07 Electricity and Magnetism
07 Electricity and Magnetism
07 Electricity and Magnetism
and magnetism?
What is electricity
What is force?
ured ?
How is force meas
urce of energy on
What is the main so
t with heat?
How do liquids reac
usic instrument s produce
Why do different m
different sound?
Electricity and
How can wind be used to generate
Which energy is needed for vehicles to
What causes the formation of lightning?
Why does the compass always show the
north-south direction?
Let’s understand:
The flow of electric current in a series circuit
and a parallel circuit
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
Science Blog
The Electric Eel
The electric eel or scientifically known as
Electrophorus electricus is a type of freshwater
fish found in South America. The length of its
body can exceed 8 feet.
This fish has around 6 000 special cells
known as electrocytes. These cells are their
secret weapon that enables the electric eel to
discharge electricity up to 600 volts!
Electricity that is discharged is used to
protect the fish from its predators and to
catch smaller fishes. This fish’s eyesight is
limited because of its dark and muddy habitat.
This causes the fish to use the transmission
of electric charges as a guide for direction.
Electric current Series circuit
Electric charge Resistors
Electrostatic Magnetic field
Ohm’s Law Magnet
Parallel circuit Electromagnet
7.1 Electricity
D o you still remember the topic on electricity that you have learned during primary school?
Various home appliances such as the washing machine, television, computer and others use
electricity to function.
All living things need energy. A moving vehicle, a lighted bulb, and a sleeping cat use energy. What
does energy mean? Energy means the ability to do work. Can you state a few daily activities that
use energy?
142 7.1.1
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
Forms of Energy
Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can exist in various forms. Photograph 7.2 shows
various forms of energy that exist around us. Can you give another example for each of the following
types of energy?
Sources of Energy
You have learned various forms of energy that exist. What are the sources used to generate energy?
Figure 7.1 shows various sources of energy that exist around us.
The Sun
Brain Teaser
Wave Does nuclear energy produce
of Water radioactive wastes?
Electrostatic Charges
Have you ever felt an electric shock when you touched a door knob? Why does this happen? It happens
as a result of the transfer of electric charges between our body and the door knob that has static electric
charges. These static charges are known as electrostatic charges. Let us carry out Activity 7.2 to show the
existence of electrostatic charges on different types of materials.
A ctivity7.2
Aim: To test the existence of electrostatic charges on certain materials. Note: Make sure that all the
Materials: Balloon, pieces of shredded paper and stream of apparatus are dry.
running tap water
Apparatus: Polythene rod, cellulose acetate strip and
Polythene rod
woollen cloth
1. Rub a polythene rod with a woollen cloth.
2. Hold the rod close to pieces of shredded paper
(Photograph 7.3) and record your observation.
3. Repeat step 1. Pieces of shredded papers
4. Hold the rod close to a small stream of running tap
water and record your observation. Photograph 7.3
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 using a cellulose acetate strip and
a balloon to replace the polythene rod.
1. Give an inference for your observation.
2. What other methods can be used to test the existence of electrostatic charges on the balloon?
Explain the steps taken.
Based on your observation in Activity 7.2, how are the electrostatic charges between the objects
produced? Electric charges consist of positive charges (proton) and negative charges (electron). The
attraction and repulsion between the electric charges shown
in Figure 7.2 are known as electrostatic forces. Same charges
When two different types of objects are rubbed together, repel each
only the electrons are transferred from one object to the other
other, whereas the protons do not move. The object that
gains electrons will be negatively charged. The object that
charges attract
loses electrons will be positively charged. The object that has
each other
equal number of protons and electrons is known as neutral.
Figure 7.2 Properties of electric charges
Look at Figure 7.4 to understand the effect of electrostatic charges on a plastic comb that has
been rubbed with a piece of woollen cloth.
