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Openas2 Server Application

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OpenAS2 Server Application

Table of Contents
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Glossary............................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Installing OpenAS2.......................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. System Requirements............................................................................................................... 3
3.2. Installing Application................................................................................................................3
3.3. Tuning Java............................................................................................................................... 4
4. Configuration Overview................................................................................................................... 5
5. Application Configuration................................................................................................................ 5
5.1. AS2 Message Tracking............................................................................................................. 6
5.2. Overriding Certificate Store Password..................................................................................... 8
5.3. Resend Retry Configuration..................................................................................................... 8
5.4. File Name Parsing.....................................................................................................................9
5.5. Using A Proxy Server............................................................................................................... 9
5.6. Health Check For High Availability Deployment...................................................................10
6. Partner Configuration..................................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Partner Definition....................................................................................................................11
6.2. Partnership Definition............................................................................................................. 11
6.2.1. Signing............................................................................................................................ 12
6.2.2. Encryption....................................................................................................................... 12
6.3. Configuring the AS2 Message ID........................................................................................... 12
6.4. Transfer Encoding...................................................................................................................12
6.5. Supported Encoding Algorithms.............................................................................................12
6.6. Message Compression............................................................................................................ 13
6.7. Custom Mime Headers........................................................................................................... 13
6.7.1. Static Header Values....................................................................................................... 13
6.7.2. Dynamic Header Values From File Name...................................................................... 13
Delimiter Mode................................................................................................................14
Regular Expression Mode................................................................................................15
6.7.3. Adding Custom Headers To HTTP................................................................................. 15
6.8. Setting Dynamic Attributes From File Name......................................................................... 15
7. Certificate Configuration................................................................................................................16
7.1. My Certificates....................................................................................................................... 17
7.1.1. Creating Certificates And Importing Into OpenAS2 Keystore.......................................17
7.1.2. Creating Public Certificate For Sending To Partner........................................................18
7.1.3. Supporting Multiple Certificates.....................................................................................18
7.2. Partner Certificates................................................................................................................. 19
8. Logging System..............................................................................................................................19
8.1. Log Output Targets................................................................................................................. 19
8.1.1. Console Logger............................................................................................................... 19
8.1.2. File Logger...................................................................................................................... 19
8.1.3. Email Logger...................................................................................................................20
8.1.4. Socket Logger................................................................................................................. 20
8.1.5. Sentry Logger..................................................................................................................20
8.2. Log Level Configuration........................................................................................................ 20
8.3. Log Date Format Configuration............................................................................................. 21
9. MDN Configuration....................................................................................................................... 21
9.1. Asynchronous MDN Receiver Configuration.........................................................................22
9.2. Asynchronous MDN Sender Configuration............................................................................22
10. Configuring HTTPS Transport..................................................................................................... 22
10.1. Inbound Transfers................................................................................................................. 22
10.2. Outbound Transfers...............................................................................................................22
11. Running OpenAS2........................................................................................................................23
11.1. Starting OpenAS2................................................................................................................. 23
11.2. Command Entry.................................................................................................................... 25
11.3. Automated Launching As UNIX Daemon............................................................................ 26
11.3.1. INIT.D Service.............................................................................................................. 26
11.3.2. SYSTEMD Service....................................................................................................... 27
12. Testing OpenAS2 Transfers..........................................................................................................27
12.1. Using HTTPS Transport....................................................................................................... 27
13. Troubleshooting OpenAS2........................................................................................................... 28
13.1. Canonicalization For MIC Algorithm...................................................................................28
13.2. Binary Encoding................................................................................................................... 28
13.3. HTTP Restricted Headers..................................................................................................... 29
13.4. CMS Algorithm Protection................................................................................................... 29
13.5. SSL Certificate Exceptions................................................................................................... 29
13.6. Java Versions Prior To 1.6.....................................................................................................31
13.7. Mime Body Part Logging..................................................................................................... 31
13.8. TLSv1.2................................................................................................................................ 31
13.9. HTTP Read Timeout Errors.................................................................................................. 31
13.10. Out Of Memory And File Size Issues................................................................................. 32
13.11. File System Issues...............................................................................................................32
14. Partner AS2 Compatibility Settings..............................................................................................32
15. Remote Control............................................................................................................................ 32
16. Dynamic Variables........................................................................................................................33
17. Appendix: config.xml file structure..............................................................................................35
18. Appendix: partnership.xml file structure...................................................................................... 43
19. Appendix: command.xml file structure........................................................................................ 45
20. Appendix: Updating database structure........................................................................................45
21. Appendix: Creating database DDL for external databases........................................................... 46
22. Appendix: Upgrading................................................................................................................... 47
23. Appendix: Clustering and Load Balancing...................................................................................47
24. Appendix: Maven Artifacts...........................................................................................................49

1. Introduction
The OpenAS2 application enables you to transmit and receive AS2 messages with EDI-X12,
EDIFACT, XML, or binary payloads between trading partners. The AS2 implementation conforms
with RFC4130 supporting the 1.1 specification.
This document describes how to install, configure and use OpenAS2. An appendix provides
information on upgrade procedures as new versions of the application are released.
In this document a partner can be either your own company or a company you will be exchanging
data with using AS2.
The sample configurations in this document are based on Unix type OS but in general the only
significant difference is that it may be necessary to use “\” instead of “/” for folder name separators
on Windows based machines but because the application is Java it should work fine leaving the “/”
for the most part as Java will do the conversion if necessary.
This document is valid for version 2.4.0 and up.

2. Glossary
EDI – Electronic Data Interchange
MDN - Message Disposition Notification

3. Installing OpenAS2
3.1. System Requirements
To be able to run the OpenAS2, you will need:
1. Java™ installed on the machine you intend to run the OpenAS2 server on – this document
uses Java 1.6.
2. The OpenAS2 package version you wish to use. The downloadable packages can be found
here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/openas2/files

3. Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) policy files - you can download the correct version
from the Java website. Search “Java Cryptography Extension Unlimited Strength“ to find
the right cryptography extension for your version of Java. The current link for Java8 is here.

3.2. Installing Application

The following steps will provide an installed app on a target machine:
1. Unzip the downloaded OpenAS2 package into a suitable location, which we will refer to as
NOTE: Typical values for <install_dir> locations are /opt/OpenAS2 under Linux®/Unix or C:\OpenAS2 under Microsoft®

2. For the encryption and certificate management to work correctly, you must have the proper
JCE policy files installed in your version of Java (see system requirements above). The
downloaded zip archive contains the two files local_policy.jar and
US_export_policy.jar. Install them into your Java location under
<JAVA_HOME>/lib/security. Back up the existing files before installing these new
ones. There are numerous detailed articles on the web for installing these files if you need
more information.
The file structure will look something like the figure below without the data and logs folders which
are created automatically by the server when it starts based on configuration if they do not exist.
3.3. Tuning Java
The default settings for the Java virtual machine in the startup script (start_openas2.sh or
start_openas2.bat) will work for installations on most machines for low volume/small file size
transfers. However, if your system will be transferring large files you will need to increase memory
allocation. If you expect to support very high AS2 traffic you will need to increase memory
allocation and possibly tune the garbage collector to get reasonable performance.
How much you can increase memory allocation to Java will depend on how much RAM is installed
on the system running OpenAS2 and how many other processes will be running concurrently that
will also require memory. Most systems deploy with at least 8GB RAM these days so increasing
memory allocation from the default amount in the startup script should not cause adverse affects to
the system.
To increase memory allocation you need to increase the heap space. This is set using the -Xmx
option. You could increase this from the 384m (m = MB) default setting to 1g or 2g to get good
performance for larger files or busy systems and for very large files given enough RAM you can set
it to 6g or 8g. Search for “-Xmx” in the startup script and adjust accordingly.
For garbage collection you may want to allocate a more appropriate garbage collector than the
default parallel collector that is the default in Java. In Java 7 and up, the G1 collector is ideal if you
use large heap space allocation. To enable it add this to the command line parameter:
Based on basic internal testing and user feedback, the following are guidelines for setting your heap
space (Xmx):
• files up to 50MB – 384m
• files up to 150MB – 756m
• files up to 300MB - 2g
• files up to 500MB – 3g
• files up to 750MB - 4g

4. Configuration Overview
This section explains the details of the configuration files and how they link together.
The OpenAS2 server uses four files to configure and execute:
1. config.xml – configures the application such as the types of modules that are started, the
logging systems, command processors and global properties
2. partnerships.xml – configures the partners and partnerships. Provides the ability to specify
different signing and encryption algorithms, message compression, MDN handling etc
3. as2_certs.p12 – a PKCS12 keystore that stores the SSL certificates used to secure the
messages for all partners. It contains the primary key for your own company as well as the
public keys for all your trading partners
4. commands.xml – the application provides a way to enter commands to control and configure
the system whilst it is running either via the console or a remote tool (configured in the
config.xml file above). This file stores the commands that the application will support. This
file should not be modified
IMPORTANT: A restart of the application is required to load any configuration changes.
The folder containing the config.xml file defines the home configuration parameter that can be used
to reference other files on the file system relative to a known base folder in the app. This is done by
encapsulating home in percentage signs (%home%). All files can be referenced relative to this
parameter and it is how the default config.xml file defines the location of other configuration and
data file locations used by the OpenAS2 application.

5. Application Configuration
The file named “config.xml” configures the modules that will be activated by the AS2 server when
it starts up. This file can be located anywhere within the disk subsystem on which the OpenAS2
application runs as it is passed into the application as a startup parameter.
Some of the key configuration settings in the config.xml file are:
• define the modules to be activated in the OpenAS2 application

• override module default classes in the AS2 code base

• enhance or change behaviour of modules and the inputs and outputs of the modules.

• define the location of the certificates keystore and password

• define the location of the partnerships configuration file

• specify the listening ports

• enable support for high availability/load balanced environments

See appendices for a detailed definition of the config.xml file structure.

