الفيض الكهربي وجاوس
الفيض الكهربي وجاوس
الفيض الكهربي وجاوس
§ http://www.ic.sunysb.edu/Class/phy141md/doku.php?id=phy142:lectures:4
has a nice set of visualizations on flux, normals to surfaces,
and Gauss’s Law
= E A cos ✓ =✓ =E0A
Prof. Satogata / Spring 2014 ODU University Physics 227N/232N 8
Flux Problem 3: Solution
§ A sphere of radius r = 2 cm creates an electric field of strength
E = 3 N/C at a distance d = 5 cm from the center of the
sphere. What is the electric flux through the surface of the
sphere drawn at distance d = 5 cm ?
= E A cos ✓ =cos
E ✓A
E = 3 N/C
= 4⇡kqenclosed
§ Let’s use Gauss’s Law to derive an earlier result a faster way
§ On pages 14-15 of the Jan 24 lecture, we derived the electric
field from an infinitely long line of charge with charge per unit
~ 2k
E= ĵ
§ But this was painful – it involved an integral we had to look up.
= E A cos ✓ = E A
= EA for areas where E ? A (cos ✓ = 1)
= 0 for areas where E k A (cos ✓ = 0)
dq dq
§ The natural coordinate system to draw has the x direction along
the line charge, and the y direction perpendicular to it.
§ In the x direction, there are always equal charges at any ±x
• So the horizontal component of the field is zero, Ex = 0
§ In the y direction, all charge is located in the y direction
• So the vertical component of the field is nonzero, Ey 6= 0
dq dq Ey
§ The fields always point “out” from the line charge
§ So let’s draw a closed Gaussian surface: a cylinder
§ On the ends of the cylinder, E k A so =0
§ On the side of the cylinder, E ? A and E is constant: = E A
§ So the total flux through this cylinder of radius y and length L is
total =2 end + side = 0 + E Aside = E(2⇡y)L
(cylinder side area Aside = (2⇡y)L)
dq dq Ey
§ We’re almost there! We’ve calculated total : what is qenclosed?
§ It’s the charge per unit length times the cylinder length:
qenclosed = L
§ So now Gauss’s Law gives us the answer – no integrals!
total = E L (2⇡y) = 4⇡qenclosed = 4⇡k L
) E= ĵ same answer as before!!
Prof. Satogata / Spring 2014 ODU University Physics 227N/232N 16