Dungeon 211
Dungeon 211
Dungeon 211
ABOUT THE COVER: A pixie adventurer evades Rotten Ethel’s venomous viper familiar, Curdlemilk, in Matt Dixon’s feature
illustration for “Glitterdust.”
Senior Producer
Fe b r u a r y 2 013
Christopher Perkins
Beyond Expectations
By Christopher Perkins
Greg Bilsland, Steve Winter
Managing Editors Kim Mohan, Miranda Horner As we were putting this issue to bed, it occurred to of being unlike anything we’ve published before. If
me that all of the adventures this month are designed nothing else, I think it makes a great one-night break
Development and Editing Lead Jeremy Crawford
for low-level characters. That wasn’t intentional, and I from the norm. The next time you’re missing a player
Daniel Helmick, Robert J.
Developers assure you, we have more high-level content planned or two, break out a copy of Heroes of the Feywild™, urge
Schwalb, Chris Sims for future issues. However, if you’re a fan of low-level your remaining players to roll up some 1st-level pixie
Senior Creative Director Jon Schindehette fare, February is your lucky month. (Next month we characters, and send them on a quest to rescue poor
have an adventure for levels 28–30, so you high-level Glitterdust from the clutches of the evil hag Rotten
Art Director Kate Irwin
junkies won’t have to wait long, I promise!) Ethel and her albino viper familiar, Curdlemilk. I’m
Graphic Production Manager Angie Lokotz We try to publish adventures for all levels of play, willing to bet real Canadian loonies that everyone
but we receive more adventure proposals for lower- will have a terrific D&D experience!
Digital Studio Consultant Daniel Helmick
level characters than higher-level ones. This has “Fall of the Gray Veil” is another weird adventure,
Contributing Authors Will Doyle, Christopher Perkins, been true for every edition of the game, not just 4E. I but much darker in tone. It’s an idea I’d been kicking
Steve Townshend remember Roger, Barbara, Wolfgang, and other edi- around for years and something I’d always wanted
Contributing Editors Michele Carter, Penny Williams tors before me bemoaning the lack of high-level fare, to write: an adventure where the heroes suddenly
but when I analyze the metrics of the D&D Char- find themselves in a black-and-white world. Whereas
Contributing Artists Alexey Aparin, Eric Belisle, acter Builder, it only reinforces my belief that most “Glitterdust” takes a straightforward rescue mis-
Milivoj Ćeran, Matt Dixon, Steve campaigns wrap up (either deliberately or by hap- sion and festoons it with quirky characters, “Fall of
Ellis, Jason A. Engle, Jeremy penstance) long before the adventurers get anywhere the Gray Veil” takes a familiar D&D cliché—the evil
Jarvis, Jason Juta, Phill Simmer, close to epic level, so maybe having more low-level necromancer raising the dead—and wraps it in a very
Ben Wootten adventures isn’t a bad thing. At least a DM has lots of off-the-wall mystery.
Jason A. Engle, Adam Phillips,
Cartography options to choose from when the time comes to pick Another thing we try to keep in mind when plan-
Mike Schley an adventure to kick off a new campaign. ning issue content is our monthly theme. This month,
Although we aim to publish adventures for all our theme is “fey.” No adventure pushes the bound-
levels of play, level is not the most important consider- aries of D&D adventure design and captures the fey
ation when I decide to buy and publish an adventure. theme better than module UK1, Beyond the Crystal
I’m more interested in adventures that take us places Cave, originally published by TSR in 1983. The ver-
we’ve never been before and put clever spins on sion included in this issue is a 4th Edition adventure
old ideas. “Glitterdust,” our feature adventure this inspired by this timeless classic. At the core of the
month, is a great example. At its heart, it’s a simple, adventure is another well-worn cliché—a star-crossed
straightforward rescue mission, except the “damsel in romance gone awry—but what the adventure does
Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, D&D Insider, their
respective logos, D&D, Dungeon, and Dragon are trademarks of
distress” is a pixie named Glitterdust and the biggest with this idea goes beyond expectations.
Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. ©2013
Wizards of the Coast LLC.
obstacle to the heroes’ success is their diminutive size.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States Maybe you’ll never run a D&D game (or campaign)
of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written for pixie characters, but as an idea I think it’s worth
permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. This product is a work of
fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events putting out there. With its Disneyesque storyline
is purely coincidental.
and pixie protagonists, “Glitterdust” has the virtue
A D&D® adventure for 1st-level
pixie characters
By Will Doyle
Illustrations by Matt Dixon
Cartography by Adam Phillips
The cottage of the hag Rotten Ethel slumps on stilts
over a swampy lake far from civilization. Ringed by
ancient weirdstones, the site is a nexus between the
planes, a bridge between the world and the dark
places beyond. For centuries, the hag harnessed
the stones to draw discarded objects into her mire,
half-broken things cast out by their owners before
they were fully used up. By fixing these discards,
Ethel forms a magical bond with the objects’ former
owners, allowing her to invade their homes and claim
payment for her work. As recompense, she might take
a treasured valuable, a beloved pet, or even a new-
born child.
Powering the stones requires many precious ritual
components. Ethel searched for the perfect mixture
TM & © 2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.
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Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
K ing Sunfire’s When the characters can see into the chest,
Love Philter
The Court of Stars delights in sowing affection
Court As you start to make your selection, the king offers the fol- between unlikely partners, turning chaste men into
lowing warning. “Rotten Ethel is old and cruel, and she wild philanderers or making predators fall for their
This introduction awards the player character pixies won’t fall easily in combat. If you must do battle, find a way prey. When a drop of this honeyed draught is applied
with a set of flavorful magic items to aid their journey. to weaken her first. Bide your time, avoid conf lict where to a subject’s lips, the victim falls madly in love with
you can, and remember your pixie ways.” the next creature he or she sees, but only until the fol-
When you’re ready to begin, read:
lowing morning.
You have been summoned to the court of King Sunfire, King Sunfire offers the adventurers a glowing moon-
lord of the pixies. Hundreds of tiny fey have gathered to stone held in a silver oyster shell (200 gp) as a reward Nightspider Silk
hear him speak, and his glade is filled with tinkling voices. for rescuing Glitterdust, and they receive the follow-
Woodland animals peer warily from the bushes while wild The spiders of Brokenstone Vale weave a thread that
ing quest. can be seen only by the light of the moon. When
birds fill the canopy overhead. The king steps from his briar
throne and silences the crowd with a sweep of his hand. the clouds part, these silvered webs glow as though
MAJOR QUEST: FOIL THE HAG’S PLANS painted with gleaming dewdrops. A spool of night-
“My people!” he cries. “For years we’ve lived in fear of the 1st-Level Major Quest (100 XP/character)
bog hag, Rotten Ethel. We’ve heard what happens when she spider silk is strong as a length of wire but wholly
The characters earn this quest reward if they rescue invisible during the day.
catches our kind, and we’ve wept for those who have fallen Glitterdust and either kill Rotten Ethel or disable the
before her. My greatest warriors have been sent to slay her, weirdstones surrounding her cottage.
and my wisest sorcerers plotted her downfall, all to no avail.
Owlbear Musk
Now her swamp grows larger by the day, and it encroaches Some brave hunters shadow owlbears in heat to track
Once each player has made a choice from the chest,
at the very borders of my kingdom. Our animal friends down the males. Centaurs are practiced in luring
the characters are escorted to the edge of the swamp
been driven from their homes and seek sanctuary at our hormone-crazed owlbears into traps, and they can
and their adventure begins in earnest.
doorstep. Worse, news has come that she’s kidnapped the extract musk glands from a corpse in seconds.
fairest of all my subjects: Glitterdust, whose song heralds A single whiff of owlbear musk is strong enough to
the height of summer.” Pixie Treasures bring an enchanted creature crashing back to reality,
Gasps are heard across the crowd. King Sunfire’s treasure chest contains one of each immediately ending any dazing, stunning, or domi-
“I hereby call upon those of heroic heart. Who among item listed below. nating magical effects. Each pouch is good for three
you dares to venture inside the creeping swamp and put an doses, after which its potency fades away.
end to Rotten Ethel’s evil?” Item Price Weight
Cold iron shavings (1 bag)* 50 gp 1 lb. Tattlebugs
King Sunfire asks for an introduction from each Flower of the dawn* 25 gp — When songs are sung in Senaliesse, the forests sur-
adventurer who steps forward. The Dungeon Master Love philter 1,000 gp 1/2 lb. rounding the city ring with beautiful echoes that
should also ask each player to describe his or her Nightspider silk 50 gp 1 lb. emanate from the tattlebugs living in the trees. These
character to the rest of the group. Owlbear musk 500 gp 1 lb. scintillating beetles can mimic sound by rubbing
Pixie music box* 50 gp — their hind legs together.
After all the players have spoken, read: Senaliesse chrysanthemum* 10 gp — The mimicry of adult tattlebugs is almost indistin-
An oak chest is brought forward by King Sunfire’s guards. Tattlebugs (pair) 250 gp — guishable from the originator of the sound, so they’re
As its lid is thrown open, you gaze upon a pile of treasure. *These items are detailed in Player’s Option: Heroes of the often used as spying devices. When placed in sight of
“You may each choose one item to aid in your quest,” the Feywild. another of its kind, a tattlebug repeats everything it
king says. has heard in the last five minutes.
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Rumors about Rotten Ethel the discovery that a key is needed to free the pixie
Glitterdust. The final act comprises the adventurers’
7 p.m. to 1 a.m.: Evenings are spent in the study
(location 11), where she consults dark tomes and
The court of King Sunfire is rich with horrid tales
attempts to steal this key from the hag. passes instructions on to her familiar.
about the hag. Each pixie character can make a DC
Dungeon Masters should not feel bound by this 1 to 6 a.m.: Finally, she returns to her bedroom
12 Streetwise check to uncover one of the following
structure. The player characters can approach the and catches a few hours’ sleep.
rumors, rolled randomly.
cottage from any angle, and clever players might
d10 Rumor
discern many ways of getting inside. Allies can be
won inside and out, and the hag’s own forces can be
Encountering the Hag
1 King Sunfire recently exiled a community of The characters can encounter Rotten Ethel at any
turned against her.
murk bats into the hag’s territory, and now they turn. The hag is too powerful to face directly, so pixie
work as her spies (true). characters should avoid conflict until they’ve found
2 The hag cannot harm you if you travel unarmed The Hag’s Timetable a way to weaken her. Ethel carries the key to Glitter-
(false). Rotten Ethel is a creature of habit who sticks to a reg- dust’s bell jar, so the characters can take it from her
3 If you discard a thing that could’ve been fixed, it ular routine. Use the timetable below to keep track of by various means.
might turn up in the hag’s cottage. If she repairs her daily movements.
it, she claims a terrible price in return (true). 6 a.m.: Rotten Ethel wakes and gathers pixie dust Blindness
4 The hag’s cottage shifts through the planes, and from Glitterdust’s jar (location 12). When she’s fin- Rotten Ethel suffers from cataracts and can barely
those who stray near it could reemerge almost ished, she sets the candle spinning beneath the jar. see through her bloated eyelids. When she needs to
anywhere (false). 6 to 6:30 a.m.: The hag goes to her kitchen focus, she uses her cane to lift the lid over her one
5 The hag’s bestial slaves are cared for by a (location 10) and drinks her morning dose of cough good eye. If she loses the cane, she takes a –5 penalty
secretive spirit that sometimes aids travelers medicine. to attack rolls and Perception checks, but she can still
(true). 6:30 to 7 a.m.: Ethel performs a quick circuit of see enemies as foggy outlines.
6 Hags hate salt and can’t cross a line of it laid out the lake, stopping at each of the weirdstones to per- Creatures can snatch the cane from her during
on the ground (false). form her daily enchantments (locations 3, 6, and 7). combat by performing a successful grab attack and
7 Human villagers sometimes seek the hag’s 7 to 9 a.m.: Helped by her bullywug servants, then beating the hag in an opposed Athletics check.
services as a midwife or travel to her cottage to the hag carefully lays a new line of vegetables for her
learn their future (true). giant snail to follow (location 5). Coughing Fits
8 The hag can’t enter the same room twice during 9 to 9:30 a.m.: She returns home to check on Ethel keeps her wracking cough at bay by drinking
the same five minutes (false). Glitterdust, before heading out into the swamps. a potent medicinal syrup. If she misses either of her
9 Something horrible lurks inside the mirror in the 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Ethel spends the rest of the daily doses, she cannot use the Stealth skill, cannot
hag’s bedroom (true). morning gathering fungus from the swamps. recharge her powers, and loses the ability to use one
10 The hag keeps a rabid rat as her familiar (false). 12 to 1 p.m.: At midday she returns home to minor action per turn.
assess the morning’s haul from the lake. Any items Ethel’s medicine bottle is stored in the kitchen
Running the worth repairing are transferred to her workshop (location 10). If it goes missing, it takes her five hours
(location 9).
A dventure 1 to 6 p.m.: Ethel spends her afternoons toiling
to brew up more from her cauldron.
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roll twice for all attack rolls, saving throws, ability Rotten Ethel, Bog Hag Level 8 Solo Skirmisher C Breathe Mosquitoes F Recharge 5 6
checks, and skill checks, taking the lower of the two Medium fey humanoid (aquatic) XP 1,750 Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the blast); +11 vs.
results. She can perform a ritual to summon another HP 360; Bloodied 180 Initiative +9 Fortitude
familiar during the next full moon. AC 22, Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 17 Perception +6 Hit: 3d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Speed 8 (swamp walk), swim 8 Low-light vision C Shrieking Cackle (psychic) F Encounter
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2 Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +11 vs. Will
Poisoning Traits Hit: 4d6 + 8 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save
Two poisons can be found during the course of the O Unwholesome Presence F Aura 3 ends).
adventure. Deadly toadstools grow at the river cross- If an enemy in the aura spends a healing surge to regain hit Miss: Half damage.
ing (location 3), and a soporific gas can be brewed points, that enemy regains only half the normal hit points. Minor Actions
from instructions found in the kitchen (location 10). Aquatic Skin Shift (polymorph) F At-Will
Ethel can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, she gains Effect: Ethel alters her physical form to appear as a young
The characters can add toadstools to Ethel’s food or
a +2 bonus to attack rolls against non-aquatic creatures. female elf, half-elf, eladrin, or human until she uses
medicine, and they can throw the gas as a grenade. Horrid Scuttle change self again or until she drops to 0 hit points. To
On an initiative count of 10 + her initiative check, Ethel assume a specific individual’s form, Ethel must have
The Hag’s Spies shifts up to half her speed and uses claw frenzy as a free
action. If she cannot use a free action to make this attack
seen that individual. Other creatures can make a DC 31
Insight check to discern that the form is a disguise.
Rotten Ethel has an agreement with a local colony due to a dominating or stunning effect, then that effect Skills Intimidate +10, Nature +11, Stealth +12
of murk bats. They spy on her behalf, and she leaves ends instead of Ethel making her attack. Str 21 (+9) Dex 17 (+7) Wis 14 (+6)
them alone. The bats hate the hag and perform their Standard Actions Con 18 (+8) Int 11 (+4) Cha 13 (+5)
duties begrudgingly. m Claw F At-Will Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Every round of a disturbance (such as combat) Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Equipment shawl, sling bag full of mushrooms, cane, key
Hit: 1d8 + 12 damage.
outside the cottage has a 1-in-4 chance to draw the
Effect: Ethel can shift up to 2 squares.
attention of a passing murk bat. Some bats wait to see M Claw Frenzy F At-Will
what happens and then fly off to alert the hag if the Effect: Ethel uses claw twice.
pixies survive. Others might try blackmail instead,
demanding fresh meat in return for their silence.
Choose magic items appropriate for your group As the heroes approach the adventure site, read:
where specified. Ritual scrolls and components found In the distance you spot a tumbledown cottage perched on
Treasure as treasure are designed for use within the adventure stilts on the far shore of a lake. The cottage’s thatched roof is
This adventure uses the treasure parcel system and and do not count toward treasure parcels. shaped like a pointed witch’s hat, and a lone window glows
assumes a 1st-level party composed of five characters. balefully near its tip. As you watch, the mists envelop the
The treasure parcels are allocated as follows: A pproaching lake, and the hag’s lair is snatched from sight.
1. Study (location 11)
2. Kitchen (location 10) the Cottage The pixies arrive from the northern side of the map,
3. Workshop (location 9) just above location 1. Boggy animal trails encircle the
Rotten Ethel’s cottage stands about seven miles from lake, but the pixies needn’t stick to them. By default,
4. Study (location 11)
the swamp’s ever-expanding border. As it oozes for- they arrive at the site at roughly 9 a.m.
5. Major quest reward (see “King Sunfire’s Court”)
ward, the Murkendraw changes the climate around
6. Study (location 11)
it. The air becomes hot and sticky and clouded by
7. Workshop (location 9)
giant mosquitoes. Huge swamp cypresses shudder
8. Kitchen (location 10)
away from the murk, and grinning crocodiles slip
9. Workshop (location 9)
through the warm waters beneath.
10. Haunted River Crossing (location 3)
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Murklord Frog Level 2 Skirmisher Bullywug Mud Lord Level 3 Artillery Gorgon Mud Level 8 Trap
Medium natural beast (aquatic) XP 125 Medium natural humanoid (aquatic) XP 150 Hazard XP 350
HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +7 HP 39; Bloodied 19 Initiative +3 Detect Arcana or Perception DC 14 Initiative —
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +4 AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 16 Perception +9 Immune attacks
Speed 6, swim 6 Low-light vision Speed 6 (swamp walk), swim 4 Traits
Traits Traits Thick Mud
Aquatic O Rancid Air (poison) F Aura 2 The mud is difficult terrain.
The murklord can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, Each enemy that spends a healing surge within the aura is Triggered Actions
it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against non-aquatic weakened until the end of its next turn. M Attack F At-Will
creatures. Aquatic Trigger: A creature that has neither earth walk nor immu-
Standard Actions The bullywug can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, nity to petrification enters a square containing the mud.
m Bite F At-Will it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against non-aquatic Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 0 (triggering creature);
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC creatures. +11 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 1d12 + 5 while the murklord is Nature’s Release (healing) Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).
bloodied. Any attacker that scores a critical hit against the bullywug First Failed Saving Throw: The target is restrained instead
M Leapfrog F Recharge 4 5 6 regains 5 hit points. of immobilized (save ends).
Effect: The murklord shifts up to 3 squares, makes the fol- Necessary Sacrifices Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is petrified instead
lowing attack, and shifts up to 3 squares again. The bullywug gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls when it of restrained (save ends).
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex makes an area or close attack and includes at least one ally Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).
Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage, or 2d12 + 4 while the murklord is in the blast or burst. Countermeasures
bloodied. Swamp Walk F Resist: Athletics DC 14 (move action). Success: The char-
Minor Actions The bullywug ignores difficult terrain that is mud or shal- acter or one adjacent creature gains a +2 bonus to its
M Tongue Lash F At-Will low water. next saving throw against the mud’s effect.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex Standard Actions F Siphon: Arcana DC 19 (standard action). Success: The
Hit: The murklord slides the target 1 square. m Quarterstaff (weapon) F At-Will character siphons elemental energy from the mud, ren-
Skills Acrobatics +10 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC dering inert 1 square plus 1 square for every 5 points by
Str 16 (+4) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 16 (+4) Hit: 1d8 + 7 damage. which the check result exceeds the DC.
Con 15 (+3) Int 4 (–2) Cha 8 (+0) C Electric Reflux (cold, lightning) F Recharge 6
Alignment unaligned Languages — Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 5 cold and lightning damage, and the target is Who are you?
chance of beating Ethel on his own, his mistrust of dazed until the end of the bullywug’s next turn. “Oh, I know your tricks, greenshanks. Say it thrice and
Feywild creatures makes him wary of joining forces Miss: Half damage.
you’ll have my soul, say it twice and you’ll steal my heart.
with the “good folk” even if they are his rescuers. A Fiery Croak (fire, thunder) F At-Will
Attack: Area burst 1 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +6
So I’ll tell you but once: My name is Brandel, and I am wise
Refer to the sidebar when roleplaying Brandel and to your pixie magic.”
vs. Reflex
be sure to bring his superstitions into play during con- Hit: 1d10 + 4 fire and thunder damage.
versation. Perhaps he refuses to confer with the pixies Skills Arcana +6, Nature +9 What are you doing here?
until he has thrown sawdust at their feet or plucked a Str 12 (+2) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 16 (+4) “I suppose there’s no harm in telling. My poor love Luella
lock of hair from his head and burned it before them. Con 15 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 10 (+1) has been taken by the bog hag. Dragged down into the very
Once he’s ready to talk, read or paraphrase the follow- Alignment chaotic evil Languages Primordial
earth beneath her feet, she was. Now I aim to get her back,
ing statements to answer the characters’ questions. Equipment quarterstaff
or die trying—for alas, it was I who caused her suffering!”
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d10 Brandel’s Superstition of beasts, they immediately realize that it’s talking
1 He thinks he can see the pixies because he nonsense.
carries a four-leaf clover.
2 If he loses his four-leaf clover and can still see “Snowbells and gristle, broken toothy-pegs, black skies by
the pixies, he thinks it’s because he was born at day, dog hair and damp, dog hair and damp!” Weirdstone
3 He wears his hat backward to confuse pixies The cockerel continues to babble for as long as the
who might want him to join their dance. pixies remain in sight. It only makes sense if fed or
4 Wherever possible, he tries to stand to the right tended to kindly. If treated so, it turns suddenly to one
of the pixies. of the pixies and whispers, “She needs her cane to
5 He blows on any items the pixies give him to rid see, don’t you see?” before descending into madness
them of their magic. again.
6 He hangs a horseshoe from his backpack to ward
off hags. Summoning the Pumpkin Barge
7 He carries a rabbit’s foot for good luck and Yanking the severed hand causes the cockerel to crow
sometimes fiddles with it when he’s nervous. painfully, summoning Rotten Ethel’s pumpkin barge
8 He is afraid of leaving the trail while in the from the mists.
pixies’ company.
9 If he sneezes in front of the pixies, he ties If a pixie pulls the severed hand, read:
another knot in his handkerchief. The cockerel’s echoing call is answered by the lapping of venture nearby risk being trapped in a deadly retell-
10 He never wears anything green for fear that it oars from the lake. Lit by jack-o’-lanterns, a ramshackle ing of the spirits’ downfall.
might attract gnomes. rowboat emerges from the mist, its oars turning of their Light: Bright in the day, dim starlight at night.
own accord. The rowboat grinds up against the jetty with a Monsters: 1 wraith, 8 wisp wraiths.
Hazard: Haunted river.
2. Caged Cockerel bloodcurdling groan and is still.
Exploration Encounter When the characters first approach, read:
Rotten Ethel’s earthly guests use this rowboat to cross
the lake to her cottage. After those on the jetty have A grove of gnarled cypresses stoop over the riverbank, their
The hag uses a half-starved cockerel as a cruel form of bearded lichens trailing into the water beneath. A tall
boarded, the rowboat magically paddles across the
doorbell. Months of starvation and deprivation have monolith stands among them on the northern bank, lit by
lake to drop them off at the boggy mud bank near
driven it quite mad, but the pixies can wrest some twinkling glowworms. At its base, a line of mossy stepping
the front door (location 7). As they exit, those who
sense from it if they treat it kindly. stones strikes a meandering path across the water.
crossed the lake on the boat are enchanted with a
spell that prevents them from triggering the hag’s
When the characters first approach, read: Perception DC 19: The character spots three tan-
screaming scarecrows until dawn the following day.
The trail winds through cattails and sawgrass to the banks gled masses of rotten cloth, human bone, and muddy
of a misty lake. You spot a crooked jetty jutting out over the driftwood caught up in the roots of the riverbank.
still waters, its aged planks sagged with rot. A half-starved 3. Haunted Crossing These are the sodden remains of the family killed
rooster perches in a birdcage at the jetty’s end, a severed Combat Encounter Level 1 (600 XP) here.
human hand hanging from its ankle by a length of twine. Nature DC 14: The character identifies a patch of
This ancient river crossing is haunted by the rest- deadly toadstools near the monolith, a milky fungus
The cockerel starts to squawk when the pixies less spirits of a drowned girl, the wicked stepmother called granny’s grief.
approach. Since the pixies understand the language who murdered her, and the girl’s cousin. Those who
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This was once the site of a terrible murder. A young Only then do you feel the pin that she pricked into your Wraith Level 5 Lurker
girl was drowned here by her stepmother, who’d led arm, and your vision swims with sickness.” Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 200
her into the swamp to pick mushrooms for her dying HP 53; Bloodied 26 Initiative +10
father. Suspicious that his uncle was being poisoned, Characters who succumb to the haunted river’s AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 15 Perception +2
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing Darkvision
the girl’s cousin followed them here, but arrived just domination are consumed by their vision until the
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic
too late to save her. Seeing his cousin’s head held effect ends. For those who resist, the vision lasts just a Traits
underwater, he rushed from the bushes and hacked couple of seconds. Insubstantial
the stepmother into pieces, but he was caught by her The wraith takes half damage from all attacks, except those
poisoned needle as she fell. Now their restless spirits The Weirdstone that deal force damage. Whenever the wraith takes radiant
haunt the grove, luring passersby to a watery grave. This rune-carved monolith is one of three weird- damage, it loses this trait until the start of its next turn.
The haunted river rolls initiative and attacks with Spawn Wraith
stones Rotten Ethel harnessed to channel the
When the wraith kills a humanoid, that humanoid becomes
surprise as soon as the adventurers are close. Once Murkendraw into this world. The pixies can reverse a wraith figment at the start of this wraith’s next turn. The
the surprise round is complete, the wraiths rise up the enchantment using the Call the Weird ritual new wraith appears in the space where the humanoid died
from the mist to attack. found in the hag’s study (location 11). or in the nearest unoccupied square, and it rolls a new
initiative check. The new wraith acts under the Dungeon
Ghostly Visions Poison Toadstools Master’s control.
The haunted river forces adventurers to relive the last Standard Actions
Rings of poisoned toadstools encircle the monolith,
m Shadow Touch (necrotic) F At-Will
moments of the murders, turning them against their emitting a sickly sweet odor that can be smelled by Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex
own companions or pitching them underwater. anyone passing nearby. The toadstools are harmless Hit: 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage, or 4d6 + 14 necrotic damage
unless ingested. if the wraith was invisible to the target when it attacked.
When a character receives the daughter’s vision, Triggered Actions
read: Granny’s Grief Level 5 Poison Shadow Glide (teleportation) F At-Will
“Stepmother leads you to the grove where the medicine Trigger: An attack that does not deal force or radiant
The spore sacs of this slimy toadstool can be milked to con-
grows. Your mind tangled with worry for your father, you damage hits the wraith.
coct a maddening poison that induces sickness, sorrow, and
Effect (Free Action): The wraith becomes invisible until it hits
gather your skirts about your knees and wade into the ultimately death.
or misses with an attack or until the end of the encounter.
water. Suddenly you feel her knotted hands close around Poison 50 gp The wraith teleports up to 6 squares and cannot attack
your throat, and you’re forced under water!” Attack: +8 vs. Fortitude; 1d10 + 5 poison damage, and until the end of its next turn.
the target is weakened (save ends) Skills Stealth +11
When a character receives the stepmother’s First Failed Saving Throw: The target is dazed and Str 4 (–1) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 10 (+2)
weakened (save ends both). Con 17 (+5) Int 6 (+0) Cha 15 (+4)
vision, read:
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is dazed and Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
“A cruel smile crawls over your face as the girl wades into weakened until it takes an extended rest. If the target
the river. Those toadstools will soon do their work on your receives another dose of granny’s grief during this
pudding of a husband, and that little sow won’t be claiming time, it dies.
any inheritance from the bottom of the river!” Special: You apply the poison to an item of food or up Pixies searching the river crossing find a scattering
to one gallon of liquid. A creature that consumes the of submerged coins near the stepping stones (10 gp
When a character receives the cousin’s vision, food or drink is subject to the attack 1 round later. A and 80 sp), a platinum thimble shaped like a clawed
successful DC 22 Nature check or Perception check can fingernail (12 gp), and an old town crier’s bell with a
reveal the presence of granny’s grief in food or drink.
“You were too late! Hellbent on revenge, you take up your missing clapper (10 gp). Together, this haul accounts
uncle’s axe and charge into the river. Again and again you for treasure parcel 10.
hack into his wife until the water rushes red with her blood.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
8 Wisp Wraiths Level 1 Minion Skirmisher Haunted River Level 1 Elite Trap If the characters unwind the music box here, read:
Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 25 each Hazard XP 200 Streams of wispy blue light drift from the music box, carry-
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3 Detect automatic Initiative +3 ing a cacophony of growls and yelps. Their eyes alive with
AC 13, Fortitude 11, Reflex 15, Will 12 Perception +0 Immune attacks hope, the otters leap forward to snatch back their voices,
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing Darkvision Standard Actions dancing and barking with joy as they’re returned. As they
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic R Attack F At-Will
Standard Actions Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +4 vs. Will
celebrate, a gray-bearded elder waddles over to address you.
m Shadow Caress (necrotic) F At-Will Hit: 1d10 + 3 psychic damage, and the target is dominated “Wood-friends,” he barks. “My people must flee, but we
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex until the end of the river’s next turn. The target’s stan- are forever in your debt. If you must stay, know that the
Hit: 4 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed until the dard action while dominated is determined by the DM’s witch draws her power from a tiny white viper, which she
end of the wisp wraith’s next turn. choice of vision (see below). keeps in a casket in her study. The serpent’s weakness is
Move Actions Daughter’s Vision: The target moves its speed toward pride, for I once heard it whisper of its hold over her. Slay
Shadow Glide F Encounter the river and falls prone. If it ends its turn prone in the
it, and you cripple the witch forever.” With that, the otter
Effect: The wisp wraith shifts up to 6 squares. river, it takes 1d8 + 3 damage.
Skills Stealth +8 Stepmother’s Vision: The target charges its nearest ally
bounds off to rejoin its people.
Str 3 (–4) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 10 (+0) and uses bull rush against it. If the ally is pushed into
Con 13 (+1) Int 4 (–3) Cha 15 (+2) the river, it falls prone and takes 1d8 + 3 damage. The otters waste no time in fleeing the swamp, leav-
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common. Cousin’s Vision: The target charges and makes a melee ing Rotten Ethel to dredge her nets by herself. After
basic attack against its nearest ally. she finds out her laborers have flown the coop, she
4. Otter Holes Countermeasures
F E xorcise: Arcana DC 19 or Religion DC 14 (standard
changes her routine to work the net in the mornings.
Exploration Encounter Aware that intruders might have broken inside, she
action). Requirement: The character must be adjacent to
one of the three corpses. Success: The corpse’s restless
also checks more regularly on her captives.
This miserable community of otters has been coerced spirit is laid to rest, preventing the river from choosing
into the hag’s service. The otters now toil day and that spirit when it makes an attack. The haunted river is Goodberry
night to dredge junk from her nets. disabled once all three spirits have been laid to rest, and The otters are cared for by a mysterious swamp-
any wraiths still active in the area are destroyed. land creature called Goodberry. This elusive being
When the characters approach this area, read: leaves food for their pups, soothes their aching bones
Up ahead you spy a ragged mud bank on the shore of the while they sleep, and whispers kindnesses to them in
them into piles, and then paddle the most useful look-
lake. Numerous otters dart back and forth from the water’s dreams. It despises the hag for what she has done to
ing items over to the hag’s cottage.
edge, sorting rusted, rotten items into messy piles outside them, and it gladly aids those who oppose her.
Characters searching the piles can find just about
their burrows. Curiously, the otters work in total silence, Goodberry’s favored form is a giant grasshopper
anything, as long as it’s cheap. Use the following table
with not a whisper passing between them. clad in chainmail of emerald hue. Its appearance is
to determine the results of their search, or simply ask
foreshadowed by a gust of wind. The adventurers can
the player to think of an item and then roll a die to
The otters’ voices have been stolen by the hag’s encounter it any time they’re near the otters, but only
see if they find it. Everything is broken in some way
sorcery. She keeps them in a music box inside her if they go out of their way to help them. If they behave
and might require special tools to repair.
workshop (location 9). Fearful of invoking her wrath, threateningly, Goodberry assails them from afar
the otters hide at the first sign of strangers. with mysterious blasts of wind or sings long-forgotten
Recovering the Otters’ Voices
rhymes that send them nodding off to sleep.
The pixies can reunite the otters with their voices Goodberry can explain what has happened to the
Junk Piles by unwinding the music box from location 9 in their
The junk piles contain knickknacks thrown away otters’ voices and point the pixies to where they’re
presence. held (the workshop at location 9). Too frightened to
before their time and then drawn here by the magic
of the bog. The otters retrieve them from the nets, sort accompany them any closer, Goodberry instead uses
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
its magic to veil their progress through the swamps. d10 Junk Item Goodberry Level 4 Artillery
After meeting Goodberry, pixies taking an extended 1 Set of prison manacles with a loose bolt Medium fey magical beast XP 175
rest within the swamp are magically hidden from 2 Fine dwarven belt with a broken silver buckle HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +5
prying eyes, and receive a +5 bonus to any Stealth 3 Griffon saddle with a missing stirrup AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 12, Will 15 Perception +12
Speed 6, fly 8 Low-light vision
checks they make in the wild. These enchantments 4 Formal dinner jacket with a single missing
Standard Actions
fade when they leave the swamp. button m Kick (illusion) F At-Will
5 Fencing foil with a kink in the blade Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
5. Dredge Net 6
Nautical telescope with a cracked lens
Pair of knitting needles with a half-finished scarf
Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage.
R Blast of Wind F At-Will
Skill Challenge Level 1 (300 XP) still attached Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +9 vs. Fortitude
8 Torn battle standard splattered with blood Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, Goodberry slides the target up to 5
Pulled by a giant snail, this titanic net endlessly 9 Painted child’s sled with a missing runner
squares, and the target falls prone.
dredges the lake for throwaway items. During this A Golden Slumbers F Encounter
10 Impressive feather quill with a split nib
encounter, the adventurers have the chance to win Attack: Area burst 1 within 20 (surprised enemies in the
burst); +9 vs. Will
over the hag’s bestial workforce and maybe even meet The giant snail can be led off course by diverting Hit: The target falls unconscious (save ends).
the secretive spirit that cares for them. the trail of vegetables. Though this can’t be done in Minor Actions
This encounter can take place anywhere along the time to save the otter, it does serve as a dramatic act Fade from Sight (illusion) F At-Will (1/round)
lake shore, at any time of day. of sabotage. Led from the lake, the overstretched tow Effect: Goodberry ends its turn and becomes invisible until
line ultimately wrenches the gear out from under the the end of its next turn or it hits or misses with an attack.
