8 Classroom Management Mistakes

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Teaching moments
building relationships, classroom management, positive behavioral interventions
and supports

8 Classroom Management Mistakes Teachers

Make at the Beginning of the Year

by Nancy Barile, Award-Winning Teacher, M.A.Ed.

Pay attention to how you manage things from the start, and avoid having to break
difficult patterns later!

It's essential that teachers communicate their classroom management expectations to

students and parents at the beginning of the school year. Ambiguous classroom policies
early on can lead to aggravation for everyone throughout the year. Here are
some common mistakes teachers make early on that can lead to trouble down the road.

1. Not Communicating Expectations Clearly

Teachers should convey their expectations for students on the first day of school. This
means sharing and reviewing rules and procedures for the classroom, including
consequences for infractions. The expectations for any routines that help facilitate
learning—the handling of science equipment or art supplies, for example—should be
clearly articulated. Some teachers opt to create rules as a class so students take ownership
of their responsibilities. Having both students and parents sign and return a copy of the
classroom rules can aid communication and prevent issues later on.

Further reading: 5 Tips Guaranteed to Make You a Happy Teacher

2. Being Inconsistent
Most students, no matter how old, are hyperaware of how consequences are doled out in
the classroom. This means it's incredibly important to be consistent. If a student notices
you meted out discipline for an offense to one student but not another, students will view
you as unfair. Being consistent with rules conveys an equitable classroom environment to
your students.

3. Not Creating an Action Plan

Students who demonstrate poor behavior are often unsure of how to improve it. Teachers
should create action plans that clearly describe expectations and delineate steps a student
can take to be successful. When Winston began acting out because of a failing grade, I
showed him exactly what assignments he needed to complete and what grades he had to
earn to pass. Having a concrete action plan helped him succeed. Kayla, a fourth grade
student, frequently called out answers and disturbed students who sat around her. She
also had trouble working in cooperative learning situations. Kayla's teacher set forth an
action plan for Kayla in which Kayla counted to five when a question was asked, and the
teacher made sure that she noted and praised Kayla when she was on task with group

4. Waiting Too Long to Intervene

I once had a student named Sydney who had no impulse control. She frequently yelled
out insults to her classmates, and she was often rude, loud, and obnoxious. I felt sorry for
Sydney because the other students didn't want to work with her, so I ignored her behavior
and simply tried to redirect the class when she interfered. When Sydney finally blew up
in May, attempting to physically assault another student, I realized I'd failed her and the
class by waiting too long to intervene. I should have addressed Sydney's bad behavior
immediately instead of letting her get away with it. It was one of the biggest classroom
management mistakes of my career, but I did learn from the experience.

5. Going Big Too Quickly

I encourage the younger teachers I mentor to use progressive discipline in their
classrooms. Small offenses should warrant teacher conversations or detentions. Medium
offenses should result in parent phone calls or meetings. Telling a student to leave your
classroom or reporting a student to administration should only be used for serious
offenses. If a teacher tosses a student out of the room too readily, there's nowhere to go
with discipline. Also, if you utilize your school's administration for discipline in a
situation that doesn't warrant it, your principal might begin to view you as incapable of
effectively managing your classroom.

Further Reading: Effective Classroom Management Strategies to Achieve Your

Daily Goals

6. Not Following Through

We all know the teacher who constantly threatens students with discipline but doesn't
follow through. It's one of the biggest mistakes teachers make. The teacher who doesn't
follow up on promised consequences is in danger of not being taken seriously. Students
will quickly learn what they can get away with and will exploit that knowledge.

7. Failing to Triage an Issue

Most behavior issues have an underlying cause. My colleague, Ms. Stewart, learned this
the hard way when her student, Alphonse, threw a tantrum in her classroom. Alphonse
had behavior problems throughout the year, but it wasn't until this incident that Ms.
Stewart dug deeper and found out that Alphonse's volatile behavior was rooted in
frustration about being unable to play basketball for the school's team because of a
difficult home life. With her new knowledge, Ms. Stewart was able to connect Alphonse
with the school social worker, and she also helped him to enroll in a weekend basketball
league. Many of the classroom management issues teachers face can be eradicated by
getting to know the student and figuring out the root of the behavior.

8. Not Establishing Relationships

Building relationships with students is the most effective way for teachers to avoid
classroom management issues. When students have a relationship with their teacher,
they're less likely to act out. So get to know your students. Talk with them and meet with
them one-on-one. Find out what's going on in their lives and see if you can help with
problems they might be having. Building relationships with students can go a long way
toward creating a classroom that is truly a community.

The start of the school year is a critical time in your classroom. By avoiding these
common mistakes teachers make early on, you can set yourself up for a happy and
healthy school year.

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