Codes and Standards: Petroleum Engineering Technology (Pet) Department Polytechnic Abu Dhabi (Adpoly)

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The document discusses various codes and standards relevant for mechanical equipment design and inspection. It covers definitions, importance, overview of some key codes like ASME and API standards.

Some important codes and standards discussed include ASME B&PVC, ASME piping codes, API standards like API 660 and 510, TEMA and HEI standards for heat exchangers.

The main types of codes and standards mentioned are codes, standards, regulations, specifications and recommended practices. Codes are legally enforced while standards are developed by industry organizations.

Codes and Standards

Petroleum Engineering Technology (PET)

Department Polytechnic Abu Dhabi (ADPoly)

March 17, 2021


Baher Elsheikh
Classification: Internal Use

Career Timeline Baher Elsheikh

2002 - 2008 Cairo Oil Refining Company
Mechanical Design Engineer Mechanical Engineer
2008 - 2016 Methanex
Static Equipment Specialist
Senior Mechanical Engineer

2016 - Present Sabic AN

Senior Mechanical Engineer

Certifications Publications
API 580 Thermal Cycling Damage in Reformer Tubes
Risk Based Inspection Nitrogen + Syngas 2016 (CRU) – March 2016

API 571 Effective Reliability and Safety Management of Steam Reformer Tubes
Damage Mechanisms in Fixed Equipment NACE Conference – Jubail - 2019

CRE Steam Reformer Tubes; Lifecycle and Integrity Management

Certified Reliability Engineer Stainless Steel World Magazine – March, 2020

CRL Comprehensive Integrity Management Program for Reformer Tubes

Certified Reliability Leader Inspectioneering Journal – April, 2020

Collar Bolts in Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger World Magazine – May, 2020

Risk of Transient conditions that can be missed during RBI and design
NACE Conference, Jubail - 2020
Baher Elsheikh @

Definition of codes, standards, specifications and recommended practices

Importance and requirements of codes and standards

Overview of ASME (Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) B&PVC and ASME Piping codes

Overview of popular API Standards

Overview of API Individual Certification Program (ICP)

Codes and Standards of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Codes and Standards
Generally the top-tier documents, providing a set of rules that knowledgeable people
recommend for others to follow that specify the minimum acceptable level of safety for
manufactured, fabricated or constructed objects.
Code is a standard adopted by one or more governmental bodies and can be enforced by law
Example: ASME BPVC, ASME B31, API 650, BS, DIN, … etc.

Documents that establish engineering or technical requirements for products, practices,

methods or operations.
ASTM D4910 (Standard Tables of Body Measurements for Children, Infant Sizes); ASME B16.5 (Flanges dimensions)

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Regulations, Specifications and Recommended Practices

Regulations Generally issued by a state or federal agency when public safety is an issue.

Provide specific requirements for materials, components or services and are often
generated by private companies to address additional requirements for design and
Specifications service.

Company specifications; Shell, Aramco, BP,…

Recommended practices are the documents prepared by a professional group,

Recommended committee, or company based upon good engineering practices held in the industry. In
Practices order to have consistency in design and avoid having one project differ from others for

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Why Codes and Standards Required

In the 19th century there were literally thousands Failure of many of the World War-II Liberty ships is dramatic
of boiler explosions in the United States and example of the brittle fracture of steel that was thought to be
Europe, some of which resulted in many deaths ductile.

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Why Codes and Standards Required

Provide and ensure minimum acceptable limits of safety and quality

It ensures the safety and reliability of the system.

The local government shows the green signal only if the plant is designed under the published codes and standards

It creates a similarity and consistency in engineering

Standardization to the way of working

It minimizes mismatching and promote the interchangeability

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Requirements of Codes and Standards

Suitable for repetitive use

Enforceable, should be worded so that auditing person can point out where it has or has not been followed

Definite, requirements should be expressed as specific instructions and never as explanations.

