Adventist Heritage
Adventist Heritage
Adventist Heritage
4.Mode of delivery
The class time will be on Mondays and Wednesday from (8.00am-9.00am).
The primary mode of instruction will be through the Moodle e-learning platform.
The students will be required to attend all class sessions on time.
The instructor shall give assignments and quizzes.
The students are to prepare for mid-semester and Final Examination.
5.Course Assessment
i. Attendance 5%
ii. Quizzes and assign 15%
iii. Mid-semester 30%
iv. Final Examination 50%
6.Gradings Systems
A 85-100 C+ 60-64
A- 80-84 C 55-59
B+ 75-79 C- 50-54
B 70-74 D 40-49
B- 65-69 F 0-39
7. Instructional Materials
Knight, George R. A search for identity: The Development of seventh-day Adventist Beliefs.
Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2000. Knight, George R.A Brief History of seventh day
Adventists. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1999.