When the characters approach this area, read: cottage, collapsing a significant portion of the kitchen Skills Acrobatics +10, Nature +12
Groaning and grinding through the mists comes a snail the Str 14 (+4) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 20 (+7)
and upper floor study. The hag becomes furious if
Con 12 (+3) Int 9 (+1) Cha 14 (+4)
size of an ox cart, its shell chained to a gigantic dredge net. this occurs, and she hunts doggedly for the culprits. Alignment good Languages Common, Elven
The net’s tow line spans the surface of the lake, terminat- Equipment chainmail
ing in a muddy gear just beneath the hag’s cottage. As it Giant Snail Level 3 Elite Brute
trundles along, dozens of otters paddle between the nets Huge natural beast XP 300
to recover their haul: broken chairs, pans without handles, HP 120; Bloodied 60 Initiative –1 Skill Challenge: Rescuing the Otter
sodden clothing, and more. Steaming piles of vegetables AC 15, Fortitude 19, Reflex 12, Will 15 Perception +2 The otter is caught up in the nets 30 feet from the
line the shore, luring the snail forward on a ponderous orbit Speed 3 (swamp walk) Low-light vision
shore. The knots tighten as the cable shifts forward,
around the lake. Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Standard Actions
slowly choking its captive in a twisting ruin of mud,
As you watch, a sudden commotion breaks out among junk, and tangled netting.
m Slam F At-Will
the otters. One of them has been accidentally caught in the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Level: 1.
nets and is being dragged underwater. The others scramble Hit: 2d10 + 3 damage. Complexity: 3 (requires 8 successes before 3
to free it, but they are unable to bite through the net. Unless M Bullying Slam F At-Will failures).
someone takes action now, the otter will surely drown! Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Primary Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Thievery.
Hit: 2d10 + 3 damage, the snail can push the target 1
Athletics (DC 19, standard action; three successes max-
The Giant Snail square, and the target falls prone. The slug can then shift
imum): Pixies flying close to the trapped otter can pull
1 square.
The giant snail lacks the apparatus to talk. Huge and M Slug’s Rush F At-Will and tear at the tangled nets to ease the pressure.
dumb, its sole purpose in life seems to be lumbering Effect: The slug uses bullying slam twice. Endurance (DC 12, standard action; difficulty rises to
from one pile of food to the next, ignoring all inter- Str 20 (+6) Dex 6 (–1) Wis 11 (+2) DC 19 after one success): Bracing the cable slows the
ruption. If the characters try to force it from its path, Con 20 (+6) Int 2 (–3) Cha 3 (–3) snail’s progress, giving the otter a chance to struggle
it lashes out at them. Alignment unaligned Languages —
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
free. Though moderately easy at first, maintaining the spend much of their time scheming against their new
hold over time requires heroic endurance. mistress.
Thievery (DC 12, standard action; three successes max- Monsters: 5 murk bat clouds.
imum): Crafty pixies can spy which lines to snip and Light: Bright during the day, dim starlight at
which to untie. night.
Secondary Skills: Nature, Perception, Heal.
These skills don’t grant successes or failures, but When the characters approach this area, read: Weirdstone
instead grant special benefits whenever successful The woods part to reveal a dreadful, rune-carved standing
checks are made. stone. Five dead trees surround it, their withered branches
Nature (DC 14, standard action): The giant snail can cradling the stone in a corpse-like embrace. A vast colony of
be distracted by stroking its horns, easing the pres- bats hangs from the trees’ deadened limbs, whispering and
sure on the line and granting two successes for the snickering at your approach.
next successful primary skill check instead of one.
Perception (DC 12, minor action): Those keeping a The murk bats start heckling the pixies as they
close eye on the net’s movements can tell when it’s approach, making barbed comments about their
best to take action, granting a +2 bonus to the next diminutive size and threatening to call to their mis-
primary skill check. tress. Their taunts rapidly turn ugly, and soon the
Heal (DC 12, standard action; difficulty rises to 19 pixies are surrounded by angry swarms.
after one success): Pixies flying close to the distressed Use the following skill challenge to handle the
otter can attempt to soothe its wounds, removing confrontation. Though they despise Ethel for her cru- Complexity: 5 (requires 12 successes before 3
one failure from the challenge with each successful elty, the bats harbor also considerable resentment failures).
check. Such help becomes more difficult the farther toward pixies since they were banished here long Primary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate. If
the line is dragged. ago by the pixie king. The heroes’ only hope is to win a character succeeds at a primary skill check by 5 or
Success: The bedraggled otter is freed from the them over with honeyed words or bold threats. If they more, the party gains two successes instead of one.
nets and limps back to its burrow. The others carry succeed, they earn a valuable weapon in their war Bluff (DC 12, standard action; difficulty rises to DC 19
on with their business, but they now dash to warn against the hag: disinformation. after first success): The character tries to flummox the
the characters whenever the hag is close. If the spirit bats with lies but soon finds they’re shrewder than
hasn’t made itself known already, now’s a good time Skill Challenge: they look.
to introduce Goodberry. Dealing with the Bats Diplomacy (DC 8, standard action; difficulty rises
Failure: The poor otter drowns in the net. Addi- to DC 12 after the first failed Bluff or Intimidate check):
The bats swirl around the characters in shrieking
tionally, the whole sorry affair is witnessed by one of The character seeks to resolve the dispute through
clouds, driving them toward the standing stone at the
the murk bats from location 6. It flies off at once to negotiation. Offers to revoke the bats’ exile grant two
clearing’s center. Three of their wiliest members act
alert the hag to the characters’ presence. successes instead of one.
as speakers for the rest and have higher than normal
Intimidate (DC 12, standard action): Undaunted by
intelligence for their kind (Intelligence 10). One bat
danger, the character lays down some potent threats
6. Murk Bat Roost angles for them to be handed over to the hag, another
of his or her own. Failure here causes the character to
Combat Encounter Level 1 (600 XP) wants to kill them, and a third calls for their use as
be lashed by dive bombers for 1d6 + 3 damage.
pawns. Though the odds seem stacked against them,
Secondary Skills: History, Insight, Nature. These
Ethel’s spies roost in this clearing within a stand of all three bats gladly betray the hag if the pixies pres-
skills don’t grant successes or failures, but instead
broken trees. Exiled from the outside world, they ent a good enough argument.
grant special benefits whenever successful checks are
Level: 3.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
History (DC 8, standard action; difficulty rises to 5 Murk Bat Clouds Level 3 Skirmisher If the characters discuss how to fight the hag, read:
DC 12 after one success): Knowing that the bats were Medium aberrant beast (swarm) XP 150 each “I know how to beat her,” whispers one of the murk bats.
exiled provides valuable ammunition, granting a +2 HP 49; Bloodied 24 Initiative +7 “We’ve all heard that cough of hers. Imagine what it’d be
bonus to the next primary skill check. AC 17, Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +6 like if she mislaid her medicine? We just need to make sure
Speed 2 (clumsy), fly 6
Insight (DC 12, standard action; difficulty rises to DC it goes missing from her kitchen, or better yet, swap it for
Immune gaze; Resist half damage from melee and ranged
19 after one success): Leveraging the bats’ hatred for attacks; Vulnerable 5 to close and area attacks
something nasty, like those toadstools we’ve seen growing
Ethel grants one extra success on the party’s next pri- Traits by the crossing.”
mary skill check. O Swarm Attack F Aura 1
Nature (DC 8, standard action): The pixies know the Enemies in the aura take a –2 penalty to attack rolls. An The bats direct the pixies to the poisonous toadstools
nature of bats and can easily appeal to their haughty enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 3 damage. growing at location 3. Though they can’t administer
temperaments. Success here grants a +2 bonus to the Swarm them themselves, they’ll gladly distract Ethel while
The cloud can occupy the same space as another creature,
next skill check. the characters break inside for her medicine.
and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain.
Special: Pixies who present a Senaliesse chrysan- The cloud cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or
themum as part of their negotiations are granted four
automatic successes.
ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is
large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises.
7. Muddy Sties
Success: Tensions with the bats ease, and they Standard Actions Combat Encounter Level 1 (550 XP)
offer the pixies an uneasy alliance. m Swarm of Slashing Wings F At-Will
Failure: The bats swarm forward to attack, either Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC The final approach to Rotten Ethel’s cottage is not
to kill the pixies where they stand or beat them into Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to without danger. Giant frogs lurk in the pools, and the
submission as a gift for the hag. For every pair of suc-
AC and Reflex until the end of its next turn. path is lined by screaming scarecrows.
C Unearthly Shriek (psychic) F Encounter Light: Bright in the day, dim starlight at night.
cesses earned in the skill challenge, one murk bat Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
cloud hangs back from combat. If the pixies survive, Monsters: 3 thornskin frogs, 2 sporeback frogs.
Hit: 3d6 + 6 psychic damage.
the remaining bats plead for an alliance. Triggered Actions
When the characters approach this area, read:
M Weird Shift F At-Will A rickety wooden fence marks the perimeter of the hag’s
The Weirdstone Trigger: An enemy within 3 squares of the cloud hits the property. Her cottage looms some distance beyond, perched
cloud with a close or area attack. on stilts at the end of a slippery, weed-choked mud bank.
This is one of three weirdstones used to channel the Effect (Immediate Reaction): The cloud shifts up to 3 squares Pools of mosquito-infested water pockmark the ground,
Murkendraw. The pixies can reverse the enchant- to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy, then uses and a line of rotten scarecrows stakes the winding path to
ment by using the Call the Weird ritual found in the swarm of slashing wings against the enemy.
the front porch. A crooked standing stone leans from the
hag’s study (location 11). Str 13 (+2) Dex 18 (+5) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (–3) Cha 14 (+3)
mud behind the fence, next to a sign reading “Beware of
Rotten Ethel energized this particular stone with
Alignment unaligned Languages — the Frog.”
necrotic energy to aid her midnight rituals. During
combat, creatures falling unconscious within 5
useful mounts for the pixies, letting them wing quickly Perception DC 14: The character spots a pair
squares of the stone automatically fail any death
between locations or spy on the hag from on high. of giant frogs hidden in the mud near the monolith,
saving throws they make.
The bats don’t know much about the cottage’s their backs covered in bulbous fungal growths. More
interior, but they have seen Glitterdust through the frogs lurk in the surrounding pools, watching the
An Alliance of Bats
bedroom window and have a vague idea of what Ethel pixies through unblinking eyes.
Pixies who win over the bats have several hundred is doing with her. They don’t know about Ethel’s famil-
double agents at their disposal. Expert tricksters, the bats iar. They can reveal that she recently brought a human The frogs heave themselves from the muck whenever
are more than willing to feed Ethel false leads, but they woman into her service. They also tell the pixies about prey comes close, using their snaky tongues to drag
stop short of direct confrontation. Murk bats also make the hag’s dependency on cough medicine. them into the mud pools. If one of their enemies is
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
knocked unconscious, the frogs might start fighting 2 Sporeback Frogs Level 2 Controller 3 Thornskin Frogs Level 1 Brute
each other over the spoils. They stay in the vicinity of Medium natural beast (aquatic) XP 125 each Medium natural beast (aquatic) XP 100 each
the standing stones throughout. HP 42; Bloodied 21 Initiative +4 HP 35; Bloodied 17 Initiative +4
AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 12 Perception +3 AC 13, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 11 Perception +2
Speed 3, swim 5 Low-light vision Speed 4, swim 6 Low-light vision
Mud Pools
Traits Traits
Creatures entering a mud pool or starting their turn Aquatic Aquatic
inside are slowed until the end of their next turn. Crea- The sporeback can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat, The thornskin can breathe underwater. In aquatic combat,
tures with a swim speed are immune to this effect. it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against non-aquatic it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against non-aquatic
creatures. creatures.
Screaming Scarecrows Standard Actions Standard Actions
m Bite F At-Will m Bite F At-Will
The scarecrows are enchanted to start screaming if Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
they spot strangers in the yard. They can’t see farther Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is slowed until the end Hit: 1d10 + 6 damage.
than 4 squares, but it takes only one sighting for them of the sporeback’s next turn. M Pounce F Recharge 5 6
all to start hollering. Pixies can sneak past the scare- M Barbed Tongue F At-Will Effect: The thornskin shifts its speed and makes the follow-
crows by beating their passive Perception (DC 16). Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +5 vs. Reflex ing attack.
Rotten Ethel hears the scarecrows even if she’s out Hit: 2d6 + 2 damage, and the sporeback pulls the target 2 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
squares and knocks it prone. Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target falls prone.
in the swamps. Once the alarm goes up, it takes only
Triggered Actions Minor Actions
1d4 + 1 rounds for her to reach here from the cottage, C Spore Release (poison) F Encounter M Tongue Grab F At-Will
or 1d12 + 3 rounds from the swamps. Trigger: The sporeback drops to 0 hit points. Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +4 vs. Reflex
Attack (No Action): Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +5 Hit: The thornskin pulls the target 2 squares.
vs. Fortitude Str 16 (+3) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 14 (+2)
Hit: 1d6 + 7 poison damage, and the target takes a –2 pen- Con 15 (+2) Int 3 (–4) Cha 9 (–1)
Mud alty to attack rolls (save ends).
Skills Stealth +9
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Pool Str 15 (+3) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 15 (+3) When the heroes get close to the cottage, read:
Con 18 (+5) Int 3 (–3) Cha 9 (+0) Ethel’s cottage squats above the lake, a golden light glow-
Alignment unaligned Languages — ing from its one high window. A massive dredge net churns
the water beneath, its tow line slung to a grinding gear that
The Weirdstone shakes the cottage as it turns. The front door stands at the
This is one of three weirdstones used to channel the head of an uneven flight of steps, hidden behind a ram-
Murkendraw. The pixies can reverse the enchant- shackle porch that winds around the building to a lonely
Weirdstone ment using the Call the Weird ritual found in the back door. Heaped beside the steps is a pile of junk crawling
hag’s study (location 11). with rats and centipedes.
8. Hag’s Cottage The cottage roof is infested with filth rats, which
burst from the thatch to snap at anything touching its
Exploration Encounter surface. Crazed by filth fever, they hiss and spit non-
sensically if the pixies try to converse. Roll 1d6 + 3 to
Ethel’s cottage has many ways inside, but not all are determine how many rats are encountered.
readily apparent. Trespassers poking about the roof Use the rats whenever the characters go near the
should beware the rabid rats lurking in the thatch. roof or venture beneath the porch. The rats can also
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Getting Inside
The characters can enter the cottage using any of the
following access points.
Bedroom Window: The bedroom window is 35
feet high, meaning it can be reached in just a single
turn of flight. Anyone peering through the distorted
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Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Dressmaker’s Dummy Level 4 Controller Suit of Armor Level 3 Soldier When the characters enter this room, read:
Medium natural animate (construct) XP 175 Medium natural animate (construct) XP 150 A bubbling iron cauldron straddles the hearth in this
HP 50; Bloodied 25 Initiative +6 HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +5 pigpen of a kitchen. Sagging shelves line the walls, laden
AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +5 AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception +6 down with dried herbs, stoppered potion bottles, and moldy
Speed 6 Darkvision Speed 5 Darkvision
vegetables. A weathered sea chest sits in the corner amid a
Immune disease, poison; Vulnerable 5 fire Immune disease, poison
Traits Standard Actions
pile of nets, and a giant recipe book is spread out over the
O Creaking Dance F Aura 3 m Slam F At-Will kitchen table. Two doors exit from either side, one leading
Any construct ally that starts its turn in the aura can shift 1 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC deeper into the cottage, the other heading back outside. The
square as a free action. Hit: 2d6 + 4 damage. floor is scattered with vicious-looking rat traps.
Lead the Dance Triggered Actions
If the dummy moves, any creature grabbed by the dummy m Backhand Slam F At-Will Perception DC 12: The character spots a torn
moves with it, staying grabbed in a space of the dummy’s Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the armor makes an attack
scrap of paper poking out from under the nets, one of
choice adjacent to the dummy. that does not include the armor as a target.
Standard Actions Effect: The armor uses slam against the triggering enemy.
five page fragments hidden in this room.
m Slam F At-Will Str 16 (+4) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Con 15 (+3) Int 1 (–4) Cha 1 (–4) Five rat traps are placed about the kitchen.
Hit: 2d4 + 6 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC Alignment unaligned Languages — The kitchen is protected by another of Ethel’s
14). The dummy can grab only one creature at a time. enchantments, which causes various objects to spring
Minor Actions 8 Toy Soldiers Level 1 Minion Soldier to life when the characters touch the chest or tamper
C Spin Your Partner F Recharge when the dummy starts Tiny natural animate (construct) XP 25 each with the cauldron. These fight until destroyed, but
its turn grabbing a creature HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +2
Effect: The dummy releases the creature it is grabbing and
they won’t chase the pixies outside the kitchen.
AC 17, Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +5
pushes it up to 3 squares. At the end of this movement, Each animated object shares the same stat block
Speed 4 Darkvision
the dummy makes the following attack. Immune disease, poison
but has its own unique attack.
Attack: Close burst 1 centered on the pushed creature Standard Actions
(creatures in the burst); +7 vs. Reflex m Slam F At-Will 5 Rat Traps Level 1 Minion Trap
Hit: 1d4 + 4 damage, and the target falls prone. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Object XP 25 each
Skills Acrobatics +11 Hit: 3 damage, plus 1 damage for every ally adjacent to the Detect automatic Initiative —
Str 15 (+4) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) soldier. HP 1
Con 10 (+2) Int 2 (–2) Cha 1 (–3) Str 3 (–4) Dex 10 (+0) Wis 11 (+0) AC 10, Fortitude 10, Reflex 5, Will —
Alignment unaligned Languages — Con 11 (+0) Int 1 (–5) Cha 1 (–5) Immune all conditions, necrotic, poison, psychic, ongoing
Alignment unaligned Languages — damage.
hear repeated calls of “Where am I?” and “What’s Triggered Actions
happening?” Unwinding the music box releases the
voices as motes of spectral light, which hover about
10. Kitchen M Attack F Encounter
Trigger: A creature enters the trap’s square and fails a DC 8
worriedly until the box is rewound and the motes go Combat Encounter Level 3 (750 XP) Dexterity check.
back inside. Attack (Opportunity): Melee 0 (the triggering creature); +4
A page torn from Ethel’s cookbook exposes yet vs. Reflex
another of her weaknesses, but the pixies must defeat Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage. If the target is Tiny, it is also
restrained and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both).
more guardians to exploit it.
Light: Bright light from the fire. F Disable: Thievery DC 8 (standard action). Success: The
Monsters: 5 animated objects (3 boathooks, 1 bel- trap is disabled.
lows, and 1 flower-pressing book).
Traps: 5 rat traps.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
5 Animated Objects Level 2 Skirmisher Cookbook If they brew it correctly, the pixies can concoct 1d4 +
Small natural animate (construct) XP 125 each
This molded cookbook is packed with recipes both 3 flasks of toadcackle.
HP 36; Bloodied 18 Initiative +6
mundane and magical. It once held instructions
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 17, Will 12 Perception +1 Toadcackle Level 11 Uncommon
Speed 0, fly 6 Darkvision
for brewing toadcackle—a medicinal draught that is
anathema to hags—but Rotten Ethel tore up the page The fumes of this draught drive hags mad with pain and
Immune disease, poison, sleep
and scattered its pieces around the kitchen. Pixie confusion.
Standard Actions
m Slam F At-Will characters who reassemble it can brew the potion Alchemical Item: Volatile 350 gp
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC A Attack Power (Poison) F Consumable (Standard Action)
using ingredients found on the shelves.
Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage. Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (hags in the burst); +14 vs.
Effect: The object shifts up to 2 squares. Reflex
If the characters examine the cookbook, read: Hit: 3d6 poison damage.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 11 (+1)
Con 12 (+2) Int 2 (–3) Cha 6 (–1)
One of the recipes has been roughly torn from the book, Miss: Half damage.
Alignment unaligned Languages — leaving just a ragged stump entitled “Toadcackle.” Beneath Effect: The target is slowed and gains vulnerable 10 to all
this is a fragment of text: “This curative draught eases the damage (save ends).
Boathooks: The boathooks stay close to the pain of piles and buboes. Its vapors have the strangest effect
flower-pressing book and try to drag pixie characters on hags, who recoil from even the slightest” Treasure
between its snapping pages. The treasure chest is locked (Thievery DC 19 to
The characters can find each additional scrap by open). It contains a level 4 magic item and 80 gp.
Standard Actions passing a DC 12 Perception check. They each bear Pixies searching the shelves also find a mortar and
M Yank F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
different instructions and can be found in any order. pestle made of onyx (15 gp), and a bag of bulbs and
Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage, and the object slides the target up seeds from rare Feywild plants (25 gp of nature ritual
to 2 squares. First scrap (under crate): “sniff. To brew, first components). Together, these account for treasure
appease the cauldron spirit by spitting in the water.” parcels 2 and 8.
Bellows: The bellows try to blow pixie characters Second scrap (found among nets): “Add the toe of
into the fire or push them down into the rat traps. a fire newt and mix well with bullywug jelly. Do not”
Third scrap (under table): “add spider eggs to
11. Study
Standard Actions Combat Encounter Level 3 (750 XP)
C Blast of Air F At-Will
thicken the brew until fully mixed.”
Attack: Close blast 3 (Tiny creatures in the blast); +5 vs. Fourth scrap (among shelves): “Stir in five pairs of
toad legs, but be sure to” Brandel’s girlfriend is kept here under the watch-
Hit: The object pushes the target up to 3 squares, and the Fifth scrap (caught in drain): “season well with ful eye of Curdlemilk, Rotten Ethel’s viper familiar.
target falls prone. ground centipede before drinking.” Knowing that death awaits her once her duties are
complete, Luella plays a clever game of procrastina-
Flower-Pressing Book: The flower-pressing book The potion must be brewed in the order above, with tion to prolong her time in the world.
flaps about in search of enemies to crush, its pages any mistakes causing the concoction to erupt in a poi- Light: Dim light from the candles.
gummed with squashed pixies. sonous cloud. Monsters: Curdlemilk (albino viper familiar).
Luella has been tasked with writing letters to Ethel’s
Standard Actions Triggered Actions sisters in the Murkendraw, offering stakes in the hag’s
M Press F At-Will C Poisonous Cloud (poison) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
new domain. If the pixies have quietly infiltrated the
Trigger: The potion ingredients are mixed out of order.
Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage, and the object grabs the target Attack: Close burst 2 (creatures in the burst); +5 vs. Reflex
cottage, Luella is transcribing Curdlemilk’s dictation
(escape DC 13). The target takes ongoing 5 damage until Hit: 2d10 + 2 poison damage. when they arrive.
the grab ends. Miss: Half damage.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
If the characters sneak up to this room, read: toward Ethel and could even be persuaded to betray Curdlemilk Level 3 Solo Skirmisher
Muffled conversation drifts from the room ahead. Two her if the price was right. Of course, as a creature of Tiny immortal beast (familiar, reptile) XP 750
voices are talking in Common—a woman and a creature pure evil, Curdlemilk is just as likely to turn on the HP 180; Bloodied 90 Initiative +5
that speaks in a sibilant whisper. pixies when they’re least prepared. AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +7
Speed 6, swim 6 Low-light vision
“Should a sorceress really be addressed like that?” asks Curdlemilk tries to flee if he is reduced to 50 hit
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
the woman. points or fewer, slithering between the floorboards Traits
The reply comes with a note of frustration. “What’s and then sliding down the drain into the lake. Too Snap Out of It
wrong this time?” proud to admit failure to his mistress, he’ll creep back If Curdlemilk is ever unable to use slithering attack due
“Well, it’s probably nothing. It’s just that ‘dear Jen’ to exact revenge once his wounds have healed. to being dominated, immobilized, restrained, slowed,
sounds so . . . common. Shouldn’t it at least be ‘your or stunned, then the effect imposing the condition ends
ladyship’?” Table of Combustibles instead of Curdlemilk using slithering attack.
Standard Actions
The hissing creature pauses over this for a moment. A character can overturn the table of combustibles m Bite (poison) F At-Will
“You’re right, damn you. Start over, and be quick this time.” with a standard action and a successful DC 19 Ath- Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC
letics check. In addition, the character can fall prone Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save
As Curdlemilk dictates, Luella craftily quibbles over as part of the standard action to avoid the attack. ends).
the details, dragging out the task as best she can. R Hypnosis (charm, psychic) F Recharge 5 6
Their conversation continues in this vein for as long Standard Actions Attack: Ranged 5 (one or two creatures); +6 vs. Will
as the pixies hang around to listen. C Table of Combustibles (fire, poison) Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
Effect: Make the following two attacks. Triggered Actions
Attack 1: Close burst 2 centered on the table (creatures in M Tail Slap F Recharge when first bloodied
When the characters enter the room, read: Trigger: An enemy adjacent to Curdlemilk misses him with
the burst); +4 vs. Fortitude
You emerge into a gloomy study lit by low-burning candles. Hit: Ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). an attack.
Hundreds of oddities clutter the shelves, confounding you Attack 2: Close burst 2 centered on the table (creatures in Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering
with pickled imps, painted animal skulls, petrified alliga- the burst); +4 vs. Reflex enemy); +8 vs. Fortitude
tor eggs, and dissected fish. Moist pitcher plants lurk in the Hit: Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and Curdlemilk slides the target up
shadows, and malodorous vapors thicken the air from a to 3 squares.
M Slithering Attack F At-Will
bubbling alchemy lab. Two sets of stairs encircle the room, Luella
Trigger: An enemy is within 3 squares of Curdlemilk when
providing access to floors above and below. The keys to Luella’s manacles hang on the wall he starts his turn, or an enemy ends its turn within 3
A young woman in inky rags sits before a writing desk in nearby. She is eager to escape the hag’s lair but could squares of Curdlemilk.
the corner, her legs shackled to a hook on the wall. Dozens be persuaded to stick around if her rescuers present a Effect (Free Action): Curdlemilk shifts up to half its speed
of dead pixies are pinned to a corkboard behind her, their compelling case. Sharp as a tack, Luella is more than and uses bite against the triggering enemy.
faces locked in horrified expressions of surprise and fear. capable of luring Rotten Ethel into the pixie’s traps or Skills Arcana +9, Bluff +9
Str 12 (+2) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 13 (+2)
tricking her into leaving the cottage. A day of writing
Con 13 (+2) Int 17 (+4) Cha 16 (+4)
Curdlemilk’s casket sits on the desk next to Luella, her letters has also given her a decent idea of the bog Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal
the ruby eyes on its surface allowing him to see every- hag’s plans, so she is well aware of what’s at stake.
thing going on around it. The viper rarely leaves the Luella has 1 hit point, defenses 10, and no effective Treasure
casket, but he keeps the lid open while dictating. attacks. Assume her ability scores are 10 (+0 modi- Most of the oddities here are worthless to anyone
With so few creatures to talk to, Curdlemilk fier) and her speed is 6 squares. but the most esoteric collector. Still, pixies searching
delights in toying with his prey before combat, while
the shelves can uncover some valuables. Two magic
his vainglorious nature makes him easy to trick
items are hidden in the clutter (level 2 and level 5),
through flattery. He also harbors a mutinous streak
alongside a cobweb fan of delicate black silk (30 gp), a
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Talking to Glitterdust
Glitterdust waves frantically for help when she sees
the pixies, encouraging them to stop the candle and
then telling them everything she knows about the
hag. Rather than risk a potentially deadly confronta-
tion, she suggests they find a way to steal the key.
Glitterdust tells the pixies all about Ethel’s daily
habits. She knows the bats work as her spies, and
although she has overheard snippets of conversation
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
between Curdlemilk and Luella, she hasn’t yet fig- The Thing in the Mirror Level 1 Trap
ured out who they are. She is currently unaware of Object XP 100
the thing in the mirror, though she has seen the hag Detect Arcana or Perception DC 9 Initiative —
pause before it as though listening to something. HP 1
AC 10, Fortitude 10, Reflex 5, Will —
Immune all conditions, necrotic, ongoing damage, poison,
The Bell Jar psychic
Glitterdust’s prison is made from magically tough- Triggered Actions
ened glass, and it can be unscrewed from its wooden M Dread Whisper F At-Will
base only after the clamps are unlocked. A character Trigger: A creature adjacent to the mirror looks into it.
can pick the lock with a DC 30 Thievery check, but Attack (Free Action): Melee 1 (triggering creature); +4 vs.
the mechanism is trapped to electrify anybody tam-
Hit: The target is stunned (save ends).
pering it, dealing 1d6 + 8 lightning damage if the First Failed Saving Throw: The target is removed from play
check is failed by 5 or more. until the mirror drops to 0 hit points, at which point the
Simply twisting the knob at the bell jar’s base target appears in a random unoccupied square adjacent
causes the candle to speed up or slow down to a to the mirror.
halt. Glitterdust knows the candle is controlled from
below, but she can’t see how the knob is manipulated. Concluding the
The Thing in the Mirror A dventure
Something horrible haunts the mirror. Adventurers
With Glitterdust safe and the weirdstones disabled,
looking inside see a stick-thin form hovering behind
the pixies can return safely to King Sunfire’s court.
the bed, which silently glides forward to whisper in
As they head back through the swamps, they see
their ears. Those who listen are driven mad by fear
the Murkendraw churning back into the Feywild.
and slowly fade away from sight.
Old trees rise up from the enshrouding mud, which
The thing relays its sightings to Rotten Ethel when-
washes away with the next rain shower.
ever she visits. If the pixies discuss what to do within
Of course, Ethel might still live. If so, King Sunfire
sight of the mirror, they might find their plans swiftly
bides his time until he has a force capable of taking
foiled by the hag.
her out. Perhaps his strike team will need leaders?
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Fall of the Gray Veil
A D&D® adventure for characters
of levels 2–4
By Christopher Perkins
Illustrations by Eric Belisle, Jason A. Engle, and Phill Simmer
Cartography by Mike Schley
The village of Baron’s Hill and its environs have turned away. Within the range of the effect, the charac-
shades of gray. All the color has leached from the land ters appear in shades of gray like everyone else, but
and its people. The houses and cottages are gray. The they’re the only ones in the village capable of solving
trees are gray. The autumn leaves are gray. So are the the mystery, dispelling the gray veil, and returning
cats, the dogs, the cows, the cornfields and the scare- color to the area.
crows that protect them, the wagons and the horses Creatures within the gray veil have no sense of
that pull them, and all else within a one-mile radius of how far it extends until they reach the outer edge
the Baron’s Hill cemetery. The cemetery’s tombstones of the expanse, where a hint of color becomes vis-
are gray too—but then, they always have been. ible. The colors gradually return to normal as one
“Fall of the Gray Veil” takes place during the advances beyond the soft edge of the unnatural
autumn season because it suits the intended mood grayscape. Clever characters who circumnavigate
and ties into the adventure’s underlying themes of the gray expanse can ascertain that the Baron’s Hill
death and decay. The adventure plays equally well in cemetery rests “dead center” in the middle of the gray
winter, spring, or summer—although, admittedly, the veil. Investigation of the hilltop graveyard reveals
title loses its double meaning in other seasons. that it is haunted. As the characters search the cem-
etery for clues, they sense the presence of an invisible
T he Gray Veil ghost—the vestige of a young boy named Fin who was
trampled to death by a horse three years ago.
The fact that their world has turned to gray is discon- The adventurers can confirm that Fin’s unrest is
certing to the residents of Baron’s Hill, but apart from the source of the “curse” that has befallen Baron’s
frayed nerves, the so-called “gray veil” has had no Hill and the surrounding land. Further investigation
harmful effects as far as anyone can tell. Still, many reveals that the child was blind from birth and had
concerned villagers are inclined to pack up their never known red, purple, green, blue, or any other
belongings and leave, afraid that the disappearance of color. The gray veil is a manifestation of how Fin
color is a harbinger of more terrible things to come. imagines the world around him.
The adventurers happen to be staying in the vil-
lage of Baron’s Hill or passing close by when they
notice that all the colors have mysteriously faded
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Fall of the Gray Veil
Fin’s U nrest children, who occasionally see him fishing with his
hands by the creek or skulking around his forlorn
To lift the gray veil, the characters must determine homestead. Distressed locals urge the adventurers to
the cause of Fin’s unrest. Exploration of the cem- confront Grygori and determine whether he or Yorn USING THIS ADVENTURE
etery reveals no recent burials or upheavals. But is responsible for the theft of bones from the Baron’s The village of Baron’s Hill fits easily into any corner of
communing with Fin’s spirit reveals that someone Hill cemetery, and whether the two of them have your campaign world. If you’re running an Eberron®
has plundered his remains, and indeed, characters anything to do with Fin’s unrest. If the adventurers campaign, consider placing the village near a manifest
who dig up the graves discover that most of them are investigate Grygori Dilvia, they discover that he is a zone to Mabar, the Endless Night. If you’re running a
empty. The theft of bones from the cemetery points to ghast. Forgotten Realms® campaign, the lair of the main
a shadow from the village’s past—a strange necroman- When he is confronted in his lair, Grygori claims villain works well as an abandoned temple of Shar. If
cer named Talther Yorn. to have all but forgotten Talther Yorn, but the adven- you’re running a campaign in the Nentir Vale, consider
An adventuring companion of the late Baron turers can verify that he is lying. Grygori knows that placing Baron’s Hill on the western edge of Gardbury
Davian Ryckhar (for whom Baron’s Hill was named), Yorn never really left as he was asked to. Rather, Downs, south of Winterhaven, or near the Old Hills
Talther Yorn built a tower on the outskirts of the vil- with the help of Grygori and others, the necroman- east of Thunderspire, just off the King’s Road, or on
lage. Though he mostly kept to himself, he did hire cer has spent the past several years expanding an the eastern road between Hammerfast and Harken-
some cheap mercenaries and put them to work as old tomb and carving out a new home beneath the wold, near the foothills of the Dawnforge Mountains.
grave robbers to support his necromantic research. hills. Hoping to erase an old injury, the necromancer
At first, the old barrows and battlegrounds that were became a vampire, and he has continued to conduct
common to the region provided Yorn with plenty of his evil experiments within his secure underground
skeletal remains for his experiments. But as his hire- sanctuary to this day. The characters can either follow from their coffins, and return to the surface, leaving
lings stripped these tombs and fields one by one, the Grygori to Yorn’s new lair or force the ghastly grave the grave dirt undisturbed. Characters might unearth
villagers grew increasingly concerned about Yorn’s robber to take them there. Either way, they’re in for a one of these potions in Grygori’s cave.
activities. Finally, Baron Ryckhar worked up the cour- fight when they show up on Yorn’s doorstep. To lay Fin’s spirit to rest and lift the gray veil, the
age to ask his former comrade-in-arms to leave and adventurers must search Talther Yorn’s dungeon
take his “research” with him. Yorn abandoned his
tower, and as the years passed, rumors grew that it
A Grave M atter lair and retrieve the dead child’s earthly remains.
