SBRML Part1 Differential Geometry in Robotics

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Differential Geometry in

Differential Geometric Concepts

• Motivation
• Manifolds
• Tangent vectors and tangential space
• Cotangent vectors and cotangent space
• Transformation of vectors and covectors
• Tensors
• Coordinate transformations for tensors

Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion

First remove again all certainties…

What is a vector in robotics?

Usual understanding: an element of a metric Euclidian space

Example: joint position, joint velocity, and joint acceleration

joint torques
Cartesian positions, Cartesian velocities

Cartesian accelerations
Cartesian forces/torques

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What's to object against?
1. All these "vector" quantities transform in different ways between
coordinate systems
x  ( x1, x 2 )
x  T (q ) T - Homogeneous q2 , q 2 , 2
x  J (q )q J - Jacobian matrix x
q1, q1,1
A F  ( Fx , Fy )
  J T ( q) F
J (q)
q x

Joint dynamics Cartesian dynamics

J T (q)
 F
Obviously, there is a richer structure behind, than vector spaces
A differential geometry perspective enables a deeper understanding
of these aspects
Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion
What's to object against?
2. The six-dimensional vector spaces of Cartesian velocities, rotational
velocities (twists) and of Cartesian forces and torques (wrench) are not
metric spaces!

Neither the scalar product y1T  y2 , nor the induced

vector norm y  yT  y
can be defined in a physically meaningful way, namely:
- independent of the choice of the coordinate system
- independent of the units

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What's to object against?
x1  [1,1,1,2,2,2]T x2  [2,2,2,1,1,1]T  x1  x2  0
with velocity [m/s], angular velocity [rad/s]

with velocity [mm/s], angular velocity [rad/s]

x1  [1103 ,1 103 ,1 103 ,2,2,2]T

 x1  x2  0
x2  [2 103 ,2 103 ,2 103  1,1,1]T

 care is needed when generalizing the notion of orthogonality

(familiar from translations) to twist und wrenches

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What's to object against?
3. Rotations in 3D are not described by a vector space
(in contrast to translations)
- for example, rotations are not comutative

Further care is therefore needed when generalizing the concepts of stiffness,

potentials, controller design etc. from translational to rotational case.

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What is the space of all configurations of the robot tip?
A differential manifold is a topological space which is locally diffeomorphic
to the Euclidian space R m .
A diffeomorphism is a differentiable function which is invertible and whose
inverse is differentiable TCP

Example: x x
M x

R 2 x x On which manifold does the
TCP of the following robot move?
And its joints?
why only locally?:

S2 T2
x x
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Manifolds: Examples I
1. The earth
singularity at the poles manifold M
around x

local coordinate: x in the vicinity local (polar) local (conical)

Geogr. longitude and latitude of the south pole coordinates (r,) coordinates

Local coordinates: to each point x in M there exists one subset U in M

which contains x and a bijective mapping  mapping
 : U  U U  R n U map image
x  R n local coordinate

To describe a manifold one needs in general several, overlapping maps

=> Atlas
Change of coordinates: the maps (U ,  ) and (V ,  ) contain x x   ( 1 ( x ))

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Chicago Cloud Gate

Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion

Embedded Manifolds
An embedded manifold is a subspace of R n , defined through
the solution set of a vector function h : R  R
n p

h1 ( x1 ,  , xn )  0
 (1) n p
h p ( x1 , , xn )  0
 (h1, , h p )
( x0 )
If there exist p coordinates, such that the Jacobian  ( x1,, x p ) in a point
x0  R n is invertible, then the manifold has the dimension m=n-p in the
vicinity of the point and (1) can be locally solved. (implicit function theorem)
x1  f1 ( x p 1 ,, xn )

x p  f p ( x p 1 ,, xn )
( x p 1 ,, xn  p m ) are then m local coordinates in the vicinity of x0

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Embedded Manifolds: Examples
x2 R2
h1 ( x1 , x2 )  ax1  bx2    0
x1 - Local coordinates x2   (ax1   )

x3 h1 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )  ax1  bx2  cx3    0

x1 , x2 - Local coordinates x3   (ax1  bx2   )
R ´3
x3 h1 ( x1 , x2 , x3 )  ax12  bx22  cx32  r  0
E2 1
x1 , x2 - Local coordinates x3  (r  ax12  bx22 )
(e.g. for the northern c
x2 hemisphere)