Realistic, Requirements that are unrelated, excessive, or more restrictive than necessary should not be included

Clear, Express the requirements in easily understood language that is not ambiguous

Complete, All areas open to question or interpretation (or misinterpretation) should be covered

Requirements should be technically correct and accurate and cover only those properties that are subject to control

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

The ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code (BPVC) was
SEC. I Power Boilers
conceived in 1911 out of a need
Sec II Materials
to protect the safety of the
public. This need became
Sec III Rules for Construction of Nuclear Facility Components
apparent shortly after the
conception of the steam engine Sec IV Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers
in the late 18th century.
Sec V Nondestructive Examination

Sec VI Rules for the Care and Operation of Heating Boilers

Sec VII Guidelines for the Care of Power Boilers

Sec VIII Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

Sec IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications

Sec X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

Sec XI Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components

Sec XII Construction and Continued Service of Transport Tanks

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

ASME Pressure Piping Codes – B31

ASME B31.1 Power Piping ASME B31.1 Code is mainly used for the design and construction of
power piping of Electric Power Generating Stations, Industrial & Institutional Plants, Geothermal
Heating Systems, and Central & District Heating and Cooling Systems.

ASME B31.3 Process Piping ASME B31.3 Code is mainly applicable to the design and construction
of pressure piping found in Petroleum Refineries, Chemical plant, Pharmaceutical, Food, Textile,
Paper, Paint, Cryogenic, and any Process Plants and Terminals.

ASME B31.4 Hydrocarbon Transportation Pipeline ASME B31.4 Code is applicable for the pipelines that are
used to transport liquids between plants, terminals, and pumping regulating stations. These liquids include crude
oil, condensate, natural gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, carbon dioxide, liquid alcohol, and liquid petroleum
products. For example the pipeline from upstream to midstream or downstream.

ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components ASME B31.5 Code is
applicable for the design and construction of pressure piping containing refrigerants or coolants. It is
mainly used for HVAC piping system.

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

ASME Pressure Piping Codes- B31 – Cont’

ASME B31.8 Gas Transportation and Distribution Piping Systems ASME B31.8
Code is applicable for gas transportation pipelines between the sources and terminals. It
also applies to gas pipelines, gas compressor stations, gas metering & regulation

ASME B31.9 Building Services Piping ASME B31.9 Code is used for the design and
construction of piping found in Industrial, Institutional, Commercial, Public Buildings, and
multi-unit residences which do not require the different range of pipe sizes.

ASME B31.11 Slurry Transportation Piping Systems ASME B31.11 Code is mainly applicable to
transport slurry of non-hazardous materials, such as coal, mineral ores, and other solids, between
the slurry process plants and process piping system. One of the important uses of these pipelines is
in the mining industries to move ores from the mines to elsewhere.

Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Baher Elsheikh – Nov. 2020

API – Pressure Vessels
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration

Covers the in-service inspection, repair, alteration, and rerating activities for pressure vessels and the
pressure-relieving devices protecting these vessels. This inspection code applies to most refining and
chemical process vessels that have been placed in service.

API RP 572 Inspection Practices for Pressure Vessels

Supplements API 510 by providing pressure vessel inspectors with information that can improve skills
and increase basic knowledge of inspection practices. This recommended practice (RP) describes
inspection practices for the various types of pressure vessels (e.g. drums, heat exchangers, columns,
reactors, air coolers, spheres) used in petroleum refineries and chemical plants

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API – Piping Systems
API 570 Piping Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems

Covers inspection, rating, repair, and alteration procedures for metallic and fiberglass reinforced
plastic (FRP) piping systems and their associated pressure relieving devices that have been placed in
service. This inspection code applies to all hydrocarbon and chemical process piping

API RP 574 Inspection Practices for Piping System Components

Supplements API 570 by providing piping inspectors with information that can improve skill and increase
basic knowledge of inspection practices. This recommended practice describes inspection practices for
piping, tubing, valves (other than control valves), and fittings used in petroleum refineries and chemical

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API – Fired Heaters

API Std 530 Calculation of Heater-Tube Thickness in Petroleum Refineries

Specifies the requirements and gives recommendations for the procedures and design
criteria used for calculating the required wall thickness of new tubes and associated
component fittings for fired heaters for the petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas

API RP 538 Industrial Fired Boilers for General Refinery and Petrochemical Service
Specifies requirements and gives recommendations for design, operation, maintenance,
and troubleshooting considerations for industrial fired boilers used in refineries and
chemical plants. It covers waterside control, combustion control, burner management
systems (BMSs), feedwater preparation, steam purity, emissions.

API RP 573 Inspection of Fired Boilers and Heaters

Covers the inspection practices for fired boilers and process heaters (furnaces) used in
petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants.

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API – Heat Exchangers
API Std 660 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Requirements for the mechanical design, material selection, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipment
preparation shell-and-tube heat exchangers for the petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas industries.