By studying the necromancer’s research notes, they
was haunted. At present, the tower is nothing more Talther Yorn instructed Grygori to steal bones from discover that Yorn has already reduced Fin’s bones
than a rotted-out shell infested with vermin. the Baron’s Hill cemetery on moonless nights over to powder to create his horrid concoction, which he
Baron Ryckhar went off to fight in a war and never the course of several months. The necromancer has has administered to one of his goblin underlings.
returned, leaving behind an empty estate and no been grinding the bones to a fine powder, which he Once they have dealt with Yorn, the characters must
family. His will bequeathed his money and holdings combines with other ingredients to create a necrotic capture or kill the elusive undead goblin before it
to the villagers of Baron’s Hill, who used some of the admixture that transforms living creatures into escapes, return with it to the cemetery, and place it in
coin to raise a statue in Ryckhar’s honor. No living undead horrors. He has been testing this foul concoc- Fin’s grave.
soul in the village knew (or cared, for that matter) tion on assorted animals, a few wayward travelers, If Yorn captures the characters, he injects them
what had happened to Talther Yorn. and a mob of goblin underlings. with his necrotic concoction. At that point, they’re as
One of the grave robbers who worked for Yorn Determined to keep his activities and continued good as undead.
was a man named Grygori Dilvia, who took to living presence hidden from the local villagers, Yorn con-
in the hills after Yorn’s departure. Grygori still keeps ceived a way to remove bones from the local cemetery
to himself and inhabits an old cave north of the vil- without digging up the graves. He furnished Grygori
lage. He is something of a bogeyman to the local with potions of spectral form, which allowed the ghast
to phase through solid ground, remove the bones
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Fall of the Gray Veil
Beginning the If the characters are in Baron’s Hill when the gray
veil sets in, they witness its effect on the villagers. At
passersby who might be able to help solve the mystery
of the gray veil and end the curse on Baron’s Hill.
A dventure first, widespread panic and confusion reign supreme. Though she tried to stay awake and alert for as long
Then, as the morning wears on and no immediate as possible, Azure eventually dozed off. Her absent-
Baron’s Hill lies about a mile north of a major trade threat appears, the villagers begin to discuss what minded younger brother, Jasper, was supposed to
road that runs west to east between two larger settle- has happened. In relatively short order, they reach relieve her a few hours ago, but he forgot to do so.
ments that are several days apart on foot. The village the conclusion that a curse has befallen them. By If the characters wake the sleeping dwarf, Azure is
is a common waypoint for weary travelers seeking mid-afternoon, the local priest calls a meeting in the glad to see them and tells them everything she knows
cozy beds after long days of travel. baron’s estate (area B), during which a schism forms about the “gray veil”—which isn’t much except that it
Some other quest might bring the adventurers to between those who think it best to flee and those appeared suddenly and, so far, hasn’t brought harm
Baron’s Hill. In the fields around the village are many who want to stay and find the cause of the “gray veil” to anyone. You can decide how long ago the gray veil
ancient barrows that house the remains of fallen that has fallen upon Baron’s Hill. If the characters appeared, although it should’ve happened within the
soldiers and kings—as well as their possessions. The are present, the villagers ask them to put their talents past couple days.
characters might come here on a quest to find an item to work. If the characters refuse to help, many of the
hidden in one of these burial mounds. Alternatively, villagers voice suspicions that the party is somehow MAJOR QUEST: LIFT THE GRAY VEIL
they might have heard rumors of a lost dungeon in the responsible for bringing this “curse” to the village. 3rd-Level Major Quest
hills nearby, or they might have been hired by wealthy To complete this quest, the characters must obtain
landowners to track down a roving group of brigands If the characters are traveling along the trade what’s left of Fin’s remains from Talther Yorn (area H)
that has been threatening the trade road of late. road that runs south of the village, read: and inter them in the village cemetery (area C). This
If none of these hooks suits your campaign, the You’ve been following the trade road for days now, swap- action lays Fin’s ghost to rest and lifts the gray veil
adventurers might be following the trade road to ping news with other weary travelers, but today, the traffic from the town.
some other destination when they decide to rest for has died down. The lonely stretch of road weaves gently
the night, or perhaps they see the gray veil over Bar- through a sea of grassy hills that all seem the same. Then, The characters must first determine that the cem-
on’s Hill as they pass by and decide to investigate. as you round a wide curve, an odd sight appears ahead. etery lies at the center of the gray veil, and that the
Nestled among the hills north of the road is a scattering of zone is a manifestation of Fin’s unrest. The easiest
If the characters start in the village, read: cottages, farms, and trees cast in haunting shades of gray. A way to accomplish the first task is to follow the edge
You have stopped for the night in a sleepy village nestled large gray house on a distant, gray hill overlooks the village. of the zone (area E) and pinpoint the cemetery (area
among the hills north of the trade road. But after a restful This bleak zone seems to stretch for miles, engulfing nearby C) at the center of it. As for the second task, skill
sleep in a cozy bed at the village’s small inn, you awake to forests and hills. Near the discernible edge stands a gray checks made in the cemetery hint at Fin’s presence
find something horribly amiss. All the color in your room mill next to a gray creek, and a grim, gray field of burial and permit the characters to commune with the boy’s
is gone, replaced with tones of gray. Even your gear has mounds that crouch, half hidden, in the tall gray grass. spirit.
turned gray. Whatever curse has befallen this place stops short of Fin wants his bones returned, and his ghost will
A quick glance out the window reveals that the world engulfing the trade road. At the spot where the village road not rest until his remains are once again in their
outside has turned gray as well, as though some thief had meets the main road stands a wooden post with a sign proper grave. When the characters visit his grave,
come slinking into the village in the dead of night and pointing toward the village. Gold lettering on the sign iden- though, it appears undisturbed. This puzzling fact
robbed the place of color. A few villagers stand outside, their tifies the place as BARON’S HILL. Asleep at the foot of the might lead characters to realize that Fin’s grave is not
puzzled faces and disheveled nightclothes as gray as ash. signpost is a female dwarf dressed like a commoner. the only one that has been plundered and defiled.
Worse still, reflected in the window glass is your own gray At some point, the characters must bring their
phantom image. It seems that whatever curse has befallen The dwarf is Azure Hallowgrog, a villager chosen discoveries to the villagers of Baron’s Hill, because
the village has snared you as well. to stand watch by the trade road and flag down only these local folk can lead the investigation toward
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Fall of the Gray Veil
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Fall of the Gray Veil
Rutledge Mill
The only remarkable aspect about the village mill is
its proximity to the trade road. The miller, Olaf Rut-
ledge, lives here with his wife, Amelia, and their four
children (two sons and two daughters). They kindly
point visitors seeking shelter to the Dead Crow Inn
up the road. The Rutledges know they’re close to the
edge of the gray veil, but they have no explanation for
the phenomenon. They are unwilling to leave the mill
and have adopted a wait-and-see attitude.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Fall of the Gray Veil
days and still keeps his swords above the barroom they use to fetch supplies on occasion. Randal doesn’t he’s indecisive and can’t make any decision without
mantel, honed and ready. mind making a special trip to procure something first reaching some sort of consensus with others.
The half-orc has a pronounced limp, courtesy of a his store doesn’t normally carry; he sells such “spe- He naturally defers to anyone who carries even the
troll that bit his leg, but he gets around with the aid cialty items” for double the normal price. Willow also faintest whiff of authority. He has no insights into the
of a birch walking stick. He’s never without his black makes apple, berry, and pumpkin pies, which she cause of the gray veil, which plainly worries him. If he
mastiff, Snarl, which faithfully and dutifully follows sells for 4 sp each (or 5 cp by the slice). could flee without embarrassing himself, he would. If
him around. Locals refer to the formidable yet sur- Randal and Willow are deeply concerned about the characters seem at all interested in getting to the
prisingly docile hound as “Gargok’s shadow.” the gray veil. They are willing to hear what other bottom of the mystery, Hector applauds their efforts
The other surviving member of the Dead Crows, respectable villagers have to say, but they immedi- and does whatever he can to assist, short of putting
a human wizard named Cassandra Talvin, blows ately began packing up their wagon in preparation for himself in harm’s way.
through the village once or twice a year to check on departure as soon as the phenomenon arose. (Randal Hector’s church is dedicated to whichever god
Gargok and make sure business is good. Fortunately says they have friends in other settlements who will best serves your campaign, and iconography appro-
for Gargok, he has little to complain about these days: take them in until “things blow over.”) Other villag- priate to that faith adorns the interior. Hector was
He recently married a much younger local girl named ers who depend on the store have urged the halflings an apothecary’s apprentice in his younger years, and
Dezlyn Rillsgar (a human), and they have a half-orc to stay, but their minds are made up. The only thing although he never excelled at the profession, he has
baby girl named Fiona, who spends much of her time that keeps them from leaving immediately is Randal’s brewed a handful of minor healing potions, which he
with Dezlyn’s parents and older sister in a cottage on determination to cram as many of their belongings offers free of charge to any character brave enough
the west side of the village. Even though he’s a half- into the wagon as possible. to imbibe one. If a character drinks one of Hector’s
orc, Gargok has no enemies (no living ones, anyway), potions, roll 1d6 to determine the result: 1–2, the
and the other villagers consider him a natural leader.
Gargok has no explanation for the gray veil and is
Village Church character regains 1d6 hit points but is weakened until
he or she takes an extended rest; 3–4, no effect; 5–6,
probably the villager least distraught by its presence. Father Hector Yzardo, the portly, middle-aged vil- the character regains 1d6 hit points.
As long as it does no obvious harm, he maintains a lage priest, is also the appointed vicar of Baron’s At your discretion, Hector might have a religious
“business as usual” mentality, although it doesn’t take Hill—a role he takes seriously. His church is a well- ritual scroll or two tucked away in the church. He
an Insight check to glean that he’s concerned about maintained wooden structure that backs onto a pond, gladly provides these scrolls to the adventurers in
his family’s safety. which is home to hundreds of frogs. Their incessant times of need.
Gargok’s inn has guest rooms on the upper floor, croaking keeps Hector awake at night and drives him
with two beds to a room. A bed costs 5 cp per night, “to the brink of madness,” or so he is fond of saying.
and a meal costs 1 sp. A flagon of ale costs 1 cp, or 5 Gargok has offered the priest a room at the inn, but
cp for the “good stuff.” Hector has repeatedly declined the half-orc’s gener-
ous offer. Neighbors who’ve witnessed the exchange
suspect that Hector is terrified of Snarl, Gargok’s
Puddle’s Goods hound—which is true. Hector is afraid of many things,
Passing caravans resupply the village store every in fact, including what he calls the “gray veil,” which
month, but the store also sells local goods, including he thinks is an ill omen.
bread, flour, corn, apples, berries, pumpkins, tur- Hector’s superiors in the clergy sent him to the
nips, radishes, and homemade items such as baskets, village shortly after Baron Ryckhar left. He replaced
sacks, shoes, and hemp rope. The store offers little in the previous priest, Father Emil Letharen, who died
the way of adventuring gear, but the proprietors—an in his sleep one winter after a long illness. Hector
unmarried halfling couple named Randal Puddle also took up the mantle of vicar when Gargok politely
and Willow Goodriver—have a pony and wagon that declined to assume the role. Hector means well, but
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B. Baron’s H ill C. Cemetery Only the character (or characters) who can sense the
Estate The characters can learn all they need to know about ghost’s presence can hear its whispered words. Fin
the gray veil here. The Baron’s Hill cemetery, on the cannot guide the characters to his grave, since he has
Baron Davian Ryckhar’s former residence is the other hand, doesn’t give up its secrets easily. no visual or spatial awareness. (He’s just as blind in
oldest structure in the village, and the villagers now death as he was in life.) A tombstone near the cem-
use it as a meeting hall. Servants once loyal to the Read: etery’s northern periphery bears the name FIN, and
baron have long since departed, but the locals do A four-foot-high iron-wrought fence surrounds this forlorn the dates inscribed upon it indicate that the child
their best to keep the neglected house from caving in hilltop cemetery, where gray headstones mark scores of died at age nine about three years ago.
on itself. silent graves. The tombstones share a uniform design. A Characters who can sense the ghost can ask Fin
glance at the names and dates etched upon them reveals questions, which he answers to the best of his ability:
Read: that several generations of deceased villagers lie buried
Situated atop a hill overlooking the village, this lonely under this hill. A faint chill pervades the area. Who are you? “Fin.”
gray house affords a commanding view of the surround- How did you die? “I don’t know.”
ing countryside. The gray roof sags and creaks, and many Nearly all the headstones are the work of a sarcastic Are you from the village? “No.”
of the windows are hidden behind gray shutters, several of but likeable dwarf stonemason named Argus Grim- Where are you from? “Far away.”
which are falling loose or missing slats. Crows seem to like bold, who has lived in the village since its founding Do you have family here? “No.”
the place quite a lot, as evidenced by the thistle and twig and who actually laid the foundation for Baron Ryck- Where is your family? “Dead. Mother, father,
nests stuffed into the eaves and tucked into the corners of har’s estate (area B). Beyond their similarity in design, sister . . . all dead.”
windowsills. the tombstones are unremarkable. If the characters What happened to your family? “They were
A dusty driveway circles around a twelve-foot-tall statue speak to Grimbold about his handiwork, he remarks killed by evil men.”
atop a listing stone pedestal in front of the old house. The that he altered his tombstone design only once—for Are you responsible for turning everything
statue depicts a noble fellow in the prime of his life, gazing the necromancer Talther Yorn, who paid extra to gray? “I don’t know.”
toward the west with sword held close. have a more distinctive tombstone carved for his dead What do you want? “I want to rest.”
apprentice, Kalara (see area D for details). Why are you not at rest? “My bones! Gone!”
The villagers took some of the money left to them Fin’s ghost cannot leave the cemetery, but it can Who took your remains? “I don’t know.”
by Baron Ryckhar and paid a sculptor to carve the sense the presence of living creatures within it. The Has anyone else visited the cemetery
nobleman’s handsome likeness into stone. The statue ghost cannot manifest physically, but some characters recently? “I don’t think so.”
of Ryckhar is otherwise unremarkable. can feel its presence, and it can communicate with
The house is unoccupied, and most of the rooms anyone capable of sensing it. When the characters Fin can sense only the living, and the gray veil is a
are empty. The villagers have been using the old enter the cemetery grounds, the one with the high- manifestation of his unrest, not a deliberate attempt
dining room as a meeting hall. The dining table has est passive Perception score automatically senses the by the ghost to spread fear and panic.
been pushed against one wall to make room for sev- ghost’s unnatural presence. Clerics who worship gods After Fin’s ghost has answered any questions put
eral rows of wooden chairs facing a plain wooden of death or mages specialized in necromancy might to it, a character can make a DC 13 Insight check
lectern. also sense the ghost, at your discretion. to conclude that the gray veil is tied to his unrest
Characters searching the rest of the house can (assuming that the players haven’t made the con-
hear rats in the walls and birds in the attic. Under the When a character senses the ghost, read: nection already). A successful DC 13 Religion check
main staircase and in the back of the main pantry You sense an unnatural presence haunting the hilltop. It confirms that the only way to lay this ghost to rest
are staircases that descend to the dirt-floored cellar, seems to reach out to you, and suddenly you hear the voice is to return the child’s remains to its grave. Another
which is shrouded in cobwebs and crawling with of a child whispering in your mind. “Help me!” it cries. Religion check at the same DC reveals that the boy’s
harmless vermin.
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spirit somehow got “lost” on the way to the afterlife The wood of Fin’s child-sized coffin has rotted ways. First, the cemetery lies at the very center of
and remains eternally bound to the cemetery. away, which gives the initial impression that someone the effect—a fact that the characters can ascertain by
Characters making inquiries in the village learn or something smashed through it, but a DC 11 Nature exploring its edge (area E). Second, they can speak to
the following facts about Fin: check confirms that the damage is natural. The coffin Holgar and Karla Razlek.
F Four years ago, a local farmer named Holgar contains nothing but dirt and wood splinters; Fin’s Karla was relieved when Fin died, because he
Razlek found the boy stumbling through a field in burial garb and bones are indeed gone. This is trou- was deeply troubled and required her undivided
the dead of winter, half frozen to death. Brigands bling news to the villagers, including Fin’s adoptive attention. She and Holgar also confess that Fin suf-
had killed his parents and older sister, forcing the family, the Razleks. fered from constant nightmares about the brigand
boy to flee his distant homestead. Holgar took As the characters exhume more graves, they dis- attack that killed his family. His screams woke the
the boy in, even though his wife and sons weren’t cover more empty coffins. For each coffin exhumed, household and frightened the other boys, and other
thrilled with the idea. roll 1d6: on a result of 1–5, the coffin is empty, its con- members of the household would occasionally hear
tents looted. If the characters ask locals who might be voices and sounds of the brigand attack as though it
F Fin lived with the Razleks for less than a year. One
plundering the cemetery, they get many fearful looks were happening in their home, suggesting that Fin
fateful evening, a horse trampled him to death
as well as the following information: had the power to project his psyche.
while he was crossing the road in front of the fam-
ily’s cottage. The horse was pulling an ale wagon, F An old tower nearby was once the residence of a
and the dwarf merchant at the reins wasn’t local. shady human necromancer named Talther Yorn. D. Yorn’s Tower
The merchant swore that he didn’t see Fin dart in He used to hire mercenaries to plunder bones
from the old barrows and battlefields around Talther Yorn’s former residence has a reputation for
front of his horse and wagon until it was too late. being haunted. For this reason, locals shun the tower.
here—for what purpose is anyone’s guess.
F The Razlek family still lives in Baron’s Hill. At
Fin’s funeral, several villagers overheard Holgar’s F Yorn was an acquaintance of Baron Ryckhar’s— Read:
wife, Karla, calling the boy’s untimely death “a some might say a friend, although it’s odd that Dead gray leaves swirl around the crumbling foundation of
relief.” the baron would keep such dark company. Ten a dilapidated, three-story tower that appears at first glance
years ago, when villagers expressed concern about to be nothing more than a hollow shell. An open doorway
F The authorities ruled Fin’s death an accident
Yorn’s desecration of old burial mounds, the two on the ground floor beckons, but the boarded-up windows
because the boy was blind. It’s commonly believed
men had a falling out, and Ryckhar asked Yorn to warn all to stay away. The roof looks like a tattered witch’s
that he either stumbled blindly into the horse’s
leave, which he did without hesitation. The necro- hat, with its torn-off shingles and gaping holes, but an iron
path or underestimated the speed at which the
mancer hasn’t reared his ugly head since, and his lightning rod still crowns its apex.
horse was moving.
tower remains abandoned to this day. Local chil- Perception DC 9: East of the tower, about thirty feet
dren think it’s haunted. away, stands a gray headstone marking a lone grave. The
Close examination of Fin’s grave reveals that the dirt
has not been disturbed in years. In fact, none of the F One of the mercenaries in Yorn’s employ stayed carved shape of a raven crowns the top of the tombstone.
graves look recently disturbed. behind. His name is Grygori Dilvia, and he lives
Almost everyone in the village, with the excep- like a hermit just outside of Baron’s Hill. He never The grave near the tower belongs to an evil protégé
tion of the half-orc innkeeper Gargok and the village wanders into the village, though his nearest neigh- of Talther Yorn’s who died in a botched necroman-
priest Hector Yzardo, has family buried here. The bors occasionally glimpse him fishing with his tic experiment that also left her master disfigured.
villagers will be understandably perturbed if the hands in the creek near his cave. He’s a creepy Engraved on the headstone is the name KALARA
characters exhume graves without Father Yzardo’s sod with a history of robbing graves. If anyone’s to and nothing else. No coffin lies underneath the stone,
permission. If the characters share what they’ve blame, it’s him! but characters who dig down 6 feet discover a human
learned with the priest, they can easily convince him skeleton wrapped in a rotted black shroud. These are
to let them unearth Fin’s coffin. The characters can dispel any lingering doubts about Kalara’s earthly remains. (“Kalara” is also the com-
who is responsible for the gray veil in one of two mand word for Yorn’s magic mirror in area H22.)
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Ghast Level 6 Brute area G7, although the potions are actually in area G5,
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 250 and his treasure is in area G9. A successful Insight
HP 85; Bloodied 42 Initiative +6 check (opposed by Grygori’s untrained Bluff check)
AC 18, Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16 Perception +5 reveals that he’s trying to lure the party into a trap.
Speed 6 Darkvision
Grygori has strong instincts for self-preservation,
Immune disease poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5
and he knows he’s the party’s best hope of finding
Traits Talther Yorn. If he’s bloodied, the characters can
O Stench of Death F Aura 1 cajole him into leading them to Yorn’s lair (area H), if
Any living creature that starts its turn within the aura is they promise to release him unharmed at that time. If
slowed until the end of the ghast’s next turn. he can misdirect the party to Yorn’s abandoned tower
Standard Actions (area D) instead, he does so in a proverbial heartbeat.
m Bite F At-Will
K eyed E ncounters
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized until
the end of the ghast’s next turn.
M Rabid Claws F At-Will Refer to the map of Grygori’s cave and creek for the
Effect: The ghast makes the following attack twice. following location descriptions.
Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized creature); +11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12 + 4 damage.
M Devouring Bite F Recharge if the power misses G1. Creek
Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized or unconscious creature); Exploration Encounter
+11 vs. AC
Hit: 3d12 + 7 damage. Trout swim upstream in this creek to spawn in the
Triggered Actions
lake to the north. The creek is 3 feet deep and dif-
C Death Burst (necrotic) F Encounter
Trigger: The ghast drops to 0 hit points.
ficult terrain. If Grygori is here, he’s standing in the
Attack (No Action): Close burst 2 (living creatures in the creek catching fish with his bare claws.
burst); +9 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d12 + 5 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic
damage (save ends).
G2. Scarecrows
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +11 Exploration Encounter
Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 15 (+5) Int 7 (+1) Cha 13 (+4) Grygori stole some tattered clothes from the village,
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common stuffed them full of leaves and twigs, and set them on
posts around the entrance to his lair. The scarecrows
their questions. Although he’s a ravenous undead have stuffed burlap sacks or pumpkins for heads, and
creature, he still has a few shreds of humanity left. some of them wear old hats.
If questioned, Grygori readily admits to stealing Grygori put up the scarecrows to frighten children
bones from the village cemetery and using potions and keep them away from the cave. Although they
of spectral form (obtained from Talther Yorn) to are eerie-looking, they are not dangerous. A charac-
phase through the ground. If asked where he keeps ter can uproot a scarecrow (DC 11 Strength check)
the potions (or any other treasure), he replies, “In a or attack it (AC 10, Fortitude/Reflex 5, 10 hit points,
hidden chest.” He is referring to the hanging chest in vulnerable 5 fire).
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When the characters first peer inside, read: G4. Lower Den
This dry cave has a ten-foot-high ceiling, and a gray bear- Trap/Hazard Encounter (450 XP)
skin rug sprawls on the dirt f loor. Set into one wall is a
ten-foot-deep natural alcove that someone has converted Characters can reach this unlit cave by descending
into a cell with a crude but sturdy-looking wooden gate. the corkscrew tunnel or Grygori’s secret ladder.
Four gray goats stare at you from behind the wooden bars. Traps/Hazards: 1 spiked pit, 2 flesh-eating dust
A rusty padlock dangles from the iron latch that secures the traps.
gate. A five-foot-wide, eight-foot-high tunnel cuts deeper
into the hillside. If the characters slide or fall down the corkscrew
tunnel, read:
The bearskin rug is all that’s left of the cave’s previous The corkscrew tunnel gives way to a ten-foot-wide spiked pit
occupant. Grygori killed the bear and kept its hide in one corner of a dark cave that reeks of death.
as a trophy. The iron key that unlocks the cell lies in
the dirt under the rug. Characters can also pick the If the characters enter the cave via the ladder,
padlock (DC 15 Thievery check) or smash it (AC 15/ read:
Fortitude 15, Reflex 5, 10 hit points, resist 5 to all The ladder descends forty-five feet to the bottom of the
damage). shaft, which lies at one end of a short tunnel that opens
Grygori captures wild goats and eats them. If the into a dark cave. In the northeast corner is an open pit, and
characters release the goats, they bolt for the exit. The alcoves dot the west wall. Rough-hewn staircases lead up to
cell reeks of animal waste and contains nothing of the south and east. The stench of death fills your nostrils.
Corkscrew Tunnel: The open tunnel to the south Characters searching the cave find a pick and a
is a crude but effective slide trap. After 10 feet, the shovel leaning against the far wall of the westernmost
passage begins to curl to the left while descending alcove. The cave also contains some more interesting
sharply at a 45-degree angle. The walls and floor here features, detailed below.
are made of smooth, raw stone. A creature that slides Secret Doors: The western half of the cave con-
down or fails a DC 21 Athletics check made to climb tains three alcoves. Set into the back of each one is
down falls into the spiked pit at the bottom (see area a heavy secret door that requires a DC 21 Percep-
G4). tion check to spot and a standard action to open or
Secret Tunnel: Grygori avoids the corkscrew close. The secret doors have no locks, and they open
tunnel entirely by using this secret passage. A char- to reveal hidden tunnels (areas G6–G9) that Grygori
acter searching the south wall notices the secret door dug out himself using the pick and the shovel.
with a DC 20 Perception check. The door is heavy
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Spiked Pit: Any character who slides or tumbles 2 Flesh-Eating Dust Traps Level 2 Trap Child Scarecrow: The 3-foot-tall doll is dressed
down the corkscrew tunnel (see area G3) falls into Object XP 125 each in rags stuffed with leaves, and its wooden shoes are
a 10-foot-wide, 10-foot-deep spiked pit in the north- Detect Perception DC 20 Initiative — filled with rocks. The assemblage is wired to a small
east corner of the cave. The spikes are simply sharp Immune attacks flint plug covering an oil-filled compartment hidden
wooden stakes embedded in the stone. Triggered Actions in the floor. If the doll is picked up or tampered with,
C Attack (acid) F Encounter
Trigger: A creature enters the trapped square.
the flint plug pulls free, causing a spark that ignites
Spiked Pit Level 4 Trap Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 1 (creatures in the the oil, which in turn triggers a fiery explosion.
Object XP 200 burst); +5 vs. Fortitude
Detect automatic Initiative — Hit: 2d8 + 8 acid damage. Child Scarecrow Level 3 Trap
Immune attacks Miss: Half damage. Object XP 150
Triggered Actions Effect: The trap is disarmed. Detect Perception DC 21 Initiative —
M Attack F At-Will Countermeasures Immune attacks
Trigger: A creature enters one of the pit’s four squares. F Disarm: Thievery DC 13 (standard action). Success: The Triggered Actions
Attack (No Action): Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +9 vs. trap is disarmed. C Attack (fire) F Encounter
Reflex Trigger: A creature moves or tampers with the scarecrow.
Hit: The target falls 10 feet to the bottom of the spiked pit,
takes 3d10 + 6 damage, and falls prone. G5. Charnel Cave Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 1 (creatures in the
burst); +6 vs. Reflex
Miss: The target returns to the last square it occupied, and Trap/Hazard Encounter (150 XP) Hit: 3d6 + 10 fire damage.
its movement ends immediately. Miss: Half damage.
Countermeasures Effect: The scarecrow is destroyed, and the trap is
Grygori eats his meals here and typically resides here
scape: Athletics DC 15 (move action). Success: The
FE disarmed.
character can climb out of the pit.
when he’s not fishing, expanding his lair, or perform-
ing some sordid task for Talther Yorn. Countermeasures
F Disarm: Thievery DC 21 (standard action). Success: The
Stairs: Two short flights of rough-hewn stairs Trap/Hazard: 1 child scarecrow. trap is disarmed. Failure (16 or lower): The trap triggers.
climb 5 feet to area G5. The stairs are treated as dif-
ficult terrain to ascend and normal terrain otherwise. When the characters reach this cave, read: Treasure: One of the niches carved into the south
Grygori has trapped both staircases. The middle The foul stench of death hangs heavy in the air. Rotting wall contains an empty burlap sack and a hollowed-
step of each flight is a loose slab of stone set atop a fat animal carcasses and brittle fish bones litter the f loor, and out turnip with a cork in the top. The turnip holds the
pouch of flesh-eating dust. Any character who steps dug into the walls are small niches packed with tiny animal equivalent of two potions of spectral form. Grygori uses
on the slab without first disarming the trap releases skulls. Delicate mobiles made of twine, twigs, and dead this magical elixir to phase in and out of buried cof-
a cloud of acidic dust that fills the staircase and all crows dangle from the ten-foot-high ceiling. A woodcutter’s fins, and the burlap sack to carry stolen bones.
adjacent squares before settling. axe, a crossbow, and a quiver of bolts lean against the north
Treasure: Characters who disarm the staircase wall, between the rough-hewn staircases. In the far corner Potion of Spectral Form Level 5 Uncommon
traps can retrieve the pouches of flesh-eating dust (one stands a small child with its back to you.
This thin liquid transforms you into a spectral apparition.
per staircase) and hurl them. Each pouch of dust can be Consumable: Potion 50 gp
used only once, or sold to an interested buyer for 10 gp. The brittle fish bones crunch underfoot, and the rot- Power F Consumable (Minor Action)
ting carcasses include two goats, a deer that Grygori You become insubstantial and gain phasing until the end
Standard Action caught drinking from “his” creek, and a wild pig. The of your next turn. While insubstantial, all attacks made by
A Pouch of Flesh-Eating Dust (acid) “child” in the corner is a doll similar to the scare- you deal half damage except those that deal force or psychic
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +5 crows in area G2, only smaller (about the size of an damage, and you take half damage from all attacks except
vs. Fortitude adult halfling). This is, in fact, another one of Gry- those that deal force or psychic damage.
Hit: 2d8 + 8 acid damage. gori’s crude traps.
Miss: Half damage.
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Secret Entrance
The other entrance to Yornhaven is a 50-foot-deep, nat-
urally formed chimney leading down to a sealed cave
(area H15). The chimney is set farther back on the hill,
so the characters cannot see it from the ground. Swarms
of bats exit the chimney at dusk and return shortly
before dawn, so characters watching the hill from a high
vantage point see the bats come and go at these times.
For more information on the secret chimney and
the cave below it, see area H15. If the characters infil-
trate the dungeon stronghold by this route, they stand
a better chance of catching the necromancer and his
followers by surprise.
Dungeon Features
Talther Yorn’s dungeon complex has many recurring
features, which are described below:
Ceilings: Most ceilings are 10 feet high. One nota-
ble exception is area H25, which has a 20-foot-high
vaulted ceiling.
Doors: Interior doors are made of heavy oak
with iron hinges and handles. Talther Yorn and his
half-orc servant, Urn, each carry a key that opens all
locked doors in the dungeon. A character can pick
a lock with a DC 20 Thievery check, or force a door
open with a DC 18 Strength check, or attack a door
(AC/Fortitude 20, Reflex 5, 60 hit points).
Secret doors are unlocked, made of stone, and
blend in well with the surrounding stonework.
Detecting a secret door requires a DC 21 Perception
check. A typical secret door has either a pressure
plate or a lever to open it. A character who detects a
secret door also finds the method to open it.
Light: Torches in skull-shaped sconces illumi-
nate most corridors and rooms (except as noted in
the text). Although the torches give off smoke that
blackens the ceilings, they have the added benefit of
keeping the dungeon warm and dry.
Stairs: Staircases are carved from stone and are
difficult terrain to ascend (normal terrain otherwise).
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Chest of Darts Level 3 Trap One goblin cutthroat stands in the square north of under the bridge use the same tactics described
Object XP 150 the bridge; the other two are hiding under the bridge above.
Detect Perception DC 21 Initiative — and have readied actions to scurry up into flanking Treasure: In addition to the magic torch, the
Immune attacks positions when an enemy tries to cross the chasm. characters find 1d10 cp and 1d10 sp stashed on each
Triggered Actions Bridge: The bridge has 3-foot-high railings on captured or killed goblin. In addition to coins, each
C Attack (poison) F Encounter
Trigger: The chest is opened.
each side and is safe to cross. goblin has a 1-in-6 chance of possessing a small gem
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 1 (creatures in the Chasm: The chasm plunges 50 feet into a 20-foot- or valuable trinket worth 50 gp.
burst); +8 vs. AC deep pool of still water. A creature that falls into the
Hit: 2d6 damage plus 3d6 poison damage. chasm doesn’t take damage but could drown if it’s 3 Goblin Cutthroats Level 1 Skirmisher
Effect: The trap is disarmed. wearing heavy armor and can’t stay afloat (see the Small natural humanoid XP 100 each
Countermeasures Athletics skill description for swimming rules). The HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +5
isarm: Thievery DC 21 (standard action). Success: The
FD AC 15, Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2
walls of the chasm have abundant handholds and
trap is disarmed. Failure: The trap triggers. Speed 6 Low-light vision
require a DC 15 Athletics check to climb.
