2011 Spr-Sum Rules

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Southwest Houston Shuffleboard League


Part I
Article 1 The name of this league will be the Southwest Houston Shuffleboard League (SHSL).

Article 2 These are the rules and regulations that will govern all play in this league. No

Article 3 The main objectives of the league are:

A. To promote and introduce shuffleboard as a clean and competitive sport for
both men and women,
B. To promote good sportsmanship,
C. To provide clean entertainment
D. To make new friends
E. To have a good time.

Article 4 The organization of team sponsorships and player memberships.

A. Sponsorships
Sponsors will pay $50.00 per team, with sponsorship fee to be contributed to the
general prize fund. (mod. 9/10)
B. Player Memberships
a. Each player will pay a $5.00 membership fee, which must be renewed at the
beginning of each new season.
b. Each team must have a minimum of 6 (six) players and a maximum of 15
(fifteen) players on their original roster. One player, and no more, must be
designated as team captain; any number of players, up to the maximum
allowable per roster, may be designated as co-captains. (mod. 3/10)

Article 5 League Money

A. A checking account will be maintained in the league name.
B. All sponsorship fees, membership fees and weekly league fees will be deposited in
this account at the earliest possible after receipt.
C. All money handled by the league will be accounted for by the league officers.
D. All expenses incurred by and for the league will be paid from the league account and
recorded by the league secretary. All league checks will require the signatures of 2
(two) officers.
E. League records and books will be open for inspection by any sponsor or member
with proper notice.

Article 6 League Awards

A. The amount of prize money at the end of the season is to be distributed as follows:
1st place team receives 50% of the prize money
2nd place team receives 30% of the prize money
3rd place team receives 20% of the prize money
B. All teams receive $25.00 per win at the end of the season
C. Commemorative plaques or trophies are to be awarded to the top three teams
according to the final standings. (4/08)

Article 7 Meetings
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A. The site of all league meetings will be determined by rotation of all the sponsors.
Should a new club join, their name will be added last in the order of rotation.
B. Two meetings will be held at the end of each season, and are designated as the
Awards-Organizational Meeting and the Voting Meeting. (3/10)
C. No one individual may represent more than one team.
D. All league meetings will start at 7:30 pm.

Article 8 League Officers

A. The officers of this league will serve one-season terms, with no term to expire during
the season. Elections for officers will be held at the end of each season. (mod. 3/10)
B. League officers must be members of this league in good standing.
C. The positions will be those of President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.
D. The Secretary-Treasurer will be paid $35.00 per week of play from the league
account. (mod. 1/09)
E. The Secretary-Treasurer will decide which club will be the designated drop-off point.
This cannot be changed during a season unless this club closes. (3/11)

Part II

Article 1 Team Rosters

A. Each team roster, on match night, will consist of a minimum of 6 (six) players and a
maximum of 15 (fifteen) players.
B. Each team will have their sponsorship fees, team rosters, and membership fees
turned in to the league by the Voting Meeting prior to the projected season.
a. The addition of any new sponsors (clubs) proposing to join the league must
let a board member know before the Awards-Organizational meeting. The
sponsor will be approved or denied by a “show of hands” vote at the Awards-
Organizational meeting. If the sponsor is approved, any teams playing at the
club will turn in all monies (membership fees and sponsorship fee) and
rosters at the beginning of the Voting meeting. (mod. 3/11)
C. The membership fee is $5.00 per player (see Part I, Article 4, Rule B.a above).
D. Players added to a roster before the first match of the season are immediately
eligible to play.
E. Players added to a roster after the first match of the season must wait 1 (one) week
before being eligible to play.
F. No new player may be added to any team roster during the last five weeks of play.
G. Should a player want to change teams during the season, that player must wait until
the mid-season to change. If this occurs after the half, that player must wait until the
next season.
a. A player must contact the Secretary-Treasurer and both captains involved to
change teams.
b. A player dropped from a team may not rejoin the same team until the
following year.
H. No teams may change sponsoring clubs during league play, except when:
a. the sponsoring club closes down,
b. the shuffleboard is removed from the club, or
c. the team becomes barred from the club.