API Std 661 Petroleum, Petrochemical, and Natural Gas Industries Air-cooled Heat Exchangers
Requirements for the design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipment preparation for shipment of
air-cooled heat exchangers for use in the petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas industries

API Std 662 Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services
Requirements and gives recommendations for the mechanical design, materials selection, fabrication, inspection,
testing and preparation for shipment of Plate heat exchanger for use in the petroleum, petrochemical and natural
gas industries.

API Std 663 Hairpin-type Heat Exchangers

Requirements and gives recommendations for the mechanical design, materials selection, fabrication,
inspection, testing and preparation for shipment of hairpin heat exchangers for use in the petroleum,
petrochemical and natural gas industries.

API Std 664 Spiral Plate Heat Exchangers

Requirements for the mechanical design, materials selection, fabrication, inspection, testing, and preparation for
shipment of spiral plate heat exchangers for the petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas industries.
Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021
API – Storage Tanks
API Std 650 Welded Storage Tanks for Oil Storage
Requirements for material, design, fabrication, erection, and inspection for vertical, cylindrical, aboveground, closed-
and open top, welded storage tanks for internal pressures approximating atmospheric pressure

API Std 620 Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks

design and construction of large, welded, low-pressure carbon steel above ground storage tanks. designed
for temperatures not greater than 250 °F and pressures in their gas or vapor spaces not more than 15 psig

API Std 653 Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction

Covers steel storage tanks built to Std. 650 and its predecessor Spec 12C. It provides minimum requirements
for maintaining the integrity of such tanks after they have been placed in service and addresses inspection,
repair, alteration, relocation, and reconstruction.

API RP 651 Cathodic Protection of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks

corrosion control on aboveground storage tank bottoms through the use of cathodic protection

API RP 652 Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms

corrosion control by the application of tank bottom linings in aboveground storage tanks
Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021
API – Pressure Relief Devices

API 520 Parts I & II Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices

API 520 Std. part I and RP part II applies to the sizing and selection of pressure relief
devices used in refineries and related industries. The pressure relief devices covered
in this standard are intended to protect unfired pressure vessels and related equipment
against overpressure from operating and fire contingencies

API Std 521 Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems

This standard specifies requirements and gives guidelines for the following: examining
the principal causes of overpressure; determining individual relieving rates; and selecting
and designing disposal systems, including such component parts as piping, vessels,
flares, and vent stacks

API RP 576 Inspection of Pressure-Relieving Devices

inspection and repair practices for automatic pressure relieving devices (pressure-relief
valves, pilot-operated pressure-relief valves, rupture disks, and weight-loaded pressure-
vacuum vents) commonly used in the oil and petrochemical industries

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API – Risk Based Inspection
API RP 580 Risk Based Inspection
recommended elements for developing, implementing, and maintaining a risk-based inspection (RBI)
program. It also provides guidance to owner-users, operators, and designers of pressure-containing
equipment for developing and implementing an inspection program

API RP 581 Risk Based Inspection Methodology

Provides quantitative procedures to establish an inspection program using risk based methods for
pressurized fixed equipment

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API – Corrosion and Material

API RP 571 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refining Industry
Provides background information on damage that can occur to equipment in the refining process. It is
intended to supplement Risk-Based Inspection (RP 580 and Publ. 581) and Fitness-for-Service (Std. 579-
1/ASME FFS-1) technologies

API Std 579/ ASME FFS Fitness for Service (FFS)

Provides guidance for conducting FFS assessments using methodologies specifically prepared for
pressurized equipment. The guidelines provided can be used to make run-repair- replace decisions to help
determine if components in pressurized equipment containing flaws that have been identified by inspection

API RP 577 Welding Processes, Inspection, and Metallurgy

Provides guidance to the API authorized inspector on welding inspection as encountered with fabrication
and repair of refinery and chemical plant equipment and piping.

API RP 582 Welding Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil, and Gas Industries
supplementary guidelines and practices for welding and welding related topics for shop and field fabrication,
repair, and modification
Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021
TEMA Standards
TEMA: Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer Association – Developed in 1939 Current edition is 10th Edition published in 2019

TEMA is a manufacturer standard

The focus is on manufacturing and mechanical design. TEMA also provides references for thermal design and
fouling. There are cost differences between the three heat exchanger classes.

