if any, arising out of the difference between the actuarial valuation and the plan assets as at the balance
sheet date is provided for at the year end.
Revenue expenditure on Research and Development is charged to Profit and Loss Account as incurred. Capital expenditure on assets
acquired for Research and Development is added to Fixed Assets.
Government Grants
Special Capital Incentive received from the Government for setting up/expansion of an industrial undertaking in underdeveloped area of
the State, is credited to Capital Reserve (Capital Incentive Reserve). Government grants/subsidy related to specific fixed assets is reduced
from the cost of the asset concerned.
Borrowing Cost
Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition/construction/installation of fixed assets are capitalised as part of the cost of the
assets up to the date the assets are put to use. Other borrowing costs are charged to Profit and Loss Account.
a) Provision for current tax is made and retained in the accounts on the basis of estimated tax liability as per the applicable provisions
of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for timing differences between the accounting and taxable income, based on tax
rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets, subject to the consideration
of prudence, are recognised only if there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available, against
which they can be realised. At each Balance Sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed to reassure its
Assets acquired on leases where a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as
operating leases. Lease rentals are charged to the Profit and Loss Account on accrual basis. Assets leased out under operating lease are
capitalised, depreciation thereon is provided in the books and rental income is recognised on accrual basis over the lease term. Assets
leased out are stated at original cost and the depreciation thereon is provided in the books.
The carrying amount of an asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date for any indication of impairment based on internal/external
factors. An impairment loss is recognised wherever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable
amount is the greater of the asset’s net selling price and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are
discounted to their present value at the weighted average cost of capital.
A provision is made based on a reliable estimate when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be
required to settle an obligation. Contingent Liabilities, if material, are disclosed by way of notes to accounts. Contingent Assets are not
recognised or disclosed in the financial statements.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Gross Block (At Cost) Depreciation (Including Amortization) (Net Block)
Balance Additions/ Deductions/ Balance As at Total upto *For the Year Deductions Total upto As At As At
Fixed Assets As at Adjustments Adjustments 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 During the 31.03.2016 31.03.2016 31.03.2015
01.04.2015 During the year During the year
Tangible assets
(a) Land
- Freehold 37,01,63,256 NIL NIL 37,01,63,256 NIL NIL NIL NIL 37,01,63,256 37,01,63,256
- Leasehold 20,63,83,513 NIL NIL 20,63,83,513 1,64,04,910 24,10,737 NIL 1,88,15,647 18,75,67,866 18,99,78,603
(b) Buildings 621,23,03,297 254,85,18,623 NIL 876,08,21,920 56,33,68,285 26,54,11,975 NIL 82,87,80,260 793,20,41,660 564,89,35,012
(c) Plant and Equipment 2489,22,60,297 397,76,82,994 6,87,86,360 2880,11,56,931 798,42,82,364 233,02,63,997 3,95,58,664 1027,49,87,697 1852,61,69,234 1690,79,77,933
(d) Furniture and Fixtures 15,45,34,908 38,89,83,229 NIL 54,35,18,137 6,57,05,073 3,62,94,464 NIL 10,19,99,537 44,15,18,600 8,88,29,835
(e) Vehicles 16,53,09,934 6,44,35,275 1,96,27,429 21,01,17,780 4,95,70,318 2,56,48,978 65,18,292 6,87,01,004 14,14,16,776 11,57,39,617
(f) Office Equipment 4,40,87,058 3,03,21,331 3,08,411 7,40,99,978 2,58,32,272 1,15,01,207 2,58,156 3,70,75,323 3,70,24,655 1,82,54,786
(g) Others
- Electric Installations 97,58,82,936 18,64,32,013 21,76,017 116,01,38,932 22,75,77,452 13,15,90,497 16,95,860 35,74,72,089 80,26,66,843 74,83,05,484
Balkrishna Industries Limited
- Air Conditioners 3,97,00,097 2,50,98,024 2,40,398 6,45,57,723 2,27,97,146 1,04,52,297 2,40,389 3,30,09,054 3,15,48,669 1,69,02,951
- Computer 9,91,47,446 1,00,40,143 34,67,933 10,57,19,656 6,94,68,673 1,38,15,472 34,67,870 7,98,16,275 2,59,03,381 2,96,78,773
TOTAL TANGIBLE (CURRENT YEAR) 3315,97,72,742 723,15,11,632 9,46,06,548 4029,66,77,826 902,50,06,493 282,73,89,624 5,17,39,231 1180,06,56,886 2849,60,20,940 -
TOTAL TANGIBLE (PREVIOUS YEAR) 2996,94,17,035 420,94,43,959 101,90,88,252 3315,97,72,742 668,37,38,804 254,15,72,927 20,03,05,238 902,50,06,493 - 2413,47,66,250
Intangible assets
Computer software 5,27,50,914 3,48,40,447 4,50,193 8,71,41,168 3,99,12,408 61,26,234 4,50,183 4,55,88,459 4,15,52,709 1,28,38,506
TOTAL INTANGIBLE (CURRENT YEAR) 5,27,50,914 3,48,40,447 4,50,193 8,71,41,168 3,99,12,408 61,26,234 4,50,183 4,55,88,459 4,15,52,709 -
TOTAL INTANGIBLE (PREVIOUS YEAR) 4,45,34,781 1,29,05,570 46,89,437 5,27,50,914 3,57,82,591 83,29,543 41,99,726 3,99,12,408 - 1,28,38,506
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Value of Raw Materials and Stores and Spare Parts consumed:
Raw Materials Stores and Spare Parts
Rupees % Rupees %
(a) Imported 923,81,94,252 66.49 25,24,26,759 17.88
(1584,70,78,013) (81.48) (20,56,05,161) (13.34)
(b) Indigenous 465,53,26,290 33.51 115,92,59,865 82.12
(360,12,12,254) (18.52) (133,58,63,507) (86.66)
1389,35,20,542 100.00 141,16,86,624 100.00
(1944,82,90,267) (100.00) (154,14,68,668) (100.00)
Annual Report 2015-16
Details of Current Investment in units of Mutual funds purchased and sold during the year :
Name of Mutual Fund Purchased During the Year Sold / Redeemed During the Year
No. of Units Cost Rs. No. of Units Cost Rs.
AXIS LIQUID FUND - DAILY DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN - REINVESTMENT (CF-DR) 1,90,180 19,02,41,729 1,90,180 19,02,41,729
AXIS ENHANCED ARBITRAGE FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT 37,84,152 4,03,75,761 37,84,152 4,03,75,761
BIRLA SUN LIFE ENHANCED ARBITRAGE FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 1,87,34,344 20,69,95,524 1,87,34,344 20,69,95,524
BIRLA SUN LIFE CASH MANAGER FUND - DAILY DIVIDEND - REGULAR PLAN 20,19,508 20,27,48,526 20,19,508 20,27,48,526
BIRLA SUN LIFE CASH MANAGER FUND - DAILY DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 1,59,08,841 159,66,57,389 1,59,08,841 159,66,57,389
BIRLA SUN LIFE CASH PLUS - DAILY DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 14,98,035 15,00,95,581 14,98,035 15,00,95,581
FRANKLIN INDIA ULTRA SHORT BOND FUND SUPER I/P - DIRECT - DIVIDEND PLAN 22,89,11,475 230,34,90,388 22,89,11,475 230,34,90,388
HDFC ARBITRAGE FUND - WHOLESALE PLAN- DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 38,92,94,297 412,33,39,663 38,92,94,297 412,33,39,663
HDFC LIQUID FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 7,03,29,027 396,71,96,914 7,03,29,027 396,71,96,914
ICICI PRUDENTIAL ULTRA SHORT TERM - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 18,73,22,242 189,31,17,629 18,73,22,242 189,31,17,629
ICICI PRUDENTIAL FLEXIBIBLE INCOME - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 9,46,013 10,00,27,394 9,46,013 10,00,27,394
ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIQUID - DIRECT PLAN - DIVIDEND - DAILY REINVEST 1,08,05,345 108,11,45,013 1,08,05,345 108,11,45,013
ICICI PRUDENTIAL EQUITY ARBITRAGE FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DIVIDEND 4,88,26,509 69,32,57,068 4,88,26,509 69,32,57,068
IDFC CASH PLUS FUND - REGULAR PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 5,15,157 51,55,10,744 5,15,157 51,55,10,744
IDFC ULTRA SHORT TERM FUND - REGULAR PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 1,20,09,873 12,03,30,216 1,20,09,873 12,03,30,216
IDFC ARBITRAGE FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 7,96,84,669 102,12,74,982 7,96,84,669 102,12,74,982
IDFC ULTRA SHORT TERM FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 9,04,24,743 90,92,29,833 9,04,24,743 90,92,29,833
KOTAK EQUITY ARBITRAGE FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 2,54,42,686 51,51,34,939 2,54,42,686 51,51,34,939
L & T ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITIES FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 1,01,33,261 10,45,10,516 1,01,33,261 10,45,10,516
MIRAE ASSET CSH MANAGEMENT FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 1,19,410 12,73,68,258 1,19,410 12,73,68,258
SBI ULTRA SHORT TERM DEBT FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 16,37,971 164,61,57,968 16,37,971 164,61,57,968
SBI ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITIES FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 13,86,29,065 191,69,49,719 13,86,29,065 191,69,49,719
TATA FLOATER FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 8,10,537 81,33,99,100 8,10,537 81,33,99,100
UTI-FLOATING RATE-STP-DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 12,56,472 135,30,55,659 12,56,472 135,30,55,659
UTI-FLOATING RATE-STP-REGULAR PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 2,84,691 30,65,76,885 2,84,691 30,65,76,885
Grand Total 160,12,01,757 2876,57,37,485 160,12,01,757 2876,57,37,485
Balkrishna Industries Limited
(a) Primary Business Segments:-
The Company has Mainly one business segment, namely Tyres(including Tubes and Flaps) therefore primary business segment
reporting as required by AS-17 is not applicable.