Standard Actions
Everburning Torch: Wedged into a crack in the
H12. Secret Tunnel south wall is an everburning torch that has two special
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Exploration Encounter properties, which are described below. A character Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage, or 2d6 + 5 if the goblin has combat
can ascertain both properties with a DC 13 Arcana advantage against the target. In addition, the goblin can
This unlit, rough-hewn tunnel contains a carved check. The torch’s flame is actually green in color, but shift 1 square.
staircase located just beyond the secret door in area this hue is not apparent until the gray veil is lifted. R Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
This unique everburning torch is worth 1,000 gp to an Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
H11. The tunnel’s northern end narrows to a width of
Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage.
only 1½ feet. Medium creatures must squeeze to get interested buyer.
Move Actions
through this opening. Deft Scurry F At-Will
Characters navigating this tunnel with light Properties
Effect: The goblin shifts up to 3 squares.
F Creatures within the torch’s bright light radius (5
sources cannot surprise the goblin guards stationed Triggered Actions
squares) cannot regain hit points.
in area H13. Goblin Tactics F At-Will
F Undead creatures within the torch’s bright light radius (5
Trigger: A melee attack misses the goblin.
squares) are weakened.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
H13. Bridged Chasm Skills Stealth +8, Thievery +8
Combat Encounter Level 1 (300 XP) Secret Door: A secret door on the northern ledge Str 13 (+1) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 14 (+2)
opens to reveal a short, 2-foot-wide tunnel leading to Con 14 (+2) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
area H14. Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
This cave occupies a key position between Talther Equipment leather armor, short sword, 2 daggers
Yorn’s complex and the goblin caves to the north. Tactics: If the characters enter from the south,
Monsters: 3 goblin cutthroats. the goblin on the north ledge hurls daggers at them.
When he runs out of daggers, he opens the secret H14. Goblin Caves
Read: door and flees, closing the door behind him to slow Combat Encounter Level 1 (500 XP) and Trap/
A single torch sticking out of the south wall illuminates a pursuers. While he’s alerting the goblins in area H14, Hazard Encounter (200 XP)
natural cave bisected by a deep chasm. A sturdy wooden the two cutthroats hidden under the bridge try to
bridge spans the gap, leading to a five-foot-deep ledge on flank enemies while attacking with their swords. Talther Yorn convinced a goblin war chief that he
the north side. There, a lone goblin stands guard. If the characters enter from the north, the goblin could make the goblin troops stronger by perform-
Perception DC 18: Two more goblins lurk under- on the ledge runs across the bridge and holds his ing necromantic experiments on them. The war chief
neath the bridge. ground. When bloodied, he tries to flee. The goblins ordered the goblins holed up in this small network of
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caves to serve as test subjects for the necromancer’s 3 The imbiber is blinded until he or she takes a short
rituals, and Yorn has duped them into believing that 2 Hidden Pits Level 1 Trap rest.
his experiments will make them rich and powerful. Object XP 100 each 4 The imbiber is weakened until he or she takes a
Monsters: Vlark (goblin hex hurler), 6 goblin cut- Detect Perception DC 19 Initiative —
short rest.
ters, 2 goblin cutthroats (see area H13 for statistics). Immune attacks
Triggered Actions 5 The imbiber’s ears transform into goblin ears for
Vlark occupies the furnished cave to the northwest.
The cutters gather in the eastern caves, while the cut-
M Attack F Encounter the next 24 hours.
Trigger: A creature enters the trap’s square.
throats lurk in the southwest cave. 6 The imbiber regains a spent healing surge and is
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 1 (the triggering crea-
Traps/Hazards: 2 hidden pits. ture); +4 vs. Reflex
immune to charm and fear effects for the next 24
Hit: The target falls 10 feet to the bottom of the pit, taking hours.
Read: 1d10 damage and falling prone.
A network of small, damp caves spreads out ahead. The Miss: The target returns to the last square it occupied and 6 Goblin Cutters Level 1 Minion Skirmisher
ceiling is uneven but averages ten feet high, whereas the its movement ends immediately. Small natural humanoid XP 25 each
Effect: The pit is no longer hidden. HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +5
floor is mostly flat, with a few stalagmites rising here and
Countermeasures AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 11 Perception +1
there. In a couple of places, the f loor gives way to an open F Reveal: Once the pit is detected, the covering tarp can Speed 6 Low-light vision
pit. Torches set into the walls cast many shadows. be removed as a minor action (no skill check required). Standard Actions
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Tucked in various nooks and crannies are four Tactics: Vlark, the goblin hex hurler, tries to Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
mounds of straw and leaves that the goblins use as remain adjacent to at least one ally, so that he can use Hit: 4 damage, or 5 damage if the goblin has combat advan-
beds. The goblin hexer who leads the group has more lead from the rear. He tries to catch as many enemies tage against the target.
comfortable accommodations—a bed, a desk, a chair, as possible in his vexing cloud and sustains the cloud Triggered Actions
and a closet containing alchemical supplies and an Goblin Tactics F At-Will
as a minor action on subsequent rounds while using Trigger: A melee attack misses the goblin.
assortment of potions (see “Treasure” below). blinding hex and stinging hex against particularly trou- Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Boulder: The goblins have blocked the entrance blesome foes. Skills Stealth +5, Thievery +5
to area H15 with a large round boulder. A character The goblin cutters and cutthroats try to flank ene- Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
can roll aside the boulder with a DC 21 Strength mies and gain combat advantage. A goblin might also Con 13 (+1) Int 8 (–1) Cha 8 (–1)
check, exposing a 4-foot-high, 2-foot-wide passage. try to bull rush a character into a nearby pit. Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
The boulder keeps the bat swarms in area H15 out of Equipment leather armor, short sword
Treasure: Each goblin carries 1d10 cp and 1d10
the goblins’ caves. sp, and has a 1-in-6 chance of having a small gem or
Pits: Marked on the map are two open pits and valuable trinket worth 50 gp.
two hidden pits. All the pits are 5 feet wide and 10 The alcove in the northeast corner of the hexer’s
feet deep. Climbing out of a pit requires a DC 10 Ath- cave contains a shelf of alchemical concoctions, most
letics check. of them foul-tasting failures. Hidden among them are
Open Pits: A character can sidestep or leap over an two flasks of alchemist’s essence (level 6; one releases
open pit with a DC 5 Acrobatics or Athletics check; a cloud of poison, the other a ball of fire), and three
anyone who falls into one of these pits takes 1d10 unidentifiable magical concoctions. (Roll a d6 to
damage. Detritus covers the bottoms of the pits. determine their effects once imbibed.)
Hidden Pits: Gray leather tarpaulins covered with
1 The imbiber loses a healing surge.
dirt conceal these two pits. The goblins are aware of
these traps and try to trick enemies into triggering 2 The imbiber’s hair falls out. It grows back
them. normally.
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Goblin Hex Hurler Level 3 Controller (Leader) 3 Bat Swarms Level 2 Skirmisher When the characters enter this area, read:
Small natural humanoid XP 150 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 125 each Bat guano and rubble cover the floor of this dank cave. A nat-
HP 46; Bloodied 23 Initiative +3 HP 35; Bloodied 17 Initiative +6 ural chimney in the middle of the ten-foot-high ceiling leads
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +2 AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 16, Will 13 Perception +6
up toward the surface, and a knotted rope hangs from it.
Speed 6 Low-light vision Speed 0, fly 10 (hover) Darkvision
Standard Actions Resist half damage against melee and ranged attacks;
m Staff (weapon) F At-Will Vulnerable 10 against area and close attacks A boulder blocks a 4-foot-high, 2-foot-wide exit in the
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Traits south wall, which leads to area H14.
Hit: 1d6 + 7 damage, and the goblin can slide the target 1 O Hindering Swarm F Aura 1 A character can climb the knotted rope without
square. Enemies in the aura take a –2 penalty to melee and ranged needing to make an Athletics check.
R Blinding Hex F At-Will attack rolls.
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. Fortitude Evasive Flight
Hit: 2d6 + 1 damage, and the target is blinded until the A flying bat swarm does not provoke opportunity attacks H16. Dining Hall
end of the goblin’s next turn. when it moves. Exploration Encounter
R Stinging Hex F Recharge 5 6 Swarm
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +6 vs. Will The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature,
and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain.
This chamber is where Talther Yorn eats his meals
Hit: The target takes 3d6 + 1 damage if it moves during its
turn (save ends). The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or and entertains guests (of which he has few, not surpris-
A Vexing Cloud (zone) F Encounter ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is ingly). Although he has no apprentices currently, the
Effect: Area burst 3 within 10. The burst creates a zone that large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises. necromancer expects future ones to eat here as well.
lasts until the end of the goblin’s next turn. Enemies take Standard Actions
a –2 penalty to attack rolls while in the zone. m Swarm of Fangs F At-Will When the characters enter this area, read:
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
This room contains a dining table and six chairs. The
goblin’s next turn, and the goblin can move it up to 5 Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
Str 8 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 10 (+1)
north, south, and east walls each have a single door.
Triggered Actions Con 11 (+1) Int 1 (–4) Cha 6 (–1)
Goblin Tactics F At-Will Alignment unaligned Languages — A small room to the south contains crates and sacks
Trigger: A melee attack misses the goblin. of dried foodstuffs, plus casks of cheap wine and
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The goblin shifts 1 square.
Lead from the Rear F At-Will
H15. Bat Cave drinking water. Stacks of dishware, eating utensils,
and drinking cups sit atop a small table in the north-
Trigger: An enemy hits the goblin with a ranged attack. Exploration Encounter or Combat Encounter
east corner.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The goblin can change the Level 1 (375 XP)
attack’s target to an adjacent ally of the goblin’s level or
lower. Two entrances lead into this cave: a blocked tunnel H17. Apprentice’s Quarters
Skills Stealth +10, Thievery +10 leading to area H14, and a 50-foot-high, naturally Exploration Encounter or Combat Encounter
Str 10 (+1) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 13 (+2)
formed chimney that leads to the surface. A knotted Level 1 (31 XP)
Con 14 (+3) Int 9 (+0) Cha 18 (+5)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin
rope is tied around a spike at the top of the chimney
Equipment leather robes, staff implement and hangs down to the cave floor. The goblins use the These three rooms are side-by-side in the western
rope to enter and leave the dungeon, but only at night wing of the dungeon. Talther recently had them
when the bat swarms are gone. furnished in expectation of taking on apprentices,
Monsters: 3 bat swarms. These swarms hunt at although he has made little progress so far in finding
night, leaving the cave at dusk and returning shortly worthy candidates.
before dawn. Monster: 1 goblin zombie (hiding in the north-
ernmost room).
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Centipede Swarm Level 2 Brute creation of zombies by alchemical means. The pages already explored. See “Run, Zombie, Run!” for more
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 125 to which the book lies open list the ingredients and information.
HP 44; Bloodied 22 Initiative +4 instructions for creating a necromantic fluid that Remains to Be Seen: Three jars of powdered
AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 12 Perception +1 Yorn unimaginatively refers to as bone juice. Accord- bone sit on a middle shelf along the south wall. Each
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb) Darkvision
ing to the book, this substance can turn a living one is labeled with a name and a number, indicating
Resist half damage against melee and ranged attacks;
Vulnerable 10 against area and close attacks
creature into an obedient zombie without the need the individual to whom the remains belonged and his
Traits for an animation ritual. A quick read of Yorn’s tome or her age. (Talther Yorn obtained the information
O Swarm Attack F Aura 1 provides the following information: from Grygori Dilvia, who read it off the tombstones
Each enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 3 F Creating or using bone juice is an inherently evil in the Baron’s Hill cemetery.) None of the three jars
damage plus 2 extra damage per additional centipede
act. bears Fin’s name. A thorough search of the room
swarm adjacent to the enemy. leads to the discovery of an empty jar labeled “Fin/9”
Swarm F When bone juice is injected into a living subject,
on the small table against the west wall.
The swarm can occupy the same space as another creature, death comes quickly. Within an hour, the corpse
and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult terrain.
Treasure: This room contains the equivalent
reanimates as a weak-willed zombie under its cre-
The swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or of an alchemist’s workshop (see Adventurer’s Vault™ 2,
ator’s control.
ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any opening that is page 79), plus two unlocked chests. Chest 1 contains
large enough for at least one of the creatures it comprises. F The bone juice admixture must be perfect. Many of four blocks of incense (see area H21) and five hollow
Standard Actions Talther Yorn’s early bone juice concoctions killed gourds, each containing a potion of spectral form (see
m Swarm of Mandibles (poison) F At-Will his subjects without reanimating them. area G5). Chest 2 contains three sacks of bones that
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. AC
F The key ingredient in bone juice is powdered bone. Talther Yorn has not yet ground to powder, all of
Hit: 2d6 damage plus 1 extra damage for each additional
centipede swarm adjacent to the target, and ongoing 5
Talther recently discovered that the more dis- them looted from the Baron’s Hill cemetery. Hidden
poison damage (save ends). A creature already taking eased the bone, the greater the chance that the under the sacks is a level 7 magic item.
ongoing poison damage is also weakened (save ends). “end result” (in other words, the zombie) will go
Skills Stealth +9
Str 9 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 10 (+1)
berserk. Thus, the bones of the elderly are less
desirable than the bones of the young.
H20. Storeroom
Con 14 (+3) Int 1 (–4) Cha 6 (–1) Combat Encounter Level 1 (525 XP)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
F Talther’s last entry reveals that he recently injected
bone juice made from the remains of a child named This innocuous storage room contains two secrets,
Coffin: Tiny holes in the lid allow Talther Yorn Fin into a “willing” goblin subject, and the experi- one benign and one malevolent.
to enter the coffin in mist form. Iron clasps keep the ment was successful. The goblin is unnamed, but Monster: 1 skeleton crate (plus conjured skele-
coffin sealed, although a successful DC 21 Thievery Talther remarks in passing that the creature has tons), 1 centipede swarm (see area H19 for statistics).
check or Knock ritual can unlock them. Charac- only one eye.
ters can also smash open the coffin (AC/Fortitude When the characters enter this area, read:
20, Reflex 5, 50 hit points). It contains grave dirt. One-Eyed Goblin Zombie: Characters who This storage room contains a bookshelf crammed full of
A splash of holy water or a ritual prayer requiring read Talther Yorn’s alchemical journal learn the next bound tomes, a closed cabinet, a wooden trunk, a barrel
a standard action and a successful DC 21 Religion step toward ending the curse of the gray veil: They stuffed with torches, and a crate.
check consecrates the grave dirt, preventing Yorn must find the one-eyed goblin zombie created from
from using his grave healing trait. Fin’s powdered remains. It isn’t any of the zombies A successful DC 21 Arcana check made to detect the
Lore: The book on the lectern contains Talther encountered here, nor is it confined to any particu- presence of magic reveals a necromantic aura around
Yorn’s meticulous notes (written in Common) about lar room. The creature roams Yornhaven and might the crate, which stands against the north wall. Noth-
his various alchemical experiments, most of which be anywhere, including a location the party has ing else in the room is magical or remarkable.
focus on the reanimation of dead tissue and the
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H21. Necromancer’s Study F It has been dead for decades but has no real sense 1+ Phantom Warriors Level 4 Soldier
of time. Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 175 each
Exploration Encounter or Combat Encounter HP 36; Bloodied 18 Initiative +7
Level 1+ (350+ XP) F Its sworn duty is to guard the tomb of Deveric
AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +7
Stormtalon, the Dread Hawk, a mighty war- Speed 0, fly 6 (hover); phasing Darkvision
This room is Talther Yorn’s private study, where he lord blessed by the gods. The Dread Hawk won Immune disease, poison
communes with the spirits of the dead. countless victories against armies of monstrous Traits
Monsters: 1+ phantom soldiers. humanoids before falling in battle in the fields Insubstantial
south of the tomb. The phantom warrior takes only half damage from any
damage source except those that deal force damage.
When the characters enter this area, read: F The Dread Hawk’s remains lie within the “Great Phantom Tactics
Intoxicating smoke hangs in the air of this square room, Tomb” (area H25). The phantom soldier can lead The phantom warrior has combat advantage against any
issuing from a pair of large stone braziers that f lank a door the characters there if they want to pay their enemy that has another phantom warrior adjacent to it.
set in the middle of the north wall. A desk, a chair, and a respects, but it attacks them if they try to open or Standard Actions
bookcase suggest that this room is a study. otherwise desecrate the warlord’s sarcophagus. m Phantom Sword (necrotic) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. Reflex
F The necromancer (Talther Yorn) has great power Hit: 1d8 + 7 necrotic damage.
Talther Yorn makes incense that allows him to com- over the dead. He communes with the dead sol- Effect: The target is marked until the end of the phantom
mune with the spirits of the dead—specifically the diers to learn more about the Dread Hawk and warrior’s next turn.
fallen soldiers that haunt this tomb. A character who purports to admire and respect the warlord’s Str 18 (+6) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 11 (+2)
studies the incense and succeeds on a DC 21 Arcana accomplishments. The necromancer has been Con 12 (+3) Int 10 (+2) Cha 18 (+6)
or Religion check understands its purpose. A char- careful not to disturb the Dread Hawk’s remains. Alignment unaligned Languages Common
acter who spends at least 5 minutes inhaling the
F The necromancer recently transformed himself
incense smoke can see the faint, gray spectral forms
of soldiers floating throughout the tomb. The effect
into a vampire. His coffin is hidden in a secret H22. Yorn’s Quarters
chamber south of the Great Tomb, and the phan- Combat Encounter Level 1 (200 XP)
lasts for 1 hour. The phantom soldiers wear helmets
tom warrior can lead the characters there (to area
that resemble stylized hawk heads, gauntlets shaped
H19) if urged to do so. When he was alive, Talther slept in this room. Now
like hawk talons, and capes resembling wings. They
drift through the dungeon corridors and rooms as if F The command word to activate the magic mirror that he’s a vampire, this chamber sees far less use.
they’re on endless patrol. in area H22 is “Kalara.” Despite this, Talther still keeps it well guarded.
Phantom Warrior: A character must be able to Monster: 1 flesh tapestry.
sense a phantom warrior to interact with it, and get- Characters might have trouble following the phantom
ting its attention requires a DC 13 Charisma check. warrior through the tomb unless they have potions of If the characters enter from the south, read:
A character can also get a phantom warrior’s atten- spectral form or other ways to phase through walls, Dust and cobwebs suggest that this room sees little use, yet
tion by attacking it, but doing so makes the creature since the spectral soldier has no physical limitations the furnishings imply that its occupant enjoys the finest pos-
visible to everyone, and it fights until destroyed. One on its movement. sessions. A gossamer canopy hangs over a four-poster bed
round after combat is joined, 1d4 additional phantom Treasure: The desk is a glorified table without against the east wall. Other furnishings include a cabinet
warriors appear and join the battle. drawers. Atop it are a few reading candles in wooden with doors of stained glass, an iron-bound wooden chest, a
A phantom warrior that senses a character’s pres- candlesticks. The bookshelf contains an assortment bookcase lined with dolls, a desk and matching chair with
ence and hasn’t been provoked into attacking the of historical and religious texts worth 500 gp for the a tall, wood-framed mirror mounted to the wall above it,
party can answer simple questions in Common. It entire collection. and an exquisitely crafted wardrobe with clawed feet. A
knows the following information: handsome, embroidered rug is sprawled across the floor. In
ghastly contrast, a tapestry made of stitched flesh stretches
across the northern wall, hanging from an iron rod.
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The three skeletal cats were once Talther Yorn’s living Trap: Turning the iron key clockwise unlocks the MINOR QUEST: RETURN RYCKHAR’S
pets. They do not attack unless either the characters chest, while turning it counterclockwise or remov- REMAINS
attack them first, or their master commands them ing it from the lock releases a cloud of poisonous gas 3rd-Level Minor Quest (50 XP/character)
to do so. Left to their own devices, they follow the that pours out from tiny holes in the lid. Smashing the If the characters deliver Davian Ryckhar’s bones
characters wherever they go, occasionally getting chest open also releases the gas. The skeletal cats are to Father Hector Yzardo in Baron’s Hill, the priest
underfoot while remaining aloof. The cats lack the immune to the poisonous vapors. sees to it that the baron receives a proper burial and
ability to purr, yowl, or make other vocal sounds, but eulogy.
their bones and claws click eerily when they move. If Poison Gas Chest Level 3 Trap
a character makes any effort to befriend the skeletal
cats, they might exhibit behavior that seems friendly,
Detect Perception DC 21
XP 150
Initiative —
H25. Lecture Hall
such as attacking a goblin zombie, fetching a thrown Immune attacks Combat Encounter Level 2 (661 XP)
object, or leaping into the character’s arms. This Triggered Actions
behavior hides their true loyalty to their longtime
C Attack (poison) F Encounter Talther Yorn has taken a dead warlord’s tomb and
Trigger: The chest is opened improperly or smashed. turned it into a lecture hall. Since the necromancer
master and creator, Talther Yorn. Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 2 (creatures in the has no apprentices or students at present, he uses
burst); +8 vs. AC
the hall for meetings with his various agents and
3 Skeletal Cats Level 1 Minion Skirmisher Hit: 3d6 + 6 poison damage.
Tiny natural animate (undead) XP 25 each Miss: Half damage.
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +6 Effect: The trap is disarmed. Monsters: 2 veteran assassins (named Hanson
AC 15, Fortitude 11, Reflex 15, Will 11 Perception +5 Countermeasures Greer and Grilthas Lavarre; see “Yorn’s Assassins”),
Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision F Disarm: Thievery DC 21 (standard action). Success: The 5 goblin zombies, 1 goblin zombie bugsack. The
Immune disease, necrotic, poison trap is disarmed. Failure (16 or less): The trap triggers. bugsack is indistinguishable from the other goblin
Standard Actions zombies.
m Bite F At-Will Treasure: The chest contains the bleached In addition, if the characters disturb the warlord’s
Attack: Melee 0 (one creature); +6 vs. AC bones of Baron Davian Ryckhar, which Talther Yorn sarcophagus, four phantom warriors (see area H21
Hit: 3 damage.
acquired at great cost shortly after the baron died. A for statistics) phase through walls and attack.
Move Actions
Scamper F At-Will
character who uses a Speak with Dead ritual on the
Effect: The cat shifts up to its speed, ignoring difficult bones learns that Ryckhar died honorably in defense When the characters enter this area, read:
terrain. of the king’s crown, and that his only wish was to be This large chamber has a vaulted ceiling twenty feet high.
Triggered Actions laid to rest in Baron’s Hill. He doesn’t know why Tal- Lit torches evenly spaced along the walls illuminate bas-
Grave Curse F Encounter ther Yorn would want his remains. (Some things are reliefs of knights riding giant hawks into battle. Rows of
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of the cat drops the better left to the imagination.) wooden benches face a large dais supporting a granite sar-
cat to 0 hit points.
Characters searching the shelves find numer- cophagus etched with runes. The lid of the sarcophagus is
Effect (No Action): The triggering enemy gains vulnerable 5
necrotic until it takes an extended rest.
ous ritual scrolls: Arcane Lock, Brew Potion, Corpse flat and upon it rest two candelabra, a book, and a goblin
Str 3 (–4) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 11 (+0) Light, Detect Secret Doors, Excavation, Knock, Magic skull. Against the north wall stands a throne of pale marble
Con 10 (+0) Int 1 (–5) Cha 1 (–5) Circle, Phantom Steed, Read Omens, Silence, Skull flanked by wrought-iron candlesticks bearing full sets of
Alignment unaligned Languages Common Watch, Speak with Dead, and Undead Servitor. Next flaming candles. A giant mural painted on the north wall
to the ritual book rests an unlocked wooden coffer depicts dozens of jet-black skeletons clutching weapons, leap-
containing 250 gp worth of ritual components. ing into the air, and dancing. The mural is crudely rendered
and seems at odds with the room’s more majestic décor.
Two leather-clad humans and a mob of goblin zombies
loiter here. They take umbrage at the intrusion.
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The bas-reliefs, the dais, the sarcophagus, and the Triggered Actions 2 Veteran Assassins Level 4 Skirmisher
throne are all part of the warlord’s original tomb; M Longsword (weapon) Medium natural humanoid, human XP 175 each
Talther Yorn added everything else after he decided Trigger: A creature picks up the longsword. HP 54; Bloodied 27 Initiative +7
Attack: Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +8 vs. Will AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +4
to turn the giant crypt into a lecture hall. The necro-
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). While dominated, Speed 6
mancer painted the mural of skeletons on the north the target attacks its nearest ally and gains a +2 bonus to Standard Actions
wall, demonstrating his limited artistic skill. all defenses. m Bone Longsword (weapon) F At-Will
Double Doors: Two sets of double doors lead to Effect: The sword turns to dust. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
areas H26 and H27, respectively. Both are locked M Short Sword (weapon) Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage. If the target is granting combat
(see “Features of the Dungeon”). Trigger: A creature picks up the short sword. advantage to the veteran assassin, the target takes ongo-
Goblin Skull: Talther Yorn performed a Skull Attack: Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +8 vs. Reflex ing 5 damage (save ends).
Hit: 2d6 + 10 damage. If this damage reduces the target to r Crossbow (weapon) F At-Will
Watch ritual on the otherwise ordinary goblin skull
0 hit points or fewer, the target turns to dust. Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
atop the sarcophagus. The skull mentally alerts the Effect: The sword turns to dust. Hit: 1d8 + 3 damage.
necromancer whenever it sees intruders enter this M No Escape (weapon) F Recharge 5 6
room. The skull’s Perception check modifier is +13 Tactics: The veteran assassins and the goblin Requirement: The veteran assassin must have combat
for purposes of detecting hidden characters. zombies attack intruders on sight. When the bugsack advantage against the target.
Marble Throne: Any creature that sits in the is destroyed, a centipede swarm spills out of it. The Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
throne feels as if he or she is a bird of prey soaring Hit: 2d8 + 3 damage, and the target falls prone and is
swarm has no allies and simply attacks the nearest slowed (save ends).
among the clouds. It’s an exhilarating and unset- creature (or creatures) to it.
tling sensation, and the land over which the creature Minor Actions
The phantom warriors emerge from the walls to Flanking Step F At-Will
believes itself to be flying could be anywhere in the attack the party for disturbing the sarcophagus. They Effect: The veteran assassin can shift 1 square if the shift
campaign world. The throne has no other power. manifest as armored humans wearing helmets with puts it in a flanking position against an enemy.
Sarcophagus: The lid of the sarcophagus weighs a distinctive hawklike design, gauntlets resembling Skills Athletics +10, Bluff +8, Stealth +10
2,000 pounds and requires a DC 25 Strength check bird talons, and capes resembling feathered wings. Str 16 (+5) Dex 17 (+5) Wis 14 (+4)
to push aside. The interior cavity is roughly 3 feet Con 14 (+4) Int 13 (+3) Cha 13 (+3)
They accuse the characters of being thieves and defil- Alignment evil Languages Common
wide, 8 feet long, and 3 feet deep, and it contains the ers, and they cannot be reasoned with. Equipment bone longsword, crossbow, 20 bolts
lacquered, well-preserved corpse of Deveric Storm- Treasure: Each assassin carries a pouch contain-
talon, the Dread Hawk. In death, the human warlord ing 2d20 gp and 1d6 gems worth 50 gp each.
is 7 feet tall and wears a ceremonial suit of gold
armor (worth 7,500 gp) with hawk motifs worked
into its breastplate, greaves, and pauldrons. His face
is hidden behind a golden death mask (worth 2,500
gp) shaped like a hawk’s visage and set with jade eyes.
Perched on his shoulder is the stuffed, preserved
body of his faithful hawk companion. Clutched to the
warlord’s chest are two cursed swords—a longsword
and a short sword—that detect as magical.
Longsword: This blade contains a malevolent spirit
that tries to dominate someone who picks it up.
Short Sword: This blade stabs the first character to
pick it up, then turns to dust.
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6 Goblin Zombies Level 2 Minion Brute If the skull in area H25 alerts Talther Yorn to information only while dominated or when subjected
Small natural animate (undead) XP 31 each the presence of intruders, the party cannot surprise to a Speak with Dead ritual (after he’s destroyed).
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1 either the necromancer or his zombies. One of Talther Yorn’s hands is shriveled and use-
AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception –1 Monsters: Talther Yorn (vampire necromancer), 1 less—the result of a botched necromantic ritual that
Speed 5 Darkvision
ogre zombie (hulking zombie), 6 goblin zombies (see also killed his evil protégé, Kalara (see area D). The
Immune disease, poison
Standard Actions
area H25 for statistics). necromancer had hoped that becoming a vampire
m Grab and Gnaw F At-Will Other Creatures: 1 goblin cutter (see area H14 would rid him of the disfigurement and guilt, but so
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC for statistics). far it hasn’t. As it stands, in his vampire state he no
Hit: 3 damage, and the zombie grabs the target (escape longer feels pain from the withered limb, which is
DC 13). Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 5 When the characters approach this room, read: better than nothing.
damage. A magic circle inscribed with a triangle dominates the f loor Talther carries a syringe that holds one injection
Triggered Actions and glows with a faint light. Torches in sconces seem to of bone juice, a lethal necromantic serum that trans-
Deathless Hunger F Encounter
Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a
f licker with malign anticipation. forms its recipient into a zombie. He was planning to
critical hit. In the middle of the room, a fat undead ogre with dark inject the goblin cutter with it, but he’s happy to use
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie writing scrawled all over its zombified f lesh stares with it against an adventurer instead (see “Tactics” in this
is instead reduced to 1 hit point. blank, dead eyes. It’s so large that its bloated head nearly section).
Skills Stealth +6 rubs the ten-foot-high ceiling. Lurking in the ogre’s shadow Magic Circle: Before he turned himself into a
Str 11 (+1) Dex 11 (+1) Wis 7 (–1) is a terrified goblin being held by six other, leering goblins vampire, Talther Yorn enchanted this circle to magi-
Con 10 (+1) Int 1 (–4) Cha 3 (–3)
with rotting f lesh. One goblin zombie cracks its neck as cally restrain undead creatures. (It was a precaution
Alignment unaligned Languages —
it turns its head to determine the source of the intrusion, in case his undead experiments went berserk.) Char-
while another groans hungrily. acters can use the circle’s power to their advantage.
The goblin zombie bugsack has the following power
Gleaning the power of the circle requires a DC 14
instead of deathless hunger:
If Talther Yorn is present, add: Arcana check made as a free action.
Triggered Actions
A gaunt, pale-f leshed man clad in dark robes steps out from
behind the hulking ogre zombie. He clutches a syringe in Standard Actions
Bugsack F Encounter
one hand, and his other hand looks withered and useless. Magic Circle F At-Will
Trigger: The zombie drops to 0 hit points.
Effect: A creature adjacent to the circle makes a DC 21
Effect (No Action): The zombie bursts open, and a centipede “You’ve made a terrible mistake coming here,” he says in a
Arcana check. If the check succeeds, all undead creatures
swarm appears in its space. sonorous voice. “Your last mistake.” within the circle are restrained (save ends).
H26. Ritual Chamber Talther Yorn has no interest in parleying with unin-
vited guests. Like any self-respecting necromancer, he
Secret Door: A secret door in the southwest
Combat Encounter Level 3 (761 XP) corner opens outward, revealing an L-shaped hallway
would rather kill them and animate their corpses. To with a staircase leading up to area H22.
that end, he strives to dispose of the party as quickly Storeroom: A door in the southeast corner opens
Talther Yorn is probably here with his zombie hulk
as possible. If the characters goad him into talking into a 10-foot-square room containing wooden
bodyguard when the party arrives, because here is
about what he did with Fin’s bones, he gloats that he shelves of ritual components, a crate of torches, a
where the vampire necromancer performs most of his
ground the bones to powder, mixed the powder with chest filled with wax candles, and seven large burlap
magical rituals. Yorn is preparing to inject a goblin
some other ingredients, and injected the concoc- sacks (“body bags”) containing goblin corpses. These
with bone juice, which will transform it into a zombie
tion into a goblin to turn it into a zombie. He knows are the remains of the goblins who didn’t survive Tal-
(see area H19 for more information on this necro-
that the goblin had only one eye, but he divulges this ther Yorn’s experiments.
mantic concoction).
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Tactics: Talther Yorn stays close to the hulk- including the Arcane Locked doors at the main
ing zombie so that it reaps the benefits of his unholy entrance (area H1), for which he doesn’t need a key.
strength aura. The necromancer avoids melee combat Zombie Curses: Talther Yorn’s hulking zombie
and prefers to invoke the necromantic curses is a creature of considerable girth. Written in black
scrawled on the hulking zombie’s dead flesh (see ink across its corpulent flesh are necromantic curses
“Zombie Curses”). Talther uses beguile to dominate a that Yorn alone can invoke. Invoking one of these
bloodied enemy so that he can administer an injec- dire powers is a standard action, and the effects orig-
tion of bone juice. Talther’s syringe contains only one inate from the zombie.
shot of the substance, but if he misses with the attack,
he can try again. Standard Actions
C Curse of the Cold Grave (cold, necrotic) F Encounter
Standard Action Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs.
M Syringe (necrotic, weapon) F Recharge if the attack misses Fortitude
Attack: Melee 1 (one dazed, restrained, stunned, or uncon- Hit: 2d8 + 8 cold and necrotic damage, and the target is
scious creature); +8 vs. Reflex slowed (save ends).
Hit: 2d4 + 15 necrotic damage. If the damage reduces the Effect: The hulking zombie makes a melee basic attack as a
target to 0 hit points or fewer, the target dies and rises as free action.
a zombie shambler (Monster Vault ™, page 295) at the start C Curse of the Dead Flesh (healing, necrotic) F Encounter
of its next turn. (A Small creature uses the goblin zombie Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs.
statistics instead.) A new zombie has a 50 percent chance Fortitude
to be free-willed. Otherwise, it obeys its creator. Hit: 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage.
Effect: One undead ally in the burst regains 10 hit points,
and the hulking zombie makes a melee basic attack as a
If he’s low on hit points, Talther Yorn tries to free action.
beguile and then bite an enemy, allowing him to regain C Curse of the Rattled Bones (necrotic) F Encounter
hit points. If the hulking zombie is destroyed and Tal- Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs.
ther is bloodied, the necromancer assumes mist form Fortitude
and flees to area H19, seeping under doors that stand Hit: 1d8 + 8 necrotic damage, and the target gains vulner-
in his way. able 5 necrotic (save ends).