Before being rubbed with the woollen cloth After being rubbed with the woollen cloth
+ – + – + – + – + + + +
– + – – – – – –
+ + – + + +
– – – – –
Neutral comb + +
+ +
– – –
– + – +
+ – + – The comb rubbed with the woollen cloth will gain
– + – +
– + – + electrons from the woollen cloth and will be negatively
Pieces of neutral charged. This enables the comb to attract the pieces
shredded paper of paper because of the force of attraction that exist
between the positive charges on the pieces of paper
and the negative charges on the comb.
Simulation of lightning can be carried out in the school
laboratory by using a Van de Graaff generator or Wimhurst machine. Wimhurst machine
Carry out Activity 7.3 to observe the simulation of lightning. is a device for
generating high
A 7.3
ctivity Century
Aim: To carry out a simulation of lightning formation by using the Van de Graaff generator.
Apparatus: Van de Graaff generator
1. Switch on the Van de Graaff generator.
2. After a few minutes, move the metal sphere closer to the dome and
record your observation.
1. What is your observation in this activity?
2. What will happen if the metal cap of an electroscope is brought closer to the Photograph 7.5
dome of the Van de Graaff generator?
Aim: To gather information and solve daily life problems involving electrostatic.
1. Work in groups.
2. Gather information on the following problems that involves electrostatic. Discuss how to solve them.
(a) The choice of fabric to be worn in hot weather
(b) Safe shelters during a thunderstorm (use Faraday’s cage concept)
3. Share your findings with the class.
Electric Current
Electrical appliances require electric charges to operate. Energy
that is needed for the electric charges to flow can be generated from
sources such as electrical generators, dry cells and solar cells. What
is the relationship between electric charges and electric current?
A ctivity 7.5
Aim: To study the relationship between electric charges and electric current.
Apparatus: Van de Graaff generator, galvanometer and connecting wire Precaution
Make sure all the apparatus
Instruction are dry and neutral.
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 7.7.
2. Switch on the Van de Graaff generator and observe the pointer on the galvanometer.
148 7.1.4
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
A ctivity 7.6
Aim: To measure the current and voltage by using a suitable measuring apparatus.
Apparatus: Ammeter, voltmeter, connecting wire, switch, dry cell, crocodile clip, bulb and dry
cell holder
A Measuring current using an ammeter Switch Connecting
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Photograph 7.8 using
one dry cell. Dry cell
2. Turn on the switch and record the reading of the ammeter. Crocodile
Observe the brightness of the bulb. clip
3. Record your observations.
Bulb Dry cell holder
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 using two dry cells.
Photograph 7.8
B Measuring the voltage using a voltmeter
The voltmeter must be connected parallel to the bulb in order to measure the voltage.
Switch Connecting
Instruction Voltmeter
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Photograph 7.9 using wire
one dry cell. Dry cell
2. Turn on the switch and record the reading of the voltmeter.
Observe the brightness of the bulb.
3. Record your observations. Crocodile
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 using two dry cells.
Bulb Dry cell holder
Reading of Reading of
Activity Number of dry cells Brightness of bulb
ammeter / A voltmeter / V
1. What is the relationship between the electrical current and the increase in the number of dry cells?
2. What is the relationship between the voltage and the increase in the number of dry cells?
3. Give an inference for the brightness of bulb in Activity A.
4. What is the relationship between the voltage, electric current and the brightness of the bulb?
The Relationship between Current, Voltage and Resistance
The ability of a conductor to limit or resist the flow of electric current is known as resistance. The
unit for measuring resistance is ohm (Ω). A fixed resistor has resistance that cannot be adjusted
whereas a variable resistor or rheostat has resistance that can be adjusted. Current, voltage and
resistance are three electrical quantities that are closely related to one another in a circuit. The
changes in magnitude of one of the electrical quantities will have an effect in the magnitude of the
other quantities.
Let us carry out Experiment 7.1 to study the relationship between current, voltage and resistance.
Experiment 7.1
Aim: To study the effects of changes in resistance and voltage on electric current.
Ammeter Connecting
Crocodile clip wire
Dry cells
Dry cell
Jockey Nichrome
Metre rule The length of
nichrome wire
Photograph 7.10
150 7.1.6
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
Is the hypothesis accepted? Give your reasons.