(b) Secondary Segment - Geographical by location of customers
Rupees Rupees
Segment Revenue
Revenue from Operations :
In India 457,13,01,471
Outside India
Europe 1688,95,50,506
North America 457,46,12,848
Others 638,22,37,169
Total 3241,77,01,994
Segment Assets
In India 4021,57,93,280
Outside India
Europe 349,99,06,604
Others 169,67,87,821
Total 4541,24,87,705
Total Cost incurred during the year to acquire Segment Fixed Assets
In India 323,66,95,763
Outside India NIL
Total 323,66,95,763
Segment Assets excludes -Investments 832,46,04,600
Earning Per Share (EPS)
( In accordance with Accounting Standard - 20 )
Current Year Previous Year
Rupees Rupees
Profit After Tax 567,66,64,893 488,81,15,217
Add:/(Less): Income Tax of Earlier Year NIL 9,47,24,126
Profit after Taxation of earlier years 567,66,64,893 498,28,39,343
Number of Equity Shares outstanding for Basic/Diluted Earning Per Share 966,58,595 966,58,595
Nominal Value of Equity Shares (in Rupees) 2.00 2.00
Earning Per Share Basic/Diluted 58.73 51.55
Annual Report 2015-16
Related Party Disclosures *
As per Accounting Standard 18, the disclosures of transactions with the related parties are given below:
(Where transactions have taken place)
(a) Key Management Personnel (KMP)
Mr. Arvind Poddar - Chairman & Managing Director, Mrs. Vijayalaxmi Poddar - Executive Director( up to 08.08.2015), Mr. Rajiv
Poddar - Joint Managing Director, Mr.Vipul Shah - Director & Company Secretary, Mr. Basant Bansal - Director Finance.
(b) Relatives of Key Management Personnel :
Mrs. Vijayalaxmi Poddar-( w.e.f. 09.08.2015 ) Mrs. Khushboo Poddar, Mrs. Pooja Dhoot, Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar, Mr. Abhishek
(c) Other Related Parties -(Enterprises-KMP having significant influence/owned by major shareholders) Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd., Clothing
Culture Ltd, Nirvikara Paper Mills Ltd.
Related Party Transactions (In Rupees)
Transactions KMP Relatives of (KMP) Other Related Parties Total
Purchase of Goods/Materials NIL NIL 2,15,59,176 2,15,59,176
(NIL) (NIL) (92,85,640) (92,85,640)
Sales of Goods/Materials NIL NIL 2,100 2,100
Expenses reimbursed NIL NIL NIL NIL
(NIL) (NIL) (4,32,160) (4,32,160)
Rent/Lease Rent Paid NIL 1,06,10,044 NIL 1,06,10,044
(NIL) (1,04,71,428) (40,42,511) (145,13,939)
Rent received NIL NIL 32,63,531 32,63,531
(NIL) (NIL) (5,81,248) (5,81,248)
Recovery of expenses NIL NIL 32,32,011 32,32,011
(NIL) (NIL) (40,13,274) (40,13,274)
Vehicle Hiring Charges NIL 4,80,000 NIL 4,80,000
(NIL) (4,80,000) (NIL) (4,80,000)
Remuneration/Meeting Fees 63,28,28,613 44,80,907 NIL 63,73,09,520
(61,59,54,244) (60,00,072) (NIL) (62,19,54,316)
Payables 49,43,24,731 16,800 NIL 49,43,41,531
(44,41,53,814) (16,800) (NIL) (44,41,70,614)
Disclosure in Respect of Material Related Party Transaction during the year :
1 Purchase of Goods/Materials includes : Clothing Culture Ltd. Rs.2,15,59,176 (Previous Year Rs.88,92,844 ), Siyaram Silk Mills
Ltd. Rs. NIL (Previous Year Rs.3,92,796).
2 Sale of Goods/Materials includes : Clothing Culture Ltd. Rs.2,100 (Previous Year Rs.NIL).
3 Expenses reimbursed includes : Clothing Culture Ltd. Rs.NIL (Previous Year Rs.4,32,160).
4 Rent Paid includes : Mrs. Pooja Dhoot Rs.1,06,10,044 (Previous Year Rs. 1,04,71,428), Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd. Rs. NIL (Previous
Year Rs 40,42,511).
5 Rent Received includes : Clothing Culture Ltd. Rs.31,82,066 (Previous Year Rs.5,69,666), Nirvikara Paper Mills Ltd. Rs.81,465
(Previous Year Rs.11,582).
6 Recovery of Expenses includes : Clothing Culture Ltd. Rs. 30,16,011 (Previous Year Rs.39,22,631), Nirvikara Paper Mills Ltd.
Rs. 2,16,000 (Previous Year Rs.90,643).
7 Vehicle Hiring Charges includes : Mr. Abhishek Bansal Rs. 4,80,000 (Previous Year Rs.4,80,000).
8 Payment to Key Managerial Personnel includes : Mr. Arvind Poddar Rs. 32,99,66,107 (Previous Year Rs. 27,83,77,817),
Mr. Rajiv Poddar Rs.24,09,75,077 (Previous Year Rs.19,70,22,787), Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar Rs.4,65,66,503 (Previous Year
Rs.12,66,75,421), Mr. Basant Bansal Rs.1,14,72,632 (Previous Year Rs.1,04,71,759), Mr. Vipul Shah Rs.38,48,294 (Previous
Year Rs.34,06,460), Payment to Relatives of Key Managerial Personnel includes : Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar Rs.1,20,000 (Previous
Year Rs. NIL), Mrs. Khushboo Poddar Rs.33,79,329 (Previous Year Rs.30,00,036), Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar Rs.9,81,578 (Previous
Year Rs.30,00,036).
9 Payables to Key Management Personnel includes : Mr. Arvind Poddar Rs 27,00,00,000. (Previous Year Rs.21,00,00,000),
Mr. Rajiv Poddar Rs.19,20,00,000 (Previous Year Rs.14,40,00,000), Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar Rs. 3,19,35,483 (Previous Year
Rs.9,00,00,000), Mr. Basant Bansal Rs 1,21,443 (Previous Year Rs. NIL), Mr. Vipul Shah Rs.2,67,804 (Previous Year Rs.1,53,814),
Payables to Relatives of Key Managerial Personnel includes : Mrs. Khushboo Poddar Rs.16,800 (Previous Year Rs.8,400),
Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar Rs.NIL (Previous Year Rs. 8,400).
Balkrishna Industries Limited
(i) The company has taken commercial premises under cancellable operating leases.
(ii) The rental expenses recognised in the statement of Profit and Loss for operating
leases :
(iii) The Company has given certain portion of its office premises on operating lease.
The said agreement can be terminated by giving one month prior written notice
by the lessee or the Company.
Gross carrying amount of the furnished office premises leased, included in Note 17,13,76,245 15,80,11,029
No. '12' of Fixed Assets
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Amount remitted in foreign currency on account of dividend:
The Company has not made any remittance in foreign currencies on account of dividend and does not have information as to the extent
to which remittance in foreign currencies on account of dividend has been made by or on behalf of the non-resident shareholders. The
particulars of dividends paid to non-resident shareholders are as under :
Current Year Previous Year
(a) Years to which dividends relate 2015-16 (Interim) 2014-15 2013-14
(b) Number of non-resident Shareholders 712 682 471
(c) Number of Shares held by them 1,25,19,857 1,29,02,049 1,24,23,364
(d) Amount in Rupees remitted to Banks/Addresses in India of 6,88,59,214 3,09,64,917 2,48,46,728
the non-resident Shareholders
(a) The figures for the year ended 31st March 2016 are not comparable with the corresponding figures of the current year consequent
to amalgamation of Balkrishna Paper Mills Limited into the company and its subsequent de-merger to Nirvikara Paper Mill Limited
during the previous year.
(b) The board has in principle approved a proposal of amalgamation of its wholly owned subsidiary company viz. BKT Exim Limited into
the company subject to necessary approvals from relevant authorities.
Nature of Security in respect of secured Loan (Long Term/Short Term): Rupees
Working Capital Loans from Banks Repayable on Demand:
Secured by first charge by way of hypothecation of Inventories, Receivables and other movables on pari-passu 284,89,75,040
basis and further secured by second charge by way of hypothecation on all the present and future movable
fixed assets of the Company on pari - passu basis and immovable fixed assets of the Company situated at
Bhiwadi, Chopanki, Jaisalmer & major assets at Bhuj Units and office premises at Creative Industrial Estate -
Mumbai on pari-passu basis.
Term Loan from Banks:
(a) Secured by first charge by way of hypothecation on the all present and future movable fixed assets of the
Company on pari - passu basis and immovable fixed assets of the Company situated at Bhiwadi, Chopanki,
Jaisalmer & major assets at Bhuj Units and office premises at Creative Industrial Estate - Mumbai on pari -
passu basis and further secured by second charge by way of hypothecation of Inventories, Receivables and
other movables on pari-passu basis.
(Repayment in 3 Annual Equal Installments beginning from financial Year 2016-17, Rate of Interest LIBOR 663,32,90,000
+ 100 bppa)
(b) To be Secured by first charge by way of hypothecation on the all present and future movable fixed assets
of the Company on pari - passu basis and immovable fixed assets of the Company situated at Bhiwadi,
Chopanki, Jaisalmer and office premises at Creative Industrial Estate - Mumbai on pari - passu basis and
further to be secured by second charge by way of hypothecation of Inventories, Receivables and other
movables on pari-passu basis.