Effect: The hulking zombie makes a melee basic attack as a
The zombie hulk likes to attack prone or grabbed
free action.
creatures because it deals more damage to them. It C Curse of the Shattered Spirit (fear, psychic) F Encounter
also makes a free melee basic attack whenever Tal- Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +6 vs. Will
ther Yorn triggers one of the necromantic curses Hit: 3d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target grants combat
scrawled on its bloated flesh. advantage (save ends).
The goblin zombies gnaw on creatures they grab. Effect: The hulking zombie makes a melee basic attack as a
The goblin cutter is named Glum, and he tries to free action.
flee at the first opportunity. He poses no threat to
the characters, and if escape is impossible, he helps
them by attacking the nearest goblin zombie. If asked
about a one-eyed goblin, Glum says he knows a goblin
matching that description (see “Run, Zombie, Run!”).
Treasure: Talther Yorn carries an iron skeleton
key that opens all locked doors in the complex, not
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Hulking Zombie Level 4 Brute Vampire Necromancer Level 5 Elite Controller M Bite (healing) F At-Will
Large natural animate (undead) XP 175 (Leader) Attack: Melee 1 (one dazed, dominated, stunned, or uncon-
HP 70; Bloodied 35 Initiative +1 Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 400 scious creature); +8 vs. Fortitude
AC 16, Fortitude 18, Reflex 14, Will 14 Perception +1 HP 116; Bloodied 58 Initiative +5 Hit: 2d10 + 2 damage, and the vampire regains hit points
Speed 4 Darkvision AC 19, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 18 Perception +9 equal to the damage dealt.
Immune disease, poison Speed 7, climb 4 (spider climb) Darkvision R Beguile (charm, psychic) F At-Will
Traits Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature that can see the vampire);
Zombie Weakness radiant +8 vs. Will
A critical hit automatically reduces the zombie to 0 hit Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1 Hit: The target is dominated (save ends), or the target can
points. Traits choose to take 2d8 + 6 psychic damage instead.
Standard Actions O Unholy Strength (necrotic) F Aura 2 Minor Actions
m Slam F At-Will Any undead ally in the aura deals 5 extra necrotic damage. Change Shape (polymorph) F At-Will (1/round)
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Burned by Sunlight (radiant) Effect: The vampire can alter its physical form to appear
Hit: 2d12 + 2 damage, or 2d12 + 8 against a prone target Whenever the vampire starts its turn in direct sunlight, it as a Tiny bat or a cloud of mist. In either form, it gains
or one that is grabbed by another creature. takes 5 radiant damage. a fly speed of 10 and can immediately shift up to its fly
M Zombie Rush F At-Will Grave Healing (healing) speed. In bat form, the vampire retains its bite and beguile
Effect: The zombie charges and makes the following attack If the vampire takes an extended rest in or on its grave powers, but cannot use claw or undead master. In mist
in place of a basic attack. dirt, it regains all of its hit points. It cannot rest while in bat form, it becomes insubstantial and cannot attack. It can
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +7 vs. Fortitude form or mist form. retake its normal form as a minor action.
Hit: 2d12 + 2 damage, and the zombie pushes the target 1 Standard Actions Skills Arcana +11, Bluff +11, Insight +9, Religion +11,
square and knocks it prone. m Claw (necrotic) F At-Will Stealth +10
Triggered Actions Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Str 14 (+4) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 14 (+4)
Deathless Hunger F Encounter Hit: 2d8 + 4 necrotic damage. Con 10 (+2) Int 18 (+6) Cha 18 (+6)
Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a Undead Master F At-Will Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
critical hit. Effect: The vampire can use claw twice, or it can use claw
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie once and allow one undead ally within 5 squares of it to
is instead reduced to 1 hit point. make a basic attack as a free action.
Str 20 (+7) Dex 8 (+1) Wis 8 (+1)
Con 20 (+7) Int 1 (–3)
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Cha 3 (–2)
H27. Dungeon When the characters enter this area, read:
Combat Encounter Level 3 (775 XP including Several doors lead from this torchlit dungeon chamber.
Urn Shatterskull) Rusted shackles hang on the north wall next to two rickety
chairs and a table strewn with daggers, slings, short swords,
Talther Yorn keeps prisoners here. Sometimes he and what appears to be a small adventuring kit. A large cell
CAPTURED! lets his half-orc servant torture them before he kills enclosed by floor-to-ceiling iron bars contains a terrified
If the characters are defeated or surrender at any them, but in either case, the necromancer uses their female halfling cowering upon a bed of rotten straw. Next
point during their exploration of Yornhaven, their remains in fell necromantic rituals. to her is a wooden waste bucket. In the middle of the cage
captors take them to area H27, strip them of their Monsters: 3 ghouls. If combat erupts, Urn Shat- wall is a locked, barred door. Three gray ghouls surround
weapons, and separate them into the three eastern terskull (see area H28) joins the fray the following the cage and reach their long arms through the bars, taunt-
cells. Depending on the size of the group, one or two round. ing the halfling with hisses and hungry cackles.
characters might be thrown in with the halfling pris- Other Creatures: Wynn Shadowfoot (halfling
oners. The party’s weapons are placed on the table thief ), 3 halfling stouts. If the characters make no attempts to hide, add:
outside while the characters await torture. Before When the halfling sees you, she screams, “Help me!” The
that happens, give them a chance to escape. ghouls turn toward you with hungry eyes and jagged,
toothy grins.
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The ghouls are the remains of three human bandits case some “accident” or “misfortune” makes her the Halfling Thief Level 2 Skirmisher
who used to perform odd jobs for Talther Yorn until sole inheritor of the party’s hard-won loot. Small natural humanoid XP 125
they demanded a little too much money for their ser- Storeroom: The 10-foot-square room to the south HP 34; Bloodied 17 Initiative +6
vices. They make enough noise to attract the attention contains two half-empty crates of trail rations used to AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 16, Will 14 Perception +1
Speed 6
of the half-orc death mage in area H28, who appears feed the prisoners. The shelves along the south wall
1 round after combat is joined. The ghouls are afraid are bare, but the eastern shelves are stocked with Nimble Reaction
of the half-orc and do his bidding. unused weapons and wooden boxes containing pieces The halfling gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity
Cells: The three locked doors set into the eastern of armor (mostly leather) and clothing. These items attacks.
wall lead to 10-foot-square cells containing straw pal- belonged to the goblins that were transformed into Standard Actions
lets. The middle cell holds three halfling prisoners zombies and appear to be of goblin manufacture. m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
(Berry Talltale, Otto Merricamp, and Cricket Haven- Table: The table has all the halflings’ weapons on Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, plus 1d6 damage if the halfling has
hill). They all work for Wynn Shadowfoot (see below) it, plus Wynn’s adventuring kit. (The halflings are
combat advantage against the target.
and are thrilled that someone has arrived to save wearing their armor.) Effect: The halfling can shift 1 square.
them. r Throwing Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
The cell doors have no windows or bars and are 3 Ghouls Level 5 Soldier Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
locked from the outside, but anyone with a set of Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 200 each Hit: 2d4 + 5 damage, plus 1d6 damage if the halfling has
thieves’ tools can pick the door’s lock from the inside. HP 63; Bloodied 31 Initiative +8 combat advantage against the target.
One can attempt to pick the lock with an improvised AC 21, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 16 Perception +2 M Mobile Melee Attack F At-Will
Speed 8, climb 4 Darkvision Effect: The halfling moves up to 4 squares, using dagger at
tool, but a –5 penalty applies to the Thievery check.
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic any point during the move. This movement does not pro-
See “Features of the Dungeon” for more information voke opportunity attacks from the target of the attack.
on locked doors. Weakened Paralysis Skills Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9, Thievery +9
Locked Cage: A character can pick the lock on Whenever the ghoul takes radiant damage, one creature Str 12 (+2) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 11 (+1)
the cage door with a DC 21 Thievery check, or smash immobilized or stunned by the ghoul can make a saving Con 10 (+1) Int 10 (+1) Cha 14 (+3)
it (AC/Fortitude 25, Reflex 5, 30 hit points, resist 10 throw against one of those effects. Alignment unaligned Languages Common
to all damage). Standard Actions Equipment leather armor, 6 daggers
The halfling prisoner is a thief and self-styled m Claws F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
tomb-raider named Wynn Shadowfoot. She bought a
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is immobilized (save
very rare, very expensive treasure map that led to the ends).
entrance of the tomb and was somewhat surprised M Ghoulish Bite F At-Will
to find an evil necromancer lairing within. (Talther Attack: Melee 1 (one immobilized, restrained, stunned, or
Yorn confiscated and burned her expensive map.) unconscious creature); +10 vs. AC
Wynn employs four halfling stouts as cohorts, Hit: 4d6 + 6 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
mainly to carry her adventuring gear and spot traps. Skills Stealth +11
Str 14 (+4) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 11 (+2)
Three of her cohorts are locked in the middle cell,
Con 15 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)
while the fourth is being tortured in area H28. Alignment chaotic evil Languages Common
If Wynn is set free, she gladly joins the party but
demands an equal portion of the spoils. (“After all, I
found this dungeon first!”) If the party turns down
the partnership, she might tag along anyway, just in
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3 Halfling Stouts Level 2 Minion Skirmisher Urn Shatterskull Level 4 Controller this encounter, he wears a leather half-mask with wolf
Small natural humanoid XP 31 each Medium natural humanoid, half-orc XP 175 fangs and a mane of crow feathers. He also has other
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +3 HP 50; Bloodied 25 Initiative +2 masks hanging on the walls of his quarters (area H8).
AC 16, Fortitude 12, Reflex 14, Will 14 Perception +5 AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +3 Tactics: Urn tries to catch as many enemies as
Speed 6 Speed 6 Low-light vision
possible in his swarm of flies, moving it around on
Traits Standard Actions
Nimble Reaction m Rotting Touch (necrotic) F At-Will
subsequent rounds as needed. He likes to use rot-
The halfling gains a +2 bonus to AC against opportunity Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC ting touch, then retreat and use withering ray against
attacks. Hit: 2d6 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target loses necrotic the same target. When Urn drops to 0 hit points, his
Standard Actions resistance or immunity until the end of Urn’s next turn. death mark triggers.
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will R Withering Ray (necrotic) F Recharge 5 6 Treasure: Urn carries a bone key that he mod-
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex eled after Talther Yorn’s skeleton key. It opens all of
Hit: 4 damage. Hit: 2d6 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target is slowed and
the locked doors in the dungeon except the Arcane
r Sling (weapon) F At-Will takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends both).
Attack: Ranged 10/20 (one creature); +7 vs. AC A Swarm of Flies (zone) F Encounter Locked doors at the main entrance (area H1). This
Hit: 4 damage. Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +7 chamber contains nothing else of value.
Triggered Actions vs. Fortitude
Second Chance F Encounter
Trigger: An enemy hits the stout with an attack.
Hit: 2d6 damage, and the burst creates a zone of swarming
flies that lasts until the end of the encounter. A creature
H29. Secret Treasure Vault
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The triggering enemy must that starts its turn in the zone takes 5 damage and does Trap/Hazard Encounter (250 XP) and Combat
reroll the attack roll and use the new result. not have line of sight to squares more than 3 squares Encounter Level 5 (1,050 XP)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Thievery +8 away from it. As a minor action, Urn can move the zone
Str 11 (+1) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 9 (+0) up to 2 squares. A secret door conceals this room, and with good
Con 10 (+1) Int 10 (+1) Cha 14 (+3) Triggered Actions reason: Talther Yorn hides his loot here. He has also
Alignment any Languages Common Death Mark (necrotic) F Encounter
Equipment leather armor, short sword, sling, 20 sling bullets Trigger: An enemy drops Urn to 0 hit points.
left a nasty surprise here for would-be thieves.
Effect (No Action): The triggering enemy takes 2d6 + 11 Traps/Hazards: 2 glyphs of warding (lightning).
necrotic damage. Monsters: 6 green slimes.
H28. Torture Chamber Skills Arcana +10, Intimidate +6
Combat Encounter Level 1 (175 XP) Str 15 (+4) Dex 11 (+2) Wis 13 (+3) When the characters peer inside, read:
Con 10 (+2) Int 16 (+5) Cha 9 (+1) Cobwebs abound in this secret room, which appears to be
Alignment evil Languages Common, Giant
This room is where Talther Yorn and his half-orc ser- some kind of vault with a stucco ceiling and walls. Two
Equipment robes, mask
vant, Urn, interrogate prisoners—more to satisfy their treasure chests with iron bands and fittings rest side-by-side
sadistic pleasures than to obtain information. against the south wall, and a wooden rack mounted to the
Monster: Urn Shatterskull. Urn joins the ghouls western wall holds several pieces of resplendent apparel,
in area H27 if combat erupts there. The halfling strapped to the rack is dead. A DC 9 including a cloak, a pair of boots, a pair of gloves, and a
Heal check reveals that he died minutes ago as a circlet. Hanging from the ceiling by short iron rods are six
When the characters enter this area, read: result of the torture inflicted upon him. One of the one-foot-diameter globes filled with viscid gray liquid.
The stench of sweat and blood fills this room, the purpose halflings in area H27 can inform the characters that
of which is eminently clear given the shackles on the walls, the dead halfling’s name was Wesley Glibwhistle. Talther Yorn amassed a respectable amount of trea-
the coiled whips and soiled aprons on hooks, the wooden Wesley’s torturer is a vile half-orc death mage sure during his brief adventuring career, and he
torture rack standing to the south, and the stone chopping named Urn Shatterskull. He has been Talther Yorn’s keeps much of it here.
block spattered with dry blood. Strapped to the torture rack loyal servant for more than fifteen years. Urn revels Glass Globes: Each globe contains a single green
is a male halfling who’s either dead or unconscious. in the suffering of others, and he has a mask fetish. In slime, but the gray veil makes it difficult to determine
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the exact nature of the substance. A character must 2 Glyphs of Warding (Lightning) Level 2 Trap 6 Green Slimes Level 4 Lurker
succeed on a DC 14 Dungeoneering or Nature check Object XP 125 each Medium natural beast (blind, ooze) XP 175 each
to identify the “gray ooze” as green slime. The iron Detect Arcana or Perception DC 15 Initiative — HP 47; Bloodied 23 Initiative +9
rods attached to the globes connect to a web of copper Immune attacks AC 18, Fortitude 17, Reflex 17, Will 14 Perception +2
wires that run across the ceiling, down the south Triggered Actions Speed 4, climb 4 Blindsight 10
C Attack (lightning) Traits
wall, and up the backs of the two chests. Characters Trigger: A creature touches the object bearing the glyph. Ooze
have no chance to spot the wires unless they chip Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close burst 3 (creatures in the While squeezing, the ooze moves at full speed rather than
away their stucco covering on the ceiling and walls. burst); +5 vs. Reflex half speed, it doesn’t take the –5 penalty to attack rolls,
Smashing a glass globe (AC 15, Fortitude/Reflex Hit: 2d6 + 3 lightning damage. and it doesn’t grant combat advantage for squeezing.
5, 8 hit points, vulnerable 5 thunder) causes the slime Special: Once the glyph is triggered, it disappears and Standard Actions
within to fall into the square below. Characters have cannot be triggered again. m Slam (acid) F At-Will
line of sight but not line of effect to the green slimes Countermeasures Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
F Disable: Thievery DC 15 (standard action). Requirement: Hit: 5 acid damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
while they are contained within the globes. The character must be adjacent to the glyph. Success: M Engulf (acid) F At-Will
A character can detach a globe from the iron rod The character disables the glyph. Failure (14 or lower): Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
suspending it with a DC 21 Thievery check. If the The glyph triggers. Hit: 1d6 + 3 acid damage, and the slime grabs the target
check fails by 5 or more, the globe shatters, and the (escape DC 18). Until the grab ends, the target takes
green slime inside makes a melee basic attack as a Treasure: Chest 1 is filled to the brim with coins ongoing 10 acid damage. Attacks that hit the slime deal
free action against the character. half damage to the slime and half damage to a single
(2,500 cp, 1,000 sp, and 775 gp). Chest 2 contains a
creature grabbed by the slime.
Chests: The two chests are unlocked but stuck to desiccated, severed dwarf hand resting palm-down Skills Stealth +10
the floor with greater sovereign glue (level 8; see Mor- on a black satin pillow. The withered hand wears Str 11 (+2) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 11 (+2)
denkainen’s Magnificent Emporium, page 132). Prying three gem-studded gold rings (worth 250 gp each) Con 17 (+5) Int 1 (–3) Cha 1 (–3)
one loose requires a DC 21 Strength check. Charac- and has an elaborate scar on its palm that appears to Alignment unaligned Languages —
ters who inspect the chests can try to detect the glyph be a treasure map. Where the map leads is beyond
of warding traps placed upon them. Touching either the scope of this adventure, but see “Concluding the must find this one-eyed zombie and bury it—dead or
chest triggers its glyph and also sends a jolt of elec- Adventure.” undead—in Fin’s grave.
tricity through the system of copper wires and iron The rack on the western wall holds a complete The one-eyed goblin zombie doesn’t stay in any
rods connecting the chest to the glass globes. The jolt magic item set called Resplendent Finery (see Adven- specific location. Ever since his transformation, he’s
is enough to shatter the globes, releasing the green turer’s Vault 2, page 104). The set includes resplendent been wandering around Yornhaven, doing his best to
slimes without harming them. The slimes expand as gloves (level 5), resplendent boots, a resplendent circlet, stay out of sight and finding clever places to hide. Per-
they fall to jointly cover the entire room, and each and a +2 resplendent cloak. haps this wandering is a strange side-effect of having
slime can use engulf as a free action against any crea- a young boy’s powdered bones animating him, but it’s
ture directly underneath it. Run, Z ombie, Run! not a trait shared by the other goblin zombies.
If the characters question Glum, the goblin in
Characters who question Talther Yorn or find his area H26, or interrogate a captured goblin from area
research in area H19 can discover what happened to H13 or H14, they can learn that the one-eyed goblin’s
Fin’s remains. The necromancer ground the young name was Blink. Years ago, a scorpion stung Blink in
boy’s bones into powder and used the powder as the eye, and he survived only because another quick-
an ingredient in the bone juice that transformed a thinking goblin bit out his eye before the poison could
helpless one-eyed goblin into a goblin zombie. Once kill him. Blink’s savior then accidentally swallowed
the characters have the information they need, they the eye and died.
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Fall of the Gray Veil
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Fall of the Gray Veil
Goblin Zombie Level 2 Minion Brute For example, the Hand of Fate ritual conjures a magi- lay Fin’s spirit to rest, such as a high-level ritual, but
Small natural animate (undead) XP 31 cal hand that points the caster in a certain direction, such a solution is beyond the scope of the adventure
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +1 but depending on where it’s cast, it might not provide and might involve an altogether new quest.
AC 14, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception –1 very precise information about Blink’s whereabouts. If the characters have not destroyed Talther Yorn,
Speed 5 Darkvision
If it helps narrow the search area, consider awarding he might one day return to exact revenge. But for
Immune disease, poison
Standard Actions
a +1 or +2 bonus to skill checks made as part of the now, after he realizes that someone knows about
m Grab and Gnaw F At-Will effort to find the goblin zombie. his sanctuary, he has little choice but to pack up his
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC belongings and leave the area as quickly as possible.
Hit: 3 damage, and the zombie grabs the target (escape Roleplaying Blink (He’s not looking to pick a fight with the locals and
DC 13). Until the grab ends, the target takes ongoing 5 Blink, the one-eyed goblin zombie, can be roleplayed would rather be left alone to conduct his vile experi-
damage. ments.) The vampire necromancer can travel only at
in any way you like. He might be afraid of the party
Triggered Actions night. If the characters act quickly, they can intercept
Deathless Hunger F Encounter
and try to run away at every opportunity, or he could
Trigger: The zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, but not by a be a nasty little bugger who would chew through the him before he leaves, or they can let him go and loot
critical hit. fighter’s codpiece given half a chance. whatever treasure he leaves behind.
Effect (No Action): Roll a d20. On a 15 or higher, the zombie If the characters recover the treasure map writ-
is instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Skills Stealth +6
Concluding the ten on the severed hand in area H29, someone in the
village might be able to help them decipher it. Argus
Str 11 (+1)
Con 10 (+1)
Dex 11 (+1)
Int 1 (–4)
Wis 7 (–1)
Cha 3 (–3)
A dventure Grimbold, the local dwarf stonemason who carves
headstones for the cemetery, or Rhuna Hallow-
Alignment unaligned Languages — Once they have Blink or his corpse in custody, the grog, the domineering matriarch of a local family of
characters can return to Baron’s Hill and lay the goblin dwarves, might know to whom the severed hand once
H9, or into the chasm in area H13 and be swept away to rest in Fin’s grave. If Blink is still animate, the char- belonged—a famous dwarf adventurer or infamous
by an underground stream. He might climb down the acters must bind him to keep him from digging his dwarf brigand, perhaps. Ultimately, such details are
hole in one of the latrines (area H7) and hide under way out. Alternatively, a holy prayer accompanied by a for you to decide, but how hideously fitting it would
the reeking filth, never to be seen again (unless the successful DC 14 Religion check might be enough to be for a severed hand to point the characters toward
characters are thorough enough to search there, gods consecrate the ground around the entombed zombie their next grand adventure!
help them). Or he might hide in the barrel of centi- and restrain it indefinitely.
pedes stashed in area H20 and be devoured. This About the Author
possibility has the unfortunate consequence of leav- After the goblin has been buried, read: Chris Perkins was poring over old black-and-white issues
ing behind no remains, although the characters can As the last shovelful of dirt falls on the young boy’s grave, of Dungeon magazine when the idea of the “gray veil” konked
still fulfill their quest by burying the gorged centi- the gray grass around Fin’s headstone turns a deep shade him on the head. An adventure set in a place where every-
pedes in Fin’s grave! The possibilities are endless. of green. Color begins to spread outward from this point, thing has turned shades of gray is pretty weird, but Chris
adds: “If you like swarms, undead, or swarms of undead, this
restoring wildf lowers and trees to their natural beauty.
adventure’s for you.”
Using Rituals As the gray veil retreats, all seems right with the world,
Characters might use rituals to help them locate or and a quiet peace settles on the hilltop cemetery. Mean-
track Blink, in which case the skill challenge might while, people in the village below begin to throw open
prove unnecessary depending on how successful the their window shutters and emerge from their homes to
rituals are. If you are uncertain as to whether a ritual bask in the wonder of it all.
is helpful or not, you can rule that a ritual of ques-
tionable efficacy might simply grant a +1 or +2 bonus If the characters fail to capture Blink, the gray veil
to skill checks made as part of the skill challenge. persists. It’s possible that another way might exist to
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
the Crystal
A D&D® adventure for 1st-level
By Steve Townshend
Illustrations by Alexey Aparin, Steve Ellis,
Jeremy Jarvis, Jason Juta, Milivoj Ćeran, and
Ben Wootten,
Cartography by Jason A. Engle
If the title of this adventure rings a bell, then you
might have a recent memory of Beyond the Crystal
Cave—and yes, this is the adventure you remember
from 2011, when it was part of the Dungeons &
Dragons Encounters™ program, now packaged as a
Dungeon magazine feature.
If your familiarity with Beyond the Crystal Cave goes
back farther than a few months, then you’re either a
grizzled veteran of the game or a big fan of D&D his-
tory, or both. For more about how Beyond the Crystal
Cave became part of that history, turn to the after-
word on page 122.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
A dventure The Feywild placed wards to prevent anyone from disturbing the
peace of Porpherio and Caerwyn. These wards also
Background Unknown to Lady Tamora and her people, the wall
between the Feywild and the world is thin near
had the side effect of making time pass more quickly
on the island than in the outside world—one day in
For a year, unnatural winds and mists have battered Crystalbrook. Local lore speaks of an oracular cavern
Porpherio’s Garden is one week in the world. The
the area around the town of Crystalbrook. Worse, nearby, which townsfolk and the fey call the Crystal
archfey never learned of the fey crossing in the Crys-
bizarre blue-skinned fey creatures have emerged Cave. Only the fey suspect that this cave contains a
tal Cave, so it remains open.
from the fog to pillage and murder. Townsfolk blame doorway into the Feywild. Neither group knows the
these misfortunes on the fey of the nearby Sildaine whole truth presented in this section.
Forest. The fey, who also suffer, claim innocence, Long ago, Caerwyn, a half-human daughter of False Stewards
faulting Crystalbrook’s people for hidden black magic the Green Lord, the archfey Oran, fell in love with a Soryth, a hag exiled from the eladrin city Astrazalian,
that has attracted the wrath of primal spirits. human mage named Porpherio. This mage was the recently came to Porpherio’s Garden through the Crys-
Problems between the townsfolk and the fey con- adopted son of Tiandra, the archfey known as the tal Cave. She brought her xivort (Monster Manual® 3)
tinue to escalate. Crystalbrook’s warriors trespass Summer Queen. When Caerwyn and Porpherio mar- minions and her fiendish companion, Kalbon, with
into the forest to hunt game and the mist monsters, ried, Oran and Tiandra worked together to create a her. Once on the island, Soryth and Kalbon discov-
but such intrusions lead inevitably to clashes with magical island for their children. Upon the isle, the ered its secrets. Upon finding the entombed souls of
elf forest wardens. Townspeople have bullied and archfey placed a magical spring—the Fountain All Porpherio and Caerwyn, Soryth sensed the ghosts’
cheated fey visitors. Brash fey have stolen livestock Heal—which has great power. Oran and Tiandra also influence over the island. Hoping to use the isle’s
from the town’s outlying farms and played harmful enchanted the island so that its beauty endures as magic to exact revenge on her enemies, Soryth set
pranks on the townies. Sildaine elves tax caravans long as their children remain true to each other. about trying to take control. Eventually, she hit upon
on routes that pass through the forest. Travelers have Porpherio later linked the island to a worldly a diabolical scheme—she and Kalbon could absorb
been harassed along nearby roads, resulting in sev- retreat in a crystal-filled cavern, the Crystal Cave. He the sleeping souls without destroying them. In effect,
eral deaths, countless injuries, and more accusations. augmented the oracle within this cave to share his Soryth and Kalbon intended to, as far as the laws of
The course of events changed nearly two weeks bliss with the world. Then he spent his days with his the island were concerned, become Porpherio and
ago, when Orlando—son of Lady Anya Tamora, ruler wife, shaping his island’s natural beauty. Caerwyn Caerwyn.
of Crystalbrook—went missing. On the same day, an called their home Porpherio’s Garden. Soryth sensed the wards on the souls’ tomb and
elf maiden named Juliana vanished. She happens to Despite his fey blood and the Fountain All Heal’s knew she could not take both souls completely. To
be the daughter of Lord Carric, chief among the Sil- magic, Caerwyn eventually died of old age. In grief, avoid setting off the strongest wards, she and Kalbon
daine elves. Lady Tamora and Lord Carric suspect hoping to preserve his isle and his love, Porpherio absorbed only a small part of each soul. Thus, the vil-
that Orlando and Juliana are lovers, although the seized his wife’s soul before it could pass into shadow. lains gained imperfect control over the isle. The hag
leaders disagree on the specifics. With her permission, as well as that of the archfey, learned that to complete her vile work, she needed
The loss of and search for the missing youths the mage built a tomb where his soul and Caerwyn’s the souls of two other lovers, one human and one fey.
has taken the fire out of Lady Tamora and Lord could sleep together forever. He then sent his soul With such victims, Soryth could combine all four
Carric. Both recently appealed to the ruler of Sybar, from his body into the crypt, where his devotion to souls, absorbing enough of Caerwyn and Porpherio to
a nearby city, for mediation and aid. Count Varis Caerwyn, and hers to him, could be quietly eternal. command the island, with enough left over to fill the
Sybar sees this as an opportunity to head off growing Through that love, the garden could remain. tomb with sleeping souls to fool the archfey wards.
tensions that might lead the Crystalbrook and Sil- Oran and Tiandra agreed to leave the island to its About two months ago, in island time, Soryth used
daine factions to war against one another. Hoping to inhabitants. Together, they made the encircling seas her powers and the fey crossing in the Crystal Cave
maintain stability in the region, he sent out a call for treacherous. They filled the air bordering the isle to send forth dreams into the minds of suitable lovers.
adventurers. with the swirling mist and cold wind of fey grief, leav- The breach that Soryth opened between the planes
ing the isle itself in its endless summer. Both archfey has allowed the weather around Porpherio’s Garden
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
to leak into the world. This rampant magic has also to trouble the town. After quelling the situation, the Session 11: The characters enter the walled
attracted or created dangerous creatures within the characters can talk to the leaders of each faction. garden of the Palace of Spires only to face more of
Crystal Cave. Further, Soryth’s xivorts have taken Session 2: The characters travel through the deep Soryth’s slaves. After solving a puzzle, the characters
plenty of opportunities for mischief during their mis- reaches of the Sildaine Forest to the Crystal Cave. open the way into the palace interior.
tress’s distraction. The cave is not without its dangers. Session 12: The characters enter the Palace of
Session 3: Feywild influences grow stronger as Spires but find the way barred. To proceed, they have
the characters venture on. The cave’s magic lends to solve the mysteries of the palace’s grand hall and
Archfey Agents life to the mud in one cavern. After overcoming mud make it past Kalbon.
Despite Soryth’s subtlety, Oran and Tiandra have monsters, the characters find the fey crossing. Session 13: The characters head up to the palace
sensed their children’s restless souls. Neither archfey Session 4: The characters arrive in Porpherio’s roof to finally confront Soryth and save Juliana. In
is aware of the cause. Both dispatched agents to the Garden. When they explore the woods, they find the end, each character gains the favor of the fey in
island to discover what is going on. Oran sent Ragnar, a Juliana in a clearing. From the elf maiden, and lep- the form of a wish from the Fountain All Heal.
mighty verbeeg mercenary, with a contingent of Green rechauns attempting to console her, the characters
Fey. Tiandra sent Uma, a briar witch dryad, with a cote-
rie of Summer Fey.
learn a little about the chaos that has transpired.
Then Soryth attacks, curses the characters, and kid-
Soryth and Kalbon used all their powers to sow naps Juliana. Backgrounds
discord between the archfey agents and throw them Session 5: To learn more and gain aid, the char-
off the track. Nevertheless, just before the events of acters seek out one or both of the archfey agents. The Characters created for this adventure gain access
this adventure, Uma and Ragnar discovered the truth party must undergo a test to gain the agent’s favor. to one of the following two character backgrounds.
and attacked Soryth as she performed her ritual. The Session 6: The characters go to find Orlando for Backgrounds were first introduced in Player’s
ritual’s magic went wild, resulting in swapped souls, the archfey agent they are championing. On the way, Handbook 2, and they confer a benefit based on the
addled minds, and a curse. Orlando now carries part the characters encounter dangerous plants. associated skill. When a player creates a character
of Porpherio’s soul, and Juliana part of Caerwyn’s. Session 7: When the characters find Orlando’s using one of these backgrounds, he or she can select
Uma, Ragnar, and their respective followers are supposed captor, the nymph reveals more of the truth one of the following background benefits:
now at odds. Each knows the other failed in a joint of events on the island. Orlando is now safe within a F Gain a +2 bonus to checks with one skill associ-
effort, creating friction between them. But this enmity palace at the center of a lake. One of Soryth’s slaves ated with the background.
is mixed with the hag’s curse, which prevents the attacks as the characters cross that lake. F Add one skill associated with the background to
agents from easily taking action. Seeking a simple solu- Session 8: The characters find Orlando hidden that character’s class skills list for the purpose of
tion, Ragnar sent his cousin Basal to kill Orlando and within the palace discovered in the last session. As choosing trained skills.
unleash the souls he contains. Uma wanted no part of the characters make ready to leave the palace with
such a plan, so she broke her alliance with the giant. Orlando, Ragnar’s cousin Basal attacks. Each of these backgrounds also plays a part in how
Now, only the heroics of capable newcomers can set the Session 9: The characters return to discover the story of the adventure unfolds.
two archfey agents aright. Ragnar and Uma together. After revelations are
shared, the agents reforge their alliance. They help Crystalbrooker
A dventure the characters prepare for an assault on Soryth’s lair. You grew up in Crystalbrook, a small agricultural
As the characters rest, the hag’s lackeys attack.
Summary Session 10: The characters enter the maze that
community on the plains near the Sildaine Forest
and the town’s namesake, the stream known as the
The following is a summary of each session. serves as the gateway to the Palace of Spires demi- Crystalbrook. Familiar with the town and its troubles,
Session 1: The characters arrive in Crystalbrook plane, Soryth’s lair. The maze is dangerous, and you’re also known as a capable individual there. You
to find a group of xivorts has come out of the mist Soryth’s boggle allies try to thwart intruders. know the town’s ruler, Lady Anya Tamora, and her
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Session 1: am. Use your talents to keep the peace and find the missing
youths, Juliana and Orlando.
Gate Crashers
“To help ensure your success, I offer each of you fifty Encounter Level 2
The Call pieces of gold on behalf of Lady Tamora and Lord Carric.
I’ll double the amount upon your return. Also, take this
The adventure begins in Sybar within Count Varis’s document, which marks you as agents of Sybar in these
palace. Despite their different backgrounds and matters. I guarantee you more wealth and honor, tokens of 3 xivort slashers (S)
loyalties, the characters have answered the count’s my thanks and admiration, if you succeed. 2 xivort darters (D)
summons. Players should know the gist of the prob- “To do so, my friends, you must stop the sides from 2 xivort net casters (N)
lems on the frontier. If they don’t, remind them of the fighting and return both youths alive to their parents. Each 3 wounded townsfolk (T)
facts from the first four paragraphs of the Adventure faction is likely to blame the other if you fail, leading to the Wendig, local drunk (W)
Background, page 64. possibility of open hostilities. I recommend you begin by
questioning the lady and the lord.” When the characters reach Crystalbrook, read:
To start, read: Mist pours through the town’s open gate and flows over the
You have waited within the great hall of Count Varis’s Count Varis cares deeply for the outcome of this walls. Through gaps in the fog, you see small creatures that
palace for a while since the nervous castellan left you with task, and he is genuinely impartial. His document is have dark blue skin and large, orange eyes. From the bodies
these other folk. intended only to show Lord Carric and Lady Tamora scattered around the plaza, it looks like the town guards
that the characters have his blessing to help in this held their own, but the tide turned against them.
