ENG105 Course Outline-Summer21
ENG105 Course Outline-Summer21
ENG105 Course Outline-Summer21
Course Code
ENG 105, Section XX
& Section No.
Instructor’s Name
Email Address
ENG 103
Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes, Delivery Methods and
Assessment Strategies
Course Description English 105 (Advanced Composition) introduces students to research methodology and the art
persuasion and argumentation.
Outcomes (CO) Students will be focusing onDelivery
Bloom’s how to write well-developed
argumentative essays. The course will helptaxonomy
students to becomemethods
well versed in academic
research and referencing skills. In addition, students will also be taught to critically tools
read and
domain/level and activities
analyze texts. Students will be taught how to effectively present their research findings and
will practice honing their presentation skills.
(C: Cognitive
Course Objectives The aim of the course is to enable students to understand, utilize, and produce academic
writing effectively through a program of writing, reading, speaking, and undertaking and
presenting research. A:Affective)
P- 2, 4, 6
A- 2, 3, 4 Practice Sheets
P- 3, 5, 6, 7
Teacher’s Discretion
Your performance in ALL the exams determines your grade. The points are distributed in the following manner:
Categories Points
Quizzes 10
Argumentative Essay 05
Research Presentation 05
Viva 05
Research Paper 15
NSU’s grading and performance evaluation policies will be followed in assigning your grade. Please note that all final
grades are subject to departmental review and approval.
The abovementioned breakdown and assessment are tentative and subject to change following updated guidance
from UGC.
1. The ground rule for our class is respectful, open communication. We have many things to learn from one
another. Every single question is appreciated!
2. When you come to the class, you become part of a learning community. Please be conscious of your
community role, and work toward creating a healthy learning atmosphere in the class.
3. Don’t chat during the class. If you have to, then feel free not to attend the class at the expense of your
attendance for the day. Inability to refrain from unnecessary, disruptive chatting may result in a request to
leave the classroom.
4. If you have to leave the class when it is in progress, sit near the door and leave silently.
5. While in class, please switch off your cell phone. The inability to do so may result in some penalty.
6. You must seek permission before using any sort of electronic gadget in the class such as a laptop. Use of such
gadgets for purposes other than note-taking during lectures is strictly prohibited.
7. Limit your eating while the class is in progress. Eat during the breaks.
8. Academic Integrity Policy: The School of Humanities and Social Sciences does not tolerate academic
dishonesty by its students. At a minimum, you must not be involved in cheating, copyright infringement,
submitting the same work in multiple courses, significant collaboration with other individuals outside of
sanctioned group activities, and fabrications. You are advised that violations of the Student Integrity Code will
be treated seriously, with special attention given to repeated offenses. Please refer to NSU Code of Conduct at
9. You MUST NOT record any lecture or distribute class materials without prior permission from the instructor.
10. Before class begins, ensure your Internet connection and computer are working. Being unprepared and missing
classes because of hardware issues will not be accepted as excuses.
11. Your webcam should be turned on at all times during the class (unless permitted by the instructor). Also mute
your microphone during class. Turn it on when you need to ask questions or participate in discussions.
12. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in any submission. You will receive a zero in that submission without chance
for an appeal. It is applicable to the research paper as well.
13. You MUST maintain academic integrity during online classes and accept any exceptions and alternatives given
by the instructors during online classes and exams.
Please note:
▪ Being late does not necessarily guarantee that you are going to get extra time for writing your tests and exam.
▪ You must bring your own pencil, pen, eraser, course reader, and any other permitted items that you may need, and
you are allowed during the tests and exams.
▪ Any deviation from the standard procedures will not be taken lightly.
▪ Any unfair means adopted in the tests and exams will be seriously dealt with.
▪ Academic misconduct or failure to comply with the NSU Examination Code of Conduct may result in F.
According to NSU policy, if you have THREE consecutive absences or FIVE absences over the course of the semester, you
will be automatically dropped from the course. You should also come to class in time: every three late appearances will
count as one absence. Also, if you miss submissions due to absence in class, you can submit it at a later date with a 50%
penalty. No exceptions.
Teacher’s Discretion
Persuasion &
2 Writing & Essay Basics +Topics and Theses Argumentation Section-
Chapter 2
Persuasion &
2 3 Persuasion and Argumentation Argumentation Section-
Chapter 1 & 2
Research Section-
Introduction to research methods & Introduction Chapter 1& 2
4 7
to research proposals
Teacher handout
Teacher handout
Midterm Examination
The Argumentative
7 13
Reading Basics &Analysis of Arguments Essay Chapter 2
Final Examination