(Repayment in 2 Annual Equal Installments beginning from financial Year 2016-2017, Rate of Interest 773,88,38,334
LIBOR + 80 bppa)
(i) Figures in brackets in notes 34,39 and 41 pertain to previous year.
(ii) Previous year’s figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year’s classification/
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Chartered Accountants Chairman & Managing Director
Joint Managing Director
Mumbai, Mumbai,
Dated: 18th May, 2016 Dated: 18th May, 2016
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Year Ended Year Ended
31st March, 2016 31st March, 2015
Rupees Rupees
Profit before Tax 846,88,92,325 727,55,29,128
Adjustment for :
Depreciation and Amortisation 281,13,68,123 240,20,23,256
Diminutiion of Long Term Investment Written back (1,68,34,824) NIL
Income from Investments (73,39,43,438) (7,95,38,940)
Finance Cost 34,28,13,490 46,40,36,583
Interest Income (6,33,30,956) (2,57,22,982)
Loss/(Profit) on Sale of Fixed Assets 56,91,436 12,47,007
Fixed Assets Discarded/Written Off 6,11,693 1,40,09,798
Unrealised Foreign Exchange differences 2,93,45,929 1,44,04,288
Retiring Gratuity 5,15,36,150 3,96,29,926
Leave Encashment 2,44,23,301 2,78,60,397
245,16,80,904 285,79,49,333
Operating profit before working capital changes 1092,05,73,229 1013,34,78,461
Adjustment for:
Trade and other receivables 151,22,21,682 39,54,21,736
Inventories 105,61,29,246 137,06,34,288
Trade payables (15,91,19,524) 2,08,06,166
240,92,31,404 178,68,62,190
Cash generated from operations 1332,98,04,633 1192,03,40,651
Direct taxes paid (232,66,71,670) (210,29,74,208)
Gratuity paid (2,88,62,726) (1,83,64,942)
Leave Encashment paid (1,34,66,458) (98,61,264)
Net cash from Operating Activities 1096,08,03,779 978,91,40,237
Purchase of Fixed Assets & Capital Work in Progress (242,28,64,724) (366,88,76,992)
Sale of Fixed Assets 3,65,64,197 71,49,050
Purchase of Investments (3650,86,19,485) (1080,42,81,906)
Sale of Investments 3306,39,90,794 1003,52,71,910
Inter Corporate Loan Given (33,50,00,000) (25,00,000)
Inter Corporate Loan Refund Received 10,75,00,000 1,50,00,000
Interest received 5,10,88,785 91,18,994
Dividend Received on Investments 31,94,43,184 7,95,37,661
Net cash used in Investing Activities (568,78,97,249) (432,95,81,283)
Proceeds from Short Term Borrowings (Net) 443,90,42,137 (100,58,20,749)
Proceeds from Long Term Borrowings 779,76,28,115 4264,69,26,782
Repayment of Long Term Borrowings (1753,43,74,898) (4224,93,41,756)
Dividend paid (including tax thereon) (91,33,05,435) (22,49,17,104)
Finance Cost paid (34,60,48,652) (46,48,60,179)
Net Cash from Financing Activities (655,70,58,733) (129,80,13,006)
Add:On account of Scheme of Arrangement(Refer Note No.51 ) NIL 5,21,10,173
Net Increase in cash and cash equivalent (128,41,52,203) 421,36,56,121
Exchange difference on cash and cash equivalent - Gain 12,85,581 (3,97,821)
Cash and cash equivalent as at the beginning of the year 431,13,05,089 9,80,46,789
Cash and cash equivalent as at the end of the year 302,84,38,468 431,13,05,089
Note :Direct Taxes paid on income are treated as arising from Operating Activities and are not bifurcated between Investing and Financing Activities.
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
(c) The Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss, and the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the relevant books of account maintained for the purpose of preparation of
the consolidated financial statements.
(d) In our opinion, the aforesaid consolidated financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards specified under Section
133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014.
(e) On the basis of the written representations received from the directors of the Holding Company as on 31st March, 2016
taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Holding Company and the reports of the statutory auditors of its subsidiary
companies incorporated in India, none of the directors of the Group companies, is disqualified as on 31st March, 2016 from
being appointed as a director in terms of Section 164 (2) of the Act.
(f) With respect to the adequacy of the internal financial controls over financial reporting of the Group and the operating
effectiveness of such controls, refer to our separate report in “Annexure A”; and
(g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit
and Auditor’s) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us:
i. The consolidated financial statements disclose the impact of pending litigations on the consolidated financial position of
the Group, – Refer Note No31 to the consolidated financial statements.
ii. The Group did not have any material foreseeable losses on long-term contracts including derivative contracts.
iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred, to the Investor Education and Protection
Fund by the Holding Company and its subsidiary companies incorporated in India.
Chartered Accountants
(Firm Reg. No. 104133W)
Membership No. 116279
Dated:18th May,2016
Report on the Internal Financial Controls under Clause (i) of Sub-section 3 of Section 143 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”)
In conjunction with our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the Company as of and for the year ended 31 March 2016,
we have audited the internal financial controls over financial reporting of Balkrishna Industries Limited (“the Holding Company”) and its
subsidiary companies which are companies incorporated in India, as of that date.
The Respective Board of Directors of the Holding Company and its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India,
are responsible for establishing and maintaining internal financial controls based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria
established by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal
Financial Controls over Financial Reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (“ICAI’). These responsibilities
include the design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls that were operating effectively for ensuring
the orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company’s policies, the safeguarding of its assets, the prevention
and detection of frauds and errors, the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, and the timely preparation of reliable
financial information, as required under the Companies Act, 2013.
Auditors’ Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal financial controls over financial reporting based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting (the
“Guidance Note”) issued by ICAI and the Standards on Auditing, issued by ICAI and deemed to be prescribed under section 143(10) of
the Companies Act, 2013, to the extent applicable to an audit of internal financial controls, both issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India. Those Standards and the Guidance Note require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether adequate internal financial controls over financial reporting was established
and maintained and if such controls operated effectively in all material respects.
Our audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the adequacy of the internal financial controls system over
financial reporting and their operating effectiveness. Our audit of internal financial controls over financial reporting included obtaining
an understanding of internal financial controls over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing
and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. The procedures selected depend
on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error.
Annual Report 2015-16
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the
Company’s internal financial controls system over financial reporting.
A company’s internal financial control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles. A company’s internal financial control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1)
pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the
assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial
statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being
made only in accordance with authorisations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance
regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorised acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a
material effect on the financial statements.
Because of the inherent limitations of internal financial controls over financial reporting, including the possibility of collusion or improper
management override of controls, material misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any
evaluation of the internal financial controls over financial reporting to future periods are subject to the risk that the internal financial
control over financial reporting may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the
policies or procedures may deteriorate.
In our opinion, the Holding Company and its subsidiary companies, which are companies incorporated in India, have, in all material
respects, an adequate internal financial controls system over financial reporting and such internal financial controls over financial
reporting were operating effectively as at 31 March 2016, based on the internal control over financial reporting criteria established
by the Company considering the essential components of internal control stated in the Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial
Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by the ICAI.
Membership No. 116279
Dated:18th May,2016
Balkrishna Industries Limited
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Annual Report 2015-16
Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31st March, 2016
IV Expenses :
VI Tax Expense:
The Notes referred to above form an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements.
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Balkrishna Industries Limited
The consolidated financial statement relates to Balkrishna Industries Limited (the Company) and its subsidiaries. The Company and its
Subsidiaries constitute the Group. The accounts have been prepared in accordance with historical cost convention and on accrual basis.
Principles of consolidation
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the principles and procedures required for the preparation
and presentation of consolidated financial statements as laid down under the Accounting Standard (AS 21) – ‘Consolidated Financial
Statements’, as notified under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
The financial statement of the Company and its subsidiaries have been combined on a line-by-line basis by adding together the book
values of like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses after eliminating intra group balances/ transactions and unrealised profits
or losses .
All intra-group transactions have been entered at actual rates. Intragroup balances and intragroup transaction resulting unrealized
profits are eliminated in full.
The excess of cost of investments in the Subsidiary Companies over the Company’s portion of equity of the Subsidiary at the date of
investment made is recognised in the financial statements as goodwill. The excess of Company’s portion of equity of the Subsidiaries
over the cost of the investment there in is treated as Capital Reserve.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared by using uniform accounting policies for like transactions and other events in similar
circumstances are presented to the extent possible, in the same manner as in the Company’s separate financial statements unless stated
The following subsidiary Companies are considered in the consolidated financial statement.
Sr. No. Name of the Subsidiary Company Country of % of holding either directly or
Incorporation through subsidiary in the Current and
Previous Year(unless otherwise stated)
Direct Subsidiaries
1. BKT Exim Limited India 100%
2. BKT Tyres Limited India 100%
3. Thristha Synthetics Limited India 100%
Indirect Subsidiaries
4. BKT EUROPE S.R.L. Italy 100%
6. BKT TIRES (CANADA) INC. Canada 100%
Use of Estimates
The presentation of financial statements in conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles requires the Company to make
estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements
and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Difference between the actual and estimates are
recognised in the period in which the results are known/materialised.
Fixed Assets
a) Fixed Assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Cost comprises of purchase price and attributable expenses (including financing
charges) and is net of permissible credits/set offs.
b) Expenditure (including financing charges) incurred for fixed assets, the construction / installation/acquisition of which is not
completed, is included under the Capital Work-in-Progress and the same is related/classified to the respective fixed assets on the
Annual Report 2015-16
b) Depreciation on fixed assets (other than leasehold land) has been provided based on useful life of the assets in accordance with
Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013, on Straight Line Method except in respect of Plant and Equipment where the useful life is
considered differently based on an independent technical evaluation as 10 to 15 years.
d) In respect of overseas subsidiaries, depreciation has been provided by the overseas subsidiaries as per the methods and at the rates
required/permissible by the local laws so as to write off assets over their useful lives.