There are 2 listening ports for inbound connections (see partnerships.xml config for outbound
connections) used for:
1. receiving messages and synchronous MDN's – default port number 10080
2. receiving asynchronous MDN's - default port number 10081
The port numbers are arbitrary and defaulted to a number above 1024 that does not require root
access to listen on (normally on Unix type systems any port below 1024 requires root access). The
port values are important to the partner you will be communicating with if they will be sending AS2
messages to your system. For outbound only systems, it is only necessary to have a listener for
asynchronous MDN's if using that mechanism for MDN's.
Each module has a number of attributes that can be configured on the module element to control
and change how the module behaves.

5.1. AS2 Message Tracking

As of version 2.1.0 the system will track key events in the message transmission and reception
process and invokes any configured action handlers that can then process the information in some
way. The default deployment of OpenAS2 supports a database tracking module that will write the
message state to an embedded H2 database. As an AS2 message is processed, key points are logged
to the database for a given message as a single record. As the message reaches the next state, the
system overwrites the previous state.
The database tracking uses the module "org.openas2.processor.msgtracking.DbTrackingModule".
Configuration parameters for the database tracking functionality are shown in the table below.

Function Attribute Name Default Value

Database name db_name openas2
Database user name db_user sa
Database password db_pwd OpenAS2
Database file directory – used for db_directory %home%/config/DB
embedded database
Use Embedded Database use_embedded_db true
Escape character for SQL strings sql_escape_character ‘ (single quote)
JDBC connect string jdbc_connect_string jdbc:h2:$component.db_directory$/
JDBC Driver – not necessary if using jdbc_driver org.h2.Driver
at least JDBC 4.0
Function Attribute Name Default Value
Force loading of the JDBC driver force_load_jdbc_driver false
class. Use if there are issues with
Provide JDBC access to H2 via TCP tcp_server_start true
H2 Listening port for the JDBC access tcp_server_port 9092
H2 Password for the TCP server tcp_server_password openas2

Use of an external database can be configured for any database that has a JDBC driver such as
Oracle, MySql or Postgresql.
To use an external database:
• put the appropriate JDBC driver jar for the SQL system you want to use into the “lib” folder
of the OpenAS2 install
• the “use_embedded_db” attribute must be set to “false” and the appropriate settings
changed in the database tracking module XML.

Below is a sample configuration for using Postgresql database:

<module classname="org.openas2.processor.msgtracking.DbTrackingModule"

The user name and password can be changed using either a JDBC connection or the command line
tool as described below. It is recommended that a readonly user is added for reading data from the
To connect to the H2 database whilst OpenAS2 is running use this JDBC connect string:

To query the database from the command line, you must have OpenAS2 running then use this
java -cp [path to OpenAS2 install]/lib/h2-1.4.192.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -user sa -password OpenAS2 -url

There is a file named db_ddl.sql file located in the config folder that can be used to create the
necessary table structure if your DB becomes corrupted. The simplest way to recreate the database
table is using this command whilst OpenAS2 is running:
java -cp [path to OpenAS2 install]/lib/h2-1.4.192.jar org.h2.tools.RunScript -user sa -password OpenAS2 -url
jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/openas2 -script [path to OpenAS2 install]/config/db_ddl.sql

The above is for the version of H2 deployed with OpenAS2 version 2.1.0. If you use a different
version of H2 then change the jar name to reflect this.
NOTE: The version of H2 deployed with the application only works in Java 7 or higher. Download
the older version of H2 that was compiled with support for Java 1.6 if you wish to use Java 6:
2014-01-18.zip (Replace the jar in the OpenAS2 lib folder with that version and change the startup
script to include the replaced version of H2, delete the files in <installDir>/config/DB, restart
OpenAS2 server and recreate the database using the command referenced above).
See appendixes for information on creating external database DDL statements and updating the
existing database if the schema is changed in a new release.

5.2. Overriding Certificate Store Password

The certificate store password is stored as an XML attribute “password” on the <certificates>
element. This can be overridden using the system property “org.openas2.cert.Password”. For
improved security, it may not be desired to store the password in the XML file.
This can be passsed into the application by adding the following to the java command:
• -Dorg.openas2.cert.Password=myCertificateStorePassword

This can be set by using an additional parameter to the batch script file so that it can be set as part of
invoking the script. The UNIX shell script will support the password as a parameter. The Windows
bat file will need to be enhanced.

5.3. Resend Retry Configuration

When failures occur transferring a message to a trading partner, the system will automatically try to
resend the message. By default the system will retry indefinitely.
IMPORTANT: A message that is put into the retry queue will use exactly the same parameters
as when it was first sent. Therefore any changes to partnership such as destination URL,
Async MDN response URL, signing algorithm etc. for that message after the first attempt to
send the message will NOT be picked up by the message. The message must be deleted from
the resend queue if changes were needed in the partnership definition and the message resent
by passing in the file it was supposed to send again.
Restricting the retry attempts can be done at the processor level (applies to all partnerships
configured on the server) and at the partnership level. Partnership configuration will override
processor settings.
To define the processor level retry count, set the “resend_max_retries” attribute on the processor
element to a valid integer.
Example snippet:
<processor classname="org.openas2.processor.DefaultProcessor"
resend_max_retries="10" >
To define the partnership level retry count, set an attribute element on the partnership with name
attribute value as “resend_max_retries” and a value attribute element to a valid integer.
Example snippet:
<partnership name="OpenAS2A-to-OpenAS2B">
<attribute name="resend_max_retries" value="3"/>
<sender name="OpenAS2A"/>

5.4. File Name Parsing

The name of the file passed into the OpenAS2 application for sending to a remote partner can be
used to provide information to the AS2 handler that can be used to affect various aspects of how the
file is handled.
When the file is picked up for processing by the directory poller, it will look for an attribute named
“format” on the AS2DirectoryPollingModule component for that directory in the config.xml file.
This attribute is used to break the actual file name into multiple parts and the values assigned to the
relevant objects defined in the “format” attribute.
An example format in the config.xml is:
format=”sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, attributes.filename"
The above format will set the AS2 sender and receiver ID as well as the name of the file sent in the
AS2 message if configured to send a file name by tokenizing the file name using delimiters defined
in the “delimiter” attribute. The delimiters for tokenizing defaults to “-.” so the actual name of the
file as picked up from the file system will be parsed and split into tokens using either a dash (-) or a
period (.) and therefore using the above format, the name of the actual file would have to be in the
format XXX-YYY-ZZZ or XXX.YYY.ZZZ or any combination of dash or period and then the AS2
sender would be set to XXX, AS2 receiver to YYY and the name of the file as ZZZ. Any extra
string tokens will be discarded so for instance a file name of “X-Y-Z.edi” parsed against the format
string above would simply discard the “.edi” part of the file name. If you want the file name sent to
the remote partner to be Z.edi then the delimiter attribute value would just be “-”.
The file name can also be configured to be parsed on a per partnership basis if a partner requires a
different file name format to be sent or custom headers added to the AS2 message using partnership
attributes as defined in section 6.7.2Dynamic Header Values From File Name.

5.5. Using A Proxy Server

The application uses the java.net.HttpURLConnection class for HTTP communication and as such
should automatically use a proxy server if the appropriate system properties are set.
As of version 2.3.0, OpenAS2 also supports proxy server authentication and the setting of the proxy
server host, port, username and password via the properties in the config.xml file. The settings in
the config.xml will override any system properties passed in to the Java virtual machine from the
command line.
The following properties are supported in the config.xml file:
• http.proxyHost
• https.proxyHost
• http.proxyPort
• https.proxyPort
• http.proxyUser
• http.proxyPassword
To bypass the proxy for certain destination hosts you will need to use the system property
This is an example of a proxy server configuration using OpenAS2 properties for HTTP
<certificates classname="…

This article provides the basics:


5.6. Health Check For High Availability Deployment

As of version 2.4.0, a health check module is included in the OpenAS2 deployment.
In this release it provides very basic functionality in that it does not actually check the functionality
is working within the app but really only proves the app is running.
This module adds a listener on a specified HTTP or HTTPS port that can be invoked by a load
balancer or other application to check if the application is running.
This allows you to configure the load balancer to send an HTTP request to the configured port and
will return a 200 OK response. This will be enhanced in future releases to provide the ability for
each module to report on its own health and the health check module will then run a check for the
module health before returning a 200 OK response.
To enable the module you need to uncomment the definition at the bottom of the config.xml file
setting the port as appropriate for your environment. Below is the sample entry in the config.xml
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.HealthCheckModule" port="10099"/>

HTTPS transport can be configured as per section Configuring HTTPS Transport in this document.
See the appendix for notes on deploying OpenAS2 in a clustered/load balanced environment.
6. Partner Configuration
The file named partnerships.xml configures all the information relating to the partners you will be
exchanging data with. See the appendix for information on the structure of this file.
It is important to keep in mind that the word partner refers to any entity specified as a recipient or
sender of AS2 messages and includes your own company that you might be configuring the
application for.

Each partner will require the following entries in the file:

• a <partner> element – key information defining the partner

• a <partnership> element - key information for defining a partnership between 2 partners

Separate <partnership> elements are required for inbound and outbound data for a specific
partner pairing.
NOTE:It is necessary to have 2 elements even if data transfer is unidirectional.