Article 2 Forfeits
A. Should any team drop out of the league, all its matches scheduled for that season
will be converted to byes, and all money collected from that team to date will remain
in the league account. Active teams will receive award money (per Part I, Article 6,
Rule B) for wins scored against the team that dropped out; however, wins and losses
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incurred against that team will not be reflected in standings.
B. Any team that forfeits 3 (three) matches in any one half-season of play will be
dropped from the league that season. (7/09)

Article 3 Score keeping

A. All matches will be scored on the official league score sheet by the home team. The
league will have a uniform scoring method.
B. Official score sheets must have first and last names.
C. The final results of the evenings play will be clearly marked and attested to by the
signatures of both team captains. By signing this document, the event of the night
will become final and no protest will be made afterward.
D. The home team captain assumes the responsibility to deliver the envelope
containing the score sheet and feed for that night’s play to one of the designated
drop-off points no later than the following Sunday by 5 pm. Penalty: If the envelope is
not turned in on time, the team will be fined $25.00. This will be assessed at the end
of the season.
E. The league secretary will be responsible for distributing current standings to each
participating team and it will the team captains’ responsibility to post the sheet prior
to that week’s play.

Article 4 Collections
Each team captain will be responsible to collect his team’s $25.00 fee prior to the beginning of
play. The home captain will hold his team’s $25.00 plus that of the visiting team. At the
conclusion of play for the night, the $50.00 will be handled in accordance with Part II,
Article 3, Rule D.

Article 5 Equipment Regulations

A. All equipment will meet the requirements of the league with no exceptions.
B. No part of a shuffleboard table may be closer than 6 (six) inches from any structure
which interferes with freedom of play. (i.e. walls, tables, partitions, etc.)
C. All shuffleboard playing surfaces will meet the approval of at least two league officers
as to speed, levelness, and straightness.
Officers will be required to check all tables.
D. Lighting
a. No part of a hanging light can be closer than 28 inches from the playing
b. Lighting attached to the table will not be allowed to obstruct the view of the
c. Any corrective decisions concerning the two above lighting rules will be made
by at least two league officers

E. Playing Weights
a. Playing weights will consist of 8 weights, 4 each of a matching set, with
distinct different colors.
b. Weights with loose, missing, cracked, or chipped tops will not be eligible for
league play. Verbal warning will be issued by the league first, then a loss of
each match thereafter for each violation.
c. All weights used in league play must have a complete chrome surface on the
bottom of the weight and at least ¾ chrome finish on the sides.
d. Any weights accepted for league play are considered “house” weights and
will be used for all league practice and play, regular season and play-offs.
e. Any corrective decisions concerning the above playing weight rules will be
made by at least two officers.
F. Coin-operated Tables
a. The home team sponsor is responsible for all money needed to operate the
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machine during play.
b. Any practice time prior to league play will be paid by the participating players.
c. The home team captain is responsible for watching the time peg-stop
machines to insure that the time is renewed so as not to interfere with any
shot. Should a shot be stopped or interfered with, that shot will be re-played.
G. Silicone Spray
Home teams are permitted to clean and apply silicone spray to the board surface
at any time until 6:30 pm on Tuesday. No application of spray is permitted from
6:30 pm Tuesday until the end of the match Wednesday. (mod. 3/11)
H. Table Wax
a. Table wax used during practice must be the same consistency as the wax
used during league play (i.e. no new bucket of wax may be introduced from
the back room).
b. All wax will be of the silicone variety. Powdered wax is unacceptable.
c. In general, only the shooter is permitted to add any wax to the board after
play has begun. The only time the shooter is allowed to throw wax is before
his/her shot. This can be done sparingly on dry areas so as not to create
mounds of wax. No wax can be applied to the table after all 8 (eight) pucks
have been thrown from one end. (mod. 3/11)
d. Wax may not cover pucks in the trough at game time.
f. If a home team is guilty of not having enough was for the night, the penalty
will be forfeit of the entire match.
I. Boards