Investments are valued at cost plus attributable expenses of acquisition and are classified as Long Term Investments and Current
Investments (investments intended to be held for not more than one year). Long Term Investments are stated at cost. However, where
there is a diminution, other than temporary, in the value of a long-term investment, necessary provision is made to recognise the decline.
Current Investments are stated at lower of cost and fair value, computed on individual investment basis.
Valuation of Inventories
Inventories are valued at lower of the cost and net realisable value. Cost of inventories is computed on moving weighted average basis.
In respect of overseas Subsidiary Companies,Inventories are valued as or the local laws.
Revenue Recognition
Sales-Processing/Job Charges
Sales are inclusive of Excise Duty but excluding Value Added Tax/Central Sales Tax and are net of Trade Discounts, Rebates and Incentives.
Processing charges are excluding Excise Duty, as the concerned subsidiary is not liable to pay the duty and the same is borne by the
Export Benefits
Consumption of Raw Materials is arrived at after adjusting the difference between the cost of indigenous/duty paid imported raw
materials and international cost of raw materials entitled to be imported/imported under Duty Exemption Scheme of the Government of
India against direct/indirect exports made/to be made by the Company during the year. Export Incentives under Focus Product Scheme
and Focus Market Scheme under EXIM policy/ Foreign Trade Policy are accounted for in the year of export. Profit/Loss on sale of such
licenses is accounted in the year of sale.
Transactions in foreign currencies are accounted at the exchange rates prevailing on the day of the transaction. Gains and losses arising
out of subsequent fluctuations are accounted on actual payment/realisation. Monetary items related to foreign currency transactions,
remaining unsettled at the end of the year are adjusted at the rates prevailing at the year end or are stated at the amounts likely to
be realised or required to be disbursed, except for those considered doubtful of recovery. The exchange fluctuation arising on account
of such adjustments are dealt in Profit and Loss Account. Non-monetary items are reported by using the exchange rate at the date of
The Company enters into Forward Contracts to hedge its Foreign Currency Exposures. Premium/ Discount in respect of outstanding
forward contracts at the year end are amortised as expense or income over the life of the contract.
a) Fixed assets are translated in INR by applying the exchange rate prevailing on the date of acquisition of said assets.
b) Other assets/ all outside liabilities have been translated at the exchange rate ruling at the year end.
c) Income and expenses have been translated by applying simple average of exchange rates ruling at the beginning and end of the
financial year.
d) Exchange difference arising on account of translation of accounts is taken to the profit and loss account.
Employee Benefits:
Short-term employee benefits consisting of wages, salaries, social security contributions, ex-gratia and accrued leave are
recognised in the year to which it relates.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
i) Benefits in the nature of contribution to provident fund, superannuation scheme, employee state insurance scheme etc.
provided by the company to the employees have been identified as defined contribution plans in terms of provisions of
AS-15 on “Employee Benefits” where the obligation of the company is limited to a pre-agreed amount as fixed by the
administrator of those plans. Such contributions are recognised in the year to which they relate.
ii) Benefit in the nature of gratuity paid by company to the employees has been identified as defined benefit plan in terms
of provisions of AS-15 on “Employee Benefits”. The gratuity scheme in respect of the employees of the company is
administered through Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Annual contributions as determined by LIC are charged to
Profit and Loss Account. The liability of the company is also determined through actuarial valuation technique at Balance
Sheet date and the additional liability, if any, arising out of the difference between the actuarial valuation and the plan
assets as at the Balance Sheet date is provided for at the year end.
(2) In respect of overseas subsidiaries the benefits are paid/provided as per the requirement of local laws.
Revenue expenditure on Research and Development is charged to Profit and Loss Account as incurred. Capital expenditure on assets
acquired for Research and Development is added to Fixed Assets.
Government Grants
Special Capital Incentive received from the Government for setting up/expansion of an industrial undertaking in underdeveloped area of
the State, is credited to Capital Reserve (Capital Incentive Reserve). Government grants/subsidy related to specific fixed assets is reduced
from the cost of the asset concerned.
Borrowing Cost
Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition/construction/installation of fixed assets are capitalised as part of the cost of the
assets up to the date the assets are put to use. Other borrowing costs are charged to Profit and Loss Account.
a) Provision for current tax is made and retained in the accounts on the basis of estimated tax liability as per the applicable provisions
of the respective taxation laws.
b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for timing differences between the accounting and taxable income, based on tax
rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets, subject to the consideration
of prudence, are recognised only if there is reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available, against
which they can be realised. At each Balance Sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed to reassure its
c) Deferred tax at overseas subsidiaries is provided at appropriate rates on all timing differences using the liability method only to
the extent that, in the opinion of the Management, there is a reasonable probability that a liability or asset will crystallise in the
foreseeable future.
Assets acquired on leases where a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as
operating leases. Lease rentals are charged to the Profit and Loss Account on accrual basis. Assets leased out under operating lease are
capitalised, depreciation thereon is provided in the books and rental income is recognised on accrual basis over the lease term. Assets
leased out are stated at original cost and the depreciation thereon is provided in the books
The carrying amount of an asset is reviewed at each Balance Sheet date for any indication of impairment based on internal/external
factors. An impairment loss is recognised wherever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable
amount is the greater of the asset’s net selling price and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are
discounted to their present value at the weighted average cost of capital.
A provision is made based on a reliable estimate when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be
required to settle an obligation. Contingent Liabilities, if material, are disclosed by way of notes to the accounts. Contingent Assets are
not recognised or disclosed in the financial statements.
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Fixed Assets Gross Block (At Cost) Depreciation (Including Amortization) (Net Block)
Balance As at Additions/ Deductions/ Balance As at Total upto * For the Year Deductions Total upto As At As At
01.04.2015 Adjustments Adjustments 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 During the year 31.03.2016 31.03.2016 31.03.2015
During the year During the year
Tangible assets
(a) Land
- Freehold 37,01,63,256 NIL NIL 37,01,63,256 NIL NIL NIL NIL 37,01,63,256 37,01,63,256
- Leasehold 20,63,83,513 NIL NIL 20,63,83,513 1,64,04,910 24,10,737 NIL 1,88,15,647 18,75,67,866 18,99,78,603
(b) Buildings 621,23,03,296 254,85,18,623 NIL 876,08,21,919 56,33,68,285 26,54,11,975 NIL 82,87,80,260 793,20,41,659 564,89,35,011
(c ) Plant and Equipment 2387,97,74,776 395,06,22,560 6,85,57,507 2776,18,39,829 771,59,19,780 220,91,66,814 3,94,34,316 988,56,52,278 1787,61,87,551 1616,38,54,996
(d) Factory Equipment 101,24,85,521 2,70,60,434 2,28,853 103,93,17,102 26,83,62,583 12,10,97,183 1,24,348 38,93,35,418 64,99,81,684 74,41,22,938
(e) Furniture and Fixtures 15,94,10,921 38,89,83,229 NIL 54,83,94,150 6,73,63,338 3,68,49,921 NIL 10,42,13,259 44,41,80,891 9,20,47,583
(f) Vehicles 16,53,09,932 6,44,35,275 1,96,27,431 21,01,17,776 4,95,70,318 2,56,48,978 65,18,292 6,87,01,004 14,14,16,772 11,57,39,614
(g) Office Equipment 4,71,00,927 3,06,98,181 3,08,410 7,74,90,698 2,73,17,198 1,20,00,072 2,58,156 3,90,59,114 3,84,31,584 1,97,83,729
(h) Others
- Electric Installations 97,58,82,936 18,64,32,013 21,76,017 116,01,38,932 22,75,77,452 13,15,90,497 16,95,860 35,74,72,089 80,26,66,843 74,83,05,484
- Air Conditioners 3,97,00,097 2,50,98,024 2,40,398 6,45,57,723 2,27,97,146 1,04,52,297 2,40,389 3,30,09,054 3,15,48,669 1,69,02,951
- Computer 10,12,04,034 1,03,44,900 34,67,932 10,80,81,002 6,99,34,025 1,42,00,975 34,67,869 8,06,67,131 2,74,13,871 3,12,70,009
TOTAL TANGIBLE (CURRENT YEAR) 3316,97,19,209 723,21,93,238 9,46,06,548 4030,73,05,900 902,86,15,035 282,88,29,449 5,17,39,230 1180,57,05,254 2850,16,00,646 -
TOTAL TANGIBLE (PREVIOUS YEAR) 3077,52,84,227 383,43,31,922 143,98,96,941 3316,97,19,208 689,72,26,525 257,70,98,464 44,57,09,954 902,86,15,035 - 2414,11,04,174
Intangible assets
Computer software 5,27,50,914 3,48,40,447 4,50,193 8,71,41,168 3,99,12,408 61,26,234 4,50,183 4,55,88,459 4,15,52,709 1,28,38,506
TOTAL INTANGIBLE (CURRENT YEAR) 5,27,50,914 3,48,40,447 4,50,193 8,71,41,168 3,99,12,408 61,26,234 4,50,183 4,55,88,459 4,15,52,709 -
TOTAL INTANGIBLE (PREVIOUS YEAR) 4,86,64,138 87,76,213 46,89,437 5,27,50,914 3,73,39,939 83,29,543 57,57,054 3,99,12,408 - 1,28,38,506
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Details of Current Investment in units of Mutual funds purchased and sold during the year :
Name of Mutual Fund Purchased During the Year Sold / Redeemed During the Year
No. of Units Cost Rs. No. of Units Cost Rs.