1. What is the relationship between the length of the nichrome wire and resistance?
2. What is the relationship between the length of the nichrome wire and the current that flows in
the circuit?
3. What is the relationship between resistance and electric current?
Is the hypothesis accepted? Give your reasons.
1. What is the relationship between the number of dry cells and the reading of voltmeter?
2. What is the relationship between voltage and electric current?
Experiment 7.1 shows that the amount of current flowing through the circuit decreases as
the resistance increases. Besides, we can also observe that when a higher voltage flows through the
circuit, the amount of current flowing through the circuit also increases.
The relationship between the current, I, the voltage, V and the Science
resistance, R is known as the Ohm’s Law. The relationship among
these three electrical quantities can be written as:
Ohm’s Law Triangle can be
used to memorise the Ohm’s
V = IR Law. Put your finger over the
quantity that you are looking
for. Then, multiply or divide
Ohm’s Law states that the electric current that flows the other two quantities that
through a conductor is directly proportional to the are given.
voltage across two ends of the conductor, provided
the temperature and other physical situations remain I R I R
unchanged. V=I!R
– R=V
2. As the clouds move, a lot of electric charges are accumulated by the clouds.
E lectric current requires a complete path which enables it to flow. This path is known as an
electric circuit.
152 7.2.1
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
Switch Bulb
Voltmeter V Fuse
An electric circuit can be connected in series or parallel. A series circuit is made up of electrical
components that are connected one after another where the current flows through in a single path
(Figure 7.8). A parallel circuit is separated into several different paths of electrical circuit and each
parallel path has electrical components (Figure 7.9).
Current, Voltage and Resistance in a Series Circuit
Is the current that flows through each electrical component in a series circuit the same? Carry out
Activity 7.7 to study the current, voltage and resistance in a series circuit.
A ctivity 7.7
Aim: To study current, voltage and resistance in a series circuit.
Apparatus: Dry cell holder, connecting wire, bulb (1.5 V), dry cell, A
switch, ammeter and voltmeter
Instruction (a)
1. Set up a series circuit as shown in Figure 7.10 (a).
2. Turn on the switch and measure the current that flows through
bulb M. Measure the current that flows through bulb N by placing M I1 N
the ammeter between M and N as shown in Figure 7.10 (b). A
3. Measure the current that flows through bulb M and N by setting up (b)
the circuit as shown in Figure 7.10 (c).
4. Set up the voltmeter across bulb M, followed by bulb N as shown in I2
Figure 7.10 (d) to measure the voltage reading across the bulb. A
5. Set up the voltmeter as shown in Figure 7.10 (e) to measure the M N
voltage across two bulbs.
6. Calculate the resistance for each bulb separately and also for both (c)
the bulbs using Ohm’s Law.
7. Record all the readings in a table.
Questions M N
1. What is your conclusion on the current flow through the series
2. What will happen to the bulbs in the series circuit if one of the V1 V2
bulbs is removed?
Figure 7.10
After carrying out Activity 7.7, you will notice that the current that flows through each bulb is
the same but the voltage is the sum of the voltages across each bulb. Effective resistance, R is the total
resistance across the components. We can conclude that:
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
A ctivity 7.8
Aim: To study current, voltage and resistance in a parallel circuit. I1 M
Apparatus: Dry cell holder, connecting wire, switch, bulb (1.5 V), dry A
cell, ammeter and voltmeter I2 N
Instruction (a)
1. Set up a parallel circuit as shown in Figure 7.11 (a).
2. Turn on the switch and measure the current that flows through M A I
bulb M. Measure the current that flows through bulb N by changing
the position of the ammeter. N
3. Measure the electric current that flows through both the bulbs, M
and N by setting up a circuit as shown in Figure 7.11 (b). (b)
4. Fix the voltmeter across bulb M followed by bulb N as shown in
Figure 7.11 (c) to measure the voltage across the bulbs. V
5. Fix the voltmeter as shown in Figure 7.11 (d) to measure the voltage M
across two bulbs.