6.1. Partner Definition

The <partner> element requires 3 attributes to enable AS2 partner identification:
1. partner name – this is the key to connect partnerships to a partner definition
2. AS2 identifier – this is the key for identifying the target/source partner and is included in
AS2 message headers to allow the receiving partner to identify the source of the message
and verify the target partner for the AS2 message. It is also used by the general directory
polling module to look up the partner names and hence the partnership definition where the
as2_id of the sender and receiver are part of the transferred file name.
3. X.509 certificate alias – identifies the alis of the certificates for this partner in the keystore.
The encryption and decryption of messages requires the partners public or private key as

6.2. Partnership Definition

The <partnership> element identifies a specific direction of AS2 message transfer from one partner
to another. The “name” attribute on the <partnership> element is not important but should be used
to clearly identify the intended use of the partnership definition. It is suggested the name value uses
the names of the source and destination partners something like xxx-to-yyy.
The <partnership> element encapsulates a number of child elements that are necessary to properly
configure a partnership:
• <sender name=”xxx”> - identifies the sending partner definition such that xxx must match
the “name” attribute of a <partner> element
• <receiver name=”yyy”> - identifies the receiving partner definition such that yyy must match
the “name” attribute of a <partner> element
• <as2_url> - a fully qualified URI that provides the connection string to the remote partner
for sending AS2 messages. If sending to another OpenAS2 server then the port number must
match the value configured in the config.xml file of the remote OpenAS2 server.
• <as2_mdn_to> - neccesary if an MDN response is required and can be any random string
but is most commonly configured with an email address

6.2.1. Signing
Signing is controlled by the “sign” attribute in the “partnership” element. Remove this element from
the partnership to send a message without signing.

6.2.2. Encryption
Encryption is controlled by the “encrypt” attribute in the “partnership” element. Remove this
element from the partnership to send a message without encryption.

6.3. Configuring the AS2 Message ID

The message ID used for uniquely identifying the message sent to a partner defaults to the
following format:

To change this globally for all partnership definitions, change the property in the config.xml file to
the desired format string using the attribute name “as2_message_id_format” in the “properties”
The message Id that is generated can be overridden on a partnership by partnership basis. To set it
for a particular partnership, add an attribute named "messageid" to the partnership definition and
use any dynamic parameters as specified in the dynamic parameters section of this document.
Something like this:
<partnership name="OpenAS2B-to-OpenAS2A">
<sender name="OpenAS2B"/>
<receiver name="OpenAS2A"/>
<attribute name="protocol" value="as2"/>
<attribute name="content_transfer_encoding" value="binary"/>
<attribute name="messageid" value="ACME-$date.yyyyMMddHHmmssZ$-$rand.UUID$"/>

6.4. Transfer Encoding

As of version 1.3.7, the default content transfer encoding uses “binary” if not explicitly overwritten
in the configuration. The default can be changed using the “content_transfer_encoding” attribute
in the partnership.xml file. If you experience issues with failing to verify a partners AS2 inbound
message because the message contains CR/LF data in it then you should switch to using “binary”
for the transfer encoding. The sample partnership file sets the transfer encoding to “binary” for both

6.5. Supported Encoding Algorithms

The currently supported encoding algorithms are:
• MD5
• SHA1
• SHA224
• SHA256
• SHA384
• SHA512
• 3DES
• AES128 (CBC mode)
• AES192 (CBC mode)
• AES256 (CBC mode)

6.6. Message Compression

The application supports inbound compression automatically. There is no configuration for this
option. To enable outbound compression requires setting “compression_type” attribute on the
partnership definition for the outbound configuration. The only supported
compression/decompression at this time is “ZLIB”. The default is no compression of sent messages.
By default compression will occur on the message body part prior to signing. The compression can
be configured to occur after signing using the “compression_mode” attribute on the partnership
definition for the outbound configuration. Set the attribute to “compress-after-signing” to enable
See partnership.xml appendix for configuration details.

6.7. Custom Mime Headers

Mime headers can be added to the outermost Mime body part for outbound messages and
additionally added to the HTPP headers. The outermost Mime body part will depend on
configuration of the partnership and could be the compressed, signed or encrypted part. In the case
of the encrypted part being the outermost mime body part, the HTTP headers will not be visible
until after decryption of the body part since encryption protects the content and the headers.

6.7.1. Static Header Values

Custom headers can be added as statically defined name/value pairs in a partnership
attribute where the name and the value are separated by a colon. Multiple static headers are
added using a semi-colon separated list between each name/value pair. The attribute name
for this is “custom_mime_headers” and a sample entry of 2 static headers is shown below:
<attribute name="custom_mime_headers" value="X-CustomRoute: X1Z34Y ; X-CustomShape:oblong"/>
Note that spaces before or after the “;” and “:” separators will be excluded.
6.7.2. Dynamic Header Values From File Name
Dynamic headers require 2 attributes to configure their behaviour and there are 2 different
modes of operation for extracting the value(s) for the defined header(s) from the file name:
1. delimiter mode
2. regular expression mode
Delimiter mode is relatively simple and does not require any special knowledge but regular
expression mode may require someone with regular expression skills. Regular expression
mode provides far greater flexibility for extracting the value(s) from a file name where
specific character sequences or character counts are required.
Both modes use an attribute named “custom_mime_header_names_from_filename” to
enter the list of header names but the format for the two are slightly different. The second
attribute required has a different name for each of the modes,
“custom_mime_header_name_delimiters_in_filename” for delimiter mode and
“custom_mime_header_names_regex_on_filename” for regular expression mode.
IMPORTANT: if both delimiter mode and regular expression mode attributes are entered
into a partnership then delimiter mode will be chosen irrespective.
Delimiter Mode
In delimiter mode, the values in the file name are separated by specifiying one or more
delimiters and the entire file name is parsed into a list of values using the delimiter(s)
defined. In order to accommodate file names that have more than just the values required for
the custom headers, the list of header names are defined with a prefix that designates if the
value in the list will be used as a header value or not. For an entry to be added as a header it
must have the prefix “header.”. Any other prefix will cause that entry to be ignored. There
must be as many header names defined as there are string sequences that would result from
splitting the file name string by the delimiter(s) otherwise the system will throw an error.
Below is an example of a delimiter based configuration.
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_names_from_filename"
value="header.X-Header1,header.Y-Header2, junk.extraStuff"/>
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_name_delimiters_in_filename" value="-_"/>
Using this configuration, given a file name ABC-123-INVOICES.csv there would be 2
headers added as:
X-Header1 value ABC
Y-Header2 value 123
If the file name was ABC-123-H4FT_INVOICES.csv the system would throw an error as
there would be 4 string sequences extracted so you could fix this by appending
junk.moreStuff to the “custom_mime_headers_from_filename” attribute.
Another example of delimiter mode in the partnership:
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_names_from_filename"
value="header.X-Header1, other.string1,header.Y-Header2"/>
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_name_delimiters_in_filename" value="-"/>
Using this configuration, given a file name ABC-123_TEST-INVOICES.csv there would
be 2 headers added as:
X-Header1 value ABC
Y-Header2 value INVOICES
Regular Expression Mode
Regular expression based mode uses Java regular expressions and requires that the regular
expression is constructed in grouping mode where the number of groups in the regular
expression exactly matches the number of header names in the
“custom_mime_header_names_from_filename” attribute. The regular expression will be
used to parse the file name to extract the values for the defined names in the attribute named
“custom_mime_header_names_regex_on_filename”. Regular expressions can become
extremely complex and this document will show some simple examples but there are many
sites that provide regular expression tutorials if you need a complicated soultion.
An example for a regular expression mode configuration is shown below:
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_names_from_filename" value="X-Header1,Y-Header2"/>
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_names_regex_on_filename" value="([^-]*)-([^.]*).csv"/>
Using this configuration, given a file name ABC-123-INVOICES.csv there would be 2
headers added as:
X-Header1 value ABC
Y-Header2 value 123-INVOICES
If the file name was ABC-123-H4FT_INVOICES.csv there would be 2 headers added as:
X-Header1 value ABC
Y-Header2 value 123—HFT_INVOICES
If the file name was ABC-123-H4FT_INVOICES.txt or ABC_123.csv the system would
throw an error since there would be no match.

Another example for a regular expression mode configuration is shown below:

<attribute name="custom_mime_header_names_from_filename" value="X-Header1,Y-Header2"/>
<attribute name="custom_mime_header_names_regex_on_filename" value="([^-]*)-([^.]*).csv"/>
Using this configuration, given a file name ABC-123-INVOICES.csv there would be 2
headers added as:
X-Header1 value ABC
Y-Header2 value 123-INVOICES

6.7.3. Adding Custom Headers To HTTP

The following attribute set to a value of “true” will additionally add the headers to the HTTP
headers for both static and dynamic header mechanisms:
<attribute name="add_custom_mime_headers_to_http" value="true"/>

6.8. Setting Dynamic Attributes From File Name

Partnership attributes can be added to the partnership definition based on parsing the file name of
the document to be sent using a regular expression. Dynamic attributes require 2 partnership
attributes to configure their behaviour for extracting the value(s) for the defined attribute(s) from
the file name.
1. “attribute_names_from_filename” - when added to a partnership it must contain a list of
comma separated attribute names
2. “attribute_names_regex_on_filename” - defines the regular expression
The extracted name/value pairs can then be referenced in config using the format:
$attributes.<attribute name>$

Regular expressions uses Java regular expressions and requires that the regular expression is
constructed in grouping mode where the number of groups in the regular expression exactly
matches the number of attribute names in the “attribute_names_from_filename” attribute.
Regular expressions can become extremely complex and this document will show some simple
examples but there are many sites that provide regular expression tutorials if you need a
complicated solution.

An example for a regular expression mode configuration is shown below:

<attribute name="attribute_names_from_filename" value="X-attribute1,Y-attribute2"/>
<attribute name="attribute_names_regex_on_filename" value="([^-]*)-([^.]*).csv"/>
Using this configuration, given a file name ABC-123-INVOICES.csv there would be 2 attributes
added as:
X-attribute1 value ABC
Y-attribute2 value 123-INVOICES

If the file name was ABC-123-H4FT_INVOICES.csv there would be 2 attributes added as:
X-attribute1 value ABC
Y-attribute2 value 123—HFT_INVOICES
If the file name was ABC-123-H4FT_INVOICES.txt or ABC_123.csv the system would throw
an error since there would be no match.