AXIS LIQUID FUND - DAILY DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN - REINVESTMENT (CF-DR) 1,90,180 19,02,41,729 1,90,180 19,02,41,729
AXIS ENHANCED ARBITRAGE FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT 37,84,152 4,03,75,761 37,84,152 4,03,75,761
BIRLA SUN LIFE FLOATING RATE FUND LONG TERM PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND - 19,92,774 20,00,58,154 19,92,774 20,00,58,154
BIRLA SUN LIFE ENHANCED ARBITRAGE FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 1,87,34,344 20,69,95,524 1,87,34,344 20,69,95,524
BIRLA SUN LIFE CASH MANAGER FUND - DAILY DIVIDEND - REGULAR PLAN 20,19,508 20,27,48,526 20,19,508 20,27,48,526
BIRLA SUN LIFE CASH MANAGER FUND - DAILY DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 1,59,08,841 159,66,57,389 1,59,08,841 159,66,57,389
BIRLA SUN LIFE CASH PLUS - DAILY DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 14,98,035 15,00,95,581 14,98,035 15,00,95,581
FRANKLIN INDIA ULTRA SHORT BOND FUND SUPER I/P - DIRECT - DIVIDEND PLAN 22,89,11,475 230,34,90,388 22,89,11,475 230,34,90,388
HDFC ARBITRAGE FUND - WHOLESALE PLAN- DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 38,92,94,297 412,33,39,663 38,92,94,297 412,33,39,663
HDFC FLOATING RATE INCOME FUND - SHORT TERM PLAN - WHOLESALE OPTION 25,96,43,965 261,74,43,258 25,96,43,965 261,74,43,258
HDFC LIQUID FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 7,03,29,027 396,71,96,914 7,03,29,027 396,71,96,914
ICICI PRUDENTIAL ULTRA SHORT TERM - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 18,73,22,242 189,31,17,629 18,73,22,242 189,31,17,629
ICICI PRUDENTIAL FLEXIBIBLE INCOME - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 9,46,013 10,00,27,394 9,46,013 10,00,27,394
ICICI PRUDENTIAL LIQUID - DIRECT PLAN - DIVIDEND - DAILY REINVEST 1,08,05,345 108,11,45,013 1,08,05,345 108,11,45,013
ICICI PRUDENTIAL EQUITY ARBITRAGE FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DIVIDEND 4,88,26,509 69,32,57,068 4,88,26,509 69,32,57,068
IDFC CASH PLUS FUND - REGULAR PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 5,15,157 51,55,10,744 5,15,157 51,55,10,744
IDFC ULTRA SHORT TERM FUND - REGULAR PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 1,20,09,873 12,03,30,216 1,20,09,873 12,03,30,216
IDFC ARBITRAGE FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 7,96,84,669 102,12,74,982 7,96,84,669 102,12,74,982
IDFC ULTRA SHORT TERM FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 9,04,24,743 90,92,29,833 9,04,24,743 90,92,29,833
KOTAK EQUITY ARBITRAGE FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 2,54,42,686 51,51,34,939 2,54,42,686 51,51,34,939
L & T ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITIES FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 1,01,33,261 10,45,10,516 1,01,33,261 10,45,10,516
MIRAE ASSET CSH MANAGEMENT FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 1,19,410 12,73,68,258 1,19,410 12,73,68,258
SBI ULTRA SHORT TERM DEBT FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 16,37,971 164,61,57,968 16,37,971 164,61,57,968
SBI ARBITRAGE OPPORTUNITIES FUND - DIVIDEND - DIRECT PLAN 13,86,29,065 191,69,49,719 13,86,29,065 191,69,49,719
TATA FLOATER FUND - DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 8,10,537 81,33,99,100 8,10,537 81,33,99,100
UTI-FLOATING RATE-STP-DIRECT PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 12,56,472 135,30,55,659 12,56,472 135,30,55,659
UTI-FLOATING RATE-STP-REGULAR PLAN - DAILY DIVIDEND 2,84,691 30,65,76,885 2,84,691 30,65,76,885
GRAND TOTAL 160,12,01,757 2876,57,37,485 160,12,01,757 2876,57,37,485
Balkrishna Industries Limited
(a) Primary Business Segments:-
The Group has Mainly one reportable business segment, namely Tyres(including Tubes and Flaps) therefore primary business
segment reporting as required by AS-17 is not applicable.
(b) Secondary Segment - Geographical by location of customers
Rupees Rupees
Segment Revenue
Revenue from Operations:
In India 457,13,01,470
Outside India
Europe 1698,93,55,958
North America 464,44,49,211
Others 638,22,37,169
Total (3816,79,73,595)
Segment Assets
In India 4054,37,29,843
Outside India
Europe 370,77,91,002
Others 163,04,84,331
Total 4588,20,05,176
Total Cost incurred during the year to acquire Segment Fixed Assets
In India 323,66,95,764
Outside India 6,81,607
Total 323,73,77,371
Segment Assets excludes -Investments 802,26,04,600
Annual Report 2015-16
I) Related Party Disclosures *
As per Accounting Standard 18, the disclosures of transactions with the related parties are given below:
(Where transactions have taken place)
a) Key Management Personnel (KMP)
Mr. Arvind Poddar - Chairman & Managing Director, Mrs. Vijayalaxmi Poddar - Executive Director ( up to 08.08.2015), Mr. Rajiv
Poddar - Joint Managing Director, Mr.Vipul Shah - Director & Company Secretary, Mr. Basant Bansal - Director Finance., Mr.
Rajendra Jhanwar - Director(Works) ( up to 09.02.2015).
b) Relatives of Key Management Personnel :
Mrs. Vijayalaxmi Poddar-( w.e.f. 09.08.2015) Mrs. Khushboo Poddar, Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar, Mrs. Pooja Dhoot, Mr. Abhishek
c) Other Related Parties -(Enterprises-KMP having significant influence/owned by major shareholders) Siyaram Silk Mills Ltd.,
Clothing Culture Ltd., S P Finance and Trading Ltd., Nirvikara Paper Mills Ltd.
Related Party Transactions (In Rupees)
Balkrishna Industries Limited
11 Payment to Key Management Personnel includes : Mr. Arvind Poddar Rs. 32,99,66,107 (Previous Year Rs. 27,83,77,817),
Mr. Rajiv Poddar Rs.24,09,75,077 (Previous Year Rs. 19,70,22,787), Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar Rs.4,65,66,503 (Previous Year
Rs.12,66,75,421), Mr. Basant Bansal Rs. 1,14,72,632 (Previous Year Rs.1,04,71,759), Mr. Vipul Shah Rs.38,48,294 (Previous
Year Rs.34,06,460), Mr. Rajendra Jhanwar Rs.NIL ( Previous Year Rs. 27,00,229 ) and payment to Relatives of Key Management
Personnel includes : Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar Rs.1,20,000 (Previous Year Rs. NIL), Mrs. Khushboo Poddar Rs.33,79,329 (Previous
Year Rs.30,00,036), Mrs. Shyamlata Poddar Rs.9,81,578 (Previous Year Rs.30,00,036).
12 Payables to Key Management Personnel includes : Mr. Arvind Poddar Rs.27,00,00,000 (Previous Year Rs.21,00,00,000),
Mr. Rajiv Poddar Rs.19,20,00,000 (Previous Year Rs.14,40,00,000), Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar Rs. 3,19,35,483 (Previous Year
Rs.9,00,00,000), Mr. Basant Bansal Rs.1,21,443 (Previous Year Rs. NIL), Mr. Vipul Shah Rs.2,67,804 (Previous Year Rs.1,53,814),
Payables to Relatives of Key Management Personnel includes : Mrs. Khushboo Poddar Rs.16,800 (Previous Year Rs.8,400), Mrs.
Shyamlata Poddar Rs.NIL (Previous Year Rs.8,400).
* Parties identified by the Management and relied upon by the auditors.
No amount in respect of related parties have been written off/back or are provided for.
(a) As at 31st March,2016, there are no Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, as defined in the Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006, to whom the Company owes dues on account of principal amount together with interest and accordingly
no additional disclosures have been made.
(b) The above information regarding Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has been determined to the extent such parties have been
identified on the basis of information available with the Company. This has been relied upon by the auditors.
Annual Report 2015-16
Disclosures in accordance with accounting standard AS-15 on “Employee Benefits”.
Defined benefit plans - As per actuarial valuation in respect of gratuity
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Annual Report 2015-16
Nature of Security in respect of secured Loan (Long Term/Short Term): Rupees
Working Capital Loans from Banks Repayable on Demand:
Secured by first charge by way of hypothecation of Inventories, Receivables and other movables on pari-passu 284,89,75,040
basis and further secured by second charge by way of hypothecation on all the present and future movable fixed
assets of the Company on pari - passu basis and immovable fixed assets of the Company situated at Bhiwadi,
Chopanki, Jaisalmer & major assets at Bhuj Units and office premises at Creative Industrial Estate - Mumbai on
pari-passu basis.
Term Loan from Banks:
(a) Secured by first charge by way of hypothecation on the all present and future movable fixed assets of the
Company on pari - passu basis and immovable fixed assets of the Company situated at Bhiwadi, Chopanki,
Jaisalmer & major assets at Bhuj Units and office premises at Creative Industrial Estate - Mumbai on pari -
passu basis and further secured by second charge by way of hypothecation of Inventories, Receivables and
other movables on pari-passu basis.