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Manifold Examples: Examples II
2. Orientation of a rigid body
described by a rotation matrix R3x 3
properties: RT R  I - orthogonal
det( R)  1 - right-handed coordinate system
The configuration space is the set of all rotation matrices and is
denoted as SO(3) – Special Orthogonal Group
Exercise: check that SO(3) fulfills the group definition
(closure, associativity, identity element, inverse element)
however not the additional abelian group requirement (comutativity)
SO(3) is a 3 – dimensional manifold, embedded for example in R
which is isomorph to the set of all 3x3 matrices

Local coordinates:
- Euler angles () (in all alternatives)
- Axis-angle representation (r, )
- Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles ()

Smallest singularity-free representation: R 4, e.g. quaternions

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Addition: Rotational Representations
(Repetition from "Grundlagen Intelligenter Roboter")

Axis-angle Representation  
 r11  r22  r33  1   k k 1
  cos 1 
 2 
r32  r23 
1   Singular for
k r  r
2 sin  
13 31 
 r21  r12 
  n !

Quaternions (Euler Parameter) not minimal, singularity-free, global

   
 
  0,1,2,3  cos , k sin 
 2 2
Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion
Manifolds: Examples III
3. Configuration of a rigid body in three-dimensional space
described by a homogeneous transformation T4x 4  R p
T  p position
01x 3 1 
The configuration space is the set of all homogeneous transformations and
is denoted as SE(3) –Special Euclidian Group (= SO(3)x R 3 )
6 – dimensional manifold
Local coordinates: x = (px,py,pz,) (with all alternatives)
4. configuration of a (6-dimensional) robot Q
joint angles q: R 6 - global map
Locally, in the vicinity of the point q0, the forward kinematics
x=f(q) can be regarded as a mapping between the coordinates
of two manifolds.

5. The configuration space and the workspace

of a non- planar, 2-joint robot with endless
turning joints is each a torus
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Tangent Vectors and Tangential Space
(contravariant vectors or simply vectors)
Given an m - dimensional manifold M,
we define at each point x the tangent space
TxM as the m-dimensional vector space of all v1 v2
velocities passing through x (along the manifold).

Only these quantities are called "vectors" in differential geometry.

They are represented as column vectors.
Examples:  p x 
 q1   p 
  y
   p z 
q   qi  vector on Q x    vector on SE3
   x 
  y 
q n  vector on SO3
 
 z 
joint velocities in R n Cartesian velocities in SE3
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Cotangent Vectors and Cotangent Space
(covectors, covector space)
The cotangent Space Tx*M at a point x of the manifold M is
the linear vector space of all linear functionals
 : Tx M  R
The elements  of the cotangent space are called covectors

If the manifold is m-dimensional, the cotanget space has also

dimension m.  fx 
  f 
Examples:  1   y
 f 
   i  f  z
   mx 
 m y 
 n   
 mz 
torque in joint space Cartesian wrench
 (q )   T  q  P f ( x )  f T  x  P
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Transformation of Vectors and Covectors
Why is it important to distinguish between vectors and covectors?

Vectors and covectors transform in a different way between coordinate

systems or between manifolds.
The forward kinematics x=f(q) is a local mapping between Q und SE3
Velocity transformation:
df (q ) f (q )
x   q  J (q )q
dt q
Since the power P is independent of representation Pq  Px :
Px  f T x  f T J ( q ) q Pq Px
=>   J ( q ) f
Pq   T q
Remark: the product between vector and covector is thus well defined, i.e.
invariant with respect to the change of coordinates or to representation manifolds for a given physical system
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Transformation of Vectors and Covectors
Why is it important to distinguish between vectors and covectors?

Generally, if  is a mapping between two manifolds M m and N with
x - coordinates of M y   ( x)
y - coordinates of N n

then the vectors transform in a contravariant manner:

y  x  J ( x) x
while the covectors transform covariantly:

 y 

 x     y  J T ( x) y
 x 

Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion

What are the remaining quantities in robotics? How do they transform?

Robot dynamics:
M (q )q  c(q, q )  g (q )  
Simple PD controller with gravity compensation:
  g (qd )  K (qd  q )  D (q d  q )

A tensor of type (p,q) is a multilinear mapping (or operator)