Another example for a regular expression mode configuration is shown below:

<attribute name="attribute_names_from_filename" value="X-attribute1,Y-attribute2"/>
<attribute name="attribute_names_regex_on_filename" value="([^-]*)-([^.]*).csv"/>
Using this configuration, given a file name ABC-123-INVOICES.csv there would be 2 attributes
added as:
X-attribute1 value ABC
Y-attribute2 value 123-INVOICES

The above attributes could be referenced in config to set a more dynamic subject using something
like this:
<attribute name="subject" value="Target product: $attributes.X-attribute1$ Sequence Count:
This would produce a subject looking like this:
Target product: ABC Sequence Count: 123-INVOICES

7. Certificate Configuration
The first step is to set up your own private certificates so that you can accept inbound messages and
an associated public certificate that your partner will use to encrypt and sign the message they send
to you and for any MDN responses that your partner returns as a result of sending them a message.
Once you have your own certificates set up then you can import partner public certificates for
signing and encrypting messages to be sent to them.
The certificate store used by default is a PKCS12 key store and stores all X.509 certificates for all
trading partners.
The location and name of the certificate keystore is defined in “filename” attribute of the
“certificates” element in the config.xml file. The default deployment uses the file

The application supports certificate management via the command interface but the functionality is
limited and you will need to use 3 rd party tools for creating and manipulating ceertificates to a
format that can be used in the OpenAS2 command interface.
An excellent open source visual keystore manager that will run on any OS and will allow importing
and managing certificates in your keystore can be found here: http://portecle.sourceforge.net/

7.1. My Certificates
You can have multiple certificates per trading partner for increased security (each partner is sent a
unique certificate and there is a matching private key for each certificate in your keystore) or just
have a single certificate for all trading partners (all partners are sent the same certificate and there is
only one private key in your keystore to match).
Your own certificate(s) will always be imported from a keystore that contains both the private key
and the certificate.
NOTE: SHA1 certificates are no longer supported and are rapidly being phased out so you should
use SHA256 for all partners that do support SHA256 certificates.

7.1.1. Creating Certificates And Importing Into OpenAS2 Keystore

There are many tools for creating certificates. This document focusses on using openssl but it can
be done using the Java keytool application in similar way.
The key store must contain the private key of your own X.509 certificate and the signed certificates
for each of your trading partners.
The certificates must be stored with the matching alias as specified in the partner definition of each
partner in the partnership.xml file.
The OpenAS2 command processor (or remote OpenAS2 app) import command for a certificates
contained in a PKCS12 keystore would be in this format:
cert import <alias> <path+filename> <keystore password>
There is a shell file to help generating certificates: bin/gen_p12_key_par.sh

The following steps will create an X509 self signed certificate using OpenSSL:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout priv.key -out selfcert.crt -days 3650 -sha256

To import the public certificate and private key you create a temporary PKCS12 key store that will
be used to import the public/private key pair:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in selfcert.crt -inkey priv.key -out certs.p12 -name my_new_alias

The file named certs.p12 is now a PKCS12 keystore containing the private key and the certificate
and can be imported into the OpenAS2 keystore via the command interface using a command like
cert import my_new_alias certs.p12 <keystore password>
If you are replacing your existing keystore completely then simply delete the existing keystore and
copy the new one into the same folder with the same name as the old one (of course this will delete
any partner certificates you may have imported to the old key store).
NOTE: It is important to use ".p12" as the extension when importing certificates from a PKCS12
keystore as the importer requires the “.p12” extension to detect that you are not importing a
certificate directly but rather the certificates in a PKCS12 keystore.

7.1.2. Creating Public Certificate For Sending To Partner

Most systems will support a base64 (ASCII) encoded PEM format. If your partner needs a different
format there are numerous methods to convert certificates to other formats including using openssl
but that is not covered in this document.
You can create the certificate using this command against the keystore that contains the private key
and certificate that you want create it from:
openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out <output file> -in <keystore file>

This should be run against the temporary keystore when creating the private key and certificate in the section
above as it will create a PEM file containng only that specific certificate.

You can run it against the keystore as configured in the OpenAS2 application but it will export all certifictes
in the keystore and you will have to edit the file to extract only the one you are interested in.

7.1.3. Supporting Multiple Certificates

In the case where you need to support multiple certificates such as when one partner needs SHA1
and another needs SHA256 or when you want to set up different certificates per partner, follow
these steps below.
The key to supporting multiple certificates is ensuring you use a separate as2_id and x509_alias
In the partnership.xml you would add another partner element pointing to a different certificate.
If for example you have a <partner> element definition for your company as below:
<partner name="MyCompany" as2_id="MyCompany_OID" x509_alias="MyCompanyCert"
email="[email protected]"/>

For each additional certificate you support, you then add another <partner> element. If for instance
you have SHA1 already deployed and working with existing partners and you create a SHA256
certificate to support a new partner, you add a new <partner> element something like this:
<partner name="MyCompany256" as2_id="MyCompany2_OID"
x509_alias="MyCompanyCert256" email="[email protected]"/>

In your partnership definition for the partners using the SHA256 certificate you set the "sender" and
"receiver" attribute as appropriate to point to the correct partner definition ("MyCompany256" per
the example above) along with changing the SHA1 to SHA256 in the other relevant attributes as
shown in the snippet below.
<partnership name="MyCompany256-to-MyPartner256">
<sender name="MyCompany256"/>
<receiver name="MyPartner256"/>
<attribute name="protocol" value="as2"/>
Import the new certificate into the existing p12 keystore using the alias as defined in the x509_alias
attribute above ( "MyCompany2Cert256" ) and send the partner the matching public key for the
new certificate along with the as2_id "MyCompany256_OID" that they will need to use so you can
differentiate your target definition in the partnership file containing the SHA1 certificate from the
SHA256 certificate. See the previous section for importing certificates into your existing keystore.

7.2. Partner Certificates

The certificate(s) that you will obtain from your partner(s) will need to be imported into the
keystore you have created for your own certificate. The partner certificates must be imported with
unique aliases so that they can be uniquely referenced from the partnership configuration in the
same way described in the section above for your own certificates.
As per the section above dealing with your own certificates, you can either use the OpenAS2
command interface or a 3rd party tool to import partner public keys into the keystore.
The OpenAS2 command processor (or remote OpenAS2 app) import command for importing your
partners certificate would be in this form:
cert import <alias> <path+filename>

8. Logging System
Loggers are configured in the config.xml file using the “loggers” element.

8.1. Log Output Targets

The logging output can be directed to to multiple destinations including:
• System console
• File system log files
• Email – log messages are emailed to a configured email address.
• Socket – log messages are written to a socket supporting remote logging
• Sentry – support for the Sentry logger that provides logging management for exceptions

By default the OpenAS2 system deploys with the console and file system loggers enabled.
All log classes can be overridden or custom logger classes can be coded and included via
configuration to support custom logging applications or SaaS log management systems.

8.1.1. Console Logger

The console logger simply logs to the shell/command window that the server is started in or if not
started from a shell/command window then it logs to whatever System.out is connected to. The
console logger is configured using this entry in the <loggers> element:
<logger classname="org.openas2.logging.ConsoleLogger" />

8.1.2. File Logger

The file logger will log to a file on a file system. The file system can be a netwrok file share as long
as it has write permissions. The file system directory and file name are configured in the
“filename” attribute. The file logger is configured using this entry in the <loggers> element:
<logger classname="org.openas2.logging.FileLogger"
filename="%home%/../logs/log-$date.yyyyMMdd.txt" />

8.1.3. Email Logger

The email logger uses the javax mail API to send ERROR level log messages – all log entries below
ERROR level are ignored. Some of the basic email configuration parameters are supported via
config in the config.properties file as indicated in the appendix. The rest of the mail properties as
listed in the Javamail API can be set by passing them as system properties on the command line by
modifying the start-openas2.sh or start-openas2.bat file as appropriate or using the
javax.mail.properties.file attribute on the email logger element.

The configuration values can overwrite each other depending on the source of the configurtion
value. The order of priority is as follows:
1. values set in the logger element attributes
2. entries in the file identified by javax.mail.properties.file
3. entries using system properties

For example, to pass the port for connection you could add this to the command line:

To point to a properties file containing all the relevant information you would add something like
<logger classname="org.openas2.logging.EmailLogger"

8.1.4. Socket Logger

This logger writes to a socket with connection parameters as specified in the attribues for this
<logger classname="org.openas2.logging.SocketLogger"
portid="12345" />

8.1.5. Sentry Logger

This logger provides the ability to use the Sentry logging system (http://www.sentry.io ). The
configuration is as follows:
<logger classname="org.openas2.logging.SentryLogger"
dsn="SENTRY DSN" />

8.2. Log Level Configuration

The logging system supports the use of either or both the commons-logging.properties file or a file
named openas2log.properties to control the logging level. Properties in openas2log.properties will
override commons-logging.properties entries. There is a commons-logging.properties file in the bin
directory which is part of the classpath specified in the script file described in the section on
running the application. The default batch script uses a CLASSPATH setting that includes the
current working directory that you are starting OpenAS2 application from and all files in the lib
folder (-cp .:${binDir}/../lib/*). This means that if you are invoking the batch script from a folder
other than the folder the batch script is in then it will not "see" the commons-logging.properties file
in the bin folder. The solution is to set the classpath to point to the bin folder (-cp ${binDir}/:$
{binDir}/../lib/*) or move the commons-logging.properties file to the folder you are invoking the
script from.

The properties in the openas2log.properties file should be prefixed by

The following are the logging levels supported by the application in order of lowest(finest) to
The logging levels are turned off by specifying the level you want on and all other levels higher
than that level will also be turned on.
The default level is INFO and therefore WARN, ERROR and FATAL are also turned on by default.
By adding a property level=DEBUG in the common-logging.properties file will result in DEBUG
logging being enabled along with INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL
The same can be achieved by adding org.openas2.logging.openas2log.level=DEBUG in the
openas2log.properties file.

