Case Study-1: International Business Dynamics
Case Study-1: International Business Dynamics
Case Study-1: International Business Dynamics
Four senior executives of the world's largest firms with extensive holdings outside the home country speak.
Company A: "We are a multinational firm. We distribute our products in about 100 countries. We manufacture in over 17
countries and do research and development in three countries. We look at all new investment projects both domestic and
overseas using exactly the same criteria".
The execution from company A continues, 'of course most of the key posts in our subsidiaries are held by home-country
nationals. Whenever replacements for these men are sought, it Is the practice, if not the policy to look next to you at the
head office and pick someone (usually a home country national) you know and trust".
Company B: "We are a multinational firm. Only 1 percent of the personnel in our affiliate companies are non-national.
Most off these are (JS executives in temporary assignments. ‘In all major markets, the affiliates managing director is of
the local nationality".
He continues, "Of course there are very few non-Americans in the key posts at headquarters. The few we have are so
Americanized that we usually do not notice their nationality. Unfortunately, you cannot find good foreigners who are
willing to live in the United States, were out headquarters is located. American executives are more mobile. In addition,
Americans have the drive and initiative we like. In fact, the European nationals would prefer to report to an American
rather than to some other European".
Company C: '"We are a multinational firm. Our product division executives have worldwide profit responsibility. As our
organizational chart shows, the United States is just one region on a par with Europe, Latin America, Africa, etc., in each
The executives from company C goes to explain "the worldwide product division concept is rather difficult to implement.
The senior executives in charge of these divisions have little overseas experience. They have been promoted from
domestic posts and tend to view foreign consumer needs as really basically the same as ours. Also, product division
executives tend to focus on the domestic market because the domestic market is larger and generates more revenue than
the fragmented foreign markets. The rewards are for global performance, but strategy
is to focus on domestic. Most of our senior executives simply do not understand what happens overseas and really do not
trust foreign executives, even those In key positions".
Company D (non-American): "We are a multinational firm; we have at least 18 nationalities represented at our
headquarters. Most senior executives speak at least two languages. About 30 percent of our staff at headquarters are
He continues by explaining that "since the voting shareholders must by law come from the home country, the home
country's interest must be given careful consideration. But we are proud of our nationality; we should not be ashamed of
it. In fact, many times we have been reluctant to use home country ideas overseas, to our determent, specially in our U.S.
subsidiary. Our country produces good executives, who tend to stay with us a long time. It is harder to keep executives
from the United States.