6. Calculate the resistance for each bulb separately and for both the V2
bulbs using Ohm’s Law. V
7. Record all the readings in a table. N
1. Is the value of voltage different for bulb M and N?
2. List out the advantages and disadvantages of a parallel circuit.
Figure 7.11
Voltage, V that flows across each resistor in a parallel circuit is the same as the voltage that
flows across the dry cell. However, the current, I that flows in a parallel circuit is actually the total
amount of current that flows through each resistor. Therefore, the current and the voltage can be
concluded as:
Current, I = I1 + I2 Voltage, V = V1 = V2
1 1 1
Effective resistance, R can be calculated using the following formula: = +
R R1 R2
Advantages Disadvantages
• Every electrical appliance can be switched on • The voltage for every electrical appliance cannot
or off separately. be adjusted because the voltage is the same as
• The increase in the number of electrical the source of voltage.
appliances does not affect the function of
other appliances in the same circuit.
V1 V2
Figure 7.12
(a) Effective resistance, R (b) Current, I (c) V1 = IR1
R= R1 + R2 V = 1.5 A× 2 Ω
R=2Ω+2Ω R =3V
R=4Ω 6V V2 = IR2
4Ω = 1.5 A× 2 Ω
= 1.5 A =3V
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
Solution: I1 R1 = 2 V
Figure 2
7.3 Magnetism
Properties of a Magnet
You might have already known one of the properties of a magnet, that it only attracts magnetic
materials. Do magnets have other properties? Let us learn its properties (Figure 7.14).
Has poles
Attracts magnetic
(north pole and
south pole)
of a
Magnetic Field
Photograph 7.14 shows only steel balls that are
closer to the magnet are attracted by the magnet.
The area around the magnet with magnetic force is
known as magnetic field.
158 7.3.1
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
A ctivity 7.9
Aim: To study the pattern of a magnetic field.
Materials: Iron filings and a piece of thin card Iron filings
Apparatus: Bar magnet, horseshoe magnet,
magnadur magnet, compass and drawing paper Card
You have studied electric current in 7.1. Do you know that electric current has
magnetic effects? An electromagnet is a type of magnet that has temporary
magnetic effect when electric current flows through it. The electric bell is an
object that uses electromagnet (Photograph 7.17).
Photograph 7.17
Aim: To study the pattern and direction of the magnetic field produced by the electric current that
flows through different conductors.
Materials: Straight wire, coiled wire, thin cardboard, solenoid and iron filings
Apparatus: Compass, retort stand with clamp, power supply (D.C. 3 V),
connecting wire and crocodile clip
Instruction White
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 7.17. cardboard
2. Sprinkle some iron filings evenly on the white cardboard. Straight
Start the power supply and tap the cardboard gently until wire
a magnetic field pattern is formed. Retort
3. Stop the power supply and sketch the magnetic field stand
pattern that has been formed. with
4. Place four compasses around the straight wire as shown in clamp
Figure 7.18.
5. Restart the power supply and observe the direction of the
needle of the compasses. D.C. power Iron filings
6. Stop the power supply. Mark the direction of the current supply
flow and the direction of the magnetic field in the pattern Figure 7.17
you have drawn in step 3.
7. Reverse the direction of the current flow and observe the
pattern and the direction of the magnetic field again.
8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 by replacing the straight wire with
coiled wire and solenoid. Straight
Questions Figure 7.18
1. What is the purpose of using the iron filings and compass in this activity?
2. Are the magnetic field patterns for all three conductors similar?
3. What can you observe in the magnetic field when the direction of the electric current is reversed?
160 7.3.2
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
Solenoid polarity can be
of current
determined by observing the
direction of the current flow.
The current that flows in the
anti-clockwise direction is
the north pole, whereas the
current that flows clockwise is
Straight Direction Current Current
the south pole.
wire of current out in
Experiment 7.2
Aim: To study the factors that influence the strength of the magnetic field.
A The relationship between the current that flows and strength of the magnetic field
Problem statement: Does the current flow affect the strength of the magnetic field?