The default deployment has logging level set to INFO.

8.3. Log Date Format Configuration

The default format for the timestamp prefixed to all log entries is the international standard
including millisecond precision as of version 2.3.1 (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS).
The format can be changed by setting the attribute named “log_date_format” in the “properties”
element of the config.xml with the desired format. The format string must comply with the Java
SimpleDateFormat specification (e.g for Java 8 -

9. MDN Configuration
MDN's can be sent synchronously or asynchronously. By default the system will use synchronous
MDN mechanism. Per the AS2 specification, an MDN will only be sent on receipt of an AS2
message if the “Disposition-Notification-To“ header is present in the received message with a non-
empty value. Although this value is specified to be configured with an email address, it is not
utilized for any purpose in the AS2 protocol other than to indicate an MDN is required so can in fact
be any random string. To set the “Disposition-Notification-To“ header in an outbound message,
the “as2_mdn_to” attribute must be set on the partnership.
The other attribute that must be set is the “as2_mdn_options”. This defines the encryption
algorithm and other MDN settings as specified by the AS2 protocol and the value entered for this
attribute will be sent in the “Disposition-Notification-Options” header of the AS2 message.
Generally changing the encryption algorithm to suit the trading partner should be sufficient on this
9.1. Asynchronous MDN Receiver Configuration
In order to specify an asynchronous MDN response from a partner requires setting the following
attribute on the partnership element in the partnership configuration:
• as2_receipt_option – set to the URL of the asynchronous MDN receiver to target the
asynchronous MDN receiver module configured in the config file (ie. this is the URL that
the partner will send the MDN to). The value set in this attribute will be sent in the
“Receipt-Delivery-Option” header of the AS2 message to the trading partner. For testing
using the default config file that comes with the OpenAS2 installation package, set this to:
Receiving an asynchronous MDN requires the “AS2MDNReceiverModule” module. This module
declaration requires a port parameter in addition to the class and can be entered as a child member
of the processor node in the config file as shown below:
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2MDNReceiverModule" port=”10081” />

9.2. Asynchronous MDN Sender Configuration

Sending an asynchronous MDN requires the “AsynchMDNSenderModule” module. This module
declaration does not require any parameters other than the class and can be entered as shown below
as a child member of the processor node in the config file:
<module classname="org.openas2.processor.sender.AsynchMDNSenderModule" />

10. Configuring HTTPS Transport

HTTPS transport using SSL is configured separately for inbound and outbound connectivity.

10.1. Inbound Transfers

Configuration for inbound is in the config.xml file. The requirements for receiving AS2 files using
HTTPS are:
• JKS keystore containing the SSL certificate
• an appropriately configured As2ReceiverModule module element
The key attributes that configure HTTPS are:
• protocol="https"
• ssl_keystore="%home%/ssl_certs.jks" – points to the JKS certificate keystore
• ssl_keystore_password="<passwordforkeystorefile"
• ssl_protocol="TLS"
See the appendix for details on the attributes.

10.2. Outbound Transfers

The partnership definition for the connection URL will also have to be set to the appropriate host
The key attributes that configure HTTPS are:
• as2_url
• as2_mdn_to (only if MDN is required)

If asynchronous MDN is in use and requires HTTPS then a As2MDNReceiverModule module

needs to be configured in the same way as for the As2ReceiverModule class above.
If the target system being connected to uses self signed certificates, the following system property
will have to be passed to the application in the java command line with a comma separated list (no
spaces before or after comma) of the “Common Name” (CN) in the self signed certificate that will
be returned by the target system:

11. Running OpenAS2

OpenAS2 can be started from the command line in any operating system that supports Java or can
be configured to run as a daemon using the appropriate mechanisms for the operating system.
The default deployment for OpenAS2 has a console logger enabled which means that all logging
will be visible in the command line window that OpenAS2 is started from. The server can also be
configured from the command line once the application is running by simply typing in commands
once it has started. Because the logging will appear in the window it may make command entry
difficult if there are active transfers at the time you try to enter commands and it may be desirable to
switch off the console logger if you have no need for it.

11.1. Starting OpenAS2

The default install of the application is as in the figure below from a windows PC.
There are 2 executable script files in the bin folder of the AS2 application root as indicated in the
screenshot above:
1. start-openas2.sh – for UNIX based systems
2. start-openas2.bat – for Microsoft Windows based system
It is not necessary to modify these files for the default install to work. If you choose to put the
config.xml file in a different location than the default then you will need to edit the appropriate
script file and set the path to the config.xml file appropriately.
Simply execute the script file and an AS2 server will start up. It will create the following folders
along with sub folders when it starts assuming no change to the default config:
• logs – contains the normal program logging
• data – contains all the transferred files and any AS2 specific headers associated with AS2
transfers. This folder will have a number of sub folders for outbound and inbound files for
different partners
In Microsoft Windows you should be able to double click the start-openas2.bat file and a command
window will open as below.

For Unix based systems such as Linux and OSX, open a terminal window and change directory to
the “bin” folder of the install. The start_openas2.sh file should have execute permissions in which
case simply type the name and press enter. If no execute permissions are set, either set the execute
permission as needed or use “bash” to run the script:
/opt/OpenAS2:>bash opensas2.sh
The output in a Unix based system will be identical to that in a Windows based system.

11.2. Command Entry

After startup of the OpenAS2 application, no command prompt is shown in the command line
window initially but you can enter a command or just press <ENTER> to get a visible prompt.
Typing ? Will show possible commands. Each command will list sub commands they require if you
try to enter them without the appropriate parameters.
A screenshot showing command entry is shown below.
Command Entry

11.3. Automated Launching As UNIX Daemon

Although the application will launch as a daemon without any change to the default config, it is
recommended that the following configuration changes are made to reduce unnecessary processing
by modules that are redundant in this mode and filling the system logs with unwanted logging:
1. Remove the console logger – remove the element in the <loggers> element as shown below
<logger classname="org.openas2.logging.ConsoleLogger"/>
2. Remove the stream command processor in the <commandProcessors> element as shown
<commandProcessor classname="org.openas2.cmd.processor.StreamCommandProcessor"/>

11.3.1. INIT.D Service

A sample “openas2.d” is provided in the bin directory of the install package. It provides support for
starting and stopping the OpenAS2 application as a daemon using the init.d mechanism. Use the
appropriate tool for the NIX operating system you are using to install the script in the /etc/init.d
folder and create the soft links to launch the OpenAS2 application when the system starts.
First modify the openas2.d file to reflect the path where you have installed OpenAS2 then follow
one of the options below.
On Redhat based systems as root:
$ cp <srcDir>/bin/openas2.d /etc/init.d/
$ chkconfig --add openas2.d
$ chkconfig --level 2345 openas2.d on
On Debian/Ubuntu based systems as root:
$ cp <srcDir>/bin/openas2.d /etc/init.d/
$ chmod 750 /etc/init.d/openas2.d
$ update-rc openas2.d defaults

11.3.2. SYSTEMD Service

A sample file openas2.service is provided in the bin folder of the install package.
First modify the openas2.d file to reflect the path where you have installed OpenAS2 then follow
the steps below.
$ cp <srcDir>/bin/openas2.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl enable openas2.service

Test that it works using the below commands:

$ systemctl enable openas2.service

$ systemctl start openas2.service
$ systemctl stop openas2.service

12. Testing OpenAS2 Transfers

The default configuration of the OpenAS2 configuration is set up for two partners named
“OpenAS2A” and “OpenAS2B”. The system will effectively send messages to itself between the 2
configured partners. You can simply start the OpenAS2 server without any changes and then copy a
file into the appropriate outbox as defined by the relevant module using the
org.openas2.processor.receiver.AS2DirectoryPollingModule classes “outboxdir” attribute to send
the file to the desired partner.
The default configuration provides for 2 partners OPENAS2A and OPENAS2B and will create
outbox folders <installDir>/data/toOpenAS2A and <installDir>/data/toOpenAS2B for explicitly
targeting a partner for any file dropped in one of those folders.
If you wish to run 2 OpenAS2 servers on the same machine then the ports on the 2 nd instance of
OpenAS2 as configured in the config.xml must be different to those configured on the first instance
(see Application Configuration above). If using asynchronous MDN, the URL entry for the attribute
“as2_receipt_option” in the partnerships.xml file for the 2 nd instance must match the values
configured in the 1st instances config.xml for hist name and port and vice-versa.

12.1. Using HTTPS Transport

To test on a local machine using the supplied sample self signed SSL certificate
(config/ssl_certs.jks) you should create a localhost DNS entry. The sample certificate was generated
for “www.openas2.localhost”.
This site will help in how to set up a local DNS:
The As2ReceiverModule module element should be configured correctly. The key attributes that
will work with the supplied sample certificate are already in the sample config file and should just
be uncommented:
• protocol="https"
• ssl_keystore="%home%/ssl_certs.jks"
• ssl_keystore_password="testas2"
• ssl_protocol="TLS"
The partnership definition for the connection URL will also have to be set to the appropriate host
name and use “https” instead of “http”:
<attribute name="as2_url" value="https://www.openas2.localhost:10080"/>
If asynchronous MDN is used then the as2_receipt_option attribute must be configured for SSL as
<attribute name="as2_receipt_option" value="https://www.openas2.localhost.com:10081"/>

The following system property will have to be passed to the application in the java command line:

If you experience problems with SSL, try adding this to the startup command in the script file:

13. Troubleshooting OpenAS2

This section provides some help in identifying issues with AS2 transfers or configuration and
execution of the OpenAS2 application. Experience has shown that not all systems properly
implement the AS2 specification or have an interpretation of the specification that is different to the
OpenAS2 default implementation. To accommodate these differences, the OpenAS2 application has
some configuration parameters to change the default behaviour on a per partnership basis that may
help to accommodate the implementation anomalies for various other AS2 systems.