A. Boards may not be moved, balanced, re-leveled, or waxed, nor may the
quality of the wax be changed, after 9 pm. on Mondays preceding a league
match. The purpose of this rule is to ensure that the surface, levelness, and
speed of the board are the same both for practice and for league play. The
sponsoring club or their designated representative will be responsible for
proper maintenance of the board. Sponsors must comply with the rules and
regulations pertaining to conditions of the board: same as practice – same
as league play. (mod. 8/07, 4/08, 1/09)

Article 6 Handicaps
A. An individual player handicap system will be used to provide the most equitable
means of balancing the league so as to provide as equal an opportunity for each
team to win as possible.
B. Individual handicaps will be decided according to the following rules:
a. Individual percent wins are determined by dividing the individual's total
number of games won by the individual's total number of games
b. Handicap evaluations will take place for all players at mid-season and
the end of the season.
c. Players with five or more total games played in an evaluation period
will be evaluated. Players with less than five games played will not be
evaluated and will remain at the same handicap. (mod. 1/09)
d. New players joining this league before the start of the season, and who
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do not have a handicap on record with this league, or any other
leagues or shuffleboard-related rating systems, will be handicapped as
a 3. Any such players will be evaluated after playing five games. (mod.
e. New players joining this league after the start of the season, and who
do not have a handicap on record with this league, or any other
leagues or shuffleboard-related rating systems, will be handicapped as
a 2. Any such players will be evaluated after playing five games. (mod.
f. Any player joining this league who is guilty of failing to disclose
information that would be a factor in determining a handicap rating, will
be subject to loss of every game that individual has played in the
current season being played.
C. Handicap evaluations will be made according to the following formulations based
on percent wins as defined in Part II, Article 6, Rule B.a above.

Players with a handicap of 0 Players with a handicap of 2

0%-34% will become a 1 0%-34% will become a 3
35%-100% will remain a 0 35%-50% will remain a 2
51%-94% will become a 1
95%-100% will become a 0

Players with a handicap of 1 Players with a handicap of 3

0%-34% will become a 2 0%-34% will remain a 3
35%-65% will remain a 1 35%-50% will become a 2
66%-100% will become a 0 51%-94% will become a 1
95%-100% will become a 0

D. Handicap points are calculated before the start of each game. Any concerns
about a player's eligibility and/or handicap must be addressed before the start of
that player's game.
E. Total handicap points are calculated by adding the player handicaps of the two
selected players for each team. If the totals are equal, no handicap is assessed.
If the totals are not equal, the team with the larger total receives handicap points.
The number of points received is determined by subtracting the smaller total
from the larger total. This number is added at the start of the game to the score
of the team with the larger handicap total.
F. If the teams are equal in handicap totals, the first shooter of the game will be
determined by a coin flip. The two players who will be playing at the end of the
board where the weights are situated will perform the coin flip. The winner of the
coin flip will have the choice of shooting first or receiving the hammer (last shot).
If the teams are not equal in handicap totals, the team with the lower total (i.e.
the team not receiving any points) will receive the hammer.
G. For the first game of the match, the team not receiving hammer will have the
choice of color of the weights. The teams will play with the same respective
colors for the remainder of the match (see Part III, Article I, Rule H below).

Article 7 Standings
A. Final league standings will be determined by the number of matches won and
lost for each team. The number of games won or lost during the course of a
match or season has no bearing on the standings.
B. If two or more teams tie for any prize money position in the standings, the tie will
be resolved by a playoff.
C. Times and dates of any playoff matches will be decided by the league officers.
Locations of playoff matches will be decided by a coin toss, with the winner of
the toss choosing a neutral location. (mod. 8/07)
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Article 8 Postponements
A. Postponements will be allowed in cases of deaths, accidents, or other serious
incidents. The captain of the team requesting a postponement must notify the
captain of the opposing team by 12 p.m. (noon) the day of a league match in
order for the postponement to be granted. (mod. 4/08)
B. All matches postponed in the first half of the season must be made up prior to the
start of the second half. (8/07)

