Transitional Care
Transitional Care
Transitional Care
SUMMARY Transitional care is indispensable in successfully transitioning patients from hospital to home and
preventing adverse events during this process. There were restricted services in several hospitals for
minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, hospitals could not provide adequate transitional
care that possibly resulted in poor post-discharge outcomes in patients. Some hospitals have now
combined infection prevention with face-to-face opportunities, i.e., requiring reservations for
transitional care consultation and restricting pre-discharge conferences. Several hospitals started
providing pre-discharge conferences using apps, where patients/family caregivers and care teams
could have face-to-face discussions about medical and nursing care plans, goals, and preferences.
However, building a relationship between patient/family and medical/nursing staff and providing
decision-making, psychological support, and risk assessment generally performed in person are still
in demand. New hybrid strategies should be developed and evaluated to provide transitional care
while using online systems and minimal face-to-face support during the pandemic.
56 BioScience Trends. 2021; 15(1):55-57.
3. Current status of patients and family caregivers' provide the service mainly in the first one to two weeks
involvement in transitional care during COVID-19 immediately after discharge from the hospital, when
the patient's condition is likely to change, and various
During the COVID-19 pandemic, from March 2020, difficulties are likely to arise. This service effectively
many hospitals prohibited inpatient visitation, even for compensates for the lack of pre-discharge medical and
family members or friends. As of January 2021, these nursing guidance and decision support in a pandemic
restrictions continue at many hospitals. Therefore, situation.
family caregivers are unable to visit patients during However, building a relationship between family
hospitalization and, thus, may not fully understand caregivers and medical/nursing staff, decision-making,
their status. One frontline DPN reported that family psychological support, and risk assessment generally
caregivers, particularly the elderly, were confused about performed in face-to-face communication is still
patients' hospital discharge and service adjustments due demanding. The future challenge is how to promote and
to limited shared decision-making or information for involve patients and caregivers in their transitional care
medical and nursing care plans after discharge, which after discharge while aiming at preventing infection
might have increased caregivers' anxiety and resulted in because especially the time spent between patients
discharge refusals. and their families in the terminal period is extremely
Many patients with terminal illness or caregivers important. Transitional care staff, including DPNs,
opted for discharge to their home to prioritize their time should not wait for the pandemic to converge. New
together. For example, some hospitals were restricted hybrid strategies should be developed and evaluated to
from holding face-to-face discharge conferences with provide transitional care while using online systems and
patients, families, and multidisciplinary specialists. minimal face-to-face support during the pandemic.
Therefore, the DPNs reported that these patients and
caregivers might not have been able to make adequate Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of
decisions regarding care plans, including their goals Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
and preferences after discharge. Japan (20K23188).
4. New strategies for a smooth transition from Conflict of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of
hospital to home with COVID-19 measures interest to disclose.
BioScience Trends. 2021; 15(1):55-57. 57
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