(Repayment in 3 Annual Equal Installments beginning from financial Year 2016-17, Rate of Interest LIBOR + 663,32,90,000
100 bppa)
(b) To be Secured by first charge by way of hypothecation on the all present and future movable fixed assets of
the Company on pari - passu basis and immovable fixed assets of the Company situated at Bhiwadi, Chopanki,
Jaisalmer and office premises at Creative Industrial Estate - Mumbai on pari - passu basis and further to be
secured by second charge by way of hypothecation of Inventories, Receivables and other movables on pari-
passu basis.
(Repayment in 2 Annual Equal Installments beginning from financial Year 2016-2017, Rate of Interest LIBOR 773,88,38,334
+ 80 bppa)
(a) The figures for the year ended 31st March 2016 are not comparable with the corresponding figures of the current year consequent
to amalgamation of Balkrishna Paper Mills Limited into the company and its subsequent de-merger to Nirvikara Paper Mill Limited
during the previous year.
(b) The board has in principle approved a proposal of amalgamation of its wholly owned subsidiary company viz. BKT Exim Limited into
the company subject to necessary approvals from relevant authorities.
(i) Figures in brackets in notes 33 and 35 pertain to previous year.
(ii) Previous year’s figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year’s classification/
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Joint Managing Director
Mumbai, Mumbai,
Dated: 18th May, 2016 Dated: 18th May, 2016
Balkrishna Industries Limited
Year Ended Year Ended
31st March, 2016 31st March, 2015
Rupees Rupees
Profit before Tax 857,39,38,029 713,33,75,071
Adjustment for :
Depreciation and Ammortisation 281,28,07,948 243,69,91,808
Diminution of Long Term Investment Written back (1,68,34,824) NIL
Income from Investments (73,39,43,438) (8,05,20,856)
Finance Cost 34,29,99,421 47,58,42,069
Interest Income (5,54,51,736) (2,57,35,049)
Loss/(Profit) on Sale of Fixed Assets 56,91,436 (5,16,261)
Fixed Assets Discarded/Written Off 6,11,693 1,40,09,798
Unrealised Foreign Exchange differences Loss/(Gain) 2,31,27,629 1,44,04,288
Retiring Gratuities 5,15,36,150 3,96,29,926
Leave Encashment 2,44,23,301 2,78,60,397
245,49,67,579 290,19,66,120
Operating profit before working capital changes 1102,89,05,608 1003,53,41,191
Adjustment for:
Trade and other receivables 175,37,64,540 58,72,76,171
Inventories 114,47,02,515 137,99,71,820
Trade payables (81,47,00,987) (78,32,311)
208,37,66,068 195,94,15,680
Cash generated from operations 1311,26,71,676 1199,47,56,870
Direct taxes paid (234,18,32,446) (212,52,47,434)
Gratuity paid (2,88,62,726) (1,83,64,942)
Leave Encashment paid (1,34,66,458) (98,61,264)
Net cash from Operating Activities 1072,85,10,046 984,12,83,230
Purchase of Fixed Assets & Capital Work in Progress (242,35,46,331) (370,82,11,972)
Sale of Fixed Assets 3,65,64,198 89,12,319
Purchase of Investments (3621,46,19,485) (1080,79,40,861)
Sale of Investments 3306,39,90,795 1003,72,68,867
Inter Corporate Loan Given (62,64,18,500) (25,00,000)
Inter Corporate Loan Refund Received 27,24,71,000 1,50,00,000
Interest received 5,26,57,972 91,31,061
Income Received on Investments 31,94,43,184 7,95,37,661
Net cash used in Investing Activities (551,94,57,166) (436,88,02,925)
Received towards Share capital NIL 76,58,955
Proceeds from Short Term Borrowings (Net) 475,19,37,137 (100,58,20,749)
Proceeds from Long Term Borrowings 779,76,28,115 4264,69,26,782
Repayment of Long Term Borrowings (1753,43,74,898) (4224,93,41,756)
Dividend paid (including tax thereon) (91,33,05,435) (22,49,17,104)
Finance cost paid (35,57,99,986) (47,66,65,665)
Net Cash from Financing Activities (625,39,15,067) (130,21,59,537)
Add:On account of Scheme of Arrangement(Refer Note No.45) NIL 2,87,42,126
Net increase in cash and cash equivalent (104,48,62,187) 419,90,62,894
Exchange difference on cash and cash equivalent - Gain 12,85,574 (3,97,821)
Cash and cash equivalent as at the beginning of the year 434,20,80,796 14,93,45,909
Less: On Account of disposal of Subsidiary NIL 21,52,662
Less: On account of Scheme of Arrangement (Refer Note No.45) NIL 37,77,524
Adjusted Cash and cash equivalent 434,20,80,796 14,34,15,723
Cash and cash equivalent as at the end of the year 329,85,04,184 434,20,80,796
Note :Direct Taxes paid on income are treated as arising from Operating Activities and are not bifurcated between Investing and Financing Activities.
As per our report of even date attached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
Mumbai, Mumbai,
Dated: 18th May, 2016 Dated: 18th May, 2016
Balkrishna Industries Limited
CIN : L99999MH1961PLC012185
Registered Office: B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad-431136, Maharashtra
Corporate Office: BKT House, C/15, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound,
NOTICE is hereby given that the 54 Annual General Meeting of RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby
the members of BALKRISHNA INDUSTRIES LIMITED will be held as authorised to do all acts and take all such steps as may
scheduled below: be necessary proper or expedient to give effect to this
Day : Saturday resolution.”
Date : 6th August, 2016 By order of Board of Directors
For Balkrishna Industries Limited
Time : 12:00 Noon
Place : B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad Vipul Shah
431 136, Maharashtra Mumbai Director & Company Secretary
The Agenda for the Meeting will be as under to transact the Dated: 18th May, 2016 DIN No: 05199526
following business: Registered Office:
Waluj Industrial Area
1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial
Aurangabad 431 136
Statements of the Company for the financial year ended
31st March, 2016 together with the Report of the Board of
Directors and Auditors thereon and the Audited Consolidated NOTES:
Financial Statement of the Company for the financial year
2. To confirm Interim Dividend of Rs.3.00 per equity share and PROXY TO ATTEND AND VOTE ON A POLL INSTEAD OF
a Special Dividend of Rs. 2.50 per equity share aggregating HIMSELF AND THE PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER OF
to Rs. 5.50 per equity share, already paid for the financial THE COMPANY. The instrument appointing proxy should,
year ended 31st March, 2016. The Board has decided to treat however, be deposited at the Registered Office of the
said Interim Dividend as Final Dividend for the financial year Company or at the Corporate Office not less than 48 hours
ended 31st March, 2016. before commencement of the Meeting.
3. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Vipul Shah A person can act as a proxy on behalf of members not
(DIN: 05199526), who retires by rotation and being eligible, exceeding fifty and holding in the aggregate not more than
offers himself for re-appointment. ten percent of the total share capital of the Company carrying
4. To consider and if thought fit to pass with or without voting rights. A member holding more than ten percent of
modification(s), the following Resolution as an Ordinary the total share capital of the Company carrying voting rights
Resolution: may appoint a single person as proxy and such person shall
not act as a proxy for any other person or shareholder.
“RESOLVED THAT M/s. Jayantilal Thakkar & Co., Chartered
Accountants (Firm Registration No. 104133W) be and are 2) The business set out in the Notice will be transacted through
hereby appointed as Statutory Auditors of the Company, to electronic voting system and the Company is providing
hold office from conclusion of this Annual General Meeting facility for voting by electronic means. Instructions and
till the conclusion of next Annual General Meeting of the other information relating to remote e-voting are given in
Company on such remuneration as shall be fixed by the this Notice under Note No.20. The Company will also send
Board of Directors of the Company.” communication relating to e-voting which inter alia would
contain details about User ID and password along with a
SPECIAL BUSINESS: copy of this Notice to the members, separately.
5. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without 3) Corporate Members intending to send their authorised
modification(s), the following Resolution as an Ordinary representatives to attend the Meeting are requested to
Resolution: send a certified copy of Board Resolution authorising their
“RESOLVED THAT in accordance with the provisions of representative to attend and vote on their behalf at the
Sections 196, 197 and 203 read with Schedule V and all Meeting.
other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 4) Brief resume of Directors including those proposed to
and the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of be appointed/re-appointed, nature of their expertise in
Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory specific functional areas, name of companies in which
modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in they hold directorship and memberships/chairmanship of
force), approval of the Company be and is hereby accorded to Board Committees, shareholding and relationships between
the re-appointment of Mr. Arvind Poddar (DIN: 00089984) as directors inter-se as stipulated under Regulation 36 (3) of
Chairman & Managing Director of the Company, for a period SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
of five years with effect from 1st August, 2016 to 31st July, Regulations, 2015 are provided in the Annexure to the notice
2021, on the terms and conditions including remuneration convening the Annual General Meeting of the Company.
as set out in the Explanatory Statement annexed to the 5) A Statement pursuant to Section 102(1) of the Companies
Notice convening this Meeting, with powers to the Board of Act, 2013, relating to the Special Business to be transacted
Directors (hereinafter referred as “the Board”) to alter and at the Meeting is annexed hereto.
vary the terms and conditions of the said re-appointment
6) Shareholders desiring any information as regards to
including minimum remuneration (in case of absence or
accounts are requested to write to the Company at an
inadequacy of profits) in such manner as the Board may
early date so as to enable the Management to keep the
deem fit and is acceptable to Mr. Arvind Poddar, subject to
information ready.
the same not exceeding the limits specified under Schedule
V to the Companies Act, 2013 or statutory modification(s) or 7) Members are requested to bring their attendance slip along
re-enactment thereof. with their copy of Annual Report to the Meeting.
