Live Mppt-Error-Codes

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2017-02-05 21:39 1/4 MPPT Solar Charger Error Codes

MPPT Solar Charger Error Codes

Error Codes

Err 2 - Battery voltage too high

This error will auto-reset after the battery voltage has dropped. This error can be due to other
charging equipment connected to the battery or a fault in the charge controller.

Err 3, Err 4 - Remote temperature sensor failure

Check if the T-sense connector is properly connected to a remote temperature sensor. Most likely
cause: the remote T-sense connector is connected to the BAT+ or BAT- terminal. This error will
auto-reset after proper connection.

Err 5 - Remote temperature sensor failure (connection lost)

Check if the T-sense connector is properly connected to a remote temperature sensor. This error will
not auto-reset.

Err 6, Err 7 - Remote battery voltage sense failure

Check if the V-sense connector is properly connected to the battery terminals. Most likely cause: the
remote V-sense connector is connected in reverse polarity to the BAT+ or BAT- terminals.

Err 8 - Remote battery voltage sense failure (connection lost)

Check if the V-sense connector is properly connected to the battery terminals.

Err 17 - Controller overheated despite reduced output current

This error will auto-reset after charger has cooled down. Check the ambient temperature and check
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Last update: 2017-02-05 21:13 mppt-error-codes

for obstructions near the heatsink.

Err 18 - Controller over-current

This error will auto-reset. Disconnect the charge controller from all power-sources, wait 3 minutes,
and power up again. If the error persists the charge controller is probably faulty.

Err 20 - Maximum Bulk-time exceeded

This error can only occur when the maximun bulk-time protection is active. This error will not
auto-reset. This error is generated when the battery-absorption-voltage is not reached after 10 hours
of charging.

This protection is default disabled in all Solar Chargers.

It is default enabled on the Skylla-i and the Skylla IP44.

Our advice is to not enable it on solar chargers.

Err 21 - Current sensor issue

The charge controller is probably faulty. This error will not auto-reset.

Err 26 - Terminal overheated

Power terminals overheated, check wiring, including the wiring type and type of strands, and/or fasten
bolts if possible.

This error will auto-reset.

Err 33 - PV over-voltage

This error will auto-reset after PV-voltage has dropped to safe limit. This error is an indication that the
PV-array configuration with regard to open-circuit voltage is critical for this charger. Check
configuration, and if required, re-organise panels.

Err 34 - PV over-current Printed on 2017-02-05 21:39

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The current from the solar-panel array has exceeded 75A. This error could be generated due to an
internal system fault. Disconnect the charger from all power-sources, wait 3 minutes, and power-up
again. If the error persists the controller is probably faulty. This error will auto-reset.

Err 38 - Input shutdown due to battery over-voltage

To protect the battery from over-charging the panel input is shut down. To recover from this condition
first disconnect the solar panels and disconnect the battery. Wait for 3 minutes reconnect the battery
first and next the panels. If the error persists the charge controller is probably faulty.

Information 65 - Communication warning

Communication with one of the paralleled controllers was lost. To clear the warning, switch the
controller off and back on

Information 66 - Incompatible device

The controller is being paralleled to another controller that has different settings and/or a different
charge algorithm.

Make sure all settings are the same and update firmware on all chargers to the latest version

Err 67 - No BMS

The charger is configured to be controlled by a BMS, but it does not receive any control messages
from a BMS. The charger stopped charger, as a safety precaution.

Check the connection between the charger and the BMS.

How to reset the charger, to de-couple it from the BMS

When the charger needs to operate in stand-alone mode again, not controlled by a BMS, it needs to
be reset:

● VE.Can solar chargers, go into the setup menu, and change setting ‘BMS’ from ‘Y’ to ‘N’ (setup item
● VE.Direct solar chargers, reset the charger to factory defaults with VictronConnect, and then
reconfigure it.

Note that (solar-)chargers automatically configure themselves to be BMS-controlled when they are
connected to one.

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Last update: 2017-02-05 21:13 mppt-error-codes

Err 114 - CPU temperature to high

This error will reset after the CPU has cooled down. If the error persists, check the ambient
temperature and check for obstructions near the air inlet and outlet holes of the charger cabinet.
Check manual for mounting instructions with regard to cooling. If error persists the controller is
probably faulty.

Err 116 - Calibration data lost

The unit is faulty, contact Victron.

Err 119 - Settings data lost

The charger cannot read its configuration, and stopped.

This error will not auto-reset. To get it working again:

1. First, restore it to factory defaults.

2. Disconnect the charge controller from all power-sources
3. wait 3 minutes, and power up again.
4. Reconfigure the charger.

View the discussion thread.

From: - Victron Energy

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Last update: 2017-02-05 21:13 Printed on 2017-02-05 21:39

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