Md. Wakil Ahmad: Revinr
Md. Wakil Ahmad: Revinr
Md. Wakil Ahmad: Revinr
m Portfolio [ [email protected]
½ Extended Pallabi, Mirpur - Sare Egaro, Dhaka, Bangladesh Ó +880 130 357 5798
Conference Proceedings
1 Md. Wakil Ahmad, Md. Easin Arafat, S. M. Shovan, Mahtab Uddin, Omar Faruq Osama, and Swakkhar
Shatabda. “Enhanced Prediction of Lysine Propionylation Sites using Bi-peptide Evolutionary Features Re-
solving Data Imbalance,” in proc, IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP 2020). April
2 Md.Wakil Ahmad, S.M. Shovan, Md. Easin Arafat, Md. Habibur Rahman Sifat, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan,
and Swakkhar Shatabda.“Improved performance of Lysine Glutarylation PTM using Peptide Evolutionary Fea-
tures,” in proc, 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer & Telecommunication Engineering
(ICECTE 2019). IEEE Xplore Digital Library. November 2019
† Achieved first place in Machine Learning at the UIU CSE Project Show. December 2019
† Achieved first place in Pattern Recognition Laboratory at the UIU CSE Project Show. April 2019
† Achieved second place in Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the UIU CSE Project Show. December 2018
† Certificates for completing a workshop named “Mobile Application For Starters”. December 2018
Nurul Islam Brac Bank, Bangladesh
Business Development Manager (BDM)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +8801730704227
Muhammad Younus Ali Sardar Aspire to Innovate (a2i), ICT Division, Bangladesh
Technology Expert
Digital Service Accelerator
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Phone: +8801937252292
Dr. Swakkhar Shatabda United International University (UIU), United City, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Abdollah ‘Iman’ Dehzangi Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Ghazaleh Taherzadeh University of Maryland College Park, Maryland, USA
Post-Doctoral Associate
UMCP Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research
Email: [email protected]