Balkrishna Industries Limited
8) In case of joint holders attending the Meeting, only such 17) Members may note that the Notice of the 54th Annual General
joint holder who is higher in the order of names will be Meeting and the Annual Report for year 2015-2016 will also
entitled to vote. be available on the Company’s website for their download.
9) All documents referred to in the accompanying Notice and The physical copies of the aforesaid documents will also be
the Explanatory Statement shall be open for inspection at available at the Company’s Registered Office or Corporate
the Registered Office or Corporate Office of the Company Office for inspection during normal business hours on
during normal business hours (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) on all working days. Even after registering for e-communication,
working days up to and including the date of the Annual members are entitled to receive such communication in
General Meeting of the Company. physical form, upon making a request for the same, by
post free of cost. For any communication, the shareholders
10) The Company has notified closure of Register of Members may also send requests to the Company’s investor email id:
and Share Transfer Books from Wednesday, the 3rd August, [email protected].
2016 to Thursday, the 4th August, 2016 (both days inclusive)
18) Members who have not registered their e-mail addresses
for the purpose of 54th Annual General Meeting.
so far, are requested to register their e-mail address for
11) Members holding shares in electronic form are hereby receiving all communication including Annual Report,
informed that bank particulars registered against their Notices, Circulars, etc. from the Company electronically.
respective depository accounts will be used by the Company
19) A route map giving directions to reach the venue of the 54th
for payment of dividend. The Company or its Registrars
Annual General Meeting is given at the end of the Notice
cannot act on any request received directly from the
Members holding shares in electronic form for any change 20) Information and other instructions relating to e-voting
of bank particulars or bank mandates. Such changes are are as under:
to be advised only to the Depository Participant of the I. In compliance with provisions of Section 108 of the Act, Rule
Members. Members holding shares in physical form and 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration)
desirous of either registering bank particulars or changing Rules, 2014 and Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing
bank particulars already registered against their respective Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
folios for payment of dividend are requested to write to the 2015, the Company provides to its members, the facility
Company. to exercise their right to vote on resolutions proposed to
12) Members holding shares in electronic form are requested to be considered at the 54th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
intimate immediately any change in their address or bank by electronic means and the business may be transacted
mandates to their Depository Participants with whom they through e-Voting Services. The facility of casting the votes by
are maintaining their demat accounts. Members holding the members using an electronic voting system from a place
shares in physical form are requested to advise any change other than venue of the Annual General Meeting (“remote
in their address or bank mandates immediately to the e-voting”) will be provided by Karvy Computershare Private
Company / the Registrar and Transfer Agent, M/s. Karvy Limited (Karvy).
Computershare Private Limited. II. The facility for voting through ballot paper shall also be made
13) The Company has transferred the unpaid or unclaimed available at the Annual General Meeting and the members
dividend declared up to financial years 2007-2008 from attending the meeting shall be able to exercise their right to
time to time on due dates to the Investor Education and vote at the meeting through ballot paper in case they have
Protection Fund (the IEPF) established by the Central not casted their vote by remote e-voting.
Government. Pursuant to the provisions of Investor Education III. The members who have casted their vote by remote e-voting
and Protection Fund (Uploading of information regarding prior to the Annual General Meeting may also attend the
unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with Companies) Annual General Meeting but shall not be entitled to cast
Rules, 2012 the company has uploaded the details of unpaid their votes again.
and unclaimed amounts lying with the Company as on 11th IV. The remote e-voting period commences on Wednesday, the
July, 2015 (date of last Annual General Meeting) on website 3rd August, 2016 (9:00 a.m. IST) and ends on Friday, the
of the Company, as also on website of 5th August, 2016 (5:00 p.m. IST). During this period, the
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. members of the Company, holding shares either in physical
14) Notice of Annual General Meeting along with Annual report form or in dematerialised form, as on the cut-off date of
2015-16 is being sent by electronic mode to those Members 30th July, 2016, may cast their vote by remote e-voting. The
whose e-mail addresses are registered with the Company/ remote e-voting module shall be disabled by Karvy for voting
Depositories, unless any Member has requested for a thereafter.
physical copy of the same. V. Once the vote on a resolution is cast by the member, such
15) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has member shall not be allowed to change it subsequently.
mandated the submission of Permanent Account Number VI. A person who is not a member as on cut-off date should
(PAN) by every participant in securities market. Members treat this Notice for information purpose only.
holding shares in electronic form are, therefore, requested VII. The process and manner for remote e-voting is as under:
to submit their PAN to their Depository Participants with
whom they are maintaining their demat accounts. Members A. Member whose email IDs are registered with the Company/
holding shares in physical form can submit their PAN to DPs will receive an email from Karvy informing them of their
the Company / the Registrar and Transfer Agent, M/s. Karvy User-ID and Password. Once the Members receives the email,
Computershare Private Limited. he or she will need to go through the following steps to
complete the e-voting process:
16) Electronic copy of the Notice of the 54th Annual General
Meeting of the Company inter alia indicating the process (i) Launch internet browser by typing the URL: https://
and manner of e-Voting along with Attendance Slip, Proxy
Form and Route Map is being sent to all the members whose (ii) Enter the login credentials (i.e. User ID and password)
email IDs are registered with the Company/Depository which will be sent separately. However, if you are
Participants(s) for communication purposes unless any already registered with Karvy for e-voting, you can use
member has requested for a hard copy of the same. For your existing User ID and password for casting your
members who have not registered their email address, vote. If required, please visit
physical copy of the Notice of the 54th Annual General or contact toll free number 1-800-3454-001 for your
Meeting of the Company inter alia indicating the process existing password.
and manner of e-voting along with Attendance Slip, Proxy (iii) After entering these details appropriately, click on
Form and Route Map is being sent in the permitted mode. “LOGIN”.
Annual Report 2015-16
(iv) You will now reach password change Menu wherein you a) If e-mail address or mobile number of the member is
are required to mandatorily change your password. The registered against Folio No. / DP ID Client ID, then on the
new password shall comprise minimum 8 characters home page of, the member may
with at least one upper case (A-Z), one lower case (az), click “Forgot Password” and enter Folio No. or DP ID Client
one numeric (0-9) and a special character (@,#,$,etc.). ID and PAN to generate a password.
The system will prompt you to change your password
and update your contact details like mobile number, b) Member may send an e-mail request to evoting@karvy.
email address, etc. on first login. You may also enter a com. If the member is already registered with Karvy e-voting
secret question and answer of your choice to retrieve platform then he can use his existing User ID and password
your password in case you forget it. It is strongly for casting the vote through remote e-voting.
recommended that you do not share your password
with any other person and that you take utmost care to c) Member may call Karvy’s toll free number 1-800-3454-001.
keep your password confidential. d) If the mobile number of the member is registered against
(v) You need to login again with the new credentials. Folio No. / DP ID Client ID, the member may send SMS :
(vi) On successful login, the system will prompt you to MYEPWD <space> E-Voting Event Number + Folio No. or
select the E-Voting Event Number for Balkrishna DP ID Client ID to 9212993399
Industries Limited. Example for NSDL: MYEPWD <SPACE> IN12345612345678
(vii) On the voting page enter the number of shares (which Example for CDSL : MYEPWD <SPACE> 1402345612345678
represents the number of votes) as on the cut-off date
under “FOR/AGAINST” or alternatively, you may partially Example for Physical : MYEPWD <SPACE> XXXX1234567890
enter any number in “FOR” and partially in “AGAINST” XIII. A person, whose name is recorded in the register of members
but the total number in “FOR/AGAINST” taken together or in the register of beneficial owners maintained by the
should not exceed your total shareholding as on the depositories as on the cut-off date, 30th July, 2016 only shall
cut-off date. You may also choose the option “ABSTAIN”
be entitled to avail the facility of remote e-voting as well as
and the shares held will not be counted under either
head. voting at the Annual General Meeting through ballot paper.
(viii) Members holding shares under multiple folios/demat XIV. Mr. Murlidhar Bhalekar, Practising Company Secretary has
accounts shall choose the voting process separately for been appointed as the Scrutiniser by the Board of Directors
each of the folios/demat accounts. of the Company to scrutinise the e-voting process in a fair
(ix) Voting has to be done for each item of the Notice and transparent manner.
separately. In case you do not desire to cast your vote XV. Voting shall be allowed at the end of discussion on the
on any specific item it will be treated as abstained. resolutions on which voting is to be held with the assistance
(x) You may then cast your vote by selecting an appropriate of Scrutiniser, by use of ballot paper for all those members
option and click on “Submit”. who are present at the Annual General Meeting but have
(xi) A confirmation box will be displayed. Click “OK” to not cast their votes by availing the remote e-voting facility.
confirm else “CANCEL” to modify. Once you confirm, XVI. The Scrutiniser shall after the conclusion of voting at the
you will not be allowed to modify your vote. During the Annual General Meeting, will first count the votes cast at
voting period, members can login any number of times
till they have voted on the Resolution(s). the meeting and thereafter unblock the votes cast through
remote e-voting in the presence of at least two witnesses
(xii) Corporate / Institutional Members (i.e. other than not in the employment of the Company and shall make,
Individuals, HUF, NRI, etc.) are also required to send
not later than three days of the conclusion of the Annual
scanned certified true copy (PDF Format) of the Board
Resolution / Power of Attorney / Authority Letter, General Meeting, a consolidated Scrutiniser’s report of the
etc., together with attested specimen signature(s) total votes cast in favour or against, if any, to the Chairman
of the duly authorized representative(s), to the or to a person authorised by the Chairman in writing, who
Scrutinizer at e-mail ID: [email protected] or shall countersign the same and declare the result of the
[email protected]. voting forthwith.