TEMA Classes

Class R Class C Class B

Generally severe Generally moderate Chemical Process

requirements for requirements of service
petroleum and related commercial and general
processing applications processing applications

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Individual Certification's Program
Petroleum Engineering Technology (PET)

Department Polytechnic Abu Dhabi (ADPoly)

March 17, 2021


Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API Individual Certification Program (ICP)

Individual Certification Programs (ICP) have been offered by the American Petroleum Institute
(API) since 1989 as a way to test the knowledge and document the experience of inspection and
technical personnel. These programs provide certification for several different API standards. Most
API ICPs remain valid for three-year terms and can be renewed after that period.

Each ICP program has minimum qualification requirements, which usually include a certain degree
of knowledge about the corresponding API standard, as well as a specific amount of experience
in the field. Scheduled exams are conducted at computer testing centers and completed online.

API Individual Certifications are powerful assets for inspectors and other personnel looking to
advance their careers. They enable a person to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and
experience to potential employers or clients.

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API Individual Certification Program (ICP)
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector

API 570 Piping Inspector

API 653 Above Ground Storage Tank Inspector More details about the API
ICP and other available
API 571 Corrosion and Materials Professional
certificates and
API 577 Welding Inspection and Metallurgy Professional requirements for each to
API 580 Risk Based Inspection Professional be checked at API
website; Individual
API 936 Refractory Quality Control Personnel Certification Programs
API 1169 Pipeline inspector (ICP)

API SIFE Source inspector fixed equipment

API SIRE Source inspector rotating equipment and-services/individual-
API QUPA Qualification of Ultrasonic Testing Examiners (Phased Array)

API QUSE Qualification of Ultrasonic Testing Examiners (Sizing)

API QUTE Qualification of Ultrasonic Testing Examiners

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021
API Individual Certification Program (ICP)
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspector
Certified API 510 Pressure Vessel inspectors must have a broad Qualifications Required to apply for API 510 Certificate
knowledge base relating to maintenance, inspection, repair, and
alteration of pressure vessels More details about qualifications for API ICP and exam information to be
checked at API website; Individual Certification Programs (ICP)

Education Years of Industry Experience Experience Required

BS or higher in engineering or 1 year Supervision or performance of inspection activities as

technology described in API 510
2-year Associate's degree or certificate 2 years Design, fabrication, repair, operation, or inspection of pressure
in engineering or technology vessels, of which one year must be in supervision or
performance of inspection activities as described in API 510

High school diploma or equivalent 3 years Design, fabrication, repair, operation, or inspection of pressure
vessels, of which one year must be in supervision or
performance of inspection activities as described in API 510

No formal education 5 or more years Design, fabrication, repair, operation, or inspection of pressure
vessels, of which one year must be in supervision or
performance of inspection activities as described in API 510

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

API Individual Certification Program (ICP)
API SIFE Source Inspector Fixed Equipment

Qualifications Required to apply for API SIFE Certificate More details about qualifications for API ICP and exam information to be
checked at API website; Individual Certification Programs (ICP)

The API SIFE Source Inspector Fixed Equipment certification is open to applicants with any experience in the petroleum and petrochemical
industries, as well as applicants wanting to gain industry experience.

To obtain an API SIFE certification, candidates will need to pass the Source Inspector Fixed Equipment examination.

IFE - Source Inspector Fixed Equipment focuses primarily on pressure containing equipment and structural equipment, including: vessels,
columns/towers, heat exchangers, piping, valves, pressure relief devices, tubulars, and associated structural fabrications.

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Codes and Standards for
Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Petroleum Engineering Technology (PET)

Department Polytechnic Abu Dhabi (ADPoly)

March 17, 2021


Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger is a type of exchangers used to transfer thermal energy between
two or fluids. The two fluids are not indirect contact; one pass in the tubes and the other in the shell.

Shell and Tube Heat exchangers are one of the most common equipment found in all oil and gas
plants, petrochemical and power plants.

