Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
The literature review is the survey of what past researchers were achieved in identifying the
relationship between age, gender, ethnic, education level, and financial literacy towards
financial planning. This literature review is used as a form of perspective to complete this
study and notwithstanding reinforce any confirmation communicated in this endeavour paper.
A study was done by Albeerdy & Behrooz Gharleghi in 2015 on determinants of the financial
literacy among college students in Malaysia. Data for this study was collected through self-
administered questionnaire and distributed through convenient sampling method. A total of
105 completed and usable questionnaires have been collected. Pearson Correlation analysis
and multiple regression tables were used to determine the interrelation of different variables
in financial literacy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the
financial literacy among university students in Malaysia. Empirical results show that there is
a significant relationship between independent variables of education, and money attitude
towards the dependent variable of financial literacy, while there found no relationship
between financial socialization agents and financial literacy. This study is important so as to
understand how these independent variables affect the literacy rate of young adults. Efforts
may be put to strengthen those variables in order increase the literacy rates of those university
Leena B. Dam et al,. (2017) did a research on the relationship between age and income with
financial planning. Financial planning is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's
current pay and future financial state by using current known variables to predict future
income, asset values and withdrawal plans. Financial literacy or financial education can
broadly be defined as providing familiarity with and understanding of financial
market products, especially rewards and risks, in order to make informed choices. The
Indian financial market today is inundated with a wide array of products. Till 1990s
Indian economy being closely guarded, limited variety of financial products were available.
Financial planning is a scientific process which aims at building up the wealth of the investor
in a planned and systematic manner. Method that they used is the one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA). This study attempts to analyze the relationship between age and income
with financial planning. It also studies whether age and income have a positive correlation
with the choice of investment products. Analysis show that majority of individuals have set
financial goals. But they are unaware of how to meet their future financial goals. Also
investors are not correctly aware of which product to invest in given their age and income
bracket. Results show that the p value is more than 0.05 which means there is no significant
difference in the mean score of ‘I take help from professionals/financial consultant for
personal financial planning’ to the selected age group. This study is evidential that ‘Financial
Planning’ is a forbidden topic left to be debated, discussed and decided by the male members
of the family closed door. To live exclusively on own savings post retirement, it is imperative
to set financial goals and plan taking expert guidance from a financial consultant at the
beginning of the career. People taking advice from friends and family rather than
professionals argue that the cohort of financial planning professionals lack to offer unbiased
choice to the investors. Some investment option like equity investments seek to have higher
returns but with equivalent higher risk. On the other hand investments like PPF are safe
investment avenues but with its shortcomings like illiquidity and low rate of return.
Anokye, Siaw Frimpong (2017) studied on financial literacy and financial planning:
Implication for financial well-being of retirees. Financial or economic well-being in
retirement has been the subject of interest for researchers. Financial well-being, on the other
hand, is defined as a state of being wherein a person can fully meet the current and ongoing
obligation, can feel secure in their financial future, and is able to make choices that allow
enjoyment in life (OECD, 2015). People with high levels of financial well-being have the
financial. A cross-sectional survey strategy was employed on 400 respondents randomly
selected from 1500 members of the Pensioners Association in Cape Coast Metropolis. The
survey strategy is popular and normally used in business and management research, and is
most often used to answer who, what, where, how much and how many questions. Surveys
are popular as they allow the collection of a large amount of data from a sizeable population
in a highly economical way, which is often obtained by using a questionnaire administered to
a sample. The sample size was arrived at by using the Saunders (2011) sample determination
table. They began the analysis by assessing the measurement model as depicted for the
construct reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. The results show that all
the constructs have composite reliability above the minimum of 0.7 in all cases, an indication
that the constructs are reliable. They have analysed the financial well-being of retirees in
Cape Coast Metropolis to confirm the relevance of financial literacy, retirement planning and
family support in attaining financial well-being of retirees. The findings of the study show
that financial literacy, retirement planning and family support positively influence financial
wellbeing of the retiree.
The effect of family support and retirement planning on retirees’ financial well-being is
stronger than the one of financial literacy The findings imply that finance literacy and
retirement planning should be promoted. It has been observed that low-income crowds out the
importance of financial literacy on retirement planning and financial behaviour
A research by Novia Dewanty, Yuyun Isbanah (2018) explored the Determinants of the
Financial Literacy: Case Study on Career Woman in Indonesia. Financial literacy is one of
the relevant facts in improving the economy. The purpose of this study was to examine the
influence of demographic factors and financial socialization agent on financial literacy.
This study aims to analyze the influence of marital status, education level, income, and age
and financial socialization agent on financial literacy that divided into three dimensions. This
study uses a type of causality research. Causality research is a type of research used to obtain
evidence of causality. The results shows that the industrial sector, trade, real estate, and
services in Surabaya showed growth of 51.78% whereas the information and communication
sector as well as financial services and insurance only amounting to 5.33% and 5.46%. The
respondents in this research are 100% female with 56% (56 respondents) bank worker and
44% (44 respondents) non-bank worker. Test of validity shows that there is an indicator of
financial literacy that has outer loading less than 0.7 , so it will drop from the model and
reestimated. The conclusions of this study are Marital status does not affect the financial
literacy. These findings suggest that single women tend to manage their finances while
married women have different responsibilities in financial decision-making. The most
influential social agents on financial information of women workers in the financial sector
were the families of 78%, peers and media each at 72.4%
A more recently conducted study by Umi Widyastutia, Ati Sumiatia et al,. (2020).
Policymakers concern on the strategy to enhance the level of financial literacy (Grohmann &
Menkhoff, 2015). Both developed and developing countries are recognizing the importance
of financial literacy and considering to invest the resources through financial education
programs to enhance financial literacy. Some previous studies have been conducted to prove
the impact of financial education on financial literacy. This study aims to determine the effect
of financial education, financial literacy, and financial behaviour from teacher’s perspective.
Financial behaviour reflected four types of behaviour, i.e. saving behaviour, shopping
behaviour (Varcoe, Martin, Devitto, & Go, 2005), longterm and short-term financial
behaviour (Wagner, 2015). It measured using twenty-one items to represent financial
behaviour. Financial education was measured using a nominal scale which is adapted from
Alhenawi (2013). After validity and reliability test were proven, the step is hypothesis testing.
This study shows that the first hypothesis is rejected because the p-value is more than level of
significance 0.05 This result indicates an insignificant influence for this hypothesis. The third
hypothesis examines the direct impact of financial education on financial behaviour, but the
result shows that the hypothesis is rejected. It reveals that there is an insignificant positive
impact of financial education on financial behaviour. This study has concluded that there was
a positive influence between financial literacy on financial behaviour. We have noted that
financial education was defined as a process to improve people’s understanding about
financial concept and products or even develop skill through information they got. They will
have an awareness to act in a wise financial decision to achieve financial welfare. The
different measurement of financial education enables to give a different evidence