Prompt each player to introduce his or her character, situation. If needed, the count reiterates the nature of As a bell starts to ring deeper inside the town, one of the
giving the player a moment to describe the charac- the problem. Once the characters finish speaking and creatures drags a net-bound citizen toward the opening in
ter’s appearance and background. Allow the players asking questions, Varis excuses himself, explaining the wall. Sounds of activity come from nearby shops. Then
to roleplay character interactions if they wish. that he needs to return to his work. the little monsters spot you.
When everyone is ready to continue, read: When the characters set out, read: All the characters, whether from Crystalbrook or
After an hour, the castellan returns to the hall. He seems Crystalbrook is on the way from Sybar to the Sildaine Sildaine, recognize the creatures as those that have
more at ease as he says, “The count can see you now.” Forest. As you travel toward the town, despite the normal been troubling the area for months. This attack shows
He leads you into a small chamber where the count, a warmth of this season, the wind grows cold. Chilly mist unusual boldness.
handsome young human with numerous smile lines on his billows around you, dampening spirits and clothing. Characters can start outside the town along the
tanned face, leans over a desk covered with papers. As you Crystalbrook’s walls come into view eventually, promising edge of the map or in the first row of squares inside
enter, the count writes on a document, imprints his seal relief from the weather. the opening. Place only the xivorts the characters can
on the paper, sprinkles dust on the ink, and sets the paper But something is amiss. Screams emerge from the town see, bringing in others as they attack. The net caster
aside. The count dismisses the castellan with a gesture. gates, which stand open in the mist. nearest the gate is bloodied and has only two nets.
Smiling warmly, the count says, “Please sit down,” The darter inside the building is bloodied, and its
indicating luxurious couches and chairs opposite the desk. Continue with the Gate Crashers tactical encounter. dream venom dart is expended.
“I apologize for the wait. I’ll never catch up on matters of
state, but I have a task for you that can lighten the burden
for me and everyone in this region.
“I ask you to officially represent me in the matter of the The xivorts’ cruelty forces them to test their new foes.
problems between the town of Crystalbrook and the fey If four xivorts fall, however, the rest try to withdraw.
of the Sildaine Forest. In this, you must be impartial, as I
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
nize the townie in the net as the local drunk, Wendig. 1 N W D
rather than in melee.
Wounded Townsfolk: As combat starts, the
wounded townsfolk crawl for cover. Use them for role-
playing, as well as to help the characters with shouted G S
warnings and suggestions to close the gate.
3 Xivort Slashers (S) Level 1 Skirmisher 3
Small fey humanoid
2 Xivort Darters (D) Level 1 Artillery 2
Small fey humanoid HP 26; Bloodied 13 Initiative +4
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +1 N
HP 22; Bloodied 11 Initiative +2
Speed 5 Darkvision
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +1
Speed 5
Standard Actions
Darkvision S
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Standard Actions
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC T D T
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
r Dart (weapon) F At-Will
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
Triggered Actions
Cunning Step F At-Will
R Dart Volley (weapon) F At-Will
Effect: The darter uses dart twice.
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher is hit by an
R Dream Venom Dart (poison, weapon) F Encounter At the start of each round, roll 1d4. Until the start
Effect (Free Action): The slasher shifts 1 square.
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. Reflex of the next round, mist lightly obscures an area in
Shadow Step (teleportation) F At-Will
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher hits it. a burst 3 centered on the square that matches your
Triggered Actions
Darter’s Step (teleportation) F At-Will
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The slasher teleports to another result. Mark each area or the center of each area.
square adjacent to the triggering enemy.
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the darter hits it.
Skills Bluff +5, Stealth +7
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The darter teleports 2 squares.
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Equipment leather armor, short sword, 4 daggers
Equipment dagger, 4 darts
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Lady Tamora When the characters are finished with Lady Tamora,
they still need to see the Sildaine Lord.
F Carric thought Juliana was warming to him when
she asked him to recount legends of the Crystal
Lady Anya Tamora is a strong, direct ruler who is
Cave he used to tell her when she was younger.
accustomed to having her way. She is refined but
fiery, and she is wary of fey characters in the party. Sildaine L ord Now Carric believes Juliana might have gone to
the cave in search of fairy tales. If the characters
But the lady is mostly worried about her son, and As the characters head into the woods, read: show him the note to Orlando, Carric realizes that
she is pleased the characters have come to find him Even among the trees of the Sildaine Forest, cold wind and Juliana might have a different purpose in mind.
and thwarted the xivort attack. Orlando is the last mist make travel uncomfortable. Suddenly, a dozen elves
heir of the Tamora line. That fact and her motherly F Fey of the Sildaine use the oracular powers of the
emerge from the woods, some with bows in hand, others cave from time to time, but the oracle is cryptic
love mean that Lady Tamora sees his importance to with hands on sword hilts.
Crystalbrook as beyond measure. In conversation, and the experience more of a novelty than any-
“What are you doing here?” asks an armored female elf. thing useful. Recently, wardens and travelers have
Lady Tamora reveals the following information.
spotted dangerous creatures near the cave. No one
F Orlando used to go out courting most nights. Lady Again, the characters have to explain themselves. has gone there recently. (Carric knows nothing of
Tamora could tell her son was in love. These forest wardens react better to and prefer to Soryth, Kolban, and the xivorts.)
F Orlando doesn’t have a mean or vindictive bone speak with fey characters. They are forceful and
severe toward non-fey. The count’s document con- F Carric intends to offer the characters a map show-
in his body. He’s a young dreamer with visions of
vinces the wardens to take the characters to Lord ing a trail to the Crystal Cave, but he quickly
adventure, rather than duty, in his head.
Carric. All the wardens escort the party. discovers that his personal copy is missing. Now
F Lady Tamora discovered a note in Orlando’s room, all but certain that Juliana has gone to the cave, he
which she gives to the characters. The note reads: procures an older copy of the map from his scribe.
Dearest Orlando, do not fear. No matter what the When the characters arrive, read:
Eventually you arrive at an elegant village along a wide F He warns the party that he suspects the cave con-
trouble between our people, I am yours. We can go to a
creek. Wind has been unkind to parts of the settlement, tains a fey crossing. Although he doesn’t know
place in the forest my father once told me of—a cavern
but it retains its fey beauty. Your escorts take you aloft where the crossing is or where it might lead, he
of crystal where it is said that wishes are granted to the
among buildings built in the trees. From a graceful home fearfully acknowledges that Juliana might be look-
purest of heart. There can be none purer than ours. Meet
slightly larger than others emerges a tall elf with long green ing for it. He suggests that the characters head for
me tonight, and we shall go to the Crystal Cave and
robes and a dour expression. At the explanation from your the Crystal Cave, offering one potion of healing as a
away from here forever. —J
guides, his expression softens. token of assistance.
F Lady Tamora is sure that “J” stands for Juliana.
Despite her current accord with Lord Carric, the “I am Carric, Lord of the Sildaine,” says the elf. “How
lady believes the fey used Juliana to lure Orlando into can I help you?” E nding the Session
a trap. She thinks they plan to hold Orlando hostage When the characters prepare to head for the Crystal
for ransom or some worse nefarious purpose. Carric is traditional, polite, and gracious, but he
has less patience for non-fey characters. Like Lady Cave, this session ends.
F Tamora has heard tales of the Crystal Cave. Once, Tamora, he is grateful that Count Varis sent the char-
the barbarians of this area traveled to the cave to
use its oracular powers. Crystalbrookers now con-
acters to help find Juliana. In conversation, he reveals Reward
the following information. At the end of the session, each of the characters gains
sider it a perilous place in fey territory. When she
found the letter, though, the lady sent a party to F Weeks before the youths disappeared, Juliana was 200 XP.
search for Orlando near the Crystal Cave, but the behaving strangely, making up reasons to travel in Treasure: The characters acquired 50 gp each, as
searchers never returned. (She knows nothing of the woods alone. Her thoughts were far away. well as potions of healing from Lady Tamora and Lord
Soryth and her cohorts.) F Forest wardens saw Orlando and Juliana together Carric.
F Tamora gives the party one potion of healing as a near the woodland verge. Carric questioned his
reward for volunteering to find Orlando. daughter, but she remained silent and defiant.
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Echo Cave very abnormally for the shape of the chamber. If the group Stealth check succeeded, read:
Tiny echoes reflect your breathing and careful footfalls, but
In the last session, the characters learned that the Life-giving magic from the fey crossing preserved the a bizarre reverberation answers from the eastern passage.
lovers likely fled to the legendary Crystal Cave. The spiritual remains of those who have died here over
pursuit begins with travel to the cave. the ages, but Soryth’s recent corruption of the area Each character can make a DC 12 Perception
has awakened one of these remnants as an angry check. Those who succeed are not surprised.
When you are ready to begin, read: undead creature. This echo spirit lingers near the
Following the Sildaine map, you trek through the woods main cavern since it was attracted to the sounds of When the echo spirit appears, read:
for a few hours until you arrive at the cave’s location. The the original Crystalbrook search party fleeing the Vibrations from the east take form. A sinister humanoid
moss-hung cavern huddles beneath a long, high slope. Flow- ooze that resides within. The echo spirit appears shape glides, gibbering and moaning, into the room.
ers and undergrowth are lush here. almost as soon as any intruders enter, but it gibbers
and moans in a way that sounds like the echoes the
If the characters look for tracks outside the cave, cavern naturally produces.
a successful DC 12 Perception check reveals that If the characters want to stifle these natural
numerous humanoids have passed through here echoes, they can attempt a group Stealth check (DC
over the past few days. Most of the tracks are those of 12). If the check succeeds, the sounds are muted and
small, clawed humanoids (xivorts). A successful DC the Perception check to hear the approach of the
19 check reveals the tracks of two Medium human- monsters in the tactical encounter is easier.
oids, in shoes or boots, walking close together. Before the characters investigate either of the side
As the characters discover when they enter the passages, continue with the Cavern Dwellers tacti-
cave, the place is in darkness. (The description below Start
cal encounter.
assumes that the characters have a light source.)
When the characters come inside the cave, read: Cavern D wellers
Beyond the hanging moss draped over the cave entrance, Encounter Level 1
the passageway veers to the right a short distance before
opening up into a high cavern. This cavern has an uneven
floor littered with chunks of splintered rock. Stalactites Setup
hang down from high above. Two natural halls lead out of 1 echo spirit (E)
the larger cave—one to the east and the other south. 1 ochre jelly (O)
Every sound lingers here and reverberates. As you pro-
ceed, the echoing grows stronger. No monsters are visible when the heroes enter..
Arcana (DC 12): The echoes are a magical effect If the group Stealth check did not succeed, read:
of this cave. Echoes—sonic memories of the noises you made moving
Dungeoneering or Nature (DC 12): Air is
moving out of the southern passage, but the opening
through the cave—ripple in the air. Eerie reverberations mix
with the echoes. O
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
A character who moves close enough to see the south- What are the dangers of the cave? “The magic of
ern wall clearly can attempt a DC 12 Perception the cave is its danger. Passage to the Feywild is its danger.
check to notice that faded chalk writing marks the A monstrous and mindless predator once lurked within this
wall near the opening. After that, a successful DC 19 When the characters ask a question, read: place, as did the remnants of one dead.” (This statement
History check reveals that the markings are ancient Your question echoes through the cavern, and then rever- refers to the monsters the characters already fought.)
symbols once used by human barbarians of the Black berates back down the passageway from which you came, What happened to those who never returned?
Eagle Tribe, which roamed this area in bygone days. finally dissipating into silence as it goes. A moment later, “They perished here in this complex, or they went to the
The markings indicate an oracle. the sound of your voice returns from the subterranean dark- place beyond the Crystal Cave, beyond this oracle’s sight
The ochre jelly lurked in this passage. Detritus in ness and gives an answer in words that are not yours. and sense.”
the entryway consists of small bits of material that Can you help us find Orlando and Juliana?
an ochre jelly cannot digest. Tiny pieces of metal and This oracle cavern contains magic from the Feywild The cavern manifests a lesser tuathan road whistle,
smooth stone make up several small heaps upon the and from Porpherio. The cavern answers general which appears upon the floor beside the silver letters.
floor, including a pair of stone dice. questions and might provide inexpensive mundane Can you heal us/me? The cavern allows each
The passage slopes slightly downward, becom- items, or more, to help those in need. Here are some character to regain 3 hit points (us) or one character
ing ever damper as it descends. (The map on page questions the cavern might answer for the characters to regain 10 (me).
71 depicts only the start of the route to the cavern, and deeds the cavern can perform.
ending where the passageway descends beneath the Did Orlando and Juliana come here? “The lovers The passage out of this cavern leads to the Cave of
open area the characters came from.) you speak of passed this way and traveled farther, beyond Mud, which the heroes will find in the next session.
the Crystal Cave.” If the characters have not yet explored the eastern
As the characters enter the passage, read: Isn’t this the Crystal Cave? “Yes, tales and lore exit and want to do so, continue with Haunted Cave.
Faded chalk markings line the walls for nearly fifty feet call this the Crystal Cave. The cavern that truly owns that Otherwise, go to Ending the Session.
until the passage opens into a round cavern with glassy name is deeper within this complex.”
walls of black rock. On the f loor at the entrance, the word
“Ask” is inscribed in Common in f lowing silver letters.
What’s in the true Crystal Cave? “Beyond earth
given life is the slow-falling water and the crossing into the
H aunted Cave
A natural passage slopes downward out of this cavern. Bright Land.” (Arcana or History DC 8: Bright Land is The echo spirit came from this cave.
another name for the Feywild.)
Each character can ask a single question and receive Who is/created the oracle? “Porpherio, a great When the characters go east, read:
a brief answer from the oracle. Once a character has mage, wrote the word “Ask” on the stone, and he added to The eastern passage bears north quickly, and its walls grow
asked a question and received an answer, the oracle the magic here, but he did not create this oracle. This oracle wetter as you move onward. Beyond the rubble of a shat-
answers no further questions from that character for simply is.” tered flowstone curtain, the tunnel ends in a round cave.
a month. Answer questions as you choose, but the
answers should be vague.
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
of health. If you prefer, the gold amulet is nonmagical 3 mud men (M)
and replaces the gem as a valuable treasure. You can 5 or more mud man graspers (G)
then roll once on the Treasure Table, page 66. M
This cave is a dead end. When the players are ready to start, read: G M
The sound of running water turns out to be coming from
E nding the Session a stream that fills part of the cavern ahead with a muddy
pool. This stream, sparkling like a ribbon of stars, f lows
The characters eventually continue on past the oracle out of the northern passageway on the opposite side of the M G
and deeper into the Crystal Cave. cavern. No echoes resound here as they did in the caves
above. Only an occasional droplet, falling from a stalactite,
When the characters are finished in the Oracle punctuates the stream’s babble. In the midst of the pond
Cavern, read: stand three mounds of dried mud clustered in a triangle. G
The passageway slopes further downward, and the f loor Two pale humanoid hands caked in dried mud stiff ly
becomes damp. From somewhere below, the sound of run- protrude from different mounds, each hand reaching for
ning water creates subtle echoes that grow louder as you the other. One hand is thick and masculine, the other femi-
proceed in their direction. nine and delicate. The feminine hand wears a gold ring on
its ring finger.
The session ends here.
The three non-water squares near the middle of the
Reward map are the mounds of dried mud. Mud men doze
Each character gains 300 XP for exploring the cavern nearby in the muddy pool, unseen. They rise to attack
and battling the monsters. if anyone enters the pool or moves to a square west or Characters who succeed on a DC 11 Perception
Treasure: Characters might have gained a lesser north of the mounds of dried mud. check detect some hint of movement in the mud
tuathan road whistle (see the sidebar). The skeleton in Sildaine characters know that Juliana had no gold before the mud men fully emerge. Characters who
the Haunted Cave also has treasure (see above). ring, but realize she might have obtained one recently. fail the check are surprised.
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
descends into the tunnel. Near the middle of the pool, Failure: Whenever a character fails a check to This chamber was once the place where Porpherio
the water flows more slowly through time, so it is as move through the waterfall, the character takes 1d10 and Caerwyn regularly visited the world, and Juli-
resistant as tar. From the middle of the pool to the damage and is knocked prone. ana and Orlando passed through this room on their
waterfall, the water is so slow and solid that charac- Damaging the Waterfall: If a character makes way into the Feywild. When the characters enter the
ters can walk freely upon its surface. a successful weapon attack against the waterfall (AC tunnel in the fresco, go to Ending the Session.
Arcana (DC 12): The enchanted water in the pool 12, Reflex 12, Fortitude 12, Will —), the attack cre-
must flow from a place in the Feywild where time
travels more slowly.
ates a weakness in the surface, and all checks to move
through the waterfall from that point on gain a +2
E nding the Session
Arcana (DC 19): The state of the water does not bonus. Multiple hits do not increase this bonus. The session ends after the characters enter the
necessarily indicate how slowly time flows beyond Parting the Waterfall: A character who makes painted tunnel.
the waterfall, just that a difference in time flow exists a successful cold or force attack against the waterfall
between this world and the one beyond. can freeze or part a portion of it. Frozen water can be When they do so, read:
Nature or Perception (DC 12): The water does indeed shattered, and parted water is easier to pass through. You proceed through the tunnel in the fresco, down a pas-
move, but its movement is extremely slow. It takes at If the water is frozen or parted, all checks to move sage that seems natural except for the forest painted on it.
least a minute for a water droplet to fall an inch, and through the waterfall from that point on gain a +4 From ahead comes the scent of salt air, the whisper of crash-
more than two hours for water to fall from the top to bonus. Multiple hits do not increase this bonus. ing waves, the sound of weeping, and tiny voices rhyming.
the bottom of the waterfall. Teleportation: A character who has perceived the
Perception (DC 12): A room is visible on the other
side of the waterfall. Reflected light from the crystals
existence of the room beyond the waterfall can use
a teleportation power to move through the waterfall
At the end of the session, each character gains 250
reveals that the room is furnished. into the room.
XP for battling the mud men and crossing through
the waterfall in the Crystal Cave.
Entering the Waterfall When the characters move through the waterfall,
proceed to the Observation Room.
Treasure: Orlando’s locket is worth 25 gp, but the
To reach the room on the waterfall’s far side, the char- characters might later give it up. The characters also
recovered some treasure in the Cave of Mud.
acters must pass through the waterfall. Due to the
slowed progress of the water, this task is harder than Observation Room
it first appears. When the characters enter, read:
Moving Through: Objects or creatures moving Carved into the rock behind the waterfall is a round room.
at a normal pace (or faster) into the water impact it A plush couch and a finely carved wooden table stand on
as though it is a solid object. Anyone who attempts to an exquisite mosaic f loor. The f loor—upon which are the
pass through the waterfall in this way must succeed remains of a shattered crystal decanter and two glasses—
on a DC 20 Athletics or Endurance check to do so. depicts birds, animals, fruits, and f lowers. An intricate
The key to moving through the waterfall is to knotwork pattern surrounds it all. This knotwork forms
pass through it at the same rate the water is moving. the root system for the fresco of an enchanted forest that
Characters who move slowly through the waterfall sprawls across the entire back wall, broken only where a
need to succeed on a DC 8 Athletics or Endurance tunnel leads from the chamber.
check to do so.
If the players toy with passing through the water Perception (DC 12): Wet footprints of shoe-wear-
but fail to discern that moving slowly is better, an ing humanoids have dried here, leaving marks on the
Arcana check or a Nature check (DC 12) can provide floor. Two sets of such prints lead from the room into
this useful information. the tunnel.
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Players can try to interpret the clues in the speech “Thought you could escape me, Caerwyn?” she says. Soryth: The hag is here only to kidnap Juliana.
of the leprechauns. Skill checks can also be made to “Not even death can protect you from my magic. Now come, Soryth uses visions of desire on the characters, then
show what the characters know. for we have a task to complete.” She casts her hand in a employs dream step to escape with Juliana, teleporting
Arcana (DC 8): It sounds as if the hag was in the wide arc, and suddenly Juliana stands transfixed, her eyes into the forest and out of sight. If she must, she spends
middle of some sort of ritual that went awry when distant and unseeing. an action point to do all this as quickly as possible
Ragnar and Uma attacked. If Juliana was there, this “And you,” says the hag, gesturing in your direction, without interference from the heroes.
magical failure might explain Juliana’s condition. “Stand away from my prize, or pay the price. Do not think
Arcana or History (DC 12): Oran, the Green to meddle in affairs that are not your own.” Leprechaun (L) Level 2 Lurker
Lord, is lord of all Green Fey and one of the most Small fey humanoid, gnome
powerful archfey alive. Moody, wild, and impulsive, When the characters take a hostile action, or if they HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +8
he is attuned to all growing things. refuse to leave Juliana’s side, the hag attacks. She AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +6
Tiandra is queen of the Summer Fey, her power remains only for a round—see her statistics, page 119, Speed 5 Low-light vision
Standard Actions
on a par with Oran’s. She has a tempestuous romance and the “Tactics” section on this page.
m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
with the Green Lord, punctuated by bitter feuds. The Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
Summer Queen is a subtle fey of exceeding grace. She When a fight starts, read: Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage.
is also fond of creatures from the world. “To me, my dark little soldiers!” shouts the hag in a voice False Presence (illusion, psychic) F At-Will
that could surely be heard from a mile away. “By the power Requirement: The leprechaun must be invisible.
Before the characters can ask any more questions or of this island, I curse you to remain until I can deal with Effect: A false image of the leprechaun appears in an unoccu-
discuss the situation further, Soryth, who is looking you! By the power of this island, I bind you to aid me!” pied square adjacent to an enemy to which the leprechaun
is also adjacent. That enemy must make an opportunity
for Juliana, shows up on the scene. Continue with the This last statement is aimed at a leprechaun that has
attack against the false presence, using the leprechaun’s
tactical encounter Soryth Appears. not yet escaped the clearing. His eyes glaze over. defenses. If the opportunity attack misses, the enemy
takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends). If the oppor-
S oryth A ppears As Soryth attacks, read: tunity attack hits, the enemy takes 10 psychic damage.
The hag gestures forcefully, the air around her filling with Vanish (illusion) F At-Will
Encounter Level 1 vibrations and tendrils of shadow. Nightmare forms begin Effect: The leprechaun becomes invisible until the end of its
to take shape . . . next turn or until it uses a power.
Minor Actions
Setup As Soryth escapes, read:
R Useless Object (illusion) F Recharge if this attack misses
Soryth (S) Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +5 vs. Will
A stiff grin spreads across the hag’s face as she separates Hit: With weapon attacks and implement attacks, the
3 or 4 xivort slashers (X)
into five wisps of dark mist. These wisps encircle Juliana, target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls and is weakened
1 leprechaun (L)
who starts to disappear. Juliana awakens from her trance (save ends both).
Juliana (J) Triggered Actions
and struggles against the misty tendrils. She cries out and
claws at the mist, ripping some of the tendrils away and Fade Away (illusion) F Encounter
Characters begin in the start area. Xivorts don’t Trigger: The leprechaun takes damage.
casting them to the ground.
appear until the start of their turn. Effect (Immediate Reaction): The leprechaun uses vanish.
Skills Arcana +7, Bluff +8, Stealth +9, Thievery +9
When the encounter starts, read: Tactics Str 8 (+0) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 10 (+1)
Con 12 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 15 (+3)
The leprechauns scatter as a woman in gray robes steps out Leprechaun: This charmed creature tries to stay Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
from behind a pile of boulders. Half her face is the withered out of sight and out of harm’s way, favoring the use of Equipment dagger
countenance of a crone, while the other half is beautiful and his nonweapon attacks.
resembles Juliana.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
Xivort Slashers: These creatures rush in from Soryth’s Bloodstone: The character who has
their positions as soon as they can. Each focuses ini- the highest passive Perception notices that the ten-
tially on covering Soryth’s escape, then attacks the drils Juliana pulled away from her body have formed
nearest or weakest-looking target. themselves into a polished red gem that thrums and X
vibrates. This is Soryth’s bloodstone (see “Reward”).
Leprechaun: This creature is compelled to attack Features of the Area
(Insight DC 8 to determine this fact if the characters Illumination: Bright daylight. S
do not understand it at the start). Once the lepre- Boulders: These rocks are 5 feet high (Athletics
chaun is bloodied, his eyes clear, but he keeps fighting DC 8 to climb) and blocking terrain. L
out of fear and confusion (Insight DC 8). Diplomacy Debris: The fallen trees and the jumble of rubble
or Intimidate (DC 8) can make him back down. Note near the boulders are difficult terrain. J
whether the characters are merciful to the charmed Forest: The trees are 20 feet high (Athletics DC 8
leprechaun. This point is important in session 12. to climb). Undergrowth and thick canopy render the
Reinforcements: Unless the fight is already hard forested area lightly obscured. X
on the characters, another xivort slasher arrives from Lucky Shamrock Patch: The grove of trees in
behind the boulders at the start of the third round. the center of the map represents a clear field of clover
rather than trees. Creatures standing in the clover
3 or 4 Xivort Slashers (S) Level 1 Skirmisher can reroll any natural d20 result of 1.
Small fey humanoid
HP 26; Bloodied 13
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 13
Initiative +4
Perception +1 E nding the Session
Speed 5 Darkvision X
Standard Actions The day fades into twilight as the characters take
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will a short rest after the battle. Leprechauns emerge
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC from the forest to invite the characters to hide and
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage. rest for the night. They go to a hollow tree that has
r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will chambers in and under it. There, the leprechauns
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC tell stories, begging the characters for perfor-
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage. Each character earns 250 XP for finding Juliana,
mances similar to what occurred in Speaking
Triggered Actions interacting with the leprechauns, and encountering
Cunning Step F At-Will
with Leprechauns.
The leprechauns can tell the characters any- Soryth. Each character should now have 1,000 XP,
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher is hit by an attack.
Effect (Free Action): The slasher shifts 1 square. thing they need to know about the archfey agents enough to advance to level 2.
Shadow Step (teleportation) F At-Will and Soryth’s curse. They tell the characters that Treasure: Soryth’s bloodstone can be affixed to a
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher hits it. Soryth lives in a hidden castle, the Palace of Spires. rod, a staff, or a wand, or it can be used as an orb.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The slasher teleports to another To locate it, the characters need leaves as keys—one Thus, the characters gain a +1 implement of the appro-
square adjacent to the triggering enemy.
shamrock, one oak, one rose, and one mistletoe. The priate type. The leprechauns also give the characters
Skills Bluff +5, Stealth +7 a shamrock and two potions of healing, and they teach
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
leprechauns provide a shamrock.
By the end of this session, the characters should the character who had the highest check result in the
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven know enough to decide which archfey agent they will Speaking with Leprechauns contest the scent of gold
Equipment leather armor, short sword, 4 daggers visit, either the Green Fey or the Summer Fey. fey gift (see Player’s Option: Heroes of the Feywild).
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Session 5: which lies a glen where several satyrs and wilden feast and
play. Posts f lank the path leading into the glen, their tops
wrought with wooden faces comprised of carved oak leaves.
now hunts for him in hopes of slaying him and sending his
soul into shadow so the hag can’t have him. He’s hidden
well, for sure, since Basal has yet to return with his head.”
The Test From the edge of the glen, a satyr staggers forward,
holding a f lagon brimming with drink. “Newcomers!” he
Can we see Ragnar? “The trouble is, friends, that
Ragnar isn’t the trusty sort. How’s he to know you aren’t in
As the session begins, refresh the players on what has cheers, “Welcome!” cahoots with that dryad witch and here to cause trouble?
come before, especially the information about the I know—I’d trust you, of course. But Ragnar’ll have my
archfey agents and the keys. The heroes awaken in Nature (DC 8): The trees here are all oaks. hooves if I just dance you into his camp.
the tree that serves as the leprechaun lair. “Tell you what. Cause some mischief with me. Vex Uma.
The satyr introduces himself as Robin, Ragnar’s I’ll have a tale to tell old Ragnar, and you’ll have his favor.
As the characters exit the tree, read: skald, messenger, and fool. He welcomes visitors to What do you say?”
The forest is again bathed in warm sunlight outside the lep- the glen, and he offers food and strong drink. The fey What kind of mischief? “Uma has befriended
rechauns’ tree. Leprechauns gather to watch you depart. here have plenty, with five mead barrels among them. two young unicorns. The beasts don’t trust us, but with
One says, “Seek one of the agents of the archfey if you your help, we can bring them over to Ragnar’s side. Then
wish our fate and yours to sway. But beware, neither will
freely give aid. Soryth’s song has addled them so they have Talking with the Green Fey Ragnar and Uma might even make peace, and we can get
back to good work and fell deeds. See, the unicorns didn’t go
forgotten their way. They’ll test you well if they may.” The Green Fey are a merry bunch, and they treat the with us when we attacked the hag. They might even know
The leprechauns all disappear, their giggling fading into characters like old friends. Half intoxicated already something we’ve forgotten. Will you do it?”
the morning air. at this early hour, Robin and his friends cheerfully
answer questions, perhaps revealing the following. If the characters agree, continue with Rustling Uni-
Perception (DC 8): Fresh tracks from Soryth’s Why are Ragnar and Uma at odds? “Ragnar corns. The Green Fey show no hard feelings if the
claw-footed fey minions can be seen all over the area. knows the witch Uma caused us to fail at our great task characters want to talk to Uma first. In this case, go to
here in this place.” Summer Glade, page 86.
The characters know that Ragnar, agent of the Green What was this task? “We went into battle to silence
Lord, is to the west. Uma, the Summer Queen’s agent,
dwells to the east. If the characters seek out the
a hag’s foul song and rescue the soul of the Green Lord’s
daughter, said to sleep on this isle. But we failed. The hag Rustling U nicorns
verbeeg Ragnar, continue with Green Glen. Inter- and the girl were lost to us, and we found ourselves bound After the characters agree, read:
actions with the briar witch dryad Uma begin in here by a curse the hag laid on us.” Robin leads the way through the woods, past a serene lake
Summer Glade, page 86. How did Uma fail Ragnar? “Ragnar knows. None and across an ornate bridge over the enchanted stream.
of us saw it, but the dryad is subtle where Ragnar would be The woods give way to a wide meadow where two young
Green Glen brave and forthright. Perhaps her magic failed. Her pur-
pose was to rescue the Summer Queen’s son, Porpherio, and
unicorns play in grass of varying lengths. A few trees, sev-
eral shrubs, and two calm pools break up the sward. At the
Satyrs and wilden dwell at the edge of Ragnar’s camp. perhaps she succeeded at our expense. If you ask me, I miss edge of the forest, the Green Fey wait.
the dryads, aye, gents?” (The fey toast and laugh.) “If we wish to avoid war, and we do, we can go no far-
As the characters travel, read: We saw a hag kidnap Juliana/Caerwyn. “You ther,” says Robin. “You must cross into Uma’s territory and
Morning light brightens as you move toward Ragnar’s saw this lady? If the hag has her, she is in the hidden Palace nab the unicorns. Sneak up or convince them you mean no
camp. A lively melody played on wood pipes guides you of Spires, accessible only through a twisted maze that harm. Then, coerce them to our cause. Oh, Uma will be so
from afar. The smell of a campfire and roasting meat f loats we entered once but can no longer. The hag has used her angry, she’ll choke on her own branches!”
on the breeze. Pipe music and sounds of song continue, a powers to curse us, which bars us from it.”
chorus of raucous laughter interrupting it occasionally. What do you know of Porpherio/Orlando? “He The Green Fey provide each character who wants one
Your path follows the contour of a narrow rise beyond was with the hag when we attacked. Ragnar’s cousin Basal a lasso of silk rope. Rather than working as weapons,
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
these lassos are potentially useful in the upcoming stealthy characters. Success on this check grants a Perception (DC 19): Creeping through the tall
skill challenges. +2 bonus to primary skill checks until the end of the grass and brush are three tiny winged humanoids
challenge. armed with bows. When the nymph shouts, they take
Skill Challenge: Approach Success: Characters gain a good position. They
can place themselves as they wish in the tactical
This challenge begins when characters set out from encounter after you place the unicorns. Those who The “nymph” is a hamadryad, and she doesn’t wait for
the woods toward the unicorns. used Stealth successfully during the challenge start an answer. She attacks. As combat starts, characters
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 the encounter hidden from the monsters. who failed to spot the pixies grant combat advantage
failures). Failure: The characters bungle the approach, and to the tiny fey during the first round of combat.
Time Frame: Each character can make a check in the unicorns are distrustful. Characters begin the
this challenge once per minute.
Primary Skills: Arcana, Bluff, Diplomacy,
encounter in the start area, and none are hidden.
Skill Challenge: Finish
Nature, Stealth. Continue with the Unicorn Wrangling tactical This challenge begins when the tactical encounter
Arcana (DC 13): The character knows that unicorns encounter. starts. Characters who speak Elven to the unicorns
are intelligent magical beasts that speak Common gain a +2 bonus to Bluff checks and Diplomacy
but prefer Elven. They can be reasoned with, and they
respect arcane and primal power, as well as an affin- U nicorn Wrangling checks in this challenge.
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
ity for nature. Although the first successful Arcana Encounter Level 4 failures).
check doesn’t count as a success in the challenge, the Time Frame: Each character can make a check in
characters now know they can speak Elven to the uni- this challenge as a standard action.
corns. Those who do so gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Setup Special: If the characters damage either unicorn
Diplomacy checks made in the challenge. 1 hamadryad charmer (H) or kill any fey in this encounter, each incident counts
Arcana (DC 13): After the first successful Arcana 3 pixie archers (P) as one failure in the challenge.
check, a character who uses the arcane power source 2 young unicorns (U) Primary Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff,
can put on a minor display to arouse the unicorns’ Diplomacy, Thievery.
curiosity. The characters have already entered the meadow. Acrobatics or Athletics (DC 13): The character lassos
Bluff (DC 20): The character approaches openly Place the unicorns, then have the players place their or jumps astride a unicorn, or otherwise impresses
but has a lasso in hand. Other characters who are also characters according to the skill challenge result. with physical prowess.
holding lassos can use aid another to assist in this Place the other monsters only when they are seen. Bluff (DC 20): The character makes up a story
check. about why the unicorns should follow the characters.
Diplomacy (DC 13): The character approaches As the characters prepare to make their next Diplomacy (DC 13): The character tells the truth
openly with empty hands. Other characters can use move, read: about the characters needing the unicorns to solve
aid another to assist in this check. All of a sudden, a striking dark-haired nymph in a red dress problems on the island.