B. In case a member receives physical copy of the Notice of XVII. The Results declared along with the report of the
Annual General Meeting [for members whose email IDs are Scrutiniser shall be placed on the website of the Company
not registered or have requested the physical copy]: and on the website of Karvy immediately
a) Initial password is provided in below format at the after the declaration of result by the Chairman or by a
bottom of the Attendance Slip for the Annual General person duly authorised. The results shall also be immediately
Meeting : forwarded to the National Stock Exchange of India Limited
EVENT NO. USER ID PASS WORD and BSE Limited, where the equity shares of the Company
b) Please follow all steps from Sr. No. (ii) to Sr. No. (xii) are listed.
above to cast vote. XVIII.Subject to receipt of requisite number of votes, the
VIII. In case of any query pertaining to e-voting, please visit Help Resolutions shall be deemed to have been passed on the
& FAQ’s section available at Karvy’s website https://evoting. date of the Annual General Meeting i.e. August 6, 2016. By order of Board of Directors
IX. If the member is already registered with Karvy e-voting For Balkrishna Industries Limited
platform then he can use his existing User ID and password
for casting the vote through remote e-voting.
X. You can also update your mobile number and e-mail id in Vipul Shah
the user profile details of the folio which may be used for Mumbai Director & Company Secretary
sending future communication. Dated: 18th May, 2016 DIN No: 05199526
XI. The voting rights of members shall be in proportion to their
shares of the paid up equity share capital of the Company as
on the cut-off date of 30th July, 2016. Registered Office:
B-66, Waluj MIDC,
XII. Any person who becomes a member of the Company after Waluj Industrial Area
dispatch of the Notice of the Meeting and holding shares as Aurangabad 431 136
on the cut-off date i.e. 30th July, 2016, may obtain the User Maharashtra
ID and password in the manner as mentioned below:
The following Statement set out all material fact relating to the Special and family. In case of any medical treatment abroad, the travelling, boarding
Business mentioned in the accompanying Notice: and lodging expenses for patient and attendant are also payable. Premium for
Item No.5: medical insurance incurred for self and family will be paid by the Company.
The Board of Directors of the Company (“the Board”) at its Meeting held Leave Travel Concession
on 18th May, 2016 has, subject to the approval of members, re-appointed Reimbursement of actual travelling expenses (like travel fare, lodging,
Mr. Arvind Poddar as Chairman & Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. boarding, conveyance and other expenses) incurred for self and family during
1st August, 2016 to 31st July, 2021 for a period of 5 years from the expiry leave travel periods, wherever undertaken, whether in India or abroad.
of his present term which will expire on 31st July, 2016 at the following Club Membership
remuneration recommended by Nomination and Remuneration Committee
of the Board w.e.f 1st August, 2016, with power to make such variation or Subscription or reimbursement of membership fees for clubs in India and/or
increase therein as may be thought fit from time to time, but within the abroad, including admission and life membership fees.
ceiling/s laid down in Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013 or any statutory Personal Accident Insurance
amendment or relaxation thereof, subject to the approval of Shareholders of The actual premium paid.
the Company at its ensuing General Meeting.
Provident Fund, Superannuation Fund and Annuity Fund
While re-appointing Mr. Arvind Poddar as Chairman & Managing Director of
the Company, the Board of Directors considered his contribution to overall Contribution to Provident Fund, Superannuation Fund and Annuity Fund will
progress of the Company. not be included in the computation of remuneration to the extent these
singly or put together are not taxable under Income Tax Rules, 1962.
Moreover, the Company is concentrating on its expansion plan besides
exploring opportunities both in India and abroad. Gratuity
The Board is of opinion that his services should continue to be available to the Gratuity shall be payable at half month’s salary for each completed year of
Company to achieve still greater heights, by re-appointing him as Chairman service and will not be included in computation of remuneration.
& Managing Director as mentioned in the resolution, subject to the approval Leave and Encashment of Leave
of the Shareholders.
The Managing Director shall be entitled to leave with full pay as per the rules
Taking into consideration the duties and responsibilities of the Chairman and of the Company and will be entitled to encash the accumulated leave at the
Managing Director, the prevailing managerial remuneration in industry and end of the tenure/retirement.
on recommendation of the nomination and remuneration committee the
Board at their meeting held on 18th May, 2016 approved the remuneration, Use of Car with Driver
terms and conditions of the re-appointment of Mr. Arvind Poddar, subject The Company shall provide fully maintained car with driver for business and
to the approval of the shareholders on remuneration including minimum personal use.
remuneration as set below: Free Telephone, Facsimile and other Communication Facilities
Salary The Company shall provide free Telephone, Facsimile and other communication
Rs. 25,00,000 p.m. – Rs. 2,00,000 p.m. – Rs. 35,00,000 p.m. facilities at the Managing Directors’ residence.
Commission Entertainment Expenses
As may be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company at the Reimbursement of entertainment expenses incurred in the course of business
end of each financial year, subject to overall ceiling stipulated from time of the Company.
to time under Sections 196, 197 and any other applicable provisions of the Minimum remuneration
Companies Act, 2013 read with Schedule V to the Companies Act, 2013, as
may for the time being be in force. In the event of absence or inadequacy of profits in any financial year
during the tenure of his appointment, the Managing Director shall be paid
remuneration by way of salary, perquisites and allowances as specified above
In addition to the salary and commission, the following perquisites shall also subject to limits specified in Schedule V to the Companies Act, 2013 or any
be allowed to Mr. Arvind Poddar : amendment thereto.
Housing Explanation
The Company shall provide fully furnished residential accommodation Except Mr. Arvind Poddar himself, Mr. Rajiv Poddar and Mrs. Vijaylaxmi Poddar,
together with all amenities, facilities and utilities such as Gas, Water, Electricity being relatives may be deemed to be concerned and interested in the said
and Fuel etc. as may be approved by the Board from time to time. resolution. No other Director and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company
In case no accommodation is provided by the Company, the Managing and their relatives are concerned or interested, financial or otherwise, in the
Director shall be entitled to House Rent Allowance to the extent of 60% of resolution set out at Item No. 5.
the basic salary. The above may be treated as a written memorandum setting out the terms of
Medical reimbursement re-appointment of Mr. Arvind Poddar under Section 190 of the Act.
Reimbursement of actual medical expenses incurred in India and/or abroad The Board commends the Ordinary Resolutions set out at Item No. 5 of the
and including hospitalisation, nursing home and surgical charges for himself Notice for approval by Shareholders.
By Order of the Board of Directors
For Balkrishna Industries Limited
Vipul Shah
Mumbai Director & Company Secretary
Dated: 18th May, 2016 DIN No: 05199526
Registered Office:
B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area
Aurangabad 431 136, Maharashtra
Details of the Directors seeking re-appointment in the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (Pursuant to
Regulation 36(3) of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015.
Name of the Director Mr. Arvind Poddar Mr. Vipul Shah
Director Identification Number 00089984 05199526
Date of Joining the Board 31.01.2004 11.02.2012
Profile of the Director B.Com B.Com, ACS
Age 58 years 53 years
Nature of Expertise in specific functional area Industrialist with vast experience in Professional
Tyre & Textile Industry
No. of shares held in the Company 500 Equity Shares NIL
Names of the listed entities in which person also holds the NIL NIL
directorship and the membership of Committees of the Board.
Note * Private Limited Companies and Companies under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 have been excluded.
Balkrishna Industries Limited ATTENDANCE SLIP
CIN : L99999MH1961PLC012185
Regd. Office : B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad 431136, Maharashtra
Corp. Office: BKT House, C/15, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013
Tel.: + 91-22-66663800 | Fax : +91-22-66663898/99 | Email: [email protected]
Sr. No.:
I / We hereby record my / our presence at the 54th Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Saturday, 6th August, 2016 at 12:00 Noon. at B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj
Industrial Area, Aurangabad 431136. Maharashtra.
I/We, being the member (s), holding...................................................................................... shares of the above named company, hereby appoint:
1. Name...................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................................................
Email Id ................................................................................................... Signature .............................................................................................. or failing him / her;
2. Name...................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................................................
Email Id ................................................................................................... Signature .............................................................................................. or failing him / her;
3. Name...................................................................................................... Address ................................................................................................................................
Email Id ................................................................................................... Signature .............................................................................................................................
as my/our proxy to attend and vote (on poll ) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 54th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Saturday, the 6th Day of August,
2016, at 12:00 Noon at B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad 431136 and at any adjournment thereof in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below:
Affix 1/-
Signed this ................. day of ...................... 2016 Rupee
Member’s Folio/DP ID - Client ID No................................................... Revenue
Signature of the Member ................................................................... Signature of the Proxy...........................................................................
(i) This Form of Proxy in order to be effective should be duly stamped, completed and signed and must be deposited at the Corporate Office / Registered Office of the
Company not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the aforesaid meeting. The proxy need not be member of the Company.
(ii) It is optional to put a ‘X’ in the appropriate column against the Resolution indicated in the Box. If you leave the ‘For’ or ‘Against’ column blank against any or all
Resolutions, your proxy will be entitled to vote in the manner as he/she thinks appropriate.
(iii) Please complete all details including details of Member(s) in the above Box before submission.
(iv) A proxy need not be member of the Company.
Electronic Voting Even Number (EVEN) User ID Password
Notes : Please refer to the instructions given in the Notice of the 54th Annual General Meeting under the Heading ‘Voting through electronic means’.The E-voting period
commences on Wednesday, the 3rd August, 2016 (9:00 a.m. IST) and ends on Friday, the 5th August, 2016 (5:00 p.m. IST).
Details of Venue of the Annual General Meeting
Address : B-66, Waluj MIDC, Waluj Industrial Area, Aurangabad 431136, Maharashtra
Landmark : Near Hotel Oasis, Pratap Chowk