13.1. Canonicalization For MIC Algorithm

Some systems (including OpenAS2 prior to V1.3.7) do not canonicalize the MimeBodyPart as
specified in the RFC when content transfer encoding is not “binary” (the OpenAS2 default is
“binary” but can be set to other values using the “content_transfer_encoding” attribute on the
prtnership). This manifests as errors that cause signature authentication failure that may specifically
mention a mismatched MIC. To cater for this set the following attribute on the partnership:
<attribute name="prevent_canonicalization_for_mic" value="true"/>

13.2. Binary Encoding

If using a content transfer encoding algorithm other than “binary” results in authentication failures,
try setting the attribute on the partnership:
<attribute name="content_transfer_encoding" value="binary"/>

13.3. HTTP Restricted Headers

Depending on the version of Java you are running, the HTTP class handling sending AS2 messages
over HTTP that is part of the core Java distribution will automatically remove any restricted HTTP
headers (see here for a discussion: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11147330/httpurlconnection-
This should not be a problem for modern AS2 implementations that OpenAS2 communicates with
but there are reports that some systems respond with an HTTP 400 error code and reject the
message if the “Content-Transfer-Encoding” header that is a restricted header (see section 19.4.5
here: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec19.html), is not present in the HTTP
headers (it is present in the mime body part headers of the AS2 message).
To solve this uncomment the line in the startup script file containing this entry

IMPORTANT NOTE: This change cannot be made partner specific due to the
way it is implemented in Java so all configured partners will then
receive restricted HTTP headers so they may fail as a result of this
change. Your only way around this is to run separate OpenAS2 instances.

13.4. CMS Algorithm Protection

Some AS2 systems do not support RFC6211.
The partner system will most likely not provide detailed information that this OID is the issue
unless you request detailed logging from the partner but will manifest as authentication failures of
some sort. Currently known systems that do not support this are IBM Sterling Integrator.
To disable the OID from being sent add this attribute to the partnership (from a security point of
view to include it wherever possible as it plugs a security issue in CMS signed messages):
<attribute name="remove_cms_algorithm_protection_attrib" value="true"/>

13.5. SSL Certificate Exceptions

Sometimes a partner uses a certificate that has intermediate providers not registered in your Java
security keystore. Generally this will be manifested by an exception something like this:
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX
path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable
to find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:192)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(SSLSocketImpl.java:1917)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:301)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:295)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(ClientHandshaker.java:1369)
In this case you will need to set up a local trusted certificate provider keystore containing the root or
chained (intermediate) certificates that are missing.
1. Run the class embedded in the OpenAS2 library jar:

java -cp <pathToOpenAS2LibFolder>/openas2-server.jar CheckCertificate <host

name>[:port] <localKeystoreFile> [passphrase]
"<host name>[:port]" should be the same as what you have in the
partnerships "as2_url" attribute EXCLUDING the "https://"

"<localKeystoreFile>" is the name you want to give to your local keystore

(e.g jssechaincerts)
"[passphrase]" is the password for the keystore - it will default to
"changeit" if you do not provide one`

NOTE: If there is no existing keystore you want to add it to then leave out the password
otherwise it will throw an error. You can use the keytool utility that comes with java to
change the keystore password if you wish but since it does not contain any private keys
there is little point in changing the password but if you do then you will have to pass the
new password in to the OpenAS2 app using the javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword property.

If the class only receives a single certificate as response from the remote host it generally
indicates that the root certificate is not trusted and will need installing into a keystore for use
by the OpenAS2 application. The output from the class should make it clear it was unable to
successfully complete an SSL handshake and it will import the certificate (root or chain as
necessary) into the keystore.
2. Add the local cert store to the OpenAS2 startup by adding this to the startup command in the
relevant batch file you are using to start OpenAS2:

NOTE: If you ran the CheckCertificate mechanism a second time but

point it at the keystore it created the first time round it should
successfuly complete the handshake and there will be no messages
to say it is missing a certifcate.

For example, run it once like this:

java -cp openas2-server.jar CheckCertificate as2.xyz.com:98765 jssechaincerts
Then run it like this:
java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=jssechaincerts -cp openas2-server.jar CheckCertificate
as2.xyz.com:98765 jssechaincerts2
The second instantiation uses the keystore from the first instantiations output and it should not
create a new certificate in keystore "jssechaincerts2"
13.6. Java Versions Prior To 1.6
Prior to java 1.6, the Javabeans Activation Framework is NOT included in the standard Java install.
Download the 1.1.1 version and extract from the zip file from this web page:
The activation.jar must be placed into the “lib” folder of the OpenAS2 server install and added to
the class path in the shell or batch file as appropriate.

13.7. Mime Body Part Logging

Sometimes it may be necessary to see what is actually in the mime body parts received from a
partner. OpenAS2 provides a mechanism to enable logging of either received message mime body
parts or receieved MDN mime body parts. These are enabled using OpenAS2 startup variables in
the startup script in combination with TRACE level logging. Both the DOS and Unix scripts
provide these variables but are commented out near the top of the batch file and you can simply
uncomment and start the application.
IMPORTANT: this could produce large log files so use sparingly and disable as soon as possible.
The startup variables are:

13.8. TLSv1.2
It appears that although Java7 does support TLSv1.2 it is not enabled by default (refer here:
If you need to use the protocol, add the following to the top of the batch shell script that starts
Windows: set EXTRA_PARMS=%EXTRA_PARMS% -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
Linux/Unix/OSX: EXTRA_PARMS=$EXTRA_PARMS -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2

13.9. HTTP Read Timeout Errors

The system is configured to wait a maximum amount of time for a response to any message it sends
to your partner and if no response is received it will abort, throw an error and attemot to put the
message into the resend queue. The default time out is 60seconds.
If you are transferring very large files to your partner and/or your partner system takes a long time
to respond to the sent AS2 message your wil receive read timeout errors.
To fix this, set the "readtimeout" attribute on the AS2SenderModule to a large value if the time
taken for the receiving system to respond to the sent file takes longer than 60 seconds. This attribute
is set in milliseconds and the default is 60000.
So you would need something like this in the config.xml for a 2 minute timeout:

<module classname="org.openas2.processor.sender.AS2SenderModule" retries="3" readtimeout="120000">


13.10. Out Of Memory And File Size Issues

See the section on tuning java (3.3Tuning Java) for solutions to this issue.

13.11. File System Issues

If there are strange issues with files that cannot be found it is often the result of illegal characters in
the file name that prevents the creation of a file from dynamic variables. Currently the system as of
version 2.3.1 will remove specific characters from any generated file name.
The characters removed by default are: <>:\"|?*
To change the default, set the following property in the config.xml “properties” element escaping
XML reserved characters as appropriate: reservedFilenameCharacters
e.g reservedFilenameCharacters="%lt;&gt;:&quot;|?*"

14. Partner AS2 Compatibility Settings

The below table provides configuration settings for other AS2 systems that are known to work
based on user feedback.
Where the field is left blank, the setting is unknown and the default that comes with OpenAS2 will
probably work.

AS2 System Allow Restricted Headers Prevent Canonicalization For Remove CMS
(startup script property: MIC Algorithm Protection
sun.net.http.allowRestrictedH (partner attribute: (partner attribute:
eaders) prevent_cononicalization_for_ remove_cms_algorithm_
mic) protection_attrib)
IBM Sterling false true
IBM Datapower false true
Mendelson false true
Seeburger ? ? ?
Oracle Integration false false false
Amazon false true false
15. Remote Control
By default the OpenAS2 server application will start up a command processor as a socket listener
allowing remote connection to the OpenAS2 server to execute commands. The OpenAS2 remote
application is part of the application package but is not necessary to use it if you have no remote
access requirement and should be disabled in the config.xml file if not using it by removing or
commenting out the <commandProcessor> element with classname value
You can set the port that the command processor listens on using the portId parameter.
classname="org.openas2.cmd.processor.SocketCommandProcessor" portId="14321"
userid="userID" password="pWd"/>
The remote control application will need to connect to the specified port with the specified user ID
and password.
The connection uses an anonymous secure socket cipher and may require changing this if your Java
implementation does not support the default cipher which is
TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA for the latest release. This cipher is not available in
older Java versions and it may be necessary to switch to SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
To switch cipher you will need to start the OpenAS2 server and the remote command client passing
the cipher name as a system property using the -D switch that can be added to the batch script that
starts the application. The property must be named “ CmdProcessorSocketCipher”.

e.g java -DCmdProcessorSocketCipher=SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 …

16. Dynamic Variables

Variables can be used in configuration files for run time replacement of strings. In the case of
headers and attributes the reference can be used to change its value. Some variables are specific to
certain processor modules and not supported for all situations where dynamic variables can be used.
The variables used in the configuration files are as follows:
$date.xxx$ - create date strings in a defined format
where xxx is any valid character formatting string defined in
for example: $date.YYYY$ gets the four digit year

$msg.xxx.yyy$ - accesses various information contained in the AS2 message.