Nature (DC 13): A character who uses the primal enters the glade. Thievery (DC 13): The character lassos a unicorn or
power source can put on a minor display to impress “Halt, intruders!” she shouts, holding a gnarled staff performs an act of legerdemain that attracts the uni-
the unicorns, enticing them closer. aloft. “What do you think you are doing?” corn closer.
Stealth (DC 20): The character keeps low and uses The unicorns shy away at the sound of her voice. Secondary Skills: Arcana, Nature
the grass and other cover to approach the unicorns. Arcana or Nature (DC 13): A character who uses
Secondary Skill: Insight Insight (DC 9): The nymph’s aggressiveness con- arcane power (Arcana) or primal power (Nature) can
Insight (DC 13): The character can tell how the fuses and agitates the unicorns. put on a minor display as in the previous challenge,
unicorns are reacting and if they see any would-be
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granting a +2 bonus to primary skill checks until the Pixie Archers: These archers fly and shoot, avoid- the unicorn gallops away. Although the unicorns
end of the challenge. ing melee combat. Each archer saves pixie dust until a are competitive enough to enjoy a good contest, they
Success: The characters coerce the unicorns into melee attacker comes near, or to thwart enemy con- warn the characters against killing or seriously harm-
coming peacefully, or they impress the unicorns cealment or invisibility. ing the other fey. A unicorn might use horn touch to
enough to make the beasts want to follow to see what Unicorns: The unicorns are confused when the help a bloodied hamadryad or pixie ally.
is so important. If the unicorns agree to accompany hamadryad shows up. They attack the characters in Eventually, the hamadryad and the pixies come to
the characters, the other fey stop attacking. the first round (basic attacks only), but they continue understand that the characters aren’t out to hurt the
Failure: The characters fail to convince either of to attack only if they are damaged or if the heroes use unicorns, and (when you deem it appropriate) they
the unicorns. After a round or two more, Robin yells lethal force against the other fey. become less aggressive. They aim to subdue or drive
from the forest edge for the characters to retreat. The off the characters, rather than using lethal force. If
enemy fey do not pursue. It was a good try, so Robin
still agrees to take the characters to meet Ragnar.
Development they reduce a character to 0 hit points or fewer, they
knock that character unconscious rather than cause
The unicorns quickly come to see the characters’ the character to be dying.
wrangling attempt as a great game, so roleplay them
Tactics this way. When a unicorn is lassoed, it uses fey step 2 Young Unicorns (U) Level 4 Skirmisher
Hamadryad: After using spellbinding beauty right to slip free and mocks the character playfully. A uni- Large fey magical beast
away, this creature maneuvers for combat advantage corn might gently buck off a rider, helping to make HP 52; Bloodied 26 Initiative +8
so she can use beguile as often as possible. sure the rider doesn’t get hurt from the fall before AC 18, Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 15 Perception +8
Speed 8 Low-light vision
Hamadryad Charmer (H) Level 3 Controller 3 Pixie Archers (P) Level 2 Artillery Standard Actions
Medium fey humanoid Tiny fey humanoid m Hooves F At-Will
HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +3 HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +4 Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 16 Perception +8 AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +8 Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage, and the unicorn shifts up to 2
Speed 6 (forest walk) Low-light vision Speed 4, fly 6 (altitude limit 1) Low-light vision squares.
Standard Actions Standard Actions M Piercing Charge F At-Will
m Root Staff (weapon) F At-Will m Rapier (weapon) F At-Will Requirement: The unicorn must charge.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2 damage. Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. Hit: 3d6 + 5 damage, and the unicorn pushes the target 1
Effect: The hamadryad can slide the target 1 square. r Longbow (weapon) F At-Will square and knocks the target prone.
C Beguile (charm) F At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Move Actions
Attack: Close blast 3 (one creature granting combat advan- Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage. Fey Step (teleportation) F Encounter
tage to the hamadryad); +6 vs. Will M Fey Shot (weapon) F Recharge 5 6 Effect: The unicorn teleports up to 5 squares.
Hit: The hamadryad slides the target up to half its speed, Effect: The pixie uses longbow twice. Minor Actions
and then the target must make a basic attack as a free A Pixie Dust (charm) F Encounter Horn Touch (healing) F Daily
action against a target of the hamadryad’s choice. Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (creatures in the burst); +7 Effect: An adjacent ally regains 10 hit points.
Minor Actions vs. Reflex Skills Nature +8
Spellbinding Beauty F Recharge 5 6 Hit: The target is dazed and gains no benefit from conceal- Str 16 (+5) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)
Effect: Every enemy that can see the hamadryad grants her ment or invisibility until the end of the pixie’s next turn. Con 12 (+3) Int 10 (+2) Cha 15 (+4)
combat advantage until the end of her next turn. Skills Stealth +9 Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Str 10 (+1) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 14 (+3) Str 6 (–1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3)
Con 13 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 17 (+4) Con 12 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 12 (+2)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment robes, staff Equipment leather armor, rapier, longbow, 20 arrows
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Summer Glade Why are Uma and Ragnar at odds? “That brash
green-skinned fool blames Uma for our failure to stop the
through a twisted maze that we can no longer enter due to
Soryth’s power over this place and her curse upon us.”
The characters arrive in this scene if they decide to Dream Queen, Soryth, completely. He insults our beautiful Can we see Uma? “Uma fears Ragnar’s wrath, and
approach the Summer Fey camp peacefully. mistress’s courage, when it is his rashness that caused our she sees none who have failed to prove they have no love for
failure and sorrow.” Ragnar. If you can prove this to us, through action, we can
If they do so, read: What do you mean, “completely”? “We came take you to see Uma.”
The Summer Fey camp is across the island, over an ornate here, our queen having learned that her son’s soul slept fit- What can we do? “We have a great idea, Kelindria!”
bridge across the enchanted stream, out of the forest, fully in his tomb alongside his wife, Caerwyn. The hag was shout the pixies.
and through a broad meadow where two young unicorns engaged in an evil rite to use the souls to take control of the “Yes,” says Kelindria, raising her eyebrows, “the pixies
play. The forest on this side of the island is at the height of island. When Ragnar’s Green Fey attacked directly, the were forbidden from doing this deed themselves, but I sup-
summer, the warm breeze heavy with scents of f lowers. As magic went wild and, Uma says, Porpherio’s soul went, at pose you could. They want to lure some bears into the Green
you enter a flowering glade, three tiny fairies on gossamer least partially, into another of the hag’s captives—a young, Fey camp to destroy the mead barrels there.”
wings fly to greet you. Dressed in shiny leather that looks handsome man. The other part went into the hag’s consort, “They’ll mourn the loss of their mead,” says Nettle, “but
like fish scales, they f loat effortlessly upon the air. a fiend we call Kalbon, the Horned King.” maybe it’ll motivate them to do a little more than drink.”
“Guests!” one female says. Where is this “handsome man” now? “He is lost
“Perhaps they know some games,” says the other female. to us. When the magic went wild, we were scattered over If the characters agree, continue with Bear Baiting.
“Maybe they’re Green Fey spies!” says the male. the island. We rejoined our forces, but have not had time The Summer Fey show no hard feelings if the
“Do not be rude, Nettle,” says a beautiful dark-haired to find Caerwyn and Porpherio. Uma says that Ragnar characters want to talk to Ragnar first. In this case, go
nymph as she emerges into the glade. She carries a staff told her he plans to kill the man that contains Porpherio’s to Green Glen, page 82.
and wears a red dress covered with countless f lowers. soul to deny the hag her prize. Uma split with him over this
murderous plot.” Bear Baiting
Nature (DC 8): Mistletoe hangs from trees here. Can you tell us more about the island? “Long
ago, it was a gift from Oran, Lord of the Green Fey, and Cobweb, Peaseblossom, and Nettle provide clay pots
The three pixies are named, in the order they spoke, Tiandra, our Summer Queen, to Caerwyn and Porpherio of honey mixed with mead equal to, two plus the
Cobweb, Peaseblossom, and Nettle. The “nymph” is on their wedding day. It bestows great powers upon its rulers, number of characters.
actually a hamadryad named Kelindria. She and the such as a fountain that cures all and a hidden palace that no
pixies welcome the characters to the glade. one can enter when forbidden from it, as we have now been. As the pixies explain, read:
When Caerwyn died, Porpherio kept her soul and built a “You’re going to need these,” says Peaseblossom.
“To lure the bears from their cave,” says Cobweb.
Talking with tomb where both could sleep away eternity as silent rulers of
this place. They never expected a plot like Soryth’s.” “Then, bam! Into the Green Fey Camp!” shouts Nettle,
the Summer Fey What is Soryth’s plot? “Soryth’s song, as some call punching his own hand.
The Summer Fey are fascinated with the characters the ritual, would have placed the souls of Porpherio and “The honeyed mead is to throw so the bears follow you,”
and ask them to tell tales of the mortal world. In con- Caerwyn under the hag’s control—probably in her body and says Cobweb.
versation, the pixies are childlike, enthusiastic, and that of the Horned King. Uma knows more.” “But keep some so they can smell it,” says Nettle.
overbold. They rattle off questions and thoughts at The hag has Caerwyn/Juliana. “This is dire news. “Also so the bears want more,” says Peaseblossom.
random, continue one another’s sentences, and rarely She must be stopped. Maybe you bold few can succeed “Crush the mead barrels to get it!” says Cobweb.
pause for breath. Kelindria acts as a moderator, an where we have failed.” “Caution, though, my bold friends. You need to be quite
eye in the storm that answers most of the characters’ How do we find Caerwyn/Juliana? “If Soryth stealthy,” says Kelindria. “The bear cave is on the edge of
questions. When the characters speak with them, the has her, she is in the hidden Palace of Spires, accessible only Green Fey territory, and the bears are faster than you are,
Summer Fey might reveal the following. so be careful in finding and enticing them.”
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The pixies give the characters directions to the bear If the characters succeed in the challenge, read: Failure: The bears chase the characters. Each
cave and the Green Fey camp. Two young brown bears play in front of the cave, unaware character must succeed on a DC 20 Endurance check
of your observation. The cave is shallow, and a larger bear— or lose a healing surge in the chase.
Skill Challenge: Infiltration the mother, perhaps—sleeps within.
When this challenge ends, continue with the Hon-
This challenge begins when the characters set out Failure: The characters take a –2 penalty to eyed Chaos tactical encounter.
from Uma’s territory to the bear cave. checks in the next skill challenge except for Intimi-
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3
date checks, to which they gain a +2 bonus. Honeyed Chaos
Time Frame: Each character can make a check in If the characters fail the challenge, read: Encounter Level 5
the challenge once per minute. Two young brown bears play in front of the shallow cave
Primary Skills: Endurance, Nature, Perception,
as you approach. Sensing you, they f lee inside, rousing a
larger bear that is likely their mother.
Endurance (DC 8, group check): The characters 2 satyr brawlers (S)
attempt to move through Green Fey territory with 2 wilden hunters (W)
speed and efficiency. Each character makes an Skill Challenge: Luring 2 young bears (Y)
Endurance check, and the party earns one success in
the challenge if at least half the checks are successful.
Bears 1 bear (B)
5 mead barrels (M)
This challenge begins when the characters try to lure
Nature (DC 13): The character can pick a good trail
the bears. The goal here is to break the mead barrels, and the
through the woods, as well as identify tracks accu-
Complexity: 1 (requires 4 successes before 3 characters know this fact.
rately to avoid the Green Fey and find the bears.
Perception (DC 13): The character acts as a guide,
Time Frame: Each character can make a check in When the characters arrive, read:
noting natural features, promising tracks, and good
the challenge once per minute. You burst into the glen, startling several satyrs and wilden
trails in the woods.
Primary Skills: Athletics, Bluff, Intimidate, in the midst of a revel at their campsite. The fey stare at
Stealth (DC 13, group check): Even though speed is
Nature you through drink-dazed eyes, and then they spot the bears
essential, noise must be kept to a minimum. Each
Athletics (DC 8): The character accurately tosses a behind you. They stand aghast for a moment, and then
character makes a Stealth check, and the party earns
honey mead pot, spacing multiple throws (if appropri- some flee in panic. Only a few defiant ones remain behind.
one success in the challenge if at least half the checks
ate) to lure the bears along. In the south end of the camp, you spot your targets. Five
are successful.
Bluff (DC 13): The character waves an open honey mead barrels stand on end around the site.
Secondary Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics
mead pot to lure the bears into following.
Acrobatics or Athletics (DC 20): The character helps
Intimidate (DC 20): The character angers a bear, If the characters succeeded in the “Luring Bears” skill
the party along a rough path of deep gullies, fallen-
causing it to give chase. challenge, they gain a surprise round. Do not roll ini-
tree bridges, and short climbs to the rolling terrain
Success: The bears start to follow the characters tiative for the bears (see “Tactics”).
in which the bears reside. This check, if successful,
at a leisurely distance, enjoying the sweet bait. Then
grants a +2 bonus to the group’s Stealth checks until
they start to move closer to the characters, just as
the end of the challenge.
the heroes move out of the forest into a clearing. The Handling the Bears
Success: The characters find the bear cave.
characters gain a surprise round in the upcoming tac- If a character does any of the things described below,
tical encounter. then on its next turn, the affected bear chases the
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A bear that’s chasing a character stops if it moves Throwing Honey 2 Young Bears (Y) Level 2 Brute
adjacent to a barrel or a square covered with honey A character can throw a honey mead pot as a ranged Medium natural beast
mead from one of the pots. A bear attacks a barrel HP 45; Bloodied 22 Initiative +3
attack (+5 vs. Reflex if targeting a creature or an
that it stops adjacent to, or it stops for 1 round to eat AC 14, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +2
object). Any creature, object, or square hit by the pot Speed 7
the honey mead in a spot covered in the stuff. becomes covered in honey mead for the rest of the Traits
Attack: A character who damages a bear is chased Devour
by that bear even if the animal is next to a mead 2 Wilden Hunters (W) Level 2 Lurker Any creature grabbed by the bear at the start of the bear’s
barrel. If a character damages a young bear, the char- Medium fey humanoid turn takes 1d6 + 4 damage.
acter is also chased by the mother bear. HP 33; Bloodied 16 Initiative +8 Standard Actions
Bluff (DC 13): As part of a move action, a charac- AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +9 m Claw F At-Will
ter carrying a honey mead pot can move adjacent to a Speed 6 Low-light vision Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
bear to attract its attention. Traits Hit: 2d6 + 5 damage.
Camouflage M Bear Grab F Encounter
Nature (DC 13 standard action, DC 20 minor The hunter can attempt a Stealth check to hide when it has Effect: The bear uses claw twice against the same target.
action): A character can get a bear to chase him or cover or concealment instead of needing superior cover or If both attacks hit, the target falls prone, and the bear
her, gaining a +4 bonus to this check if he or she is total concealment. grabs the target (escape DC 13) if it has no other creature
carrying a honey mead pot. Sniper grabbed.
Whenever the hunter is hidden and misses with a ranged Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 12 (+2)
2 Satyr Brawlers (S) Level 3 Brute attack, it remains hidden. Con 15 (+3) Int 2 (–3) Cha 10 (+1)
Medium fey humanoid Hidden Shot Alignment unaligned Languages —
HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +3 The hunter deals 5 extra damage against enemies from
AC 15, Fortitude 16, Reflex 15, Will 15 Perception +2 which it is hidden.
Bear (B) Level 5 Brute
Speed 6 Low-light vision Standard Actions Large natural beast
Standard Actions m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
HP 80; Bloodied 40 Initiative +3
m Gore F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
AC 17, Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 16 Perception +3
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.
Speed 8
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage. r Longbow (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Ranged 20/40 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
M Running Gore F At-Will
Requirement: The satyr must charge. Hit: 1d10 + 3 damage.
Any creature grabbed by the bear at the start of the bear’s
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Triggered Actions
turn takes 1d8 + 5 damage.
Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage, and the satyr pushes the target up to Pursuit of the Hunter F Encounter
Trigger: An enemy ends its movement within 2 squares of
Standard Actions
2 squares. The satyr can then move to the nearest square
m Claw F At-Will
adjacent to the target. the hunter
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Triggered Actions Effect (Immediate Reaction): The hunter shifts 3 squares.
Hit: 2d8 + 7 damage.
Dazing Gore F Encounter Until the end of its next turn, the hunter’s ranged attacks
M Bear Grab F Recharge when first bloodied
Trigger: The satyr hits an enemy with running gore. against the triggering enemy deal 5 extra damage and
Effect: The bear uses claw twice against the same target.
Effect (Free Action): The target is dazed (save ends). ignore cover and concealment.
If either attack hits, the target falls prone, and the bear
Stumbling Blow F Recharge 5 6 Skills Athletics +6, Stealth +9
grabs the target (escape DC 15) if it has fewer than two
Trigger: The satyr uses gore and misses. Str 11 (+1) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 17 (+4)
creatures grabbed.
Effect (Free Action): The satyr shifts up to 3 squares to a Con 15 (+3) Int 11 (+1) Cha 10 (+1)
Str 20 (+7) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 13 (+3)
square adjacent to an enemy and uses gore again. Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Con 20 (+7) Int 2 (–2) Cha 12 (+3)
Skills Bluff +8, Nature +7 Equipment leather armor, short sword, longbow, 20 arrows
Alignment unaligned Languages —
Str 16 (+4) Dex 15 (+3) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 15 (+3) Int 10 (+1) Cha 15 (+3)
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Soryth’s lair? “Yes, the Palace of Spires, a hidden When the characters are ready to start out on their unclear. Uma already knows Juliana and Orlando
world of its own beyond a great maze of brambles.” hunt for the nymph, go to the Barkburrs tactical by name—she heard them call to each other when
(Ragnar can tell the characters about the keys.) encounter on the next page. Soryth’s spell went wrong.
Were Orlando and Juliana with the hag? “Yes, What’s the story here? Uma can tell the char-
they were there when we attacked. Uma later told me that
the hag’s magic was manipulating the souls of the children
Summer’s Face acters information from The Feywild and Archfey
Agents sections of the Adventure Background,
of the archfey and those mortals. When our attack broke With the pixies excitedly following, Kelindria takes pages 64 and 65, but she doesn’t know about the fey
the magic, souls and minds were swapped. All of us awoke the characters to see Uma. crossing. She questions how the characters arrived
in the forests here. We regrouped, but we did not find the here, and when she learns of the crossing, she says,
ones you speak of.” As the characters approach Uma’s throne, read: “Tiandra and Oran must not have known of this crossing.
Juliana thought she was Caerwyn. “Yes, Uma Kelindria leads you through undergrowth full of fragrant That must be how the hag came here.”
told me that when the hag’s magic went wrong, minds and f lowers. She parts the greenery ahead, revealing a meadow Who is this hag? “The Dream Queen, Soryth, is
souls changed places. Caerwyn’s is, at least partly, inside on the edge of a placid lake that ref lects the perfect sky. an exile from Astrazalian, an eladrin city. An evil crea-
this Juliana. It follows that Porpherio’s is partly inside the “Uma will be happy to see you,” Kelindria says with a smile, ture indeed, she came here to take control. The only way
human male.” gesturing for you to go forward. she could hope to do so is to use the souls of the isle’s true
Why do you feud with the Summer Fey? “Uma The Summer Fey camp has no shelter, but two rose stewards, Caerwyn and Porpherio. Brazenly, she has done
should have been able to contain the magic that thwarted arbors stand to either side of a throne of woven vines bloom- just that with a subtlety few can match. Archfey are sub-
and cursed us, and scattered the souls. She failed. Further, ing with f lowers. A verdant hedge maze opens behind the tler still, which is why the wards my queen placed on the
she is unwilling to help in the solution I have devised. I seat. Upon the living chair sits a beautiful female fey in a island alerted her. She sent us to find out what was going
don’t work with weaklings.” golden gown bedecked with f lowers and jewels. Her hair is on. We discovered Soryth’s plot, and with the Green Fey,
What was your plan? “I sent my cousin Basal to the color of copper touched with gold where the sunlight hits we attacked her before she could complete her black magic
slay the one who is Porpherio. If Basal succeeds, the soul it. Sad eyes, white like an eladrin’s, gaze at you as you come song. Our attack was obviously ill conceived, for we failed
will be freed and the hag denied her power. I told Uma forward. Nymphs, pixies, and dryads dance, sing, and play to thwart her. Now the hag’s power on this isle binds us
of this plan, and the witch named me a murderer. Let in the meadow and in the water, but many among them from trying again, leaving, and sending a message to the
her drown in her perfume in her camp yonder until the stare at you and come close to the throne as you do. Summer Queen.”
Summer Queen calls her home.” As you draw near, Uma smiles—just a little—but with Where is Soryth that you can’t find her? “She is
Why haven’t the archfey come? “They don’t that smile the air becomes warmer, and the earth and vines in the Palace of Spires, a tiny plane connected to this island
know what has happened. Their own wards, some now nearby bloom with new growth. “Welcome,” she says in a through a magical maze.” (Uma can tell the characters
under the hag’s control, prevent us from contacting them.” sweet voice, “I am Uma. I hear my fairies have had you up all about the keys if needed.)
to no good.” She looks at the pixies who have followed you, Were Orlando and Juliana with the hag? “The
When the discussion ends, read: who redden at her slight reproach. Uma then turns back to two mortals were there, yes. Soryth was using their souls
A sly look crosses Ragnar’s features. For the first time he you, saying, “What can one such as I can do for you?” as part of her ritual. I think she planned to let their souls
smiles, and he says, “My scouts saw Porpherio in the arms sleep while she and her consort, the Horned King Kalbon,
of a nymph in the southwestern forest this morning. Basal
has yet to catch him, obviously. Were I to move now, I have
Talking with Uma absorbed most of the souls of the archfey’s children. Had
she succeeded, she and Kalbon would have become mas-
Uma is compassionate, gracious, and patient, but she
no doubt that Uma would counter me. But she might not ters of this place. Our attack caused the magic to go wild,
is also initially indecisive. She is trying to formulate a
notice you. If you can find the nymph and bring Porpherio and the souls Soryth was manipulating traded places
plan to fix the troubles on the island, but she is vexed
to me, we shall decide how to mend this mess. Move swiftly. unpredictably. Now Juliana and Orlando walk the edge of
with Ragnar and his bellicose ways. Uma thinks that
If Basal finds your man first, he is surely dead.” destruction, each containing the mind and soul of another.
Ragnar’s rashness is exactly what caused the failure
Hope yet remains, however.”
during the first attack on Soryth, but her memory is
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Hope? “Yes, if we can undo the soul swapping and 2 Bloodthorn Vines (B) Level 2 Soldier Vine Horror (V) Level 5 Controller
thwart Soryth, perhaps we can yet prevail. I believe fate has Medium natural beast (plant) Medium natural humanoid (plant)
sent you to me for just that reason.” HP 41; Bloodied 20 Initiative +3 HP 63; Bloodied 31 Initiative +6
Why do you feud with the Green Fey? “Ragnar AC 18, Fortitude 15, Reflex 12, Will 14 Perception +3 AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 5 (forest walk) Blindsight 10 Speed 6 (forest walk, swamp walk), swim 6 Blindsight 10
attacked too boldly. If he had given me time to unravel the
Standard Actions Traits
magic carefully, none of this would have happened. Now, he m Striking Vines F At-Will Malleability
plans to simply murder Orlando to deny Soryth her goal. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC The vine horror can squeeze through spaces 1 inch wide. It
He has sent his oaf of a cousin, the verbeeg named Basal, to Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage. doesn’t have to squeeze to enter larger openings.
do the deed. How can one work with such lazy simpletons? M Impaling Thorn (healing) F Recharge when the vine Standard Actions
“Thankfully, Basal has not succeeded. I have learned doesn’t have a creature grabbed m Claw F At-Will
that the addled Orlando chased a summer nymph into the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +5 vs. Fortitude Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage, and the vine grabs the target (escape Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage.
forest just yesterday. Would that it had been one of my sis-
DC 13). C Vicious Vines F Recharge when first bloodied
ters. But that was not to be.” Sustain Standard: The vine sustains the grab until the end Attack: Close burst 3 (enemies in the burst); +8 vs. Reflex
of its next turn, the target takes 2d8 + 4 damage, and the Effect: The target is restrained and takes ongoing 10
When the discussion ends, read: vine regains 5 hit points. damage (save ends both).
Uma speaks gently but firmly. “If we fail to act quickly, Minor Actions Skills Stealth +11
Ragnar’s folly will cost us dearly. I ask you to champion Pulling Vines F At-Will Str 16 (+5) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 14 (+4)
me in my cause. Please seek out the summer nymph, find Effect: The vine shifts 1 square, pulling any creature it has Con 15 (+4) Int 9 (+1) Cha 10 (+2)
grabbed into a space adjacent to it. Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Orlando, and bring him to me. If I act directly, conf lict with
Str 17 (+4) Dex 10 (+1) Wis 14 (+3)
the Green Fey is inevitable. Innocents could be harmed. Con 17 (+4) Int 2 (–3) Cha 6 (–1) sparkling in the sun, has been driven into the roots of the
Spare us this violence, and act on my behalf?” Alignment unaligned Languages — closer of those trees.
When the characters are ready to start out on their If fewer than half the characters succeed on the Nature (DC 9): The trees here are mostly old oaks
hunt for the nymph, continue with the Barkburrs DC 13 Perception check below, start the party in the with mistletoe among their branches.
tactical encounter. Surprised area on the map. The group notices the Perception (DC 13): Green vines that have crim-
area’s dangers only after wandering among them. son thorns lurk among the roots of two trees here. In
Barkburrs Characters who succeeded on the check, along with the branches of one of the humanoid-shaped oaks is
the monsters (except for the vine horror), gain a sur- a shiny object. Success on this check allows a DC 13
Encounter Level 2 prise round. Nature check to identify the bloodthorn vines.
If half or more of the characters succeed on the Perception (DC 20): The humanoid-shaped trees
Setup Perception check, the party begins in the Start area have tiny wooden protrusions that look out of place.
2 bloodthorn vines (B) on the map. Nobody is surprised. Success on this check enables a DC 20 Nature check
1 vine horror (V) to identify the barkburrs on the trees.
2 barkburr trees (T) When the characters approach the grove, read:
The forest descends into a narrow hollow that contains a As the party spots the dangers here, combat begins.
Place none of the monsters until the characters come grove of old trees with enough space separating them to
allow in the summerlike sun of the island. Undergrowth is
into the grove and see the creatures. Some of the
threats here can be seen before the encounter begins, sparse here and the atmosphere very still. Near the center Tactics
but the vine horror lurks out of sight. of the grove are two particularly gnarled, sparsely leafed The denizens of this corrupt grove are allies, with the
trees of vaguely humanoid shape. A sword, its jeweled hilt vine horror in the lead.
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Bloodthorn Vines: Like the beasts they are, each 2 Barkburr Trees (T) Level 2 Hazard
of these plants attacks the nearest character or the Object
character who dealt the vine the most damage on the Detect Perception DC 20, Nature DC 20 to identify
last round. Once a vine has a target grabbed, though, HP 34
AC 16, Fortitude 16, Reflex 10
the plant sustains the grab and drags the grabbed
Immune poison, all conditions; Vulnerable 5 fire
creature toward the barkburr trees. As long as the Triggered Actions
vine horror remains alive, these creatures do not flee. C Lignifying Barkburrs (poison) F At-Will
Vine Horror: The vine horror stays out of sight Trigger: An enemy ends its turn within 4 squares of the
until all the characters and the bloodthorn vines have barkburr tree trunk. B
acted. It then emerges from hiding and uses vicious Attack (Opportunity Action): Close burst 4 (the triggering
vines on as many characters as it can catch in the enemy in the burst); +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongo-
burst to restrain them within range of the barkburr
ing 5 poison damage (save ends both). B Surprised
trees. This creature mocks its fleshy foes in Elven as it First Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 5 poison damage, and
fights. If the characters defeat the barkburr trees and the target is immobilized (save ends both).
the bloodthorn vines, the vine horror retreats. Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is petrified until
one of the following conditions is met.
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If the characters spared Ariel and talk to him, con-
tinue with Questioning Ariel. Otherwise, go to
Ending the Session. Ariel also has Treasure (see W A
below). Note whether the characters were merciful to W W W
Ariel. This point is important in session 12.
If the characters transformed any otters, the beasts Porpherio’s wards, which guard the Water Palace
remain in mount form until the end of this chapter. against evil.
Ariel knows little about Soryth’s plan or the
Questioning Ariel island’s magic, but he does know that Juliana is in the
Palace of Spires.
If the characters allow Ariel to survive and question
After he divulges what he can, Ariel vows to hide
him after the battle, the pixie apologizes for attack-
from the villains but to tell the other fey of the char-
ing, claiming he was under the power of Kalbon, the
acters’ mercy.
Horned King (Insight DC 9 reveals that he believes
Continue with Ending the Session.
what he is saying).
Ariel can tell the characters that Kalbon sent him
to bring back Orlando—running into the characters
was a coincidence. The pixie also reveals that Kalbon
and Soryth sent him because they cannot yet pass
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Session 8: Raft: This raft floats next to the dock, and a pole
to pilot it lies alongside it.
Roses: The roses that grow here can provide
Perception (DC 13): A set of footprints proceeds
down the stairs and across the room. (These prints
are the same booted ones that might have been found
Water Palace another key. See Treasure, page 101.
Stairway: The stairs lead over the channel, up to
outside the palace.)
After their encounter with Ariel, the characters make the veranda, and to the Palace Interior. The characters are free to explore the room.
it to shore on the isle where Porpherio’s Water Palace Perception (DC 8): Footprints of a booted humanoid Trapdoor: Following the tracks discussed above to
stands. After reconnoitering briefly, they begin at the lead from the grass up the stairs, although the dirt their endpoint reveals this door. Otherwise, searching
Palace Exterior. that indicates them on the bottom stairs diminishes might reveal it (Perception DC 13). If the characters
as the tracks ascend. open the trapdoor, go to Orlando.
If any character has a passive Perception of 20 or Trees: Unusual tracks lead ashore near the trees. Furniture: The furniture is normal but ornate.
higher, read: They are Oakstaff ’s tracks (Nature DC 8), which Glasses, Decanter, and Tray: These items are
As you come ashore, you notice a green-skinned giant come out of the water, move onto the island, then turn exquisitely crafted. (See Treasure, page 101.) The
moving cautiously along the verge of the forest beyond the around. Where the tracks turn around, the charac- decanter is half full of water, and the glass nearest
far shore. He carries a spear and shield, his hair the light ters might find the footprints of a booted humanoid the trapdoor also contains a little water. A character
golden color of straw. (Perception DC 13) leading to the stairway. near this glass sees that water has been spilled on the
table and on the floor near the trapdoor. Characters
Palace E xterior Palace I nterior find the trapdoor right away if they search the area
because of these clues.
When the characters move inland, read: When the characters enter the palace, read: Paintings: Each painting portrays a single figure.
The isle is smaller than it seemed from the far shore, proba- In the bright sunlight, the interior of the palace glows white Although they are in separate paintings, the subjects
bly little more than 200 paces from end to end. Aside from through the rounded translucent ceiling, almost as though appear to gaze fondly at each other. One painting
the palace and its features, the island has a thick stand of the entire structure were made of crystal. The water f low- shows a handsome man who has silver hair and
deciduous trees, where roses grow in the shade, and a small ing from the roof has no apparent source, but it makes a wears lavish clothing. A glow of power surrounds
dock, where a raft floats in the water. strange, familiar music inside the palace. A short set of him, and his laughing eyes glint with the spark of a
The palace resembles a great tunnel of unblemished steps leads down from the veranda into a large oval cham- keen intellect. The other portrays a beautiful female
white marble with a rounded ceiling accented with gilded ber where two luxurious chairs stand at either end of a fey who has black hair and also dresses in a royal
metal fittings. Gigantic glazed windows occupy immense fine table. A crystal glass has been set at either place, and fashion. Serenity flows from her.
arches at the front and back of the structure, and the long a crystal decanter stands upon a small silver platter on the Tomes: These books are all by Porpherio. The
sides of the palace are columned arcades open to the air. table near the chair farthest from the steps. Two framed tomes are numbered 1 to 194, and each covers a year
Water falls from the domed roof, down a channel in paintings hang upon the walls, f lanking long stone shelves of day-to-day life upon the island. Volume 194 reveals
the sides, past the windows, and into another channel that that hold tomes and other objects. Porpherio’s intent to entomb his soul. The journal’s
encircles the palace. This channel merges again on either
last lines read: My life and power I seal into the tomb with
side of the palace to f low into the lake. Stepping stones cross Arcana (DC 13): The structure is not magical, Caerwyn’s soul. Our devotion shall be preserved inside this
the channel, and a curved stairway leads over the channel although the fountain on the dome’s top is. The music eternal garden, which shall be preserved in turn. Blissful
and up to a veranda on a higher level. it makes is part of the magic. sleep shall be ours, forever, and the garden shall endure.
Dungeoneering (DC 20): The area of this room
The characters can explore the isle, based on what suggests that the stone floor here is very thick.
the players can visualize from your description. Perception (DC 8): The music is the same as the
Channel: The stepping stones allow easy access soft music of the crystals in the Crystal Cave.
over the water to the veranda.
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Verbeeg Dilemma Development Basal, Verbeeg Hunter (B) Level 4 Solo Skirmisher
Large fey humanoid (giant)
Killing Orlando is Basal’s mission, but he is willing to
Encounter Level 4 HP 220; Bloodied 110 Initiative +7
talk first. Whether the heroes refuse to talk (because AC 18, Fortitude 18, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +8
they are aiding Uma), or they reveal that Ragnar sent Speed 8 Low-light vision
Setup them, Basal offers a deal before they can attack him. Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Basal (B) Traits
When he does, read: Hunter’s Agility
Orlando (O)
Basal can stand up from prone as a minor action.