Part III
Methods of Play

Article 1 General Rules

A. All matches should start by 8:00 p.m., on the scheduled date.
B. Number of Players
1. A team must have a minimum of 2 (two) players present at 8:00 p.m. to begin
play. (mod. 9/10)
2. A minimum of 6 (six) different players must be played in the first 4 (four)
games of the match. The penalty for violation of this rule is:
i. forfeit of the fourth game if the offending team has only selected five
players to play in the first four games, with the match continuing until
completion after that point, or
ii. forfeit of the entire match if the offending team has only selected four
or less players to play in the first four games. (cor. 4/08; mod. 1/09)
C. No one player will be allowed to win more than 2 (two) games per match. If a violation
occurs, the penalty will be a forfeit of the game in which the violation took place, with the
match continuing until completion after that point. No verbal warning is required.
D. All boards shall be cleaned of old wax and fresh wax applied before the start of each
game. The opposing team captain or co-captain may ask for the board to be re-done.
E. All league games will be played to a 15 (fifteen) point limit.
F. A match will consist of no more than seven games with the team winning four games
first being the match winner.
G. A line-up for each game will be exchanged just prior to the beginning of the game. The
home team captain must announce his/her team’s players first, and then alternate
announcing first for the remaining games.
H. Any questions concerning membership, eligibility, or handicap status of a player must be
resolved before that player’s game in question. If a resolution cannot be reached, a
league officer must be contacted.
1. Each team captain will be provided with all team rosters, which
must be kept current and posted near the shuffleboard, along with a copy of
these rules and a current schedule. Roster changes will be noted on league
standings sheets, which are to be distributed, including at the drop off
location, on a weekly basis.
2. Any player will be required to provide valid photographic
identification on request of the opposing team captain, to confirm their
eligibility to play. In accordance with this rule, such requests must be made
prior to the start of the game in which the player has been selected to play.
I. Each team will use the same color weights for the entire match.
J. The short foul line, the line nearest the shooter, will be used for all league play.
K. A weight must be entirely across the respective line to score the higher number of
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points. The position of the weight is determined by looking directly over the top of the
weight. Any close calls concerning the position of the weight will be determined by both
team captains. Note: if a team captain is an active player for a particular game, a co-
captain or other member of that captain’s team must make this determination instead
(mod. 7/09)
L. A weight not completely clearing the foul line nearest the shooter shall be considered
an illegal weight and shall be removed from the board before the next shot.
M. If, after each player has shot all four weights and there are no points scored the
hammer changes.
N. If the lead weights come to a dead heat (tie), there is no score, and the hammer
1. The position of closely positioned weights of different colors
must be determined by both team captains when in dispute. Note: if a team
captain is an active player for a particular game, a co-captain or other
member of that captain’s team must make this determination instead (mod.
O. Playing weights must not be held in the hand while the opponent is shooting. Likewise, a
shooter must not hold a weight in their free hand. If a shooter does, a verbal warning will
be given first and the loss of 1 (one) point for every violation thereafter.
P. An active player may not cross the center line during his/her turn. Penalty: verbal
warning for the first such violation that game, and subtraction of 1 (one) point from the
offending player’s score for the second and each subsequent violation until the end of
that game. (12/06; mos. 7/09)
Q. Any team member may inform a player as to the position of weights and/or strategy
during play. (mod. 8/07)
R. A player, while in the act of shooting must not touch the playing surface of the board with
their free hand. The free hand may rest on the frame or cradle of the board.
1. One leg (where the leg bends at the hip) must be behind the
board when shooting. A player guilty of breaking this rule will forfeit one point
for every violation.
S. Players are prohibited from touching the surface of the board with any part of their
shooting hand while in the act of shooting. Penalty for violation of this rule is subtraction
of one point from the player’s score following the second violation, and subtraction of
one point for each violation thereafter, until the end of that game. Both team captains
must be informed after each infraction of the rule for the violation to be recognized.
(4/08; mod. 7/09)
T. A player shall not cause any vibration such as slapping or kicking of table, stamping the
floor, etc., whether intentional or not. A player guilty of breaking this rule will forfeit one
point for every violation and lose the hammer on the following round.
U. A player may not touch the playing surface or cradle of the table while his/her partner or
opponent is shooting. If this occurs, the penalty will be a verbal warning for the first
violation and the loss of one point for every violation thereafter.
V. Should a player accidentally shoot an opponent’s weight, said weight must be replaced
at that time by one of the players, with the proper color weight.
W. A player, shooting out of turn or delivering the weight when they have the privilege of the
hammer, will lose that privilege and must complete the round in violation.
X. Should a weight slip from a players hand while in the act of being delivered, the player
will have the privilege of another try, provided their arm was not moving in a forward
motion, as in making a shot. Once forward motion is made with the arm, the weight is
considered played if released from the hand, and cannot be replayed.
Y. It will be the responsibility of the two opponents shooting to advise the other two players
when all eight weights have been delivered. Should the board be cleared of the weights
before all eight weights have been delivered, the team removing the weights will be
penalized one point immediately and the frame will be shot again. If the board is cleared
twice in one match by the same team, the offending team will forfeit the current game.
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Article 2 Hangers or Rail Hangers