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Classification: Internal Use
Construction of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Tube Inlet Shell Inlet Floating Head

Tube Bundle

Tube Outlet Shell Outlet

Channel Shell cover

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Classification: Internal Use
Construction and Main Parts of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Tube Bundle
Gasket Split ring Spacer
Pass Partition Gasket Gasket
Baffles Gasket

Stationery Floating Floating Shell Cover

Channel Tube sheet Tube sheet Head


Floating Head

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Codes and Standards

TEMA Standards Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer Association

API Std. 660 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

Heat Exchange Institute: Standards for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger and surface
HEI Standards condensers

ASME BPVC ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (Sec. VIII, div.1 – Sec. II)

Process Industry Practices – PIP VESSM001

PIP Supplemental Design and Fabrication Specification for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

• ASME BPVC – Sec. VIII div.1, 2 or 3 provides standard calculations (By rules or by analysis) to
determine the minimum thicknesses of the pressure- retaining envelopes.

• Adherence to the BPVC is very important in the insurance of the plant that the exchanger is

• When using the BPVC for shell-and-tube exchangers, the UHX requirements for tubesheet design
have been incorporated.

• The BPVC does not guarantee that the unit will meet the heat-exchange requirements. It ensures
the vessel will not create a safety issue if operated in accordance with the specification.

• It does not guarantee that the materials will not fail from corrosion. The choice of materials for
corrosion resistance is the user’s responsibility, since they best understand the corrosion potential of
the fluids.

• The BPVC cannot guarantee that the vessel supports and nozzles will take unspecified loads

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Sec. II: Materials
Part A : Ferrous material specifications

Part B : Non-Ferrous material specifications

Part C : Specifications of welding rods, electrodes and filler metals

Part D : Properties (Customary Units and Metric Units)

Sec. VIII: Rules of construction of pressure vessels

Division 1 : 3 Subsections + mandatory Annex + non mandatory Annex

Division 2: Alternative rules

Division 3 : Alternative rules for construction of high pressure

Sec. IX: Welding, Brazing and Fusion Qualifications

Sec. V: Non Destructive Examination
Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021
API Std. 660 - Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers
API Std. 660: Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

API 660 is an End user Standard. It hosts requirements for the manufacturer, particularly with regard to quality and
fabrication documentation for the equipment.

An extensive collection of good practices and checklists are included in the annex sections of API 660.

API 660 references TEMA as a base standard. In particular, TEMA R standards are incorporated.
In addition, API 660 references ASME, EJMA (Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association) and NACE (National
Association of Corrosion Engineers) standards.

API 660 recommends extensive drawing and document submittals. The drawings to be submitted provide end users
with information that can be useful for future maintenance.

AIA when incorporated focus on the design code requirements (ASME). Owner shall be carful for review the requirements of
other standards API 660, TEMA or HEI

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

HEI Heat Exchange Institute: Standards for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
HEI Standards: Developed to address the needs of other exchangers used in power generation and
similar industrial operations.
HEI is a Manufacturers Standard.

The scope of the heat exchangers is less inclusive than TEMA. In evaluating flow-induced vibration, TEMA
provides a well-established and extensive approach. HEI’s approach is not as extensive, but is certainly adequate.
Most criteria are evaluated by computer programs

The HEI Standard complements the complete set of HEI standards, including the Feedwater Heater Standard and
Steam Surface Condenser Standard.

The inlet area and impingement protection is well defined and is similar to the TEMA.

Relief-valve sizing is also directly addressed in HEI, and there is a section on heat exchanger protection that
includes cathodic protection, painting and in-service inspection.

AIA when incorporated focus on the design code requirements (ASME). Owner shall be carful for review the
requirements of other standards API 660, TEMA or HEI

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Post Construction and inspection codes and Standards

NBIC - National Board Inspection Code

ASME PCC 2 – Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

ASME PCC-1 - Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange joint Assembly

API RP 571 - For Damage Mechanisms in Fixed Equipment

API 510 - Pressure Vessel Inspection Code

API RP 572 - Inspection of Pressure Vessel

API RP 686 - Non Destructive Evaluation Techniques [New RP Under Development]

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Common Referenced Standards
API Std. 521 Pressure Relieving and Depressuring Systems

ASME B1.20.1: Pipe Threads, General Purpose

ASME B1.1: Unified Inch Screw Threads

ASME B16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS 1/2 Through NPS 24 Standard

ASME B16.9 - Factory‐Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings

ASME B16.11 - Forged Fittings, Socket‐Welding and Threaded

ASME B16.20 - Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges — Ring‐Joint, Spiral– Wound, and Jacketed

ASME B16.7 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through NPS 60

ASME B36.10M - Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe

ASME B36.19M – Stainless Steel Pipe

Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

Open Discussions


Codes and Standards Baher Elsheikh – March 2021

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