Three Types of Speech Act
Three Types of Speech Act
Three Types of Speech Act
speaker makes to achieve an intended effect typically given specific instructions that you
must follow. These instructions confine you as a
Three Types of Speech Act speaker and limit what you can say.
*Locutionary act is the actual act of uttering. 3. Turn-taking
*Illocutionary act is the social function of what Sometimes people are given unequal
is said. opportunities to talk because others take much
*Perlocutionary act is the resulting act of what time during the conversation. Turn-taking
is said. This effect is based on the particular pertains to the process by which people decide
context in which the speech act was mentioned. who takes the conversational floor. There is a
code of behavior behind establishing and
Performatives sustaining a productive conversation, but the
*Austin also introduced the concept of primary idea is to give all communicators a
performative utterances: chance to speak.
*Enable the speaker to perform something just 4. Topic Control
by stating it. Topic control covers how procedural formality
or informality affects the development of topic
Searle’s Classifications of Speech Act in conversations. For example, in meetings, you
1. Assertive – a type of illocutionary act in may only have a turn to speak after the
which the speaker expresses belief about the chairperson directs you to do so. Contrast this
truth of a proposition. Some examples of an with a casual conversation with friends over
assertive act are suggesting, putting forward, lunch or coffee where you may take the
swearing, boasting, and concluding. conversational floor anytime
2. Directive – a type of illocutionary act in which 5. Topic Shifting
the speaker tries to make the addressee Topic shifting, as the name suggests, involves
perform an action. Some examples of a moving from one topic to another. In other
directive act are asking, ordering, requesting, words, it is where one part of a conversation
inviting, advising, and begging. ends and where another begins.
3. Commissive – a type of illocutionary act 6. Repair
which commits the speaker to doing something Repair refers to how speakers address the
in the future. Examples of a commissive act are problems in speaking, listening, and
promising, planning, vowing, and betting. comprehending that they may encounter in a
4. Expressive – a type of illocutionary act in conversation. For example, if everybody in the
which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or conversation seems to talk at the same time,
emotional reactions. Some examples of an give way and appreciate other’s initiative to set
expressive act are thanking, apologizing, the conversation back to its topic.
welcoming, and deploring. 7. Termination
5. Declaration – a type of illocutionary act Termination refers to the conversation
which brings a change in the external situation. participants’ close-initiating expressions that
Simply put, declarations bring into existence or end a topic in a conversation. Most of the time,
cause the state of affairs which they refer to. the topic initiator takes responsibility to signal
Some examples of declarations are blessing, the end of the discussion as well
firing, baptizing, bidding, passing a sentence, The Speech Writing Process
and excommunicating. The process for writing is not chronological or
linear; rather, it is recursive. That means you
Types of Communicative Strategy have the opportunity to repeat a writing
1. Nomination procedure indefinitely, or produce multiple
A speaker carries out nomination to drafts first before you can settle on the right
collaboratively and productively establish a one
topic. Basically, when you employ this strategy, •Audience analysis - entails looking into the
you try to open a topic with the people you are profile of your target audience. This is done so
talking to. you can tailor-fit your speech content and
2. Restriction delivery to your audience. The profile includes
Restriction in communication refers to any the following information.
limitation you may have as a speaker. When *demography
communicating in the classroom, in a meeting, *situation
*psychology *Edit for variety- Add spice to your speech by
•The purpose for writing and delivering the shifting tone and style from formal to
speech can be classified into three—to inform, conversational and vice-versa, moving around
to entertain, or to persuade. the stage, or adding humor.
*An informative speech *Edit for impact and beauty- Make your speech
*An entertainment memorable by using these strategies: surprise
*A persuasive speech the audience, use vivid descriptive images,
•The topic is your focal point of your speech, write well-crafted and memorable lines, and
which can be determined once you have use figures of speech.
decided on your purpose. •Rehearsing gives you an opportunity to
•Narrowing down a topic means making your identify what works and what does not work for
main idea more specific and focused. you and for your target audience
•Data gathering is the stage where you collect
ideas, information, sources, and references Some Guidelines in Speech Writing
relevant or related to your specific topic 1. Keep your words short and simple
•Writing patterns, in general, are structures 2. Avoid jargon, acronyms, or technical words
that will help you organize the ideas related to 3. Make your speech more personal.
your topic. 4. Use active verbs and contractions
•An outline is a hierarchical list that shows the 5. Be sensitive of your audience
relationship of your ideas. 6. Use metaphors and other figures of speech
•The body of the speech provides explanations, 7. Manage your time well
examples, or any details that can help you
deliver your purpose and explain the main idea Speech Delivery
of your speech. According to Stephen Lucas (2011), author of
•The introduction is the foundation of your The Art of Public Speaking, a good delivery
speech. means that you are capable and able to present
•The conclusion restates the main idea of your your message in a clear, coherent, and
speech. interesting way.
•Editing/Revising your written speech involves
correcting errors in mechanics, such as Types of Speech According to Purpose
grammar, punctuation, capitalization, unity, 1. An informative speech provides the audience
coherence, and others. with a clear understanding of a concept or idea.
*Edit for focus- Ensure that everything you 2. An entertainment speech amuses the
have written, from introduction to conclusion, is audience.
related to your central message 3. A persuasive speech seeks to provide the
*Edit for clarity- Make all ideas in your speech audience with favorable or acceptable ideas
clear by arranging them in logical order that can influence their own ideas and
*Edit for concision- Keep your speech short, decisions.
simple, and clear by eliminating unrelated Types of Speech According to Delivery
stories and sentences and by using simple 1. Extemporaneous
words. 2. Impromptu
*Edit for continuity- Keep the flow of your 3. Manuscript
presentation smooth by adding transition words 4. Memorized
and phrases.