A. A hanger is dead if it falls from the board before the opponent’s following weight ceases
B. After the opponent’s following weight has been delivered and ceases motion, a hanger is
legal and must be replaced if it has fallen from the board without being hit by another
C. Should a hanging weight fall from the board for any reason other than being legally
knocked off, such as slapping the table, pushing the table while shooting, stamping the
floor, or any other vibration, it is a legal weight and must be replaced in its original

Article 3 Common Courtesy

A. All generally accepted rules of good sportsmanship and good conduct will apply
at all times in league play.
B. It is considered common courtesy for each player to step back from the board
after delivering a weight in order to give their opponent freedom of the board in every
aspect, with no interference while shooting. The player not having the hammer can
remain behind their opponent until the last weight is delivered.
C. A player, while shooting, may not have a drink, cigarette or other foreign object in
their free hand or mouth. A player guilty of this will receive a verbal warning the first time
and a loss of one point thereafter for each offense.

Article 4 Any rule not covered herein will be decided by the current League Officers. Their decision
will be final in all cases.

Article 5 Protests will be resolved by the vote of the three league officers. If one or more league
officers are members of a team involved in a protest, a neutral team captain will be selected
to decide upon that protest in the place of each such officer. (mod. 9/10)

Article 6 The payout of league prizes will be given to the teams in a form of cashier’s checks and/or
money orders.

Revised March 2011

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Highlight of Rule Changes

• The wording of the rule Part II, Article 1, Section B was changed to:
The addition of any new sponsors (club) proposing to join the league must let a board
member know before the Awards-Organizational meeting. The sponsor will be approved or
denied by a “show of hands” vote at the Awards-Organizational meeting. If the sponsor is
approved, any teams playing at the club will turn in all monies and rosters at the beginning
of the Voting meeting.
• The Secretary-Treasurer will decide which club will be the designated drop-off point. This
cannot be changed during a season unless this club closes. (Part I, Article 8, Item E.)
• Home teams are permitted to clean and apply silicone spray to the board surface at any time
until 6:30pm on Tuesday. No application of spray is permitted between 6:30pm Tuesday until
the end of the match Wednesday. (Part II, Article 5, Section G.)
• The rule pertaining to throwing table wax changed to read:
In general, only the shooter is permitted to add any wax to the board after play has begun.
The only time the shooter is allowed to throw wax is before his/her shot. This can be done
sparingly on dry areas so as not to create mounds of wax. No wax can be applied to the
table after all eight pucks have been thrown from one end. (Part II, Article 5, Section H, Item

Meeting Rotations

Hunter’s Pub 2011 Spr-Sum Awards-Organizational

Stafford Ice House 2011 Spr-Sum Voting


Crowe Bar 2010 Spr-Sum Awards-Organizational

VFW Post 4010 2010 Spr-Sum Voting
Carolyn’s Place
Woodie’s Ice House 2010-11 Fal-Win Awards-Organizational
Cozy Corner 2010-11 Fal-Win Voting

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