Fire On The Mountain TITLE PAGES
Fire On The Mountain TITLE PAGES
Fire On The Mountain TITLE PAGES
By Anita Desai
Fazeela Mukhtiar
Department of English
Govt. Post Graduate Islamia College for Women Cooper Road, Lahore
Department of English
Multiple Social Hegemonies in Fire On The Mountain
By Anita Desai
Fazeela Mukhtiar
Department of English
This is certify that the research work described in this thesis submitted by Ms. Fazeela Mukhtiar
to the Department of English, Lahore College for Women University has been carried out under
my direct supervision. I have personally gone through the raw data and clarify the correctness
and authenticity of all results reported herein. I further certify that thesis data have not been used
in parts or full, in a manuscript already submitted or in a process submission in partial or
complete fulfillment of the award of any other degree from any other institution or home or
abroad. It is also certified that the enclosed manuscript, has been too paid under my supervision
and I endorse its evaluation for the reward of BS Degree through the official procedure of the
Name of Supervisor
Date ________________________
Verified By
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Department of _________________
Date _________________________
Controller of Examintaion
The Thesis is dedicated to:
The savior of my Soul, Our Messenger Mohammad (May Allah bless and grand him),
First of all, I thank to Allah Almighty for showing his blessings upon me. Words are fail to
express my feelings of the gratitude, indebtedness and reverence to my esteemed teacher and
research supervisor Miss Farzana Javed, who always took keen interest in my research work. She
has always been a source of inspiration to me and without her scholarly guidance and
encouraging attitude, the thesis would not have been completed. It has been associated the person
of her caliber.
Last but not the least, some deepest thanks go to all people who took part in making this thesis
Abstract 1
Chapter 2 -Introductions 2
Chapter 2 -Literature Review 8
Research Significance 13
Research Objective 13
Research Questions 14
Chapter 3 -Methodology 15
-Social Hegemonies on Nandakaul, Raka, Iladas 16
Chapter 4 -Male Hegemonies in Fire on the Mountain 26
Chapter 5 -Conclusion 34
Work cited