A :T xM   T xM  Tx*M   Tx*M  R p times covariant
   q times contravariant
p q
1. A covector is a tensor of type (1,0), thus covariant
A   , v  Tx M  (v)   T v  i vi  R  (=P for    , v  q )
2. A vector is a tensor of type (0,1), thus contravariant
A  v ,   Tx*M v( )  vT  vii  R  (=P for    , v  q )
Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion
What are the remaining quantities in robotics? How do they transform?
3. M, K, D are tensors of type (2,0), thus twice covariant
A  aij v v
1, 2  Tx M A ( v ,
1 2v )  v T
1 Av2  aij v1i v2 j  R 
1 i, j
- For A  M ( q ), v1 , v2  q
2 mass matrix
1 T
A(v1, v2 )  q M (q)q  T (q, q ) R
2 Kinetic energy
- For A  D, v1, v2  q damping matrix
Heat power dissipated
A( v1 , v2 )  q Dq  PD  R
by the viscous damper
- For A  K , v1, v2  q Stiffness matrix
1 T Potential energy of
A(v1, v2 )  q Kq  E p  R the (m-dim.) spring
Remark: q is only approximately (for very "small increments") in tangent space. A more precise definition of Ep will follow later.
Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion
What are the remaining quantities in robotics? How do they transform?

Remark: from the definition it follows that, when applying a covariant

tensor on a vector, the result will be another covariant tensor, whose
order is reduced by 1


 D  Dq
Remark: we see that formally, a scalar
E D   D q
is a tensor of order zero
(1,0) (2,0) (0,1) (0,0) (1,0) (0,1)

4. Tensors of type (1,1)

Why can x be regarded
- linear dynamical system: x  Ax as a vector for linear systems?

(0,1) (1,1) (0,1)

The system matrix in this case is of type (1,1)

- one time covariant, one time contravariant
Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion
What are the remaining quantities in robotics? How do they transform?

5. M , K 1 are tensors of type (0,2), thus two times contravariant
A  aij 1, 2  Tx*M A(1, 2 )  1T A 2   aij1i 2 j  R
i, j
1 1
- For A  M ( q ), 1, 2  p ( p  M ( q ) q ) :momentums
1 T 1 mobility matrix
A(1, 2 )  p M (q ) p  T (q, p ) R
2 kinetic energy

1 1
K , 1, 2   e
Elastic torque
- For A 
2 potential energy
1 T 1 of the (m-dim.) spring
A(1 , 2 )   e K  e  E p  R
compliance matrix

Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion

Supplemental Slide Tensors
6. Coriolis and centrifugal forces:
ck (q, q )   cijk qi q j
i, j

tensor of type (1,0) tensor of type (3,0)


 mkj mki mij 

cijk  
   m-elements of the mass matrix
2  q q j qk 
 i

Sensor Based Manipulation and Locomotion

Tensor Coordinate Transformations
Why do we need to differentiate between tensor types?

m n
Generally, given a mapping  between the manifolds M and N with
x coordinates of M
y   (x)
y coordinates of N n

Basic idea: the scalar quantities from the tensor definition are always
conserved when performing coordinate transformations (energy, power, ... ).

1. Tensors of type (2,0)

E y  vTy Ay v y  vTx JT ( x) Ay J ( x)v x
=> Ax  JT ( x) Ay J ( x)
E x  vTx Ax v x
2. Tensors of type (1,1)
E y   Ty Ay v y   Tx J1 ( x) Ay J ( x)v x
Ax  J1 ( x) Ay J ( x)
E x   Tx Ax v x =>
similarity transformation

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Scalar Products and Metrics
Vector product and vector norm in in Euclidian space
u, v  u v   ui vi
u  u, u 2

Generalization on manifolds
 u Mv   ui M ij vi
u, v M
u M
 u, u M
i, j

Therein, M is a (positive definite - p.d.) tensor (also called metric tensor) of

type (2,0) and must be transformed accordingly when changing coordinates!

Example: For velocity vectors q , when choosing the mass matrix M  12 M ( q)

as a metric, the norm q M represents the kinetic energy
(this also solves the problem of different units for the vectors)

Remark: remember that a vector cannot be applied directly on another vector,

but only on a covariant tensor.

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Reciprocal Twists and Wrenches
Orthogonality between vectors
u  v   ui vi  0
is therefore not well defined in differential geometry,

We can talk instead in a consistent way only about a reciprocal relation of

vectors and a covectors:

A vector v and a covector  are called reciprocal, if:

 T v (   (v)  v( )  i vi )  0

Example: For   f , v  x : a wrench and a twist are reciprocal, if the power

transfered by the pair is zero.

Hybrid force/position control: One can control m linearly independent twists

and (6-m) wrenches, which are reciprocal to the m twists.
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Tangent Bundle
(what is the state space of a mechanical system?)
q coordinates of M , the configuration space of
a mechanical system
the state w of the mechanical system
can be regarded as local coordinates
of a 2n manifold, the tangent bundle,
denoted by
So the tangent bundle is the union of the manifold M and
all tangent spaces at all points of the manifold
is a tangent vector at the point w on

Coordinate transformation: ,

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