First City Providential College: Episode 14
First City Providential College: Episode 14
First City Providential College: Episode 14
Barangay Narra, Francisco Homes Subdivision, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
2st Semester, A.Y. 2021
My analysis
1. Did I see samples of types of portfolio?
- Yes, most of the portfolio shown were documentation portfolio and process portfolio.
My reflection
Have portfolios made the learning assessment process inconvenient?
No, not at all. In my own opinion, if portfolios are included in the learning assessment process,
it would be convenient but it do need an extra time and effort in assessing it. But, it is also not
good to remove or not include portfolio in the process because portfolio is an integral part to
students’ learning. Portfolio is a collection of work and product of students. It is tangible
evidence of their learning. Therefore, it is very essential.
For me, effort exerted on portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning
that results from the use of portfolio. It happens if the teacher is very particular with student’s
learning and he/she make sure to assess the portfolio accurately.
On the other hand, some teachers do not seriously take portfolio assessment. This made the
assessment to not commensurate to the improvement of learning. This thing must be avoided
in order to create educated and learned students for the future
My portfolio
Narrative report
We need to know how to evaluate our pupils, as prospective instructors, and
what kind of exams should we use to monitor their development. Although I will
be a teacher soon, I have to create evaluations that need demonstrations and
performances, a portfolio is still regarded one of the most genuine evaluations,
and may be used to compile a work of students.. Firstly, though, we need to
know how our students are to be able to produce a portfolio that shows their
finest work and can help us track their growth or a portfolio that we can use to
evaluate our student skills. When you evaluate students, as a future teacher, I
have learned that you'll be able to think of your students' knowledge and each of
you will have a different perspective of learning, a different way of understanding
and offering feedback about teaching, and once and for all one of the lessons I
am learning about this episode is to value the teachers because teaching comes
from the principle.
Lastly All such evaluations are fine, provided that our kids learn, as long as we
realize that they reflect and evaluate their work, and so long as they are able to
utilize the portfolio to express themselves, and this is the most essential aspect.
We should respect their time and work in establishing a well-designed portfolio
especially for those with wealth. Because this is the portfolio's objective to view
its changes, monitor its development and assess whether the learning outcomes
have been attained.
My documentation