Trapdoor (T) Basal raises a hand and addresses you, saying, “I have a
Hunter’s Resilience
duty to fulfill, as it seems do you. We should contest for the Whenever Basal ends his turn, any dazing, stunning, or
Basal arrives stealthily, but he does so to impress prize, yes? Here’s my proposal—we fight until one side is dominating effect upon him ends.
rather than surprise. Any character who has a pas- defeated or submits, and the victor gets Orlando. Fighting Verbeeg Stealth
sive Perception of 20 or higher notices the giant just all of you at once seems fair to me. Basal can make a Stealth check to become hidden as long
before he speaks. “What say you? I am willing to listen to other terms for as one square he occupies has superior cover or total con-
the combat, if you have suggestions.” cealment from the creature he is attempting to become
hidden from.
When Basal arrives, read: Standard Actions
“Well, my quarry is found, attending a party no less,” says Encourage the players to have their characters offer m Spear (weapon) F At-Will
a thin, smirking giant that has appeared atop the steps. some different rules (presumably of a nonlethal vari- Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
He has green skin and pointed ears, and hair and eyes the ety). The verbeeg agrees to conditions such as fighting Hit: 1d10 + 7 damage, and Basal shifts 1 square.
golden color of straw. He leans on a spear and loosely car- to subdue rather than kill and refraining from attack- r Bewildering Bolt (psychic) F At-Will
ries a wooden shield carved in the likeness of a laughing ing Orlando unless Basal defeats the characters. If the Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Will
characters don’t want to offer any rules, Basal acts as Hit: 2d6 + 5 psychic damage, and the target cannot attack
elf ’s face. His armor is the hide of some blue-furred beast,
Basal until the start of the target’s next turn.
the fur turned inward. described in “Tactics.”
M Hunter’s Momentum F At-Will
“Ragnar sends his greetings, Orlando. I am Basal of the Basal is not willing for the characters to include Effect: Basal makes three basic attacks.
Green Fey. Many apologies for spoiling the party, but it’s Orlando on their side in the combat unless Orlando Move Actions
time for you to die.” is a fair target during the fight. Orlando is Basal’s first Bound F At-Will
Orlando looks on in shock, but Basal makes no immedi- target if the characters refuse to cooperate. Orlando Effect: Basal shifts up to 4 squares, and he can ignore diffi-
ate move. does not enjoy being excluded from the fight, but he cult terrain and move through enemy spaces.
abides by any arrangements the characters make. Minor Actions
C Lunging Sweep (weapon) F Recharge each time Basal
The characters start within 2 squares of the trapdoor. hits three different targets with hunter’s momentum
They might realize that Basal is the same kind of
creature as Ragnar. If the characters met Ragnar in
Tactics Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage, Basal knocks the target prone, and he
Basal: The verbeeg hunter attempts to dispatch
Session 6, they might already know about verbeegs. can shift 1 square.
Orlando first if the young man is part of the fight. If Triggered Actions
If they didn’t, they can attempt Arcana checks now to
the rules allow Basal to kill Orlando, Basal asks for M Sweeping Riposte (weapon) F At-Will (1/round)
determine the following information about Basal.
the fight to stop as soon as he does so. Trigger: An enemy hits Basal with an attack.
Arcana (DC 13): This is a verbeeg, a fey giant,
Against multiple foes, Basal divides his attacks, Effect (Free Action): Basal uses spear against the triggering
and a young one. Verbeegs are warriors and
since doing so is to his advantage with the recharge of enemy. If he hits, he knocks the target prone.
tricksters. Skills Athletics +12, Bluff +9, Stealth +10
lunging sweep. Basal fights to kill unless the characters
Arcana (DC 20): Verbeegs have a reputation for Str 20 (+7) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 12 (+3)
asked for a different victory condition.
being sly bullies at best. They love games, but any ver- Con 15 (+4) Int 11 (+2) Cha 14 (+4)
The verbeeg uses his mobility to divide the char- Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven, Giant
beeg readily exploits loopholes in the rules.
acters and escape defenders. Whenever he can, he Equipment hide armor, light shield, spear
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Orlando (O) Level 2 Skirmisher Orlando: If Orlando is in the combat on the char-
Medium natural humanoid, human acters’ side, a player chooses his actions and makes
HP 40; Bloodied 20 Initiative +6 his attack rolls, damage rolls, and checks. Orlando
AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 14 Perception +6 attempts to defend himself if Basal attacks him.
Speed 6
Skirmish Features of the Area
If Orlando ends a move on his turn at least 3 squares from
Illumination: Bright light.
where he started the move, he deals 1d6 extra damage
with melee attacks until the start of his next turn.
Bookshelf: Each stone bookshelf is 15 feet tall
Standard Actions (Athletics DC 9 to climb). The shelves are carved out
m Rapier (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC
of the wall and cannot be moved.
Chairs and Table: Squares containing these fur- B
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage, and Orlando shifts 1 square. nishings are difficult terrain.
Skills Athletics +8, Diplomacy +9 Stairs: The stairway is difficult terrain.
Str 14 (+3) Dex 16 (+4) Wis 10 (+1)
Trapdoor: Unless the characters close the trap-
Con 16 (+4) Int 10 (+1) Cha 17 (+4)
Alignment good Languages Common, Elven
door, its square is a 10-foot-deep pit with a ladder
Equipment leather armor, rapier leading down into it.
saves sweeping riposte for a foe that dares to attack him Conclusion
on his turn. Skewer is also useful for sliding a trouble- When this encounter concludes, continue with
some enemy away. T
Ending the Session.
The giant gains combat advantage by knocking
his foes prone. He attacks targets that are granting
combat advantage to him whenever he can, risking E nding the Session O
opportunity attacks to do so as long as he is not blood- If Basal killed Orlando, he takes Orlando’s head as
ied. He can squeeze under the table to use verbeeg proof for Ragnar. After resting and gaining rewards,
stealth to gain combat advantage, but this ploy works the characters return to their archfey agent to begin
only once. When the characters are aware of it, they the next session.
can look under the table to prevent its use.
Once Basal is bloodied, he attempts to kill Orlando
unless the characters’ rules prohibit him from doing Reward
so. (Basal’s ground rules dictate that the victor takes Each character gains 350 XP for finding Orlando, aspect knows that the characters need the rose leaf.
Orlando, but don’t specify in what state.) Characters learning more, and battling Basal. If the characters He knows why they need it only if he has his locket.
can use Diplomacy or Intimidate (DC 20) to stop saved Orlando, each gains 150 extra XP. Each char- They are now likely to have all the leaves necessary
him. A successful Intimidate check (DC 20) can also acter should now have 2,100 XP, or 2,250 XP if the for entering the Palace of Spires in Session 10.
cause a bloodied Basal to yield. When Basal has 45 party saved Orlando. Any character who has 2,250 Several items in the Water Palace are valuable,
hit points remaining, he yields. When he does so, XP advances to level 3. including the crystal decanter and glasses (20 gp
Basal is not surrendering but merely ceasing hostili- Treasure: The characters need to pluck a leaf per PC). If the characters search the area or Orlando
ties. If the characters don’t do the same, he renews his from one of the roses growing at the palace before points out the treasures, they find one potion of healing
attacks. they leave. If Orlando survived the encounter, he on a bookshelf, as well as one item you pick for a spe-
reminds the characters of this fact. His Porpherio cific character or roll on the Treasure Table, page 66.
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Dream Stealers characters and stand up, but when the battle starts,
characters who were sleeping are still prone.
When the xivorts attack, read:
Small blue-skinned, orange-eyed creatures hoot and give
Encounter Level 2 If no character senses the monsters, or no watch is battle cries as they pour out of the darkness. The couple in
set, the xivorts gain a surprise round. In this case, all front giggle maniacally as they start to roll logs downhill
Setup the characters start prone.
Characters begin within the start area on the map.
from the forest near the maze entrance.
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3 Xivort Slashers (S) Level 1 Skirmisher 2 Rolling Logs (L) Single-Use Terrain D D C
Small fey humanoid Standard Action
Special: A log is 1 square wide by 3 squares long. Its space N
HP 26; Bloodied 13 Initiative +4
is difficult terrain.
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +1 Downhill
Requirement: A creature must be adjacent to and uphill
Speed 5 Darkvision S S S
from the long side of the log. The attack must originate
Standard Actions
from a square of the log adjacent to the target. Log Log
m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +4 vs. Reflex
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage.
Effect: The log continues to occupy the space at the blast’s
r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
edge farthest downhill from the origin square.
Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage.
Triggered Actions Xivort Net Caster: This xivort targets an obvious
Cunning Step F At-Will defender first, trying to bind that character so that his
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher is hit by an or her skills are of little benefit in restricting other
attack. xivorts’ movement.
Effect (Free Action): The slasher shifts 1 square.
Xivort Darters: These creatures avoid melee. Start
Shadow Step (teleportation) F At-Will
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher hits it.
They shift and use dream venom dart against melee
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The slasher teleports to another attackers that come too close.
square adjacent to the triggering enemy.
Skills Bluff +5, Stealth +7
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
Features of the Area
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0) Illumination: Dim moonlight unless the camp-
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven fire is lit. It provides bright light out to 6 squares.
Equipment leather armor, short sword, 4 daggers Bushes and Debris: The small plants and fallen
trees are difficult terrain.
Xivort Shadow Caller: Leading from the rear, Campfire: A creature that ends its movement
the shadow caller uses its powers primarily to provide (forced or otherwise) or ends its turn in the fire takes
easier targets for its allies.
Xivort Slashers: On its first turn, each slasher
5 fire damage.
Forest: These trees are 20 feet high (Athletics DC
E nding the Session
adjacent to a log rolls the log into the characters or the 9 to climb). Undergrowth and thick canopy leaves After the encounter concludes, the characters finish
camp. Then they join the fray, attacking characters render the forested area lightly obscured. an extended rest. They begin the next session by jour-
who are granting combat advantage or threatening Tents: These shelters are difficult terrain, and neying to the maze.
the darters or the shadow caller. they collapse if anyone or anything enters their space.
Conclusion At the end of the session, each character gains 200
The session ends when the xivorts are defeated. Con- XP for establishing peace between the archfey agents,
tinue with Ending the Session. planning the mission, and defeating Soryth’s xivorts.
A character who began this session with 2,100 XP
now has 2,300 XP and advances to level 3.
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Session 10: (The character has mistaken the intense red rose
scent for that of the white roses.)
Nature (DC 21): The overwhelming floral per-
Dead ends and retraced steps confound the charac-
ters. Each character loses a healing surge and must
make a DC 13 Endurance check. Failure on the
The Maze fume of the red roses all but hides the fact that the
white roses give off no discernible scent.
check subjects the character to the effect of the yellow
rose perfume.
The maze’s hedge walls are 15 feet high and 10 or
more feet thick. Although they seem like intertwined
thorny rose bushes, they are immune to damage. A Eastern Path (White) Red Rose Perfume
Effect: The target takes a –2 penalty to Perception checks
character who attempts to climb (Athletics DC 13) or If the characters choose this path, read: until the end of the next encounter. Until then, when-
remain atop the hedges takes 1d6 damage for each Following the hedge wall around, the eastern path stays ever the target becomes bloodied, it also takes ongoing 5
round it does so. A character atop or above the wall near the perimeter of the maze. The white roses along the damage (save ends).
sees none of the maze’s pathways. way are pleasant to look at but have no scent.
Characters can navigate the maze by making Obstacles
choices at decision points. They can roll skill checks The characters suffer no adverse effects from the
to better determine the route. If the characters have white roses. After the rose path is resolved, read:
the lesser tuathan road whistle from Session 2, the fey The path leads to a thick wall of dead, thorny branches that
blocks further progress. Gaps in the branches show that the
magic of the whistle interacts favorably with the
maze. The whistle falls out from among the gear of
Northern Path (Yellow) path continues on the other side. To the right is a ragged
the character carrying it. It keeps falling out until the If the characters choose this path, read: hole in the hedge wall, cutting through several corridors as
characters use its power. If they do, they occasionally The northern path leads near the heart of the maze, where if some monstrous beast carved a path through the hedges.
see hints of a glowing path, so they gain a +2 bonus to yellow roses bloom in great numbers. As you journey, the Arcana (DC 13): The dead branches give off a
skill checks made to navigate the maze. perfume of the yellow roses sets your mind wandering and magical aura, while the hole in the hedges does not.
your course drifting. Arcana (DC 21): The magic is hard to classify,
When the characters enter the maze, read: perhaps because it affects the mind. Maybe the dead
The maze walls are thick hedges more than a dozen feet The characters travel a circuitous route before find- branches are less physical trouble than they seem.
high, bristling with needlelike thorns. Abundant tiny red ing their way. Each character loses a healing surge
roses, yellow roses, and white roses bloom on the hedges, fill- and must make a DC 13 Endurance check. Failure The characters can try Crossing the Dead Wall or
ing each corridor with a sweet smell. Soon, the main route on the check subjects the character to the effect of the take their chances with Holes in the Hedges.
branches into three separate passageways. White roses line yellow rose perfume.
the eastern passage, with yellow roses to the north and red
roses to the south. Yellow Rose Perfume
Crossing the Dead Wall
Effect: The target takes a –2 penalty to Perception checks The dead wall of thorns is a solid illusion, treacher-
ous only to those who believe in it. Characters have
T hree Paths
until the end of the next encounter. Until then, whenever
the target is bloodied, it is also slowed (save ends). some options to cross it—each character must make a
Here the characters can choose whether to enter the check. Those who try to cross the dead wall by flying
Eastern Path, the Northern Path, or the South- Southern Path (Red) or teleporting must attempt the Insight check.
ern Path. After the chosen path is resolved, go to Acrobatics (DC 21): Avoiding thorns, the charac-
If the characters choose this path, read:
Obstacles. ter squeezes through gaps in the branches.
At first, the path of red roses seems to lead directly into the
Nature (DC 13): Red and white roses here give Arcana (DC 21): Manipulating the magic of the
heart of the maze. But as you travel, the sickly sweet per-
off a heavy scent. The yellow roses just smell sweet. wall, the character passes through, granting a +2
fume overcomes your senses, sending you off course.
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Session 11: Garden Defenders Three of Soryth’s blue-skinned xivort lackeys also lurk
here, along with one of the gray-skinned boggles. These fey
Encounter Level 4 hoot and cheer as the humans move forward.
The Garden Setup Insight (DC 13): The humans seem calm, as if
In the previous session, the characters navigated the they are wandering in a dream. Their eyes are glazed.
hedge maze and used the sundial to leave the maze 1 boggle body snatcher (B)
for parts unknown. In this session, they arrive in the 2 human berserkers (H) Characters begin in the start area. The creatures
palace garden, where they must deal with the garden 1 xivort shadow caller (C) attack immediately, but see “Development.”
defenders and figure out how to enter the palace. 2 xivort slashers (S)
4 musical bowers (M)
When everyone is ready to begin, read: Development
When the spinning stops, you find yourselves in a short When the characters enter the garden, read: Human Berserkers: These brothers, Hamish
tunnel of white stone. Behind you, through two wrought Two burly, red-headed humans approach the gate. Each and Argus, are from Crystalbrook, and Soryth’s fey
iron gates, the ironwork shaped like an elaborate labyrinth, is clad in leather and has a golden circlet upon his head, magic is controlling them. Crystalbrookers recognize
is a meadow, a lake, and the Water Palace. Ahead sprawls which seems out of place. The hefty axe in each one’s hands, the two as members of the original search party who
a lush walled garden, exploding with color. Flowers of every however, seems fitting. were not found among the dead in the Cave of Mud
variety bloom in dreamlike hues beneath countless hovering (page 74). Sildaine characters might recognize the
butterflies. The flowers’ fragrant perfume f loats in the still 2 Xivort Slashers (S) Level 1 Skirmisher two (History DC 9).
air like the faint, sweet music that plays from the corner Small fey humanoid
bowers where the garden’s walls intersect. HP 26; Bloodied 13 Initiative +4 2 Human Berserkers (H) Level 4 Brute
AC 15, Fortitude 12, Reflex 13, Will 13 Perception +1 Medium natural humanoid
A shallow, mirrorlike pool filled with golden fish spans
Speed 5 Darkvision HP 66; Bloodied 33 Initiative +4
the garden’s middle. To either side of the pool, walkways Standard Actions AC 16, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +2
of stones and pebbles create straight avenues around the m Short Sword (weapon) F At-Will Speed 7
flowerbeds, eventually converging at another gate on the Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Standard Actions
opposite end of the pool. The far gate closes off a marble Hit: 1d6 + 5 damage. m Greataxe F At-Will
stairway that leads to the silvery double doors of a magnifi- r Dagger (weapon) F At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
cent white palace, which towers above the glorious scene. Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +6 vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + 9 damage, or 1d12 + 21 if the berserker scores
Hit: 1d4 + 3 damage. a critical hit.
Suddenly, it becomes apparent that you are not alone in
Triggered Actions R Handaxe F At-Will
the garden. Cunning Step F At-Will Attack: Ranged 5/10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher is hit by an Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage.
Continue with the Garden Defenders tactical attack. Triggered Actions
encounter. Effect (Free Action): The slasher shifts 1 square. Battle Fury F Encounter
Shadow Step (teleportation) F At-Will Trigger: The berserker is first bloodied.
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the slasher hits it. Effect (Free Action): The berserker can charge. After it
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The slasher teleports to another charges or chooses not to, it uses greataxe with a +4
square adjacent to the triggering enemy. bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll.
Skills Bluff +5, Stealth +7 Skills Athletics +11, Endurance +10
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1) Str 18 (+6) Dex 14 (+4) Wis 11 (+2)
Con 10 (+0) Int 10 (+0) Cha 11 (+0) Con 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3)
Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven Alignment unaligned Languages Common
Equipment leather armor, short sword, 4 daggers Equipment leather armor, greataxe, 2 handaxes
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
When Hamish or Argus is first bloodied, he snaps In any event, Soryth’s magic prohibits Hamish and Human Berserkers: Hamish and Argus engage
out of his charmed state, and after that a Bluff, Diplo- Argus from joining the fight on the characters’ side, in toe-to-toe fighting until circumstances dictate oth-
macy, or Intimidate check (DC 15) can cause him to but if properly influenced, they cease fighting and erwise (see “Development” above).
cease fighting. The brothers recognize Crystalbrook- move away from the fray.
ers instantly, granting such characters a +4 bonus to
these checks. Tuathans and barbarians, with whom
the brothers feel a kinship, gain a +2 bonus to these
Boggle Body Snatcher: This creature tries to use B
body snatch on the mightiest adventurer. It leaves a
boggle sweat stain in any place an enemy might have to S
Boggle Body Snatcher (B) Level 5 Controller move through.
Small fey humanoid
HP 61; Bloodied 30 Initiative +7 Xivort Shadow Caller (C) Level 2 Artillery (Leader)
AC 19, Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 15 Perception +9 Small fey humanoid
Speed 6, climb 6 Darkvision HP 32; Bloodied 16 Initiative +3
Resist 5 fire AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +6
Traits Speed 5 Darkvision
Dimensional Window Standard Actions
The boggle can make Thievery checks against any creature m Dagger (weapon) F At-Will
within 10 squares of it that it is aware of. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC H
Standard Actions Hit: 1d4 + 4 damage.
m Claw F At-Will r Shadow Phantoms (fear, implement, psychic) F At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +10 vs. AC Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Will, with a +1
Hit: 2d6 + 6 damage. bonus per creature adjacent to the target
R Body Snatch (charm) F Recharge 4 5 6 Hit: 1d8 + 4 psychic damage, and the target grants combat Start
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +8 vs. Will advantage until the end of the shadow caller’s next turn.
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). Until the target R Deathmark Bolt (implement, necrotic) F Recharge 4
saves against this effect, the boggle is removed from 56
play, and the target gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Will
damage rolls. When the effect ends, the boggle returns Hit: 1d8 + 4 necrotic damage, and one of the shadow call- H
to play in an unoccupied space of its choice within 5 er’s allies adjacent to the target can make a melee basic
squares of the target. attack against the target as a free action.
Move Actions R Shadow Strangler (implement) F Encounter
Dimension Hop (teleportation) F At-Will Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +7 vs. Reflex
Effect: The boggle teleports up to 3 squares. Hit: The target is immobilized and takes ongoing 5 damage
Minor Actions (save ends both). C
Boggle Sweat Stain F At-Will (1/round) Triggered Actions
Effect: The boggle’s current square is greased until the end Shadow Step (teleportation) F At-Will
of the encounter. Whenever any creature other than a Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the shadow caller hits it.
boggle willingly enters the greased square, that creature Effect (Immediate Reaction): The shadow caller teleports to S
falls prone. another square adjacent to the triggering enemy.
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +12, Thievery +12 Str 11 (+1) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 11 (+1)
Str 15 (+4) Dex 20 (+7) Wis 14 (+4) Con 14 (+3) Int 17 (+4) Cha 16 (+4)
Con 13 (+3) Int 5 (–1) Cha 6 (+0) Alignment evil Languages Common, Elven
Alignment evil Languages Common, Goblin Equipment dagger, wand
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
Xivort Shadow Caller: This creature maneuvers came to the muddy cave, the mud men divided and Queen’s court. A person who openly wears this flower
to keep allies between itself and enemies. overwhelmed the party members. Cut off from the is often regarded as a friend of the fey.
Xivort Slashers: These creatures attempt to pro- others, Hamish and Argus retreated farther into the
vide flanking for the other melee combatants. cavern. They successfully passed through the Crystal
Cave’s waterfall.
Musical Bowers
Soft music plays from the crystal bowers in the cor-
Features of the Area When they came to the fairy ring, they went on.
Soon after, they ran afoul of Kalbon, who surprised ners of the garden, where tiny crystals are embedded
Illumination: Bright daylight. and defeated them without any help. Then, the fiend in the walls. Cushioned seats carved in the walls here
Musical Bowers (M): Sweet, soporific music brought them to the hag. She ensorcelled the two, invite rest and sleep.
plays from the corner bowers. Any creature that and everything since has been like a nightmare that Perception (DC 13): Music here sounds just like
moves adjacent to or into a bower’s square can gain 5 escapes clear memory. the song of the crystals from the Crystal Cave, but
temporary hit points, but if it does so, it grants combat The brothers can describe Kalbon (page 115), who here in the Feywild, instead of tinkling crystalline
advantage until the end of its next turn. usually lurks in the palace’s grand hall. They warn notes, it seems as though a chorus of tiny voices is
Flowerbeds: Once per flowerbed, the first time that he is an awesome fighter who grows tougher if he humming this melody.
a creature enters the bed, dozens of butterflies take severely wounds (bloodies) or knocks his foes uncon- Arcana (DC 13): The music is magical, and it con-
wing, rendering the area lightly obscured until the scious. When he is injured, he is capable of setting tains a restful, healing charm. Taking a brief respite
end of the triggering creature’s next turn. the air near him on fire. here could energize you and your companions.
Pool: This shallow water is difficult terrain.
Walls: The garden walls are 30 feet high and con-
structed of smooth, white stone (Athletics DC 25 to Features of If the party takes a short rest here, each character
regains 5 extra hit points for each healing surge he or
climb). Anyone who climbs over the wall to the out- the G arden she spends. At the end of the short rest, each charac-
side ends up back inside the garden. ter must attempt an Endurance check (DC 9).
The garden contains the following features. Point If half or more of the characters succeed: The
Conclusion them out as the characters explore. Back through the
entry tunnel, the iron gates leading outside the palace
temptation to rest longer is strong, but the characters
rouse themselves.
The characters can continue to explore the garden. grounds are magically locked. At present, they cannot If fewer than half of the characters succeed:
Have them do so (continue with Hamish and Argus) be opened. The music of the bowers lulls the characters into
before they take a short rest. a hypnotic trance. Each character grants combat
H amish and A rgus Flowerbeds advantage until the end of his or her first turn in the
Horned King tactical encounter in session 12.
The flowerbeds that flank the pool contain blooms of
The two berserker brothers might be a source of every color and kind imaginable, arranged in pleas-
information if they both survived the encounter. If ing patterns and covered in butterflies. If they search Palace Doors
one brother died, the survivor is inconsolable. He the flowerbeds, the characters might find a special The mirrored doors at the opposite end of the pool
ignores the party, unless he is somehow compelled to flower that can help them in the next session. from where the characters entered are the only
speak, and mutters about the doom that searching for Perception (DC 21): In one of the flowerbeds is apparent way into the Palace of Spires. The upper
Orlando brought down on everyone. If both brothers an extraordinary flower that slowly changes color. stories of the palace along this side of the garden
survived, they have a story to tell, which goes like this. Uma wore such a flower as a decoration on her gown. (Athletics DC 25 to climb) have dozens of long win-
The search party from Crystalbrook found the Arcana (DC 13): This flower is a rare Senaliesse dows, but they are constructed of raw force and do
Crystal Cave and managed to avoid the ochre jelly. chrysanthemum, said to grow in the Summer not permit entry.
(They encountered no echo spirit.) When the party
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
Session 12: the white marble to glow. In the room, upon a large, ornate
rug, four chairs stand around a table set with a crystal
Horned K ing
decanter and four glasses. At the other end of the hall, Encounter Level 4 or 5
Grand Hall twin jets of water burst from a circular fountain and spiral
through the air, as though the water is alive. Two doors exit
The characters start this session just as they are about the chamber, one to the left and another to the right. From
to enter the palace proper. In this session, the players the left door comes the squawking of birds. Kalbon, Horned King (K)
can use the map to visualize which areas of the grand As you move to enter the hall, the female elf warrior 2 caryatid columns (C)
hall they are exploring. statues that f lank the door again intone, in perfect unison, 2 pixie archers (P)
“Enter in peace.”
S olving the H all Soryth senses that intruders are meddling with the
magic binding the fountain. She sends Kalbon to
Characters who try to pass while wielding weapons
This session contains a few puzzles that unlock areas check on what is happening, and he and his slaves
or implements encounter an invisible barrier of force
and events. Here is a summary of what the characters arrive as soon as the characters reenter the Entry
that prevents them from entering. Those who stow
must do. Hall after solving the first of the puzzles. Caryatid col-
all such items in a sheath, scabbard, pouch or other
1. Stow weapons and implements in the Entry Hall container can enter the hall freely. Only a staff, which umns become apparent when they act, which is only
in order to gain admission to the palace. might be used for walking, is exempt. Each time after a character draws a weapon or an implement;
2. Teach the birds in the Master Bedroom the song someone tries to enter with a forbidden item drawn, see “Tactics.”
of the crystals. the warrior statues repeat, “Enter in peace.”
Just after the characters reenter the hall, read:
3. Remove the soot and blood from the sun mosaic in From the inverted water surface above, a dark figure plum-
the Steward’s Quarters. When the characters enter the grand hall, read:
The furniture in this room is of the same make as the fur- mets into the hall. The scent of brimstone precedes this
nishings found in the Crystal Cave and the Water Palace. bulky, orange-skinned humanoid, who has massive arms,
When the characters accomplish either the second or batlike wings, and a thorny hide. As he lands, his burning
the third task and return to the Entry Hall, begin the On the table, the decanter and the glasses emit the same
tinkling melody that sounded in the Crystal Cave. eyes fall on you.
Horned King tactical encounter, below. When the “You are too late, fools,” he says, “but I welcome you.
characters have accomplished both the second and You’re just in time to die.”
third tasks and returned to the Entry Hall, go to The Dungeoneering (DC 9): The decanter and the
glasses must have been carved from perfect pieces of Pixies armed with bows drop out of the water after him,
Fountain, page 116. falling only to be caught in fountain water and placed,
the crystal from the Crystal Cave.
flying, just above the floor.
E ntry H all The singing glasses and the decanter are valuable (50
gp per character). They are the “rocks” that can be Insight (DC 9): The pixies wear the glazed look of
The characters start outside the Palace of Spires.
used to teach the birds in the Master Bedroom to all the fey slaves of Kalbon and Soryth.
When everyone is ready to begin, read: sing (see page 116).
If the caryatid columns activate, read:
At the top of the stairs that lead to the mirrored doors, a
The carved columns that flank the palace doors change
smaller set of steps goes into a grand hall beyond. Even
from statues to lifelike humanoids. Each one’s scimitar
from outside, you can tell the hall is a place of air and light.
turns to steel. These beings of stone march toward you.
Broad rays of sunlight stream from skylights above, causing
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
Beyond the Crystal Cave
Features of the Area Kalbon, Horned King (K) Level 4 Elite Brute (Leader)
Medium immortal humanoid (devil), cambion
Illumination: Bright light. HP 132; Bloodied 66 Initiative +4
Doors: The outer doors are open; the inner doors AC 16, Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 15 Perception +8
are as the characters left them. Speed 6, fly 6 Darkvision
Fountain: The fountain is difficult terrain. Due to Resist 10 fire
the spiraling water, a creature standing in the foun- Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
tain treats all squares beyond the fountain as if they Traits
O Burning Anger F Aura 1
were lightly obscured.
P While Kalbon is bloodied, any enemy that ends its turn
Furniture: The furnishings are difficult terrain. within the aura takes 5 fire damage.
Statues: These figures are blocking terrain. Clumsy Flier
Kalbon takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls while flying.
Development Devilish Tactics
An ally flanking with Kalbon deals 1d6 extra damage.
Pixies: The characters could have been merciful K Triumphant Surge
to the leprechaun in Session 4, merciful to Ariel in Kalbon gains 10 temporary hit points each time he blood-
Session 7, and merciful to Hamish and Argus Ses- ies an enemy or reduces an enemy to 0 hit points or fewer.
sion 11. A character might be wearing the Senaliesse Standard Actions
chrysanthemum from Session 11. If any two of these
C m Slam F At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
possibilities are true, the charm on the pixies breaks Hit: 2d8 + 6 damage.
M Gore F At-Will
2 Pixie Archers (P) Level 2 Artillery P Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC
Tiny fey humanoid Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and Kalbon pushes the target up to
HP 30; Bloodied 15 Initiative +4 2 squares.
AC 16, Fortitude 13, Reflex 15, Will 14 Perception +8 M Relentless Advance F At-Will
Speed 4, fly 6 (altitude limit 1) Low-light vision Effect: Kalbon uses gore, then shifts up to 2 squares to a
Standard Actions square adjacent to an enemy, and then uses slam. If he
m Rapier (weapon) F At-Will hits the same target with both attacks, he knocks that
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +7 vs. AC target prone.
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage. C Horned King’s Assault F Recharge when first bloodied
r Longbow (weapon) F At-Will Requirement: Kalbon must move to a square adjacent to the
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +9 vs. AC blast’s origin square during the same turn he uses this
Hit: 1d10 + 4 damage. before combat begins. They call the characters power.
Fey Shot (weapon) F Recharge 5 6 “friends of the fey” and flee the encounter, despite the Attack: Close blast 3 (enemies in the blast); +9 vs. AC
Effect: The pixie uses longbow twice. Horned King’s threats to catch and eat them. Hit: 2d10 + 4 damage, and Kalbon pushes the target up to
A Pixie Dust (charm) F Encounter Otherwise, when each pixie is first bloodied, 2 squares and knocks the target prone.
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (creatures in the burst); +7 it snaps out of its charmed state (Insight DC 9 to Effect: Kalbon shifts to a square on the edge of the blast at
vs. Reflex least 3 squares from the origin square.
notice). Afraid of Kalbon, it keeps fighting. A char-
Hit: The target is dazed and gains no benefit from conceal- Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +11, Intimidate +10
ment or invisibility until the end of the pixie’s next turn.
acter who succeeds on a DC 13 Bluff, Diplomacy, or
Str 18 (+6) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Skills Stealth +9 Intimidate check can influence a pixie to stop fight- Con 16 (+5) Int 12 (+3) Cha 17 (+5)
Str 6 (–1) Dex 17 (+4) Wis 14 (+3) ing. Soryth’s power still prevents the pixies from Alignment evil Languages Common, Supernal
Con 12 (+2) Int 12 (+2) Cha 12 (+2) helping the characters.
Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Elven When they stop fighting, the pixies fly out of the
Equipment leather armor, rapier, longbow, 20 arrows hall and into the garden.
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
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Beyond the Crystal Cave
It will quickly become apparent to the DM that this is no ordinary adventure. It is possible for a group of
1st level characters to wander gently through the garden and succeed where a bullying group of 8th level of Dungeons & Dragons Encounters™ play. Like
characters could well fail. Diplomacy and tact will win the day where violence and aggression will lose it. the original module, this version focuses on interac-
Normally the DM would reward experience points in relation to the number and type of monsters killed. tion, puzzle-solving, mood, flavor, and story elements.
It is strongly suggested that for this adventure experience points are awarded on a different basis. Success Although it follows the structure of the original, it
in an encounter with garden creatures may be judged as acquiring information or help without fighting and adds villains into the mix.
without antagonising the individual or group. In some cases this will prove extremely difficult. After suc- Due to the nature of the adaptation, this adventure
cessful encounters (usually an encounter can be considered successful if the party leaves the monsters on is somewhat atypical of the Dungeons & Dragons
friendly terms) players may be awarded experience points as if they had overcome the monster(s). In making Encounters seasons that preceded it, and the most
judgments, the DM should use his customary discretion, probably using as a yardstick the attitude of players successful groups will likely be the ones in which the
during encounters. players and the DM focus on a more immersive play
. . . the whole scenario will be a sore temptation to many players to behave in an aggressive fashion— experience exploring the world, the puzzles, and the
killing every monster in sight and taking their treasure. This kind of behaviour will yield them little in this story, rather than the tried-and-true combat of the
adventure. week. As it was in UK1, so it is in this adaptation of
. . . To conclude this introduction, the authors wish you well in running “Beyond the Crystal Cave” and Beyond the Crystal Cave.
they sincerely hope you have fun doing so. The adventure is designed to be both amusing and irritating to
players, though simply amusing to the Dungeon Master.
Fe b r u a r y 2 013 | D U N G E O N 211
By Claudio Pozas By Gary Gygax & Andy Collins
Stripped of your armor and weapons, you are Ten years after the fall of the Temple of Elemental
cast into a maze of thickets and hunted like Evil, the village of Hommlet still lives in dangerous
rabbits. If you want revenge, you must first survive times. Bandits and strange monsters are gathering
Yeenoghu’s evil hunters. A D&D® adventure for at a ruined moathouse on the village’s outskirts,
characters of levels 5–7. and brave adventurers are needed to clear it out.
This 4th Edition D&D adventure for characters of
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COURT OF THE DARK PRINCE module T1, The Village of Hommlet by Gary Gygax.
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sway. Descend into the Abyss, if you dare! A D&D
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