Typically used by file modules to configure the name of files used to persist the
message payload.
The “xxx” part can be any one of the following:
• sender – accesses the “sender” element of the partnership in use for the current
message. “yyy” can be any attribute name within the “sender” element
eg. $msg.sender.as2_id$ - retrieves the AS2 ID of the sender of the message
• receiver - accesses the “receiver” element of the partnership in use for the
current message. “yyy” can be any attribute name within the “receiver”
eg. $msg.receiver.as2_id$ - retrieves the AS2 ID of the receiver of the message
• attributes – accesses any attributes on the message. The attribute name is used
in place of “yyy”
e.g $msg.attribute.filename$ accesses the name of the file contained in the AS2
• headers - accesses any headers on the message. The header name is used in
place of “yyy”
e.g $msg.headers.content-type$ accesses the content type header for the AS2
• content-disposition - used to access any content-disposition attribute in the
received message content disposition where the attribute identifier is used in
place of “yyy”
e.g $msg.content-disposition.fielname$ accesses the name of the file received
from the partner

$mdn.zzz$ for message mdn parameters, used by EmailLogger and MDNFileModule

where zzz can be any of the following values:
• msg – requires “zzz” to be in the form “xxx.yyy” and can access data points as
defined for $msg.xxx.yyy$ format dynamic variables above
• sender – gets the as2_id of the sender
• receiver – gets the as2_id of the receiver
• text - gets the text portion of the MDN
• attributes – requires “zzz” to be in the form “xxx.yyy” and can access data
points as defined for $msg.xxx.yyy$ format dynamic variables above
• headers – requires “zzz” to be in the form “xxx.yyy” and can access data
points as defined for $msg.xxx.yyy$ format dynamic variables above

eg.: $mdn.text$ gets the text portion of the MDN

$rand.zzz$ can be used on most strings to produce random strings.

Produces a random UUID or a 0 padded random number of a defined number of
digits where zzz can be any string of any number of characters
• if “zzz” is “UUID” or “uuid” (e.g $rand.UUID$) then it produces a random
• for any other string of characters other than UUID, the number of characters in
the string determines the number of digits in the random number that is
generated and will be zero padded
e.g $rand.1234$ - creates a 4 digit random number between 0000 and 9999
$rand.ax1fg4c5$ - creates an 8 digit random number between 00000000 and

$exception.xxx$ -used by EmailLogger

where xxx can be any of the following
• name - retrieves name of the exception
• message – retrieves the exception message
• trace – retrieves the trace log for the exception

eg.: $exception.trace$ gets the trace log of the exception

$component.xxx$ -used in module configuration

where xxx can be any of the attribute names specified above the attribute in the same
module element. Can be used to simplify setting hard coded strings into a
concatenated string used by the server module. See the DB tracking module definition
for an example

17. Appendix: config.xml file structure

• Node: properties
Various properties can be defined here and accessible globally within the OpenAS2
application. See the standard config.xml for existing properties that are supported.
Developers who create custom modules can pass config to those modules via the
properties and access them using Properties.getProperty(<propertyName>)
• Node: openas2
• Node: certificates

describes the Java class to process the certificate file.
for example: org.openas2.cert.PKCS12CertificateFactory
defines the file name containing the certificates
for example: %home%/certs.p12
opens the file using this password
for example: test
NOTE: this can be overriden using a java system property
when starting the application:
describes how often the file should be check up for updates. Specified
in seconds.
for example: 300
• Node: partnerships
Describes the OpenAS2 classes to handle the trading partner identifications.

describes the Java class to process the partnerships file
for example: org.openas2.partner.XMLPartnershipFactory
defines the file name containing the partnerships definitions
for example: %home%/partnerships.xml
• Node: loggers
Describes the OpenAS2 logging classes to use. You must include
-Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.openas2.logging.Log in your startup
call or as a property in the commons-logging.properties file. See
http://commons.apache.org/logging/guide.html#commons-logging-api.jar for
more information.
Do not use this node when using other logging packages (e.g. log4j) with the
OpenAS2 package.

• Node: logger (for E-mail logging)

Optional, if not specified no E-mail logging is performed.

describes the Java class to process E-mail logging
for example: org.openas2.logging.EmailLogger
show (Optional)
describes what level of logging to handle
Possible values
• all = all exceptions (terminated or not) and info
• terminated = all terminated exceptions Default value
• exceptions = all non-terminated exceptions

for example: terminated

defines the source email address
for example: [email protected]
defines the displayed text of the source email address
for example: Openas2
defines the recipient email address
for example: [email protected]
describes the SMTP server to process outgoing e-mail
for example: mySillyMailerDot.com
defines the SMTP server port to connect to
for example: 587
defines whether authentication is required for the SMTP server
(Possible values: true, false)
for example: true
defines user name if authentication is required for the SMTP

defines user password if authentication is required for the SMTP

describes the e-mail to the receiving party
for example: $exception.name$: $exception.message$ (only
relevant a specific exceptions type)
defines the file that contains the body of the message
for example: %home%/emailtemplate.txt
• Node: logger (for file logging)
Optional, if not specified no file logging is performed.

describes the Java class to log messages
for example: org.openas2.logging.FileLogger
defines the name of the output log file.
for example: %home%/log-$date.MMddyyyy$.txt
show (Optional)
describes what level of logging to handle
Possible values
• all = all exceptions (terminated or not) and info Default
• terminated = all terminated exceptions
• exceptions = all non-terminated exceptions
• info = all info log entries

for example: terminated

• Node: logger (for Console logging, writes to System.out)
Optional, if not specified no console logging is performed.

describes the Java class to log messages
for example: org.openas2.logging.ConsoleLogger
show (Optional)
describes what level of logging to handle
Possible values
• all = all exceptions (terminated or not) and info Default
• terminated = all terminated exceptions
• exceptions = all non-terminated exceptions
• info = all info log entries

for example: info

• Node: commands
Describes the OpenAS2 command classes to use

describes the Java class to process the command file
for more information see Command File
for example: org.openas2.app.XMLCommandRegistry
defines the name of the file command all possible commands
for example: %home%/commands.xml
• Node: processor
Describes the OpenAS2 class to handle the message processors.

describes the default Java class to handle outgoing message
for example: org.openas2.processor.DefaultProcessor
• Node: module
Module that sends out AS2 messages.

describes the Java class to send outgoing Messages
for example: org.openas2.processor.sender.AS2SenderModule
defines the number of attempts for sending a message,default is
-1 aka infinite.
for example retries="3" will stop sending the message after 3
defines the millisecond count before a connection times out.
default value is 30000 or 30 seconds.
for example connecttimeout="60000" will time out after 60
defines the millisecond count before a read times out. default
value is 30000 or 30 seconds.
for example readtimeout="60000" will time out after 60
• Node: module
Module that sends out AS2 MDNs asynchronously.

describes the Java class to send asynch MDN
for example:
defines the number of attempts for sending a message, default
value is -1 (infinite.)
for example retries="3" will stop sending the message after 3
defines the millisecond count before a connection times out.
default value is 30000 or 30 seconds.
for example connecttimeout="60000" will time out after 60
defines the millisecond count before a read times out. default
value is 30000 or 30 seconds.
for example readtimeout="60000" will time out after 60
• Node: module
The following will describe a module to process outgoing message placed in
a generic directory. The module determines the receiver and send from the file
name placed in the directory (see format attribute). This module will look for
files in specified directory and file names to send to the default message

describes the Java class to process files to be sent to the
AS2SenderModule for its delivery process.
for example:
defines the directory where files are to be found.
for example: %home%/toAny
defines the extension of the file name if file filtering is required.
The system will prefix the text entered in this attribute with a
period and only files matching that extension will be picked up
by the polling module
for example: txt - this will only find files like test.txt but not
defines directory where files containing errors are redirected to.
for example: %home%/toAny/error
describes how often the directory is to be checked for work.
Specified in seconds. Default is 30 seconds.
for example: 5
defines the characters used to parse the incoming file name.
Characters are separate the tokens: sender, receiver and file id.
for example: -.
describes the file name by the tokens sender, receiver and file id.
May be in any order. Sender id and receiver id are as defined in
the partnership.xml file.
for example: sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, attributes.fileid
or attributes.mimetype, attributes.mimesubtype, sender.name,
describes the outgoing message mime message type.
for example: application/EDI-X12
• Node: module

describes the Java class to process files for a particular trading
partner that are sent to the AS2SenderModule for its delivery
for example:
defines the directory where outgoing message are defined.
for example: %home%/toOpenAS2A/
defines the directory where erroneous messages are left.
for example: %home%/toOpenAS2A/error
describes how often the incoming directory is searched. Defined
in seconds, default is 30 seconds.
for example: 5
describes the AS2 sender and receiver ids as defined in the
partnership.xml file.
for example: defaults="sender.as2_id=OpenAS2A_OID,
describes the AS2 protocol, which is AS2.
for example: as2
describes the outgoing message mime message type.
for example: application/EDI-X12
• Node: module

describes the Java class to process incoming MDNs
for example: org.openas2.processor.storage.MDNFileModule
for example: %home%/mdn/$date.yyyy$/$date.MM$/
for example: as2
for example: %home%/temp
• Node: module Defines the module to handle messages.
describes the Java class to process and store incoming messages
for example:
describes the location and formatted filename of the stored
for example: %home%/inbox/$msg.sender.as2_id$-
describes the AS2 protocol
for example: as2
tempdir (Optional)
defines temporary directory used to store MDNs during message
for example: %home%/temp
• Node: module

describes the Java class to process handle incoming transfers
for example:
defines the port the server listens on.
for example: 10080
defines directory where invalid incoming messages are stored.
for example: %home%/inbox/error
defines the format of filenames for invalid incoming messages.
for example: sender.as2_id, receiver.as2_id, headers.message-id
optional and defaults to “http” if not present
set to “https” for SSL transport protocol
optional and defaults to “TLS” if not present
set to preferred SSL transport protocol
for example: SSLv3
The name of the file including path containing SSL certificate
only required for “protocol” attribute set to “https”
for example: %home%/ssl_certs.jks
The password to open the SSL keystore
only required for “protocol” attribute set to “https”
for example: mySecretPassword
NOTE: this can be overriden using a java system property
when starting the application:
• Node: module

describes the Java class to send asynchronous MDN response
for example:
defines the port the server listens on.
for example: 10080
optional and defaults to “http” if not present
set to “https” for SSL transport protocol
optional and defaults to “TLS” if not present
set to preferred SSL transport protocol
for example: SSLv3
The name of the file including path containing SSL certificate
only required for “protocol” attribute set to “https”
for example: %home%/ssl_certs.jks
The password to open the SSL keystore
only required for “protocol” attribute set to “https”
for example: mySecretPassword
NOTE: this can be overriden using a java system property
when starting the application:

• Node: module

describes the Java class to rehandle messages
for example:
defines the directory to find message to resend
for example: %home%/resend
defines the director to store resend messages that are in error.
for example: %home%/resend/error
defines the wait time between resends. Defined in seconds.
Default is 60.
for example: 600
18. Appendix: partnership.xml file structure
This file describes your company and your trading partners. This file requires modification to work
with your application
• Node: partnerships
The root node.
• Node: partner
partner definition
partner name as defined in OpenAS2 configuration file.
partner name as defined in partnership node
Alias as defined in certificate file
E-mail address of partner
[email protected]

• Node: partnership
defines partner relationships between sender and receiver
• Node: partnership
Unique name of partnership relation. See filename parsing above.
• Node: sender
Unique name of Sender
• Node: receiver
Unique name of receiver

The following is a list of nodes that use the node name of attribute. The
subnodes of attribute use a name/value node naming pair structure.
• Node: attribute
name is protocol defines the protocol to use with this partner.
value is as2
name="protocol" value="as2"
• Node: attribute
name is subject defines text used in E-mail subject line
name="subject" value="From OpenAS2A to OpenAS2B"
• Node: attribute
name is as2_url defines partners AS2 server's URL
name="as2_url" value="http://www.MyPartnerAS2Machine.com:10080"/>
• Node: attribute
name is as2_mdn_to when set this specifies that an MDN response is
required and defines value of the “"Disposition-Notification-To" header
in the AS2 message sent to the partner. It is normally an email address but can
be any string that is meaningful
name="as2_mdn_to" value="[email protected]"
• Node: attribute
name is as2_receipt_option defines asynchronous MDN server's URL
name="as2_receipt_option" value="http://www.MyAS2Machine.com:10081"
• Node: attribute
name is as2_mdn_options defines MDN option values for E-mail header
name="as2_mdn_options" value="signed-receipt-protocol=optional, pkcs7-
signature; signed-receipt-micalg=optional, sha1"
• Node: attribute
name is encrypt defines encrypting algorithm name for E-mail header
name="encrypt" value="3des"
• Node: attribute (optional)
name is content_transfer_encoding defines what the header field should
value 8bit (default), binary, ...
name="content_transfer_encoding" value="binary"

• Node: attribute (optional)

name is compression_type if defined it determines what the type of
compression to use. Leave this attribute out if no compression is required
value ZLIB (default) – no other supported options
name="compression_type" value="ZLIB"

• Node: attribute (optional)

name is compression_mode if defined it determines when compression
occurs. If this attribute is not specified then compression occurs before
value – “compress-after-signing”
name="compression_mode" value="compress-after-signing"

19. Appendix: command.xml file structure

List of commands available to the OpenAS2 server Application.
• Node: commands the root node
• Node: multicommand

value "cert|part", certificate commands or partnership commands
value is some useful text
• Node: command

value is a OpenAS2 classname that will process a command

20. Appendix: Updating database structure

The table structure for message tracking is stored in an XML file structure that uses the Apache
DDLUtils project structure.
OpenAS2 includes a jar file that uses the Apache DDLUtils project to generate DDL statements to
create or update the database to match the XML definition of the database and can also be used to
automatically update the target database. Configuration for the database update functionality
comprises 3 files located in the <installDir>/resources/DB folder:
1. openas2-schema.xml – the XML definition of the table used to capture AS2 message states
2. jdbc.properties.h2 – defines the connection parameters for the databases
3. build.xml – the Ant build file that invokes
Run this command in the dorectory containing the Ant build file to generate a DDL file containing
statements to update the DB to match the XML definition:
ant -Djdbc.properties.file=jdbc.properties.h2
To directly update the database without generating a DDL file use this command:
ant -Djdbc.properties.file=jdbc.properties.h2 writeSchemaToDb
21. Appendix: Creating database DDL for
external databases
The deployment package for OpenAS2 contains resources to generate DDL statements for the
database table used to log AS2 message state. The tool requires Ant to be installed

It supports the following database platforms:

• axion
• cloudscape
• db2
• derby
• firebird
• h2
• hsqldb
• interbase
• maxdb
• mckoi
• mssql
• mysql
• oracle
• postgresql
• sapdb
• sybase

To use a different database system than H2, follow these steps:

1. Create a database with the desired name , user and password in the target database system

2. Change the property named “platform” in the build.xml file to the required database

3. Set up a jdbc.properties file with the appropriate settings using the jdbc.properties.h2 file as
a template.

4. Create the database table. To generate DDL statements to an SQL file that can then be used
to apply to the database use this command:

ant -Djdbc.properties.file=jdbc.properties

To directly update the database without generating a DDL file use this command:

ant -Djdbc.properties.file=jdbc.properties writeSchemaToDb

5. Change the appropriate parameters in the config.xml file for the database tracking module.
22. Appendix: Upgrading
Each release contains a RELEASE-NOTES.txt file. This file contains a section specifically about
upgrading to use new functionality if there was any config related new functionality in that release.
There will be no upgrade notes for the particular release if it was just a bugfix or minor
enhancement where there is no config to be done. You should add any configuration related
elements to the appropriate XML file(s) if you wish to use new functionality that requires
configuration settings.
The basic upgrade path is as follows:
1. partnerships.xml : Review the release notes for any new attributes that are supported in the
partnerships.xml and add if there is a perceived advantage/enhancement (in general the
partnerships.xml should not need any modification if it already works as all enhancements to
the partnership configuration have ensured they do not change the default behavior from
prior versions)
2. config.xml: Review and merge any new configuration into your existing config.xml.
Generally it should be fairly obvious where there are "missing" items in your existing file
compared to the version you are upgrading to. For performance purposes, make sure you do
not add unwanted modules and perhaps a good idea to review any modules you have not
used but have enabled such as the remote command processor, socket logging etc.
3. Review the startup script (start_openas2.sh or start_openas2.bat) and merge any
enhancements you may have made in your deployed version into the new version and
replace the old version if necessary. Specifically ensure you set the classpath appropriately
to cater for upgraded or new libraries.
4. Delete all files in your "lib" folder and copy all the files from the release package "lib"
folder into your deployed folder.

NOTE: The alternative route is to unzip the new release into a new folder on your server and
follow steps 1, 2 and 3 above except merging the changes you made originally into the new
deployment. This route may be the quicker route if you have not customized the configuration files
extensively and will ensure you do not miss newly added configuration.

23. Appendix: Clustering and Load Balancing

There are 4 key modules that must be considered in designing for a clustered/load balanced setup:
1. Directory polling module (or equivalent module responsible for passing a file into the sender
2. Resender module - handles the case where the remote partner either is not available when a
connection is attempted or the exchange fails at some point in the AS2 message exchange process.
3. Asynchronous MDN receiver module - requires access to the pending information about the
message that was sent causing this MDN to be received (the pending information is stored by the
AS2 sender module on the file system)
There is a different complexity involved depending on whether you use synchronous or
asynchronous MDN for any sent messages in a load balanced scenario. Synchronous is much
simpler since in the case of an asynchronous MDN there is a separate network connection made
back to your OpenAS2 service to the one made to send the message and therefore there is no
guarantee which node will receive the MDN unless you have dedicated host names for each node in
a cluster just to ensure the MDN is returned to the node that sent the message (the sender includes
the MDN response host name as part of the sent AS2 message to the recipient that will send the
MDN back). Since the decision to request a synchronous or asynchronous response rests with the
sender and the recipient is told which mechanism to use in the headers of the sent message it is
possible to simply ensure that sent messages only use the synchronous mechanism. However, you
might find that some partners require asynchronous MDN so the design relying on using only
synchronous MDN may not cater for all your partners you send messages to.
Currently, OpenAS2 stores the sent message on the file system pending an MDN response so that
the resend mechanism works if there is an MDN response indicating a failure or no MDN response
is received. If the sent message pending information is stored on a shared file system then the node
that receives the MDN can either mark the message as processed and delete the stored pending
information file or reconstruct the original message if a resend is needed passing the message to the
resender queue and it should work ok.
For the outbound side, you will need to have a mechanism to ensure only one node picks up the
message to be sent. Since the current OpenAS2 code base only provides for a directory polling
module, some of your possible options are:
1. have a dedicated directory per OpenAS2 instance and a controller deciding which instance to
send the file to (means the controller itself has some level of complexity in its design and must have
some way of knowing if the file was ever actually sent - could use the state logging in the database
for this)
2. have a shared network file system and enhance the directory poller to provide a mechanism to
ensure only one of the nodes picks up the file
3. Create a new web service module that provides a means for a network connection for the file to
be passed in - the web service would be load balanced to ensure high availability. The asynchronous
MDN response means there is no guarantee which node will receive the MDN and therefore any
web service would need some means of verifying the MDN was received.
There is a similar problem for the resender module in as much as it works somewhat like the
directory polling module where it scans a directory looking for messages to resend. Some possible
solutions are:
1. Have a resender module selection mechanism that allows only one node in a cluster to be the
active resender and a mechanism to ensure a new node will take over in the case of the active node
2. Implement a resender queue module that provides a mechanism for resender modules on all
active nodes to request any pending message to be resent
3. Offload the resend decision to the web service that passes in the original file so there is no
resender module in OpenAS2. Instead the failure to successfully send is fed back to the originating
For the inbound side there should be no real significant hurdles since the whole process is
synchronous even for asynchronous MDN. As long as you use a shared network file system for
storing received messages or each node writes the received file to a file system that will be picked
up by the appropriate consumer of that file.

24. Appendix: Maven Artifacts

If you are using Maven for your project and building custom modules to enhance the OpenAS2
application or you are including OpenAS2 into a larger project and using it as a library then you can
use the maven dependency in your om.xml as follows:

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