Unit - 2 FP E1107e5a

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Ned Kelly series by Sidn
ey Nolan (1917–1992)
From 1946 to 1947, the Au
stralian artist Sidney
Nolan painted 27 paintin
gs about the outlaw Ned
Kelly. The way Nolan pa
inted Ned Kelly in his
ar mour has become an ico
W H O O D ,¶PD
W6 D The Ned Kelly series follo
+L$XQ U\7KHUH¶V ws the main parts of the
WKHJD RI1HG.HO Ned Kelly story. It begins
J  KDV with Ned Kelly sitting on
SDLQWLQ OLFHPDQ,W a horse. Then there are sc
SR IW enes of him fighting with
U L J K W  RRN\ policemen. Finally, Ned Ke
lly is caught and goes
on trial.
FRORXU   % \ H
The paintings show the Au
stralian landscape in new
ways. Nolan said the Ned
Kelly tale was a story
“arising out of the bush an
d ending in the bush”.
The Ned Kelly series is ab
out Ned Kelly, but it also
shows Nolan’s thoughts on
justice, love and betrayal.
The Ned Kelly paintings
are the most remarkable
in the history of Australian

In the texts
1 Look at pages 10 and 11.

a Tick the box if you can find these texts.

letter SMS message procedure

response narrative description

b Tick the box if you can find these pictures.

paintbrush computer mobile telephone

picture frame dead trees horse dog

c Have you ever written a response about a piece of art you have seen? yes / no

d Have you ever written an SMS message? yes / no

2 Read the SMS message on page 11.

a Do all SMS messages have punctuation? ______________________________

b Add punctuation to Luke’s SMS message. You will need to add:

• 5 full stops

• 2 commas

• 1 exclamation mark

• 3 apostrophes
Hi Aunt Stella__ I__m at the gallery__ There__s a painting of Ned Kelly and a

policeman__ It has both bright and soft colours__ It__s a bit spooky__ but I

love it__ Bye__ Luke__

c Are SMS messages usually short or long? Why? _________________________________



d Some SMS messages are very short because only the words that are needed

are used. On page 11, cross out words that are not needed in Luke’s SMS.

Write his new message here.




3 Read the text beginning Ned Kelly series.

a What is the purpose of this text?


b Where might you find a text like this one?

c Sum up the author’s response to the paintings.





Read and learn

1 Who does Luke write the SMS message to? Circle your answer.

a his sister b Aunt Stella c Sidney Nolan

2 Which painting does Luke write about? Underline your answer.

a the painting on page 10 b the painting on page 11

3 Which word does Luke use to describe the painting? Circle your answer.
a scary b strange c spooky d super

4 What is Luke’s response to the painting? Tick your answer.

a he likes it b he loves it c he hates it

5 a On page 11, which paragraph describes what you see in the

Ned Kelly series?

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

b Which paragraph includes a quote from Sidney Nolan?

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

c Which paragraph sums up the author’s view of the paintings?

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

6 Draw lines to match each word to its meaning.

inspiration a place for art exhibitions

icon a sudden clever idea

gallery something that is well-known and is a symbol of something else

justice ideas and images in your mind

imagination fairness

7 Write the words from question 6 in alphabetical order.


Your turn
1 What titles would you give to the paintings on pages 10 and 11?

Painting on page 10.

Your title: ________________________________________________________________________________

Painting on page 11.

Your title: ________________________________________________________________________________

A response is a pe
rsonal reaction
to a text. It uses:
• relating, action,
thinking and
saying verbs
• present tense or
past tense
• persuasive wor
ds, if making
2 Make some notes about the paintings. a judgement.

Look at the colours, style of painting, main images etc.

painting on page 10 painting on page 11

3 Write your own response to the paintings.

Remember, a response is your personal reaction. You need to write about what you
see, think and feel about the paintings.

Talk about both
How are they the same?
How are they different?
How do the paintings
make you feel?
Which painting do you
prefer? Why?






___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
A pronoun is a word that stands in place of a noun. For example, instead

of the noun Stella, you can use the pronoun she.

Some pronouns I it he she me we us you

her him them they mine ours

1 Draw Aunt Stella.

2 Use pronouns to fill in the gaps.

Aunt Stella is on the beach.

________________ is wearing
thongs. ________________ are on her


3 Which pronouns can you use if

you are talking about a female?

4 Draw Ned Kelly on a horse.
5 Use pronouns to fill in the gaps.

Ned Kelly is sitting on a horse.

__________________ is wearing
armour. The police want to catch

__________________ .
6 Which pronouns can you use if

you are talking about a male?


7 Draw a mobile phone. 8 Use pronouns to fill in the


Luke has a mobile phone.

____________ is silver. ____________

can send SMS messages.

