CDF - Intensive Programming (CPEN-1122)

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Department of

Electrical Engineering

CPEN-1122 Intensive Programming

Pre-Requisite Introduction to Computing

Theory/Lab Theory
Course Instructor Engr. Affifa Adeeb, Lecturer, EE
Email [email protected]
Office First Floor, Electrical Engineering Building, KFUEIT.
Office Hours Monday: 12:00 to 16:00, Thursday: 12:00 to 16:00
Lab Instructor Lab Engineer, EE

Course Outlines
This course is about learning and implementing the fundamentals of Computer Programming.
The aim of this course is to understand the basics of computer programming in C++ language.
Students will be able to apply the basic programming structures using C++ language. The
course will cover: fundamentals of computer programming, arrays and collections, recursion,
operators and functions, pointers, operator overloading, inheritance, polymorphism and
implementation of classes and structures.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

CLO Description Domain PLO

CLO-1 Solve problems using loops, arrays, functions, pointers, structures, C-3 PLO-3
and file handling.
CLO-2 compute the output and identify logical and syntax errors C-3 PLO-2

CLO-3 To use modern programming compilers/tools in complex C-3 PLO-5


Mapping of CLOs to Assessment Modules

Assessment Module CLO-1 CLO-2 CLO-3
Quizzes √ √ √
Assignments √ √ √
Mid-Term Exam √ √ √
Final Term Exam √ √ √
Weekly Lecture Plan
Week Topics Covered
01 Revision of Control Statements
02 Revision of Loops
03 Revision of functions
04 Introduction to Classes, Objects and strings
05 Functions and introduction to recursion
06 Introduction to arrays
07 Class template array and vector
08 Revision
09 Mid-Term Exam
10 Pointer variable declaration and initialization
11 Pointer operators, pass by reference with pointers
12 Operator overloading: Class string
13 Overloading binary operators
14 Overloading unary operators
15 Inheritance: Basic classes and derived classes
16 Relationship between base and derived classes
17 Introduction to polymorphism
18 Final Term Exam

Text/Reference Books
Text books:
1. C++ How To Program by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, 9th ED
2. Introduction to Programming with C++ by Daniel Liang, 2nd / 3rd Edition
Reference books:
1. Let Us C by Yashwant P. Kanetkar (5th Ed)
2. Any basic programming book or tutorials, especially in the C++ Programming Language
3. Object Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore. Administrative

Grading Policy (Theory)

Sessional 20%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 50%

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