Hypothesis: The larger the current that flows through a conductor, the stronger the magnetic field.
(a) Constant variable : The number of turns of the coil
(b) Manipulated variable: Current
(c) Responding variable : Number of pins attracted
Materials: Pin, iron rod and copper wire
Apparatus: D.C. power supply, ammeter, rheostat, Petri dish and retort stand with clamp
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 7.21 with Iron rod
10 coils of copper wire around the iron rod.
2. Turn on the power supply and adjust the rheostat to Retort
obtain 0.5 A of current. stand with
3. Replace the Petri dish containing pins with an empty Copper
Petri dish. wire
4. Turn off the power supply to let all the pins to fall A
back into the empty Petri dish. Pins
5. Count the number of pins attracted by the iron rod. Petri
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 using 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A and 2.5 A dish
of current. Record your observations.
Conclusion: Rheostat Switch D.C. power
Is the hypothesis accepted? Give your reasons. supply
Figure 7.21
7.3.3 161
B The relationship between the number of turns of a coil and the strength of the
magnetic field
Problem statement: Does the number of turns of a coil affect the magnetic field?
Hypothesis: The more the number of turns of a coil, the stronger the magnetic field.
(a) Constant variable: Current
(b) Manipulated variable : Number of coils
(c) Responding variable : Number of pins attracted
1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 7.21 with 10 coils of copper wire coiled around an iron
2. Turn on the power supply.
3. Replace the Petri dish containing pins with an empty Petri dish.
4. Turn off the power supply so that all the pins drop back into the empty Petri dish.
5. Count the number of pins attracted by the iron rod.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 using 20, 30, 40 and 50 turns of copper wire on the iron rod.
7. Record your observations.
Is the hypothesis accepted? Give your reasons.
(b) A straight wire produces magnetic field lines in the shape of concentric
Electricity and Magnetism
Importance of Existence of
energy electrostatic Series circuit Parallel circuit Ohm’s Law Magnet Electromagnet
Forms of Examples of V = V1 + V2 V = V1 = V2 V = IR
energy electrostatic Characteristics of Patterns and
in daily life I = I 1 = I2 I = I 1 + I2 magnets directions of
magnetic field
Sources of Solving daily 1 = 1 + 1
energy R = R1 + R2 R R1 R2 Patterns and The strength of
life problems
directions of the the magnetic field
magnetic field
Interactive Quiz 7
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
After learning this chapter, you are able to:
7.1 Electricity
Describe and communicate about energy.
Explain and communicate the existence of electrostatic charges.
Explain with examples electrostatic in daily life.
Draw a conclusion that the flow of charges produces electric current.
Characterise current, voltage and resistance, and their units.
Draw a conclusion on the relationship between current, voltage and resistance.
7.2 The Flow of Electric Current in a Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit
Elaborate and communicate about the flow of electric current in series circuit and parallel circuit.
7.3 Magnetism
Draw a conclusion about the characteristics of a magnet.
Describe and communicate about electromagnets.
Carry out an experiment and communicate the uses of magnets and electromagnets
in daily life.
Summative Practice 7
1. Tick (3) the correct statement about electrostatic charges.
(a) Earthing causes positive charges to flow from the object to the ground.
3. (a) Why doesn’t a Van de Graaff generator function properly in damp weather?
(b) Why is the shock from the Van de Graaff generator not as dangerous as the electric shock
from a domestic power supply?
Chapter 7 : Electricity and Magnetism
(a) is the quantity of electricity
that is measured by the ammeter.
C O R (c) The unit for resistance is
(e) resists the electric current
from flowing through a conductor.
12 V
5. What is the most suitable circuit to be used in a fire alarm system? A1 2.4 A
Explain your answer. 1.2 A 10 V
6. Figure 1 shows a parallel electric circuit. Calculate the value
of current A1, A2 and the voltage V1, V2 that is not stated. 10 V
Figure 1
HOTS Mastery 7
7. Why does the copper coil
in the electromagnet used
in lifting scrap metals
(Photograph 1) have many
Copper coil
Photograph 1