9 Which pronouns can you use

if you are talking about a

thing? _________________________

10 Circle the pronouns in these sentences.

a I can see a painting. It has both bright and soft colours.

b Ned Kelly made the armour, so the armour was his.

c Finally, Ned Kelly is caught and he goes on trial.

11 Draw lines to connect the pronouns in question 10 with the nouns

they replace. Example: There was a painting. It was amazing. Done

12 Read the texts on page 11.

a Circle all the pronouns. Done

b Underline the nouns or noun groups they replace. Done

c How many pronouns did you find?

13 Pronouns can be singular (one person or thing) or plural (more than one

person or thing). Next to each pronoun, write S for singular or P for plural.

S or P? S or P? S or P?

aI e us i his

b it f him j she

c he g them k they

d we h me l you
My s t u f f

r e a d
Bo oks
8QLW,·PJRDOLH$*$,1 <UP[!;L
-./ -./
<P MJ M[\XI Z\_I [
<P MJ M[\XI Z\_I [



<P MM I[ QM[ \X IZ\_I[

<P MM I[ QM[ \X IZ\_I[



       !         ! 

Cut and stick
LZI_ Q VO [ Diary pictures from
magazines or

great websites
Assessment: Units 1 and 2
Print your name here:
(First name) (Family name)

This is a test to see how well you understand There are three different ways to show your
what you have read, and to see what you answer:
know about using language, spelling and • Shade the bubble next to the correct
punctuation. It is also a writing test. answer. O
• Write a word in a box. IV[_MZ
• Write a number in a box. 
Read each question carefully. Some
questions will ask you to read a text from
another page in this book before answering.

Use a pencil. DO NOT use a pen. If you make a mistake, rub it out and try again.

Start of test
Read the texts on pages 2 and 3, 4 What position does Toby want
and answer questions 1 to 6. to play?
O forward
1 These texts are from O goalie
O procedures. O mid-fielder
O poems.
O narratives. 5 In the picture, Ben’s pants are on
fire. This is because
2 The setting of both stories is a O Ben is imagining it.
O sports field. O Ben had matches in his pocket.
O classroom. O the coach set them on fire.
O sports store.
6 Who says “So everybody play
3 When Ben is chosen to be the your best”?
goalie, he feels O Scott
O excited. O Mr Chapman
O scared. O Ryan
O happy.

Read the texts on pages 10 and 11, The spelling mistakes in these
and answer questions 7 to 12. sentences have been circled. Write
the correct spelling for each circled
7 The text that begins Ned Kelly word in the box.
series is a
O poem. 13 Try not to let the soccer ball get
O response. parst you.
O letter.

8 Who wrote the SMS message?

O Luke 14 The painting has brite and
O Ned Kelly soft colours.
O Aunt Stella

9 What does Luke find a bit spooky?

O the policeman 15 In the end, Ned Kelly gets cort .
O the gallery
O the painting of Ned Kelly and
the policeman
Read each sentence and choose the
10 Sidney Nolan was tense it is in.
O an artist.
O the author of the text on page 11. 16 Ben looked at his coach and
O a bushranger. smiled.
O past
11 The years 1917–1992 refer to O present
O Sidney Nolan painted pictures of 17 I kick the ball into the goal.
Ned Kelly. O past
O Sidney Nolan was alive. O present
O Ned Kelly was alive.
18 We saw Aunt Stella last week.
12 The texts on these pages are O past
all about O present
O art.
O Ned Kelly.
O Aunt Stella.

Assessment: Units 1 and 2
Shade two bubbles
19 Shade the bubbles above the common nouns.

It felt like rats were gnawing away at his guts.

20 Shade the bubbles above the proper nouns. Shade two bubbles

The artist Sidney Nolan painted the outlaw Ned Kelly.

21 Pronouns are words that stand in place of

O verbs.
O nouns.
O full stops.

Read the following text, and answer questions 22 and 23.

Luke is at the gallery. He is looking at the paintings. He thinks they are a bit spooky.

22 The pronoun He refers to

O Luke.
O Ned Kelly.
O the owner of the gallery.

23 The pronoun they refers to

O people in the gallery.
O the paintings.
O spooky ghosts.

Write the pronoun from the sentences that replaces the underlined noun or noun group.

24 Lisa said no. She told Scott he could be goalie.

25 I scored a goal for Ryan’s team. They were happy.

26 Plan a narrative that includes a soccer ball, a mobile phone and a paint
brush. You can write the final narrative on a separate sheet of paper.
Write notes in the boxes below.

Your title:

Characters Setting

How the soccer ball, the phone and How the story begins

the paint brush will be included.

What happens next (include a How the story ends (include the

problem or complication) resolution)


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